The Hurt Locker - Sabaton - In the name of God

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 670

  • @TheMihajlol
    @TheMihajlol Před 11 lety +70

    "As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy."
    -Christopher Dawson

    • @agentorange153
      @agentorange153 Před 4 lety +4

      WRONG -- as long as people are NOT willing to use ALL means available to fight evil, they are bound to SUCCUMB to it!

    • @mareczek00713
      @mareczek00713 Před 2 lety +3

      Ah, yes, let's listen to a man who never fought evil about how we're supposed to take higher risks in order to avoid his entitled ass calling us the baddies.
      Also, quite ironic since his good way to wage war was the way his father fought, sitting in trenches and throwing bodies at machine guns...

  • @SMH55
    @SMH55 Před 7 lety +18

    "Your war is in vain" that hit me

  • @davejohnson1933
    @davejohnson1933 Před 10 lety +90

    I like the lyrics "stand up and show me your face"; it makes a very good point.
    If a man truly believes God is on his side, even to the point that he will kill the helpless, why would such a man hide his face?
    There is no account of Ishmael being deceptive in his actions. Au contraire - Ishmael by all accounts, Biblical or otherwise, looked his friends and foes in the eye.
    If God truly takes your side, I propose that stealth is unnecessary, for honesty and truth are highly valued in heaven. Deceit and lies, on the other hand, are fathered by the Devil.

    • @lokaal18
      @lokaal18 Před 10 lety +10

      True. If God really takes your side, he will give you courage and smartness to overcome the enemy. If his goal is really justified by heaven, he shouldn't be afraid to show his face.

    • @lokaal18
      @lokaal18 Před 10 lety

      Nazim Fathi That's also true...

    • @davejohnson1933
      @davejohnson1933 Před 10 lety +1

      Well, to be fair civilians pay their taxes, generate production, and have the potential to become soldiers for the state. That makes them no less of a resource than a gold mine, farm, or bomb. So, civilians are just as legitimate a target in war as an oil field if your sole intent is to destroy the resources of your enemy.
      But that is not the only reason why the public executions are taking place. They are making these things public so the local, and foreign, populations understand that ISIS is in control of those areas. This is done because it is only the lawful government, or those that the lawful government delegates it's authority to, that has the right to take the life of one of it's citizens (criminal executions being an example).
      It is, I agree, cruel. But it is not ignorant; they know exactly what they are accomplishing when they hold their public executions. If they were ignorant ISIS would never have gotten to where it is now.
      This kind of violence, in one form or another, has been the bread and butter method for new Arab States to emerge ever since the Turkish empire fragmented.
      President Bush did the world a grave disfavor when he took the unnecessary step of removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and assassinating his sons.
      Now there is nothing to be done except wait out the chaos and see who emerges victorious. I doubt it will be ISIS, but eventually a native Arab State will appear that has the necessary military & political strength to restore order using ruthless oppression to suppress all dissenters capable of causing trouble.

    • @davejohnson1933
      @davejohnson1933 Před 10 lety

      It is an accepted fact that it is better to wound a soldier than to kill him, yes?
      Well, how much more so to cause harm to a civilian population?
      Majority of civilians contribute, in some fashion, to the welfare of the State. Even if just by existing as a consumer or manual laborer. Killing or wounding and, especially, displacing civilians hurts the ability of the opposition to resist your own efforts.
      Civilians who are injured or become refugees clog roads, overflow hospitals and shelters, and force governments to spend time and resources needed for the war effort trying to aid the refugees or repair devastated civilian infrastructure.
      Bringing the war to the "civilian" front also accelerates war fatigue - it was this very thing, the desire of the civilians in the North for peace, that almost allowed the South to win the US Civil War in 1864; and it was only when the North took the war to the civilians in the South (when Sherman pillaged and burned his way to the sea) that brought that conflict to a timely conclusion.
      In Vietnam it was not the VC or NVN that defeated the US - it was the war fatigue of the civilian populace.
      In addition, most soldiers have two loyalties; one to the State and one to the Family. As long as their families are safe they will endure great hardships on behalf of the State because they will be able to reason with themselves that their sacrifice secures the fates of the ones they love.
      However, if their Family is not safe, then they become demoralized and will often attempt to desert, surrender, or even mutiny because, with most men, the loyalty to the Family is stronger than the loyalty to the State.
      By targeting the Family you target the heart of the opposing soldiers, weaken the resolve of the civilian population to wage war, and thereby increase the pressure on the Threat leadership to seek a peace.
      There is nothing inherently wrong with targeting civilians - because it is the civilians that enable war to take place; without them the military would not exist because the military exists to protect, or impose the will of, the civilians.
      I believe ISIS is in error - but only because they are creating a situation wherein they cannot survive the post-war peace (assuming they win) because they are sowing the seeds for a counter-revolution.
      But I digress; to sum it up - war is not possible without civilian support in one form or another; therefore civilians are never "innocent". Indeed, civilians are the primary perpetrators of war in our modern age because the countries most often involved in war are run by civilian leadership, elected or appointed, from amidst the civilian population.

