The BossHoss ft. Cameo - Word Up (Remix) Guitar Cover [Kingsman - The Golden Circle ''version'']

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024
  • Primeiramente eu gostaria de fazer algumas ressalvas:
    Perdão pela ausência de vídeos no canal (não, eu ainda não morri), mas este semestre foi bastante intenso e corrido pra mim nos meus afazeres não ligados diretamente a musica, e como SOMENTE AGORA (SIM ISSO MESMO) EU FIQUEI DE FÉRIAS posso voltar a postar vídeos semanalmente como estava fazendo até me atarefar.
    Tive a ideia de gravar tudo isso quando assisti o filme ''Kingsman - O Circulo Dourado'' dia 25 de outubro (quase um mês após o lançamento) com a minha namorada e a mesma me encorajou a fazer este cover (valeu, amor), a cena era incrível, a música era melhor ainda, um country de primeira mão, e um puta solo de guitarra, então na mesma noite quando cheguei em casa e fui procurar a música pra fazer o cover e não achava em lugar algum, até que descobri que a música era um remix de dois artistas diferentes apenas com uma colagem de um solo de guitarra feito por alguém (?) por cima da base, (eis o maior fator que contribuiu pra que atrase e muita a postagem deste vídeo) eu teria que esperar praticamente dois meses até que o filme saissem em dvd pra poder retirar apenas esta cena, apenas esta música em especial, pois bem os dois meses se passaram, e eu já estava no fim do segundo semestre do curso, o que acabou atrasando ainda mais o processo todo, mas enfim é chegada a hora e deu tudo certo.
    Também tentei gravar com a minha própria guitarra (stratocaster com humbecker na ponte), mas a sonoridade definitivamente não me agradou, alguma coisa me dizia que tinha mais a ver com single coil, logo mais por ser country, nada melhor que uma telecaster , então pedi emprestado a guitarra do meu grande amigo que me emprestou sem hesitar (valeu Jefferson).
    Gravei todo este material antes do feriado de natal (dia 20 mais precisamente), e não pude postar/editar antes por motivos pessoais que não vem ao caso, assim como também viajei estes últimos dias com minha família e interior o sinal de área de celular (internet e celular) eram realmente péssimos.
    Este também é o primeiro vídeo que faço usando duas câmeras simultaneamente, foi meio chatinho de fazer a edição pelos fatos de que meu computador é um lata velha quando se trata do quesito velocidade/desempenho, além que tive que usar dois celulares pra fazer a gravação, um meu e um do meu pai (valeu pai). Mas espero de coração que gostem. Este é um canal pequeno, que fiz e faço apenas como diversão, mais como um hobby, nada tão profissional, em momento algum eu quero me apropriar da obra e criação do filme ou algo assim, todos os direitos autorais são de domínio da ''20th Century Fox'' e não meu, isto é apenas um cover, a sua curtida e o seu compartilhamento ajudam bastante na divulgação, principalmente pra você que assistiu o filme ou pra aqueles que você sabe que assistiu e vão gostar muito, pra vocês o meu muito obrigado. ;)

Komentáře • 164

  • @AcrylicM
    @AcrylicM Před 6 lety +99

    Do you know what, Harry? I think he’s got a point. I think it sounds like a great cover

  • @bhq3860
    @bhq3860 Před 6 lety +45

    Holy shit, that was super impressive. Great job, dude!

