Are all hadith in sahih bukhari authentic and can it compared to the quran Dr Zakir Naik

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
    are all hadith in sahih bukhari authentic and can it compared to the quran Dr Zakir Naik #islamqa #
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Komentáře • 447

  • @mirahmedalikhan7055
    @mirahmedalikhan7055 Před 2 lety +8

    Donot compare Bookhari with Qurran just fear Allaha.

  • @mustafaalikhanmohammed1274

    Sorry to say this Zakir sir, you are confused (that Buqari is 100% authentic) and you are confusing others. May Allah bless you!
    Buqari says, camel urine is halal, Prophet Muhammad used to commit suicide when wahi (revelations) does not come, and bla bla bla bla and more senseless bla bla bla ... Astagfirullah!

  • @muhammadnuralhafiz
    @muhammadnuralhafiz Před 2 lety +5

    Woe to the denier in this day
    In which hadith after this do they uphold 77:49-77:50
    These are verse reveal to you in truth,in which hadith after this do they uphold?45:6

  • @hibye5964
    @hibye5964 Před 3 lety +75

    And We can’t be sure about every Hadith but Quran is 100% correct

    • @muhammadharoon3605
      @muhammadharoon3605 Před 3 lety +9

      Yes in sunan abi dawood some hadith is zaif but 100% Quran is the words of the ALLAH SWT without doubt

    • @waheedbeigh6146
      @waheedbeigh6146 Před 3 lety +4

      Why u can't be sure on Authentic Hadith

    • @MagularStudios
      @MagularStudios Před 3 lety +13

      @@waheedbeigh6146 because all the hadith were not written like Quran

    • @michaal105
      @michaal105 Před 3 lety +1

      I challenge you to read ALL these verses FOR YOURSELF. In the context of the accompanying hadith
      The Qur’an says semen is made between the backbone and ribs - Surah 86:5-7
      The Qur’an says that at night the sun moves away from its position in Space (which, considering it is always day and always night somewhere in the World, is ridiculous. Plus we’d freeze to death), travels to the throne of Allah, then comes back in the morning - Surah 36:37-38; Sahih al-Bukhari 3199
      The Qur’an says the sun sets in mud - Surah 18:83-86, Sunan Abu Dawud 4002
      - And this is also a contradiction with the other mistake which says it moves away at night. So you have 2 unscientific statements of error… and they contradict each other
      The Qur’an says stars are missiles Allah uses to shoot demons - Surah 37:6-10, 67:5
      The Qur’an says that the sky is a physical object that can fall - Surah 22:65
      The Qur’an says that space (outer space e.g. Stars) was created after Earth - Surah 2:29
      The Quran says that milk comes from the stomach if cows and is pure to drink as is (it comes from the udders, and isn't healthy to drink - Surah 16:66
      The Quran says that sex determination happens while the baby is already in the mothers womb and is flesh - Surah 75:37, Sahih al-Bukhari 1:6:315
      Rainwater that is sent down isn't pure, but has already been contaminated with carbon dioxide (even as early as it going up as vapour) - Surah 25:48

    • @MagularStudios
      @MagularStudios Před 3 lety +11

      @@michaal105 bro are you mad ? Whwn each Quran ayat came they were written . But the hadith were not written . Maybe 300 or 400 years later hadith were combined. There serveral hadith books . But only 6 of them are the most right one . But even in the 6 books there might be some false. Because they were written a lot later and those things gathered by the people who remembered them . Of course I believe hadith. But i always check if the hadith is from a right book.

  • @INFP5w4
    @INFP5w4 Před 2 lety +7

    Quran 17:47 We are Best Aware of what they wish to hear when they give ear to thee and when they take secret counsel, when the evil-doers say: "Ye follow but a man bewitched."
    Narrated `Aisha:
    Sahih Bukhari
    that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) was affected by magic, so much that he used to think that he had done something which in fact, he did not do, and he invoked his Lord (for a remedy). Then (one day) he said, "O `Aisha!) Do you know that Allah has advised me as to the problem I consulted Him about?" `Aisha said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! What's that?" He said, "Two men came to me and one of them sat at my head and the other at my feet, and one of them asked his companion, 'What is wrong with this man?' The latter replied, 'He is under the effect of magic.'
    People in the early age of Islam did not believe in blasphemous hadith that contradict the Quran.
    Abu Bakr al-Jassas al-Razi al-Hanafi was a prominent Hanafi jurist from the fourth century, one of the most respected scholars in the field of Uŝūl (epistemic principles), and the grand-teacher of Abul Hasan al Quduri, who wrote the most famous and most commonly used primer in Hanafi jurisprudence, ‘Mukhtasar al-Quduri’. He not only rejected this hadith but stated “the ignorant of the Hashawis (anthropomorphists, those who believe that God is a form or body bound by space) narrated this hadith without knowing it was fabricated.”

  • @ilyasmohi3011
    @ilyasmohi3011 Před 2 lety +7

    Dr. Zakir but today's scholars and educated people are having problem accepting authenticity of Sahih Bukhari, kindly ponder

    • @shafeeqtgr9053
      @shafeeqtgr9053 Před 2 lety +1

      Zakir knows that before you and me. But Dawaa is his proffession.
      And he is an expert in marketing.

    • @netanelohimwarren3629
      @netanelohimwarren3629 Před 2 lety +2

      Theres an absurd amount of condrictions. Like absurd.....

    • @powerpedia1603
      @powerpedia1603 Před 2 lety

      If there are confused then the have to look Sharah sahih bukhari

    • @althafhussain8084
      @althafhussain8084 Před rokem +1

      In end times people perceptions will change from truth and deep meaning. They only see in one dimension and slowly they put doubts in hadiths, gradually one scholar after denies majority hadiths.
      At final, they deny full hadith books.

    • @aashiqashiq4958
      @aashiqashiq4958 Před 5 měsíci

      Marketing what does that mean?​@@shafeeqtgr9053

  • @Gandaogo
    @Gandaogo Před 4 měsíci +1

    How can everything in Buhari be authentic?

