Alyaa Gad - Transgender and Intersex

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • Alyaa Gad - Transgender and Intersex
    Transgender people are people who experience a mismatch between their gender identity and their assigned sex. Transgender people are sometimes called transsexual if they desire medical assistance to transitionfrom one sex to another. Transgender is also an umbrella term: it may include people who are not exclusively masculine or feminine (people who are genderqueer, e.g. bigender, pangender, genderfluid, or agender), third gender, or cross-dressers.
    transgender people may identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, etc., or they may consider conventional sexual orientation labels inadequate or inapplicable.
    The term “transgender” can also be distinguished from “intersex”. Intersex is a term that describes people born with physical sex characteristics "that do not fit the typical description of male or female bodies".
    The degree to which individuals feel genuine, authentic, and comfortable within their external appearance, and accept their genuine identity is called “transgender cong-ruence”.
    Many transgender people experience “gender dysphoria”. Gender dysphoria is the medical term used to describe people who experience significant distress with the sex and gender they were assigned at birth. Some people with gender dysphoria seek medical treatments such as hormone replacement therapy, sex reassignment surgery, or psychotherapy. Not all transgender people desire these treatments, and some cannot undergo them for financial or medical reasons.
    Transgender people face discrimination and unfair treatment in many cultures and situations.
    So let’s talk about intersex! As an introduction; let’s discuss some embryology. Emryology is the science that studies the development of embryos and fetuses in the womb.
    The external genitalia of males and females are undifferentiated at 4 and 6 weeks of pregnancy, and then start to differentiate at 10 weeks for males and 20 weeks for females. The final illustrations are the external genitalia at birth. It is important to realize that the same initial tissue makes up different structures in males and females.
    Some people have different circumstances, that prevent them from developing along the same path that others do. The results of these developments may be “intersex individuals” who have sex characteristics of both males and females.
    “Intersex” is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male.
    Let’s have a look at some images by dr. Frank Netter. For example, a person might be born appearing to be female on the outside, but having mostly male-typical anatomy on the inside. Or a person may be born with genitals that seem to be in-between the usual male and female types-for example, a girl may be born with a noticeably large clitoris, or lacking a vaginal opening, or a boy may be born with a notably small penis, or with a scrotum that is divided, so that it has formed more like labia. Or a person may be born with mosaic genetics, so that some of her cells have XX chromosomes and some of them have XY.
    Though we speak of intersex as an inborn condition, intersex anatomy doesn’t always show up at birth. Sometimes a person isn’t found to have intersex anatomy until they reach the age of puberty, or find themselves infertile adults, or die of old age and are autopsied. Some people live and die with intersex anatomy without anyone (including themselves) ever knowing.
    Which variations of sexual anatomy count as intersex?
    In practice, different people have different answers to that question. Imagine the sex spectrum as the color spectrum. There are different wavelengths that translate into colors most of us see as red, blue, orange, yellow. In the same way, nature presents us with sex anatomy spectrums. Breasts, penises, clitorises, scrotums, labia, gonads-all of these vary in size and shape.
    The “sex” chromosomes can vary a lot, too. But in human cultures, sex categories get simplified into male, female, and sometimes intersex, in order to simplify social interactions.
    So, nature doesn’t decide where the category of “male”,“intersex”, and “female” begin and end. Humans decide. Humans decide whether a person with XXY chromosomes or XY chromosomes and androgen insensitivity will count as intersex.
    There is no evidence that children who grow up with intersex genitals are worse off psychologically, than those who are altered.
    In fact, there is evidence that children who grow up with intersex genitals do well psychologically. In other words, these surgeries happen before the age of assent or consent, are unnecessary. Parents often ask for these operations because they fear discrimination against their children.....
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Komentáře • 44

