IRR takes the fight against Expropriation Without Compensation (EWC) to Parliament - IRR

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • The IRR takes the fight against EWC to Parliament. It argues that EWC in any form is destructive and will harm the lives and living standards of black and white South Africans alike. It also argues that redress in poor communities is important but that the Constitution already allows for this. It further argues that under existing Constitutional provisions actioned via soft loans, grants, and proper extension services much may be achieved to redistribute land to black people and that it supports such efforts. However such redress must occur with compensation. This the IRR argues is central to fairness which is the fulcrum upon which the Constitution rests.

Komentáře • 509

  • @jvanniekerk1
    @jvanniekerk1 Před 6 lety +10

    What an intelligent and well articulated address and presentation.
    From today, this gentleman should do all speaking and presentation on this topic, against land expropriation without, or with lesser than market value, compensation.
    Give this gentleman a platform to speak more.

  • @robert8552
    @robert8552 Před 6 lety +10

    Just listening to the arrogance and downright stupidity of some of these committee members one realizes that this country has no sustainable future!

  • @vanrensburg3760
    @vanrensburg3760 Před 6 lety +74

    The indian fella had a problem with how you addressed the madam, yet he addresses a member of parliament as White Man and no one says a thing.

    • @vanrensburg3760
      @vanrensburg3760 Před 6 lety +11

      Had it be the opposite, a white member saying "and you can laugh black man/indian man. It would of been in the main stream news.

    • @halkirk2501
      @halkirk2501 Před 6 lety +11

      That little colored man is ignorant. The white man was being very respectful to the black eff member of the committee

    • @niciv.n.8747
      @niciv.n.8747 Před 6 lety +1

      So..maybe Indians or so..must take over...and demand the best.Blacks will listen for them...cuz they are not white.If they hate white so much...what will they do if God comes back in bright WHITE light???

    • @pietpompies9261
      @pietpompies9261 Před 6 lety

      Lucienne Lincoln Gabriel, jy is reg hy is 'n ma se poes...

    • @nutronhammernutronhammer
      @nutronhammernutronhammer Před 6 lety

      Paulsen is his name, i doubt if he's indian

  • @maryduplessis2510
    @maryduplessis2510 Před 6 lety +18

    What a breath of fresh air. Mr Martin Brassie puts forward facts and reason in such a way that everyone understands. The only way those who were opposed to the presentation could respond was with emotion and not facts or even ask a coherent question and as such they were ruled out of order. So, yes, this Committee is a farce but does fulfil another role in that people will be more informed about their rights regards property rights. Regards the man representing the EFF who stated that Mr Brassie was being condescending, he was not, he gave a constructive answer and the EFF had no answer for it so turned the matter into a personal one. In other words they were made to look like the idiots they are.

  • @petroshingalana8556
    @petroshingalana8556 Před 6 lety +9

    Sir you are going to speak till you are blue! They will not listen like they did not listen in Zimbabwe, sir there own peoples suffered very badly, but they do not care, because they only look to there own pockets. BUT GOD IS STILL ALIVE AND WELL AND HE WILL STILL DO SOMETHING TO HELP US.

  • @grahamt5924
    @grahamt5924 Před 6 lety +63

    its amazing to see people that say they hate racism, being so racist.

    • @eugenerudman
      @eugenerudman Před 6 lety +1

      indeed. if you want to see the biggest gathering of racists on the face of the planet, just look at SA parliament

    • @emanueltsegaye8229
      @emanueltsegaye8229 Před 6 lety +3

      Eugene Rudman if you want to see the biggest racist gathering in the world is in the stolen land of SA Orania

    • @juanbrits3002
      @juanbrits3002 Před 6 lety +4

      Orania was an abandoned town with no infrastructure, a population of 0, was bought from the Government and was build up by white labour only cause otherwise people like you would've tried to lay claim to it, now you want it cause the whites there actually made the town worth something, instead of being envious go and build your own town.

    • @tmanmchail7298
      @tmanmchail7298 Před 6 lety

      Juan Brits which government?

    • @richtedesco2456
      @richtedesco2456 Před 6 lety

      Emanuel Tsegaye wrote - _ if you want to see the biggest racist gathering in the world is in the stolen land of SA Orania_
      *Orania was not stolen ...and how are they racist? ...I suggest they built their own community out of necessity, to protect themselves from all the violent black knuckle-draggers that think they're entitled to everything that white people own ...They're not bothering anyone ...they're self sufficient ..they even have their own currency*
      *It's not like black people don't congregate in towns and cities doubt in far larger numbers ...white people build a town on that enormous continent and blacks now want it ...."they're racist" ..."they stole it" ..same old bullshit

  • @mondligasa6583
    @mondligasa6583 Před 6 lety +88

    The land Expropriation Without compensation must not happen...only land reform and land restitution.

    • @JAG8691
      @JAG8691 Před 6 lety +7

      Agreed. It must involve Expropriation with minimal compensation though which is used by most Western governments if in the public interest but without compensation it is theft, driven by Ideology,greed and vindictiveness and is going to adversely affect the Agronomy as well as the National Economy. Also the people must own the land with a title deed, not have to lease the land from the state otherwise the people will still be landless and increasingly vulnerable as the Agricultural sector is shrinking and climate change occuring quicker than anticipated.

    • @mzwakhethenjwayo3618
      @mzwakhethenjwayo3618 Před 6 lety +6

      Why must the whites be compensated for land that they took from the Black people by force?

