Mariupol War Trophies at Moscow Museum? American Veteran In Russia

  • čas přidán 28. 10. 2023
  • Enjoy the video

Komentáře • 597

  • @user-oh7sx8qr4t
    @user-oh7sx8qr4t Před 6 měsíci +105

    "Technical Museum of Vadim Zadorozhny is Russia's largest privately-owned museum of technology, showcasing a wide array of retro cars, motorcycles, and military equipment." - What? All those cars, tanks and airplanes belong to one person?

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +17

      OH MY GOD! No way! Thanks for. this comment PINNED!

    • @ImPedofinderGeneral
      @ImPedofinderGeneral Před 6 měsíci

      @@JOHN-ZOV oligarchs never doing such things. They privatising soviet property by corrupt ways and living managing it mostly abroad without showing any interest to invest in Russia

    • @M0pC
      @M0pC Před 6 měsíci +4

      ...and tanks

      @KEITGAMER Před 6 měsíci +1

      ​​@John-pt3vp i think this is a private owned Museum

    • @someperson1829
      @someperson1829 Před 6 měsíci +21

      @@JOHN-ZOV And why is every rich person in Russia is an "oligarch", while in the rest of the world they are just... "rich person"?

  • @AmericanRomanEmpire
    @AmericanRomanEmpire Před 6 měsíci +59

    This is what a true-talking Russian Mexican-American with a heart of gold to exploring the motherland and its people's culture is like! I admire your passion for Russia. I salute you brother 🫡🇺🇸🇲🇽🇷🇺🫡

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +7

      Thanks for being kind my friend!

    • @delphiniapickett2934
      @delphiniapickett2934 Před 6 měsíci +6

      Hispanic I am.... amazed too cuz I've been learning more about Russia myself.

    • @nickki_007
      @nickki_007 Před 6 měsíci +4

      This is a beautiful comment ☀

    • @AmericanRomanEmpire
      @AmericanRomanEmpire Před 6 měsíci +3

      @@Wild-Siberiayour welcome my friend 😎🫡

    • @eldorado758
      @eldorado758 Před 6 měsíci

      change your name to Empire of lie 😂

  • @vladz6202
    @vladz6202 Před 6 měsíci +69

    СССР отправил первого человека в космос и этим всё сказано. Когда я был маленьким, то услышал выражение, которое использовала западная пропаганда: "СССР - это просто Верхняя Вольта с ракетами." Даже будучи ребёнком я понимал, что это звучит как оксюморон, это звучит нелепо, потому что если вы производите ракеты, то у вас есть фундаментальная наука и мощная промышленность. В наше время эта нелепая фраза преобразилась в слова русофоба и поджигателя войн ныне покойного Джона Маккейна, который сказал, что "Россия - это бензоколонка, которая только притворяется страной". А потом садовник нацистского сада ЕС Жозеп Боррель развил эту глубокую мысль до: "Россия - это бензоколонка с ядерным оружием". Вот с такими идиотами нам приходится иметь дело

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +12

      sometimes I think its like the world is in a chamber of darkness and believe what ever someone tells them. Anyways I showed my respect in this video with understanding that the Soviet Era Russians also had a lot to give to humanity.

    • @tony_winner
      @tony_winner Před 6 měsíci

      Еще говорят "Зимбабве в снегах"

    • @chatgptaboutcrypto
      @chatgptaboutcrypto Před 6 měsíci +2

      ну СССР и правда был ужасной страной, по факту это был какой то левый игил, который постепенно отходил от идеологии и распался. У каждого из нас в семье есть родственники, которые так или иначе пострадали из за советской власти во время красного терора, который был официальной политикой советского государства, от раскулачивания, от политических репресий и голода. И все ради чего? Ради несбыточной утопии загубить столько народу, преимущественно русского.
      Конечно есть достижения и о них надо помнить, но восхвалять эту страну, ну это просто идиотизм.

    • @user-kc6wd2df5t
      @user-kc6wd2df5t Před 6 měsíci

      @@chatgptaboutcrypto ужасная страна для крипто-идиота! Особенно если читать о ней из средств западной пропаганды и их русскоговорящих рупорах!
      Это в американских книгах по истории написано про 60 000 000 (что не есть правда) расстрелянных! Интересно, а какое им дело до этого!? И зачем им очернять Сталина! Ну пусть бы убивал бы всех, они бы только прихлопывали! Но нет почему то и Сталин у них плохой и русские, которых он якобы специально убивал!
      Помимо красного террора , был к твоему сведению и белый террор!
      "Красный террор" никогда не был политикой государства, а перегибы были всегда! Много было осуждено по доносам, это да! Но тут вопрос к самим людям, которые их писали! А когда у тебя в молодой строящейся стране большое количество агентов и криминала, не реагировать совсем не разумно!
      Кстати в США ой как много сидит по доносам! В США самой свободной стране самое большое количество заключённых! 25% всех заключённых мира, приходиться на США! Но это конечно не репрессии! Просто бдительность соседей, да?
      Про звёздно-полосатый террор ты даже не заикнёшься! Сколько войн развязали США за 100 лет!? Сколько людей уничтожили!? А нуда это же не их граждане, значит можно! Это называется фашизм вообще-то !
      В США от произвола капиталистов было убито прямо или опосредованно народу не меньше, чем у нас! Всё ради прибыли! Рокфеллер, Морган, Ротшильд, Карнеги - знакомые фамилии!? Сколько пострадало от них народу во имя их богатств!
      По поводу голода! А где его не было!? В США в Великую депрессию тоже голод был!
      "Кулак" - это эксплуататор честного крестьянина, который сам лично уже ничего не выращивал, а получал выгоду с того что вырастил крестьянин на его земле, и отбирал он практически всё! Как тебе такое например, ты будешь отдавать мне 90% своих доходов! Ой наверно не понравиться!? При этом вы сейчас и от 13% налога воете!
      "Ради несбыточной утопии загубить столько народу"
      Ради того чтобы Хомо-сапиенс сделать человеком, а не волком готовым на всё ради прибыли!
      И без жёсткости ничего не добились бы, того что есть в современной России! Ядерному оружию обязаны Сталину и Берии (куратор проекта). А без ЯО нас бы уничтожили в 50-х! Планы были уже! Опять же, а почему они хотели нас уничтожить, раз мы так страдали!? И зачем санкции вводили начиная с создания СССР!?
      8-часовой первым ввёл Советский Союз!
      Бесплатное образование - это всё Советский Союз!
      Бесплатная медицина - это всё Советский Союз!
      Бесплатные квартиры, которые сейчас сдают внуки этих самых мученников и сидят на Бали!
      Ты живёшь только благодаря Советскому Союзу! А узнать о репрессированных можно из архивов! И цифра которая указаны выше завышена ну раз так в 10, и это не расстрелянные, их ещё меньше! Мой прадед кстати также отсидел, он не понимал за что его посадили, но увидев кто там сидел, он понимал что по другому нельзя!
      Сейчас вы либералы воете на коррупцию в России и чиновников не честных! Но ведь если их посадить - это же будут репрессии! Нет!? Ну вот пример, Ходорковский, который сел за дело, а теперь он видите ли оказывается репрессированный по вашему!

