20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 75)

  • čas přidán 21. 07. 2024
  • Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
    0:00 - Intro
    1. 0:14 {Can Christians ever Sue Christians?} Does 1 Corinthians 6 prohibit believers from ever taking other believers to court? Is there ever an appropriate time to take a brother “before unbelievers”?
    2. 20:43 {Working for God Without Selfishness} How can I do work for God to receive a reward but not be seeking to put myself first, such as in Luke 22: 24-30?
    3. 25:50 {Are Secret Churches “Denying God Before Men?”} Do secret churches in countries where Christianity is illegal contradict Matthew 10: 32-33?
    4. 28:50 {Is Rapture Theology Biblical?} Is it true that rapture theology didn't exist before the 19th century and that it’s a relatively modern interpretation?
    5. 33:00 {Anxiety about Hell} I've become anxious about the thought of eternal torment in Hell. If that's the punishment for our sins, wouldn't it have been best for unbelievers never to be born?
    6. 39:30 {Understanding Philippians 4} Philippians 4:8 confuses me because so many true things are none of the other things on the list. A lot of truth is just the opposite. I read books about true things that are not the other things.
    7. 44:03 {Is Eternal Subordinationism Biblical?} I read recently that the idea that God the Son has been eternally submissive to God the Father is heresy (Arianism). Is that true? Was Jesus only temporarily submissive to God the Father while on Earth?
    8. 47:32 {Prayer for a Struggling Marriage} Would you please pray for my wife and I? I know it's a vague request without much detail, but we are struggling in our marriage and prayers are much needed.
    9. 48:53 {Balancing Duties as a Young Leader} I am a full time high school/youth pastor whose role involves a lot of leadership and administrative duties. As a young person, I find it challenging and catch myself trying to overcompensate. Advice?
    10. 51:28 {Breaking the Sin Cycle of Lust} I’m a 15 year old that has struggled with lust for such a long time, and I honestly don’t know what to do anymore. It feels like I will never get out of this constant sin cycle. Could you please help me?
    11. 54:37 {Dealing with Toxic People} What biblical counsel would you give for dealing with toxic people, especially Christian family members you live with, who are oftentimes mentally and emotionally unhealthy to be around?
    13. 58:18 {Why Would God Give us our Heart’s Desires?} Why would God give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4) if the heart is deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9)?
    14. 1:04:56 {About OT Sacrifices} In the Old Testament sacrificial system, there seems to be a lot of required sacrifices. How often were those sacrifices required, and who was required to offer them? Was it just the heads of households?
    15. 1:07:24 {Volunteering vs. Getting a Paying Job?} I'm 31, living with my unbelieving parents. They're pushing me to get a real job, but I feel I should continue volunteering to keep a Foundation alive that's barely holding on. Any biblical advice?
    16. 1:11:05 {About the Joy of the Lord} What is the “joy of the Lord,” and how is it our strength?
    17. 1:13:48 {Can we be Refilled with the Spirit?} Is it unbiblical to ask for a "refilling of the Holy Spirit"? Don't we already have Him living inside us? I hear this a lot at my church, and I don't know what to think of it.
    18. 1:16:57 {The Descriptions of Jesus in Scripture} After reading Daniel 10 and Revelation 1, I was wondering what the connection is between the descriptions of the visions. The description of Jesus in Revelation is so similar to the description given in Daniel 10.
    19. 1:19:13 {When Israel is Mentioned in Scripture} In the Bible, when Israel is mentioned in the context, is it referring more to the people or to the land (country)? (Ex: Romans 11:26)
    20. 1:22:43 {When Science Cannot Answer} As a new Christian who was raised to follow science first, how can we extract the most knowledge out of the parts of the Old Testament that we cannot fathom/science cannot yet answer?
    To try to get your question in please follow these instructions.
    1) Post your question in the live chat on YT
    2) The best time to post is right when the live stream begins. Questions posted before the stream begins won't be selected.
    3) Please include specific verse references if you have them.
    4) Double check your question for clarity. I'd hate to answer it wrong because I misunderstood.
    Here's the video I mentioned about how the sacrifices in Leviticus point to Christ. • Typology in the 5 Sacr...
    This the link to my playlist of verse by verse teaching through the book of Romans • Book of Romans Overview
    This is the full "Evidence for the Bible" playlist • Has God Spoken? EVIDEN...
    Here's me on Instagram. mikewinger...
    Me on TikTok www.tiktok.com/@mikewinger2?l...

Komentáře • 279

  • @sarahfaith316
    @sarahfaith316 Před 2 lety +41

    Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
    0:00 - Intro
    1. 0:14 {Can Christians ever Sue Christians?} Does 1 Corinthians 6 prohibit believers from ever taking other believers to court? Is there ever an appropriate time to take a brother “before unbelievers”?
    2. 20:43 {Working for God Without Selfishness} How can I do work for God to receive a reward but not be seeking to put myself first, such as in Luke 22: 24-30?
    3. 25:50 {Are Secret Churches “Denying God Before Men?”} Do secret churches in countries where Christianity is illegal contradict Matthew 10: 32-33?
    4. 28:50 {Is Rapture Theology Biblical?} Is it true that rapture theology didn't exist before the 19th century and that it’s a relatively modern interpretation?
    5. 33:00 {Anxiety about Hell} I've become anxious about the thought of eternal torment in Hell. If that's the punishment for our sins, wouldn't it have been best for unbelievers never to be born?
    6. 39:30 {Understanding Philippians 4} Philippians 4:8 confuses me because so many true things are none of the other things on the list. A lot of truth is just the opposite. I read books about true things that are not the other things.
    7. 44:03 {Is Eternal Subordinationism Biblical?} I read recently that the idea that God the Son has been eternally submissive to God the Father is heresy (Arianism). Is that true? Was Jesus only temporarily submissive to God the Father while on Earth?
    8. 47:32 {Prayer for a Struggling Marriage} Would you please pray for my wife and I? I know it's a vague request without much detail, but we are struggling in our marriage and prayers are much needed.
    9. 48:53 {Balancing Duties as a Young Leader} I am a full time high school/youth pastor whose role involves a lot of leadership and administrative duties. As a young person, I find it challenging and catch myself trying to overcompensate. Advice?
    10. 51:28 {Breaking the Sin Cycle of Lust} I’m a 15 year old that has struggled with lust for such a long time, and I honestly don’t know what to do anymore. It feels like I will never get out of this constant sin cycle. Could you please help me?
    11. 54:37 {Dealing with Toxic People} What biblical counsel would you give for dealing with toxic people, especially Christian family members you live with, who are oftentimes mentally and emotionally unhealthy to be around?
    13. 58:18 {Why Would God Give us our Heart’s Desires?} Why would God give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4) if the heart is deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9)?
    14. 1:04:56 {About OT Sacrifices} In the Old Testament sacrificial system, there seems to be a lot of required sacrifices. How often were those sacrifices required, and who was required to offer them? Was it just the heads of households?
    15. 1:07:24 {Volunteering vs. Getting a Paying Job?} I'm 31, living with my unbelieving parents. They're pushing me to get a real job, but I feel I should continue volunteering to keep a Foundation alive that's barely holding on. Any biblical advice?
    16. 1:11:05 {About the Joy of the Lord} What is the “joy of the Lord,” and how is it our strength?
    17. 1:13:48 {Can we be Refilled with the Spirit?} Is it unbiblical to ask for a "refilling of the Holy Spirit"? Don't we already have Him living inside us? I hear this a lot at my church, and I don't know what to think of it.
    18. 1:16:57 {The Descriptions of Jesus in Scripture} After reading Daniel 10 and Revelation 1, I was wondering what the connection is between the descriptions of the visions. The description of Jesus in Revelation is so similar to the description given in Daniel 10.
    19. 1:19:13 {When Israel is Mentioned in Scripture} In the Bible, when Israel is mentioned in the context, is it referring more to the people or to the land (country)? (Ex: Romans 11:26)
    20. 1:22:43 {When Science Cannot Answer} As a new Christian who was raised to follow science first, how can we extract the most knowledge out of the parts of the Old Testament that we cannot fathom/science cannot yet answer?

    • @ogloc6308
      @ogloc6308 Před 2 lety +2

      Thank you!

    • @johnernest1207
      @johnernest1207 Před 2 lety +1

      @28:50 John Nelson Darby is often credited with coming up with the idea of the pre-trib rapture, and Cyrus Scofield with popularizing it in America.

