The exact location of the temple/ dialogue At the Temple Mount with architect Tuvia sagiv

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • The Exact Location of the Temple. Dialogue with Architect Tuvia Sagiv. Part III. To enable English subtitles, press the cogwheel/subtitles/ English.
    Temple Mount Talks, Chapter 32, Part 3.
    The Temple Under Infrared. In this talk Architect Tuvia Sagiv presents his experiments with infrared imagery on the Mount and his amazing discoveries! He has apparently discovered the Temple's location, perhaps not precisely, but there are certainly extraordinary phenomena here attesting to the Temple's contours.
    שיחות בהר הבית פרק 32 חלק שלישי.
    בית המקדש תחת אינפראדום. בשיחה זו מראה לנו האדריכל טוביה שגיב את ניסויו עם אנפראדום בהר והתגליות מרעישות!!!. ככל הנראה נמצא המיקום, אולי לא מדוייק לגמרי, אך בהחלט קיימות תופעות יוצאות דופן המעידות על קווי מתאר של המקדש.

Komentáře • 471

  • @ofiralevy7
    @ofiralevy7  Před 3 lety

    • @hiddenrambo328
      @hiddenrambo328 Před 3 lety +1

      Is God not Greater?
      Temple in the city of David 52 supporting scriptures from The Tanakh aka Old Testament
      -1Kings8:16 Chosen city for my Temple to be built IN - David is chosen to lead people but David is also a city and the Temple leads the people of Israel. Chosen Temple Location David city. Making Zion city of David The capital of Israel capital is also called Jerusalem (Psalm122)
      - David's son chosen to build builds according to David's plans which is in the city of David
      -2 Chron6:6 Capital Chosen place Jerusalem Leader David leads from City of David
      -2Sam5:9-12 Lord had established David as king over Israel in Zion establishing Zion The City of David as the unified capital of the tribes of Israel capital also called Jerusalem
      -Isaiah8:14 To the dwellers of the capital city The Lords sanctuary will be a trap and a snare a bait or lure
      -Isaiah8:18 Lord of hosts who dwells in Mount Zion, Zion being the city of David the capital of Israel
      -Psalm9:11 Shows where the Lord dwells IN Zion
      -Psalm9:14 praise to God Within the Gates of daughter Zion rejoice in Gods salvation
      -Exo29:45-46 God to Dwell among his people
      -Isaiah12:6 In Zion God the Holy one of Israel is in there midst
      -Isaiah 33:5-6 God has filled Zion with himself (justice/righteousness) He is the sure foundation storehouse of salvation Reverence to the Lord is Zion's treasure
      -Psalm89:14 Righteousness and Justice foundation of Gods throne
      -Psalm 9:7 God establishes his throne (which is in Zion)
      -Psalm 18:1 David Loves God
      -1 Kings 11:4 David is wholeheartedly Devoted to God
      -Psalm 85:10 Loving devotion is David joined together with righteousness and peace is God have kissed = Like a plane kisses land. God has landed in David The City.
      -Psalm 3:8 Salvation belongs to the LORD
      -Psalm 28:8 The LORD is the strength, stronghold of salvation for His anointed.
      -Isaiah 46:13 God brings righteousness and salvation in Zion for Israel Gods glory
      (God is Salvation Zion is the city of David where the Temple resides)
      -Psalm 14:7 Salvation = God, comes from Zion = city of David and restores Israel (Psalm 53:6)

      -Psalm 62:7 God is salvation glory: the rock of strength, refuge is in God.
      -Isaiah 14:32 The LORD has founded Zion, where His afflicted people will find refuge.” (In God is refuge Zion city of David is God in his Temple)
      -1 Kings 5:5 Temple has the Name of the Lord. Temple and Gods name same place
      -Proverbs 18:10-11 Name of God =the Temple is safety strong tower/castle a actual fortified city - a man see his wealth like a fortified city but is false not safe at all. (Shows mans error)
      -2 Samuel 22:2 "The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer.
      -Psalm87 God founded His city on the holy mountains (City of David)
      he loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob those born in Zion Most High Himself will establish her and will record who was born in Zion
      -Isaiah 4:5 God will create over all of Mount Zion= City of David and over her assemblies a cloud of smoke by day and a glowing flame of fire by night. For over all the glory there will be a canopy (Psalm27:5) At Gods Tabernacle/Temple
      -Psalm27:5-6 For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; He will conceal me under the cover of His tent; He will set me high upon a rock. Then my head will be held high
      above my enemies around me. At His tabernacle his dwelling the Temple which Isaiah4:5 says is in Zion the city of David
      -2 Chron 7:1-3 Lord filled the Temple with Himself (Isaiah 33:5-6 God has filled Zion with himself ) Zion the city of David is full the full Temple inside the city is full
      -1kings8:27-29 Shows Gods house Temple is his earthly seat the kings throne room. And it shows/explains what is meant when God said in 1kings8:16 "temple in which to live".
      -Psalm 102:16 For the LORD will rebuild Zion; He has appeared in His glory.
      -Psalm 102:21-22 Proclaim the name of the God in Zion (Present the Temple in City of David) which is the assembly place
      -Psalm 51:18-19 cause Zion to prosper; build up the walls of Jerusalem. (Same place) Then You will delight in righteous sacrifices, in whole burnt offerings = Temple service
      -Psalm122 Jerusalem is built up as a city united together where the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD = City of David to give thanks to the name of the LORD.=Temple house of David - peace of Jerusalem within your walls inside your fortresses.” “Peace be within you. ”For the sake of the house (Temple) of the LORD our God
      -Psalm 48 LORD of hosts, in the city of our God City of David he will establish her forever. In the midst of Your temple, Walk about Zion and go around her Count her towers, Indicates the Temple is in the midst of the city of David as Zion can walk about and go around her not go out to.
      Pick a city and ask someone where is this place then say walk about city go around and check her out is it inside or outside the city.
      -Psalm 132:13 God has chosen Zion (City of David) He has desired it for His home Temple place
      -Isaiah33:20 seems to indicate the Temple is to the north of the city but in the city as it was built up to encompass
      -2 Chronicles 8:11 daughter of Pharaoh removed from the City of David that is where the Temple and the Ark are. The places the has bo: to come in, come, go in, go
      If she goes above the city near the "temple mount" where some people think the temple went if true that would mean Solomon moved her closer to the Temple the most Holy place to move her away from the city of David a place the Ark had been makes no sense logic says the Ark and the Temple the Holy Places is in the City of David and that is why she is moved away from them not closer which is easy to do/understand as the Temple was built first then later her house was built away from the city.

      All of which indicates The Temple belongs in the city of David at the north end of the city
      -1kings8:44 March out prays toward his chosen city and this Temple. Another indicator the Temple is inside the chosen city.
      If i face toward the country Israel and Jerusalem you understand the later is inside the former we see this type of indicator repeated in 1kings8:48
      The chosen land inside that is,
      The Chosen city inside that is,
      The Chosen Seat the Temple Gods throne
      2Sam5:7/ 2 Sam5:11 / 2Sam5:17 Perhaps David did have a palace on top above Zion but the temple would be in the fortress since it is important it would be protected so would be built around.
      -2Sam6:9 Arks destination was meant to be the city of David
      -1Chr15:29 Ark enters the city of David.
      -2Sam6:13 six paces and sacrifice a fatted(special) Ox.
      -1chr16:26 7 bulls and 7 rams sacrificed. 14 times 6 paces from the entering the city to the arks destination.
      -1Chr28:11 Shows it was David's plan used which would include location
      -1Chr28:19 Makes clear those plans are actually Gods.
      1Chr28:23 A foreshadowing of the messiah being crowned twice
      -1kings9:24 Pharaoh’s daughter palace was above the city of David
      -Things built above city of David can explain cisterns and some constructions around the area of the place called "the temple mount"
      -2 Chronicles 5:2 To bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD from Zion, the City of David.
      obviously the tabernacle could not be where the Temple was being built and the Temple is elevated so even ground level would say bring up or slight incline hill say bring up as the Temple is distinct from The City of David like we see with Rome and Vatican city explains why you would say from the city of David.
      I don't know how anyone would not conclude the Temple belongs in the city of David

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety +1

      @@hiddenrambo328 You misread excerpts from the Miqra (Jewish Bible) to make them state what you wish they did.
      Only 2 kinds of people buy into the laughable theory that the Holy Temples were in the City of David: gullible individuals and antisemites who seek to deny the Jews their holiest site. Frankly it does not even matter which of the 2 types you belong to.
      The "renown biblical archaeologists" you rely upon to assert such drivel (Ernst Martin was a meteorologist who knew nothing about academic archeology and the same goes for Robert Cornuke) clearly have not studied Charles Warren, Eilat Mazar, Conrad Schick, Barclay and Willson. Dr. Martin's theory was disproved by the experts already in the early 1990's.
      The Giḥon spring only fed the residents' needs for water. Conversely, multiple cisterns and water sources are found on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mt. has over 20 cisterns and conduits which were plenty of water for the services (I have seen for myself their capped openings on Har haBayit). One cistern could hold over 2 million gallons and another around 700,000 gallons. This is verified history. On top of this, Jewish records show that there was an aqueduct that brought water in abundance to the Temple Mt. from the Pools of Solomon at Etan near Bethlehem (not to be confused with the aqueduct that Pilot later built). Cornuke and his ilk really do not know what they are talking about.
      The building of the Ophel south of the wall was actually the Akra which was built by Antiochus IV and destroyed by Shimon the Macabee. The City of David is not wide enough to place the 740 x 740 feet that made the 500 x 500 cubits of Temple Mt.
      Bad scholarship by these people using Ernest Martin's book which was discredited a while back.
      Ernest Martin is not a credible resource but Dr Benjamin Mazar, Dr. Eilat Mazar, Captain Charles Warren, Conrad Schick, Lee Ritmeyer and others are, and they all agree Mt. Moriah is the Temple Mount. By the way, the Fort of Antonia was around 40 cubits high on a high ground. The 10th legion only came to Jerusalem after the siege of Jerusalem and a cohort is 500-600 soldiers. According to Josephus the Antonia fortress was razed to the ground by the Romans in order to access the Temple Mt during the destruction of the 2nd Temple. This is only one of many points that I can give to why Dr. Martin's theory can not hold water and why Bob Cornuke is fooling thousands of gullible people who do not know any better.
      The headquarters for the Roman soldiers was in Caesarea by the sea. The Antonia was not new, it was a fort that was constructed by Solomon and then rebuilt by Nehemia and called the Baris. Herod later expanded the area by filling in the fosse found on the north of the Temple and it was according to Josephus 60 feet deep and 250 wide as protection for the Temple from the north. Herod filled it up and expanded beyond the 500 cubits starting from the offset stone called the Persian stone from the time of Nehemia's time.
      The experts of the City of David excavations and around the Temple Mt who work daily to reveal the history of ancient Jerusalem have found nothing to date that suggests that the Temple Mt was the Antonia fortress.
      Anyway, Herod expanded to the north, west and south and those are retaining walls which were not part of the biblical measurements.
      By the way, no credible recognized archeologist says the Temple was south of the Temple Mount. For example, all these archaeologists from the 1800's and 1900's who had access to the site said the same thing about the Temple being on the Temple Mt.: DeVougue 1864, Ferguson 1878, Warren 1880, Conder 1884, Schick 1896, Watson 1896, Mommert 1903, Dalman 1909, Hollis 1934, Simons 1952, Vincent 1954, Ritmeyer 1985.
      And Josephus must be studied in unity with the Mishnah, Tosefta and the works of Conrad Schick topographical work of the Temple Mount. Josephus whom Martin and Cornuke both falsely quote, never said the Temple was in the city of David nor did he ever say an entire legion of Roman soldiers and their hangers on was permanently living in Jerusalem. He used the word "Tema" which means a lesser amount. Cornuke also doctors excerpts from the Jewish Bible so that they fit the claims he attempts to hawk. He has even lied that Israeli archaeologist Eli Shoukrun claimed that the Holy Temples stood in the City of David, whereas Shoukrun insists on the traditional site's location.
      The Jewish tradition about the Temple Mount's location boasts anecdotal contiguity since the early AD 70's. Evidently, Josephus was aware of Jews who had begun returning daily to the Mount a mere 2-3 days after the Holy Temple had been sacked. This presence continues among others through early rabbis who ascended to it and was punctuated only for a few years in the Bar-Kokhvah revolt of 132-135 AD until the Byzantine era, when Jews were permitted to go there only one day a year. It is then, intriguingly, in the 4th century, that two gentile authors attest to this Jewish presence and note how the Jews would come up to the giant Foundation Stone and brush it with oil.
      Daily Jewish presence is renewed during the Persian occupation of the early 7th century and shortly afterward with the Arab Muslim occupation of 638, a presence that was pretty uninterrupted until the First Crusade of 1099. To even suggest we Jews are so dumb that we managed to forget our holiest site along the way since the AD70 Destruction is preposterous and offensive; and utterly arrogant when stated by non-Jews. So this tradition is rock solid, and none of the Christians who attempt to defy it can provide convincing answers that bear scrutiny to the question of when the Jews forgot the supposed original site.

    • @hiddenrambo328
      @hiddenrambo328 Před 3 lety +1

      @@ZviJ1 You sound just like a Muslim "you cannot know because scholars say"
      "If you disagree your an Islamophobe"
      I am not a child needing to be taught by others nor afraid of your name calling grow up! Adhere to the Lords word put your faith in God and not man!
      "Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and turn away from evil."
      "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that listens to counsel is wise."

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety +1

      @@hiddenrambo328 I am not wise in my eyes, but am just aware when I encounter an idiot and fool, who misuses the Miqra for their ends.
      Instead of further driving this across with stupid protests, you should desist from doing all that, learn the facts I have written and wise up. I did not form any of them from my own opinion.
      Those smarter than a box of rocks can not expect to treat Jewish Scripture offensively like that in public and get away with it. Check the self-righteous poses at the door.

    • @hiddenrambo328
      @hiddenrambo328 Před 3 lety

      @@ZviJ1 You have assumed and accused all i have done is point out you are wrong you love mans understanding so much you reject God's word but your not wise in your own eyes? Actions reveal your lies!

  • @emmawebb6955
    @emmawebb6955 Před 3 lety +5

    AMAZING🙏✌....All In God's time will be revealed. I believe in this discovery. God watch over Jerusalem Isreal may he shield his people from all enemies 🙏 🙌 💯

  • @lilysaviopereira6549
    @lilysaviopereira6549 Před rokem +2

    Amen Hallelujah 🙏

  • @sheikhboyardee556
    @sheikhboyardee556 Před 3 lety +7

    I recall reading that the guy in charge of the Temple Mount in the 1920's stated something to the effect that "of course the Temple was located here." It was general knowledge in the past. The digs have also pointed to the fact that the Temple was located there. The Muslims have little connection to Jerusalem or the area Israel other than the fact that they conquered the area through war.

