I Guess Paul’s Writings Are Inspired After All

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024
  • What has the Church hidden from you? Do you know the Truth or just what you have been told? Do you want the rest of the story? Can you handle it? Was Yeshua (Jesus) a Christian? Was He a Pharisaical Jew who died for our sins? Or was He teaching something radical and different than mainstream Judaism of his day taught, something different than Mainstream Christianity today? Something that got Him killed and His message hidden after His ascension? Is the Truth still out there, buried in long-forgotten books and vague historical references by the very men that wiped out the original faith and message once delivered to the saints? I invite you to join me as I search out the original Faith of the Yeshua and the 12 Apostles.
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Komentáře • 237

  • @mikereidy-nr2kk
    @mikereidy-nr2kk Před 8 měsíci +7

    Re: Paul in Damascus - See Matthew 24:26. “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it.”

  • @Ruthseekingtruth
    @Ruthseekingtruth Před 8 měsíci +18

    I will never stop praying that their eyes will open to who Paul really is.

    • @simplysavvylife
      @simplysavvylife Před 8 měsíci +7

      Please let them see their false idol is a subverter

    • @Ruthseekingtruth
      @Ruthseekingtruth Před 8 měsíci +2

      @@simplysavvylife yes Amian. Thank you

    • @glenray5962
      @glenray5962 Před 8 měsíci

      Paul was an apostate,a wolf in sheep's clothing

  • @soundphilosophy
    @soundphilosophy Před 8 měsíci +13

    "He's telling you right there in verse 30 that under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he's been eating meat sacrificed to idols." So Paul blasphemed The Holy Spirit. Along with misleading billions of Christians for centuries with his psywarfare letters/epistles that the churches have trained the masses to fixate on rather than reject.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +10

      Personally, I think that people are blaspheming the Holy Spirit when they say that Paul received his doctrine through the Holy Spirit, because he taught things which contradicts Yeshua/Jesus. Essentially, saying the Holy Spirit is contradicting Jesus is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

    • @soundphilosophy
      @soundphilosophy Před 8 měsíci +6

      @@DavidHNotsari I agree with that.

  • @childofyah6776
    @childofyah6776 Před 8 měsíci +7

    Paul is like the one who sowed tares in the wheat field at night, like the parable.

  • @leavesofthetreehealing3211
    @leavesofthetreehealing3211 Před 8 měsíci +13

    Of course, God allowed it for a purpose. Though the following quote is about the Torah/law it is inevitably going to apply to the New Testament also. "...the written Torah had added to it certain falsehoods contrary to the Torah of Elohim, who made the heaven and the earth, and all things in them; the evil one having dared to work this for his evil purpose. “This took place in reason and judgment, that those might be convicted who should dare to listen to the things written against Elohim, and those who, through love towards Him, should not only disbelieve the things spoken against Him, but should not even endure to hear them at all, even if they should happen to be true, judging it much safer to incur danger with respect to religious faith, than to live with an evil conscience on account of blasphemous words.” (Clementine Homilies II, Chapter XXXVIII: Corruption of the Torah)
    If you believe what Paul says, then you believe that God can't help people to stop sinning. That would be blasphemous words against YHWH and the power of His Holy Spirit. Just because the spirit in him wasn't powerful, doesn't mean YHWH's Spirit wasn't all powerful. He (and many Christians) give YHWH a bad name/reputation as being super weak.

    • @greg384
      @greg384 Před 5 měsíci

      You are false if you reject Paul you are rejecting Christ. Pauls job was to reveal God's true intent. Nothing was false about him. Read and compare

  • @dahudyitzikel4065
    @dahudyitzikel4065 Před 8 měsíci +10

    I love it 😂 You made my day.
    May peace never depart from you for teaching the WISDOM.

  • @Joeybeezz
    @Joeybeezz Před 8 měsíci +8

    Wow! Just wow .... this is brilliant, (but I must admit, I was nearly holding my breath for about 40 seconds.) "we would never know!" How wld we ever know? This brings a whole new light to the word "inspiration"! Thank you!😅

    • @greg384
      @greg384 Před 5 měsíci

      Don't believe it it's a trap. Paul's writings are true

  • @mochamarie9741
    @mochamarie9741 Před 6 měsíci +1

    This is definitely concerning. What is more scary is that many pastors today have the prideful responses too of being called out for bad teaching or bad behavior. Many big time names in very public ministries are about to be exposed! The public is going to be in shock. There is a long list. If you think the celebrity list is bad, just wait for the big names exposed. I just pray all the real True Gospel of Jesus Christ will be revealed. Our works and our fruit reveal the real Salvation in the heart
    May the Holy Spirit. Reveals Truth to the Church.
    So many things happening behind the scenes now and is about food offered to idols in the name of Moloch!
    Superbowl 2024 was so revealing!!! More exposure coming and its going to be bad.

  • @JP-mn5iv
    @JP-mn5iv Před 8 měsíci +6

    Maybe I missed it but when did Paul repent?? You cannot be a Pharisee and a disciple of Jesus at the same time. Jesus literally warned us about people like Paul who have visions in the desert.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +2

      I don't know that he did, I was referring to Peter and James urging him to repent, Peter even said he could become a fellow-worker with them if he repented and learned from them. In Titus 3:3 Paul talks about how he was once foolish, disobedient, decieved, etc; and then in Titus 3:8 & 14 Paul is preaching the doing of good works. Perhaps that indicates that he repented, but it questionable whether Paul actually wrote the letter to Titus, so it probably wasn't even him.

    • @JP-mn5iv
      @JP-mn5iv Před 8 měsíci +6

      @@DavidHNotsari I mean maybe but he is also justifying his own lying behavior so I would be highly surprised if he did. Besides I would imagine that a lifetime of being a Pharisee and murdering Christian’s probably left him pretty severely demon possessed. I mean I was severely demon possessed just from being a atheist for 15 years and I certainly never murdered or persecuted a Christian. Just saying.
      Ps: I’m not demonized any longer, praise Jesus for having mercy on my ignorance. God bless.

  • @peterhook2258
    @peterhook2258 Před 8 měsíci +2

    Paul's faith and the early Christians (pre constantine) were a varied group and their connecting link was Christ as their anchor...indeed that and a good heart will be everyone's saving grace. Many believe, and yet would condemn the confused or misled. if the heart is right folks, they will find Christ as their anchor, even if they know not his name. be aware.

  • @plainandsimple2576
    @plainandsimple2576 Před 8 měsíci +5

    Stumbled upon your channel, I knew Paul had lied!!!! He was extremely anti Woman! I was a Mennonite, they love Paul, I had such a hard time with him. Everything you have shown, shows me that he was a Wolf in sheep clothing!! I have been a Christian since childhood, but I’m still learning! I believe I’ve been place among Messianic Christians, I never heard of them, now I live near, have interactions with some. I’ve always had a issue with Paul!!! I believe Mankind has ruined what the Father had intended for us all. It is so hard to find where I’m supposed to believe. The Holy Sprit is showing me now!

  • @aprilamath7927
    @aprilamath7927 Před 8 měsíci +6

    This was great!
    The part of Mark 7:19 that claims Messiah declared all food clean is in parentheses in the lexicons. Meaning it’s not original to the text. Someone added it.

    • @WayOfHaQodesh
      @WayOfHaQodesh Před 6 měsíci

      Common sense and discernment from YAHUWAH Elohiym Most High's beautiful Ruach Ha'Qodesh (set apart breath of truth) will show that Messiah Yahushua was in no way talking, at all, about food tours and or unclean types of food. He was talking specifically about the need to wash hands before eating. If anything he was also refuting "germ theory" that many Christians in this age of the Scam-demic are running around willing down everything and wearing masks afraid of catching some lies from the devil.

    • @greg384
      @greg384 Před 5 měsíci

      What did he say to Peter then? You surely aren't calling Peter a false prophet as well are you? You are contradicting yourself

    • @aprilamath7927
      @aprilamath7927 Před 5 měsíci

      I have no idea how you have come to the conclusion that I’m contradicting myself by pointing out words were added into translations that aren’t found in the oldest text we have of this verse. Peter was a real apostle.