    • @justingary5322
      @justingary5322 Před 2 lety +2

      AMEN brother Mike Winger I really appreciate your Christ centered and Scripturally accurate content for the furtherance of The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏❤️👊. This has nothing and everything to do with the video but please listen if you want to otherwise leave it alone and ignore it. Hello my name is Justin and I'm a fellow Christian and Apologist but I'm also a college student. I'm not a closed minded Theist as I have nothing against Atheists or unbelievers as I speak to them often to understand their reasons for unbelief but we as Christians are convinced of God's Existence due to many real factors). I'm not trying to convert anyone or convince anyone to become Christians as that's The Holy Spirit's job to help people believe but only explain why I believe in Jesus Christ. There's actually evidence of God's Existence in Christianity. First of all there's proof that Jesus of Nazareth existed in history since the writings of Tacitus, Josephus Flavius, Pliny the younger and other historical documents prove that He was living two thousand years ago that even scholars both religious and Atheists agree with historically speaking but not that He's The Divine Son of God because obviously they don't.
      I'm going to give you historical and archeological evidence for God's Existence as The Scriptures have prophecies that predate the events recorded in them by several millennia including Matthew, Hosea and Zechariah which prophesy accurately of the people of Israel becoming a nation again after over 1900 years of being scattered around the nations since the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. spoken of by Christ in Matthew 23:29-24:3 and returning to their homeland after The Holocaust with Jerusalem as their capital in 1948 exactly as Jesus The Christ said. The prophets including Daniel spoke of the time where several world empires would arise and fall including the Babylonian kingdom, Medes and Persians, Roman Empire, and Saladin and the Muslims which went in consecutive order for the past few millennia. The people of Israel becoming a nation after The Holocaust in 1948 (ironically the melting point of gold as God compares Israel to gold that's tested in fire in Zechariah 13:8 and Jeremiah 16:15) exactly how Jesus The Christ said would happen since God us everything to come in The Scriptures and not just because people were working towards as Atheists claim which are impossible for any regular man to predict.
      Just before anyone says Christianity is a white man's religion made to oppress blacks during slavery you obviously aren't aware that the first Christians were Jews in The Middle East and that Christianity just like any religion can be used by evil and corrupt people to oppress others but you forget that the first Abolitionists/Civil Rights activists were Christians who sought to abolish slavery, racism, segregation, injustice and prejudice throughout American history. Jesus The Christ loves you enough not to give you what we all deserve which is God's Wrath by His Own Blood. Charles Darwin didn't originally come up with The Theory of Evolution over 200 years ago as it is mentioned in the writings of Ancient Greeks who believed in Demons that gave knowledge to philosophers.
      Evolution makes no sense when nothing has evolved after thousands of years of human history and supposedly the first creature came from primordial sludge several millions of years
      ago funny how they won't believe that God an Eternal Almighty Spirit Being created us from the Earth) which came from a supermassive expansion of matter at high temperature that inexplicably created everything in the known universe that supposedly came from nothing billions of years ago. How did the organs evolve before there were bones, skin, substance and how did any creatures see before eyes evolved? I've studied evolution and abiogenesis in the past and read Darwin's " Origin of The Species" I've studied evolution and abiogenesis in the past and read Darwin's " Origin of The Species" and I'm not convinced of but not macro or micro Evolution because there's no evidence of it nor clear observable examples of it where living creatures evolve into other kinds of species plus the fact that fossils don't show evidence of evolution and genetic entropy rules out evolution. The question begs how did two genders evolve from a common ancestor with a perfectly hospitable and sustainable environment with breathable oxygen and resources to survive on inexplicably? Atheists have the burden of proof to explain how everything came to be and why our existence is possible without the Existence of God from an godless perspective just as Christians have to provide evidence of God's Existence and the validity of His Word.
      Evolution requires life to already exist in order to take any effect in living organisms so it doesn't account for the existence of Life and reality. Also evolution is impossible because it goes against The Law of entropy and the second Law of thermodynamics because evolution makes things better whereas nothing continues to get better but decays and turns to absolute destruction in the end. Mark Ridley an Evolutionist said "No evolutionist whether gradualist or punctuationist uses the fossil record as evidence in favor of The Theory of Darwinian Evolution as opposed to special Creation". God's Existence is made perfectly known and observable in the universe as demonstrated in His Handiwork in the intelligently designed manner that Creation was made, human consciences and consciousness historical and archaeological evidence of God's Word being valid history, fulfillment of Bible Prophecies God in His Holiness and Righteousness could give us what we deserve in Hell for our since but He's merciful to give us free will to choose to accept or reject His gift of salvation by grace through faith in His Son Jesus. I don't mean this is any condescending manner but if you'd like to discuss The Scriptures with me or have me listen to your view on anything my instagram account is Savage Christian Kombatant.

    • @justingary5322
      @justingary5322 Před 2 lety

      ATHEISM AIN'T GOT NOTHING NEW OR BETTER TO OFFER THAN THE VERY RELIGIOUS BELIEFS THEY'RE CRITICAL OF SO IT'S HYPOCRISY AT IT'S FINEST 😂. Hello this is for all you Atheists, unbelievers and skeptics. I'm going to address a few misconceptions and lies about God's Character and His Word. The Bible doesn't support chattel slavery or anything else Immoral. Ok so Atheists and unbelievers say God is either Immoral, incompetent or not responsible so let's see what The Scriptures actually say. God revealed himself and created a nation in a real, historical context. It was a world with a slave-based economy, with city states often at war with each other, with polygamous marriages to ensure the continuation of family lines. The laws of the Old Testament regulate this behaviour. Slaves are to be treated humanely (Exodus 21:11). They are given rights and not seen as mere possessions. Hebrew slaves were able to buy their own freedom. Human trafficking is condemned (Exodus 21:16). In contrast to the law code of Babylon, Old Testament Israel was a light to the nations. The Old Testament law and narratives do not stand alone. Jesus is now the best example of what we read. So the moral teaching of the Bible cannot be summarised by a quote taken out of context from the Old Testament to demonize God and His Word. Slavery was permitted in Old Testament law but it was regulated by God giving the Israelites instructions on how to fairly and humanely treat their slaves (it was like indentured servitude where someone could work for you if they owed debts or needed income not cruel like chattel slavery). God allowed the people of Israel to own slaves since they themselves has already experienced over 400 years of generations of Egyptian slavery and knew how inhumane it was to be beaten, overworked and taxed so God set them apart from other nations and cultures around them by giving them a fair way to treat their slaves since slavery had already existed in the world but it doesn't mean God condoned it just used it for His Will to bring Good And in the light of the whole scriptural teaching, we find the reasons for its ultimate abolition (Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 4:1-3; Philemon 15-16 and Galatians 3:28). The Word of God provided the moral standard against slavery in the Roman Empire and against the slave trade in the New World.
      But what of genocide or holy war in the book of Joshua? Several things could be pointed out. The use of warfare in the ancient world did not always mean literal total destruction, even when events are described in such terms. Furthermore, the book of Joshua does not describe a genocide. It is not a race who are being wiped out, as in genocide, but a religious practice which was often appalling and degrading. Those who repent (like Rahab from Jericho or Ruth) are not destroyed but become part of Israel. It is not the racial group that is in view but their "detestable practices".
      However, after all is said, we must still acknowledge that God brought judgment on the nations of Canaan. It is not our place as believers isn't to sugar-coat the Bible. For some skeptics, this is enough to make God a moral monster. But the fact is that Jesus continued to affirm that God is a Judge who will bring a future judgment on all peoples and all nations. God’s judgment will be just. The list of Old Testament stories rejected by critics often leads to a similar dismissal of the New Testament teaching of Jesus on the existence of hell.
      After all, what was the Flood of Genesis or the conquest of Joshua if not a glimpse of future judgment? Hell does not demonstrate cruelty on God’s part, but it does demonstrate His Holiness and our moral accountability. Perhaps this is the real reason many people rail against the God of the Bible? It is not that they think He is a moral monster, but that they are afraid He is a moral Judge, and that has implications for our behaviour now. God is an Eternal Almighty Spirit Being and we as His creatures have Eternal souls and spirits so the punishment for our sins against Him must therefore also be Eternal but so must the reward for righteousness that's why He sent His Son Jesus to live a perfectly righteous and sinless Life (which none of us could ever possibly expect to do) suffer the humiliating and torturous death of crucifixion to shed His Own Blood willingly so that all who willingly accept His gift of salvation by grace through faith in Him will be saved and given Eternal life because that's what God wants is for us to willingly accept His gift of salvation and choose life. Exodus 21:20-21 literally speaks about capital punishment befalling anyone who mistreats their slaves so yes people are taking Scripture out of context to demonize God who literally promises that slaves who are mistreated under someone else's authority is to be avenged. When we hear the word “slavery” we think of innocent human beings, kept prisoner for life, having no rights under law and so reduced to animals. This is clearly immoral because it is unjust: the slave has done nothing to deserve the treatment.
      The situation described as “slavery” in the Bible was nothing like this. It is more accurately described as one of indentured servitude. Many “slaves” were indentured servants, working for a term of years
      Some other “slaves” were prisoners. There were no prisons. Prisoners had to work to live like everyone else. Some had life sentences. Some served a term and were released.
      People didn't beat their good slaves but treated them well and protected their assets thus.
      But no matter how rebellious a slave was, you couldn't just beat them to death. And if you knocked out their tooth or damaged their eye then you had to set them free. (Exodus 21:26). God wasn't using what other nations did because He wanted to set His Chosen People of Israel apart from the cruel, inhumane and unjust systems other cultures had so He gave them a fair way to treat their slaves and servants.
      There is a lot of ignorance on this topic which is understandable given the age we live in but it's not the nefarious set up we think of when we think of modern slavery. The question Atheists must ask themselves is how come the Jews aren't being accused of slavery and human trafficking if they're guilty of it in The Bible and why would white slave owners rip out pages from The Old and New Testament Scriptures to justify their owning blacks as slaves if The Bible already justified slavery?

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety +2

      Thank you so much for answering my question with so much Godly wisdom!! I am going to listen to it several times, I'm sure, so I can really let it sink in. Thank you Sarah for what you do!! God bless you guys!!!

  • @JH-me8ok
    @JH-me8ok Před 2 lety +40

    I quoted this verse on jury duty when a church and pastor were suing each other and I was asked to leave! Lol

  • @mikedunlock
    @mikedunlock Před 2 lety +82

    I praise Jesus for his goodness and grace! And also that Mike figured out Dark Mode on his bible app! lol Love ya Pastor Mike!

  • @onlytwogenders420
    @onlytwogenders420 Před 2 lety +18

    Have not watched as much of your content as I used to, but I just want to say, because of you a lot of my love and passion for God has been rekindled. Every day I grow to love Him more, and I just want to thank you for being a part of that!

  • @stace7169
    @stace7169 Před 2 lety +17

    So good to have you back Pastor Mike!!!

    • @davidfayfield6594
      @davidfayfield6594 Před 2 lety

      Did he go anywhere?

    • @JamesAylard
      @JamesAylard Před 2 lety +1

      @@davidfayfield6594 yes, sort of: he was prevented by CZcams from live-streaming for a week or so due to the Joel Osteen copyright strike.

