The Decline of CW DXing?

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 96

  • @StianEklund
    @StianEklund Před 9 měsíci +4

    I got my license in 2018, so a fairly new ham. I developed an interest for CW right around the beginning of the COVID lockdown of 2020. Since I was furloughed from work I had the time to practice every day and fell in love with it!
    I do think though there are many reasons to the increase of FT8 & other digi modes:
    1. Ever increasing antenna restrictions (HOA), a lot of people have very modest stations and FT8 allows them to work DX (coupled with the fact that FT8 became popular at the bottom of the solar cycle).
    2. New CW operators, I think I read in CQ magazine or potentially CQ WW / WPX some contest blog that there are more CW ops now than before. CW definitely saw a resurgence during COVID lock downs, a lot of people had more spare time.
    3. Bad behavior: is there a culture shift / change, or has it always been like this? As a new ham I've been curious about this, and as far as I've been told it's always been like this, perhaps worse now than before but there's always been lids and DQRM.
    It takes one bad apple to spoil the barrel..
    If there are ~50 really poor operators out there and tens of thousands (or more) good operators it sadly doesn't take much to ruin the experience for many of us.
    73 LB1TI / LC9A

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      This is an excellent post and I am going to pin it until someone writes something better.
      The answer to the bad behavior question is that it has always been there...and always will be, unfortunately. I think this has been a factor in the rise of FT8.
      Great post...73! de WX0V

    • @ea1pj
      @ea1pj Před 9 měsíci +1

      Hi, Stiand. As almost always happens, there is no single argument that explains the QRM in the DX transmission frequency, nor do I intend to convince anyone, these are just my explanations for this whole unpleasant matter. First of all, I think that at least in Europe, and certainly in Spain, the entrance exams have been greatly relaxed, excluding the CW as one of the requirements to access the ham radio operator license. There will be those who believe that this has no influence, in my opinion, it does have an influence. And it influences less trained operators. Secondly, I am talking about Spain, URE (the national association of radio amateurs) and its different territorial sections have not bothered to provide CW training, nor training in operating contests and DX. I take my section for example, I have offered on countless occasions to give courses that the section itself supports with very little lip service, and that in the end are not carried out due to lack of people who sign up. All this is also applicable to the SSB.
      A words to the DX Officers... I won't hide me: I hate them. They do more QRM than the original QRM. And hey, let me talk you about another QRM that is not usually mentioned, but if you have operated a pile-up, you will know what I am talking about. Station DX announces "EA1 5NN" (The EA1, you are 599). On the same frequency of the split that this EA1 is calling, all EAs in Spain will answer as well, from EA1 to EA9, EB1 to EB9 and EC1 to EC9; In addition, all stations with "EA" in their suffix will answer, even those that only have an "E" and those that only have an "A"; Oh, and of course, all those who don't have E, A, 1, or anything like that, but just in case they put in their callsign, to see if they can confuse the DX and take their callsign. Oh, I forgot about the 3 or 4 that are dedicated to tune their amplifiers to that same frequency to output 1628 watts instead of 1627 watts, lest the DX not hear them. It seems like a joke, but it's not, listen to the pile-up instead of listening to the DX and you'll realize what I'm telling you.
      It is a problem of operator training, but it is also a problem of education and respect. Unfortunately, I am not very optimistic that this will have a solution, but surely this feeling is typical of my age.... or not. Who cares?

    • @StianEklund
      @StianEklund Před 9 měsíci +1

      @@ea1pj It's definitely not a good trend that's for sure, you mentioned respect and that ultimately I think that's where the main problem lies. Especially your comment on the "EA1 only" -> rest of Europe replies situation is very much the case. I can't really comment on regulation situation but for sure it does seem like the "culture" of amateur radio has seen better days at times. Sadly there is also a trend to blame whole countries for just a few bad operators. The majority of amateur radio are well behaved and a joy to speak with. The only thing I think we should do is to 1. Not give the DX Cops any fuel. 2. Try to ignore it or spin the knob. 3. Try to be as nice as possible to those we meet on the air. "Be nice to thy neighbor" etc. :) And lastly, your opinions are your own, and I think it's an important thing to be able to disagree with someone but still be respectful and realize we can enjoy the same hobby. Thanks for you comments 73 LB1TI

