Use of facial recognition technology at supermarkets raises questions

  • čas přidán 16. 03. 2023
  • When you're out grocery shopping, you may not realize what's watching you. Some supermarkets are using facial recognition technology to catch thieves, but as CBS2's Kristie Keleshian reports, shoppers have questions about privacy.

Komentáře • 138

  • @CCJAN.5
    @CCJAN.5 Před 10 měsíci +4

    Yep this is for your “safety” 😂

  • @Comeswoopfam
    @Comeswoopfam Před 11 měsíci +4

    It’s not about having something to hide!

  • @masha1414k
    @masha1414k Před rokem +19

    It's unlawful to collect biometric material from people without their agreement, and that's exactly what they are doing.

    • @tammybray5008
      @tammybray5008 Před rokem +3

      What you say is correct , my son had a job that you had to clock in and out with bio metrics and no release was signed , he won that lawsuit .

    • @EPC-ue2ci
      @EPC-ue2ci Před 9 měsíci +1

      You agree by walking in.

    • @SportsAutodidact
      @SportsAutodidact Před 8 měsíci

      They do it at casinos and nobody complain about , absurd

    • @TheGreatman12
      @TheGreatman12 Před 7 měsíci

      Thats why you wear the ol' balaclava

  • @gai_ninja
    @gai_ninja Před rokem +8

    London just vandalized their surveillance camera 😂 New York can do it better 😂

    • @masha1414k
      @masha1414k Před rokem +1

      Good job London, they shouldn't be collecting biometric material like this anyways.

  • @horsecockphepner
    @horsecockphepner Před rokem +31

    there’s CCTV on every street in NYC and yet this is what people have issue with ? 😂😂😂😂

    • @mcnally211
      @mcnally211 Před rokem

      Thats because you do not understand the issue. Do you think the MSM explained it rationally? You dont even understand the dangers especially when A.I. is involved.
      "Its for youre own good. , if you dont have anything to hide" remember the patriot act? You must be to young to remember a time when the constitution mattered!
      This is a violation of youre 4th amendment. Unlawful search & seizure. Do you want to be tracked, monitored & have youre whole life just 1 big advertising con job.. not every moment of youre life neededs to be monitored. Like going food shopping, what you purchase ect ect.

    • @ky9616
      @ky9616 Před rokem

      False analogy, CCTV doesn't collect biometric data. If you're going to make a point at least make an attempt to have it be accurate otherwise you look stupid

    • @debrajohnson9728
      @debrajohnson9728 Před rokem +4

      That's not the same sily

    • @horsecockphepner
      @horsecockphepner Před rokem +2

      @@debrajohnson9728 you don’t think anti terror grade CCTV’s have facial recognition??? 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @ky9616
      @ky9616 Před rokem +3

      @@horsecockphepner So one, you literally made that up, especially considering most of this was set up prior to facial recognition technology. At most humans can view CCTV footage which isn't the same as bio mining data.

  • @jordanleitson458
    @jordanleitson458 Před rokem +5

    Ok, did you ever want your name spoken at the supermarket like in the minority report….Uh huh

  • @loslingos1232
    @loslingos1232 Před 8 měsíci +10

    It’s useful for shoplifting, yes. However, think of why it happens in the first place! They raise prices because someone stole bread or something so, instead of just taking the loss, they up the price. That leads to MORE shop lifting because it’s too expensive to pay for stuff. So then they use facial recognition cameras to, not lower the price, catch people. Yep. They can just raise the price and we can’t do anything about it.

    • @hikolanikola8775
      @hikolanikola8775 Před 7 měsíci

      No thats not the reason why there are shoplifters, the reason is cause they are criminals and just want to steal.

  • @oanna1221
    @oanna1221 Před rokem +4

    House of congress just implemented the camera

  • @Shiesty9168
    @Shiesty9168 Před 4 měsíci

    I’ve noticed that also high crime areas have a lot of Flock LPR cameras all over the road scanning every Vehicle driving by

  • @smrk2452
    @smrk2452 Před rokem +6

    So what are they gonna do to the shoplifters? What are the actual consequences?

