How To Open A Lock With Matches

  • čas přidán 9. 12. 2022
  • Here is a way to open a lock with matches no need for lock picking tools or a key that opens all locks.
    Inventor 101 #lockpicking #matchbox #experiment
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Komentáře • 1K

  • @jamesalexander7540
    @jamesalexander7540 Před rokem +376

    The pause in the music when the match stops burning was well done.

  • @emagotis
    @emagotis Před rokem +433

    The hardest way to open a lock yet 😅

  • @gaywizard2000
    @gaywizard2000 Před rokem +233

    The part where it went out was hilarious!

  • @itsjamilagain
    @itsjamilagain Před rokem +61

    This is sick. One problem though, how do you do this when the lock is actually attached to something?

  • @TinDK
    @TinDK Před rokem +87

    A bolt cutter might just be a bit easier and faster.. But funny to see that a lock can be picked this way too. 😜

    • @johnross2924
      @johnross2924 Před rokem

      How about you get a job and buy your own stuff rather than picking or cutting locks to nick other people's stuff that they have worked hard for 😏

    • @peterwelsh1932
      @peterwelsh1932 Před rokem

      Can't pick a lock with a bolt cutter

    • @kvarnerinfoTV
      @kvarnerinfoTV Před rokem

      Could use dinamite too with less fuss.

    • @user-tj6om2kt1b
      @user-tj6om2kt1b Před 11 měsíci

      Depois falou o SENHOR a Moisés, dizendo:
      Eis que eu tenho chamado por nome a Bezalel, o filho de Uri, filho de Hur, da tribo de Judá,
      E o enchi do Espírito de Deus, de sabedoria, e de entendimento, e de ciência, em todo o lavor,
      Para elaborar projetos, e trabalhar em ouro, em prata, e em cobre,
      E em lapidar pedras para engastar, e em entalhes de madeira, para trabalhar em todo o lavor.
      E eis que eu tenho posto com ele a Aoliabe, o filho de Aisamaque, da tribo de Dã, e tenho dado sabedoria ao coração de todos aqueles que são hábeis, para que façam tudo o que te tenho ordenado.
      A saber: a tenda da congregação, e a arca do testemunho, e o propiciatório que estará sobre ela, e todos os pertences da tenda;
      E a mesa com os seus utensílios, e o candelabro de ouro puro com todos os seus pertences, e o altar do incenso;
      E o altar do holocausto com todos os seus utensílios, e a pia com a sua base;
      E as vestes do ministério, e as vestes sagradas de Arão o sacerdote, e as vestes de seus filhos, para administrarem o sacerdócio;
      E o azeite da unção, e o incenso aromático para o santuário; farão conforme a tudo que te tenho mandado.
      Falou mais o Senhor a Moisés, dizendo:
      Êxodo 31:1-12

    • @dyefersonpereira8453
      @dyefersonpereira8453 Před 5 měsíci


  • @StevenPearson1981
    @StevenPearson1981 Před rokem +168

    Never in my life have I been so on the edge of my seat watching somebody spend several minutes preparing to unlock a padlock.

    • @donnanolfi2970
      @donnanolfi2970 Před rokem +1


    • @AlaminKhan-qc2pt
      @AlaminKhan-qc2pt Před rokem


    • @user-tj6om2kt1b
      @user-tj6om2kt1b Před 11 měsíci

      Isto, pois, é o que oferecereis sobre o altar: dois cordeiros de um ano, cada dia, continuamente.
      Um cordeiro oferecerás pela manhã, e o outro cordeiro oferecerás à tarde.
      Com um cordeiro a décima parte de flor de farinha, misturada com a quarta parte de um him de azeite batido, e para libação a quarta parte de um him de vinho,
      E o outro cordeiro oferecerás à tarde, e com ele farás como com a oferta da manhã, e conforme à sua libação, por cheiro suave; oferta queimada é ao Senhor.
      Este será o holocausto contínuo por vossas gerações, à porta da tenda da congregação, perante o Senhor, onde vos encontrarei, para falar contigo ali.
      E ali virei aos filhos de Israel, para que por minha glória sejam santificados.
      E santificarei a tenda da congregação e o altar; também santificarei a Arão e seus filhos, para que me administrem o sacerdócio.
      E habitarei no meio dos filhos de Israel, e lhes serei o seu Deus,
      E saberão que eu sou o Senhor seu Deus, que os tenho tirado da terra do Egito, para habitar no meio deles. Eu sou o Senhor seu Deus.
      Êxodo 29:38-46

    • @goatvarious
      @goatvarious Před 4 měsíci +1


    • @YemisiOmolade-fz7ic
      @YemisiOmolade-fz7ic Před 3 měsíci

      Impressive 💯😍

  • @Deftone8sd
    @Deftone8sd Před rokem +71

    I'll make sure I have this video ready when I'm trying to unlock a commercial lock at 2 in the morning, great video

    • @jbrown4137
      @jbrown4137 Před rokem +3

      Yes, especially when you can't flip it upside down to pour the powder into it while its 10 below zero.