  • @ralphnunn3
    @ralphnunn3 Před 9 měsíci +3

    Licensed in 2016; General in 2017. I setup FT8, and did some operating. I thought - Okay, yeah, this is kinda cool. It's intoxicating to watch all that delicious DX coming accross your screen. Then, I went to Field Day, and saw someone operate CW. I thought - man, this is REALLY COOL! I fell hook, line, and sinker! I've been a CW OP ever since. So, this is unfortunately very sad - even for a relatively new ham like me. There's just a real sense of accomplishment, and satisfaction when you complete a CW QSO, as opposed to an FT8 QSO. FT8 just feels like the 'Easy Button' to me... DE K7RLN

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      Certainly CW is WAY more attractive than question. However, the "Easy Button" isn't always that. When I worked A71AM on 80m FT8, it took 10 (count 'em, ten) RX passes to complete; each a 15 second agonizing wait. 160m and 6m FT8 Qs can have similar issues when heavy QSB is in play. So yes, often times, it's exactly what you said, but slide down to 160m and try it sometime. 😀 Thanks for your comment and 73! de WX0V

  • @N1IA-4
    @N1IA-4 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Great video. Crisp, concise, and informative. I just did a little 1X1 call activation recently and found it simply much easier to get a high QSO count, and with a vertical or EFLW. Digital modes kind of levels the playing field between the "big guns" and the average Joe. Which to me is a good thing.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Thank you for your kind words. Yep, hard to beat the signal efficiency of FT8...I have had successful QSOs as low as -26. Can't do that on SSB. 😎 73! de WX0V

  • @thork0tjt515
    @thork0tjt515 Před 9 měsíci +3

    As a new ham, I don’t know code very well, but am working at it. Been learning and practicing for 4 months. I have a long way to go to be proficient at it. I’ve only made a few dx contacts so far. But with FT-8, it took about an hour to learn and start making dx contacts. It’s the path of least resistance I guess?? I have nothing against FT-8, but I certainly did not feel the sense of excitement or accomplishment after getting my first FT-8 DX contact that I did with my first CW contact with a stateside ham. I do get discouraged by the QRMer’s on ssb and cw, so I can see your point.
    Very interesting. Thanks for the video Scott! 73

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      Thank you, Thor, for your perspective from a relatively new CW op. Also, thank you for sharing your feelings on FT8....73! de WX0V

  • @wonderingworld119
    @wonderingworld119 Před 8 měsíci +1

    For me, I put it with the all singing all dancing radios that cost an arm and a leg. While not being my own cup of tea, if it helps bring more people into the hobby doing something they enjoy then it is fantastic. Talking, CW or digital modes, they are all gateways into each other. I love going out with an FT817 and getting through a pile up on SSB. I love sitting in my home on an old FT 301 I rescued and rattling out some CW before dawn. I am not interested in digital, but it is fantastic that many people are using it to do what they love doing.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 8 měsíci

      You have THE right attitude, so much so that you get the very rare double ❤ from me (one on the post and one in my reply). This is rarefied air...enjoy! 😎 73! de WX0V

  • @Paul-VA4ADM
    @Paul-VA4ADM Před 9 měsíci +2

    A great video! Agreed with you 100%

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci +1

      Then we have a consensus...gotta love that! 😀73! de WX0V

  • @JosephVE3GKT
    @JosephVE3GKT Před 9 měsíci +2

    Great video Scott! I'm one of the new no-code-as-of-yet hams who is active on FT8/4. I absolutely love these modes! I certainly hope that people can continue to make Qs in the mode they prefer, but I think this video shows good proof that FT8 is an extremely effective mode for dxpeditions and should not be shunned as some ops try to do - it's just an evolution of the amateur service.
    Your point about contesting is excellent. CW contesting and digital contesting are very different. I don't see that changing very much.
    73 VE3GKT

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci +1

      I think you have a valid point about FT8 being an evolution...very valid. Very glad you caught my end clip about CW...some may get the impression I am hating on CW here. I am not; I am hating on the bad behavior, but regardless of my feelings, there is a change taking place here...a very obvious change. Thank you and 73! de WX0V

  • @kb5miqbigboy
    @kb5miqbigboy Před 9 měsíci +1

    Great video!! thanks for the shout out!! Ham radio cat is fine lol! 73 buddy!