    • @LanaLender
      @LanaLender Před 6 měsíci +9

      @chatgptaboutcrypto У меня никто не страдал от СССР, и в своей жизни я только от одного человека слышала, что кто то пострадал.( и то за дело, а не по наговору). Политических репресий, сечас в мире при демократии не меньше, только не говорят что это репрессии, а судебное разбирательство по внезапно возникшему делу. Как перекрывается не нужное мнения на западе, мы видим прекрасно. Может СССР и мечтал об утопии, но мне почему то кажется, что если бы эта идеология победила американскую, войн бы в мире было меньше, и во таких районов бездомных, как нам показывают, тоже не было бы. А так ложь на лжи, и постоянное стремление к деньгам, заяастую и за счет других. Ну если такой мир людям нравится, то будем дружно наслаждаться "свободой. Пока кучка корпораций весь мир не разнесут ради большей прибыли.

  • @rusbeaver
    @rusbeaver Před 6 měsíci +65

    Музей Техники Вадима Задорожного один из лучших не только в России, но и в мире. Есть очень редкие экземпляры техники. Особенно впечатляет уличная экспозиция военной техники.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +3


    • @Timmy111888
      @Timmy111888 Před 6 měsíci

      Особенно впечатляет обстрелянный трамвай, военный трофей из Мариуполя! 💪

    • @369tvp6
      @369tvp6 Před 6 měsíci +3

      @@Wild-Siberia After the overthrow of the Tsar, Russia had to create an industry from scratch, in the poverty and destitution of a population devastated by the First World War and the Civil War. And cars, especially civilian ones, were not a priority for the government, since it was necessary to ensure the security of the state in the face of Nazi Germany, and then NATO led by the United States. All the economic forces were spent on this. Of course, the industry of developing household items and entertainment was also not a priority for the USSR, since after the Second World War there was no time for this - the population was starving after the expulsion of the Nazis. But nevertheless, there were priorities in the creation of aviation, space, missile technology and weapons. Here, the USSR did not copy anyone and created unique and world-famous aircraft, which were then often copied by the entire capitalist world, naturally without advertising it. The USSR created a unique nuclear industry that is still a leader throughout the world. In terms of armaments, the USSR created its own school of engineering traditions, which was fundamentally different from the Western one, and now the whole world is copying Soviet and Russian tanks and small arms. According to the results of the SVO, Russian tanks are superior to all NATO models. Visit military museums in St. Petersburg and Moscow, you will be amazed: the Aviation Museum in Monino, the Central Museum of the Armed Forces, the Armored Museum in Kubinka, the Artillery Museum in St. Petersburg and others.

  • @aojschatchuewtchuew2563
    @aojschatchuewtchuew2563 Před 6 měsíci +63

    Ребята! Хороший день посетить музей.... Взгляд американца, ветерана на то что говорили ему СМИ и газеты в Америки от реальности посетив Россию.... Найдя тут свою любовь и показать миру свою Россию которую он увидел своими глазами..... Как светятся глаза у человека от увиденного и его энтузиазм..... Ждём новых видео 🎥📹📼 частное СМИ американского ветерана

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +4


    • @jamesowens2781
      @jamesowens2781 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Agree I would be happy to visit Russia but in the summer lol Russians can visit me in my winter they will think it’s summer here lol.

    • @outerspaceoutlander
      @outerspaceoutlander Před 6 měsíci +4

      Проблема в одном - о наших машинах он судит по внешнему виду. Их все допиливали, в случаях, когда западный дизайн брали за основу, под наши реалии, и, по факту, кроме внешнего напоминания, ничего общего нет совсем.
      А когда пошли наши ЗИЛы правительственные, он их пропустил так, как будто их не существует. А они - наши от и до (не без оговорок, но, по факту - это действительно наши машины).

    • @LaRitsa
      @LaRitsa Před 6 měsíci

      В каком конце большой России находится этот музей? Будет время поищу в интернете. Нет, забуду конечно.

  • @fredericg4890
    @fredericg4890 Před 6 měsíci +32

    Merci pour toutes ces visites dans cette Russie surprenante que nous aimons. Thank you.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      ☝🏻🙏🏻🫡 thank you

    • @user-it1vz6rb5i
      @user-it1vz6rb5i Před 6 měsíci

      Здравствуйте, Вы из какой страны?😊

    • @fredericg4890
      @fredericg4890 Před 6 měsíci

      Je répond de France. Il y a encore beaucoup de Français qui aiment cette grande Russie et ses héritages culturels. Malheureusement, il y a aussi beaucoup de Français qui sont peu exigeants et qui suivent ou subissent cette propagande culturelle Américaine à travers l'Union Européenne. Ici, les chaines RT et Sputnik par exemple sont interdites. Mais les temps vont changer et comme le dit le proverbe, "après la pluie, le beau temps". Regarder ces vidéos sur la Russie me fait du bien. Amicalement. @@user-it1vz6rb5i

  • @nickki_007
    @nickki_007 Před 6 měsíci +46

    On Roku there is a Russian channel and I watch it all the time. It even has current Russian commercials from the local grocery stores and banks. Game shows, a late night Judge show which I like. Also the famous little girl and a big brown bear cartoon. Which I can not recall the name of but it is famous. I like it too, it's funny 💗👋 All this helps me keep learning Russian and about the people. As well as other CZcams Vlogger channels like you. Every day if I'm not at work, I watch Russkis ❤

    • @Sergey_Bezhentsev
      @Sergey_Bezhentsev Před 6 měsíci +1

      I brought ROKU with me when I moved to Russia from the US 4 years ago. Can you tell me what channel it is?

