Saints & Strangers Trailer | National Geographic

  • čas přidán 23. 09. 2015
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Komentáře • 211

  • @elenamendoza9560
    @elenamendoza9560 Před 8 lety +14

    just watched it ,i got off red box.......such a beautiful story!,you fall in love with all the characters ,i totally recommend it!, its the best movie ive seen this year so far......

  • @fishinwidow35
    @fishinwidow35 Před 3 lety +5

    I had 21 passenger ancestors on the Mayflower. "Saints and Strangers". I also have some Native blood, the French and Indian wars started later. Diseases that nearly wiped out the Indians came down from the French settlements in New Brunswick, the Indians were already nearly all dead by the time the Mayflower landed.

    • @fishinwidow35
      @fishinwidow35 Před 3 lety +1

      I study this every single day and there is enough information so you can learn something every single day.

  • @eduardomattosalves4940
    @eduardomattosalves4940 Před 5 lety +14

    Very good series, i watch it today. I am from Brazil, so i am a complete strange to the history of english colonization. It was nice to see how it has happened, and specialy about the native north american tribes behave and culture, they have some common things with native people from Brazil, but yet very diferent in some ways. Much love from Brazil!!!!

    • @charlottekerns5633
      @charlottekerns5633 Před 3 lety

      Eduardo, are you aware of any Brazilian documentaries about the settlement of "Los Confederados" from the Southern US to Brazil after the American Civil War? I only learned of it about 35 yrs ago in an American magazine and found it very interesting.

    • @eduardomattosalves4940
      @eduardomattosalves4940 Před 3 lety

      @@charlottekerns5633 No Charlotte, Brazil in that regard is very poor, they are a few documentaries about imigrants, but mostly germans, italians and 1 or 2 about japanese ones. Belive or not, many brazilians dont even know about the confederates here before a recent event., But are some intersting videos on you tube, with luck, they have english subs :)

  • @KonguZya
    @KonguZya Před 8 lety +18

    Can you people please shut up? It's *National Geographic* in 2015, they're obviously going to show the story from both native and European perspectives.

  • @bricksoz
    @bricksoz Před 4 lety +10

    I watched this in social studies it was amazing 😉 and now I want to watch it with my family you did a great job National Geographic 👍👍👍👍😀😁

    • @bricksoz
      @bricksoz Před 4 lety +1

      I loved it so realistic 😁

  • @lcchicca
    @lcchicca Před 8 lety +38

    The "strangers" title is not referring to the Natives. It is referring to the groups of people in the boat, coming to a new land. The saints, escaping religious persecution, and the strangers, searching for a new life/new start. That's who it is referring to as saints and strangers.
    People complain about being racists and hate and all this crap, but you are all spewing hate before you even watched it.

    • @fishinwidow35
      @fishinwidow35 Před 3 lety +1

      The "Strangers" were farmers etc who paid passage

  • @mattx5499
    @mattx5499 Před 2 lety +3

    I watched this miniseries especially for Native Americans. It's was really good.

  • @katl6320
    @katl6320 Před 7 měsíci

    This is a must see every thanksgiving for the family.

  • @mw2swrosa
    @mw2swrosa Před 8 lety +6

    Yay my friend Tatanka is in this movie. Can't wait

  • @lynnann96
    @lynnann96 Před 8 lety +1

    Will it be shown again? I'd like to see it for myself. Can't find it listed again.

  • @-RunninNGunnin-
    @-RunninNGunnin- Před 6 lety +10

    I don't understand all these negative comments down here. I watched the two episodes of this movie-series and I think they were decent and watchable. Not maybe the best I've seen on Netflix but if you're interested in the histories of other countries and especially in colonial history you will find this series enjoyable. Just imagine how much has North America changed from that time. The English pilgrims and merchants started from nowhere and started building the country town by town. Now the USA is maybe the most powerful country on earth.