    • @davejohnson1933
      @davejohnson1933 Před 10 lety


  • @Dev_Six
    @Dev_Six Před 8 lety +63

    This song couldn't be more fitting than now.

    • @DezzarTac
      @DezzarTac Před 8 lety +3

      +Mr Skeltal
      It fits now because for the last decade our problems haven't changed.

    • @davidodonovan1699
      @davidodonovan1699 Před 4 lety +8

      To be fair, Islam hasn't changed since Mohammed. The evil has always been their.

    • @dylantennant6594
      @dylantennant6594 Před 3 lety +2

      I am just going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you are American. But Islam has changed, numerous times. After Muhammad’s death, there was a schism between who his heir as leader of the faith would be, leading to the formation of Shia and Sunni Islam. Briefly during the Middle Ages, Islam was unified especially during the crusade. During this time, knowledge was held to be the sight of god, taking inspiration from Socratic philosophy and Jewish thought. This golden age was an age were medical advances, scientific achievements and any idea that furthered humanity was not scene as heretical but as part of Allah’s will. This golden age that held out during the crusades, helped inspire the European reinassance, with people like Copernicus, Galeo and Da Vinci, taking inspiration from Islamic science and art. It was only during the rise and fall the Ottoman Empire that this idea of extremism took over. Many of these terroists groups started out as politically driven and gained a religious meaning over time. The Taliban for example, started as a anti soviet movment, before it the leaders began to use Religous idolatry as a rallying cry.
      This evil you speak off however has always existed. Just not nessicarly in Islam always, but in man. We humans as a species are an evil force. Hell is not below us, it’s in our cities, in our souls and in our lives.

    • @brianstabile165
      @brianstabile165 Před 3 lety +1

      Look at 2021

    • @Dev_Six
      @Dev_Six Před 3 lety

      @@brianstabile165 Lol I've been vindicated.

  • @cyberslayer002
    @cyberslayer002 Před 11 lety +2

    Men who do not believe in God have simply not given the matter enough thought.

  • @soldiergirlcl
    @soldiergirlcl Před 7 lety +66

    how many threats did sabaton receive for this amazing song?

    • @tomaszkietyka2325
      @tomaszkietyka2325 Před 7 lety

      what do you mean by that?

    • @soldiergirlcl
      @soldiergirlcl Před 7 lety +25

      Tomasz Kiełtyka well it directly mocks alqaeda. i got few death threats (all hilarious i must admit) by isis-sympathizers for MUCH LESS

    • @tomaszkietyka2325
      @tomaszkietyka2325 Před 7 lety +4

      wow, well some people are really dumb apparently

    • @soldiergirlcl
      @soldiergirlcl Před 7 lety

      Tomasz Kiełtyka are you talking about me?

    • @TheEmolano
      @TheEmolano Před 7 lety +5

      they censored Winged Hussars but not this

  • @BigSupernovaGaming
    @BigSupernovaGaming Před 7 lety +37

    Don't scroll down, the comment section is full of fellow Americans saying we should nuke some place and Europeans who think America is evil and starting wars everywhere. Come on guys, don't you think it's time to get out of the basement and actually try to fix these problems with society you're crying about?