    • @aprilamath7927
      @aprilamath7927 Před 5 měsíci

      I think you are confused between a translation and the text upon which the translation is translated from. The words in question aren’t in the actual Greek text. Shalam

  • @tombutler7296
    @tombutler7296 Před 8 měsíci +4

    I fully agree that Acts is a "legal brief" to a court, but if Luke is Paul's defense attorney he is the worst lawyer ever as he demonstrates that his client Saul\Paul testimony can not be trusted as Paul tells three different stories of his conversion in Acts and another in his letters. I think with the evolution of "Acts" with its fixation first on the miracles of Peter and then changing the focus to Paul and the eventual traveling with "Paul" it is far more likely that Luke was responsible for tracking Saul\Paul down and bringing him in for his final set of trials. If this is the case it would explain how Paul's letters were initially collected as Luke presented the letters of Saul\Paul and early versions of the Synoptics to the various Roman courts. He was also in a position to intercept the letters written after Saul's arrest. These early versions of the Synoptics were composed of the Gospel of Paul, currently called "Luke", along with the Testimony Luke had taken of Matthew and Mark about the events at the Temple and Yeshuas teachings found in the Woes and the Beatitudes but Paul added his own contrived stories to the copies of Matthew and Mark to hide what Yeshua actually taught, the foundational principles of Karaite Judaism, that we, not some priest or rabbbi, are all personally responsible for what we believe about God and we should base our beliefs about God on the Torah and the Prophets alone, with the knowledge that the scribes have lied to us. It is then very plausible that a copy of these trial documents was sent to Saul's Herodian relatives in Jerusalem.
    I think the real story is that God sent one last prophet before He took away the Temple for misuse. The Temple was supposed to be a place where people of all nations could come and learn about the one true God and the priests had turned it into a meat market. That prophet did not die on a cross but by a stone in the Temple. We meet Paul when Saul is initially accused of this and his response is the song and dance we get in Acts 6 and 7 about Steven.
    God does not do miracles he performs acts of God like floods and famines as we see in the Tenakh or earthquakes and eclipses as we see at the death of Yeshua. The miracles in Acts and many that we find in the Synoptic gospels are magic tricks performed by Saul\Peter(?)\Paul to create the illusion to the Greeks of a Jewish messiah. The Jews Paul encounters know that the messiah Paul is describing is not of any messiah they are looking for, but Gentiles do not.
    Yeshua did not believe in messiahs, as God alone is our salvation! It is Saul\Paul who turned Yeshua into just another failed messiah to keep other Jews from adopting the teachings found in the original letter of James (the first four chapters more or less.) and the Woes and Beatitudes found in Matthew.
    But to understand Saul's real purpose all one has to do is spend a little time listening to someone like Tovia Singer. Many Jews believe they are a nation set apart, but the nation that is set apart are ALL of the children of Jacob, not those of Judah! The letter of "James", most likely actually written by Yeshua himself, invites all descendants of Jacob (really all people) to return to seeking the one true God. Both Saul and Tovia are clear only people born Jewish are Jewish and Gentiles should not adopt Jewish practices! They believe Gentiles should observe the Noahide laws when Yeshua clearly taught there is only one law for all.
    To finish our story some Herodians escaped with the trial transcripts before the destruction of the Temple and needing a new grift took Saul's failed Jewish messiah and adding to the Synoptics turned Yeshua into God incarnate. The escapees became the "Church fathers" writing Hebrews, and all things attributed to an author named John.
    So why would God create Christianity? To do what the keepers of the Temple refused to do, make the Torah and the Prophets available to everyone.
    A serious question for you. What is the mechanism that you believe caused "James" to come into possession of either 1st Corinthians or Galatians let alone both? To me, it is obvious that Yeshua wrote his open letter first (as he was dead before Saul wrote any of his letters) and when it arrived in Galatia and Corinth the people in the churches Saul\Paul started demanded answers as to why this open letter from Yeshua was in contradiction to EVERYTHING they had been taught by Saul\Paul.
    And thanks again for saving my life by teaching me that God does not like us killing and eating his pets.

    • @greg384
      @greg384 Před 5 měsíci +1

      Fake. Paul is true

    • @tombutler7296
      @tombutler7296 Před 5 měsíci

      @@greg384 Sorry can you please explain what is true about Paul?
      His name? No, it is Saul.
      That Paul not "Jesus" invented Christianity? Yup!
      That Paul never met the living Jesus? Yup, well at least that is what he claims. I personally am not so sure.
      For many years, with no first or second knowledge, Paul taught about Jesus? Hey, that one is true as well. We call that spreading rumors today.

    • @greg384
      @greg384 Před 5 měsíci

      ​@tombutler7296 you must give me another example of why you reject Paul because you must understand if you reject him you must also reject 2/3rds of the new testament and if you reject the new testament you must also reject Peter and if you reject Peter you must also reject Jesus himself. You guys say things and don't understand that God is all powerful which means he can keep his word untainted from the Devil. Unless you believe God is too weak to do so?

    • @tombutler7296
      @tombutler7296 Před 5 měsíci

      @@greg384 "you must give me another example of why you reject Paul because you must understand if you reject him you must also reject 2/3rds of the new testament"
      No, I do not "reject" any part of the New Testament I just have a different understanding of God's purpose in creating Christianity and the Bible as we know it than the you do. I believe that God put exactly what he wants in the Bible nothing more and nothing less and he expects us to read all of it. Yeshua echoes Jeremiah when he speaks of “the lying pen of the scribe.” To believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God is to deny the teaching of Yeshua and Jeremiah!
      For a long time, I struggled to make sense of the conflict that I saw between Yeshua's treatment of women in the synoptic Gospels and Paul's treatment of women in his letters until I found the work of Douglas Del Tondo called "Jesus words only." While I come to very different conclusions than Douglas the data he presents is incontrovertible.
      It was at this point that I realized I personally needed to get an understanding of the order the books of the New Testament were written, not the order they are presented, so I could understand the evolution of Christianity from being a Jewish sect to a Gentile religion. Understanding the evolution of Christianity was impossible without first understanding the evolution from the Hebrew patriarchs to the Jewish religion.
      "you must also reject Peter and if you reject Peter you must also reject Jesus himself." This seems an odd statement, although I do reject that Jesus is either a failed Jewish Messiah, God incarnate, or that he had disciples and that Peter was one of them. I do believe that Yeshua was the last prophet God would send before He took away that temple in Jerusalem because the priests were misusing it. God had the temple built as a place where people from all nations could come and learn about him and the priests had turned it into a meat market. God used Christianity to do with the keepers of the temple would not, bring the Tanakh to the world.
      What I believe Yeshua actually taught begins with the idea that each of us is personally responsible for what we believe about God and finding the truth about God can only be done by restoring the Torah God placed on our hearts when we were conceived but has been overwritten by our parents priests and other teachers. Written in the Torah placed on your heart you know that a person may discern the truth from corroborated eyewitness testimony but not from rumors. We do have corroborated eyewitness testimony of what Paul taught through his letters and the books attributed to Luke. We can use this corroborated eyewitness testimony to solve the synoptic problem and get back to the corroborated eyewitness testimony of Matthew and Mark about what happened at the temple one Passover morning.
      The “good news” Yeshua preached is that God does not care what you've done in the past only what you would do given the opportunity in the future, exemplified in the phrase “repent for the kingdom is near.” And that the only thing that we have that we can offer as a sacrifice to God is the idea that any human being could sin against us. We are all siblings and if we expect to live in God's house He expects us to forgive our siblings for anything and everything they have done that we feel has harmed us.
      "You guys say things and don't understand that God is all powerful" There are two words that have very similar and yet have very different meanings. One is slave, the other is servant. God has the power to create slaves, but they have a tendency to revolt as we see in Genesis 6. God does not have the power to create servants directly. He must create a space and free will among those He gives an opportunity to serve Him that they may choose to learn what pleases him and then actually do what they know pleases Him or they can choose not to. This is the world I see around me.
      "which means he can keep his word untainted from the Devil." The devil, or HaSatan as Yeshua knew him (the adversary in English) works for God. He is not God's enemy he is sent by God to test whether we love God or not. He absolutely has the power to add to the Bible ANYTHING he wants as long as he does not remove the truth about God.
      "Unless you believe God is too weak to do so?" It is you that believes God is weak, not me. You believe in a God that is so weak he can't keep the devil out of this world. I believe in a God so powerful He could destroy the "Devil" anytime He wants.
      I guess for me the problems with Christianity boil down to this. If God walked the earth for three years, or even three minutes, and told people what they should know to please Him why would He send somebody else, Paul, a few years later to change or elaborate on anything that He said? I am very clear the God Yeshua believed in abhors human sacrifice, especially child sacrifice and yet child sacrifice is exactly what Christians accuse God of doing on their behalf. Finally to be a Christian one must participate in ritualistic cannibalism by eating the flesh and drinking the blood of God's child. I can't imagine a more terrible thing to think God wants us to do.