  • @amberm5998
    @amberm5998 Před 6 lety +5

    I believe this is a good mirror of all tribes...their are some good & bad humans in every race among every tribe!! I only hope & pray that the good tribes of this earth prevail!

  • @gtabigfan34
    @gtabigfan34 Před 8 lety +2

    Im hyped!!!

  • @2033pegasus
    @2033pegasus Před 8 lety +8

    Interesting to see the prejudgement.....that's where the word prejudice comes it first...geez

  • @AbovetheRadar100
    @AbovetheRadar100 Před 8 lety

    Anyone know the music in the background?

  • @ConstantineFilatov
    @ConstantineFilatov Před 5 lety

    Посмотрел вчера американский мини-сериал «Святые и странники» 2015 года, от режиссёра Пола Эдвардса. Очень хорошие впечатления. Эдвардс по преимуществу именно «сериальный» режиссёр, но, без сомнения талантлив и дело своё делает на совесть. Небольшой бюджет в 11 млн долларов был им использован с умом, и четырёхсерийный результат порадовал. К тому же, в сценарии нет существенных отклонений от исторических фактов, интриги и романтические события, происходящие в среде английских поселенцев и их соседей - индейцев, не противоречат духу эпохи. Одним словом авторы сериала отнеслись к истории с похвальным уважением. Что, в принципе, не удивительно, поскольку снят сериал для солидного канала «National Geographic», а сюжет картины - канонический для англичан, американцев и канадцев - основание современного города Плимут (штат Массачусетс) на территории современных США в 1620 году. Это была вторая английская колония на американском континенте. Первым, в 1604 году, был основан городок Джеймстаун, но он через некоторое время пришёл в упадок и был оставлен всеми своими жителями (много позже американцы на его месте создали музей под открытым небом, восстановив город, практически, полностью, даже заново построили три корабля, что привезли первых английских поселенцев). А вот Плимут (первоначально, колония Новый Плимут) непрерывно существует и даже потихоньку растёт на протяжении уже почти 400 лет. Так что это самый древний город, основанный англичанами в Северной Америке, сохранившийся до наших дней. Но важность основания Плимута в XVII веке не только в этом. Дело в том, что именно в Новом Плимуте зародились основы американского менталитета, самоуправления и некоторых традиций. Например, именно тамошние колонисты придумали День Благодарения и впервые его отпраздновали в 1621 году. Сегодня этот праздник имеет для США общегосударственное значение.
    Теперь о названии сериала. Святые и странники - это две группы людей, приплывших на торговом галеоне «Мэйфлауэр» к американскому берегу в 1620 году. Экспедиция была организована английской акционерной коммерческой компанией, рассчитывавшей «отбить» затраты на переправку поселенцев через Атлантику торговлей с индейцами (прежде всего, нужны были меха), которую эти поселенцы и должны были организовать. Часть подписавших контракт английских переселенцев никаких иных целей, кроме вполне материальных, не имела, и их именовали «странниками». Другая же часть поселенцев именовалась «святыми». Эта была группа английских протестантов, неуютно себя чувствовавших в среде, где господствовала англиканская церковь, близкая по своей обрядовой и догматической традиции к католичеству. Эти религиозные диссиденты иначе именовали себя отцами-пилигримами, и их главной целью было создать в Новом Свете общество своей религиозной традиции, что, в сущности, им и удалось, в конце концов.
    Пройдя через множество испытаний: голод, холод, стычки с индейцами и внутренние распри, поселенцы Нового Плимута сумели создать процветающую колонию, во многом ставшую основой будущей американской нации. Сегодня несколько десятков миллионов американцев числят отцов-пилигримов в числе своих давних предков.
    Нужно отметить, что отношения первопоселенцев с индейцами и с вновь прибывающими колонистами, а также отношения между индейскими племенами показаны весьма достоверно, во всей их сложности. Вопросы морали стояли отнюдь не на последнем месте для колонистов Нового Плимута, особенно для «святых». Но авторы сериала показывают, как ход развития на одной территории двух несовместимых цивилизаций неизбежно приводит к их физическому противостоянию. И тем, кто считает ложь смертным грехом, приходится лгать и вероломно убивать наиболее агрессивно настроенных аборигенов в союзе с лояльными индейскими племенами (которые, разумеется, ищут в отношениях с подданными короля Якова свою выгоду). И вот те, кто ещё недавно ужасался зверствами дикарей, сами радостно насаживают голову коварно убитого ими вождя на шест, чтобы повергнуть в ужас недоброжелателей за частоколом.
    Вот такая она - реальная политика…
    Среди актёрского состава сериала звёзд первой величины не обнаружено (есть, впрочем, некоторые узнаваемые ещё по сериалу «Рим» лица), но все актёры играют очень хорошо.
    Искренне рекомендую к просмотру.

