Jesus Being God Is NOT in the Bible!

  • čas přidán 7. 05. 2023
  • Edited by: ‪@Reverted.Podcast‬
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  • @bigmac9636
    @bigmac9636 Před 7 měsíci +251

    'The Gospel of John is a late reference'
    Yeah right so lets believe an illiterate person 600 years later

    • @e2qW
      @e2qW Před 5 měsíci

      Lol dumb Muslim crying now

    • @thebatman2405
      @thebatman2405 Před 5 měsíci +9

      Fr man

    • @simplydawah
      @simplydawah Před 4 měsíci +43

      such a weak argument, might as well remove Jesus as he came long after Moses or remove Moses because he came long after Abraham.
      Let’s just cancel everyone besides Adam because we don’t believe in progressive revelation apparently?
      I also remember all the previous prophets in ancient times going to a fine institution to learn how to read and write, oh wait…

    • @R-Righteous
      @R-Righteous Před 4 měsíci +23

      ​@@simplydawahit's not a weak argument kid, hijab said we can't trust john his gosple came later, but we can trust mohammed even tho he came 600 years later.... It makes no sense

    • @simplydawah
      @simplydawah Před 4 měsíci +27

      @@R-Righteous you made the same point again and my answer stands, if time between prophets or progressive revelation is a problem for Christians, why follow everyone after Adam or Noah etc.
      A weak argument. If Muhammad was indeed a messenger from God (he is), the time he came is of no relevance to the validity of his Prophethood, just as it didn’t matter that Moses came long after Abraham or Jesus came long after Moses.

  • @jacksonhicks5069
    @jacksonhicks5069 Před 8 měsíci +406

    “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
    -Jesus Christ (Revelation 22:13)

    • @randomedits4125
      @randomedits4125 Před 8 měsíci +33

      i think it can be interpreted as the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) came for,
      in the Quran 3:59
      "Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allāh is like that of Adam. He created him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was."
      (this verse resembles the "I am first" cause adam was first)
      "and the end" refers to jews not accepting him as a messenger of God, which prophet Mohammad assured that he will be back again to kill the "fake messiah" and that will be the end of history of the knowledge
      logically jesus can't be first as you believe in Adam, he is the father of all mankind.
      jesus (peace be upon him) was created just as Adam meaning through "uncertainty", now quantum physics is assuring the uncertainty is possible in the universe, where for so long a matter was in duality (that's also true because Quran also assures that God created pairs example night and day, sun and moon, male and female etc).
      Adam and his wife were created out of nothing which was a uncertainty, and so jesus was created without the male, by a virgin mary which is uncertainty, people at that time might not accept the uncertainty that God can do whatever He wills. but now uncertainty is proven.
      dust is actually the particles
      we all know now the universe in its fundamentals are particles and quarks etc.
      Quran 4:171 "O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allāh except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allāh and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allāh and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allāh is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allāh as Disposer of affairs."
      when jesus will return all jews will know he was the messenger by this "ending the history", and christian will know he's not god.
      God has no similitude.
      even jews believe in this, that God is one. and orthodox chirsitian too as long as I heard.
      (for extra info jews assume christians as idol worshippers.)
      Quran (surah ikhlas)
      Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him.
      God sent the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) to validate the previous books and give the ending news of history from where it begins.
      islam doesn't play monopoly over the truth, it assured that all mankind is equal, no one is superior to one another.
      Allah (God) says:
      “He is the First and the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden, and He is the Knower of all things.” (Quran 57:3)
      I'm not trying or making you muslim or something so don't get me wrong, we all have free choice within the choice.
      if you want to clear this subject I will recommend you, Sheikh Imran Hussain, he bring all christian, muslim, jews other religious people together. 💚

    • @Kys40
      @Kys40 Před 8 měsíci

      @@randomedits4125 Like that of adam? He said "be"? Surah Al Hijr 15:28 - 15:29, "I am going to create a human being from sounding clay moulded from black mud", and "So when I have FASHIONED him and had a spirit of My own creation breathed into him, fall down in prostation to him"
      He did not just say be, he used his own hands. And it clearly says there he did not use dust my friend, I don't know much about Islam but that does not add up.

    • @Gemson-rh3pv
      @Gemson-rh3pv Před 7 měsíci +15

      ​​​@@randomedits4125So much wrong in this comment. First of all, yes we believe Adam was the first human but Jesus Christ devine nature existed long before him as he was begotten by the father before time even existed. Secondly, claiming that Christ calling himself "the first and the last" is not a declaration of devinity is ironic because the "the first and the last" are literally two of the 99 names of Allah. Also orthodox Christians believe in the holy trinity for 2000 years, you dont even know that basic knowledge. And if you claim the islamic God has no similitude with none of his creation, why is he described with attributes humans share like "mercyful" or "rightful"? If the islamic God forbids himself to enter creation why does he descents to the lowest heaven according to Sahih Muslim 758?

    • @sofihanafi3196
      @sofihanafi3196 Před 7 měsíci

      @@Gemson-rh3pv so much wring in this comment, really show how ignorant you are lol

    • @randomedits4125
      @randomedits4125 Před 7 měsíci +5

      @@Gemson-rh3pv my comment is not wrong, your comprehension is.
      and first and foremost there is no such thing as "Islamic God", God is for all mankind.
      The problem is humans are very limited to their five senses including me, I can be unable to express the Greatness of God, but in my limited self and senses, if God has to begotten or disguise as a creation then what's the point of God? I don't need it. it is not god.
      any next person then comes and claims that I'm god like many had done and people got deceived by them.
      and this statement is like underestimating that God can make Jesus without the father (which christian and jews did) and Adam without father and mother (which atheist did)
      the thing is, God is One actually means God is running the entire universe at a time. so God's wisdom sync very well and very relatable to one and other, that's where so many people get confused because shytan play with their minds, for example consider hindusim in this matter they say god of war, god of giving money, god of knowledge, god of this and that, what actually they are saying and doing?? they just simply make attributes of God as different gods, and turn it into idols by giving shape to rocks, somewhat Japanese culture has the same thing they call it "kami", god of fire, god of water, etc
      they are just underestimating that God cannot have all in once, that's what islam said God is One.
      we know that the universe has a pattern, our earth has a pattern, we humans have patterns , everything around us has patterns, but they are all working and cancelling out each other at a same time or at once, that's where God is One.
      The biggest problem is we underestimate God, and that's not our fault actually that's how God made us and gave us free will within the limited choices like a MCQ question answer, last not least God has not only 99 names, he never said I have 99 names haha , that's school boys collect all the attributes of God and it came out 99 , it doesn't mean God has 99 names only, what I learnt so far when reading those verses and it get ended as God is merciful, all knowing, all watching, The Just, etc are humans needs , we humans wish that if we have done something wrong God could forgive us, and there God responded, God is forgiving. etc
      I would say
      99 names= 99 humans needs
      God has to give us direction in our own language because we cannot understand the cosmic language, somehow this has been taken so literally by humans because of written and spoken words.
      God is for all mankind.
      it is wanted that mankind should search for God, rather than just simply going through words and not reflecting.
      words are only direction.
      as brucee lee said "don't focus on the finger or you will miss all heavenly glory"

  • @nicholaswilliam279
    @nicholaswilliam279 Před 6 měsíci +17

    According to both the Bible and Quran, Jesus is God.
    Quran 57:3
    He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate,
    and He is, of all things, Knowing.
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭44:6
    “Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel, And his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: ‘I am the First and I am the Last; Besides Me there is no God.
    Take a loot at how Jesus addresses Himself.
    ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭22:13
    I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”
    When Jesus calls Himself "the First and the Last" that means He is claiming to be God, because He uses God's Name.
    The most explicit verse where Jesus claims to be God;
    ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭1:8‬ ‭
    “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
    Jesus plainly calls Himself "the Almighty."
    Only God can have absolute power and authority, yet Jesus claims that He has all the authority in the universe.
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:18
    And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
    Seeing Jesus face to face is the same as seeing God.
    ‭‭John‬ ‭14:9
    Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
    Jesus claims that He had already existed even before the creation of the world, and that He shares the same glory with / as God.
    ‭‭John‬ ‭17:5‬ ‭
    And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
    Jesus says that He and God is One and the same.
    ‭‭John‬ ‭10:30‬ ‭
    I and My Father are one.”
    Jesus was called "Lord and God" directly, and He admitted that the claim was correct.
    ‭‭John‬ ‭20:28‭-‬29‬ ‭
    And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
    Only God can forgive sin, but Jesus Himself forgives sin.
    ‭‭Mark‬ ‭2:5
    When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”
    ‭‭Mark‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭
    But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins”-He said to the paralytic,
    Only God will be the final Judge for all of humanity, but Jesus claims that He will be the Judge.
    ‭‭John‬ ‭5:22‭-‬23‬ ‭
    For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son, that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭25:31
    “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory.
    God bless you...

    • @VELBLE
      @VELBLE Před 18 dny

      quran 57:1 Whatever is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Allah, for He is the Almighty, All-Wise.
      quran 57:2 To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He gives life and causes death. And He is Most Capable of everything.
      where is jesus 🤣

    • @Golden.Opportunity
      @Golden.Opportunity Před 7 dny +1

      @@VELBLE Which came first Quran or Bible?

    • @Golden.Opportunity
      @Golden.Opportunity Před 3 dny

      @@VELBLE slam: Truth or Myth? start page Interestingly, not many Muslims want to accept that Allah was already being worshipped at the Ka'ba in Mecca by Arab pagans before Muhammad came. Some Muslims become angry when they are confronted with this fact. But history is not on their side. Pre- Islamic literature has proved this." (Who Is This Allah?, G. J. O. Moshay, 1994, p 138)
      C "But history establishes beyond the shadow of doubt that even the pagan Arabs, before Muhammad's time, knew their chief god by the name of Allah and even, in a sense, proclaimed his unity... Among the pagan Arabs this term denoted the chief god of their pantheon, the Kaaba, with its three hundred and sixty idols." (The Moslem Doctrine of God, Samuel M. Zwemer 1905, p 24-25)
      In fact, he did not at first intend to establish a new religion, but rather to reform the belief in Allah which already existed, and to show what this belief truly signified and rightfully demanded. (Mohammed: The man and his faith, Tor Andrae, 1936, Translated by Theophil Menzel, 1960, p13-30)
      The pre-Islamic origin of "Allah"
      1. There is absolutely no question that Allah was worshipped by the pagan Arabs as one of many polytheistic gods.
      2. Allah was worshipped in the Kabah at Mecca before Muhammad was born. Muhammad merely proclaimed a god the Meccans were already familiar with. The pagan Arabs never accused Muhammad of preaching a different Allah than the one they already worshipped.
      3. Many scholars say "Allah" is derived from a compound Arabic word, ALILAH Allah. "Ilah" in Arabic is "God" and "Al" in Arabic is a definite article like our word "the". So from an English equivalent "Allah" comes from "The + God". Others, like Arthur Jeffery say, "The common theory is that it is formed from ilah, the common word for a god, and the article al; thus al-ilah, the god," becomes Allah, "God." This theory, however, is untenable. In fact, the name is one of the words borrowed into the language in pre-Islamic times from Aramaic." (Islam: Muhammad and His Religion, Arthur Jeffery, 1958, p 85) 4. Although "Allah" has become known as the proper name for the Muslim god, Allah is not a name, but a descriptor that
      means literally, "the god". All pagan cultures have these generic terms that refer to their "top god" as "the god". In comparison to the perfect monotheism of Judaism and Christianity, "Allah" was originally no more a proper name for the Muslim God, than the word Hebrew "elohim" (god) or Greek "theos" (god) are proper names of the one true God of the Bible. "Jehovah" is the only revealed proper name for the "Elohim" of the Old Testament (Ex 3:13; 6:3) and "Jesus" is the only revealed proper name of "Theos" in the New Testament. (Acts 4:12) Islam has no proper name for their god, but merely transformed, by universal use and confusion, the generic Allah into a proper name. So although today, Muslims use "Allah" as a proper name, it was never used this way originally. Allah, therefore is equivalent to "elohim" and "ho theos" but not "Jehovah" or "Jesus". Allah is not the name of the nameless Muslim God. However Muslims will claim that Allah is the name of God that corresponds to Jehovah. Both the Father and the Son are called "ho theos" (The God). Jesus is called "The God" many times in the New Testament: John 20:28; Heb 1:8. An important conclusion from this, is that the mere fact that "Allah" is equivalent to "elohim" and "ho theos" does not mean they are directly corresponded. It certainly doesn't prove Allah is the same as the God of the Old or New Testament. It does not prove that Muslim's worship the same God as Christians. If this correspondence proved the Muslim god was the same as the Christian God, then because pagan religions also have generics that correspond to "the god" (Allah), this correspondence would also prove that Allah is the same god as the Buddhist god, for Buddhists also refer to their god as "the god".
      What scholars say about the origin of the word "Allah":
      1. It is not related that the Black Stone was connected with any special god. In the Ka'ba was the statue of the god Hubal who might be called the god of Mecca and of the Ka'ba. Caetani gives great prominence to the connection between the Ka'ba and Hubal. Besides him, however, al-Lat, al-'Uzza, and al-Manat were worshipped and are mentioned in the Kur'an; Hubal is never mentioned there. What position Allah held beside these is not exactly known. The Islamic tradition has certainly elevated him at the expense of other deities. It may be considered certain that the Black Stone was not the only idol in or at the Ka'ba. The Makam Ibrahim was of course a sacred stone from very early times. Its
      name has not been handed down. Beside it several idols are mentioned, among them the 360 statues. (First Encyclopedia of Islam. E.J. Brill, 1987, Islam, p. 587-591) 2. "The verses of the Qur'an make it clear that the very name Allah existed in the Jahiliyya or pre-Islamic Arabia. Certain pagan tribes believed in a god whom they called 'Allah' and whom they believed to be the creator of heaven and earth and holder of the highest rank in the hierarchy of the gods. It is well known that the Quraish as well as other tribes believed in Allah, whom they designated as the 'Lord of the House' (i.e., of the Ka'ba)...It is therefore clear that the
      Qur'anic conception of Allah is not entirely new." (A Guide to the Contents of the Qur'an, Faruq Sherif, (Reading, 1995), pgs. 21-22., Muslim) 3. According to al-Masudi (Murudj, iv. 47), certain people have regarded the Ka'ba as a temple devoted to the sun, the moon
      and the five planets. The 360 idols placed round the Ka'ba also point in this direction. It can therefore hardly be denied that traces exist of an astral symbolism. At the same time one can safely say that there can be no question of any general conception on these lines. The cult at the Ka'ba was in the heathen period syncretic as is usual in heathenism. (First Encyclopedia of Islam, E.J. Brill, 1987, Islam, p. 587-591)
      4. The name Allah, as the Qur'an itself is witness, was well known in pre-Islamic Arabia. Indeed, both it and its feminine form, Allat, are found not infrequently among the theophorous names in inscriptions from North Arabia. The common theory is that it is formed from ilah, the common word for a god, and the article al; thus al-ilah, the god," becomes Allah,
      "God." This theory, however, is untenable. In fact, the name is one of the words borrowed into the language in pre- Islamic times from Aramaic. (Islam: Muhammad and His Religion, Arthur Jeffery, 1958, p 85) 5. "If a Muslim says, "Your God and our God is the same," either he does not understand who Allah and Christ really are, or
      he intentionally glosses over the deep-rooted differences." (Who Is Allah In Islam?, Abd Al Masih, Light of Life, 1985, p.
      6. Now there dwelt in Mecca a god called Allah. He was the provider, the most powerful of all the local deities, the one to whom every Meccan turned in time of need. But, for all his power, Allah was a remote god. At the time of Muhammad, however, he was on the ascendancy. He had replaced the moon god as lord of the Kaaba although still relegated to an inferior position below various tribal idols and three powerful goddesses: al-Manat, goddess of fate, al-Lat, mother of the gods, and al-Uzza, the planet Venus. (Islam and the Arabs, Rom Landau, 1958 p 11-21) 7. Muhammad no more invented Allah than he did al-Lat, al-Uzza, and Manat. The Cult of the deity termed simply "the
      god" (al-ilah) was known throughout southern Syria and northern Arabia," and it was obviously of central importance in Mecca, where the building called the Ka'ba was indisputably his house. Indeed, the Muslim profession of faith, 11 there is no ilah except al-ilah," attests to precisely that point: the Quraysh are being called upon to repudiate the very existence of all the other gods save this one. It seems equally certain that Allah was not merely a god in Mecca but was widely regarded as the "high god," the chief and head of the Meccan pantheon, perhaps the result, as has been argued, of a natural progression toward henotheism or of the growing influence of Jews and Christians in the peninsula." The most convincing piece of evidence that the latter was at work is the fact that of all the gods of Mecca, Allah alone was not represented by an idol. (The Hajj, F. E. Peters, p 3-41, 1994)
      8. Allah, we can be sure, was neither an unknown nor an unimportant deity to the Quraysh when Muhammad began preaching his worship at Mecca. What is equally certain is that Allah had what the Quran disdainfully calls "associates": other gods and goddesses who shared both his cult and his shrine. The processional chant of the pagans of the Age of Barbarism was, we are told, "Here I am, O Allah, here I am; You have no partner except such a partner as You have; You possess him and all that is his." 103 The last clause may reflect what we have already seen was an emerging tendency toward henotheism, the recognition of Allah as the "high god" of Mecca. But it was not sufficient for Muslims, who put in its place their own manifestly monotheistic hymn: "Here I am, O Allah, here I am; You have no partner; the praise and..........