    • @MH-uh7vq
      @MH-uh7vq Před rokem

      The tech is used by Loss Prevention agents who receive alerts that a repeat offender is in their store. The locate and escort them out before they can steal any products. There are no real legal consequences

  • @jesteravrgjoe2888
    @jesteravrgjoe2888 Před rokem +8

    Why say the reason is crime when the NY justice system doesn’t prosecute, and has no bail requirements? 🤔🤔

  • @JoseValencia-fr8wh
    @JoseValencia-fr8wh Před rokem +7

    Oh yea we doing the china thing

  • @22lr_plinking
    @22lr_plinking Před rokem +1

    Says they are required by law to post a sign that they use it , Walmarts in Jefferson county don’t post anything about it , yet they use it!!!

  • @functionatthejunction
    @functionatthejunction Před 4 měsíci +1

    You are in a public area what privacy do you think you have?

  • @leyio7453
    @leyio7453 Před 7 měsíci +1

    It also raises the prices... these technologies are not free.

  • @jeahavvalentin980
    @jeahavvalentin980 Před rokem +2

    I thought we had that already

  • @steerpike50
    @steerpike50 Před 5 měsíci

    his is brilliant we need cameras every 500 yrds , people are fed up with crime , well done

  • @odemata87
    @odemata87 Před rokem +3

    Nothing is mentioned how it prevents the supposed crime yet plenty of allegations that the thief, of which they're investing in this technology for, is a cause for increased consumer prices. They're sure it isn't the reduced staff, lack of man security that among other things that isn't contributing to the opportunity for theft in their stores?

  • @berniemcintire3393
    @berniemcintire3393 Před 4 měsíci +1

    This has nothing to do with shop lifting . Think people

  • @CHAOS_6E
    @CHAOS_6E Před rokem +5

    Face masks are going to become popular

    • @masha1414k
      @masha1414k Před rokem

      That's what I was thinking😂 they're trying to force us to mask this way now, unbelievable

  • @robertarthur3711
    @robertarthur3711 Před 7 měsíci

    I watched today November 2023 that 2 travellers walk into the little uk co op and take about 8-10 sandwiches and a couple of drinks and simply walk out laughing. Bring it on let’s film their filthy little interbred mugs.

  • @SunshineSpring-ye2wl
    @SunshineSpring-ye2wl Před 3 měsíci

    What privacy could you have in a store . That's crazy !. .what do you think cameras are for ?

  • @Saveourecosystem
    @Saveourecosystem Před 2 měsíci

    Should they not display correct signage for it can we sue them if they don't

  • @bgregg55
    @bgregg55 Před rokem +16

    People will soon willingly give up any last vestige of their privacy to Big Brother.

    • @masha1414k
      @masha1414k Před rokem

      Willingly? No!!

    • @tomflendodo7297
      @tomflendodo7297 Před rokem +1

      We're Already A Police STATE !!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @markkenny5799
      @markkenny5799 Před rokem +2

      It's not big brother it's to keep people safe. Only ones that are con earned have something to hide.

    • @dannycorner8953
      @dannycorner8953 Před rokem

      people wouldn't need that if the local government actually do their job and enforce the laws instead of letting crime go rampant for their idea of 'social justice'

      @LETSGETUTILIZED316 Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@masha1414k soon you may have to live in the wilderness. Prepare.

    @MERRLINN Před 7 měsíci

    Lets see how you feel when they cut you off

  • @orangecat5909
    @orangecat5909 Před rokem +3

    They been that for year's.

  • @Opetheric
    @Opetheric Před rokem +1

    That is not what it is used for.

  • @consciousthought4820
    @consciousthought4820 Před rokem +15

    Useing crime as an excuse to play with their technology on the people is what this is 🤔

  • @joelincolnlincoln6315
    @joelincolnlincoln6315 Před rokem +2

    Ah I got to eat too u feel me? It be hard out here since the pandemic u understand Playa

  • @robharrell-xd2pi
    @robharrell-xd2pi Před 3 měsíci +1

    It’s not about catching thieves

  • @tomflendodo7297
    @tomflendodo7297 Před rokem

    CRIME is Like the Weather ☁️🌡️ IT Will Always be with Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @user-zo1wn8ys2l
    @user-zo1wn8ys2l Před 5 měsíci +1

    We already have this, it’s called racism.

  • @Kev4Kev
    @Kev4Kev Před rokem

    So what happens with Identical twins ? Can it tell the difference between twins?