    • @evelinamilliones
      @evelinamilliones Před 6 měsíci +5

      Masha and the Bear you mean?

    • @nickki_007
      @nickki_007 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@Sergey_Bezhentsev Hi Sergey, I have no idea the exact name of the Russian channel . I just ran a search for Russian and it came up. I told my friend from a small village in the north that I would learn his language more before I visit him.

    • @nickki_007
      @nickki_007 Před 6 měsíci +4

      @@evelinamilliones Hi Evelina, yes! Masha and the 🐻 Bear! Correct 💕 I love this little cartoon and the wolves in it too when they run the bicycle race.

    • @Sergey_Bezhentsev
      @Sergey_Bezhentsev Před 6 měsíci +1

      ОК 👍🏻 Thanks...

  • @124901249
    @124901249 Před 6 měsíci +39

    I really enjoyed this video, such a great museum, wish you went slower and showed more of the displays

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +3

      I’m sorry you’re right, it’s just sometimes I feel people would get aggravated by slowing down sometimes. I’m sorry

  • @user-fe3dr4bf7b
    @user-fe3dr4bf7b Před 6 měsíci +17

    This is a unique museum. I've been in it several times. Every thing here has a story.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +3

      wow so cool to see a comment from someone who has gone there thanks for watching

  • @MrKvp1
    @MrKvp1 Před 6 měsíci +39

    Bro, when you get back to Moscow, the Moscow Military Museum of the Russian Federation is a MUST. There's even fragments of the U-2 that Francis Gary Powers flew over the USSR. They had a section on the war with Georgia. Not sure what they have about Ukraine since I left in July 2019. By far as a military retiree my favorite Moscow Museum, and I've been in a bunch. Recommend get a guided tour in English if possible (or Kseniya) does the interpreting. Then decide which halls you want to showcase on a later visit. It's WAY to big to do in one showing. Also, the outdoor exhibits are very cool too!

    • @TheReferenDOOM
      @TheReferenDOOM Před 6 měsíci +4

      В Кубинку тоже не помешало бы. Хотя там Абрамса пока нет... ПОКА!

    • @MrKvp1
      @MrKvp1 Před 6 měsíci

      И не будет придурок. @@TheReferenDOOM

    • @denrus7562
      @denrus7562 Před 6 měsíci

      @@MrKvp1 чё ,укр

    • @MrKvp1
      @MrKvp1 Před 6 měsíci

      чё, пиз @@denrus7562

    • @VasilyAlybabaevih
      @VasilyAlybabaevih Před 5 měsíci +1

      ​@@MrKvp1это Украины скоро не будет.😂😂

  • @MityaGaidash
    @MityaGaidash Před 6 měsíci +11

    Wow. Don't know about this museum. There is a big museum of technic in Verhnya Pyshma near Ekaterinburg, and there many exponates is working, like tanks

  • @aizhongwen
    @aizhongwen Před 6 měsíci +21

    The car museum in Indonesia is a showroom, where people can donate their old vehicles. But spare parts are taken away and sold to mend an old hobby car. The Japan WWII occupation took away Cadillac Mercedes cars, all perished. Thanks for your sharing work.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      No thank you for always supporting thats actually interesting it makes sense that they got robbed during those times it was crazy.

  • @dorothydepth000
    @dorothydepth000 Před 6 měsíci +8

    Had the USSR been "behind on everything" we wouldn't have been first in space (first satellite, first man in space, first woman in space, first space walk, first space station).
    We were also first to land on another planet (Venus) and first to land on the Moon (using robots).
    We achieved all of that after the tremendous devastation of the WW2. Half our country had been in literal ruins, 27 million of our people dead, yet we recovered in record time without any foreign assistance and reached out into space and into the future of humanity.
    They don't tell you these things in the West tho.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      Trust me it's basically what I said towards the end in front of the space capsule I understand thanks for watching and commenting my friend. Please consider sharing the video it helps the community grow.

  • @matt684
    @matt684 Před 6 měsíci +6

    This car museum was awesome to see. Thank you Dan.

  • @aRavenff
    @aRavenff Před 6 měsíci +12

    Beautiful car collection❤

  • @EscudoPadraoPrata
    @EscudoPadraoPrata Před 6 měsíci +6

    Hey, that was so cool!

  • @user-ps2ti2ms5j
    @user-ps2ti2ms5j Před 6 měsíci +9

    Интересное видео, в этом музе не была, спасибо за информацию!)

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      Thank you for watching I’m happy you got to see something new!

  • @user-qf5hg8kq2f
    @user-qf5hg8kq2f Před 6 měsíci +3

    Ксюха - красотка!

  • @user-ru6xq7ns8t
    @user-ru6xq7ns8t Před 6 měsíci +5

    Tnx dude, for another good video👌👍

  • @alexxt8042
    @alexxt8042 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Beautiful channel, awesome owner, spectacular Ксения. And author's answer below EVERY comment. Incredible. Subscribed right now! God bless you. Ксения, молодчина! Берегите то, что у Вас есть. Всех обнял! Увидимся на Байкале, в Листвянке.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      I’m humbled truly by your kind comment. You must understand our channel is still small and we love the r support as long as I (Daniel) can reply to you I will. I must always stay humbled by the community

  • @classicstangs
    @classicstangs Před 6 měsíci +7

    I loved the museum and making the video because it ties with the movie 🍿

  • @jamesowens2781
    @jamesowens2781 Před 6 měsíci +17

    I am impressed with the Russian helicopter development

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +2

      Yea it actually evolved into something very highly adaptable for modern warfare their history with helicopters is unique. they use double everything 😅

      @STALINGRAD68 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Хочу напомнить, что Сикорский убежал из России в США и строил там вертолёты.