    • @soldiergirlcl
      @soldiergirlcl Před 7 lety

      and i guess youìre a rusky? ^^

    • @wabawoooIII
      @wabawoooIII Před 7 lety +7

      *fellow Americans*

    • @TheEmolano
      @TheEmolano Před 7 lety +3

      I not read the comments yet but i'm 100%sure that there's some Russian Bias sayng how badass Putin is

    • @eduardolagarda5951
      @eduardolagarda5951 Před 7 lety +2

      I guess they played too much CoD MW

    • @gigabaidoshvili8984
      @gigabaidoshvili8984 Před 7 lety +1

      To be honest there are a couple places in the world nuking which could solve half of the European and American people's problems instantly: Refugee crysis, terrorism, oil problems and many other things... Just gone in a blink of an eye.

  • @m0nkEz
    @m0nkEz Před 11 lety +2

    To be fair, we didn't really know the long-term effects, and it's not as if watching their citizens starve is a good way to avoid casualties. In war, people die, it might not have been the right choice, but we made the decision we thought would prevent the most bloodshed. I think we made the right one, but I don't know how the alternatives would have played out.

  • @andreaward1425
    @andreaward1425 Před rokem +2

    Fantastic videos thank you for the breave men how do what they are doing my hat goes off th them thank you

  • @headhunter1945
    @headhunter1945 Před 8 lety +2

    Hurt Locker is US military slang from the Viet Nam campaign. Being put in it generally refers to being hit by something bad, such as explosives. "Johnny got hit by an IED last night, he got put in the hurt locker." It is also the title of a poem by Brian Turner, a war veteran, professor and writer, which ends:
    "Open the hurt locker
    and see what there is of knives
    and teeth. Open the hurt locker and learn
    how rough men come hunting for souls."

  • @Atlas_Summit
    @Atlas_Summit Před 11 měsíci +2

    The worst kind of people are the people who brag about committing this savagery, but cry victim when it happens to them.

  • @Jwitkowski1
    @Jwitkowski1 Před 11 lety +3

    This awseome video makes me think of my brother Jesse who served our country in th Marine Corps, and my buddy Nate, who is curently a US Army Combat engineer.

  • @TheMistrG
    @TheMistrG Před 11 lety +10

    Nádherná písnička a skvěle udělaný video! Well done!

  • @timvanrijn8239
    @timvanrijn8239 Před 9 lety +8

    those who hide from their enemies are affraid. those who fight truely for god will not hide.
    man who hide from there daeth are hiding from there god.
    a god who inspires to coware before his judgement is not real

  • @karlmikhailtibule1481
    @karlmikhailtibule1481 Před rokem +3

    Wow perfect sync and editing with the music. It gives some cool Knight SGC vibe.

  • @Sakkehattu
    @Sakkehattu Před 11 lety +2

    The fact that the opponent is evil doesn't justify you being evil.
    If they rape innocent civilians you don't act against their innocent civilians, you act against the ones that did the crimes against your people.

    • @agentorange153
      @agentorange153 Před 2 lety

      And if THEIR civilians SUPPORT the rape of your civilians (as the VAST MAJORITY of them IN FACT DO)?! Does that not make them JUST AS GUILTY of raping your civilians as the ones who actually did the raping?!

  • @kowjuice11
    @kowjuice11 Před 8 lety +3

    Awesome song,awesome band,awesome movie,awesome video

  • @JackDanielsCHS08
    @JackDanielsCHS08 Před 11 lety +6

    song goes really well with this movie. Great job dude

  • @thearbiter221
    @thearbiter221 Před 12 lety +2

    that is 1 of my favorite war movies

  • @wolfalpha4468
    @wolfalpha4468 Před 8 lety +3

    i watched this film on live :D

  • @Sakkehattu
    @Sakkehattu Před 12 lety

    Soldiers are the ones that risk their lives in war, it shouldn´t be that innocent 10year old girl or boy.
    Nor should it be the 78year old grandfather.
    Its the soldier, that goes in FOR hes kid, hes grandparents.

  • @AnarchyInTheUK1947
    @AnarchyInTheUK1947 Před 12 lety +2

    "dream of a world in peace, yet you cause pain and distruction" no one other than me feeling that this one phrase could fit us, and our armies, in a different way than the terrorists but as well as them?