    • @angelstar5084
      @angelstar5084 Před 6 lety +11

      Thenjwayo Mzwakhe, government got surplus land, they just dont want to give it, because it's for their comrades. They rather steal it from the citizens of south African who bought it from person, then this person sold it to the next person and so the cycle of sale continued. It takes a person 30 years to pay for a home, most time we pay so much then we never really own it. So yeah it like paying rent, taxes,interest blaa we never stop paying. Interest is so heavy that sometimes it can take longer thrn 30 yeara to pay and we lose our homes when we cant pay. Life tough, everybody wants money.

    • @niciv.n.8747
      @niciv.n.8747 Před 6 lety +5

      @@mzwakhethenjwayo3618 ...never took by force.Somebody lied for you as child.Read real history.

    • @nhlakaniphonhlaka1533
      @nhlakaniphonhlaka1533 Před 6 lety +3

      Antonio Alvarez you wanna tell us that the Dutch arrived before the Zulus, Xhosas, Sotho, Swati and the rest of South African tribes. Stop lying

  • @michaelchristophergutierre7244

    IRR thank you for bringing analysis and fact to the table. I have a background in Social Work and Social Policy and what I see is the following in short
    1. Land expropriation
    2. Economic instability
    3. Food shortage
    4. S. Africa crumbles
    5. S. Africa indebted to the China, IMF and or World Bank-CHECK MATE
    All the while the Chinese will get their raw materials and factories - As Africa is their go to for cheap labor, minerals and raw materials .

    • @clavehove2806
      @clavehove2806 Před 6 lety

      and the white racist boer a saviour??

    • @JAG8691
      @JAG8691 Před 6 lety +3

      Quest Physics China already owns a harbour in Djibouti, airport in Zambia, multiple mines in several African countries,multiple farms as well, building a mine in Limpopo and others planned for the future in land soon to be expropriated - The Chinese Central Government plans of the mid 1970's are slowly evolving, you have to admire the brilliance of their planning, patience, persistence and execution.

    • @michaelchristophergutierre7244
      @michaelchristophergutierre7244 Před 6 lety +2

      @Brad Smith when I say labor im talking about the cheapest laborers in the factories that will be making .30 cents or so an hour.
      I agree they will bring in thier own like they have in other countries already like Kenya. Yes some token blacks are giving jobs But most the higher wage positions are kept for the Chinese.
      But we will see how this plays out. I don't have a crystal ball that's just my theory.

    • @michaelchristophergutierre7244
      @michaelchristophergutierre7244 Před 6 lety +1

      @@clavehove2806 I'm not sure what you mean but it appears the white commercial farmers will be leaving eventually. But is the sentiment all whites should leave the country? Please give me your insight?

    • @niciv.n.8747
      @niciv.n.8747 Před 6 lety +2

      @@clavehove2806 ....always.Otherwise....all of you were dead by now...from aids,hunger,murder each other,all kind of sicknesses without meds/hospitals...and....and...and.

  • @r4zorsslaughterhous397
    @r4zorsslaughterhous397 Před 6 lety +3

    I would be extremely interested to see every member of parliament undergo a legitimate IQ test done by a reputable psychiatric institution. before they're allowed to introduce a bill to change a country's constitution.

  • @jocklog1
    @jocklog1 Před 6 lety +11

    THERE IS NO DEBATE. One cannot "debate" if you refuse to take into account ALL THE FACTS. Mondi Gasa (comment below mine) is perfectly correct. REFORM is what we need and it's a process. I cannot understand why .... or perhaps I can .... understand why these people cannot LEARN from others. I was BORN here .... I NEVER decided to MANIFEST here .... WHY AM I BEING PUNISHED FOR BEING BORN HERE????????????????????????????? WHY ARE MY CHILDREN HAVING TO SUFFER FOR BEING BORN HERE????????????????????? I WAS NEVER "PRIVILEGED" IN ANY WAY. I GREW UP IN A POOR FAMILY and I never had money to continue studies. I have NEVER OWNED property!!!!!!!!!!!!! Much less been "just GIVEN" PROPERTY. I am a human being like any other black person. HOW CAN I BEING DISCRIMINATED AGAINST BECAUSE OF HISTORY????? CAN I SUE THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT BECAUSE OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION?????? OR SHAKA ZULU for killing his brother??????????????

  • @r4zorsslaughterhous397
    @r4zorsslaughterhous397 Před 6 lety +11

    Expropriation without compensation is the last absolutely desperate powerplay for the ANC to cling to power because people are losing patience and faith in them as leadership. and for the EFF to gain political traction.

    • @marqueemark5917
      @marqueemark5917 Před 6 lety +3

      , I agree, leave them the dust. Leave no building standing or crop without being burned out . Let these Marxist bastards eat their own children when there is nothing left

  • @southafricaawakening6666
    @southafricaawakening6666 Před 6 lety +13

    This process is a perfect demonstration of pure ignorance on the part of government and all those who support the EWC process. How they can even ask how the people are going to suffer more is just a case of not being willing to see further than their noses. Anyone who knows what has happened in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Angola and Venezuela can answer that question.
    Any attempt at reasoning with these idiots is a pure waste of time and resources.

    • @johnbgibbs
      @johnbgibbs Před 6 lety +3

      When your intellectual capability is below a certain threshold your thought processes are dominated by myopic, short-term thinking and emotions. Working through a line of reasoning is impossible.
      They simply cannot see the limitation of an 8-man boat.
      They believe that chucking 4 white people into the water is going to make space for 80 black people. The boat WILL sink and then NOBODY will have a boat.
      They really don't care.
      They only want to inflict pain.
      They cannot see the the sense in rolling up their sleeves and helping with building more boats.
      Instead they burn trains, wreck cars, torture farmers, destroy university buildings, kill each other, attack their teachers...
      They believe the mad rantings of the likes of Malema - who is using the mindless multitudes as useful idiots to feather his vast nest.
      It's grim!