  • @LordWyatt
    @LordWyatt Před rokem

    God bless Tuvia Sagiv for his work. If I have an opportunity to help him or meet him if I’m lucky I wouldn’t hesitate. This is huge and must be shared with all those who would care

  • @belladonna4076
    @belladonna4076 Před 3 lety +2

    Thats so Exciting and Awesome and can't be a Coincidence.

  • @pedenmk
    @pedenmk Před 2 lety

    How interesting. I hope to someday see ISRAEL and all its BEAUTY. Great Video THANK YOU.

  • @dabaum6278
    @dabaum6278 Před 3 lety +5

    Oh my goodness! That’s amazing! It gets really good at 19 mins on. Thank u!
    Ya know, this entire time I thought the western wall was part of a Roman fort, so the temple cldnt possibly be in there. 🤯 Yet Jesus reveals everything in His time, right on time. I guarantee u that Jordan will allow them to excavate soon. If it only takes 90 days to build the temple...they just need a small amount of time to excavate & confirm.
    Amazing news!
    Let’s go home!

    • @vjmightyw
      @vjmightyw Před 3 lety +1

      thanks so much!

    • @1995yuda
      @1995yuda Před 3 lety

      The nation of Israel does not ask for Jordanian permission. It is an internal issue for the Israelis to solve. First they must wish for the 3 temple to be built.

    • @dabaum6278
      @dabaum6278 Před 3 lety

      @@1995yuda ...Jordan decides who does what to the Temple Mount, my friend?
      “The Temple Mount is within the Old City, which has been controlled by Israel since 1967. After the Six-Day War, Israel handed administration of the site back to the Waqf under Jordanian custodianship, while maintaining Israeli security control. It remains a major focal point of the Arab-Israeli conflict.”

  • @janbond8460
    @janbond8460 Před 3 lety +1

    Wow! So informative and interesting!

  • @wesleyerinaldu8200
    @wesleyerinaldu8200 Před 3 lety +9

    Amazing how tradition blinds , the temple was not in the Roman fortress it was in the city of David but all will be made clear very soon, blessings

    • @champignonvandegraaff6231
      @champignonvandegraaff6231 Před 3 lety +6

      Because if they recognise this fact, they have to also recognise the prophesy that Jésus Christ gave that the temple would be destroyed completely, not a stone standing upon another.

    • @kibbah
      @kibbah Před 3 lety +1

      @@champignonvandegraaff6231 how truthfully you speak

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety +1

      @@champignonvandegraaff6231 The false tradition is this laughable Christinsane theory that places the Holy Temples in the COD and insists that Fort Antonia was on the Temple Mt. The "renown biblical archaeologists" you rely upon to assert such drivel (Ernst Martin was a meteorologist who knew nothing about academic archeology and the same goes for Robert Cornuke) clearly have not studied Charles Warren, Eilat Mazar, Conrad Schick, Barclay and Willson. Dr. Martin's theory was disproved by the experts already in the early 1990's.
      The Giḥon spring only fed the residents' needs for water. Conversely, multiple cisterns and water sources are found on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mt. has over 20 cisterns and conduits which were plenty of water for the services (I have seen for myself their capped openings on Har haBayit). One cistern could hold over 2 million gallons and another around 700,000 gallons. This is verified history. On top of this, Jewish records show that there was an aqueduct that brought water in abundance to the Temple Mt. from the Pools of Solomon at Etan near Bethlehem (not to be confused with the aqueduct that Pilot later built). Cornuke and his ilk really do not know what they are talking about.
      The building of the Ophel south of the wall was actually the Akra which was built by Antiochus IV and destroyed by Shimon the Macabee. The City of David is not wide enough to place the 740 x 740 feet that made the 500 x 500 cubits of Temple Mt.
      Bad scholarship by these people using Ernest Martin's book which was discredited a while back.
      Ernest Martin is not a credible resource but Dr Benjamin Mazar, Dr. Eilat Mazar, Captain Charles Warren, Conrad Schick, Lee Ritmeyer and others are, and they all agree Mt. Moriah is the Temple Mount. By the way, the Fort of Antonia was around 40 cubits high on a high ground. The 10th legion only came to Jerusalem after the siege of Jerusalem and a cohort is 500-600 soldiers. According to Josephus the Antonia fortress was razed to the ground by the Romans in order to access the Temple Mt during the destruction of the 2nd Temple. This is only one of many points that I can give to why Dr. Martin's theory can not hold water and why Bob Cornuke is fooling thousands of gullible people who do not know any better.
      The headquarters for the Roman soldiers was in Caesarea by the sea. The Antonia was not new, it was a fort that was constructed by Solomon and then rebuilt by Nehemia and called the Baris. Herod later expanded the area by filling in the fosse found on the north of the Temple and it was according to Josephus 60 feet deep and 250 wide as protection for the Temple from the north. Herod filled it up and expanded beyond the 500 cubits starting from the offset stone called the Persian stone from the time of Nehemia's time.
      The experts of the City of David excavations and around the Temple Mt who work daily to reveal the history of ancient Jerusalem have found nothing to date that suggests that the Temple Mt was the Antonia fortress.
      Anyway, Herod expanded to the north, west and south and those are retaining walls which were not part of the biblical measurements.
      By the way, no credible recognized archeologist says the Temple was south of the Temple Mount. For example, all these archaeologists from the 1800's and 1900's who had access to the site said the same thing about the Temple being on the Temple Mt.: DeVougue 1864, Ferguson 1878, Warren 1880, Conder 1884, Schick 1896, Watson 1896, Mommert 1903, Dalman 1909, Hollis 1934, Simons 1952, Vincent 1954, Ritmeyer 1985.
      And Josephus must be studied in unity with the Mishnah, Tosefta and the works of Conrad Schick topographical work of the Temple Mount. Josephus whom Martin and Cornuke both falsely quote, never said the Temple was in the city of David nor did he ever say an entire legion of Roman soldiers and their hangers on was permanently living in Jerusalem. He used the word "Tema" which means a lesser amount. Cornuke also doctors excerpts from the Jewish Bible so that they fit the claims he attempts to hawk. He has even lied that Israeli archaeologist Eli Shoukrun claimed that the Holy Temples stood in the City of David, whereas Shoukrun insists on the traditional site's location.
      The Jewish tradition about the Temple Mount's location boasts anecdotal contiguity since the early AD 70's. Evidently, Josephus was aware of Jews who had begun returning daily to the Mount a mere 2-3 days after the Holy Temple had been sacked. This presence continues among others through early rabbis who ascended to it and was punctuated only for a few years in the Bar-Kokhvah revolt of 132-135 AD until the Byzantine era, when Jews were permitted to go there only one day a year. It is then, intriguingly, in the 4th century, that two gentile authors attest to this Jewish presence and note how the Jews would come up to the giant Foundation Stone and brush it with oil.
      Daily Jewish presence is renewed during the Persian occupation of the early 7th century and shortly afterward with the Arab Muslim occupation of 638, a presence that was pretty uninterrupted until the First Crusade of 1099. To even suggest we Jews are so dumb that we managed to forget our holiest site along the way since the AD70 Destruction is preposterous and offensive; and utterly arrogant when stated by non-Jews. So this tradition is rock solid, and none of the Christians who attempt to defy it can provide convincing answers that bear scrutiny to the question of when the Jews forgot the supposed original site.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety +1

      @@champignonvandegraaff6231That "prophesy" was placed into your failed deity, false messiah Jesuck's mouth in retrospect. If Jesucks even really existed.

  • @jesperandersson889
    @jesperandersson889 Před 3 lety +4

    Do a series at different environmental circumstances, to 'improve' the image (variation in heat capacity)

  • @abryg8655
    @abryg8655 Před 3 lety +2

    מעניין מאוד, יש גם מחקר עפ"י מדידות שממקם את הדביר דווקא בכיפת הרוחות, צפונית יותר ליד עומר מול שער השלשלת. הרושם הוא שיודעים יותר ממה שמפרסמים. 🌿

  • @OliveWeitzel
    @OliveWeitzel Před 3 lety

    כל הכבוד!

  • @johnbaumgartner4309
    @johnbaumgartner4309 Před 3 lety

    Very good thanks for this video

  • @haroldlieberman3314
    @haroldlieberman3314 Před 3 lety +2

    Great work

  • @mwa2411
    @mwa2411 Před 3 lety +14

    Why you didnt look little north of the Dome of the Rock at the location of the dome of the spirits .. there are writings from Josephus talking about seeing the temple from the golden gate when standing on the mount of olives which means the temple was right infront of the golden Gate .. the ground of the dome of spirits is the threshing floor a flat ground looks like threshing floor ..

    • @davypatt1
      @davypatt1 Před 3 lety +2

      Exactly that is point I have been makeing with them that think this for weeks, as Isaiah 14 v 13 states it is in the North, there is no mention of it being in the south anywhere by anyone.

    • @lidiamcculley8933
      @lidiamcculley8933 Před 3 lety

      Amein 🙌🙏❤🍃🌷🍃

    • @lucyappah5548
      @lucyappah5548 Před 3 lety


    • @hastigehond
      @hastigehond Před 3 lety +1

      ◄ Isaiah 14:13 ►
      New International Version
      You said in your heart, "I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.
      King James Bible
      For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
      Jebel Aqra has a long history as a sacred mountain.
      It appears in the Hebrew Scriptures as Mount Zaphon (Hebrew: צפון‎). In ancient Canaanite religion, Mount Sapan was sometimes accounted as the home of all the gods, not only Baʿal and his sister. As Mount Zaphon, it appears in that role in the Hebrew Scriptures' Book of saiah, along with the Mount of the Congregation. From its importance and its position at the northern end of Canaan, it also became a metonym and then the word for the direction "north" in the Hebrew language.

    • @davypatt1
      @davypatt1 Před 3 lety

      @@hastigehond David chose this site after ordering a census, and an Angel slew 30,000 people.
      The Angel was over the threshing floor between heaven and earth, this is the site of the Dome of the Spirits, this is why it became the Holy of Holies in the temple, which is as you say in the sides of the North.
      Abraham used the site as an alter of sacrifice, the dome of the rock adjacent to the Dome of the Spirits, with Issac and then a Ram wich took his place.
      The site wasn't used for Baal worship until a lot later on with Worshipers of the Sun god Nimrod.
      This though was to desecrate a holy site of Jehovah God.
      Cannan though had turned to evil vertually straight after the flood of Noah.
      Nimrod is a desendant of Cannan and so evil survived and continued on in the sun god worship of Baal.
      The element of the sun is fire and so children were burned alive in sacrifice.

  • @Jagc0316
    @Jagc0316 Před 3 lety +5

    Wonderful insight..... It is amazing if this is true that God has allowed the Jews to prayer in the direct direction of the holy oh holliests.

  • @USACida
    @USACida Před 3 lety +1

    Wow! 👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @chielgutwein6947
    @chielgutwein6947 Před rokem +1

    Based on the mishna middot,perush HaRambam,and the Radvaz (631) I have come to the same conclusion! If we measure 22 AMOS from the stones beneath the kotel plaza the height of the kodesh Hakodashim is at the same height of the Robinson Arch.
    The Radvaz says the walls of midrash Shlomo known as Solomon stables is from the times of King Solomon. When we measure from south to North the Kodesh Hakodashim is the equivalent or starts at the beginning of the men's section of the kotel plaza.

  • @awdat
    @awdat Před 3 lety +6

    22:40 I completely agree this is the exact location

    • @PauloPereira-jj4jv
      @PauloPereira-jj4jv Před 3 lety

      It's not.
      Just a theory that not fit the facts.

    • @hiddenrambo328
      @hiddenrambo328 Před 3 lety

      Is God not Greater?
      Temple in the city of David 52 supporting scriptures from The Tanakh aka Old Testament
      -1Kings8:16 Chosen city for my Temple to be built IN - David is chosen to lead people but David is also a city and the Temple leads the people of Israel. Chosen Temple Location David city. Making Zion city of David The capital of Israel capital is also called Jerusalem (Psalm122)
      - David's son chosen to build builds according to David's plans which is in the city of David
      -2 Chron6:6 Capital Chosen place Jerusalem Leader David leads from City of David
      -2Sam5:9-12 Lord had established David as king over Israel in Zion establishing Zion The City of David as the unified capital of the tribes of Israel capital also called Jerusalem
      -Isaiah8:14 To the dwellers of the capital city The Lords sanctuary will be a trap and a snare a bait or lure
      -Isaiah8:18 Lord of hosts who dwells in Mount Zion, Zion being the city of David the capital of Israel
      -Psalm9:11 Shows where the Lord dwells IN Zion
      -Psalm9:14 praise to God Within the Gates of daughter Zion rejoice in Gods salvation
      -Exo29:45-46 God to Dwell among his people
      -Isaiah12:6 In Zion God the Holy one of Israel is in there midst
      -Isaiah 33:5-6 God has filled Zion with himself (justice/righteousness) He is the sure foundation storehouse of salvation Reverence to the Lord is Zion's treasure
      -Psalm89:14 Righteousness and Justice foundation of Gods throne
      -Psalm 9:7 God establishes his throne (which is in Zion)
      -Psalm 18:1 David Loves God
      -1 Kings 11:4 David is wholeheartedly Devoted to God
      -Psalm 85:10 Loving devotion is David joined together with righteousness and peace is God have kissed = Like a plane kisses land. God has landed in David The City.
      -Psalm 3:8 Salvation belongs to the LORD
      -Psalm 28:8 The LORD is the strength, stronghold of salvation for His anointed.
      -Isaiah 46:13 God brings righteousness and salvation in Zion for Israel Gods glory
      (God is Salvation Zion is the city of David where the Temple resides)
      -Psalm 14:7 Salvation = God, comes from Zion = city of David and restores Israel (Psalm 53:6)

      -Psalm 62:7 God is salvation glory: the rock of strength, refuge is in God.
      -Isaiah 14:32 The LORD has founded Zion, where His afflicted people will find refuge.” (In God is refuge Zion city of David is God in his Temple)
      -1 Kings 5:5 Temple has the Name of the Lord. Temple and Gods name same place
      -Proverbs 18:10-11 Name of God =the Temple is safety strong tower/castle a actual fortified city - a man see his wealth like a fortified city but is false not safe at all. (Shows mans error)
      -2 Samuel 22:2 "The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer.
      -Psalm87 God founded His city on the holy mountains (City of David)
      he loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob those born in Zion Most High Himself will establish her and will record who was born in Zion
      -Isaiah 4:5 God will create over all of Mount Zion= City of David and over her assemblies a cloud of smoke by day and a glowing flame of fire by night. For over all the glory there will be a canopy (Psalm27:5) At Gods Tabernacle/Temple
      -Psalm27:5-6 For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; He will conceal me under the cover of His tent; He will set me high upon a rock. Then my head will be held high
      above my enemies around me. At His tabernacle his dwelling the Temple which Isaiah4:5 says is in Zion the city of David
      -2 Chron 7:1-3 Lord filled the Temple with Himself (Isaiah 33:5-6 God has filled Zion with himself ) Zion the city of David is full the full Temple inside the city is full
      -1kings8:27-29 Shows Gods house Temple is his earthly seat the kings throne room. And it shows/explains what is meant when God said in 1kings8:16 "temple in which to live".
      -Psalm 102:16 For the LORD will rebuild Zion; He has appeared in His glory.
      -Psalm 102:21-22 Proclaim the name of the God in Zion (Present the Temple in City of David) which is the assembly place
      -Psalm 51:18-19 cause Zion to prosper; build up the walls of Jerusalem. (Same place) Then You will delight in righteous sacrifices, in whole burnt offerings = Temple service
      -Psalm122 Jerusalem is built up as a city united together where the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD = City of David to give thanks to the name of the LORD.=Temple house of David - peace of Jerusalem within your walls inside your fortresses.” “Peace be within you. ”For the sake of the house (Temple) of the LORD our God
      -Psalm 48 LORD of hosts, in the city of our God City of David he will establish her forever. In the midst of Your temple, Walk about Zion and go around her Count her towers, Indicates the Temple is in the midst of the city of David as Zion can walk about and go around her not go out to.
      Pick a city and ask someone where is this place then say walk about city go around and check her out is it inside or outside the city.
      -Psalm 132:13 God has chosen Zion (City of David) He has desired it for His home Temple place
      -Isaiah33:20 seems to indicate the Temple is to the north of the city but in the city as it was built up to encompass
      -2 Chronicles 8:11 daughter of Pharaoh removed from the City of David that is where the Temple and the Ark are. The places the has bo: to come in, come, go in, go
      If she goes above the city near the "temple mount" where some people think the temple went if true that would mean Solomon moved her closer to the Temple the most Holy place to move her away from the city of David a place the Ark had been makes no sense logic says the Ark and the Temple the Holy Places is in the City of David and that is why she is moved away from them not closer which is easy to do/understand as the Temple was built first then later her house was built away from the city.

