Leon Schuster - Rugbyland. 01.

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024
  • Leon Ernest Schuster (gebore 21 Mei 1951) is 'n Suid-Afrikaanse rolprentmaker, komediant, akteur, grapjas en sanger.
    Schuster was op 'n vroeë ouderdom aangetrokke tot die filmmaakproses. As kind het hy en sy broer praktiese grappies op sy gesin getrek en dit verfilm. Hy het in 'n 2010-onderhoud oor sy vroeë lewe in Bloemfontein verduidelik: "Ek onthou dat ek in die gang van die Ritz-teater afgehardloop het, cowboys en crooks gespeel het, wat destyds gewild was. Ek onthou ook hoe ek vir Laurel en Hardy, Charlie Chaplin en die Three Stooges lief was. Ek het altyd dinge opgevoer en poetse gebak. Ek het my ouma geflous om te dink ek het myself in die voet geskiet met my pellet gun...tamatiesous oral, en ek gil soos 'n wilde vark. Poetsbak is net in my aard, maar ek het nooit gedink ek sou 'n filmster word nie...nee, ek is nie 'n filmster nie, ek is net 'n plaaslike outjie wat daarvan hou om mense te vermaak. Schuster het vir ’n BA-graad aan die Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaat gestudeer, waar hy vir die eerste span rugby gespeel het. Hy het vir twee jaar as onderwyser na Jim Fouché teruggekeer.
    Leon Ernest Schuster (born 21 May 1951) is a South African filmmaker, comedian, actor, prankster and singer.
    Schuster was drawn to the filmmaking process at an early age. As a child he and his brother would play practical jokes on his family and film it. He explained, in a 2010 interview about his early life in Bloemfontein, “I remember running down the aisle of the Ritz Theatre, playing cowboys & crooks, which was all the rage at the time. I also remember loving Laurel and Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, and the Three Stooges. I was always acting things out and pulling pranks. I used to fool my grandma into thinking I’d shot myself in the foot with my pellet gun...tomato sauce everywhere, me squealing like a wild pig. Pranking is just in my nature, but I’d never thought I’d become a movie star...no, I’m not a movie star, I’m just a local outjie that likes to entertain people. Schuster studied for a BA degree at the University of the Orange Free State, where he played rugby for the first team. He returned to Jim Fouché as a teacher for two years.

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