  • @boston116Alex
    @boston116Alex Před 6 měsíci +3

    Всем здоровья , спасибо за ролик 👍

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      thanks for your kindness thanks for watching consider sharing it helps the community grow 🫡🙏🏻

    • @boston116Alex
      @boston116Alex Před 6 měsíci

      ​@@Wild-Siberia, успехов в продвижении канала)

  • @ernstwiltmann6
    @ernstwiltmann6 Před 6 měsíci +6

    A highly compelling show, that puts any western journos to shame. You are a multitalent.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +3

      you’re too kind I’m humbled thanks for watching

    • @JIUNnF
      @JIUNnF Před 6 měsíci +3

      Это он ещё в Ирбит не ездил вгороде есть музей моделей Ирбитского мотоциклетного завода где выпскается(лся) Урал.

    • @user-uo9bh1xp6y
      @user-uo9bh1xp6y Před 6 měsíci +2

      Автору необходимо посетить музей УГМК Верхней Пышма. Там находится уникальная экспозиция обрацов исторической техники разных стран. От первых летательных аппаратов до космолётов и от первых мотоциклов до супергрузовиков.

    • @ernstwiltmann6
      @ernstwiltmann6 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@Wild-Siberia Your magic👌💯 is honesty,directness and a good portion of talent.

  • @reorioOrion
    @reorioOrion Před 6 měsíci +13

    0:00 - 0:14 The film is called: Operation "Y" and Shurik's Other Adventures
    This is truly a classic of Soviet cinema. It is still extremely popular in Russia.
    The film consists of three mini films:
    1. "Partner"
    2. "Obsession"
    3. “Operation Y” (the one in the video fragment)

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +4

      yes I love this film I watch it all the time thanks for sharing it!!

    • @vladimir.novoseltsev
      @vladimir.novoseltsev Před 6 měsíci

      Do not forget the "Caucas Captive" or "Кавказская Пленница" with the same actors.

  • @user-od1pe2ip2n
    @user-od1pe2ip2n Před 6 měsíci +10

    keep going brother ❤❤❤

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      Thank you, I will! Thanks for the support! I appreciate it!

  • @Donaldperson7
    @Donaldperson7 Před 6 měsíci +5

    I would love to spend time at that museum!

  • @KittyinBaikal
    @KittyinBaikal Před 6 měsíci +9

    Amazing 🥰

  • @eduardtikhonov588
    @eduardtikhonov588 Před 6 měsíci +4

    I watched that movie more than 50 times, watched this year.

  • @dmitriichaikin835
    @dmitriichaikin835 Před 6 měsíci +12

    The UMMC Museum Complex (Russian: Музейный комплекс УГМК), fully the UMMC Museum Complex of Military and Civil Equipment (Russian: Музейный комплекс УГМК военной и гражданской техники), is a museum complex located in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. The private museum is dedicated to the mechanical and military history of the Ural Federal District. The complex, which constitutes three museums (military, automotive, aviation), is funded by the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company and houses a substantial collection of vehicles and other artifacts. The total area of the complex is about 85,000 m².

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +2

      This is so cool!

    • @kabashin_paul
      @kabashin_paul Před 6 měsíci +1

      And you can get to this museum complex on the "Ural Express" - special train with the original steam locomotive

  • @jenniferrodolfo7555
    @jenniferrodolfo7555 Před 6 měsíci +4

    Interesting indeed. Thank you

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +2

      no thank you for taking the time to watch and comment it means a lot

    @JOHN-ZOV Před 6 měsíci +8

    Every Model T came with a newspaper in the glove compartment called the
    "Dearborn Independent"
    and yes, you can get it in any color as long as it's black 😂

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +2

      I love this comment thanks so much for understanding that reference and history! You're awesome!

  • @rusbeaver
    @rusbeaver Před 6 měsíci +9

    You are right! It is better to look to the future. With all that money which was spent to the wars for the last 2 decades we could’ve create a technology to explore the universe

  • @user-jw7yi8ed5e
    @user-jw7yi8ed5e Před 6 měsíci +17

    It's amazing! If you like airplanes too, you shoud to visit "Central Air Force Museum" in Monino (Moscow oblast')! It's amazing place for everyone, who love airplanes :)

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +2

      I’ll be sure to visit many things when I’m
      in Moscow 🫡🙏🏻

  • @igorvasin6960
    @igorvasin6960 Před 6 měsíci +5

    in fact, in those days, foreign manufacturers adjusted their cars to the countries in which they could sell them. the Soviets were no exception. but the United States closed its markets with a mountain of restrictions, this was the beginning of a gap in understanding between countries and the departure of Soviet technology into a separate channel, of interest only to the local population. But even then they could have had very close relations and integrated into the overall system, like China does now.
    The USA always spoils and breaks everything, thinking that they are special.

  • @user-wy7im4wb4y
    @user-wy7im4wb4y Před 6 měsíci +1


  • @MrGEORG1964
    @MrGEORG1964 Před 6 měsíci

    Bravo Nad thanks you from Greece

  • @timothypeterson1903
    @timothypeterson1903 Před 6 měsíci +6

    Can't wait 👍👍👍

  • @robertdevos5478
    @robertdevos5478 Před 6 měsíci +4

    Unbelievable ❤ thanks a lot

  • @916medic
    @916medic Před 6 měsíci +4

    Your channel is growing so fast. If you keep up this rate of making videos your channel will have major success. Just remeber us simple fans who have been with you guys since the beginning when you become a rich and famous youtuber living in a mansion in the hills looking down on us. I wish you guys the best brother.
    -Greetings from California.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      thanks a lot for the support I’m humbled by your thoughts that I have fans… this channel is a community channel for us all 🙏🏻

  • @TheSerg2bob
    @TheSerg2bob Před 6 měsíci +4

    Спасибо, надо будет сходить, а то получается "сапожник без сапог", рядом такой музей, а я там ещё нем был.

  • @Matt_from_Florida
    @Matt_from_Florida Před 6 měsíci +2

    1:35 Looks like a 1956 Packard.
    15:38 & 16:08 *V-16* Cadillacs! Cady & Marmon were the only 2 makes which put V-16 engines into regular production models back then.