  • @BrianFields
    @BrianFields Před 9 měsíci +2

    As a low power station I have slim chances of busting a pileup on CW, and no hope at all SSB. Add on top of that the appalling behavior and jamming and FT4/8 is the only choice. It still takes work, and I still get stepped on, but with frequent check to make sure my TX slot is clear, I can usually get through.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci +1

      This is likely a common story for many DXers who do not have the means of putting up a Super Station, and is yet another benefit and reason for the surge of FT8. Thank you for sharing and 73! de WX0V

  • @ka8syv203
    @ka8syv203 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Nice analysis, Scott! 73

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 7 měsíci +1

      We'll have to see what the future brings on this. That is why I added the month and year to the title page of the video. 73! de WX0V

  • @Tom-W7TMD
    @Tom-W7TMD Před 8 měsíci +1

    Thanks for your work and putting the vid together! Its sad but Computers have taken over and made things easy for people who think fast food is to slow. FT8 and digital modes require almost no skill and are Supported by some no coders that use computer for High Speed CW just to make the contact and not put in any of the work to learn code. Hopefully a few of these DXepeditions will still listen for SSB and CW because letting my computer get contacts really isn't what I am looking for all of the time.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Thank you for the flowers on this video. I share your feelings on the legacy modes; I do wish the antics found with these modes could be mitigated. On FT8, some of the most difficult DX Qs I have had over the past 5 years have been on FT8...they were far from "easy", but overall, your point is valid given the SNR of the mode. 73! de WX0V

  • @W2IRT
    @W2IRT Před 9 měsíci +1

    Honor Roll DXer here. 10 band WAZ, 10 Band DXCC, etc, etc. I'm 100% mode agnostic and couldn't care less how I work the DX, so long as I'm in the log. I embraced FT8 when it came out. I've met Joe several times at local club meetings and was there at the U.N. when he made the first-ever FT8 QSO from 4U1UN. I laugh at all the old-guard who say they want nothing to do with computer modes, but then panic when an ultra-rare operation like Bouvet or Crozet goes heavily FT8 and they're left out. BTW, thanks for EN35 last summer on 6m. I'm actually surprised we've never worked on 160. DX IS! de W2IRT

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      If you look closely, you will see your call sign in the 12m FT8 pile video for PR0T shown here. Your DX attitude reflects what I noted in the video; the CW and FT8 pile are comprised of mostly the same guys. As far as 160m is concerned, I'm a sniper...usually don't TX unless I see something I need. 73! de WX0V

    • @W2IRT
      @W2IRT Před 9 měsíci

      @@SuburbanDXingHa-I'd missed that! But you could also say the same for CW outside of the mainstream bands these days.

  • @jj1bdx
    @jj1bdx Před 9 měsíci +1

    I've recently making more QSOs on CW. I like the mode. H40RH CW op was superb. And many other ops such as those of T2C and W8S. But OTOH >90% of my QSOs are on FT8/FT4. I'm using a heavily restricted antenna (2.2m-length mobile whip only) so I won't be able to do any DXing without FT8/FT4.
    The sad thing about any audible QSOs is that you have to hear or even listen to derogatory remarks. You can filter out those derogatory free messages completely on FT8/FT4 and that makes things sound and more tolerable.
    BTW I've first licensed no-code on 1976, with CW on 1979, and full privilege in Japan + US FCC Extra on 2003. 12 years of mostly-CW DXing during 2002-2014, and FT8/FT4 + CW since 2020. 73 de Kenji JJ1BDX

