How a Real Man Gets the Girl

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 116

  • @brianfreland9065
    @brianfreland9065 Před měsícem +56

    I started dating a woman and our first date was going to find a church together that we could start our relationship in. I do morning devotionals with her every morning and i pray with her....Needless to say we're madly in love and I'm marrying her! 🎉❤ she's way out of my league but thank God she doesn't think so! Guys....go get that girl and take her to church!

  • @donna62016
    @donna62016 Před měsícem +17

    Leading in prayer and praying for your wife melts her heart like putty in your hands. She feels soo loved, cared for, cherished, and protected when her husband takes the lead to pray, and loves and cares for her enough to pray for her.

  • @stanbalfour3808
    @stanbalfour3808 Před měsícem +15

    Can you do a chat like this for divorced men & women with kids ?
    Things are now so different, dating is so modern for us old school guys & gals. Also blending kids and so on..

    • @joellehosette818
      @joellehosette818 Před měsícem +2

      Yes it is. I'm 58 and the dating scene is or no kids. The mind set is defensive, they all want only the benefits and no commitment. And the women and men have no respect for themselves at all. 😢 it is so sad.

    • @andreafallasnunez
      @andreafallasnunez Před měsícem

      I support that ☝🏻❤️🙏🏻🙌🏻

    • @dearabby10
      @dearabby10 Před měsícem

      This! 👆 💯

  • @joshthesmith77
    @joshthesmith77 Před měsícem +12

    It’s hard to learn or want to be a man when you’re raised by you mother with no godly men to learn from and as an adult you’re afraid that what you think being a man means is wrong even when it isn’t. God willing I’ll get on the right track and find the wife God has for me soon. Please pray for me. God bless!

    • @krystle8287
      @krystle8287 Před měsícem

      Perfect love casts out all fear. Stay strong in the Lord and fear not

    • @meghan2846
      @meghan2846 Před měsícem +1

      God already has her picked out for you
      I met my hubby at Safeway at 17 years old.. he was 22.
      My sister left her backpack at school. I said "drop me off real quick bc I feel like half a deli sandwich 😋
      We made eye contact.
      She was late.. he didn't follow me outside.. but I wish he had!
      Thankfully he came out in time to exchange numbers.
      We've been married 18 years now.
      I look back and think how different my life would be today if my sister didn't leave her backpack. If I didn't decide to go into safeway.
      He treats me so good. We are both blessed to have eachother!
      God has a "set time" for you to meet who you're ordained to be with!"❤❤❤

    • @joshthesmith77
      @joshthesmith77 Před měsícem +1

      @@meghan2846 I truly hope so and I’d like for God to bring her and I together soon. I’m early-ish 20’s and I’d like to have a young virgin (like me) wife without having to have too large of an age gap and being called a perv. I need God to first get me on the right path to be able to provide for her. Please pray for me because I don’t want to rush and marry the wrong person out of loneliness. May Father God bless and protect you always in Jesus Mighty Name! :)

    • @meghan2846
      @meghan2846 Před měsícem +1

      @joshthesmith77 God knows the desires of your heart. I think it's wonderful to want a girl that hasn't been with other guys..
      When I met him, I dated other guys who only wanted one thing. They were awful and would stop talking to me when they knew they weren't gonna get it.
      My dad raised me to respect myself. My hubby literally waited over a year to have s*x. He was my first and last 🥰
      Just stay faithful! It's a beautiful thing to want to follow God's law!
      He will reward you with a wonderful girl!
      True love is a real thing! Pls don't let the evil you see in this world make you believe otherwise!
      I promise to keep you in my faith filled prayers. I won't forget you! Your set time is coming!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @joshthesmith77
      @joshthesmith77 Před měsícem +1

      @@meghan2846 Thank you so much my sister in Christ. I’m happy for you both and I’m glad to hear that true love can happen for me as well. It is sometimes easy to be discouraged by Christians who were made bitter by hard relationships who hate on me for wanting to only marry a virgin like me but I try and be kind to them. I’ll keep praying and waiting in faith for my life mate. Thank you for your kind words and I hope my wife will have a kind spirit like yours to offset my seriousness. I’ll do my best to be patient and keep hoping in God to bring her and I together soon. Thank you for your prayers and I’ll put you on my prayer list and will be praying for you all as well. May Father God bless you all in Jesus Mighty Name! :)

  • @alexandriasimental4096
    @alexandriasimental4096 Před měsícem +5

    A lot of young men need this. Social media and who women pretend to be and how they advertise themselves half naked makes it so easy to throw away a good trying woman and hunt for something of low character and easy access. I experienced this once I gave my life to the lord after a betrayal of my ex and rejected him using my body “one last time” instead of trying to walk with God with me he opted for a easier access woman or women . I still love him but from a distance and through prayer because he’s now also an alcoholic.