  • @user-ux7qm8rj6j
    @user-ux7qm8rj6j Před 6 měsíci

    Where can i watch this?

  • @counga2003
    @counga2003 Před 8 lety

    I completely agree with you CowboyHobo. The name of the series said it all!

  • @Mikeyde2324
    @Mikeyde2324 Před 7 lety +10

    And they say: "Go back where you came from" LMAO

  • @ConstantineFilatov
    @ConstantineFilatov Před 6 lety

    Посмотрел вчера американский мини-сериал «Святые и странники» 2015 года, от режиссёра Пола Эдвардса. Очень хорошие впечатления. Эдвардс по преимуществу именно «сериальный» режиссёр, но, без сомнения талантлив и дело своё делает на совесть. Небольшой бюджет в 11 млн долларов был им использован с умом, и четырёхсерийный результат порадовал. К тому же, в сценарии нет существенных отклонений от исторических фактов, интриги и романтические события, происходящие в среде английских поселенцев и их соседей - индейцев, не противоречат духу эпохи. Одним словом авторы сериала отнеслись к истории с похвальным уважением. Что, в принципе, не удивительно, поскольку снят сериал для солидного канала «National Geographic», а сюжет картины - канонический для англичан, американцев и канадцев - основание современного города Плимут (штат Массачусетс) на территории современных США в 1620 году. Это была вторая английская колония на американском континенте. Первым, в 1604 году, был основан городок Джеймстаун, но он через некоторое время пришёл в упадок и был оставлен всеми своими жителями (много позже американцы на его месте создали музей под открытым небом, восстановив город, практически, полностью, даже заново построили три корабля, что привезли первых английских поселенцев). А вот Плимут (первоначально, колония Новый Плимут) непрерывно существует и даже потихоньку растёт на протяжении уже почти 400 лет. Так что это самый древний город, основанный англичанами в Северной Америке, сохранившийся до наших дней. Но важность основания Плимута в XVII веке не только в этом. Дело в том, что именно в Новом Плимуте зародились основы американского менталитета, самоуправления и некоторых традиций. Например, именно тамошние колонисты придумали День Благодарения и впервые его отпраздновали в 1621 году. Сегодня этот праздник имеет для США общегосударственное значение.
    Теперь о названии сериала. Святые и странники - это две группы людей, приплывших на торговом галеоне «Мэйфлауэр» к американскому берегу в 1620 году. Экспедиция была организована английской акционерной коммерческой компанией, рассчитывавшей «отбить» затраты на переправку поселенцев через Атлантику торговлей с индейцами (прежде всего, нужны были меха), которую эти поселенцы и должны были организовать. Часть подписавших контракт английских переселенцев никаких иных целей, кроме вполне материальных, не имела, и их именовали «странниками». Другая же часть поселенцев именовалась «святыми». Эта была группа английских протестантов, неуютно себя чувствовавших в среде, где господствовала англиканская церковь, близкая по своей обрядовой и догматической традиции к католичеству. Эти религиозные диссиденты иначе именовали себя отцами-пилигримами, и их главной целью было создать в Новом Свете общество своей религиозной традиции, что, в сущности, им и удалось, в конце концов.
    Пройдя через множество испытаний: голод, холод, стычки с индейцами и внутренние распри, поселенцы Нового Плимута сумели создать процветающую колонию, во многом ставшую основой будущей американской нации. Сегодня несколько десятков миллионов американцев числят отцов-пилигримов в числе своих давних предков.
    Нужно отметить, что отношения первопоселенцев с индейцами и с вновь прибывающими колонистами, а также отношения между индейскими племенами показаны весьма достоверно, во всей их сложности. Вопросы морали стояли отнюдь не на последнем месте для колонистов Нового Плимута, особенно для «святых». Но авторы сериала показывают, как ход развития на одной территории двух несовместимых цивилизаций неизбежно приводит к их физическому противостоянию. И тем, кто считает ложь смертным грехом, приходится лгать и вероломно убивать наиболее агрессивно настроенных аборигенов в союзе с лояльными индейскими племенами (которые, разумеется, ищут в отношениях с подданными короля Якова свою выгоду). И вот те, кто ещё недавно ужасался зверствами дикарей, сами радостно насаживают голову коварно убитого ими вождя на шест, чтобы повергнуть в ужас недоброжелателей за частоколом.
    Вот такая она - реальная политика…
    Среди актёрского состава сериала звёзд первой величины не обнаружено (есть, впрочем, некоторые узнаваемые ещё по сериалу «Рим» лица), но все актёры играют очень хорошо.
    Искренне рекомендую к просмотру.