  • @rafeeqkhan6268
    @rafeeqkhan6268 Před 7 dny

    I have one doubt !! From which source the whole world came to know the age of ayesha and prophet which the non muslims using against islam ?

  • @Indianman536
    @Indianman536 Před 5 měsíci +2

    There seems to be two types of people i can see who have problems with ' hadeeths'.
    The first ones are those who totally reject the concept that prophet Muhammad s.a.w was sent as a messenger who should be followed and the ways he taught people to pray or deal in religious and non religious matters has been necessitated by Allah rather they believe that prophet s.a.w was just a messenger and his job was to just pass on the Qur'an to the people and now whatever it is in Quran that is enough and going outside the Qur'an is shirk so for example they pray only 3 times a day because they can find only three salats in Quran.
    Then there is a second group who aren't like Qur'anists or Qur'an only people. These people have doubts regarding the hadeeths transmission and they believe most of the hadeeths are fabrications and they lie about the prophet s.a.w so they cannot be relied upon but they do believe that whatever muslims have been practicing and it is well known that this was the practice of muslims right from the time of prophet s.a.w then they say this is how we should pray and deal but if according to them they find some contradiction with the Qur'an then they say the hadeeths are definitely false even if the isnads the chain of narration is sahi.
    There problem is instead of coming to terms and trying to understand Qur'an through the sunnah they say no this hadeeth cannot be true.
    As a result both of them have options to interpret Qur'an as they like .
    They have no offical rules and any knowledgeable person can come up and define Qur'anic verses and give meanings of their own.
    Then there is a small group of sunnis also who are not ready to accept that hadeeths were written by scholars and they could make mistakes in recognising that a narrator was reliable or not even if they had gone through all the records of the narrators hence they might even say even if the hadeeth is in total contradiction with Qur'an or if portrays the prophet s.a.w in a way which a muslim cannot accept they will say no if the isnads are sahi then we believe its sahi and authentic.
    Actually these types of sunnis give the chance to those deviants like quranists to fool people and totally reject the sunnah which ofcourse destroys the whole building of Islam which is Qur'an and sunnah without which there cannot be Islam.
    We should accept that yes our scholars did a great job by preserving the hadeeths but they might have made mistakes and if its proven that they made mistakes in some particular hadeeths we will ofcourse follow the Qur'an first if the hadeeth seems to go against the established belief of muslims because hadeeths are the hardworks done by our great scholars and it is possible they might have made some mistakes as in the times of sahabas ,one sahabi use to correct other sahabi when they use to disagree in the matters of sunnah.
    Rejecting a report should not be seen as rejecting the sunnah.
    So my brothers we can have differences in how a hadeeth was reported but a muslim cannot deny a sunnah as authority in islamic sharia like the quranist deviants do.

    • @gabiebachmat1811
      @gabiebachmat1811 Před měsícem

      You are confused betwen prophet and messenger, there is a HUGE difference. Allah sent the messenger with a message, like those before muhammad,
      [5:92] You shall obey GOD, and you shall obey the messenger, and beware. If you turn away, then know that the sole duty of our messenger is to deliver the message efficiently. (THE QURAN)
      3:144. Muḥammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels ? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allāh at all; but Allāh will reward the grateful. (FOLLOWING FABRICATED HADITHS)
      46:9. Say (O Muhammad):"I am not a new thing among the Messengers (of Allâh) (i.e. I am not the first Messenger) nor do I know what will be done with me or with you. I only follow that which is revealed to me, and I am but a plain warner."
      " I only follow that which is revealed to me" The Quran, he did not follow bukhari, muslim, dawood etc etc etc, Muhammad was the first Quran Only muslim.
      the Quran is complete. God even specifically says that He did not neglect anything from the Quran. To argue that the Quran isn’t complete because, for example, it doesn’t detail how to pray the way Muslims currently pray is no different than saying that Muslims don’t believe everything that God says in the Quran. the details of salaah(not ritual namaz) were given to Abraham and passed down thru the generations . Salaah (not ritual namaaz) did not begin with Muhammad Since Muslims must believe everything in the Quran, Muslims therefore must genuinely believe and accept the fact that the Quran is complete. Furthermore, since God is Perfect, it would make no sense to believe that the Quran is incomplete as if God was too busy to finish authoring it.
      قَدْ كَانَ فِي قَصَصِهِمْ عِبْرَةٌ لِّأُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ ۗ مَا كَانَ حَدِيثًا يُفْتَرَىٰ وَلَٰكِن تَصْدِيقَ الَّذِي بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَتَفْصِيلَ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةً لِّقَوْمٍ يُؤْمِنُونَ
      There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding. Never was the Qur’an a narration(hadith) invented, but a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of all things and guidance and mercy for a people who believe. (12:111)
      كِتَابٌ فُصِّلَتْ آيَاتُهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا لِّقَوْمٍ يَعْلَمُونَ
      A Book whose verses have been detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know, (41:3)

    • @Indianman536
      @Indianman536 Před měsícem

      @@gabiebachmat1811 your mentioning of difference between prophets and messengers and me being confused doesn't make sense regarding what I wrote about people who reject hadeeths in totality.
      Your assumption that Muslims who believe in the sunnah believe that Qur'an isn't complete is creation of your own mind.

  • @suleimanthemagnificent7875

    There are many Hadiths which has crossed the limit of shame?
    I think those hadiths are not real

    • @uzairmahmood658
      @uzairmahmood658 Před 3 lety +1

      Those aren't even Hadith! It's something made by hypocrite just like bible and tourat was amended

    • @iamdoctorcat6347
      @iamdoctorcat6347 Před 2 lety +1

      Of course its not real. Its made up just like bible

    • @uzairmahmood658
      @uzairmahmood658 Před 2 lety

      exactly and there are some hadiths against which I have proof from Quran Directly... MA I have done research and found out that to know that if a hadith is authentic or not we should recheck it in the light of Quran.... and just think about how many hypocrites were there at the time of Prophet SAW then how many would there be when the sahih bukhari is being written 200 years after the death of our beloved Prophet PBUH.

