  • čas přidán 3. 11. 2018
  • Bro Hajji discusses certain topics with Shi'a elders.
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    Please find references Hajji provided below:
    وسائل الشيعة
    عن يزيد بن إسحاق شعر ، عن عباس بن يزيد ، عن أبي عبدالله عليه‌السلام قال : قلت له : إن هؤلاء العوام يزعمون أن الشرك أخفى من دبيب النمل في الليلة الظلماء على المسح الأسود ، فقال : لا يكون العبد مشركا حتى يصلي لغير الله ، أو يذبح لغير الله ، أو يدعو لغير الله عزّ
    مفاتيح الجنان
    اِلـهي عَظُمَ الْبَلاءُ، وَبَرِحَ الْخَفاءُ، وَانْكَشَفَ الْغِطاءُ، وَانْقَطَعَ الرَّجاءُ، وَضاقَتِ الأرضُ، وَمُنِعَتِ السَّماءُ، واَنْتَ الْمُسْتَعانُ، وَاِلَيْكَ الْمُشْتَكى، وَعَلَيْكَ الْمُعَوَّلُ فِي الشِّدَّةِ والرَّخاءِ، اَللّـهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّد وَآلِ مُحَمَّد، اُولِي الأمْرِ الَّذينَ فَرَضْتَ عَلَيْنا طاعَتَهُمْ، وَعَرَّفْتَنا بِذلِكَ مَنْزِلَتَهُمْ، فَفَرِّجْ عَنا بِحَقِّهِمْ فَرَجاً عاجِلاً قَريباً كَلَمْحِ الْبَصَرِ اَوْ هُوَ اَقْرَبُ، يا مُحَمَّدُ يا عَلِيُّ يا عَلِيُّ يا مُحَمَّدُ اِكْفِياني فَاِنَّكُما كافِيانِ، وَانْصُراني فَاِنَّكُما ناصِرانِ، يا مَوْلانا يا صاحِبَ الزَّمانِ، الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ، اَدْرِكْني اَدْرِكْني اَدْرِكْني، السّاعَةَ السّاعَةَ السّاعَةَ، الْعَجَلَ الْعَجَلَ الْعَجَل، يا اَرْحَمَ الرّاحِمينَ، بِحَقِّ مُحَمَّد وَآلِهِ الطّاهِرينَ .
    كامل الزيارات-
    [ 174 ] 6 - حدثني ابي رحمه الله ، عن سعد بن عبد الله ، عن محمد بن عيسى ، عن محمد بن سنان ، عن ابي سعيد القماط ، عن ابن ابي يعفور ، عن ابي عبد الله ( عليه السلام ) ، قال : بينما رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) في منزل فاطمة والحسين في حجره ، إذ بكى وخر ساجدا ، ثم قال : يا فاطمة يا بنت محمد ان العلي الاعلى تراءى لي في بيتك هذا في ساعتي هذه في أحسن صورة وأهيا هيئة ، فقال لي : يا محمد أتحب الحسين ( عليه السلام ) ، قلت : نعم يا رب قرة عيني وريحانتي وثمرة فؤادي وجلدة ما بين عيني ./ فقال لي : يا محمد - ووضع يده على رأس الحسين ( عليه السلام ) - بورك من مولود عليه بركاتي وصلواتي ورحمتي ورضواني ، ونقمتي ولعنتي وسخطي وعذابي وخزيي ونكالي على من قتله وناصبه وناواه ونازعه ، اما انه سيد الشهداء من الاولين والاخرين في الدنيا والاخرة ، وسيد شباب اهل الجنة من الخلق اجمعين ، وابوه افضل منه وخير ، فاقرأه السلام وبشره بأنه راية الهدى ومنار اوليائي ، وحفيظي وشهيدي على خلقي ، وخازن علمي ، وحجتي
    على اهل السماوات واهل الارضين والثقلين الجن والانس ..

Komentáře • 84

  • @SunnahDiscourse
    @SunnahDiscourse Před 5 lety +57

    May Allah reward you Hajji. Keep up the good work.

    • @BroHajji
      @BroHajji  Před 5 lety +10

      First of all learn how to spell!, I’m sure you meant to say ‘getting along’ and it’s ‘Takfeer’ not Taqfeer, Wallahi your embarrassing yourself

    • @abuhayaatbaig411
      @abuhayaatbaig411 Před 5 lety

      @Fahad Alam What is your point?

    • @abuhayaatbaig411
      @abuhayaatbaig411 Před 5 lety

      @Fahad Alam Not sure if you are being serious here, and what is a Wahhabi? Also since you bought it up, what is a Salafi?
      Also when did Bro Hajji say that he is a Deobandi. You are very assumptive.