      All of which indicates The Temple belongs in the city of David at the north end of the city
      -1kings8:44 March out prays toward his chosen city and this Temple. Another indicator the Temple is inside the chosen city.
      If i face toward the country Israel and Jerusalem you understand the later is inside the former we see this type of indicator repeated in 1kings8:48
      The chosen land inside that is,
      The Chosen city inside that is,
      The Chosen Seat the Temple Gods throne
      2Sam5:7/ 2 Sam5:11 / 2Sam5:17 Perhaps David did have a palace on top above Zion but the temple would be in the fortress since it is important it would be protected so would be built around.
      -2Sam6:9 Arks destination was meant to be the city of David
      -1Chr15:29 Ark enters the city of David.
      -2Sam6:13 six paces and sacrifice a fatted(special) Ox.
      -1chr16:26 7 bulls and 7 rams sacrificed. 14 times 6 paces from the entering the city to the arks destination.
      -1Chr28:11 Shows it was David's plan used which would include location
      -1Chr28:19 Makes clear those plans are actually Gods.
      1Chr28:23 A foreshadowing of the messiah being crowned twice
      -1kings9:24 Pharaoh’s daughter palace was above the city of David
      -Things built above city of David can explain cisterns and some constructions around the area of the place called "the temple mount"
      -2 Chronicles 5:2 To bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD from Zion, the City of David.
      obviously the tabernacle could not be where the Temple was being built and the Temple is elevated so even ground level would say bring up or slight incline hill say bring up as the Temple is distinct from The City of David like we see with Rome and Vatican city explains why you would say from the city of David.
      I don't know how anyone would not conclude the Temple belongs in the city of David

    • @hiddenrambo328
      @hiddenrambo328 Před 3 lety

      @@perazdera2827 What is your point exactly?

    • @hiddenrambo328
      @hiddenrambo328 Před 3 lety

      @@perazdera2827 God does and you should care! and if you read you will see that first point was already made it is about giving Honour to God where man can meet God
      a earthly place for God to rule from.(Respect and what to expect in the future)
      1 Kings8:27-28
      But will God indeed dwell upon the earth? Even heaven, the highest heaven, cannot contain You, much less this temple I have built.

    • @hiddenrambo328
      @hiddenrambo328 Před 3 lety

      @@perazdera2827 So Jesus will reign from your heart? His throne will be inside of you? He his a king where ever he resides will be his throne where people will meet him in scriptures its called a temple but that is just a name to refer to the meeting place.
      God is Mind, Body and Spirit yes his Spirit is within us but not his Body that needs a place to dwell and that is the Temple Gods Throne room and we will have a place in the Temple that comes down from heaven so we are inside Gods Temple as he is in our Temple which belongs to God.

  • @donovanwint2508
    @donovanwint2508 Před 3 lety +18

    When HASHEM is ready all hidden things will be revealed

    • @lidiamcculley8933
      @lidiamcculley8933 Před 3 lety +2

      Amein 🙌🙏❤🍃🌷🍃

    • @halloransusan1842
      @halloransusan1842 Před 3 lety +1

      thats true when Hashem time comes he will reveal everything

    • @shazgq
      @shazgq Před 3 lety +1

      Inshallah it will not happen

    • @samueldelgado1458
      @samueldelgado1458 Před 3 lety +5

      @@shazgq Hashem is not for you

    • @kibbah
      @kibbah Před 3 lety +1

      Science is indeed opening up blind eyes and deaf ears: the Jewish people. Soon! The Temple will be rebuilt and the 'beast of desolation' will proclaim himself God in the Temple. Heaven help us then!!

  • @cliffshaw9714
    @cliffshaw9714 Před 3 lety +5

    This evidence seems to support Norma Robertson's southern mount theory which I find to be, by far, the most compelling. I think there's a good chance you found it.

    • @gartate1
      @gartate1 Před 3 lety +3

      Check out Norma Robertson's videos

    • @whatzit9459
      @whatzit9459 Před 3 lety +1

      I agree with Shaw. Norma Robertson's Temple model is the most accurate one aligning both with the Bible and with archaeological discoveries.

  • @michaeld2716
    @michaeld2716 Před 3 lety +4

    The only thing I really know, is that the High Priest has to face the East and The Mount of Olives. When the Red Heifer is sacrificed? As long as this structure faces East, this makes for a convincing argument.

  • @antigasabedoriajudaica

    Just amazed !!!

  • @sir.joshuarane.doebler3762

    Thanks Jesus. Praise and glory to God. God Bless. Jesus Christ, is the name of God. He lives. Praise and Bless God's holy name.

  • @dokterphaidon
    @dokterphaidon Před 3 lety +1

    HaleluYah. Shalom Yerusalem..

  • @user-fh5wl2rm9z
    @user-fh5wl2rm9z Před 3 lety

    מדהים יבוא היום שלו ב"ה

  • @dennydewaal137
    @dennydewaal137 Před 3 lety +2

    In Suriname 🇸🇷 the temples are built in the same street... and they are not killing each other... and there no armed guards on the gates.... a lot of different people living together.... it can be done... the price for this is, respect for each other

    • @jorhay1
      @jorhay1 Před 3 lety +3

      Yeah, Islam never kills anyone to put up their cult temples 🤣

    • @dennydewaal137
      @dennydewaal137 Před 3 lety

      @@jorhay1 hi jorhay1 a few years ago I toke the effort to read the coran … because I wantend to know if it really say the thing you say …if you find the time to do it … It toke me 9.5 hour to do it ( it’s smaller then the bibel) you must understand it’s edited like .. the long verses firs and than the smaller (souras) story’s at the end … so the timescale jumps in it … I found it very interesting,, they are not after to kill me … and if I really believe in god even when I am a Protestant .. I go to the same heaven as they do … IF you do it , you will atleest know what you are talking about .. greatings denny

    • @bobbyallen7977
      @bobbyallen7977 Před 3 lety +1

      @@dennydewaal137 good luck

  • @philhohnen6193
    @philhohnen6193 Před 3 lety +9

    There are geophysical methods such as ground-penetrating radar that could confirm these infra-red images. Why hasn't this been done already? Jordanian Temple-Mount police?

    • @kibbah
      @kibbah Před 3 lety +1

      Phil Hohnen: Not allowed... because the owners of the 'dome of the rock' has squatters rights and resist the infidels (everyone else) from being there. Soon! War will change that. God forbit. But prophecy has to be fulfilled. Destruction awaits Jacob's children. Only God alone can help us now.

    • @davidsherburne8429
      @davidsherburne8429 Před 3 lety

      The politicians don’t want the temple to be located. It doesn’t fit their Islam false beliefs.

    • @aWatchmanOnTheWall
      @aWatchmanOnTheWall Před 3 lety

      @@kibbah I’m afraid your right.

  • @MoslemPerspective
    @MoslemPerspective Před 3 lety +16

    The third temple is sign end of days...... Once it build... The end of days clock started.

    • @A.V.VINOD.
      @A.V.VINOD. Před 3 lety

      Everything in the world has a beginning and an end. That is the cycle. It will be repeated. Whether it is a matter of man, or of the earth, or of the sun, or of the universe. That is a universal truth. It is made clear in the Vedas, epics and ancient scripts written by sages millennia ago in India(Bharath). It also describes climatic changes, the social background of people in the modern age, changes in human behavior etc...

    • @JohnBrown722so
      @JohnBrown722so Před 3 lety

      Everything is balance. Every end has a beginning.

    • @hiddenrambo328
      @hiddenrambo328 Před 3 lety

      Clock could easily start before it's built but if you mean the Abomination spoken of by Daniel the Prophet than that is the sign not the Temple but what happens with/to the Temple and that is the middle of the week.

    • @bobbyallen7977
      @bobbyallen7977 Před 3 lety

      The sign of the end of days was at the resurrection of Jesus.The end times began 2000 years ago.Regardless of the temple being built or not we are in the last days.Look around the world and see what's going on.Look at how much death we've had in the last century.We are seeing a movement towards a one world government and monetary system that is approaching quickly as is the beast system which I think is already in place.A lot of end time prophecy has been messed up by some preachers,scholars and recent authors.All this talk about some secret rapture and the church not going through last day persecutions is pure bunk.

    • @hiddenrambo328
      @hiddenrambo328 Před 3 lety

      The star sign from Revelation 12 out of the bible occurred. (23 sep 2017)
      Israel born as a nation in Isaiah 66 of the bible occurred. (14 may 1948)
      Both signs actually happened.
      In Genesis 41 Joseph lets us know that there will be a 7 year warning before the 7 bad years happen.
      Rev12 star sign 2017 warning so that is when the 7 year warning starts add 7 years is 2024 when Tribulation starts making 2028 the middle.
      Psalm90 Is about the nation of Israel nation means people and country.
      In psalm 90 it says all our(Israel's) days are 70-80 years and then we flee Matt and Daniel in the Bible let us know Israel nation/people flee in the middle of the Tribulation so when they flee it is the middle not the end 1948 add 80 years is 2028 the Middle of the Tribulation.
      In 2 Peter 3 and Psalm 90 we are told A day is like A thousand years and A thousand years is like A day with God and from God's perspective this is Scale and Ratio like maps have.
      Below is 1,000 Years as days.
      0-1,000 = Day 1 Adam falls
      1,000-2,000 = Day 2
      2,000-3,000 = Day 3
      3,000-4,000 = Day 4 Jesus Arrives
      4,000-5,000 = Day 5
      5,000-6,000 = Day 6
      6,000-7,000 = Day 7 Jesus Returns
      Adam is Day 1 two full days later and Jesus Arrives does his work and than goes to heaven.
      Jesus departs on Day 4 two full days later and Jesus returns.
      Jesus on earth as a boy went missing found on the 3rd (24hr) day Jesus dead but was found living on the 3rd (24hr) day.
      Mankind has never had to wait more than three days for God he always shows up on the 3rd day.
      Jesus work on the cross was done almost two complete Days ago (2,000yrs) we will not have to wait much Longer.

  • @eveeve3577
    @eveeve3577 Před 3 lety

    Awesome 😇

  • @darroniverson3373
    @darroniverson3373 Před 3 lety +3

    In the below grade excavation along the western wall, there is " the great stone". It obviously was cut that size on purpose, as in a marker. Just wondering if it lines up with these thermal images.

  • @moester75
    @moester75 Před 3 lety +8

    I wish this was subtitled in English I’d love to know what is being said.

    • @bobgriffin316
      @bobgriffin316 Před 3 lety +10

      It is. Just press the "CC" button on the bottom right of the video and you will get the English.

  • @francescaerasmus
    @francescaerasmus Před 3 lety


  • @earljones5325
    @earljones5325 Před 3 lety +1

    Makes sense to me!

  • @ofiralevy7
    @ofiralevy7  Před 3 lety +1

    you liked the channel? You want to get more information about the Temple Mount? .I need your support for that. I do everything voluntarily. to go on I need You contribute as much as you can.Through the app BIT or PAYBOX to my cellular telephone 052-4078807 .Israel. or to my bank account: leumi 1746436 Branch 790 .Thank you whole heartfeltly. ofira halevy

  • @LuizCarlos-ly6cq
    @LuizCarlos-ly6cq Před 3 lety +6

    שלום לך כי זהו המיקום המקורי של המקדש הראשון, ככל הנראה ארון הברית נמצא בחדר סודי כלשהו מתחת לאדמת המקום הזה.

    • @angora34
      @angora34 Před 3 lety +2

      נכון, לא ככל הנראה אלא בטוח. המלך יאשיהו גנז את הארון והוא אכן ממתין , כמו כולנו, לגאולה השלמה ולבניין הבית השלישי במהרה בימינו !

    • @LuizCarlos-ly6cq
      @LuizCarlos-ly6cq Před 3 lety

      @@angora34 בכתובים הקדושים יהיה קטע המצביע על הסתרת ארון הברית לפני שהמלך כלדי נבוכדנאצר הוציא את האוצרות מבית המקדש.

  • @ofiralevy7
    @ofiralevy7  Před 3 lety +1

    אהבתם את הערוץ?!, אנא הירשמו. מנת לקיים את הערוץ החשוב הזה שמתעסק בהר הבית בכל האספקטים, אני
    צריכה עזרה. להמשך פעילות אני צריכה שתתמכו ! אנא תרמו !ל- 052-4078807 ב -BIT
    .או לחשבון מס, 1746436 בנק לאומי סניף 790 בעבור אופירה הלוי . כל תרומה חשובה ועוזרת לערוץ להמשיך ולהתקיים .
    תודה, אופירה.

    • @refkamurati676
      @refkamurati676 Před 3 lety


  • @hiphopfer19
    @hiphopfer19 Před 3 lety +1


  • @user-gs5ee7xe3j
    @user-gs5ee7xe3j Před 3 lety +2

    اسرائيل الكبرى للابد و يروشليم عاصمتها للابد 💙💙💙💙 اسرائيل.
    ישראל לעד וירושלים בירתה של מדינת ישראל לעד. Jerusalem capitol of Israel forever.

