What the Fall of Adam Tell’s Us About the Qur’an’s Cosmology

  • čas přidán 14. 05. 2024

Komentáře • 151

  • @youngknowledgeseeker
    @youngknowledgeseeker Před 10 dny

    For Muslims and Christians, here are the actual differences between our books and scriptures, the New Testament and the Quran (they do agree there is no Trinity however and that Jesus is not God) -
    1) The New Testament is clear that Jesus is God's son, one with a child-father relationship with him. Not only that but the entire Bible has no problem calling different creations his children (Angels, Israel, Christians, Adam). None of these mean biological child, of course thats impossible, God is one and has no wife. However, this never stopped Moses, the prophets, Jesus, or God from using "son" and "child" terminology. In Jesus case, "son" has two meanings. The King of Israel was titled "son of God" (Psalm 2:7, John 1:49), Jesus was of course the son of David, the promised special Anointed heir to the throne. Secondly, Jesus had a special origin, begetting, and birth. No human originator, it was God alone who started his life in his Mothers womb. Therefore, according to Luke and Matthew, God was his father, not Joseph (Luke 1:35). The last human being with a similar miraculous direct origin from God that did not require the union of a man and woman was Adam, also called son of God for that reason (Luke 3:38). The author of 1st John strictly warns that whoever refuses to confess Jesus as the son of God has proven God is not with him (1st John 4:15).
    The Quran, however, denies Jesus is the son of God and even forbids calling him or anyone else sons of God.
    2) The New Testament completely teaches that Jesus died (and that God brought him back to immortal life and incredible power and authority). Not only does it teach that Jesus had suffered and died, but that it was part of Gods plan and that its necessary to believe this happened to please and obey God faithfully.
    The Quran teaches he only appeared to die.
    3) The New Testament message from God through Jesus was not some vague message of "turn back to God" it was the urgent announcement of the desired yet looming coming of "the Kingdom of God" to the earth. The time when God would fulfill his promises he had made through the prophets to Israel [and the world] over the centuries (world peace - Isaiah 2:4, world knowledge of God - Habakkuk 2:14, ressurection of the dead - Daniel 12:2, immortal life - Daniel 12:2, freedom of Israel and Gods people, possesion of the earth by Gods people, royal authority given to Gods people over the earth, Gods presence on the earth, etc, all through the Messiah). *This* was what Jesus was sent to preach (Luke 4:43, Mark 1:14-15), that this time is ready to happen so get prepared because the King of that Kingdom (Jesus) had been born and is giving instructions on who he and God will let into this Kingdom and give positions of authority/power too! No teaching on going to heaven or having a soul that lives on after death and goes to heaven, it was about fixing and restoring the earth in resurrected, glorified and immortal bodies. Being given so much authority by God that you will even "judge Angels" (1st Corinthians 6:2-3).
    The Quran, as far as I know, has *no clue* about this message and doesn't prepare anyone on how to be accepted into it.
    4) The New Testament authors wrote that Jesus, and God, had been teaching non-violence as a requirement to follow him and be accepted by him, most assuredly non-lethal violence. His followers were to "love your enemies" and "do not repay evil with evil". We are told to wait for God to give vengeance only, whether on judgement day or before then, and to pray for our enemies to repent and be spared it.
    The Quran allows for or possibly even demands violence, even lethal violence, even on a judicial level.
    5) The New Testament is very clear, many of the laws of the flesh that God gave to Israel are not concerns of God right now. Circumcision, Mosaic dietary regulations (food laws), temple rituals and observance, and Mosaic holy day observations are not any commands of his for the world right now and do not contribute to your acceptance or rejection from the coming age of the Kingdom of God.
    The Quran teaches that God does care about food laws, holy days, and pilgrimages.
    - These are the real differences between our scriptures, not the nonsense about the Trinity or God becoming a man, things both of our books never ever talk about or teach. However, what is written above *should* be what we talk about with each other, with respect and love, in order to get to the bottom of whats going on between our two faiths and our two prophets, because if I may be honest it does seem like they may be teaching two different things.
    Now, if I have misrepresented Islam or the Quran, please correct me and I will edit my post to make it more accurate.
    Thank you for reading, whoever read this this far.

  • @faisalwho
    @faisalwho Před 28 dny +1

    The Bible is like windows xp at this point. Yeah you could run it, but it’s riddled with so many security holes and vulnerabilities and malware, you seriously should just upgrade and stop trying to patch it.