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      Thanks for your comment, Kenji. You mention H40RH, who was as you said, excellent. Interestingly enough, I was just listening to a CW Q that I made with him, and he was struggling to complete with me because of the side subject of this video...QRM! He kept sending "QRM, QRM...ONLY WX0 WX0", and finally the other CW ops who had nothing close to WX0 in their calls stopped and he logged me. Credit to H40RH for staying with me, but this was yet another example of the frustration that CW has become. Good luck out there, and 73! de WX0V

  • @N4LSJHamRadio
    @N4LSJHamRadio Před 9 měsíci +3

    The answer to this is DEAD SIMPLE. If DXPedition operators decided to do only CW and Phone, then more people would get motivated to learn CW. Perhaps this ought to be a new standard.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      Indeed, but it seems the DXpeditions have chosen to do the opposite. 7O73T was run by RA9USU, one of the best there is at CW, yet most of his Qs were FT8. As a DXer, it is probably best to be ready for all modes (with FT8WW from #3 Most Wanted Crozet being a recent and stark example). Thanks for your comment and 73! de WX0V

  • @kirkbrown8375
    @kirkbrown8375 Před 9 měsíci +2

    Beyond the S/N advantage of ft8, it would be interesting to compare cw and ft8 qso rates per hour of operation.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci +1

      That is an excellent point. Does the MSHV and F/H FT8 ops out-perform high-rate CW ops like S53R and K9NW, or the like? How about a SSB op like WB9Z; he's a Q does someone like that stack up against FT8? What if there is DQRM involved? The legacy mode ops may not matter. I recall a 10 minute key-down on 3Y0J on 30m CW when they went QRV. Very few worked them then.
      Regardless, it seems the DXpeditions and the DX community are settling on FT8...but time will tell. 73! de WX0V

    • @W2IRT
      @W2IRT Před 9 měsíci +2

      @@SuburbanDXing Guys like Dima and Yuri can hold 300 rates, but they also need to sleep, eat, and take breaks. With a modicum of training you can put any op behind the console of an MSHV station with 4 or 5 streams you can hit 600/hr (assuming propagation holds and callers are plentiful) and hold that rate from QRV to QRT if you really want. And with Starlink you can invite other ops to remotely operate "from the DX location" to keep the Qs flowing. IIRC, PR0T did that with their FT8 station.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      @@W2IRT Your points are valid and I agree with them. The counterpoint would be the negatives of FT8, which include an op getting "stuck" on a call sign (we have all seen this) and more importantly, the weakening of the DX signal by going multi-steam (MSHV or F/H) and thus having the callers lose copy. That slows Q rates considerably. 73! de WX0V

    • @W2IRT
      @W2IRT Před 9 měsíci

      @@SuburbanDXingYes indeed. But that goes to station building, antennas and amps, as well as DXpedition ops understanding when to QSY to bands with better prop, etc.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      @@W2IRT Agreed.
      I have another question, do you really have 10BWAZ? I am familiar with 5BWAZ, but does CQ offer WARC and 6m endorsements for the WAZ award?

  • @afdl62
    @afdl62 Před 9 měsíci +2

    What do you expect. The no code requirement has really reduced CW use!

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci +1

      Yes it has, but what about contests? There are a ton of CW signals on during major contests. How come the CW requirements have not diminished the contests? Those should be dominated by Digital, as well.
      That said, I'm with you...I personally feel the CW requirements should not have been dropped, but that train has left the station. Besides, that happened a long time ago and DXing was still dominated by CW...until now. I suspect at least some of this is inspired by bad behavior on CW, which has been going on forever. DXers have had to put up with it because there was no other alternative. Now there is one.
      Appreciate your passion...73! de WX0V (P.S. the first "like" on your comment was from me)

    • @afdl62
      @afdl62 Před 9 měsíci +2

      @@SuburbanDXing Yes you are correct. However, I truly believe even many of those CW signals are computer generated where the computer reads and sends instead of the operator. I am an extra class operator that had to get my 20 WPM for my Extra. I worked CW a lot and still love it. I can be really off base and old fashioned but I still like a live, person to person contact with an operator operated keyer. Best of 73’s and thanks for your passion also. Merry Christmas. de Rick KS9V