  • @ellenc48
    @ellenc48 Před 2 lety +26

    I had to get a restraining order against a woman who claimed to be a Christian. She had been harassing me for over 10 years, and I just put up with it... Because I could handle it, and she had already been put out of the church because of her behaviors. The church was a blessing, but their actions were not enough to stop her. She got worse as time went on.
    She began in church by making up stories about me and my husband dancing and drinking in bars, and called people to tell them. This was pre-kids for us. We were both working and volunteering at church 4 or 5 nights a week, and we were not going out to bars. We were all in for the Lord, and we loved every minute! We discussed the problem with her. She would not apologize or call those she'd told and confess the lie. We tried to visit her with a Deacon, and she refused. The church sent her letters. No response. She was voted out of membership.
    We moved to a different state shortly afterwards. The harassment moved to over the phone, random phone calls where I plead and prayed for her to find a church and serve the Lord, and she told me how terrible I was, and how hypocritical churches were. We didn't have an unlisted number or caller ID because we were both in college, and money was very tight. She called every few months for over 7 years. If I hung up, she called back until she was satisfied.
    We both graduated and moved again. Got an unlisted number! Yay! But I also got a social media account. She would send private messages, creating multiple accounts as I blocked her again and again. She would join my church's pages and other social groups to get information. (I would have to explain what was going on to my church to get her removed.) She would include my prayer request information in her messages, and that's how I figured out what she was doing. When she started sending harassing messages mocking my kids teeth and making fun of how my toddler had gotten hurt, I was fed up. She was escalating her behavior. She'd never even met my kids! I'd messaged her back consistently to leave me alone and focus on her own family. I told her I was done. I would get a restraining order if she messaged me any harassment again. I also told her that the next steps would be sending print outs of her messages to her husband and even copies to her missionary parents, who I'd met when they visited the first church. I told her she needed help. She didn't think I'd do any of it.
    I didn't know it yet, but my state (at least at the time) required me to notify the person about the restraining order before they would grant one. Because I had warned her about getting a restraining order, with a mountain of evidence, my state honored the request and granted one. Her messages were entered as evidence into the record. I had to pay extra fees to have her served in a different state, and it was worth it.
    It worked. For me... Then she started harassing my pastor! She wouldn't stop. He had to tell her that he was in the Army Reserves and that he would report her actions to the Army. This could have affected her husband job as a D.A. civilian. That worked for him.
    She later messaged a mutual connection and told them that I was "too sensitive." This friend knew about the restraining order because we'd had lunch right after it was granted. She knew to not fall for this woman's manipulation.
    After ten years! I'm too sensitive.
    I'm glad using the civil court system worked for me, because telling her to stop had not worked, and she didn't care about church discipline. I truly do wish her the best, I just wish that for her with zero connection to me.

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety +5

      I'm really sorry you and your family went through that years long ordeal!!

    • @ellenc48
      @ellenc48 Před 2 lety +1

      @@lesliewells1062 Thank you, I do not believe the woman was a Christian. That, or she had a mental illness.

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety +1

      @@ellenc48 It definitely sounds like it might have been both!! It's just a shame she focused in on you and your family. Praise the Lord she is leaving you alone now!! I'm so glad about that.

    • @melz3671
      @melz3671 Před 2 lety +1

      That sounds like a living nightmare!!!!

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety

      @@melz3671 I agree!!! Even moving to a different state didn't stop it? It's awful! I'm so glad things worked out!! I also admire Ellen's Godly attitude of wishing her the best!! Most people wouldn't feel that way!!

  • @cherieroe2878
    @cherieroe2878 Před 2 lety +8

    One thing I was thinking to myself today at work was the question " What would Jesus say?" It was encouraging for me thinking this way as I thought about Scripture and trusting God. I feel it helped me be less anxious and more productive.

  • @gman1550
    @gman1550 Před 2 lety +11

    Since I can’t sue a fellow Christian, I only hire non-Christian contractors.

  • @jennifersmith2382
    @jennifersmith2382 Před 2 lety +6

    Pastor Mike, God has truly blessed you in your explanations of questions. The last question seemed too hard to understand but you made it make complete sense! Bless you and your ministry!

  • @staceylaurene
    @staceylaurene Před 2 lety +1

    Thank you for your teaching on 1 Corninthians 6. I am a Christian lawyer working with mostly believers. This was very helpful to me personally and professionally.

  • @AndrewJohnH
    @AndrewJohnH Před 2 lety +9

    Regarding the question raised in the live chat about why the esophagus (food tube) and trachea (breathing tube) are so close together that it couldn't possibly have been made by a perfect God: I did the tiniest bit of research (just the tiniest bit, I'm assuming the questioner did WAY more research) and found that those "tubes" do in fact have other beneficial functions from being so close together... like increasing the number of ways that humans can vocalize. But if you won't take a Christian's word for it... I found that information on a website that assumed it happened through evolution.

  • @krustysurfer
    @krustysurfer Před 2 lety +2

    Thank you pastor Mike

  • @Eben_Haezer
    @Eben_Haezer Před 2 lety +2

    Thank you Pastor Mike

  • @micahatwater1036
    @micahatwater1036 Před 2 lety +1

    Thank you, pastor Mike for your ministry

  • @thevray1
    @thevray1 Před 2 lety

    Thank you for number 16! Joy of the Lord is my strength. Love when you get to preaching :)

  • @_LaNica
    @_LaNica Před 2 lety +2

    Great wisdom nuggets 😊

  • @mspatari
    @mspatari Před 2 lety +3

    Loved your reply to #10. Glad to hear this youngster is tackling this kahuna at 15!!! Provision...makes so much sense and from experience it's 100% true. 🙏🙏🙏

    • @thereseservais924
      @thereseservais924 Před 2 lety

      A recent video of Alan Parr (The beat) called : Pastor confesses porn addiction gives the same advice + tools to help on this journey. His guest has writen an interesting book about this topic. I have been confronted with this problem in my family. I would add this advice to that young man : seek also someone you trust, who will pray with you and for you, who will stay at your side to help you escape sometimes, someone to whom you can give regularly accountability. Don't stay alone in this battle. Much respect, compassion and encouragement to this youngster.

  • @andysimmons8
    @andysimmons8 Před 2 lety +3

    Thank you, Mike, for the clarity. I also wondered about this after watching the other video, when you said “it’s not like Christian’s can’t go to court”.

  • @crystalfabulous
    @crystalfabulous Před 2 lety +3


  • @MissLionRose
    @MissLionRose Před rokem

    Thank you for your work Pastor Mike 🙏💙🦋

  • @fukukyun78
    @fukukyun78 Před 2 lety +4

    I gotta say, all the people saying "Good, don't take him to court!" should be saying that to Joel Osteen! He's the one who put up the phony copyright claim.

  • @chrisneeds6125
    @chrisneeds6125 Před 2 lety

    Thank you so much Mike.
    I expect to see you sitting, very humbly, close to the front when we're assembled before Jesus ☺😊😀😂😅😇

  • @joycesavage2629
    @joycesavage2629 Před 2 lety +3

    I needed to hear you today. I seem to be drawn to the negative. I also can't think of myself soberly because I grew up being told I was useless, good for nothing, and would never amount to anything. Now I can't judge myself fairly, for example I like to paint but stop every so often because I think I 'm no good at it.

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety +2

      I'm so sorry you were told those lies about yourself when you were growing up. I will pray, and I hope everyone who reads this will pray that you will be healed of the emotional damage that was done to you. Have you ever seen a therapist about it? Therapy is one of the best gifts I ever gave myself and it could really help you!! God bless you!!

    • @thereseservais924
      @thereseservais924 Před 2 lety +1

      Praying for you too. Give God your life, thoughts and talents and ask Him to use them for His glory. Learn to rebuke the lies about you. His truth makes free. That battle is my journey too but I see through the years how God is good and faithful. Be blessed.

    • @joycesavage2629
      @joycesavage2629 Před 2 lety +1

      I have been with a wonderful Christian therapist for 20 yrs plus, am finished now but on meds for life. The depression part is finished but the self doubt is still there.

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety +1

      @@thereseservais924 Amen!!!

    • @littleboots9800
      @littleboots9800 Před 2 lety

      @@joycesavage2629 I'm so sorry you were crushed like that as a child. I'm sure you are actually very talented but next time you feel tempted to give up because you think you are no good, ask yourself why it would matter if you weren't that good? Are we only entitled to sing if we are talented? Or dance? If you enjoy painting, it gives you pleasure, relaxes you and helps you to see beauty in the world, then you have every reason to continue regardless of your talent. Besides, skill improves with practice so if being good was the aim giving up makes no sense!
      As I said before, I'm sure you are talented, our talents are God given, don't throw it aside. Keep painting!

  • @samuelfakelastname7464
    @samuelfakelastname7464 Před 2 lety +3

    The answer for question five was very well put.

  • @Derek_Baumgartner
    @Derek_Baumgartner Před 2 lety +1

    Thanks for this!

  • @ae_pd
    @ae_pd Před 2 lety +4

    “It will only cost you.. nothing” 🤣😂 Love Winger

  • @asenazov4814
    @asenazov4814 Před 2 lety +3

    Really good questions especially this week! Maybe cuz I’ve thought about these. Especially about the desires of your heart question.

  • @kathym8129
    @kathym8129 Před 2 lety

    Many blessings to you, Mike. My understanding has been that civil court was used if other methods failed. Deut 17:9-11, Mathew 5:25, 18:15-17, Luke 12:58, James 5:16.

  • @lorilynnrieseberg7316
    @lorilynnrieseberg7316 Před 2 lety +2

    Soooo glad you’re back😄💕💕💕💕Lala

  • @kryslalwow
    @kryslalwow Před 2 lety

    Never heard JOY OF THE LORD explained that way! Really cool. 1:11:08

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    1 Corinthians Chapter 16
    13Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.
    14Let all your things be done with charity.

  • @Mals2244
    @Mals2244 Před 2 lety

    I'm really looking forward to you touching on Eternal Subordination in the future. This is a belief my church holds and is stated in the church doctrine. It has used as an example of how women are to submit to men.

  • @KM-zn3lx
    @KM-zn3lx Před 9 měsíci

    #1. We did start to sue a brother who said he was a Christian from another church. He refused to come back and finish a project we paid him for as a contractor. We tried to appeal to him and then the Baptist church's pastor he had put down as his business address. We then served him by a sheriff. We decided to drop the suit when he agreed to finish the work. We did what the bible said: appeal to the person, when that dails go through the church if that fails, go to the law or judge.

