Why the Dome of the Rock Is the Perfect Monument to Islam

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • David Wood explores the history and message of Islam's third holiest site: The Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
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Komentáře • 6K

  • @theTruthLifeNWay
    @theTruthLifeNWay Před 6 měsíci +1511

    Islam - Spread by the Sword
    Islam - Dies by the Internet

    • @fisherkingpoet
      @fisherkingpoet Před 6 měsíci +48

      if only the truth could spread as easily as lies, then this would have been the case already a long time ago

    • @Thenoobestgirl
      @Thenoobestgirl Před 6 měsíci +13

      Amen inshallah 🙏

    • @garygraves4252
      @garygraves4252 Před 6 měsíci +28

      @@fisherkingpoet”A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can get its shoes on”

    • @yoachanan6701
      @yoachanan6701 Před 6 měsíci

      Islam will die by the sword of Yeshua haMessiah

    • @natanmoses674
      @natanmoses674 Před 6 měsíci +44

      What a pathetic reign lol. All it takes to destroy Islam is knowing about it.

  • @medicgaming101
    @medicgaming101 Před 6 měsíci +1932

    “Heart of Islam” in a city that is mentioned nowhere in the quran.

    • @NikoBellaKhouf2
      @NikoBellaKhouf2 Před 6 měsíci +37

      Read it again

    • @Cobra-gl7or
      @Cobra-gl7or Před 6 měsíci +265

      @@NikoBellaKhouf2 I read the quran and Allah recognized Israel alot more than Palestine.

    • @donquixote3927
      @donquixote3927 Před 6 měsíci

      @@Cobra-gl7or: Palestine is only annotated by the translators.

    • @donquixote3927
      @donquixote3927 Před 6 měsíci +131

      @@NikoBellaKhouf2: if Jerusalem is the Heart of Islam, you can ditch the legendary Mecca. Abraham travelled up the Tigris and down the Jordan river valleys and Mohammed’s night time donkey flight was added later. Mecca didn’t exist then.

    • @TheThornbird21
      @TheThornbird21 Před 6 měsíci +84

      I’m an Ex Muslim and if you don’t see how the author of Quran ( Jewish/Nazareens heretics) addressing the Jews and Christian’s rather than Allah addressing Muslims, you need to read again.

  • @mn5499
    @mn5499 Před 6 měsíci +702

    Without lies Islam dies

    • @Xaviguey
      @Xaviguey Před 6 měsíci +8

      Any proof or are you just regurgitating something that makes you feel good about your pagan religion?

    • @maydavies888
      @maydavies888 Před 6 měsíci +22

      I want to hear this being chanted in every pro-Hamas/Islam rally by pro-Israel people and those who love their own land and don't want the vile Sharia Law!

    • @mn5499
      @mn5499 Před 6 měsíci


    • @AzimaUllah
      @AzimaUllah Před 6 měsíci

      Wait till you find out about the mosque of Cordoba that was conquered by Christians and then turned into a cathedral. 🤫 Without lies, Christianity dies.

    • @indigatorveritatis5298
      @indigatorveritatis5298 Před 6 měsíci +12

      @@Xavigueycan you debate or just ask questions?

  • @4runnercolorado422
    @4runnercolorado422 Před 6 měsíci +452

    I love how David is still going hard on Islam after all these years. Keep up the great work.

    • @darkeen42
      @darkeen42 Před 6 měsíci

      Yeah now only if he turned that critical thinking towards Christianity we can all be rid of it. It is funny watching you pots call kettles black though

    • @darkeen42
      @darkeen42 Před 6 měsíci

      Oh you're one of those losers that thinks posting videos of you playing video games isn't anything but pathetic

    • @tolmol
      @tolmol Před 6 měsíci

      I didn't get if Mohammed is a false prophet.

    • @4runnercolorado422
      @4runnercolorado422 Před 6 měsíci

      @@tolmol yes muhammad is a false prophet. Also a child rapist, mass murderer, slave trader.

    • @mznxbcv12345
      @mznxbcv12345 Před 6 měsíci +4

      eye opening? This is what's eye opening. Christendom was always an empirial religion, born under the auspices of constantine, the subjects were converted at the edge of the sword and rendered into slaves for his majesty, often referring to him as their lord. In Islam such slavery is unthinkable. The only lordship is that of the creator, no station into which man was brought into the lands of Islam was to any degree as bad as the repugnant chattel slavery brought by the primitive tribalism inherent in their texts, for example, the word עוֹלֵל, ʿôlēl which means 'Babe, infant, little one, a suckling' occurs 21 King James Bible Verses Of these verses:
      “Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.”
      -Psalm 137:9
      “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”
      -1 Samuel 15:3
      “Therefore I am full of the fury of the LORD; I am weary with holding in: I will pour it out upon the children abroad, and upon the assembly of young men together: for even the husband with the wife shall be taken, the aged with him that is full of days.”
      -Jeremiah 6:11
      “Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.”
      -Hosea 13:16
      The other verses are not much different. Infact it is always in association with violence. Indeed these verses are the reason why in the Crusades the sense of pious rejoicing at massacre does not appear to be the product of later theologizing; it is also found, in the account of the eye-witness Raymond of Aguilers:
      “in the Temple and porch of Solomon, men rode in blood up to their knees and bridle reins. Indeed, it was a just and splendid judgment of God that this place should be filled with the blood of the unbelievers, since it had suffered so long from their blasphemies.” In fact, Raymond continues, “This day, I say, will be famous in all future ages, for it turned our labours and sorrows into joy and exultation; this day, I say, marks the justification of all Christianity, the humiliation of paganism, and the renewal of our faith.”
      Another account by a chronicler and eyewitness-priest, Albert of Aachen, describes the killing of fleeing women, and depicts crusaders as:: “seizing [infants who were still suckling] by the soles of their feet from their mothers’ laps or their cradles…and dashing them against the walls or lintels of the doors and breaking their necks […] they were sparing absolutely no gentile of any age or kind.”The incoherence inherent in a stranger to Abraham calling the children of Abraham gentiles notwithstanding, this account evokes the very same Psalm 137:9 imprecation against Babylon, in Latin, “beatus qui tenebit et adlidet parvulos tuos ad petram.”
      Albert describes a massacre occurring, in cold blood, on the second day following the conquest, painting a scene that is as horrific as it is realistic and detailed: "Girls, women, matrons, tormented by fear of imminent death and horror-struck by the violent murder wrapped themselves around the Christians’ bodies in the hope to save their lives, even as the Christians were raving and venting their rage in murder of both sexes. Some threw themselves at their feet, begging them with pitiable weeping and wailing for their lives and safety. When children five or three years old saw the cruel fate of their mothers and fathers, of one accord they stepped up the weeping and pitiable clamour. But they were making these signals for pity and mercy in vain. For the Christians gave over their whole hearts to murder, so that not a suckling little male-child or female, not even an infant of one year would escape the hand of the murderer".
      Evoking several of these verses in practice:
      - (Num 31:17-18) Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
      - (Deut 7:2, 9:3, Num 21) thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them...
      - (Deut 20:16-17) thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth
      - (Josh 6:21, 8:24-27, 10:, 11:11-14,21-22) And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword... And cut off their thumbs and their great toes... He left none remaining:
      - (Judg 18:27) And they took [the things] which Micah had made ...and came unto Laish ...and smote them with the edge of sword burnt city fire.
      - (1 Sam 15:1-9) Now go and smite Amalek and utterly destroy all that they have and spare them not but slay both man and woman infant and suckling ox and sheep camel and ass.
      - (1 Sam 27:9,11) And David smote the land and left neither man nor woman alive ...
      - (Esther 8:11, 9:1-19) Wherein the king granted the Jews which were in every city to gather themselves together and to stand for their life to destroy to slay and to cause to perish all the power of the people and province that would assault them both little ones and women and to take the spoil of them for a prey... .
      - (Ezek 9:6) Slay utterly old [and] young both maids and little children and women: but come not near any man upon whom [is] mark begin at my sanctuary.
      This is the polar opposite in the Quran in Surah Al-Tanwir, literally "The Englightenining" Surah, Aya 8-9, we have the death of a newborn is mentioned amongst the penultimate signs of the end of times, emphasizing the gravity of such an action. That child, now resurrected, is asked for what wrong doing was she murdered. This is to emphasize that she had done nothing wrong, for she had done nothing wrong and this is the day of retribution where those who omitted the evil are to be punished.
      This is the polar opposite in the Qur'an, Surah Al-Baqara Aya 190, which exhorts to fight unbelievers and not be "Aggressors", in the commentary of what it means to be aggressors, this was stated Al-Hasan Al-Basri stated that transgression (indicated by the Ayah):
      "includes mutilating the dead, theft (from the captured goods), killing women, children and old people who do not participate in warfare, killing priests and residents of houses of worship, burning down trees and killing animals without real benefit."
      This is also the opinion of Ibn `Abbas, `Umar bin `Abdul-`Aziz, Muqatil bin Hayyan and others. Muslim recorded in his Sahih that Buraydah narrated that Allah's Messenger said: "Fight for the sake of Allah and fight those who disbelieve in Allah. Fight, but do not steal, commit treachery, mutilate, or kill a child, or those who reside in houses of worship."
      It is reported in the Two Sahihs that Ibn `Umar said, "The Prophet forbade killing women and children."
      بابتداء القتال أو بقتال من نهيتم عن قتاله من النساء والشيوخ والصبيان والذين بينكم وبينهم عهد أو بالمثلة أو بالمفاجأة من غير دعوة
      "To kill those whom you were forbidden to from women, elderly, children and those whom betwixt you is a treaty or custom or by surprise or without cause"
      -Tafsir Al-Zamakshari of the meaning of Aggressors in the Aya
      More hadith from Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah:
      حَدَّثَنَا حُمَيْدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ، عَنْ شَيْخٍ، مِنْ أَهْلِ الْمَدِينَةِ مَوْلَى لِبَنِي عَبْدِ الْأَشْهَلِ، عَنْ دَاوُدَ، عَنْ عِكْرِمَةَ، عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ كَانَ إِذَا بَعَثَ جُيُوشَهُ قَالَ: «§لَا تَقْتُلُوا أَصْحَابَ الصَّوَامِعِ»
      "Do not kill the dwellers of monasteries"
      حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ فُضَيْلٍ، عَنْ جُوَيْبِرٍ، عَنِ الضَّحَّاكِ قَالَ: كَانَ «§يُنْهَى عَنْ قَتْلِ الْمَرْأَةِ، وَالشَّيْخِ الْكَبِيرِ»
      سَعْدٍ قَالَ: «§نَهَى رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ عَنْ قَتْلِ النِّسَاءِ وَالذُّرِّيَّةِ، وَالشَّيْخِ الْكَبِيرِ الَّذِي لَا حَرَاكَ بِهِ»
      "The prophet forbids the killing of women, children, and the elderly"
      This is the polar opposite in the Qur'an, Surah Al-Anfal Ayah 61 in which even oath breaking deniers/unbelievers are allowed to sue for peace states if the unbelievers they ask for peace, give it to them.
      The modifiable testament testament commands indiscriminate killing, genocide, plunder, mutilation, enslavement, or torture of enemies, including women, on the other hand.Surah Al-Baqara Aya 190 limits war to those who fight against Muslims, prohibits transgression, and implies respect for human dignity and life Indeed it is what precedes the famous "sword verse", always cited out of context.
      God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.

  • @cryyss29
    @cryyss29 Před 6 měsíci +336

    'Rocks are very important in Islam' 😂 Idk why but that made me laugh

    • @flameguy3416
      @flameguy3416 Před 6 měsíci +90

      • Black pebbles in the cube
      • Dome of the rock
      • Stoning people to death
      Yeah alot of fascination with rocks.

    • @cryyss29
      @cryyss29 Před 6 měsíci +27

      @@flameguy3416 oh no, the last one caught me off guard. I didnt even think of that 🤭😬

    • @kurtwinslow2670
      @kurtwinslow2670 Před 6 měsíci +22

      @@flameguy3416 At the Hajj, throwing rocks at the three pillars of Satan. Which in reality is a slam on the triune God of Christianity.

    • @DarkMark-cf1ec
      @DarkMark-cf1ec Před 6 měsíci +4

      "there shall be no war in ba sing Hamas"

    • @bdbestxyzIII
      @bdbestxyzIII Před 6 měsíci +1

      It's about as important as rocks are in Christianity.
      "“See!” he said to all the people. “This stone will be a witness against us. It has heard all the words the LORD has said to us. It will be a witness against you if you are untrue to your God.” [Joshua 24:27]

  • @TheTravelingClatt
    @TheTravelingClatt Před 6 měsíci +718

    As an Israeli who's never been up there before, all I can say is, this video took some major cahones to make, kudos 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

    • @Nadeem146
      @Nadeem146 Před 6 měsíci +17

      Didn't take much cahones to make did it really? The place was empty, ghost of town. Real brave of him to deliver his evangelical speech infront of 0 human beings. Could have done it from his bookcase study room with green screen.

    • @teeemm9456
      @teeemm9456 Před 6 měsíci +84

      @@Nadeem146 lol, tell us you're a tool in fewer words next time, no need to write that much.

    • @Nadeem146
      @Nadeem146 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@teeemm9456 was what I said "factual"? And please use David Woods definition of "facts" and "factual" please when you respond to the question.
      Here's me telling you in fewer words next time that I'm a fool.

    • @teeemm9456
      @teeemm9456 Před 6 měsíci

      @@Nadeem146 Tool Fool.
      No, what you said wasn't factual, you're assuming quite a bit.
      A) We only get a low camera angle, with no surrounding views.
      B) He posted it on CZcams, insulting a religion with many that pride themselves on delivering "justice" to those that insult it, regardless if anyone was physically present.
      C) You have someone who lives in the area basically saying it's not the safest thing to do, but you're the internet expert typing behind your screen that's knows all the "facts".
      You're a tool, and your overlords are proud.

    • @aag3752
      @aag3752 Před 6 měsíci +10

      I'm Lebanese. We wouldn't hate you guys if we weren't at war. We even have some common history because as you probably know we were Phoenicians who originated thousands of years ago. And eventually shared the land with our Jewish neighbors. But yes to be honest most Lebanese don't like Israelis, and will continue to call out your despicabl injustice. Even atheists like me feel this way. Even my Jewish friends in the US are also against the onslaught in Gaza.

  • @jameswright4420
    @jameswright4420 Před 6 měsíci +542

    Standing in front of the Dome of the Rock and dropping this truth bombs takes some serious guts!

    • @NikoBellaKhouf2
      @NikoBellaKhouf2 Před 6 měsíci +12

      There's nobody there

    • @enan1468
      @enan1468 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Considering how violent and riled Muslims can get, yes it takes guts!

    • @user-mu1vo2ys3x
      @user-mu1vo2ys3x Před 6 měsíci +2

      You mean LIES

    • @baxterandcotton
      @baxterandcotton Před 6 měsíci

      ​@@user-iw4uf8om1dMuslims kill people for drawing cartoons dude.

    • @Dweeb-ge5jw
      @Dweeb-ge5jw Před 6 měsíci

      Cope lol ​@@user-mu1vo2ys3x

  • @chrism4008
    @chrism4008 Před 6 měsíci +59

    I'm so ready for Jesus to come back and cleanse this hellscape once and for all

    • @russell2910
      @russell2910 Před 6 měsíci

      You mad?😅

    • @chrism4008
      @chrism4008 Před 6 měsíci +5

      @@russell2910 mad? Nah, I'm disappointed in humanity for falling for every trick ever played on them, like the fools all of us are

    • @russell2910
      @russell2910 Před 6 měsíci

      @@chrism4008 why don't you do something about it?

    • @chrism4008
      @chrism4008 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@russell2910 any suggestions? 🤣🤣

    • @russell2910
      @russell2910 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@chrism4008 no. Just sit there and cry about how you need God to destroy everybody.

  • @KG-jx8zt
    @KG-jx8zt Před 6 měsíci +555

    How do the Muslims keep track of their "drunk history?" So much disjointed nonsense.

    • @nocx4592
      @nocx4592 Před 6 měsíci +83

      Their imams just say whatever sounds good that week and everyone believes them.

    • @flameguy3416
      @flameguy3416 Před 6 měsíci +56

      Most of them don't, the average Muslim doesn't read the Quran, let alone understand the context of the verses.

    • @odettepaulin6056
      @odettepaulin6056 Před 6 měsíci +17

      The writer of the prophet of Islam at that time maybe got drunk and tired of serving so many mistresses

    • @DarkMark-cf1ec
      @DarkMark-cf1ec Před 6 měsíci

      Correct. As Israels children are favoured by Allah himself in the Quran
      In truth, all of the arabs and Palestine have turned on their religion, betrayed it and abused it. They have no right to a jihad

    • @tommyrotton9468
      @tommyrotton9468 Před 6 měsíci +10

      same way Christians keep up with differing Gospel accounts, they have cognitive difference

  • @mcfarvo
    @mcfarvo Před 6 měsíci +665

    God bless David Wood and all the bold people speaking out against Islam

    • @robynmarler1951
      @robynmarler1951 Před 6 měsíci +16

      Bless them Lord Jesus🌄

    • @rvharikrishna
      @rvharikrishna Před 6 měsíci +7

      Nothing against per se, just fact finding and info sharing. Because this is significant and a global phenomenon, the topic is quite relevant.

    • @Doctor.Kapow.
      @Doctor.Kapow. Před 6 měsíci +4

      Kinda crazy how you're allowed to speak out against Islam but not Talmudic Judaism.

    • @rvharikrishna
      @rvharikrishna Před 6 měsíci

      @@Doctor.Kapow. how many Jewish Jihadis does the world know of

    • @masterdaveedwards
      @masterdaveedwards Před 6 měsíci +4

      And Amen

  • @camillewilliams3185
    @camillewilliams3185 Před 6 měsíci +1102

    This is why they say without lies Islam dies. It's very important for us to know history especially in a sea of false claims. If you listen to Islam, you'd never even think its actually not originally a muslim area. They took Jerusalem through war.

    • @footbo2636
      @footbo2636 Před 6 měsíci

      David did not specify what Christians did to Jews during the Crusades. bizzare.

    • @rmf2941
      @rmf2941 Před 6 měsíci

      Funny they say the same thing about Democrats winning elections...without cheating they don't win

    • @pakkarim
      @pakkarim Před 6 měsíci

      Islam took Jerusalem from the Byzantine, Rome had decline and the road to the ROCK was beckoning, Muslims took it.

    • @mishswb4950
      @mishswb4950 Před 6 měsíci +39

      ​@MJ-xk5eiIf the trajectory continued, you would still make no sense

    • @zamolxezamolxe8131
      @zamolxezamolxe8131 Před 6 měsíci +11

      So does christianity and Judaism die without lies. All monotheistic religions do lol

  • @magomanyaituga4573
    @magomanyaituga4573 Před 6 měsíci +105

    I can't believe I was in the dark about this. Excellent. May God protect you.