    • @asandangubane3167
      @asandangubane3167 Před 6 lety

      This topic only shows how divided we are as the nation. People who grew and lived most part of their lives in RSA but still ain't proud of being the South Africans. The pointing of fingers helps nothing, it changes nothing but tears us apart further along the racial lines. Threats changes nothing, but what changes everything, is if you do not hide behind your screens and voice out what you believe with the aim of finding common ground with one another. You may claim we are ignorant misguided/misled. To me, the "ignorant one" I just see a person protecting his/her superior status after it has received a little bit of disturbances, and that changes nothing. The fact that most "whites" people have alienated themselves from low class people(most blacks) proves Malema correct to a certain extend( imperialism exists).Suggestion: just for experience sake, go and live in townships and experience something below your nose for once. See what they see, but that if you are as concern enough that you found the need to share your mind.

    • @asandangubane3167
      @asandangubane3167 Před 6 lety

      Assuming your intellectual capability above all others and your boat metaphor, I will presume you are man of greater I.Q AND E.Q. But what have you ever done not this year may be, that could indicate you display no imperialism and white supremacism?? That indicate your passion of concern above or are you good at complaining like Trevour Noah once said. Have you are to share your intellectual prowess for the betterment of the country?

    • @southafricaawakening6666
      @southafricaawakening6666 Před 6 lety +2

      @@asandangubane3167 I find your replies so ironic. What you are actually asking is what has the white man done for the black man lately. What has the white man given to the black man lately. That right there is your problem, you black people want everything done for you, given to you and of course it has to be for free because you are entitled to it.
      Why dont you tell the world your success story of how in the last 24 years of total dominance you built a great nation by educating yourselves and building something great from the ground up. The truth is, the black nation has done nothing but go backwards for the last 24 years. You have destroyed more schools in the last 24 years of rule than you ever destroyed fighting apardheid. The more grants you get the less you do for yourselves. Please tell us what you as a black nation have achieved over the last 24 years besides multiply at rates that seem impossible on paper.

    • @johnbgibbs
      @johnbgibbs Před 5 lety +2

      Unfortunately the vast numbers of least educated, and least equipped to choose good leaders will keep voting for one who appeals to their emotions.
      There ARE plenty of good black men, with the intelligence and wisdom needed to lead a country, but these guys are not popular, as their ideas are seen as too "white". Ridiculous!
      Wisdom is NOT a white thing!
      Blacks, for goodness sake, put your support behind somebody who is not an idiot, and who really does have the future interests of South Africa foremost in his mind!
      The ANC/EFF crowd are only interested in causing a massive train wreck so that they can loot it and feather their own nests. Just like Zim.
      Wake up.
      This is NOT a black/white thing. This is Marxism versus proven western capitalism thing.

  • @BBQ725
    @BBQ725 Před 6 lety +10

    I respect the IRR I think I should do my internship there I like logic and factual debate with robust solutions

  • @sayithigher
    @sayithigher Před 6 lety +8

    Carter asks the most intelligent question of all and she gets blocked. This thing is rigged !!!!!!!!!!

  • @angelstar5084
    @angelstar5084 Před 6 lety +11

    South Africans we are one trillion in debt according to eff, I said in the beginning when this started south Africa is broke they need assets cheap to sell at a higher value. This they think is this is the solution, but it wont yeld rewards. This madness will not end unless anc is voted out and we vote for an honest government like cope.

    • @axemanfink3228
      @axemanfink3228 Před 6 lety +1

      for the chinese its about creating gdp. think there is some video that explains how the africa puzzle works for them. basically because the rest of africa has massive potential for business they invest in africa.dont think normal farms are high on their list except those that have the capacity and infrastructure for mass production.

    • @stephenjohnson6632
      @stephenjohnson6632 Před 5 lety +1

      And who do you think the leaders an the eliet of The EFF And BLF are working for the poor SA ,
      You only have to listern to the speak in parliament about saying the state should hold the seized commercial farms land, because thay think they will win the next election.and the EFF leader will be the next president of SA so they will be the onces to deal with china and beliefs from the deals

  • @NarchaoticNarcissism
    @NarchaoticNarcissism Před 6 lety +6

    If the Government did not give all our TAX money to the Guptas then they probably could have paid ("Compensated") every land owner for their land and distribute it to the people. but lets just add another victim to the incompetence that is this government.

  • @vryburgerenkryger5768
    @vryburgerenkryger5768 Před 5 lety +1

    Thanks for so truth and intelligence from IRR

  • @lizstapelberg6803
    @lizstapelberg6803 Před 6 lety +19

    You dont have an answer.. people paid money for their land

  • @astraeashaw4768
    @astraeashaw4768 Před 6 lety +8

    It is a pity that they do not understand what dignity is! Malema has not the foggiest about dignity! Pity the children!

  • @diogenes1212
    @diogenes1212 Před 6 lety +3

    So we need expropriation without compensation so that black people can be poor with dignity? What utter rubbish. Obviously some of those commission members have never been poor. There is no dignity when you are starving.
    What is you plan then, send people out of the cities to do subsistence farming and when the crops fail let them starve with dignity because they are starving on their own land?
    Millions people in South Africa are dependent on social grants!! 12 million child support grants are being paid. How will the government pay those social grants, when investment stops and the rand plummets? RSA won't be able to sell enough coal or platinum or diamonds to pay for the wages of state employees, let alone pay social grants.
    So what is your answer to that? Send a single mother with her three small children to do subsistence farming? Give her her dignity and let her and her children starve?
    EFF and ANC you don't represent the people. You never have, and never will. All you want is state communism along the lines of the Bolsheviks: A one party state with its members and beneficiaries taking what they want from whom they want and the rest of the people enslaved.
    Dividing the South African population between white black brown Indian is just your strategy to stop the people from stopping the ANC and EFF.