  • @fahadlafy2890
    @fahadlafy2890 Před 8 lety +9

    اذا تكون باللغه العربيه او مترجمه تكون اكثر واعم فائده

  • @TheNabil49
    @TheNabil49 Před 8 lety +4

    You are such a fine Dr. God bless you and wish you all the best.
    People really should know and have enough knowledge to be able and how to deal with such cases specially in the third world countries
    I am strait alhamdallah but I care about others who suffers

    • @onlyone1854
      @onlyone1854 Před 8 lety +2

      I'm intersex and its hard to live a goodlife

  • @Loay-113
    @Loay-113 Před 8 lety +1

    when I see your education video I learned more information about everything and all topics. . thanks doctor for info
    We need the world petter place . ☺☺☺ With knowledge

  • @hannahmich7342
    @hannahmich7342 Před 7 lety +1

    I happen to have a form of embryonic intersex condition. But I also am transgender based on the word usage of the umbrella terminology as it relates to my particular type of intersex. The reality is of the 40-50 different types of intersex only a few are transgender type in nature.
    As an example. A women who has AIS has male DNA and yet is a women. This isn't transgender gender dysphoria these people are women in a very real sense. These women lack the receptors in their cells that are able to absorb testosterone. Of course there are a number of degrees of AIS and affecting how it impacts the individual.
    Because my body never fully bridged the sexual gender development of early gender development my male gonads did not fully develop. Thus leaving me in the queasy state of not male or female. Neither gender and yet both. Thus I live with gender dysphoria. This is my normal
    All in all this was a good presentation.

  • @BabalwaMtshawu
    @BabalwaMtshawu Před 6 lety +1

    May I please use part of your video graphics on my youtube video ( for intersex awareness say ).

  • @lomalili
    @lomalili Před 8 lety

    Thank you Dr. Alyaa for such great educational videos

  • @mohamedabdulwasaymicrog7260

    Till now in my life I was unaware, may allah protect us aameen

  • @davidmicheletti6292
    @davidmicheletti6292 Před 7 lety

    A very good presentation! I happen to have been born as a intersex person. In my case my testis failed to fully develop from the fetal ovaries, during early gestation. My right testis remained totally was a fetal ovary and as an adult became malignant with stage three ovarian cancer. The other testis did develop but never matured fully to normal adult size. As one would expect my penis remained on the small size.
    When I was given the first of my surgeries at age ten the doctors did think about doing a sex change but decided not to. There was no consent on my part nor were my parents consulted. I did go on to live my life as a male and even managed to have two children, after many years of trying.
    I'm sure people would not comprehend the emotional toll this has on a people like myself. But I cannot bring myself to see myself as being male or female. The seven surgeries and seven months of chemotherapy has taken an emotional toll on me and as you can image at physical toll too.
    I've seriously considered going so far as having more gender surgery to bring myself into the female spectrum. But I am married and I just don't think I could do that for her sake.
    Over all my life has been good and to an outside observer there is nothing notable about me.
    In addition to those issues I have described above I also had an abdomen full of mature germ cell teratoma. There were four or five and ranged in size from 19-14.5cm. These teratoma were the germ cells that were charged with sexing the fetal gonads during development but failed to reach the gonads and came to rest in my case the abdomen. One was removed at age ten and I was never told of this by the doctors. The other teratoma continued to grow in me until one became malignant. These develop in every respect as fetus, as they were composed as fetal tissue. In other words they were composed of skin, bone, teeth, limbs and all the basic tissue a child would have. But of course not in a viable form that could live outside of my body. I owe these teratoma the reason why I felt both female and pregnant most of my life. I have an very abnormally high AFP alphafeto protein levels of over 10200. Normal for a male would be 0-3. Even now I have a level of over 19.
    After the surgeries and chemotherapy the feeling of being pregnant gradually diminished. Not completely but gone for the most part.