    • @mznxbcv12345
      @mznxbcv12345 Před 3 měsíci +1

      The story of Christendom was always an empirial religion, born under the auspices of constantine, the subjects were converted at the edge of the sword and rendered into slaves for his majesty, often referring to him as their lord. In Islam such slavery is unthinkable. The only lordship is that of the creator, no station into which man was brought into the lands of Islam was to any degree as bad as the repugnant chattel slavery brought by the primitive tribalism inherent in their texts, for example, the word עוֹלֵל, ʿôlēl which means 'Babe, infant, little one, a suckling' occurs 21 King James Bible Verses Of these verses:
      “Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.”
      -Psalm 137:9
      “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”
      -1 Samuel 15:3
      “Therefore I am full of the fury of the LORD; I am weary with holding in: I will pour it out upon the children abroad, and upon the assembly of young men together: for even the husband with the wife shall be taken, the aged with him that is full of days.”
      -Jeremiah 6:11
      “Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.”
      -Hosea 13:16
      The other verses are not much different. Infact it is always in association with violence. Indeed these verses are the reason why in the Crusades the sense of pious rejoicing at massacre does not appear to be the product of later theologizing; it is also found, in the account of the eye-witness Raymond of Aguilers:
      “in the Temple and porch of Solomon, men rode in blood up to their knees and bridle reins. Indeed, it was a just and splendid judgment of God that this place should be filled with the blood of the unbelievers, since it had suffered so long from their blasphemies.” In fact, Raymond continues, “This day, I say, will be famous in all future ages, for it turned our labours and sorrows into joy and exultation; this day, I say, marks the justification of all Christianity, the humiliation of paganism, and the renewal of our faith.”
      Another account by a chronicler and eyewitness-priest, Albert of Aachen, describes the killing of fleeing women, and depicts crusaders as:: “seizing [infants who were still suckling] by the soles of their feet from their mothers’ laps or their cradles…and dashing them against the walls or lintels of the doors and breaking their necks […] they were sparing absolutely no gentile of any age or kind.”The incoherence inherent in a stranger to Abraham calling the children of Abraham gentiles notwithstanding, this account evokes the very same Psalm 137:9 imprecation against Babylon, in Latin, “beatus qui tenebit et adlidet parvulos tuos ad petram.”
      Albert describes a massacre occurring, in cold blood, on the second day following the conquest, painting a scene that is as horrific as it is realistic and detailed: "Girls, women, matrons, tormented by fear of imminent death and horror-struck by the violent murder wrapped themselves around the Christians’ bodies in the hope to save their lives, even as the Christians were raving and venting their rage in murder of both sexes. Some threw themselves at their feet, begging them with pitiable weeping and wailing for their lives and safety. When children five or three years old saw the cruel fate of their mothers and fathers, of one accord they stepped up the weeping and pitiable clamour. But they were making these signals for pity and mercy in vain. For the Christians gave over their whole hearts to murder, so that not a suckling little male-child or female, not even an infant of one year would escape the hand of the murderer".
      Evoking several of these verses in practice:
      - (Num 31:17-18) Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
      - (Deut 7:2, 9:3, Num 21) thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them...
      - (Deut 20:16-17) thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth
      - (1 Sam 27:9,11) And David smote the land and left neither man nor woman alive ...
      - (Ezek 9:6) Slay utterly old [and] young both maids and little children and women: but come not near any man upon whom [is] mark begin at my sanctuary.
      This is the Polar opposite of the values of truth has, when Rabi' Bin Amer was sent as an envoy to the Persians, he said "We were sent to liberate whoever God wishes from the worshipping of slaves to the worship of God, from the tyranny of this world to liberation, and from the oppression of cults to the justice of Islam"
      اللَّهُ ابْتَعَثَنَا، وَاللَّهُ جَاءَ بِنَا لِنُخْرِجَ مَنْ شَاءَ مِنْ عِبَادَةِ الْعِبَادِ إِلَى عِبَادَةِ اللَّهِ، وَمِنْ ضِيقِ الدُّنْيَا إِلَى سِعَتِهَا، وَمِنْ جَوْرِالأَدْيَانِ إِلَى عَدْلِ الإِسْلامِ
      This is the polar opposite of how the crusaders were treated in return; Eyewitness-chronicler of the fifth crusade, Oliver of Paderborn writes on how the starving defeated crusaders were treated after their defeat:
      "Who could doubt that such goodness, friendship and charity come from God? Men whose parents, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, had died in agony at our hands, whose lands we took, whom we drove naked from their homes, revived us with their own food when we were dying of hunger and showered us with kindness even when we were in their power."
      This is the polar opposite in the Quran in Surah Al-Tanwir, literally "The Englightenining" Surah, Aya 8-9, we have the death of a newborn is mentioned amongst the penultimate signs of the end of times, emphasizing the gravity of such an action. That child, now resurrected, is asked for what wrong doing was she murdered. This is to emphasize that she had done nothing wrong, for she had done nothing wrong and this is the day of retribution where those who omitted the evil are to be punished.
      This is the polar opposite in the Qur'an, Surah Al-Baqara Aya 190, which exhorts to fight unbelievers and not be "Aggressors", in the commentary of what it means to be aggressors, this was stated Al-Hasan Al-Basri stated that transgression (indicated by the Ayah):
      "includes mutilating the dead, theft (from the captured goods), killing women, children and old people who do not participate in warfare, killing priests and residents of houses of worship, burning down trees and killing animals without real benefit."
      This is also the opinion of Ibn `Abbas, `Umar bin `Abdul-`Aziz, Muqatil bin Hayyan and others. Muslim recorded in his Sahih that Buraydah narrated that Allah's Messenger said: "Fight for the sake of Allah and fight those who disbelieve in Allah. Fight, but do not steal, commit treachery, mutilate, or kill a child, or those who reside in houses of worship."
      It is reported in the Two Sahihs that Ibn `Umar said, "The Prophet forbade killing women and children."
      بابتداء القتال أو بقتال من نهيتم عن قتاله من النساء والشيوخ والصبيان والذين بينكم وبينهم عهد أو بالمثلة أو بالمفاجأة من غير دعوة
      "To kill those whom you were forbidden to from women, elderly, children and those whom betwixt you is a treaty or custom or by surprise or without cause"
      -Tafsir Al-Zamakshari of the meaning of Aggressors in the Aya
      More hadith from Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah:
      حَدَّثَنَا حُمَيْدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ، عَنْ شَيْخٍ، مِنْ أَهْلِ الْمَدِينَةِ مَوْلَى لِبَنِي عَبْدِ الْأَشْهَلِ، عَنْ دَاوُدَ، عَنْ عِكْرِمَةَ، عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ كَانَ إِذَا بَعَثَ جُيُوشَهُ قَالَ: «§لَا تَقْتُلُوا أَصْحَابَ الصَّوَامِعِ»
      "Do not kill the dwellers of monasteries"
      حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ فُضَيْلٍ، عَنْ جُوَيْبِرٍ، عَنِ الضَّحَّاكِ قَالَ: كَانَ «§يُنْهَى عَنْ قَتْلِ الْمَرْأَةِ، وَالشَّيْخِ الْكَبِيرِ»
      سَعْدٍ قَالَ: «§نَهَى رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ عَنْ قَتْلِ النِّسَاءِ وَالذُّرِّيَّةِ، وَالشَّيْخِ الْكَبِيرِ الَّذِي لَا حَرَاكَ بِهِ»
      "The prophet forbids the killing of women, children, and the elderly"
      This is the polar opposite in the Qur'an, Surah Al-Anfal Ayah 61 in which even oath breaking deniers/unbelievers are allowed to sue for peace states if the unbelievers they ask for peace, give it to them.
      The modifiable testament testament commands indiscriminate killing, genocide, plunder, mutilation, enslavement, or torture of enemies, including women, on the other hand.Surah Al-Baqara Aya 190 limits war to those who fight against Muslims, prohibits transgression, and implies respect for human dignity and life Indeed it is what precedes the famous "sword verse", always cited out of context.
      Surah Al-Nisaa Aya 46 - Addresses people who take Ayat from the Quran out of their context
      God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.

    • @gonzothecat5901
      @gonzothecat5901 Před 3 měsíci

      @@mznxbcv12345 bro all mebtal gymanstics u want to do wont change the fact ur prophets an insecure pedophile warlord whos only wisdom he’s ever been able to utter he stole from the jews and christ. Nothing else of value is in it at all.

    • @mznxbcv12345
      @mznxbcv12345 Před 3 měsíci +1

      In the dark about this though? the word עוֹלֵל, ʿôlēl which means 'Babe, infant, little one, a suckling' occurs 21 King James Bible Verses Of these verses:
      “Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.”-Psalm 137:9
      “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”
      -1 Samuel 15:3
      “Therefore I am full of the fury of the LORD; I am weary with holding in: I will pour it out upon the children abroad, and upon the assembly of young men together: for even the husband with the wife shall be taken, the aged with him that is full of days.”
      -Jeremiah 6:11
      “Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.”
      -Hosea 13:16
      The other verses are not much different. Infact it is always in association with violence. Indeed these verses are the reason why in the Crusades the sense of pious rejoicing at massacre does not appear to be the product of later theologizing; it is also found, in the account of the eye-witness Raymond of Aguilers:
      “in the Temple and porch of Solomon, men rode in blood up to their knees and bridle reins. Indeed, it was a just and splendid judgment of God that this place should be filled with the blood of the unbelievers, since it had suffered so long from their blasphemies.” In fact, Raymond continues, “This day, I say, will be famous in all future ages, for it turned our labours and sorrows into joy and exultation; this day, I say, marks the justification of all Christianity, the humiliation of paganism, and the renewal of our faith.”
      Another account by a chronicler and eyewitness-priest, Albert of Aachen, describes the killing of fleeing women, and depicts crusaders as:: “seizing [infants who were still suckling] by the soles of their feet from their mothers’ laps or their cradles…and dashing them against the walls or lintels of the doors and breaking their necks […] they were sparing absolutely no gentile of any age or kind.”The incoherence inherent in a stranger to Abraham calling the children of Abraham gentiles notwithstanding, this account evokes the very same Psalm 137:9 imprecation against Babylon, in Latin, “beatus qui tenebit et adlidet parvulos tuos ad petram.”
      Albert describes a massacre occurring, in cold blood, on the second day following the conquest, painting a scene that is as horrific as it is realistic and detailed: "Girls, women, matrons, tormented by fear of imminent death and horror-struck by the violent murder wrapped themselves around the Christians’ bodies in the hope to save their lives, even as the Christians were raving and venting their rage in murder of both sexes. Some threw themselves at their feet, begging them with pitiable weeping and wailing for their lives and safety. When children five or three years old saw the cruel fate of their mothers and fathers, of one accord they stepped up the weeping and pitiable clamour. But they were making these signals for pity and mercy in vain. For the Christians gave over their whole hearts to murder, so that not a suckling little male-child or female, not even an infant of one year would escape the hand of the murderer".
      Evoking several of these verses in practice:
      - (Num 31:17-18) Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
      - (Deut 7:2, 9:3, Num 21) thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them...
      - (Deut 20:16-17) thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth
      - (Josh 6:21, 8:24-27, 10:, 11:11-14,21-22) And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword... And cut off their thumbs and their great toes... He left none remaining:
      - (Judg 18:27) And they took [the things] which Micah had made ...and came unto Laish ...and smote them with the edge of sword burnt city fire.
      - (1 Sam 15:1-9) Now go and smite Amalek and utterly destroy all that they have and spare them not but slay both man and woman infant and suckling ox and sheep camel and ass.
      - (1 Sam 27:9,11) And David smote the land and left neither man nor woman alive ...
      - (Esther 8:11, 9:1-19) Wherein the king granted the Jews which were in every city to gather themselves together and to stand for their life to destroy to slay and to cause to perish all the power of the people and province that would assault them both little ones and women and to take the spoil of them for a prey... .
      - (Ezek 9:6) Slay utterly old [and] young both maids and little children and women: but come not near any man upon whom [is] mark begin at my sanctuary.
      This is the polar opposite in the Quran in Surah Al-Tanwir, literally "The Englightenining" Surah, Aya 8-9, we have the death of a newborn is mentioned amongst the penultimate signs of the end of times, emphasizing the gravity of such an action. That child, now resurrected, is asked for what wrong doing was she murdered. This is to emphasize that she had done nothing wrong, for she had done nothing wrong and this is the day of retribution where those who omitted the evil are to be punished.
      This is the polar opposite in the Qur'an, Surah Al-Baqara Aya 190, which exhorts to fight unbelievers and not be "Aggressors", in the commentary of what it means to be aggressors, this was stated Al-Hasan Al-Basri stated that transgression (indicated by the Ayah):
      "includes mutilating the dead, theft (from the captured goods), killing women, children and old people who do not participate in warfare, killing priests and residents of houses of worship, burning down trees and killing animals without real benefit."
      This is also the opinion of Ibn `Abbas, `Umar bin `Abdul-`Aziz, Muqatil bin Hayyan and others. Muslim recorded in his Sahih that Buraydah narrated that Allah's Messenger said: "Fight for the sake of Allah and fight those who disbelieve in Allah. Fight, but do not steal, commit treachery, mutilate, or kill a child, or those who reside in houses of worship."
      It is reported in the Two Sahihs that Ibn `Umar said, "The Prophet forbade killing women and children."
      بابتداء القتال أو بقتال من نهيتم عن قتاله من النساء والشيوخ والصبيان والذين بينكم وبينهم عهد أو بالمثلة أو بالمفاجأة من غير دعوة
      "To kill those whom you were forbidden to from women, elderly, children and those whom betwixt you is a treaty or custom or by surprise or without cause"
      -Tafsir Al-Zamakshari of the meaning of Aggressors in the Aya
      More hadith from Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah:
      حَدَّثَنَا حُمَيْدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ، عَنْ شَيْخٍ، مِنْ أَهْلِ الْمَدِينَةِ مَوْلَى لِبَنِي عَبْدِ الْأَشْهَلِ، عَنْ دَاوُدَ، عَنْ عِكْرِمَةَ، عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ كَانَ إِذَا بَعَثَ جُيُوشَهُ قَالَ: «§لَا تَقْتُلُوا أَصْحَابَ الصَّوَامِعِ»
      "Do not kill the dwellers of monasteries"
      حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ فُضَيْلٍ، عَنْ جُوَيْبِرٍ، عَنِ الضَّحَّاكِ قَالَ: كَانَ «§يُنْهَى عَنْ قَتْلِ الْمَرْأَةِ، وَالشَّيْخِ الْكَبِيرِ»
      سَعْدٍ قَالَ: «§نَهَى رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ عَنْ قَتْلِ النِّسَاءِ وَالذُّرِّيَّةِ، وَالشَّيْخِ الْكَبِيرِ الَّذِي لَا حَرَاكَ بِهِ»
      "The prophet forbids the killing of women, children, and the elderly"
      This is the polar opposite in the Qur'an, Surah Al-Anfal Ayah 61 in which even oath breaking deniers/unbelievers are allowed to sue for peace states if the unbelievers they ask for peace, give it to them.
      The modifiable testament testament commands indiscriminate killing, genocide, plunder, mutilation, enslavement, or torture of enemies, including women, on the other hand.Surah Al-Baqara Aya 190 limits war to those who fight against Muslims, prohibits transgression, and implies respect for human dignity and life Indeed it is what precedes the famous "sword verse", always cited out of context.
      God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.

  • @SeekTheCross
    @SeekTheCross Před 6 měsíci +287

    Ephesians 5:11-13
    "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible,"
    Keep exposing them David, thanks for the history lesson. Lord bless you and yours.

    • @robynmarler1951
      @robynmarler1951 Před 6 měsíci +11

      Amen 🌹

    • @thomasforsyth8329
      @thomasforsyth8329 Před 6 měsíci +6


    • @kenpca
      @kenpca Před 6 měsíci +1

      If the Bible is wrong then so is Islam

    • @mznxbcv12345
      @mznxbcv12345 Před 6 měsíci

      Soon after Jesus had selected his twelve apostles, according to Luke, he " gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. And he said unto them: 'Take nothing for your journey, neither staves nor scrip, neither bread, neither money; neither have two coats apiece. And whatsoever house ye enter, there abide and thence depart. And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them." This is the entire charge of Jesus to his apostles when he sent them out to convert the world, as reported by Luke, who claims to give the address or a portion of it, and that presumably the most important portion, word for word. The language here attributed to Jesus conveys no idea that he had any purpose of founding a new church. Neither here nor anywhere else, in the language attributed to him in the New Testament, does he explain the phrase " the kingdom of God " to mean a new ecclesiastical organization. In several passages he does use it to signify the celestial dominion after the destruction of the world; and this is therefore presumably its meaning everywhere.
      The gospel of Matthew is much further than that of Luke in its report of the charge of Jesus to his apostles: "These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them, saying: 'Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not; but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.", "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I am come not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother... He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet, shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward."
      This charge as reported by Matthew omitted nearly all the main ideas that would have been appropriate in an address instructing the twelve to preach the foundation of Christianity. It does not say whether Jesus wished to reform or to supersede Judaism; whether his principal purpose was ecclesiastical, moral, political, or sanitary. The remarks about healing the sick and casting out devils is the most explicit of all the instructions. Certainly no reader can learn from that charge that Jesus intended to establish a new religion; and much less can he learn any feature of the faith or discipline of a projected new church. And this address is that portion of the New Testament where such information should be given most clearly. He made no doctrinal definition and no ecclesiastical organization. He did not use the key words of the original doctrines necessary to Christianity or a new church, nor the keywords of ideas afterwards associated with Christianity, such as Incarnation, Trinity, Immaculate Conception, and Transubstantiation.
      The subjects to which the most space given in the sayings attributed in the gospels, to Jesus, are, First, the Mosaic law; Second, judgment day; Third, faith; Fourth, the sins of the Pharisees; Fifth, ascetic morality; and Sixth, his divine commission.
      Paul's epistles are indicative of his claims to independence and originality: " I am the apostle of the Gentiles.", " I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles." There is no passage in Paul inconsistent with these quotations; no passage suggesting that the admission of the gentiles into the Christian church was an idea of Jesus, or that it was accepted by the twelve apostles in Jerusalem before the conversion of Paul, or that he received any instruction from them or acknowledged any duty of obedience or submission to them. This gospel which Paul preached and which, according to his boast, was original with him, included many tenets not found in the four gospels or not set forth there in unmistakable terms. By implication, it repudiated the ascetic maxims of the synoptic gospels, It proclaimed the abrogation of the Mosaic ceremonial law. It announced itself as a new and independent religion later on having its adherents called Christians, and their doctrine Christianity.
      God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.

    • @nils740
      @nils740 Před 6 měsíci

      ​@@mznxbcv12345With allah beeing the best of decievers dont be decieved by the beautiful design of the arabic language and the astonishing composition of the quran - its the content that matters. Muslims often boast about the mindblowing form and the sublime poetic eloquency and I dont object to that. For all I care it may be the most poetical perfected text ever made in the most perfect and mathematical language ever created: arabic; yet in english, or in my tongue swedish, its almost unreadable due to its repetitive and incoherent layout. And its extremely difficult to get an understanding of the content without a large amount of additional text from outside, hadiths etc. You tried to make God (YHWH) an evil god by citing some verses about killing babies and women and everyone; you know why He wanted that? Those people, like the amalakites mentioned, hated God, mocked Him, and they were all lost; "not one good among them". They lived in unimaginable sin, perverted beyond comprehension; child sacrifice, blood sex rituals, bestiality, sodomy, orgies etc. In short they were as satanist as you can get. Moloch and baal worshipers. And yet God gave them hundreds of years to repent because God is merciful, but enough is finally enough. When the quran talks about people to watch out for and correct its about jews and christians. Talk about comparison. God bless ❤

  • @jamesstrawn6087
    @jamesstrawn6087 Před 6 měsíci +131

    That "Barack" means "flying donkey" clarified a lot of things for me.