  • @BdT141
    @BdT141 Před 6 lety +2

    It comes back to the "sins of the father" thing. Yes, there were injustices commited. Yes, it must be rectified...but fighting fire with fire, violence with violence, isn't going to work. Today's generation shouldn't be punished for it's predecessors' mistakes. If your father commits a crime, but dies in prison before his sentence is completed, should you go to jail for the remainder of it? Should you carry the burden of what he did, NO!!

  • @michaelsathekge3262
    @michaelsathekge3262 Před 5 lety +3

    I wonder what might happen if the house my family bought right after ‘94 could be argued under this law cos ultimately we bought it from a white owner... would that make our black ownership of that particular land criminal by extension? 🤔

  • @wynandbritz9056
    @wynandbritz9056 Před 6 lety +35

    RIP SA. Communist envy has taken over these minds

    • @thekgi1349
      @thekgi1349 Před 6 lety +2

      Rest in peace Apartheid and dispossession of Black South Africans.

    • @gelatinejaap
      @gelatinejaap Před 6 lety +3

      Rip freedom i'd say

    • @sanelefakude3560
      @sanelefakude3560 Před 6 lety +1

      RIP European thuggery and tyrant thief invader

    • @niciv.n.8747
      @niciv.n.8747 Před 6 lety

      @@thekgi1349 ....heaven and hell will be apart from each day if God/Jesus come back.Satan and his followers,have to stay in tears or fight will then help.Forget the past on earth.

    • @niciv.n.8747
      @niciv.n.8747 Před 6 lety +5

      @@sanelefakude3560 European countries only go forward to richer and cleaner places...better roads,etc...and NEVER burn their schools,trains,busses and blacks in SA.Tell's the world a lot about differences,hey?

  • @Skallywax
    @Skallywax Před 6 lety +1

    Best reply and proposal thus far. Hitting the nail on the head!

  • @toady0013
    @toady0013 Před 6 lety +4

    I don't know how many times the Advocate needs to explain how EWC will negatively effect the population... they keep asking the same question without understanding. Basic economics really and I am referring to productive land.

  • @beerstein7137
    @beerstein7137 Před 6 lety +4

    How come did this presentation see so little attention in the media? Also interesting to note how different Steven Swart's response was when compared to his response to the Afriforum presentation.

  • @ahmeddeedatjalloh4892
    @ahmeddeedatjalloh4892 Před 5 lety +1

    There are other African countries with black owning lands but are still suffering.

  • @jasoncreamer5747
    @jasoncreamer5747 Před 6 lety +7

    Wasn't it the South African Institution of race relations who basically predicted South Africa would go through massive political change which could be extremely violent in the year 2024 at a speech for the CATO institute?
    I wonder if that prediction will come true sooner than they predicted.

    • @niciv.n.8747
      @niciv.n.8747 Před 6 lety +1

      .....yes 'Mandjie'😛😅....your pro'pic.

  • @zoyailpatel3608
    @zoyailpatel3608 Před 2 lety

    High time for this best defence of human rights yet,

  • @MrNiuj
    @MrNiuj Před 6 lety +1

    As an outsider looking in, South Africa is looking like a failed state waiting to happen. Which in turn will hurt every Black person around the world.

  • @marieroth3940
    @marieroth3940 Před 6 lety +11

    The population groups in 1968 were Indian, Coloured and white were equal to the number of black people. The white population has remained the same and yet the black population has expanded to current numbers. How could that happen without resulting in suffering, inequality and poverty?

    • @tebogoledwaba7535
      @tebogoledwaba7535 Před 6 lety

      wa gafa...

    • @grendalsnap7158
      @grendalsnap7158 Před 6 lety +4

      It's ok. Communism will help with that problem as communism always reduces the population.

    • @deanoswell3302
      @deanoswell3302 Před 6 lety

      Tebza Murembula .. non disrespect .. just'. what do you mean, " we gafa...". . .please

    • @deanoswell3302
      @deanoswell3302 Před 6 lety

      Brad Smith ...Brad, a " bang up job at genocide " ... meaning (?), please. .....??

    • @axemanfink3228
      @axemanfink3228 Před 6 lety +1

      if you have a cheap lifestyle you can raise more children. i often see them buying these 50kg packs of maize meal for i think R50 or R80. its the analogy of the old people invading south park take away their restaurants and they will die out. they dont understand the reason its so cheap is because the farmer is so good at what he does. take away that take away cheap chicken think they buy these 50 kg packs at i think R200 and their means wont be able to provide food for them anymore. in effect black south africa is toying with a sharp knife at its own neck. you need a lot of tons of maize to feed everyone masses of chicken if you suddenly barrel production you will suffer. they understand that but it does not sound as good for the voters as we take all the farms and hand it to you. a fool is as a fool does.

  • @helenduplessis4166
    @helenduplessis4166 Před 2 lety

    This is so distressing.. How can our politicians have such a blinkered view? Do they not understand how an economy works?

  • @Mikhail69Jerkov
    @Mikhail69Jerkov Před 6 lety

    The IRR bloke was very clear and concise in delivering the institutes policy positions.
    The committee in comparison... Absolutely, unequivocally, flipping useless...