  • @ItssMrT
    @ItssMrT Před 6 měsíci

    i love how much information you have :D

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      I try, I learn on the spot myself some things but the majority of things I say I’ve got stored in my head 🤣🙏🏻

  • @splinter.9822
    @splinter.9822 Před 6 měsíci +6

    Great video

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      Thanks for the visit! really! it means a lot!

  • @user-hs4oi6bc9x
    @user-hs4oi6bc9x Před 6 měsíci +1

    Хороший ролик! Россия - великая и прекрасная страна.

  • @creather2000
    @creather2000 Před 6 měsíci +1

    The movie Operation Ы is classic. Brought smile to my face.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      I love that movie 😅 and this museum has this part in their building

  • @Pashka70123
    @Pashka70123 Před 6 měsíci +1

    One of our favourite movies we watch it at new years.

  • @user-mn1vp7ru3n
    @user-mn1vp7ru3n Před 6 měsíci +28

    Дэн уже дома,с семьёй,мне грустно,и чтоб стало совсем невыносимо грустно(русские любят страдать)-выложи,если снял,душераздирающее прощание с Ксенией на вокзале.Счастья и мира родным.Ну,а мы приснимся тебе всей Слюдянкой на Хэллоуин.Да что там,всей страной.Будь в безопасности,береги шары,подписчики хотят ваших с Ксенией детей!Пока!

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +7

      My dear friend im not yet with my mother and siblings but I am with a heavy heart. thanks for your comment.

    • @NaPrirodu
      @NaPrirodu Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@Wild-Siberia Oh Dan, you've already left Russia? I didn't know. Return back asap! Kseniya is missing you!

    • @marias5088
      @marias5088 Před 6 měsíci

      @@Wild-Siberia I'd block this guy with a scary face. He was being sarcastic and stupid. He is definitely not your friend, believe me.

  • @angelheart747
    @angelheart747 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Chico Marino…. Cabezo de Jarro , Semper Fi , Amigo , I totally relate, my wife is also Russian, and after almost being killed in Iraq , back in 2006 , it’s a huge relief and a new life for me , here , in Krasnodar , so if ever you want to visit, our door is wide open for you, Amigo , my fellow jarhead..

    • @user-pl3zd3dm6h
      @user-pl3zd3dm6h Před 6 měsíci

      Почему нет твоих видео про Краснодар?

  • @rammone5241
    @rammone5241 Před 6 měsíci +11

    Thanks for showing us the museum, besides tech, Russians have the best warm clothing and boots. I bought a pair of Russian
    Kamuk winter boots a 10 years back and they are the only winter boots I still have that have not torn and the removeable padding inside is
    still warm after all these years.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      oh without a doubt the winter stuff is superior. Thanks for watching I appreciate it 🙏🏻🫡

    • @delphiniapickett2934
      @delphiniapickett2934 Před 6 měsíci

      That is quality cuz if there's ever snow here in Middle Tennessee and it turned into an ice storm I have to lay a bunch of socks with the boot I have and I still can't keep warm

    • @Annokh
      @Annokh Před 6 měsíci

      That's surprising to hear. I live here and I know literally nobody among my hiking friends who would buy Russian boots for... anything, really. Would be wild to realise that you guys know more about what local production offers than we do.

  • @the.santos.lives.
    @the.santos.lives. Před 6 měsíci

    Cool video. Great intro with your friends. Well wishes from GA, USA.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      Hello my friend thanks a lot! Yes I enjoy filming with friends if they have the time and I love classic cars 😂

  • @an0nycat
    @an0nycat Před 6 měsíci +17

    *How easy is it to learn to pronounce the sound "Ы"? Just imagine that you took a deep breath, then they punched you in the gut with all their might.* 🥰🥰

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +5

      This is so hard it's the sound I cannot make yet!

    • @hnorrstrom
      @hnorrstrom Před 6 měsíci +4

      That was actually a good advice, as a Swede trying to learn some Russian I have found that sound really difficult to make as well.

    • @ABa-cr6zw
      @ABa-cr6zw Před 6 měsíci +1

      Ы sound is easier for me than some others. I have a lazy American accent that doesn’t know how to pronounce Russian letter «р» very well.

    • @hnorrstrom
      @hnorrstrom Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@ABa-cr6zw Interesting how the languages you learn at a young age shapes your pronunciation. Rolling R sound is very easy for me as I speak both Swedish and German which uses it.
      For example I struggle far more with th, wh, ph and such sounds in English.

    • @an0nycat
      @an0nycat Před 6 měsíci +3

      @@hnorrstrom Make English German Again!)

  • @arthura7851
    @arthura7851 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Great content

  • @user-cl9he1wf6i
    @user-cl9he1wf6i Před 6 měsíci +4

    Cool museum I've been wanting to visit there for a long time. There is a very impressive museum in Verkhnyaya Pyshma (Ekaterinburg), but of course the best is Patriot Park, this is truly the best museum I have been to, and the temple is very impressive. I also advise you to visit the Central Museum of the Armed Forces (CMAF- ЦМВС) in Moscow

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      I want to visit all the weapons and arms museums in Moscow that for sure is only list to do. Thanks so much for watching consider sharing it helps the community grow ;D

  • @aizhongwen
    @aizhongwen Před 6 měsíci +6

    Are you still in Moscow, keep updating where ever you are.

  • @NorthwestScout
    @NorthwestScout Před 6 měsíci

    Really enjoying your content. My great grandfather came to Canada from Russia back in 1903

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      that’s incredible your family for sure has some great history then. People if that caliber are hard to find now.

  • @user-zj8ff9nh8j
    @user-zj8ff9nh8j Před 6 měsíci +1

    интересный взгляд. спасибо

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      no, thank you so much for watching this video. Thank you for supporting the channel. Please consider sharing the video it helps the community grow.