  • @bryanvanromburgh981
    @bryanvanromburgh981 Před 5 lety

    That’s my grandpa!! 11th or so...

  • @loch70
    @loch70 Před 6 lety +4

    Why? Just why are people so easily butthurt and offended. Just look at the god dam movie or serie and take it for what it is. Hopefully we get educated in school and not by hollywood movies or tv series.

  • @terrierkeeper
    @terrierkeeper Před 5 lety +4

    I really loved this movie when National Geographic put it out I saw it several times and I really do admire their efforts to portray things as they are while doing a good story for they certainly kept the SJWs out but the people who were supposed to design the costumes for the Wampanoag and other tribes must have been taken to the wrong place and I found this lack of authenticity along with their lack of knowledge regarding King Philip's War most grating but other than that this was a wonderful movie and I would love to see more like it especially about Jamestown and other parts of our history.

  • @deniseg812
    @deniseg812 Před 8 lety +1

    I swear, I look at these comments and think your all full of it, except the ones who saw the movie, I don't most you of you saw this. Most of the comments are so not what this was about.

  • @Tainaoliiv
    @Tainaoliiv Před 2 lety

    what is the name of the actor who makes the samoset?

  • @lorenzogabrieltan9072
    @lorenzogabrieltan9072 Před 2 lety

    This movie is intense

  • @dothedeed
    @dothedeed Před 8 lety +10

    Finally, the sequel to "Apocalypto".

    • @Pete3Heat
      @Pete3Heat Před 8 lety

      Tbat movie tool place in Mexico when the Spanish arrived in Mexico. This takes place in the eastern sea board of modern day U.S.

    • @richardherberthenkle2817
      @richardherberthenkle2817 Před 5 lety +1

      Sorry, but that is a bit ridiculous of a comparison.

  • @dwipard
    @dwipard Před 4 lety +1

    I really like history.

  • @backyarduniverse1999
    @backyarduniverse1999 Před 8 lety

    Taubert sent me here

  • @BBD1
    @BBD1 Před 8 lety +3

    I just hope the indian arrows dont pass the metal armor lol

  • @Ibelikemj
    @Ibelikemj Před 8 lety +4

    This stuff always interests me, I have some Pilgrim blood and some of my ancestors were either killed, raped, or scalped by the Natives... but still looking forward to this.

    • @Ibelikemj
      @Ibelikemj Před 8 lety +5

      I hate what we did to the Indians but history is history. Nothing I can do about it.