  • @5h4p3shift3r
    @5h4p3shift3r Před 2 lety +4

    Asalamu alaikum
    Please Dr zakir naik sir I wanted a clear explanation of sahih bukhari 3237 hadith which my non Muslim friends are comparing with marital rape.

    • @Natanyahu
      @Natanyahu Před 2 lety +1

      They are comparing it because it is marital rape

    • @joerdim
      @joerdim Před 2 lety +1

      It's a disgusting method to force women into consent because Muhammad needed more babies to later have more soldiers to fight in his wars of conquest.

    • @servantofthemerciful3511
      @servantofthemerciful3511 Před rokem

      Ignore them . They want a woman who knows only to sleep and eat . That's all. There is difference between rape and intimacy.

    • @MightyG0RILLA
      @MightyG0RILLA Před 10 měsíci

      you can checkout abuzar responds

  • @rommy007
    @rommy007 Před 2 lety +4

    Thanks Dr. Because there are so many hadiths in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that are very very embarrassing.

  • @moinudeen2887
    @moinudeen2887 Před rokem

    Not six. 9 sahih books .. we need to include musnad ahamed, malik muwatta, darimi.. muwatta why don't they kept first than bukhari, not sure why..

  • @thisshaazz
    @thisshaazz Před rokem

    So, hadiths in bukhari and muslim are sahih... There are some scholars who had doubt with very few Hadiths in those books but still they are acceptable... There are two types of acceptable hadiths
    1) sahih 2)hasan

  • @NedimTabakovic
    @NedimTabakovic Před 2 lety +1

    Sadly he will say many if he doesn't correct himself:
    { وَيۡلٞ يَوۡمَئِذٖ لِّلۡمُكَذِّبِينَ }
    [Surah Al-Mursalât: 49]
    Woe, on that Day, to those who denied the truth!
    { فَبِأَيِّ حَدِيثِۭ بَعۡدَهُۥ يُؤۡمِنُونَ }
    [Surah Al-Mursalât: 50]
    In what revelation, after this, will they believe?

  • @OmarSlloum
    @OmarSlloum Před 3 lety +3

    I don't trust al Bukhari's work. He has some hadiths, like the one about music being haram, that are completely stupid. Don't trust some medieval scholar and use the Quran and your brains. Most imams nowadays are useless in what they preach, so why do you listen to them? Are you a flock of sheep that cannot just be Muslims but need to be part of this sect or the other, following this scholar or the other?
    Astaghfar Allah one of the questions mr. Naik had to answer was whether or not Sahih Bukhari was on-par with the Quran! Do you think some medieval scholar from the borders of the world, a mere human, should still be disrupting harmony in Islam to this day?

  • @mirahmedalikhan7055
    @mirahmedalikhan7055 Před 2 lety

    From where we get a Hadees book written by our Nabi.

  • @mahbuberrahman1828
    @mahbuberrahman1828 Před 3 lety +2

    When a boy is born, then he brings one Noor (light) and when a girl is born, then she brings two Noors.” is it an authentic hadith?

  • @naturelover8529
    @naturelover8529 Před 3 lety +3

    Where is the source of sahi hadees sample copy that was written in the time of our prophate Muhammad (saw)peace be upon him

    • @jarjishhossain01
      @jarjishhossain01 Před rokem

      Not written in that times they just memories the word of prophet with narrator in proper chain.. 👍

  • @thecommenter5086
    @thecommenter5086 Před rokem

    Aysha(r) 's age related hadeeth , a muthavaathir hadees, a mashoor hadeeth, a azzez hadeeth, or gareeb hadeeth?

  • @mariaray7614
    @mariaray7614 Před rokem

    Noone can be sure of 100% except Quran. I'm sorry noone can make me feel less Muslim for this.

  • @abusaid5348
    @abusaid5348 Před 3 lety +7

    There are so many mistakes in Bukhari shareef.

    • @sufiyanshaikh7550
      @sufiyanshaikh7550 Před 3 lety

      Cote one

    • @sufiyanshaikh7550
      @sufiyanshaikh7550 Před 3 lety

      Give link

    • @abusaid5348
      @abusaid5348 Před 3 lety +1


    • @sufiyanshaikh7550
      @sufiyanshaikh7550 Před 3 lety

      Bro there are many people who say quaran is worng and islam is wrong and prophit is illetrate and u should don't fallow illitrate so there are many

    • @cxarhomell5867
      @cxarhomell5867 Před 3 lety +2

      @@abusaid5348 Don't trust anything that Abu Layth says. He is a muslim reformist and denies the Tafsir.

  • @sufiyanshaikh7550
    @sufiyanshaikh7550 Před 3 lety +3

    Bhukari has 7563 hadees not 6thousand

    • @mohamedadan5842
      @mohamedadan5842 Před 3 lety

      I was confused, the shaykh first says 6 000 and on 26.20 he says 7500 something?

    • @a4kstudyworld807
      @a4kstudyworld807 Před 3 lety

      Yes, but more than 2000 hadith were repeated, that why it is only 6000.

  • @aminulhoque5873
    @aminulhoque5873 Před rokem

    No need to say About Quran. Hadis also correct but one is dought he she will be disbeliver

  • @user-gf3hf5ri8b
    @user-gf3hf5ri8b Před 3 lety +4

    But there are some hadiths which don’t make sense to me. One of the many hadiths is 3012 where prophet muhammad says does not value children and women of pagans. It contradicts other hadith about children

    • @saiflalani6431
      @saiflalani6431 Před 3 lety It is a serpentine maze. I stick to the holy Quran.

    • @servantoftheexpander9688
      @servantoftheexpander9688 Před 3 lety +1

      Some hadiths are false.we only believe in authentic hadith and quran

    • @saiflalani6431
      @saiflalani6431 Před 3 lety +4

      @@servantoftheexpander9688 Yes I understand people use their own judgement but there are lots and lots of problems with Hadiths labeled as Sahih. A good deal directly contradict the Quran by forbidding what God has not forbidden.