    • @Golden.Opportunity
      @Golden.Opportunity Před 13 hodinami

      @@VELBLE Islam: Truth or Myth? start page Interestingly, not many Muslims want to accept that Allah was already being worshipped at the Ka'ba in Mecca by Arab pagans before Muhammad came. Some Muslims become angry when they are confronted with this fact. But history is not on their side. Pre- Islamic literature has proved this." (Who Is This Allah?, G. J. O. Moshay, 1994, p 138)
      C "But history establishes beyond the shadow of doubt that even the pagan Arabs, before Muhammad's time, knew their chief god by the name of Allah and even, in a sense, proclaimed his unity... Among the pagan Arabs this term denoted the chief god of their pantheon, the Kaaba, with its three hundred and sixty idols." (The Moslem Doctrine of God, Samuel M. Zwemer 1905, p 24-25)
      In fact, he did not at first intend to establish a new religion, but rather to reform the belief in Allah which already existed, and to show what this belief truly signified and rightfully demanded. (Mohammed: The man and his faith, Tor Andrae, 1936, Translated by Theophil Menzel, 1960, p13-30)
      The pre-Islamic origin of "Allah"
      1. There is absolutely no question that Allah was worshipped by the pagan Arabs as one of many polytheistic gods.
      2. Allah was worshipped in the Kabah at Mecca before Muhammad was born. Muhammad merely proclaimed a god the Meccans were already familiar with. The pagan Arabs never accused Muhammad of preaching a different Allah than the one they already worshipped.
      3. Many scholars say "Allah" is derived from a compound Arabic word, ALILAH Allah. "Ilah" in Arabic is "God" and "Al" in Arabic is a definite article like our word "the". So from an English equivalent "Allah" comes from "The + God". Others, like Arthur Jeffery say, "The common theory is that it is formed from ilah, the common word for a god, and the article al; thus al-ilah, the god," becomes Allah, "God." This theory, however, is untenable. In fact, the name is one of the words borrowed into the language in pre-Islamic times from Aramaic." (Islam: Muhammad and His Religion, Arthur Jeffery, 1958, p 85) 4. Although "Allah" has become known as the proper name for the Muslim god, Allah is not a name, but a descriptor that
      means literally, "the god". All pagan cultures have these generic terms that refer to their "top god" as "the god". In comparison to the perfect monotheism of Judaism and Christianity, "Allah" was originally no more a proper name for the Muslim God, than the word Hebrew "elohim" (god) or Greek "theos" (god) are proper names of the one true God of the Bible. "Jehovah" is the only revealed proper name for the "Elohim" of the Old Testament (Ex 3:13; 6:3) and "Jesus" is the only revealed proper name of "Theos" in the New Testament. (Acts 4:12) Islam has no proper name for their god, but merely transformed, by universal use and confusion, the generic Allah into a proper name. So although today, Muslims use "Allah" as a proper name, it was never used this way originally. Allah, therefore is equivalent to "elohim" and "ho theos" but not "Jehovah" or "Jesus". Allah is not the name of the nameless Muslim God. However Muslims will claim that Allah is the name of God that corresponds to Jehovah. Both the Father and the Son are called "ho theos" (The God). Jesus is called "The God" many times in the New Testament: John 20:28; Heb 1:8. An important conclusion from this, is that the mere fact that "Allah" is equivalent to "elohim" and "ho theos" does not mean they are directly corresponded. It certainly doesn't prove Allah is the same as the God of the Old or New Testament. It does not prove that Muslim's worship the same God as Christians. If this correspondence proved the Muslim god was the same as the Christian God, then because pagan religions also have generics that correspond to "the god" (Allah), this correspondence would also prove that Allah is the same god as the Buddhist god, for Buddhists also refer to their god as "the god".
      What scholars say about the origin of the word "Allah":
      1. It is not related that the Black Stone was connected with any special god. In the Ka'ba was the statue of the god Hubal who might be called the god of Mecca and of the Ka'ba. Caetani gives great prominence to the connection between the Ka'ba and Hubal. Besides him, however, al-Lat, al-'Uzza, and al-Manat were worshipped and are mentioned in the Kur'an; Hubal is never mentioned there. What position Allah held beside these is not exactly known. The Islamic tradition has certainly elevated him at the expense of other deities. It may be considered certain that the Black Stone was not the only idol in or at the Ka'ba. The Makam Ibrahim was of course a sacred stone from very early times. Its
      name has not been handed down. Beside it several idols are mentioned, among them the 360 statues. (First Encyclopedia of Islam. E.J. Brill, 1987, Islam, p. 587-591) 2. "The verses of the Qur'an make it clear that the very name Allah existed in the Jahiliyya or pre-Islamic Arabia. Certain pagan tribes believed in a god whom they called 'Allah' and whom they believed to be the creator of heaven and earth and holder of the highest rank in the hierarchy of the gods. It is well known that the Quraish as well as other tribes believed in Allah, whom they designated as the 'Lord of the House' (i.e., of the Ka'ba)...It is therefore clear that the
      Qur'anic conception of Allah is not entirely new." (A Guide to the Contents of the Qur'an, Faruq Sherif, (Reading, 1995), pgs. 21-22., Muslim) 3. According to al-Masudi (Murudj, iv. 47), certain people have regarded the Ka'ba as a temple devoted to the sun, the moon
      and the five planets. The 360 idols placed round the Ka'ba also point in this direction. It can therefore hardly be denied that traces exist of an astral symbolism. At the same time one can safely say that there can be no question of any general conception on these lines. The cult at the Ka'ba was in the heathen period syncretic as is usual in heathenism. (First Encyclopedia of Islam, E.J. Brill, 1987, Islam, p. 587-591)
      4. The name Allah, as the Qur'an itself is witness, was well known in pre-Islamic Arabia. Indeed, both it and its feminine form, Allat, are found not infrequently among the theophorous names in inscriptions from North Arabia. The common theory is that it is formed from ilah, the common word for a god, and the article al; thus al-ilah, the god," becomes Allah,
      "God." This theory, however, is untenable. In fact, the name is one of the words borrowed into the language in pre- Islamic times from Aramaic. (Islam: Muhammad and His Religion, Arthur Jeffery, 1958, p 85) 5. "If a Muslim says, "Your God and our God is the same," either he does not understand who Allah and Christ really are, or
      he intentionally glosses over the deep-rooted differences." (Who Is Allah In Islam?, Abd Al Masih, Light of Life, 1985, p.
      6. Now there dwelt in Mecca a god called Allah. He was the provider, the most powerful of all the local deities, the one to whom every Meccan turned in time of need. But, for all his power, Allah was a remote god. At the time of Muhammad, however, he was on the ascendancy. He had replaced the moon god as lord of the Kaaba although still relegated to an inferior position below various tribal idols and three powerful goddesses: al-Manat, goddess of fate, al-Lat, mother of the gods, and al-Uzza, the planet Venus. (Islam and the Arabs, Rom Landau, 1958 p 11-21) 7. Muhammad no more invented Allah than he did al-Lat, al-Uzza, and Manat. The Cult of the deity termed simply "the
      god" (al-ilah) was known throughout southern Syria and northern Arabia," and it was obviously of central importance in Mecca, where the building called the Ka'ba was indisputably his house. Indeed, the Muslim profession of faith, 11 there is no ilah except al-ilah," attests to precisely that point: the Quraysh are being called upon to repudiate the very existence of all the other gods save this one. It seems equally certain that Allah was not merely a god in Mecca but was widely regarded as the "high god," the chief and head of the Meccan pantheon, perhaps the result, as has been argued, of a natural progression toward henotheism or of the growing influence of Jews and Christians in the peninsula." The most convincing piece of evidence that the latter was at work is the fact that of all the gods of Mecca, Allah alone was not represented by an idol. (The Hajj, F. E. Peters, p 3-41, 1994)
      8. Allah, we can be sure, was neither an unknown nor an unimportant deity to the Quraysh when Muhammad began preaching his worship at Mecca. What is equally certain is that Allah had what the Quran disdainfully calls "associates": other gods and goddesses who shared both his cult and his shrine. The processional chant of the pagans of the Age of Barbarism was, we are told, "Here I am, O Allah, here I am; You have no partner except such a partner as You have; You possess him and all that is his." 103 The last clause may reflect what we have already seen was an emerging tendency toward henotheism, the recognition of Allah as the "high god" of Mecca. But it was not sufficient for Muslims, who put in its place their own manifestly monotheistic hymn: "Here I am, O Allah, here I am; You have no partner; the praise and..........

    • @abadirabdo10
      @abadirabdo10 Před 6 hodinami

      Using Quranic language to show that jesus is god in the bible doesn't work
      Because Acording to the satan is cursed
      But acording to the bible jesus is cursed
      So is jesus satan

  • @clints8731
    @clints8731 Před 7 měsíci +81

    Only Jesus Christ can say that He and the Father are one.

  • @dominicsmith1203
    @dominicsmith1203 Před rokem +701

    “Before Abraham was, I Am”

    • @benmcgill2018
      @benmcgill2018 Před rokem +97

      “It’s not in the Bible! Wait no! Not that book! That book doesn’t count!!!”

    • @FightGreats
      @FightGreats Před rokem +145

      Satan was before Abraham 😂, Adam the son of God according to the bible was before Abraham

    • @FightGreats
      @FightGreats Před rokem +95

      @@benmcgill2018 Satan was before Abraham, Is Satan God? Adam who is called the son of god in the bible is before Abrahm, is he God as well? Now we have like 50 people in the godhead/trinity

    • @benmcgill2018
      @benmcgill2018 Před rokem +20

      @@FightGreats that’s deliberately ignorant of what is written

    • @nothingnothing7958
      @nothingnothing7958 Před rokem +7

      ​@@FightGreats to refer to yourself as a son of God is not a claim of divinity. The Jews are the spiritual children of God so it's ok for them to call themselves sons of God.