    • @agentorange153
      @agentorange153 Před 2 lety

      LIAR -- we, and our armies, are SAVING civilization from pain and destruction! And just so you know, to even COMPARE our actions against terrorists to those of the terrorists is BY LAW IN ITSELF AN ACT OF TERRORISM and is THE SAME AS PERSONALLY FLYING THE JETS INTO THE TWIN TOWERS, and SHALL BE DEALT WITH ACCORDINGLY -- and THAT MEANS YOU!

  • @Sakkehattu
    @Sakkehattu Před 11 lety

    This discussion was not about Europe, this discussion was about Japan and America.

  • @AdamirNoSoyMoro
    @AdamirNoSoyMoro Před 13 lety +1

    great video

  • @TessHKM
    @TessHKM Před 12 lety +1

    Hell, have you heard of Japanese holdouts?
    They were soldiers who refused to accept the peace between Japan and the U.S. and continued fighting as late as 1949.
    As it was, most of the Japanese didn't WANT peace, and they only stopped because the emperor ordered it.

  • @MrCrazyLeprechaun
    @MrCrazyLeprechaun Před 11 lety +1

    if you consider the health issues that followed the bombs, i do believe the toll was already above and beyond what an invasion could have done. Soldiers can discriminate. They can question the orders of killing children. Bombs do not.

  • @martami8260
    @martami8260 Před 10 lety +1

    2 in 1 my fav .. :) feel good

  • @Swat6Videos
    @Swat6Videos Před 11 lety +1

    It's in the title .__. The movies name is The hurt locker. A great movie, you definitely should watch it :D

    • @W0DAN88
      @W0DAN88 Před 3 lety

      Whats great bout it?

  • @rexxar12345
    @rexxar12345 Před 11 lety +1

    Best homemade music video i've seen so far....

  • @jonnydortmund9637
    @jonnydortmund9637 Před 11 lety +1

    made my day

    @DIABULUSKIRA Před 11 lety +1

    I`m definitely should watch this movie, it`s looks like a great movie :D

    • @W0DAN88
      @W0DAN88 Před 3 lety

      Bettee late than never
      Movie sucks ain't worth your time

  • @GrandDuchyOfOldenburgfanbase
    @GrandDuchyOfOldenburgfanbase Před 2 měsíci +1

    3:03 best part

  • @clothar23
    @clothar23 Před 8 lety +1

    See how cool that spotter was..That's the mark of a good soldier.

  • @delrey874
    @delrey874 Před 3 lety +1

    I've always loved Kathryn Bigelow's films.

  • @olinkotorhovaolinko7943
    @olinkotorhovaolinko7943 Před 8 lety +3

    what super sound!!! pls like to sabatob!!!

  • @rayen1722
    @rayen1722 Před 9 lety +1

    allah akbar :'( 7asbouna allah wa na3m alwakil

  • @amvg2068
    @amvg2068 Před 11 lety

    thats true, the biggest industrie in the us is the weapons machinery and ammo industry

  • @DaBase333
    @DaBase333 Před 11 lety

    It's also culture and human nature. People here talk in a way that banning religion would bring peace to these countries. They will find differen't reasons to hate each other, and kill and destroy.

  • @4lethalforce
    @4lethalforce Před 12 lety +4

    May God bless the M82A1 and Barrett Arms to rid the Earth of it's Pestilence

  • @jaredpreston7303
    @jaredpreston7303 Před 7 lety +8

    95% of the comments are people tearing each other apart. Why can't we just enjoy the song? Or if you don't like it, just watch something else!

  • @JackDanielsCHS08
    @JackDanielsCHS08 Před 11 lety +2

    lol thats what my professor said one day when he asked what I was listening to , while at the same time looking for content to use in a project

  • @mange297
    @mange297 Před 11 lety

    No war in history har been started over religion. Many wars are blamed on religion though, but that is another matter. Greed is the main reason for war.

  • @samuelfradanmark
    @samuelfradanmark Před 12 lety +1

    realy good editing dude ;)

  • @aroniense21
    @aroniense21 Před 11 lety

    Actually not even Bush, the whole Oil thing is unjustified and moot if we consider that a majority of the Oil imports of the US come from Canada.