    • @donnanolfi2970
      @donnanolfi2970 Před rokem

      @@jbrown4137 😅😅😅

    • @khizarmirzaa7164
      @khizarmirzaa7164 Před rokem

      Musk wdidoj

    • @user-tj6om2kt1b
      @user-tj6om2kt1b Před 11 měsíci

      E Arão e seus filhos nela lavarão as suas mãos e os seus pés.
      Quando entrarem na tenda da congregação, lavar-se-ão com água, para que não morram, ou quando se chegarem ao altar para ministrar, para acender a oferta queimada ao Senhor.
      Lavarão, pois, as suas mãos e os seus pés, para que não morram; e isto lhes será por estatuto perpétuo a ele e à sua descendência nas suas gerações.
      Falou mais o Senhor a Moisés, dizendo:
      Tu, pois, toma para ti das principais especiarias, da mais pura mirra quinhentos siclos, e de canela aromática a metade, a saber, duzentos e cinqüenta siclos, e de cálamo aromático duzentos e cinqüenta siclos,
      E de cássia quinhentos siclos, segundo o siclo do santuário, e de azeite de oliveiras um him.
      E disto farás o azeite da santa unção, o perfume composto segundo a obra do perfumista: este será o azeite da santa unção.
      E com ele ungirás a tenda da congregação, e a arca do testemunho,
      E a mesa com todos os seus utensílios, e o candelabro com os seus utensílios, e o altar do incenso.
      E o altar do holocausto com todos os seus utensílios, e a pia com a sua base.
      Êxodo 30:19-28

    • @micahokorogba1280
      @micahokorogba1280 Před 10 měsíci

      With all those tools required I would probably just get a hammer. Who in their right mind would go through this process?

  • @yendorelrae5476
    @yendorelrae5476 Před rokem +41

    You explain well visually and build suspense like Hitchcock....and of course the stopping of the music when it went out..... well done sir

    • @rakshitanigam7775
      @rakshitanigam7775 Před rokem

    • @user-tj6om2kt1b
      @user-tj6om2kt1b Před 11 měsíci

      Tu, pois, fala aos filhos de Israel, dizendo: Certamente guardareis meus sábados; porquanto isso é um sinal entre mim e vós nas vossas gerações; para que saibais que eu sou o Senhor, que vos santifica.
      Portanto guardareis o sábado, porque santo é para vós; aquele que o profanar certamente morrerá; porque qualquer que nele fizer alguma obra, aquela alma será eliminada do meio do seu povo.
      Seis dias se trabalhará, porém o sétimo dia é o sábado do descanso, santo ao Senhor; qualquer que no dia do sábado fizer algum trabalho, certamente morrerá.
      Guardarão, pois, o sábado os filhos de Israel, celebrando-o nas suas gerações por aliança perpétua.
      Entre mim e os filhos de Israel será um sinal para sempre; porque em seis dias fez o Senhor os céus e a terra, e ao sétimo dia descansou, e restaurou-se.
      E deu a Moisés (quando acabou de falar com ele no monte Sinai) as duas tábuas do testemunho, tábuas de pedra, escritas pelo dedo de Deus.
      Êxodo 31:13-18

    • @KamalFatma-jh8mi
      @KamalFatma-jh8mi Před 8 měsíci

      كيفاش نخدم ساره

  • @TheSharperSword
    @TheSharperSword Před rokem +47

    This is one of those channels that justifies the existence of CZcams

  • @tekepenguin1981
    @tekepenguin1981 Před rokem +19

    "With Matches"... and pliers, screw driver handle, wire, wire cutters, hammer, vice, rubber band, box cutter, and then for some ungodly reason a LIGHTER to light the MATCHES described in the gfc.

  • @djhiggins4431
    @djhiggins4431 Před rokem +967

    How to open a lock with matches, wire, hammers, vice, rubber band, razor blade, and lighter is what the title wanted to say

    • @djhiggins4431
      @djhiggins4431 Před rokem +10

      @@davidjefferson9456 who?

    • @Jeff664
      @Jeff664 Před rokem +28

      ….also wire cutters plus two different kind of pliers.

    • @3personal5me8
      @3personal5me8 Před rokem +19

      @@Jeff664 give me the wire cutters and wire, and I can make a set of picks and open the lock faster than this.

    • @edyue1
      @edyue1 Před rokem +15

      @@3personal5me8 do a video or it never happened 🤷🏼‍♂️

    • @SkylarAlexander
      @SkylarAlexander Před rokem +16

      A whole box of matches at that

  • @japago94
    @japago94 Před rokem +52

    I have seen silly things here, but this… is the champion.