  • @fred9za
    @fred9za Před 6 lety +3

    eff is what happens when you let kids do an adults job

  • @willgeorge5644
    @willgeorge5644 Před 6 lety +5

    15.4 million houses have been built since 1994 democratic elections, and white population is now less than then, Also many black people have bought houses. the Total number of white people is now 4 million, so who owns the 15.4 million new houses? Answer is: the government, they build RDP houses, but let them out. So the number can't possible be as they say, there are 4 million white people, if they live 4 to a house they can only occupy 1 million houses, but I high proportion don't own houses. with those 15.4 million built for black people only and the houses black people have bought, there are at least 20 million? Also about farms, it is natural that most land is farmed, so farmers own most land? for the to change racially, you need more black farmers, there is plenty of land. The emphasis in the land redistribution hearings was that land must be TAKEN without compensation, not that land must be given to anyone, although that is wanted too. They say things like " they stole all the land they have, all land must be taken without compensation". but those farmers bought the farms they have. people have been told they stole it by EFF.

  • @heaty007
    @heaty007 Před 6 lety

    This is not about racism. Its about money. South Africa needs to think of a way to quickly put wealth in the hands of South African people.

  • @HeinrichDaHammer
    @HeinrichDaHammer Před 6 lety

    For so many intelligent people in a room, I am astounded to see they cannot comprehend how they will suffer more if they are already poor, how their suffering will increase. I am not someone on that committee, I do not have the experience they have. I can, however, see that if EWC happens, our currency will crash even further. Our Rand will be worth even less, petrol will go up even more! The cost of basic food will rise to such a level that the poor will not be able to afford it at all.
    They will all starve. Do they want a picture of how bleak the future will be if they press forward with that decision? The lack of respect for each other in that room is shocking. I hope that the IRR will be able to make an informed decision that does not end up destroying this country.

  • @MM.Romeynders
    @MM.Romeynders Před 5 lety +1

    Very informative, but, unfortunately those who must hear, see and understand can do neither of them. Come what may, they will take the land .... without compensation, and thereafter the great fall will start.

  • @harmmany214
    @harmmany214 Před 6 lety +1

    land expropriation without compensation will lead to legal battles likely costing more than the fair market value of the land, the damage it will do will not stop there. Forcibly removing all of the people who know to run large commercial farms and putting in people that were workers, homesteaders, or unskilled previously will make the farms significantly less efficient.
    In case anyone does not know, farms are not highly profitable- losing a significant amount of efficiency will result in farms operating at huge losses- leading to lower amounts of food availability as farms fail and close. This will result in the government seeking aid, and becoming indebted to other countries for food subsidies which they will still have to pay for.
    It will hurt the image of South Africa as a place to do business, especially set up business in South Africa, when property rights are seen as being insecure by every nation and every ethnic group. Especially when the land was developed, made productive, by the people currently owning the land and that in of itself has some value which is being dismissed.
    The failing farms and failing country will be bailed out by the country most interested in Africa, which is China. China as a country cares less about the concerns of its population and equality than most "white" countries.
    If the government actually wants to do this in a way that will benefit South Africa, they would buy the farms back at fair market value, or possibly part of the larger farms and offer compensation for training to run large commercial farms for specific individuals.
    The whole land expropriation is a front for selling land to China, by seizing it from the current owners under the guise that they are not the rightful owners - it will profit a few currently in the government while the country and public of South Africa (black & white & whatever) will suffer in the end for it.

  • @austinsummersofficial631
    @austinsummersofficial631 Před 6 lety +1

    Damn I was hoping he could answer the last 2 questions. Those were really important.

  • @optimistic5778
    @optimistic5778 Před 6 lety +1

    My black neighbors aren't getting tendors anymore becuase of this fiasco.

  • @jeannotnelson4048
    @jeannotnelson4048 Před 6 lety +1

    the victim will always have a narrative - listen to this Hammas son speaking the truth about similiar things in the EAST.

  • @quintinlauwrens1162
    @quintinlauwrens1162 Před 6 lety +10

    O my goodness. This is a joke.

  • @kamvabotya3895
    @kamvabotya3895 Před 6 lety

    I cant help but wonder what would have happened if in 1994 Azanian people voted otherwise!!Now we have to tiptoe around these supremists!!I am a firm believer in a socialist South Africa!!And this will continue for generations if this government fails us

  • @belle6414
    @belle6414 Před 2 lety

    NOBODY who owns land today took it at the barrel of a gun. If they can find anybody who did, then sure, expropriation it!

  • @waynevanrensburg8037
    @waynevanrensburg8037 Před 3 lety

    God bless Africa 😢

  • @nervotica7991
    @nervotica7991 Před 6 lety +1

    Would have been nice to hear his answer to the last question....

  • @hohhot56inner3
    @hohhot56inner3 Před 4 lety

    The black South Africa have lots of anger of the past and that won't take the country prosperity anywhere

  • @kobie451
    @kobie451 Před 6 lety +1

    Lol they can announce stimulus packages until the cows come. There is no way any stimulus package will help our country while they are pushing this hard for all white property to be taken. Just looking at my own situation, i have stopped with my plans to invest in my property, why should i risk it. This on my small scale is resulting in job losses due to me now having a wait and see attitude. It seems my money is safer in dollar investments than in rands. We complain about the poor, but forget about the many more poor this will potentially create due to no investment. It is easy for someone without a job to do whatever they can to gain something for nothing. It is not so easy when u have job, and this is threatening that very job. Asking my employees if they prefer a piece of land or a job, most have a piece of rural land and all of them prefer to have their jobs, than to go do some small scale farming that does not pay the bills and the education of their children.