  • @squidwardwithagun9739
    @squidwardwithagun9739 Před 11 měsíci +16

    I’ll give you the earliest gospel.
    In Mark 14, when asked if he is the Messiah, Jesus replies “I am. And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” He is quoting Daniel 7:13-14.
    13 “I saw in the night visions,
    and behold, with the clouds of heaven
    there came one like a son of man,
    and he came to the Ancient of Days
    and was presented before him.
    14 And to him was given dominion
    and glory and a kingdom,
    that all peoples, nations, and languages
    should serve him;
    his dominion is an everlasting dominion,
    which shall not pass away,
    and his kingdom one
    that shall not be destroyed.
    This figure seems to be pretty divine, wouldn’t you say?

    • @singularitytube
      @singularitytube Před 5 měsíci

      Yes so divine he was called Son of Man in 90% of cases.

    • @PersonWithFace
      @PersonWithFace Před 11 dny

      Son of Man is an absolute diety claim. The phrase comes from Jewish texts predating Jesus by up to 200 years.

  • @justchillin8086
    @justchillin8086 Před 7 měsíci +29

    "I am the way the truth and the life no one goes to the Father except through me" John 14:6

    • @hsz_xk
      @hsz_xk Před 3 měsíci +1

      Samuel 1 15:3 from your messed up bible

    • @yunustekin217
      @yunustekin217 Před 21 dnem +1

      Jesus, the son of Mary, is a human being like the prophet Zechariah. You are slandering God.

    • @yunustekin217
      @yunustekin217 Před 21 dnem

      They ruined the Bible and sold it for two cents in this world.

  • @godfred8618
    @godfred8618 Před 11 měsíci +191

    Jesus says in Revelation 22:13 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”

    • @thinker765
      @thinker765 Před 9 měsíci +6

      kjv removed that😶😆

    • @user-mq8qp1ll5l
      @user-mq8qp1ll5l Před 8 měsíci

      Its in the muslim holy bible thats revalation 22;13@@thinker765

    • @jordanhanson316
      @jordanhanson316 Před 8 měsíci +3

      John also wrote that but I yes I agree

    • @user-mq8qp1ll5l
      @user-mq8qp1ll5l Před 8 měsíci

      John is writing what Jesus said @@jordanhanson316

    • @drewreynolds1649
      @drewreynolds1649 Před 7 měsíci

      He’s gonna cry on judgement day 🤦🏾‍♂️ nd say for at last I had known 🤦🏾‍♂️

  • @AnthonyBruns
    @AnthonyBruns Před rokem +450

    "It doesn't appear to be in the Bible."
    "Except in the Gospel of John, a book from the Bible that I've decided is wrong."

    • @cloj4754
      @cloj4754 Před rokem +53

      Precisely. Making the whole discussion void and therefore pointless. If you don't believe in our Bible then why bother with this discussion. Why don't muslims just accept that we are 2 different religions instead of trying to squeeze their way into Christianity?

    • @chijiokenwaogbe2694
      @chijiokenwaogbe2694 Před 11 měsíci +19

      Because they have nothing. For their prophet to be called the "last", they need the other real prophets to become theirs.

    • @chijiokenwaogbe2694
      @chijiokenwaogbe2694 Před 11 měsíci +31

      The liar says the gospel of John is late. How late was their Mohammed? 😂 They don't even try to sound intelligent at all

    • @thebanj0271
      @thebanj0271 Před 9 měsíci +40

      ​@@chijiokenwaogbe2694he's saying the gospel of John was the latest one, and the earlier ones like mathew don't have verse that talk about jesus being god

    • @matthummel8306
      @matthummel8306 Před 9 měsíci +19

      The earliest bible never talked about himself being a God. Only in gospel of John somehow he change his tone

  • @MrJMNK
    @MrJMNK Před rokem +284

    John 8:58
    58 Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”

    • @MM-pk3rl
      @MM-pk3rl Před rokem +60

      I don't see any "GOD" yet :/

    • @user-nt5xg1hp1u
      @user-nt5xg1hp1u Před rokem

      How do you believe on a book written hundred of years after prophet Jesus pbuh including many contradictions?
      No one believed on Jesus pbuh as a God in that time. Even Bible doesn’t confirm he is God.
      Christianity is same as if a random party wants to make Albert Einstein a God and some dudes write a book by their own hands using no sense putting Einstein, his father and a random spirit with the explanation that these are one. Then adding some fake fairy tales and 200 years later people will be accepting that religion.
      Tell me something about prophet Jesus when was a kid!!!

    • @nameless8142
      @nameless8142 Před rokem +50

      So Jesus simply says "..before Abraham was, God". Who was before Abraham? God was before Abraham, not Jesus. You Christians are reading into text idolatry, interpreting clear verses about monotheism trough the lens of unclear ones, inventing concepts no other prophet before spoke of. Celebrating pagan holidays (ref example Easter which refers to false god Ishtra - thereof eggs and rabits symbolizing fake god of sex and reproduction), believing in trinity which is proved to be a pagan concept predating Jesus.
      Will you not come to your senses?!

    • @user-nt5xg1hp1u
      @user-nt5xg1hp1u Před rokem

      @@elijahhinderry7116 Look this is the problem.
      Jesus was grown as a kid.
      Do you know anything about your God?

    • @shahrukhabdul9889
      @shahrukhabdul9889 Před rokem +6

      How could you quote a verse from the gospel of John to prove Jesus' supposed divinity, when this video claims (and with good reason) that the gospel of John is the least accurate/reliable gospel?

  • @shadowleaksofficial
    @shadowleaksofficial Před 11 měsíci +85

    Know that the God of Bible is not the same as In the Quran. I've happily left Islam after understanding this truth

    • @lonedanger1072
      @lonedanger1072 Před 5 měsíci +19

      You're blessed now my friend
      Let us all have eternal peace at heaven

    • @Phil-ko9sj
      @Phil-ko9sj Před 4 měsíci +3

      Jesus Christ is God. May I ask why you converted?

    • @hsz_xk
      @hsz_xk Před 3 měsíci +10

      And I happily left corrupted Christianity 😅

    • @shadowleaksofficial
      @shadowleaksofficial Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@hsz_xk oh nice ... Just watch the cleaning of Gaza. Then ... Loser

    • @shadowleaksofficial
      @shadowleaksofficial Před 3 měsíci +3

      @@Phil-ko9sj didn't see Allah coming .. lol

  • @kungfupanda5987
    @kungfupanda5987 Před 9 měsíci +47

    Muslims also believe that Jesus is sinless. Only God is sinless so Jesus is God.

    • @WesleyGathage
      @WesleyGathage Před 9 měsíci +3

      Ouch. For them

    • @Intellix1
      @Intellix1 Před 8 měsíci +8

      we do not believe that jesus was the only sinless, and we never said that the only sinless is God, what about prophet Muhammad? We beleive that he is sinless why don't we worship him then?
      about you christians you believe in angles right? How could an angel do a sin? Ohh then angles are God, based on the fact that the comment maker said "only god is sinless"

    • @lelouch8470
      @lelouch8470 Před 6 měsíci

      @@Intellix1Mohammed is sinless? Are you out of your mind? 😂
      He is a pedophile and a warlord.
      That is the most stupid thing I’ve heard.
      If Mohammed is sinless, than all humans are sinless

    • @irenstern2090
      @irenstern2090 Před 6 měsíci +4

      Stop lying muhammed was not sinless

    • @Intellix1
      @Intellix1 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@irenstern2090 he was sinless in the religion he didn't make any mistake to islam

  • @melwinwin
    @melwinwin Před rokem +316

    ROMANS 3:4
    MATTHEW 6:24 , 16:26
    JAMES 4:4
    HEBREWS 13:5
    LUKE 12:15
    PROVERBS 6:16-19
    1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-11
    GENESIS 2:5-25
    DEUTERONOMY 22:5 , 23:1
    MATTHEW 19:4
    ISAIAH 41:9
    PROVERBS 28:26
    PROVERBS 13:20
    JOHN 8:44-47
    2 PETER 2:1-22
    PHILIPPIANS 1:15-18
    DEUTERONOMY 18:21-22
    EZEKIEL 13:3 , 13:9 , 22:27-29
    JEREMIAH 5:30-31 , 14:14 , 23:16 , 23:21-22 , 23:25-27 , 23:31-32
    JEREMIAH 5:23-31
    2 TIMOTHY 4:3-4
    GALATIANS 5:17 , 6:7-8
    JAMES 1:6-8
    1 TIMOTHY 6:7
    JOB 1:21
    ACTS 9:5
    JOHN 10:35
    MATTHEW 24:35
    HEBREWS 4:12
    MATTHEW 5:17-18
    JOHN 4:23-26
    JOHN 16:12-14
    REVELATION 1:7-8
    ACTS 9:3-19
    1 CORINTHIANS 8:6 , 12:6
    ISAIAH 44:8-6 , 45:22
    ISAIAH 9:6 , 53:9 , 55:3-5
    JEREMIAH 32:27
    PSALM 22:16-18 , 22:27 , 45:7
    DANIEL 4:34 , 7:13-14
    JOHN 14:1-14
    TITUS 2:11-15
    1 TIMOTHY 3:15-16
    ACTS 2:38
    ACTS 19:3-6
    ROMANS 14:17
    JOHN 4:23:26
    REVELATION 1:7-8
    HEBREWS 13:8
    LUKE 1:31-33

    • @veritas1551
      @veritas1551 Před rokem +51

      Every verse is ambiguous plus u don’t have the bible from Jesus time, so they can write what suits there agenda like Paul the deceiver made u worship humans because a vision that u think was from “Jesus” but we all know it was the devil. Jesus was a human a mighty messenger nothing more or less

    • @melwinwin
      @melwinwin Před rokem +18

      ISAIAH 41:9
      PROVERBS 28:26
      PROVERBS 13:20

    • @veritas1551
      @veritas1551 Před rokem +37

      @@melwinwin Jesus spoke to a man who had called him ‘good,’ asking him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.’ (Luke 18:19)
      Trinity? Coequal? :My Father is greater than I’ (John 14:28)
      ‘My father is greater than all.’ (John 10:29)
      If Jesus is god why and who did he pray to and how did he pray ? he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father’ (Matthew 26:39)
      he continued all night in prayer to God.’ (Luke 6:12)
      God is not a man nor a son of man’ (Numbers 23:19)
      God is not a man’ (Numbers 23:19)
      ‘For I am God, and not man’ (Hosea 11:9)

    • @melwinwin
      @melwinwin Před rokem +13

      ISAIAH 44:8
      ACTS 9:5
      JOHN 4:23-26
      JEREMIAH 32:27
      REVELATION 1:7-8
      ROMANS 14:17
      HEBREWS 13:8
      PERIOD 😎🙏

    • @benry007
      @benry007 Před rokem +41

      ​@@veritas1551 you ask where does it say Jesus is God in the bible and then when given the answer you say its unreliable. Why is Paul less reliable then Caliph Uthman who burned all the versions of the Quran that disagreed with his version? Paul was confirmed by the rest of Jesus apostles.

  • @elizabethheadid5996
    @elizabethheadid5996 Před rokem +228

    Jesus said "If you've seen me, you have seen the Father. "

    • @lad-
      @lad- Před rokem +44

      Jesus also said the father is greater than I

    • @elizabethheadid5996
      @elizabethheadid5996 Před rokem +49

      @@lad- yes in His humanity as Jesus. God as the Spirit is greater than human flesh because He is not bound by the weakness of the flesh which He willingly put on to show the world that His love is SO great for us that He would give up his life as a Human being in order to show us that love. Just like a good Father would give up his own flesh and blood and die for his children to protect them. Our Heavenly Father took on flesh for us to show how deep , how wide, and how vast is His Love for His Creation. Our sins separate us from Him, but He has provided a way back to Him and that way is through our belief in The Grand expression of His love. But we have to choose to accept, believe, and then obey our Good, Good Father, knowing He has our best interests in mind and knows the beginning from the end. God's Peace be with you brother 🙏❤

    • @elizabethheadid5996
      @elizabethheadid5996 Před 11 měsíci +7

      @@lisachambers3683 have you considered the fact that the Pharases tore their robes and cried out in horror when Jesus claimed to be God when they were interrogating Him? Why did they have such a visceral reaction if Jesus was just claiming to be a human son of God?

    • @elizabethheadid5996
      @elizabethheadid5996 Před 11 měsíci +3

      @@lisachambers3683 also please read John 10:30, John 10:33.

    • @Halal_Chadistan
      @Halal_Chadistan Před 11 měsíci +3

      These is an islamic hadith it says that i am paraphrasing it " become such a good follower that when people see you they remember Allah(God)" and jesus was a prophet so he definitely was one of the best followers of God no wonder he said that

  • @user-ul4wy2lx2m
    @user-ul4wy2lx2m Před 8 měsíci +5

    The evidence is overwhelming I spent years researching and studying and Jesus is all over the torah and the gospels as good and if yo really make the time you will see for yourself 😊

  • @shadowleaksofficial
    @shadowleaksofficial Před 11 měsíci +6

    Nobody. Nobody comes to the father except through the son

  • @otienodaniel9165
    @otienodaniel9165 Před rokem +13

    All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1:3, ESV)
    All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1:3, ESV)
    It is written in the Prophets, 'And they will all be taught by God.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me- (John 6:45, ESV)

  • @danyto
    @danyto Před 11 měsíci +63

    Oh wow 😮... After watching this I'm still a Christian and worship One Almighty God!!

  • @preachermike
    @preachermike Před 8 měsíci +2

    He said it, you just don't want to believe it.

