A Tale Of Two Floods

  • čas přidán 9. 07. 2024
  • We have all heard the story of Noah's ark and the great flood. God was furious at his creation for their wickedness and decided to get rid of them all in a cataclysmic deluge. But Noah was the exception. He was a righteous man and he walked faithfully with god so Noah was chosen by God to create an ark. On this ark, he was supposed to take with him his family and two of every animal. He built this ark and the flood lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. After the flood, every living thing was gone and he went on to rebuild civilization and repopulate the earth. This is, of course, the story you hear in Sunday school. But it's not very accurate. Movies like Noah and Evan Almighty are popular iterations on this story. Plenty of cartoons have been made on it as well, such as the popular Veggie Tales version. These movies have fooled the public and even Christians themselves into thinking this was an accurate representation of the biblical flood story. But the flood story in the bible has a much more interesting past. In the narrative, there are contradictions, discrepancies, and linguistic oddities that point to a much deeper history. Generally unknown to most people, this one flood story actually holds two flood stories within it. So today, we will discuss a tale of two floods.
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    Richard Elliott Friedman - Who Wrote the Bible?
    Victor Harold Matthews - Old Testament Parallels
    Diarmaid MacCulloch - Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years
    Arthur George, Elena George - The Mythology of Eden
    Gary Greenberg - 101 Myths of the Bible
    Israel Finkelstein, Neil Asher Silberman - The Bible Unearthed
    David M. Carr - An Introduction to the Old Testament
    Thomas Christian Romer - The Elusive Yahwist
    Joel S. Baden - Identifying the Original Stratum of P
    John Van Seters - The Pentateuch: A Social-Science Commentary

Komentáře • 1,1K

  • @pedroheilel130
    @pedroheilel130 Před 6 lety +56

    Once again, you guys serving REALITY! I thank you for ur work.

    • @harveywabbit9541
      @harveywabbit9541 Před 5 lety +1

      Noah's ark/arc is the same "ship" that Osiris rode in.

    • @harveywabbit9541
      @harveywabbit9541 Před 5 lety +2

      The seven churches of Asia (Fire) that Paul/Mercury visited are Aries thru Libra.

    • @DDawnIII
      @DDawnIII Před 5 lety +1

      Gerald McFarlin huh ?

    • @harveywabbit9541
      @harveywabbit9541 Před 5 lety +1

      Paul aka Mercury never existed.

    • @DDawnIII
      @DDawnIII Před 5 lety

      Pedro L. Batista maybe your reality but miss translations and misinterpretations don't mean this guy's correct or the Bible is fause or wrong. Maybe instead of getting your education from CZcams

  • @timames2238
    @timames2238 Před 6 lety +96

    I spent the first 20 years of my life attending a fundamentalist, evangelical Baptist church. The minister of the the church was a stately, older gentleman who had a Doctorate of Divinity degree. When I was a teenager, I read the differing and contradicting accounts of Noah and the Flood. I made an appointment to speak to the minister and ask him to explain story. He didn't have an answer. His only explanation was that I should "read the story again and ask god to open my eyes to the truth". In all of his study, didn't he ever come up with the same questions? How do ministers today rationalize the contradictions?

    • @1ofhis518
      @1ofhis518 Před 6 lety +6

      you know the only really important things in each individuals life is :
      are you going to hell??
      will you die very soon?
      Jesus Christ will not only keep you frrom hell he will give you a love and peace for life and others you never knew existed. Call on him today you'll be glad you did.

    • @hannajung7512
      @hannajung7512 Před 5 lety +7

      The general approach from german theologens to the Bible is, that since the whole Book is a collection of stories, with differing sources they say the following: 1. We know it is, while based on a real regional flood, mostly a fable, a story to teach a lesson about the nature of God, 2. While differing sources do not agree on the details, the basic and important bits are both the same, which is what really counts, 3. It is no historical account, and should not be read as one, that it was read this way in the past by people, who didn't know better, was a mistake, we know better today, we should search for the deeper truth, the messege the writers wanted to deliver.
      I personally think that everyone who thinks that our ancestors necessarly thought they are telling true stories, when we look at myths, does them horribly wrong. Especcially the time of antiquity was a time of myth telling and writing, humanity has a world wide tradition of fairytales, fables and parables. We still wrap lessons on ethics, or on life in nead little stories on a daily basis, especcially when we teach them to our kids. It is from my point of view a great flaw of modern religions, that they take stories, that obviously were told as lessons, not as historical accounts and claim them to be facts. We do not do this with Grimm's fairytales, or Andersen's fairytales. We don't do it with the ancient mythologies of tribal cults. Why anyone does it with "the goat herder's guide to God" astounds me every time I hear someone doing it.

    • @carlpen850
      @carlpen850 Před 5 lety +13

      @ BAC soldier... I took your advice and called on Jesus and you're right I was glad I did... he had a refrigerator filled with cold Corona Extra, after knocking back a 6 pack we went out and hit the bars, shot pool, and hit on the ladies until the clubs closed...his brother Nino showed up around 3 am with 3 "ladies" in tow... one for each of us... needless to say we had a blast

    • @seanhammer6296
      @seanhammer6296 Před 5 lety +1

      Tim Ames Well, you asked God for the answer and, tada!, 35 years later you got it.😀

    • @reuteratwork8983
      @reuteratwork8983 Před 5 lety +9

      BAC soldier - You think that we should worry about whether or not we're going to an imaginary place? Your priorities are absurd...

  • @JGAbstract
    @JGAbstract Před 3 lety +4

    Can you imagine everyone seeing one family building a gigantic boat, then when the flood starts to build, he's not letting anyone else on?
    Haha, that boat woulda been ripped apart by mobs of angry people not being let on if it was real.

  • @jsull81
    @jsull81 Před 6 lety +10

    I remember the first time I sat down to read the Bible prepared to read it all the way through. I was about 17 at the time. I made it to the part where ham sees Noah drunk naked and flips the fuck out, smh, at that point I was convinced at least the old Testament was fucking bullshit, lol
    Unfortunately it took me another 10 to drop it completely. But eventually I made it out!

    • @jsull81
      @jsull81 Před 6 lety +3

      Btw keep up the great work, guys!
      I got to get my own shit in order but, I hope by summer, I will, Old gods permitting od cours, be starting my own channel
      Thanks for the inspiration amongst others e.g. G.C. cosmic skeptic, paulagia, Aron Ra

    • @studogable
      @studogable Před 3 lety

      Amen, brother.
      Genesis is full of sexual sin - Lot's daughters seducing dad, Noah's son making fun of dad's weiner, etc. Most of these lead to the origins of ethnicities that Israel had issues with, boiling down to calling the other peoples of the Levant misbegotten bastards.
      Genesis is profoundly racist. This is usually glossed over by Christians; it's damn hard to reconcile with any decent way to live.

  • @akizeta
    @akizeta Před 6 lety +35

    Looking at the illustration at about 8:30, I suddenly have to wonder why there were only two of every bird on the Ark. Why wasn't the Ark covered with birds looking for a perch while the Earth was flooded?

    • @reuteratwork8983
      @reuteratwork8983 Před 5 lety +5

      2consider - why would god need to direct Noah to collect pairs of birds, if the birds were already going to roost on the ark anyway?

    • @Jamie-Russell-CME
      @Jamie-Russell-CME Před 5 lety

      @@reuteratwork8983 they were not exposed on the inside.

    • @reuteratwork8983
      @reuteratwork8983 Před 5 lety +2

      jamie Russell - So? They're birds, dude! Wild animals! They live through storms all the time! & it was 2consider who was saying the birds might be on the outside, anyway -- so take it up w/ him, k? Thx!

    • @reuteratwork8983
      @reuteratwork8983 Před 5 lety +2

      2consider - "K, so here's the deal, Noah -- I'm going to kill off everything -- but I also want things to survive -- I'm god, I could just snap my fingers & make it so, but I'm feeling frisky, so we're gonna play a little game -- you've got till F-Day to build a boat to save your own ass, screw everybody else -- I'll psychically send all the animals to you, I'll magically make it so that you & your fam can care for thousands of different "kinds" of animals for about a year on open water &, hell, I'll even use my power to ensure that your handmade wooden boat holds together during storms that destroy the rest of the world -- but I'm not going to use my awesome powers to fix my screw-ups some other, less genocidal way, 'cuz...y'know, union rules & all that -- my godly hands are tied, wish I could do you better, but that's the deal, live w/ it -- &, hey, in return, I promise not to destroy the world again...well, until the second coming of my son, & then it all gets wrecked anyway..." Yeah, sure, that sounds like a real thing that would've happened, & not a fairytale made up by primitive people who had no idea how genetics, physics, & meteorology work, uh-huh...

    • @reuteratwork8983
      @reuteratwork8983 Před 5 lety +4

      2consider - Hey, yeah, can you quote some more from your magical book of fairytales? Maybe I just need to hear a few more of those iron-age fables, & I'll be convinced! No, srsly, since I don't accept your source as credible, why in the world would it matter that you quote from it? The Christian holy book is just unsubstantiated myths, from a time when primitive humans were making up stories to explain things that they couldn't understand, & that's all -- the only way any of it works is if you already believe in gods & magic -- which you do, & I don't -- so, in order to convince me to take your book of fairytails seriously, you would first have to convince me of the existence of a god -- which you have failed to do -- so...better luck w/ more gullible fish, my friend...

  • @1p6t1gms
    @1p6t1gms Před 6 lety +35

    Why save any creatures, why not just recreate everything instead of all the god drama. In addition to that, where did all the water drain, as in sea level and mountains being covered with water?

    • @seanhammer6296
      @seanhammer6296 Před 5 lety +6

      1p6t1gms Where did the water drain? It's now the ice wall that surrounds flat earth. Duh.

    • @Jamie-Russell-CME
      @Jamie-Russell-CME Před 5 lety

      A type for the prayers of believer going up to heaven. All the Tabernacle/teme furnishings were types for the church. Moses copied the plans for the Tabernacle from the one built without hands in the heavens.

