Axis and Allies North Africa Gameplay!

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • My first attempt at the brand-new game from Renegade Games! I stumbled here and there, but eventually made it through.
    If you see that I made errors, please point them out in the comments!

Komentáře • 100

  • @Matt_Hyra
    @Matt_Hyra Před měsícem +19

    Nice work overall! Here are some comments:
    7:55 -- Malta does have a stacking limit. Rulebook page 12 says the "SL: 3" stands for both supply and stacking limit.
    10:12 -- Looks like you bought a truck with the UK Variable Reinforcements in the convoys. Page 9 says "any combination of combat units (not trucks.)" You start with 2 trucks. That should be plenty. Also, in the Atlantic convoy, you are showing a truck with a plastic chip under it. Trucks, Air, and Sea cannot use chips.
    Did the Mersa Brega UK units declare a retreat? If not, they should have used up 1 supply in MB.
    14:15 -- In Rommel's Last Push, the Axis cannot cross the white line (Tunisian border) until round 8. Rulebook page 28.
    15:50 -- Range 4 is not enough for Fighters on Malta to land at Benghazi or Tobruk.
    23:40 -- Air units cannot land in Mersa Brega, as it has no RP value. Pg 16 says they can only land in "a friendly-controlled territory (remember that only RP territories can be controlled)."
    41:30 -- Pg 18 On spending supply for combat: "You must take these supply tokens from either the territory the units are attacking from or a friendly or neutral territory adjacent to it."
    42:17 -- Self-Sufficient works for every round of defending, not just the first. See Unit Profiles.
    50:38 --- Only 8 attacking UK units should have entered Mersa Metruh, as it has the default SL: 8. See pg 13 "Conclude Combat"
    58:49 -- "You cannot requisition air units" is a US ROUND 7 ONLY rule, as it says on the Setup Card. On R8+, the US can buy air units. Also, see page 5 "Spare Unit Bag" for info on the US Scout Cars. Spare Units should not be included in 2 scenarios provided; only in custom scenarios.
    59:37 -- The German player should choose the tank as a casualty, so the US can't gain it.
    1:06:40 -- Matildas have Move 1, and therefore no Blitz. You did have 2 Shermans that could have made that move, however.
    1:12:45 -- You have no supply, so a spoiling attack is not possible there.
    1:15:08 -- Looks like Italy bought 10 supply in one turn. See Unit Chart. Max 5 for everyone except the US.
    1:18:11 -- French units cost RPs. See Unit Chart.
    1:25:58 -- Can't deploy new sea mines into a sea zone where there are enemy ships present. See pg 14.
    Round 14: Did you detonate the land mines in Tunis? Doesn't look like it, as they are removed when detonated.
    Great video! Thanks for posting it.
    Matt Hyra

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před měsícem +7

      Awesome! Thanks for your help on this - it's nice to get it right from the 'horse's mouth', as it were!
      A number of things will certainly make a difference, not least of which is the slower Matildas - that was a big miss. I don't think I purchased 10 supply for Italy - it was 5 each for Italy and Germany. That was one of the few rules I actually got correct from the start. ;)
      I did notice almost everything you noted here, either after I mentioned it in the video, or after I posted it. I probably moved a bit too quickly just to get the video up, as I am going on a trip tomorrow. But, we do learn more from our mistakes, right?
      Thanks again for taking the time to chime in with the rules clarifications!

    • @jonheiser429
      @jonheiser429 Před měsícem +2

      You don't buy the French units. You get 1 of each kind per american turn to place in Oran if allies controlled

    • @ninkd0311
      @ninkd0311 Před 29 dny +2

      What about at time 53:35 the Q about R7 supply of Tunis ,whole thing ?

    • @VictorB-p2q
      @VictorB-p2q Před 28 dny +2

      French units do cost RP, please see the rulebook and the player aids with RP values listed.

    • @Matt_Hyra
      @Matt_Hyra Před 27 dny +1

      @@ninkd0311 The very next column on that same page says: Round 8 - Axis units may now enter Morocco, Algeria, and Tunis. He just needed to keep reading the scenario rules on pg 28.