    • @awet8453
      @awet8453 Před 26 dny +2

      What? Without the Bible ur whole quran is meaningless.who is adem wife, what are their children names.... etc. U need the Bible to know who the quran is talking about

    • @faisalwho
      @faisalwho Před 26 dny

      @@awet8453 I need the Bible as much as I need windows 95. I don’t.

    • @kyleauthman
      @kyleauthman Před 16 dny

      ​@@awet8453 like calling every Egyptian ruler Pharaoh

  • @markorbit4752
    @markorbit4752 Před měsícem +10

    Just what you'd expect from 7th century desert nomads

    • @osmansaid4601
      @osmansaid4601 Před měsícem

      What does that mean?

    • @markorbit4752
      @markorbit4752 Před měsícem +5

      @@osmansaid4601 it means the quran is exactly the kind of book you´d expect 7th century nomads to write. does that answer your question?

    • @TepidTurtleWater
      @TepidTurtleWater Před měsícem

      How so? ​@@markorbit4752

    • @osmansaid4601
      @osmansaid4601 Před měsícem +5

      @markorbit4752 have you read the quran?where in 7 century books said women can inherent. Which book in seventh century says women could be witness in the court.which seventh century says women can get divorce.?which seven century book says you dowry in women.THat is only women I can tell you thousand other things which nobody in seventh century said.Last why do you think what came seventh are all bad?

    • @markorbit4752
      @markorbit4752 Před měsícem

      @@osmansaid4601 you muslims are so desperate to portray islam as the best thing ever, that you start to make up stuff. Women inherited property before islam. To prove that, we do not even have to look far. Let´s look at muhammeds first wife Khadija. Khadija was a wealthy women, whose wealth came through inheritance. She was wealthy before muhammed met her, which means she inherited her wealth before the islam. Bythe way, muhammed never knew what happened to him in that cave. he thought it was a demonic attack. It was khadijahs cousin who claimed that muhammed had been visited by angel gabriel. Islam is a man-made religion, allah is a man-made god

  • @nerminsnowhuseinbasic9340

    Somehow Qur'an knows when Egyptians had kings and when they had pharaohs,Bible has no idea and also if we compare rulers of Egypt with Bible verses it doesn't match with any of them;
    somehow 7th century nomads knew that pharaoh is preserved to this day,
    somehow 7th century nomads knew universe is expanding.

  • @kevinbolton9315
    @kevinbolton9315 Před měsícem +3

    Since when is the Qu’ran a source of biblical information that is reliable and authentic. It’s rubbish bro.

  • @kyleauthman
    @kyleauthman Před 16 dny

    You are reading from the Translation

  • @gavinjames1145
    @gavinjames1145 Před měsícem +4

    A Cosmology 'borrowed' from a Christian interpretation of _Genesis_ , and _The Life of Adam and Eve_ .

    • @osmansaid4601
      @osmansaid4601 Před měsícem +2

      From Christianity .it was in Judaism before Christianity how did they borrowed from Christianity. It was there before Judaism.

    • @gavinjames1145
      @gavinjames1145 Před měsícem +2

      @@osmansaid4601 I don't wish to seem rude, but your punctuation requires some interpretation on my part in order to understand your post.
      I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "it", for example.
      _Genesis_ is a 'Jewish' book from the _Torah_ , which does indeed predate Christianity. However, the idea that the snake in the Garden of Eden was Satan is a later, 1st Century interpretation. That the Qur'an version directly refers to _Iblis_ (aka Satan), but not the snake, shows how the _Genesis_ story in the Qur'an is interpreted through the later, Judeo-Christian filter.
      In any case, the Qur'an story about Adam and Iblis does not come straight from the Bible: it is borrowed from an apocryphal retelling of the _Genesis_ story as found in _The Life of Adam and Eve_ .
      This blending of Biblical and apocryphal Jewish and Christian stories is commonplace throughout the Qur'an.

    • @osmansaid4601
      @osmansaid4601 Před měsícem +1

      @gavinjames1145 why it can not be it came from the same source?God.if you read hindu book you will find a lot of history like the Bible . is that mean they copy the Bible is copy from those stories?