  • @ahmedmusa9821
    @ahmedmusa9821 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Thank you.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      no thank you for watching thanks a lot really

  • @ARIF74
    @ARIF74 Před 6 měsíci

    Dope video, my man. Now waiting for that military tour so you can talk about all the equipment.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      Yes well I will have to post 1-2 videos before patriot park >_

  • @sidnelson9379
    @sidnelson9379 Před 6 měsíci +2

    I also thought that one of the most amazing experiences while overseas was auto shows that one stumbles upon while doing extended stays - an outdoor mall Harley Davidson show and rally in Belgrade was one, but while staying in the island of Madeira (Portuguese) port city of Funchal, there was a dockside open air car show and I too saw the BMW Isetta for first time.
    That also was the time in 2016 when we saw from our balcony overlooking the bay, that a sub surface its conning tower in the harbor briefly (less time than the sailing vessel that decided to approach it was able to sail near it; -) - the Russian sailors on leave that we spotted over the next few days clued me in to the origin of the boomer.
    Hope the travel is going well! Aloha from Big Island.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      It's so strange to see other countries collections that is for sure! I see different cars every time I visit a collection in a different city. I can imagine the sort of stuff you saw back then and in foreign lands.

    • @sidnelson9379
      @sidnelson9379 Před 6 měsíci

      @@Wild-Siberia six years here on Big Island and can't say I've seen such a car show though I am now a few thousand meters from a drag strip... However, I can't say that bikers haven't impressed me with their Harleys that are so tricked out. I really hate to see an article in local news that someone took themselves out on our single lane roads.
      Aloha from Big Island. "Happy trails to you, until we meet again..."

  • @iuriizubkov230
    @iuriizubkov230 Před 6 měsíci

    Thank you!

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      No please thank you for watching thanks for being kind! Please consider sharing the video as it helps the community grow :D

    • @iuriizubkov230
      @iuriizubkov230 Před 6 měsíci

      @@Wild-Siberia I will try my best!

  • @wilco3588
    @wilco3588 Před 6 měsíci

    The first car and the famous movie car looks a lot like a bigger version of a pre-war Crosley economy car. Neat stuff thanks for sharing it!

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      Thanks so much for watching! Its truly interesting to see all these things but in far away lands

  • @Stan.Lee.
    @Stan.Lee. Před 6 měsíci +4

    You have to visit Kubinka museum!

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +2

      if it’s in Moscow I intend to visit so many things

    • @Stan.Lee.
      @Stan.Lee. Před 6 měsíci

      @@Wild-Siberia yes, it is near Moscow. Дальше я лучше по-русски: там в Кубинке находится самый большой музей военной техники "Патриот", рядом построили фантастический, как будто прилетевший из космоса корабль, - Главный храм Вооружённых сил Российской Федерации, вокруг которого располагается невероятный мемориальный комплекс - "Дорога памяти". Обязательно нужно туда ехать с утра, потому что на обход всего перечисленного понадобится весь день!

  • @95valero
    @95valero Před 6 měsíci +2

    LOL guys, I really DO LIKE YOU!
    When I visited Moscow - Krasnodar - Crimea in 2019;
    I visited this museum. My cousin show me that museum.

  • @frommordorwithlove4844
    @frommordorwithlove4844 Před 6 měsíci +5

    I also have an American car🤏 Dodge Ram 1500😂 Greetings from the south of Russia 👋🙂

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +2

      very good truck! I have the same dodge ram 1500 year 2000 thanks for watching

    • @frommordorwithlove4844
      @frommordorwithlove4844 Před 6 měsíci +2

      ​@@Wild-SiberiaGreat car, but the Niva is for the forest and fishing 🙂

  • @westernwanderer8397
    @westernwanderer8397 Před 6 měsíci +1

    The best auto museum I have ever seen is in Las Vegas. I saw the Bonnie and Clyde death car too. I used to enjoy going to car shows, seeing all the customs and classics. Nice cars, Daniel. I get excited when I see a Lada Niva.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      oh yea that sounds like a really good one thanks for watching! Lada Nivas are awesome

  • @olgasp6435
    @olgasp6435 Před 6 měsíci +5

    I believe you had a ‘Museum of Military Equipment’ video somewhere.. can’t find it though.. 🤷‍♀️

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +2

      this is patriot park video it’s coming still in the future my friend it’s taking me longer to make i have a lot of videos in line to produce

  • @heikkiweckman1980
    @heikkiweckman1980 Před 5 měsíci

    We doing in Finland only Sisu trucks and Patria APVs. The more I watch your videos the more I like you!!

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 5 měsíci

      I’m so happy to read such comment and humbled by your kindness thanks a lot for the support

  • @vitalich-m01-5
    @vitalich-m01-5 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Очень хорошее видео ! Спасибо. Было интересно.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      No thank you for watching thanks for your support consider sharing the video it helps the community grow :D

  • @theworldofsvensvenson6438
    @theworldofsvensvenson6438 Před 5 měsíci

    Oh! That’s in my town. I live here for almost 17 years. ❤

  • @chucksneedmoreland
    @chucksneedmoreland Před 6 měsíci +1

    Imagine if they started building these classic cars again, I bet tons of people might buy them

  • @alexf183
    @alexf183 Před 6 měsíci +2

    В Москве есть музей гаража специального назначения. Тебе обязательно нужно туда сходить. А в Сибири в Свердловской области в городе Верхняя Пышма есть огромнейший музей автомобильной, военной техники и авиации. там всё рядом в одном месте. Как пример, вот видео одного популярного русского автоблоггера

  • @expatamerican3234
    @expatamerican3234 Před 6 měsíci +3

    I’m glad someone else remembers 101 Dalmatiens

    • @user-oh7sx8qr4t
      @user-oh7sx8qr4t Před 6 měsíci

      We remember. Love. Waiting for the remake "White supremacist Cruella de Vil and 101 Black dalmatians" 👍

  • @bukvaremm
    @bukvaremm Před 6 měsíci +1

    Последний кадр этого видео был особенно прекрасен 💎❤

  • @vasilykotikov6916
    @vasilykotikov6916 Před 6 měsíci +1

    I was there , it's a really nice place!

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      I agree it’s very nice to visit a place like this. It shows many things out of the ordinary. Thanks for watching the video.