  • @DCH0571
    @DCH0571 Před měsícem +4

    I think according to the rules, no moment west by axis (over white border) until turn 8

  • @Gitch_Games
    @Gitch_Games Před měsícem +7

    Thanks for sharing . Very cool to see this game in action. Very helpful!

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před měsícem +1

      Thank you! It sure helped to play it and struggle through the rules...

  • @jasonmountain4643
    @jasonmountain4643 Před měsícem +4

    Some info about the extra units from the rulebook pg 5: "Spare Unit Bag" - Do not include these units in the scenarios provided, but feel free to use them in scenarios of your own making.

  • @VictorB-p2q
    @VictorB-p2q Před měsícem +5

    Axis can enter Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco in Rd 8, it’s on the same page as the Rd 7 rules restriction (just keep reading).

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před měsícem +2

      Yep, I can see that there now. I wish they would have written the rules with more 'positive' language. Using "You cannot do this" doesn't hint at being able to do it later in the game. Same with the ban on aircraft. Makes no sense to write rules like that.

  • @christopherwilson2606
    @christopherwilson2606 Před měsícem +4

    Can't wait to get my pre-ordered copy. Nice first play through.

  • @CBs_Bill_from_Montana
    @CBs_Bill_from_Montana Před měsícem +6

    I got 2 of these today but I’m watching this first!
    I read the rules and found them harder to grasp than normal so I’m glad it’s just not me.

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před měsícem +4

      Agreed. They really seemed to hide some obvious points. Why say, "You cannot requisition aircraft", instead of "You may requisition aircraft beginning on Round 8?" Why bury it? Thanks for watching!

    • @CBs_Bill_from_Montana
      @CBs_Bill_from_Montana Před měsícem +2

      @@TheHilltopPillbox I’m going to have to play 5 times and read the rules extensively before I make a decision but that seems like EXTREMELY poor rule writing.
      Renegade has been perfect so far with everything. I need to play it a few times before I make a judgement call.

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před měsícem +1

      @@CBs_Bill_from_Montana Yeah, I hope the game I'm developing has a clearer rule book. More "You CAN do this", rather than, "You CANNOT do this".

    • @enprise7335
      @enprise7335 Před měsícem +2

      When did this come out?

    • @CBs_Bill_from_Montana
      @CBs_Bill_from_Montana Před měsícem

      @@enprise7335 this week.

  • @georgebrunacky9321
    @georgebrunacky9321 Před měsícem +4

    On page 28 in the rule book under special rules for the scenarios it says that us cannot requisition air units in round 7 ONLY. That means from round 8 they can. Also on page 27 there is an example of Oran convoy which has an American fighter there.

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před měsícem +2

      Thanks for the note! I think the rule book could certainly have been better written. Too many little exemptions and rules that only apply for a short time, but they didn't mention that. Oh well, now I know!

  • @lennoxkohorst-gy8mx
    @lennoxkohorst-gy8mx Před měsícem +3

    Oh this is good haven’t even whatched the video yet………
    Wait an hour and 44 min video! oh yes this will be good!