    • @user-tj6om2kt1b
      @user-tj6om2kt1b Před 11 měsíci

      Mas vendo o povo que Moisés tardava em descer do monte, acercou-se de Arão, e disse-lhe: Levanta-te, faze-nos deuses, que vão adiante de nós; porque quanto a este Moisés, o homem que nos tirou da terra do Egito, não sabemos o que lhe sucedeu.
      E Arão lhes disse: Arrancai os pendentes de ouro, que estão nas orelhas de vossas mulheres, e de vossos filhos, e de vossas filhas, e trazei-mos.
      Então todo o povo arrancou os pendentes de ouro, que estavam nas suas orelhas, e os trouxeram a Arão.
      E ele os tomou das suas mãos, e trabalhou o ouro com um buril, e fez dele um bezerro de fundição. Então disseram: Este é teu deus, ó Israel, que te tirou da terra do Egito.
      E Arão, vendo isto, edificou um altar diante dele; e apregoou Arão, e disse: Amanhã será festa ao Senhor.
      E no dia seguinte madrugaram, e ofereceram holocaustos, e trouxeram ofertas pacíficas; e o povo assentou-se a comer e a beber; depois levantou-se a folgar.
      Então disse o Senhor a Moisés: Vai, desce; porque o teu povo, que fizeste subir do Egito, se tem corrompido,
      E depressa se tem desviado do caminho que eu lhe tinha ordenado; eles fizeram para si um bezerro de fundição, e perante ele se inclinaram, e ofereceram-lhe sacrifícios, e disseram: Este é o teu deus, ó Israel, que te tirou da terra do Egito.
      Êxodo 32:1-8

    • @wandiaswandiy-ey9qi
      @wandiaswandiy-ey9qi Před 9 měsíci

      K ko klkii8iii88p

    • @saciidnuur1309
      @saciidnuur1309 Před měsícem +1


  • @bobbobby1987
    @bobbobby1987 Před rokem +23

    Most locks people want to break into generally hang downwards but in case I come across a stable, stationary, supported side ways lock, this will be very use...less still.

    • @_EightySix
      @_EightySix Před rokem +1

      My thoughts exactly. He could just use the key.

    • @user-tj6om2kt1b
      @user-tj6om2kt1b Před 11 měsíci

      E aconteceu que, chegando Moisés ao arraial, e vendo o bezerro e as danças, acendeu-se-lhe o furor, e arremessou as tábuas das suas mãos, e quebrou-as ao pé do monte;
      E tomou o bezerro que tinham feito, e queimou-o no fogo, moendo-o até que se tornou em pó; e o espargiu sobre as águas, e deu-o a beber aos filhos de Israel.
      E Moisés perguntou a Arão: Que te tem feito este povo, que sobre ele trouxeste tamanho pecado?
      Então respondeu Arão: Não se acenda a ira do meu senhor; tu sabes que este povo é inclinado ao mal;
      E eles me disseram: Faze-nos um deus que vá adiante de nós; porque não sabemos o que sucedeu a este Moisés, a este homem que nos tirou da terra do Egito.
      Então eu lhes disse: Quem tem ouro, arranque-o; e deram-mo, e lancei-o no fogo, e saiu este bezerro.
      E, vendo Moisés que o povo estava despido, porque Arão o havia deixado despir-se para vergonha entre os seus inimigos,
      Pôs-se em pé Moisés na porta do arraial e disse: Quem é do Senhor, venha a mim. Então se ajuntaram a ele todos os filhos de Levi.
      E disse-lhes: Assim diz o Senhor Deus de Israel: Cada um ponha a sua espada sobre a sua coxa; e passai e tornai pelo arraial de porta em porta, e mate cada um a seu irmão, e cada um a seu amigo, e cada um a seu vizinho.
      Êxodo 32:19-27

    • @sidduhanamannavar4876
      @sidduhanamannavar4876 Před 11 měsíci +1


  • @freitag07
    @freitag07 Před rokem +20

    Is the lock still usable after this procedure?

    • @bobbydigital8111
      @bobbydigital8111 Před rokem +6

      Yes it is... as long as you have a constant supply of matches, wire, rubber bands, needle nose plyers, a vice and a lighter you can keep unlocking the lock as many times as you want.

  • @ladyjane9980
    @ladyjane9980 Před rokem +7

    And by the time this comes to fruition I will have watched my grandchildren grow to adulthood and I would also have procured my bolt cutters from the garage and opened thirty of these.

  • @jpotent101
    @jpotent101 Před rokem +24

    Police: "We've only got 2 minutes before the bomb goes off!"
    Locksmith: "Ok. This shouldn't take too long."

    • @jamesalan3450
      @jamesalan3450 Před rokem +1

      Call MacGruber!

    • @rubipoddar5423
      @rubipoddar5423 Před rokem

      @@jamesalan3450 ,,,,,,,,চকু গূঢ় বর আনন্দময়্যশষশটঠডঢঙতথদ্ধ্যধনতম

  • @stickdriftgamer9024
    @stickdriftgamer9024 Před rokem +31

    Very Impressive but I was hoping for something more practical 😂

    • @InventosDS
      @InventosDS Před rokem


    • @dieseldabz7104
      @dieseldabz7104 Před rokem +2

      (2) 3/4" box wrenches are ALL that's needed to open any padlock

    • @ketokun
      @ketokun Před rokem +1

      Or just rake it. The lock on the video is easy to rake in 2 seconds

  • @lancerevell5979
    @lancerevell5979 Před rokem +53

    This dude is the Mcguyver of CZcams!