    • @Jamie-Russell-CME
      @Jamie-Russell-CME Před 5 lety

      No flat Earth. The water is in the oceans today. The land sank in places and mountains rose as they, for example slid away from the midAtlantic ridge. Check out Google Earth and compare the coasts of the America's and Africa to the Mid Atlantic ridge.
      The earth, preflood, was one big continent on the planet with inland smaller seas.

    • @seanhammer6296
      @seanhammer6296 Před 5 lety +4

      jamie Russell And flat with a dome firmament that keeps out "the waters above." And it's sitting motionless on "the pillars of the earth" and has four corners. It's in the Bible so it must be true. It's God's Holy Word written by a bunch of Iron age goat herders in the Babylonian captivity. How could it possibly be wrong? Thanks for the reply.

    • @Jamie-Russell-CME
      @Jamie-Russell-CME Před 5 lety

      @@seanhammer6296 maybe motionless. It's relative. Or are you denying relativity?
      It's not as if the people back then were as dumb as you are. At least you understand it wasn't really bronze age.
      Perhaps they (most who read it back then) thought it was as twits draw the flat Earth dome. But I take the descriptions as using common beliefs and stating in a way that can be understood metaphor, and show aspects of God and how He set things up. Just like language is borrowed today.

  • @TarikMaurits
    @TarikMaurits Před 5 lety +23

    I doubted myself many times when I was reading the Bible but I was so scare of going to hell and just closed my eyes and did accept it as mystery of God. Old Testament is full of contradictions even on the same book but we are blind to se it ! I did the same reading the Coran, now I read both books as myths, tales and imagination of an old civilization !

    • @reuteratwork8983
      @reuteratwork8983 Před 5 lety +2

      2consider - Are you really that dense, or just naturally contrarian? It's obvious that the "wrong way" is the idea that a supposedly all-knowing, all-powerful deity would make a mistake in his creation -- & then try to correct for that mistake by committing world-wide genocide -- you seriously can't think that was the "right way", can you? Unbelievable...

    • @reuteratwork8983
      @reuteratwork8983 Před 5 lety +5

      2consider - It doesn't matter why god flooded the Earth -- the simple fact is, in the myth he chose to wipe the slate clean & start again -- & that means that he didn't get it right the first time -- & that's a mistake a supposed all-knowing deity shouldn't make -- just like putting a tree of knowledge that you don't want your creations to eat of in the same garden w/ them &, on top of that, you would have to know that they were going to go ahead & do it anyway, ffs. The Judeo-Christian deity just isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, that's all -- if you want to worship a bumbling incompetent god who can't just get things right the first time, then you go for it, bro -- but thinking that other people are "ignorant" just because they won't follow you down your illogical rabbit hole is an apex of stupidity...

    • @TarikMaurits
      @TarikMaurits Před 5 lety +1

      god does NOT exist ! Nowadays, we all know that Old Testament came from Iraq, old stories and myths that never ever happened, cool down man and have some beers, I just invited Javeh but is too drunk to drink with me, lol

    • @TarikMaurits
      @TarikMaurits Před 5 lety +3

      Somebody who was supposed to know everything and destroy all humanity;;;its not a god, its a monster ! If I knew my children could steal me , BEFORE they try it, I could stop them and talk to them instead of killing innocents, shame on you god, hehe

    • @reuteratwork8983
      @reuteratwork8983 Před 5 lety +1

      Your syntax is a little hard to follow, tarik, but you are absolutely right -- any being that would wipe out almost all life on Earth, including innocent animals & babies, is not a thing to be worshiped -- I really don't know what's wrong w/ these sniveling cultists who want us all to bow down to a cosmic murderer, but it's pretty sickening -- if their god existed [which, thankfully, it doesn't], it would only be worthy of being despised...

  • @Slaanesh1000
    @Slaanesh1000 Před 5 lety +2

    Another question has sprung to mind where you might expect to see variation. Does the version you reviewed also have a variation in the figures for the measurements of the Ark? Interestingly enough my lads went to Cathaholic school and they issued a version of the bible that converted the ancient measurements into metres. I guess because the priest got fed up with being asked "What's a cubit?" It was interesting to note that after years of Cathoholic education my eldest had Heretic printed as the name on his jumper, (School tradition, each year 12 class designed a jumper and had their name put on it, but not necessarily their "Christian" name). Anyway if there was an author who co-wrote the story and left out the dimensions, it is reasonable to assume it is because of the credibility gap they create.

  • @ciaghavami9163
    @ciaghavami9163 Před 4 lety +1

    As a young man...i always wondered about God...always had a hunger for God...but never know how and where to find him...

  • @zxdfty77
    @zxdfty77 Před 3 lety +3

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful and illuminating video!
    I have often wondered: If we were to ACCURATELY MEASURE the volume and reasonably predict mass of 2X animals of every species of animal known at Noah's time, WOULD THEY REALLY FIT INSIDE Noah's ark, considering the measurements given in the Bible...Would they?? And what are the chances that it would properly float and not capsize?? And for those who adamantly claim there were (baby) dinosaurs in there, too...
    ...Something sounds kinda fishy!

    • @valivali8104
      @valivali8104 Před rokem

      Don’t forget all piss, shit and gases from breathing, burping and farting...

  • @JohnnyLodge2
    @JohnnyLodge2 Před 5 lety +3

    I just happened to find your videos in my recommendations. I'm not an atheist myself but I am really enjoying your scholarship and the tone of your videos. You're not preachy or bullying and it really allows your message to hit it's mark. Good work.

  • @JoyRaptor
    @JoyRaptor Před 5 lety +2

    Elohim as we translate "God" refers to a heavenly dweller. Yahweh, is a a specific Elohim who is unique as creator. Like saying, "the pirate captain Jake Sparrow" = "class, rank, person "
    As far as the repeats, ancient Hebrews wrote not always linear, but used inclusions and chiastic poetical structure. This made tampering with the text much harder because it breaks symmetry, also its expanding spiral nested structure is helpful for themes and memory.
    Jesus praised the father that yhvh's word was made clear to the simple but resisted the proud and those wise in there own eyes.
    Salvation can only be found by excepting that Jesus is lord God come in human flesh to take responsibility for our sins and give us his life in exchange for our trust and reliance on him

    • @eddyj3862
      @eddyj3862 Před 4 lety +1

      Elohim is a plural "Many Gods!!!!"

    • @markmooney5662
      @markmooney5662 Před 4 lety

      @@eddyj3862 it means more than one ...not many...Jesus was also there and lets face it to us ...even the angels are Gods ...they are just not THE GOD.
      Gilly wife of Mark.

    • @markmooney5662
      @markmooney5662 Před 4 lety

      @Jebus Hypocristos Lets hope for your sake that you are right...if you are then for the last couple of years as a Christian it just means I've lived as a better person ...been kinder to others...and putting up with rubbish from non believers is no big deal to me as at 63 years old I don't really care what others think....BUT...if you are wrong...LOL... you are so stuffed!!!.
      W are living right smack in the middle of a prophecy...all the previous ones have come true so there is no reason to believe this one won't
      I'll pray for you anyway.
      Gilly wife of Mark

  • @rtx8026
    @rtx8026 Před 2 lety +1

    6:28 Correction here. The earth was flood 15 cubits above the highest point of land, not just 15 cubits high.

  • @daverobson3084
    @daverobson3084 Před 5 lety +13

    Notice how none of the biblical stories seem to start with " The people had grown wicked, so God went forth to deal with them reasonably from a place of love and understanding and teach them to be better." Always with the anger, fury death, and genocidal reactions. Strange from a being whom the Christians claim is so full of love and and admirer of peace, isn't it.

    • @paulwence648
      @paulwence648 Před 5 lety +2

      Adam and Eve, with no understanding of Good and Evil, are convinced by a creature who they had to assume god had put there for them. Did god see this as a learning experience, and try to help them to understand why what they had done was 'wrong', giving them a chance to learn from their 'mistake'? Close...they, their children, and their entire species is cursed forever, doomed to a painful and difficult existence. A very kind, loving, and proportional response.

    • @daverobson3084
      @daverobson3084 Před 5 lety +2

      Sigi Stardust
      Also. "God" is the one that created Adam and Eve, with full knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses( indeed , he created said strengths and weaknesses deliberately, if this story is to be believed) and hence knew beforehand what would happen were he to place this tree of knowledge( translation=weapon of mass destruction) into the garden with this naive duo. He also knew that the serpent( which he also created with full knowledge of its characteristics and future) would successfully tempt said duo. Despite this he went right ahead and set up the very circumstances which he knew the result for, and then punished everyone else in the universe, for all time to come, for an mistake that none of them could understand and 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of them had nothing at all to do with, because it is surely more their fault than his.
      "Perfect love and justice". Right.

    • @paulwence648
      @paulwence648 Před 5 lety +2

      Good points :)

    • @CoCLastname
      @CoCLastname Před 5 lety

      You do know that snakes can't talk right?

    • @paulwence648
      @paulwence648 Před 4 lety

      @Najma Khan We weren't talking about the Qur'aan.
      Allah didn't create the universe, the Flying Spaghetti Monster did, so the story of Adam isn't important.
      I am curious though, how does the Qur'aan explain the problem of evil?

  • @lauriem5751
    @lauriem5751 Před 5 lety +5

    The original flood story can be found in the legend of Gilgamesh.

    • @michaeleatmon9127
      @michaeleatmon9127 Před 5 lety +1

      Laurie M I was wondering if someone else would mention the epic of Gilgamesh. Thanks

  • @alvinwine5665
    @alvinwine5665 Před 4 lety +2

    Alot was left out of the bible and without those text we do not have the full story , I found the two floods by myself reading and understanding.