  • @ChinenyeGunez-cr1kx
    @ChinenyeGunez-cr1kx Před měsícem +1


  • @KarsonsChannel
    @KarsonsChannel Před měsícem +5

    This guy has good advice about praying with gf first but he is out of touch with the reality of todays situation. He grew up in a different time when inflation wasnt terrible, and one could support a family on a single wage. He grew up in a time when women were less promiscuous and more feminine. He probably had a good dad or role model to guide him. He grew up in a time where homes and apartments were affordable. He grew up before massive endocrine disruptors were released into the environment and destroyed mens testosterone (you know, the hormone that God created to give men drive). But he doesnt take these things into account because he is a boomer and instead shames young men for having to overcome more adversity than he ever had to.

    • @andyjohnson5484
      @andyjohnson5484 Před měsícem +1

      I'm probably about his age. Dealt with the same problems when I was a kid Sure, things were different but not much. Human nature is human nature. Life has always been hard. Frankly, it's a lot easier now in many ways. You don't have to work for information. It's a click away. We've become soft. So people whine about every little thing.

    • @KarsonsChannel
      @KarsonsChannel Před měsícem +1

      @@andyjohnson5484 ok boomer

  • @Alexander44665
    @Alexander44665 Před měsícem +1

    The success sequence is correct. When it comes to having children outside of marriage-women are just as responsible for this as men. I rarely see anyone (outside of the red pill movement) also criticize women for their role in the out of wedlock birth crisis.
    At what point do women say "maybe I shouldn't get pregnant by a man who is not willing to commit?"
    At what point do women say "maybe I should stop snubbing the good, hard-working men?"
    At what point do women say "maybe I shouldn't go out with the bad boys?"
    At what point do women ALSO take responsibility for THEIR poor decisions?
    Also, the reason why we are afraid of approaching women is not just rejection-that has been around since the beginning of time-we are also afraid of being accused of making her feel "uncomfortable", being put on blast on social media, having our reputations trashed and possibly even being fired from our jobs.
    And no, I am not asking the woman's father for permission. She is an adult. Either she is my equal or she's not! We are done playing these games of women being strong and independent until it is no longer convenient. If a woman is not capable of making the decision of choosing who to marry (or even if she should get married) then she shouldn't be able to vote, enter into legal contracts, decide medical treatment for herself or her children, drive, run for office, etc...
    In terms of physical intimacy, sometimes its the man's fault, but oftentimes its the woman's. I see it all the time, women will party in their 20s (I'm trying to watch my language here). When they get to their late 20s to early 30s they will have a "conversion" and settle down with a nice guy provider. In and of itself this isn't bad. The problem is that these women generally don't have the same feelings for their nice guy husbands that they had for the bad boys. In other words, most (but not all) of these women settle for the men that become their husbands. Once that ring is on their finger (or sometimes when the first baby is born)-and thus the guy is somewhat locked down legally-they let their husbands know that they (the wives) settled for them! These guys get nowhere near the "intimacy" that the bad boys got. When the husband tries to communicate his frustration one (or more) of the following will happen: (A) his feelings will be ignored, (B) he will be gas-lighted, (C) she will have tge epiphany that she was the victim of some "past trauma" and said past-trauma will be weaponized against him or (D) he will be told that he simply needs to "be better."
    This whole "I don't feel safe" excuse to deny husbands physical intimacy doesn't fly-at least usually. I cannot help but notice that (for most women) it was never an issue when they were with the bad boys. Now suddenly; when they are with men who committed their entire lives to them, it is suddenly an issue. Yeah right! The older I become, the more I come to the conclusion that most women settle.
    If western civilization is going to survive, we (as a society) MUST stop infantilizing women. Like men, women must also take responsibility for their actions.