    • @headdrumzmusic
      @headdrumzmusic Před rokem +3

      Mcguyver was my favorite tv show, well him and night rider 😁😆

    • @Jonah5590.
      @Jonah5590. Před rokem +1

      Yes 😅😂🎉🎉

    • @TheRichie213
      @TheRichie213 Před rokem +1

      That's what I was thinking!

    • @dieseldabz7104
      @dieseldabz7104 Před rokem

      More like Mcguyver for criminals

    • @jbrown4137
      @jbrown4137 Před rokem

      Would have been impressive IF it was actually locking something.

  • @zmaxx21
    @zmaxx21 Před rokem +22

    Ok I’m telling the lock picking lawyer on you! 🤪

  • @MegaGemann
    @MegaGemann Před rokem +6

    Yup, cause when I pick locks, I always carry matches, wire, a hammer to pound the tip of the wire flat, maybe a vice, wire cutters, paper or a pestle to grind the match heads on, a handle to actually do the grinding into a fine powder, have the ability to pour the phosphorus INTO the lock. Oh, I forgot the rubber band! And hopefully when I am in a jam or breaking in or out and need to open a lock, hopefully it will be positioned a way that I can do ALL that the video showed and pray that time isn't a factor especially if someone's life depends on it. If this reply was too wordy it's because it mirrors all I watched to get the dam thing opened. But, it was entertaining to watch. Good bar trick!

  • @brine80
    @brine80 Před rokem +17

    I am also curious, how does the heat from the match heads get the pins into place while under tension? Am I missing something? I would love an explanation, even if the heat melted the springs that hold the pins in place, how could melting them cause them to line up in the perfect position to release the barell?

    • @Brian-tj5hq
      @Brian-tj5hq Před rokem +17

      I'd guess that the rapid expansion of the combustion gases push the pins up just like a rake going over them

    • @benwalker9817
      @benwalker9817 Před rokem +1

      @@coryparni3620 he's saying the pins act like the bullets and get pushed out and the tension thing spins the lock to open it.

    • @fritzmiller9792
      @fritzmiller9792 Před rokem +4

      My guess is the turbulence created by the burn off causes the pins to dance and the steady pressure on the lever by the elastic finds the moment the pins line up. Just a guess.

    • @natedavis3943
      @natedavis3943 Před rokem +3

      I think it's kinda like using a bump key..

    • @martinlutherbling424
      @martinlutherbling424 Před rokem +1

      Everyone that said it's the expanding gas of the burning match head dust causing the lock pins to fluctuate while the rubber band is holding tension in the cylinder - you're all correct. My thoughts on this are: how the hell does someone figure something like this out ? This IS genius.

  • @AndersonNeo12
    @AndersonNeo12 Před měsícem +1

    This is like an episode from the A-Team, where one has (conveniently) all the tools lying around to do this 😊 😂 ps: the idea behind it is well executed, well done.

  • @lsky4446
    @lsky4446 Před rokem +21

    Who in the WHOLE HECK is gonna go through All of that??? Huh???!!! I would promptly STOP AND GET A BOLT-CUTTER FOR GOODNESS SAKE!🤣🤣

    • @vargenfenrisson1164
      @vargenfenrisson1164 Před rokem +2

      Or just a piece of metal rod of some sort. This lock is small enough to just break open

  • @aidanlane2171
    @aidanlane2171 Před rokem +3

    In that amount of time id have been to my local hardware store bought a new lock and returned home whilst still having time for a cup of tea

  • @scottm9958
    @scottm9958 Před rokem +17

    Since the lock can’t be on anything to be able to do this ….. it’s easier to just buy a new lock.

    • @imahappycamper2022
      @imahappycamper2022 Před rokem +1

      You didn't think that one through did you. You wouldn't be able to get this lock off whatever it was locked to, to place a new one in the 1st place. Like I'm sure majority of people don't walk around with lock picks or boltsnips in their pocket. It's obviously referring to if the key was lost and you'd no other way to open the lock.

    • @harrisk76
      @harrisk76 Před rokem

      That would make a good CZcams video 😅

    • @EpiphoneShredzzzzz
      @EpiphoneShredzzzzz Před rokem

      @@imahappycamper2022 I don't think most people walk around with matches, pliers, paper, steel wire, wire cutters, a hammer, a knife, a rubber band, and a lighter in their pocket either lmao. It's way easier to open a small lock like this with two wrenches

    • @dieseldabz7104
      @dieseldabz7104 Před rokem

      @@imahappycamper2022 Umm use (2) 3/4" box end wrenches and bingo locks opened and takes about 3 seconds

    • @0utcast
      @0utcast Před rokem

      Lol why can’t the lock be on anything? What an asinine comment

  • @AmazingSmart-ngth
    @AmazingSmart-ngth Před 6 měsíci +2

    Thank you for all these great tips. Keep these ideas coming. Great video.