    • @heartMommy
      @heartMommy Před 6 měsíci +16


    • @ReligionOfSacrifice
      @ReligionOfSacrifice Před 6 měsíci

      @@heartMommy, by the mouth of many witnesses a thing is established. Habakkuk and Ezekiel speak.
      Habakkuk 1:9-13 "All come, Hamas, assemble the horde of the east, gather the captives like sand. Mock the ruler, and their judgment a joke, laugh as all strongholds become rubble, seize them, then pass through like the wind, pass through guilty by the strength of your god. From of old Yahweh, He is the god Holy, who died? Yahweh, the appointed judge, and the Rock will establish the judgment. The one who was overcome is pure. He sees the evil's power. Look at the evil. What do you see? Do you favor the ones who do wickedly? Are you silent when the wicked swallow those more righteous than them?"
      Habakkuk 3:11-13 "From the east the crescent stood at the heights, walking in the light of the weapons, the radiance of Barack (Husein Obama) from the thrust. There is indignation at his march on the Earth; in anger he trampled the nations. He went forth for the salvation of his people; for the salvation he's anointed. Now strike the head of the house of the wicked; lay him open from thigh to neck, commune with the Lifted High."
      Ezekiel 1:13-14 “for the living being was like a consumed ember, a consumed vision upright, shall he walk among living beings, fiery and bright was Barack, he had come out of the consummation. The living beings ran to and fro before the vision of Barack.”
      Ezekiel 21:2-5 "Son of man set your face towards Jerusalem, and speak against the sanctuary and prophecy against the land of Israel, and say to the land of Israel, "Thus saith Yahweh, "Behold I am against, and the drawn sword from the sheath, and cut off shall be the righteous and the wicked. ON THIS ACCOUNT cut off the righteous and the wicked, thus the drawn sword from the sheath, against all flesh south north, ALL FLESH SHALL KNOW YAHWEH, the drawn sword from the sheath, never to turn back again."""
      Ezekiel 21:9-12 “Son of man prophecy and say, Yahweh utters, “a sword, a sword is sharpened and moreover laid bare, sharpened for slaughter the slaughter of laid bare Barack, for shall we rejoice at the son who rejects all the branches of humanity? For it was first given laid bare the handle sharpened and laid bare and set into the hand of the destroyer (Abaddon or Apollyon). Cry out in anguish, son of man. And my people, all the so blessed of God’s Word (Israel) are delivered unto the sword. My people! Thus I shall strike him at the thigh.”
      Ezekiel 21:13-15 “Test your community. Truly, also the scepter which despises shall be no more, declares the Lord Yahweh. Son of man prophecy and clap your hands together, the sword twice, and now the third time, the sword pierces, the sword for the great one as it pierces those who indwelt and surrounded them. The inner being (demons) weaken greatly, they were brought down to cause stumbling, All of them are at the gate (of hell). Give them to slaughter by the sword. Alas, they had made Barack (Hussein Obama) and caught themselves up for the slaughter.”
      Ezekiel 21:28 “and son of man prophecy and say, All utters Lord Yahweh, towards teaching towards this reproach, say a sword, a sword has been drawn and laid bare for the slaughter to consume Barack.”
      Do Job and Moses the earliest writers of the Holy Bible agree with this testimony?
      Job 26:6 "naked death before Abaddon, and nothing shall cover them over."
      Job 26:13-14 “by his breath the heavens are cleared, his hand shall pierce BARACK, a serpent. Behold ALLAH the end of his ways. How? A whisper, a word, hear the strength and the thunder. Who can discern?”
      Deuteronomy 29:25-29 "and they will say, 'ALLAH (the accursed), for they forsook the covenant of Yahweh the God of their fathers, Asshur (he who shall come forth) shall cut off they who were brought out of the land of Egypt.' They will come to serve another god (Allah), and prostrate before a god, Asshur (he who shall come forth) shall know to divide. And the breath of Yahweh shall burn against that land (Palestine whole - see Isaiah 14:29-31) to bring upon all a curse written in this book. Yahweh shall uproot the land in anger, fury of great wrath, to cast another land as it is this day concealed. Yahweh our God. Uncover the Son. For unto the last, this is the observance of all of the words of this book of law."
      Deuteronomy 32:41 “Truly I cut into Barack with a sword, for My hand shall accomplish justice, I will turn back the vengeance of My adversaries, to repay all those who hate Me.”
      Zephaniah 2:12 "Moreover Cush (horn of Africa black man) I shall slay by My sword."
      Quran 13:11b-14a says, “Never doeth Allah change the condition of a people, excepting they change themselves, and Allah intendeth evil for all people, and there is no stopping him. Neither doeth he accept an equal. Barack is he who showeth you the face of Allah, giving a fear and a hope, though heavy the clouds and the thunder, exalt and prostrate to him, for even angels fear him, for he sendeth forth thunderbolts, striking whom he wills, while they dispute before the face of Allah, and he is severe in his attack. To him alone are the prayers in truth."
      Quran 7:45-47 says, “Who shall avert people from the path of Allah? And who will be declared the maker of deception? They were focused on the Hereafter, disbelievers. Between them shall be a barrier a family of men of Obama, who shall recognize them all by their markings. And one (Barack Obama) shall call out to the companions of Paradise, “PEACE ON YOU.” They shall not have entered, but shall have the assurance. And his eyes shall turn towards the people to be torched for they cry out, “Lord let us not be cast into fire among the wicked” but the man Obama shall say, “I know you by your looks, but none of your riches or pride of life shall avail you now, for these men have sworn that you may never earn the mercy of Allah.” Then he shall turn to his own BARACK (the blessing) shall say, “Come with me to paradise, for you will have nothing to fear, neither regret.””
      "Why have you prophesied in the name YAHWEH, saying, this house will be SHILOH (death) given unto ALLAH, and this city will become a desolation without a survivor? And all the people surrounded Jeremiah in a temple built unto YAHWEH." - Jeremiah 26:9
      "The ruling shall not be final in Judah, it is not the decree from the bruised foot, not until Shiloh (death) come for then unto Him shall be a gathering of the people." - Genesis 49:10
      "ALLAH OBAMA ab dama elyown." - Isaiah 14:14
      "Yahweh is the head of a force of armies, who can plan to frustrate? If His hand is stretched out who can turn it back?" - Isaiah 14:27
      "For the year is the year of the brought down king, Ahaz. He is dead is the oracle to come." - Isaiah 14:28
      "Rejoice not Palestine though now thee be whole, for the rod who struck has been broken. The serpent is at the root with a venom. It shall go forth as a fruit, a flying forth from the serpent." - Isaiah 14:29
      "Those most hopeless shall lie down in bonds, and shall die at the root in need, for their remnant will be slain." - Isaiah 14:30
      "Wail at the judgment, cry out city as you melt, O Palestine now whole. For smoke from the North, and none shall break rank." - Isaiah 14:31
      "And except those days be shortened NO FLESH, yet for the sake of the elect those days be shortened." - Matthew 24:22
      "For as BARACK cometh out of the East and shineth even so far as the West so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man, for wherever the bodies lie so too AN EAGLE IN UNION." - Matthew 24:27-28
      "and it shall come to pass that all in the land shall fall, declares Yahweh. Two-thirds shall be cut off and perish, and the last third shall be left to remain. I shall bring the last third through fire. Smelt some to silver refine, test some to gold in the trials. They will call on a name and I will answer some saying they are my people. They shall have uttered, "YAHWEH IS MY ELOHIM." - Zechariah 13:8-9
      “For even the seventh was poured, a bowl into the air, great voice came out of the temple from the throne saying, “DONE.” Barack voiced thunder great, shaking of a manner as never had been from the time man had come into being on Earth, this person was of great lineage, great earthquake like unto this. The great city split into three parts, a city of nations fell, Babylon great was remembered in the sight of God, to give her the cup of wine, PASSION for wrath." - Revelation 16:17-19

    • @tuvoca825
      @tuvoca825 Před 6 měsíci +16

      Democrat with an airplane?

    • @rzella8022
      @rzella8022 Před 6 měsíci +18

      Yep, he's a proud gay Muslim.

    • @Ladybug_bubbletea
      @Ladybug_bubbletea Před 6 měsíci +1

      Buy yourself arabic dictionary then you will know what it means.

  • @keelhe893
    @keelhe893 Před 6 měsíci +303

    Praying for Dr. Wood’s safety as he travels through dangerous lands to proclaim the gospel

    • @c2daflow
      @c2daflow Před 6 měsíci +4


    • @mznxbcv12345
      @mznxbcv12345 Před 6 měsíci

      Surah Al-Imran Aya 49, of the Quran states that jesus was sent to the israelites, although written over 1,300 years ago in the 19th century (same century bible was only transtalted into Arabic in as well) they came to the same conclusion, independently through textual criticisim, that Jesus did not intend to establish a new religion, instead of being the founder of Christianity, he was merely the occasion of its foundation. Till the day of his death he was a "Jew" by belief and practice, as well as by birth. (in quotations for in reality he was a Muslim, one that declares that God is One) He never became a Christian. He never used or heard the words Christian or Christianity or any equivalent of either.
      Triune nonsense is straight out of the Roman Pantheon. Hercules, anyone? Cerberus? The trinity of Zeus, Athena Apollo, literally called the Triune. Greek goddess Hecate was portrayed in triplicate, a three-in-one. This was all done to make the creed more digestible, followed by mental gymnastics attempting to reconcile the onsensical with elaborate theories. Why doesn't a square peg fit into a round hole? Answer by saying it's a mystery instead of geometries not lining up.
      No such thing as the bible, the new testament is a concoction of several books that were deemed canonical, books written in Greek that were given the hellenized names of Apotsles who neither wrote, nor spoke greek to give it an illusion of antiquity, much like the calendar we have today, which was established in the year 535 CE by Dionysus Exegesis so too was the original message altered to that of the pauline credo, a digestible religion to the yet to be converted greeks who had no desire to follow the mosaic laws. None of the disciples spoke of trinity, ate pork or proclaimed it is allowable to do so, yet the miracle begotten paul, whom peter called him enemy, introduced his new creed according to his whims.
      Soon after Jesus had selected his twelve apostles, according to Luke, he " gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. And he said unto them: 'Take nothing for your journey, neither staves nor scrip, neither bread, neither money; neither have two coats apiece. And whatsoever house ye enter, there abide and thence depart. And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them." This is the entire charge of Jesus to his apostles when he sent them out to convert the world, as reported by Luke, who claims to give the address or a portion of it, and that presumably the most important portion, word for word. The language here attributed to Jesus conveys no idea that he had any purpose of founding a new church. Neither here nor anywhere else, in the language attributed to him in the New Testament, does he explain the phrase " the kingdom of God " to mean a new ecclesiastical organization. In several passages he does use it to signify the celestial dominion after the destruction of the world; and this is therefore presumably its meaning everywhere.
      The gospel of Matthew is much further than that of Luke in its report of the charge of Jesus to his apostles: "These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them, saying: 'Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not; but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.", "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I am come not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother... He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet, shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward."
      This charge as reported by Matthew omitted nearly all the main ideas that would have been appropriate in an address instructing the twelve to preach the foundation of Christianity. It does not say whether Jesus wished to reform or to supersede Judaism; whether his principal purpose was ecclesiastical, moral, political, or sanitary. The remarks about healing the sick and casting out devils is the most explicit of all the instructions. Certainly no reader can learn from that charge that Jesus intended to establish a new religion; and much less can he learn any feature of the faith or discipline of a projected new church. And this address is that portion of the New Testament where such information should be given most clearly. He made no doctrinal definition and no ecclesiastical organization. He did not use the key words of the original doctrines necessary to Christianity or a new church, nor the keywords of ideas afterwards associated with Christianity, such as Incarnation, Trinity, Immaculate Conception, and Transubstantiation.
      The subjects to which the most space given in the sayings attributed in the gospels, to Jesus, are, First, the Mosaic law; Second, judgment day; Third, faith; Fourth, the sins of the Pharisees; Fifth, ascetic morality; and Sixth, his divine commission.
      Paul's epistles are indicative of his claims to independence and originality: " I am the apostle of the Gentiles.", " I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles." There is no passage in Paul inconsistent with these quotations; no passage suggesting that the admission of the gentiles into the Christian church was an idea of Jesus, or that it was accepted by the twelve apostles in Jerusalem before the conversion of Paul, or that he received any instruction from them or acknowledged any duty of obedience or submission to them. This gospel which Paul preached and which, according to his boast, was original with him, included many tenets not found in the four gospels or not set forth there in unmistakable terms. By implication, it repudiated the ascetic maxims of the synoptic gospels, It proclaimed the abrogation of the Mosaic ceremonial law. It announced itself as a new and independent religion later on having its adherents called Christians, and their doctrine Christianity.
      Paul had neither met nor seen Jesus, his relation to the twelve apostles was one of decided independence and even of opposition. He acknowledged no subordination to them. He addressed no doctrinal epistle to them or their churches, and received none from them. He made no reports to them. He did not correspond with them regularly. They never invited him to preach to their congregations and he never invited them to address his converts. He declared that he did not owe his conversion, his baptism, or his doctrine to the twelve, and that he never spent any long time in Jerusalem or in Judea as a Christian missionary. He claimed to be an apostle by a secret divine commission, but the twelve never admitted the validity of his claim. They never gave him the title of apostle; they never said anything indicative of willingness to admit him into their councils. Vacancies occurred in their number, but they never chose him to a vacant place, rather we have statements of Peter with regards to Paul which show nothing but animosity:
      "And if our Jesus appeared to you also and became known in a vision and met you as angry with an enemy [recall: Paul had his vision while still persecuting the Christians: Acts 9], yet he has spoken only through visions and dreams or through external revelations. But can anyone be made competent to teach through a vision? And if your opinion is that that is possible, why then did our teacher spend a whole year with us who were awake? How can we believe you even if he has appeared to you?… But if you were visited by him for the space of an hour and were instructed by him and thereby have become an apostle, then proclaim his words, expound what he has taught, be a friend to his apostles and do not contend with me, who am his confidant; for you have in hostility withstood me, who am a firm rock, the foundation stone of the Church"
      -Homily 17 Section XIX
      On the pauline credo currently called trinitanity Peter said
      "For some from among the Gentiles have rejected my lawful preaching and have preferred a lawless and absurd doctrine to the man who is my enemy. And indeed some have attempted, while I am still alive, to distort my words by interpretations of many sorts, as if I taught the dissolution of the law… But that may God forbid ! For to do such a thing means to act contrary to the Law of God which was made to Moses and was confirmed by our Lord in its everlasting continuance. For he said, “The heaven and the earth will pass away, but not one jot or one tittle shall pass away from the Law.”
      -Letter of Peter to James, 2.3-5
      Older one is no different, Abijah was a wicked king, and had war with his rival (1. Kings 15:3).
      2 Chronicles 13:3 says that Abjiah was pious ; that he took the field with 400,000 men against Jeroboam, who was at the head of 800,000 men ; and in a great battle the King of Israel was defeated, and 500,000 of his men slain.
      It seems that, 1,200,000 soldiers sent into the field at one time by two small tribes, and the destruction of 500,000 men in one battle, were beneath the notice of the author of Kings.
      Surah Al-Baqarah Aya 1-7 The first Surah after the opening has all the point addressed and example of people like him rebuked
      Surah Al-A'raaf Aya 171 to 178 - Addresses those who refuse to acknowledge
      Surah Al-Nisaa Aya 46 - Addresses people like those in the video who take verses from the Quran out of their context
      Surah Al-Ma'idah Aya 48 - shows that the Quran supersedes all other revelations
      Surah Aal-Imraan Aya 96 - Addresses all of mankind Surah Al-Anbiya Aya 107 - The role of the prophet
      Surah Al-Hujurat Aya 13 - Addresses the creation of humanity into different peoples
      Surah Al-Jumu'a Aya 1 to 8 Addresses those who refuse to acknowledge
      God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.

    • @mznxbcv12345
      @mznxbcv12345 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Trinitarians are inoculated from rationality, facts and logic. It is no surprise that basic reasoning is entirely lost on those that believe that the creator became one of those he created in order to save the created from his own self. Not to mention the incoherence in the scripture, never minding the creed itself.
      Matthew 4:1) Jesus was tempted
      [James 1:13) God cannot be tempted
      (John 1:29) Jesus was seen
      (1 John 4:12) No man has ever seen God
      (Acts 2:22) Jesus was and is a man, sent by God
      (Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9) God is not a man
      (Hebrews 5:8-9) Jesus had to grow and learn
      (Isaiah 40:28) God doesn't ever need to learn
      (1 Corinthians 15: 3-4) Jesus Died
      (1 Timothy 1:17) God cannot die
      (Hebrews 5:7) Jesus needed salvation
      (Luke 1:37) God doesn't need salvation
      (John 4:6) Jesus grew weary
      (Isaiah 40:28) God cannot grow weary
      (Mark 4:38) Jesus slept
      (Psalm 121: 2-4) God doesn't sleep
      (John 5:19) Jesus wasn't all powerful
      (Isaiah 45: 5-7) God is all powerful
      (Mark 13:32) Jesus wasn't all knowing
      (Isaiah 46:9) God is all knowing
      In the opening chapters of Acts we find two addresses by Peter, one delivered to the disciples when an apostle to succeed Judas Iscariot was to be chosen, the other to the Jews on the day of Pentecost.
      On neither occasion did the speaker mention a new religion, or a church open to Gentiles as well as to Jews, or an abandonment of the Mosaic law. If these ideas had been in his mind at that time, he could not have omitted some reference to them. That the apostles and disciples in Jerusalem continue for at least eighteen years to comply with the requirements of the Mosaic law is proved by the epistle of Paul and also by Acts.
      In the Acts we read that at time not specified, probably not earlier than 40 C.E Peter went to Joppa and there ate with Gentiles-that i he violated the Pharisaic interpretation of one of the Mosaic ceremonial rules-and after his return to Jesus; then, he was called to account by his fellow disciple He justified his conduct, not on the ground that Jesus had abrogated the ceremonial law of Moses, or any part of it, but that in a dream he had received a divine communication telling him that all manner of beasts, fowls, an creeping things were clean, and that it was lawful for him to keep company with Gentiles, who were " unclean under the law of Moses. This announcement was accepted as authoritative, but with much surprise, " because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost."'
      This statement of the revelation to Peter, and of it acceptance by the disciples in Jerusalem, is doubtless a invention of the author of Acts. It cannot be brought into harmony with later passages of his own book, nor with the statements of Paul, who is our only trustworthy; witness in these matters.
      According to Acts, about 51 C. E. a council was held in Jerusalem to put an end to the dissension which had arisen in the church on the questions of circumcision and unclean meats. This council decided in favor of Paul, who was in attendance and the decision as given in a letter addressed not to all Christians but only to " the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia"-where Paul had been making converts, informing them that they were not required to observe the Mosaic ceremonial law. It is quite clear that no such council would have been held if the matter had been decided ten years before, as Acts says it had been.
      But this account of the council of 51 C. E. is also a fiction.
      About eight years later Paul went to Jerusalem again, and his appearance there provoked a riot. The mob wanted to kill him because of his hostility to the Mosaic law, and this mob included Jewish Christians as well as Jews. All the Christians in Jerusalem were zealous adherents of the Mosaic law. Some of the leading brethren, presumably apostles, advised Paul to take a false oath that he did not teach his Jewish converts to neglect the law. And, if we can believe Acts, he took that oath. This, however, did not pacify the mob, which would have put him to death if the Roman soldiers had not protected him. They took him to prison and finally to Rome. This story in Acts implies that the apostolic church adopted one rule of discipline for the Gentile and another for the Jewish Christians; that the latter were, and that the former were not, required to comply with the Mosaic ceremonial law. This duplicity of discipline is not recorded elsewhere. It is not known to Paul ; and if it had existed, he could neither have been ignorant of it nor remained silent about it. He tells us that the twelve apostles in Jerusalem, or those of them known to him, favored strict adherence to Moses; and the only way in which he could get along harmoniously with them was by promising to do no missionary work in Judea. He was to labor among the Gentiles,"
      There never was such another epidemic of ecclesiastical forgery. Distinguished saints and learned fathers of the faith openly commended the invention and acceptance of false- hoods designed to aid the conversion of the world to what they believed to be truth.
      The word עוֹלֵל, ʿôlēl which means 'Babe, infant, little one, a suckling' occurs 21 King James Bible Verses Of these verses:
      “Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.”
      -Psalm 137:9
      “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”
      -1 Samuel 15:3
      “Therefore I am full of the fury of the LORD; I am weary with holding in: I will pour it out upon the children abroad, and upon the assembly of young men together: for even the husband with the wife shall be taken, the aged with him that is full of days.”
      -Jeremiah 6:11
      “Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.”
      -Hosea 13:16
      The other verses are not much different. Infact it is always in association with violence. Indeed these verses are the reason why in the Crusades the sense of pious rejoicing at massacre does not appear to be the product of later theologizing; it is also found, in the account of the eye-witness Raymond of Aguilers:
      “in the Temple and porch of Solomon, men rode in blood up to their knees and bridle reins. Indeed, it was a just and splendid judgment of God that this place should be filled with the blood of the unbelievers, since it had suffered so long from their blasphemies.” In fact, Raymond continues, “This day, I say, will be famous in all future ages, for it turned our labours and sorrows into joy and exultation; this day, I say, marks the justification of all Christianity, the humiliation of paganism, and the renewal of our faith.”
      This is the polar opposite in the Quran in Surah Al-Tanwir, literally "The Englightenining" Surah, Aya 8-9, we have the death of a newborn is mentioned amongst the penultimate signs of the end of times, emphasizing the gravity of such an action. That child, now resurrected, is asked for what wrong doing was she murdered. This is to emphasize that she had done nothing wrong, for she had done nothing wrong and this is the day of retribution where those who omitted the evil are to be punished.
      This is the polar opposite in the Qur'an, Surah Al-Baqara Aya 190, which exhorts to fight unbelievers and not be "Aggressors", in the commentary of what it means to be aggressors, this was stated Al-Hasan Al-Basri stated that transgression (indicated by the Ayah):
      It is reported in the Two Sahihs that Ibn `Umar said, "The Prophet forbade killing women and children."
      بابتداء القتال أو بقتال من نهيتم عن قتاله من النساء والشيوخ والصبيان والذين بينكم وبينهم عهد أو بالمثلة أو بالمفاجأة من غير دع
      "To kill those whom you were forbidden to from women, elderly, children and those whom betwixt you is a treaty or custom or by surprise or without cause"
      -Tafsir Al-Zamakshari of the meaning of Aggressors in the Aya
      The modifiable testaments testament genocide on the other hand.Surah Al-Baqara Aya 190 limits war to those who fight against Muslims, prohibits transgression, and implies respect for human dignity and life Indeed it is what precedes the famous "sword verse", always cited out of context.
      Rationality was only born with Islam, those who cannot count have nothing to say, at the end of the day 1+1+1 will never equal 1
      God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.

    • @Xenolithial
      @Xenolithial Před 6 měsíci +3

      Angels in the bible: Do not be afraid
      "Angels" in the Quran: READ!!
      ...and this person took that personally, apparently

    • @foresttaylor7850
      @foresttaylor7850 Před 6 měsíci

      Praise God

  • @billmanhillman
    @billmanhillman Před 5 měsíci +16

    May Jesus have mercy on all those who don't hear and understand David's words.

  • @Sheikhyathoughts
    @Sheikhyathoughts Před 6 měsíci +160

    They took our beloved Hagia Sophia 😢. They love to take and then be the victim when done back.

    • @flameguy3416
      @flameguy3416 Před 6 měsíci +29

      They still cry about Iberia

    • @JeaneBF
      @JeaneBF Před 6 měsíci +16

      We will get it back one day, believe 🙏🏼

    • @igorlopes7589
      @igorlopes7589 Před 6 měsíci +21

      They take Spain: 🎉🎉🎉🎉
      Spain is taken from them: why are you so bigoted??? 😭😭😭😭

    • @user-yi9uh2qi3d
      @user-yi9uh2qi3d Před 6 měsíci +29

      There is a Greek song about the fall of Constantinople, which says that when Christ returns to earth, all of Greece will gather with him in Hagya Sophia for a new service. this is the hope of many Christians and I believe that this will happen

    • @simorachek7623
      @simorachek7623 Před 6 měsíci +7

      ​@@user-yi9uh2qi3d Oooo yes , a very beautiful song, even when i was a Muslim (in name) , i youset to listen to it often.

  • @paulsparrow3303
    @paulsparrow3303 Před 6 měsíci +1041

    Without lies islam dies.. Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven, there’s absolutely no other way.. God bless Israel ☝️✝️🇮🇱 Thank you David and God bless you for all you do..