  • @SimpleAmadeus
    @SimpleAmadeus Před 2 lety +15

    Q15: Thank you very much for your answer, Mike. I highly appreciate that you were frank with me. I've been leaning towards the "getting a job" path for a while now, but I haven't been able to trust my own reasons, because I'm very suspicious of my own motives in dropping what feels like my responsibility, for the sake of achieving financial success. Still, there's a flaw in this reasoning, because I'm already indirectly receiving money, except it's from my parents. If anything, my financial situation would probably get worse, so I guess I'm just fooling myself. I think I just needed someone to cut through the confusion and put the finger on the core/sore issue. I think you're right. Thanks again, and thanks to you and God for your ministry.

    • @peterfox7663
      @peterfox7663 Před 2 lety +2

      Your responsibility is to become an independent, functional adult. Financial "success" is part of responsibility. Unless you are your parents' caretaker, you should be living separately from them at this point barring extraordinary circumstance.

    • @mwflossy
      @mwflossy Před 2 lety

      I recommend to you a video about work by David Pawson...the video is titled "The Bibilical attitude towards work". He adresses that issue in there...it's a long video but i believe you will get some insight from it.

    • @SimpleAmadeus
      @SimpleAmadeus Před 2 lety +1

      @@mwflossy Thanks, I'll check it out!

    • @SimpleAmadeus
      @SimpleAmadeus Před 2 lety +1

      @@mwflossy That was indeed a nice sermon. Thank you.

    • @mwflossy
      @mwflossy Před 2 lety

      @@SimpleAmadeus You're welcome...you can check the rest of his content as well...they even have more content on his website including audio sermons that he preached in the 60s,70s and 80s...they're very edifying for us believers even today, half a century later!! You can find his website by googling him.

  • @lind774
    @lind774 Před 8 měsíci

    Great explanation about science on #20. (I'm a BCBA, and I run into Christians who think I can't be a BCBA, and BCBAs who think I can't be a Christian!)😂

  • @JohnHake
    @JohnHake Před 2 lety

    Psalm 37 is a personal favorite.

  • @mrshmanckles1463
    @mrshmanckles1463 Před 2 lety

    The joy of the lord is "MY" strength not his joy my strength. That's why I have strength through God by the joy I have in him.That's how I always saw it and it makes more sense that way. Think how would I have strength if I have no joy in God?

  • @AndrewJohnH
    @AndrewJohnH Před 2 lety +3

    On the question of true vs. noble, right, pure, lovely, etc.
    One definition of true is "in accordance with fact or reality", and I think that's what is assumed in the question. Another definition is "accurate or exact", which may also be important to keep in mind when looking at the verse.
    Reading the verse with both in mind may suggest: "Think about things that are accurate to, and in accordance with, the way God designed them to be (reality)."
    For example, thinking about a marriage that is "true" might mean thinking about a marriage that best exemplifies the way God designed marriage to be, rather than thinking about a marriage that is most consistent with the marriages we have seen around us. Doing this would match the rest of the verse, and bring more hope and purpose into our lives.

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety +1

      Thank you! That is a very helpful way to look at things. I am a history buff and when I read about much of what men have done throughout history it is true, it's what really happened--but it isn't noble, right, pure, lovely, etc. That's been one of my struggles, what I should read about or watch documentaries about. I appreciate your input!

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety +1

      I was thinking this morning about your comment and I realized I had never looked the word true up in a dictionary, so I did. It has so many meanings!!!! I was very surprised at how many!! I really appreciate your input and you giving me the idea of looking the word true up and finding out everything it means. It's so much broader than I thought it was. I am so happy Pastor Mike answered my question and that you gave me a new perspective. Thank you!!

  • @polarnaut9645
    @polarnaut9645 Před 2 lety +1

    I've come to the conclusion that, lawsuits in the U.S., when carried out constitutionally, can be, in a way, a form of mercy. The wronged party can seek justice without resulting in the defendant doing hard time, like back when we had debtors prisons.

  • @johanneshals6286
    @johanneshals6286 Před 2 lety

    Hi Mike! You have really blessed my life the last year with good teachings and theology. Would love for you to make a video about sexual sin, because its so broadly spread in the world at the moment.

  • @BellDavidE
    @BellDavidE Před 2 lety

    When it comes to eternal subjection of the Son, I don't know how one gets around 1 Cor 15:28: "When all things are subjected to Him, *then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One* who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all."

  • @jamielab
    @jamielab Před 2 lety +2

    Re: Rapture
    Look up Mike Golay's great teaching on the rapture.

  • @susama2377
    @susama2377 Před 2 lety +3

    I request please for the final answer, the one to question number 20 be reposted alone please so I may post on my social for unbelieving friends and family. I think you made that distinction in a clearer way than I’ve tried to in the past and think it’s a powerful point having grown up in our schooling system particularly public which pushes this mistaken concept to push out the super natural in general, but more directly God. Distinguishing the limitation of science is an important distinction to make. Thank you very much for your ministry!

    • @fishgibblets979
      @fishgibblets979 Před 2 lety +2

      As a biochemist and a devout Christian, I think he doesn't really get at what I see as the real issue in this question.
      I think the real issue is to ask the questions, what is science for? And, what is religion for?
      The purpose of religion in general is to figure out how we should live. The Christian answer this question is to love God and love others, and everything else follows.
      The purpose of science in general is to mechanistically understand reality to the best of our abilities.
      Religion does seek to explain reality (see Genesis 1), but the purpose of these explanations is to tell you the purpose and value of reality.
      Let's think about Genesis 1 for a moment, it's full of value judgements and purpose. There is the refrain of goodness; science can't tell you that creation is good. There are multiple blessings; science can't bless something. There are statements of purpose, be fruitful and multiply, fill the Earth and rule over it. Science can't tell you what the purpose of humanity is because purpose, like value cannot be measured. This is the purpose of religion, it's answering questions that are fundamentally un-measureable, but they are vital for us to live. When we get hung up on mechanistic questions like was it actually 7 days? Where did Noah's ark actually land? Etc. We miss the point. The point of the flood narrative is the profound movement through revenge, violence, grief, loss, remembrance, and new resolve. Not did it happen?
      If I tell you that when I was in graduate school, I worked too hard and never rested, so I developed life-altering depression, and I had to re-orient myself in the love of God and in proper Sabbath practice to regain my self worth. Your first question isn't, "Did it actually happen!? Prove it! Where are the documents? I want signed affidavits proving the story is true." Now it does matter whether or not I'm lying; particularly if I am suggesting a course of action (science can tell us what actions work well), but that's not the point of the story. The point of the story is more complicated. I think the point is that I used to only value my productivity, but this belief injured myself, so I had to learn that my value comes from God, and I had to sabbath properly to internalize that belief.
      Science can tell you that human beings likely evolved from other apes, about X number of years ago, and it can tell you that the deluge probably never happened, yada, yada, yada... Boring. It can't tell you whether humans are good or bad, it can't tell you whether or not revenge is right, it can't tell you how you're supposed to live etc.
      Lastly, it's important to not conflate atheism with science. Atheism can answer questions of value and meaning, but it does it through philosophy, societal norms, and personal judgement rather than through the scientific method.
      In short, the purpose of religion is to "stand at the crossroads and ask for the ancient paths, where is the good way?" The purpose of science is to ask, what paths exist and how do I move on the paths (not which is good)?

    • @warnerchandler9826
      @warnerchandler9826 Před 2 lety

      @@fishgibblets979 You seem to conflate two terms: religion and the Bible. I'll focus on the Bible.
      The Bible is God's written revelation to man. It is true. Or it is a huge scam.
      The Bible doesn't have to be a book of history (as we know them) to be true and reliable on any point of history that is included in it. Same for science: if the Bible touches on science, its statements are true about that science because the Bible is true. Otherwise, how could you trust or believe any of it, say the resurrection of Jesus or the good news of the gospel?
      So now how about where science and history both come together in the most obvious way in the first book of the Bible, Genesis? It plainly and non-metaphorically says God spoke the heaven and the earth into existence in six literal days. It says that a flood in the time of Noah changed the entire surface of the earth, killing all the people except those in the ark. Is that Yada yada... boring? Or is it true science and history?

    • @fishgibblets979
      @fishgibblets979 Před 2 lety

      @@warnerchandler9826 No, it isn't true science and history, or if it is, God has arranged the world such that it doesn't look like it. Take for example the stars, we no that light travels at the speed of light and yo the best of our knowledge it doesn't go faster. There are many stars that are millions of light years away. If the Earth is thousands of years old how come we can see them? You could say because God made them with the light already getting here and that's well and good, but hold on a minute, are we looking at their present position, or the position they should have been at millions of years ago? Because the light takes time to get here, so when we look at the night sky we are literally looking into the past. If you said well, "God made the light move faster," science would probably observe that all the stars were weirdly lensed light actually does travel at varying speeds because of gravitational lensing, and even if God did arrange it just so, so that in the solar system travels at the speed of light, but elsewhere it travels instantaneously, why would God do that? Why would God make a world that was young but looked old?
      The same goes for life, as I mentioned, I'm a biochemist, and the fingerprint of evolution is written into all life. We can very neatly construct phylogenetic trees based on genetic sequences where close relatives have similar sequences and distant relatives have distant sequences, and the sequences change faster if they don't matter, and less fast if they do matter, and we can identify events where DNA gets passed across the tree of life by viruses. For example, humans rely on a protein called syncytin in the maternal-placental interface to fuse cells, this protein is actually a viral protein that was acquired by apes a long time ago when a retrovirus inserted it in the germ line. You could say that oh, God just made DNA this way, but why? We can clearly see that the process of evolution is still happening, you can take cells grow them in the lab for a year, compare their DNA at the beginning and end and see that evolution has occurred. We can see evolution happening now, and God made our DNA (and bodies) like they evolved... Why? Is God trying to fool us?
      If you believe that God made the world in 7 days, which I do not, that doesn't disprove the big bang or evolution or any of it because from that perspective, God obviously made the world with back story. He could make it in 7 days 5000 some-odd years ago, but he could make it in the middle of things. He could make it with billion year old rocks in space, and he could make humans in his own image by shaping them out of dust, but also make them with the backstory of having evolved from other mammals. Why would he do it that way? Because he made the world with order and laws, and he wanted us to understand that orders?
      Now, you could point to creationist scientists, they do exist, but they're wrong. They're scientists who started out with the finding they wanted, "Evolution is hokum!" And they found that result. One should always be skeptical of scientists who prove their first hypothesis true. Scientists always go through many hypotheses. I would also point out that creationist scientists are the minority of not just scientists, but scientists who are Christians. Oftentimes creationists paint it as being a bunch of atheists doing science, and true there are certainly more atheist scientists than the general population, but the truly devout Christians who are also evolutionary biologists, astrophysicists, etc. who do believe in evolution etc. far out number the creationist scientists.
      I am not a casual Christian, like I said, I tell my daughter the story of Genesis 1 most every day, I am working on memorizing the book of Isaiah, I'm a member of a small group, I tithe, and I teach my college students with peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control. Believing in evolution hasn't shattered my faith, on the contrary, it has lead me to greater love of God's creation and greater generosity.
      You can't pick figs from thistles, and I've seen a lot of fruit coming from people who believe in evolution.