    • @ricardo82carvalho
      @ricardo82carvalho Před 8 lety +3

      Where did you get this idea??...
      Everyone in the world knows what happened to the natives...
      The problem here is you want 2nd or 3rd generation americans to admit to something they had nothing to do with??..
      While were here why not blame modern eygptians...modern day iraq...modern india..etc for starting slavery...
      Are you for

    • @ricardo82carvalho
      @ricardo82carvalho Před 8 lety

      Matthew L.
      Of course they do..
      And they will continue if necessary...
      As much as we hate it..
      The demage was done centuries ago...
      The whole land belongs to the natives by right...
      The only reparation we can give to natives is to kick out 98% of the population and give them back the land that rightfully belongs to them...
      So i ask how many americans the are native sympathizers will do this?...
      Would you do this?...
      Will you participate in the humble act?....

    • @ricardo82carvalho
      @ricardo82carvalho Před 8 lety

      Matthew L.
      No i don't have a ounce of native blood in me and don't claim to have it either....
      I'm proud of my ancestry i don't need to claim something i am not...
      Not like the urban legend were the majority of Americans claim they are partially native just to have there DNA test disprove them wrong...

    • @ricardo82carvalho
      @ricardo82carvalho Před 8 lety

      Matthew L.
      Working...monetary commodities...etc
      Has been around for millenniums...
      How do you propose to change something that has been around since the birth of civilization...

  • @2033pegasus
    @2033pegasus Před 8 lety

    Just read more of these comments....have any of you folks read a history book published in recent times....?

  • @Christrulesall2
    @Christrulesall2 Před 8 lety +1

    0:50 Amen. Now, lets get some killing done.

  • @Atalpacino
    @Atalpacino Před 4 lety +1

    In order to avoid confusion the saints are the original inhabitants of the americas the strangers are the immigrant Europeans

  • @genloulou
    @genloulou Před 8 lety

    Rupert Murdoch now leaves his mark on National Geographic....

  • @terrierkeeper
    @terrierkeeper Před 5 lety

    Hey Smithsonian who forgot to visit the Wampanoags at Plimouth Plantation or visit the library?? I found the costumes created completely inaccurate.

  • @obobao
    @obobao Před 8 lety

    Cool or not ?

  • @Ferose02
    @Ferose02 Před 8 lety

    So.... you came into their land as strangers and proclaim that you're the saints and them the strangers?

    • @fishinwidow35
      @fishinwidow35 Před 3 lety

      No, the "Saints" were the Pilgrims belonging to the religious sect that came to escape prosecution and the freedom to worship the way they chose and the "Strangers" were farmers and other tradesmen who were not affiliated.

  • @AryanAleviZaza
    @AryanAleviZaza Před 6 lety

    The fact is simple, which populated North America in 1600 when the first English settlers arrived. And in 2017 who lives in America? What happened to the Indians? They were like erasing from the face of the earth. So who is the nice guy who is the bad guy? For me the answer is no doubt. And you?

    • @eduardomattosalves4940
      @eduardomattosalves4940 Před 5 lety

      If i had studied correct, 10% are killed direct by european colonist, 90% were killed by diseases that came with them. It may have cases were the settlers spread diseases on purpouse to kill the natives, but most was more or less by accident i belive

  • @shank8853
    @shank8853 Před 2 lety

    So they’re brittish but they’re wearing morion helmets? Common now 😂😂

  • @elsakristina2689
    @elsakristina2689 Před 8 lety

    I love Native Americans :) I have a bit of Cherokee blood...

    • @ricardo82carvalho
      @ricardo82carvalho Před 8 lety +1

      Don't all Americans :)
      Just kidding

    • @rama1234ish
      @rama1234ish Před 8 lety +3

      you have Cherokee blood?
      what do you do with it, do you drink it, or do you just keep it in a jar?