    • @odettepaulin6056
      @odettepaulin6056 Před 6 měsíci +17

      The other way is hell for sure

    • @stefanfreestylez
      @stefanfreestylez Před 6 měsíci +8


    • @sshepherd7659
      @sshepherd7659 Před 6 měsíci +9

      G-d hid Moses body after he died so that he would not become an idol to the people who look up to him.
      G-d did not come down in human form.
      There is only One G-d. Find Him in your own way. But don't force another to accept your way of thinking.
      Jesus was a Jew. Who was pushed away from his community, so he rebelled. He would have been one of the biggest Jewish Rabbis had he not rebelled.

    • @tempelhoferfeld7727
      @tempelhoferfeld7727 Před 6 měsíci +18

      @@sshepherd7659 YEHOSHUA is the only truth Rabbi!!!They shall Look upon me whom they have pierced!

    • @kaly7256
      @kaly7256 Před 6 měsíci +4

      Jesus don't make revolution or be Radical, Jesus is an innovator, i.e. he explains the ancient writings in a logical way (it is no coincidence that the Stoic philosophers accepted his own interpretation).......if you understand Jesus, it becomes easier to restore your communication with the eternal divine part of yourself (father)... Jesus judges the heroes of the Jews objectively, he isn't pride for his people, just recognizes that they are sinners, since they do not know how to defend , care respect, love... they are constantly afraid and in their adventures are not role models but to be avoided ...

  • @OmegaFighter1
    @OmegaFighter1 Před 6 měsíci +820

    Funny how their own Qur’an says “children of Israel” not “children of Palestine” 😂

    • @NikoBellaKhouf2
      @NikoBellaKhouf2 Před 6 měsíci +37

      Funny how you still don't understand that 15R@3L is one person, not a country, not land, just a person.

    • @NikoBellaKhouf2
      @NikoBellaKhouf2 Před 6 měsíci +16

      Palestine is the name of the land, not a person

    • @Cobra-gl7or
      @Cobra-gl7or Před 6 měsíci +145

      @@NikoBellaKhouf2 Israel is person and land. The land of Israel was name after Jacob. All the prophets of God were zionist Jews who believe in Israel.

    • @maxsavage3998
      @maxsavage3998 Před 6 měsíci +12

      Romans Called The area after 125AD Palestine and until 1947 it was Palestine until the illegal take over happened 1948 and Naqba

    • @NikoBellaKhouf2
      @NikoBellaKhouf2 Před 6 měsíci +6

      @@maxsavage3998 it was called Philistine for at least 1700 years before the Romans arrived also

  • @LivingFish98
    @LivingFish98 Před 6 měsíci +59

    This is wild; I'm from India. We had a long lawsuit between muslims and hindus for the babri masjid site. I didn't know that muslim rulers were doing this same kind of injustice around the world!

    • @brycesakal3717
      @brycesakal3717 Před 3 měsíci +9

      That’s how they roll.

    • @shivabreathes
      @shivabreathes Před 3 měsíci +4

      Oh yeah, they’ve done the same thing everywhere. You know the partition of India and Pakistani? Same thing happened between Greece and Turkey, in roughly the same time period. There was a “population exchange” between the two countries. Sound familiar?

    • @n00b_n00b_
      @n00b_n00b_ Před 2 měsíci +3

      ​@@shivabreathes the population exchange was needed for both Turkey and Greece. It's nothing religious just an ethnic fight after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

  • @Crysalis-bd9so
    @Crysalis-bd9so Před 6 měsíci +170

    I went up to the mount a few years ago, and said a secret prayer in Hebrew. I tried many times to go up, but each time was refused because the Muslims were too riled up and non Muslims were not allowed. One of the only holy sites in the world that doesn't allow free flow of tourists to respectfully visit. Shameful

    • @Nadeem146
      @Nadeem146 Před 6 měsíci

      What a load of shite, guess who controls the gates in and out of the compound? ISREALI SOLDIERS !!!! What's Muslims refusing you entry got to do with it, they don't control the exists and entries.
      Should have asked your fellow Hebrew speaking soldier to let you in or at the very least let you know when the "none Muslims" time slot is and come back then?!
      I believe you are lying but if there is some truth init what a wasted trip, try again next time without the victim card mentality and a bit of sense, I hope you get in and atleast spend an hour inside and take it all in. It's beautiful

    • @wandering_circles7487
      @wandering_circles7487 Před 6 měsíci

      This is why it infuriates me when stupid priest allow muslims to pray inside the churches! Blasphemy!

    • @BillSikes.
      @BillSikes. Před 6 měsíci +25

      That's typical of their primitive ways

    • @beachbum433
      @beachbum433 Před 6 měsíci +25

      On a visit to Kuala Lumpur a few years back, our tour guide suggested we visit the International mosque. On arrival, we were greeted by a couple of VERY aggressive men seated near the entrance, who made it abundantly clear we were NOT welcome. Islam: the religion of peace...!!!

    • @user-rs4ci3fn2d
      @user-rs4ci3fn2d Před 6 měsíci +13

      It’s not one of the only, all “holy” places the Muslims have conquered don’t allow other people paralice their religions

  • @johncosta8538
    @johncosta8538 Před 6 měsíci +891

    "Rocks are very important in Islam"... perfect delivery on that one.

    • @davie8906
      @davie8906 Před 6 měsíci +26

      The ones in their heads? 😆

    • @scottm4975
      @scottm4975 Před 6 měsíci +6

      @@davie8906the ones at your head

    • @nkder1
      @nkder1 Před 6 měsíci +45

      @@scottm4975The ones they stone people with

    • @annehunt787
      @annehunt787 Před 6 měsíci +40

      @@nkder1 They make the pilgrimage to Mecca to kiss the black rock on the hajj. Only problem is it was used in a toilet facility for 100 years-seriously.

    • @hussam9433
      @hussam9433 Před 6 měsíci +4

      @@annehunt787well at least we know who is a man and who is a woman in our society.

  • @joesouthborn2960
    @joesouthborn2960 Před 6 měsíci +167

    David... chosen to speak truth.
    A gift to Christianity.
    Keep the truth flowing, brother.

    • @Tankovich777
      @Tankovich777 Před 6 měsíci +1

      According to google earth : distance between jerusalem and mosque alharam "the mosque of mecca" in arabic : almasjid alharam or albayt alharam = 1235 km .
      A new research in the 21st century made by a palestinian researcher : summation of verses' numbers in quran containing "almasjid alharam" or "albayt alharam" until the only verse in quran mentioning alaqsa mosque = 1235 which is the distance between them in kilometers, moreover , the summation of the walls of the aqsa area = 1235 meters, if you are interested in more numerical miracles in quran , please tell me. Thanks

    • @SavedByJesus-pi3yu
      @SavedByJesus-pi3yu Před 6 měsíci +3

      I wouldn’t say that is a miracle lol but what is a miracle is Jesus literally appearing to people in visions and dreams and telling them that he is the only way. There is nothing you could show me that would make me believe you over my Lord and Savior who came to me and my five yr old daughter in a shared vision. I pray one day you start seeking truth and you too have an encounter that you can no longer deny your creator. There is nothing special about me, I am a sinner that needs a savior and God loves us all the same, he is appearing to atheist, Muslims, Christians etc I am blessed that I was shown proof but Jesus said himself, more blessed are those who have faith without proof. This will be a year of deception but the Holy Spirit is pouring out all over the world at the same time, who will you serve?

    • @Glock18401
      @Glock18401 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Have you ever heard christian prince? He goes deep into Quran where most non Arabic muslim wouldn't even aware about what's inside the book. You should see their reaction when it were revealed to them..lots of denial and and rage.

    • @Tankovich777
      @Tankovich777 Před 6 měsíci

      @@Glock18401 dont give me poem I want facts , all your mocking of quran means nothing except for stupids

    • @Tankovich777
      @Tankovich777 Před 6 měsíci

      @@Glock18401 dont teach me my language

  • @user-fp4ho4kd9o
    @user-fp4ho4kd9o Před 6 měsíci +72

    3:51 he wasn’t mentioned because he wasn’t there … he was picking his missus up from kindergarten 😂

    • @gradrad12
      @gradrad12 Před 3 měsíci +4

      That is vile! Well done 👍

    • @mznxbcv12345
      @mznxbcv12345 Před 3 měsíci +1

      The story of Christendom was always an empirial religion, born under the auspices of constantine, the subjects were converted at the edge of the sword and rendered into slaves for his majesty, often referring to him as their lord. In Islam such slavery is unthinkable. The only lordship is that of the creator, no station into which man was brought into the lands of Islam was to any degree as bad as the repugnant chattel slavery brought by the primitive tribalism inherent in their texts, for example, the word עוֹלֵל, ʿôlēl which means 'Babe, infant, little one, a suckling' occurs 21 King James Bible Verses Of these verses:
      “Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.”-Psalm 137:9
      “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”
      -1 Samuel 15:3
      “Therefore I am full of the fury of the LORD; I am weary with holding in: I will pour it out upon the children abroad, and upon the assembly of young men together: for even the husband with the wife shall be taken, the aged with him that is full of days.”
      -Jeremiah 6:11
      “Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.”
      -Hosea 13:16
      The other verses are not much different. Infact it is always in association with violence. Indeed these verses are the reason why in the Crusades the sense of pious rejoicing at massacre does not appear to be the product of later theologizing; it is also found, in the account of the eye-witness Raymond of Aguilers:
      “in the Temple and porch of Solomon, men rode in blood up to their knees and bridle reins. Indeed, it was a just and splendid judgment of God that this place should be filled with the blood of the unbelievers, since it had suffered so long from their blasphemies.” In fact, Raymond continues, “This day, I say, will be famous in all future ages, for it turned our labours and sorrows into joy and exultation; this day, I say, marks the justification of all Christianity, the humiliation of paganism, and the renewal of our faith.”
      Another account by a chronicler and eyewitness-priest, Albert of Aachen, describes the killing of fleeing women, and depicts crusaders as:: “seizing [infants who were still suckling] by the soles of their feet from their mothers’ laps or their cradles…and dashing them against the walls or lintels of the doors and breaking their necks […] they were sparing absolutely no gentile of any age or kind.”The incoherence inherent in a stranger to Abraham calling the children of Abraham gentiles notwithstanding, this account evokes the very same Psalm 137:9 imprecation against Babylon, in Latin, “beatus qui tenebit et adlidet parvulos tuos ad petram.”
      Albert describes a massacre occurring, in cold blood, on the second day following the conquest, painting a scene that is as horrific as it is realistic and detailed: "Girls, women, matrons, tormented by fear of imminent death and horror-struck by the violent murder wrapped themselves around the Christians’ bodies in the hope to save their lives, even as the Christians were raving and venting their rage in murder of both sexes. Some threw themselves at their feet, begging them with pitiable weeping and wailing for their lives and safety. When children five or three years old saw the cruel fate of their mothers and fathers, of one accord they stepped up the weeping and pitiable clamour. But they were making these signals for pity and mercy in vain. For the Christians gave over their whole hearts to murder, so that not a suckling little male-child or female, not even an infant of one year would escape the hand of the murderer".
      Evoking several of these verses in practice:
      - (Num 31:17-18) Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
      - (Deut 7:2, 9:3, Num 21) thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them...
      - (Deut 20:16-17) thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth
      - (Josh 6:21, 8:24-27, 10:, 11:11-14,21-22) And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword... And cut off their thumbs and their great toes... He left none remaining:
      - (Judg 18:27) And they took [the things] which Micah had made ...and came unto Laish ...and smote them with the edge of sword burnt city fire.
      - (1 Sam 15:1-9) Now go and smite Amalek and utterly destroy all that they have and spare them not but slay both man and woman infant and suckling ox and sheep camel and ass.
      - (1 Sam 27:9,11) And David smote the land and left neither man nor woman alive ...
      - (Esther 8:11, 9:1-19) Wherein the king granted the Jews which were in every city to gather themselves together and to stand for their life to destroy to slay and to cause to perish all the power of the people and province that would assault them both little ones and women and to take the spoil of them for a prey... .
      - (Ezek 9:6) Slay utterly old [and] young both maids and little children and women: but come not near any man upon whom [is] mark begin at my sanctuary.
      This is the polar opposite in the Quran in Surah Al-Tanwir, literally "The Englightenining" Surah, Aya 8-9, we have the death of a newborn is mentioned amongst the penultimate signs of the end of times, emphasizing the gravity of such an action. That child, now resurrected, is asked for what wrong doing was she murdered. This is to emphasize that she had done nothing wrong, for she had done nothing wrong and this is the day of retribution where those who omitted the evil are to be punished.
      This is the polar opposite in the Qur'an, Surah Al-Baqara Aya 190, which exhorts to fight unbelievers and not be "Aggressors", in the commentary of what it means to be aggressors, this was stated Al-Hasan Al-Basri stated that transgression (indicated by the Ayah):
      "includes mutilating the dead, theft (from the captured goods), killing women, children and old people who do not participate in warfare, killing priests and residents of houses of worship, burning down trees and killing animals without real benefit."
      This is also the opinion of Ibn `Abbas, `Umar bin `Abdul-`Aziz, Muqatil bin Hayyan and others. Muslim recorded in his Sahih that Buraydah narrated that Allah's Messenger said: "Fight for the sake of Allah and fight those who disbelieve in Allah. Fight, but do not steal, commit treachery, mutilate, or kill a child, or those who reside in houses of worship."
      It is reported in the Two Sahihs that Ibn `Umar said, "The Prophet forbade killing women and children."
      بابتداء القتال أو بقتال من نهيتم عن قتاله من النساء والشيوخ والصبيان والذين بينكم وبينهم عهد أو بالمثلة أو بالمفاجأة من غير دعوة
      "To kill those whom you were forbidden to from women, elderly, children and those whom betwixt you is a treaty or custom or by surprise or without cause"
      -Tafsir Al-Zamakshari of the meaning of Aggressors in the Aya
      More hadith from Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah:
      حَدَّثَنَا حُمَيْدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ، عَنْ شَيْخٍ، مِنْ أَهْلِ الْمَدِينَةِ مَوْلَى لِبَنِي عَبْدِ الْأَشْهَلِ، عَنْ دَاوُدَ، عَنْ عِكْرِمَةَ، عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ كَانَ إِذَا بَعَثَ جُيُوشَهُ قَالَ: «§لَا تَقْتُلُوا أَصْحَابَ الصَّوَامِعِ»
      "Do not kill the dwellers of monasteries"
      حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ فُضَيْلٍ، عَنْ جُوَيْبِرٍ، عَنِ الضَّحَّاكِ قَالَ: كَانَ «§يُنْهَى عَنْ قَتْلِ الْمَرْأَةِ، وَالشَّيْخِ الْكَبِيرِ»
      سَعْدٍ قَالَ: «§نَهَى رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ عَنْ قَتْلِ النِّسَاءِ وَالذُّرِّيَّةِ، وَالشَّيْخِ الْكَبِيرِ الَّذِي لَا حَرَاكَ بِهِ»
      "The prophet forbids the killing of women, children, and the elderly"
      This is the polar opposite in the Qur'an, Surah Al-Anfal Ayah 61 in which even oath breaking deniers/unbelievers are allowed to sue for peace states if the unbelievers they ask for peace, give it to them.
      The modifiable testament testament commands indiscriminate killing, genocide, plunder, mutilation, enslavement, or torture of enemies, including women, on the other hand.Surah Al-Baqara Aya 190 limits war to those who fight against Muslims, prohibits transgression, and implies respect for human dignity and life Indeed it is what precedes the famous "sword verse", always cited out of context.
      God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.

    • @HayK47
      @HayK47 Před 3 měsíci

      @@mznxbcv12345Allah is Satan and Mohammed is his vile deceiver.

    • @harrisonmauldin5090
      @harrisonmauldin5090 Před 3 měsíci +5

      @@mznxbcv12345 ok well literally all of these verses have context to why so look at that too. Also, how can the Qur'an say that Jesus wasnt the son, he didnt die on the cross, and they think its true even though it was written 500 years after the eye witness documents were written? And also what makes it Gods word when the Qur'an was written because Mohammed was slammed against a wall and threatened by a false angel (Demon fyi) to write it and only have people read it in Arabic and he preached it out of fear? Also dont forget too that most Muslim countries that have a hatred towards jews and Christians all bare the 4 colors or some of the colors of the Apocalypse, Red, white, green, and black. So theres that too, not a coincidence if you ask me. And why does it also say to kill Jews and Christians, and since Jesus is the son of God, why would God want to kill people that follow his son?

    • @ifirespondiamstupid7750
      @ifirespondiamstupid7750 Před 24 dny

      Yet muslims hide behind women and kids no probelm when fighting others 😂😂​@@mznxbcv12345

  • @janddbackup
    @janddbackup Před 6 měsíci +597

    Jesus is LORD!

    • @lucienlagarde8093
      @lucienlagarde8093 Před 6 měsíci +18

      Amen bro

    • @pacomaciasarrate6809
      @pacomaciasarrate6809 Před 6 měsíci +8

      Deviate and some will even end up worshipping rocks.

    • @Disatergame
      @Disatergame Před 6 měsíci +12

      Exodus 3:13-15
      “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” God said to Moses, “I am who I am.”
      John 8:58
      58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

    • @Anointed4Him
      @Anointed4Him Před 6 měsíci +9

      After hearing all the atrocities of Islam from David Wood, this phrase was so calming and reassuring. Jesus is LORD!

    • @mohitbidhu3553
      @mohitbidhu3553 Před 6 měsíci +1


  • @NotBlandBlandina
    @NotBlandBlandina Před 6 měsíci +153

    God bless you David ❤

  • @dustdriver115
    @dustdriver115 Před 6 měsíci +123

    Thank you for letting us know these things. Only 10 years ago, nobody would have known these things about Islam.
    God bless

    • @Nadeem146
      @Nadeem146 Před 6 měsíci

      Maybe he's wrong? Take another opinion? Compare the two.
      David Wood makes out every time he has made Islam ending discoveries but in reality they amount to nothing

    • @CaptainSeamus
      @CaptainSeamus Před 6 měsíci +5

      ​@@Nadeem146a little jealous there, mate?

    • @Nadeem146
      @Nadeem146 Před 6 měsíci

      @@CaptainSeamus jealous of what? David? I find his content in cringe due to him being disingenuous and he knows it too but it works for him.
      A tip for David Wood, he should learn Arabic and then continue to make his Islam ending discovery videos, his channel would go viral, more of a payday for him. At least then he would attract some kind of time worthy rebuttals and discussions. His scratch the surface and purposely miss out other methods of interpretation of religious text doesn't warrant any serious persons time. He adds Arabic language to his arsenal he's on to a winner winner chicken dinner.
      But in the same breath it would be very David Wood like, to learn the Arabic language before he learns Aramaic his own scriptures language. He is not genuine enough to learn his language first, will learn Arabic for the money.

    • @fivish
      @fivish Před 6 měsíci

      I was on the Temple Mount in 1974 and knew all about Islam. I had read the quoran and understood their issues with Jews and Israel. But it was as big a hoax as Jesus!

    • @mvj1153
      @mvj1153 Před 6 měsíci +4

      @@Nadeem146 Go listen to Christian Prince if you want to hear someone that speaks Arabic destroy Islam.

  • @riasatmobashar9205
    @riasatmobashar9205 Před 6 měsíci +19

    VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY WELL DONE, Dear Dr. David Wood! The Lord Jesus Christ bless you, your family, and your ministry for His Glory! He is ALWAYS with you!
    REMINDER! Please back up this video before it disappears!

  • @dovgoldstein3755
    @dovgoldstein3755 Před 6 měsíci +258

    Beautifully done, sir. As an orthodox Jew, most of this material arises naturally out of our entire history and all of our culture and religion and is pretty well known by most educated Jews. But the point you made so well about how Islam has enshrined 'The Slap In The Face' as an art form, was new to me. It really puts things into perspective in a new way for me. Thank you!

    • @mrcombustiblelemon2902
      @mrcombustiblelemon2902 Před 6 měsíci +27

      Some extra details David left out that you might also find interesting:
      It's believed that the dome of the rock has 8 sides because it's more than the 4 sides the Jewish temple had, making it another act of disrespect to Judaism.
      It's also believed that the mosque was constructed on the south side of the compound on purpose, because if it was placed in the north the Muslims praying towards Mecca would also be facing the site of the temple that the Jews face, but since it's in the south they're pointing their butts at it instead.

    • @charlzcofflin4199
      @charlzcofflin4199 Před 6 měsíci

      There is no salvation in J*daism. Accept Christ or perish. And stop making passover matzoh with Gentile baby blood already.

    • @saris9487
      @saris9487 Před 6 měsíci +4

      I had learned the same thing as well in my Jewish History class, We focused on Byzantium and christian influence. We did not really focus on Moslem influence because they were not influential and did not have a positive contribution to the culture.

    • @harrisr1018
      @harrisr1018 Před 6 měsíci

      Orthodox Jew? Shouldn’t you be circumcising babies foreskin with your mouth?

    • @rutvikrs
      @rutvikrs Před 6 měsíci +5

      Waiting for some good news from you guys.
      We Hindus, scored a Major W recently by reconstructing one of our major temples after 495 years of occupation. Two more major sites, 1800 confirmed locations and 40k+ alleged sites remain.

  • @halfrhovsquared
    @halfrhovsquared Před 6 měsíci +148

    It's what is known as a "victory mosque".
    This is also why they wanted to build a mosque on the site of the Twin Towers after they were brought down.

    • @gotcha900
      @gotcha900 Před 6 měsíci +18

      Under the land is the Jewish temple and the Wailing wall before the mosque. It can tell Jewish people came first.