    • @Kamal_grum
      @Kamal_grum Před 3 lety

      @@saiflalani6431 if you only believe in the quran that is quite dangerous it is important to know the sunnah of the prophet pbuh. If we don't that defeats the point of prophet Muhammed pbuh sent by Allah swt. The quran doesn't provide all we need to do to be a Muslim. As in the quran it is mentioned By Allah swt ( Creation of humankind and jinn only to worship) worshipping is the very important part and asking for Allah's swt mercy we should manage to get jannah if Allah wills.

    • @skandsrivastava8387
      @skandsrivastava8387 Před 2 lety +1

      No, it does not contradicts other hadiths of Quran. In all the battles where women and children were let alive so that they can be distributed as "maal-e-ganimat" amongst their sahabas and other militants. However, if they are killed then also it doesn't matters bcoz they were mushriqs and according to Quran 9/28 and 98/6 they are worst of creatures so obviously there lives doesn't matters

  • @akibzabed7454
    @akibzabed7454 Před 2 lety

    Keep reading hadith and forget Qur'an?,we should follow only Qur'an, Quran is sufficient..for muslimeen.may Allah give guidence to Zakir Naik.

    • @MightyG0RILLA
      @MightyG0RILLA Před 10 měsíci +1

      How do you pray without hadees?

    • @ibrahimnihan7149
      @ibrahimnihan7149 Před 9 měsíci

      ​@@MightyG0RILLA but Quran say that it alone is enough, so I believe it alone is enough, Allah has promised to keep Quran out of corruption until the very last day

  • @nibirsactiongamecorner8738
    @nibirsactiongamecorner8738 Před 3 lety +12

    How can we trust Nasiruddin Albani's grading as authentic?He is a modern day man after all, and he is not above mistakes. He could have graded something wrongly, Allah Knows best.

    • @Beingstudent005
      @Beingstudent005 Před 3 lety +5

      read his method of grading instead using ur empty brain,

    • @nibirsactiongamecorner8738
      @nibirsactiongamecorner8738 Před 3 lety +1

      @@Beingstudent005 shut up pajeet arab worshipper.Thousands of muhaddiths have graded hadith before him who are way more qualified than a saudi salafi shill.

    • @sufiyanshaikh7550
      @sufiyanshaikh7550 Před 3 lety +1

      U have to learn smething so u will go to teacher an albani is the scholar of Hadid so we respect him

    • @sufiyanshaikh7550
      @sufiyanshaikh7550 Před 3 lety

      He could have done mistake So the only man who has never done mistake is prophit Mohammad pbuh

    • @sufiyanshaikh7550
      @sufiyanshaikh7550 Před 3 lety

  • @ahmeat5494
    @ahmeat5494 Před 3 lety +8

    I wanted to ask about Bukhari 6922 because it says that the prophet said "kill who leaves the religion of Islam" How could this be authentic?

    • @sameerasiddiqui5159
      @sameerasiddiqui5159 Před 3 lety +14

      Yeah I also have the same doubt as in Quran 2:256 says every person have freedom of religion but truth is clear and this verse of hadith is opposite of it . But again the thing is Quran is superior and anything that goes against Quran is wrong.

    • @mdtahasinahmed5319
      @mdtahasinahmed5319 Před 3 lety

      Is Hadith 16245 true or false

    • @sameerasiddiqui5159
      @sameerasiddiqui5159 Před 3 lety +2

      @@mdtahasinahmed5319 that's a main confusion many people are having but I have also heard that hadith is related to those people who join islam for purpose of leaving it so that they can spread rumours and bad things about islam . I guess u are asking in terms of above mentioned Hadith

    • @Ali-zo4lh
      @Ali-zo4lh Před 3 lety +1

      @@sameerasiddiqui5159 to be honest with you, I myself don't find Sahih al Bukhari or other Hadiths authentic. As it also mentiones that Mosis S.W.T was naked while he chased his clothes and eventually hit a rock and everyone saw his testicles during this incident. Astaghfirullah

    • @sameerasiddiqui5159
      @sameerasiddiqui5159 Před 3 lety +1

      @@Ali-zo4lh I haven't read that one but u know these are the authentic Hadiths and u know maybe some verses in such Hadiths can't be completely correct. I will search about This

  • @mohamedadan5842
    @mohamedadan5842 Před 3 lety

    There are 7275 Hadiths not as mentioned by the Dr said at first 6000 and then at 26.20 7500 something

  • @walkingwith_dinosaurs
    @walkingwith_dinosaurs Před 2 lety

    watch "Bukhari is not Quran or Sunnah" 4 parts

  • @Proudkafir0642
    @Proudkafir0642 Před 2 lety

    hadih al bukhari 2731 is authentic or not ..what is true meaning of that

  • @shadanjaved8827
    @shadanjaved8827 Před 2 lety +4

    Do watch "Fareed Responds" he has cleared more doubts.

  • @mdtahasinahmed5319
    @mdtahasinahmed5319 Před 3 lety +1

    Is Hadith 16245 true or false

  • @hitechcanada
    @hitechcanada Před 3 lety +4

    You are one of the narrator in this era. is it not true?