  • @adamholmes740
    @adamholmes740 Před 6 měsíci

    Hey man, if you ever come to England you should check out Beaulieu Motor Museum in the south coast. They have plenty of cars to see from England, Europe and the US.
    Britain used to produce cars and were mostly ahead of other countries when it came to the engineering and technology in them. However it was let down by poor quality and lack of care by the production workers. (With the exception of the expensive luxury brands). These days there are very few obscure car makers, the only ones i can think of is Noble and Radical; but they are mostly track cars and would be completely impractical for the general public.
    We still produce some motorbikes, Triumph is one brand and they are very good.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      I think I'll be going to England again before I die because I had buddies from the war that were English. But not any time soon as it's a little rough out there right now. But I love seeing museums in other countries! Thanks for the suggestion

  • @user-um9sz5hx4d
    @user-um9sz5hx4d Před 6 měsíci +2

    Hi there, Daniel and Ksenia, BTW during one of your streaming in Irkutsk I wrote a comment for you to visit Irkutsk retro cars museum, it was just 5 minutes walk from that place where you were but unfortunately you ignored my proposals again. of course it is not as grand as in Moscow. Yeah, it is sad but true. Looking forward to your new videos!

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +2

      my friend it’s not ignoring more than it is a lot of things we can’t ever do because of lack of time in or the plans we already have. please don’t take offense I will eventually visit this place you mention

  • @totonk793
    @totonk793 Před 6 měsíci

    Oh, man, you should come and visit Yekaterinburg and specifically the town of Pyshma and it's gorgeous avaiational and ground vehicles museum build by UMMC company.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      my friend next year we will be documenting Yekaterinburg please join our telegram to keep in touch so you know when it’s happening ☝🏻🙏🏻

  • @svetlanakaravaeva7636
    @svetlanakaravaeva7636 Před 6 měsíci

    My university friend is fond of vintage cars, she has one. Some yrs ago she bought a Pobeda (Victory) car produced in 1950s, restored, painted it orange and brown (very popular colours of cars in 1950s), and went across Caucasus the same route as her grandparents many yrs ago. Before that she had a Volga she restored and painted red, and then another Volga she also restored and painted light metallic pink. Now she is in car tuning, and takes part in exhibitions.
    And as to people in the village where I bought a house, nearly everybody has an Ural motorcycle of 1980s which is in a pretty good condition. It's the best transport for the countryside, and people say it was much more common to have a motorcycle with sidecar than a car.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      Classics are so cool, sad that not a lot are seen in summer in Russia! Thanks for watching the video !

  • @TheReferenDOOM
    @TheReferenDOOM Před 6 měsíci +1

    Поскольку уже все написали, что это музей техники Вадима Задорожного, то не буду повторяться. Хотя собрание правительственных авто в подвале просто топовое. С тех пор, как я был там последний раз, прибавились новые экземпляры. И, да, мужик прав, практически все советские автомобили имеют заимствования из западных моделей, либо полное, либо частично по технической части/дизайну.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      Your comment still adds a lot of insight thanks so much for taking the time to watch the video and comment! Please consider sharing the video as the community grows in this way thanks again!

  • @user-oq5sn3qn6i
    @user-oq5sn3qn6i Před 6 měsíci +1

    Спасибо за видео! Касаемо авто и дизайна. Да. Тут СССР был догоняющим. Даже в свое время, ещё в советский период об этом писали в популярнейшем автожурнале "За рулем". Но не совсем и не всегда. Были исключения. Но если о военной технике, то не соглашусь. Были периоды, когда были хуже, когда лучше. С переменным успехом. Тут вообще отдельная и обширная тема для разбора.
    О старых машинах. Сейчас их почти нет. Тут много причин. Но лет 40 назад на юге России, в советский период, старых авто, таких как "Москвичи" 40-х и 50-х было полно. А также легендарных ГАЗ 20, она же "Победа". На ходу были и 30-х годов. Но современность диктует свое. Жаль. Но что поделать. Кстати, в годах 90-х в нашем городе, столкнулись советское и японское авто. Японское перед всмятку. Советское, "Волга" 24 модели крыло помяла. Как то так. О "Волгах", особенно 21 модели. Купить ещё можно. Кто то их восстанавливает и ремонтирует. Тогда они выглядели очень на уровне и сейчас глаз радуют

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      No thanks so much for watching thanks for the great input!

  • @spartan5921
    @spartan5921 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Cheers Bro, I said there would be Russian cars that look like 57 Chevy's and boy did you find them. They are much longer of course, I think the Politburo probably held meetings whilst on the way to or from the Kremlin back in the day. They are just very impressive vehicles and possibly the only ones fitted with V8 engines and a fuel gauge that reads in gallons per mile. I am not sure, but I believe they are built, well the ones for Khrushchev and people of his rank, to be bullet proof. That would explain the weight and fuel consumption. Still they look damn nice.

  • @Po6om_Bepmep
    @Po6om_Bepmep Před 6 měsíci +1

    3:04 the car on the left. My grandpa had this car but in different color (light-grey).

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      NO WAY! Youre the first. comment telling me this so cool! Thanks for sharing

    • @ZeroSen07
      @ZeroSen07 Před 6 měsíci

      Это же запорожец, "горбатый" его называли. А желтый, справа, Заз 968 - "ушастый", за характерную форму воздухозаборников в задней части (мотора у него сзади, воздушного охлаждения - как на Порше!)

    • @Po6om_Bepmep
      @Po6om_Bepmep Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@ZeroSen07 Ну вот у деда как раз "горбатый" и был. Лютая тачка. куда он только на ней не проезжал. Настоящий вездеход! Ну и у меня от этого пепелаца только добрые воспоминания остались, хотя я и понимаю, что даже в те годы он был далёк от совершенства.

    • @ZeroSen07
      @ZeroSen07 Před 6 měsíci

      ​@@Po6om_Bepmepконечно, высокий клиренс, короткие свесы, большие колеса, малый вес - это и есть внедорожник)
      А на 968 энтузиасты даже на перевал Дятлова пытались заехать, и ведь почти доехали (если бы машина фатально не сломалась)

  • @user-zm8wf1gl4p
    @user-zm8wf1gl4p Před 6 měsíci +1

    В окрестностях Екатеринбурга в городе Пышма есть огромный музей бронетехники рекомендую.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      I’ll see it for sure 🙏🏻☝🏻🫡

  • @NaPrirodu
    @NaPrirodu Před 6 měsíci +4

    Nice excursion. Very interesting for foreigners. And even for me, a Russian ))

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      Thank you very much!