  • @sweetnryder3994
    @sweetnryder3994 Před 4 lety +9

    1:16 my favorite part

  • @icaruswill
    @icaruswill  Před 4 lety +20

    🇺🇸 Hi guys! It's been a long time since I did this cover, and now in quarantine I finally had some time to put some things in days...
    At that time I made a .doc file with the tablatures and asked for their respective emails so that I could finally send the tabs to you, I was so long away that I didn't even have time to enjoy and answer all your comments in this video, and today giving a look I could see that there are still people who want the tab and some kind of video lesson teaching how to play music, well ... I confess to you that I even ALREADY DID THE VIDEO CLASS, yes that's right!
    I'll leave this comment fixed here, in case you are really in the mood, give it a few likes, and another... I see that the video had a lot of positive repercussions but it didn't have a good increase in the number of subscribers to this channel, it hardly made any difference, so subscribe, today I'm meeting 114 subscribers, and if you really want the video lesson, what do you think about doubling that? Like this comment and I will know if you agree!
    As soon as the channel reaches this mark, I launch the video here, so it's up to you, it's in your hands, the sooner we reach the goal, the sooner the video will be available! See you later!
    🇧🇷 Oi pessoal! Já faz um bom tempo desde que eu fiz esse cover, e agora em quarentena eu finalmente tive algum tempo para botar algumas coisas em dias...
    Naqueles tempos eu fiz um arquivo .doc com as tablaturas e pedi seus respectivos emails para que enfim pudesse enviar as tabs pra vocês, fiquei tanto tempo afastado que nem se quer tive tempo de curtir e responder todos os seus comentários nesse vídeo, e hoje dando uma olhada pude perceber que ainda existem pessoas que querem a tab e algum tipo de video aula ensinando como tocar a música, bem... confesso à vocês que eu até mesmo JÁ FIZ A VÍDEO AULA, sim é isso mesmo!
    Eu vou deixar esse comentário fixado aqui, caso vocês realmente estiverem afim deem alguns likes nele, e outra... Vejo que o vídeo teve bastante repercussão positiva porém não teve um bom aumento no número de inscritos nesse canal, praticamente não fez diferença alguma, então inscrevam-se, hoje encontro-me com 114 inscritos, e se vocês realmente quiserem a vídeo aula, vamos tentar dobrar isto? Curtam esse comentário e assim saberei se estão de acordo!
    Assim que o canal atingir essa marca lanço o vídeo aqui, então depende de vocês, está em suas mãos, quanto antes atingirmos a meta, antes o vídeo estará disponível! Até breve!

    • @giallotriplostrato
      @giallotriplostrato Před 3 lety +2

      It gets in our recommendation page and uprightly i'm so happy with this!

  • @jope2169
    @jope2169 Před 5 lety +11

    Me gusto ver tu sonrisa al tocar la cancion, se aprecia mucho tu entusiasmo en este cover, todo esto esto es perfeccion.

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 4 lety +1

      Muchas gracias por tu comentario, es increíblemente satisfactorio poder exponer esto, me llena de una sensación de "deber cumplido", significa mucho para mí, ¡gracias!

  • @murra2257
    @murra2257 Před 2 lety +2

    Respects from Russia. I listened this cover half a hundred time's and can't stop ;)

  • @doomspidey1737
    @doomspidey1737 Před 4 lety +3

    This was the most American fight ever, think bout it, they are in a diner, they are fighting a cowboy with an eletric lasso, harry is hit with a frying pan, word up is playing in the background and they beat him by mincing him into ground meat, burger ready

  • @r3carlosdelfinleyruiz273
    @r3carlosdelfinleyruiz273 Před 5 lety +2


  • @icaruswill
    @icaruswill  Před 6 lety +8

    Firstly I would like to make a few caveats:
    Sorry for the lack of videos on the channel (no, I still have not died), but this semester was quite intense and rushed to me in my chores not directly connected to music, and as ONLY NOW (EVEN THOUGHTS) I WAS ON VACATION I can go back to post videos weekly as I was doing until I got busy.
    I had the idea to record it all when I watched the movie "Kingsman - The Golden Circle" on October 25 (almost a month after the release) with my girlfriend and she encouraged me to do this cover, , the scene was incredible, the music was even better, a country first hand, and a fucking guitar solo, so the same night when I got home and went to look for the song to cover and found nowhere, until that I discovered that the song was a remix of two different artists just with a collage of a guitar solo made by someone (?) above the base, (this is the biggest factor that contributed to the delay and much posting of this video) I would have to wait for almost two months until the movie comes out on DVD to be able to remove only this scene, only this particular song, since well the two months passed, and I was already at the end of the second semester of the course, which ended up delaying still the whole process, but at last the time has come and all right.
    I also tried to record with my own guitar (stratocaster with humbecker on the bridge), but the sound definitely did not please me, something told me it had more to do with single coil, then more for being country, nothing better than a telecaster, then I borrowed the guitar from my great friend who lent me without hesitation (thanks Jefferson).
    I recorded all this material before the Christmas holiday (day 20 more precisely), and I could not post / edit before for personal reasons that is not the case, as I also traveled these past few days with my family and interior the cellular area signal (internet and cell) were really lousy.
    This is also the first video I make using two cameras simultaneously, it was a little chatinho to do the editing for the facts that my computer is an old can when it comes to speed / performance, and I had to use two phones to make the recording , one of mine and one of my father (thanks dad). But I sincerely hope you enjoy it. This is a small channel, which I did and do just as fun, more like a hobby, nothing so professional, at any moment I want to take ownership of the work and creation of the movie or something like that, all copyright are ' 20th Century Fox "and not mine, this is just a cover, its tanned and its sharing helps a lot in the publicity, mainly for you that watched the movie or for those that you know that watched and will like very much, for you the Thank you very much. ;)