  • @countdracula2533
    @countdracula2533 Před 2 dny +1

    Should have titled this “how to be a married Christian simp in a feminist world”

  • @donna62016
    @donna62016 Před měsícem +5

    Thank You, Pastor Mark for addressing the issue of an "unwell wife." Many men create that problem, and ignoring it only makes it worse. May shame be on any man that divorces his wife due to her being unwell. May God have mercy on you - Read Malachi 2:16 “For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the LORD, the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the LORD of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.”

    • @Alexander44665
      @Alexander44665 Před měsícem +1

      What happens when the wife weaponizes her unwellness against her husband? In other words, uses past trauma as an excuse to be selfish.

    • @donna62016
      @donna62016 Před měsícem

      @@Alexander44665 You take the lead. You stop the crazy cycle by getting her help. Ephesians 5:22-33 covers this... washing, cleansing, healing your wife. Pastor Mark said, "get her help."
      1 Timothy 3:7 - know her, love her, live with her, honor her with understanding as the weaker vessel that your prayers are not hindered.
      The Book of Hosea is about Hosea loving his wife, Gomer, as Christ loves the church while she was wild, crazy, back and forth, prostituting, having babies by other men, etc. You don't give up on her. This molds you in the image of Christ, and reflects His love to her.

  • @braxtonschans-hr1oe
    @braxtonschans-hr1oe Před měsícem

    So many good points!!! 😃

  • @MinuteMan1999
    @MinuteMan1999 Před měsícem +2

    Wife is unwell and as I've tried lovingly to deal with it she has been completely resistant to transformation.

    • @stephenhagen234
      @stephenhagen234 Před měsícem

      She will resent you trying to change her and the level of difficulty relating to her goes up. Pray for her, love her as Jesus does, tell Him, not your friends, your frustrations and difficulties in the relationship and SUBMIT TO HER. Yes, that goes for men too. God can work and will work to bring harmony in the home. Seek Him first, foremost.

  • @IgnorantFishermen
    @IgnorantFishermen Před 17 vteřinami

    Thanks PM!

  • @spicole2937
    @spicole2937 Před měsícem +3

    Quit lying to men be honest

  • @DN-yv3gq
    @DN-yv3gq Před měsícem +1

    Does being a real man involve acting tough on stage, then yelling and cursing at staff behind the scenes?

  • @jgreene81
    @jgreene81 Před měsícem +1

    Is this a re-upload? Because I feel like he's said all this a few times now. Great points, though.

  • @ry2yb
    @ry2yb Před měsícem

    Great message!!

  • @DN-yv3gq
    @DN-yv3gq Před měsícem +2

    Yeah, nothing I've applied from church has ever helped me attract women. No wonder men gravitate to Andrew Tate.

    • @Loveispatient76
      @Loveispatient76 Před 9 dny

      You’re not looking in the right place. Go to church.

  • @stephenhagen234
    @stephenhagen234 Před měsícem +1

    You need to ask the Lord first if He even wants marriage for you. Do not assume He does. He may not. What He thinks and knows about you matters greatly to Him, because He loves you and ALWAYS has your best interest in His heart.. Your well being paramount. If His best for you is not to be married then you have THE best, not second or third best. You can trust Him on that. And if He does call you to marriage, then He gives His best to those who leave the choice/decision for a spouse with Him.

    • @BruceJC75
      @BruceJC75 Před měsícem

      God doesn’t “have” or “not have” anything for us. All we have is the wisdom of scripture to guide our lives.

    • @stephenhagen234
      @stephenhagen234 Před měsícem

      @@BruceJC75 He does. He has a calling for our lives. To become conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus. That is a progressive calling and revelation.

    • @BruceJC75
      @BruceJC75 Před měsícem

      @@stephenhagen234 That’s such ethereal thing that makes no sense. I’m never going to be God in human form. If we’re single, it’s our fault. I take full responsibility for my singleness. I’m not married because of everything I’m not.