  • @debrajohnson9728
    @debrajohnson9728 Před rokem

    Oh so we're Goin to be like CHIY- NAH😂😂in Donald Trump voice😂😂😂

  • @uriahfiiya
    @uriahfiiya Před rokem +1

    I'ma steal anyways

  • @danabe3220
    @danabe3220 Před 3 měsíci

    This unlawful in Oregon

  • @opportunisticinvader
    @opportunisticinvader Před rokem

    If it was about catching criminals they would have security stop them and instead they let them go this is about power and control wake up people😒

  • @dee12yearsago88
    @dee12yearsago88 Před rokem

    Since government dont wanna do nothing about these criminals, might as well 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @Frandaman84
    @Frandaman84 Před 11 měsíci

    Sooo.. freedom for safety

  • @nameprivate2194
    @nameprivate2194 Před 5 měsíci

    Sounds like just another reason to already shop and buy stuff online! Uga-buga-buga, ye dirty piltdown squads, UGA-BUGA-BUGA LOLOLOLOLOL LMAO!
    Oh, that was only up to 10 seconds of the whole video LOOOOOOOOL! WAAHAHAHAHA

  • @yuantronz45
    @yuantronz45 Před rokem +4

    We all know what demographic is responsible for these spikes in shoplifting...

  • @emrahyilmaz7268
    @emrahyilmaz7268 Před 11 měsíci

    Now they got excuses

  • @raymondj7298
    @raymondj7298 Před 11 měsíci +3

    Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    And that no man might buy or sell,
    *Save he that had the Mark,
    *or the Name of the Beast,
    *or the Number of his Name.
    Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the Number of the beast: for it is the number of a man;
    and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666)
    Revelation 14:9-11
    And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

  • @lac2275
    @lac2275 Před rokem +9

    Fantastic. Anything that gets rid of these parasitic criminals is welcomed

  • @user-zo1wn8ys2l
    @user-zo1wn8ys2l Před 5 měsíci

    Whoever designs this is much more likely to stereotype black and asian faces. I was wondering why people were following me around the store, now i know why.

  • @brownbarrett6842
    @brownbarrett6842 Před rokem +4

    Tic/Toc, Facebook and etc is scanning every face but people want to draw the line at the supermarket? How about you shop somewhere else if you don’t like it.

    • @debrajohnson9728
      @debrajohnson9728 Před rokem

      There not using that

    • @brownbarrett6842
      @brownbarrett6842 Před rokem +2

      @@debrajohnson9728 Of course they are. They are the ones that perfected it. You can look it up.

    • @debrajohnson9728
      @debrajohnson9728 Před rokem

      @@brownbarrett6842 no it was chiy- nah in Donald Trump voice🤣🔥

  • @gregreichard6968
    @gregreichard6968 Před rokem


  • @dominicperez3777
    @dominicperez3777 Před rokem +15

    If only the city was hard on crime and got rid of its bail reform laws then we wouldn't have to worry about NYC turning into a surveillance state.

  • @Necropheliac
    @Necropheliac Před rokem

    It doesn’t seem to be stopping theft. 😂 kind of pointless imo.

  • @ruthsantiago363
    @ruthsantiago363 Před rokem +1

    Credit score

  • @joelincolnlincoln6315

    Usa border patrol does this now although u can refuse it when walking in if your American anyway not sure otherwise

  • @zLoqzx_MONKEYTUBE
    @zLoqzx_MONKEYTUBE Před 6 měsíci

    People should normalise balaclavas people should have the internal right to hide their identity from the government unless a police officer or higher authority tells you too take it off

  • @chrisdee9620
    @chrisdee9620 Před rokem +5


    • @horsecockphepner
      @horsecockphepner Před rokem +4

      time for THOSE people to stop stealing !!!

    • @debrajohnson9728
      @debrajohnson9728 Před rokem +1

      ​@@horsecockphepner how is that going to stop people from stealing

    • @e-4051
      @e-4051 Před rokem +1

      @@debrajohnson9728they’ll be identified, and hopefully charges will be more severe considering they’re most likely not stealing from a single store, but multiple.

    • @debrajohnson9728
      @debrajohnson9728 Před rokem

      @@e-4051 you sheep the government will use all kind of fake face throw Jake's in order for you to Been the knee. Keep believing that none sece so u just give them your permission to follow you the rest of your life🤣🤣good lord you have no idea what going on. Your CONFOUNDED

  • @xili-in6ol
    @xili-in6ol Před rokem

    Is Carol Martin off again?