  • @chrisbrody9915
    @chrisbrody9915 Před 8 měsíci +8

    Matthew 4:6-7
    and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: 'He shall give His angels charge over you,' and, 'In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone. ' ” Jesus said to him, “It is written again, 'You shall not tempt the LORD your God.
    Clearly he is telling satan he is God.

  • @yusufz3850
    @yusufz3850 Před rokem +149

    Sacrilegious means committing an act which violates something regarded as sacred.

    • @laking09_57
      @laking09_57 Před rokem +21

      Thanks man. Hard keeping up with hijabs vocab sometimes😅

    • @hannawurst6064
      @hannawurst6064 Před rokem +4

      Son of God does not mean that God has a child in Christianity!
      *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
      Son of God are 2 titles one referring to the Word of God and one referring to creation (humans, angels, demons)

    • @hannawurst6064
      @hannawurst6064 Před rokem +1

      Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;*
      as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*

    • @yusufz3850
      @yusufz3850 Před rokem

      @@hannawurst6064 Oh, I see, nice, ok ok Good.👍🏻

    • @ibn_adham
      @ibn_adham Před rokem

      @@yusufz3850 She is wrong, she made up her own interpretation and chooses to lie and deceive even after I have refuted her.
      "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only *begotten* Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." [John 3:16]
      Her own Bible calls Jesus the begotten son of God, yet when God in the Quran critcizes this corruption, she goes insane saying 1000 times over and over, "What a mistake in the Quran!!!!", "What a mistake in the Quran!!!!", "What a mistake in the Quran!!!!" like a raving lunatic.

  • @luqman1983
    @luqman1983 Před rokem +116

    Am i the only one who heard sacrilegious for the 1st time? 😂

  • @GloryToYeshuaHamashiach
    @GloryToYeshuaHamashiach Před 7 měsíci +3

    John 1:1 “In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

  • @donpatato5819
    @donpatato5819 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Very simple answer: the Members of the Trinity do not disagree on anything, because They live in the strongest bond of love that you can ever imagine and They are One... so the question does no make sense at all

  • @Terabapu3156
    @Terabapu3156 Před rokem +42

    Who can forgive sins?
    Who can remain with his followers till end of time?
    Who can be omnipresent?
    Who can answer prayers?
    Who will raise the dead?
    Who gives life?
    He said before abraham was i am.

    • @au8363
      @au8363 Před rokem +3

      God Speaking In The Old Testament Zechariah 12:10
      King James Version
      10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

    • @thepublicpotato3887
      @thepublicpotato3887 Před rokem +2

      ☪️ Can god"" DO everything ?
      ✝️ "Yes."
      Well, aren't these YOUR books ?
      John 5:30
      "I can do NOTHING by my own.
      As I HEAR, I judge.
      And my judgment is just.
      For I seek NOT my own will.
      But the will of:
      ➡️ HIM WHO SENT ME ⬅️
      S E E I T N O W ❓
      ➡️ S E N T ⬅️
      John 6:38
      "For I have come down from heaven NOT to do MY will. But the will of:
      ➡️ HIM WHO SENT ME ⬅️
      ➡️ S E N T ⬅️
      ☪️ Does "god" NEED anything ?
      ✝️ "No."
      Well, Jesus did.
      Otherwise what was he doing in a:
      - WOMB ?
      - UTERUS ?
      - BIRTH-CANAL ?
      How about landing here directly from heaven..❓
      In a DIGNIFIED MANNER.. ⁉️
      ☪️ Does "god" KNOW everything ?
      ✝️ "Yes."
      Matthew 24:36
      "But about the day or hour,
      ▶️ NO ONE KNOWS.
      Genesis 17.3
      And Abraham
      Fell on his face
      And Prayed.
      Numbers 20.6
      And Moses and Aaron
      Fell on their faces
      And Prayed.
      Joshua 5.14
      And Joshua
      Fell on his face
      And Prayed.
      🚩 Matthew 26.39
      ➡️ A N D J E S U S
      ➡️ Fell on his face
      ➡️ AND P R A Y E D.
      Let's byte-size it so you'll NEVER AGAIN "MISS IT".
      🚩🚩 Matthew 26.39
      ➡️ J E S U S
      ➡️ AND P R A Y E D. ⬅️
      Still missed It ?
      J E S U S
      ▶️ W O R S H I P P E D ◀️
      Indisputable proof that you ppl DON'T read your books / shamelessly prefer lending them a rock-head.
      J E S U S
      ➡️ W O R S H I P P E D ⬅️
      You call him “god".
      H I M S E L F ❓
      SELF - WORSHIPPING “god" ❓
      "Super-intelligent christians" need a MUSLIM with the time & patience to DRAW for you these verses from YOUR OWN BOOKS ‼️
      Maybe THIS level of pedagogy will SINK in your sculls...
      Also they say muhhamad pbuh retconned the Bible when the current Christian beliefs are just rip offs of other faiths
      The trinity is a rip of of triads from other religions
      The triad of the sun, moon and stars from Babylon
      The three faces of brahaman brama Vishnu and shiva
      The Shinto trio Amaterasu, Susanoo and tsukoyomi
      The Egyptian triad of Osiris, isis and horus
      Man god also a rip of

    • @oj1291
      @oj1291 Před 11 měsíci

      Why didn’t he say “Before Adam, I am”? Is Abraham older than Adam? I guess so. So Adam is first and Jesus second and then Abraham. But wait, Satan came before Jesus, Abraham, and Adam. Hmmmmm…….

    • @au8363
      @au8363 Před 11 měsíci +2

      @@oj1291 they were speaking about Abraham in the context of John 8:58.

    • @Terabapu3156
      @Terabapu3156 Před 11 měsíci

      @@oj1291 they knew abraham to be their father adam was kind of common to gentiles and jews but abraham was the person from whom jews came so he said before abraham was born i am. The same I Am of exodus 3:14 .

  • @VictorPanteleimon
    @VictorPanteleimon Před rokem +64

    "Jesus is God isnt mentioned in the Bible"
    *proceeds to mention that the Gospel of John does have those references*

    • @lad-
      @lad- Před rokem +15

      It seems you didn't really hear him properly , he said "if you're gonna say the gospel of John , then it's a late reference " so nothing wrong there

    • @VictorPanteleimon
      @VictorPanteleimon Před rokem +6

      @lad- where is gospel of John placed? Exactly in the Bible... so therefore Jesus is God IS mentioned in the Bible. But if it is about the date. So let's go with the Gospel of Mark, the earliest gospel.
      1.John the Baptist applies Isaiah 40:3 (which is about Yahweh) to Jesus.
      “...the voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight’” (mark 1:3).
      2.The unclean spirits recognize Jesus as the Holy One of God, who has the power to destroy them.
      “And immediately there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit. And he cried out, ‘What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are-the Holy One of God’”(mark1:23-24).
      3.Jesus is able to forgive sins committed against God.
      “And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven’” (mark2:5).
      4.Jesus claimed to be the Son of Man of Daniel 7, who is the Lord of the Sabbath.
      “And he said to them, ‘The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath’” (mark 2:27-28).
      5. Jesus has the authority to change God’s law.
      “And he said to them, ‘Then are you also without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into a person from outside cannot defile him, since it enters not his heart but his stomach, and is expelled?’ (Thus he declared all foods clean)” (mark7:18-19).
      6.Jesus identifies Himself as the Son of Man in Daniel 7:13-14.
      “But he remained silent and made no answer. Again the high priest asked him, ‘Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?’ And Jesus said, ‘I am, and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.’ And the high priest tore his garments and said, ‘What further witnesses do we need? You have heard his blasphemy’” (mark14:61-64).
      Not to mention the Gospel of John is most likely written by the disciple himself. Since he was in the inner circle of Christ, the gospel is reliable.

    • @leesangbum2820
      @leesangbum2820 Před rokem +2

      Mathew 4:7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.

    • @lad-
      @lad- Před rokem +1

      @@VictorPanteleimon how can something reliable have contradictions

    • @VictorPanteleimon
      @VictorPanteleimon Před rokem +1

      @lad- so where's the contradictions i the Bible? If contradictions and errors are you objection, why are you a Muslim?
      Where is the wall build out of copper to seperate Jajuj and Majuj? And supposedly, they are still fighting to this day?! Or what about Moses meeting a Samaritan, In 1400BC while Samaritans only began existing in 700BC? Or what about David making a chainmail armor in 1000BC while (technology to make) chainmail only came into existence in 200BC? Or what about Moses and Joseph their faraoh talking about crucifixion, while Crucifixion didn't exist in ancient Egypt, it only came into existence in 500BC. Or what about the only place where the Crucifixion should have taken place, it denies it?! There are multiple letters from Tacitus, Josephus, Thallus, Lucian of Samosata, etc. All stating it is a fact of that time period that Jesus was crucified.
      And now for the contradictions; even we can read a statement and then only verses later icontradicts that exact statement...
      Can a bearer of burdens bear the burdens of another or not?(s.35:18 VS 29:13 & 16:25) Will Jesus burn In Hell, or does he have the nearest position to Allah?(3:45 VS 21:98)
      Are martyrs spared or do All Muslims go to hell?( 3:157-158 VS 19:71-72)
      Are Christians believers or unbelievers?( 5:69 VS 5:72)
      Heaven or Earth, which was created first?(Sura 2:29 VS 79:27-30)
      What is man made from?( 96:1-2 VS 25:54 VS 24:45 VS 15:26 VS 30:20 VS 3:47 VS 19:67)

  • @MrMilk-gy8vv
    @MrMilk-gy8vv Před 10 měsíci +2

    Colossians 1:15+16 “He is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creatures. In him everything in heaven and on earth was created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominations, principalities or powers; all were created through him and for him….”

  • @untoldhistory2800
    @untoldhistory2800 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Where did Jesus say ‘I’m only a prophet, don’t worship me’ ??

  • @yusheyatiqui2512
    @yusheyatiqui2512 Před rokem +285

    My islamic knowledge and vocalubary both became good following you 😂❤

    • @barakoniner1644
      @barakoniner1644 Před rokem

      You have zero knowledge lol. Enjoy hell with hijab

    • @miscgar9663
      @miscgar9663 Před rokem +6

      Donot copy bad things from men of this world like Adam, David, Solomon etc
      Only take good things from them
      Do not jihad judge anyone
      Do not do polygamy
      In the last days logical men / deceiving spirit will make many to fall
      Pray nonstop till you know God
      Jesus is the only way truth and life

    • @maadetbibou3095
      @maadetbibou3095 Před rokem

      ​@@miscgar9663i love hitler

    • @Ersenoy_Lomak
      @Ersenoy_Lomak Před rokem +15

      ​@@miscgar9663clearly someone who doesn't know what the word jihad means

    • @clashcontinent1977
      @clashcontinent1977 Před rokem +7

      ​@@Ersenoy_Lomakyeah and also the one who don't know what bible is saying 😂..... they're just following what their churches are teaching them

  • @kg888
    @kg888 Před rokem +30

    "Late reference" 😂😂😂 Dude doesnt even know what that mean.

    • @au8363
      @au8363 Před rokem +1

      God Speaking In The Old Testament Zechariah 12:10
      King James Version
      10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

    • @chijiokenwaogbe2694
      @chijiokenwaogbe2694 Před 11 měsíci

      ​@@lisachambers3683it does matter what he says. That's why we're all here, isn't it? And which book did you read to say such a lie? Read the Bible b4 you post things like this.

    • @johntooth1886
      @johntooth1886 Před 8 měsíci

      This bloke is sending everyone to the pub.

    • @Righteous-db2xf
      @Righteous-db2xf Před 6 měsíci +2

      "John is a late reference!!!" I choose the Koran a scource which comes 600 years after lol

    • @ThamerAlghusn
      @ThamerAlghusn Před 5 měsíci

      Bro doesn’t even know grammar 😂😂😂

  • @shynilanax1209
    @shynilanax1209 Před 3 měsíci +1

    "Before abhrham was born I am"

  • @evansglobal1
    @evansglobal1 Před 6 měsíci +5

    The Bible clearly states in Isaiah 9:6-7 and Matthew 1:22-23 that Jesus is God. Go read the Bible before talking trash.

    • @truthseeker6532
      @truthseeker6532 Před 24 dny +1

      John 1:1-3 tells "GOD" is a "FAMILY NAME" that 2 beings are in: Father and "THE WORD". The Word which means "MANAGER" whom, is Father's worker he works through.
      Next, we find out the job title "THE WORD" has a name and that is Jesus.
      We also, find out from the Bible Father predates everything and Jesus predates everything after him.
      We also find from the Bible Father was going to end Mankind a few times.
      It was Father's Manager Jesus doing his job as Father's Manager that spared mankind and Jesus did that a few times such as the flood in which, Jesus rebooted mankind's creation using Noah.
      That pleased Father and Father allowed mankind to continue as Jesus watched over mankind.

    • @evansglobal1
      @evansglobal1 Před 19 dny +1

      @@truthseeker6532 This proves that Jesus Christ is One with the Father and thus is the Son, the second person of the Holy Trinity.

    • @truthseeker6532
      @truthseeker6532 Před 19 dny

      Satan created "The Trinity" teaching. John 1:1-3 tells us only 2 there are (Father and Jesus). Account of that misdirection Satan did to you and everyone else for having = Lack of knowledge/Understanding of what you read/study in The Bible aka A TEST believe in Satan's lie = You failed the Test.
      Next, we are told that "Father in Heaven has Spiritual Blood" called "THE HOLY SPIRIT" that all things are created by and how we will become Father's Sons and Daughters through/by.
      Satan replaced Father with a false being as "THE HOLY SPIRIT" and thus, REMOVED FATHER from everything since, everything is connected to Father's Spiritual Blood and made "GOD" a family name, a closed family name. Unable, to accept more into it which, is the opposite of the God family = For mankind was made to increase the God family members from 2 to Billions = All looking like Father and having the same unable to sin Character within all in the God family!!!!!!