  • @hadistelaku9229
    @hadistelaku9229 Před 3 lety +13

    Hadiths are manmade that were written after round about 200 years after prophet Muhammeds death
    We cant be sure if any hadith is correct or not. Quran should be our only source and thats it. Islamic countries are in crisis and one of the reasons are scholars and preachers that mainly tought people about hadiths instead of quran. They seperate people. They make things haram that are actually halal in sight of Allah and make things hallal that are haram in front of Allah.
    There are mushrikun and hypocrites out there that tell that the quran isn't complete without quran Astagfirullah...
    Allah clearly said in quran that this is a clearly book and woe to the people that write something down and say: this is from Allah. What kind of source do we want to take except the quran?
    Allah warned us clearly about thoose scholars (like bukhari, muslim etc)
    Like I said, hadiths are man made and a lot of them are corrupted. So corrupted, that they seperated the umma completly and made sects frim all muslim (see sunni, shia, etc)
    There are another examples Im gonna give you:
    -We know from hadiths, that if someone leaves Islam, it is punishable by death.
    In Quran Allah says clearly that there is no compulsion in the religion.
    -People who draw pictures of living creatures will be punished the most in the day of judgement
    If it is so, why didnt Allah mentioned such great sin in the quran?
    -Woman arent allowed to leave in their houses or go to educate themselves. They also should be coverd untill their eyes cant be seen.
    Allah never forbid women to educate themselves in the quran and Allah even mentioned a simply clothing for women which didnt contain cloth pieces such eye coverings or gloves. These are things, that were new introduced in islam, again by humans.
    -Being homosexual is a great sin and they should be thrown down a cliff
    While Allah never mentioned that homosexuality itself is a sin because some people feel more attracted to the same gender.
    -hadiths tell us, that we must say soecific word like SubhanAllah, Alhamdullilah etc if Allah should remove our sins
    Allah only says in the quran that if we seek forgiveness truthfully, He will forgive us. He is the most Forgiving the most Merciful.
    There are a lot of orher weird and disturbing things written by so called scholars, if you would read them in bukhari you would think Astagfirullah....
    People falsified the Torah, Bible so how can we be sure that hadiths arent falsified or corrupted by the enemies of islam too?
    Allah clearly said that He will protect the quran by Himself and that alone is a miracle by itself. The quran isnt changed since 1400 years ago.
    I dont want to offend anybody here or his favorite scholar, preacher etc but Allah gave yall a brain and the quran so use it and dont depent on scholars, otherwise they might leave you astray and cause confusion in your hearts. Nobody can teach the quran becaus its Allahs word, we all are still students and Allah alone is our teacher. People read quran without giving any reason, without thinking about what Allah has written there and think deeply about it. They abandoned the quran completly and followed islamic channels that mostly take sources from hadiths instead od quran. Again, I dont want to isult anyone here it is just critical thinking. Even that was forbidden by the scholars.
    Listen people, Quran is our only source and it is enough. People ask then: How we would now how to pray, fast etc?
    Allah mentioned everything in the quran.
    But if you still decide to follow hadiths, make sure it is compareable with the quran at least and pls think deeply about it. Islam haters use hadiths to scare people away from islam, see what hadiths caused in the islamic world?
    Other You Tube channels deleted this comment of mine several times, only Allah knows why...
    Sorry for my bad English have In Sha Allah a nice day and stay safe.

    • @randommuslim5684
      @randommuslim5684 Před 3 lety +4

      If Hadith are wrong, tell me where in the Quran does it tell us how to pray and what times do you pray? What are the specific instructions for Hajj and Umrah?
      Quran and Hadith (Sunnah) are both required to follow Islam properly.

    • @hadistelaku9229
      @hadistelaku9229 Před 3 lety +2

      @@randommuslim5684 just read the quran, you will find the answeres all there. Allah mentioned everything about hajj in the quran

    • @hadistelaku9229
      @hadistelaku9229 Před 3 lety +2

      @@randommuslim5684 no they are not necessarly. You CAN follow hadiths but Allah says that the quran is enough for us, no extra rules etc :)

    • @hadistelaku9229
      @hadistelaku9229 Před 3 lety +1

      @@randommuslim5684 for jews, the torah wasnt enough so the took the talmud. For Muslims, the quran wasnt enough so they too hadiths

    • @hadistelaku9229
      @hadistelaku9229 Před 3 lety +2

      @@randommuslim5684 but it contains music if you dont want to hear. Watch all the other videos of the channel, they are pretty interesting and woke me up. I personally dont follow hadiths nor scholars anymore, I found my true way to Allah.

  • @mirahmedalikhan7055
    @mirahmedalikhan7055 Před 2 lety

    Donot create two Allaha..Donot compare your Bhookhari Allaha with our Allaha the Almighty..It's a crime.

  • @mazhaq2558
    @mazhaq2558 Před rokem

    Please explain hadith 5038

  • @khancan2194
    @khancan2194 Před 3 lety +7

    Regardless whether a Hadith is true or not and we will Never know , it makes zero difference
    The Quran allows for no other religious source or he er then itself

    • @cxarhomell5867
      @cxarhomell5867 Před 3 lety

      Of course but the Hadiths, especially the authentic ones, are the ones we should go by for our daily lives and as the narrations and miracles that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had went through.

    • @talhabin-majid6806
      @talhabin-majid6806 Před 3 lety +1

      Incorrect we need hadith to pray, fast, hajj, go to the toilet etc.

  • @henna_by_aqsaaa
    @henna_by_aqsaaa Před 2 lety

    can you pls ecplain me the Sahi bukhari hadis 3823?

    • @joerdim
      @joerdim Před 2 lety

      He send some soldiers to destroy a competing religion. Surprise.

  • @muhammedlamyp.j9860
    @muhammedlamyp.j9860 Před 2 lety

    Is sunan al nasai accepted

  • @mirahmedalikhan7055
    @mirahmedalikhan7055 Před 2 lety

    These sahisitta were offenders of Islam.Dont propogate Bookhari..Just fear Allaha..

  • @shazumia1911
    @shazumia1911 Před 2 lety +2

    Sahi Hadith are 80% authentic some of the sayings contradict the Quran

    • @sayedamed1870
      @sayedamed1870 Před 2 lety

      So can you drink a glass of pure fresh water with few drops of urine in it???

  • @kanecheickna1406
    @kanecheickna1406 Před 3 lety +6

    Dr zakir naik scares to reply this difficult question.