    • @mansoorahmed8026
      @mansoorahmed8026 Před 3 lety

      Never ever I tell you again never ever. Your bad time is coming soon you will have place to retreat.
      Twice you build twice you was rejected this will be third time

    • @kisstherain4432
      @kisstherain4432 Před 3 lety

      @@mansoorahmed8026 🤣🤣🤣

  • @marinkokljajic1725
    @marinkokljajic1725 Před 3 lety +1

    I hope for Israel they get the temple back after so many years! SRSNE

  • @phillipbingham487
    @phillipbingham487 Před 3 lety +2

    could very well be the remains of the first temple of Solomon...the temple which existed during the reign of Herod..was no doubt built on top.. which would bury.. the original temple

  • @helenshlanger
    @helenshlanger Před 3 lety

    A comment about the Western Wall infra red photos presented at 12:15. The two areas that are seen to emit heat (The large area on the Northern section of the wall in the left photo and the central area of the right photo) are consistent with the light sources that keep the wall lit during the night. Those are in high probability the result of the large projectors that are directed at the wall and emit light (and heat). This can be clearly seen in night photographs of the wall.

  • @samueldelgado1458
    @samueldelgado1458 Před 3 lety +12

    Jesus said of the Temple.. "Not one stone will laid on another *..... Turns out He was right, ..its an empty lot where the temple stood.

  • @marioRamirez-sv3hm
    @marioRamirez-sv3hm Před 3 lety +2

    The first two templos were in the city of David. Not were the wall is right now.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety +2

      The "renown biblical archaeologists" you rely upon to assert such drivel (Ernst Martin was a meteorologist who knew nothing about academic archeology and the same goes for Robert Cornuke) clearly have not studied Charles Warren, Eilat Mazar, Conrad Schick, Barclay and Willson. Dr. Martin's theory was disproved by the experts already in the early 1990's.
      The Giḥon spring only fed the residents' needs for water. Conversely, multiple cisterns and water sources are found on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mt. has over 20 cisterns and conduits which were plenty of water for the services (I have seen for myself their capped openings on Har haBayit). One cistern could hold over 2 million gallons and another around 700,000 gallons. This is verified history. On top of this, Jewish records show that there was an aqueduct that brought water in abundance to the Temple Mt. from the Pools of Solomon at Etan near Bethlehem (not to be confused with the aqueduct that Pilot later built). Cornuke and his ilk really do not know what they are talking about.
      The building of the Ophel south of the wall was actually the Akra which was built by Antiochus IV and destroyed by Shimon the Macabee. The City of David is not wide enough to place the 740 x 740 feet that made the 500 x 500 cubits of Temple Mt.
      Bad scholarship by these people using Ernest Martin's book which was discredited a while back.
      Ernest Martin is not a credible resource but Dr Benjamin Mazar, Dr. Eilat Mazar, Captain Charles Warren, Conrad Schick, Lee Ritmeyer and others are, and they all agree Mt. Moriah is the Temple Mount. By the way, the Fort of Antonia was around 40 cubits high on a high ground. The 10th legion only came to Jerusalem after the siege of Jerusalem and a cohort is 500-600 soldiers. According to Josephus the Antonia fortress was razed to the ground by the Romans in order to access the Temple Mt during the destruction of the 2nd Temple. This is only one of many points that I can give to why Dr. Martin's theory can not hold water and why Bob Cornuke is fooling thousands of gullible people who do not know any better.
      The headquarters for the Roman soldiers was in Caesarea by the sea. The Antonia was not new, it was a fort that was constructed by Solomon and then rebuilt by Nehemia and called the Baris. Herod later expanded the area by filling in the fosse found on the north of the Temple and it was according to Josephus 60 feet deep and 250 wide as protection for the Temple from the north. Herod filled it up and expanded beyond the 500 cubits starting from the offset stone called the Persian stone from the time of Nehemia's time.
      The experts of the City of David excavations and around the Temple Mt who work daily to reveal the history of ancient Jerusalem have found nothing to date that suggests that the Temple Mt was the Antonia fortress.
      Anyway, Herod expanded to the north, west and south and those are retaining walls which were not part of the biblical measurements.
      By the way, no credible recognized archeologist says the Temple was south of the Temple Mount. For example, all these archaeologists from the 1800's and 1900's who had access to the site said the same thing about the Temple being on the Temple Mt.: DeVougue 1864, Ferguson 1878, Warren 1880, Conder 1884, Schick 1896, Watson 1896, Mommert 1903, Dalman 1909, Hollis 1934, Simons 1952, Vincent 1954, Ritmeyer 1985.
      And Josephus must be studied in unity with the Mishnah, Tosefta and the works of Conrad Schick topographical work of the Temple Mount. Josephus whom Martin and Cornuke both falsely quote, never said the Temple was in the city of David nor did he ever say an entire legion of Roman soldiers and their hangers on was permanently living in Jerusalem. He used the word "Tema" which means a lesser amount. Cornuke also doctors excerpts from the Jewish Bible so that they fit the claims he attempts to hawk. He has even lied that Israeli archaeologist Eli Shoukrun claimed that the Holy Temples stood in the City of David, whereas Shoukrun insists on the traditional site's location.
      The Jewish tradition about the Temple Mount's location boasts anecdotal contiguity since the early AD 70's. Evidently, Josephus was aware of Jews who had begun returning daily to the Mount a mere 2-3 days after the Holy Temple had been sacked. This presence continues among others through early rabbis who ascended to it and was punctuated only for a few years in the Bar-Kokhvah revolt of 132-135 AD until the Byzantine era, when Jews were permitted to go there only one day a year. It is then, intriguingly, in the 4th century, that two gentile authors attest to this Jewish presence and note how the Jews would come up to the giant Foundation Stone and brush it with oil.
      Daily Jewish presence is renewed during the Persian occupation of the early 7th century and shortly afterward with the Arab Muslim occupation of 638, a presence that was pretty uninterrupted until the First Crusade of 1099. To even suggest we Jews are so dumb that we managed to forget our holiest site along the way since the AD70 Destruction is preposterous and offensive; and utterly arrogant when stated by non-Jews. So this tradition is rock solid, and none of the Christians who attempt to defy it can provide convincing answers that bear scrutiny to the question of when the Jews forgot the supposed original site.

    • @marioRamirez-sv3hm
      @marioRamirez-sv3hm Před 3 lety

      In reality none one knows where the last temple was. Are you very certain and believe what all this people your mentioning in your commentary are 100th per cent right. There's none one rabbi or others Jewish authorities that knows where the two temple were. Other than that they already would started the construction of the new temple by now. But sounds like you know exactly that the temple was located were the single wall is right now. I been there many times trying to figure out where was the temple's. Have you ever been in Israel and see for yourself. In order to say in your long, long commentary to say all this. I'm not debating your knowledge and your intelligence. But you got it give credit to others for what they know too.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety +2

      @@marioRamirez-sv3hm lol Cupcake... I've been living in Israel for decades and been to the Temple Mount's environs many more times than you. The Mount is my holiest site and the so-called Western Wall is its western retaining wall. Seems like you haven't even read my comment, or you'd see that I wrote "The Temple Mt. has over 20 cisterns and conduits which were plenty of water for the services *(I have seen for myself their capped openings on Har haBayit)."*
      There's nothing to credit someone like you for, as you're ignorant about this. You're just trying to save face by making up your own certainties and facts, to defend your reliance on Christinsane traditions of men to undermine the Godly truth of the matter that has been confirmed by reputable and credible archeaologists. Pathetic... I presented here *facts,* whereas you're "trying to figure out". Nobody gives a damn about your *opinions.*
      You are wrong in your 1st comment and I do not understand why this matter is so important to you as a Christian who has merely set foot on the Temple Mt. as *a tourist.* It is better for you to go worry about a religious cause much closer to your heart,- perhaps the Vatican.

    • @marioRamirez-sv3hm
      @marioRamirez-sv3hm Před 3 lety

      @@ZviJ1 now you been very arrogant as every body else no wonder why you are so hated for so many people. I know there are many jews there's very respefull of the opinion of others. By the way your taking bs .you don't know anything about the Torah or religious beliefs. As for me been studying the Torah for many years , and learned to respect every single person and their beliefs. To me you don't know anything. Only thing you know is been very arrogant. Hopefully you learned how to respect others. If I say I know more than you do ill be as arrogant as you. Please do not reply. Because I don't need to talk to you.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety +2

      ​@@marioRamirez-sv3hm Typical audacity by a haughty hateful Christian bigot, who maintains the Jews are wrong about their holiest site's location but believes he's correct in adhering to the laughable City of David theory. Refuted garbage doesn't deserve respect. If you had been adequately humble, you would remain silent after my 1st comment and learn your lesson in an unpainful way. If you knew the Torah and took it seriously like me, you would abandon your blasphemous, idolatrous Non Testament.
      And sir, your English is terrible -- it matches your shoddy command of the subject at hand.

  • @enioha25
    @enioha25 Před 3 lety

    Palestras sobre o Monte do Templo, Capítulo 32, Parte 3.
    O templo sob infravermelho. Nesta palestra, o arquiteto Tuvia Sagiv apresenta seus experimentos com imagens infravermelhas no Monte e suas incríveis descobertas! Ele aparentemente descobriu a localização do Templo, talvez não com precisão, mas certamente existem fenômenos extraordinários que atestam os contornos do Templo.

    • @evandroarantes1085
      @evandroarantes1085 Před 3 lety +2

      Mas continua errada a localização. A localização verdadeira do Templo é depois dos estábulos de Schlomo (depois de Al Aksa portanto) , depois da rua e dentro da Cidade de Dawid. Em metros, está portanto cerca de 600 a 800 metros abaixo (sentido sul) de onde este arquiteto Tuvia Sagiv afirma estar. Os sionistas não querem confrontar a idéia do Templo dentro da Cidade de Dawid porque teria que destuir ruinas dela paea edificarem seu "Terceiro Templo". Então é mais fácil neste local indicado no video por este arquiteto, que ainda mais sustentaria uma blasfêmia maior de se edificar o Terceiro Templo e manter intacto o Domo da Rocha ( Mosque of Omar).

  • @johnblake8636
    @johnblake8636 Před 3 lety +4

    Are there plans to start construction of the new temple? I believe the time for building the new temple is now.

  • @jeanblache9903
    @jeanblache9903 Před 3 lety +1

    Let the Reader understand. When you will see the abomination of désolation spoken by Daniel the prophet on the side of the temple, flee. Can it be that the abomination is already there waiting for the temple to be rebuild ?

  • @Markver1
    @Markver1 Před 3 lety +1

    I am willing to entertain the idea that the temple that herod built was in the location described on the arch supported southward extended plaza platform between the now existing dome of the rock & al aqsa mosque. However, the Holy Temple that was built by Solomon, and reconstructed after the return from exile, was just north of the current dome slightly inline with the current eastern Golden Gate. The original Holy of Holies being where the now existing dome of the spirits resides.

    • @user-sg4os5qn2y
      @user-sg4os5qn2y Před 3 lety

      בית המקדש ירד מהשמים

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety

      @@user-sg4os5qn2y אגדה תינוקית שקנו אותה אנשים שטופי מח שהם כמו תינוקות שמבוגרים אחרים מחליטים עבורם מה לחשוב ולעשות. אפילו רש"י סתר את ההבל האינפנטילי הזה ב-20 מקומות בכתביו.
      בית-יהוה יבנה על הר הבית ע"י יהודים.

  • @Mr67Stanger
    @Mr67Stanger Před 3 lety +1

    This is very interesting. Can Lidar help? Could this technology be used? Are we taking into consideration that the temple mound plaza rests over stone archways laid east-west, that might reflect part of the heat accumulated?

  • @paul1der
    @paul1der Před 3 lety


  • @kevino9161
    @kevino9161 Před 3 lety +2

    The Temple was near the Gihon Spring which was one of only springs of its kind in the world, let only the region. A gift from God. This would have allowed washing to enter the Temple. The Western Wall is Fort Antonia.

    • @JustAWanderer17
      @JustAWanderer17 Před 3 lety +1

      There's not enough room near the gihon spring for the Temple.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety +1

      The "renown biblical archaeologists" you rely upon to assert such drivel (Ernst Martin was a meteorologist who knew nothing about academic archeology and the same goes for Robert Cornuke) clearly have not studied Charles Warren, Eilat Mazar, Conrad Schick, Barclay and Willson. Dr. Martin's theory was disproved by the experts already in the early 1990's.
      The Giḥon spring only fed the residents' needs for water. Conversely, multiple cisterns and water sources are found on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mt. has over 20 cisterns and conduits which were plenty of water for the services (I have seen for myself their capped openings on Har haBayit). One cistern could hold over 2 million gallons and another around 700,000 gallons. This is verified history. On top of this, Jewish records show that there was an aqueduct that brought water in abundance to the Temple Mt. from the Pools of Solomon at Etan near Bethlehem (not to be confused with the aqueduct that Pilot later built). Cornuke and his ilk really do not know what they are talking about.
      The building of the Ophel south of the wall was actually the Akra which was built by Antiochus IV and destroyed by Shimon the Macabee. The City of David is not wide enough to place the 740 x 740 feet that made the 500 x 500 cubits of Temple Mt.
      Bad scholarship by these people using Ernest Martin's book which was discredited a while back.
      Ernest Martin is not a credible resource but Dr Benjamin Mazar, Dr. Eilat Mazar, Captain Charles Warren, Conrad Schick, Lee Ritmeyer and others are, and they all agree Mt. Moriah is the Temple Mount. By the way, the Fort of Antonia was around 40 cubits high on a high ground. The 10th legion only came to Jerusalem after the siege of Jerusalem and a cohort is 500-600 soldiers. According to Josephus the Antonia fortress was razed to the ground by the Romans in order to access the Temple Mt during the destruction of the 2nd Temple. This is only one of many points that I can give to why Dr. Martin's theory can not hold water and why Bob Cornuke is fooling thousands of gullible people who do not know any better.
      The headquarters for the Roman soldiers was in Caesarea by the sea. The Antonia was not new, it was a fort that was constructed by Solomon and then rebuilt by Nehemia and called the Baris. Herod later expanded the area by filling in the fosse found on the north of the Temple and it was according to Josephus 60 feet deep and 250 wide as protection for the Temple from the north. Herod filled it up and expanded beyond the 500 cubits starting from the offset stone called the Persian stone from the time of Nehemia's time.
      The experts of the City of David excavations and around the Temple Mt who work daily to reveal the history of ancient Jerusalem have found nothing to date that suggests that the Temple Mt was the Antonia fortress.
      Anyway, Herod expanded to the north, west and south and those are retaining walls which were not part of the biblical measurements.
      By the way, no credible recognized archeologist says the Temple was south of the Temple Mount. For example, all these archaeologists from the 1800's and 1900's who had access to the site said the same thing about the Temple being on the Temple Mt.: DeVougue 1864, Ferguson 1878, Warren 1880, Conder 1884, Schick 1896, Watson 1896, Mommert 1903, Dalman 1909, Hollis 1934, Simons 1952, Vincent 1954, Ritmeyer 1985.
      And Josephus must be studied in unity with the Mishnah, Tosefta and the works of Conrad Schick topographical work of the Temple Mount. Josephus whom Martin and Cornuke both falsely quote, never said the Temple was in the city of David nor did he ever say an entire legion of Roman soldiers and their hangers on was permanently living in Jerusalem. He used the word "Tema" which means a lesser amount. Cornuke also doctors excerpts from the Jewish Bible so that they fit the claims he attempts to hawk. He has even lied that Israeli archaeologist Eli Shoukrun claimed that the Holy Temples stood in the City of David, whereas Shoukrun insists on the traditional site's location.
      The Jewish tradition about the Temple Mount's location boasts anecdotal contiguity since the early AD 70's. Evidently, Josephus was aware of Jews who had begun returning daily to the Mount a mere 2-3 days after the Holy Temple had been sacked. This presence continues among others through early rabbis who ascended to it and was punctuated only for a few years in the Bar-Kokhvah revolt of 132-135 AD until the Byzantine era, when Jews were permitted to go there only one day a year. It is then, intriguingly, in the 4th century, that two gentile authors attest to this Jewish presence and note how the Jews would come up to the giant Foundation Stone and brush it with oil.
      Daily Jewish presence is renewed during the Persian occupation of the early 7th century and shortly afterward with the Arab Muslim occupation of 638, a presence that was pretty uninterrupted until the First Crusade of 1099. To even suggest we Jews are so dumb that we managed to forget our holiest site along the way since the AD70 Destruction is preposterous and offensive; and utterly arrogant when stated by non-Jews. So this tradition is rock solid, and none of the Christians who attempt to defy it can provide convincing answers that bear scrutiny to the question of when the Jews forgot the supposed original site.