    • @Shah_007_01
      @Shah_007_01 Před 5 lety +1

      Hajji you clown you speak to much go speak to a shiah scholar you fool

    • @Shah_007_01
      @Shah_007_01 Před 5 lety +1

      The Sunni Defense lol what a joke

  • @covffchannel
    @covffchannel Před 5 lety +16

    Smashed it barakullaah fee kum habibi bro hajji

  • @wb3123
    @wb3123 Před 4 lety +2

    English translation of the second hadith:
    Imam Jafar Sadiq (asws) narrates: “One day when RasoolAllah (saw) was visiting the house of Fatima (sa), Hussain was sitting upon His lap and suddenly Rasool Allah (saw) began to weep and fell into sajda.Then He said:“O Fatima (sa), daughter of Muhammad (saw), the Most High (العلي الاعلى) just appeared before Me in the most beautiful form in Your house and asked Me, “Do You love Hussain (asws)?” I (Rasool Allah saw) replied, “Yes He is the light of My eyes, My flower, the fruit of My heart, and the skin between my two eyes.” Allah said, “O Muhammad (saw)-as He placed His hand on the head of Hussain (asws)! You are blessed through this child upon whom I have bestowed My blessings, mercy, and pleasure. My curse, wrath, chastisement and punishment are upon those who slaughter Him, who have animosity towards Him, wage war against Him, and oppose Him. He is Syedul Shohadu (Master of the Martyrs) from the first to the last in this world and the hereafter. He is the Master of the Youth of Paradise over the entire creation. His Father (asws) enjoys a station and rank that is greater than His. Convey My Salam and inform Him of the good news that He is the banner of My guidance, light of the Auliya (friends), My caretaker and witness upon My creation, treasurer of My knowledge, and My Hujjat (proof ) upon the people of the heavens and the earths, and over jinn and man.”

  • @slimboy388
    @slimboy388 Před 5 lety +5

    Bless you bro. Your Arabic is quite good for a non Arab

  • @abuhayaatbaig411
    @abuhayaatbaig411 Před 5 lety

    JazakAllah Khair, nice to see you have your own channel now :). Do you have any tips for picking up Arabic Vocab? That's the bit I'm struggling with. May Allah grant you goodness and keep you upon what our righteous predecessors were upon.

  • @Aliamirza29
    @Aliamirza29 Před 5 lety

    Wow love the start what is it that's playing?

  • @youtubeobserver2325
    @youtubeobserver2325 Před 5 lety

    What’s the nasheed called at the beginning?

  • @moyusuf8864
    @moyusuf8864 Před 5 lety +3

    Salaam smashing it bro Haji. I’m liking the intro u appear out of nowhere like them old Skool Pakistani Shaddi films lol

  • @joynalmiah2031
    @joynalmiah2031 Před 5 lety

    Salaam Bruv, good stuff, but where's the rest of it

    • @BroHajji
      @BroHajji  Před 5 lety

      Walaikum Salam Akhi, it was Maghreb time so it ended there! Don’t worry brother I will attending speakers corner soon ان شاء الله

  • @elwaswaass352
    @elwaswaass352 Před 5 lety

    It's like the video is played at x2 speed lol

  • @MrJul12
    @MrJul12 Před 5 lety

    What you are doing is awesome and important. But i think you should primarily focus your time and energy on imamah and the trustworthiness of their shia hadith transmitters since all the difference between the Sunni and Shia comes down to these 2 points. It is just like the difference between us and the Christians which comes down to two things, the divinity of Jesus(pbuh)/trinity and the reliability of the gospel transmitters.

  • @asifmohammadm
    @asifmohammadm Před 5 lety +3

    Salaam Brother Hajji you are refuting the shia brothers but not focusing on their islah. We should approach them with kindness along with daleel and also accept their point of view when/if they are right.
    we should start by accepting them as Muslim Brothers as I have heard many Ahle Sunnah call shia Kafir and visa versa.
    we get to learn alot from your videos but do propagate the issue of Takfir
    may Allah SWT increase our knowledge and make us humble

    • @omaralyafai2368
      @omaralyafai2368 Před 5 lety +2

      Like who? Bayaat al ghadeer who are a sub group of yaser al habib's people and khodom al Mahdi which is a shia army who slaughters Sunnis in Iraq and calls for the destruction of sunni mosques? No, deal with them with harshness and refute them and let them feel belittled

  • @salahuddinayubi4137
    @salahuddinayubi4137 Před 5 lety +1

    Can we get English translations for the hadiths referenced in the description? JazakAllah khair!

  • @AmiraSamirKh
    @AmiraSamirKh Před 5 lety

    جزاكم الله خيرا .. فقط تعديل بسيط دعاء (الفرَج) بفتح الراء وليس (الفرْج) بتسكين الراء هناك فرق في المعنى.

    • @AmiraSamirKh
      @AmiraSamirKh Před 5 lety

      الفَرَجُ :
      الفَرَجُ : انكشاف الغَمِّ .
      المعجم: المعجم الوسيط
      الفَرْجُ :
      الفَرْجُ : الشَّقُّ بين الشَّيْئَيْنِ . والجمع : فُرُوجٌ .
      وفي التنزيل العزيز : ق آية 6 وَمَا لَهَا مِنْ فُرُوجٍ ) ) : شُقوق ، وفُتوق .
      و الفَرْجُ ما بين الرِّجْلَيْن .
      وكني به عن السَوءة وغلب عليها ؛ وفي التنزيل العزيز .
      الأنبياء آية 91 وَالَّتي أَحْصَنَتْ فَرْجَها ) ) ، و المؤمنون آية 5 وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ لِفُرُوجِهمْ حَافظُون ) )

    • @BroHajji
      @BroHajji  Před 5 lety +1

      الله يبارك فيك اختي

  • @KomenCents
    @KomenCents Před 5 lety

    Was this yesterday?

