Addressing the Wilbur Soot Controversy.

  • čas přidán 5. 03. 2024
  • Since everything came out I've been getting privately harrassed about my music content, specifically the covers I've done of Wilbur and Lovejoy's songs. This seems out of the blue and odd, but here is my views on it just to clear a few things up.
    Support victims, always.

Komentáře • 59

  • @Kazimir._.roaming
    @Kazimir._.roaming Před 2 měsíci +6

    You got blasted because of something you did in the past concering him and people are getting mad at you for adressing it??? You're getting roped into against your will, ofc you're going to post something. People are so narrow minded and accusatory, good gods. Could you benefit off attention from this? Yeah, I guess. But you really just seem like you want people to leave you alone on it. NONE of this should have been aired online, it really should have been a private matter but what's done is done. There's no cleaning the air now.
    And before someone comes at me, I agree with Enno's point of there being 3 sides to a story and we all have yet to hear of the 3rd side, the truth. I personally don't think we need to hear it, but that's Shelby and Wilbur's choice. Mostly Shelby's but regardless.

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci +1

      I honestly hate the amount of attention I've gotten as a creator because of everything that's been happening recently. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the subscribers and the nice comments and the likes but it all feels so wrong considering how at-war this side of the internet is over these two people's lives. I hate it even more that people keep trying to turn me privately into a demon for supporting him before all of this happened. In emails and DMs people say that I support abuse by keeping my content up and it's such a terrible thought because I love what I've made and I put a lot of effort into it, yet I'm getting pulled in and labeled as a terrible person for it when the two topics are barely related in the grand scheme of things.
      Absolutely none of this should have been brought into the spotlight, and so many people's emotions and hands have been forced, and people (like me) have been forced to make statements and come out about "why"s and "how"s and "what"s regarding PAST CONTENT and it's really taking negative tolls on a lot of people. It's sickening how horribly un-involved parties are suffering due to hate carried through from other places.

    • @Kazimir._.roaming
      @Kazimir._.roaming Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@ennojohan I wasn't going to even comment on your video until I saw all the comments of "who are you??" "what do you know??" "who asked you?"
      MAN. You didn't choose this, you just made content that you enjoyed making and that had no negative ties AT THE TIME. There is such thing as seperating art from the artist, and I think that's fully possible especially with how you aren't directly tied to him other than covering some of his music and now that's somehow a negative look on your character??
      You've done everything in your power that you can rsponsibly and morally do. You've stood up for yourself and told your side. I'm not sure what else people want from you, honestly. I think you're doing amazing and I hope this gets easier for you.

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci +1

      Thank you so much for your support and kind words. They really mean a lot when everything else is so shit right now. You're a beacon dude, keep shining ✨

  • @SuidicalRaccoon
    @SuidicalRaccoon Před 2 měsíci +46

    who are you? why is everyone under the sun "adressing" this, like they know it personally

    • @Glunkk
      @Glunkk Před 2 měsíci +2

      Benefitting off of the hype

    • @ashiio
      @ashiio Před 2 měsíci +2

      i was like “does this guy know him?”

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci +1

      People were emailing me and harassing me about posting covers and "supporting him" 😭

  • @swordam1063
    @swordam1063 Před 2 měsíci +38

    Who the hell are you

    • @Owenjer8
      @Owenjer8 Před 2 měsíci

      an old fan of wilburs lil bro

  • @Fudy9d9ydurudufu
    @Fudy9d9ydurudufu Před 2 měsíci +23

    Why are u addressing the topic ? 😂

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci +1

      The amount of threatening emails i got for having wilbur/lovejoy covers up was insane, i felt like i had to say something about my view on it so people would quit it

  • @brentj640
    @brentj640 Před 2 měsíci +11

    Been waiting for you to address this one, thank you.

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci

      I figured it was fair due to the impact his music has had on my channel

  • @TheRealestAri
    @TheRealestAri Před 2 měsíci +34


  • @Meleena-dr3hx
    @Meleena-dr3hx Před 2 měsíci +6

    I feel the same way Wilbur was wrong but I will still continue to enjoy his music and lovejoys music I hope whatever hate comments you get you don’t let get you down

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci +3

      Can't get me down if I delete them 🤷‍♂️ and thank you for your positive comment, it means a lot to me!

  • @wutryulooknat3
    @wutryulooknat3 Před 2 měsíci +7

    Regardless of the details, much of this definitely needed to be handled in private.