    • @kevino9161
      @kevino9161 Před 3 lety

      My God is the God of the Old Testament, which is the same God of the New Testament because they are identical. You, I’m not sure what god you worship? Talmudic God, maybe? Lucifer?

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety

      @@kevino9161 < LMAO > There's no Old Testament but the only testament -- the Miqra (Jewish Bible).

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety

      @@kevino9161 I do not accept the Talmud nor your *blasphemous, idolatrous, pagan Non Testament* Buy-Bull amalgamation of *Greco-Roman fairytales composed by heathens in Europe,*

  • @nocbobby
    @nocbobby Před 3 lety

    It will be a while before I am able to make an educational video that is understandable . . . . . but if U R anxious . . . . I will attach my understandable notes on this subject to anyone who requests and provides their email in the comment

  • @whatzit9459
    @whatzit9459 Před 3 lety

    Dear Sagiv,
    If Dome of the rock was fort Antonia and Al-kas was the place where the holy of holies stood, where is the corridor between the Temple and the fort? Can you please explain?

  • @msw1174
    @msw1174 Před rokem

    Glory to Chris

  • @GypsyPriest
    @GypsyPriest Před 3 lety +1

    How can you (enter) a totally demolished temple?... One in which "not one stone is left upon another"?
    For that is what the prophet told us.

    • @davidsherburne8429
      @davidsherburne8429 Před 3 lety

      But not the buried foundation.

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 Před 2 lety

      Not any of Gd's Prophet said any such thing, neither Gd's Mountain nor Foundation Stone have moved.

  • @victorashkenazy6961
    @victorashkenazy6961 Před 3 lety

    I walked in a friday morning all the area beneath the floor from tunnels recently opened by the Arabs. There are only high ceiling praying rooms very poor ventilated for full ocupation. Lighting is provided from very tall Roman windows on external wall.

  • @user-vs2ko2nc2e
    @user-vs2ko2nc2e Před 3 lety

    אתה טועה לגמרי מכל הסיבות אומנם ראית אבל לא פירשת נכון בהר הבית יש רק 2 מקומות של סלע בלבד 1 מקום המזבח 2 מקום קודש קודשים האנטוניה מחוץ להר המקורי בשטח הצפוני מסגד אל אקצה הכי דרומי ושם היתה הבזיליקה המלכותית הר הבית רובו מן הדרום מה שאומר לא יתכן למקם שם את הקודש וקודש הקודשים כי הם רחוקים לפחות 150 מטר לשיטה המקילה.רואים גם כלפי חוץ שהבניה שם מאוחרת יותר בנוסף נקראו שערי חולדה בשם זה מפני שאנשים העולים נכנסים למדרגות כמו מחילות מתחת לבזיליקה ויוצאים בשטח שלפני הר הבית וזה המסומן

  • @MegaBob222222
    @MegaBob222222 Před 3 lety +4

    Do your homework and you will realize this is not the location of the temple.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety +1

      I kinda agree, but I'm much more emphatic that any spot outside of the Temple Mt. is not the location either.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety +1

      @Tracy Sutton Dunno why there's still no laughter emoticon option on this site for comments. The "renown biblical archaeologists" you rely upon to assert such drivel (Ernst Martin was a meteorologist who knew nothing about academic archeology and the same goes for Robert Cornuke) clearly have not studied Charles Warren, Eilat Mazar, Conrad Schick, Barclay and Willson. Dr. Martin's theory was disproved by the experts already in the early 1990's.
      The Giḥon spring only fed the residents' needs for water. Conversely, multiple cisterns and water sources are found on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mt. has over 20 cisterns and conduits which were plenty of water for the services (I have seen for myself their capped openings on Har haBayit). One cistern could hold over 2 million gallons and another around 700,000 gallons. This is verified history. On top of this, Jewish records show that there was an aqueduct that brought water in abundance to the Temple Mt. from the Pools of Solomon at Etan near Bethlehem (not to be confused with the aqueduct that Pilot later built). Cornuke and his ilk really do not know what they are talking about.
      The building of the Ophel south of the wall was actually the Akra which was built by Antiochus IV and destroyed by Shimon the Macabee. The City of David is not wide enough to place the 740 x 740 feet that made the 500 x 500 cubits of Temple Mt.
      Bad scholarship by these people using Ernest Martin's book which was discredited a while back.
      Ernest Martin is not a credible resource but Dr Benjamin Mazar, Dr. Eilat Mazar, Captain Charles Warren, Conrad Schick, Lee Ritmeyer and others are, and they all agree Mt. Moriah is the Temple Mount. By the way, the Fort of Antonia was around 40 cubits high on a high ground. The 10th legion only came to Jerusalem after the siege of Jerusalem and a cohort is 500-600 soldiers. According to Josephus the Antonia fortress was razed to the ground by the Romans in order to access the Temple Mt during the destruction of the 2nd Temple. This is only one of many points that I can give to why Dr. Martin's theory can not hold water and why Bob Cornuke is fooling thousands of gullible people who do not know any better.
      The headquarters for the Roman soldiers was in Caesarea by the sea. The Antonia was not new, it was a fort that was constructed by Solomon and then rebuilt by Nehemia and called the Baris. Herod later expanded the area by filling in the fosse found on the north of the Temple and it was according to Josephus 60 feet deep and 250 wide as protection for the Temple from the north. Herod filled it up and expanded beyond the 500 cubits starting from the offset stone called the Persian stone from the time of Nehemia's time.
      The experts of the City of David excavations and around the Temple Mt who work daily to reveal the history of ancient Jerusalem have found nothing to date that suggests that the Temple Mt was the Antonia fortress.
      Anyway, Herod expanded to the north, west and south and those are retaining walls which were not part of the biblical measurements.
      By the way, no credible recognized archeologist says the Temple was south of the Temple Mount. For example, all these archaeologists from the 1800's and 1900's who had access to the site said the same thing about the Temple being on the Temple Mt.: DeVougue 1864, Ferguson 1878, Warren 1880, Conder 1884, Schick 1896, Watson 1896, Mommert 1903, Dalman 1909, Hollis 1934, Simons 1952, Vincent 1954, Ritmeyer 1985.
      And Josephus must be studied in unity with the Mishnah, Tosefta and the works of Conrad Schick topographical work of the Temple Mount. Josephus whom Martin and Cornuke both falsely quote, never said the Temple was in the city of David nor did he ever say an entire legion of Roman soldiers and their hangers on was permanently living in Jerusalem. He used the word "Tema" which means a lesser amount. Cornuke also doctors excerpts from the Jewish Bible so that they fit the claims he attempts to hawk. He has even lied that Israeli archaeologist Eli Shoukrun claimed that the Holy Temples stood in the City of David, whereas Shoukrun insists on the traditional site's location.
      The Jewish tradition about the Temple Mount's location boasts anecdotal contiguity since the early AD 70's. Evidently, Josephus was aware of Jews who had begun returning daily to the Mount a mere 2-3 days after the Holy Temple had been sacked. This presence continues among others through early rabbis who ascended to it and was punctuated only for a few years in the Bar-Kokhvah revolt of 132-135 AD until the Byzantine era, when Jews were permitted to go there only one day a year. It is then, intriguingly, in the 4th century, that two gentile authors attest to this Jewish presence and note how the Jews would come up to the giant Foundation Stone and brush it with oil.
      Daily Jewish presence is renewed during the Persian occupation of the early 7th century and shortly afterward with the Arab Muslim occupation of 638, a presence that was pretty uninterrupted until the First Crusade of 1099. To even suggest we Jews are so dumb that we managed to forget our holiest site along the way since the AD70 Destruction is preposterous and offensive; and utterly arrogant when stated by non-Jews. So this tradition is rock solid, and none of the Christians who attempt to defy it can provide convincing answers that bear scrutiny to the question of when the Jews forgot the supposed original site.
      You should go worry about something truly dear to Xtians. Due to the Covid-19 mess, you will probably never step foot at the Temple Mt. even as a tourist, whereas I ascend it a few times a year as an observant Jew.

    • @hiddenrambo328
      @hiddenrambo328 Před 3 lety

      Is God not Greater?
      Temple in the city of David 52 supporting scriptures from The Tanakh aka Old Testament
      -1Kings8:16 Chosen city for my Temple to be built IN - David is chosen to lead people but David is also a city and the Temple leads the people of Israel. Chosen Temple Location David city. Making Zion city of David The capital of Israel capital is also called Jerusalem (Psalm122)
      - David's son chosen to build builds according to David's plans which is in the city of David
      -2 Chron6:6 Capital Chosen place Jerusalem Leader David leads from City of David
      -2Sam5:9-12 Lord had established David as king over Israel in Zion establishing Zion The City of David as the unified capital of the tribes of Israel capital also called Jerusalem
      -Isaiah8:14 To the dwellers of the capital city The Lords sanctuary will be a trap and a snare a bait or lure
      -Isaiah8:18 Lord of hosts who dwells in Mount Zion, Zion being the city of David the capital of Israel
      -Psalm9:11 Shows where the Lord dwells IN Zion
      -Psalm9:14 praise to God Within the Gates of daughter Zion rejoice in Gods salvation
      -Exo29:45-46 God to Dwell among his people
      -Isaiah12:6 In Zion God the Holy one of Israel is in there midst
      -Isaiah 33:5-6 God has filled Zion with himself (justice/righteousness) He is the sure foundation storehouse of salvation Reverence to the Lord is Zion's treasure
      -Psalm89:14 Righteousness and Justice foundation of Gods throne
      -Psalm 9:7 God establishes his throne (which is in Zion)
      -Psalm 18:1 David Loves God
      -1 Kings 11:4 David is wholeheartedly Devoted to God
      -Psalm 85:10 Loving devotion is David joined together with righteousness and peace is God have kissed = Like a plane kisses land. God has landed in David The City.
      -Psalm 3:8 Salvation belongs to the LORD
      -Psalm 28:8 The LORD is the strength, stronghold of salvation for His anointed.
      -Isaiah 46:13 God brings righteousness and salvation in Zion for Israel Gods glory
      (God is Salvation Zion is the city of David where the Temple resides)
      -Psalm 14:7 Salvation = God, comes from Zion = city of David and restores Israel (Psalm 53:6)

      -Psalm 62:7 God is salvation glory: the rock of strength, refuge is in God.
      -Isaiah 14:32 The LORD has founded Zion, where His afflicted people will find refuge.” (In God is refuge Zion city of David is God in his Temple)
      -1 Kings 5:5 Temple has the Name of the Lord. Temple and Gods name same place
      -Proverbs 18:10-11 Name of God =the Temple is safety strong tower/castle a actual fortified city - a man see his wealth like a fortified city but is false not safe at all. (Shows mans error)
      -2 Samuel 22:2 "The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer.
      -Psalm87 God founded His city on the holy mountains (City of David)
      he loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob those born in Zion Most High Himself will establish her and will record who was born in Zion
      -Isaiah 4:5 God will create over all of Mount Zion= City of David and over her assemblies a cloud of smoke by day and a glowing flame of fire by night. For over all the glory there will be a canopy (Psalm27:5) At Gods Tabernacle/Temple
      -Psalm27:5-6 For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; He will conceal me under the cover of His tent; He will set me high upon a rock. Then my head will be held high
      above my enemies around me. At His tabernacle his dwelling the Temple which Isaiah4:5 says is in Zion the city of David
      -2 Chron 7:1-3 Lord filled the Temple with Himself (Isaiah 33:5-6 God has filled Zion with himself ) Zion the city of David is full the full Temple inside the city is full
      -1kings8:27-29 Shows Gods house Temple is his earthly seat the kings throne room. And it shows/explains what is meant when God said in 1kings8:16 "temple in which to live".
      -Psalm 102:16 For the LORD will rebuild Zion; He has appeared in His glory.
      -Psalm 102:21-22 Proclaim the name of the God in Zion (Present the Temple in City of David) which is the assembly place
      -Psalm 51:18-19 cause Zion to prosper; build up the walls of Jerusalem. (Same place) Then You will delight in righteous sacrifices, in whole burnt offerings = Temple service
      -Psalm122 Jerusalem is built up as a city united together where the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD = City of David to give thanks to the name of the LORD.=Temple house of David - peace of Jerusalem within your walls inside your fortresses.” “Peace be within you. ”For the sake of the house (Temple) of the LORD our God
      -Psalm 48 LORD of hosts, in the city of our God City of David he will establish her forever. In the midst of Your temple, Walk about Zion and go around her Count her towers, Indicates the Temple is in the midst of the city of David as Zion can walk about and go around her not go out to.
      Pick a city and ask someone where is this place then say walk about city go around and check her out is it inside or outside the city.
      -Psalm 132:13 God has chosen Zion (City of David) He has desired it for His home Temple place
      -Isaiah33:20 seems to indicate the Temple is to the north of the city but in the city as it was built up to encompass
      -2 Chronicles 8:11 daughter of Pharaoh removed from the City of David that is where the Temple and the Ark are. The places the has bo: to come in, come, go in, go
      If she goes above the city near the "temple mount" where some people think the temple went if true that would mean Solomon moved her closer to the Temple the most Holy place to move her away from the city of David a place the Ark had been makes no sense logic says the Ark and the Temple the Holy Places is in the City of David and that is why she is moved away from them not closer which is easy to do/understand as the Temple was built first then later her house was built away from the city.