  • @trentmonaghan179
    @trentmonaghan179 Před rokem +26

    I wonder if this guy is a MacGyver and a Greg Morris (from Mission Impossible) fan. 😄 Also, I loved the comedy relief when the matchstick burnt-out. 🤣

    • @samos343guiltyspark
      @samos343guiltyspark Před rokem +2

      It wasn't intentional

    • @trentmonaghan179
      @trentmonaghan179 Před rokem

      @@samos343guiltyspark I know it wasn't, but I still thought that it was hilarious.

    • @user-tj6om2kt1b
      @user-tj6om2kt1b Před 11 měsíci

      Disse mais o Senhor a Moisés: Tenho visto a este povo, e eis que é povo de dura cerviz.
      Agora, pois, deixa-me, para que o meu furor se acenda contra ele, e o consuma; e eu farei de ti uma grande nação.
      Moisés, porém, suplicou ao Senhor seu Deus e disse: Ó Senhor, por que se acende o teu furor contra o teu povo, que tiraste da terra do Egito com grande força e com forte mão?
      Por que hão de falar os egípcios, dizendo: Para mal os tirou, para matá-los nos montes, e para destruí-los da face da terra? Torna-te do furor da tua ira, e arrepende-te deste mal contra o teu povo.
      Lembra-te de Abraão, de Isaque, e de Israel, os teus servos, aos quais por ti mesmo tens jurado, e lhes disseste: Multiplicarei a vossa descendência como as estrelas dos céus, e darei à vossa descendência toda esta terra, de que tenho falado, para que a possuam por herança eternamente.
      Então o Senhor arrependeu-se do mal que dissera que havia de fazer ao seu povo.
      E virou-se Moisés e desceu do monte com as duas tábuas do testemunho na mão, tábuas escritas de ambos os lados; de um e de outro lado estavam escritas.
      E aquelas tábuas eram obra de Deus; também a escritura era a mesma escritura de Deus, esculpida nas tábuas.
      E, ouvindo Josué a voz do povo que jubilava, disse a Moisés: Alarido de guerra há no arraial.
      Porém ele respondeu: Não é alarido dos vitoriosos, nem alarido dos vencidos, mas o alarido dos que cantam, eu ouço.
      Êxodo 32:9-18

    • @trentmonaghan179
      @trentmonaghan179 Před 11 měsíci

      @@user-tj6om2kt1b And "Awop-bop-a-loo-mop alop-bom-bom" to you too. 😁

  • @JrueMango
    @JrueMango Před rokem +9

    Very impressive. The ending payoff is great!

  • @samos343guiltyspark
    @samos343guiltyspark Před rokem +9

    All you need is a flat bar to turn it, some explosives to nudged the pins and maybe some masking tape to hold the powder in then you light the powder while gentle turning the bar to catch the pins when they're moved up by the combustion.

    • @me-so2ze
      @me-so2ze Před rokem +2

      So basically that same thing

  • @budman6137
    @budman6137 Před rokem +8

    Thought we were gonna see him snort that massive line there for a minute lol

    • @frankfox6328
      @frankfox6328 Před rokem

      That definitely wasn't his first time crushing something up to become powder lol.

    • @fu385
      @fu385 Před rokem

      Lmao 😂😂

  • @dthundergunb3115
    @dthundergunb3115 Před rokem +6

    Weird, I think I'll just stick to my pick set... While this guy was doing all this prep work, I'd have opened this lock a dozen times lol

  • @Farhan_049
    @Farhan_049 Před rokem +4

    I mean, this is safer than LockPickingLawyer! No thief is going to spend π amount of time opening a single lock!

  • @jabba2072
    @jabba2072 Před rokem +7

    I think I’ll stick to using the key thanks 👍

    • @0utcast
      @0utcast Před rokem

      Ya i think this is meant for people who DONT own the lock…

    • @waseemahallie9574
      @waseemahallie9574 Před rokem

      ​@@0utcastlol. Yes I agree. Or for kids or want to experiment!!!

    • @jeannedeutrom8373
      @jeannedeutrom8373 Před měsícem


  • @abaddon-1172
    @abaddon-1172 Před rokem +10

    I loved how the dramatic music just cut when the match went out lol. Then started it back up

    • @piggy310
      @piggy310 Před rokem

      Wow, you're probably wearing a mask too.

  • @claudiustirbei5214
    @claudiustirbei5214 Před rokem +2

    I like this because it's a good example for kids to learn pressure. This is very creative use of physics

  • @wadewilson524
    @wadewilson524 Před rokem +6

    That would only work on the worlds crappiest lock.

    • @kimberlywalker1891
      @kimberlywalker1891 Před rokem

      I hope you are right. They just told people how to break into our house and buildings. Damn

    • @dank4522
      @dank4522 Před rokem +3

      I mean there is an easier way to break in. Just smash a window.

    • @Jimarillion
      @Jimarillion Před rokem

      @@dank4522 Wont help when the window has security screens.

  • @rusalkin
    @rusalkin Před rokem +5

    Why would this work though? How does that lower the pins? Or does it burn the tiny springs?