    • @thehungh0nkey853
      @thehungh0nkey853 Před 15 dny

      @@truthseeker6532 So I'm assuming your gnostic?

    • @truthseeker6532
      @truthseeker6532 Před 15 dny

      John 1:18 first statement, that no one met/seen/can identify God, we know is not truth. God was in Eden, peoples Rooms, had meetings etc...
      Churches and the clergy in them, get tripped up on this part because, they do not understand John1:1-3 properly.
      God told mankind, 1 church on Earth is his meaning, all the rest are false!!!!! and all the clergy connected to those false churches are false as well a massive network that encompasses the entire Earth that Satan created against mankind!!!!!
      What they will teach, is misdirection into the clutches of counterfeit knowledge by Satan. Gods 2 witnesses to come, will reveal almost NO ONE ON EARTH almost all 8 Billion DON'T KNOW GODS TRUTHS AT ALL!!!! Only Satan's counterfeit teachings that uses Gods name to cover it all up by!!!!
      John 1: 1- 3 tells us, 2 are in the God family name and thus, Father is God and Jesus is God = It is their last name, Spiritual Blood Family Name. Jesus is the first duplication of Father's Character into him and thus, to have met Jesus is to have met the Father for he has the same Character as Father does.
      Thus, John 1:18 that no one met/seen/can identify God, is talking about THE FATHER OF THE GOD FAMILY NAME!!!!! For everything has been through and done by LORD JESUS THE CHRIST = FATHER'S "MANANGER" AKA "THE WORD" AKA "FATHER'S WORKER" HE WORKS THROUGH.

  • @teevee8611
    @teevee8611 Před rokem +50

    Jesus loves you anyways. ❤

    • @teevee8611
      @teevee8611 Před rokem

      Jesus said it himself and jesus loves you whether you like it or not.

    • @stepbro4978
      @stepbro4978 Před 9 měsíci +1

      ​@@teevee8611Who cares?

    • @jul6177
      @jul6177 Před 5 měsíci

      ​@@stepbro4978 every christian

    • @stepbro4978
      @stepbro4978 Před 5 měsíci

      @@jul6177 imaginary friend and idol .See first commandment

    • @jul6177
      @jul6177 Před 5 měsíci

      @@stepbro4978 if you disagree with my religion(christianity) then you might as well leave us alone.
      I'm not gonna hold back, you might as well go fuck yourself because you don't see anyone's worth.

  • @juanjoelorona
    @juanjoelorona Před rokem +27

    Repent before it's too late John 14:6

    • @bigrod1702
      @bigrod1702 Před 8 měsíci

      That’s right Mohammed HIJAB the evil man should repent otherwise he will go to Hell.

    • @hashirrock
      @hashirrock Před 8 měsíci +1

      The bible does not say that

    • @axeI.
      @axeI. Před 6 měsíci

      @@hashirrock​​⁠ The bible is living book of god's word. The quran is a twisted version to make Jesus seem like nothing but a servant to a god that doesn't exist.
      Allah isn't god. Don't put blind faith over your soul and wound up in hell. Look up near death experiences, bible prophecies being fulfilled daily, rapture dreams and end time visions.
      Jesus Is The Only Way ✝️ Jesus Christ wants a personal relationship with you through the Holy Spirit, not religion and blind faith. You see, we all have sinned, and have broken God's law (The Ten Commandments). Wrong doing deserves justice and must be punished (just like how a criminal has to pay for the crime they have committed but God saved us from the eternal punishment of our sins by sending His Son Jesus Christ, fullness of God in flesh, a perfect, sinless sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross and resurrecting, so that we may have everlasting life. It is all finished and now for you to accept the free gift of grace, you must repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ and Bible says that His Blood will cover all of your sins, you will be forgiven, saved from eternal punishment, and be given everlasting life. By faith you will receive the Holy Spirit, become born again, know Jesus personally and He will transform your heart and clean you from the inside out. Turn away from sin, read the Bible, pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you and change you, obey the Word. Much love and God bless you!

    • @CaptainDanger-
      @CaptainDanger- Před 6 měsíci +1

      you realize that verse can also refer to a prophet right?

  • @sir-david6244
    @sir-david6244 Před 5 měsíci +1

    Okay brother,one day,your tongue will confess that JESUS Christ is God

  • @gibbopg
    @gibbopg Před 6 měsíci +1

    Fortunately, the real world does not rely on Muslim ravings!

  • @sonicboombeatbox5715
    @sonicboombeatbox5715 Před rokem +103

    John 10:30
    John 1:1
    John 8:58
    Mark 14 61:62
    Mark 2:1-12
    John 8:24
    Mathew 14:33
    Mathew 28:9

    • @farriswheel3984
      @farriswheel3984 Před rokem +44

      All of these require mental gymnastics to come to the conclusion Jesus is God lol💀💀💀

    • @shaikarshiya1052
      @shaikarshiya1052 Před rokem +19

      John 10:29 my father is greater than all

    • @user-js7lo7xs2u
      @user-js7lo7xs2u Před rokem

      research Elagabalus deity and research black stone of emesa herodian says it "fell from heaven" sounds like Mohammed said that also hmmmmm also Allah sounds and looks like llah-al that is mentioned also that black stone was considered to be baal in 202 ad also this from Mohammed Chapter (37) sūrat l-ṣāfāt
      Sahih International: Do you call upon Ba'l and leave the best of creators -

    • @farriswheel3984
      @farriswheel3984 Před rokem

      @@user-js7lo7xs2u Please learn english and get medical help for your stroke💀💀💀 Come back when you can string together proper sentences.

    • @InclusiveOrange
      @InclusiveOrange Před rokem

      The Jews killed Jesus because he was claiming or at the very least inferring that he was God.

  • @jefftucker5903
    @jefftucker5903 Před rokem +23

    “I am the Father are one, if you have seen me you have seen the father”. Seems pretty clear to me..

    • @01faisall
      @01faisall Před rokem +9

      Jesus pbuh said me n the disciples are one lol are they god too

    • @TheBoomshine
      @TheBoomshine Před rokem +4

      Read just before that verse, Jesus is talking about no one being able to pluck sheep out of neither their hands, they are one in that purpose.

    • @OfficialBillC
      @OfficialBillC Před 11 měsíci +1

      Yeah but you got it wrong buddy

    • @Believer321
      @Believer321 Před 11 měsíci +1

      I father and disciples are also one… so how many were gods?

    • @OfficialBillC
      @OfficialBillC Před 11 měsíci

      @@Believer321 he doesn’t know the verses by heart.

  • @MinaDKSBMSB
    @MinaDKSBMSB Před 9 měsíci +8

    He says: "I AM," "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last," "I give eternal life," "All may honor the Son as they honor the father," "No one knows the Father except the Son," "all judgment belongs to the Son."

  • @nickgoldring1446
    @nickgoldring1446 Před 6 měsíci +1

    "Before Abraham was, I AM"!
    Al-Quran contains nothing as majestic as that.

  • @matteojaco8642
    @matteojaco8642 Před rokem +32

    “Before Abraham was, I am”

    • @Trevor_Sithole
      @Trevor_Sithole Před rokem +4

      If Jesus was God there would have been atleast one verse in the bible that clearly says it,not some riddle which IA most likely fabricated by Paul

    • @Saad-qe6ku
      @Saad-qe6ku Před rokem

      Gospel of John

    • @MrMarcodarko
      @MrMarcodarko Před rokem +5

      @@Trevor_Sithole Why? It is no secret Jesus was God. The New Testament is for an audience that KNOWS Jesus is God, not 600 years later where the Koran says no he isn't.

    • @Trevor_Sithole
      @Trevor_Sithole Před rokem +8

      @MrMarcodarko then why doesn't the old testament say Jesus is God?why didn't the prophets before Jesus not say so that God is three in one or Jesus is God?if Jesus was God setting an example for us to follow why didn't he show up earlier in the beginning?

    • @theredboneking
      @theredboneking Před rokem +1

      @@Trevor_Sithole Why didn’t the Old Testament predict Muhammad?

  • @TheLi0nnnn
    @TheLi0nnnn Před rokem +59

    The Father and I are one.

    • @gigihsetyawan3161
      @gigihsetyawan3161 Před rokem +18

      The Father is greater than I” in John 14:28

    • @TheBoomshine
      @TheBoomshine Před rokem +3

      Read just before that verse. Jesus is saying just as no one can pluck the sheep out of The Father's hand, so can no one pluck the sheep out of his hand. They are one in that purpose, it doesn't literally mean they are one in entity.
      John 17:3 Jesus says The Father is the only true God.

    • @eduardsusai559
      @eduardsusai559 Před rokem +5

      @@gigihsetyawan3161 Yes. But Jesus and God are in the same being, however the Father is Greater.

    • @eduardsusai559
      @eduardsusai559 Před rokem +1

      @@TheBoomshine yes but The Son and The Holy Spirit procced from The Father

    • @gigihsetyawan3161
      @gigihsetyawan3161 Před rokem +8

      (Matthew 4:1) Jesus was tempted
      [James 1:13) God cannot be tempted
      (John 1:29) Jesus was seen
      (1 John 4:12) No man has ever seen God
      (Acts 2:22) Jesus was and is a man, sent by God (Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9) God is not a man
      (Hebrews 5:8-9) Jesus had to grow and learn (Isaiah 40:28) God doesn't ever need to learn
      (1 Corinthians 15: 3-4) Jesus Died
      (1 Timothy 1:17) God cannot die
      (Hebrews 5:7) Jesus needed salvation (Luke 1:37) God doesn't need salvation
      (John 4:6) Jesus grew weary
      (Isaiah 40:28) God cannot grow weary
      (Mark 4:38) Jesus slept
      (Psalm 121: 2-4) God doesn't sleep
      (John 5:19) Jesus wasn't all powerful (Isaiah 45: 5-7) God is all powerful
      (Mark 13:32) Jesus wasn't all knowing
      (Isaiah 46:9) God is all knowing

  • @mariacortez5931
    @mariacortez5931 Před 10 měsíci +2

    He is God because he cured and could read the mind of people. He healed people without praying to no one else. He was prophetized by the true prophets. No other person was previously announced like him. You call prophet your founder and there is not a single prophecy that he said and has come to passed. While Jesus said he the temple was going to be destroyed and it happened in the year 70. He fullfill all the prophecies and he is seated at the ringht hand of the father and will come back to judge the living and the dead because all power is his.

  • @imdattrashman77
    @imdattrashman77 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Jesus didn't flat out say he was the son of God, he gave us some clues on who he truly was, and that has came out to be the son of God

  • @IbrahimKhan-ll1no
    @IbrahimKhan-ll1no Před rokem +20

    I need English classes rn!!

    • @au8363
      @au8363 Před rokem +1

      Jesus Is God Glory To The Triune GOD😊

    • @rashidaquil5284
      @rashidaquil5284 Před rokem

      You need math classes
      1 + 1 + 1 = ?

    • @au8363
      @au8363 Před rokem +1

      @@rashidaquil5284 bad objection

  • @Jeyakumar0888
    @Jeyakumar0888 Před rokem +8

    John 17:5 5 And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.

    • @Jack-en3xy
      @Jack-en3xy Před rokem +1

      Your false testment is not true

    • @Jeyakumar0888
      @Jeyakumar0888 Před 11 měsíci

      @@Jack-en3xy Dear friend, you would choose to beleive the quran that came from 600 years after Christ. But you wouldn't accept the truth and the testimony about Jesus Christ provided by His disciples who saw Him after His resurrection and wrote all of it within 50-100 years after Christ ascended to heaven.

    • @Jack-en3xy
      @Jack-en3xy Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@Jeyakumar0888 my kid jesus was never resurrected there is no proof of that because Paul corrupted the bible and saying like that but your not having the original Hebrew scriptures jesus itself rejected that iam god bible said god is all knowing but jesus is not all knowing also bible said god can't sleep but jesus slept so jesus is not god you can't accept the truth but day you get to know that jesus is not god

    • @Jeyakumar0888
      @Jeyakumar0888 Před 11 měsíci

      @@Jack-en3xy Dear brother, Jesus Christ left aside His glorious nature and took on the form of a servant of God the Father to offer Himself as a holy sacrifice on behalf of our sins to redeem us simners unto God for eternity. So while on earth, He had to rely on God the Father with the help of Holy Spirit for all the good deeds and miraculous works He did. Listen to His words in below verses where He can answer our prayers directed to Him once He would have ascended to be along with the Father. John 14:12-14 12 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. 13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

    • @Jack-en3xy
      @Jack-en3xy Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@Jeyakumar0888 my kid it's all christian imagination jesus never ever said iam god he said why do you called me good no one is good except the god bible itself said god is one also jesus said I can't do anything myself why god can't do himself nothing so jesus is weak god also he itself asked forgiveness to father so why god ask himself because jesus is not god jesus can't do himself nothing but god is all knowing your people want to make jesus as god to rule this world but it never be happen one day you get to know that jesus is not god

  • @musiccritique6243
    @musiccritique6243 Před 7 měsíci +5

    Please, keep to your Islamic beliefs, you know absolutely nothing about Jesus.

  • @pandimlepcha4
    @pandimlepcha4 Před 8 měsíci +1


  • @au8363
    @au8363 Před rokem +45

    Jesus Is God Glory To The Triune GOD😊

    • @JoeCole-yh5dh
      @JoeCole-yh5dh Před rokem +4

      AMEN 🙏

    • @au8363
      @au8363 Před rokem +4

      @@diddigaming God

    • @au8363
      @au8363 Před rokem +6

      @@diddigaming because Jesus Is God

    • @is17a985
      @is17a985 Před rokem +3

      @@diddigamingJesus is God in human flesh.