      All of which indicates The Temple belongs in the city of David at the north end of the city
      -1kings8:44 March out prays toward his chosen city and this Temple. Another indicator the Temple is inside the chosen city.
      If i face toward the country Israel and Jerusalem you understand the later is inside the former we see this type of indicator repeated in 1kings8:48
      The chosen land inside that is,
      The Chosen city inside that is,
      The Chosen Seat the Temple Gods throne
      2Sam5:7/ 2 Sam5:11 / 2Sam5:17 Perhaps David did have a palace on top above Zion but the temple would be in the fortress since it is important it would be protected so would be built around.
      -2Sam6:9 Arks destination was meant to be the city of David
      -1Chr15:29 Ark enters the city of David.
      -2Sam6:13 six paces and sacrifice a fatted(special) Ox.
      -1chr16:26 7 bulls and 7 rams sacrificed. 14 times 6 paces from the entering the city to the arks destination.
      -1Chr28:11 Shows it was David's plan used which would include location
      -1Chr28:19 Makes clear those plans are actually Gods.
      1Chr28:23 A foreshadowing of the messiah being crowned twice
      -1kings9:24 Pharaoh’s daughter palace was above the city of David
      -Things built above city of David can explain cisterns and some constructions around the area of the place called "the temple mount"
      -2 Chronicles 5:2 To bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD from Zion, the City of David.
      obviously the tabernacle could not be where the Temple was being built and the Temple is elevated so even ground level would say bring up or slight incline hill say bring up as the Temple is distinct from The City of David like we see with Rome and Vatican city explains why you would say from the city of David.
      I don't know how anyone would not conclude the Temple belongs in the city of David

  • @bulasatish3318
    @bulasatish3318 Před 3 lety +7

    Yeshua is that temple in real now. How yeshua come into my life and take over my life. In time to come when Israel people are in deep deep troubles then they will cry and call out to God . yeshua will them and come to establish Jerusalem city. Only a small number of people will be saved just like in Noah's ark time.

  • @profprabirkumarpattnaik7088

    It attempts to protect the Mosque

  • @ldfox11
    @ldfox11 Před 3 lety +8

    The temple was bellow the Temple mount in the city of David at the Gihon spring. They found the ruins of a Roman fort in Turkey, it's the same shape and size as the temple mount in Jerusalem. The whole temple mount is Fort Antonio. The Bible says that the Temple was built in the City of David. And the Bible says, when Pilate sent Troops to the Temple, that they when down to the Temple don't next door. And the Bible says not one stone would be lift on another, so that's not the Western Wall, The Western Wall is part of Fort Antonio. All will be reveled when Yeshua returns.

    • @nathasion9556
      @nathasion9556 Před 3 lety +3

      you made my day you little stupid guy. Thanks for the laugh

    • @ldfox11
      @ldfox11 Před 3 lety

      @@nathasion9556 God bless you too.

    • @ldfox11
      @ldfox11 Před 3 lety +1

      ​@Matt HooperKing Solomon built his Palace first and it says after building the Temple, he would walk "down" to the Temple from his place, not "up" to the Temple. Where the Temple Mount faces the city of David, it was the Palace above not the Temple. It's said that King Herod's Palace was refurbished at the same time he refurbished the Temple. He would look down on the Temple from the Place above to see the progress of the Temple Restoration and would admire the Temple from above. Right below the Temple Mount under where the Palace would have been, they found Solomon's stables that were carved into the Mountain. But the argument will be settled, when they use Jeremiah's cooper scroll to find the articles he hid that came from the Temple. They will find all the genealogy records and maps of the city of David and the Palace and Temple. I'm sure we will not have long to wait.

    • @izziebon
      @izziebon Před 3 lety

      @Matt Hooper glad to hear your sensible viewpoint on this. The sloping area now known as city of David was his home and Palace, whereas all of Jerusalem was originally his city; he is the one that bought it, and the kingly aspect of his tribe refers to the whole of Jerusalem in a prophetic sense also; it’s the ‘capital city’ whether you apply it physically or spiritually for the future. The western wall is what was the foundations of the second temple, not the walls themselves... so the “stone upon a stone“ does not really apply to them.

    • @azulnadamdamin7515
      @azulnadamdamin7515 Před 3 lety +2

      This theory is absolutely wrong ..

  • @pashaporoshin6308
    @pashaporoshin6308 Před 3 lety

    יש את כל התשובות כי הכול כתוב כבר, כל האמת נחשפת.

  • @edbenjamin5136
    @edbenjamin5136 Před 3 lety

    Strato's Tower? Mentioned in Josephus. Was it not the site of the Baris also, which the Hasmoneans expanded?

  • @Nitrogen24
    @Nitrogen24 Před 3 lety +1

    יש לחיהא יכולות לסרוק את הר הבית ולקבל תוצאות וגם לחיל הים.

  • @sandybonfiglio7545
    @sandybonfiglio7545 Před 3 lety +1

    What about satellite image?

  • @andrewlink5280
    @andrewlink5280 Před 3 lety

    Build magnificent for a mighty magnificent eternal creator one big white orb with love and joy feelings come from it about a mile in diamiter thats what i seen in my death experience dont allow a green one green orb he deceives ive seen him too i come in gods name lord jahova hosanna in the highest hallowed be his name jesus christ hes white like snow not green with envy praise God amen

  • @karenalejandrasantisguajar600

    then, now is posible to build the 3 temple ??

  • @jesseg6708
    @jesseg6708 Před 3 lety

    Build please.

  • @elaamor9227
    @elaamor9227 Před 3 lety

    איפה המקום הקרוב ביותר לבית במקדש
    שאליו אפשר לגשת??

  • @song-uz5le
    @song-uz5le Před 3 lety

    Hope you recover it one day

  • @angelhuskyjourney3476
    @angelhuskyjourney3476 Před 3 lety

    Please rebuilt Jews their temple as soon as possible. May our father in heaven helps Them and bless Israel amen

  • @michaelmilne9914
    @michaelmilne9914 Před 3 lety +2

    What he has discovered? is probably a Templar monk church fortress built about 800 AD

  • @doctorjay523
    @doctorjay523 Před 3 lety

    Is the temple of jupiter capitolian ,build for Hadrian emperator

  • @rodalmond8210
    @rodalmond8210 Před 3 lety

    O wow

  • @davidfryer9359
    @davidfryer9359 Před 3 lety

    What to do?

  • @432hzcompanyq.6
    @432hzcompanyq.6 Před 3 lety +1

    If, A=1 B=2 Z=26.
    The Mother Of Harlots= 226
    The Roman Catholic Church= 226
    The Number Of The Beasts=226
    Rome's Day Of Rest Mark=226
    The Roman Empire Curse=226

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 Před 2 lety

      All of Christianity is the Last Beast, their Phallic Idol Jesus was the Ultimate Antimoshiach bringing the exact Opposite of David's coming Shoot.

  • @benhur6193
    @benhur6193 Před 3 lety

    Quando si ricostruirà il tempio?

  • @charlesdavis9937
    @charlesdavis9937 Před 3 lety +1

    That’s the old Roman fortress Antonia, not the Temple Mount. The las Temple was destroyed completely, nothing standing as Jesus said it would. If the western wall is still standing, then Jesus prediction was false.

    • @professorstein5855
      @professorstein5855 Před 3 lety

      What the hell are you taking about. You sound confused. Jesus said none of the buildings would have one stone left on another and he was right. That has nothing to do with a wall around the outside which was mostly destroyed as wel until it was repaired.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety

      @@professorstein5855 You are confused as well. All four walls that surrounded the Temple Mt. in the 1st century AD are still standing and they have always been pretty intact. Fair disclosure: I am a Jewish Temple Mt. activist, live in the Land of Israel and make pilgrimage to the Temple Mt. a few times annually.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety

      @Charles Davis
      The "renown biblical archaeologists" you rely upon to assert such drivel (Ernst Martin was a meteorologist who knew nothing about academic archeology and the same goes for Robert Cornuke) clearly have not studied Charles Warren, Eilat Mazar, Conrad Schick, Barclay and Willson. Dr. Martin's theory was disproved by the experts already in the early 1990's.
      The Giḥon spring only fed the residents' needs for water. Conversely, multiple cisterns and water sources are found on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mt. has over 20 cisterns and conduits which were plenty of water for the services (I have seen for myself their capped openings on Har haBayit). One cistern could hold over 2 million gallons and another around 700,000 gallons. This is verified history. On top of this, Jewish records show that there was an aqueduct that brought water in abundance to the Temple Mt. from the Pools of Solomon at Etan near Bethlehem (not to be confused with the aqueduct that Pilot later built). Cornuke and his ilk really do not know what they are talking about.
      The building of the Ophel south of the wall was actually the Akra which was built by Antiochus IV and destroyed by Shimon the Macabee. The City of David is not wide enough to place the 740 x 740 feet that made the 500 x 500 cubits of Temple Mt.
      Bad scholarship by these people using Ernest Martin's book which was discredited a while back.
      Ernest Martin is not a credible resource but Dr Benjamin Mazar, Dr. Eilat Mazar, Captain Charles Warren, Conrad Schick, Lee Ritmeyer and others are, and they all agree Mt. Moriah is the Temple Mount. By the way, the Fort of Antonia was around 40 cubits high on a high ground. The 10th legion only came to Jerusalem after the siege of Jerusalem and a cohort is 500-600 soldiers. According to Josephus the Antonia fortress was razed to the ground by the Romans in order to access the Temple Mt during the destruction of the 2nd Temple. This is only one of many points that I can give to why Dr. Martin's theory can not hold water and why Bob Cornuke is fooling thousands of gullible people who do not know any better.
      The headquarters for the Roman soldiers was in Caesarea by the sea. The Antonia was not new, it was a fort that was constructed by Solomon and then rebuilt by Nehemia and called the Baris. Herod later expanded the area by filling in the fosse found on the north of the Temple and it was according to Josephus 60 feet deep and 250 wide as protection for the Temple from the north. Herod filled it up and expanded beyond the 500 cubits starting from the offset stone called the Persian stone from the time of Nehemia's time.
      The experts of the City of David excavations and around the Temple Mt who work daily to reveal the history of ancient Jerusalem have found nothing to date that suggests that the Temple Mt was the Antonia fortress.
      Anyway, Herod expanded to the north, west and south and those are retaining walls which were not part of the biblical measurements.
      By the way, no credible recognized archeologist says the Temple was south of the Temple Mount. For example, all these archaeologists from the 1800's and 1900's who had access to the site said the same thing about the Temple being on the Temple Mt.: DeVougue 1864, Ferguson 1878, Warren 1880, Conder 1884, Schick 1896, Watson 1896, Mommert 1903, Dalman 1909, Hollis 1934, Simons 1952, Vincent 1954, Ritmeyer 1985.
      And Josephus must be studied in unity with the Mishnah, Tosefta and the works of Conrad Schick topographical work of the Temple Mount. Josephus whom Martin and Cornuke both falsely quote, never said the Temple was in the city of David nor did he ever say an entire legion of Roman soldiers and their hangers on was permanently living in Jerusalem. He used the word "Tema" which means a lesser amount. Cornuke also doctors excerpts from the Jewish Bible so that they fit the claims he attempts to hawk. He has even lied that Israeli archaeologist Eli Shoukrun claimed that the Holy Temples stood in the City of David, whereas Shoukrun insists on the traditional site's location.
      The Jewish tradition about the Temple Mount's location boasts anecdotal contiguity since the early AD 70's. Evidently, Josephus was aware of Jews who had begun returning daily to the Mount a mere 2-3 days after the Holy Temple had been sacked. This presence continues among others through early rabbis who ascended to it and was punctuated only for a few years in the Bar-Kokhvah revolt of 132-135 AD until the Byzantine era, when Jews were permitted to go there only one day a year. It is then, intriguingly, in the 4th century, that two gentile authors attest to this Jewish presence and note how the Jews would come up to the giant Foundation Stone and brush it with oil.
      Daily Jewish presence is renewed during the Persian occupation of the early 7th century and shortly afterward with the Arab Muslim occupation of 638, a presence that was pretty uninterrupted until the First Crusade of 1099. To even suggest we Jews are so dumb that we managed to forget our holiest site along the way since the AD70 Destruction is preposterous and offensive; and utterly arrogant when stated by non-Jews. So this tradition is rock solid, and none of the Christians who attempt to defy it can provide convincing answers that bear scrutiny to the question of when the Jews forgot the supposed original site.

    • @professorstein5855
      @professorstein5855 Před 3 lety

      @@ZviJ1 False. The stones from the Hasmonean period, the Herodian period and the muslim period are all visible. They have been repaired a few times. Thanks for playing. NEXT.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety

      @@professorstein5855 Try not to make a fool out of yourself if you want to come across as a know-it-all. You said *mostly* destroyed, but didn't back up this allegation with even a single example since the AD 70 Temple sacking. If you're not Israeli, there shouldn't be a problem for you to concede you were wrong about this particular claim, or remain silent.

  • @waltercook453
    @waltercook453 Před 3 lety


  • @user-vs2ko2nc2e
    @user-vs2ko2nc2e Před 3 lety

    זה שבית המדקש למטה זה כתוב בכתובים במגילת איכה טבעו בארץ שעריה וכך כותב הרדבז .מבחינה לשונית אתה צודק בהבדל בן אבן לסלע אבל מבחינה הלכתית זה לא נכון במקרה הזה כי עשו את הר הבית כולו כיפין על כיפין מפני קבר התהום חוץ ממקום זה שחיב חיבור ישיר במקום המזבח וקודש והקודשים בלבד לכן זה נורא פשוט באבן המנוקבת יש סלע במרכז עד התהום וזה או מקום המזבח או קק בלבד

  • @Ammoroso29
    @Ammoroso29 Před 3 lety +1

    How old is this video?