    • @joyontheleft
      @joyontheleft Před 8 lety +1

      +elsa1942 If you really loved them you would probably know that they generally prefer to be called American Indians. Also having "a bit" of Cherokee blood doesn't mean squat unless you also observe "a bit" of Cherokee cultures and traditions.

    • @ricardo82carvalho
      @ricardo82carvalho Před 8 lety +1

      I'm sorry i just had to comment because its hilarious that all Americans have this little myth that all share some sort of native American blood...
      Not saying you're the case or anyone for that fact...
      But tons americans have this illusion just to find out according to there DNA results they cleary have

    • @elsakristina2689
      @elsakristina2689 Před 8 lety +1

      ancestry DNA has the answers and we havent even gotten around to doing that yet...

  • @rama1234ish
    @rama1234ish Před 8 lety +1

    this is just a knockoff of "Vikings" isn't it

    • @seren1ty930
      @seren1ty930 Před 8 lety +7

      Is that a bad thing? The more viking & similar the better imo

    • @elsakristina2689
      @elsakristina2689 Před 8 lety +1

      +Seren1ty true that. Can't wait for season four!

    • @rama1234ish
      @rama1234ish Před 8 lety

      you know, I didn't think of it like that

    • @rama1234ish
      @rama1234ish Před 8 lety +2

      +ISpartaChrisI -lol on both your last comments i have no idea what the fuck you are talking about

    • @rama1234ish
      @rama1234ish Před 8 lety +1

      ya I agree

  • @mon2863Hamilton
    @mon2863Hamilton Před 8 lety

    These people invaded a country.....claimed land that was already own.....

    • @justsaynotoboomers
      @justsaynotoboomers Před 5 lety

      Actually they didn't own it. You only own what you can defend. In history the strongest always dominate.

    • @fishinwidow35
      @fishinwidow35 Před 3 lety

      the Indians didn't believe anyone owned the land

  • @Slappysan
    @Slappysan Před 8 lety +17

    I hope this show has the Pilgrims as the invaders they were. If not, meh...

    • @Scout-bt3mo
      @Scout-bt3mo Před 8 lety +14

      +Slappysan They were not invaders. They escaped a tyrannical government searching only for freedom. They made friends with the Natives and even had a peace treaty with them which lasted over 50 years. It was mainly those who came after them that caused problems.

    • @Scout-bt3mo
      @Scout-bt3mo Před 8 lety +2

      +Anders Tønder They didn't do any of that stuff. Where is your source for that and just what is it that you think they did? Half of them died the first winter and then they had a peace treaty with the Wampanoag that lasted for over 50 years.

    • @luckedo93
      @luckedo93 Před 8 lety +2

      +Slappysan Well technically indians didn't own land they were just using it, in their perspective so Europeans didn't invade their land because it wasn't theirs at the beginning right??? Sooooo LOGIC!!!

    • @Scout-bt3mo
      @Scout-bt3mo Před 8 lety +4

      +petisto We are talking about the PILGRIMS. The Pilgrims didn't do any of that stuff. Columbus WAS NOT a Pilgrim. That kind of killing went on by the Europeans as well as the Indians.

    • @timmo491
      @timmo491 Před 2 lety

      Like when the Indian Mughals invaded Indonesia, Burma, Cambodia etc you mean?