    • @greg384
      @greg384 Před 5 měsíci

      ​@@tombutler7296 you are greatly mistaken. You have no basis on your own beliefs other than trusting in your own philosophy, which is greatly flawed to say the least. You put your trust in your own understanding, which in the end when you leave this earth will be called into judgement. What it seems like to me is that you are not interested in the truth, but rather what makes sense to you as long as it fits your cookie-cutter narrative you will accept it and reject all else. That is a very arrogant, prideful, unbelievably pompous and careless way to reach solid and true conclusions. Every conclusion you have come to is wrong and it's grounded in falsehood.
      The truth is:
      Jesus is God in the flesh. Jesus had 12 disciples.
      Jesus is coming back again to judge the living and the dead.
      The devil is not allowed to tamper with the word of God. The devil can do some things but not others. And as Christians you must eat the flesh of God (Jesus) and drink his blood (in the spiritual sense) because the life is in the blood. We are all sinners (dead to God) our blood is useless and no good. Only Jesus blood (he who died on the cross and bore our punishment) blood is clean and holy. And if you want to live you must participate in the holy Communion. Which is not his blood and flesh realistically. It's cracker and grape juice. Nothing cannibalistic about that. It's spiritual! Something you clearly will never understand. Because you lean on your own understanding. You reject God and his ways and accept man and your evil ways. To deny truth and accept falsehood. But it's to your own detriment. You sound very emotional in your writings and when speaking on how women were treated by Paul. Only thing Paul is saying is women should be silent and they have no place in authority positions in the church that should be a man "by my estimation". And this is logical because men think with "logic" but women think with "emotion", just like you are displaying nothing but emotion no facts or logic just pure emotion. Facts or feelings my friend. Never act on emotion. Because you will never come to solid and logical conclusions like I do. And if all else fails lean on God, pray, fast, repent and humble yourself, waiting on the Lord so he can reveal to you the truth.
      And your beliefs are in line with that of the Muslims that of the Orthodox Jews and that of the false prophets of old. What do you all have in common you ask? That you all reject Jesus as God. Christianity as a whole. And if you don't repent and trust in Jesus and not self! You will end up in death, hell then the lake of fire because you didn't take it seriously, but trusted in man.
      And btw I'm not interested in a man-made book written by some guy who came to the wrong conclusion. A book that you read saying is incontrovertible. He is a sinner just like you are. And both of you need to be saved from your sins. But all you do is hope that God will sweep all your sins under the carpet and accept you into heaven. It's doesn't work like that! You can't even address this fact 😅

  • @TigerDan925
    @TigerDan925 Před 8 měsíci +5

    1st time viewer. Took me a few minutes to get the angle that you approached the subject and it was brilliantly done. Subbed. Paul is provably a false apostle. All who quote and make doctrine from Paul are not worth listening to, and sadly, it's most on youtube.

  • @Leo1903able
    @Leo1903able Před 8 měsíci +5

    Paul claimed kinship with Herod and since Herod was a Edomite, it would not be surprising that he also claimed to be a Pharisee, since in his time, the true priesthood had been displaced by Herod with his fellow Edomites. My only question is, was Paul also Benjaminite as he also claimed? Unless Paul was of a mixed race, claiming to be of both lineages would be false.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +4

      The Edomites themselves were a mixed race from the very beginning. Paul could probably, truthfully claim to be descended from both.
      That being said, Robert Eisenman, in his books on the Dead Sea Scrolls, James, and Paul said that the "tribe of Benjamin" in the first century was used to indicate someone who was a convert to the religion of the Judeans, so that could be why he said it also, but it sounds like Paul is referring to his actual lineage.

  • @koreyoneal2623
    @koreyoneal2623 Před 8 měsíci +6

    "oh you foolish Galatian" Brad , it's about time you woke up to Paul !!! ........ Hahaha 😂😂😂
    I had to give a quick laugh but now in all seriousness , very good video , I love your approach , well played sir !!!

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +4

      It was one of the more enjoyable videos to record. LOL

    • @koreyoneal2623
      @koreyoneal2623 Před 8 měsíci +5

      @@DavidHNotsari I have to admit , at first I wasn't quite sure which way you were going with it but I couldn't imagine that you would have accepted Paul again in such a short amount of time , I'm very happy that you have stayed firm on your position of the apostate and false apostle Paul

  • @malcolmdavid722
    @malcolmdavid722 Před 8 měsíci +2

    The fact that all scripture is inspired (part of Gods purpose) does not detract from the fact that Paul was a false teacher.
    MR James famously said Paul could not have written his letters without knowing the Testament of the 12 Patriarchs in great detail.
    We also have no proof that Paul actually wrote them and they were not plagiarised by Eusebius from James who as leader of the church would have more likely been the one writing to the diaspora.
    Paul was also responsible for the death of James !
    A false gospel also has to ‘appear’ genuine otherwise it would not be believed, so God allowed the false gospel to be preached first, (confirmed by Peter) and this is precisely why 2Ws are required at the end.
    The writings were indeed inspired for us to examine and find out that Paul was an apostle of Satan.
    It’s a test of who you love !

  • @shawnc958
    @shawnc958 Před 8 měsíci +8

    Excellent brother !!!

  • @MessiahWordsOnly
    @MessiahWordsOnly Před 8 měsíci +4

    Saying Paul is inspired is an excellent way to get Paulinists to open their eyes! Yet, that discounts free will and sounds like Paul's predestination. I think Yahweh and his prophets warned of false prophets and could see the future. If he told about it and made it happen then there is no free will for humans to choose good or evil. Yahshua is to judge our obedience to his commands and laws so it cannot be predestined. I think either Paul was fooled by a fake Jesus that was really an agent of Satan or he made it all up. Either way we would still have the fake christianity today.
    In Deuteronmy Yahweh tells us to prove false prophets to prove we love him. This tells us inspired of Yahweh must be pro law. Paul cannot be inspired because he teaches against the law.
    I think we need Pauls lies and false gospel so we should not cut it out. It fulfiills prophecy and alllows Yahweh and Yahshua to disprrove the fake gospel. I think we agree on that point.
    Great video with some excellent analysis.

  • @andrewclemons8619
    @andrewclemons8619 Před 7 měsíci +3

    You had me worried there at the first for a second

    • @greg384
      @greg384 Před 5 měsíci

      He almost had a change of heart. Sad for him 😭😔

  • @layoung.
    @layoung. Před 8 měsíci +2

    I've seen many many question Apostle Paul's walk. Of all of Jesus' Apostles his walk was a change in total perspective. Interesting you mentioned a Jamison, the name of my brother Paul's son. I entered 2020 and meeting a man that looked so much like my own brother Paul, the initial meeting at my job, was all to familiar. Played with my mind for a while. This man was headed to Georgia and for three days, I seen this man. We talked like we knew each other. All in a manner of minutes. The last day I seen him he said he was going to Georgia and I wouldn't see him anymore, I choked up a tear and don't know why. Another waiting customer wanted to know why he didn't get that kind of treatment lol. Mystery. And since my brother looks so much like my father, I also thought this man was a young version of my own father. Charles my Ray of Sunshine.

  • @ruthbates9549
    @ruthbates9549 Před 8 měsíci +3

    There were two trees in the garden of eden. Why not two trees also in the bible?

  • @edwardhill7045
    @edwardhill7045 Před 8 měsíci +11


    • @greg384
      @greg384 Před 5 měsíci

      Give an example. Because rejecting scripture is not becoming my friend

    • @edwardhill7045
      @edwardhill7045 Před 5 měsíci

      He tells gentiles that they don't have to obey God's laws when the laws bring order to any society that obeys them. Jesus said that he did not come to destroy the law

    • @greg384
      @greg384 Před 5 měsíci

      ​@@edwardhill7045 you are badly mistaken. He wasn't saying that. Peter said it was hard to understand for a reason. No one can keep the law. Only Jesus was able. If you try to keep the law you will fail miserably. All it takes is one sin, one misdeed, and one disobedience to the law to be rejected by God. Which is what Paul is trying to convey. That all men are guilty before God. Only Jesus can save you.

    • @edwardhill7045
      @edwardhill7045 Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@greg384 you have not read the law if you say that we can't keep the law. I read the law and it can be kept. Do you have any other gods before the Lord Do you honor your mother and father? Do you make and bow to images? The law says things just like this so we can keep the law. Read the law before you decide it can't be kept

    • @edwardhill7045
      @edwardhill7045 Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@greg384 Jesus said that the law is based on 2 things. Love for God and love for your neighbor. That is what the law is all about. I recommend you read the law before you say it can't be kept

  • @johnjones8112
    @johnjones8112 Před 8 měsíci +5

    I'd love a conversation with you sometime.

  • @sammoore7875
    @sammoore7875 Před 8 měsíci +2

    Thanks for the great work on testing the Scriptures! About a year ago I felt I got a breakthrough with the Holy Spirit in understanding Paul's contradictions and couldnt get any of these "No Law or you deny the gift" you tube preachers to respond let alone give me counsel with Scripture of why I was wrong. What I presented to them was that the Torah was the Roman Empire's written Constitution used as a legal document to control, imprison, and kill its citizens (Letter of the Law). But God desires his people to obey and do his commandments and statutes bc they love or want to live by them not bc they are forced to hence the "Spirit of the Law". Just like the people who get into the "Spirit of Christmas" by putting up decorations, singing Chistmas Carols, and exchanging gifts...not bc of some government law requiring it.
    And when Paul is talking about not being bound by laws in saving souls while working for the glorification of Christ...its like a police officer while "on duty" has authority to break laws if necessary to get the job done. Now Im certainly questioning this part of my revelation, but this may still be true and Paul also being a false profit bc there are numerous examples of questionable acts being accounted to righteousness. Im leaning towards both so i cant wait to test this new perspective tomorrow on my day off!
    Would certainly be a bonus to hear what you think of this!