    • @colenewaltersmusicandother9330
      @colenewaltersmusicandother9330 Před 4 lety

      I as well. 2 days ago,

    • @colenewaltersmusicandother9330
      @colenewaltersmusicandother9330 Před 4 lety

      I believe that even though many texts have been removed that in the end times the Holy Spirit speaks to us .
      From my personal experience this verse speaks to me .
      4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
      Daniel 12:4 Kjv

    • @hahaloser3914
      @hahaloser3914 Před 2 měsíci

      @@colenewaltersmusicandother9330 The bible got both of the events wrong,firstly they said the ark is places on a mountain that didnt even exist at that time and they said that the flodevent was universial, Both have historically being proven to be very wrong

    • @hahaloser3914
      @hahaloser3914 Před 2 měsíci

      The bible got both of the events wrong,firstly they said the ark is places on a mountain that didnt even exist at that time and they said that the flodevent was universial, Both have historically being proven to be very wrong

  • @PicoGirl
    @PicoGirl Před 4 lety +2

    40 days rain and 110 days for the flood to recede. Total 150 days.

    • @PicoGirl
      @PicoGirl Před 4 lety

      @Bobby Allen yeah, the first 'fact' comment he makes is a lie by saying with emphasis, "The Bible says the Flood will last 40 days and 40 nights" but he's lying because it never says that. It says the rain will last 40 days and 40 nights. Lol.

  • @GGevelF
    @GGevelF Před 5 lety +4

    I admire your work; is evidence of deep search and investigation; unfortunately very few people care of your finding; humanity is still not ready for the truth.

    • @voidremoved
      @voidremoved Před 2 lety

      This guy is pretty weak. He doesn't even know they always used different names for God... This guy seems to think Elohim was a name for God... God is Elohim of the Elohim... El Shaddai, YHWH. So you wont learn much valuable Truth here. This dude struggles to understand basics of witness testimony... There is always differences.. By the way Noah sent out a bird and eventually that bird did not return and he sent out another bird and that bird returned with a twig.

    • @donthogthereefer
      @donthogthereefer Před 2 lety

      @@voidremoved 🧢

  • @iijayiii
    @iijayiii Před 4 lety +3

    So if the flood was 15 cubits high thats roughly 20 feet, hmmmmmmmmmmm, why not just go to higher ground, ??

    • @TheTheotherfoot
      @TheTheotherfoot Před 4 lety +2

      Rule 314. You are not allowed to use logic in any argument involving religion. It is an unfair advantage.

    • @vicvidoni1847
      @vicvidoni1847 Před 3 lety

      Perhaps because the earth was flat back then.

  • @ericgraham5752
    @ericgraham5752 Před 5 lety +1

    BRILLIANT!!! Great Research Guys., Oh Hey Noah Did you put Two Big Foots on the Ark???

    • @michaelfinley6552
      @michaelfinley6552 Před 4 lety

      Is the plural Bigfoots or Bigfeet?

    • @marbertgc
      @marbertgc Před 4 lety

      The REAL Noah's Ark FOUND by Archaeologist Ron Wyatt on the mountains of Ararat in 1986.
      You can see it on Google satellite view
      As the bible says in,
      Genesis 6:13-17
      13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. 14 So make yourself an ark of cypress[a] wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. 15 This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high.[b] 16 Make a roof for it, leaving below the roof an opening one cubit[c] high all around.[d] Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks. 17 I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish..
      Genesis 8:4
      ..and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.
      You can search "Noah's Ark, Mount Ararat" using Google Maps (Satellite view).
      Watch these CZcams videos:
      The REAL Noah's Ark FOUND by Archaeologist Ron Wyatt! - Short Documentary
      The Real Noah's Ark Found in Turkey - Phenomenon Archives Documentary
      Noah's Ark Found? The Ron Wyatt Story
      Was Noah's Ark Found?
      NOAH’S ARK- The Early Years

  • @andrewmarinelly5838
    @andrewmarinelly5838 Před 5 lety

    Flood myths can be found in most areas of the world and if you date the origins of the oldest tales it comes strikingly close to when some geologists think there may have been a worldwide flood but definitely there was catastrophic weather changes. The link between Noah and Gilgamesh is interesting and following that "arc" back to the earliest flood myth of that region but it is far more interesting that this may have been an allegory based on remembered history to teach us. In no way am I saying these men existed or god does based on these myths but I find it far more interesting to contemplate the possibility and likelihood these myths are based on a truth (worldwide flood, worldwide is a smaller area back then than it is today.)

  • @magictransistorradio4933
    @magictransistorradio4933 Před 5 lety +17

    Wow this is easy! The RAIN lasted 40 days. The FLOOD lasted a year. If there is a flood , things remain flooded after the rain stops! Easy!

    • @thekububeach
      @thekububeach Před 5 lety +1

      And where did the water go? to the sky?

    • @kelvenguard
      @kelvenguard Před 4 lety +1

      @William Burns he INVENTED FISHING use your Brain

    • @kelvenguard
      @kelvenguard Před 4 lety +2

      @William Burns Fishing and Drinking go hand in hand....

    • @kelvenguard
      @kelvenguard Před 4 lety +1

      @William Burns and there is only ONE Flood story NOT 2 .... 40 days and 40 nights and Floating in the Ark for a year are in the same Story written in most bibles... the real question is did they put a MAN ON THE MOON or is that a part of the BIG LIE

    • @kelvenguard
      @kelvenguard Před 4 lety

      @William Burns most of the Water gets FLUSHED DOWN the TOILETS... thanks to GLOBAL Warming

  • @The_Other_Ghost
    @The_Other_Ghost Před 6 lety +9

    Wait! Noah wasn't a cucumber?

  • @raysalmon6566
    @raysalmon6566 Před rokem

    from Mitzger
    available on the spur of the moment required a certain amount of correcting before they could be used as printer's copy.'^ The printing began on 2 October 1515, and in a remarkably short dme (1 March 1516), the entire edition was finished, a large folio volume of about 1,000 pages that, as Erasmus himself declared later, was "precipitated rather than edked" {praecipitatum verius quam editum). Owing to the haste in production, the volume contains hundreds of typographical errors; in fact, Scrivener once declared, "[Id is in that respect the most faulty book I know."''' Since Erasmus could not find a manuscript that contained the entire Greek Testament, he utilized several for various parts of the New Testament. For most of the text he relied on two rather inferior manuscripts from a monastic library at Basle, one of the Gospels (Fig. 23) and one of the Acts and Epistles, both dating from about the twelfth century.'^ Erasmus compared them with two or three others of the same books and entered occasional corrections for the printer in the margins or between the lines of the Greek script.'*^' For the Book of Revelation, he had but

  • @christopherpugnetti5827

    You: "...firmament of P..."
    Me: ...hehehe....firmament of pee.

  • @BoundyMan
    @BoundyMan Před 5 lety +7

    I was born and raised in the Seventh Day Adventist Church and for much of my life I believed this was a true story. But as I got older and began to hear more from Bible Scholars, including Christian and Adventist, I began to see the story was never meant to be read literally.

    • @Cynnas
      @Cynnas Před 5 lety +2

      Unless you were one of the many authors you can't make such a statement.

    • @veilbreak5867
      @veilbreak5867 Před 5 lety +2

      Yes it was meant to be read literally. The bible is specific when something's an allegory. Also there's evidence everywhere for a worldwide flood. There are cities still underwater.

    • @zemorph42
      @zemorph42 Před 5 lety

      @@veilbreak5867 cities under water is evidence of changing coastlines; not an impossible worldwide flood.

    • @Squishysforbreakfast
      @Squishysforbreakfast Před 4 lety

      @@zemorph42 they also found huge reservoirs of water deep below the earth.
      How did the Bible writers know that if they only just recently discovered it?

    • @zemorph42
      @zemorph42 Před 4 lety +1

      @@Squishysforbreakfast They didn't; that's not "huge reservoirs" of anything, all that water is bound up in molecular bonds and not free-flowing as it would have to be in order for it to possibly be involved in any flood.

  • @okaro6595
    @okaro6595 Před 5 lety +5

    The clean animals were defined only a thousand years later when God gave the law to Moses. Also since humans before the flood were vegetarians animal sacrifice made no sense. One has to sacrifice something useful and valuable for it to make sense.

    • @cfltheman
      @cfltheman Před 5 lety +1

      If what you say is true, then Cain's sacrifice would have been more meaningful than Abel's.

    • @okaro6595
      @okaro6595 Před 5 lety

      Yes, there were several authors who did not know the whole Bible. Especially J did not know all of Moses as he used the word Yahweh for God. It is just J who tells to tale seven pairs of clean animals.
      The funniest part is in Genesis 5:28-29
      "When Lamech had lived 182 years, he had a son.He named him Noah and said, "He will comfort us in the labor and painful toil of our hands caused by the ground the LORD has cursed.""
      Noah's father predicted his son's greatest achievement: Inventing wine (Gen 9:20). Saving the human race is small compared to getting properly drunken.
      Anyone wanting to learn these should listen Price's Genesis:
      That is 1/9 and it is two hours.

    • @harveywabbit9541
      @harveywabbit9541 Před 5 lety

      Cain/Adam represents the winter season and he sacrificed himself. Able/Eve represents the summer season and sshe sacrificed herself.

    • @harveywabbit9541
      @harveywabbit9541 Před 5 lety

      The seven pairs of clean animals are the seven months/constellations beginning at the spring equinox.

  • @TalkSteer
    @TalkSteer Před 5 lety +1

    how did he survive without an oxygen mask? where did the water go?.. how did the kangaroos get back?.. what did the animals eat right after getting off the ark?.. how did the ark not break under so much pressure with all the animals and manure in the entire earth.. did the ducks chill outside the entire time that the flood was happening? how did he land on mount Ararat and only later did the other mountains like Everest be visible months later, and how did he see it when its over 4000km away from Ararat?