    • @fishgibblets979
      @fishgibblets979 Před 2 lety

      @@warnerchandler9826 as for the scam-y bit.
      It's only a scam with your understanding of scripture. Within the Christian tradition, there are many ways of reading and understanding scripture and a diversity of viewpoints about what it means for scripture to be inspired.
      I grew up believing and using the method of understanding scripture you describe, but I since have adopted the hermeneutic that scripture is a holy product of human and divine agency. God didn't write it, humans did, but God inspired them, He didn't dictate to them. After all, Paul's voice is different from Luke's, which is different from John's, which is different from Baruch's. Clearly they weren't being dictated to (they probably were sometimes, "Thus saith YHWH..."). The Bible was written by human authors, and it contains their knowledge and thoughts as well as God's. The psalms for example, are littered with human emotions, did God dictate those psalms, or was David having a bad day, and God inspired him to write a song about his experience?
      So what about Genesis? The people in that time had particular myths such as the story Utnapishtim, who saved humanity and animals by building a raft to survive the deluge. God inspired them to retell these stories. In Utnapishtim's story the gods are annoyed with humans, in Noah's God is grieved because violence is undoing creation. One is a story about fickle, self-absorbed gods in disagreement with one another, the other is a story of a grieving God salvaging the mess that vengeance has made of His good creation with the help of Noah. In my understanding, the flood story isn't God dictating to Moses, "I did this flood thing once!" It's God inspiring Moses by saying, "You know, people say there are many gods who are angry and can't make up their minds, but actually, I am..."

    • @warnerchandler9826
      @warnerchandler9826 Před 2 lety

      @@fishgibblets979 "God made the world with 'backstory'"?
      Genesis 1: 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
      And 1: 31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
      According to the Bible, there is only 'front story:' In the beginning God created... and... behold, it was very good.
      You, and the rest of the materialists, believe that millions and billions of years of death, decay, and mistakes leading ever higher is good. But as a Christian, you slander the God that created then pronounced his creation 'very good.' It cannot be possibly be rated 'very good' by reason.
      Additionally, you make weak and foolish the God of the Scriptures, because you say he didn't make a very good heaven and earth, and he clearly didn't make man in his image (Gen 1: 26-27) since it took millions and billions of years of trial and error -- and a LOT of death -- to 'create' man.

  • @marahdolores8930
    @marahdolores8930 Před rokem

    After being financially abused by an elder from a church we formerly attended (he constantly asked churh members with specialized skills or knowledge "can you do me a favor?" to the tune of saving him and his family tens of thousands of dollars over the 30+ years we have known him), we eventually had to take him to civilian court.
    We left that church around 2000, but he bought 2+ acres next to us about 7 years later. He neither lives on the acreage (thank goodness!), nor does he maintain the property, including his portion of a shared private dirt road, clearing brush to reduce fire threat, etc... We approached him many times about increasingly bad conditions on the road, to the point county and commercial vehicles as well as other residents were getting stuck with increasing frequency, but he simply said that HE had no problem accessing his property (because his access is on a relatively flat portion of the road prior to the drop of the hill), therefore he had no requirement to fix or maintain his portion of the road. So much sand had washed down from his property that the next flat section (directly in front of our home) had accumulated over 3 ft of loose sand in places.
    We informed him that we HAD to repair the road, and that almost 80% of the repairs were needed on his portion of the road. He avoided calls, and when we tried to discuss it with him, he obdurately refused to acknowledge the problem. We had no choice but to proceed, to the tune of several thousand dollars. When we attempted to again discuss the matter, he avoided any responsibility, now crying how poor they were on a limited budget (yet he and his family had enough money to take a trip overseas on a Holy Land tour package). We had no joint Christian community before which to take the matter, aside from neighbors who are fellow believers (which were our fellow witnesses).
    After receiving the summons, this church elder tried telling us that if we were Christians, we are prohibited from suing him, as per the first topic. The judge told us that since we already have easement, that we cannot sue for that, and unfortunately state law and county statutes tell us we literally get to pound sand.
    We now just document how we perform all the needed care and maintenance for his property while he does nothing aside from pay his annual tax bill. (It was dismissed, but with prejudice, as the judge was quite sympathetic to our dilemma and told us we were welcome to bring the issue back before him with more documentation for further action.)
    For now, we continue to do what the neighbor refuses to do, (and document accordingly), and whether or not we decide to take this back to court, we know the Lord sees this man's twisting of Scripture, that He knows this man's heart and mind better than we can judge his actions, and He will judge the matter with perfect righteousness some day.
    On the plus side, this elder no longer calls us to ask my husband for "favors" of free plumbing, electrical work, vehicle maintenance, brick and block work, house additions/rough carpentry, or shows up unanounced at my garden to "sample" produce anymore.
    It galls me to see people (who by their abusive behavior show who they truly worship) twist Scripture to profit themselves.

  • @stephenthompson9722
    @stephenthompson9722 Před 2 lety +3

    The summary of question 2. Victoria Osteen could use this teaching!

  • @collegepennsylvania837

    “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.””
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭20:28‬ ‭NLT‬‬
    Follow the perfect example of Jesus Christ. Let us not see others as people to serve us but see ourselves as people to serve others. There is no greater story than the story of God coming to earth to be beaten and killed in a horrible way though He did not deserve it but because we did. And then rising on the third day out of the grave and bringing salvation from sins to the whole earth. And why did Jesus do this? Because He loves us so greatly. His love surpasses understanding. Let us also live generously as well as Jesus did when He gave His life for us. Continue to live in thankfulness and being reminded of all He has done for us, is doing, and will do. Hopefully this helped and blessed you today. God bless you!

  • @nathans8928
    @nathans8928 Před 2 lety

    Re: #5
    Another response after granting the premise could be "what are you going to do about it?" Wouldn't it be even better if you and I rescued those in darkness and "grew the harvest"?
    The original question also has to reflect on what exactly turnal suffering means. This world itself is full of suffering, although there are moments of redemption. Take away those blessings have a good God, and then just imagine living forever with brokenness, strife with others, and no purpose or hope. Flames might be a relief from that...

  • @frogwords_Bibel_Glaube_Gott

    You are brilliant and I love to check in on your Friday-QnA on Saturday morning. What an inspiring start into my free day.

  • @DeplorableNeanderthal
    @DeplorableNeanderthal Před 2 lety

    @psalmsJ, the young man dealing with lust needs also to out himself to people who care and can hold him accountable. That's a drastic step and completely necessary.

  • @loveycat5474
    @loveycat5474 Před 2 lety +2

    The problem one encounter a person who think all crimes should only handle in the church, but there are some crimes you must report such as sexual assault, rape, and child abuse.

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety

      I agree 100%!!!

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety

      @Time to Believe I never said the Bible says to solve rape in the church--but unfortunately, that is what a lot of churches try to do, even one as prominent as John MacArthur's. Why are you asking me what's wrong with me? It sounds like we're saying the same thing. That rape should be dealt with through the police, not the church. God bless you!!!

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety

      @UCwO-y6fZB0v0JGT0TU2_Wcw Mike Winger is not a Catholic or Calvinist and he does not teach what they teach. He has made specific videos explaining why he does not agree with their teaching. I'm sorry you feel like Pastor Mike's teaching is so bad, since what he teaches is straight from and consistent with the Bible. You sound really angry. You asked me what is wrong with me and now you are trying to trash Pastor Mike on his own channel. I feel bad for you and will pray for you! God bless you!

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety

      @Time to Believe You're welcome!! I love you too! Yes--I agree, we need to find the Truth!!

  • @midimusicforever
    @midimusicforever Před 5 měsíci

    Algo, push it!

  • @nathanwatson1915
    @nathanwatson1915 Před 2 lety +2

    The real estate scammer may have been shooed off from preying on church members from several churches, but by not bringing the scammer through official litigation he may have gone on to non-church venues to look for other victims. Courts and the legal system have temporal, but real, teeth.