    • @davidmicheletti6292
      @davidmicheletti6292 Před 7 lety

      Alyaa Gad I have new but not surprising information as it relates to my intersex body. Shortly after I wrote you the last time I went to the doctor and asked him to do three tests on my during my physical. I wanted my testosterone levels tested, in addition I wanted my estrogen levels tested and finally I wanted a AFP alphafeto protein level test done. For many months I was feeling as if my testicular ovarian issues were returning with new vigor. The test showed my remaining testis wasn't producing much if any testosterone and yet my estrogen levels were abnormally high. Two local urologist refused see me and they sent me to Minneapolis to a urologist to deals with intersex and transgender people. He looked at my tests and asked why the other doctors didn't explain what the issues was. I told him doctors are often like the rest of the world and wish to just ignore intersex people.
      I was then told that this testis was also an Ovotestis, much like the other one that became malignant. He suggested that this testis also be surgically removed. My mind raced back all those years ago when I came down with cancer the first time and one doctor suggested that both testis be removed and I would be started on estrogen. I passed because my spouse of so many years told me she wasn't a lesbian. So I just we along with the horrid treatment plan and have been trying to be a husband. The transgender clinic said I was clearly transsexual but I just gave in. Now all these years later my body is revolting once more. It's as if she is going to force me to change.
      Years later my wife has soften a great deal. I've played the role of husband and parent, a role I did like to do and yet it really wasn't who I was deep down.
      In addition two of the huge scars from cancer related surgeries has herniated with the surgical mesh failure taking place. So I guess I'll have the hernia repaired and the testis removed at the same time.
      There is one thing I would really like to do for myself and that would be that I could start taking estrogen. I'm basically a eunuch and it really would also be nice to have gender conformation surgery too. But that is far too much for me to dream of having. I have no idea if my insurance would even pay for such surgery.
      It sounds silly but I really don't care about any other part of my body. I guess I can live with my face and even the lack of breast tissue I could do without. Just let me be me for once in my life. These surgeries started when I was ten years old and not one time did anyone ever ask what I wanted and how I would like it done.
      If and it's a big if, I could convince my spouse of forty years to accept me as a women I'll at last be free. To change. But I don't think that will happen and I just cannot live without her in my life.
      I wait for more doctors to contact me. I've been waiting for four month now to be taken into their program.

  • @hesham110
    @hesham110 Před 8 lety

    thanks a million Dr Alyaa but plz make it in Arabic version too ,because Middle Eastrens need to know these information

  • @user-sn1oy6wt5x
    @user-sn1oy6wt5x Před 8 lety

    كل التحيه والشكر والتقدير يا دكتور بجد انتى فائده لكل العالم استمرى

  • @haneen5528
    @haneen5528 Před 3 lety +1

    ياليت تكون مترجمه عربي ☺️

  • @islamaboulata
    @islamaboulata Před 8 lety

    Hello Dr. Alia. I have a question please I hope you get the chance to review and answer. understood you encourage perceiving the different sexual orinentations and identities (e.g. homosexual, bisexual, transexual,.. etc.) as part of the NORMAL spectrum of variety among human sexualities. I understood you justify this based on two points. First the fact that neither these people nor straight people did select the shape of their sexuality. Second you considered that if we drop the beleif these different orientations/identities are a problem of themselves, there will not be any subsequent harm to these people or the society, if they are allowed to continue their sexual life the way they feel. I understood these two justifications perceive the past long history of dealing with straight people as NORMAL and other people as ABNORMAL, as a stereotypical mistake rather than a neutral judgment on what NATURAL is. Now when I try to follow same sequence, I find it pretty similar to consider other additional forms of sexualities (e.g. bestiality and incest) as part of the NORMAL spectrum. If a person involuntarily feels sexually attracted to his adult son or daughter, who incidentally feels the same towards him, and it is scientifically proven that they can protect themselves from STDs or giving uncontrolled birth like any other couple would do. Would you still consider this form of relation as part of NORMAL spectrum? If not, please provide your explanation why would be this any different from other sexualities mentioned in your video. Looking forward to your valuable response.

