Michelle Rhee in DC: Episode 1 - Pt 1

  • čas přidán 14. 11. 2007
  • Washington D.C.'s new superintendent Michelle Rhee promises to turn D.C.'s failing school system around. But she's facing some pretty big challenges and skepticism from a city that has heard promises from 6 superintendents in the last 10 years.
    Part 1 in our year-long series on leadership and school reform efforts. Be sure to watch the companion segment in New Orleans.

Komentáře • 38

  • @bbukfan
    @bbukfan Před 15 lety

    She was a teacher in one of the worst schools in Baltimore and took some of the worst kids in the school and, through much tough teaching and determination, turned them around into some of the best performers in the country.

  • @misshallsschool
    @misshallsschool Před 14 lety

    Miss Hall's School is an all girls boarding and day school located in the beautiful Berkshires of Massachusetts for grades 9-12.
    Please subscribe and watch our videos!!!

  • @DifangDuana
    @DifangDuana Před 13 lety

    Yeah, and what a bang-up job these education professionals are doing.

  • @MondoBeno
    @MondoBeno Před 13 lety

    @ACTINGDRAMA Maybe one or two. She fired more Principals than teachers, and most of the Principals she fired were actually very good. She didn't look at their records at all. She assumed that low test scores meant the Principal was incompetent.

  • @hydrolito
    @hydrolito Před 14 lety

    According to what I have read, Japan's schools are turning out a much higher rate of scientists and engineers than American schools are. I also read South Korean schools were also ahead of us in math, etc. Japans schools were modeled after U.S. schools of the 1940's after world war 2 according to what I read, back then the U.S. had discipline in school, back then even middle school dropouts could read, write and do basic math, many high school students can't now days.

  • @MsJanetWood
    @MsJanetWood Před 13 lety

    Dear Ms. Michelle Rhee,
    I would like to inform you of a job opening at McGavock High School in Nashville Tennessee.
    An Algebra teacher, Mr.Donald Wood recently was let go . . . Perhaps, this is your opportunity to prove that you are just not an arm-chair quarterback. I want to see you do it! 3 months! That is all!
    Hey, if you think you're qualified to evaluate teachers, then, you should be able to teach, right?
    Sincerely yours,
    Ms. Janet Wood
    (no relation to Mr. Donald Wood)

  • @MondoBeno
    @MondoBeno Před 13 lety

    DC has always had lousy schools because of the social habits of the city. It's been that way for over 100 years.

  • @tickyul
    @tickyul Před 14 lety

    Michelle Rhee

  • @rcheskin
    @rcheskin Před 13 lety

    The Test Scores went up in reading and math as of mid September. So JanetWood is lying.

  • @DowJonesDave
    @DowJonesDave Před 13 lety

    @MondoBeno The buck stops with the boss. Low test scores DO show that the principle is incompetent. lol

  • @hydrolito
    @hydrolito Před 14 lety

    @matthewdk455 You need teachers that know how to teach and motivate you can also have parents involved motivating and in tutoring children with problems, also better students and older brothers and sisters can tutor. How do you think a teacher in a old fashion school house could teach K-12 grade she turned the students into teachers and her helpers.

  • @tickyul
    @tickyul Před 14 lety

    I bet all of those Urban Americans are mad, they had to bring in a Korean to fix the mess they have made. Maybe, just maybe the schools will see some improvement......NAH, not any real improvement.

  • @knsummers
    @knsummers Před 15 lety

    xiangyik, please don't paint all veteran teachers with a broad brush. Some are bad, some are goodl. In my experience no new teacher comes from student teaching knowing it all or w/ excellent classroom and behavior management. Verteran teachers have seen a lot and help new teachers manage their time, manage specific behavior problems, direct them to community resources, supply missing background information about students, provide support and make sure new teachers dont repeat common mistakes.

  • @robertmike57
    @robertmike57 Před 13 lety

    @lhikan12891 strongest teacher unions in the best performing states, weak unions with weak performing students. Waiting for Superman was bullshit

  • @EchoMike03
    @EchoMike03 Před 13 lety

    LOL, so do you just go to every Rhee video and post the same paragraph? Just saw the same little comment on a totally different video concerning Michelle.
    Try to be more original

  • @MsJanetWood
    @MsJanetWood Před 13 lety

    Teacher "X" teaches 5 classes. He teaches 3 Algebra classes, 1 Advanced Algebra class, and 1 remedial class. His first four classes are okay, but his last class is utter chaos!
    Is it because the class has 43 students instead of 35?
    Or maybe because the majority of the students don't speak English?
    Could it be that it's late in the day and the kids are tired?
    Or maybe, just maybe, the kids are DOWN-RIGHT LAZY?
    Stop blaming the hard-working, dedicated teachers!

  • @knsummers
    @knsummers Před 15 lety

    She seems very unilateral and self assured. It reminds me of George W. Bush. She's done some impressive things but her seeming inability to be reflective is scary. I wish instead of trying to break unions,"evaluate" and remove teachers she would talk positively about helping teachers build professional communities, stop replacing veteran teachers with fresh recruits and start building partnerships that exploit the energy and innovation of new teachers with the wisdom and knowledge of veterans.

  • @zacharyp32
    @zacharyp32 Před 11 lety

    Wow you sure know a lot about me from my one comment. Did I say that I liked the current system? Did I say the teachers union didn't have issues? Your comment had nothing to do with what I said. Strawman argument and a bad one at that

  • @MondoBeno
    @MondoBeno Před 15 lety

    Rhee is going to fail for the same reason Becton failed. You can't be a martinet if you run a school or a school board. You need to win the support and cooperation of the teachers and the parents.
    Few teachers are truly "ineffective". They're just tired from being overworked, abused by the kids, ignored by the public, and put down by incompetent Principals.

  • @southrules
    @southrules Před 11 lety

    Politicians blaming unions bankrupt these entities, you're a sucker.

  • @zacharyp32
    @zacharyp32 Před 11 lety

    No Rhee is. Puts way to much emphases on things that don't matter at all like standardized tests. She was horrible. The teachers union has their issues but Rhee's are much worse

  • @DiscountPotato
    @DiscountPotato Před 14 lety

    Do google Kelvin Johnson/Michelle Rhee coverup.

  • @zacharyp32
    @zacharyp32 Před 11 lety

    She was horrible, I don't understand how you can say that