  • @superilikeeggsyo
    @superilikeeggsyo Před měsícem +2

    As someone who's been watching your stuff for a while now, thanks for checking this out. Your game played out in a pretty exciting way and I was on the edge of my seat seeing whether Axis could hold out until the time limit. As someone who [REDACTED] I'll give my two cents as much as I can to (hopefully) not anger the Powers That Be (TM):
    -Others pointed this out (and you yourself found out yourself), but you weren't allowed to move Germans into Vichy Territory pre-Torch. You did mention that the rulebook was poorly written though so I don't blame you. We didn't get to see the rules much during [REDACTED], we mostly worked off a Google Doc with a bullet point list of what the "new rules" were.
    -Air units can only land on territories that can be "controlled" (i.e. have Roundels). You can't land them in territories like Mersa Berga (for example). In the early stages of [REDACTED] they were allowed to land anywhere but it was deemed too powerful and that had to be scaled back (it's more realistic anyway. NA wasn't like the Pacific in terms of makeshift airfields as far as I'm aware).
    -That was me who mentioned air units! Thanks for the shout-out! Air units are extremely strong because they ignore the stacking limits, which lets you launch lopsided attacks where you will outnumber your enemy. FTRs in particular are very strong because, if timed right, they can do "double duty" by going on Combat Air Patrol during the enemy phase then attacking on your turn (I think you may also be able to attack -> CAP -> land and attack but I don't think that one made it to the final rules. It's been a while since [REDACTED] and a lot of rules changed back and forth a lot).
    -The German Bomber has worse stats than its counterparts, but it also has the extremely vital "Targeted: Land/Sea" Ability, meaning that when it gets hits *THE ATTACKER SELECTS THE ENEMY CASUALTY*. I'm sure you can see why this is important. It also has the ability to destroy enemy supply similar to what the Scout Car can do.
    -Control of Malta (from a Supply POV) is central to the flow of the game because of the 15 IPC (I don't like the term "RP") swing it gives. You found this during your first play blind, so good going there! If you want to push harder against Malta as the Axis I would recommend using German Bombers to hit the island. They can drain 1 Supply per combat automatically with their ability, which can (hopefully) help you shut off the island's 15 IPC. You'd be surprised how quickly UK falls apart without Malta income.
    -The "Rommel Game" is more-or-less designed to be on-rails for UK to get knocked back into Egypt during the initial attack, so don't feel bad that you got blasted in the early turns.
    -Not sure if it applied during your game, but Land Mines don't activate on undefended territories. You need to have at least one unit present to trigger the minefield(s).
    -Supply is basically everything in this game and you learned it the hard way. Brutal stuff, especially when the "Instant Loss" spaces (Egypt/Tunis) are involved. That being said defenders can draw supply from a neighboring territory, so you weren't actually allowed to do the move you did at around the 40 minute mark. Also looks like you under-bought supply in general during the game.
    -In addition to scout cars, air units also do not use supply to attack/defend.
    -Regarding Malta, you can actually place more units in the convoy zone than are allowed to land (this applies to any convoy zone but it's especially useful in Malta's case). The excess units simply do not land and are "stuck at sea" for another round. This is useful because it lets you put a bunch of AAA Guns in the Malta Convoy Zone to soak (some) of the hits from Convoy Raiders.
    -You can build one mine *PER TERRITORY* per turn, not just one mine per turn. This difference matters at points in the game where your side controls large swaths of territory.
    -Re: Your question at ~53:00. The Torch Landings technically don't happen until America's part of turn 8 so Germany/Italy can't move any units in until turn 8 (since they go before USA). You're allowed to buy stuff for the Convoy because the stuff in the Convoy won't land at their destinations until the following turn (turn 8). Once it's turn 8 you can move Axis units however you want. Agreed that the rulebook snippet you showed is very poorly written. Unfortunately, I didn't get to look at the wording of things during [REDACTED]. At least it was on the move tracker.
    -For USA, the rules you're citing are all under the Header of "ROUND 7 SPECIAL RULES". I've given the rulebook a lot of flak in my comment but this one I feel is an unnecessary nitpick. The player aid card clearly says that those rules all only apply during round 7.
    -Side note to the above: The Jeep Sculpts are just USA's "truck" unit (which is on their unit chart), I'm pretty sure. America did not have Scout Cars during [REDACTED] at any point. No idea why the French got Trucks. That's just bizarre to me.
    -1:07:00 I don't know if you had any Axis units in the Benghazi Convoy before UK snagged it for a turn, but if you did, they shouldn't have died/been eliminated/whatever. They should have just been sent to a different convoy zone if Benghazi was still not Axis-controlled by time the relevant power's turn rolled around.
    -1:17:00 The road graphic is on the map as a historical note. It was never intended to be actually used and the US guys were always expected to walk from Casablanca -> Oran the long way.
    -Subs can actually move and attack on the turn they're bought, unlike most other units. This means that even if Germany has no subs currently on the board, you should *still* buy plenty of Destroyers as USA to stave off a potential surprise.
    -The advantage to buying French stuff is that they deploy and fight immediately. They don't have to waste a turn in the convoy. This helps the Americans get some cannon fodder to the front lines a bit faster during the push for Tunis. It's entirely reasonable to skip buying them in order to focus more on higher-quality units like you did, though.
    Jokes about [REDACTED] aside, let me know if you have any rules questions about the game. I can give you answers from at least a semi-reasonable position of authority.