  • @greggrobinson5116
    @greggrobinson5116 Před 3 lety

    I remember reading a theory that attributed the two versions of Noah to the split of the holy land into the nations of Israel and Judah. I don't remember which version supposedly was written in Judah and which in Israel, but the Priestly author was always talking up the importance of Aaron and the priestly cast. There's another author too, D, the Deuteronomist, who was also obsessed with priestly and legal minutiae and pops up all through the bible.

  • @ramoses1577
    @ramoses1577 Před 4 lety +3

    I appreciate your commentaries & research. THANK YOU!

    • @williamfleckenstein7138
      @williamfleckenstein7138 Před 4 lety +1

      Really, I don't appreciate pisa poor research. A real researcher, without an obvious agenda, would have used the original Hebrew for reference as well.

    • @ramoses1577
      @ramoses1577 Před 4 lety +1

      @@williamfleckenstein7138 Honestly brother William, my goal is not to learn the Hebrew language, the overstanding that bible gives in its present form is good enough for me. In my "pursuit of truth" of WHO or WHAT created the universe, the bible is a plagiarization & fabrication of mostly ancient Kemet's knowledge & once the true connections are made clear, OUR PEOPLE will find true liberation. OVERSTAND THIS: PSALMS 82:1
      "God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods".
      HOSEA 13:4
      "Yet I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shall know no god but me: for there no saviour beside me"
      Shalom & MA'AT HOTEP!

    • @ramoses1577
      @ramoses1577 Před 4 lety

      @@williamfleckenstein7138 ALL ROADS LEADS BACK TO KEMET!!!!
      All acknowledged civilizations invaded & conquered ancient Kemet/Egypt, STOLE her wealth & KNOWLEDGE,...then plagiarized & fabricated it to be theirs. The Mesopotamian Assyrians & Persians, the Greeks, Romans, the Europeans, now presently, the Arabs. We are now in the "Age Of Knowledge" (Daniel 12:4) & the truth of Kemet's rightful place as the TRUE GODS will be made clear & evident. KEMET HAS A TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE THAT VALIDATES THEIR EXISTENCE... the Hebrew Israelites has "slim to none"!!!!
      MA'AT HOTEP!

    • @williamfleckenstein7138
      @williamfleckenstein7138 Před 4 lety +1

      @@ramoses1577 Again if you knew the Hebrew. You'd know who these other gods were.
      Elohim of the elohim. This means God of the gods. To further explain it the second usage refers what are mistakenly called Angels in English. A better phrase would be "spirits created by God."
      This is just one simple reason why you should study the old testament in Hebrew. There are similar reasons why you should study the New Testament in Greek as well. This way you won't look like a fool.

    • @ramoses1577
      @ramoses1577 Před 4 lety

      @@williamfleckenstein7138 I am really focusing on the MELCHIZEDEK Order/the Royal Priesthood & the KJV in English, seems to supply me with POSITIVE information.
      There's alot of pictures that I've found that the scriptures seem to plagiarized.
      If you really want to view some of these pictures & see what conclusions you come up with. TEXT ME: (850) 692-4679
      EXODUS 1:8 "Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph".
      The Mesopotamian HYKSOS (Foreign Nomadic Shepherd Kings) conquered ancient Kemet & STOLE her wealth & KNOWLEDGE & later claimed it theirs.
      TEXT ME:(850) 692-4669
      Shalom & MA'AT HOTEP!

  • @luciddreamer9136
    @luciddreamer9136 Před 5 lety +23

    it was noahs ark fable that snapped me out of my hypnosis.

    • @jdmac44
      @jdmac44 Před 4 lety +1

      Same here. Not only is it a Biblical account, Jesus refers back to it as a literal, historic event, so it can't be dismissed as a matter of being an allegory, as has been done with the Creation account by many Christian teachers. "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left." Matt 24:37-41 I suppose you could frame it as an allegory, but then it would be problematic in serving the prophecy of the rapture, is it then not something to expect literally?

    • @rosethorns1893
      @rosethorns1893 Před 4 lety +1

      I’ve read through a lot of ancient writings and it seems that the flood (just the flood part) was common knowledge for the ancients from almost everywhere and every religion.

    • @LuisAldamiz
      @LuisAldamiz Před 4 lety

      Of all the Christian teachings the only one that appealed to me was the story of kid Jesus contradicting the rabbis. One does not need all the rest (which mostly doesn't make any sense or even worse: it is divine terrorism).

  • @tobuslieven
    @tobuslieven Před 3 lety

    1:27 The text says it rained for 40 days, but the flood lasted much longer. That bit at least isn't a contradiction.

  • @kevint.8553
    @kevint.8553 Před 5 lety +1

    Hey, if the writers of this story only knew a handful of animals (literally, not Biblically) COULD they have fit?

  • @DeconvertedMan
    @DeconvertedMan Před 6 lety +12

    love your content, keep it up! I'd love to do an interview with you!

  • @TroglodyteDiner
    @TroglodyteDiner Před 5 lety +6

    Obviously there was some kind of cataclysmic event in the Levant at the advent of civilization. My suspicion is that it was the failing of a glacial damn holding back a sea of water behind a retreating glacier at the end of the last Ice Age (which really wasn't all that long ago). A similar event occurred in eastern Washington and western Idaho 10-11,000 years ago creating the Scadlands.
    You neglected the Greek flood myth, Deucalion and Pyrrha, which is, not surprisingly, considerably more elegant. Add Zeus to the list of mean sky gods who came to hate humanity (though he's not quite as odious as yahweh). Again, there's a righteous couple who Zeus spares, only instead of telling them to build a ridiculous arc, instructs them to go to the top of the highest mountain. When the waters recede they are, in true Greek fashion, presented with a riddle: 'throw the bones of your mother over your shoulder'. The figure out that their 'mother' is the earth and her bones, rocks and stones. And as they do this, life is restored to earth.

    • @reuteratwork8983
      @reuteratwork8983 Před 5 lety +1

      Wow -- you people really do like your fanciful stories, don't you?

    • @Holy_hand-grenade
      @Holy_hand-grenade Před 5 lety

      Paul Quinn I like how you say your suspicion as if you didn’t absorb that opinion by way of Randall Carlson.
      Other than that, I agree. Too many flood myths, too much modern evidence of rising oceans as we emerged from the LGM.

    • @herurashaw2538
      @herurashaw2538 Před 5 lety

      It had to be something natural maybe a,earthquake that cause a Tsunami a Hurricane

    • @arthur52353
      @arthur52353 Před 5 lety

      It's Sca B lands, not Sca D lands.

    • @Slaanesh1000
      @Slaanesh1000 Před 5 lety

      It was unlikely to be related to the end of the Ice age, that was 10,000 years ago. These stories are unlikely to be more than 4,000 years old. But yes, a reasonable cataclysmic event viewed at a local scale but without reference as to how big the world truly was then.

  • @robcollins1754
    @robcollins1754 Před 4 lety +1

    Where's all the DEAD PEOPLE and ANIMALS that didn't make it on the ARK when the water Recieded.

    • @OnlineMD
      @OnlineMD Před 4 lety

      In HEAVEN of course, silly! 😉

  • @SPQR748
    @SPQR748 Před 3 lety

    Maybe there were two Noahs. If you compare the descendants of Cain to the descendants of Seth, you will find that many have similar or even the same name

  • @Jamie-Russell-CME
    @Jamie-Russell-CME Před 5 lety +3

    You got it mate
    "Holy men of God(1) spake as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit (2)."
    2 writers
    Also for a clue that this is a type/antitype for foreboding a future judgement
    The name of God suggests a meaning. The use of God is a non specific title.
    The pairs are for repopulation.
    The extra clean are for sacrifice to God.
    The rain was 40 days and nights.
    Their time in the ark is longer for multiple reasons. Most of the water came from the fountains of the deep. And they had to wait for the water and land to settle before leaving as well.
    I love contradiction videos, they are good tidbits for the believer to dig deeper and find the treasures God placed on His word. Hallelujah!

  • @samuelpope7798
    @samuelpope7798 Před 4 lety +3

    I think I realized the flood myth was a fairytale when I was six. I'm in my 50s now and whenever I occasionally encounter an adult that takes this myth seriously I immediately lose all respect for them.

    • @blueweegie6541
      @blueweegie6541 Před 4 lety

      Its not really a fairytale though in a way like there is proof of a massive flood about 10000-12000 years ago, sea levels rose quicker than normal which would have caused flooding all around the worls. Not saying some guy built a boat and saved every animal because god told him but there definitely was some sort of flood that our ancestors would have saw. I think theres some truth in these old myths from every culture they saw things and this was how they described it in their eyes because thats the only way they could. Me personally i believe when they talk about gods coming down from the heavens (the sky) it was aliens, i believe dragons could have been dinosaurs and i also believe the sphinx and pyramids where built before the flood. I dont believe the flood was made by god but i think a meteor hit and either heated the world up to melt the ice lands to the north or could have hit the ice itself.

    • @blueweegie6541
      @blueweegie6541 Před 4 lety

      @Snaggle Toothed jews didn't almost certainly jews definitely did take most of their stories from earlier sumerian/babylonian civilisation. The Greeks would also have got their 12 labours of hurcules story from them aswell the bible and jewish torah are totally plagiarised from older stories. It wasnt just the black sea area though they have flood myths all around the world the aborigines of Australia even have one. They talk about when the rain stopped the rainbow serpent showed itself flying across the sky this is obviously referencing a rainbow. Was it not a volcano that caused the blocking out of the sun?

    • @blueweegie6541
      @blueweegie6541 Před 4 lety

      @Snaggle Toothed sea levels where 500ft lower around 120000 years ago so its possible there was a land bridge to Australia back then before the younger dryas happened to cause sea levels to rise i would say its more than likely there would have been a land bridge of some sort but thats just guessing and putting together stuff ive watched am no expert though sea levels defo where 500ft lower then and had a quick sudden rise which clearly would have caused devastating floods all around the world especially to coastal cities thats been proven thats the only thing i can say for certain

  • @augustiniumihaila4466
    @augustiniumihaila4466 Před 3 lety

    Nice job, gz! Would be nice to see how the real event - Black Sea Deluge - have been developed in that nice two stories you annalized...