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci +2

      @@afdl62 I'm with ya, Rick...and also am a 20wpm Extra. What you mention here is something FT8 could never replace, to be sure. I just wish that in pile-ups, our CW brethren could behave better, as I feel it's driving CW into the scrap bin with the typewriters. Good discussion! Merry Christmas and 73! de WX0V

  • @phillipzminda6571
    @phillipzminda6571 Před 9 měsíci +2

    Thanks, Scott. Interesting analysis. I am a long time CW op and love working DX. I have to agree, some of the behavior I see in CW pileups is appalling. I am a VE and our club has been licensing a lot of new hams. Many are showing an interest in CW. I would be ashamed for these new ops to see the behavior in DX pileups. They might wonder what kind of hobby did they get into. I was watching spots today on DX Summit where there were complaints about FT8 by DXpeditions. If a DX group wants let stations work them, their best mode is FT8 or FT4. i'd love to work them on CW with vertical antennas I have to struggle to get through the chaos in a CW pileup. 73, Phil N3ZP

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      Hello Phil, thanks for your input, and on point with me vis-a-vis the junk on CW. As far as my analysis, time will be the judge here. Right now, I think we're seeing the decline of CW, but those trends may change. We'll see. Keep chasing them; no matter what the mode...73! de WX0V

    • @warn0245
      @warn0245 Před 9 měsíci +1

      Yeah, but if u work a DXPedition with no amp and verticals and a wire on just rig power, that just makes the new one/new mode/new band that much sweeter :) I can see both sides of the guys and gals that commit all that time and money to a DXpedition....I ask myself, whould I go thru all that effort to go to Heard Island, Franz Josef Land, etc. just to work QSOs on FT8? thanks, if I am on one of those DXPs I would want to work CW, 24/7 as I know I would have pileups upon pileups around the clock. Even in this day and age... 73 de K0XQ S.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci +1

      @@warn0245 All I can say is don't send me to activate rare DX! I belong on the calling side of the pile 😀... instead send a high Q rate contester...for sure! 73! de WX0V

    • @W2IRT
      @W2IRT Před 9 měsíci

      @@warn0245 I don't buy the "it would be sweeter" argument on the whole. I do the HappyDance™ when I see that green Club Log check mark on a new band or new mode (or indeed one of the increasingly fewer-needed all time new ones--just 3 left to go). I don't care if it was CW, SSB, or Digital. Now with that said, I'm at 329 DXCCs on digital, and all but two of those (Crozet and Bouvet) were RTTY. I was hoping to get on the Honor Roll 100% RTTY, but that ship has sailed. I used to be exclusively an SSB operator. Now I can't bear to think of using phone. I love CW pileups, but the only place you'll really find CW thriving is either in contest or rare DXpeditions. You used to be able to find all kinds of CW activity on the bottom-ends of 80 and 160 every night but now there's almost nothing left.

  • @AaronHuber
    @AaronHuber Před 9 měsíci +1

    I have a low power station with a wire antenna. I simply wait a few days to chase Dxpeditons on CW the pileup the first day or two is simply a mess.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      That is sound strategy, and one that I will occasionally use. 73! de WX0V

  • @timsmith428
    @timsmith428 Před 9 měsíci +2

    Sad, very sad..

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci +1

      From a CW ops perspective, it is indeed, sad. However, this seems to be the direction, so DXers may need to adjust. 73! de WX0V

  • @iz2mgn
    @iz2mgn Před 9 měsíci +2

    This is the actual situation. FT8 is the simplest way to be in the log for small or vy simple stations. If you look sometimes the bands are opened to make qso, but the stations are on FT8. FT8 it’s ok when the conditions are vy poor. 73 mauri

  • @placeholder-065
    @placeholder-065 Před 8 měsíci +1

    CW 'the king of DX' is a thing of the past my friend. I'm a CW operator myself but operate FT8 often nowadays, the reason being that the DX by far prefers FT8. FT8 requires less expertise - some say none -, has a higher QSO rate when operating fox/hound and often opens paths that aren't open yet for CW. Far less CW activity between expeditions too. It is what it is.
    73 es dx
    Gust ON6KE