    • @VictorB-p2q
      @VictorB-p2q Před měsícem +3

      A few clarifications:
      Fighters cannot participate in combat AND join CAP at the end of the turn. It’s one or the other, not both.
      The US truck is the same as everyone else’s, the reason for including the US jeep and the French truck (in the spare parts bag), is that it’s a new sculpt and a “gift” to players who own other Axis & Allies games. You can use them for other games like 1940, add them as additional units as a house rule, etc.
      France now has a unique tank sculpt, which means for 1940 every power finally has their own tank. It’s a Somua S35.

  • @ww2-boardgamefans993
    @ww2-boardgamefans993 Před měsícem +3

    i was very curious about how the game plays and the miniatures.And what a large map,the entire coast.thank you for the video with explanation.i have to wait a little more here for my copy.But...after years of waiting for this game.I''ll just have to be patient and i''ll just play A&A D-DAY for now:) thx and, gr.from the Netherlands.

  • @dansmidwestangling
    @dansmidwestangling Před 14 dny +1

    This video is my first exposure to this game and I like it. I was really curious how they were going to reinvent the wheel. Sure it's a little clunky in parts, but that's why all the other games have errata and 2nd editions!

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před 13 dny +1

      Yeah, I think there might be some confusion for new players early on, but once you get into the game, it flows pretty well.
      I think it is pretty balanced, as most of my solo games have ended on the last round, and the dice could have gone either way.

  • @marshalvladimir8859
    @marshalvladimir8859 Před měsícem +4

    The special rules for the US are round 7 only. Not being able to requisition air units, and the need to place in the casablanca convoy. Afterwards you are free from those restrictions.

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před měsícem +3

      Thanks for the note! I wish they would have just put that on the set up card. Why not write, "the US may purchase aircraft beginning on Round 8", instead of the absolute "You cannot requisition aircraft". Poorly written, in my humble opinion.

    • @CBs_Bill_from_Montana
      @CBs_Bill_from_Montana Před měsícem +1

      @@TheHilltopPillbox totally agreed!

    • @marshalvladimir8859
      @marshalvladimir8859 Před měsícem +2

      @@TheHilltopPillbox Yes you are right. Poorly written.

  • @jacobwaller1145
    @jacobwaller1145 Před měsícem +1

    Oh boy, looking forward to it!

  • @kodakgold2009
    @kodakgold2009 Před měsícem +2

    Let’s gooo!

  • @ichhabe330
    @ichhabe330 Před měsícem +1

    Yup, did enjoy it.

  • @sgtshultzie5717
    @sgtshultzie5717 Před měsícem +1

    I'll be getting mine tomorrow !

  • @PMMagro
    @PMMagro Před měsícem +2

    You are overthinking it?
    The gametrack says Axis may enter Vichy territory on turn eight (8) as a response to Torch turn 7. There is a road from Casablanca, moving from Casablanca towards Tunis along the road is fast behind the front. Only if the Germans break through and keep a part of the costal road can the reinforcements be delayed at all?

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před měsícem +1

      Yeah, the road is blocked by Spanish territory, too. Not sure about the purpose of it, beyond an historical note. I wish the rules were more about what you CAN do and not what you CAN'T do. Just write "The US may buy aircraft beginning on Round 8". Easy. Same with the entering the forbidden territories. Oh well, we learn by doing! Thanks for watching and commenting!

    • @superilikeeggsyo
      @superilikeeggsyo Před měsícem +1

      You can't road move from Casablanca because the road goes through neutral Spanish Morocco. Allies have to slow-walk their guys up to Oran and then they can start using the road from there -> Tunisia.

  • @josephcantarelli7040
    @josephcantarelli7040 Před měsícem +2

    Now we're talking

  • @innervsion0774
    @innervsion0774 Před měsícem

    What do you think of the new units with the D10s? and the reblancing of stats with the normal units. I think the annivery version of A and A would be really good with a d10 system its aready great. Also thanks for making vids for A and A you dont see much out their for it i always get a pleasant surprise when i see hilltop has a new video!