  • @vutube379
    @vutube379 Před 8 lety +4

    Watched Part I last night. One, the over-arching theme is the the Native people are portrayed as almost INVISIBLE killed off by disease and not one mention of the ethnic cleansing and genocide so far as more and more immigrants came. Hmmm... As descriptive as they get is to say the Spaniards CONQUERED and were brutal as Cortez sails up the Mississippi to find it barren of people. Yet no mention of the brutality of the English so far. Is NatGeo really going to portray them as Saints figuratively and literally? Part II tomorrow will tell. Curiously, it talks about the 14,000 Natives ONLY, unbelievable even to the most uneducated, who inhabited the East Coast, another European invented fact, nonetheless, it does speak to the razing of the coastal and inland trees for domestic use and export but conveniently omits what happened to the 14,000 Natives who inhabited these parts before the razing of the land. They also focus on the one-way Columbian exchange minimizing the wealth amassed from the export of tobacco, cotton (no mention at all and the Spaniards had already successfully raised these crops in Florida brought from Mexico), timber (these were the three most profitable exports for England), furs which financed further acts of war. And then there is corn, which not only fed the pilgrims and who were taught to plant, which even today is one of the greatest contributions to mankind. No mention of that either. I find it amazing how even so far the real truth gets distorted and buried.

    • @vutube379
      @vutube379 Před 8 lety

      +shena mackey OK. So I watched Part II. This is the story of the first group of Pilgrims that lived in relative peace for the first 50 years. Once the Pilgrim Patriarch died of old age, who had forged a friendship with the Native tribes, it was all down hill from there. I was aware of the tolerance and friendship forged by this small group of people so in that respect the story did stay close to historical records. I would have to do more research to verify some things that seemed contrived and embellished or omitted altogether like the nearly total absence of Native Americans. That I know is not accurate.

  • @leonardonunezcuartas5260
    @leonardonunezcuartas5260 Před 2 lety +1

    Perhaps the day of thanksgiving to date is a reason to celebrate and with delicate respect reflect on the dilemma of the dirty hands with which the logic of conquest and development have spread across the planet.
    Especially in the American continent it has been sown with blood and these murders in favor of the acquisition of the land.
    Thank and reflect on the roots of our actions and the actions of our ancestors.

  • @jonledgard4667
    @jonledgard4667 Před 8 lety

    Is this a good show or not, why do all the comments got to be political?

  • @chaboi7
    @chaboi7 Před 8 lety +2

    this story is for entertainment purposes only, if anybodys intelligence really acts up on them they'd read the real story & find out how nasty & dirty these people were to the natives.

    • @chaboi7
      @chaboi7 Před 8 lety +1

      +samjs721 its designed to indoctrinate unsuspecting children

    • @chaboi7
      @chaboi7 Před 8 lety

      +samjs721 its white supremacy & it's evil

    • @chaboi7
      @chaboi7 Před 8 lety +1

      +samjs721 the crazy thing is that it's still happening.

  • @jmcmontanheiro
    @jmcmontanheiro Před 8 lety +21

    if it protrait indians as the villains this show sucks already.

    • @joyontheleft
      @joyontheleft Před 8 lety +6

      +Nightingale21 I was getting that vibe too! Like, "Oh look at the poor tired white Christians, they just want somewhere to live" *boo-hoo*. NOPE

    • @JerryWatkinsMrRobot
      @JerryWatkinsMrRobot Před 8 lety +10

      Read a history book and then watch the show, you lazy idiot, instead of spewing out bullshit out of your hollow head.

    • @shanekumara5736
      @shanekumara5736 Před 7 lety +2

      History books you pigs wrote ? . I''m sure we can find nothing but the truth ! lol

    • @JerryWatkinsMrRobot
      @JerryWatkinsMrRobot Před 7 lety +3

      Then you can write your own history book and it will placed on the Fiction shelf with Harry Potter.

    • @shanekumara5736
      @shanekumara5736 Před 7 lety +2

      That's the reality mate. History books they have in schools are all storybooks. If you still believe in those fairy tales, then you need to get a life ;)

  • @austin3789
    @austin3789 Před 8 lety

    This has PC trouble written all over it.

  • @MissHeathen
    @MissHeathen Před 8 lety +29

    I can feel this is going to be extremely racist and inaccurate depiction of what actually happened. The Natives and Pilgrims got along for a little while until one of the original tribal leaders died and then tension grew because whites wanted land. I don't care how brutal some of the Natives were or how submissive and trusting they were to the whites no matter how you want to angle it, the invading Europeans were the bad guys in this story. Always.