    • @mariaray7614
      @mariaray7614 Před rokem +1

      Haha because he believes I think there's mistakes but he won't say. I am not afraid to say tht its human made collections.. Can have errors

  • @SundariAbdullah_Official
    @SundariAbdullah_Official Před 2 lety +1

    Can anyone help ?
    Hadith no.20
    صحیح البخاری
    Narrated Aisha (RA): Whenever Allah's Apostle ﷺ ordered the Muslims to do something, he used to order them deeds which were easy for them to do, (according to their strength endurance). They said, "O Allahs Apostle ﷺ !We are not like you. Allah has forgiven your past and future sins." So Allah's Apostle ﷺ became angry and it was apparent on his face. He said, "I am the most Allah fearing, and know Allah better than all of you do".
    صحیح البخاری
    محمد بن سلام، عبدہ، ہشام، حضرت عائشہ (رض) کہتی ہیں کہ رسول اللہ ﷺ جب لوگوں کو ایسے اعمال کا حکم دیتے جو وہ (ہمیشہ) کرسکیں (عبادات شاقہ کی ترغیب کبھی ان کو نہ دیتے تھے) صحابہ نے عرض کیا یا رسول اللہ ﷺ ہم آپ ﷺ کے مثل نہیں ہیں، بیشک اللہ نے آپ کے اگلے اور پچھلے گناہ معاف کردیئے ہیں، اس پر آپ ﷺ غضب ناک ہوئے حتی کہ آپ ﷺ کے چہرہ مبارک سے غصہ (کا اثر) ظاہر ہونے لگا، پھر آپ ﷺ نے فرمایا کہ تم میں سب سے زیادہ اللہ تعالیٰ کا جاننے والا میں ہوں۔
    Any explanation please ?

    • @zainmahi6437
      @zainmahi6437 Před 2 lety

      what is the problem that you face in this Hadith

    • @SundariAbdullah_Official
      @SundariAbdullah_Official Před 2 lety

      @@zainmahi6437hadith shows ( as my perspective) that the companions of our Nabi Pak SAW asked Ya RasoolAllah apkii agglii peechlee laghzishein maaf hoo chukkii hein toh humein kuch aesaa btaein k humh aapsy zyaadaa ibaadat kr sakein, yeh sunn kr Nabi Pak SAW naraz huwy halaan k Aapkay mubaarak chehray per khuftagii taari hogaii
      What i didn't understand that Nabi Pak SAW ki shakhsiyat k mutaabiq yeh hadith mujhey authentic nahi lagtii how can Muhammad SAW be angry if the companions wants to do worship more then Nabi Pak SAW and question from sahaba was aap masoom hein aapki agli peechlee laghzishein maaf hoo chukkii can u tell us something more from what You do iss per Nabi Pak SAW ko ghussaa aagyaa halaan k Nabi Pak SAW k chehray mubaarak sy waazay horhaa thaa, mujhey yeh baat hazzam nahii horahii k Nabi Pak SAW kessy iss baat prr ghussaa hoo skty and answer krty k i am the most fearing of Allah SWT and know Allah better than all of u do
      Kindaa looks ignorant and because of this meiny hadith ki bookss aagay continue krnaa chordee hein
      There may be some hadith are valid and authentic but how can we believe that the taba'tabyeein and all that after sahaba's death are telling same accurately word to word

    • @noticemesimpai7944
      @noticemesimpai7944 Před 2 lety

      @@SundariAbdullah_Official thats clearly not what the hadith says. They told rasool k apki pechli aur agli lagzishey maaf hein. Jese k telling him k uske liye toh bolna asaan hein kiu k uske toh lagshisey wese bhi maaf hein. Ye burra question ta. Telling rasool can he has privilege. Aur rasool said he knows allah better and even tho uski lagshishey maaf hein he still fears allah and worships him.

    • @SundariAbdullah_Official
      @SundariAbdullah_Official Před 2 lety

      @@noticemesimpai7944 thanks for your reply but after researching i got the correct answer of that, For you brother i have a advice, Write Allah with capital A and don't use (uski), use "U"nkay, when u are talking about Muhammadar RasoolAllah SallahoAlayhi Wa'AalyhiWasalam

    • @artisttwo22
      @artisttwo22 Před 2 lety

      @@SundariAbdullah_Official I also have a doubt regarding a Hadees If I may ask ?

  • @ibrahimnihan7149
    @ibrahimnihan7149 Před 9 měsíci

    Hello zakir, fear Allah,

  • @Blahblahblahworlds
    @Blahblahblahworlds Před 3 lety +5

    Just because 20 sahaba all related an identical account of a particular thing the prophet said, does not make it more likely that the thing was said. You would need more information about the circumstances of the original witnessing.
    If it was the case that one or two of the sahaba were actually present at the event where the words were spoken that means the other sahaba are just relating the account of 2 witnesses. They're not adding anything to the credibility of the contents of the hadith in question. And it means even less than those 20 sahaba their recall to the next generation who then all recounted the exact same event in the exact same way. It just means they've memorised what they were told.
    The problem about the companions' (who actually witnessed the event) account is less about whether they were lying (they certainly wouldn't' have been) but whether there observations as correct. It could be wrong for a number of reasons. For example, in the example about the 'seat in hellfire', the words remembered might be wrong in some important respect - So the words we see in the hadith are not the exact words that were uttered (but some near substitute). They may also be wrong in as much as the additional words not captured in the hadith but spoken by the prophet might have put a different spin on the words or added more context. The listeners may have misunderstood what they were hearing and filled in some gaps and then passed their interpretation off as the literal words that were spoken (all the while doing it in good faith.).
    Whilst in the example given it probably might not matter that much - because the hadith is basically saying 'don't lie in the name of me or God' which is pretty uncontroversial. However, there are going to be a lot of other hadith where the context is critical. For example, hadith which require the burying women to their necks and stoning them to death, or pushing gay people off tall buildings.
    To illustrate some of the problems in the original observation: there is a hadith where it is narrated something along the lines that 'i saw the prophet step into the toilet with his left foot and he said X prayer'. Well, the prophet only has two feet, so 50% of the time, he's going to be using his left foot as a matter of chance. To know whether the prophet actually walked in with his left foot as a deliberate decision one would either need his personal confirmation, or he'd have had to have been witnessed tens of times to make sure it wasn't just chance, or that it wasn't the case that the toilet door was such that walking in with the left foot was the natural thing to do.