    • @ofiralevy7
      @ofiralevy7  Před 3 lety +3

      4 munth ago

    • @Ammoroso29
      @Ammoroso29 Před 3 lety

      ​@@ofiralevy7 So, we have to assume that the interview was 4 months ago. Thank you and Keep up the good job

    • @ofiralevy7
      @ofiralevy7  Před 3 lety


  • @sophiawilson8696
    @sophiawilson8696 Před 3 lety

    It is in the City of David.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety

      The "renown biblical archaeologists" you rely upon to assert such drivel (Ernst Martin was a meteorologist who knew nothing about academic archeology and the same goes for Robert Cornuke) clearly have not studied Charles Warren, Eilat Mazar, Conrad Schick, Barclay and Willson. Dr. Martin's theory was disproved by the experts already in the early 1990's.
      The Giḥon spring only fed the residents' needs for water. Conversely, multiple cisterns and water sources are found on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mt. has over 20 cisterns and conduits which were plenty of water for the services (I have seen for myself their capped openings on Har haBayit). One cistern could hold over 2 million gallons and another around 700,000 gallons. This is verified history. On top of this, Jewish records show that there was an aqueduct that brought water in abundance to the Temple Mt. from the Pools of Solomon at Etan near Bethlehem (not to be confused with the aqueduct that Pilot later built). Cornuke and his ilk really do not know what they are talking about.
      The building of the Ophel south of the wall was actually the Akra which was built by Antiochus IV and destroyed by Shimon the Macabee. The City of David is not wide enough to place the 740 x 740 feet that made the 500 x 500 cubits of Temple Mt.
      Bad scholarship by these people using Ernest Martin's book which was discredited a while back.
      Ernest Martin is not a credible resource but Dr Benjamin Mazar, Dr. Eilat Mazar, Captain Charles Warren, Conrad Schick, Lee Ritmeyer and others are, and they all agree Mt. Moriah is the Temple Mount. By the way, the Fort of Antonia was around 40 cubits high on a high ground. The 10th legion only came to Jerusalem after the siege of Jerusalem and a cohort is 500-600 soldiers. According to Josephus the Antonia fortress was razed to the ground by the Romans in order to access the Temple Mt during the destruction of the 2nd Temple. This is only one of many points that I can give to why Dr. Martin's theory can not hold water and why Bob Cornuke is fooling thousands of gullible people who do not know any better.
      The headquarters for the Roman soldiers was in Caesarea by the sea. The Antonia was not new, it was a fort that was constructed by Solomon and then rebuilt by Nehemia and called the Baris. Herod later expanded the area by filling in the fosse found on the north of the Temple and it was according to Josephus 60 feet deep and 250 wide as protection for the Temple from the north. Herod filled it up and expanded beyond the 500 cubits starting from the offset stone called the Persian stone from the time of Nehemia's time.
      The experts of the City of David excavations and around the Temple Mt who work daily to reveal the history of ancient Jerusalem have found nothing to date that suggests that the Temple Mt was the Antonia fortress.
      Anyway, Herod expanded to the north, west and south and those are retaining walls which were not part of the biblical measurements.
      By the way, no credible recognized archeologist says the Temple was south of the Temple Mount. For example, all these archaeologists from the 1800's and 1900's who had access to the site said the same thing about the Temple being on the Temple Mt.: DeVougue 1864, Ferguson 1878, Warren 1880, Conder 1884, Schick 1896, Watson 1896, Mommert 1903, Dalman 1909, Hollis 1934, Simons 1952, Vincent 1954, Ritmeyer 1985.
      And Josephus must be studied in unity with the Mishnah, Tosefta and the works of Conrad Schick topographical work of the Temple Mount. Josephus whom Martin and Cornuke both falsely quote, never said the Temple was in the city of David nor did he ever say an entire legion of Roman soldiers and their hangers on was permanently living in Jerusalem. He used the word "Tema" which means a lesser amount. Cornuke also doctors excerpts from the Jewish Bible so that they fit the claims he attempts to hawk. He has even lied that Israeli archaeologist Eli Shoukrun claimed that the Holy Temples stood in the City of David, whereas Shoukrun insists on the traditional site's location.
      The Jewish tradition about the Temple Mount's location boasts anecdotal contiguity since the early AD 70's. Evidently, Josephus was aware of Jews who had begun returning daily to the Mount a mere 2-3 days after the Holy Temple had been sacked. This presence continues among others through early rabbis who ascended to it and was punctuated only for a few years in the Bar-Kokhvah revolt of 132-135 AD until the Byzantine era, when Jews were permitted to go there only one day a year. It is then, intriguingly, in the 4th century, that two gentile authors attest to this Jewish presence and note how the Jews would come up to the giant Foundation Stone and brush it with oil.
      Daily Jewish presence is renewed during the Persian occupation of the early 7th century and shortly afterward with the Arab Muslim occupation of 638, a presence that was pretty uninterrupted until the First Crusade of 1099. To even suggest we Jews are so dumb that we managed to forget our holiest site along the way since the AD70 Destruction is preposterous and offensive; and utterly arrogant when stated by non-Jews. So this tradition is rock solid, and none of the Christians who attempt to defy it can provide convincing answers that bear scrutiny to the question of when the Jews forgot the supposed original site.

    • @sophiawilson8696
      @sophiawilson8696 Před 3 lety

      @@ZviJ1 it was in City of David! Let it go!

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 Před 2 lety

      Divrei Hayamim II - II Chronicles - Chapter 3:
      1And Solomon commenced to build the House of the Lord in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where He had appeared to his father David, which he had prepared in David's place, in the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. אוַיָּ֣חֶל שְׁלֹמֹ֗ה לִבְנ֚וֹת אֶת־בֵּֽית־יְהֹוָה֙ בִּירֽוּשָׁלִַ֔ם בְּהַר֙ הַמּ֣וֹרִיָּ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר נִרְאָ֖ה לְדָוִ֣יד אָבִ֑יהוּ אֲשֶׁ֚ר הֵכִין֙ בִּמְק֣וֹם דָּוִ֔יד בְּגֹ֖רֶן אָרְנָ֥ן הַיְבוּסִֽי:
      2And he commenced to build in the second month, in the second, in the fourth year of his reign. בוַ֠יָּחֶל לִבְנ֞וֹת בַּחֹ֚דֶשׁ הַשֵּׁנִי֙ בַּשֵּׁנִ֔י בִּשְׁנַ֥ת אַרְבַּ֖ע לְמַלְכוּתֽוֹ:

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 Před 2 lety

      @@sophiawilson8696 No, but cling to our lies and your idol while you may, soon David's Shoot will come and your cult will be no more.

  • @angora34
    @angora34 Před 3 lety

    תיאוריה נחמדה אבל זו רק תיאוריה ( בינתיים). מה כבודו אומר לגבי אבן השתיה שהיתה בקודש הקדשים ולפי התיאוריה מרוחקת ממנו???
    אהבתי מאוד שמר שגיב טוען שהוא גילה משהו ולא יודע בדיוק מהו וניתן לפתח את זה לכל מיני כיוונים כלומר אין כאן שום דבר בטוח והחלטי.

  • @jimderksen1653
    @jimderksen1653 Před 3 lety

    I disagree.....the temple was in the city of David to the south of the temple mount. It was not far from the gihon spring which was needed for fresh water for purification and for washing the blood away from the altar. They have found a site where an altar stood and there are grooves in the stone for the blood to be drained and washed away. The entire temple mount was the fort for the roman soldiers.

    • @lionsdejudah
      @lionsdejudah Před 3 lety +1

      Explain this... if the temple was in the city of David then why does the pilgrimage road go all the way up to the Dome of the Rock?
      The pilgrimage road leading from the pool of purification should end around the area of the city of David and not go all the way up to the dome of the rock.

    • @jimderksen1653
      @jimderksen1653 Před 3 lety

      @@lionsdejudah well I believe that water is key. There is no water on the temple mount and plenty of water is needed. They would have built the temple near water.

    • @lionsdejudah
      @lionsdejudah Před 3 lety

      So the pilgrimage road leading from the Pool of Purification all the way up past the city of David to the Dome of the rock was for the Soliders?

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety +1

      @@jimderksen1653 The "renown biblical archaeologists" you rely upon to assert such drivel (Ernst Martin was a meteorologist who knew nothing about academic archeology and the same goes for Robert Cornuke) clearly have not studied Charles Warren, Eilat Mazar, Conrad Schick, Barclay and Willson. Dr. Martin's theory was disproved by the experts already in the early 1990's.
      The Giḥon spring only fed the residents' needs for water. Conversely, multiple cisterns and water sources are found on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mt. has over 20 cisterns and conduits which were plenty of water for the services (I have seen for myself their capped openings on Har haBayit). One cistern could hold over 2 million gallons and another around 700,000 gallons. This is verified history. On top of this, Jewish records show that there was an aqueduct that brought water in abundance to the Temple Mt. from the Pools of Solomon at Etan near Bethlehem (not to be confused with the aqueduct that Pilot later built). Cornuke and his ilk really do not know what they are talking about.
      The building of the Ophel south of the wall was actually the Akra which was built by Antiochus IV and destroyed by Shimon the Macabee. The City of David is not wide enough to place the 740 x 740 feet that made the 500 x 500 cubits of Temple Mt.
      Bad scholarship by these people using Ernest Martin's book which was discredited a while back.
      Ernest Martin is not a credible resource but Dr Benjamin Mazar, Dr. Eilat Mazar, Captain Charles Warren, Conrad Schick, Lee Ritmeyer and others are, and they all agree Mt. Moriah is the Temple Mount. By the way, the Fort of Antonia was around 40 cubits high on a high ground. The 10th legion only came to Jerusalem after the siege of Jerusalem and a cohort is 500-600 soldiers. According to Josephus the Antonia fortress was razed to the ground by the Romans in order to access the Temple Mt during the destruction of the 2nd Temple. This is only one of many points that I can give as to why Dr. Martin's theory can not hold water and why Robert Cornuke is fooling thousands of gullible people like you, who do not know any better.
      The headquarters for the Roman soldiers was in Caesarea by the sea. The Antonia was not new, it was a fort that was constructed by Solomon and then rebuilt by Nehemia and called the Baris. Herod later expanded the area by filling in the fosse found on the north of the Temple and it was according to Josephus 60 feet deep and 250 wide as protection for the Temple from the north. Herod filled it up and expanded beyond the 500 cubits starting from the offset stone called the Persian stone from the time of Nehemia's time.
      The experts of the City of David excavations and around the Temple Mt who work daily to reveal the history of ancient Jerusalem have found nothing to date that suggests that the Temple Mt was the Antonia fortress.
      Anyway, Herod expanded to the north, west and south and those are retaining walls which were not part of the biblical measurements.
      By the way, no credible recognized archeologist says the Temple was south of the Temple Mount. For example, all these archaeologists from the 1800's and 1900's who had access to the site said the same thing about the Temple being on the Temple Mt.: DeVougue 1864, Ferguson 1878, Warren 1880, Conder 1884, Schick 1896, Watson 1896, Mommert 1903, Dalman 1909, Hollis 1934, Simons 1952, Vincent 1954, Ritmeyer 1985.
      And Josephus must be studied in unity with the Mishnah, Tosefta and the works of Conrad Schick topographical work of the Temple Mount. Josephus whom Martin and Cornuke both falsely quote, never said the Temple was in the city of David nor did he ever say an entire legion of Roman soldiers and their hangers on was permanently living in Jerusalem. He used the word "Tema" which means a lesser amount. Cornuke also doctors excerpts from the Jewish Bible so that they fit the claims he attempts to hawk. He has even lied that Israeli archaeologist Eli Shoukrun claimed that the Holy Temples stood in the City of David, whereas Shoukrun insists on the traditional site's location.
      The Jewish tradition about the Temple Mount's location boasts anecdotal contiguity since the early AD 70's. Evidently, Josephus was aware of Jews who had begun returning daily to the Mount a mere 2-3 days after the Holy Temple had been sacked. This presence continues among others through early rabbis who ascended to it and was punctuated only for a few years in the Bar-Kokhvah revolt of 132-135 AD until the Byzantine era, when Jews were permitted to go there only one day a year. It is then, intriguingly, in the 4th century, that two gentile authors attest to this Jewish presence and note how the Jews would come up to the giant Foundation Stone and brush it with oil.
      Daily Jewish presence is renewed during the Persian occupation of the early 7th century and shortly afterward with the Arab Muslim occupation of 638, a presence that was pretty uninterrupted until the First Crusade of 1099. To even suggest we Jews are so dumb that we managed to forget our holiest site along the way since the AD70 Destruction is preposterous and offensive; and utterly arrogant when stated by non-Jews. So this tradition is rock solid, and none of the Christians who attempt to defy it can provide convincing answers that bear scrutiny to the question of when the Jews forgot the supposed original site.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety +1

      ​@@jimderksen1653 P.S: I just proved there was plenty of water on the Temple Mt. and leading up to it, for both Holy Temples. Only the facts matter and literally nobody gives a damn what you *feel.*

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 Před 3 lety

    if the title is in English, then let the presentation, be in the same language....

  • @chalklite7
    @chalklite7 Před 3 lety +2


  • @mayanlogos92
    @mayanlogos92 Před 3 lety

    Only I see no subtitles when I put on the cc? I feel tricked..

  • @1995yuda
    @1995yuda Před 3 lety +1

    צריך לדון בדברים בעמיקות אלו עניינים רציניים. על כלל העם להיות מגוייס לנושא מיד.

  • @StevenPenaJr
    @StevenPenaJr Před 3 lety

    Perhaps the Dome of the Rock is right where it should be: Within the court of the gentiles.

  • @randylplampin1326
    @randylplampin1326 Před 3 lety +2

    If the Temple of Solomon is not in the City of David then all of this is a colossal waste of time.

    • @professorstein5855
      @professorstein5855 Před 3 lety +1

      The Bible, if it’s correct, says they brought the ark of the covenant up and out of the city of David to the Temple. So of course the Temple is not in the city of David.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety +1

      In my book the excessive patience that Israel has had for pisslamic misbehavior at the Temple Mt. has been a colossal waste of time. On June 12, 1967 Israel should have permanently confined the Muslims and their rights to the Alaqsa mosque at the Mount's southeastern extremity and made the Mount a sovereign Jewish site. Instead, to this very day, Israel's Holy Places Law does NOT even recognize the Temple Mt. as a Jewish holy site! This defies credulity and all belief!

  • @icequeen8531
    @icequeen8531 Před 3 lety +7

    Jerusalem is undivided capital of Israel!

  • @baikorg
    @baikorg Před 3 lety +1

    No such thing as temple .
    All the area are masajid
    The place to prostrate to Allah / god. all fiction without proven archelogic evidence..
    Surah Al-Baqara, Verse 140:
    أَمْ تَقُولُونَ إِنَّ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْمَاعِيلَ وَإِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَالْأَسْبَاطَ كَانُوا هُودًا أَوْ نَصَارَىٰ قُلْ أَأَنتُمْ أَعْلَمُ أَمِ اللَّهُ وَمَنْ أَظْلَمُ مِمَّن كَتَمَ شَهَادَةً عِندَهُ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَمَا اللَّهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ
    Or say ye that Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Do ye know best, or doth Allah? And who is more unjust than he who hideth a testimony which he hath received from Allah? Allah is not unaware of what ye do.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 Před 3 lety

      Is lam has no connection to Jerusalem and the Temple Mt. except for legends and usurpation.
      Keep on living in a dream with your falsehoods and made up narrative.