  • @tinapritchard7621
    @tinapritchard7621 Před 4 lety

    It’s never made sense to only one arc it makes more sense to be in three arcs

  • @kd1s
    @kd1s Před 6 lety +3

    Regards Genesis 7:4 - I recall 8 years ago - it rained non-stop for 7 days here. Sure the Scituate Reservoir overflowed and sent water into its spillways - right down the Woonasquatucket River which runs not too far from where I live. Water came up to the roof-lines in western Cranston, and took out a few bridges in the valley section of Providence.

    • @Longtack55
      @Longtack55 Před 4 lety

      and......? Did the water flood Mt Everest, 29028 ft above sea level or was it 12 cubits above Mt Everest?

  • @fudgedogbannana
    @fudgedogbannana Před 4 lety +4

    I have heard all this before, it bogus.

    • @antonioskarasulas7604
      @antonioskarasulas7604 Před 4 lety

      Not bogus, widely accepted in academic and theological circles.

    • @TheTheotherfoot
      @TheTheotherfoot Před 4 lety

      @@antonioskarasulas7604 A little more needed than your assurence. Name just where and who the academics are that have shown acceptence of the flood

    • @TheTheotherfoot
      @TheTheotherfoot Před 4 lety

      @Chiafade now Ever person who has the brain to work thing out for them selves.

    • @markmooney5662
      @markmooney5662 Před 4 lety

      @@TheTheotherfoot If you really want the answer to this can I suggest the documentary ' Is Genesis History ' all the academics shown are PHD level scientists in there own right.
      There are quite a few shorter documentary follow ups on this.
      It's very easy to ridicule something that you know nothing about ...that is obvious from the comments on this site...your comment seemed the only sensible one so I am replying.
      I am a Christian but was atheist until about 2 years ago...it took me 61 years to find out I was wrong.
      If these atheists are correct then I have at least for the last 2 years lived life as a better person and putting up with the ridicule from people like those on this site has been a very small price to pay for knowing my GOD.
      If however they are wrong...and GOD is real AND he sent his son Jesus to die for us AND he rose again ....then these people are truly 'stuffed '!!! .
      You are living right smack in the middle of a prophecy...every other prophecy written in the bible up this point has come true exactly as the word said it would...we are living in the next one that hasn't happened yet ...time is very short.
      IF you are a very factual type person who needs evidence as I am { retired police officer} then can I suggest you check out the site called COLD CASE
      CHRISTIANITY....the videos are fairly short ...some only about 5 minutes
      I wish you well in these strange times and hope you keep safe through the covid 19 problems.
      Christian love to you from Norfolk UK
      Gilly wife of Mark

    • @TheTheotherfoot
      @TheTheotherfoot Před 4 lety

      @@markmooney5662 "Genesis History" is a web site that attempts, badly, to prove that genesis is history. In other words, just another religious site. It has nothing to do with real facts, leaps to conclusions from a long way out, ignores anything that does fit the story they are trying to prove. Not the most reliable information by miles. There may or may not be logical proof for christianity, but that site is one of the "maqy not" ones.
      I have seen, and tried to make out any grains of truth in their writings, but they are so inpossible that any belief relies on the reader being a committed christian. It's called "preaching to the choir".

  • @albertrogers8537
    @albertrogers8537 Před 5 lety

    People of 300 BCE who thought that their world was nearly flat, and had waters under it, were merely ignorant. That's what their eyes told them, not having quite the analytical brain of Eratosthenes the Greek.
    Given that reasonable enough supposition, the idea of a flood enough to cover the mountains that they knew, there being unlimited supplies of water from above the "firmament" and "under the earth", was quite reasonable, *_not stupid._*
    But for people who knew after Columbus, and people like Sir Francis Drake who'd sailed around the world, let alone those who learned from _Evangelista_ Torricelli that the atmosphere has the weight of only 10.3 metres of water, it is *_really stupid_* to imagine enough rain to cover even the highest peak in Northern Ireland, Slieve Donard at about 850 metres. By the way, it's beautiful.

    • @truethinker221
      @truethinker221 Před 5 lety

      Albert ; How do you know the Jews living in 300 BC believed this modern interpretation of ancient Hebrew or (Greek) or even thought it was intended to be giving a geological fact or any other physical representation of reality. Read Philo if you ever want to really study a thing .
      Also many early Church fathers who were The greatest Greek Philosophers of the day have written many commentaries on the bible. Most did not take the bible it as literally as many do to day. See Turtulian Origin Augustine ,Esusbius
      . Polycarp, . Iraneaus, . Justin Martyr, . Ambrose , Ignatius of Antioch . Cyril of Jerusalem , . Athanasius,
      Clement of Rome

  • @theofulk5636
    @theofulk5636 Před 5 lety +1

    Not only is the GREAT FISH a product of these second-generation waters, but the Dove is the meaning of the name "Jonah." The Hebrew letter nun is "fish", whose number is 30, ties to the symbol of Christianity's aeon in Pisces, and the fish moniker on bumper stickers on the cars of all who have no idea of their meaning. Esoteric truth liberates; literal ensnares.

  • @Reason1717
    @Reason1717 Před 5 lety +3

    What a very education video plump with facts and sound reason. I am on board. Translation: Subscribed.

  • @alanfenick1103
    @alanfenick1103 Před 4 lety +3

    Thank you, It’s enjoyable and a learning experience to open more doors to knowledge!

  • @Terminal-Man
    @Terminal-Man Před 3 lety

    The KJV says that after 40 days and nights the ark started to float.

  • @avery1234530
    @avery1234530 Před 3 lety

    i had heard that south america also has a flood myth with certain similarities to these stories.

  • @andrewgan557
    @andrewgan557 Před 5 lety +5

    I knew it. There are more than one author!

  • @garyhundsrucker7771
    @garyhundsrucker7771 Před 5 lety

    Yeah,all those animals would be very easy to control as they were being tumultuously tossed about on the floods stormy seas!Lions and tigers and bears and jaguars that dont even like to have selfies taken with them!Oh,and rainbows were not created after the sun was.Its an effect of seeing the rays of the sun from a paticular perspective of a 40°angle to the raindrops in the atmosphere.

  • @theofulk5636
    @theofulk5636 Před 5 lety

    The flood- 'twice-told' coincides perfectly towards Jesus' statement that NT things shall come "AS the WATERS of A FLOOD", and its force HAS truly come in violence, darkness, and destruction as a result of the mistranslations of water of Life-- Torah. The great fish, and any other creatures created by spirits-of-flesh 'anthro-theology' are powers and principalities like WORSHIP.

  • @chrisdaldy-rowe4978
    @chrisdaldy-rowe4978 Před 5 lety +4

    I wonder how much food & water & all the different kinds they needed was supplied to the animals & Noah's family, that would be interesting? Its actually impossible , but fanatical religious people just sweep it under the carpet & move on to the stories they prefer lol

    • @coyoteboy5601
      @coyoteboy5601 Před 5 lety +1

      Chris - to feed just two elephants and two hippos for a year about 500,000 lbs.

    • @chrisdaldy-rowe4978
      @chrisdaldy-rowe4978 Před 5 lety +1

      So there would have to be a string of Arks following the main ark just to hold the feed. Dont hear them say much about that in the bible. I'd say because it never really happened in factual reality. Thnx Coyote :0

  • @toddcott9510
    @toddcott9510 Před 5 lety +16

    God seems to need a hell of a lot of blood, what is he doing with it all, he seems to have a lot in common with Dracular.

    • @Ugly_German_Truths
      @Ugly_German_Truths Před 5 lety +6

      Blood and Foreskins... and the smell of burned flesh.

    • @toddcott9510
      @toddcott9510 Před 5 lety +2

      @@Ugly_German_Truths (This is the Bible is more than something you read.) Yeah its something to whip your ass with.

    • @Holy_hand-grenade
      @Holy_hand-grenade Před 5 lety +1

      Andy Clockwise selling it to priests as lube.

  • @troysmith7623
    @troysmith7623 Před 4 lety +2

    You are wrong Noah is not Cannen Father Ham is

  • @truethinker221
    @truethinker221 Před 5 lety

    I like the video . This method brings the bible to life, However the conclusions are an opinion from a minimalist school of thought. Many other Hebrew Scholars have different opinions. . Richard Friedman of "Who Wrote The Bible", represents a school of thought that although the finalized version was edited and logistically brought up to date to support newer ideas the sources were very ancient and represent early forms of the development of Monotheism from an assortment of methods of transference . Story telling, song dance, ceremonial observances.and looked to discover that within the later accumulation. That is the fun part for the believer and the atheist/agnostic. Like i have said in other comments this type of understanding (*Source Criticism) allows the reader to see the motives for the things that seem contradictory concerning the view of the war God Yahweh. Something else was going on behind the scene.

  • @danielfryxelius
    @danielfryxelius Před 5 lety +5

    The text in the bible is repetative, sure. But so again is the whole of the beginning of the bible. The same can be said of the creation, flood, tower of babel, Abraham, Jacob.
    Now listen! this theory is very far fetched on several accounts.
    1) The text is written in the times of moses... Not after the babylonian era.
    2) You have to come up with two fictions characters! J and P, and make a theory about these, without support from any scriptures.
    3) You have to invent the two different flood stories. Separate which verse is taken from which story. Again without support from scriptures.
    4) You have to find a story to explain how these stories come to be beside each other. Whithout support...
    5) Since you are taking the notion the text is written after the babylonians, you assume that the hebrews took the story from the babylonians. But the problem is that there are a multitude of flood stories around the world. over 50 of them as far as I know! How can you be sure of, 1) which one is the original, and 2) that it did not happen for real, and 3) it it happened for real, witch nation has the copyright?
    /Daniel Fryxelius

    • @reuteratwork8983
      @reuteratwork8983 Před 5 lety +4

      1] Their is no evidence that the biblical Moses existed &, even if he did, there is no definite time when he would've lived -- you don't actually know when the OT was written, so you have no grounds to say it wasn't written in the Babylonian era.
      2] The support for 2 authors is in the scriptures themselves -- 2 differing descriptions of the event, woven together.
      3] The maker of the vid did not "invent" 2 different flood stories -- the 2 different flood stories are right there in the OT, in the various passages that don't agree.
      4] Wrong.
      5] We don't have to worry about which one is the "original" out of the whole world -- just the ones from that area of the Middle East -- & the epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest written story in human history, about 1000yrs older than the OT. 2) We know that there was no world-wide flood, because there is no geological evidence whatsoever to support the idea. 3) It didn't happen for real, & nations can't copyright anything, only people can.
      You're welcome.