    • @annehunt787
      @annehunt787 Před 6 měsíci +22

      Exactly what they do!

    • @teukumuammarrifat7843
      @teukumuammarrifat7843 Před 6 měsíci +8

      ​@@gotcha900You mean the remnants after Jewish temple got destroyed by Romans in 70AD

    • @PrinceeugenioII
      @PrinceeugenioII Před 6 měsíci +2

      so true

    • @David-yw2lv
      @David-yw2lv Před 6 měsíci +24

      Thank God New Yorkers stopped that from being built

  • @jeannine1739
    @jeannine1739 Před 6 měsíci +214

    I'm so glad you got this chance to walk where our Lord did.

    • @pasha7346
      @pasha7346 Před 6 měsíci +2

      God is not a human! and has no children nor father!

    • @daduzadude1547
      @daduzadude1547 Před 6 měsíci +23

      @@pasha7346Jesus is God incarnate

    • @michael_hutchie
      @michael_hutchie Před 6 měsíci

      In the Quran it tells Christians to Judge by the Bible. Therefore the Bible tells us that Jesus is the Son of God and He is God, and we will see Him coming on the clouds of heaven in the New Jerusalem. @@pasha7346

    • @helsinkianskies
      @helsinkianskies Před 6 měsíci +15

      @@pasha7346Wrong. Read the new testament.

    • @non-prophetorganization
      @non-prophetorganization Před 6 měsíci +20

      ​@@pasha7346God is also not a shin with one foot, two right hands, more than one eye and receives advice from a rock.

  • @Mannyfresh23able
    @Mannyfresh23able Před 6 měsíci +29

    Dam , that man has got some guts , He got all his facts on point .

  • @Sousabird
    @Sousabird Před 6 měsíci +79

    I can't believe they'd make a Mosque based on Dwayne Johnson

  • @theworldrealm72
    @theworldrealm72 Před 6 měsíci +57

    Thank you, the truth is a refreshing experience when Islam is the topic, especially when coming from someone who couldn't care less about political correctness. "Without lies Islam dies", we've all heard and agreed upon that truth, but recently I watched a video by two ex-Muslim girls who said "Without lust, Islam turns to dust", and I know they knew what they were talking about as ex-Muslims. God bless you, beloved brother, and your family.

    • @Tankovich777
      @Tankovich777 Před 6 měsíci

      According to google earth : distance between jerusalem and mosque alharam "the mosque of mecca" in arabic : almasjid alharam or albayt alharam = 1235 km .
      A new research in the 21st century made by a palestinian researcher : summation of verses' numbers in quran containing "almasjid alharam" or "albayt alharam" until the only verse in quran mentioning alaqsa mosque = 1235 which is the distance between them in kilometers, moreover , the summation of the walls of the aqsa area = 1235 meters, if you need more detailed info. Tell me ,

    • @leeg6421
      @leeg6421 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@Tankovich777 1235km is the church of the condemnation. Not the point you are making but seems more apropos. (Meters weren’t used until 18th century and they are poorly defined with a spherical earth, what was Allah thinking?)

  • @andrewkelley9405
    @andrewkelley9405 Před 6 měsíci +248

    This is why context is king when reading any literature.

    • @grantbartley483
      @grantbartley483 Před 6 měsíci +11

      Take a text out of context and you're left with a con.

    • @webleypug
      @webleypug Před 6 měsíci +4

      @@grantbartley483 Yes. A text taken out of context is a pretext.

    • @mznxbcv12345
      @mznxbcv12345 Před 6 měsíci

      The Aramaic word for God is "Alaha". It's the word Isa PBUH used. Sounds familiar?
      Written without the confusing vowels it is written A-L-H ܐ ܠܗܐ (alap-lamed-he) as found in Targum or in Tanakh (Daniel, Ezra), Syriac Aramaic (Peshitta), reduced from the Arabic original (of which Aramaic is a dialect continuum as will be explained) it is written in the Arabic script 'A-L-L-H' (Aleph-Lam-Lam-Ha) add an A before the last H for vocalization.
      The word God in another rendition in Hebrew ʾĕlōah is derived from a base ʾilāh, an Arabic word, written without confusing vowel it is A-L-H in the Arabic script, pronounced ilah not eloah. Hebrew dropped the glottal stop and mumbled it, aramic mumbled a little less and it became elaha. Infact both are written written A-L-H in Arabic, it is pronounced i in Arabic and not A because it is an Alef with hamza below (إ أ ) They are two different forms of Alef. And it mean "a god", it is the non definitive form of A-L-L-H, in which the Alef is without a glottal stop/hamza,(ا), but this kind of nuance is lost in the dialect continua.
      infact "YHWH" itself is an Arabic word as discussed by Professor. Israel Knohl (Professor of Biblical studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) in the paper" YHWH: The Original Arabic Meaning of the Name."
      jesus as his name is often misspelled due to the lack of the ayin sound in Greek, which was rendered to Iesous, coupling the nearest sound to ayin, same letter found in 'Iraq', which sounds entirely different in Arabic form 'Iran' in Arabic, with the -ous Greek suffix that Greeks typically add to their names 'HerodotOS', 'PlotinUS', 'AchelOUS' and later mumbled into a J. The yeshua rendition of Isa (his name in the Qur'an) PBUH which is purported to be the name of Jesus is KNOWN to had been taken from greek. Western Syriac also use "Isho". Western Aramaic (separate from Syriac which is a dialect of Eastern Aramaic) use "Yeshu". Western Syriac has been separate from Western Aramaic for about 1000 years. And sounds don't even match up. Syriac is a Christian liturgical language yet the four letters of the name of Jesus «ܝܫܘܥ» [ = Judeo-Babylonian Aramaic: «ישוע» ] sounds totally different in West vs East Syriac, viz. vocalized akin to Christian Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic «ܝܶܫܽܘܥ» (Yēšūʿ) in West Syriac, but pronounced more akin to Muslim Arabic Quran character name Isa in East Syriac «ܝܑܼܫܘܿܥ» (ʾĪšōʿ). The reason for this confusion is their dropping of phonemes. Only someone that has no idea what the letters are or how they sound would have a name ending in a pharyngeal fricative like the ayin, if it were to be used in a name it would have had to be in the beginning, thus the Arabic rendition is the correct one. An example in English is how the appended -d is a common error amongst the English pronouncing Gaelic names. The name Donald arose from a common English mispronunciation of the Gaelic name Donal. Just how it is with donal becoming donald and the two becoming distinct and the original being regarded as something seperate so too did Isa PBUH turn to Iesous turn to jesus and when they tried going back to the original they confused it for yeshua ( ysu is how it is actually written) for Isa PBUH ( 3'eysah )
      Schlözer in his preparation for the Arabia expedition in 1781 coined the term Semitic language:
      "From the Mediterranean to the Euphrates, from Mesopotamia to Arabia ruled one language, as is well known. Thus Syrians, Babylonians, Hebrews, and Arabs were one people (ein Volk). Phoenicians (Hamites) also spoke this language, which I would like to call the Semitic (die Semitische)." -Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German By Han F. Vermeulen.
      He was only half right though, Arabic is the only corollary to "proto-semitic", infact the whole semitic classification is nonsensical as will be shown.
      "protosemetic" Alphabet (28), Arabic Alphabet (28), Latin transliteration, hebrew (22)
      𐩠 𐩡 𐩢 𐩣 𐩤 𐩥 𐩦 𐩧 𐩨 𐩩 𐩪 𐩫 𐩬 𐩭 𐩮 𐩰 𐩱 𐩲 𐩳 𐩴 𐩵 𐩶 𐩷 𐩸 𐩹 𐩺 𐩻 𐩼
      ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي
      A b t ṯ j h kh d ḏ r z s sh ṣ ḍ ṭ ẓ ʿ ġ f q k l m n h w y
      א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת
      Merged phonemes in hebrew and aramaic:
      ح, خ (h, kh) merged into only kh consonant remain
      س, ش (s, sh) merged into only Shin consonant remaining
      ط, ظ (ṭ/teth, ẓ) merged into only ṭ/teth consonant remaining
      ص, ض (ṣ, ḍ/Tsad ) merged into only ḍ/Tsad consonant remaining
      ع, غ (3'ayn, Ghayn) merged into a reducted ayin consonant remaining
      ت, ث (t/taw, th) merged into only t/taw consonant remaining
      The reason why the protoS alphabet here is 28 and not 29, is because the supposed extra letter is simply a س written in a different position, but it was shoehorned to obfuscated. In Arabic letter shapes are different depending on whether they are in the beginning , middle or end of a word.
      As a matter of fact, all of the knowledge needed for deciphering ancient texts and their complexity was derived from the Qur'an. It was by analyzing the syntactic structure of the Qur'an that the Arabic root system was developed. This system was first attested to in Kitab Al-Ayin, the first intralanguage dictionary of its kind, which preceded the Oxford English dictionary by 800 years. It was through this development that the concept of Arabic roots was established and later co-opted into the term 'semitic root,' allowing the decipherment of ancient scripts. In essence, they quite literally copied and pasted the entirety of the Arabic root. Hebrew had been dead, as well as all the other dialects of Arabic, until being 'revived' in a Frankensteinian fashion in the 18th and 19th centuries.
      The entire region spoke basically the same language, with mumbled dialect continuums spread about, and Arabic is the oldest form from which all these dialects branched off. As time passed, the language gradually became more degenerate,
      Language; When one looks at the actual linguistics, one will find that many were puzzled by the opposite, that is, how the other "semetic" languages were more "evolved" than Arabic, while Arabic had archaic features, not only archaic compared to bibilical Hebrew, Ethiopic, "Aramaic" contemporary "semetic" languages, but even archaic compared to languages from ancient antiquity; Ugaritic, Akkadain. What is meant here by Archaic is not what most readers think, it is Archaic not in the sense that it is simple, but rather that it is complex (think Latin to pig Latin or Italian or Old English, which had genders and case endings to modern English), not only grammatically, but also phonetically; All the so called semitic languages are supposed to have evolved from protosemetic, the Alphabet for protosemitic is that of the so called Ancient South Arabian (which interestingly corresponds with the traditional Arabic origins account) and has 28 Phonemes. Arabic has 28 phonemes. Hebrew has 22, same as Aramaic, and other "semitic" languages. Now pause for a second and think about it, how come Arabic, a language that is supposed to have come so late has the same number of letters as a language that supposedly predates it by over a millennium (Musnad script ~1300 BCE). Not only is the glossary of phonemes more diverse than any other semitic language, but the grammar is more complex, containing more cases and retains what's linguists noted for its antiquity, broken plurals. Indeed, a linguist has once noted that if one were to take everything we know about languages and how they develop, Arabic is older than Akkadian (~2500 BCE).
      And then the Qur'an appeared with the oldest possible form of the language thousands of years later. This is why the Arabs of that time were challenged to produce 10 similar verses, and they couldn't. People think it's a miracle because they couldn't do it, but I think the miracle is the language itself. They had never spoken Arabic, nor has any other language before or since had this mathematical precision. And when I say mathematical, I quite literally mean mathematical.
      Now how is it that the Qur'an came thousands of years later in an alphabet that had never been recorded before, and in the highest form the language had ever taken?
      The creator is neither bound by time nor space, therefore the names are uttered as they truly were, in a language that is lexically, syntactically, phonemically, and semantically older than the oldest recorded writing. In fact, that writing appears to have been a simplified version of it. Not only that, but it would be the equivalent of the greatest works of any particular language all appearing in one book, in a perfect script and in the highest form the language could ever take. It is so high in fact, that it had yet to be surpassed despite the fact that over the last millennium the collection of Arabic manuscripts when compared on word-per-word basis in Western Museums alone, when they are compared with the collected Greek and Latin manuscripts combined, the latter does not constitute 1 percent of the former as per German professor Frank Griffel, in addition all in a script that had never been recorded before. Thus, the enlightenment of mankind from barbarism and savagery began, and the age of reason and rationality was born from its study.
      God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.

    • @mznxbcv12345
      @mznxbcv12345 Před 6 měsíci

      Jesus did not intend to establish a new religion, instead of being the founder of Christianity, he was merely the occasion of its foundation. Till the day of his death he was a Jew by belief and practice, as well as by birth. He never became a Christian. He never used or heard the words Christian or Christianity or any equivalent of either.
      Paul had neither met nor seen Jesus, his relation to the twelve apostles was one of decided independence and even of opposition. He acknowledged no subordination to them. He addressed no doctrinal epistle to them or their churches, and received none from them. He made no reports to them. He did not correspond with them regularly. They never invited him to preach to their congregations and he never invited them to address his converts. He declared that he did not owe his conversion, his baptism, or his doctrine to the twelve, and that he never spent any long time in Jerusalem or in Judea as a Christian missionary. He claimed to be an apostle by a secret divine commission, but the twelve never admitted the validity of his claim. They never gave him the title of apostle; they never said anything indicative of willingness to admit him into their councils. Vacancies occurred in their number, but they never chose him to a vacant place, rather we have statements of Peter with regards to Paul which show nothing but animosity:
      "For some from among the Gentiles have rejected my lawful preaching and have preferred a lawless and absurd doctrine to the man who is my enemy. And indeed some have attempted, while I am still alive, to distort my words by interpretations of many sorts, as if I taught the dissolution of the law… But that may God forbid ! For to do such a thing means to act contrary to the Law of God which was made to Moses and was confirmed by our Lord in its everlasting continuance. For he said, “The heaven and the earth will pass away, but not one jot or one tittle shall pass away from the Law.”
      -Letter of Peter to James, 2.3-5
      "And if our Jesus appeared to you also and became known in a vision and met you as angry with an enemy [recall: Paul had his vision while still persecuting the Christians: Acts 9], yet he has spoken only through visions and dreams or through external revelations. But can anyone be made competent to teach through a vision? And if your opinion is that that is possible, why then did our teacher spend a whole year with us who were awake? How can we believe you even if he has appeared to you?… But if you were visited by him for the space of an hour and were instructed by him and thereby have become an apostle, then proclaim his words, expound what he has taught, be a friend to his apostles and do not contend with me, who am his confidant; for you have in hostility withstood me, who am a firm rock, the foundation stone of the Church"
      -Homily 17 Section XIX
      Soon after Jesus had selected his twelve apostles, according to Luke, he " gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. And he said unto them: 'Take nothing for your journey, neither staves nor scrip, neither bread, neither money; neither have two coats apiece. And whatsoever house ye enter, there abide and thence depart. And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them." This is the entire charge of Jesus to his apostles when he sent them out to convert the world, as reported by Luke, who claims to give the address or a portion of it, and that presumably the most important portion, word for word. The language here attributed to Jesus conveys no idea that he had any purpose of founding a new church. Neither here nor anywhere else, in the language attributed to him in the New Testament, does he explain the phrase " the kingdom of God " to mean a new ecclesiastical organization. In several passages he does use it to signify the celestial dominion after the destruction of the world; and this is therefore presumably its meaning everywhere.
      The gospel of Matthew is much further than that of Luke in its report of the charge of Jesus to his apostles: "These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them, saying: 'Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not; but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.", "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I am come not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother... He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet, shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward."
      This charge as reported by Matthew omitted nearly all the main ideas that would have been appropriate in an address instructing the twelve to preach the foundation of Christianity. It does not say whether Jesus wished to reform or to supersede Judaism; whether his principal purpose was ecclesiastical, moral, political, or sanitary. The remarks about healing the sick and casting out devils is the most explicit of all the instructions. Certainly no reader can learn from that charge that Jesus intended to establish a new religion; and much less can he learn any feature of the faith or discipline of a projected new church. And this address is that portion of the New Testament where such information should be given most clearly. He made no doctrinal definition and no ecclesiastical organization. He did not use the key words of the original doctrines necessary to Christianity or a new church, nor the keywords of ideas afterwards associated with Christianity, such as Incarnation, Trinity, Immaculate Conception, and Transubstantiation.
      The subjects to which the most space given in the sayings attributed in the gospels, to Jesus, are, First, the Mosaic law; Second, judgment day; Third, faith; Fourth, the sins of the Pharisees; Fifth, ascetic morality; and Sixth, his divine commission.
      Paul's epistles are indicative of his claims to independence and originality: " I am the apostle of the Gentiles.", " I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles." There is no passage in Paul inconsistent with these quotations; no passage suggesting that the admission of the gentiles into the Christian church was an idea of Jesus, or that it was accepted by the twelve apostles in Jerusalem before the conversion of Paul, or that he received any instruction from them or acknowledged any duty of obedience or submission to them. This gospel which Paul preached and which, according to his boast, was original with him, included many tenets not found in the four gospels or not set forth there in unmistakable terms. By implication, it repudiated the ascetic maxims of the synoptic gospels, It proclaimed the abrogation of the Mosaic ceremonial law. It announced itself as a new and independent religion later on having its adherents called Christians, and their doctrine Christianity.
      Trinitarians are inoculated from rationality, facts and logic. It is no surprise that basic reasoning is entirely lost on those that believe that the creator became one of those he created in order to save the created from his own self. Not to mention the incoherence in the scripture, never minding the creed itself.
      Matthew 4:1) Jesus was tempted
      [James 1:13) God cannot be tempted
      (John 1:29) Jesus was seen
      (1 John 4:12) No man has ever seen God
      (Acts 2:22) Jesus was and is a man, sent by God
      (Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9) God is not a man
      (Hebrews 5:8-9) Jesus had to grow and learn
      (Isaiah 40:28) God doesn't ever need to learn
      (1 Corinthians 15: 3-4) Jesus Died
      (1 Timothy 1:17) God cannot die
      (Hebrews 5:7) Jesus needed salvation
      (Luke 1:37) God doesn't need salvation
      (John 4:6) Jesus grew weary
      (Isaiah 40:28) God cannot grow weary
      (Mark 4:38) Jesus slept
      (Psalm 121: 2-4) God doesn't sleep
      (John 5:19) Jesus wasn't all powerful
      (Isaiah 45: 5-7) God is all powerful
      (Mark 13:32) Jesus wasn't all knowing
      (Isaiah 46:9) God is all knowing
      The old testament is no different, for example, the word עוֹלֵל, ʿôlēl which means 'Babe, infant, little one, a suckling' occurs 21 King James Bible Verses Of these verses:
      “Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.”
      -Psalm 137:9
      “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”
      -1 Samuel 15:3
      “Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.”
      -Hosea 13:16
      The other verses are not much different. Infact it is always in association with violence. This is the polar opposite in the Quran in Surah Al-Tanwir, literally "The Englightenining" Surah, Aya 8-9, we have the death of a newborn is mentioned amongst the penultimate signs of the end of times, emphasizing the gravity of such an action. That child, now resurrected, is asked for what wrong doing was she murdered. This is to emphasize that she had done nothing wrong, for she is an infant and this is the day of retribution where those who committed the evil are to be punished. Sins are not inherited by the offspring, this is a doctrine that was developed much later in christianity into what is now called the original sin.
      Rationality was only born with Islam, those who cannot count have nothing to say, at the end of the day 1+1+1 will never equal 1
      God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.