    • @cl1ck99
      @cl1ck99 Před rokem +3

      I'm guessing the combustion pushes the pins all up at once.

  • @sway696
    @sway696 Před rokem +17

    This is pretty cool. 🔥🙂👍you already made the tension turner but the flame is a cool alternative to the rake. Most people think pad locks actually keep their stuff safe but they can ALL be picked very easily.

    • @Natsuke1104
      @Natsuke1104 Před rokem +16

      Oh yeah? Try picking my rusty padlock, it keeps my stuff safe...even from me xD

    • @sway696
      @sway696 Před rokem +2

      @@Natsuke1104 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️

    • @Jimarillion
      @Jimarillion Před rokem +1

      Depends on the padlock. Some are just garbage and can be picked with hair pins

    • @c.h2750
      @c.h2750 Před rokem +3

      Burglars take note!!!

    • @corgisb1585
      @corgisb1585 Před rokem +3

      Abus is the only padlock I use as a locksmith

  • @dominicburton950
    @dominicburton950 Před rokem +1

    Thankyou I've just used this method to get out of handcuffs after I forgot the escape "WORD " awsome tip thanks for sharing 👍

  • @brandonlesko3126
    @brandonlesko3126 Před rokem +6

    That's some MacGyver level stuff right there.

    • @InventosDS
      @InventosDS Před rokem +1


    • @pirigonzalez2113
      @pirigonzalez2113 Před rokem


    • @wilsoncalacat3952
      @wilsoncalacat3952 Před 10 měsíci


  • @JuanCarlosYes
    @JuanCarlosYes Před rokem +4

    So... basically it only takes a little turn of the little metal rod, right? Lol

    • @0utcast
      @0utcast Před rokem +2

      Yes. The combustion gasses force the pins into position while the gentle tensión assists the movement.

    • @Pulseczar1
      @Pulseczar1 Před rokem +1

      @@0utcast The tension on the cylinder traps the pins so that they don't just fall back down into the locked position, just like with normal lock picking.

    • @0utcast
      @0utcast Před rokem +1

      @Pulseczar1 frankly id just mix up some thermite at home and melt the lock. At 5k degrees F it ceases to be a lock

  • @mrrock131019
    @mrrock131019 Před rokem +23

    Помимо прочего, мне понравился прикол с музыкой, которая замолчала, когда погасла спичка 👍

  • @Smeee3
    @Smeee3 Před rokem +4

    At least it was entertaining, even if too much was done. Definitely way easier ways (and faster) to pop that 🔐

  • @autumnicleaf
    @autumnicleaf Před rokem +8

    Okay, so the key to understand this, is that if she found a good match, she can open your lock easily, and take away whatever you got.

    • @_EightySix
      @_EightySix Před rokem

      Don't refer to someone as he or she unless you know their pronouns. Be respectful.

  • @mothermedicinemusic
    @mothermedicinemusic Před rokem +12

    Now that was nifty! And I used it, really worked. Thank you

  • @MrJames19676
    @MrJames19676 Před rokem +10

    Could watch this guy all day...
    Genius! 🧐👌

    • @TrackRecord3455
      @TrackRecord3455 Před rokem +1

      I'd like to know what he does for a job, how did he come up with this idea it's pretty amazing.

    • @MrJames19676
      @MrJames19676 Před rokem

      @@TrackRecord3455 Yep I'd love to know too?

  • @rodneyramos9101
    @rodneyramos9101 Před rokem +1

    The Rube Goldberg method. So satisfying! 😆

  • @lexscarlet
    @lexscarlet Před rokem

    I love this principle. It's like The Score and how DeNiro cracked the safe.

  • @gizmoteknodekker7060
    @gizmoteknodekker7060 Před rokem +7

    Love the wire and band trick. Nice idea to free a hand up. Double pick time lol

  • @morganblair8938
    @morganblair8938 Před rokem +4

    Excellent. Extremely Entertaining…! 🙌🙌🙌

    • @lesprinces2baby
      @lesprinces2baby Před 11 měsíci

      Bonsoir sava inputs bon c'est un petit bonsoir

  • @MrGlass-ho6xv
    @MrGlass-ho6xv Před rokem +2

    An abundance of steps for opening a lock, yet genius, nonetheless.

  • @bogiekmh44
    @bogiekmh44 Před rokem +2

    Most locks hang upside down but right side up, so how would it work by putting the match stick ends in the whole?

  • @jennifermay134
    @jennifermay134 Před rokem +6

    2:56 was a masterpiece

  • @edwardhughes352
    @edwardhughes352 Před rokem +6

    Don't think that would work unless the lock was modified. I could be wrong though.

    • @samos343guiltyspark
      @samos343guiltyspark Před rokem +1

      It all depends on the pins rigidity.
      So it certainly wouldn't work on many locks, including any lock that's a little rusty or jammed somehow.
      Because it functions by the pins being knocked in place by the combustion and the flat rod gently turning the cylinder to catch the pins when they're knocked in place.
      If the springs behind the pins are too strong, this won't work.