    • @amydrinkstea
      @amydrinkstea Před 2 měsíci +1


    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci +3

      ABSOLUTELY! The internet needs to stop harrassing Shelby and Wilbur while they deal with this situation and especially stop harassing other CCs who have either posted Wilbur-related content or who are affiliates of Wilbur and haven't said anything yet. The whole reason this video exists is because I was being harrassed privately about me choosing to post and keep up my Wilbur and Lovejoy covers.

  • @Rosey5858
    @Rosey5858 Před 2 měsíci +3

    to me it seems like the most ethical thing to do if you still want to listen to his music is listen to covers or reuploads that still remain after the events of the controversy

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci +2

      Yeah. Maybe I can view my covers as servicing the wilbur soot fans that don't want to financially support him but still like his music. I've been pretty conflicted about how I truly feel about the covers recently so this sheds a nicer light on it.

  • @kairavi9458
    @kairavi9458 Před 2 měsíci +3

    thats a pretty valid conflict to be in considering his music was refuge to a lot of people, especially ycgma and msr, you are always welcome to enjoy his content thru reuploads and fanmade playlists because that way, he wont be the one profiting from it!
    its been a confusing. heartbreaking hard few weeks for the community and while i dont speak for everyone, its important to remember that you dont have to feel guilt for liking art! and there are other ways to enjoy it

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci

      Thanks for your take! I totally agree with it, it's been a really emotionally messy few weeks and I've been personally very conflicted on the whole situation for a number of reasons.

  • @Ssalty_o
    @Ssalty_o Před 2 měsíci +10

    this isnt a "wilbur soot controversy". this is the shubble situation. this situation has honestly nothing to do with the abuser and has everything to do with shubble. send your support to shubble.

    • @TirroticLIVE
      @TirroticLIVE Před 2 měsíci +8

      Well this is wrong because it involves Wilbur who is the abuser, the terrible person in this situation
      Yes, support shubble but don't exclude Wilbur. He is the bad person here and deserves all the hate he gets from this.

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci +3

      I've labelled it as the "wilbur soot controversy" because, I'll be honest, I didn't know Shelby existed until this and personally for me it's more about Wilbur and what's going on with him. I'm trying to personally find out whether my inspiration to become a musician has come from a bad person or not.

  • @F1amingPhoenix99
    @F1amingPhoenix99 Před 2 měsíci +3

    Thought i should watch this while writing an essay

  • @amyiaedits
    @amyiaedits Před 2 měsíci +4

    I truly get what you are saying but I don't agree that he has changed because there have been more people unnamed after he did what he did to Shubble, I do understand you're trying to say you do not support him for what he has done and who he is but you will support him as a CC and a musician and I also agree that he shouldn't apologize to the internet he should apologize to the victims that he has caused harm to. But I also think that you and all of these other fans should not "address" the situation because we don't know Wilbur or Shelby personally and we do not know enough about them personally to have an intake on this topic. All we should do is support who we are going to support and that is it. We as fans should stay in our place as fans and support instead of making our own assumptions on things and "addressing" things because we are not in that place, we do not know these people personally. And just remember this whole thing is not about Wilbur, the abuser it is about Shelby, the abused. Wilbur has his part in it because he is the abuser but he doesn't deserve that amount of attention, shubble does because its not about him its about shubble and how she has come out to the world about this so nobody else has to go through what she did with him. That is all I have to say. Thank you to whoever took the time to read this long message :) Have a nice rest of your day/night.

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci +1

      Thank you for your opinion on what's going on. I agree that no fans should be addressing the situation as well (hypocritical, I know) and I apologise for this video. I felt compelled with the need to make it as I have been continually harrassed in my private time since everything started happening with Shubble and Wilbur. I missed quite a few important points in my video that I didn't even think about as it was so early, but here's one of them: I am personally torn between both sides because 1. abuse is 1000% NOT okay, but 2. there doesn't seem to be any real evidence outside of words. Thank you again for your message and I hope, whatever happens, that you are doing well.

    • @amyiaedits
      @amyiaedits Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@ennojohan I dunno why but it makes me happy that we can actually share our opinions about things without fighting over who's right and who's wrong because it is totally opinion based and I just like that we can do it in a respectful manner. One thing I do want to bring to the table is you said in this comment that "there doesn't seem to be any real evidence outside of words." but I feel like there has been through the fact that there's other people sharing about there experience with him and the fact that he took his time to "apologize". I do get that they are just words and there's no images or text proof of these things but why would he "apologize" if he didn't do it. Pressure? Possibly but if it wasn't true I feel like he would've attempted to save his career with evidence to support the clause that he did not do these monstrous things. But instead he posted a two page "apology" to the internet. And I do put apology in quotations because not once did he mention anything about the victim or even said the words "I'm sorry" it felt like he was just trying to manipulate people into believing that was all in the past and is nothing of how he is now. but not mentioning the victim or properly apologizing it makes it seem like he is the same. Anyways sorry for the long comment again, I am not trying to correct or disown your opinion, and i am not trying to change your mind on your opinion. Everyone has their own voice and their own mind, it is only right to let them have their opinion and be heard. I just wanted to point out my opinion that there is proof just by him "apologizing". Again, sorry for the long paragraph I seem to get carried away with these things. Thank you for reading if you've read this long paragraph.