  • @thekalle9716
    @thekalle9716 Před měsícem

    Let me tell you this sermon came at the perfect time like an innumerable flood of other blessings and revelations and gifts of wisdom and undestanding very recently. I come from a Jehovahs witness family with most of my relatives still in it, others having left it and now being broken and bitter against religion never having had a relationship with Jesus. All of the marriages are chaotic, alcoholism, prescription drugs, mental ilness and horrible demonic powerdynamics and spirits of fear and hatred.
    Got into drugs and sex addiction. I met a girl at rehab and we stayed together until 2016 ish.
    I left JW's at 2011 I think and got into new age and shamanism and all kinds of pharmakeia and occultism. Having had that lack of example for real family and real love my relationships were very sex-obsessed and worshiping the girl. I had so so many demons, and not even in that abstract sense but fully had weird dark unnatural stuff happening. When my longest relationship ended I tried to end my life for 5th time, but went to rehab and got home feeling somewhat better. But then the demonic stuff started to come back and I just out of desperation called for Jesus, and it stopped like a paperplane against a brick wall. And i knew I had found something that actually lasts and I can firmly stand on.
    But unfortunately I started backsliding in all kinds of ways and feeling hopeless. This was out of doubt and holding on to things out of fear and other things too. But I kept praying that even if I have done the unforgivable sin, please make an example out of me atleast (not understanding the nature of that sin). But then, this year my 22 year long depression and anxiety just fell out and life started feeling amazing, every day i'd understand more and more about this world and humanity until it finally clicked and I felt the prescence of God and the love of God and grace and wisdom and so many miracles. And the thirst to know every single Word in the bible and to get to know and worship God and wanting to be with him forever just exploded. Its been like a week and I could fill thousands of journal pages but yeah...
    So since the demonic strongholds are being obliterated, and Im putting on the full armor of God, i see the devil working through other people to tempt me. My ex just appeared out of nowhere after years and years and I just had a panic attack after riding my bike past her. Realizing I have plenty to learn and to cut old ties and focus on God FULLY. I also met another older woman that I think God sent my way, maybe not to marry, but for me To learn something and to help her too. For the first time ever, Im building up a friendship without being hurried and pushed by lust or pride or wanting to feel accepted by people, and even if I wont ever hold her hand, I love her for being made in the image of God like everybody Else. And that is only the beginning.
    So thank you for this sermon, you pointed out so many great places in the bible to start studying. I have so much more to say, yet im only taking my first steps it feels like.
    Love you all, sorry for long message. If i said something wrong, please correct me.
    Thank you God for all the patience and love, Im bursting to learn more every second, stopped listening to music or watching (nearly) anything non christian. And all the gifts and blessings and miracles, and burning to be prepared for the day I am mature enough to teach others, send me To where your will is!

    • @R7serg
      @R7serg Před měsícem +1

      Ex jdub here born again crazy how my story is similar to yours. Put God 1st he will give you your heart desires

    • @thekalle9716
      @thekalle9716 Před měsícem

      @@R7serg Exactly. I reckon lotsa ex jw have similar stories as they all have to live such a similar life. I pray for them a lot. God absolutely provides so you can fully trust in Him. Im amazed at how much has changed in a week and continues on every hour. Like yeah you always know God is omnipotent....but im a sinner and I keep hindering his work. No! Thats a demonic thought, nothing can stop God, the transformation is absolutely more than possible. He is GOOD and JUST and LOVING and HOLY.
      Im a 32 year old boy, but im letting go of childish things.
      Praise God!

  • @susanbalensky3233
    @susanbalensky3233 Před měsícem

    Thank you

  • @taylorkeller3661
    @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem +4

    The Bible tells us to cleave to our spouse, it does not use language anywhere near that strong regarding children. Children are a DISTANT second to the spouse who are loved and provided for, but they are along for the ride. The more you cater to the kids, the more they'll enmesh.

  • @jeffreylucia2499
    @jeffreylucia2499 Před měsícem

    For me, 3 career failures translates into very poor security to her. And this trickles into intimacy and ruins our connection which I cannot repair. Welfare. Kids, property, possesions but zero connection = ruined marriage of daily chores for her.

  • @sergie.belous
    @sergie.belous Před měsícem +1

    If you removed the intros from your videos, you'd have a ton more views; they're killing your retention!

  • @LFZ4243
    @LFZ4243 Před měsícem +4

    Not sure if this is wholly scriptural 😕, it sounds like female/wife idol worshipping when a man is expected to be entirely driven by what SHE wants. I suppose it's culture relevant to the West which is individualism ideology whereas the Bible is from and about collective culture, which is polar opposite to the greco/roman mindset.

    • @delunk5906
      @delunk5906 Před měsícem

      That’s the order, and Mark preaches it all the time. There’s no individualism in that list and I don’t get your point.