  • @michaellawson6533
    @michaellawson6533 Před 6 lety +2

    I dont believe that half of them understood precisely the implications of what the advocate was telling them .

  • @lizstapelberg6803
    @lizstapelberg6803 Před 6 lety +3

    We are living in the 21st century ...

  • @SoNoFTheMoSt
    @SoNoFTheMoSt Před 6 lety +1

    Quick question, what is the state of agricultural education in south africa?

  • @danubuska
    @danubuska Před 5 lety +1

    All I hear is starvation and unrest is on its way by a government

  • @godfrey6946
    @godfrey6946 Před 2 lety +1

    Why are we still discussing and begging for what is rightfully ours??? Debate with a criminal is a waste of time.

  • @manuel-se7rj
    @manuel-se7rj Před 6 lety +7

    So much hate, very sad!

    • @JAG8691
      @JAG8691 Před 6 lety +2

      manu el Most of this process is a absolute farce and is a longterm agenda. This is driven by Ideology, greed and vindictiveness. This is not going to end well for the majority of the population and if the Marxists on the committee think that the Black population is bad off now then they must wait and see what is going to happen.

    • @manuel-se7rj
      @manuel-se7rj Před 6 lety +1

      Patrick Kazan do you and +jorge know each other?

    • @JAG8691
      @JAG8691 Před 6 lety

      Patrick Kazan Do you know me? What have you done to help and save African people's lives? I know what I have done and what I continue to do so Fuck you and those of you hateful ilk whatever your skin tone is, you are all Brothers under the Skin - a true pestilence on this planet.

  • @stephenhenning3576
    @stephenhenning3576 Před 6 lety

    There's so much unused land owned by the government. Why not distribute it amongst the needy and teach them how to utilize it properly, thus helping them progress and contribute to society.

  • @ahmeddeedatjalloh4892
    @ahmeddeedatjalloh4892 Před 5 lety

    Its sadden me to see some people jubilating simply because other peoples land are about to be seized and given to them. Presently, South Africa is one of the best countries in Africa. Sadly, it is on the verge of being the worse countries on the continent.

  • @siyamanci2596
    @siyamanci2596 Před 6 lety


  • @dayapillai2230
    @dayapillai2230 Před 3 lety

    Expropriation without compensation is pure spitefulness, the land is so vast and the settlers came to South Africa to make good . However they did not anticipate having to fight wars with a super power like Britain at that time. Wherever they were pushed to is where they settled . For ever they have fed the country and while doing this the country has mindlessly kept breeding and being envious of what others can do . let's face it , you can't even grow potatoes . Now that they have a predominantly black government who appear to be corrupt and the country facing bankruptcy, they want to take the last thing that is working so that they can appease the blacks before the blacks turn on them.

  • @zongorehema6282
    @zongorehema6282 Před 5 lety +1

    he forgot land is also gotten from hand down by parents and the 3rd way...

  • @johnd1774
    @johnd1774 Před 5 lety +1

    They are rooting for a war

  • @Crousus7
    @Crousus7 Před 5 lety +1

    Why is the speaker always wearing shades?

  • @appollo3moonman93
    @appollo3moonman93 Před 5 lety +1

    are they educated majority and the question is no

  • @lcloete5332
    @lcloete5332 Před 6 lety +7

    Leke dag vir kak praat ne.?

  • @thamimaknyiwemhlanga8312

    The advocate had very strong suggestions but his reasoning is useless right now because expectations have been created and defending anything that is not going to benefit Africans is not going to be favourable and right to tell you the truth this process is a time wasting. We want the land asap legally before things get out of hand

  • @axemanfink3228
    @axemanfink3228 Před 6 lety

    the anc dont care about gambling with poor people livelihoods . that is all anyone should know about them.

  • @mark130471
    @mark130471 Před 6 lety

    What are the 'blacks' going to do with the land? Tell me how the will form a collective to provide internal markets, how they fulfill external markets? How will they do this?
    How will this serve the people as a collective?

    • @mark130471
      @mark130471 Před 6 lety

      Oh and I kept watching till the 25 min mark... I can only speak for myself. I come from a mixed racial heritage from New Zealand. If today we live in the shadow of lost battles in this country we would live in the shadow of cannibalism, slavery, rape and torture... before any white man arrived. Based on what I have heard without wiser heads South Africa prevail, South Africa will fall into tribal conflict, united against the white man destined to fall as the fat of the land gets carved into personal greed. No better than any white man... power is power, greed is greed...

  • @NarchaoticNarcissism
    @NarchaoticNarcissism Před 6 lety +3

    If you do not know how to uplift then the only way to make us all equal is to tear down!
    Everyone at the bottom is still equal, right?

  • @valerieember4760
    @valerieember4760 Před 5 lety

    Give back where disposed NOT where you want to steel

  • @jonathanherman8686
    @jonathanherman8686 Před 4 lety +1

    One year later.IRR wasted breathe.useless.

  • @robert8552
    @robert8552 Před 6 lety

    The selective expropriation of property based on race (White property) will not stand any test of the constitutional court. Consequently the expropriation of tribal lands will also become a victim of expropriation!