  • @ruthsantiago363
    @ruthsantiago363 Před rokem +1

    China york

  • @ecamp6360
    @ecamp6360 Před rokem +2

    If Whole Foods/Amazon can track a shopper thru the store via BluTooth to send them targeted ads (it's happened to me), can't they identify shoplifters' phones and target them for surveillance and intervention?

  • @somebodywhocares9293
    @somebodywhocares9293 Před rokem +5

    So it now begins.
    Their worried about the store but they
    Don't know about the cameras outside the store. On public streets.
    China n Great Britain have practiced this.
    Pretty soon... behavioral scores will be implemented soon.
    It is what it is.
    When In public.. there's no privacy.
    Reason why u should record also
    If someone is violating your rights.
    For example like a public servant..

  • @johnalves07866
    @johnalves07866 Před rokem

    I really 🤷🏾‍♂️ don’t care I pay for everything never been on food stamps

  • @music3n1ent
    @music3n1ent Před 11 měsíci

    Of course Mr Manny Gomez president of MG security it's a good idea.....

  • @debrajohnson9728
    @debrajohnson9728 Před rokem

    I hope the get that Chinese gang who vandalized the Chinese restaurant dam thugs and they thought they were blk.

  • @masonsoutdoorsportsmenadve4933

    Open up a store for all the cry babies who don't want facial recognition 😂. Let the free market compete on prices and see who wins 😮

  • @Coffee240
    @Coffee240 Před rokem

    Casinos been doing that for year's.

  • @samael2305
    @samael2305 Před rokem +1

    The only person this will bother is the one stelling...

  • @debrajohnson9728
    @debrajohnson9728 Před rokem

    No to all the dig dongs newyork and other city's is the only city's that have to state that there using it.wen it's in use

  • @jhowardsupporter
    @jhowardsupporter Před rokem +6

    Latisha, Shaquanda, Shanaenae, Rolanda

    • @debrajohnson9728
      @debrajohnson9728 Před rokem

      Is that you CHIY- NAH 😂😂 in Donald trumps voice. Panda panda

  • @mitchellquartero
    @mitchellquartero Před rokem +1

    Don’t like it go somewhere else

  • @bmatt64
    @bmatt64 Před 5 měsíci

    Tine to Learn Chinese

  • @dewberry3043
    @dewberry3043 Před rokem +1

    Yes! Good deterrent. Don’t let those who criticize guilt you.

  • @Lobsterman5481
    @Lobsterman5481 Před rokem +12

    Love it! Don't like it don't shop there.

  • @Reconseal4050
    @Reconseal4050 Před rokem +1

    What's the big deal! Supermarkets get targeted by shoplifters so this is actually a PRO!

    @DVS57REBEL Před rokem +1

    Normally I'd oppose this, but if it stops the ⬛️ ninjas from criming sure

    • @debrajohnson9728
      @debrajohnson9728 Před rokem

      Like the Chinese gang that vandalized the restaurant

    • @El_Raton_Small
      @El_Raton_Small Před rokem

      @@debrajohnson9728 College Point ain’t that dangerous than Jamaica.

  • @soccerilrul
    @soccerilrul Před rokem +2

    Love this

  • @stfjonz
    @stfjonz Před rokem

    😷 ◀️ practice

  • @markkenny5799
    @markkenny5799 Před rokem

    I say take it a step further, put chips in ever-person born put fingerings prints on file. Less crime when we know who and where you are! Facts!

  • @dylanhill1640
    @dylanhill1640 Před rokem +4

    More stores should use this technology.

  • @VesperAegis
    @VesperAegis Před rokem +3

    I must admit I do like the idea that it might cut back on jobless thugs robbing from stores instead of working hard and earning their keep.

    • @debrajohnson9728
      @debrajohnson9728 Před rokem +1

      No you you got it. Like whole food people less shopping center

    • @lovedontlovenobody7096
      @lovedontlovenobody7096 Před 10 měsíci

      Are u dumb dude? if they can’t rob stores guess who they hitting next ? YOU ‼️‼️ nd don’t talk like u John wick cause u not 😭 y’all be saying shit nd it be goofy

  • @lailonnib
    @lailonnib Před rokem +1

    It’s not going to help

  • @codycow2637
    @codycow2637 Před rokem +2

    Racism !!!!!!