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@amyiaedits Yeah, I try to be as level as I can when talking about these things because it's interesting to be able to see someone else's perspective that challenges your points and finding good ways to clarify things you've left unclear about your own points. I love how it brings each person to understand their feelings and thoughts on their own perspective more whist shedding light on other POVs.
      In saying that, I guess with the "evidence outside of words" thing I lump the other CCs who have come out and said things about it, because it's all just words - there's no photos of bruises or screenshots of DMs of Wilbur saying terrible things. And people are calling his post on twitter an "apology" but I view it as him explaining his side of the story and how he viewed the situation of what happened in the late stages of their relationship. I feel like he didn't really defend himself in that right, just shed light on his own thoughts and feelings about what was happening. I also believe that if he does apologise to Shelby, it should 1000% not be in a public space of any kind. And by all means, if that happens - if Wilbur proves to Shelby specifically that he has truly changed and is a better person than he was during that relationship - then the fact that there was an apology and that Wilbur has proved that he is getting better should be shared. I feel like something like that happening would be the only saving throw where both main parties can receive the closure that it feels like they deserved.
      And don't worry about the long paragraph thing because once I get into it I do the same thing too! It was wonderful reading your opinion and I hope this helps solidify some ideas that I left unclear. Have a good one!

    • @amyiaedits
      @amyiaedits Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@ennojohan I just want to say thank you for even commenting back to my comments because it has helped me see the situation in another light, it didn't change my opinion about it but I can definitely see all of the possibilities in your opinion. I would also like to say that I enjoyed watching this video and that I was able to have a good chat about our different perspectives and I think you should definitely do more like this maybe even outside what's happening in the CC life. But it is up to you because I do know it takes a lot of time to make a CZcams video, I just thought I would share that I would really enjoy seeing that on CZcams and I think the right audience would too. I also think that you could really make this a safe place for people to share their opinion's on topics as well as share you're own of course because of how I see you respectfully replying to everyone, even if they're somewhat "hate" comments or your opinion is different then theirs. So, just to let you know, you've earned yourself a new subscriber and I just want to thank you again for letting me share my opinion. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night and just keep doing what your heart tells you and you'll definitely succeed.

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci +1

      I got my computer out right after reading this because I didn't want to write a messy, half-assed response for someone so kind and caring. Thank you so much for being as considerate, respectful and open throughout our conversation as you have been, and double thank you for your amazing support and encouragement. I know everybody's struggling, and while I'm a people pleaser (so I'd rather not put any focus towards myself) I've kinda been feeling it recently too. Your kind words and reassurance that I'm on a good path really made me smile and calm down for a moment, and it means so much that someone can see that kind of potential in me. Thank you sincerely for expressing and exploring your opinion here, both about the Wilbur & Shelby situation and about me personally, and thank you for actually listening (or I suppose reading xD) to the opinions I had to offer. You yourself are an absolute blessing on this earth and I hope you continue to shine and be an amazing person like you've shown yourself to be over the past few days. Thank you again for your kind words, I look forward to seeing your username pop up again soon!

  • @steveyouraveragehamster9383
    @steveyouraveragehamster9383 Před 2 měsíci +3

    Hey, sorry people are being asses to you over covering someones songs. Like bro, you could have NEVER known and you're not supporting him right now just for content you made in the past. The situation is sticky and the only one accountable IS the man who did it. Personally I feel it would be best to just forget he existed going forward because people cannot be normal about internet allegations. The fact people WHO SAID NOTHING on the entire thing are getting hate? I'd argue those "fans" are almost worse saying such vile shit without regards to others. SUPPORTING A VICTIM MEANS KINDNESS NOT PURE VEMON!!! BE KIND! ITS NOT THAT HARD Y'ALL! Send Shubble love and send hate to no one because really it's not our situation to theorize about or be petty about to others. People need to learn to just not interact with vemon and scroll past if someone is being rude. I hope you are doing well and I hope things get better because NONE OF IT IS YOUR FAULT and you weren't even close to involved. The internet needs therapy.