    • @LFZ4243
      @LFZ4243 Před měsícem +2

      @delunk5906 Actually, that's not the scriptural order. Read the 10 commandments. 5th commandment is to honour the parents. His message is for the Western culture, which is okay but not universally applicable. He was going on about men needing a woman to find focus in their lives, incorrect. Men and women need focus, sound mind, and order despite each other as we have a calling to serve the kingdom of heaven. Men who use women as a source or drive of motivation will also be led to their demise by the same woman. Like I said, Western culture is about living solitary lives away from biological tribe which is much bigger, so it might work for them. Forsaking your parents, not stated but could be incorrectly implied, for the sake of wife, is not in the spirit of 10 commandments and love thy neighbour.
      Besides, husbands and wives may, and in the West, at least come and go, but parents and siblings are forever.

    • @delunk5906
      @delunk5906 Před měsícem

      @@LFZ4243 So put your parents before your wife? Get real, moving on, didn’t read the rest.

    • @LFZ4243
      @LFZ4243 Před měsícem +1

      @@delunk5906 atypical Western!

  • @taylorkeller3661
    @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem +5

    Where in the Bible does it say men should honor the family of their wife? Genuinely asking, I've never heard that and would like a source. The only verses I know of talk about leaving parents and giving away daughters.

    • @GODtuber13
      @GODtuber13 Před měsícem +2

      "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with your wives with understanding, giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered." -1 Peter 3:7

    • @taylorkeller3661
      @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem +2

      @@GODtuber13 Amen! The WEAKER vessel, not the equal vessel. They need MORE care and love than we men do, and they are not able to carry as much burden as us.

  • @Air4Andy
    @Air4Andy Před měsícem


  • @taylorkeller3661
    @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem +4

    To help husbands not look at other women lustfully, wives should be doing everything they can to keep their eyes locked on them (which is what we prefer anyways).

    • @CarlosC77
      @CarlosC77 Před měsícem +1

      I know many woman who don't seek to maintan their husbands attraction and let themselves go...get super fat after marriage, I feel so bad for many guys out there I can kinda see why they cheat sometimes. Doesn't mean it's right but I can see the thinking behind it.

    • @taylorkeller3661
      @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem

      @@CarlosC77 it's the husband's fault for letting her do that. Just as Jesus takes the blame for the Curch, husbands take the blame for their wives. This is why it's so important to maintain intimacy and authority in a marriage.

    • @CarlosC77
      @CarlosC77 Před měsícem +1

      @@taylorkeller3661 Wouldn't that mean she has to be submissive of your authority though?

    • @taylorkeller3661
      @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem

      @@CarlosC77 yeah of course. And we're responsible for maintaining that dynamic, no exceptions.

  • @badassdahn654
    @badassdahn654 Před měsícem +1

    Amen 🙏
    Long live men
    Long live MGTOW

  • @projectaletheia8707
    @projectaletheia8707 Před měsícem +1

    Can I hear from the men? Do you follow this guy?

    • @countdracula2533
      @countdracula2533 Před 2 dny

      Heck no, if you follow this preacher your gonna be screwed. He isn’t preaching Bible, he’s preaching feminist Christian dogma

  • @taylorkeller3661
    @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem +4

    Adam was alone in the garden, Eve was not. Adam is capable of being alone, Eve is not. Eve needs Adam more (for many reasons), and Adam did not go looking for Eve. Similarly, Isaac did not go looking for Sarah, the Servant brought her to him.
    Men do not need to pursue, women do. Women need men more than men need women. It is not equal, Paul said it was fine for men to be alone but not women. It is the responsibility of the father to help his daughter find a husband, that's what it means to give her away.

    • @apeiceofmoldedclay
      @apeiceofmoldedclay Před měsícem

      Women can be alone, and many prefer it.

    • @taylorkeller3661
      @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem +1

      @@apeiceofmoldedclay Oh really? What verse is that? I read the New Testament about every 2 months and I've never seen that verse in there.
      I can't think of a time where God told a woman NOT to get married either. I don't know of any examples of a woman being called to be alone in the wilderness with God, only men. Hmmm how strange 🤔

    • @apeiceofmoldedclay
      @apeiceofmoldedclay Před měsícem +1

      @taylorkeller3661 1 Corinthians 7:8. It's good not to marry.