  • @repeti_cola
    @repeti_cola Před 8 měsíci

    You killed man, great job🎉🎉

  • @musculos5997
    @musculos5997 Před rokem


  • @foulasign
    @foulasign Před 3 lety +2

    I didn't realize that you were playing the guitar at first, its really fucking good yo

  • @andesonganso6324
    @andesonganso6324 Před 6 lety +28

    Free bird por favor

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety +5

      Andeson Ganso Seu pedido é uma ordem, mestre!

  • @ignasitriay7619
    @ignasitriay7619 Před 6 lety +6

    That was crazy man! :O

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety

      ignasi triay Not as crazy as the Whiskey in a meat grinder haha!

  • @canalnadaprafazer8195
    @canalnadaprafazer8195 Před 3 lety +3

    O Filme é Perfeito
    A música é perfeita
    Você tocando Foi perfeito
    A única coisa que Não é Perfeita
    É a Morte do Wiskey mesmo kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  • @rodeosound
    @rodeosound Před 4 lety +1

    This is bad ass bro!!!!

  • @corbinholmes3752
    @corbinholmes3752 Před 6 lety +7

    1:55 This fight scene and this movie was sooo; good for sequel quality, that I saw the camera drone/man through the dark side of his glasses and I still don't give a fuck!.

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety

      YEAH MAN, THIS SCENE IS FUCKING AWESOME! Thanks for your comment, bro

  • @sufizulkarnain01
    @sufizulkarnain01 Před 6 lety +7


    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety +1

      Sufi Zulkarnain Thank you, dude!

  • @ynadevera8828
    @ynadevera8828 Před 6 lety +1


  • @brenanunes2497
    @brenanunes2497 Před 6 lety +3

    Não sei se foco na guitarra ou no guitarrista rs
    Se garante demaaaaais, rapaz ❤

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety +2

      Meua mô você tem que focar é nos dois :3 Obrigado pelo seu comentário, perdoa a demora pra responder e não desiste de mim :')

  • @noahbaelen.5083
    @noahbaelen.5083 Před 4 lety

    Doodpool coooooooooool

  • @puspendarbiswas9486
    @puspendarbiswas9486 Před 6 lety +1

    too good

  • @finncorbett5742
    @finncorbett5742 Před 6 lety +2

    Holy fuck that ending! Great job man

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety

      finn films Thanks for the comment, man, realy honored, thank you!

  • @urboiwhiskey
    @urboiwhiskey Před 4 lety +1

    that was fuking spectacular!!!

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 4 lety

      Wow thank you so much for the comment!

  • @ramanjeet1111
    @ramanjeet1111 Před 3 lety

    Movie was overbloattted

  • @Buck3670
    @Buck3670 Před 6 lety +2

    My God... I LOVE THIS

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety +1

      Oh my god, thank you very much for your comment, bro, it's just so fucking inspiring and it makes me proud of the result I had with the video, thank you very much!

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety +1

      Hey Combine_Elite look the comment of Peta Helba and tell me what do you think about it? :)

    @sSINTOMASs Před 2 lety

    The best cover i'm look all ;)

  • @theyouth2000
    @theyouth2000 Před 2 lety +1

    Awesome cover!

  • @bathroom7509
    @bathroom7509 Před 6 lety +4

    Great work bruv 👍🏻

  • @ravendgie39
    @ravendgie39 Před 6 lety +2

    your cover is so awesome ! amazing job !

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety +1

      Mogaccino G Thanks for the comment! ❤

    • @ravendgie39
      @ravendgie39 Před 6 lety +1

      Rock Gringo & BR you're welcome, I mean it ! ❤

  • @TheLambertus
    @TheLambertus Před 5 lety +2

    Impressive, good job sir.