    • @rodlurks66
      @rodlurks66 Před 5 lety +1

      danielfryxelius This vid is based on a variant of the Documentary Hypothesis it isn't their own work completely but based on scholarship that began in the 1800's. Let's address your points:
      1) The text is written in the times of moses... Not after the babylonian era.
      - As Reuter Atwork mentioned there is no evidence that there was a historical Moses outside of the Torah itself but by the most accepted version of the DH J & E were writing quite a while before the exile but well after the accepted "time of moses" so placing J as a post-exillic Jew they have departed from their base (P is generally accepted to be post-exile though, meaning that the merging of the stories was clearly post-exile).
      2) You have to come up with two fictions characters! J and P, and make a theory about these, without support from any scriptures.
      - J & E do not have to be single authors but are more likely (IMHO) schools or groups of writers. But the originators of the DH didn't make up what they were seeing in the text they saw these distinctions and realized the most likely reason they existed was multiple authors.
      3) You have to invent the two different flood stories. Separate which verse is taken from which story. Again without support from scriptures.
      - The support is in the text itself, long before I knew there was such a thing as the DH I saw the doubled nature of the Noah story by Reading it.
      4) You have to find a story to explain how these stories come to be beside each other. Whithout support...
      - the existence of editors is possibly the weakest aspect of the DH, but if you look over the various stories that have clear doubling (the Ark isn't the only one) you can see that there were different levels of skill in the merging of stories. In the Noah Story the narratives were placed sided by side and were much more obvious than if you look at the different way that the story of the binding of Isaac was written (showing a different level of skill or a different view on which story was to be focused on).
      5) Since you are taking the notion the text is written after the babylonians, you assume that the hebrews took the story from the babylonians. But the problem is that there are a multitude of flood stories around the world. over 50 of them as far as I know! How can you be sure of, 1) which one is the original, and 2) that it did not happen for real, and 3) it it happened for real, witch nation has the copyright?
      - Not all of the flood narratives the world over can be linked (the Greek & Chinese flood myths aren't much at all like the middle eastern ones and the Mesoamerican one is different from these again) but the Sumerian & Babylonian flood stories are VERY similar to the Biblical one. The Babylonian is known to be older than the biblical one (from the simple fact that the earliest known written fragments of these stories are MUCH older than the earliest known fragments of the old testament) and the Sumerian account is older than the Babylonian. We know that the version of the flood we have now in the bible didn't happen as there is no evidence of a worldwide flood, however there is good scientific evidence of a large but still local flood in the Iraqi floodplain (where Babylon & Sumer before it were located) that was likely the origin of the myths that came later.

    • @Shane4theSavior
      @Shane4theSavior Před 5 lety +1

      Over 200 flood accounts www.icr.org/article/why-does-nearly-every-culture-have-tradition-globa/

    • @DDawnIII
      @DDawnIII Před 5 lety +1

      @@reuteratwork8983 There is evidence

    • @reuteratwork8983
      @reuteratwork8983 Před 5 lety

      @@Shane4theSavior - & yet no actual evidence of a worldwide flood -- you do understand that myths are not proof of something, right? I hope you're at least that intelligent...

  • @lawrenceeason8007
    @lawrenceeason8007 Před 4 lety +3

    One of the most unbelievable myths ever!

    • @williamfleckenstein7138
      @williamfleckenstein7138 Před 4 lety

      Lol, and you think the big bang and evolution is more believable. When there's no real evidence for either?

    • @lawrenceeason8007
      @lawrenceeason8007 Před 4 lety +1

      @@williamfleckenstein7138 Wow! Science and scientists would be very interested in your statement that there is no evidence for Evolution and the big bang! You should tell them!

    • @williamfleckenstein7138
      @williamfleckenstein7138 Před 4 lety

      @@lawrenceeason8007 Oh, I have. I've disproved every evolution claim with real science. I've disproved the big bang time and again with real science.
      What you kids get is kindergarten pseudoscience, that's been dumbed down and distorted.

    • @lawrenceeason8007
      @lawrenceeason8007 Před 4 lety +1

      @@williamfleckenstein7138 Oh really? So let me get this straight. You say you can actually use science to prove science wrong? That is hilarious.
      I think that scientists know how to interpret the data better than you or I. Much better. Leave the science to the experts

    • @williamfleckenstein7138
      @williamfleckenstein7138 Před 4 lety

      @@lawrenceeason8007 No, I can use real science to disprove pseudoscience.
      You foolishly assume what I know and what I don't know.
      How about you give your "evidence" for evolution and disprove it easily.

  • @devinlinkme6025
    @devinlinkme6025 Před 3 lety

    The Roman Catholic Church is one of the reason why Yahweh was changed to God. They didn’t want people to call on his real name.

  • @bregzstuna9075
    @bregzstuna9075 Před 4 lety

    I can't believe it the dinosaur's forgot to get on Noah ark.makes u wonder what was those guys doing?

  • @evadd2
    @evadd2 Před 5 lety +4

    I've always wondered were there no other boats in the world?

  • @scottb4509
    @scottb4509 Před 5 lety +4

    There is so much wrong with your understanding of this information... Moses was a collector and translator of the recorded history and religious texts. The flood story of Noah originated long before the current version Moses recorded it as. The epic of Gilgamesh came about roughly 1000 years before Moses, but the version Moses used to translate into the current language of His people (flood story of Noah) originated roughly 1600 years before Moses. Thus the original flood story is still that of Noah taking place no less than 400 years before the epic of Gilgamesh... Not to mention the fact that in the epic of Gilgamesh they claim that the flood occurred before the epic began, far enough before that the story of the flood became somewhat of a legend along with the man who survived the whole thing, lending further credence to the idea that the Epic must have surely come a while after the flood actually took place.
    The more likely explanation for the two simultaneous writers in the Biblical narrative is because Moses being the translator of those records kept the words and/or ideas of an earlier version and added more details and information than that which was in the earlier version he built upon. Thus the secular, somewhat disconnected, historical verbiage from a previous version Moses used as his foundation, as well as the "priestly", intimate verbiage most likely added by Moses himself, especially considering the fact that we don't even see the Name of Yehovah until Moses comes into the picture. Keep in mind that in Exodus 6 God even tells Moses that He had not told the previous prophets what His name was, only that He was known to them previously as the "Almighty God". So that is why the earlier record Moses used says "God" while Moses' additions say "Yehovah".
    Also there are many parallels with Gilgamesh and Nimrod and his family who in fact did live 400+ years after the Flood of Noah took place. Both Nimrod and his son Tammuz were fierce hunters, who wore animal skins Nimrod is even alleged to have had in His possession the original coats of skin given to Adam and Eve from when they were cast out of the garden. They were royalty, being the kings who orchestrated the building of the Tower of Babel, and were later worshiped as deified gods, which worship practices perpetuated into what has evolved into most of our holiday traditions today. There are many different versions of the Noah flood story from nearly every ancient civilization we know of, and this again would lend further credence to this story being a legend at the time of the Tower of Babel when the languages were confounded and the people were spread across the world. It is most likely that the man Gilgamesh went to for advice, who had survived the flood, was actually one of Noah's sons. possibly even Ham, who at length became disenfranchised from His family and thus probably viewed those events from a differing perspective than those of faithful religious beliefs in God. And that this is why the story is told from a perspective apposing God, rather than being in favor of God.

    • @scottb4509
      @scottb4509 Před 5 lety

      Jebus Hypocristos spoken like a truly ignorant indoctrinated anti-theist who has stake in the idea that God doesn't exist.

    • @scottb4509
      @scottb4509 Před 5 lety

      Jebus Hypocristos what makes you think your belief system is any more correct than the next guys?
      Your clear bias against the existence of a God shows just how ignorant you truly are about the realities of life. Claiming to be a science based believer while simultaneously denying the science that opposes your view point is nothing short of dogmatic indoctrination to keep you ignorant of truth.

    • @scottb4509
      @scottb4509 Před 5 lety

      Jebus Hypocristos you've never taken a course in sociology or psychology, or history or philosophy have you? Do you realize that every civilized nation of the 21st century is based on not just religious but Christian ideals?! Egalitarianism is historically a religious principle. And the sovereignty of the individual is one principle that is at the heart of Christianity and supported by nearly no secular society ever in existence. But let me guess you are a believer in the religion of evolution, aren't you? A belief system where every doctrine contradicts another and every piece of evidence for its validity is either a forgery or at least a half lie.
      Claiming that you can think and therefore have somehow outgrown religion shows just how little you know about reality and religion and just how much of a fool that you truly are.