  • @davypatt1
    @davypatt1 Před 3 lety +3

    Isaiah 14 v 13, Please read. also Ezekiel 42 v1, 2 Samuel 24 v16 -18, and Ezekiel 10 v 18-19. The East Gate was the Main and Only Gate on the East.

    • @hiddenrambo328
      @hiddenrambo328 Před 3 lety

      Is God not Greater?
      Temple in the city of David 52 supporting scriptures from The Tanakh aka Old Testament
      -1Kings8:16 Chosen city for my Temple to be built IN - David is chosen to lead people but David is also a city and the Temple leads the people of Israel. Chosen Temple Location David city. Making Zion city of David The capital of Israel capital is also called Jerusalem (Psalm122)
      - David's son chosen to build builds according to David's plans which is in the city of David
      -2 Chron6:6 Capital Chosen place Jerusalem Leader David leads from City of David
      -2Sam5:9-12 Lord had established David as king over Israel in Zion establishing Zion The City of David as the unified capital of the tribes of Israel capital also called Jerusalem
      -Isaiah8:14 To the dwellers of the capital city The Lords sanctuary will be a trap and a snare a bait or lure
      -Isaiah8:18 Lord of hosts who dwells in Mount Zion, Zion being the city of David the capital of Israel
      -Psalm9:11 Shows where the Lord dwells IN Zion
      -Psalm9:14 praise to God Within the Gates of daughter Zion rejoice in Gods salvation
      -Exo29:45-46 God to Dwell among his people
      -Isaiah12:6 In Zion God the Holy one of Israel is in there midst
      -Isaiah 33:5-6 God has filled Zion with himself (justice/righteousness) He is the sure foundation storehouse of salvation Reverence to the Lord is Zion's treasure
      -Psalm89:14 Righteousness and Justice foundation of Gods throne
      -Psalm 9:7 God establishes his throne (which is in Zion)
      -Psalm 18:1 David Loves God
      -1 Kings 11:4 David is wholeheartedly Devoted to God
      -Psalm 85:10 Loving devotion is David joined together with righteousness and peace is God have kissed = Like a plane kisses land. God has landed in David The City.
      -Psalm 3:8 Salvation belongs to the LORD
      -Psalm 28:8 The LORD is the strength, stronghold of salvation for His anointed.
      -Isaiah 46:13 God brings righteousness and salvation in Zion for Israel Gods glory
      (God is Salvation Zion is the city of David where the Temple resides)
      -Psalm 14:7 Salvation = God, comes from Zion = city of David and restores Israel (Psalm 53:6)

      -Psalm 62:7 God is salvation glory: the rock of strength, refuge is in God.
      -Isaiah 14:32 The LORD has founded Zion, where His afflicted people will find refuge.” (In God is refuge Zion city of David is God in his Temple)
      -1 Kings 5:5 Temple has the Name of the Lord. Temple and Gods name same place
      -Proverbs 18:10-11 Name of God =the Temple is safety strong tower/castle a actual fortified city - a man see his wealth like a fortified city but is false not safe at all. (Shows mans error)
      -2 Samuel 22:2 "The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer.
      -Psalm87 God founded His city on the holy mountains (City of David)
      he loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob those born in Zion Most High Himself will establish her and will record who was born in Zion
      -Isaiah 4:5 God will create over all of Mount Zion= City of David and over her assemblies a cloud of smoke by day and a glowing flame of fire by night. For over all the glory there will be a canopy (Psalm27:5) At Gods Tabernacle/Temple
      -Psalm27:5-6 For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; He will conceal me under the cover of His tent; He will set me high upon a rock. Then my head will be held high
      above my enemies around me. At His tabernacle his dwelling the Temple which Isaiah4:5 says is in Zion the city of David
      -2 Chron 7:1-3 Lord filled the Temple with Himself (Isaiah 33:5-6 God has filled Zion with himself ) Zion the city of David is full the full Temple inside the city is full
      -1kings8:27-29 Shows Gods house Temple is his earthly seat the kings throne room. And it shows/explains what is meant when God said in 1kings8:16 "temple in which to live".
      -Psalm 102:16 For the LORD will rebuild Zion; He has appeared in His glory.
      -Psalm 102:21-22 Proclaim the name of the God in Zion (Present the Temple in City of David) which is the assembly place
      -Psalm 51:18-19 cause Zion to prosper; build up the walls of Jerusalem. (Same place) Then You will delight in righteous sacrifices, in whole burnt offerings = Temple service
      -Psalm122 Jerusalem is built up as a city united together where the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD = City of David to give thanks to the name of the LORD.=Temple house of David - peace of Jerusalem within your walls inside your fortresses.” “Peace be within you. ”For the sake of the house (Temple) of the LORD our God
      -Psalm 48 LORD of hosts, in the city of our God City of David he will establish her forever. In the midst of Your temple, Walk about Zion and go around her Count her towers, Indicates the Temple is in the midst of the city of David as Zion can walk about and go around her not go out to.
      Pick a city and ask someone where is this place then say walk about city go around and check her out is it inside or outside the city.
      -Psalm 132:13 God has chosen Zion (City of David) He has desired it for His home Temple place
      -Isaiah33:20 seems to indicate the Temple is to the north of the city but in the city as it was built up to encompass
      -2 Chronicles 8:11 daughter of Pharaoh removed from the City of David that is where the Temple and the Ark are. The places the has bo: to come in, come, go in, go
      If she goes above the city near the "temple mount" where some people think the temple went if true that would mean Solomon moved her closer to the Temple the most Holy place to move her away from the city of David a place the Ark had been makes no sense logic says the Ark and the Temple the Holy Places is in the City of David and that is why she is moved away from them not closer which is easy to do/understand as the Temple was built first then later her house was built away from the city.

      All of which indicates The Temple belongs in the city of David at the north end of the city
      -1kings8:44 March out prays toward his chosen city and this Temple. Another indicator the Temple is inside the chosen city.
      If i face toward the country Israel and Jerusalem you understand the later is inside the former we see this type of indicator repeated in 1kings8:48
      The chosen land inside that is,
      The Chosen city inside that is,
      The Chosen Seat the Temple Gods throne
      2Sam5:7/ 2 Sam5:11 / 2Sam5:17 Perhaps David did have a palace on top above Zion but the temple would be in the fortress since it is important it would be protected so would be built around.
      -2Sam6:9 Arks destination was meant to be the city of David
      -1Chr15:29 Ark enters the city of David.
      -2Sam6:13 six paces and sacrifice a fatted(special) Ox.
      -1chr16:26 7 bulls and 7 rams sacrificed. 14 times 6 paces from the entering the city to the arks destination.
      -1Chr28:11 Shows it was David's plan used which would include location
      -1Chr28:19 Makes clear those plans are actually Gods.
      1Chr28:23 A foreshadowing of the messiah being crowned twice
      -1kings9:24 Pharaoh’s daughter palace was above the city of David
      -Things built above city of David can explain cisterns and some constructions around the area of the place called "the temple mount"
      -2 Chronicles 5:2 To bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD from Zion, the City of David.
      obviously the tabernacle could not be where the Temple was being built and the Temple is elevated so even ground level would say bring up or slight incline hill say bring up as the Temple is distinct from The City of David like we see with Rome and Vatican city explains why you would say from the city of David.
      I don't know how anyone would not conclude the Temple belongs in the city of David

    • @davypatt1
      @davypatt1 Před 3 lety

      @@hiddenrambo328 That was all very long winded, the simple answer to you is this, David was first King in Bethlehem, this is where the City of David is.
      Luke 2 v 11 Unto you is born this day in the City of David, a saviour who is christ the lord.
      So if you believe the Christ was born in Bethlehem as the Bible teaches us, then this would make Bethlehem the City of David.

    • @hiddenrambo328
      @hiddenrambo328 Před 3 lety

      @@davypatt1 Thank you for your Comment. That isn't "The City of David" It's his home town and that is the way it is being said but Bethlehem and Zion two different places and Zion was named The city of David while Bethlehem obviously is not. David & Jesus same Home town can call it "The city of Jesus". (One is a saying home town the other was a proclamation by a king naming the fortress of Zion the city of David)
      See John 1:44
      "Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter."
      Now obviously Bethsaida is not the city of Peter or the city of Andrew it is called Bethsaida but it is their town same as Bethlehem for David and Jesus. (Note the word used for City here can also be translated as town same as in luke2:11)
      But once again David actually had a city named the City of David which was also called Zion.
      2Sam5:9 So David took up residence in the fortress and called it the City of David. He built it up all the way around, from the supporting terraces inward.
      The word translated as called is
      Qara: to call, proclaim, read
      One city is famous because it is the birth place of the King the other is the Kings city that was claimed and named by the King.
      Still see this happen today towns become known for famous athletes or actors so they are referenced at the same time blahbla city such n such's hometown sometimes the home is left out.
      1 Samuel 17:12, “David was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehem-Judah whose name was Jesse.”
      (Just to show it was his home town.)
      A proper explanation takes time which means long winded and there is things that could still be added to this i am just trying to give enough to explain the understanding and not just do one verse and go see your wrong which is not called for in this case and probably be less helpful now you have why i think this and can look into it and decide for yourself if what i have said is true.
      Also my first comment I actually tried to keep it short just scripture Ref and what it shows to me with mild explanation for people to review for themselves just like a study guide saying look here.

    • @davypatt1
      @davypatt1 Před 3 lety

      @@hiddenrambo328 Zion does not refer to a place it is an explanation of Gods Kingdom coming to earth Zion refers to Israel and the Jewish people as a whole it is a feeling, a spiritual force of Gods presence not a place.

    • @hiddenrambo328
      @hiddenrambo328 Před 3 lety

      @@davypatt1 So your saying God doesn't know what he is talking about?
      1 Chronicles 11:5 The people of Jebus said to David, “You will never get in here.” Nevertheless, David captured the fortress of Zion (that is, the City of David).
      1 Kings 8:1
      At that time Solomon assembled before him in Jerusalem the elders of Israel--all the tribal heads and family leaders of the Israelites--to bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD from Zion, the City of David.
      Psalm 132:13
      For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation
      Psalm 76:2
      His tent is in Salem, His dwelling place in Zion.
      Psalm 78:68
      But He chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which He loved.
      1 Kings 8:16
      Since the day I brought My people Israel out of Egypt, I have not chosen a city from any tribe of Israel in which to build a house so that My Name would be there. But I have chosen David to be over My people Israel.'
      Psalm 87:2
      The LORD loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.
      Deuteronomy 12:5
      Instead, you must seek the place the LORD your God will choose from among all your tribes to establish as a dwelling for His Name, and there you must go.
      Now before you go aha See 1kings8:1 says up from/out of The City of David
      Yes all you need is elevation and distinction in location A is not B example
      Bring that plant up from/out of the yard! My house is therefore not in my yard?
      The Temple complex has a clear border a distinct location it is not the city of David it is in the City of David the city of David is not the Temple complex it houses the Temple complex. The Temple on the north side of the city which is uphill = Elevation The Temple has a foundation = Elevation
      The Temple is the Place of God a high place = Elevation.
      Easily explaining the wording up from/out and it's language that we still use today students hear bring that from your desk up to the front all the time guess their desk is in a different place than the front but it's still in the same room.

  • @yolandprastyo8121
    @yolandprastyo8121 Před 3 lety

    Everybody still debate where temple location.. So why we must war to claim it .. 😂

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 Před 2 lety

      Divrei Hayamim II - II Chronicles - Chapter 3:
      1And Solomon commenced to build the House of the Lord in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where He had appeared to his father David, which he had prepared in David's place, in the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. אוַיָּ֣חֶל שְׁלֹמֹ֗ה לִבְנ֚וֹת אֶת־בֵּֽית־יְהֹוָה֙ בִּירֽוּשָׁלִַ֔ם בְּהַר֙ הַמּ֣וֹרִיָּ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר נִרְאָ֖ה לְדָוִ֣יד אָבִ֑יהוּ אֲשֶׁ֚ר הֵכִין֙ בִּמְק֣וֹם דָּוִ֔יד בְּגֹ֖רֶן אָרְנָ֥ן הַיְבוּסִֽי:
      2And he commenced to build in the second month, in the second, in the fourth year of his reign. בוַ֠יָּחֶל לִבְנ֞וֹת בַּחֹ֚דֶשׁ הַשֵּׁנִי֙ בַּשֵּׁנִ֔י בִּשְׁנַ֥ת אַרְבַּ֖ע לְמַלְכוּתֽוֹ:

  • @claudemorin8227
    @claudemorin8227 Před 3 lety

    Pourquoi ne pas utiliser les muons entre le dôme et la mosquée al aqcsa. Cela a été utiliser pour la pyramide de kheops.

  • @davidrichards7814
    @davidrichards7814 Před 3 lety

    Ezekiel 47:1-12 speaks of a spring of water exiting from the Temple. Fountains of water running underground in rock would unlikely change course Does this property have a spring? If it does, there would be more evidence of your theory.

    • @whatzit9459
      @whatzit9459 Před 3 lety

      Dear Richards, the Temple referred in Ezekiel is not the earlier Temple. It is talking about a future Temple during millenial reign of Christ.

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 Před 2 lety

      Divrei Hayamim II - II Chronicles - Chapter 3:
      1And Solomon commenced to build the House of the Lord in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where He had appeared to his father David, which he had prepared in David's place, in the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. אוַיָּ֣חֶל שְׁלֹמֹ֗ה לִבְנ֚וֹת אֶת־בֵּֽית־יְהֹוָה֙ בִּירֽוּשָׁלִַ֔ם בְּהַר֙ הַמּ֣וֹרִיָּ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר נִרְאָ֖ה לְדָוִ֣יד אָבִ֑יהוּ אֲשֶׁ֚ר הֵכִין֙ בִּמְק֣וֹם דָּוִ֔יד בְּגֹ֖רֶן אָרְנָ֥ן הַיְבוּסִֽי:
      2And he commenced to build in the second month, in the second, in the fourth year of his reign. בוַ֠יָּחֶל לִבְנ֞וֹת בַּחֹ֚דֶשׁ הַשֵּׁנִי֙ בַּשֵּׁנִ֔י בִּשְׁנַ֥ת אַרְבַּ֖ע לְמַלְכוּתֽוֹ:

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 Před 2 lety

      Ezekiel was having a vision of the Temple that the coming Shoot of David will come and build.

  • @oferhahamov3217
    @oferhahamov3217 Před 3 lety

    שמע ישראל ה' אחדדדדדד👁

  • @pieterbezuidenhout2741

    Someone USING HIS BRAINS instead of sitting on it.
    Now for the next STEP, Ground Penetrating Radar and it will be CONFIRMED.

  • @user-ym9dl6xs9z
    @user-ym9dl6xs9z Před 3 lety

    אולי הקווים הם מדרגות ?