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 8 měsíci

      You pretty much nailed it, Gust...73! de WX0V

  • @donnakano3697
    @donnakano3697 Před 7 měsíci

    Hardly a surprise that a mode that can get through when CW is uncopiable and can be run semi-automatically is making headway into DXing. Hams will use whatever mode is available that works. That is also one of the strengths of ham radio versus GMRSS, CB, etc.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 7 měsíci

      Agreed. That said, FT8 is very poor at contesting, which would also benefit from the higher SNR. I saw a plethora of CW signals on 160m for the contest this past weekend...very few FT8 signals. I still maintain The migration to FT8 for DXing is at least partially fueled by frustration over bad behavior on now there's an alternative. Thank you for your comment and 73! de WX0V

  • @budhouseholder1230
    @budhouseholder1230 Před 9 měsíci +1

    I wonder, from the DX perspective, can they make more Q’s on FT8 with less effort and therefore increase their productivity. Also, maybe their setup can be less complex. Just a thought.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      I have heard interviews with some DXpedition ops and they seem to really like FT8 based on what you covered in your comment here, so you may have nailed it. Also, the natural "marketplace" for lack of a better term is going this direction. Hams want FT8, so they are getting it. The DX community said no to other digital modes (recall JT65) but have embraced FT8. Great comment...thank you and 73! de WX0V

    • @W2IRT
      @W2IRT Před 9 měsíci

      A good CW man can hold a 300 rate for a few hours, but those ops are few and far between, and they need to sleep and eat. DXpeditions running MSHV with 4 or more streams can do between 240 and 480/hour all day and night long, so long as they have propagation and callers. If they can divvy their power up into 5 or even 6 streams and still get callers those numbers can reach unbelievable levels. Dom's team running T32TT have two multi-stream stations per band. Do that on 15, 20, and 40m and you'll run out of DX callers in a few days.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      @@W2IRT In full agreement, unless you run into the issues I noted previously about splitting streams and "stuck" ops. 73 de WX0V

  • @warn0245
    @warn0245 Před 9 měsíci +2

    Thanks Scott. Always enjoy your content here in Andover. Sad, but not unexpected. FT8 has introduced a great many into the hobby, and it is amazing weak signal tech, but I personally find it rather boring compared to CW. At least us old fists will always have contesting; I doubt FT8 will be invading that realm anytime soon. --... ...-- . ... --. -..- -.. . -.- ----- -..- --.-

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      Hi Sean...good comments. Yes, I agree, I prefer CW as well, but I also enjoy FT8. Whatever it takes to check off another box. I just wish CW didn't come with the added crap, but there's not much that can be done about that. 73! de WX0V

  • @lizzyfan1986
    @lizzyfan1986 Před 9 měsíci +1

    Not a huge digi mode fan RTTY>FT*, however that being said, FT* gives even the G5RV station it's best chance to work DXpedition stn
    de AA3R

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci +1

      That's a good point...and that might play a role into the thinking of DXpeditions...pretty sure it did with PR0T; their 12m FT8 ops were outstanding. 73! de WX0V

  • @hagei406
    @hagei406 Před 9 měsíci +1 our local club here, we just laugh , when someone says " i worked ... in FT8" . The only way to get rid of this nonsense is to ignore it. Once all the computers have worked each other, it will dissapear anyway. Technically, it´s logical that DXpeditions concentrate on that nonsense, because it brings more revenue , as there are more QSO´s. K1JT invented it for a specific low signal path ( Intercontinental multi hop Sporadic E ) , not for automatic country collection on -60dbm signals . CW is an Art, UN heritage approved , and it will survive as long as there are ham operators with brains . The rude words are the same in every mode and everywhere on the band...just not i FTx as there is nothing to say there anyway...