  • @titotito3688
    @titotito3688 Před 3 lety +1

    عرفت لية الفيديوهات بالانجليزية

  • @kindmankindman4136
    @kindmankindman4136 Před 8 lety

    sorry iam a member of channel but i didnot receive video

  • @alialmossawy
    @alialmossawy Před 8 lety

    thanks for the info ...

  • @mohamedelnady7810
    @mohamedelnady7810 Před 8 lety

    بالتوفيق دائما Doctor

  • @user-xp8wn7ir8k
    @user-xp8wn7ir8k Před 8 lety

    شكرا دكتورة

  • @noorali-tw4vk
    @noorali-tw4vk Před 8 lety

    ولو زحمه دكتوره شلون اكدر اتواصل وياج عندي اسئله

  • @nuor21
    @nuor21 Před 8 lety

    v good

  • @kotob77
    @kotob77 Před 8 lety

    brilliant 👏👏👏

  • @meet028
    @meet028 Před 8 lety

    الفديو حق ثنائي الجنس ليش مقفل ما يشتغل عندي !!!!!

  • @mouhamedboukoberine4198

    Arabic version please

  • @ayamnas5241
    @ayamnas5241 Před 7 lety

    Je te remercie infiniment , je te souhaite une bonne continuation

  • @neer789p
    @neer789p Před 8 lety

    دكتورة انتي مصدر راحه وهدوء

  • @abdullahalhadi8473
    @abdullahalhadi8473 Před 8 lety

    ترجميها بالعربي يا دكتوره محتاجين هالمعلومات في مجتمعاتنا

    • @abdullahalhadi8473
      @abdullahalhadi8473 Před 8 lety

      NolA BigFan قلت ترجميها للمجتمع مو لي يا خالي

  • @BeartoeConCarne
    @BeartoeConCarne Před 8 lety

    i think psychologically and physically. do not fuck with your genitals.

  • @sinanasaad1983
    @sinanasaad1983 Před 8 lety

    هي مش طاقه سلبيه هي فهم خاطئ لطريقة الحوار مع الآخر المختلف...انا مسحت البوست وبعتذر

  • @lilianjacob7220
    @lilianjacob7220 Před 8 lety


  • @HamadaAli-bt7cu
    @HamadaAli-bt7cu Před 8 lety

    كل سنه وحضرتك طيبه ممكن ترجمه

  • @aminim8438
    @aminim8438 Před 8 lety

    أنا بموت في جمالك و كلامك
    كل ما أسمعك أعصابي بترتاح

  • @ibrahemsajer3950
    @ibrahemsajer3950 Před 8 lety

    دكتورتنا الغالية ممكن حلقة بالعربي عن الجنس من الخلف اضراره ومنافعه واذا في ادوية تخدر فتحة الشرج وماشابه ولك جزيل الشكر

  • @lifebest9010
    @lifebest9010 Před 8 lety

    ترجمه بليز

  • @stainlessart5007
    @stainlessart5007 Před 8 lety

    ترحمه للعربي لو سمحتي

  • @shoogalmalki2451
    @shoogalmalki2451 Před 6 lety

    من يوجد له مشكله في الاعضاء الجنسيه بحيث تكون مختلطه والحالات هذه موجوده منذ القدم والجميع يعرف حلها وهو الطب ولكن الانتشار الغير طبيعي لهذه الحالات في العالم اكيد سببه مرض روحي واعتقد الكثير اصبح يعلم ذلك وهو ان يوسوس لنا ويحبب لنا من خارج او داخل عقولنا وقلوبنا من قبل الشيطان

    @GAMAL-EZZ-ELREGAL Před 8 lety

    فين الترجمه ههههه

  • @Maritza_TwoBuffalo_Morté

    I am intersex, I have AIS. Great video.

  • @BeartoeConCarne
    @BeartoeConCarne Před 8 lety

    why was drag queen in there? im a drag queen and iam in no way a woman. iam an impersonator.

  • @y019_9
    @y019_9 Před 8 lety

    تكلمي اكثر عن الترانسشكوال،، عشان نفهم اكثر