  • @TheAdmirableAdmiral
    @TheAdmirableAdmiral Před 4 dny

    Is anyone else confused by the victory conditions? For the allies in the Torch Scenario their minor victory (holding Benghazi and Mereth) seems HARDER than their Major victory (holding Benghazi and Tripoli). I had a game end with the Axis holding everything West of Mereth and the Allies holding everything East of Mereth which would seem like it is a Minor Axis victory AND a Major Allied Victory. Both powers were devoid of land units and only had air power remaining.

  • @RobertHesse-z1p
    @RobertHesse-z1p Před měsícem

    I was assuming as in other campaigns, the silhouette of a ship was for placement, for example sea zone 1 a German sub.

  • @Psalm144.1
    @Psalm144.1 Před měsícem +1

    Hard to tell with the 10 sided die which number is the top.

  • @bayutimurchannel5848
    @bayutimurchannel5848 Před 23 dny +1

    Nice sir

  • @OliverLaskoski
    @OliverLaskoski Před měsícem +1

    Yay a battle report!!

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před měsícem +1

      Thanks for watching - I hope you enjoyed it!

    • @OliverLaskoski
      @OliverLaskoski Před měsícem +1

      @@TheHilltopPillbox I did, I've been waiting for someone on you tube to make a video about the axis and allies games! Thank you!

  • @jakzed
    @jakzed Před měsícem

    So, this was supposed to be a more tactical game, however, in scope of play it seems like regular axis and allies in a smaller scale. Sort of like Europe. Like, shouldn't there have been way more places to maneuver? Thanks for all of this. My copies in the mail.

  • @mattroach3420
    @mattroach3420 Před měsícem +1

    I read that aircraft can only land on controlled territory. Since a number of areas such Laghouat do not have an "RP" value and thus cannot be controlled, doesn't this mean that aircraft could not land there?

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před měsícem

      Seems accurate. I think that would be correct.

    • @mattroach3420
      @mattroach3420 Před měsícem +1

      @@TheHilltopPillbox Thank you for putting this out there. I've been waiting to see it run through to help connect the dots and see some examples. Much easier to get into it when it's shown and talked through. Great job. Very excited to get my first play in.

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před měsícem

      @@mattroach3420 You're welcome! I am also much better at learning through watching someone else explain things. I just hope I did it correctly!

  • @georgevanwallendael3990
    @georgevanwallendael3990 Před měsícem

    Thank You!

  • @GreyBearLine
    @GreyBearLine Před měsícem

    Does anyone know ifa regular release date been settled yet? It seems to have been pushed back a bit!

  • @michaelmcroberts4216
    @michaelmcroberts4216 Před 29 dny

    The mines in Tunis were not detonated.

  • @miguelvalladares1986
    @miguelvalladares1986 Před měsícem +1

    They made the Home work, italian sm71 was the best bomber, torpedo bomber and air transport of NA.
    But i dont like italy cant use the AAA 90mm canone as anti tank, because they were more efective than the german 88mm.

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před měsícem +1

      Agreed. It seems as though they did some really good research on some things, but not so much on others. Thanks for watching and commenting!

    • @miguelvalladares1986
      @miguelvalladares1986 Před měsícem

      @@TheHilltopPillbox as i read the manual, I saw the potential for house rules and at last two short scenarios, Operation E and Rocon in force.
      As for now, only with your video and printed manual, I think in one house rule: capturable tanks, in that campaign all parties did it, so at the end of all combat put a part the looser kia tanks, roll the dice for each one, at 1, the tank is captured. Put the new owner round under the tank, the tank properties aren't changed.

  • @LobsterStrategyBros
    @LobsterStrategyBros Před měsícem

    Yo, this has nothimg to do with the video but, how big is the global war 1936 map? Bigger than global 1940?

  • @MOrab46019
    @MOrab46019 Před měsícem +1

    I miss the old rules that gave transport a 1 to defend themselves. Now just useless.

    • @VictorB-p2q
      @VictorB-p2q Před měsícem

      There are no transports in this game. Are you referring to another unit?

    • @MOrab46019
      @MOrab46019 Před měsícem +2

      @@VictorB-p2q yes the AA ones with Transports 1941 and 42 games

  • @leebearfield1405
    @leebearfield1405 Před 29 dny

    Do you have to stop after 14 rounds or could you keep playing if you wanted to?