    • @NaPrirodu
      @NaPrirodu Před 6 měsíci

      @@Wild-Siberia Waiting you back soon. Solve the issues there and return. Kseniya is waiting for you. And we too.

  • @v117tt
    @v117tt Před 6 měsíci +1

    The design of GAZ-13 "Chaika" (Seagull) was inspired by Packard Caribbean but it is not it's replica

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      thanks for the knowledge 🫡🙏🏻

  • @sovietred7371
    @sovietred7371 Před 6 měsíci +2

    As a South African, we have a history of deseigning and building our own weapons and vehicles, so good even that most of the modern world uses our MRAP design for mine protection vehicles

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      So cool thanks for sharing the information I love reading interesting facts

  • @gurinderpalbrar7060
    @gurinderpalbrar7060 Před 6 měsíci

    Nice video

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      thanks a lot my friend I appreciate it

  • @unnamed5616
    @unnamed5616 Před 6 měsíci +3


  • @unnamed5616
    @unnamed5616 Před 6 měsíci +2


  • @peterm.eggers520
    @peterm.eggers520 Před 6 měsíci +2

    That was a snow plow. Not something I would expect a Mexican-American to be familiar with.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +2

      HAHAHA I don't come from a place of snow or a place with such machines.

  • @Robert-tl8sb
    @Robert-tl8sb Před 5 měsíci

    By the way, if you someday will be in the Ural region, you have to visit their civil car and military vehicle museum - the "UMMC Museum Complex" in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk Oblast

  • @realmongolia101
    @realmongolia101 Před 6 měsíci +4

    Awesome esse. Next time visit the Mongolian museum.

  • @CA999
    @CA999 Před 6 měsíci

    "Get the damn vida a come!" You really know how to rub it in... 😢

  • @user-fx7ic1tw6d
    @user-fx7ic1tw6d Před 6 měsíci +7

    Булатный лайк мой👍
    И смотрю с удовольствием, начало класс. Операция "Ы"😂😂😂

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +2

      Thanks so much for watching 🤣🙏🏻

    • @user-fx7ic1tw6d
      @user-fx7ic1tw6d Před 6 měsíci +1

      ​@@Wild-Siberiaспасибо Вам. THANK YOU

  • @wilco3588
    @wilco3588 Před 6 měsíci

    I think the high-end cars were often based off of Packard with other American influences Lincoln Cadillac Etc. A 57 Chevy is a poor mind 57 Cadillac in styling.

  • @chaokhunphu8102
    @chaokhunphu8102 Před 6 měsíci

    I am happy for you that you found a place where you can be happy n are happy. Not only that you found your love partner. Not fearful of being chased after by people who wanted to massacre them just because of who they are after going through a war. I been through many.

  • @olegpetrov9919
    @olegpetrov9919 Před 6 měsíci +2

    The cars you began with, which reminded you American cars of 50-es, are luxury models called "Chaika" and "ZIL". Our parents could not drive those cars, because they were produced in small numbers, and were not sold to people. They were distributed to government offices, to be used as "executive's cars", and were the property of the state. This is what Wikipedia says about them: "Chaikas were mainly used by local governors, as the more luxurious ZiL were usually reserved exclusively for members of the Politburo, but in some cases it found its way up to the top, such as in Cuba where it was used by Fidel Castro". Those cars indeed had US models their prototypes, at least in the part of exterior design.
    Even unsophisticated consumers' cars were a luxury for the Soviet people. Those who were lucky to own a car, were driviing Zaporozhets, Moskwich, Pobeda, Volga (must be very rich), and later, in the 70-s, it was Lada-the licensed Soviet replica of FIAT.
    Mariupol trams look like very old models from the 60s. They were probably exhibits of the Mariupol tram depot museum and brought to Moscow as museum exhibits. In any case, they were not used to transport passengers, so there were definitely no people inside. Probably, the trams recieved their damage because they were used for cover during a firefight in the territory of the tram depot. I don't know if they will try to restore them.

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci +1

      WOW I love reading comments because people give so much information. My friends at the museum were telling me these facts but seeing them written is good so people can also read them! Thanks for watching really thanks for commenting it helps our community grow!

  • @wilco3588
    @wilco3588 Před 6 měsíci

    In the United States there were plenty of motorcycle manufacturers early on. My grandmother on my mom's side who was a widow that married my widowed grandfather by marriage was first married to a Hurley .Hurley machine company of Chicago which built the Thor motorcycle in the teens. They found it was more profitable to build engines for somebody else's motorcycle. What really killed off the American Motorcycle Market was a Ford Model T they became very popular and became theubicwatist American car and their price was so low that a motorcycle became more of a luxury or enjoyment item than daily transportation.

    • @Radbot776
      @Radbot776 Před 6 měsíci

      This guy said the Russian bikes were flimsy
      It just matters what bike
      The izh planeta or Jupiter was a good bike and could go anywhere
      Here in America some of the Harleys were worst than Chinese bikes

  • @wilco3588
    @wilco3588 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Model T's were not always available in Black early on and late in their production run there were plenty of colors available. The Model A Ford was very important to the Soviet Union. Ford set up a mass production plant and it was Rush's first mass produced cars and trucks and I don't know about the cars but they definitely built the trucks well into World War II. A Ford AA ton truck is hard to beat!

    • @Wild-Siberia
      @Wild-Siberia  Před 6 měsíci

      Ah I understand that I was just quoting the famous sang :D

    • @wilco3588
      @wilco3588 Před 6 měsíci

      @@Wild-Siberia I don't know if it was true or not but they said the reason they painted the Model Ts during its high production years was that black paint with a little Japan added and crudely painted the cars with a garden hose with a nozzle and captured the drip off paint to reuse !

    • @wilco3588
      @wilco3588 Před 6 měsíci

      When the Model T was the cheapest 1916 ?
      You could get a hand crank Roadster $360.00 fob.
      + - $9050 today's money.