    • @au8363
      @au8363 Před rokem +3

      @@diddigaming The Father

  • @artaxerxe1
    @artaxerxe1 Před rokem +7

    John is a late writing? Then what about Qur'an?😅😅😅

    • @lotusworldpeace
      @lotusworldpeace Před rokem +1

      No he’s saying John’s gospel came 50+ years after the “death” of Jesus. Obviously chronologically John’s gospel came before the Quran because Muhammad SAW wasn’t born yet, but the Quran and everything in it was revealed and preserved during Muhammad’s time. So Muhammad’s Quran is from 1400 years ago is the exact same as the Quran today.

    • @artaxerxe1
      @artaxerxe1 Před rokem +1

      @@lotusworldpeace it is completely irrelevant since John died in 96.

    • @abdulrafaybutt1189
      @abdulrafaybutt1189 Před rokem

      Qur'an was memorized properly word by word

  • @RapunzelASMR
    @RapunzelASMR Před 14 dny

    John 10:30: I and the Father are one"
    John was one of the closest followers of Jesus, often considered part of Jesus' inner circle along with Peter and James.
    The Gospel of John includes detailed accounts of events that suggest the author was an eyewitness. For example, the precise description of the crucifixion and resurrection events.
    The style of writing and theological themes in the Gospel of John are consistent with those in the Johannine epistles. This coherence suggests a common authorship.
    The Gospel of John is generally dated to around 90-100 AD, which fits within the lifespan of John the Apostle, who would have been an elderly man at this time.
    When comparing the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) with John, the differences in perspective and content are seen as complementary rather than contradictory, which is consistent with John's unique theological perspective.
    Irenaeus, a prominent early church father, was a disciple of Polycarp, who in turn was a disciple of John the Apostle. Irenaeus provides a direct link to the apostolic tradition. In his work "Against Heresies," Irenaeus explicitly states that John the Apostle wrote the Gospel while living in Ephesus.
    Clement refers to John as the author of the Gospel in his writings. He notes that John, aware of the content of the other Gospels, composed a "spiritual Gospel" to complement them.
    Another early church father, Tertullian, also attributes the Gospel to John. He mentions John’s authorship in his defense of the New Testament writings.

  • @gravymorales4762
    @gravymorales4762 Před 9 měsíci +1

    They just put Muhammad over

  • @True-OrFalse
    @True-OrFalse Před 11 měsíci +4


    • @jeremy900
      @jeremy900 Před 11 měsíci

      Nice try, but Muslim means one who submits to Allah, and Muhammad* PBUH submitted to Allah

    • @MohamedIbrahim-le1ql
      @MohamedIbrahim-le1ql Před 11 měsíci

      Bruh Mohamed pbuh said that he an every other messenger of god Is a Muslim. Go educate yourself before making a fool of yourself

    • @RR-kl3li
      @RR-kl3li Před 11 měsíci

      @@MohamedIbrahim-le1ql religion has only 1 meaning, you can’t just define a word by another definition that’s a fallacy. in fact muslim means “Follower of Islam” the word Islam already has a specific meaning, just because I submit my will to god does it make me a Muslim? Just Because I actually do. Now does that means I have 2 religions? All Messengers are not Muslim it doesn’t fit their characteristics. John the Baptist is a prophet and messenger, he’s a follower of Christ and an apostle which makes him a Christian “Follower of Christ” and he submit his will to god which makes him Muslim and Christian? 🤔Moses,Enoch,and all messengers are Muslims? Again thats not actual meaning I searched and googled the original meaning of a Muslim and it popped out in its actual noun “Follower of religion islam”. Christian means “Follower of Christ”, Hindu means “Follower of Hindi Religion” Islam means “Follower of Islam”. There cannot be 2 meanings of a religion or it just wont make sense and create a fallacy🤦‍♂️.

    • @Slick6464
      @Slick6464 Před 9 měsíci

      @@RR-kl3liit’s not a fallacy, the literal translation of the Arabic word “Muslim” is someone who submits to God

    • @RR-kl3li
      @RR-kl3li Před 9 měsíci

      @@Slick6464 submit to what god, “Allah”? , again your interpretation of “Submitting to God” means in your religion is submitting to Allah not referring to other gods like we believe in another God which is the triune God, so according to your logic does this “meaning of Muslim” counts of referring to other religions? because Jesus submitted his will to the father (not Allah) and that’s just him showing his respect and honor to the father as the father honored him back with his eternal glory. and other religions submit to their god as well lmao does that make them a Muslim or does it make me a Muslim cuz I submit to god 😶.

  • @skrb2473
    @skrb2473 Před rokem +4

    I am Allah and i am fictional character .

    • @thewildetyme1112
      @thewildetyme1112 Před rokem +1

      but you’re here on a religious youtube channel 😂

    • @boogus1670
      @boogus1670 Před rokem

      @@thewildetyme1112 he’s so dumb bruh

  • @andrewbaker6256
    @andrewbaker6256 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Says a man who believes that God would deliver his message through an illiterate warlord.

  • @sleekchaser3049
    @sleekchaser3049 Před 8 měsíci +4

    Yet you guys believed the words of a maniac who was born 600 years after Jesus. Hypocrisy is over the top indeed

  • @geoffreyk6229
    @geoffreyk6229 Před rokem +23

    Thank you for this post, brother Mohammed Hijab 🍀

    • @moezdaoudi9501
      @moezdaoudi9501 Před rokem +1

      ​@neil caff are you talking about shiaa? They are literally kufar so not muslims for real

    • @comedyshortsinc
      @comedyshortsinc Před rokem +1

      @neil caff Sure, every Muslim is limited in what he can do. People have strengths and weaknesses. Hijab and good at dawah to non Muslims and debating. That’s his specialty. What’s your specialty?

    • @ritheshrodrigues3
      @ritheshrodrigues3 Před rokem

      “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

    • @comedyshortsinc
      @comedyshortsinc Před rokem +1

      @@ritheshrodrigues3 Funny how Jesus was never called Emanuel though. Ever.

    • @au8363
      @au8363 Před rokem

      God Speaking In The Old Testament Zechariah 12:10
      King James Version
      10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

  • @sheldonshooter8621
    @sheldonshooter8621 Před rokem +18

    The comments of these Christian’s are making me laugh😂😂😂 like how ignorant can the Christian’s be when there is such clear proofs with many examples of contradictions within their bible?

    • @Thawhid
      @Thawhid Před rokem


    • @user-js7lo7xs2u
      @user-js7lo7xs2u Před rokem

      ​@@Thawhid research Elagabalus deity and research black stone of emesa herodian says it "fell from heaven" sounds like Mohammed said that also hmmmmm also Allah sounds and looks like llah-al that is mentioned also that black stone was considered to be baal in 202 ad also this from Mohammed Chapter (37) sūrat l-ṣāfāt
      Sahih International: Do you call upon Ba'l and leave the best of creators -

    • @geoffreyk6229
      @geoffreyk6229 Před rokem +1

      Show us the contradictions

    • @geoffreyk6229
      @geoffreyk6229 Před rokem +3

      Where in the Quran says Allah created Jesus?

    • @TheTruth75175
      @TheTruth75175 Před rokem


  • @PraiseLordd
    @PraiseLordd Před 11 měsíci +1

    “Shout and be glad, Daughter Zion. For I am coming, and I will live among you,” declares the Lord. 11 “Many nations will be joined with the Lord in that day and will become my people. I will live among you and you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you.

    • @PraiseLordd
      @PraiseLordd Před 11 měsíci

      Zechariah 2 10-11

  • @kenfollowyeshuacrawford4284
    @kenfollowyeshuacrawford4284 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Muslims, Jesus said God was his Father, so Jesus was not a Muslim.☦️🤎❤️💯🙏

    • @VELBLE
      @VELBLE Před 18 dny

      jesus worship one god = muslim
      muslims worship one god = muslim

  • @user-infinite
    @user-infinite Před 11 měsíci +3

    You must be reading the Watch Tower.

  • @Narikku
    @Narikku Před rokem +12

    What was the reason the Jews condemned him?

    • @Ali_Comments_protector
      @Ali_Comments_protector Před rokem

      What do you mean?

    • @Narikku
      @Narikku Před rokem +5

      @@Ali_Comments_protector Why was Jesus sentenced to die by the Jews? What was the charge laid against him by the Jewish people?
      But he remained silent and made no answer. Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?” And Jesus said, “I am, and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.” And the high priest tore his garments and said, “What further witnesses do we need? You have heard his blasphemy. What is your decision?” And they all condemned him as deserving death.
      Mark 14:61‭-‬64 ESV

    • @sofbof2408
      @sofbof2408 Před rokem +3

      What you are inferring isn't true at all, but what a bizarre way of reasoning, using the accusations of the enemies of the Masiah as a proof to establish your doctrine?!

    • @arthurgoonie4596
      @arthurgoonie4596 Před rokem +4

      ​@@sofbof2408 okay then why was jesus crucified? For preaching there is only one god to the Jews who only believe in one god. What type of reasoning is this.

    • @mattholt2451
      @mattholt2451 Před rokem +4

      @@arthurgoonie4596 you realize Jews have killed previous prophets right, for saying the same thing

  • @Name00520
    @Name00520 Před 15 dny

    "Before Abraham I AM" (god said I am who I AM)
    "I am the first and the last"

  • @Fighting-Spirit7
    @Fighting-Spirit7 Před 18 dny +1

    Yes but dude 600 years after Jesus who was pressed to floor by evil spirit in some cave, who wanted to commit suicide after that knows everything about Jesus and the God... yeaaa right😂

  • @Peace-ho9oo
    @Peace-ho9oo Před 8 měsíci +12

    🌹1.Don't insult (Q 49:11 )
    🌹2.Speak kindly (Q2:83)
    🌹3.Speak gently (Q 17:28 )
    🌹4.Don't backbite (Q 49:12 )
    🌹5.Speak the Truth (Q 3:17 )
    🌹6.Keep your oaths (Q5:89)
    🌹7.Do not be arrogant (Q 7:13 )
    🌹8.Restrain your anger (Q3:134)
    🌹9.Think good of others (Q 24:12 )
    🌹10.Don't be rude to parents (Q 17:23 )
    🌹11.Don't make fun of others (Q 49:11 )
    🌹12.Turn away from ill speech (Q23:3)
    🌹13.Walk in a humble manner (Q25:63)
    🌹14.Keep your trusts & promises (Q23:8)
    🌹15.Don't claim yourself to be pure (Q 53:32 )
    🌹16.Do not even approach adultery (Q 17:32 )
    🌹17.Don't call others with bad names (Q 49:11 )
    🌹18.Remember Allah and be thankful (Q2:152)
    🌹19.Speak nicely, even to the ignorant (Q25:63)
    🌹20.Don't ask for repayment for favours (Q76:9)
    🌹21.If enemy wants peace, then accept it (Q8:61)
    🌹22.Salute the Prophet (saw), do salawats (Q 33:56 )
    🌹23.Call ˹all˺ people to the pilgrimage (hajj) (Q 22:27 )
    🌹24.Give charity /spend (in the way of Allah) (Q2:254)
    🌹25.Don’t criticize small donation/charity of others (9:79)
    🌹26.Be mindful of Allah and be with the truthful (Q9:119)
    🌹27.Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly (Q2:188)
    🌹28.Stand firm for justice even if it is against yourselves(Q4:135)
    🌹29.Don't remind others of the favours you done to them (Q2:264)
    🌹30.Return a greeting in a better manner or at least the same (Q4:86)
    🌹31.Do not be excessive, extravagant, don't spend wastefully (Q 17:26 )
    🌹32 Life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment (Q3:185)
    🌹33.Performing prayers (salat/namaz) is a duty on the believers (Q4:103)
    🌹34.Turn away from trash talk like gossip, slandering people etc.(Q 28:55 )
    🌹35.Fasting is prescribed for you-as it was for those before you (Q2:183)
    🌹36.Don't bribe authorities in order to devour a portion of others’ property(Q2:188)
    🌹37.Establish prayer (salat/namaz) and donate from what was provided (Q8:3)
    🌹38.Establish prayer (salat/namaz) and donate from what was provided (Q 14:31 )
    🌹39.Establish prayer (salat/namaz), pay alms-tax, and bow down with those who bow down (Q 2:43 )
    🌹🕋40.Know that this worldly life is no more than play, amusement, luxury, mutual boasting, and competition in wealth and children.(Q 57:20 )🕋🌹
    💚Please note these are not the complete ayats, but I took keywords from each ayat. If you would like to read the full ayat, then check the reference.
    💬For example take a look the first statement:
    🌹Don't insult (Q 49:11 ), when you google Quran 49:11, then you will see the complete surah’s English translation and you will see following:
    ☝️🕋O believers! Do not let some ˹men˺ ridicule others, they may be better than them, nor let ˹some˺ women ridicule other women, they may be better than them. Do not defame one another, nor call each other by offensive nicknames. How evil it is to act rebelliously after having faith! And whoever does not repent, it is they who are the ˹true˺ wrongdoers.☝️🕋
    ✍Allah is the most merciful and forgiving, no matter how much you have been sinning, run towards Allah , turn to Allah and repent , ask for forgiveness. Some references from the Quran:
    🌺🌺🌺🕋Quran 39:53🕋🌺🌺🌺
    Say, ˹O Prophet, that Allah says,˺ “O My servants who have exceeded the limits against their souls! Do not lose hope in Allah’s mercy, for Allah certainly forgives all sins. He is indeed the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
    🌺🌺🌺🕋Quran 25:70🕋🌺🌺🌺
    As for those who repent, believe, and do good deeds, they are the ones whose evil deeds Allah will change into good deeds. For Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
    🌹Feel free, copy and paste this message.
    🌹🌹To copy it, open the same page using your mobile phone's browser then, you can copy it using your touch screen or alternatively open this page using your computer then you can copy and paste it using your mouse.
    We are 1 Ummah, you are not alone with your struggles, this world is a temporary place, are you preparing yourself for the day of Judgement

    • @erenjeager9442
      @erenjeager9442 Před 7 měsíci

      Does your prophet married a little girl.