    • @mznxbcv12345
      @mznxbcv12345 Před 6 měsíci

      Surah Al-Imran Aya 49, of the Quran states that jesus was sent to the israelites, although written over 1,300 years ago in the 19th century (same century bible was only transtalted into Arabic in as well) they came to the same conclusion, independently through textual criticisim, that Jesus did not intend to establish a new religion, instead of being the founder of Christianity, he was merely the occasion of its foundation. Till the day of his death he was a "Jew" by belief and practice, as well as by birth. (in quotations for in reality he was a 'Muslim', one that declares that God is One) He never became a Christian. He never used or heard the words Christian or Christianity or any equivalent of either.
      No such thing as the bible, the new testament is a concoction of several books that were deemed canonical, books written in Greek that were given the hellenized names of Apotsles who neither wrote, nor spoke greek to give it an illusion of antiquity, much like the calendar we have today, which was established in the year 535 CE by Dionysus Exegesis so too was the original message altered to that of the pauline credo, a digestible religion to the yet to be converted greeks who had no desire to follow the mosaic laws. None of the disciples spoke of trinity, ate pork or proclaimed it is allowable to do so, yet the miracle begotten paul, whom peter called him enemy, introduced his new creed according to his whims now called christianity.
      Arabic is the only corollary to proto-semitic, infact the whole semitic classification is nonsensical for anyone with a somewhat functioning mass between their ears. hebrew, aramaic, rest of madeup dialect continua only have 22 letters of the 29 protosemitic letters Arabic has all 29. The difference betweeen Arabic and the other creoles and Pidgin is the same as that between Latin and pig latin or italian.
      "Semitic" is just mumbled Arabic, really. Imagine English with a third of its letters removed and simplified grammar. That's Aramaic, Hebrew, etc. For example, combine T and D into just T; there's no need to have 2 letters. The same goes for i, e, y - they should all be just y from now on, etc., etc. Arabic is the only corollary to proto-Semitic. In fact, the whole classification of Semitic languages is nonsensical for anyone with a somewhat functioning brain. Hebrew, Aramaic, and the rest of these made-up dialect continua only have 22 letters out of the 29 proto-Semitic letters. Arabic has all 29. The difference between Arabic and the other creoles and Pidgin is the same as the difference between Latin and pig Latin or Italian. "Phoenician" is an Arabic dialect continuum, and not only that, it is pidgin. It is simplified to the point of stupidity. Anyone with a basic knowledge of Arabic would see this clearly. What happened was that Arabic handicapped "scholars" saw the equivalent of Scottish Twitter spelling, with added mumbling due to phonemic mergers (22 letters, not 29), and mistakenly thought they were seeing a different language."
      Textual criticism in christianity began when the bible was first translated into european vernavular in the 16th century (was translated into Arabic in the 19th century), it is why protestant "reformation" happened. it reached a professional level around the 19-20th century and is still ongoing today, infact "YHWH" itself is an Arabic word as discussed by Professor. Israel Knohl (Professor of Biblical studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) in the paper" YHWH: The Original Arabic Meaning of the Name." In Islam however it started in the first century. Unlike the Quran, the hadith are transmitted oral accounts which were written 2-3 centuries after they happened and even in the canonical collections of Bukhari and Muslim there are several narrations of the same hadith due to some people paraphrasing and others forgetting part of it. Most of the hadith are without context, this is not to take from the value of hadith as in practice it was the first serious endeavor of having authentication of the historical record. The hadith are transmitted by way of chains of narration, x heard from y who heard from z that .... took place, a study of who x, who y, and who z were and whether what they are saying is true by checking what others had said about them and whether they had indeed met those who they are purported to have taken the accounts from began and so the first "peer review" mechanism took place, all before the internet in the 2nd and 3rd centuries fo the hijra, which unlike the christian calendar has been continously kept, the current gregorian calendar for example was first instanced int he year 535 CE by Dionysius Exiguus, the 25th of December in addition for example being the pagan holdiay of the roman deirty 'Sol Invictus' is clearly shown in the "Chronograph of 354", the earliest christian calendar predating the current one, but I digress, the writing down of hadith was forbidden by the prophet himself for the aforementioned issue (people forgetting, paraphrasing, taking words out of context) only the Quran was ordered to have been written and linguistically they are too far apart, it is clear that the Matn of the hadith, the substance or the wording was altered as the language used seems to be more modern in many instances (Arabic had not changed in any significant way since the Abbassids, 1200 years ago sound as "modern" as things written in the last 50 years. Arabic is the oldest continuously spoken language in the world, the only possible corollary, chinese, has script which has no relation to the actual language hence why Japanese and old vietnamese use it, event the script itself was only codified in the 1700s in the kangxi emperor's dictionary. A miracle in plainsight blinded by familiarity).
      Hadith for example has several levels of correctness, from Hasan which means "well" to rejected as pertains to the Matn or the substance of the hadith itself, the "isnad" of the Hadith or the chains of transmission / citation also have varying levels from Marfu' meaning quoted without having actually met any of the people in the transmission chain or a second hand account or Mudalas meaning plagarised from another transmitter of hadith without citing and Marfud meaning outright rejected for various reasons,
      There is another layer of complexity here called ilm-aa-rijal, the study of the bibilogrophy of those in the chains of transmission themselves and their soundness whether objectively by crosschecking where they lived and whome they met or subjectively by seeing what their peers said about them regarding their character.
      Those unaware of the aforementioned would not only have not been allowed to cite hadith it would have been a criminal offense and there are hadith which clearly contradict one another and one ought not be citing hadith without knowing all other hadith from the colossal hadith collections that were written, even the earliest hadith collection, Musannaf Abdel Razaq Al-Sanani ( 137-211H / 744- 827 CE) and Musannaf of Ibn Abi Shaybah ( 159H-235H / 775-849 CE). for instance had over 53,000 hadith with their chains of transmissions included has yet to be translated into English . Yes, Bukhari and Muslim are taken the most correct as they had the most narrow criterion, but an enormous study is required before citing either one of them. Later scholars such an Al-Darqutni show that there were mistakes made. I say later here though he is still over a millennium old this seriousness of scholarship was the first endeavor of its kind in human history, what became today known as university degrees started with the institutions giving "ijaza" or certificate t transmit hadith and talk about it , indeed they are the origins of the University system we know today.
      There are texts from the 800's CE debating whether, if one for example were to take a log of wood that was not theirs, make a column out of it and have it as a foundation of a house, later the original owner of the column comes back and demands the log to be retrieved into his custody and refuse monetary compensation ought the judge comply, tear down the structure and give him the log or ought he enforce a monetary compensation. this was 1200 years. Property rights were taken that seriously, you could not simply handwave it and enforce a monetary compensation as that property in question was not attained by proper channels, hence it' s ownership and how much ought be the compensation for it is judicated by its owner and no one else has the right to, not the governor or even the caliph. Stephen Langton, the writer of the Magna Carta (12th century, contemporary with the crusades for a reason) studied in the university of Paris which archives show had plenty of Arabic treatises in its procession, there can be no question about it being inspired by the "Sharia".
      This scientific method of studying hadith and jurisprudence was developed and already in practice in the 2nd and third centuries of the hijra (around 800 CE) back when most of europe did not have a written script for their vernacular, enormous encyclopedia such as the 40 volume history of Al-Tabari which, averages 400 pages per volume (and is only one of his works) were written, the only corollary of which in the west would have been the "decline and Fall of The Roman Empire" by Edward Gibbons in the 1700s, considered a watershed, a monument of its time, with a span that would have hardly constituted a volume and a half of Al-Tabari's encyclopedia and written a millennium later.
      God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.

  • @normanhines5189
    @normanhines5189 Před 6 měsíci +12

    I checked into a hotel in Vegas. Above the bed was an impressionist painting (gold on black velvet) of the Caba in Mecca. On the opposite wall was a painting in the same style of the Dome of the Rook. I went through the whole room looking for a Gideon Koran

  • @carljohnathangomes3667
    @carljohnathangomes3667 Před 6 měsíci +159

    How could Muhammad go to the Temple in 7th century when the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD

    • @dannysalinas947
      @dannysalinas947 Před 6 měsíci

      Muslim logic means secular history doesn't apply to them otherwise Islam would die

    • @annemurphy9339
      @annemurphy9339 Před 6 měsíci +15

      That’s a no: impossible to visit something that doesn’t exist.

    • @carljohnathangomes3667
      @carljohnathangomes3667 Před 6 měsíci +55

      @@mikefarrell6916 you're joking right?

    • @1DaTJo
      @1DaTJo Před 6 měsíci +26

      @@mikefarrell6916it’s the beginning of the first century. Well, seventy years into it.

    • @Judith975
      @Judith975 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@carljohnathangomes3667 wanted to ask the same..

  • @nickdubov8316
    @nickdubov8316 Před 6 měsíci +758

    islam based on lies

    • @DarkMark-cf1ec
      @DarkMark-cf1ec Před 6 měsíci

      Islam based on jews lol. I mean.. their holy land belongs to king Solomon, a jew.
      The Quran states Israeli children are favoured by Allah. So promising to wipe out all of Israel is a grave sin and betrayal of religion

    • @paulsparrow3303
      @paulsparrow3303 Před 6 měsíci +24


    • @darthnagus5457
      @darthnagus5457 Před 6 měsíci +46

      Not even good lies

    • @nord1k467
      @nord1k467 Před 6 měsíci +27

      last time a Muslim just lied to me it was like..15-20 minutes ago :))

    • @robertwarren2571
      @robertwarren2571 Před 6 měsíci

      Funny 🤣 I know that the Last Time I Talk To A Person who Follows Christ Was Just a minute ago pastor Karen I'm All most sure That The Lord G-O-D of Jews Christians and Muslims I Pray He Forgives Her

  • @DianeHogan-zl2tu
    @DianeHogan-zl2tu Před 6 měsíci +76

    So true! As a Christian, I also felt the sabotaging of our most holy pilgrimage site in Jerusalem, the Via Dolorosa to the Holy Sepulcher. There sits this huge, high market made of tents right on top of it. One cannot see the holy Sepulcher from anywhere along the Via Dolorosa. All along the way, you are either solicited to a venue, mocked for you faith (which happened to me) or if you are a woman, harassed for what you are wearing. This market sells mostly religious, Christian objects which the venders have no interest in except for the money they make off them. Complete exploitation! Once I got into the vicinity of the Holy Sepulcher, a family and I were lost as to where we could reach it. A young Palestinian boy guided us towards it. This was his job. This whole 'search if you can find it' scheme made you aware that this whole maize of a market was intentional in throwing off pilgrims from the intended object and dynamics of the pilgrimage. I've been to different pilgrimage sites in the world, and I never encountered this phenomenon. Selling religious objects are always away from the pilgrimage site along some alley way. I was broken hearted that this was happening on the most holy Christian site in Jerusalem.

    • @annehunt787
      @annehunt787 Před 6 měsíci +1

      WOW! 😮😢

    • @GoLakers3900
      @GoLakers3900 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Thank you for your time and effort in writing that. It was helpful.

    • @Daniper1
      @Daniper1 Před 6 měsíci +1

      ​​@@MovieChannelMalikiwhy did the muslims conquer and ruin your holy sites? Yeah.. that's worse 😅

    • @saris9487
      @saris9487 Před 6 měsíci

      The palestinians control the sight and the area around they don't let Jews go up there.

    • @tmorganriley
      @tmorganriley Před 5 měsíci +2

      I can only think of Jesus and the money-changers; those preying off those praying.

  • @trvr_inds
    @trvr_inds Před 3 měsíci +7

    “Mythical flying donkey monster named Barack” ……. Yup, bout right lol

  • @Bravepatriotix
    @Bravepatriotix Před 6 měsíci +190

    Thank you Dr. Wood. I am sure that you and AP (even though AP might deny it) were surrounded by the LORD's angels during this journey and this video is a proof.

    • @southbug27
      @southbug27 Před 6 měsíci +27

      I hope all the Christians are keeping AP & his family in our prayers.

    • @zayjacksontv8035
      @zayjacksontv8035 Před 6 měsíci +4

      Whos AP im being serious

    • @stallywagon
      @stallywagon Před 6 měsíci

      God isn't real and you are brainwashed

    • @zayjacksontv8035
      @zayjacksontv8035 Před 6 měsíci +5

      @QuietlyContemplating oh ok thank you

    • @KakashiH318
      @KakashiH318 Před 6 měsíci +2

      The bible teaches Christian’s to keep distance from those who reject Christ but you’ll side with anybody to try to attack Islam. Typical Christian’s not reading their book 😂
      Corinthians 6:14-18 ESV
      Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, “I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.”

  • @uniformsierraalpha7380
    @uniformsierraalpha7380 Před 6 měsíci +61

    David, you are a fearless BOSS for proclaiming truth at a monument to untruth. God bless you, brother.

  • @fjalaeperendisembetetperje5605
    @fjalaeperendisembetetperje5605 Před 6 měsíci +191

    Indeed where would Islam be without lies!

    • @Tankovich777
      @Tankovich777 Před 6 měsíci +4

      According to google earth : distance between jerusalem and mosque alharam "the mosque of mecca" in arabic : almasjid alharam or albayt alharam = 1235 km .
      A new research in the 21st century made by a palestinian researcher : summation of verses' numbers in quran containing "almasjid alharam" or "albayt alharam" until the only verse in quran mentioning alaqsa mosque = 1235 which is the distance between them in kilometers, moreover , the summation of the walls of the aqsa area = 1235 meters, if you are interested in more numerical miracles in quran , tell me.

    • @hernanibaptista9980
      @hernanibaptista9980 Před 6 měsíci +3

      ​@@Tankovich777you can use numbers to counta anything. This is stupid.

    • @vipulagora1325
      @vipulagora1325 Před 6 měsíci +1

      ❤ Jai Shri Ram ❤ Jai Shri Ram ❤ Jai Shri Ram ❤ Jai Shri Ram ❤ Jai Shri Ram ❤ ❤ Jai Shri Ram ❤ Jai Shri Ram ❤ Jai Shri Ram ❤ Jai Shri Ram ❤ Jai Shri Ram ❤ ❤ Jai Shri Ram ❤ Jai Shri Ram ❤ Jai Shri Ra

    • @DH-634Seriously
      @DH-634Seriously Před 6 měsíci


    • @davidcanfield883
      @davidcanfield883 Před 6 měsíci +4

      ​@@Tankovich777Weird and blasphemous that you have to use a measurement scale invented by French Christians for your 1235 KM measurement. BTW was that 1235 KM to the center of Jerusalem or to a point on the outskirts? Doubtless that if we took that same distance we could run it out to find places less flattering to your fantasy that the distance or that number have any significance.

  • @mahonri69
    @mahonri69 Před 6 měsíci +13

    Thanks David to be Bold in defending the faith and or Lord Jesus Christ. Be blessed with the Spirit.

  • @johngustavpetzold5969
    @johngustavpetzold5969 Před 6 měsíci +35

    This is probably the best historical synopsis of the dome of the rock I have ever seen... And all in 8 minutes! Well done sir. And I commend your bravery for speaking truth in these times.

    • @Nadeem146
      @Nadeem146 Před 6 měsíci

      I wonder how many synopsis vids You've seen if you think the David Wood version is a the best.
      Also can't really use the word bravery for speaking the truth Infront of 0 human beings, no one was there.

    • @EbyanAden
      @EbyanAden Před 6 měsíci

      Man just spitted a couple of stupid words and yall are like his speaking facts. BTW masjid al haram is in mecca and surrounds the ka'ba so unless moses travelled to mecca how would he travel from mecca to jerusalem and out of all the great cities in the world why would muslims specifically go to Jerusalem out of greed, when there were bigger cities with greater wealth in the byzantine and persian empires. Also the prophet Muhammad was known for spreading the message on the Onness of God in letters he sent to the negus of Ethiopia and the Byzantine empire. so I guess maybe you should educate yourself

    • @Madmen604
      @Madmen604 Před 6 měsíci

      ​​@@EbyanAdenthey conquered the region to pilfer resources, wealth, convert people to Islam and to expand their influence. Just like all colonizers do. It was they way all countries operated. They were all monarchies. I can't blame Arabia more than any other imperial expansion.
      They say the Ottomans and many others cut down all the cedars of Lebanon.
      But group of monks live there and protect what remains of a cedar Grove.

    • @Madmen604
      @Madmen604 Před 6 měsíci

      So he learned to read and write eventually?

  • @sheldonberg125
    @sheldonberg125 Před 6 měsíci +99

    David is very knowledgeable about the Bible/scriptures as well as the Quran. He is obviously a student of history as well. I think David is also quite knowledgeable about philosophy and other related topics. For Christian’s, I think David Wood is an important apologist and source of information and knowledge on the scriptures, the Christian faith, and a man who has seen his fair share of hardship and testing. I believe him to be a man of God with integrity. We should keep him in our prayers.

    • @GoLakers3900
      @GoLakers3900 Před 6 měsíci +8

      @@user-iw4uf8om1dYou're making an assumption.

    • @Dweeb-ge5jw
      @Dweeb-ge5jw Před 6 měsíci

      ​you making assumption@@user-iw4uf8om1d

    • @Tankovich777
      @Tankovich777 Před 6 měsíci

      According to google earth : distance between jerusalem and mosque alharam "the mosque of mecca" in arabic : almasjid alharam or albayt alharam = 1235 km .
      A new research in the 21st century made by a palestinian researcher : summation of verses' numbers in quran containing "almasjid alharam" or "albayt alharam" until the only verse in quran mentioning alaqsa mosque = 1235 which is the distance between them in kilometers, moreover , the summation of the walls of the aqsa area = 1235 meters, if you are interested in more numerical miracles in quran , please tell me. Thanks

    • @leeg6421
      @leeg6421 Před 6 měsíci +4

      @@Tankovich777 1235km is the church of the condemnation. Not the point you are making but seems more apropos. (Meters weren’t used until 18th century and they are poorly defined with a spherical earth, what was Allah thinking?)

    • @teukumuammarrifat7843
      @teukumuammarrifat7843 Před 6 měsíci

      Why won't he talk about
      "At midnight the Lord struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well. Pharaoh and all his officials and all the Egyptians got up during the night, and there was loud wailing in Egypt, for there was not a house without someone dead." [Exodus 12:29-30]
      Why does God killed children that has to bear the sins of their parents

  • @ktwarshunggeorgeanal4691
    @ktwarshunggeorgeanal4691 Před 6 měsíci +445


    • @Tankovich777
      @Tankovich777 Před 6 měsíci +4

      According to google earth : distance between jerusalem and mosque alharam "the mosque of mecca" in arabic : almasjid alharam or albayt alharam = 1235 km .
      A new research in the 21st century made by a palestinian researcher : summation of verses' numbers in quran containing "almasjid alharam" or "albayt alharam" until the only verse in quran mentioning alaqsa mosque = 1235 which is the distance between them in kilometers, moreover , the summation of the walls of the aqsa area = 1235 meters, if you are interested in more numerical miracles in quran , please tell me. Thanks

    • @leeg6421
      @leeg6421 Před 6 měsíci +12

      @@Tankovich777 1235km is the church of the condemnation. Not the point you are making but seems more apropos. (Meters weren’t used until 18th century and they are poorly defined with a spherical earth, what was Allah thinking?)

    • @Thenoisyassasin
      @Thenoisyassasin Před 6 měsíci


    • @talalalmulla7852
      @talalalmulla7852 Před 6 měsíci

      The fact is: Islam is spreading very fast everywhere in the world, AND VERY SOON IT WILL BE THE NUMBER 1 RELIGION IN THE WORLD.

    • @mznxbcv12345
      @mznxbcv12345 Před 6 měsíci +6

      The word עוֹלֵל, ʿôlēl which means 'Babe, infant, little one, a suckling' occurs 21 King James Bible Verses Of these verses:
      “Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.”
      -Psalm 137:9
      “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”
      -1 Samuel 15:3
      “Therefore I am full of the fury of the LORD; I am weary with holding in: I will pour it out upon the children abroad, and upon the assembly of young men together: for even the husband with the wife shall be taken, the aged with him that is full of days.”
      -Jeremiah 6:11
      “Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.”
      -Hosea 13:16
      The other verses are not much different. Infact it is always in association with violence. Indeed these verses are the reason why in the Crusades the sense of pious rejoicing at massacre does not appear to be the product of later theologizing; it is also found, in the account of the eye-witness Raymond of Aguilers:
      “in the Temple and porch of Solomon, men rode in blood up to their knees and bridle reins. Indeed, it was a just and splendid judgment of God that this place should be filled with the blood of the unbelievers, since it had suffered so long from their blasphemies.” In fact, Raymond continues, “This day, I say, will be famous in all future ages, for it turned our labours and sorrows into joy and exultation; this day, I say, marks the justification of all Christianity, the humiliation of paganism, and the renewal of our faith.”
      This is the polar opposite in the Quran in Surah Al-Tanwir, literally "The Englightenining" Surah, Aya 8-9, we have the death of a newborn is mentioned amongst the penultimate signs of the end of times, emphasizing the gravity of such an action. That child, now resurrected, is asked for what wrong doing was she murdered. This is to emphasize that she had done nothing wrong, for she had done nothing wrong and this is the day of retribution where those who omitted the evil are to be punished.
      This is the polar opposite in the Qur'an, Surah Al-Baqara Aya 190, which exhorts to fight unbelievers and not be "Aggressors", in the commentary of what it means to be aggressors, this was stated Al-Hasan Al-Basri stated that transgression (indicated by the Ayah):
      It is reported in the Two Sahihs that Ibn `Umar said, "The Prophet forbade killing women and children."
      بابتداء القتال أو بقتال من نهيتم عن قتاله من النساء والشيوخ والصبيان والذين بينكم وبينهم عهد أو بالمثلة أو بالمفاجأة من غير دع
      "To kill those whom you were forbidden to from women, elderly, children and those whom betwixt you is a treaty or custom or by surprise or without cause"
      -Tafsir Al-Zamakshari of the meaning of Aggressors in the Aya
      The modifiable testaments testament genocide on the other hand.Surah Al-Baqara Aya 190 limits war to those who fight against Muslims, prohibits transgression, and implies respect for human dignity and life Indeed it is what precedes the famous "sword verse", always cited out of context.
      God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.

  • @gabrielzb4129
    @gabrielzb4129 Před 4 měsíci +18

    Love you brother and what you're doing! Keep on fighting the good fight!

  • @non-prophetorganization
    @non-prophetorganization Před 6 měsíci +230

    The Buckingham Palace will be their next holiest masjid if the trajectory continues in London.

    • @sajeevisacbaby4814
      @sajeevisacbaby4814 Před 6 měsíci +16

      And next one will be white house 😂

    • @davie8906
      @davie8906 Před 6 měsíci +28

      Londfrica,englistan. An Arab majority towns in englaza (Rochdale,which has had a Muslim child rape gang problem for decades) has just overwhelmingly voted in a white guy that denied Oct 7,and praised Hamas and has previously visited Saddam in Iraq. Yikes! Enlarged been overrun.

    • @non-prophetorganization
      @non-prophetorganization Před 6 měsíci +8

      @@sajeevisacbaby4814 Yes, if Biden stays as prez.

    • @davie8906
      @davie8906 Před 6 měsíci +14

      Hamas seem that Trump might be back,so they had to hurry. Wouldn't have happened if Trump was in the Whitehouse. (European here btw)

      @FILIPFROMSALMO Před 6 měsíci +4

      Thank you for the laugh, I hope it is not true

  • @heatblair
    @heatblair Před 6 měsíci +26

    This video needs to go viral

  • @timetherington1986
    @timetherington1986 Před 6 měsíci +92

    I hear Islam has recently claimed Alf's home planet of Melmak as a holy site.