  • @sabbathkeeper4059
    @sabbathkeeper4059 Před 8 měsíci +4

    I laughed out loud several times! Great video!

    • @nenad2058
      @nenad2058 Před 8 měsíci +5

      I was afraid at first, then I laughed also. Oh My!

    • @sabbathkeeper4059
      @sabbathkeeper4059 Před 8 měsíci +2

      All kidding aside, I wish that Paul was right since so many people follow him instead of Yeshua.
      A lot of people are going to very surprised if Yeshua's words are true.
      I tried to show my brother but he cannot see it.
      I don't understand why it seems so clear to some and totally wrong to others. Some kind of spirit no doubt.

  • @DanielBjorndahl
    @DanielBjorndahl Před 8 měsíci +5

    You forgot /s
    Come fellowship with us on a Livestream sometime!

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +2

      Yup, that’s what I get for being in a hurry.

    • @soundphilosophy
      @soundphilosophy Před 8 měsíci +1

      @DavidHNotsari A divine delay I'd guess after just being attacked by his channel subscribers for pointing out that Yeshua perfectly clarified the Law for us with the Greatest Commandments which he said was the whole Law,(and I also gave the example of how Yeshua said being loving on the Sabbath is God's will rather than hollow adherence to the rule to rest that day, but they all ignored that point too, repeatedly), and I was attacked too for saying not recognizing the Messiah as greater than Moses, and choosing to focus on Moses over Yeshua, is a form of idolatry (just as focus on Paul over Yeshua is). I was called a lawless antichrist for that, and Daniel here defended that, fyi.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +1

      @soundphilosophy Did they really "attack" you or did they simply correct the fact that Yeshua never said those two commands "was the whole Law". Jesus said that the whole law hangs upon those two commands, which is completely different than what you said above.
      If you're going to misquote Yeshua don't play the victim when you face correction.

    • @soundphilosophy
      @soundphilosophy Před 8 měsíci

      @DavidHNotsari How is that "completely different"?? Really try to explain. And yes being called an antichrist is certainly an attack, or would you say that's also "completely different" than an attack? Don't gaslight me man.

  • @thebarefootmick
    @thebarefootmick Před 3 měsíci

    I wonder if some of Paul’s behavior could in fact be explained by his past as a zealot? Something so great and new is always bound to create some disagreements once it’s left to others to tend to. Thank God for the gospels we have to weigh all else against the New Covenant in the spirit of clarity. Thank God for individuals like you, who strive to such an extent to accurately decipher the true spirit of what’s been left for us to live by!

  • @stevenvanvuuren8394
    @stevenvanvuuren8394 Před 8 měsíci +2

    No its not inspiration ....its foreknowledge and prophesy
    Jesus knew what was coming
    Jesus knew everything paul would do before the time

  • @michaelv1838
    @michaelv1838 Před 8 měsíci +2

    I put this together elsewhere, thought it fits here as well.
    Rom_3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight
    this is the most wicked lie about god in the entirety of the scripture. this statement here is that god gave a law and will not honor on his word, this claim is that god is a wicked liar. gods law says that he will have mercy on those who diligently keep his commandments, he has judgements that tell you what to do when you sin for repentence, and that when you do it your sin will be remitted and forgiven. and wicked paul here is telling you that is not true. He says god is a liar, and you should follow what he calls, my gospel, the gospel of paul, he says he, paul has begotten you. and thats true if you believe his lie. because Jesus said he came to call sinners to repentence. which is defined and judged in the law, without the law there is no path. and jesus taught that path, nothing jesus taught was not in the law of god given to moses. and when jesus died and was ressurected he told his disciples, the 11, to go to all the nations and teach them, what he taught them to do. never saying once pauls gospel, because jesus gave Gods gospel, and when he died his work was finished. if he finished his work at the cross. why do you think his work must continue through the false paul, to try to scrub out the law of god that he spent his time teaching? thats foolish. his work on the cross was done, and he said pick up your cross and follow him, and if you will not you are not worthy of him. your work in your life to keep and do his sayings and follow him began when his work ended.
    most people just accept the things it says because its convenient, like the idea, that a righteous life in belief in jesus and god, should be limited to 3 facts of a point in time disobedience to his commands and sayings, and then we have the wicked lie, that if you keep his sayings and commandments and law, that he will not have mercy but take his grace away from you. if you believe on the son of god, you would beleive every word he said as he told satan man doesnt live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of the lord. and as person with a mind of your own, you know you can make a general statement, it is my will that my son have a good education, a good job, a wife and a family. but if my son just wants to be in a band, and bang groupies all the live long day, and he got himself a vasectomy. it is still my will that he have the things id like for him. but unfortunately, he never listened to what i said, never followed all the advice and good upbringing and attention i gave him. and had he listened to all my words and believed them, but then failed to act on any of them, and just played his guitar and banged girls he met at the bar. he will still not have those things that were in my will for him. because jesus said those who hear his sayings(and he had many) and DO them, would be likened to a wise man who built his house upon a rock, and that house would not fall. but if you hear his sayings and do not do them, then you are a fool who built your house on sand, and the fall of it was great.
    this isnt a video game, this isnt trying to find a cheat code, and its not sorcery. your incantation of "lord lord" you were told wouldnt satisfy the requirement. you never knew him therefore he never knew you but if you heard kept and did his sayings, you would know him and he would know you.
    it is said in ezekiel, if a man live righteous and turn to wickedness, none of his righteousness will be remembered. you cannot be saved past tense, you must endure to the end.
    if a man is wicked and turns to righteousness, none of his wickedness will be mentioned to him. you can turn from sin and be righteous. and you can turn from righteousness and be wicked.
    and as im listening here i hear you scoffing at the law of god, saying old testament, like thats gross. but what saying did jesus have for that. since it is the will of the father that we believe on jesus and have eternal life...
    Mat 19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
    Mat 19:18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,
    Mat 19:19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
    so here we see if you believe on jesus, and want eternal life, you would listen to jesus and do what he said, which was to keep those old testament commandments, which the law of god calls "the ways of god in which you shall walk, and honestly we see they are also now new testament commandments given as well by Jesus. and also he will have mercy on those who keep and do his commadments to the thousandth generation. oh and also jesus said this law and the prophets would not pass away, until heaven and earth pass away until ALL be fulfilled. Im on earth right now, heaven is above, and prophecy in the law and prophets still have to be fullfilled. so if you believe on Jesus, you would believe what he said and you would keep the commandments. and if keeping the commandments you should definitely keep the rest of the law as well, as there are instructions there for how you must repent when you err. and you might err.
    Now ive noticed toward the end of your video you were reffering to your audience as Saints. and it occurred to me, you might want to know what a saint is, since you clearly dont seem to have understanding of the words you use. and you should.
    Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
    Rev 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
    Rev 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
    Rev 22:15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
    Rev 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
    Rev 2:7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
    Rev 2:11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.
    Rev 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
    Rev 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
    Rev 2:27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.
    Rev 2:28 And I will give him the morning star.
    Rev 2:29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
    Rev 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.
    Rev 3:6 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
    Rev 3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
    Rev 3:13 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
    Rev 3:21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
    Rev 3:22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
    so yes, you really want to listen to Jesus, keep his words, do them, listen to the father, keep his commandments and do them, endure til the end, and overcome even as Jesus did. Not one word of God, should be left out. not one word of Jesus should be ignored. man lives not by bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of The Lord.
    no cheat codes, this is life we're living, and we must live it well, acceptable to God, to be worthy of Jesus.
    Luk 19:27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

  • @Non-Assumpsit
    @Non-Assumpsit Před 2 měsíci

    The English added the grammar says you can eat whatever you want
    is what causes mistranslation. Here’s the Greek literal with corrected options below ⬇️
    1 Corinthians 10:25 & 27 Interlinear
    Corrects Transactions below ⬇️
    1 Corin 10:25 Everything in [the] meat market being sold eat nothing inquiring on account of conscience
    1 Corin 10:27 If anyone invites you of the unbelieving and you wish to go everything being set before you eat nothing inquiring on account of conscience.
    Reference: 1. Study Bible
    Apostolic Bible Polyglot English
    2. Bible Hub Go to GRK Greek Parallel
    3. By RSTNE Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition
    Sharing information Shalom

  • @MichaelBrianInc
    @MichaelBrianInc Před 8 měsíci +2

    This is well out and I liked the examples of evidence.
    As I’ve randomly have been down a shallow rabbit hole on the subject of Paul, my question is this…
    Why is his letters even present in the Bible as it seems Paul clearly is leading Christian’s down a very dangerous path, especially those who will ritualistically quote from Paul’s words instead of the words of Jesus regarding certain debates…
    Was Paul the example of how to tell the fruit of an anti Christ or false teacher??
    What is the reason and why are so many blind to the truth regarding Paul?
    Because I too, up until recently where now I question certain points of view I had on him, felt Paul was a good example of a follower of Christ living out for the gospel no matter the persecution etc…
    Clearly I was a bit blind as I’ve been dabbling in some exposure videos on Paul.
    So why is such a wretched man as he calls himself also, included in the Bible making up a quarter of the new covenant books?
    I appreciate your feedback and this video. It’s now becoming more clear how I need to perceive Paul.
    Also - how do we read his letters on terms of overall context? Meaning when we read how can we properly meditate on it so we are not deceived back in to the old view of Paul as being “good”…

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +2

      As to the reason "why Paul's in the Bible". The world had more or less forgotten about Paul until the council of Nicea when Constantine forced the church to accept the synchronization of the church with the worship of Sol Invictus. Paul was anti-law and fit nicely with the direction Constantine wanted the church to go. The Catholic Church embraced Paul and out came the cannon with Paul's letters. Paul's gospel is easy, it's a easy sell and it turns a profit for the Churches. Jesus demands obedience to his Father and isn't as good for business.
      How to keep from being tricked into forgetting about Paul being evil. Push the "bad Paul" verses to the forefront, correct the translations that hide what Paul is saying, and discuss the warnings Jesus gives about Paul. If we did those three things the fallacy of Paul's doctrines would be exposed and the church could actually find it's way back to Jesus.