  • @slitor
    @slitor Před 11 lety +1

    the music sounds more fitting to the madness that went on in Jugoslavia then in the gulf.

  • @m0nkEz
    @m0nkEz Před 11 lety

    True, but my point is more that it's pointless to ignore the others and pick on one.

  • @MRehnaM
    @MRehnaM Před 13 lety

    really really goooood

  • @ahmadaffa6896
    @ahmadaffa6896 Před 9 lety +4

    LoL American movie name the Hurt Locker , the feel is the BUTTHURT Locker WHAHAHAHAHAHA

  • @Sakkehattu
    @Sakkehattu Před 11 lety +1

    So what you´re saying, is that civilian casualties do not matter at all as long as victory is achieved ?
    Have you met this pall Stalin, he had the same ideology.

  • @4lethalforce
    @4lethalforce Před 12 lety

    And you say "give me your Gold" and yet I have none...
    All I have is lead...and it is heading your way

  • @Kevster4569
    @Kevster4569 Před 11 lety

    Wrong. US is now the second highest Oil Producer in the world. Next year it will be the first. We are producing roughly 10 million gallons of oil a day.

  • @MrRobane
    @MrRobane Před 10 lety +10

    last battle ........sabaton in your ears ....who the fuck cares

  • @DonutSlayer99
    @DonutSlayer99 Před 11 lety

    BP is a British company, yes, but I was referring to their oil well spill in Louisiana. My statement was simply pointing out there are American (Anglo-use of the word American) oil reserves, because BP spilled oil from the US, in the US, and if there wasn't any such thing as American oil, then what was spilled?

  • @frankdean5174
    @frankdean5174 Před 11 lety

    Operation Downfall would have ended in 4 million American casualties and 10 million Japanese fatalities. But the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended in 246,000 Casualties.

  • @JuggernautSPQR
    @JuggernautSPQR Před 12 lety

    @AnarchyInTheUK1947 im so glad that the english and american know what american is doing and are realistic respect from me and good to know there are people that think that and not just trol around :D

  • @1ab23c4d5e6f
    @1ab23c4d5e6f Před 11 lety

    you must end up listening to this song alot, don't you?

  • @steahltpixel7709
    @steahltpixel7709 Před 8 lety +1

    LOL I just saw that moive like 5 days ago

  • @MrCrazyLeprechaun
    @MrCrazyLeprechaun Před 11 lety

    true enough. hindsight 20/20 as they say.

  • @SuperShadownightmare
    @SuperShadownightmare Před 11 lety

    and he won

  • @MilanVVVVV
    @MilanVVVVV Před 10 lety +4

    well done with the sync, sick editing.

  • @dutchnavynl2216
    @dutchnavynl2216 Před 6 lety +2

    Netherlands Army the best

  • @ZinkyZonkthereenacter
    @ZinkyZonkthereenacter Před měsícem +1

    This reminds me of something about a border in 2024… hmmm.

  • @m0nkEz
    @m0nkEz Před 11 lety

    In which case we would have joined the emperor. I didn't say we necessarily should have, I was saying its use was exactly the way the gas was used in WW1. Also, no matter what happened, afaik there's a good chance there would have been a conventional invasion of Japan. As horrible as it sounds, several hundred thousand dead civilians is better than several million.

    @DIABULUSKIRA Před 11 lety

    Name movie or movies you used for video.

  • @Marcepan96
    @Marcepan96 Před 8 lety +1

    what film

  • @MitchofSmeg
    @MitchofSmeg Před 12 lety

    "you guys"
    Im British....
    Also, "scraps of the British Army" there was 250000 men there in the 14th army alone in 13 divisions iirc.
    Not really "over" there was still 2 major problems, 1. Japan had yet to surrender and a mainland invasion would have cost more then the atomic bombs killed in allied losses alone, yet alone the japanese. 2. The russians had a bad problem of "take land ours now" in Europe, had to stem it from happening in asia too, meaning fast end required.

  • @yangwenli4878
    @yangwenli4878 Před 11 lety

    I agree. Nuking innocents is pure stupidity.