    • @penelopeshepherd2584
      @penelopeshepherd2584 Před 8 lety

      +Jack Heathen

    • @theStashSmash
      @theStashSmash Před 8 lety +1

      +Jack Heathen what a useless comment.

    • @MissHeathen
      @MissHeathen Před 8 lety

      theStashSmash Dido.

    • @shaylacoleman952
      @shaylacoleman952 Před 8 lety

      +Jack Heathen Thank you!! well said...... end of discussion!

    • @deniseg812
      @deniseg812 Před 8 lety

      +Jack Heathen I hated when he said, this is our land. Really!?

  • @laurah8184
    @laurah8184 Před 8 lety

    I teach First Nation students. I love my Native students, they actually are more respectful than students in a public school. I am a white woman yes, but I can respect the fact that the original Canadian/American people were the First Nation people.....Not Europeans.....So the fact that this show is called 'Saints & Strangers' already disgusts me. I am going to give this film a try and home they aren't actually calling the Native people the 'strangers'. Because in fact the strangers were the Europeans...Not the Natives....Ugh...I am scared to watch this show. I honestly hope they are truthful in their telling of history. Show all the disgusting bled shed and racism, I hate racism, but history needs to be told truthfully.....

  • @EllaBeeMediaGroup
    @EllaBeeMediaGroup Před 8 lety +58

    I'm so sick of hearing their stories. Why not something from the perspective of the indigenous tribes. Clearly this will be from the perspective of the european settlers...why are the natives referred to as strangers.

    • @ricardo82carvalho
      @ricardo82carvalho Před 8 lety +9

      Your talking about different times...
      Of course the british (not europeans ) killed all opposition...
      That is the meaning of conquering...
      But don't think for a second that natives didn't kill each other by the thousands...
      Or africans didn't kill there enemy's...etc..
      The history of the whole world is written in blood..

    • @ricardo82carvalho
      @ricardo82carvalho Před 8 lety +1

      I'm guessing they were strangers to
      And vice

    • @ricardo82carvalho
      @ricardo82carvalho Před 8 lety +12

      Your talking out of thin air...
      You really need to brush up on your history...
      Africans sold and trade with europeans for african slaves...( thats your first misconception )
      The mongol empire is estimated to have killed 50 million.. (That's 5 times more then the Jewish holicaust...
      Mao tse tung killed a estimated 50 to 100 million...etc
      I can keep on going...
      Like i said our history is written in blood...
      To point your finger at one you have to point your finger at all...

    • @ricardo82carvalho
      @ricardo82carvalho Před 8 lety +3

      First off i hate the term hispanic...
      Its politically incorrect...
      Hispanic are the inhabitants of roman hispania (ancient iberia )
      Names are just that names...
      People have been mixing since the beginning of time...
      PS: not all of them were mixed by force or rape...
      Many did out of passion for one another...
      Its called being human and having feelings...

    • @ricardo82carvalho
      @ricardo82carvalho Před 8 lety +2

      I'm writing from known facts...
      Not some pocahontas bullshit as you say....
      There are many known historical stories in south america of indigenous people and african and colonials that interbred with no force or rape involved...
      Just research if you don't believe me...
      Brasil for example is the least racist country in all the American continents...North..central..and south...
      It shows that they embraced the different ethnicities centuries before the US..

  • @woodsmanforlife1677
    @woodsmanforlife1677 Před 6 lety +1

    There is so much wrong with the details, one does not know where to begin to list them.
    Staring with the season, the chain-saw cut trees and logs, the unlit wicks on the muskets, you name it.
    Lots of money gets wasted on such garbage, yet the producers don't see fit to hire a weapons and other experst to ensure historical accuracy!

    • @Ya-kz7lg
      @Ya-kz7lg Před 6 lety +1

      woodsman forlife Well, to be fair, they put effort into other parts, such as learning the Western Abenaki language. A language spoken by less than 20 people nowadays.