    • @Matt_Hyra
      @Matt_Hyra Před 27 dny

      You could keep playing, but the Allies would eventually triumph with their greater economy. The 14-round limit attempts to give both sides an equal chance at some level of victory.

  • @varovaro1967
    @varovaro1967 Před měsícem +2

    Who designed this?

  • @garrettpotvin1522
    @garrettpotvin1522 Před měsícem

    I am finding the rule book to be poorly written so far. Not making much sense yet. Going to take several read throughs and probably a play before it comes together. Fingers crossed, but so far very disappointed in the rules.

    • @garrettpotvin1522
      @garrettpotvin1522 Před 26 dny

      Third read through and still confusing, very poorly written rule book.

    • @VictorB-p2q
      @VictorB-p2q Před 25 dny +1

      Garrett, feel free to ask any questions here. The game designer is active on this video, and others may be asking the same questions!

    • @garrettpotvin1522
      @garrettpotvin1522 Před 25 dny

      I will save my questions for after I have done my solo learning play. Too many currently to list here. I am a long time A&A player and have owned and played-every product released to date , expect for the Zombie version.

    • @VictorB-p2q
      @VictorB-p2q Před 25 dny

      Understood, but more than happy to help!
      Remember the whole thing is split into basically a part 1/part 2, make sure you understand part 1 first and that will help for everything else.

  • @georgevanwallendael3990
    @georgevanwallendael3990 Před měsícem

    Wow, I hope Renegade make Errata available ASAP! Or this game will need a hard pass!

    • @VictorB-p2q
      @VictorB-p2q Před měsícem +1

      George, what did you notice that needs errata? The video displays a first play through of someone who just received the game, like all of us when we first played A&A mistakes were made.

    • @georgevanwallendael3990
      @georgevanwallendael3990 Před měsícem

      Well, the Jeep Pieces which the game doesn't address seems to be an issue.

    • @Matt_Hyra
      @Matt_Hyra Před měsícem +1

      You can find the rulebook and FAQ on the Renegade website. Or see my post from yesterday, where I give page numbers that answer all of his questions.

  • @pietrosmusi6001
    @pietrosmusi6001 Před měsícem +3

    Very unbalanced ,axis very weak

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před měsícem +1

      Yeah, it kinda felt that way. Things were going well, until the USA landed, then it all went downhill - fast.

    • @pietrosmusi6001
      @pietrosmusi6001 Před měsícem +1

      @@TheHilltopPillbox yes ,italy should probably start with extra infantry ,and maybe germany with 3 extra fighters

    • @VictorB-p2q
      @VictorB-p2q Před měsícem +1

      Axis was way too aggressive attacking out of Tunis, and I didn’t see mines utilized enough (by the Germans or the Italians…)

    • @TheHilltopPillbox
      @TheHilltopPillbox  Před měsícem +1

      @@VictorB-p2q Oh, I used all the mines when the attacks came in...there were a number of stalled UK tanks left behind. Yes, attacking out of Tunis was aggressive, but sitting back is likely a death sentence, because of the stacking limits. They can only have 13 in Tunis, while the Allies can have 18 to attack with. But, it was my very first game, so I thought I'd see what happens!

    • @VictorB-p2q
      @VictorB-p2q Před měsícem +1

      Bear in mind that you can buy new mines per turn, per Axis power - Tunis should be a fortress by the end of the game.
      French units are much more valuable as well, they require no supply to defend and deploy and move immediately - so no waiting in a convoy zone, as long as you have space in Oran you can place them down and move them out that turn.

  • @mdt260
    @mdt260 Před měsícem +1

    I liked seeing Bir Hacheim on the map - I recognize it as the same name as the Paris metro station closest to the Eiffel tower -

  • @lastunctives2095
    @lastunctives2095 Před 28 dny

    Eh? Axis needed to close the straight of Gib. Amphibious landing in Morocco and the Lebenon Malta. The Allies position is cut off both ends. The main N. African campaign was piontless Rommel was a top battalion commander but poor General strategist. Even with Spanish neutrality the Axis could have closed of the Med. Cairo the Red Sea supply can be taken from the Levant not the sea of sand....