  • @stayroxy
    @stayroxy Před 2 lety

    questions I listened to 5,13,16, 18,

  • @tckirk2827
    @tckirk2827 Před 2 lety

    Psalm 37-4 Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart
    The 2 main factors here notice
    1, who is the one giving doing the giving ? Scripture says God so the desires are from God and given to you because your walking in the spirit by rejoicing in the Lord shows your heart is focused on God and we know scripture also says anything you ask in my name (JESUS) if you ask for something that lines up with the Fathers will then it will be given unto you but like wise scripture also says if you ask with the wrong motives ( rather then delighting yourself in the Lord and letting Him give you desires , you approach the Heavenly Father like a genie rather then love and that way your also living out Matthew 6-33 seek First ☝️🙌❤️📖🙏

  • @Sawta
    @Sawta Před 2 lety +2

    When it comes to the "why not suffer wrong?" part, I try to see it as this: imagine you are hit by a car. You now have the _ability_ to take that person to court for what they have done. However, you should talk to the person. Figure out what led to the incident. Learn about their personal affairs, and if they would be able to afford the devastating court costs associated with it. If they are a person who, say, just had a child and they are basically living out of their car, I think it would be good to show mercy to their situation and choose to suffer the pain of the accident without demanding anything in return.
    If, however, they are a wealthy person who was drunk and high, and they don't even acknowledge your pain, let alone care about hitting you, perhaps correcting that wrong - not for money, but for _justice_ would be a wise decision. You would take them to court in order to try and protect others.
    It's hard to say how this would work for most matters. I think there is a very large Grey area. I think that in most cases, it really comes down to you examining your own motivations. Are you looking to sue them to "ruin" them, or to "get paid", or whatever? Or are you doing it for a public good? Etc. I think there are cases where lawsuits are applicable, but they should be _few and far between._

    • @Sawta
      @Sawta Před 2 lety

      @Re L I see why you are saying what you are saying. I think there is a bit of a denominational barrier between our opinions there, but I understand why you see things the way you do.

  • @justingary5322
    @justingary5322 Před 2 lety +3

    AMEN brother Mike Winger I really appreciate his Christ centered and Scripturally accurate content for the furtherance of The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏❤️👊. This has nothing and everything to do with the video but please listen if you want to otherwise leave it alone and ignore it. Hello my name is Justin and I'm a fellow Christian and Apologist but I'm also a college student. I'm not a closed minded Theist as I have nothing against Atheists or unbelievers as I speak to them often to understand their reasons for unbelief but we as Christians are convinced of God's Existence due to many real factors). I'm not trying to convert anyone or convince anyone to become Christians as that's The Holy Spirit's job to help people believe but only explain why I believe in Jesus Christ. There's actually evidence of God's Existence in Christianity. First of all there's proof that Jesus of Nazareth existed in history since the writings of Tacitus, Josephus Flavius, Pliny the younger and other historical documents prove that He was living two thousand years ago that even scholars both religious and Atheists agree with historically speaking but not that He's The Divine Son of God because obviously they don't.
    I'm going to give you historical and archeological evidence for God's Existence as The Scriptures have prophecies that predate the events recorded in them by several millennia including Matthew, Hosea and Zechariah which prophesy accurately of the people of Israel becoming a nation again after over 1900 years of being scattered around the nations since the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. spoken of by Christ in Matthew 23:29-24:3 and returning to their homeland after The Holocaust with Jerusalem as their capital in 1948 exactly as Jesus The Christ said. The prophets including Daniel spoke of the time where several world empires would arise and fall including the Babylonian kingdom, Medes and Persians, Roman Empire, and Saladin and the Muslims which went in consecutive order for the past few millennia. The people of Israel becoming a nation after The Holocaust in 1948 (ironically the melting point of gold as God compares Israel to gold that's tested in fire in Zechariah 13:8 and Jeremiah 16:15) exactly how Jesus The Christ said would happen since God us everything to come in The Scriptures and not just because people were working towards as Atheists claim which are impossible for any regular man to predict.
    Just before anyone says Christianity is a white man's religion made to oppress blacks during slavery you obviously aren't aware that the first Christians were Jews in The Middle East and that Christianity just like any religion can be used by evil and corrupt people to oppress others but you forget that the first Abolitionists/Civil Rights activists were Christians who sought to abolish slavery, racism, segregation, injustice and prejudice throughout American history. Jesus The Christ loves you enough not to give you what we all deserve which is God's Wrath by His Own Blood. Charles Darwin didn't originally come up with The Theory of Evolution over 200 years ago as it is mentioned in the writings of Ancient Greeks who believed in Demons that gave knowledge to philosophers.
    Evolution makes no sense when nothing has evolved after thousands of years of human history and supposedly the first creature came from primordial sludge several millions of years
    ago funny how they won't believe that God an Eternal Almighty Spirit Being created us from the Earth) which came from a supermassive expansion of matter at high temperature that inexplicably created everything in the known universe that supposedly came from nothing billions of years ago. How did the organs evolve before there were bones, skin, substance and how did any creatures see before eyes evolved? I've studied evolution and abiogenesis in the past and read Darwin's " Origin of The Species" I've studied evolution and abiogenesis in the past and read Darwin's " Origin of The Species" and I'm not convinced of but not macro or micro Evolution because there's no evidence of it nor clear observable examples of it where living creatures evolve into other kinds of species plus the fact that fossils don't show evidence of evolution and genetic entropy rules out evolution. The question begs how did two genders evolve from a common ancestor with a perfectly hospitable and sustainable environment with breathable oxygen and resources to survive on inexplicably? Atheists have the burden of proof to explain how everything came to be and why our existence is possible without the Existence of God from an godless perspective just as Christians have to provide evidence of God's Existence and the validity of His Word.
    Evolution requires life to already exist in order to take any effect in living organisms so it doesn't account for the existence of Life and reality. Also evolution is impossible because it goes against The Law of entropy and the second Law of thermodynamics because evolution makes things better whereas nothing continues to get better but decays and turns to absolute destruction in the end. Mark Ridley an Evolutionist said "No evolutionist whether gradualist or punctuationist uses the fossil record as evidence in favor of The Theory of Darwinian Evolution as opposed to special Creation". God's Existence is made perfectly known and observable in the universe as demonstrated in His Handiwork in the intelligently designed manner that Creation was made, human consciences and consciousness historical and archaeological evidence of God's Word being valid history, fulfillment of Bible Prophecies God in His Holiness and Righteousness could give us what we deserve in Hell for our since but He's merciful to give us free will to choose to accept or reject His gift of salvation by grace through faith in His Son Jesus. I don't mean this is any condescending manner but if you'd like to discuss The Scriptures with me or have me listen to your view on anything my instagram account is Savage Christian Kombatant.

  • @rubykagaragwa5637
    @rubykagaragwa5637 Před rokem

    Hey @Mike Winger, question 7 is about whether the Son is eternally submissive to Father. How would you respond to 1 Cor. 15: 27-28; which outlines how God (the Father) has put all things in subjection to him (the Son), so that in subjecting all things under him, the Son himself would also be subject to the Father who subjected all things to him.
    ** 1 Corinthians 15:27 -28; ESV
    For “God has put all things in subjection under his feet.” But when it says, “all things are put in subjection,” it is plain that he is excepted who put all things in subjection under him. 28 When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things in subjection under him, that God may be all in all. **
    per scripture, I would say that Son is indeed eternally submissive to the Father. Thank you for your work Mike!

  • @ajlouviere202
    @ajlouviere202 Před 2 lety +3

    Why do you feel it is not ok to take a brother to court, but it is ok to take a husband or wife to court seeking divorce?

    • @name-ni3jc
      @name-ni3jc Před 8 měsíci

      He's elaborated on this but I'll try to remember what he said. In short, it's not okay to divorce for any reason, and a couple should always try to rekindle their relationship. But a relationship that's been abusive for a long time and or doesn't seem like abuse is going to stop, its possible to divorce. Like he said, taking someone to court over small things isnt okay, but over something violent or something that can only be resolved in court is. I hope this sort of helps :)

    • @ajlouviere202
      @ajlouviere202 Před 8 měsíci

      @@name-ni3jc my question was in regard to why it is generally accepted for a man or woman to take their covenant spouse (one flesh), to court, but not someone else. I was only pointing out the apparent differences in standards.

  • @ajlouviere202
    @ajlouviere202 Před 2 lety +1

    What are your thoughts regarding a man who takes his wife to court seeking a divorce, against the Lord's command in 1 Corinthians 7:11, to the church, that the husband "must not divorce his wife"?

  • @karlfausek7299
    @karlfausek7299 Před 2 lety

    {Anxiety about Hell} Isaiah 55:8

  • @donpietruk1517
    @donpietruk1517 Před 7 měsíci

    In colonial times Americans sued each other with astonishing regularity and often over the most trivial matters. Basically any dispute with neighbors turned into a lawsuit. It didn't seem to bother their religious principles very much.

  • @marisademore468
    @marisademore468 Před 2 lety

    The way I cope with the thought of hell is by remembering that everyone who's there would hate it in heaven because they hate righteousness. Even if it were possible for God to lift them out of hell and put them in heaven, it would be like hell for them because they hate Jesus and His light. God's decisions and judgements are never wrong. He is God and we just have to trust Him 💕

  • @johnernest1207
    @johnernest1207 Před 2 lety +1

    @1:19:13 “All Israel shall be saved” is obviously during the Great Tribulation after 2/3 of unsaved Israel is wiped out and only the remnant remains, right?

  • @melissab7777
    @melissab7777 Před 2 lety

    Regarding the ❓ on the rapture, Pastor Billy Crone has an excellent deep dive into this on his website via the series Are you ready for the rapture (free). I also have his book The Rapture Don’t be deceived. Really excellent study all biblically based.

  • @adameisbrenner6209
    @adameisbrenner6209 Před 2 lety

    Q#4: Mike, I'm not sure if the person asking meant it this way, but I think you missed a big part of the issue. In my experience, the question as I've heard it isn't as much about the timing of the rapture, as it is once we meet the Lord in the air, where do we go from there? Do we go somewhere out in space where heaven currently is, or are we meeting in the air for Jesus to rally us and remain on the planet as he has come back to fulfill his rule?
    My understanding of the "new doctrine" of the rapture is that the early church believed we would meet Jesus in the air and escort him back to the planet (where else would that many people meet?), whereas the newer belief popularized by John Nelson Darby was that we would leave the planet and go to where heaven currently is, instead of Jesus ushering in his kingdom here and bringing heaven to Earth right away.