    • @Holy_hand-grenade
      @Holy_hand-grenade Před 5 lety +2

      scott banta where in the actual fuck are you getting these dates, Scott?
      Moses? There is ZERO evidence that Moses existed in anything but the minds of captive Pharisee scribes in Babylon. The entire story of Exodus was just one giant metaphor for the plight of the Jews taken captive to Babylon. There is zero evidence of hundreds of thousands, let alone millions of Hebrews in Egypt- a kingdom full of thousands of middling bureaucrats who recorded daily journals full of everything from taxes collected to their daily bowel movements... of course, there was also a stable full of royal scribes who recorded every mildly important geopolitical event. So no inscriptions or papyri recorded by private citizens, nor by Royal scribes recording the kingdom’s business...
      Neither the Hittites, Assyrians or the Egyptians ever mentioned the Hebrews prior to the still dubious, single line mention of Israel in the Merneptah stele, though they are depicted in Canaanite garb. Only 3 other mentions of anything resembling Israel, Judah or Hebrews have been found, all of which are dated around 800bc.
      So, just to clarify, in order to accept your argument on the flood, you’re asking me to accept that during the reign of Rameses, one of the greatest pharaohs of all, a pharaoh with a tremendous lifespan, that not one single inscription was made regarding 10, 100, 1000, 100,000 or 2million captive Hebrews in Egypt? Not one single dusty fart in the wind mention? Surely some tax collector or wealthy businessman would have recorded some observations on such a monumental situation, even if rameses’s scribes overlooked it?
      So, let me ask again. WHERE are you getting these dates related to Moses, a character with zero historicity?
      Am I to believe you are bolstering your historical claims by using circular references to the very text in question? Do you understand how scholarship works?

    • @albertrogers8537
      @albertrogers8537 Před 5 lety

      Dear Holy_Hand_Grenade-of-Antioch, besides the fact that the brilliant, atheist, and I confess beautiful, Biblical scholar Francesca Stavrokopoulou of Exeter agrees with you about the non-existence of Moses, you left out the overwhelming evidence of not having enough water for a mountain-high, world wide Flood.
      I even went to the trouble of assessing the total mass of pure water ice comets that the Lord God would need to bombard the Earth, to supply it. It was clear that His Divine Almightiness could more easily and with far greater fairness slay every wicked human with an individual meteorite, or perhaps whole cities with slightly bigger ones.

  • @theofulk5636
    @theofulk5636 Před 5 lety

    sorry- regarding the gematria of the word, "fish" {below) I meant 153, and there are hundreds of hidden corroborations that would likewise astonish anyone, yet people don't know to seek out such things. FYI, gematria is used extensively in Judaism, which is an indication of the origins imprinted into the Greek writings. Heb. letter MEM is 40, mem being WATER.

  • @OnlineMD
    @OnlineMD Před 4 lety +1

    Wow, your group's name is so similar to mine: MILKY WAY THEISTS!!! 😉🙂😂

    • @francoisona
      @francoisona Před 3 lety

      Isn't that a way to change topics of conversation and avoid discussing embarrassing stupidity of the Noah story?
      Desperate times requires desperate measures...I can appreciate that.

  • @ej1722
    @ej1722 Před 4 lety +3

    The only reason I believe in the Flood story is because other nations of people tell stories of a flood in history. So the details are different, it still pointed to a FLOOD!!!

  • @DBCisco
    @DBCisco Před 6 lety +3

    First ! lol

    • @MilwaukeeAtheists
      @MilwaukeeAtheists  Před 6 lety +2

      You win! Lol

    • @1ofhis518
      @1ofhis518 Před 6 lety

      you know the only really important things in each individuals life is :
      are you going to hell??
      will you die very soon?
      Jesus Christ will not only keep you frrom hell he will give you a love and peace for life and others you never knew existed. Call on him today you'll be glad you did.

  • @mountainrock7682
    @mountainrock7682 Před 3 lety +2

    Lol. The "doublets" are just a language thing. In my native language, when we tell a story, we tend to do this as well. We start our story by saying a short summary of what happens in this particular section, chapter or event in a particular span of time. And then, we proceed to detail the story even more as we go. There is not "a tale of two floods". This is only your atheistic views persevering.

    • @mountainrock7682
      @mountainrock7682 Před 3 lety

      For example:
      "On her 18th birthday, Mary had a great time. But afterwards, she had drug problems. And then, she died peacefully.
      On the seventh month of the year when Mary turned 18, she brought all her friends in her house for a party. A week later, news broke that she overdosed on ecstasy. She died a peaceful death and was buried the next month."

    • @ericthompson6558
      @ericthompson6558 Před 2 lety +1

      Also, we can look at text and see two separate floods. The scriptures do not contradict.... we fail to see what it says.
      But what you are saying.... it is just a language thing and proves nothing.

  • @Jamie-Russell-CME
    @Jamie-Russell-CME Před 5 lety

    Funny how the Bible ark was actually perfect ratios of length and width and height. As we use them today for large cargo ships.

    • @reuteratwork8983
      @reuteratwork8983 Před 5 lety +1

      & funny how it would still have been nowhere near large enough to hold all those various animals.

    • @dougs7367
      @dougs7367 Před 5 lety +1

      Even funnier that a wooden vessel that size would/could not be structural sound or seaworthy. There is a limit to the max size of wooden vessels and it is much smaller than the "ark"

    • @Longtack55
      @Longtack55 Před 4 lety

      So you have a picture from 3000 years ago of the Ark or just some more recent re-creation? You know little of Naval Architecture as "one size does not fit all" and there are huge variances. Tell me how Noah and his little family cut down sufficient trees of suitable size with sufficient time to season the timber then build it etc etc? Now go to New Zealand and capture two Giant Moa of 12 ft in height then walk them back to "Israel." You do know that he'd have to swim them across the 2000 km wide Tasman Sea first to get to Australia en route to Israel?
      Isn't it time that you forgot these childish notions?

  • @DinorwicSongwriter
    @DinorwicSongwriter Před 5 lety

    Pretty amazing no animals got broken limbs riding the arc.

  • @christadunbar1611
    @christadunbar1611 Před 4 lety +1

    All around there are flood stories.. but the True Scriptures of Noah is true..

  • @lovingkat5
    @lovingkat5 Před 5 lety +1

    arriba Milwaukee! :D

  • @gualmicol6845
    @gualmicol6845 Před 5 lety

    "Should it be taken literally or not? "That's a far more unclear question than it may superficially seem. Definitely you have to clear some solid ground in order to proceed with any valid argument. Total disagreement as a premise is doubtful. if am not wrong, the word "sound" getting into my ear is a sound, but the word "smell" getting out of my mouth is not a smell. Maybe there can be some agreement between opposing sides on the last proposition.

  • @jeanoscar552
    @jeanoscar552 Před 4 lety

    WOW..interesting..amazing..said so eloquently....UNBELIEVABLE..hmmm

  • @georgemorales4264
    @georgemorales4264 Před rokem

    The first point was so ignorant, I live in flood zone Florida, even with the best canals a flood doesn’t go away the second the rain stops. Stayed home during hurricanes Irma and Ian both incredible flood lasting well past the storm. Not contradictory at all.

  • @spiritualtruth1354
    @spiritualtruth1354 Před 5 lety +1

    I can't with ppl who can't even begin to understand the bible just PUT THE BOOK DOWN PLEASE RAIN...AND FLOOD ARE TWO DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES..WOW..STOP !! STOP!!

    • @Longtack55
      @Longtack55 Před 4 lety

      There is no truth in Spirituality. Pick another name ya bozo.

  • @jonDoe-ml3jq
    @jonDoe-ml3jq Před 4 lety +1

    Btw bible means two books...... not old testament new testament

  • @albertrogers8537
    @albertrogers8537 Před 5 lety

    I didn't know it was seven _pairs_ of "clean" animals. Didn't those people have sheep, goats, or cattle? On male of these is plenty for a half dozen females, or more. Seven rams or bulls on an Ark, and you'll have fights.
    But the survival of honeybees kills the story stone dead. One fertile queen doesn't even need a male, but she needs a lot more than six sister-attendants, and what do they do for nectar?

    • @truethinker221
      @truethinker221 Před 5 lety

      Who are you talking to the video explains that the Noah ark story in the bible is a combination of earlier myths.

    • @truethinker221
      @truethinker221 Před 5 lety

      If Noah's ark was an embellished local flood the bible won't sink. It will be more believable and real life. I was never taught it was world wide. The bible has many embellished myths and legends many were inspired by real events. So ?

    • @oskarthegrinch5203
      @oskarthegrinch5203 Před 5 lety

      truethinker- Genesis 6:17 "And behold, I Myself am bringing floodwaters on the earth, to destroy from under heaven all flesh in which is the breath of life; everything that is on the earth shall die."
      I have no idea what you were taught and I will readily concede your point on localized flooding. But that is not what scripture says. The passage is abundantly clear that the bible maintains the flooding was global. And that is certainly the view that the majority of apologists and fundamentalists express.

    • @truethinker221
      @truethinker221 Před 5 lety

      Oskarr Ya your right I just learned form a very young age as most Churches taught in the old days that the Bible and the people of the time were unaware of the size and shape of the earth and when ever It was talking about the earth it was referring to the Known world. Most in the day i grew up did not believe the bible to be literal . I mean all ya got do is read the first chapter and see that.
      The OT was rarely even used . Just like today few teach a lesson on say Number's 31 or Judges ch 4. If people read the bible they would see most of it is not meant to be taken literally and there is no moral value to the war and barbaric societies of the day . But rather a look into the pain and suffering in order to learn how to avoid repeating them and as Jesus taught Love and peace with enemies and neighbors.
      We could look up commentary on ancient languages and see the different words used for Earth in Hebrew and Greek for different applications which i have looked into several times.But at the end of the day it is a matter of how we view the scriptures. To me the bible expresses the world through the ancient eyes that wrote it , the source must be considered . Many of the myths, legends, embellishments used to carry the message would have been obvious to the people of the day.
      They saw a different world and the writings express this. We know these things now. No need to force a modern view of physics on the ancient text. We just need to admit it is not a true representation of facts as we understand it. But a method of transferring a point . A saga about a people and there God , The mighty works the failures success ,tragedy, fragility all compiled into the final chapter and Jesus is the consummation.
      We must fall in love with it before we can understand it.