  • @FPMHamma
    @FPMHamma Před 11 lety

    what movie is this video from?

  • @iamhayray
    @iamhayray Před 11 lety +1

    What I THINK he's saying is that if we have to choose between the lives of our soldiers and the lives of civilians in an occupation zone that we should put the lives of our soldiers first. I'm inclined to agree with that sentiment, especially considering that in war, civilian casualties cannot be avoided.

    • @captainchungus2140
      @captainchungus2140 Před 2 lety +1

      8 year old comment but uh, the song is about terrorism being cowardly and evil

  • @Hatchi577
    @Hatchi577 Před 11 lety

    name of movie

  • @TheFinnViking
    @TheFinnViking Před 11 lety

    It's in the title.

  • @witol96
    @witol96 Před 11 lety

    Tradition of whole humanity Since 1096 and earlier

  • @Sakkehattu
    @Sakkehattu Před 11 lety

    What does this have to do with my point ?
    I was not talking about Serbia, I was talking about USA, Japan and WW2.

  • @spielbergerRW
    @spielbergerRW Před 12 lety

    What for a Film? Name??

  • @Kevster4569
    @Kevster4569 Před 11 lety

    The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, most of the articles you can google for are early September reports. The one I'm referring to are early October ones that go on to say the US has passed Russia and Saudi Arabia in crude oil production. While some reports say it will be late this year others claim early next year. However, there are reports the US has already bypassed them this month. Such as the two I said before. But ultimately it's hard to say right now because of all the reports.

  • @vojtamalir5775
    @vojtamalir5775 Před 11 lety

    what name film ??

  • @iamhayray
    @iamhayray Před 11 lety

    @Sakkehatu There's something about war you need to understand. In war, there are no heroes or villains, and there are only three types of people involved: combatants, noncombatants and the dead. Wars are won by he who is willing to do more to damage the enemy war effort. Point and case: World War II's Strategic Bombing campaign against Germany.

  • @JaneRoland
    @JaneRoland Před 13 lety +1

    fantastyczny film ^^ (dobrze że on wygrał oskara, a nie ten efekciarski awatar xp) piosenka genialna :)

  • @ysyddl1758
    @ysyddl1758 Před 11 lety

    The hurt locker from 2008

  • @gind3k
    @gind3k Před 12 lety +1

    God bless america , end brave american soldiers
    dlaczego u gory, w najlepszych komentarzach nie ma żadnego naszego komentarza ?
    ... jestem widze żyje i nie rozumiem ...

  • @MrCrazyLeprechaun
    @MrCrazyLeprechaun Před 11 lety +1

    The A bombs were unnecessary violence. I have read much on the subject of the world wars (tis interesting to me) and all signs point to the fact that japan was soon to surrender. Only some generals wanted to continue the war. The emperor was completely against it and was on the verge of going to war against his own generals for the sake of surrender.

  • @sgtspiffywiffy5799
    @sgtspiffywiffy5799 Před 8 lety +91

    African and middle easten countrys was better off under Europen control thats not a joke its a fact

    • @-Seeker-
      @-Seeker- Před 8 lety +16

      +SGT SpiffyWiffy It's due to the fact that the Europeans kept a tight leash around them. A single leader under their control, or military presence WITH total control. The US ousted dictators that kept the peace. When they tried to introduce democracy so many little tribes and what else rose up to take control that the middle-east and africa is still in turmoil. Nobody knows who controls what anymore. Sure, those dictators killed their own people, but what's better? 10k deaths because a dictator said so or a million dead because of a pointless war?

      @PHATERTL Před 8 lety +1

      +SGT SpiffyWiffy This is completely true except for a lack of certain freedoms. Although most would agree that while everyone was strung up by the European puppet masters there was less wars I doubt anyone would agree that they were better off under Imperialism, their countries literally owned by other nations.

    • @nathanbrown8680
      @nathanbrown8680 Před 8 lety +3

      +PHATERTL The arabs are already imperialist oppressors. They just also moved in and forcibly supplanted the pre-existing Byzantine Hellenist Christian cultures. Which were ruled from Constantinople in Greece, which is part of Europe.
      But even French and British rule was freer than Muslim rule for anyone who doesn't happen to be both Muslim and male. Too bad no arab nation can seem to manage secularism without an outside power imposing it. The Turks pulled it off for decades, but they also managed to avoid "European puppet masters" (sic). Maybe there's a connection? Perhaps if the Arabs had been civilized nations instead of tribalist religious fanatics they could have done what Kemal did.