    • @dolphinrose21
      @dolphinrose21 Před měsícem +2

      Adam was not alone in the garden , he was with God. Eve did not come to Adam , God brought her to him. All dependencies are on God. And realistically speaking women can live alone , men cannot.

    • @taylorkeller3661
      @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem +1

      @@dolphinrose21obviously God was with Adam, and you know that when I said that I was referring to Adam being with another human being. Do not pick frivolous arguments.
      Regarding women living alone, I've read the new testament about 12 times over the last few years and haven't seen anything that supports what you're saying, could you provide a verse?
      Data is garbage, the only truth is the Bible.

  • @taylorkeller3661
    @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem +2

    Genesis 5:23 “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh."
    One body, one bank account.

  • @taylorkeller3661
    @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem +1

    2 Corinthians 12:9 "But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me."
    There is absolutely nothing beautiful about a strong woman. A strong woman does not appreciate a strong man, just like if we were strong, we would not appreciate having a strong God (as much).

  • @taylorkeller3661
    @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem +1

    And she's got her Bible studies and I've got my Bible studies...
    That's when the serpent came in.

  • @taylorkeller3661
    @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem +1

    The solution to a domineering marriage is so simple: do what the wife wants and what the husband commands. All decisions should be made for the wife's benefit, and carried out through the direct commands of the husband. In other words, the wife picks ALL the vacations, and the husband writes ALL the to-do lists. Men, you do not get to keep your hobbies, you sacrifice them like Jesus did.

    • @aneber1811
      @aneber1811 Před měsícem +1

      Taylor are you married?

    • @taylorkeller3661
      @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem

      @@aneber1811 I was, I'm divorced and celibate.

    • @Alexander44665
      @Alexander44665 Před měsícem +1


    • @aneber1811
      @aneber1811 Před měsícem

      @@taylorkeller3661I humbly encourage you to reconsider your views. They might harm you more than they help you, if you desire to marry again.
      In my own processing, I’m also left wondering what “hobbies” Jesus gave up? God has designed each person with gifts and talents, and I think it’s far from his heart to abandon them. There is a time and a place to re-examine priorities in each season. Hobbies might have less of a place while in a season with young kids, but some can successfully incorporate them into their time as a father in a healthy way. That’s great! We should be people who are fully alive.

    • @DN-yv3gq
      @DN-yv3gq Před měsícem

      Women should be a compliment to a man's life, never the focus of it

  • @taylorkeller3661
    @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem +1

    There is only one kind of marriage: the kind demonstrated between Jesus and His bride the Church.

  • @taylorkeller3661
    @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem +1

    Women are designed to follow male leadership. It is a core component of marriage. Women taking orders from a man is inherently emotional.
    Every married woman who has a male boss is emotionally cheating on their husbands. Every. Single. One.
    Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
    The woman will choose the money. Or rather, the one who gives her money. Women respect their bosses, NOT their husbands.

    • @aneber1811
      @aneber1811 Před měsícem +1

      Interesting extrapolation. I know many women who need to work who… somehow… manage to put God first. When you do that the other priorities fall into place.

    • @taylorkeller3661
      @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem

      @@aneber1811 They do not need to work, they are simply refusing to enter into covenant marriage, usually because they don't trust men to be strong because they've grown up in the era of feminism and watched their mom's start to compete with their husbands for authority.
      This rising trend in traditional values and celebrating gender differences is just the beginning of a movement back to very strong traditional gender roles, and we don't care what anyone says about it. This is why trends like Tradwives and MGTOW are growing, while modern feminism is collapsing from within. We're realizing that family is more important than career, and peace is more valuable than sex.
      This is especially true when it comes to using rare exceptions to set the precedent for the entire subject, such as using an example of a friend you claim to know. This is exactly what the Bible is talking about when it says to not conform to this world but to renew your mind by reading the Bible.
      If you don't trust the Word of God which is flawless, how will you ever trust a husband who is flawed?

  • @taylorkeller3661
    @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem +1

    I don't remember reading "the law of pursuit" in the Bible, anyone got a verse for that? Sounds a lot like false teaching to me. Legalistic false teaching at that.

  • @taylorkeller3661
    @taylorkeller3661 Před měsícem

    I love Jimmy Evans, but he's even more of a feminist than Mark.

  • @CodyseusRex
    @CodyseusRex Před měsícem +1

    Not to be a downer but only 4% of women are virgins at marriage nowadays. I’m most likely going to die alone☹️