  • @RizzKid84
    @RizzKid84 Před 5 měsíci

    These All Sound Like Invoations

  • @krkeyani8678
    @krkeyani8678 Před 3 lety +2

    Please answer:Does the people of different sects make their own changements in the bukhari because i have a cousin who has bukhari . And there was a hadith i cant remember what was it . But when i looked at it on google it was different compare to the book he had
    Edit: in google the sahih bukhari said hazrat ali alayhi wa sallam but in his book it was written Hazrat Ali Razi Allah Anhu why?

    • @zeeshansatti3469
      @zeeshansatti3469 Před rokem

      Translator must be wahabi

    • @starnutron6147
      @starnutron6147 Před 11 měsíci

      bro in urdu they changed the alaihissalam to radiallahu anhu in original hadith which was written in arabic by Imam Bukhari sometimes he writes Ali(AS) sometimes Ali(RA) or sometimes he just directly addresses the sahaba without saying radhiallahu anhu

  • @zainmahi6437
    @zainmahi6437 Před 2 lety

    Aoa, Sir please explain the hadith number 6982 according to Maktba tulshamila.. jazakallah

  • @renehoxha6393
    @renehoxha6393 Před 3 lety +2

    (Sahih Bukhari VOL 3, #432)
    Is this hadith authentic ??? So it was permissible for men to sell their female slaves after they were done using them and they tried not to let the slaves pregnant in order to sell them at a higher price. Most likely the other person who bought them after using them sells them and so female slaves continue to be sold continuously after they are used by their successive owners.
    And how can a captive woman accept sex with the warrior that killed her husband : "Oh warrior that killed my husband or (he might be alive) I know u are 100 miles away from your wife so have sex with me " Howw??
    Or what ..did they raped captive women?
    Pls pls pls explain
    Hadith :
    "Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri that while he was sitting with Allah’s messenger we said, “Oh Allah’s messenger, we got female captives as our booty, and we are interested in their prices, what is your opinion about coitus interruptus?” The prophet said, “Do you really do that? It is better for you not to do it. No soul that which Allah has destined to exist, but will surely come into existence."

    • @renehoxha6393
      @renehoxha6393 Před 3 lety

      Pls explain this hadith and the relation of captive women ,price and coitus interruptus

    • @OmarSlloum
      @OmarSlloum Před 3 lety

      @@renehoxha6393 does the first hadith you mentioned sound like a correct one? no of course not! stop believing al Bukhari! sheikhs nowadays are often sponsored by nations to preach wahhabism and salafism, and guess which hadith bundle best fits with those sects? Sahih Bukhari of course, so be critical about things like this that are widely accepted to be true, because there's no way in hell all 7000+ hadiths he wrote down are authentic. Who is this sheikh to spurt such nonsense? does he think he is God and he knows everything?

    • @iamdoctorcat6347
      @iamdoctorcat6347 Před 2 lety +1

      Its also said in quran

  • @kunhimohamedmk
    @kunhimohamedmk Před 2 lety +1

    Bukhari is not maasoom. So his
    hadees all not correct

  • @JB-qr4hg
    @JB-qr4hg Před 2 lety

    Tum sb wait Karo . Tumharay saray sawalon k jawab Allah tum logon ko khud daiga.
    Haan, or tumbhi Allah k sb sawalon k jawab tyar rakhna.

    • @ejazrayma1732
      @ejazrayma1732 Před 2 lety

      Vo to sab ka hisab ho gha tera bbi

    • @uzmanaz9284
      @uzmanaz9284 Před 2 lety

      Jin k dill me terha pun hota he wo kisi bi allah wale se khush nahi hoti un me bs shuk or kuji dhoondty hain ary bhai kisi ko to chor do werna yehi adat tumhain jahanum me na le jay .

  • @hitechcanada
    @hitechcanada Před 3 lety +1

    I don't agree with you zakir naik and I challenge you to debate with me on quarran........

    • @arman4304
      @arman4304 Před 3 lety +1

      @sam_stallone (Instagram) go and debate

  • @tahirasheikh4979
    @tahirasheikh4979 Před 2 lety


  • @KingSargon96
    @KingSargon96 Před 2 lety +1

    Dont read Bukhari ! Please read Nahjul Balaga the books of the prophets son

  • @jhktours6437
    @jhktours6437 Před 2 lety

    Kindly relate the hadiths about (Dajjal, Essa 2nd arrival & mahdi) with quran.

    • @sayedamed1870
      @sayedamed1870 Před 2 lety

      Dajjal is a fabricated story
      No dajjal or Hazrat Isa coming back as he's already dead. Read Qur'an

  • @benjaminlijongwa3715
    @benjaminlijongwa3715 Před 3 lety +1


    • @6sh4h
      @6sh4h Před 3 lety +12

      Because they’d recite it back to him and he’d check if they recited it correctly. He couldn’t read or write but he could still speak

    • @hawzie_9023
      @hawzie_9023 Před 3 lety +1

      @@6sh4h ooooooooh nice.

    • @Beingstudent005
      @Beingstudent005 Před 3 lety +1

      Prophet mohammad could not read and write before he was a prophet but later he was blessed with ability by Almighty Allah to read and right, so He himself used to check ...........!
      this might be very astonishing to u but This is 100% correct

  • @lovkushkumar
    @lovkushkumar Před 3 lety +2

    So hadith o highest order which goes till Allah through narrators chain .That means it is from Allah. So why not Allah said those things in Quran. I mean those hadiths which originates from Allah.

    • @MagularStudios
      @MagularStudios Před 3 lety +1

      A very good Question. In Quran you will find everything to live a Islamic life . If Allah explained everything in Quran it would become so much big . Hadith also comes from Allah .

    • @MagularStudios
      @MagularStudios Před 3 lety +1

      I don't think if I can give you most specific answer. Because its a critical Question . You need search it on CZcams to find the right Islamic scholar .