    • @MichaelBrianInc
      @MichaelBrianInc Před 8 měsíci +2

      @@DavidHNotsari I agree Paul seems like an easy sell. Now it has me thinking that his letters tickle a lot of ears which is why they’re so overly quoted and people run to his grace faith preaching vs what Jesus has said in Matthew on salvation. It’s where the hyper grace love to shelter in place. Meanwhile Jesus constantly mentions the following of His commandments…

    • @MichaelBrianInc
      @MichaelBrianInc Před 8 měsíci

      @@DavidHNotsari what do you think of this portion I found from Andrew Womack’s ministry regarding the thorn in the flesh…
      Does it make sense in this way which combats the reason why Jesus said what he said to him?
      If we look at the context of Paul’s thorn in the flesh, we find that infirmity does not mean sickness in 2 Corinthians 12:9 and 10. In 2 Corinthians 11:30, Paul uses the exact terminology of “glorying in infirmities” that is used just a few verses later in speaking about this thorn. In the eleventh chapter he had just finished listing what those infirmities were. In verses 23-29, he lists such things as imprisonment, stripes, shipwrecks, and stonings; none of these speak of sickness. Verse 27 mentions weakness and painfulness, which some have tried to make mean sickness, but it is just as possible he could have been weary and suffered painfulness from such things as being stoned and left for dead (Acts 14:19). All these things listed in 2 Corinthians 11 refer to persecutions as infirmities. So, in context, Paul’s thorn was a demonic angel or messenger sent by Satan which continually stirred up persecution against him. This is also verified by three Old Testament references (Num. 33:55; Josh. 23:13 and Judg. 2:3), where people are spoken of as being “thorns in your sides” and “thorns in your eyes.”
      Paul asked the Lord to remove persecution from him, not sickness, and the Lord told him His grace was sufficient. We are not redeemed from persecution, and Paul later stated that when he said in 2 Timothy 3:12, “All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” Most gladly, therefore, he gloried in persecutions, reproaches, necessities, and distresses that the power of Christ might rest upon him (2 Cor. 12:9). The word “glory” is an old English word which means to have dominion over or command. It is used in Exodus 8:9 where Moses told Pharaoh to glory over him, or command him, when to destroy the frogs. So when Paul spoke of glorying in these infirmities or persecutions, he was speaking of victory even in the midst of continual harassment.

    • @MichaelBrianInc
      @MichaelBrianInc Před 8 měsíci

      @@DavidHNotsari and what about 2 Corinthians 11:1-8 where Paul warns against the preaching of a false Yeshua or good news “gospel”?
      It’s hard to fathom the idea that Paul died to his earthly life to suffer and be persecuted in spreading the gospel of Jesus, but somehow be a demon anti christ with an agenda….
      Can you clarify this? He’s certainly not perfect and can be questionable, but this is tough to say he can be marked as such.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +1

      No, I don't buy that theory by Andrew Womack. It sounds like someone grasping at straws, trying to save Paul from what he said.
      In 2 Corinthians 11:1-8 he's saying the 12 Apostles are the ones preaching a different Jesus, they are the "super apostles" in verse 5. I don't know what more there is to clarify, I've done multiple hour+ long videos on Paul. The evidence from his own pen is overwhelming against him, which is why 99% of Christians ignore it and refuse to "see" it. The other 1% are people like the Womak guy, who come up with crazy theories to explain how Paul didn't say what he said.

  • @JosephSmith-ef7ct
    @JosephSmith-ef7ct Před 8 měsíci +1

    David H'Notsari, two questions for you.
    What Bible version do you use in these videos?
    Is it possible that YHWH is not the Father of Jesus?
    Why did Jesus always refer only to the Father, and not address YHWH?
    Even in calling to His Father from the cross, he called Him 'Eloi'.
    If you are honest about Paul, then you should want to be honest concerning YHWH too. By that I mean with the same kind of expositional study and comparison of the words and actions of Yeshua vis a vis those of YHWH.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +1

      The version I use is my personal copy of the World English Bible, in which I have corrected several mistranslations of the text. The majority of the corrections are according to the phrase "pisteuo Eis" in greek, which is usually mistranslated "believe unto" but it should be translated "obey unto". I speak about this issue in this video: czcams.com/video/FjiXf8mLX5U/video.html and there are other videos linked in the description that explain it further.
      I've heard people make that claim about YHWH, but I have seen no evidence of that. Peter refutes that theory in the Clementine Homilies and Recognitions and Jesus quotes OT scriptures that refer to YHWH.
      If you honestly believe that to be the case make a video yourself and present the evidence, makes more sense than asking me to do it for you.

  • @mattbybee5354
    @mattbybee5354 Před 2 měsíci

    I always found it odd that saul and yeshua were around at the same time in the same places but he wasn't chosen by the father and found.

  • @ivanfourie
    @ivanfourie Před 8 měsíci +4

    interesting approach bro, a little bit of mirroring, a taste of their own medicine so to speak :)

  • @DrJeffreyMSeder
    @DrJeffreyMSeder Před 8 měsíci +4

    Good One 🤣

  • @BubbylovesJesus
    @BubbylovesJesus Před 6 měsíci

    Jesus is testing His sheep.

  • @MonicaMartella-xq7wf
    @MonicaMartella-xq7wf Před 8 měsíci

    Amazing connection Gen 49:1

  • @mochamarie9741
    @mochamarie9741 Před 6 měsíci

    So how are we saved? We have all been taught "Sinner's Prayer", believe, etc. I believe in Salvation, Sanctification (Book of James) and Glorification (after death or at the last return of Jesus Christ). But, this scsres me. Iur churches bever teach anything sbout the Law etc. If Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law, we should still know that list right? I feel our churches are giving half the picture. May the Father help us all who truly have a good heart snd serk the truth. I still.believed we are saved by grace but that does not give anyone a license to sin! Once we receive the Gift of Salvation, we need to go through Sanctification pricess. We learn how to be Jesus Christ followers. I'm soo depressed about Paul. I looked up to him my whole life as an example of how to live in Jesus Christ. I never worshipped him but I felt he was definitely a hero of the Church. This is grievous. So do our pastors know deep diwn about all of this?

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 6 měsíci

      We are saved by obedience to Jesus. The word usually translated as "believe" actually means "obey" when it is used in regard to a person. In order to protect Paul's gospel the word has been mistranslated as obey.
      Jesus is very consistent in the gospels: How do you get eternal life? Keep the commandments.

  • @simplysavvylife
    @simplysavvylife Před 8 měsíci +2

    When they read/hear contradictory verses, they say " that isnt what yeshua meant....bc paul said... " Or "jesus must've mEAnt the opposite of what he said to his followers who are clearly damned per Paul, bc they believe and do jesus instead of paul !""""😂 🤦‍♀️ Jesus must've meant the opposite of what he said & did, & if you followed him instead of paul youd be DD damned ? The savior of Christianity, teachings and following be damned und r the title of Christianity ?! why dont they just call their churches Pauline?! Oh right . It would fuck everyone up so much .

  • @simplysavvylife
    @simplysavvylife Před 8 měsíci +2

    Yes paul gives himself away and eveb qdmits he sounds like a crazy man.. his accounts of visions in a desert and inconsidtent, don't meet biblical or Jesus requirement for witnessed and proof but he calls himself an apostle based on a visiin akin to thr exact warnings Jesus gave. But you ask or explain this and they say YOU qre the one who isnt "saved" bc you didnt blindly repeat a few words in hopes of a get out of hell free ticket 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  • @eatfrenchtoast
    @eatfrenchtoast Před 8 měsíci +1

    The Bible can divinely inspire but is not divinely inspired. Give me a break folks

  • @Psalm_9394
    @Psalm_9394 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Question, In the book of the Clementine Homilies you speak of, does one get possessed by demons from eating meat or from eating meat sacrificed to idols?