  • @greeneyedbeast4016
    @greeneyedbeast4016 Před 6 lety +1


  • @mensor5219
    @mensor5219 Před 6 lety +8

    Cool 😎

  • @rodrigoperez1061
    @rodrigoperez1061 Před rokem

    Hi, excuse me. Do you think you can send me the tablature? I need it because I'm performing at a school concert and I want to play this song

  • @rubentechera7260
    @rubentechera7260 Před 6 lety +1


  • @shivampatel9156
    @shivampatel9156 Před 6 lety +3

    Damn Fine!!!

  • @FanEdits
    @FanEdits Před 3 lety

    WOOOOOW! Amazing, the best cover I'd ever seen of my favorite movie! :D like!!!

  • @quimian9660
    @quimian9660 Před 4 lety


  • @dirolplay3175
    @dirolplay3175 Před 6 lety +1

    Very coool😎😎😎

  • @user-lj5ic2cb2e
    @user-lj5ic2cb2e Před 3 lety

    Holy shit WTF so nice

  • @chloenormandale190
    @chloenormandale190 Před 3 lety

    Nice job

  • @vixonhq3417
    @vixonhq3417 Před 6 lety +6

    You should do saturday by elton john

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety +2

      HOLY SHIT THIS IS ABSOLUTELY A GREAT IDEA! Thanks for your comment, men, I'll work on this ^^

    • @vixonhq3417
      @vixonhq3417 Před 6 lety

      Rock Gringo & BR not a problem

  • @pitahleba1322
    @pitahleba1322 Před 6 lety +28

    You know what would be awesome? Mixing this with youtuber called Combine_Elite's remix of the BossHoss and Cameo verions to make the freakin' final mix :D

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety +3

      Pita Hleba Dude, that's not really a bad idea, but there are certain differences between our works, given that I actually tried to get the original solo done by the guys on the soundtrack, and Combine_Elite's made their own version with their own solo improvisation, but hey, men, it would be really spectacular a jam with both soloing Word Up? Haha Thanks a lot for the comment, bro!

    • @dipdo7675
      @dipdo7675 Před 6 lety

      Pure Hleba are you serious?? This guy sucks!! Looks like he just picked up the guitar!! And you Pita...are a moron!’

    • @mythic_omen948
      @mythic_omen948 Před 6 lety +1

      Paul Nu best troll award goes to....

  • @alehinaqui2802
    @alehinaqui2802 Před 5 lety +1

    Épic. What overdrive did you use?

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 4 lety

      Woooow thanks a lot for the comment about the gear! So I used a "Vox Stomplab G1" emulating a Marshall JCM800 with a lot of gain!

  • @frxnkie2675
    @frxnkie2675 Před 5 lety +1

    Is there any chance you could post a tutorial for the solo?

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 4 lety

      Totally! For sure, i'm very sorry for all the lack of time to answer your comment, i just published a statement fixed in this video talking about exactly what you said, you should take a look! Thank you see you later!

  • @jimstam6137
    @jimstam6137 Před 2 lety

    He sounds better than the actual song

  • @donquixote9079
    @donquixote9079 Před 2 lety

    so gud men

  • @michaelherejk7110
    @michaelherejk7110 Před 6 lety +2


  • @keyshawhiteangel8003
    @keyshawhiteangel8003 Před 3 lety

    Good bro 👍👍👍

  • @user-qi5ss3gm8m
    @user-qi5ss3gm8m Před 5 lety +1


  • @Bob-qj3qw
    @Bob-qj3qw Před 3 lety

    I see how u sing this song with your mouth seems like u love it

  • @markkfranck8094
    @markkfranck8094 Před 6 lety +1

    1:53 hahah nice

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 4 lety

      thanks for the comment about the fucked up slide haha!

  • @vixonhq3417
    @vixonhq3417 Před 6 lety +1


  • @roquesantacruz3073
    @roquesantacruz3073 Před 4 lety +1

    Fuck men! This cover its very crazy! Congrats!

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 4 lety

      Thanks a lot for your comment men! Sorry me for the delay to answer: keep rockin!