    • @annehunt787
      @annehunt787 Před 6 měsíci +5

      Yes, that’s where his night journey was to when he left Jerusalem on the flying donkey.

    • @Tankovich777
      @Tankovich777 Před 6 měsíci +1

      According to google earth : distance between jerusalem and mosque alharam "the mosque of mecca" in arabic : almasjid alharam or albayt alharam = 1235 km .
      A new research in the 21st century made by a palestinian researcher : summation of verses' numbers in quran containing "almasjid alharam" or "albayt alharam" until the only verse in quran mentioning alaqsa mosque = 1235 which is the distance between them in kilometers, moreover , the summation of the walls of the aqsa area = 1235 meters, if you are interested in more numerical miracles in quran , please tell me. Thanks

    • @leeg6421
      @leeg6421 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@Tankovich777 1235km is the church of the condemnation. Not the point you are making but seems more apropos. (Meters weren’t used until 18th century and they are poorly defined with a spherical earth, what was Allah thinking?)

    • @jasonmason8413
      @jasonmason8413 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Not really sure i appreciate you insulting alf or his home planet....that creature was a national treasure

    • @Guts_Brando
      @Guts_Brando Před 6 měsíci

      ​@@leeg6421then doesnt that make his point more interesting?

  • @carlo_cali
    @carlo_cali Před 5 měsíci +5

    Very accurate description. In fact some Islamic scholars reject the Hadiths that later came out and people in Saudi Arabia have publicly blamed the Arabs of using this story to gain help from other Muslims countries. Some even reject the arabs that call themselves "palestinians". They should be called "Arafatians", he claimed to be a pal, but was born in Egypt and he's the one that invented this whole "palestinian" identity business. Saudis don't even like the calling themselves Arabs. It's a fact that when Mo claimed to go on this night journey, the "holy site" he described had already been destroyed, but he didn't know that in the desert of Arabia, so they doctored up the Hadiths, but the truth of their fallacy is still very evident, but it's not taught to most Muslims as it doesn't help their narrative. Blessings to the person who doesn't just believe everything they are told and checks it out for him/herself. We know what that will ultimately lead to. Mo even said in one of these Hadiths "oh blessings to (some person that remembered the stories he told) as I have forgotten them." I'm paraphrasing it, but that's what he allegedly says, that he forgot what Allah or Gabriel told him.

  • @Remoniq
    @Remoniq Před 6 měsíci +88

    I'm happy for mr dr David Wood, he stands in the very city Jesus once walked in.

    • @Nadeem146
      @Nadeem146 Před 6 měsíci

      18 years too late, only went there to have a jab at islam, not once in his life did he go there for Jesus. David Wood is the definition of ingenious and he's good at it, maybe the best which over time makes you look really dumb. But that's what gets him views so he will continue to do this

    • @Nadeem146
      @Nadeem146 Před 6 měsíci

      Yet he hasn't posted a Christian video yet? Bash Islam in every video instead.
      I wanted to see the Christian in David Wood, his reactions when he first got there, him walking where Jesus walked, where he lived, where Mary lived, show me the Jerusalem church, show me the site where the crosses were, show me the Christian neighbourhood, show me their dress sense, show me where John the baptist was baptising. He's not Christian enough to care about these things, first video he drops while he's out there in the holy land is a "mock islam" video.

    • @kalevlemus3030
      @kalevlemus3030 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@Nadeem146there are plenty of videos on CZcams of people doing just what you propose David Wood do. David Wood has a different assignment from God.

    • @spirituallysafe
      @spirituallysafe Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@kalevlemus3030My thought exactly.

  • @pjfountaine7755
    @pjfountaine7755 Před 6 měsíci +122

    David Wood has been given one of the biggest dose of courage by God to witness among some of the greatest culturally inculcated haters of Jews and Christians on their turf.

    • @pjfountaine7755
      @pjfountaine7755 Před 6 měsíci +9

      Deepest respect to you and to all former Muslims daring to speak up. And especially those preaching Peace only comes thru Jesus the Messiah Son of the Living God and born Through a Jewish family in Israel. Not Roman labled palestine.

    • @Punande
      @Punande Před 6 měsíci +6

      Jews Christians and Muslims lived together in peace in Palestine for hundreds of years before zionism and the invasion of Eastern European jews and finally the tragedy of 1947 .

    • @pjfountaine7755
      @pjfountaine7755 Před 6 měsíci +3

      @@Punande prayers for the peace of the region. Only in Messiah Yeshua will true peace come for all people. King of Eternity

    • @MartinJoyceUFOConspiracy
      @MartinJoyceUFOConspiracy Před 6 měsíci

      ​@@Punandethe Jews bought the land to escape the pogroms of Ukraine and Russia, they got along with most of the Arabs and 3 million live within Israel to this day. Why did Arabs always turn down the offer to have a separate state?

    • @therealmaskriz5716
      @therealmaskriz5716 Před 6 měsíci +2

      ​@@Punandeimagine lying 😂😂

  • @JacoBecker
    @JacoBecker Před 6 měsíci +91

    Christ is Lord! Hallowed be Thy Name. Thank you for sharing.

    • @GoLakers3900
      @GoLakers3900 Před 6 měsíci +2

      His name is Jesus. Speak it for it is the most important name to mankind.

  • @WarriorforMessiah33
    @WarriorforMessiah33 Před 3 měsíci +3

    ✨ Hallelujah Praise the LORD ✝️🕊️🙏🏻🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇳❤️

    • @Scoobe
      @Scoobe Před 2 měsíci


  • @isaacg5396
    @isaacg5396 Před 6 měsíci +29

    Amen, exposing the darkness and lies. Love it. God will be glorified.

  • @mwa2411
    @mwa2411 Před 6 měsíci +92

    Man you said the truth .. I am Egyptian Christian I speak arabic and surprised you know all this

    • @User.x07
      @User.x07 Před 6 měsíci +2

    • @x-rayed7066
      @x-rayed7066 Před 6 měsíci

      قل للذن كفروا ستغلبون و تحشرون الي جهنم وبئس المهاد * ال عمران

    • @kashack80s
      @kashack80s Před 6 měsíci

      @@x-rayed7066 is this what you meant? "Say to those who disbelieve: “You will be defeated and gathered into Hell, and evil is the resting place.” * Al Imran."

    • @zorot3876
      @zorot3876 Před 6 měsíci +3

      David Wood is the boss! 😎

    • @mznxbcv12345
      @mznxbcv12345 Před 6 měsíci

      The Aramaic word for God is "Alaha". It's the word Isa PBUH used. Sounds familiar?
      Written without the confusing vowels it is written A-L-H ܐ ܠܗܐ (alap-lamed-he) as found in Targum or in Tanakh (Daniel, Ezra), Syriac Aramaic (Peshitta), reduced from the Arabic original (of which Aramaic is a dialect continuum as will be explained) it is written in the Arabic script 'A-L-L-H' (Aleph-Lam-Lam-Ha) add an A before the last H for vocalization.
      The word God in another rendition in Hebrew ʾĕlōah is derived from a base ʾilāh, an Arabic word, written without confusing vowel it is A-L-H in the Arabic script, pronounced ilah not eloah. Hebrew dropped the glottal stop and mumbled it, aramic mumbled a little less and it became elaha. Infact both are written written A-L-H in Arabic, it is pronounced i in Arabic and not A because it is an Alef with hamza below (إ أ ) They are two different forms of Alef. And it mean "a god", it is the non definitive form of A-L-L-H, in which the Alef is without a glottal stop/hamza,(ا), but this kind of nuance is lost in the dialect continua.
      infact "YHWH" itself is an Arabic word as discussed by Professor. Israel Knohl (Professor of Biblical studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) in the paper" YHWH: The Original Arabic Meaning of the Name."
      jesus as his name is often misspelled due to the lack of the ayin sound in Greek, which was rendered to Iesous, coupling the nearest sound to ayin, same letter found in 'Iraq', which sounds entirely different in Arabic form 'Iran' in Arabic, with the -ous Greek suffix that Greeks typically add to their names 'HerodotOS', 'PlotinUS', 'AchelOUS' and later mumbled into a J. The yeshua rendition of Isa (his name in the Qur'an) PBUH which is purported to be the name of Jesus is KNOWN to had been taken from greek. Western Syriac also use "Isho". Western Aramaic (separate from Syriac which is a dialect of Eastern Aramaic) use "Yeshu". Western Syriac has been separate from Western Aramaic for about 1000 years. And sounds don't even match up. Syriac is a Christian liturgical language yet the four letters of the name of Jesus «ܝܫܘܥ» [ = Judeo-Babylonian Aramaic: «ישוע» ] sounds totally different in West vs East Syriac, viz. vocalized akin to Christian Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic «ܝܶܫܽܘܥ» (Yēšūʿ) in West Syriac, but pronounced more akin to Muslim Arabic Quran character name Isa in East Syriac «ܝܑܼܫܘܿܥ» (ʾĪšōʿ). The reason for this confusion is their dropping of phonemes. Only someone that has no idea what the letters are or how they sound would have a name ending in a pharyngeal fricative like the ayin, if it were to be used in a name it would have had to be in the beginning, thus the Arabic rendition is the correct one. An example in English is how the appended -d is a common error amongst the English pronouncing Gaelic names. The name Donald arose from a common English mispronunciation of the Gaelic name Donal. Just how it is with donal becoming donald and the two becoming distinct and the original being regarded as something seperate so too did Isa PBUH turn to Iesous turn to jesus and when they tried going back to the original they confused it for yeshua ( ysu is how it is actually written) for Isa PBUH ( 3'eysah )
      Schlözer in his preparation for the Arabia expedition in 1781 coined the term Semitic language:
      "From the Mediterranean to the Euphrates, from Mesopotamia to Arabia ruled one language, as is well known. Thus Syrians, Babylonians, Hebrews, and Arabs were one people (ein Volk). Phoenicians (Hamites) also spoke this language, which I would like to call the Semitic (die Semitische)." -Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German By Han F. Vermeulen.
      He was only half right though, Arabic is the only corollary to "proto-semitic", infact the whole semitic classification is nonsensical as will be shown.
      "protosemetic" Alphabet (28), Arabic Alphabet (28), Latin transliteration, hebrew (22)
      𐩠 𐩡 𐩢 𐩣 𐩤 𐩥 𐩦 𐩧 𐩨 𐩩 𐩪 𐩫 𐩬 𐩭 𐩮 𐩰 𐩱 𐩲 𐩳 𐩴 𐩵 𐩶 𐩷 𐩸 𐩹 𐩺 𐩻 𐩼
      ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي
      A b t ṯ j h kh d ḏ r z s sh ṣ ḍ ṭ ẓ ʿ ġ f q k l m n h w y
      א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת
      Merged phonemes in hebrew and aramaic:
      ح, خ (h, kh) merged into only kh consonant remain
      س, ش (s, sh) merged into only Shin consonant remaining
      ط, ظ (ṭ/teth, ẓ) merged into only ṭ/teth consonant remaining
      ص, ض (ṣ, ḍ/Tsad ) merged into only ḍ/Tsad consonant remaining
      ع, غ (3'ayn, Ghayn) merged into a reducted ayin consonant remaining
      ت, ث (t/taw, th) merged into only t/taw consonant remaining
      The reason why the protoS alphabet here is 28 and not 29, is because the supposed extra letter is simply a س written in a different position, but it was shoehorned to obfuscated. In Arabic letter shapes are different depending on whether they are in the beginning , middle or end of a word.
      As a matter of fact, all of the knowledge needed for deciphering ancient texts and their complexity was derived from the Qur'an. It was by analyzing the syntactic structure of the Qur'an that the Arabic root system was developed. This system was first attested to in Kitab Al-Ayin, the first intralanguage dictionary of its kind, which preceded the Oxford English dictionary by 800 years. It was through this development that the concept of Arabic roots was established and later co-opted into the term 'semitic root,' allowing the decipherment of ancient scripts. In essence, they quite literally copied and pasted the entirety of the Arabic root. Hebrew had been dead, as well as all the other dialects of Arabic, until being 'revived' in a Frankensteinian fashion in the 18th and 19th centuries.
      The entire region spoke basically the same language, with mumbled dialect continuums spread about, and Arabic is the oldest form from which all these dialects branched off. As time passed, the language gradually became more degenerate,
      Language; When one looks at the actual linguistics, one will find that many were puzzled by the opposite, that is, how the other "semetic" languages were more "evolved" than Arabic, while Arabic had archaic features, not only archaic compared to bibilical Hebrew, Ethiopic, "Aramaic" contemporary "semetic" languages, but even archaic compared to languages from ancient antiquity; Ugaritic, Akkadain. What is meant here by Archaic is not what most readers think, it is Archaic not in the sense that it is simple, but rather that it is complex (think Latin to pig Latin or Italian or Old English, which had genders and case endings to modern English), not only grammatically, but also phonetically; All the so called semitic languages are supposed to have evolved from protosemetic, the Alphabet for protosemitic is that of the so called Ancient South Arabian (which interestingly corresponds with the traditional Arabic origins account) and has 28 Phonemes. Arabic has 28 phonemes. Hebrew has 22, same as Aramaic, and other "semitic" languages. Now pause for a second and think about it, how come Arabic, a language that is supposed to have come so late has the same number of letters as a language that supposedly predates it by over a millennium (Musnad script ~1300 BCE). Not only is the glossary of phonemes more diverse than any other semitic language, but the grammar is more complex, containing more cases and retains what's linguists noted for its antiquity, broken plurals. Indeed, a linguist has once noted that if one were to take everything we know about languages and how they develop, Arabic is older than Akkadian (~2500 BCE).
      And then the Qur'an appeared with the oldest possible form of the language thousands of years later. This is why the Arabs of that time were challenged to produce 10 similar verses, and they couldn't. People think it's a miracle because they couldn't do it, but I think the miracle is the language itself. They had never spoken Arabic, nor has any other language before or since had this mathematical precision. And when I say mathematical, I quite literally mean mathematical.
      Now how is it that the Qur'an came thousands of years later in an alphabet that had never been recorded before, and in the highest form the language had ever taken?
      The creator is neither bound by time nor space, therefore the names are uttered as they truly were, in a language that is lexically, syntactically, phonemically, and semantically older than the oldest recorded writing. In fact, that writing appears to have been a simplified version of it. Not only that, but it would be the equivalent of the greatest works of any particular language all appearing in one book, in a perfect script and in the highest form the language could ever take. It is so high in fact, that it had yet to be surpassed despite the fact that over the last millennium the collection of Arabic manuscripts when compared on word-per-word basis in Western Museums alone, when they are compared with the collected Greek and Latin manuscripts combined, the latter does not constitute 1 percent of the former as per German professor Frank Griffel, in addition all in a script that had never been recorded before. Thus, the enlightenment of mankind from barbarism and savagery began, and the age of reason and rationality was born from its study.
      God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.

  • @ts8960
    @ts8960 Před 6 měsíci +108

    david wood is an absolute legend

  • @Mommythief0069
    @Mommythief0069 Před 5 měsíci +23

    What's the beat in the intro? I low key wanna use it for a music project

    • @pls_mesempai2198
      @pls_mesempai2198 Před 4 měsíci

      Do you know by now bro? I want to listen to that beat too

  • @eytonshalomsandiego
    @eytonshalomsandiego Před 6 měsíci +266

    "flying donkey monster" we can always count on David Wood to be pretty darn funny

    • @susanbaker8130
      @susanbaker8130 Před 6 měsíci +4

      Barak, the flying Donkey monster. Maybe you can make this stuff up…and spread it politically! 😉

    • @salahali2710
      @salahali2710 Před 6 měsíci

      Stick to your gay porn 😂😂 and then

    • @Tankovich777
      @Tankovich777 Před 6 měsíci +1

      According to google earth : distance between jerusalem and mosque alharam "the mosque of mecca" in arabic : almasjid alharam or albayt alharam = 1235 km .
      A new research in the 21st century made by a palestinian researcher : summation of verses' numbers in quran containing "almasjid alharam" or "albayt alharam" until the only verse in quran mentioning alaqsa mosque = 1235 which is the distance between them in kilometers, moreover , the summation of the walls of the aqsa area = 1235 meters, if you are interested in more numerical miracles in quran , tell me.

    • @talalalmulla7852
      @talalalmulla7852 Před 6 měsíci +2

      If you believe that God, Jesus and the spirit is one thing and at the same time you say that these are three different things ( trinity) => Then your brains are really ready to belive and accept anything .
      This is the level of your understanding , No more , and way less .

    • @heavenlee4117
      @heavenlee4117 Před 6 měsíci +4

      ​@@talalalmulla7852Please pay closer attention to your semantics. Can three "things" be one "thing"? Of course they can.

  • @garybowings1538
    @garybowings1538 Před 6 měsíci +120

    Lol, my art history professor told us that European cathedrals were based on Islamic architecture.

    • @el_killorcure
      @el_killorcure Před 6 měsíci +24

      And that was stolen from the Persians...

    • @christinemarshall1366
      @christinemarshall1366 Před 6 měsíci +78

      The earliest European, religious building were influenced by Early Christian, Byzantine, Greek, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, various Revival etc .... Islam is the 'religion' which confiscates and copies.

    • @Yard_Sale
      @Yard_Sale Před 6 měsíci +2

      Ouch… 😂

    • @reekinronald6776
      @reekinronald6776 Před 6 měsíci +5

      Let me guess, he was M.E.

    • @missruzl14
      @missruzl14 Před 6 měsíci

      @@christinemarshall1366 they even copied the bible and Torah! 🤡🤡 lie through their teeth!

  • @PatriciaNaicker-cw8zz
    @PatriciaNaicker-cw8zz Před 6 měsíci +60

    Thanx David--continue to exposed ISLAM &TEACHING CHRISTIANs--GOD BE WITH YOU--FRM SOUTH AFRICA🇿🇦🇿🇦

    • @cameronsolomanmeyer6137
      @cameronsolomanmeyer6137 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Fellow 🇿🇦👍

    • @LookzA
      @LookzA Před 5 měsíci +2

      @@cameronsolomanmeyer6137 All the issues he states about Islam can be said about Christianity, he's just to blind to see it.

  • @77news97
    @77news97 Před 6 měsíci +10

    Thank you, David. As usual: truth served straight up!

  • @ryanunruh2683
    @ryanunruh2683 Před 6 měsíci +431

    There is no other "Rock" than Christ Jesus! God bless you David

    • @charlzcofflin4199
      @charlzcofflin4199 Před 6 měsíci

      Pray that the j*ws find Him before its too late.

    • @toryquinton2677
      @toryquinton2677 Před 6 měsíci +6

      Ive often wondered if Jesus declaring that Peter was the rock upon which the church would be built was a foreshadowing of the false rock at the heart of Islam.

    • @nomdeguerre8464
      @nomdeguerre8464 Před 6 měsíci +5

      ​@@toryquinton2677no. Peter is a pebble. Jesus was referring to himself.

    • @darkeen42
      @darkeen42 Před 6 měsíci

      Yes Jesus is the son of God and the exact same way every chunk of rock is not at all. Just like sometimes rocks looks like shapes sometimes fantasies look like reality if you're desperate enough

    • @emetahava
      @emetahava Před 6 měsíci +1

      The Sakra inside the dome is the Stone that Abraham offered Isaac and the Ark sat, without these there would be no Jesus!!!

  • @pacomaciasarrate6809
    @pacomaciasarrate6809 Před 6 měsíci +58

    One video to explain the ethos of Islam, minus the sexual perversions.

  • @blad170
    @blad170 Před 6 měsíci +97

    This guy is the man! Glory to Jesus!!!

    • @SpiritLevel888
      @SpiritLevel888 Před 6 měsíci +3

      Jesus is the man and the GOD

    • @gerenas59
      @gerenas59 Před 6 měsíci

      All religions are bogus...there is...never was a god.. all pagan in origin and man in his aspirations and ignorance followed this fallacy.

    • @charleslott2908
      @charleslott2908 Před 6 měsíci

      I love Jesus Christ 🥰

    • @mas2988
      @mas2988 Před 6 měsíci

      Satan is the father of lies and he is the father of Islam so the deception is their religion

  • @obisraelngawani1373
    @obisraelngawani1373 Před měsícem +2

    most Muslims don't understand Coran but read it.
    - read the Coran = sound good
    - understand the Coran, Islam = leave Islam

  • @Voltaire8559
    @Voltaire8559 Před 6 měsíci +52

    Ayodaya Temple was returned to the Hindus, this is a great sign that there is still hope for the likes of Solomon’s Temple and Hagia Sophia to be returned.

    • @macgyversmacbook1861
      @macgyversmacbook1861 Před 6 měsíci

      With the bigoted Prime Minister Turkey has right now? Fat chance! The idiot ended its tenure as a museum to a conquered church back to a mosque in a conquered church

    • @usernamenotfound200
      @usernamenotfound200 Před 6 měsíci

      It was not willingly returned by Muslims. Hindus fought a legal battle in court to get it back.