  • @laurenedge6392
    @laurenedge6392 Před 2 měsíci +5

    I don't agree personally, infact I think this is a lot more serious than you're making it out to be. But hey, it's your life.

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci

      I respect that, but it's also their lives. It is a very serious thing but it's also something that should not have just been let onto the internet so quickly and in such a manner as it was.

    • @laurenedge6392
      @laurenedge6392 Před 2 měsíci +5

      I don't think that changes anything, to be honest. He's hurt more people than just shelby. And domestic abuse is a crime, not just a bad thing. There's alot of other music out there, I'm sure you and other people will find something you like just as much, if not more. You just have to be willing to move on.

    • @TheTitaniumAxe
      @TheTitaniumAxe Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@laurenedge6392 Have you ever heard of seperate the art from the artist

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci

      This is interesting because there's so many people apparently speaking up about him being horrible, but at the same time everyone is saying "this is about shelby not anyone else". Also the domestic abuse thing has not really been confirmed with evidence. I'm taking just about everything I hear with a grain of salt because what I've learned over the years is that people lie on the internet, a lot.

    • @laurenedge6392
      @laurenedge6392 Před 2 měsíci

      @TheTitaniumAxe have you ever heard of listening to different music?! Wild concept I know

  • @F1amingPhoenix99
    @F1amingPhoenix99 Před 2 měsíci +3

    Nom nom

  • @xdemonwarrior9x4
    @xdemonwarrior9x4 Před 2 měsíci +2

    imo bro you yapping to much idk write down your ideas and then try to adress it one topic at a time, you sounded like the voice in my head when i heard about this situation like not even ending one thing then bringing back something you said at the start, it’s not good for a video format tbh don’t be angry at me i just want to show you a way you can make your video better and yeah i agree wilbur should face consequences but it shouldn’t be life ruining like people rush on the cancel train without any concrete proof from both sides, wilbur said that he has proof about the consent and that he thought it was mutual or some shit but didn’t release them for some reason and shelby doesn’t have proof for the biting which is kinda weird cause when you have a bad injury especially from biting you should take a picture of it idk people should show support for shelby but i’m trying to keep an unbiased standpoint on the situation for now

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci +3

      Yeah the video itself was pretty rushed, I just kinda wanted to put something out so that the people harassing me would get off my back. Can't change it now though so fuck it we ball ig 🤷‍♂️

    • @xdemonwarrior9x4
      @xdemonwarrior9x4 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@ennojohan Don’t let them get to your head, i don’t understand how boring are their lives to harass a dude that’s making covers of a band he likes, probably the same people that wanted to cancel wilbur before he even responded with a official explanation and yeah i also agree that wilbur should make an apology privately to shelby and not on the internet what he posted was an explanation from his point of view and not an apology like other people think and yeah i’ve also done things that i regret and i feel like a totally different person then what i was 3 years ago, although i never did something on the level of biting i kinda understand wilburs situation now but it depends if he actually changed or if he lied to make it sound like he changed for the better that’s why i’m unbiased for now there’s no concrete proof that wilbur changed or didn’t, even people that did their own research won’t change my mind cause they don’t know wilbur privately, ig only proof from wilbur or shelby will be good or from what other people say that know them privately for an example ig tommyinnit or lovejoy bandmates that could confirm that wilbur doesn’t do some weird shit idk

  • @TheTitaniumAxe
    @TheTitaniumAxe Před 2 měsíci +4

    Wilbur has stated that he disputes the claims and he has a different side of the story. Shubble has not proven anything that she is going against Wilbur with. Why are you acting as if he is guilty as there is no evidence of anything yet. I do not have any bias towards any side I just want to see evidence before he is considered guilty.

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci +1

      It's a bit of a rough ground for me. I'll be honest, I've gotta be really careful about what I say about the topic because I've been harrassed privately recently about posting my Wilbur/Lovejoy covers. I firmly believe in there being three sides to a story (the first person, the second person, and the truth). And it's so hard to stand on either side of the fence because on one hand there's no evidence of the abuse Shelby reports but on the other hand the biting has been confirmed by Wilbur.

    • @TheTitaniumAxe
      @TheTitaniumAxe Před 2 měsíci +2

      Yes the biting has been confirmed but he said that he didn't feel it was abuse

    • @ennojohan
      @ennojohan  Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@TheTitaniumAxe Yeah. I still feel it is a very "three sides to every story" thing and we may never get the whole truth because of the impact the internet has had on the situaiton.

    • @TheTitaniumAxe
      @TheTitaniumAxe Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@ennojohan Glad we can agree on that