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci +1

      Thank you for your comment. If this migration to FT8 trend for DXing continues, we could see a reversal when local club members laugh when someone says they got one on CW...let's hope not. I do like FT8 and use it frequently, but prefer CW (as witnessed by the amount of CW DX examples on this channel). 73! de WX0V

  • @EvanK2EJT
    @EvanK2EJT Před 8 měsíci +1

    I think it boils down to a few things. First, FT8 works. Pretty much always. The computer can hear when your ears can't. Second, it doesn't take any real effort or knowledge to work. Yeah, you need to be able to set the computer up, but aside from that it's cake. Pretty much anyone can do it with a minimal mount of work. Third, they can work more stations at once on FT8. I prefer CW as a mode, but it's hard to deny that there are very clear advantages to FT8.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Yes, FT8 works, with less aggravation, as covered in your video that I recently viewed:
      I had no idea POTA CW operations had the same bad behavior as DX pile-ups, so it appears to me it's not just a DXing problem. Not good news. 73! de WX0V

    • @EvanK2EJT
      @EvanK2EJT Před 8 měsíci

      @@SuburbanDXing Yeah, it's gotten pretty bad everywhere, and I'm not sure why.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@EvanK2EJT Well, I'm glad you did that video...gave me some vindication, as bad behavior on CW was my primary reason for the decline of the mode. It's nothing new; bad behavior has been going on forever, but NOW there's an alternative. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your 2024...73!

  • @martinuk777
    @martinuk777 Před 9 měsíci +1

    PR0T was let down by some terrible CW operators, giving their call/up after every single Q is unnecessary.
    Also, for me, I’d rather miss a DX entry if I can’t get them on CW, or if absolutely necessary, SSB.
    The ARRL and its awards simply illustrate the addictive nature of human beings, as does the unbelievably bad pile up operators. CALL, CALL, CALL at any cost. It’s ridiculous to think that these stations don’t realise that any good operator will simply ignore them no matter how strong they are.
    The old days are gone. I got my ZC4 callsign and will be heading to Cyprus in 2024, but all FT8 operators will be very disappointed.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      I appreciate your dedication. The one drawback is missing DX (sometimes rare, such as FT8WW) that focus on FT8. You'll be popular from matter the mode...thank you and 73! de WX0V

  • @pf5x
    @pf5x Před 9 měsíci +1

    I doubt that CW is on the decline. Look at the increasing number of CW clubs ... It is more a matter of FTx on the INcline ! And with regard to the QSO numbers, not a surprise at all. This mode is automated to a large extent and needs very little operator attention (what I understand of it, and heard from fellow hams). The computer makes the QSOs and apparently it does it very efficiently (yawn ....). E.g. W8S made a lot of FTx QSOs, but was VERY present in CW as well. CW4ever !! (until today ZERO FTx QSOs here). 73, Enno, PF5X

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      Thanks for your comment, Enno. We will have to see what the numbers show as we go forward. Right now, as far as DXing is concerned, they show a decline, but we'll see...time will tell. Enjoy Ham Radio now matter how you use it...73! de WX0V

  • @VK5IR
    @VK5IR Před 9 měsíci +1

    It's all about the $$$ these days. That's why they're concentrating on FT8 more. More Q's = more $$$. :( I like FT8, but it's annoying when DXpeditions make FT8 a priority over other modes SSB and CW.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      Interesting point. Given the increasing cost of DXpeditions, maybe that's not a bad idea? I'd rather have them do a money grab and be QRV, versus not being QRV at all. Thanks for your comment and 73! de WX0V

    • @VK5IR
      @VK5IR Před 9 měsíci

      I don't think making a profit or even trying to recoup costs should be the focus of a DXpedition and its not in the spirit of Amateur Radio. Ok, if you can make some of your money back, that's fine but don't concentrate on modes that will achive this. This is the very thing that some DXpeditioners are concentrating on. They're aiming for financial gain and it's just not in the spirit of our wonderful hobby. @@SuburbanDXing

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      @@VK5IR Good points, but to use an old analogy, freedom isn't free. Some of these operations run several hundred thousands of US dollars...they have to pay for those somehow. Howver, I still feel the shift to FT8 is more related to DXers finding an alternative to the bad behavior of CW (and SSB) than it is because of any greed by DXpeditions, but we'll see. 73! de WX0V