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +2

      Eating dead flesh is one several activities that leads to demons being able to harass you, but I don't think it involves actual possession. Eating meat sacrificed to an idol is the one that can lead to possession. In the Homilies Peters tells Simon Magus (Who is believed to have originally been Paul, but was changed to Simon Magus by Rufinius when he translated the text) that he is under the control of the Prince of Demons because he ate meat that had been sacrificed to an idol.

  • @pegsol3834
    @pegsol3834 Před 8 měsíci +1

    I'm still watching the video where you're discussing eating meat sacrificed to idols. I stopped taking communion when i was still going to the Sunday churches after i had uncovered Paul as a false apostle. So I'm in a temple/ church of lawless Paulinists who are eating the body and blood of Jesus who was sacrificed. And this practice is only given in a letter of Saul/ Paul (if i remember correctly where communion is found)I have not partaken of this practice in a long time.

  • @Ruthseekingtruth
    @Ruthseekingtruth Před 8 měsíci +3

    It's very lonely out here. Is there any other women out there that believe this. I would love fellowship. Shalum

  • @orandegellogaming4793
    @orandegellogaming4793 Před 8 měsíci +1

    I’m so confused, so you are saying Paul’s writings are inspired but that he is openly doing things wrong and we are to look out for him as what not to do?
    I’m new to this controversy and very confused

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +4

      In this video I was pushing back against the Paulinists who claim to believe the entire Bible is inspired by God and is the unmitigated unadulterated "Word of God", but then refuse to accept the things that Paul says that they don't want to address.
      I think the only parts of Paul's writings that may be inspired by God are the things he says that expose him as being false. Why would he admit to being possessed by a demon that his Jesus refused to cast out of him? Why rant about the 12 apostles like he does? Why admit in a letter that he's got a different gospel with a different Jesus, a different Holy Spirit? The only explanation is that God made him expose himself as a warning to us.
      Doesn't mean that I accept his gospel as being true or Paul himself as an apostle, just that I accept the things he says about himself: He lies, he is in rebellion to the true gospel, and is demon possessed.

    • @orandegellogaming4793
      @orandegellogaming4793 Před 8 měsíci

      @@DavidHNotsari Jesus gave Peter authority and the keys to bind, Peter called Paul’s letters scripture 🤷

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +2

      Peter didn't say that Paul's writings were holy scripture, in the Greek text he called them "graphe" which just means "writings", your bible translator is the one that called them "scripture". Peter was issuing a warning about Paul, not an endorsement. czcams.com/video/5GobYh6Px08/video.html

    • @orandegellogaming4793
      @orandegellogaming4793 Před 8 měsíci

      @@DavidHNotsari these are the definitions listed of “graphe”
      a writing, thing written
      the Scripture, used to denote either the book itself, or its contents
      a certain portion or section of the Holy Scripture

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Okay, "graphe" IS "a writing, thing written" just like I said. You drop off your dry cleaning and they give you a laundry ticket, that's a graphe. You make out a shopping list, that's a graphe. You read a book on the history of Europe, that's a graphe. You write a letter to your brother, that's a graphe.
      The Bible is a "graphe" but not everything that is a "graphe" is the Scripture. Peter calling Paul's letters "graphe" is just calling them something written, not calling them Holy Scriptures. If he had called them "hiera grammata" you would have a point, because that does mean "holy scriptures" but "graphe" does not. The translator is rendering that verse in a way that is misleading, if he were to have translated it without any bias he would have translated it as "writings" not "scripture". The same is true about Peter saying Paul's letters are "hard to understand". The word translated "hard to understand" actually means "destroys good sense". Peter is saying that Paul's writings destroy good sense.

  • @markwilson6031
    @markwilson6031 Před 8 měsíci

    So we’ll done.

  • @WayOfHaQodesh
    @WayOfHaQodesh Před 6 měsíci

    @12:50 There's a reference error for 2 Cor 5:12, whereas in truth or is found in 2 Cor 12:12. Thought you may wanna change your slide for them Paulinists. HalleluYAH!

  • @danielwilliford5647
    @danielwilliford5647 Před 8 měsíci

    noun. Paul·​in·​ist. -nə̇st. plural -s. : a follower of the apostle Paul or of his teachings.

  • @jodisargent8360
    @jodisargent8360 Před 8 měsíci

    Wow-very interesting. I have never heard this before.

  • @marijapesova7358
    @marijapesova7358 Před 8 měsíci +2

    Just like the history does not record someone by the name of Jesus so the history does not record someone by the name of Paul in the time of apostles. Only religious book called The New Testament hava a record for them. But the history has recorded someone named Simon Magus who by description might be that Paul. And Simon Magus was the enemy of the true messiah and of the other apostles. Please read The Panarion and the recognitions of Clement.and all of onformation about Marcion where you can find enough information to get the whole picture. Paul is a fictional character blending the teaching of Simon Magus and Marcion who collected the books of Simon Magus and made the first New Testament out of them. Panarion is mentioning a prophet by the name of El xei who had brother James and who was from the group of Essens.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +3

      Josephus records James and both Jesus/Yeshua and Paul/Saul in the War of the Jews.

    • @marijapesova7358
      @marijapesova7358 Před 8 měsíci +1

      Epiphan ,the writer of the Panarion was against this sect and their belief and because of that I dont believe everything about El xei to be truth. ( I believe him to be the true messiah and Son of God, the one that is called Jesus in the New Testament and the that is called a propheth and Son of God who spent one year with his disciples in The recognitions of Clement.) Panarion......."After this sect in turn, comes another one which is closely connected
      with them, the one called the sect of the Ossaeans.1,4 The man called Elxai joined them later, in the reign of the emperor
      Trajan after the Savior’s incarnation, and he was a false prophet. He wrote
      a book, supposedly by prophecy or as though by inspired wisdom. They
      also say that there was another person, Iexaeus, Elxai’s brother. Elxai was deluded by nature and a deliberate fraud. Originally he
      was a Jew with Jewish beliefs, but he did not live by the Law. He introduced one thing after another and formed his own sect, (6) and designated salt,
      water, earth, bread, heaven, aether, and wind as objects for them to swear by
      as worship. But again, at some time he designated seven other witnesses-I
      mean the sky, water, “holy spirits” < as > he says, the angels of prayer, the
      olive, salt, and the earth.39 (7) He has no use for celibacy, detests continence
      and insists on matrimony. And as though < by > revelation, if you please,
      he introduced some further fi gments of his imagination. (8) But he taught
      hypocrisy, by saying that even though < one > should happen to worship
      idols in time of persecution, it is not a sin-just so long as he does not
      worship them in his conscience and, whatever confession he may make
      with his mouth, he does not make it in his heart.
      1,9 In addition the fraud ventured to produce a witness. He said that
      a Phineas, a priest of the stock of Levi, Aaron, and the ancient Phineas,
      escaped death in Babylon during the captivity by bowing down to the
      image of Artemis at Susa in the reign of King Darius. Thus all the things
      he teaches are false and futile.
      2,1 < As has been said > earlier, Elxai was connected with the sect I
      have mentioned, the one called the Ossaean. Even today there are still
      remnants of it in Nabataea, which is also called Peraea near Moabitis;
      this people is now known as the Sampsaean. They imagine that they are
      calling Elxai a power revealed,40 if you please, since “el” means “power”
      but “xai” is “hidden.” (2) But the whole of the insolence of the custom41
      was exposed in our own time, and incurred serious disgrace in the eyes of
      those who were capable of perceiving the truth and being certain of it.
      (< For the sect > still < survived > even < in our time >, during the reigns
      of Constantius and the current emperors.) (3) For until Constantius’ time
      a Marthus and a Marthana, two sisters descended from Elxai himself,
      were worshiped as goddesses in the Ossaean territory-because they were
      descended from this Elxai, if you please! Yet Marthus has recently died,
      (though Marthana is still alive)! (4) The deluded sectarians in that country
      would take even the sisters’ spittle away with them, and the other dirt from
      their bodies, supposedly as a protection against diseases. They surely didn’t...... And notice the craziness of the fraud! He
      bans burnt offerings and sacrifi ces, as something foreign to God and never
      offered to him on the authority of the fathers and Law,
      ...........For again, Elxai is associated
      with the Ebionites after Christ, as well as with the Nazoraeans, who came
      later. (5) And four sects have made use of him because they were bewitched
      by his imposture: Of those < that came > after him, < the > Ebionites
      < and > Nazoraeans; of those before his time and during it the Ossaeans,
      and the Nasaraeans whom I mentioned earlier ..........) And notice the craziness of the fraud! He
      bans burnt offerings and sacrifi ces, as something foreign to God and never
      offered to him on the authority of the fathers and Law (Panarion p.48.)@@DavidHNotsari