    • @edwardhughes352
      @edwardhughes352 Před rokem +1

      @@samos343guiltyspark It might be the pressure just pushes the ball away from the shackel so you wouldnt need it to move the pins. In the same way that a metal shim would move the ball/bolt

  • @trm4life
    @trm4life Před rokem +2

    Lock picking lawyer would say "I can do it faster"
    Have to admit though, if you have matches and no tools, this is pretty handy!

  • @happyhomeprojects
    @happyhomeprojects Před rokem +16

    Love your videos. Thank you for the content and helping to educate. Love the music too.

    • @InventosDS
      @InventosDS Před rokem +1


    • @vargenfenrisson1164
      @vargenfenrisson1164 Před rokem

      In this case rather stupify than educate

    • @happyhomeprojects
      @happyhomeprojects Před rokem

      @@vargenfenrisson1164 Exposure to new ideas is educational. It allows for lateral thinking to expand, aiding in creative problem solving.

  • @zoelafantaisie9287
    @zoelafantaisie9287 Před rokem +4

    That's awesome though it would be a little more challenging in situ I expect. Just to get the sulphur into the lock.

  • @delta-gg
    @delta-gg Před rokem +4

    Can you explain how this works?

    • @stevegyee232
      @stevegyee232 Před rokem

      Someone said that the combustion moves the pins up.

  • @JubaAdhiNugroho
    @JubaAdhiNugroho Před rokem

    Nice tutorial dude...😁👍

  • @DailyDiscountNL
    @DailyDiscountNL Před 20 dny

    I prefer to buy a new lock after watching this 😂

  • @mykiscool
    @mykiscool Před rokem +5

    Cool technique. I'd be interested to see if it works for more expensive locks with more pins. In practice, this isn't practical for a basic padlock like this because they can be picked by a beginner I'm seconds.

    • @joaopop1199
      @joaopop1199 Před rokem

      Its clickbait, when it cuts the wires get closer. It was already open, the heat just made it so the rubber band could overcome the friction and rotate the rest of the cilinder. The locking pins wouldnt magically unlock, each one to the correct height, because of a small fire and some wires putting pressure on the cilinder.

    • @paigerasmussen5212
      @paigerasmussen5212 Před rokem

      @@joaopop1199 the locking pins were all knocked back in the explosion and at the moment the tension tool could move, the rubber band's kinetic energy on the metal wire was released to pull it and open the lock.

    • @joaopop1199
      @joaopop1199 Před rokem

      @@paigerasmussen5212 There wasn´t an explosion, the locking pins lock if they are knocked back too much. Even if the air released did that there is no way the locking pins magically knocked them all back in the exact way that would open the lock. No, if you go to where the video cuts, the lock was already a tiny tiny bit from being open. The tension tool can´t move the cylinder if it isn´t opened, and the fact the tension tool appeared rotated after the cut means the lock was opened, and everything was put back after it.

  • @migmagyem3612
    @migmagyem3612 Před rokem +2

    You are creative I am your fan

  • @lrojj7960
    @lrojj7960 Před rokem +1

    The dude watching you break in:

  • @jonathanbailie
    @jonathanbailie Před rokem +7

    Pretty unique, haven't seen that before. Nice job 👍

    • @SG-uh6sw
      @SG-uh6sw Před rokem

      Something a clown would say ? Jonathan You are correct

    • @asci72
      @asci72 Před 10 měsíci +1


  • @vijayvaddi2282
    @vijayvaddi2282 Před 9 měsíci +4

    Damm yo, that was like a space vehicle launch. Pure human ingenuity. Well thought, well analyzed, well prepared and executed. Total genius. One of those things that remind you, "hey we are really tricky intelligent beings, and we are awesome." Kudos my friend.

    • @csntsoa6541
      @csntsoa6541 Před 7 měsíci


    • @csntsoa6541
      @csntsoa6541 Před 7 měsíci

      7😊et 😊😊😮😊

    • @csntsoa6541
      @csntsoa6541 Před 7 měsíci


  • @user-in4ry1ye8w
    @user-in4ry1ye8w Před 8 měsíci

    The lock opens with this easy

  • @timothywolford1485
    @timothywolford1485 Před rokem

    I am so curious on how practical this is in the real world. I mean, whose gonna be able to do this on an actual lock that is hooked up to a storage building? Better yet, my bolt cutters would save me the entirety of this video, minus 15 seconds.
    In all seriousness though, I understand this is just CZcams click bait, so I'll give it a like, because it's a cool experiment....

  • @ChrisWood777
    @ChrisWood777 Před rokem +3

    Next video:
    How to open a lock with bolt cutters! 😀

  • @shannonnewman3091
    @shannonnewman3091 Před rokem +27

    " I am Impressed "

  • @AmpedUpMoto
    @AmpedUpMoto Před rokem +1

    Super convenient. Like the runs!

