Wish Scuffle Audition Tape: Nora Hemmings

  • čas přidán 26. 06. 2024
  • Apologies there is a character limit of 5000 on the description so please check the pinned comment for the character description, thanks for viewing :)

Komentáře • 2

  • @jadestudios4712
    @jadestudios4712  Před 11 dny

    Character Bio (Sorry for any grammar mistakes)
    Name: Nora Hemmings
    Age: 27 years old
    Gender: Transgender female (She/Her and she has had no surgeries done)
    Sexuality: Asexual and Aromatic
    Personality: Cold, introverted, anxious, not very easily manipulated, doesn't trust others easily, very defensive about her family, depressed, brutally honest, and can be kind to those she trusts.
    Backstory/Info: (TW: Neglect, transphobia, emotional abuse, favoritism, mental issues, and pressure.) Nora grew up with her younger sister Truffle in a not so good household, her parents treated Nora like a golden Child which sounds good but this just meant that Nora was constantly pressured to be great and to do better every time. Nora's parents constantly told her that if she wasn't great then she wasn't worth being their child. This led Nora to be always feel like she was never good enough even when she was better than everyone else in her classes, she also felt bad that her younger sister wasn't given the same attention and that she didn't feel loved bit Nora did try her best to make her sister Truffle feel cared for. As Nora got older she started to rebel against her parents, she would act like the perfect good kid with great grades but would skip class, hang out with the bad kids, wear and do things that her parents thought were unacceptable, and anything else that goes against her parents beliefs. Nora didn't do drugs or drink underage but she did do petty crimes such as stealing from convenient stores, Nora even had a small group of 'delinquent' friends that would help Nora with her petty crimes and these friends were actually quite nice to Nora, they even helped and supported Nora when she came to the realization that she was transgender. Things went got bad though when Nora was around 16-17 and her parents found out that her grades were falling below an A and she had been skipping classes, Nora would deny everything at first but eventually decided she was done with her parents crap and snapped back at them. Nora told her parents all her feelings, thoughts, how she hated the pressure they put her under, how they neglect Truffle daily for no reason, how they don't care about her and just want a successful child to mooch off in the future, and accidentally told them that she was transgender. They were angered so much from Nora's outburst that they kicked her out and threatened her a lot, however they realized that Nora could go to the police and their reputations in their town would be ruined so they ended up letting Nora come back home only to send both Nora and Truffle to live with their estranged Aunt Janice who has a lot of mental issues, such as depression and bipolar disorder, thinking that they would both start 'acting right' after living with their 'crazy aunt' however this backfired on them. Despite the condition that Aunt Janice was in she had an adult son named Thomas that takes amazing care of his mother nd would become a father figure to both Nora and Truffle when they were sent to live with them. Both Thomas and Aunt Janice gave Truffle the attention she desired, they were very supportive of Nora being trans, and they both gave the girls the experience of living in a healthy home with the only real issues being that they were pretty poor. Nora is forever grateful for her Aunt and Thomas, she finished school and got a scholarship to a university she was hoping to get into. Nora's dream job is to be a psychologist and to help others that are struggling especially those with horrible parents, she hates the idea of anyone having to go through what she went through or worse. Nora tries to be a good person she really does though she has some issues of her own from her parents emotional abuse and pressure, like Nora has issues expressing her emotions and just bottling them up until she has a breakdown and explodes on someone.
    Need for a relationship?: No, she doesn't want a romantic or sexual relationship but would like a platonic friendship/relationship.
    What would they wish for?: Over a million USD so she can help her family since their pretty poor and so she can sue her parents for all the emotional damages that they've done to her and her younger sister.
    Extra facts: Nora has depression and slight anger issues, Nora fears that she'll one day become just like her parents, Nora feels horrible that she wasn't there for her sister Truffle when they were younger, Nora would do anything to get back at her parents for what they did, Nora has studied a lot into psychology and the human mind because growing up she never fit in with other people and thought if she just did research she would finally understand how to be like everyone else, Nora is good at lying and manipulating others thanks to her parents being so strict on her and forcing her to act and dress certain ways, despite being good with psychological stuff Nora has a tendency to not understand social cues and gets overwhelmed very easily, Nora might possibly be on the autism/ADHD spectrum but she's never been diagnosed and doesn't want to because she worries it would ruin her chances at being a real psychologist, Nora would never hurt her family for anything not even if it would save her life, Nora wasn't bullied much growing up because she always kept to herself the whole time in school until she started to rebel which at that point people didn't mess with her because she was a 'delinquent' and a threat, Nora is very supportive of her sister Truffle bit wishes that she would make smarter choices in life, Nora currently works as a high school counselor, and Nora loves food a lot.
    (Sorry for the info dump I love making characters, if there are any questions I can answer them in the comments.)

  • @jimbofpv6888
    @jimbofpv6888 Před 11 dny

    Really cool!