    • @marijapesova7358
      @marijapesova7358 Před 8 měsíci +1

      The same Simon Magus apostle Cefa is talking about in Recognitions of Clement as the one who had revelation on the road to Damascus is mentioned in Panarion as a leader of a different sect. Against Simonians,
      1 fi rst after the only Faith of Christ,
      but twenty-one of the series
      1,1 Simon Magus’s makes the fi rst sect to arise in the time between
      Christ and ourselves. It is made up of people who do not rightly or lawfully < believe > in Christ’s name, but perform their dreadful activities in
      keeping with the false corruption that is in them.
      1,2 Simon was a sorcerer, and came from Gitthon,2
      the city in
      Samaria-though it is a village now. He deluded the Samaritan people by
      deceiving and catching them with his feats of magic, (3) and said that he
      was the supreme power of God and had come down from on high.3
      the Samaritans he called himself the Father; but to Jews he said he was
      the Son,4
      though he had suffered without suffering, but suffered only in
      1,4 Simon made up to the apostles and, together with many he too, like
      the others, was baptized by Philip. All except Simon waited for the arrival
      of the chief apostles, and received the Holy Spirit through the laying on
      of their Simon’s heart was not right or his reason either, but he was addicted to a
      sordid covetousness and avarice and was certainly not ready to abandon his
      evil practice, he offered money to Peter the apostle, to give him the faculty
      of conveying the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands. For he had
      counted on spending a little money, and amassing a huge fortune and more
      in return for a small investment, by giving the Holy Spirit to others.6
      2,1 Since his mind was deranged and deluded by the devilish deceit in
      magic, and he was always ready to display the barbarous deeds of his own
      wickedness and demon’s wickedness through his magic arts,7
      he came out
      in the open and, under the appearance of Christ’s name, induced death
      in his converts by slipping a poison into the dignity of Christ’s name-as
      though he were mixing hellebore with honey-for those whom he had
      trapped in his baneful error. .........Simonians, the sect founded by Simon the magician from the
      Samaritan village of Gitthon, who lived during the time of the apostle

    • @marijapesova7358
      @marijapesova7358 Před 8 měsíci +1

      I believe that Saul was acctually Simon Mag who was later called Paul. The New Testament does not record why that change of name happen as usually does.

  • @danielwilliford5647
    @danielwilliford5647 Před 8 měsíci

    When you use the word paulinist are you indicating that they are pro Pauline writings or Anti Pauline writings? Because it keeps sounding like you're calling the Paulinists the one who are rejecting the inspiration of his writings

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +1

      The "Paulinists" are the people that call themselves Christians but actually follow Paul instead of Christ. The Paulinists typically reject the problem texts of Paul, which I believe God influenced Paul to insert in his writings so that followers of Jesus could identify him as a false prophet. These same people reject the inspiration of the warnings Jesus gave against Paul.
      I accept the text for what it says, and because I accept what Paul's writings say, I am left with no other choice but to reject him as an "apostle"/teacher/pastor or whatever other title one wants to give him. One cannot accept the entire text of the New Testament as inspired and turn-around and ignore certain parts to support Paul's supposed apostleship.

  • @terryfox9344
    @terryfox9344 Před 7 měsíci

    Well done. Personally, Paul never made sense to me. At the end of the day, we must all choose to follow Jesus or to follow Paul as the way to do the will of the Father.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 7 měsíci

      @terryfox9344 Glad you enjoyed it. Once you see through some of Paul's lies the rest of it just comes crumbling down. We were told back in Deut 13 that God would allow false prophets to test our loyalty, unfortunately many people are failing that test.

  • @nazareneoftheway3936
    @nazareneoftheway3936 Před 8 měsíci +2

    W Paul

  • @arneherstad2198
    @arneherstad2198 Před 8 měsíci +1

    If Paul is false, then so is Peter, who cited Paul's letters as being scripture in 2nd Peter.
    In John sixteen, Jesus foreshadowed what would come in the wake of his sufferings. The sermons in book of Acts, together with the epistles that followed, are the testimony of the Holy Spirit in fulfillment of the promise Jesus made on the night he was betrayed.
    To ignore the testimony of Paul, Luke and Peter is tantamount to ignoring the very words of Christ.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Peter didn't say that Paul's writings were holy scripture, he just called them "graphe" which just means "writings", your bible translator is the one that called them "scripture". Peter was issuing a warning about Paul, not an endorsement. czcams.com/video/5GobYh6Px08/video.html
      I have nothing against Peter or the author of Luke/Acts, I think they are both fine men, and Peter is a true apostle. In fact I follow Peter's teachings from the Clementine Homilies because they align with what Jesus taught and I respect him enough to actually take the time to understand what he was saying in 2 Peter 3:15-17 instead of using is to give endorsement to the person he was warning about.
      You claim that ignoring Paul is the same as ignoring Jesus? That's actually one of the objections I have to you Paulinists, you literally ignore the warnings in words of Jesus in order to accept Paul. You need to repent and follow the true gospel.

    • @arneherstad2198
      @arneherstad2198 Před 8 měsíci

      Okay. I'll reread the eight sermons in the book of Acts, just to make sure.

  • @mochamarie9741
    @mochamarie9741 Před 6 měsíci

    Who is Jacob, the Lord's brother Gal1:19
    Whi? Jacob was never the Messiah's brither.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 6 měsíci

      James' real name is Jacob. They changed it to James because King James wanted his name to be in the Bible.

  • @SimplyJaneTribe
    @SimplyJaneTribe Před 8 měsíci

    This one

  • @mochamarie9741
    @mochamarie9741 Před 6 měsíci

    Who is "we?"

  • @cherylreiter2107
    @cherylreiter2107 Před 2 měsíci


  • @philipnorthcutt5732
    @philipnorthcutt5732 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Don't wish for anything. Wishing is praying and requesting from demons.

  • @user-ih2fr2hi4q
    @user-ih2fr2hi4q Před 8 měsíci +1

    if Paul was a heretic, why did Peter call him "our beloved brother... ". what does that say about Peter? how Luke? following around a heretic? bad company corrupts good character, right? or Barnabas, or Silas? Paul was part of the council in Acts 15. 2 Peter 3: 15-16, where Peter equates Paul's letters as Scripture. twisting Paul's letters as they do THE OTHER Scriptures to their own destruction. people spend to much time listening to people. i thank Yeshua that He woke you up. peace.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +3

      Peter didn't call Paul's writings "Scripture", he called them "Graphe" which just means "writings". Peter was actually warning against Paul, not praising him. I did a video on this very subject a couple of weeks ago. czcams.com/video/5GobYh6Px08/video.html

    • @user-ih2fr2hi4q
      @user-ih2fr2hi4q Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@DavidHNotsari our beloved brother Paul the heretic. bye bye.

    • @user-ih2fr2hi4q
      @user-ih2fr2hi4q Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@DavidHNotsari define the word other, as in "as they do the OTHER Scriptures...". oh by the way Scripture means writing. as does graphe. the free exchange of ideas is foreign to you, huh.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +3

      Yes, graphe and scripture both mean writing. So if you write out a grocery list do you call that scripture too? If Peter was saying Paul's writings were considered Holy Scripture he would have called them "hiera grammata", not graphe.
      As it is, what he actually said was that Paul's letters contain things that "destroy sense", and people twist them to their own destruction as they do the other writings. If I told you to be careful of following the teachings of an instructor because people that follow his lessons are prone to fail, you would take that as a positive endorsement? Paul was claiming to be an apostle and Peter calls him a "brother", doesn't even call him a teacher or a pastor, you're grasping at straws by referring to 2 Peter 3:15-17.

  • @RobertTaylorServantOfYHWH
    @RobertTaylorServantOfYHWH Před 8 měsíci +1

    I know.. I know... "you've never heard this before"
    2 Peter 3:
    15 And account that the longsuffering of our ADON is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
    16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
    Repent man... this is truly sad. You are falling for it hook line and sinker. This is the very definition of unlearned.. pray for wisdom on this.. you are straying. Don't become lost. Prayer and shalom.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Peter was warning his followers about Paul in 2 Peter 3:15-17, he wasn't giving some sort of approval of his teachings. I address that here: czcams.com/video/5GobYh6Px08/video.html

    • @RobertTaylorServantOfYHWH
      @RobertTaylorServantOfYHWH Před 8 měsíci

      @DavidHNotsari you twist scripture there, I'm sure. Just as you have done in this video. Peter says our beloved brother Paul.. He says Paul's letters contain wisdom that the
      👉unlearned👈 twist just like they do the other scriptures. According to your faulty logic, Peter was also warning people about the authors of the Tanakh as well.. He clearly approved of Paul's writings, seeing how he compared them to the
      👉other👈 scriptures implying that Peter considered Paul's writing on par with scripture.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +1

      @RobertTaylorServantOfYHWH There is no "twisting" of Scripture in any of my videos, but you probably know that otherwise you would have no problem refuting the things I say point by point instead of clinging to such a weak argument as this.
      If you were to actually study to show yourself approved you would know that Peter does not call Paul's writings "scripture" because the Greek word "graphe" that Peter uses in verse 16 just means writings. The translator is the one "twisting scripture" and you're enabling it by quoting false translations to make your point.
      Anyway, the video I shared above fully addresses the issues with 2 Peter 3:15-17, so you can either watch it and learn the truth or refuse to because you know you will be proven wrong.