  • @tonguepunchman1528
    @tonguepunchman1528 Před 6 lety +4

    Sorry for the word ( get it, cause its the "word up" ) but this is FUCKING AMAZING!
    You really looks like you feel the music, that move at 1:54 was epic!
    Also, it's possible that you would write it down as a tab ? I really want to learn it

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety +2

      Péter Berényi I am extremely happy with your comment bro, really inspiring and it instigates me to post more and more videos (and I loved the pun with the "word" kaajakajakajaj) about the tablature I can send to you through your email, just pass me that until tomorrow I'm will transfer the tablature to a text format (pdf, doc etc), I would even like to ask (if you do not ask for much) if you really liked sharing the video with one or more of your friends (if they had watched the movie, great ... if not ... MAKE THEM WATCH THAT FUCKING PRAWL) (I know it may sound crazy and I would not doubt you asking me how 20th Century Fox is paying me to do all this hype of your movie ... No penny ... kakajaaijajw but this is all because the movie is really very good, but nothing you do not know) so thanks ~again~ for the comment I feel very honored to be able share the little I know, hugs, and a "Hello" from Brazil!

    • @ignasitriay7619
      @ignasitriay7619 Před 6 lety +1

      Id love to play this solo too! Can I have the tab too? Please! :D i will share your video

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety

      Yeah yeah, just tell me your email that I will be sending

    • @ignasitriay7619
      @ignasitriay7619 Před 6 lety

      Rock Gringo & BR its
      thanks a lot man! ill try not to ddestroy it ;)

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety

      ignasi triay Hey, did you get it?

  • @sandel2443
    @sandel2443 Před 3 lety

    Do your dance!

  • @jjfranki
    @jjfranki Před 6 lety +2


  • @guester_blaster2013
    @guester_blaster2013 Před 3 lety

    Can I have tab?

  • @TheAtoka003
    @TheAtoka003 Před 6 lety +2

    That is awesome! You should do «Free Bird» from the church scene! Can you give me your e-mail here? So I can pm you there and ask about tab.

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety

      Yes, men, this idea is being worked on, I'm picking the right soil, because the film version is edited differently from the original version that has almost 5 minutes solo euhuehheeuehuehuhe but do not worry, that soon this bird will be free! About the email, you could leave your email address here, so I can send you the tab and we can also chat, including sorry for the delay to respond to your comment, and thank you for watching and commenting the video!

  • @noferwinner6577
    @noferwinner6577 Před 5 lety +2

    I want you lesson guitar

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 4 lety

      Wow! I just posted a comment talking about it, so why don't you take a look? Thanks for your comment!

  • @pedrotv1995
    @pedrotv1995 Před 6 lety +1

    will famos

  • @1982koolad
    @1982koolad Před 6 lety +1

    I took my son with me to see this movie and my son asked me is that how they make hamburgers me wanting to piss off his mom I said yes

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 4 lety

      Hahaha fabulous! But you should have said: hamburgers I don't know, but that's for sure how to make good guitar solo! Thanks for your comment and sorry me for the delay to answer!

  • @MajorLeagueVlogging
    @MajorLeagueVlogging Před 6 lety +1

    Combine the bridge with the lyrics part from combine elite. Boom

  • @TenderPantyz
    @TenderPantyz Před 6 lety +1

    Well, holy shit

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety

      Austin Ennest Wow the video or audio got really bad? Something you really did not like or disapproved of, bro?

    • @TenderPantyz
      @TenderPantyz Před 6 lety

      No. Like holy shit, that was amazing.

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 6 lety +1

      Ah yes, fuck life, man, what a scare you gave me here, now kkkkkkk I was already thinking to myself, ''OH MY GOD, what I did wrong for the guy to have found a holy shit '' or worse, thinking '' I just made my first hater" suahsuasuash glad that this is not the case here, thanks for your comment, bro!

    • @TenderPantyz
      @TenderPantyz Před 6 lety

      Haha, I see what you mean. But yeah, it’s really good. Keep up the great work 😬

  • @jhonpi2162
    @jhonpi2162 Před 5 lety +1

    Tabs plis

    • @icaruswill
      @icaruswill  Před 4 lety

      sorry for all the fucking waiting time, so please inform your email, them I could send to you the tabs :)

  • @OathOfTheThirteenth
    @OathOfTheThirteenth Před 4 lety

    Would love to hear that solo without the video's SFX behind it.

  • @user-ll9bg4vy2x
    @user-ll9bg4vy2x Před 4 lety

    14 Agent Whisky pressed unlike

  • @BravoSix_6
    @BravoSix_6 Před 4 lety

    Bro please do a tutorial I beg of you

  • @eleteduser8662
    @eleteduser8662 Před 3 lety

    Así como tocas, al igual que respiras nos harías un gran favor si dejarás de hacerlo