    • @gavinjames1145
      @gavinjames1145 Před měsícem +3

      @@osmansaid4601 You believe in a god that writes books? Really bad books?!
      The Qur'an is obviously not authored by any sort of deity: it is deficient in so many ways. Just compare the textual richness of _Genesis_ Chapters 37-50 and the Qur'an's retelling of the Joseph story in Sura 12. The biblical accounts (yes, there are two narrative threads running parallel with each other) name approximately 127 individuals and places; compared to only 5 in Sura 12 (which adds to the story in parts, but cannot even name Jacob's favourite youngest son after Joseph).
      No. The authors and compilers of the Qur'an borrowed texts and reflected themes from the Old and New Testaments, apocryphal texts, popular myths, and old legends.

    • @gavinjames1145
      @gavinjames1145 Před měsícem +1

      @@osmansaid4601 Yes, the authors of the Bible borrowed from earlier sources, such as _The Epic of Gilgamesh_ . The authors of the New Testament borrowed liberally from Greek legends, such as _The Odyssey_ .
      They're works of literature, after all. Intertextuality is commonplace in ancient as well as modern times.

  • @thenun1846
    @thenun1846 Před měsícem +1

    Even though we know that without the bible, there wouldn't be a Qur'an, i find it peculiar when Muslims try to dig the Quran out of such a deep hole.
    On one hand, the quran NEEDS the bible to add context to its biblical references, on the other hand, many Muslims claim that the Quran came to correct the Bible
    The problem with this is that the Qur'an itself claims to CONFIRM the Bible, additionally, the injeel was a revelation from the same god that wrote the Quran apparently. So the author released a book to correct his previous books because of his inability to protect his books🤦🏽‍♂️
    What a mess

    • @abdullahimusa9761
      @abdullahimusa9761 Před měsícem +3

      The Qur'ān talks of al-Injīl and al-Taurāt and not the Bible. The Qur'ān does not make any mention of the writings of Paul or the non-Tanakh books in the Old Testament

    • @thenun1846
      @thenun1846 Před měsícem +1

      @@abdullahimusa9761 yes I'm aware that the Quran is dependant on the injeel and Torah. However, where are these books that the authors of the Qurans wrote about?
      All we have are claims of these mysterious books, the words of the God Allah himself, yet it seems that they've been lost or corrupted.
      Poor form for a supposed God

    • @munir5210
      @munir5210 Před měsícem +3

      ​@@thenun1846God did not promise to protect and preserve these two revelation. Only he promised to preserve the revelation of the Quran because it is his final Message.
      Where is the tablets of Moses that the Bible talk about ?.
      People tend to deviet from the true path and omit and add to the teachings of their Messenger after awhile and the departure of the Massengers of God and that why God designated Prophets in between Massengers to reminder them of of their Massenger revelation.
      Look at the many sects the jews and Christians are now and how is every sect have different version of the old and new testement.

    • @thenun1846
      @thenun1846 Před měsícem +1

      @@munir5210 I'm not interested in a sales pitch dude
      We know there are many sects in Islam too, and we know about the different Qurans. But regardless of this, you're claiming the Qurans were "revealed" by god himself.
      This same god, also "revealed" the Torah and injeel. The Quran is meant to be the FINAL message, not the REPLACEMENT message.
      So we have the end of the story but no context of the beginning or middle because this really intelligent god "never promised to protect his words"
      The reality is, that as much problems that we find in the bible, the Quran is dependant on it. It plagiarized the stories from these corrupted books and even worse, CONFIRMS THEM
      Without the bible, there wouldn't be a Qur'an. That's the reality
      Btw I'm an athiest

    • @abdullahimusa9761
      @abdullahimusa9761 Před měsícem +2

      @thenun1846 "Without the Bible, there wouldn't be a Qur'an."
      I don't know why you find this problematic. The Qur'ān interacts with the Jewish and Christian traditions. The Qur'ān is aware of its historical context. It's not as if the Qur'ān is faining ignorance of the previous scriptures, but clearly is quoting them. And yes, if Judaism and Christianity never existed, then God's final message would be different.

  • @osmansaid4601
    @osmansaid4601 Před měsícem +1

    Both of them are ave and adam where did you get from both is Satan and adam.

    • @thenun1846
      @thenun1846 Před měsícem +3

      He's highlighting how much of a mess the Islamic stories are due to ignorant men plagiarizing from previous stories