  • @waynechannon5253
    @waynechannon5253 Před 5 lety

    Sadly! Our Black SA counterparts, have had 25 (Twenty Five) years, to do, what every white South African, have, and are, still, doing, in working hard, taking out bank loans, to better themselves, AND, acquiring land, by way of bank loans, and not, SEEKING, "Handouts" as they are currently doing. Further to this, SADLY, shall I say Fortunately, not all our black South Africans, are of this opinion, and, I am encouraged by this, that, they have come to realize, that, this, is not the way, to prosper this beautiful country of ours, BUT, that this, will just DESTROY IT, and run it into the ground, AND, then, we, SHALL, ALL, suffer. black and white alike. IT IS BECAUSE OF DECISIONS LIKE THIS THAT OUR RAND IS JUST SINKING, LIKE THE TITANIC, TO THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN, NEVER TO BE SALVAGED.

  • @natesnautical
    @natesnautical Před 6 lety

    Why does he sit there with sun glasses? You think people will be poor, people will be starving. He skips the white lady's question, and skips her interily.

  • @mervynwright3326
    @mervynwright3326 Před 4 lety

    It is insanity to do the same thing and expect a different outcome. But I suppose that you can always call on Europe and USA etc for assistance when the people are starving Think of Zimbabwe and Moz in the late 70's 80's and 90's. Already our economy is suffering because of a disgrace decision made by a majority electorate of the Zuma era.
    There are none so deaf as those that will not listen

  • @ecallk5544
    @ecallk5544 Před 2 lety

    Umm, I thought the land originally only belonged to the Koi and the San. - no other tribes were here....

  • @OriginalXfyre
    @OriginalXfyre Před 6 lety

    Can they pay for a small elite contracted military force that does not represent its government? They have been quiet about the possibility that they already have such a force. Those with experience in Africa knows that a high level of cruelty is required... and a lot of explosives....

  • @rthare1
    @rthare1 Před 4 lety

    Not all land was appropriated at the point of a gun, or before the gun at the point of a spear. The land was also bought, settle on, traded, and obtained through treaties. And the fulcrum of fairness is right and just. If for no other reason that the son cannot be accountable for the sins of the father (Land act 1913 ). Remember history, but leave it in the past and concentrate on the future.

  • @belle6414
    @belle6414 Před 2 lety

    So when they had the Homelands why didn't they make them productive. It's simply that they want to steal productive land with all the tractors, houses and farming equipment. My maid who worked for me fir 20 years put in a land claim near Potgietersrus. She also reminded me that when they sell, they will be richly compensated for the game and lodge on the land. At that point I lost all my respect for her.

  • @mentalhealth9637
    @mentalhealth9637 Před rokem

    This IRR guy had no chance, attacked from alk sides even the very rude guy calling him a old white man. Very hostile. This is not a bias pannel.

  • @scenFor109
    @scenFor109 Před 6 lety +1

    All land and other property including people is already the 'property' of a sovereign state. if it where not so RSA would not have over a 1000, men women and children in an apartheid concentration camp, today,. Its title is 'Lindela' in krugersdorp.
    A property title deed is an invention of colonial banks. It is not title. In the same way, a colonial title, Mr, Mrs, Mrs, The Hounorable, chair etc. are not real titles but colonial fictions. These titles are a dishonor to your parents that is why people do not own land, even if they have a so called title deed they use a colonial lore instead of using inheritances law.

  • @vitraveladdicts3241
    @vitraveladdicts3241 Před 6 lety +1


  • @cantalibre4708
    @cantalibre4708 Před 6 lety +2

    "The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher

    • @MichaelDavis-cv6rr
      @MichaelDavis-cv6rr Před 6 lety +1

      "The problem with African Colonialism is that eventually you have to return African land or be killed."
      Michael Davis

  • @AJost-sb8ux
    @AJost-sb8ux Před 6 lety

    Put on notice Apartheid is a crime against humanity
    Prohibition of publication of expression of sympathy for apartheid crimes . A person who, in writing or by word of mouth, publishes any statement Expressing praise or sympathy for or identification with acts done in the The period of the apartheid regime, which are crimes Against humanity, shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of Five years.

  • @rickmartyn9170
    @rickmartyn9170 Před 6 lety

    Land for people not cattle

  • @annsyyajones9968
    @annsyyajones9968 Před 6 lety +3

    Where is the black conversation.?

  • @vanrensburg3760
    @vanrensburg3760 Před 6 lety +2

    They simply don't understand what you've submitted Advocate, i think your speaking to fast.

    • @niciv.n.8747
      @niciv.n.8747 Před 6 lety +1

      .....they think to slowly 😅

    • @MrSweetaz
      @MrSweetaz Před 6 lety +1

      Yep, he should have used pictures. But not more than 2 or 3

  • @elijahelisha3763
    @elijahelisha3763 Před 6 lety

    Why not follow the American method, and do the same thing that was given to the “Red Indian”.

  • @skyline8222
    @skyline8222 Před 4 lety

    The day SA gains FULL!!! Independence from colonialist will be a great day for the whole of Africa

  • @stephenjohnson6632
    @stephenjohnson6632 Před 5 lety

    Lets see if you take a commercial farm from the farmer who has it now and you don't pay him anything for it and he has loans with the bank on that farm and defaults on his loans and you times that by how many commercial farms their is in SA .
    That will run into billions of dollars dollars the banks in SA will have to right off.
    And if that law is passed in the constitution where the state can just take a person property with out compensation.
    Ok 1st the whites then next the colours
    then next anyone who does not agree with who ever is in charge of SA and has the power ,where will it stop
    I dont belive that any state or goverment country should ever have that power where they can just come and through you of your land or out of your house or business with out compensation. and given back to state.
    So by that law only the state can own anything and the rest of us will lease it back off them.