    • @axeI.
      @axeI. Před 6 měsíci

      ⁠ The bible is living book of god's word. The quran is a twisted version to make Jesus seem like nothing but a servant to a god that doesn't exist.
      Allah isn't god. Don't put blind faith over your soul and wound up in hell. Look up near death experiences, bible prophecies being fulfilled daily, rapture dreams and end time visions.
      Jesus Is The Only Way ✝️ Jesus Christ wants a personal relationship with you through the Holy Spirit, not religion and blind faith. You see, we all have sinned, and have broken God's law (The Ten Commandments). Wrong doing deserves justice and must be punished (just like how a criminal has to pay for the crime they have committed but God saved us from the eternal punishment of our sins by sending His Son Jesus Christ, fullness of God in flesh, a perfect, sinless sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross and resurrecting, so that we may have everlasting life. It is all finished and now for you to accept the free gift of grace, you must repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ and Bible says that His Blood will cover all of your sins, you will be forgiven, saved from eternal punishment, and be given everlasting life. By faith you will receive the Holy Spirit, become born again, know Jesus personally and He will transform your heart and clean you from the inside out. Turn away from sin, read the Bible, pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you and change you, obey the Word. Much love and God bless you!

  • @user-eu6zq2sk4v
    @user-eu6zq2sk4v Před 8 měsíci +5

    He was not God nor the sun of God he was the messenger of God قال اني عبد الله اتاني الكتاب وجعلني نبيا

  • @hopeonwheelsindia777
    @hopeonwheelsindia777 Před 14 dny +1

    There is not a Single Unequivocal, Unambiguous Statement in the Complete/entire quran where your Allah (Arabic God) himself says, "people of book has modified what I had revealed to them through my Prophet's or don't trust Christian's & Jews because they modified. Can any single muslim show the verse from your Quran where it says like above statement.

  • @hopeonwheelsindia777
    @hopeonwheelsindia777 Před 14 dny +1

    Revelation 1:17-18
    Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades.
    Can a prophet claim he is the first and the last when God was only the first and the last .
    John 5:23
    23 so that the Son will be honored equally with the Father. Anyone who dishonors the Son, dishonors the Father, for it was the Father's decision to put the Son in the place of honor.
    Can a prophet ask you should ask honour as like honour the god (interms of honour it is not respect but worship).
    Clearly Jesus claiming he is God.

  • @benjaminpendleton7797
    @benjaminpendleton7797 Před rokem +9

    Interesting that Muslims executed a famous Muslim Sufi, Mansur al Hallaj, for saying, "Ana al Haqq," "I am the Truth," because they said by doing so he was claiming to be God.
    Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life," so Muslims would also have said that Jesus was claiming to be God.

    • @nouriy1759
      @nouriy1759 Před rokem +5

      no because Jesus saying ''I am the way, the truth and life'' can be claimed by Prophets of God as they were also the way, truth, and life of their time/nation/era so that is a very terrible interpretation of trying to make Jesus seem like he said that he's God

    • @thewildetyme1112
      @thewildetyme1112 Před rokem +7

      i’m not seeing “god” in that reference

    • @infinitestrafes7931
      @infinitestrafes7931 Před rokem +4

      Interesting that according to your religion, “god” aka a human, was praying to himself…

    • @FilthyProphetMooHamMad
      @FilthyProphetMooHamMad Před rokem +2

      ​@@infinitestrafes7931and according to your religion, Allah prays 😂😂😂

    • @benjaminpendleton7797
      @benjaminpendleton7797 Před rokem +2

      @@infinitestrafes7931 Interesting that even though the Quran states that God has a face, many hundreds of years later Muslims are still arguing about whether God has a face or not.

  • @wandasmith9180
    @wandasmith9180 Před rokem +4

    From the AntiChrist 😢

    • @abdulrafaybutt1189
      @abdulrafaybutt1189 Před rokem


    • @wandasmith9180
      @wandasmith9180 Před rokem +1

      @@abdulrafaybutt1189 1 John 2:22. Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is the Antichrist,that denieth The Father and The Son.

    • @abdulrafaybutt1189
      @abdulrafaybutt1189 Před rokem

      yeah what dose it have to do with video

    • @MrBoLT__
      @MrBoLT__ Před rokem
      ☝️ Lady who gets exorcism from spirit of Islam and jidah. Islam is sending people to hell Islam wake up

  • @dannewman8809
    @dannewman8809 Před 9 měsíci +1

    Glad to see my brothers in christ fighting this misinformation in the comments

    • @umamahmad8366
      @umamahmad8366 Před 9 měsíci

      Bro I want to know what actually is the holy spirit and why you consider it in the trinity?

    • @dannewman8809
      @dannewman8809 Před 9 měsíci +1

      @@umamahmad8366 The holy spirit is talked about all the way back in genesis, It is often represented as a dove but is ofcourse, not visible. The holy spirit is a part of the trinity, beacuse it a part of god, that being the father son and spirit. Interestingly the bible says that our bodys are a temple which the holy spirit dwells in, so if you want to connect to the holy spirit pray to god and look within yourself. I belive that the original translation also talks about the spirit as being wind, as it is something that can be seen, but can be felt and moves people. Hope that helps

  • @iliiketurtle23
    @iliiketurtle23 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Jesus clearly states “I and my Father are one” he also states “if ye hath seen me ye hath seen the Father also” Jesus was a person But Jesus is also the Name of God so be baptized in Jesus name as Peter told in (Acts 2:38)

  • @BreydahnRoyko-kf1jr
    @BreydahnRoyko-kf1jr Před rokem +3

    I'll pray for you

  • @kluse.2329
    @kluse.2329 Před 11 měsíci +8

    "To see me is to see the father" - jesus

    • @Believer321
      @Believer321 Před 11 měsíci +1

      Does father look like him? No, it’s for Philips who wanted to see God , see the context!! You guys have manipulated your own bible by dragging things out of context besides what Paul did to bible accounts!

    • @kluse.2329
      @kluse.2329 Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@Believer321 im not a Christian, i was just contradicting the Muslim

    • @kluse.2329
      @kluse.2329 Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@Believer321 "truly i say to you , before Abraham was born , i am " - Jesus Christ
      Thats another scripture where jesus kinda claims hes god

    • @Believer321
      @Believer321 Před 11 měsíci +2

      @@kluse.2329 do you know I am is used as a name of God(father) in the bible! I am who I am...

    • @kluse.2329
      @kluse.2329 Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@Believer321 yes , god told moses his name was i am

  • @Carlasbridaljewelry
    @Carlasbridaljewelry Před 14 dny

    Psalm 46:10
    He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.

  • @kennethkotey875
    @kennethkotey875 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Jesus is God

  • @xXRand0mDudeXx
    @xXRand0mDudeXx Před 9 měsíci +3


    • @T.T.T416
      @T.T.T416 Před měsícem +1

      When did he say that?? if ur referring to John 8:58 if doesn’t say that

    • @Matthew_7_21
      @Matthew_7_21 Před 20 dny

      @@T.T.T416I’m sorry what? You are obviously foolish for saying “it does say that when it does say that”.

    • @T.T.T416
      @T.T.T416 Před 20 dny

      @@Matthew_7_21 the verse doesn’t say he kid, it says I am, that’s it

    • @Matthew_7_21
      @Matthew_7_21 Před 20 dny

      @@T.T.T416 No?? The verse says
      “Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am."

    • @T.T.T416
      @T.T.T416 Před 20 dny

      @@Matthew_7_21 Ik that’s my point it never said “I am he”

  • @ChristisLord7777
    @ChristisLord7777 Před rokem +10

    Let me educate Christians and Muslims who visit this video. Peace be with you 🙏🏾
    Muslims believe the Quran is the literal word of God. Jesus is described as the word of God on multiple occasions. I can prove it from your own book. I have done my homework.
    Jesus is described as the word of Allah and the spirit of Allah in the Islamic tradition and in Arabic right?
    In the chapter about Mary Allah commanded Jesus into being in Mary's womb. Gods speech created him by his command which is why Jesus is called "word of Allah" in Arabic.
    Keep that truth and fact in mind please brother 🙏🏾
    Jesus isnt the only time when Allah used his word to create life. In the beginning, and also in the Quran, when God created Adam it was literally by his word yet why is Adam not called the literal word of God? Only Jesus is.
    Chapter 4 171 "Jesus wasn't brought into being by the word, he is the word"
    In the Quran constant references are made to mankind being from dust so when we die we all return to dust. However,when Jesus died: "Allah took Jesus to himself"...
    Why is Jesus the only one in the Quran who goes to Allah? The answer is because he wasn't made from dust, he was made from Allah's word. He is Allahs word. He went back to source. God went back to God.
    Your argument tells me that the Quran is only the word of God when you choose it to be? Because if you're consistent and you believe Allahs every word (as you should as a Muslim)...... then Jesus is God....
    Peace be with you brother xx 🙏🏾

    • @cherry-blood72
      @cherry-blood72 Před rokem +1

      14yo word

    • @moes5391
      @moes5391 Před rokem +5

      Lmao your first lie is making up Quran verses , here is what 4:171 says “O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion1 or say about Allāh except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allāh and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allāh and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allāh is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allāh as Disposer of affairs.”

    • @ChristisLord7777
      @ChristisLord7777 Před rokem

      Lots of my people are taking offense. I didn't mean to offend anyone. Always question what you know

    • @ChristisLord7777
      @ChristisLord7777 Před rokem

      @@sharkhaha9770 God has different names. The point is that Jesus is God and the Quaran (Allah) says so

    • @ChristisLord7777
      @ChristisLord7777 Před rokem

      You are contradicting what is so obvious. It is arrogant to tell God he is wrong. You are going against God :(

  • @CombustableLemon
    @CombustableLemon Před 9 měsíci +2

    “Well he does say it but I say that doesn’t count because it doesn’t help my argument”

  • @faithfulchurchtv
    @faithfulchurchtv Před 9 měsíci +1

    John 10:30: "I and the Father are one."
    Guys you'll never win with these ones. Don't worry muslims love Jesus

  • @Pinch_Academy
    @Pinch_Academy Před rokem +12

    I am not a professional Christian. I was not socialized into religion. I was an evil man destined for the second death
    But Jesus saved me. I opened the door of my heart to him ❤️ and I felt his presence right away. He Introduced me to his love ❤️.
    I now fear and KNOW the lord. I have access to the Father’s love and heart ❤. I received the HOLY SPIRIT when I publicly professed my faith just before I was baptized (honeymoon week- anybody who knows what I’m talking about KNOWS)
    This isn’t new what I’m saying by the way....any Christian who KNOWS Jesus should be able to testify the EXACT moment he came into their heart ❤️
    These Muslims need to hear about the love ❤️ Jesus has for them SO share with them your Testimony, not an unproductive apologetics stance with a myriad of clever insults. God bless everyone

    • @nevermore.yaphets13
      @nevermore.yaphets13 Před 11 měsíci +2

      ​@@lisachambers3683Jesus said: I and The Father is One.

    • @nevermore.yaphets13
      @nevermore.yaphets13 Před 11 měsíci

      ​@@lisachambers3683 why follow ur religions if its inhumane. you can strike your wife? really? you can married many women. tf! your prophet Muhammad had lusy issue. 😢 damn! Seek Jesus my sister! even in your Quran says Jesus is the Messiah.

    • @nevermore.yaphets13
      @nevermore.yaphets13 Před 11 měsíci

      @@lisachambers3683 that's problem with you'll Muslim, you don't fully know the meaning of bible but always attack Christians through the bible. learn your Quran first and you will see how legit the bible is than your Quran.

    • @bubblessera
      @bubblessera Před 11 měsíci

      He’s a prophet your believing lies from a corrupted book.

    • @godfred8618
      @godfred8618 Před 11 měsíci

      @@lisachambers3683brother, in revelation. 22:13 Jesus says “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
      The father has claimed these titles, and only one can claim these titles

  • @Meera_joseph
    @Meera_joseph Před rokem +13

    Always Jesus Christ We Never Believe in false Prophets ♥✝️

    • @hassanmazza1831
      @hassanmazza1831 Před rokem +4

      So you admit Jesus was a prophet lol

    • @DrOctoma
      @DrOctoma Před rokem

      @@hassanmazza1831 yeah he is prophet and also God, unlike Muhammad who make false prophecy, was under black magic and imagine having sex when he didn’t, he pray to al-Lat al-Uzza Manat and claim shaiytan tricked him, he loot and steal caravan, he cheat on his wives aisha and hafsa with mary copt, he marry and sleep with his adopted son wife, he marry aisha as child, he do jihad and kill safiyyas family and rape her, and he fabricate miracle which never happen, he tell you to kill the christian and jew, he call us filthy animals (nudges), he try to copy Jesus and claim (in hadith) he will sit beside Allah on the throne. Muhammad is horrible man who commit many sin and try to make himself equal to Jesus, but fact is Jesus is the GOD of Muhammad and everyone; he will judge this evil man and throw him into hell for eternity. If you follow Muhammad, you will also follow him into the fire if you don’t repent my friend. May the living God and his word (yesu in arabic not Isa, Muhammad fabricated this name) reveal the truth to you.