    • @lovkushkumar
      @lovkushkumar Před 3 lety

      @@MagularStudios thanks for reaching

    • @MagularStudios
      @MagularStudios Před 3 lety

      @@lovkushkumar not problem. Quran is the main thing . It has everything but without explaining anything. Hadith explain us those things

    • @lovkushkumar
      @lovkushkumar Před 3 lety

      @@MagularStudios then sir with all due respect what is tasfir of quran

  • @hitechcanada
    @hitechcanada Před 3 lety

    Who was fatima??>> who was Aisha>> >>?? I heard that Aisha was Abu Bakra's daughter and Abu Bakra was mohd best childhood frnd?? Is it true??

    • @ridashereen2635
      @ridashereen2635 Před rokem

      Yes hazrate Aisha peace be upon her is the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A who is one of the best friend of prophet Muhammad pbuh and also a sahaba. Hazrate Fatima peace be upon her is the daughter of prophet Muhammad pbuh

  • @Islamicshorts1116
    @Islamicshorts1116 Před 2 lety

    1:00 7563

  • @adilfarooqmir6364
    @adilfarooqmir6364 Před 3 lety +1

    Sahih Bukhari Hadith No. 5242

    • @HudaTvChannel
      @HudaTvChannel  Před 3 lety

      Thank you for watching .. Plz Subscribe and Share to share in the reward

  • @hitechcanada
    @hitechcanada Před 3 lety

    How prophet mohamaad checked it even if he was illiterate?!

    • @user-wc5mu4fk8m
      @user-wc5mu4fk8m Před 3 lety

      Prophet muhammad(pbuh) not checked hadiths.Hadeeth are actually words and derived meanings of prophet words which his companions and fillowing generation memorized and to preserve these information of prophet they wrote hadeeths after his death.
      Prophet muhammad(pbuh) mrmorized Quran through angel ,dictated it to companions and again he recheked that and moreover our belovef prophet recite quran to angel gibriel every ramadan and twice in last ramdan of his life and thatswhy we completely sure that all words of Quran are Allah(swt) word and no any intermingling is done in that.

    • @uzmanaz9284
      @uzmanaz9284 Před 2 lety

      Chota sa bucha bi to parha likha nahi hota bhai quran to us ko bi yad ho jata he or janh tuk hadees ki bat he wo to hain hi khud Muhammad s.a k words or amal to us ko likhny wale sahabi hova kerty thy jis ko correct kerwaty thy nabi pak s.a

  • @hitechcanada
    @hitechcanada Před 3 lety

    Zakir naik............. is it true that naik means who cut people hair?? Did you or your ancestor cut hairs ever in their life??

    • @OmarSlloum
      @OmarSlloum Před 3 lety +1

      in modern Arabic it means f**k

  • @Whyyyy321
    @Whyyyy321 Před 3 lety

    Does at 6:36 someone else interrupted him..

  • @hitechcanada
    @hitechcanada Před 3 lety

    Why allah musaalam only talk with st prophet? why he didnt talk to other prophets before mohd?

  • @hitechcanada
    @hitechcanada Před 3 lety

    AS far as I know, Mohd was illeterate. How it is possible that he reviewed it and authenticated it?!! Did you attended any university or bourn stupid?!

    • @ilyasmohi3011
      @ilyasmohi3011 Před 2 lety

      Guys what does it mean when you say illetrate, if you don't know kindly study

    • @razwanarana-kimutai9145
      @razwanarana-kimutai9145 Před 2 lety

      Before calling others illiterate, please do check yourself first. Your English leaves a lot to be desired.

  • @pro-mo1130
    @pro-mo1130 Před 3 lety

    Sab mantar hai. Leave Islam.

  • @Digital_NorthEast
    @Digital_NorthEast Před 3 lety

    Is islam is against idol worship why do u people worship stone in kabba

    • @sunflower-zi2ub
      @sunflower-zi2ub Před 3 lety +4

      It is not a modal it is the center of the earth. It is use as direction

    • @HudaTvChannel
      @HudaTvChannel  Před 3 lety

      Thank you for watching .. Plz Subscribe and Share to share in the reward

    • @shivangihere9141
      @shivangihere9141 Před 3 lety

      @@sunflower-zi2ub centre of earth..? Since when..?

    • @Blaze_0101
      @Blaze_0101 Před 3 lety +6

      We dont worship kaabah(black house).
      We just circumambulate it to indicate oneness of Allah(swt).
      And also we use it as direction to pray to Allah(swt)..and not to worship kaaba.

  • @nehalasghar7919
    @nehalasghar7919 Před 3 lety

    Sir, are you not going against quran, by saying "ahadees are words of the prophet SAW. Soora Najm has forbidden Rasool SAW to say anything of his own. He thinks nothing except what is revealed through Hazrat jibreel to him. It is better for the muslims to follow ONLY the Aglulbyt, and find how SAHABA Ra followed Ahlulbyt..??

    • @soothingandmediating5426
      @soothingandmediating5426 Před 3 lety

      I see..tell me who are the primarily the ahlul bait from the Quran

    • @nehalasghar7919
      @nehalasghar7919 Před 3 lety

      @@soothingandmediating5426 Only those who never were mushriks for any moment example are those who went for proof of sadiqeen against nasaara e najran..

    • @soothingandmediating5426
      @soothingandmediating5426 Před 3 lety

      @@nehalasghar7919 Do u read what I just wrote?..please ans my questions from the Quran so that we can proceed on
      1. What is the word ahlul bait means in general
      2. What is the technical term of ahlul bait
      3. Who are primarily the ahlul bait in the Quran
      4..How many times the word Ahlul bait used in the Quran

    • @soothingandmediating5426
      @soothingandmediating5426 Před 3 lety

      @@nehalasghar7919 hello???i am waiting for your answer

    • @nehalasghar7919
      @nehalasghar7919 Před 3 lety

      @@soothingandmediating5426 may be you didn't follow what I rote

  • @lovkushkumar
    @lovkushkumar Před 3 lety

    Days r gone dr naik. He clearly is nervous and dealing with a very illogical thing. He is building a sand castle