  • @sanzuriver2959
    @sanzuriver2959 Před rokem

    Alternative title: How to open a lock with a wire cutter, metal wires, a plier, a vise, a hammer, a rubber band, a box cutter, and of course a box of matches and a lighter.

  • @coen8677
    @coen8677 Před rokem +4

    In the first 10 seconds I would've already opened that lock with 2 screwdrivers lol but I take it with this method the lock is still usable afterwards...

  • @masudparves2069
    @masudparves2069 Před rokem +3

    1 like

  • @666pinkster
    @666pinkster Před 8 měsíci

    Got to love the crappy zombie movie music LOL

  • @nan2yvr804
    @nan2yvr804 Před rokem

    This would make for a great party trick! 😂

  • @jackdurden466
    @jackdurden466 Před rokem +1

    Hey bro! That match removal thing, next time get a mortar and pestle.

  • @InventosDS
    @InventosDS Před rokem +1

    Amazing invention 👍

  • @fab122s
    @fab122s Před rokem +2

    That was so intense 👍

  • @menace2sobriety674
    @menace2sobriety674 Před rokem +1

    Very creative, well done.

  • @ethzero
    @ethzero Před rokem +1

    Meanwhile... the LockPickingLawyer has wave-racked the lock 432 times in the time. 🤷‍♀️

  • @tricky98
    @tricky98 Před rokem +1

    If you ignore the prep work - think this is even quicker than @lockpickingLawyer can manage! 😂

  • @KCCardCo
    @KCCardCo Před 4 měsíci

    It works when its on the table and easy to position 👍

  • @TheWiz2024
    @TheWiz2024 Před rokem +1

    Great presentation. I'll still stick with bolt cutter tho.

  • @nicholasscarbrough4414
    @nicholasscarbrough4414 Před 5 měsíci

    Hi i have a sergant greenleaf military lock dated for 1976 im curious if you know anything about the lock ive heard it is bulletproof and unhackable just want to learn what i can about it it came off a naval ship that was decommissioned and it was left behind its still in box with keys thank you for your time

  • @onenickelmiracle
    @onenickelmiracle Před rokem

    Creepy music but I like it. It works seeing the lock braking like an action horror movie. Failed in the end touching it but you had to to prove it. I saw it move on replay.

  • @drctrs
    @drctrs Před rokem +1

    In the real world though, it makes little sense.

  • @SirBradiator
    @SirBradiator Před rokem

    Wow what a lot of effort for something that can probably be accomplished in seconds with a comb pick

  • @LiveSoundDreamer
    @LiveSoundDreamer Před 3 měsíci

    Very creative but definitely requires a lot of work and patience.

  • @welshpete12
    @welshpete12 Před rokem +1

    I like the elastic band idea . But I use a angel grinder. More fun and quicker !

    • @AdemKae
      @AdemKae Před rokem

      Rolling on the floor laughing at your comment...I suppose this exists if you have no electricity 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣

    • @Dont_Tread_On_Me
      @Dont_Tread_On_Me Před rokem +2

      What did angels ever do to you to make you want to grind them? Just wondering, do you perhaps use an angle grinder to grind the angels with?

    • @0utcast
      @0utcast Před rokem

      @@Dont_Tread_On_Mewhat did they do? They existed to begin with

    • @Dont_Tread_On_Me
      @Dont_Tread_On_Me Před rokem

      @@0utcast wow, that sounds like a mighty miserable outlook.

  • @bannjaxx
    @bannjaxx Před měsícem

    Jesus, I coulda gone to the shops and bought bolt cutters and be back in the time this takes

  • @luiscastaneda2274
    @luiscastaneda2274 Před rokem

    The title doesn't say, the most efficient way to open a lock, now does it.

  • @rahulrajrai1996
    @rahulrajrai1996 Před rokem

    Yeah this will definitely work on a lock that's being used to lock something

  • @ETBangla21
    @ETBangla21 Před rokem +2

    Your video always wonderful ❤️

  • @awaitingbacklash5043
    @awaitingbacklash5043 Před rokem +1

    Clever, but with the time it took, and the fact that you had wire and made a tension tool - just about anyone could’ve raked a cheap lock like that quicker.

  • @ravshanmamishev8139
    @ravshanmamishev8139 Před 7 měsíci

    Zoʻr video ekan hayron qoldim

  • @F1rstWorldNomaD
    @F1rstWorldNomaD Před rokem

    Ok, so the actually title is:
    *"How to open a lock with an entire workshop worth of tools and materials AND the lock cant actually be attached to anything"*
    Its a cool trick and all...
    But I think I'll stick with the "Double Wrench" technique, thanks.

  • @TheWarduke1972
    @TheWarduke1972 Před rokem

    MacGyver would be proud. 😂

  • @henrya.1755
    @henrya.1755 Před rokem +2

    Very impressive 👏

  • @Pewpewlasorz
    @Pewpewlasorz Před 2 měsíci

    Great. Now if my neighbors have 30 minutes and $50 in tools, they can break into my house.

  • @low_jellyfish
    @low_jellyfish Před rokem +1

    It's so clever, but I hope that criminal doesn't mimics it