  • @Paulthored
    @Paulthored Před 11 měsíci

    I found this to be sketchy Logically.
    I mean the argument about referring to God by Title, making a different Narrative than the referring to God by Name...
    👨‍🏫As an example;
    *Jesus **_vs_** Christ.*
    🤔 _Which person am I supposed to be talking about?_

  • @paulaOyeah
    @paulaOyeah Před 5 lety

    If you want a more lucid version of the “biblical” Old Testament stories (including the deluge - which was actually a huge tsunami, a natural occurrence), check out The Lost Book of Enki. It was discovered in a thought-to-be-lost library (Ashurbanipal’s) in the early 2000s. It existed before the xtians were duped.

    • @Longtack55
      @Longtack55 Před 4 lety

      A "huge tsunami" would have sunk a "square" or "oblong" ark or any ark for that matter.

  • @Slaanesh1000
    @Slaanesh1000 Před 5 lety

    Sorry, I can't help myself. This is not a critique on your commentary, but did anyone determine why no-body elses boats saved anyone ? The fishing boats of the day were robust enough to survive the storms. And if the Ark, a vessel that would have broken in two if the waves reached 20' survived, then the fishing vessels would have.

  • @WickidMisfit
    @WickidMisfit Před 3 lety

    God never repents for everything he creates is good yet The Lord God does repent when he sees how corrupt his creation was. What does this mean? God and The Lord God are two different beings?

  • @mickeydrennan1576
    @mickeydrennan1576 Před 5 lety

    Great channel! Thank You!!!

  • @SteveGaddTasmusic
    @SteveGaddTasmusic Před rokem

    The account in the Samaritan Bible needs to be factored in as they claim to belong to tribes that existed prior to David's conquest of Jerusalem and who never recognised the authority of the Temple in Jerusalem.
    They claim to be unaffected by the Babylonian exile and thus represent the earlier tradition.

  • @danpozzi3307
    @danpozzi3307 Před 2 lety

    What a nice story. What hard work to deny the obvious evidence for the Designer/Creator.

  • @sanmigueltv
    @sanmigueltv Před 4 lety

    Great video

  • @Paulthored
    @Paulthored Před 11 měsíci

    The Speaker would probably be better served by better establishing the story differences...
    The Bible passages/narrative I've read in my Bible, doesn't seem to match up with this idea of Separate stories.
    So, at least giving Chapter & Verse when giving the quotation, would probably aid me in understanding what he's talking about.
    Frankly speaking, I don't see any meaningful contradictions.
    I mean, Two _Different_ names for God?
    I mean...
    Jesus vs. Christ
    It seems like this, than actually different stories.
    Though I do agree that some Pharisees/Sadducees might've made extra books, or different stories... kinda like Thomas Jefferson edited Bible removing the Miracles...
    I'm left wondering if this apparent view of different stories, is because of people including later non Canonical texts?
    At least this argument is better than sneering about how a Supernatural Miracle, is impossible for to Naturally occur.
    I'll give him that. 👍

  • @alancharlton7892
    @alancharlton7892 Před 5 lety

    Since the emergence & translation of the much older Sumerian texts which were written from stories passed down through generations predating the Sumerian Empire, the story of NOAH tells of the flood being caused by rain falling 7 days & 6 nights.
    I was brought up in the belief that NOAH was HEBREW, however, the HEBREW & in fact, all the 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL, came into existance toward the end of the Sumerian Empires reign.
    In the case of MOSES, he was a Royal in the region now occupied by Syria & Jordan, not KING TUT MOSES of Egypt from a much earlier period who was buried in Egypt. The 2 stories were interwoven during the Reign of Roman Emperor Constantine in Constantinople.
    Many believe Jesus created the Christian Religion. In fact he taught not to follow any particular religion & be true to GOD which lives within us all.

  • @darriandicicco3659
    @darriandicicco3659 Před 5 lety

    Remember Noah is supposed to be Enochs great-grandson he was born me kind of like a what you call today a star child with crystal blue eyes that sparkled and white hair his father was going to sacrifice him the god of the Hebrews but when Enoch saw him he said great things are going to come from him he will be the decider just thought you'd know since we are only like literally 40 minutes from each other

  • @Justinsatiable
    @Justinsatiable Před 3 lety

    This is some great stuff here

  • @GR-cf4qh
    @GR-cf4qh Před 5 lety

    This was the best take on the flood legend I have ever heard and I love the format where you examine the scripture from a scholarly viewpoint, without really worrying about its veracity.

  • @devinlinkme6025
    @devinlinkme6025 Před 3 lety

    It rained 40 days and 40 nights. After the 40 days and 40 nights the water stayed on the earth for 150 more days after the rain stopped. It’s not a contradiction just a misread/misunderstanding on your half.

  • @samck1231
    @samck1231 Před rokem

    No matter what you think I believe the flood happened n thers A God in heaven n we will all answer to him one day

  • @lunaquinn8804
    @lunaquinn8804 Před 5 lety

    just getting started, I hope you don't forget to mention the Sumerian/Babylonia flood, which is almost the same story but in its pagan context (the original context)

    • @lunaquinn8804
      @lunaquinn8804 Před 5 lety

      specifically the P story. this is also the context where "El" comes from

    • @lunaquinn8804
      @lunaquinn8804 Před 5 lety

      +Luna Quinn though, the J story also had elements of it, the regret is derived from Inanna who wept in that blood. looks like (where I am) you're just getting there

  • @hjs6102
    @hjs6102 Před 3 lety

    Very good! I learned something new today. That explains also the many repeats in the Thora. I watched the friendly atheist here on YT as he reads the bible chapter by chapter. There you wonder why the supposed one author is always repeating and contradicting himself. With at least two different authors, combined by a third person, this (the mad stile, not the bible) makes sense.

    • @voidremoved
      @voidremoved Před 2 lety

      You are silly. The Bible is written by many people. The best parts were written by Moses. Moses repeated himself a lot and had a peculiar way with words. Even the Gospels are written that way, it is normal. Moses, for example would contradict himself because he wrote things far apart, then would remind people of what he had written previously. For example Moses mentions striking the rock to get water. Only later on, in his older age, does he elaborate to explain God was upset with him for striking the rock and not speaking to the rock.
      The Bible is true, but its not meant to be a history book exactly. It is witness of God and his wishes for us to repent so we can be in Gods presence. Much of the Bible was written by multiple people, not this or that author. Like the Pauline writings, its not just written by Paul, but he would have other people help him choose words and write it down for him... everyone knows this, its how they used to write letters all the time...

    • @hjs6102
      @hjs6102 Před 2 lety

      @@voidremoved Well, the vast majority of historians' opinion is that the Bible was written by many authors over the centuries, but not by Moses, for there is no evidence that anyone by that name existed and there is no reference to written evidence that are as old as this story.
      And it was never customary for strangers to write letters in your name.
      I don't know how this "everyone" is, you mentioned, maybe some fundamental christian apologists, but nobody, who has the respect of the historians.

  • @DinorwicSongwriter
    @DinorwicSongwriter Před 5 lety

    120 days, thats enough time for four batches of rabbits, Noah ate pretty good!😂

    • @Longtack55
      @Longtack55 Před 4 lety

      What did the bunnies eat?

    • @ishaan7900
      @ishaan7900 Před 2 lety

      @@Longtack55 he is joking about how rabbits breed so fast

  • @seanhammer6296
    @seanhammer6296 Před 5 lety +2

    Excellent analysis. I've argued that there are two different creation accounts, Genesis 1-2:3, the story of God and 2:4-4, the story of the "LORD God." In chapter 5 these two gods are mentioned together. I think your "J" and "P" idea is probably the explanation for the two gods. Btw it seems like Yahweh is a conflation of the Sumerian gods Enlil and Enki, who were both involved in the Sumerian flood account.

  • @silviu-georgepantelimon1423

    WTF?! After realizing that another author inserted these things to embellish Aaron's importance it makes so much sense now why god put Moses to make Aaron do the talking, I always found it stupid to use yet another person for that instead of making Moses to everything ]and also not punishing Aaron for the golden calf.

  • @8698gil
    @8698gil Před 4 lety

    There are so many reasons why this ridiculous fable couldn't possibly be true and the most glaringly obvious one is that if everything single plant and animal has been wiped off the face of the earth, what are all the inhabitants of the ark going to eat when they get off? Come ot think of it, what did they eat while they were on it?

    • @8698gil
      @8698gil Před 3 lety

      @Bronze Spectre Is that related to the epic of Gilgamesh?

    • @8698gil
      @8698gil Před 3 lety

      @Bronze Spectre I just looked up the Atrahasis epic. Just goes to show, a lot of bible stories are borrowed from older stories.

  • @CoCLastname
    @CoCLastname Před 5 lety

    I don't see the contradiction between it RAINING for 40 days, and the FLOOD lasting for 150 days.

    • @harveywabbit9541
      @harveywabbit9541 Před 5 lety

      The forty days and forty nights are the four constellations of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. The 150 or 1 + 5 is the six months when the sun is below the equator A cubit (biblespeak) is 2 degrees of latitude in astrology.

    • @harveywabbit9541
      @harveywabbit9541 Před 5 lety +1

      How about the story of the two she bears (Ursa major and Ursa minor) coming out of the woods and thrashing 42 children (stars in Gemini) just because they teased an old bald man? Are you aware that the temple of Solomon was built on a thigh of big bear?

    • @CoCLastname
      @CoCLastname Před 5 lety

      Sounds even more legit. Anybody who starts an argument with "How about ..." always convinces me.

    • @harveywabbit9541
      @harveywabbit9541 Před 5 lety

      Atheism becomes a religion when it reads mythology as literal history or geography.

    • @CoCLastname
      @CoCLastname Před 5 lety

      Not collecting stamps becomes a hobby when it listens to country music as eating bananas (think about it ... it's pretty deep).

  • @harveywabbit9541
    @harveywabbit9541 Před 5 lety

    The cattle taken aboard the arc is Taurus.