    • @boogus1670
      @boogus1670 Před rokem +2

      @@DrOctoma who told you this stuff 😂😂😂

    • @honorscholar6692
      @honorscholar6692 Před rokem

      ​@@hassanmazza1831Who says Jesus isn't a prophet?

    • @Check_my_playlists
      @Check_my_playlists Před rokem

      Jesus was only sent to the isrealites

  • @Josephify
    @Josephify Před 3 měsíci

    Please get someone that knows what their doing to stop your mic from peaking🙏🏽 God bless brother!

  • @user-ud8ry8vj8f
    @user-ud8ry8vj8f Před 10 měsíci +2

    i am the way the truth and the life was said by jesus in the bible this proves he is God amen

    • @user-ew6tj6un9t
      @user-ew6tj6un9t Před 5 měsíci

      I am the way that's mean teaching of mine like we muslim we say the way of muhammed the the way of muhammed teaching of muhammed

    • @user-ud8ry8vj8f
      @user-ud8ry8vj8f Před 5 měsíci

      @@user-ew6tj6un9t the way, the truth and the life that means he is referring to being God.

    • @user-ew6tj6un9t
      @user-ew6tj6un9t Před 5 měsíci

      @user-ud8ry8vj8f he didn't say that every prophet said that I came from god and all people must follow the teaches because I am the way and he said I'm the way to go god that means he is the prophet Ameen for being Muslim and my
      Children will go to war with Jesus again dajjal and yajuj majuj

    • @user-ud8ry8vj8f
      @user-ud8ry8vj8f Před 5 měsíci

      @@user-ew6tj6un9t Jesus is God revealed in the flesh.

  • @robloxfunkyfridayyesyesyes2517

    I love your video and I hope you go to jannah

    • @muhammadiskandarzulkarnain5473
      @muhammadiskandarzulkarnain5473 Před rokem +2

      @@CZcamsvideo22t someone please tell this person....

    • @achmedk3658
      @achmedk3658 Před rokem

      The Bible Says that God is not Man: Numbers 23:19 *>>God is not a man…...For I am God, and not man...…a man who has told you the truth…Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know.He will judge the world in righteousness through a man whom He has appointed…the man Christ Jesus.For I the Lord do not change.decaydecay

    • @achmedk3658
      @achmedk3658 Před rokem

      *_The shahada is not in quran?_*
      But see the verse of the Qur'an: ↓↓
      (61:11) *_>>You are to believe in God and His Apostle, and to strive hard in God's cause with your possessions and your lives: this is
      for your own good - if you but knew it!

    • @meeee1278
      @meeee1278 Před rokem

      @@CZcamsvideo22twhat? 😂, that doesn’t matter 😂

    • @user-js7lo7xs2u
      @user-js7lo7xs2u Před rokem

      research Elagabalus deity and research black stone of emesa herodian says it "fell from heaven" sounds like Mohammed said that also hmmmmm also Allah sounds and looks like llah-al that is mentioned also that black stone was considered to be baal in 202 ad also this from Mohammed Chapter (37) sūrat l-ṣāfāt
      Sahih International: Do you call upon Ba'l and leave the best of creators -

  • @exilahd8285
    @exilahd8285 Před rokem +26

    He might not say it directly, but he does say it in a way 🙃 you just gotta read

    • @starsparkle4938
      @starsparkle4938 Před rokem +15

      Only thing is God cannot be a God of confusion. If Jesus was God he would tell us straight up. A God of clarity will not use ambiguous verses that tell us to worship him in some places in the Bible, and then later contradict his own majesty as God in other places (ex: how Jesus doesn’t know the last hour - only the Father knows)

    • @exilahd8285
      @exilahd8285 Před rokem +5

      @Star sparkle he has told it straight up. He just uses language that the people back then would have understood, and if you truly knew how God works, you'd know that it's not a contradiction that only God the father knows about the secret day. I'm sure your father has kept secrets from you

    • @starsparkle4938
      @starsparkle4938 Před rokem

      @@exilahd8285 isn’t Jesus peace be upon him claimed to be 100% God and 100% human? If he’s 100% God he SHOULD know the hour. Also why does God have a family? And a gender and race? These are all characteristics of the creation, things that God should not have. Also does God rest? Does God defecate? If Jesus does these things it contradicts the idea that he is God.

    • @cyclonemt
      @cyclonemt Před rokem +13

      ​@@exilahd8285 then you believe in 2 separate gods, god the father and god the son, if one doesn't know something the other knows. These are 2 separate entities then, are they not? So is Christianity a monotheistic religion or polytheistic? ... The original Christianity was monotheistic and did not teach the Trinity. Just as it says in Islam.

    • @exilahd8285
      @exilahd8285 Před rokem +5

      @@cyclonemt no, I believe in one God that's made of 3 different parts

  • @saya3998
    @saya3998 Před měsícem

    "Don't tempt your Lord thy God" matthew 4:7

  • @jjevans1693
    @jjevans1693 Před 7 měsíci

    Thanks for clearing that up then.

  • @lelouch8470
    @lelouch8470 Před 6 měsíci +3

    John was with Jesus. He was the beloved disciple of Jesus and was there during his crucifixion. And yet you think a warlord 600 years after is more credible than John?
    Jesus says “Before Abraham was, I am”
    I am is Yahweh, the name of the Hebrew God.
    Jesus is not claiming to be Allah, he is claiming to be Yahweh.
    If you think it’s not a claim of divinity, then you are wrong 😂.
    Because the Jews were going to stone him for Blasphemy

  • @lovemamahouse
    @lovemamahouse Před rokem +45

    Love Jesus, he is the messenger of God. Peace be upon him. We love all messengers of God equally peace be upon all of them and we follow whom Allah wants us to follow. On our time it is our beloved prophet Muhammad ﷺ the final messenger of God.

    • @connerredel9971
      @connerredel9971 Před rokem +8

      Accept him as king of kings and lord of lords if you love him. Otherwise, you love a fictitious version of him that Muslims have concocted in their minds

    • @lovemamahouse
      @lovemamahouse Před rokem +8

      @@connerredel9971 he is the messiah. He is no more than one of messenger sent by The Creator, The One True God Allah.

    • @connerredel9971
      @connerredel9971 Před rokem +4

      @@lovemamahouse Jesus never mentioned the name "Allah" in the Bible; he always referred to the one true God as "father" who became flesh and dwelt among us.
      John 1:1-14

    • @grezien25
      @grezien25 Před rokem +3

      @@connerredel9971 Say, do you know the translation of father in aramaic, jesus language in the past?

    • @connerredel9971
      @connerredel9971 Před rokem +2

      @grezien25 It's elaha, which isn't even Allah, but it's a false correlation anyway. It just so happens that Jesus's native language is Aramaic, and it just so happens that the word God in Aramic is similar to the word Allah. This does not mean in any way that Jesus prays to a God whose name is Allah. According to the Quran, every time Jesus says Allah, what Jesus is really saying is "the God" because that's how it translates in English. It's not that there's a God whose name is Allah.

  • @IgorStankovic-eu6ru
    @IgorStankovic-eu6ru Před 2 měsíci +1


  • @eL-RaT_
    @eL-RaT_ Před 2 měsíci

    "I am the way the truth and the life , no one can come unto the father except through me"

  • @AcknowledgeB
    @AcknowledgeB Před rokem +14

    Even if there were abstract verses in the unpreserved New Testament of acclaimed Jesus claiming divinity and coequalness with the father, a righteous and monothesistic person would still not believe it to be objective reality.

    • @InclusiveOrange
      @InclusiveOrange Před rokem +8

      Hence, why the Jews had a hard time with it.

    • @phun1901
      @phun1901 Před rokem +1

      A righteous person would believe Jesus' commands as recorded in the gospels and obey them.

    • @starsparkle4938
      @starsparkle4938 Před rokem +1

      @@phun1901 that would be so - but only if the Bible was actually written by people who KNEW Jesus pbuh while he was alive. And if the Bible lacked contradictions. And clearly neither of these things are true. God gave us the ability to think and reason in order to search for truth, not just blindly believe without evidence

    • @phun1901
      @phun1901 Před rokem +2

      @@starsparkle4938 Jesus didn't feel the need to prove his legitimacy to anyone. He preached, some people had faith, others didn't. Some people saw mighty miracles but others who asked for a sign were told no.
      The tafsir are full of stories about people who believed Mohammad without logical reasons. That doesn't mean Mohammad wasn't a prophet, my point is he also expected people to weigh his words with their hearts as much as with formal logic.
      When I compare the commands and teaching of the gospels and new testament, and compare it to the Quran, I believe the gospels. I believe a righteous person will recognise the truth when they see it.
      I don't think the Quran is entirely without merit. But it's derivative and lesser. It's a bootleg version.
      If you want to weigh evidence, I think the evidence that the the original disciples of Jesus really did preach he was crucified and resurrected for the forgiveness of sins is overwhelming. And that the Jewish canon of scriptures that we read today are the exact same as what Jesus read. And that the Jewish scriptures anticipate an atoning sacrifice for sins.
      I fully expect to persuade anyone of those points if they are responsive to evidence. Many people dont think those things add up to prove Jesus actually did rise from the dead, but they don't get far attempting to deny those 3 points.
      It's easy to point at mistakes and contradictions in the Quran if you approach it with that attitude. Generally it comes from interpreting things the wrong way. The same is true of people who think there are contradictions in the Bible.

    • @comedyshortsinc
      @comedyshortsinc Před rokem +1

      @@phun1901 Correct. Meaning, God is one and Jesus was but a man sent to warn and advise the people.

  • @MrJMNK
    @MrJMNK Před rokem +2

    John 14:10-11
    New Living Translation
    10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I speak are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me. 11 Just believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Or at least believe because of the work you have seen me do.

    • @MM-pk3rl
      @MM-pk3rl Před rokem

      He said he is like the father but not God , the writers who corrupted it did it so they can claim that Jesus died for their sins so they can drink alcohol and do adultery

    • @MrJMNK
      @MrJMNK Před rokem

      ​@@MM-pk3rl did you really read the text? If so, did you actually comprehend the text? I highly doubt it

    • @MM-pk3rl
      @MM-pk3rl Před rokem

      @@MrJMNK so Jesus(the God) had no control over his words bcz the father( which happen to be the God) says his word through another God , which makes no sense

  • @AzrielTheOne
    @AzrielTheOne Před 9 měsíci

    The Gospel according to Mark, which is accepted to be earliest Gospel, contains the I AM. Cross reference to Exodus where Moses encounters God, that very same phrase.

  • @alanx4121
    @alanx4121 Před 9 měsíci

    Gosp of John is still older than the counterfeit revelations of 'gabriel'

  • @amgelicintrovert_47
    @amgelicintrovert_47 Před 10 měsíci +4

    Read the Revelation You will get to know How Jesus is God

    • @Allette.
      @Allette. Před 7 měsíci

      Gospel of John 5:30 ‘i can of mine own self do nothing, as i hear i judge, and my judgment is just, because i seek not my own will but the will of the one who has sent me.’

  • @jihanhaque6399
    @jihanhaque6399 Před rokem +9

    Let's debunked trinity:
    Gospel of john 10:30
    I and the father are one.
    Note: in this verse jesus are father are God but Where is holy spirit that's means, it is 2 in 1 instead of 3 in 1.

    • @speemus6223
      @speemus6223 Před rokem +1

      u didnt debunk it there is better ways to do it, this is just show inconsistency and those people can mental gymnastic this and tell us that its not an inconsistency or sumn

    • @neku2741
      @neku2741 Před rokem +9

      If you keep reading, he also said may you(the disciples) be one with God as well, So their God is 15 in one

    • @user-js7lo7xs2u
      @user-js7lo7xs2u Před rokem

      research Elagabalus deity and research black stone of emesa herodian says it "fell from heaven" sounds like Mohammed said that also hmmmmm also Allah sounds and looks like llah-al that is mentioned also that black stone was considered to be baal in 202 ad also this from Mohammed Chapter (37) sūrat l-ṣāfāt
      Sahih International: Do you call upon Ba'l and leave the best of creators -

    • @QAHS610
      @QAHS610 Před rokem

      ​@@neku2741 💀

    • @QAHS610
      @QAHS610 Před rokem

      ​@@user-js7lo7xs2u How it's debunked Islam?
      We know before Islam: kabbah,black Stone were worship in mecca and when black Stone fell from heaven it was white in Abraham (pbuh) time And Allah just means God and polytheist worship him, they worship fake Allah's idol and that's
      Why real Allah sends our prophet for whole humanity and save kabbah from paganism.
      And Islam hate baal more than Christianity and don't forget your religion also worship Jesus idol lol (nauzubillah) also your name is b= baal.

  • @Steven-ze2zk
    @Steven-ze2zk Před 8 měsíci +1

    The finest Muslim alive today said this, "I would never compare my religion to yours and claim that mine is better. That's out of order. As far as I'm concerned, God brought out all the religions."
    This amazing idea of respect and tolerance was spoken by boxing legend, The Prince Naseem Hamed.

    • @Boxwithlife
      @Boxwithlife Před 5 měsíci

      The thing is he is lying, and to a practicing Christian this is very clear he is lying and spitting on our religion. It's simple to prove this, I read the Bible and if you read it you will too. Tell me what is more clear in the Bible as to the reason the Orthodox Jews said that Jesus should be killed, what did they think was the greatest sin to them? It clearly says that the Jews wanted him dead because Jesus called himself God. It's not even an argument it's the fact that Christians who actually know the Bible tell Muslims. If Muslims don't believe in the Bible that is ok, but most can't prove that the Quran says it's corrupted, the verses do not exist. Respect is the truth and not lies.

  • @MyGingercat
    @MyGingercat Před 8 dny

    A teen was recently made a saint posthumously. So this makes sense