  • @ea1pj
    @ea1pj Před 9 měsíci +1

    Thanks for your video, Scott. For many years I have only operated CW, basically DX and contests. I don't like FT8 (I think it discredits the great world awards like DXCC), especially if we take into account that it is a mode to act with low power. Low power? SOTA stations use low power, which is why their signals are low. FT8 pile-ups do not go below S9++. The FT8 makes any bad operator look good, since it is the computer that does almost everything, and in a few days that inexperienced operator will have his DXCC on the wall of his shack to upload the photo to social networks. At the same time, the ARRL will be delighted by the increased revenue from the DXCC program. The future of the FT8 is granted. If in the future the expeditions will all be on FT8, congratulations to the FT8 operators. I'm sure somewhere in Newington, CT, they're already thinking about a DXCC for Mac, another for Windows, and another for Linux. Meanwhile, I will continue with my code. Live and let live. Merry Christmas to all!

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci +1

      You forgot Raspberry Pi DXCC! 😀 Enjoyed your comments here, although FT8 pile-ups sometimes require more skill than many realize, but overall, yes, you're totally correct...CW demands a much higher skill's not even close. Wish we could get rid of the DQRM, though. 73! de WX0V

  • @iotadx7614
    @iotadx7614 Před 9 měsíci

    The DXCC program really should split the FT8/4 out of the MIX mode.

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci +1

      So should RTTY also be removed from Mixed DXCC? It's a Digital mode just like FT8.
      When I work a station on FT8, a signal goes from my rig and my antenna and travels in the atmosphere to the desired station and vice-versa. How is that any different than a CW or SSB QSO? I do not think it is.
      That said, I'm sympathetic to your feelings, as I am also a CW op, which is clearly a more "human" mode. That said, I do not feel DXCC should segregate Digital and legacy mode contacts. I do appreciate your comments, and I look forward to working you in the next contest...via CW! 😀 73! de WX0V

    • @WestCoastMole
      @WestCoastMole Před měsícem

      Better yet drop Mixed Mode DXCC altogether ! One Award for Phone, one Award for Data ND one Award for CW. I don't care if you have got P51 on Phone !

    • @WestCoastMole
      @WestCoastMole Před měsícem

      ​@@SuburbanDXingTo answer your question YES !

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před měsícem

      @@WestCoastMole I'm guessing you are answering "yes" to my question if RTTY should also removed from DXCC Mixed. Both my original question and your answer are now irrelevant as it's not going to least that is my guess. Digital modes are here to stay so DXers can either use them or not. The vast majority seem to on board with Digital, but this too can change. We'll see...73 de WX0V

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před měsícem

      @@WestCoastMole Also not going to happen, but your opinion is not on an island, as I have seen it multiple times from others. I appreciate your input here. 73 de WX0V

  • @JayN4GO
    @JayN4GO Před 9 měsíci

    I refuse to jump on the bandwagon. If these ops only worked Cw es ssb , it would be different. The way forward is ftga8 but there are plenty of us stubborn Cw ops left. 😂

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci +1

      So what about FT8WW? Thierry was mostly FT8...would a DXer really not want to work the #3 Most Wanted DXCC in the world because he wasn;t on CW? Not me...I worked him on 5 bands...all FT8. Had he been CW, I would have tried to work him on 5 bands, or whatever was possible. Thanks for your comment, always, 73! de WX0V

    • @JayN4GO
      @JayN4GO Před 9 měsíci

      @@SuburbanDXing dunno brother. I didn’t work him at all. 😆 I listened to his mediocre Cw for a bit but his pileup pushed him back to safety

    • @SuburbanDXing
      @SuburbanDXing  Před 9 měsíci

      @@JayN4GO Thierry was wise to play to his strengths so he focused on FT8...after all, his was call sign was FT8WW! 😀 I thought the guy was a rock star, and still do. Enjoy ARRL-10m this weekend, and 73! de WX0V

    • @JayN4GO
      @JayN4GO Před 9 měsíci +1

      @@SuburbanDXing you too man. I’m sure our sleep schedule will keep us in the top ranks 🤣