    • @sgtspiffywiffy5799
      @sgtspiffywiffy5799 Před 8 lety

      ***** to be honest in many ways it would

    • @TaylanUDogan
      @TaylanUDogan Před 8 lety

      +SGT SpiffyWiffy Their current condition is a result of the European control.

  • @strike147896325
    @strike147896325 Před 11 lety

    the japanese would not have surrendered even if italy and german was believed that bombing the cities would have caused less deaths than if they had to defeat the entire japanese army.

  • @Druwuwho1337
    @Druwuwho1337 Před 11 lety

    Who the fuck needs history in school, just go to a Sabaton video on youtube, and check the comment section XD

    @MERTBEY. Před 7 lety

    what is the film name ?

  • @MrCrazyLeprechaun
    @MrCrazyLeprechaun Před 11 lety

    fair enough. hindsight 20/20 as they say.

  • @traktormotor9895
    @traktormotor9895 Před 7 lety

    name film pls ?

  • @ir0nsquire
    @ir0nsquire Před 11 lety

    I agree that religious war is wrong, but you don't have to be disrespectful to religion. People have a right to believe whatever they choose to.

  • @trollosaur2761
    @trollosaur2761 Před 7 lety

    Name of this film ?

  • @MitchofSmeg
    @MitchofSmeg Před 12 lety

    You can if its their family and you can do it with no possibility of retaliation.
    150,000-240000 civilians were killed in the bombs
    Millions would be dead in a land invasion and the war continued for months more, i mean look at the massive casualty rates of the island hopping marines, that wasnt even the main island.
    "the few the for many".

  • @TeiwazTheGoat
    @TeiwazTheGoat Před 11 lety

    No, Stalin knew of the A-Bomb and stated to Truman that he hopes that he'll use it soon against their enemies, i.e. Japan. The cold war was caused through power struggle between the East and West. Nuclear weapons were an element and most likely kept the two sides from going to war but didn't cause it. There was plenty of biological, chemical and other weapons being stocked piled other than Nuclear arms. All of which would have caused more deaths then in the two A-Bombings.

  • @MrCrazyLeprechaun
    @MrCrazyLeprechaun Před 11 lety

    the gas in ww1 was more of a fear tactic than a useful weapon.

  • @Carlos-im2jp
    @Carlos-im2jp Před 8 lety

    Is this from the movie Sniper?

    • @jonathank2970
      @jonathank2970 Před 8 lety +8

      No, as suggested by the title the video was from the movie "The Hurt Locker"

    • @Carlos-im2jp
      @Carlos-im2jp Před 8 lety +2

      Makes sense

  • @guiermocarrasco6871
    @guiermocarrasco6871 Před 7 lety

    buena lo maximo

  • @wiliamkosa6632
    @wiliamkosa6632 Před 9 lety +1


    • @MsAres355
      @MsAres355 Před 9 lety +3

      wiliam kosa The Hurt Locker

  • @quanghuynguyenang8455
    @quanghuynguyenang8455 Před 8 lety

    movie PLZ

    • @thebigdrew12
      @thebigdrew12 Před 8 lety +1

      +Quang Huy Nguyễn Đặng Look at the title of the video. In there, you will find the title of the movie that you so desire.

  • @Meshakhad
    @Meshakhad Před 11 lety

    Don't know about that, but my guess is that the US didn't know that.

  • @kanatymczasowonieczynny6595

    what are movies

    • @beachbum23
      @beachbum23 Před 8 lety

      +Kanał tymczasowo nieczynny The hurtlocker its about an EOD team clearing bombs in i remember correctly kinda good they messed up on a few specs on the soldier but somewhat good

  • @amvg2068
    @amvg2068 Před 11 lety

    indeed, all true

  • @Sakkehattu
    @Sakkehattu Před 11 lety +3

    Stalin was far away from a "great man".