    • @MattieShiloh
      @MattieShiloh Před 6 měsíci +2


    • @sishrac
      @sishrac Před 6 měsíci

      Solomon's temple is no more, and neither is Herod's temple. Christ Himself came and destroyed it in A.D. 70 so that no stone will be upon another, just as He promised.

    • @saris9487
      @saris9487 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Good luck with that.

  • @lahleholivia7398
    @lahleholivia7398 Před 6 měsíci +72

    R.W. Hamilton, director of the British Mandate Antiquities Department, carried out the only archaeological excavation ever undertaken at the Temple Mount's Aqsa Mosque by the British Mandate, the excavations found a Byzantine mosaic floor underneath the foundation of the mosque that was either the remains of a church or a monastery. R.W. Hamilton also found a paving slab under the floor bearing the image of a centaur (a creature from Greek mythology) dated to the 3rd century CE that related to pagan religious construction on the Temple Mount during the Roman Period (135-325 CE). These archeological findings prove Muhammads claim Al asqa was built 40 years after the Kaaba (Sahih al-Bukhari 3366) and the Islamic narrative that Al asqa was built by Adam or Abraham as completely and comprehensively false.

    • @jameslay1489
      @jameslay1489 Před 6 měsíci +3

      Like many thing in christianity and Judaism are completely and comprehensively false.

    • @el_killorcure
      @el_killorcure Před 6 měsíci

      ​@@jameslay1489or Atheism as well...

    • @collybever
      @collybever Před 6 měsíci

      @@jameslay1489But there's lot of corroboration of an archaeological sort with biblical history, it's patchy evidence due to it being a piecemeal investigation. No ancient evidence has been found in Mecca, in its recent development, there's an ottoman fort, also there was an aqueduct from the 9C to help with the hajj at that time. But no text references to Mecca before 741 AD, outside a few verses in the Quran which could be about it. (The Quran was more likely to have been produced further to the north, maybe in one of the wrecked towns with fine cave dwellings in north-western Arabia, but then why invent a new location for rasullah's home, it's fishy)

    • @JeaneBF
      @JeaneBF Před 6 měsíci +15

      @@jameslay1489what is false in Judaism and Christianity?

    • @jameslay1489
      @jameslay1489 Před 6 měsíci

      @@JeaneBF well for one that the Abrahamic god is real. The resurrection didn't happen. Exodus didn't happen. The Ten Commandments are about morality and mostly about god's vanity. Slavery is wrong. Bat's are not birds. The Flood didn't happen. I can go on and on and on about what's false in the bible.

  • @danpena10565
    @danpena10565 Před 6 měsíci +68

    That’s gutsy that you are saying all these facts in front of the dome of the rock.

    • @Keithlovejenny
      @Keithlovejenny Před 6 měsíci +4

      That is not gut but anointing of Jesus upon him!

  • @richardredmond1463
    @richardredmond1463 Před 5 měsíci +9

    I dunno when the Dome on the Rock is going to come down, but it certainly will.

    • @eduardor.5417
      @eduardor.5417 Před 2 měsíci +2

      I hope so; it represents something demonic and evil.

  • @TrevorWeissman
    @TrevorWeissman Před 6 měsíci +71

    I'll never forget my trip to Israel/Jerusalem and taking a photo on the temple mount.

    • @elguapo2831
      @elguapo2831 Před 5 měsíci +5

      I'll never forget the genocide of the Palestinians.

    • @lil8282
      @lil8282 Před 5 měsíci

      This Palestine is real

    • @TrevorWeissman
      @TrevorWeissman Před 5 měsíci +3

      @@elguapo2831 you wanna cookie?

    • @TrevorWeissman
      @TrevorWeissman Před 5 měsíci +2

      @@lil8282 🍪

    • @adamelghalmi9771
      @adamelghalmi9771 Před 5 měsíci

      @@TrevorWeissman i love how you people support israel because of jews, who despise you to your core, that prefer muslims over you, that'd have you stoned in a minute, and then hate islam so profoundly on such a perverse level that it genuinely makes me laugh at how sad your life is. may Allah bless you and guide you on the right path, or at least help you stop being a hateful self loathing stick up man

  • @moamineismoamineiss315
    @moamineismoamineiss315 Před 6 měsíci +198

    i wish i could be there when Temple Of Solomon will be built ❤❤❤❤

    • @pindakaas4443
      @pindakaas4443 Před 6 měsíci +13

      If we are there or are still around one thing is for sure, they going to rebuild it

    • @spiritualmonk5337
      @spiritualmonk5337 Před 6 měsíci +13

      @@pindakaas4443 I hope they rebuild the temple

    • @meanman6992
      @meanman6992 Před 6 měsíci +28

      You guys realize the third temple is an end of the church age prophecy right? THE anti-Christ sits on the throne in it… which sets off as I understand it the return of Jesus.

    • @theuralictribes5689
      @theuralictribes5689 Před 6 měsíci

      The 3rd Temple will be built but it will be built by the Antichrist in the final 7 years of the world during the 7 Year Tribulation.

    • @spiritualmonk5337
      @spiritualmonk5337 Před 6 měsíci +3

      @@meanman6992 yeah I don't care

  • @dragonhold4
    @dragonhold4 Před 6 měsíci +142

    An eyesore covered in gold, is still a gold covered eyesore.

    • @NikoBellaKhouf2
      @NikoBellaKhouf2 Před 6 měsíci

      And yet you use it's image EVERY time to represent our city

    • @MakeAsylumsGre4tAgain
      @MakeAsylumsGre4tAgain Před 6 měsíci

      Like lipstick on a pig 💩

    • @MakeAsylumsGre4tAgain
      @MakeAsylumsGre4tAgain Před 6 měsíci +10

      @@NikoBellaKhouf2 who is? Who are you talking to lol calm down

    • @NikoBellaKhouf2
      @NikoBellaKhouf2 Před 6 měsíci

      @@MakeAsylumsGre4tAgain 🤫🤫🤫

    • @eddiecaruth7704
      @eddiecaruth7704 Před 6 měsíci +10

      I like the wailing wall with the sunset in the background and the flag of Israel flying in the foreground. Beautiful.

  • @rareword
    @rareword Před 4 měsíci +2

    The same applies to the temple of Rama in Ayodhya. Conquering Islam has a pernicious habit of building its mosques on the religious structures of other peoples, with the intention of obliterating them.

  • @duanelobo1341
    @duanelobo1341 Před 6 měsíci +34

    Thank you for coming back to CZcams!! Me and my family are so happy that you’ve come back to making videos! We’ve been watching ur videos for years! God bless you, from India

  • @youtbe999
    @youtbe999 Před 6 měsíci +14

    "mythical flying donkey monster named Barack" Is this related to Obama?

  • @robdee81
    @robdee81 Před 6 měsíci +42

    Every millimetre of it belongs to Jesus and when He returns he will reclaim it all.

  • @akarayan
    @akarayan Před 6 měsíci +5

    The fact that the dome of the rock is a structure designed and built by Eastern Roman craftsmen makes it difficult for me to imagine knocking it down for the 3rd Temple. We’ll need to find a way to either disassemble and catalogue to then reassemble somewhere else, or else glue it all together and airlift it off to another site. Same for the Umayyad Mosque

    • @80krauser
      @80krauser Před 8 dny

      You can easily fit a tabernacle within the courtyard without having to knock down anything. Even a few feet to spare to keep things separate. Way I hear it anyway.
      The Jordanians arent hip to people pacing off potential sites.

  • @AndyeRoy
    @AndyeRoy Před 6 měsíci +24

    I’ve been to the Temple Mount a couple times now. I love your boldness to video there much more to tell the truth standing there. There are so many people with casual clothes on with walkie talkies normally monitoring people doing this kind of thing. Jesus Is Lord!!!

    • @Nadeem146
      @Nadeem146 Před 6 měsíci

      Not very "bold" if he's making the video Infront of 0 human beings. Not one person walked past in the background

    • @AndyeRoy
      @AndyeRoy Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@Nadeem146 I can understand why you would draw this conclusion based on what you can see in the frame of the camera. If you’re unfamiliar with the Temple Mount, non-Muslims can only be there during certain times (hence the walkway at the beginning of the video.) If you are spotted by anyone who is monitoring the area as praying they will have you leave. One of the biggest altercations in recent history broke out there a year ago in front of the Al Aqsa Mosque over someone praying. It can go from calm and quiet to riot shields, rocks, and chaos in an instant. To stand on the Eastern side of the Dome of the Rock, facing the Eastern Gate of the Temple Mount and not far from the ceremonial washing area for Al Aqsa and record this video is very bold. I will guarantee you there are people around in this video.

    • @Nadeem146
      @Nadeem146 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@AndyeRoy il take your word for it, I have been but obviously not at the none Muslim times

    • @LF-tu8my
      @LF-tu8my Před 6 měsíci +2

      Yep that is the Real apartheid.
      muslims stop Jews and Christians and everyone that is not them from prayer at this most holy site, that is twice the age of their whole religion.

    • @saris9487
      @saris9487 Před 6 měsíci

      @@Nadeem146 The area is very closlely surveilled by the Palestinans

  • @hadassah179
    @hadassah179 Před 6 měsíci +121

    How glorious the NEW Jerusalem will be. 🙌

    • @tom4bucs
      @tom4bucs Před 6 měsíci +10

      And we won't have restricted visiting hours to worship YAHWEH and His Son Yashua ha Machiach! Glory! See You There!

    • @rubyduma6238
      @rubyduma6238 Před 6 měsíci

      Where will that be?

    • @tom4bucs
      @tom4bucs Před 6 měsíci

      The New Jerusalem - e.g. Heaven with God the Father!@@rubyduma6238

    • @incomments2864
      @incomments2864 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Read the book of revelations! The new Jerusalem is the Golden city that right now is in the third sky beyond space (Heaven) that will descend to the new earth (after God destroys this current earth and send the lost souls of the people in hell and all the legions of demons and satan himself and the false prophet and the antichrist to the eternal lake of fire to be tortured and forgotten for ever and ever) where the church of Jesus Christ (all the Christians that were saved by Jesus Christ) will be living with God for eternity, with a glorified body just like the one of Jesus have and the angels and eternal life. Just like we were always meant to live as humanity if Adam and Eve have never sinned. That right there is the eternal beautiful GLORIOUS salvation and eternal life that Jesus Christ sacrificed himself in the cross for, and it’s for ALL HUMANITY. Unifying Men with God and that right there is the eternal life that Satan and his demons DO NOT want you and me to have. Because Satan and his demons are lost, they are going to the eternal torture of the lake of fire. We however, have the CHOICE to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and live through Him! Amen!

    • @larrymcclain8874
      @larrymcclain8874 Před 6 měsíci +5

      The New Jerusalem is already here. It's called the Bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:23-33; Revelation 21:2,9-10)

  • @OmegaFighter1
    @OmegaFighter1 Před 6 měsíci +19

    When I was a teenager I messed with Astral projection and saw a being almost identical to the picture depicted in 6:46. I knew it was a demon while looking at it.
    I am saved now and born again but it does not surprise me seeing a demon’s face on the Dome of the Rock.

    • @david9243
      @david9243 Před 6 měsíci +11

      Fantastic how the muslims can look at that and still think they are the good guys.
      Im happy you got saved. Praise the Lord.

    • @Feirin332
      @Feirin332 Před 6 měsíci +3

      To me it looks like a cartoon depiction of Mohammed

    • @GoLakers3900
      @GoLakers3900 Před 6 měsíci +1

      God bless you, brother.

    • @OmegaFighter1
      @OmegaFighter1 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@GoLakers3900 thank you, and you as well!

  • @saris9487
    @saris9487 Před 6 měsíci +5

    Excellent piece. I had a great Jewish history in teacher in high school I learned a lot about early christians, Byzantium. I was taught this very thing. Rome, Byzantium had a great influence in ancient Israel.

    • @saris9487
      @saris9487 Před 6 měsíci

      I also studied the Islamic influence on spain however that was the last time Islam contributed to culture and science

  • @Patriot_316
    @Patriot_316 Před 6 měsíci +30

    2:45 Donkey Monster 😂

    • @footbo2636
      @footbo2636 Před 6 měsíci

      you're laughing? Do you want to know the number of methycal monsters that are mentioned in your Bible?

  • @Imrepenting
    @Imrepenting Před 6 měsíci +67

    It’s the Abomination that causes desolation. It’s standing in the place it should not be, and written in it is blasphemy against God the Father and the Son Yeshua HaMachiach.

    • @CrackingCritic
      @CrackingCritic Před 6 měsíci

      Temple needs to be rebuilt first and the Abomination of Desolation will cause all Jews to realise they were wrong and Jesus Christ was the messiah… This clearly hasn’t happened yet.

    • @gregcoogan8270
      @gregcoogan8270 Před 6 měsíci

      We speak English you don't need to switch over to Hebrew.

    • @Imrepenting
      @Imrepenting Před 6 měsíci

      @@gregcoogan8270 I wanted to. I prefer the name Yeshua.

    • @gregcoogan8270
      @gregcoogan8270 Před 6 měsíci

      @@Imrepenting It doesn't matter, you're not speaking Hebrew. It comes across pretentious.

    • @lindaschaaf4576
      @lindaschaaf4576 Před 6 měsíci

      @@gregcoogan8270Is the Lords name in Hebrew Yeshua or not? If you are a born again believer in the Lord Jesus and you are being lead by the Spirit, it shouldn’t matter to you if one of your brothers or sisters uses Jesus’s Hebrew name. May God bless you abundantly in Jesus name🙏🏼❤️

  • @ryanaaservantofthelordjesu9923
    @ryanaaservantofthelordjesu9923 Před 6 měsíci +24

    The Dizzle, great information. 💪💪💪
    The Lord and King of Glory is RISEN!

  • @mssk2004
    @mssk2004 Před 6 měsíci +3

    The best answer to all lies and slander is found in the Qur’an, Surah 15, Verse 2

  • @sorinankitt
    @sorinankitt Před 6 měsíci +29

    You, Sir David, were in re perfect place to make this rant.
    Got bless you and your ministry.

  • @Truth_Exists
    @Truth_Exists Před 6 měsíci +17

    I never knew my headphones had such great Bass capabilities until the first 8 seconds of this video... I am impressed

  • @maryanndeweerd2570
    @maryanndeweerd2570 Před 6 měsíci +25

    Thankyou ❤

  • @paranormal8803
    @paranormal8803 Před 6 měsíci +1

    When you ask Muslims why this city is sacred in Islam, they will tell you because it is the city of David, Salamon, Jesus. and they are all Jews!

  • @ehsom9579
    @ehsom9579 Před 6 měsíci +20

    Brother David. This is one of the best videos you’ve ever done, that’d be remembered for ages to come in the annals of historical truth. May God bless your efforts to bring many more Nabeel’s to his saving grace through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 🙂👍🙏

  • @Odo-so8pj
    @Odo-so8pj Před 6 měsíci +101

    Perfect abomination spoken of in revelations

    • @Imrepenting
      @Imrepenting Před 6 měsíci +12

      BINGO!!! You’re one of the few Christians that discerns that truth.

    • @drewwilson6639
      @drewwilson6639 Před 6 měsíci +8

      The Abomination of Desolation

    • @Odo-so8pj
      @Odo-so8pj Před 6 měsíci +4

      @@joshportie Then explain Islam.

    • @htebazileeilsel2293
      @htebazileeilsel2293 Před 6 měsíci +3

      1. Its Revelation 2. This is not the abomination of desolation, as Jesus said, when we see it we know His return is near. The abomination of desolation is the mark of the beast. The true temple is the human heart.

    • @Odo-so8pj
      @Odo-so8pj Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@htebazileeilsel2293 I didn't day it was the abomination of desolation. 🙄 But the book does talks about the holy city. Check your attitude. No ones interested.

  • @MrSyntheticSmile
    @MrSyntheticSmile Před 6 měsíci +91

    This video deserves millions and millions of views and should be shared and disseminated everywhere. Truth may hurt but it should triumph.

    • @AKAK-WiQ-EX-8-1-9-7
      @AKAK-WiQ-EX-8-1-9-7 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Allah is Great

    • @AKAK-WiQ-EX-8-1-9-7
      @AKAK-WiQ-EX-8-1-9-7 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Per Jewish teaching Jesus was criminal :)

    • @MrSyntheticSmile
      @MrSyntheticSmile Před 6 měsíci

      @@AKAK-WiQ-EX-8-1-9-7 So?

    • @AKAK-WiQ-EX-8-1-9-7
      @AKAK-WiQ-EX-8-1-9-7 Před 6 měsíci

      @@MrSyntheticSmile if ur God Jesus was criminal per the Jewish word what should we except from you?

    • @quercingtime
      @quercingtime Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@AKAK-WiQ-EX-8-1-9-7 The crime would be hime claiming to be the Son of God. And naturally that would be offensive to those who did not believe in him or witness the miracles. So of course some jews would assume he wasn't the messiah.
      Islam however is founded by a criminal and monster that thought he was a prophet. If you should follow anyone it'd be Jesus since he was sinless and God.

  • @arthouston7361
    @arthouston7361 Před 5 měsíci +3

    Muslims believe that the angel Gabriel, who they call "Jabril," came and spoke to Mohamed. This raises a question...if the Jews are God's chosen people, and that might mean chosen to be an example, then why would God send an angel to found a religion that is hostile to His people? The answer is that God would not do that. So who visited Mohamed, and why? The answer may be that since Satan is the great deceiver, he appeared to Mohamed as an imitation of Gabriel, and mislead Mohamed so that people would rise up against God's chosen people. This means that Allah is most likely Satan.

  • @bobbyp7403
    @bobbyp7403 Před 6 měsíci +19

    People of Islam will claim that they don't practice paganism but yet they give worship to a rock interesting

    • @sofialoppe6255
      @sofialoppe6255 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Look up a pdf of the quran and read a random part near the middle for 10 minutes. Nothing about Islam will surprise you anymore.

    • @myohmy-fb9ns
      @myohmy-fb9ns Před 6 měsíci

      They dont pray to the rock, ask any muslim

    • @charlesdunlop4157
      @charlesdunlop4157 Před 6 měsíci +2

      ​@@myohmy-fb9ns no they walk around it like ants and kiss it like pagans.

    • @M-sp8uj
      @M-sp8uj Před 6 měsíci

      Why they do that ask yourself and learn

    • @myohmy-fb9ns
      @myohmy-fb9ns Před 6 měsíci

      Do jews pray to the wall? @@M-sp8uj

  • @MarijuanaFireFighter
    @MarijuanaFireFighter Před 6 měsíci +31

    friendly reminder that the crusades were completely justified

    • @ItsOnPaper
      @ItsOnPaper Před 6 měsíci +3


    • @BILLZ32155
      @BILLZ32155 Před 6 měsíci

      Still lost

    • @real.revJosva
      @real.revJosva Před 6 měsíci +1

      ​@@BILLZ32155 never ended..

    • @BILLZ32155
      @BILLZ32155 Před 6 měsíci

      @@real.revJosva Why are you trying to be philosophical lol? History is history. YOU LOST

    • @real.revJosva
      @real.revJosva Před 6 měsíci

      @BILLZ32155 philosophical? Lmao. The crusades literally haven't ended....there is literally a war going on today over the holy land against the Muslims that is being funded by Christian nations....and the Muslims are not winning.

  • @maxdavidyermolaev4164
    @maxdavidyermolaev4164 Před 6 měsíci +26

    nice music🤟

  • @SamirKhan-yd5bi
    @SamirKhan-yd5bi Před 6 měsíci +3

    1. The night journey being a "later" myth makes no sense. The revelation of the Quran occurred during the Hadith and Seerah. So if the night journey is only mentioned in the Hadith and Seerah, that doesn't mean it was made up later. Hadith have a rigorous authentication system that traces back to the life of the Prophet.
    2. There is no obsession with controlling other people's religious sites. It is a common occurrence when a piece of land changes hands for the religious sites to be converted. Any religion would've done this. However, Islam has been the most lenient. The caliph Umar refused to pray in the Holy Sepulchre so as not to set a precedent that Christian sites can be taken and used by Muslims.
    3. It's very nice that you provided textual proof for the "change in translation" (which wasn't a change, just a clarification that was punctuated correctly to show it wasn't a part of the original text), but you provide zero proof that the inscriptions in the mosque are different from the Quran. If you had actually discovered something so monumental, you probably would've bothered proving it.
    4. Your way of describing the Buraq is an obvious attempt to discredit the story by making it sound ridiculous. That's a highly invalid argument in the realm of religion. I can describe Gabriel as a "flying white monster" as you have done with the Buraq, does that now discredit the possible existence of Gabriel?
    5. Perhaps your most stupid point in the entire video is the argument of copied architecture, which is your reason for saying Muhammad just copied everything. Firstly Muhammad didn't build the dome of the rock, and secondly this is once again a common occurrence throughout all civilizations. The Kaaba is an example of something that was originally constructed as an Islamic site. You won't find any other cube design language in other civilizations. In either case, sharing architectural elements between conquistador and conquered is highly common.
    6. Many sites have significance to multiple religions. What a surprise! Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are Abrahamic religions! They have similar stories! And thus similar sites of significance! Nobody said it was exclusively significant in Islam. You look at it like one religion copied the other, when its a far more believable and likely story that Moses came first, his people were corrupted, then Jesus came, his people also deviated, then Muhammad came as the final messenger to remind humanity one again. It's all one line of people, not three entirely separate religions.