  • @christophertaylor9100
    @christophertaylor9100 Před 2 lety

    Roman court was basically bribing your way to a win, although they tried to get around that by having HUGE juries, hundreds of people.
    And yes, there was some thought about a rapture (of sorts) in older teaching, but nothing like the stuff that arose in the late 1800s and the very detailed and stylized system now used. And yes, its mostly Americans who go for the pre-trib, pre-millenial, dispensational stuff its virtually unknown in other parts of the world.

  • @dancelikeangels1274
    @dancelikeangels1274 Před 2 lety

    WE DO-DO.

  • @nadams8863
    @nadams8863 Před 3 měsíci


  • @TheCountofToulouse
    @TheCountofToulouse Před 2 lety

    There is a guy that did some work on our house, not a licensed contractor. When he was here, it seemed like a blessing, all the guys were going to a church in our community that I had never been too. They all seemed really nice and while they were here, everything seemed to just go well. We shared stories about the LORD, gave testimonies and at some point they invited me to join them, since I was not in a church at the time. I agreed and we went. The contractor was sort of 'running' the church and it was a lot different than the churches I was used to, they were really all about 'testimonies'. I usually like testimonies but this was like the blabbermouth hour. People have a captive audience and now its time to air out everything that floats into their head.
    To make a long story short, the contractor had LIED to a few of the people working for him, agreeing to pay a sum and then once he got them working for him, just switched it and then LIED about it afterward. This "church" just began shedding elders, half of them stopped going there, as this guy is a narcissist type that likes to brow beat people and quote scripture out of context like its his job. I've been really messed up about it and I can't stand the idea of going there anymore, the guy simply WILL not admit he did anything wrong.

    • @MyName-tj4zj
      @MyName-tj4zj Před 2 lety

      Sorry to hear about evil masquerading as good. Don’t be dissuaded. Flee the company of evildoers and find a Christ centered church all the while living in the Word. May God heal you and fill you with His Joy.

  • @bbgun061
    @bbgun061 Před 8 měsíci

    Regarding the final question about science: I've been a Christian since i was a child, and I've also been interested in learning about science my entire life. It's important to realize that scientists are humans also. They aren't perfect. They make mistakes. They have biases. Scientists can and sometimes do lie about the data and results of their experiments.
    Generally, the scientific method is designed to overcome these flaws, and help us determine the truth. But the method is only as good as the people applying it. There are countless examples in history where the majority of scientists disagreed with some truth, until the evidence for it became overwhelming.
    Today in academia and the scientific community, (especially regarding the origins of the universe, the Earth, and life) there is an extreme negative reaction to any theory that might support the Biblical narrative. In any secular institution, its almost impossible to get funding or to get published unless you're agreeing with the naturalist narrative.
    So whenever we hear, "science has disproven the Bible" or, "the majority of scientists agree about X..." we should take those statements with a grain of salt and realize that "science" can be wrong.

  • @detexoutdoors2509
    @detexoutdoors2509 Před 2 lety +1

    Q : I Read the Holman CSB study Bible. I was reading in John 8: 1-11 the “cast the first stone” story. The study notes reference these verses saying “The story of Jesus and the adulteress may be authentic, but it is doubtful that the account is part of John’s original gospel.” They go on to cite reasons for this as being - the account is absent from all the oldest copies of John; the vocabulary used in this account is different than the rest of John; and the account was “virtually unknown” to the early church fathers before the 4th century.
    Can you please shed some light on this issue and help me to think biblically about it.

  • @victoria9663
    @victoria9663 Před 2 lety

    Really looking forward to the hell series of teaching, as strange as it sounds to say 🙈😂

  • @melz3671
    @melz3671 Před 2 lety +1

    I'm at the 40:00 mark and I can't wait to see how you are going to hold up the number you are on when you run out of fingers... 🤣🤣🤣

  • @lunalou8888
    @lunalou8888 Před rokem

    They shouldn't take advantage of someone else to begin with ....

  • @hueysimon2726
    @hueysimon2726 Před 2 lety +1

    Extortioners, aka tax collectors. Taxation is extortion unless you consent to pay it without coercion. Government taxes are coercive by nature, therefore are extortion.

  • @aspenmiller5092
    @aspenmiller5092 Před 2 lety +2

    Hm, my understanding of the application of ESS is a bit different from what you described. I’ve mostly encountered it in my own study of women in the church and marriage.
    People like Wayne Grudem and John Piper seem to use EES as the reason why all women are subordinate to all men. I don’t think it’s hard to show from scripture that wives submit to husbands and that, outside of that, Christian’s are called to submit to each other (what submit even means gets very confused… still trying to fully grasp it myself).
    The concern many soft complimentarians (I fall here myself) and egalitarians have with this is that 1) this application goes beyond the bounds of scripture’s teaching on men-women relationships and 2) the reasoning used by Grudem and others makes it sound like Jesus is separate from God. Philosophically speaking, if God (referring to the trinity as a whole) is the ultimate being, then there are no other ultimate beings. If Jesus is separate from the Father, then either you’re denying Jesus as a deity or straying into polytheism, multiple deities. It’s not strictly Arianism then, but the conclusion would be heretical for the same reason Arianism is.
    Personally I don’t think Grudem or Piper intend any heresy. Just seems like their way to push for this all-women-submit-to-all-men idea.

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety

      Pastor Mike specifically said in his series about women in the ministry that no where in the Bible does it say that all women have to submit to all men. It says for a wife to submit to her husband. This whole idea that because I am a woman I have to submit to 50% of the population is not Biblical!

    • @aspenmiller5092
      @aspenmiller5092 Před 2 lety +1

      Yeah, I totally agree with you. It seems super clear that women don’t submit to men. Wives submit to husbands. Very specific in scripture thankfully. I’m a woman too, and the kind of female submission painted by people like Grudem, Piper, McArthur, etc. scares the living daylights out of me! ESS, even if this doctrine were correct (I lean towards no myself but am not totally decided), is a horrible way for Grudem and others to force female submission instead of wifely submission.

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety

      @@aspenmiller5092 Exactly!!! God did not force us into some indefinite childhood state in which every man on the planet can tell us what to do!!! We don't belong to them! We belong to God and if we are married , we belong to our husbands and they belong to us--in love. It reminds me so much of the horrible mindset that used to be so openly stated that God created black people to serve white people--NOT TRUE!! And He did not create us to obey half the population on the planet!!!

  • @md65000
    @md65000 Před 11 měsíci

    WOW Mike was WAY more polite than I would have been to the 31 y/o mooching off his parents.

  • @idance0001
    @idance0001 Před 2 lety

    I have a question as well: Mattew 19: 16-17 - Someone came to Jesus with the question: what good do I have to do to get into heaven? And Jesus awnsers: Why do you ask me about good? There's only one who is good.' What does that mean? Does that say that Jesus is not God? I believe he is. It's used as an argument and it is a misinterpretation but I don't have the knowledge to explain it.

    • @caos1925
      @caos1925 Před 2 lety

      Not sure what translation you are using there, my sibling in Christ, doesn't appear to be one verbatim, and you have to be careful if someone is just paraphrasing it, subtly changing what is really said. Funny thing when people try to use that verse though to prove Jesus is not God, all it does is help us prove that He is God all the more. For one, notice with what Jesus follows in the passage, to follow all those commands and to be so selfless, which Jesus is. To be without sin as Jesus, and only God is, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," Romans 3:23. Even more so in the Gospels though, over in John 10:11 Jesus says "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." there He is calling Himself good, when only God is good, along with another of the I AM statements.

    • @idance0001
      @idance0001 Před 2 lety +1

      @@caos1925 Thank you for your response and explaination that's very helping. The translation is not from an English Bible. It's a free translation from a Dutch Bible: NBV21 (which is very accurate and in line with the original scripture).

  • @lazybugger
    @lazybugger Před 2 lety

    1) I have quite an important question.
    Romans 5:12 insinuates that since death and sin are connected, every single human including a fetus and a newborn, are sinners because they are subject to death - that we all sinned in Adam. What does it mean that we all sinned in Adam? Could it be considered morally questionable to have children (not adopted), since from the very moment of their existence, as a zygote, they are a sinner, and are subject to the judgement of death and suffering? There's an antinatal argument that goes like this: in existence, the presence of suffering is bad and the presence of pleasure is good; in non existence, the absence of suffering is good and the absence of pleasure is not necessarily bad (it's neutral), thus its better to not exist.
    2) 1 is kinda is linked to question 5. I understand the answer you give Pastor Mike, but I think it doesn't really get to the crux of the issue. Let Alice be a person who is an unbelieving sinner who dies and goes to hell. If Alice exist, she would have caused offence to the Most High God and to her fellow humans, and contributed to the sin and death that creation is subjected to, she then dies and gets judged by God, and He throws her in the lake of fire to suffer for an eternity. Even though God's righteous anger and wrath was satiated, it doesn't follow that He wanted this to happen - in fact, he really doesn't want to throw Alice in hell (2 Peter 3:9). So not only did Alice offend God, but God Himself isn't happy that Alice is suffering forever. If Alice does not exist, that would be one less person to offend the Holy God and fellow humans, and one less person thrown in hell - again, something that God does not want. So thus it would be better if non believers just didn't exist. The answer I would have given would be that people have free will and can technically do whatever they want - it kind of seems to me that God values the love and worship of a free agent neigh infinitely more than a robotic agent to the point where he is willing to send some to hell for their choices if it means there are a few who truly believe in His Son out of their own free will.
    God bless you Pastor and your ministry 🙏

  • @elfascisto6549
    @elfascisto6549 Před 2 lety

    Day 2 of asking
    Could you PLEASE make a video analyzing a book titled "What's wrong with the bible?" Written by Charles Giuliani ? I can't find anyone else who did it. If anyone here knows of someone could you please let me know ?

  • @michelleheiland4798
    @michelleheiland4798 Před 2 lety

    Do you have an opinion of “The Chosen “?