  • @grahamt5924
    @grahamt5924 Před 6 lety

    Millions of oeople could die as a result of this policy. Where is all the food going to come from if we get rid of professional farmers. If you believe that everyone can farm you are deluded. Farming is a seriously educated profession. It would be like believing that you could get rid of all your doctors and just give their jobs to the unemployed. If you think about it for any period of time you will begin to undrrstand the level of stupidity that thinks you can get rid of all the farmers and just replace then with some unemployed landless people. The hatred of these farmers must be so extreme to risk death by starvation for millions

  • @justaguysand8971
    @justaguysand8971 Před 4 lety

    Where is the land for coloureds and indians

  • @colintaylor1435
    @colintaylor1435 Před 5 lety

    What is the "Indian man" on about. Pointing finger and saying a big word "condescending". If that's not "racist"and BAD manners, what is ? Silly chop :(

  • @citizen0076
    @citizen0076 Před 6 lety

    in my opinion as a free citizen.....there are two types of racists out there.
    "racist generalists" who round-up all people of a race into one group within a negative context...the "racist generalist" talks from a point of view of as "a matter of fact", but actually they have simply never put them selves into the mindset of their supposed opposites and so operate in ignorance and so cannot help being slightly socially stupid... roughly this is the less harmful racist...a bit foolish like an ignorant spoil child.
    then there is the racist that strive to dis-empower a race and to dispossess them of their human rights financially, morally, infrastructurally, spirituality and so on....this is by far the worst racist and this is in fact and "evil racist" ..pure this conduct has a long term erosive effect... chipping and grinding away at mankind-created in the likeness of God Himself....working in like cancer on purpose.
    this is the work of Satan and you would be wise to avoid this evil.
    this "evil" of course is not just a black and white racist thing, but also a gender thing, a class thing, a nationalist thing..the list goes on......
    (Remembering that love and tolerance comes from God.)
    in my opinion i see that most of these men and women are in fact mega racist and totally in error, generalizing that all whites benefited from black blood sweat and nonsense when you consider how very many blue collared and working class "whites" there are in the world. i would like to remind the evil ones that in fact the first properly recorded EMPIRE in the worlds history was in fact in Egypt in AFRICA and guess where those slaves came from????

  • @Hannodb1961
    @Hannodb1961 Před 6 lety +1

    These members of the committee has a way to twist your words. No matter how much you recognize the fact that the injustices of the past must be rectified, and no matter how many proposals you present on how that can be done, if you oppose EWC, then all they hear is "The past doesn't matter and the status quo must remain". How is that not bias? How is EWC not a "done deal"?

    • @maryduplessis2510
      @maryduplessis2510 Před 6 lety +1

      It is simple folks. The human rights Committee will not agree and for that reason the bill will not be passed.

    • @Hannodb1961
      @Hannodb1961 Před 6 lety +1

      @Mary Du Plessis.
      I admire your hopeful naivety, I bet the Zimbabwean Commercial Farm Union could also come up with a lot of reasons why EWC wouldn't take place there either.
      When it comes to EWC, I'd rather err on the side of paranoia than on naivety. We can't afford to fool ourselves on this - the consequences will be too great.

    • @maryduplessis2510
      @maryduplessis2510 Před 6 lety +1

      @@Hannodb1961 The difference was they had a dictatorship. Lol, even Mugabe had a Hitler moustache. Jokes aside. I have been watching this committee from the beginning and become more and more disillusioned by the day until I heard the IIR. It made me feel for the first time in a very long time that the situation might not be as impossible as it sounds particularly when one has people like Advocate Martin Brassie (I really hope I have spelt his name correctly) available to bring some rational to the fore. Lets hope for the best even if you/I feel a little paranoid. The vicious rhetoric assault to rational thinking can be extremely overwhelming and it takes a lot to stay calm under such circumstances.

    • @Hannodb1961
      @Hannodb1961 Před 6 lety +1

      Mugabe? A dictator? You're forgetting - they've been having regular elections, and the AU declared each one of them "free and fair". I must say, the future does look bleak when someone like Ernst Roets brings a presentation based on reason and facts, and be labelled a far right extremist racist for his trouble. (And then you have the MSM joining in.)
      As I see it, there is only one thing left that can possibly bring sanity back to the political landscape, and that is the 2019 elections. I can only hope that most black people can see that the politicians of the ANC and EFF is playing them, and the ANC comes in at under 50%. Coalision governments might be messy, but they're a lot less dangerous than the winner-takes-all politics we currently have.

    • @maryduplessis2510
      @maryduplessis2510 Před 6 lety

      @@Hannodb1961 I consider Mugabe a dictator and I am sure a few million others will agree. He ensured through killing off and torture that he would have no rivals and he did it openly using the justice system. Zuma was doing the same thing. Anyway, lets hope things sort themselves out.

  • @TracyEdify
    @TracyEdify Před 5 lety

    As for the Indian Man in the EFF??? What the hell dude, cut back on the aggression! How are you going to get through this with you trying to make a name for yourself at the same time. You're like a wanna be malema...

  • @tulifranz9336
    @tulifranz9336 Před 6 lety

    This gentleman has the nerve to mention the word 'human right' All land in South African should be under the state custody, period. They should give the state guide lines how to allocate land in future.

  • @moneymanincash6816
    @moneymanincash6816 Před 2 lety

    Just take the fuckin land why explain to the thieves

  • @jeannotnelson4048
    @jeannotnelson4048 Před 6 lety

    good bye human rights - kid you not - it will come around - ie if you sleep with a man who is cheating on his wife with you . . .then what can you expect? think about it

  • @ax4178
    @ax4178 Před 5 lety


  • @jenniharley9665
    @jenniharley9665 Před 3 lety