  • @richardclingempeel6111
    @richardclingempeel6111 Před 8 měsíci +1

    So you don't believe the book of romans is true? Especially Romans 5, that what Christ did on the cross, justified us by grace through faith? That it's Gods gift to us.

    • @simplysavvylife
      @simplysavvylife Před 8 měsíci +3

      Ha.not speaking for the author but Romans , all Paul books are to be questioned bc they impress a message opposite that of Jesus

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +4

      Romans 5 contradicts what Jesus said in the gospels, so no, I don't believe it. I'm presuming you watched the whole video, so you saw where Jesus told us not to believe Paul, and where Paul rejected the Apostles, and admitted that he was possessed by an Angel of Satan. None of that convinces you to reject him? Do you normally follow the teachings of ministers possessed by high-ranking demons, or is Paul the only one?

    • @richardclingempeel6111
      @richardclingempeel6111 Před 8 měsíci +1

      So, if it's not true, why did Yeshua die on the cross?

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Jesus died on the cross because he was true to his Father up unto the point of death. He died on the cross because he was murdered by Edomite jews because they hated him then, just like they do today.

  • @gilasquiggy7846
    @gilasquiggy7846 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? Is David of the bondwoman after the flesh. You got the wrong Book.

    • @greg384
      @greg384 Před 5 měsíci +1

      He doesn't really respond the criticism of his false claims

  • @nazorean
    @nazorean Před 8 měsíci

    Good one for Christmas!

  • @juliemeer3668
    @juliemeer3668 Před 27 dny


  • @juliemeer3668
    @juliemeer3668 Před 27 dny


  • @7seasons31
    @7seasons31 Před 8 měsíci +1

    All of your points are pretty ridiculous. Can God not redeem a descendent of Herod? Is he damned forever because of that? If not, why bring it up? I fully accept that he was related to Herod.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +3

      I don't know, I'm not the one who said beware of the leaven of Herod and of the Pharisees. I guess when you stand before him on the day of judgement you'll have to ask Jesus why he was being so ridiculous when he issued all those warnings about Paul.

  • @gilasquiggy7846
    @gilasquiggy7846 Před 8 měsíci +1

    You got the wrong Book.

  • @juliemeer3668
    @juliemeer3668 Před 27 dny


  • @giovanni545
    @giovanni545 Před 8 měsíci +1

    John 6:40 keep saying see and belives in CHRIST will have eternal life.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +8

      When the Greek phrase "Pisteuo Eis" (believe unto) is used in reference to a person it should be translated "obey unto" not believe. I discuss that in this video: czcams.com/video/FjiXf8mLX5U/video.html In my translation I have corrected John 6:40 to read the way the author intended for us to understand it.

    • @simplysavvylife
      @simplysavvylife Před 8 měsíci +1

      Not "believe in " but believe.. as in. Not believe I existed. Believe what I taught and do it. As in believe what I say, and if you believe it, your actions will show and carry that out

    • @simplysavvylife
      @simplysavvylife Před 8 měsíci +1

      Obey unto, obey, keep obeying..if you TRULY believe you will follow and/or DO. THOSE FEARFUL OF DOING LOVE EXCUSES THAT TELL THEM They're pleasing and awesome to God even if they knowingly keep breaking and going against tenants of freedom and source expression.

    • @simplysavvylife
      @simplysavvylife Před 8 měsíci

      Robbing Peter to pay Paul and all roads lead to Rome

  • @Clbhrdwck
    @Clbhrdwck Před 8 měsíci +1

    Ok, well I pray that you take this with an open mind… im not saying I'm the best theological teacher in the world, I also don't claim to have all the best, most accurate, perfect view of God's personality, but… but, I do feel like I've gained some understanding and insight into God's character. And despite being a fallen human, despite that I cannot live a perfect life that fully and completely glorifies God to the level He deserves. I still, with my limited knowledge, think you are taking this "teaching" in a direction that does not reflect Christ's character or love. Im fine with correction, that's the best way I learn, and I encourage "heresy hunters" to call out those that falsely speak for God so people will have a better, truer, understanding of God. First video of yours I've come across, but I think you may be stepping on some toes you don't want to step on… im all about understanding and truth, but I don't really understand your point. You sound like a Muslim, but I havnt done the digging to really understand what you believe. I'm happy to interact if you're willing to have a civil discussion, but I'm not gonna waste my time trying to figure out what you believe exactly

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +3

      @Clbhrdwck I'm not a Muslim, I'm a Nazarene. I've got quite a few other teachings on Paul that discuss him from different angles, this particular video was done in the format that it was to address people who claim to believe the "entire Bible is pure, unadulterated Word of God" and reject everything except for Paul, and then they only accept the parts of Paul that they like.
      As far as "stepping on toes" I don't care. I'm speaking the truth in the best way I know how to, if anyone doesn't like it it doesn't matter to me. Only thing that I care about is staying loyal to my King, Yeshua of Nazareth.

    • @Clbhrdwck
      @Clbhrdwck Před 8 měsíci +1

      @DavidHNotsari brother… I'm not saying your not a christian, we are at a unique time in history, I do pray that you wake up but I don't think that very many people will actually wake up, you're not the only person that I have come across to have issues with, but I still love you as a brother, just to make sure you know that I'm not going to fight against you

    • @Clbhrdwck
      @Clbhrdwck Před 8 měsíci

      @@DavidHNotsari one of the big differences between Muslims and Christians is that they believe the Quran is itself Devine, but there are obvious problems and contradictions. Just like the few that the Bible has (and the Bible is much older). You seem to think you're full of zeal, I'm a pretty zealous christian myself. But sarcasm and hate don't prove your point… I'll listen closer, but I don't recall you giving any proofs, just that you don't like Paul

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +3

      What are you talking about? All I said in the video is that I don't like Paul? I spent an hour reading verse after verse from the Bible to prove my points. You didn't see the Bible verses on the screen?
      When did I say that I hated anyone? And what's wrong with using sarcasm to make a point, would you rebuke Elijah for 1 Kings 18:27?

    • @Clbhrdwck
      @Clbhrdwck Před 8 měsíci

      @@DavidHNotsari id be happy to talk with you 1on1, I think we may be talking past each other on some points, but typing comments isn't the best way to communicate

  • @stevenvanvuuren8394
    @stevenvanvuuren8394 Před 8 měsíci +1


    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +2

      Saying that God was able to influence Paul to expose himself as a false apostle, despite the fact that he was possessed is not blasphemy. I never called a demon possession inspired words of God. Quit trying to twist what I'm saying into something to justify your little temper tantrum you're throwing in my comments section.

  • @juliemeer3668
    @juliemeer3668 Před 27 dny


  • @bornagaincarpenter
    @bornagaincarpenter Před 8 měsíci +1

    Its better to just believe the bible

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +3


    • @bornagaincarpenter
      @bornagaincarpenter Před 8 měsíci +1

      @danpaulson927 because God is not the author of confusion nor is our understanding an authority

    • @bornagaincarpenter
      @bornagaincarpenter Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@DavidHNotsari you don't know what Jesus said

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +1

      @bornagaincarpenter My experience over the last 15 years or so leads me to believe that I know more of what Jesus said than most pastors. And I obviously know more than you, because "it's better to just believe the Bible" flies in the face of what Jesus and his Apostles taught. Jesus said the Spirit of Truth will lead us to truth, He never said that the Bible would.

    • @bornagaincarpenter
      @bornagaincarpenter Před 8 měsíci

      @danpaulson927 my evidence is the bible. Proverbs 3 and 1 cor 14:33

  • @danielbrowniel
    @danielbrowniel Před 8 měsíci +1

    Anti Paulism is delusional. You guys remind me of flat earthers. You could take Paul out of the Bible and my theology wouldn't be any different.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +3

      I think it's pretty delusional to follow the teachings of a man who admits he is possessed by an Angel of Satan, but to each his own.

  • @jrodr7885
    @jrodr7885 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Your are just a false teacher 😂

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci +2

      Oh, you again. Still falsely accusing me because I urge people to actually follow Jesus instead of a demon-possessed false apostle. So, have you come up with an actual reason I'm false teacher yet, or are you still not able to defend your claim?

    • @jrodr7885
      @jrodr7885 Před 8 měsíci

      @@DavidHNotsari you have an evil heart why don’t you grow in love and go preach to all the nations and stop discrediting Paul 😂🤡repent evil doer 😂

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před 8 měsíci

      Still have nothing to respond with other than ad hominem attacks? Weak. Why can't you address any of the actual points I make in the videos?
      BTW, Paul discredits himself, all I'm doing is bringing attention to his lies.

  • @Nazarene_Judaism
    @Nazarene_Judaism Před 8 měsíci

    anyone seeking for nazarene judaism please add us