  • @brittanywhite1318
    @brittanywhite1318 Před 2 lety +1

    In Romans 11:26 does it mean just the Jews in the land of Israel or all Jewish people throughout the world? When Israel is talking about people is it all Jewish people or just those in actual Israel?

    • @AndrewJohnH
      @AndrewJohnH Před 2 lety +1

      Romans 11:26 seems to be part of a section contrasting Jews and Gentiles, so if Gentiles refers to all non-Jews wherever they live, it would make sense for Jews to refer to all Jewish people throughout the world.
      While I don't know how Romans 11:26 will be fulfilled, I try to keep in mind Romans 9, and that God has the knowledge of how He will accomplish what He intends to accomplish when it comes to drawing people back to Him.

  • @kristinlangrill6797
    @kristinlangrill6797 Před 2 lety +2

    Q: How do you think the world will explain the rapture when it happens? I have heard the theory that the world will try to explain the rapture that it was UFOs.

    • @filler7149
      @filler7149 Před 2 lety

      "It was just the wind" after seeing like millions of people float up

  • @horridhenry9920
    @horridhenry9920 Před 2 lety

    #5- Why does God want or need glory or anything for that matter.

    • @joycesavage2629
      @joycesavage2629 Před 2 lety

      I don't think it's for him but for us because our worshipping him brings us closer.

  • @stevej71393
    @stevej71393 Před 2 lety +6

    I'm getting a little tired of this relatively new trend of labeling people as "toxic", as if you're going to be infected by having them in your presence. Jesus's disciples often behaved in ways that people today would say is toxic. We as Christians need to be gracious to others and not slap some imaginary label on them and act like they're dangerous to be around.

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety

      Have you ever lived with a person who uses techniques from prisoner of war camps to torture you? I have. And yes--he, it, the situation, the marriage, the family was toxic. Then we had a child. And when she developed a life-threatening eating disorder that had no physical cause--I got my daughter and myself away from the TOXIC person. I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and most of it comes from him. People don't need guns, knives, axes, or deadly bacteria to be toxic!!!!!!!!! Maybe the word is overused--but it is entirely accurate about some people!!!!!!!

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety

      Many people are dangerous to be around!!!!

    • @brandi5326
      @brandi5326 Před 2 lety

      So happy you said it. I've been thinking it

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety +1

      @@brandi5326 I don't know if you are talking to Steve J or me, Leslie, it is used too often, probably--but for some people it's the best word in the dictionary!

  • @adenjones1802
    @adenjones1802 Před 2 lety +2

    I hope you cover annihilationism when you get to doing your series on hell. I'm exited. It would be good for more people to learn about it.

    • @johnernest1207
      @johnernest1207 Před 2 lety

      David R. Reagan believes in that.

    • @littleboots9800
      @littleboots9800 Před 2 lety +1

      Remnant Radio did a decent video on that if I remember rightly.

    • @StrategicGamesEtc
      @StrategicGamesEtc Před 2 lety

      He's mentioned annihilationism in the context of that planned series, so I'm sure he'll cover it.

    • @adenjones1802
      @adenjones1802 Před 2 lety

      @@StrategicGamesEtc Yay. We can finally put to bead the lie of eternal conscious torment. At least I hope.

    • @StrategicGamesEtc
      @StrategicGamesEtc Před 2 lety

      @@adenjones1802 If I remember his current (subject to change as he researches more, of course) opinion, he thinks annihilationists have some good points, more than he expected, but he doesn't think their case succeeds, particularly because of the lack of adequate answers to certain other passages.

  • @Longe
    @Longe Před 2 lety

    Can Christians sue Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for spiritual abuse?

  • @fatalheart7382
    @fatalheart7382 Před 2 lety +1

    A couple things to add if you have time to read :0
    And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son himself also be subject unto Him who put all things under him, that God may be all in all."
    I don't think anyone really understands the trinity, but it is harder for a western person as opposed to let's say a middle eastern person to focus on the Father instead of the Son. I think it's because of the evangelical roots that people come up in arms about the deity of Jesus, so if you do something like, subject him to the Father like the Bible does, they fear that you don't really take into account the truth of his sacrifice or something. But, basically, there is a Father, separate from the Son as the Holy Spirit is separate. They're all referred to as God by the scriptures at some point. It's just kind of sad we've had people hate each other so much over trying to figure it out, instead of praying together.
    "It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. Truly I tell you, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them."
    While God would have a person focus until they become perfect in love, God is God and can do anything. We know that what is destined will be, and that people are also free to make choices, so the world isn't going to be everything we want or dream. However, God is God and can do anything. There is much room for the verse: "He will grant you the desires of your heart." to be exactly what it seems to imply, but there are too many other verses and principles for this life to justify the idea that it means always and forever we'll get what we want in this life. You are safe in the arms of God and He is worthy. There is no end to the power of God and there is nothing that stops Him from accomplishing His reward or promises to us. So, take it as you want to, but don't ignore any of the other scriptures that talk about trial, grief, pain, loss, sacrifice, holiness, and everything else, because it will all be true.
    My only problem is that most people just want God to be their genie. They don't actually want to love Him, but they will love Him if they know Him so I don't really take seriously the people that see God as their servant. God knows I won't see them in heaven. Still, for the oppressed who choose righteousness, the day is coming when your tears will be wiped away. He will dress Himself to serve.

    • @fatalheart7382
      @fatalheart7382 Před 2 lety +1

      @@lesliewells1062 Lol. That sounds fun. I don't really agree with women preaching, but I can understand as someone who talks with people how sometimes our immaturities can have us saying some stuff we'll look back on and be a little put off by. XD It's just the normal tendency we have as people. It's silly. It's sad. It's hard, but we are a family and I think as long as we're chasing after growing in God and obeying Him things will work out very well in the end. :) Thanks for the hot tips!

    • @lesliewells1062
      @lesliewells1062 Před 2 lety

      @@fatalheart7382 You're welcome!!! I don't agree with women preaching either. I like your attitude, I think it's full of grace!! God bless you!!

  • @dahelmang
    @dahelmang Před 2 lety +2

    It's so strange to me that people were saying you shouldn't go to court but did not mention how vain and childish it was for Joel's church to give your video a false strike just because you were critical. Even among non-Christian channels this is looked down on. Just look up Mundane Matt and the downfall of his channel.

  • @yapbt6579
    @yapbt6579 Před 2 lety +2

    "But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.- Matthew 5:39

    • @neodaltiair8624
      @neodaltiair8624 Před 2 lety +2

      Yes but notice the direct personal application, Jesus resisted the Pharisees quite often.

    • @yapbt6579
      @yapbt6579 Před 2 lety

      @@neodaltiair8624 But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one. Matthew 5:37

    • @neodaltiair8624
      @neodaltiair8624 Před 2 lety +1

      @@yapbt6579 I’m unsure of your application with bringing a different topic Jesus was getting at.

  • @Sekte-kultovi
    @Sekte-kultovi Před 2 lety

    Why you change the name of video?

  • @betterimagephoto
    @betterimagephoto Před 2 lety

    1 Corinthians 6 cannot be read without going back to 5 and seeing those in major wrong are to be expelled from the church. Matthew 18 says to treat them as an unbeliever who won't listen. You are not sueing another Christian.

  • @800052222
    @800052222 Před 2 lety

    This is discussing a system of Christian arbitration. Where does this realistically exist? Even if Mike wanted to address a perceived wrong in a “legal” type of setting, who would be assembled to hear the matter? This was simply not an option. This may have worked when there was one assembly of believers in the town where Paul was teaching, but it is not realistically today.

  • @lawlesseternal3147
    @lawlesseternal3147 Před 2 lety

    Hello Pastor Mike Unfortunately I wasn’t able to watch your 20 biblical Questions Q&A live to ask you, Would you agree that the church helps appropriating Gender dysphoria, Confusion around Sexual orientation and The LGBTQ movement by teaching that theirs no distinction between men and women in; their roles in society, marriage as well as the church because of misinterpreting verses such as Galatians 3:28??
    I’ve been told by a biblical mentor of mine that this idea was a straw man idea so I thought I’d get a second opinion from a pastor that I look up to. I hope this question finds you well, thank you for all that you do and for your obedience to the Calling that God has placed on you! Be blessed!

  • @sansleister3878
    @sansleister3878 Před 2 lety

    It doesn't matter what we think of the final destiny of the wicked and the unredeemed. It matters what the Bible says about it and it is clear... The second death... destruction of both soul and body.

  • @borisvandruff7532
    @borisvandruff7532 Před 2 lety +1

    Punished Winger is back!

  • @AlexysEisenhour
    @AlexysEisenhour Před 2 lety

    I would prefer to be Anonymous
    Hello, I would love some advice. I grew up in a rough “Sunday morning Christian” type home. And my older sister didn’t even really get that.
    I have grown to become a true believer however my sister has gone far the other way. There is a lot of tension over many topics, she often assumes she knows what I believe and get angry at me for “believing” it. I’m really just not sure what to do?
    She’s to the point where she’s verbally abusive and very manipulative. Deals with everything with anger and yelling.
    How do I show love to her? She’s my sister and I love her but it feels hopeless. It impacts my mental health a lot.

  • @debrasmith4675
    @debrasmith4675 Před 7 měsíci

    Why do so many Christians Sue for divorce?

  • @behappy7032
    @behappy7032 Před 2 lety

    I’m really shocked some “Christian’s” actually consider Olsteen “a brother”. 😬😐

  • @randymoore9450
    @randymoore9450 Před 2 lety

    I know this has nothing to do with this podcast but my name is Randy and in 1997 my family were Mormons and they eventually talked me into becoming one I was uncomfortable with it for some odd reason it first but also in 1997 I was baptized in the Mormon church I left the Mormon Church finally in 2014 because I too had learned that it was a church of a false prophet but my question to anybody that may know the answer should I become baptized through a church that doesn't have a false prophet in order to be reborn again Christian and if there's anyone that might be able to get ahold of Mike Winger cuz I'm 64 years old and I'm not that great on internet and trying to get in touch with certain ones just looking for an answer God bless anyone that can help me