  • @teefx5681
    @teefx5681 Před 5 lety +9

    I'm so glad I'm not shia, they lost me as soon as they said they believe Ali is greater than any prophets apart from Mohammed sws

    • @teefx5681
      @teefx5681 Před 5 lety

      @@Azhadar110 doesn't even make sense. So you believe humanity to live in lawlessness

    • @mrabdi851
      @mrabdi851 Před 5 lety

      Azhadar110 Where did Allah tell us Ali is Khalifa, since we are wrong

    • @Farhadmusic29
      @Farhadmusic29 Před 5 lety

      "The Successorship Of The Last Messenger - Moulana Sayed Jawad Qazwini - Masjid-e-Ali"

    • @Farhadmusic29
      @Farhadmusic29 Před 5 lety

      "4. Five Controversial Questions on Imam Husain (a.s.) - Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli - Masjid-e-Ali"

  • @user-yj2gn3bz5q
    @user-yj2gn3bz5q Před 5 lety +1

    Bro hajji I respect you so much but I don’t how the others were shouting and laughing at Abu karar come on bro that’s disrespect

  • @covffchannel
    @covffchannel Před 5 lety +2


  • @arielnans6590
    @arielnans6590 Před 5 lety +2

    Mashyallah.. new sub here

  • @madaxwayne
    @madaxwayne Před 5 lety

    So is to call on the prophet or not?
    I mean he is human after all?

  • @aboalighazali9597
    @aboalighazali9597 Před 3 lety

    This old man recited the Quran and interpreted it himself.
    Prophet is a live. Ok
    So we go to prophet and ask him for istighfar.!!!!!
    Instead of asking Allah directly we go to prophet.
    Once we accept that then second step we go to Hussain then remaining imams.
    Subhan Allah how these Shea thinking?

  • @MrRiz157
    @MrRiz157 Před 5 lety +2

    Why are "salafi" and "Shia" always arguing and that aggressively.
    Just one point
    Allah commanded the believers Send salawat salaam whether you're in the presence of the Prophet (pbuh) or not, no condition placed upon the believers. To those who think the Prophet (pbuh) can not respond or hear your salaam. Why would Allah ask you to send salaam and blessings to the Prophet (pbuh) if he could not hear you nor respond why did Allah commanded the believers. People have lost the faculty to ponder and reflect.
    Btw I'm not a "Shia"
    In this matter the elder gentlemen put the young ones right

  • @adamahmadbey714
    @adamahmadbey714 Před 5 lety +2

    Hajji they try to deviate from the topic dont let them speak and focus on reading the narration with translation or better have 2 mins each, their trick is not let you speak

  • @siwarafrin3955
    @siwarafrin3955 Před 5 lety

    Hajji habibna Walla ❤❤❤❤❤👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

  • @abunice5017
    @abunice5017 Před 5 lety +2

    If you see Shia who you gonna call bro hajji!! Great videos

  • @abdixsimplix2582
    @abdixsimplix2582 Před 4 lety

    Is it only my perception? The more a person grows older upon a deviant belief, the more they become stubborn and unwilling to be guided, let them be Shi'a, Christian or Jew.

  • @shaunally5414
    @shaunally5414 Před 5 lety

    Brother Hajji may Allah reward you brother for your studies and efforts in refuting the ignorance of Shism.
    One point- The brothers who are around you constantly interjecting and commenting are doing more to hurt the debate rather than help. This is a constant theme where the strength and sharpness in your argument is dulled by constant distractions. I hope that this will be reduced in the future. May Allah bless you all.

  • @mohammedharoon8846
    @mohammedharoon8846 Před 5 lety +2

    Oh my life!!! These lot got destroyed

  • @ysfkrgz7716
    @ysfkrgz7716 Před 4 lety

    İf i wish shafa’a from Rasulallah saws. that he stands up for me in front of Allah Awc. in the last hour, that means i committed shirk ? i dont believe this

    • @noureyahhussein1284
      @noureyahhussein1284 Před 4 lety

      It isnt but when you believe that the prophet will give the last judgement then it becomes shirk

  • @Lord0Rei
    @Lord0Rei Před 5 lety +2

    There's no sect called "Wahhabi", Mohamed ibn abdulwahhab was Sunni Hanbali.

  • @shakazulu4518
    @shakazulu4518 Před 5 lety

    Gregory isaacs rumours 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @fitafanatomy3359
    @fitafanatomy3359 Před 5 lety +1

    Shia is islam intertwined with pagan arab folklore.. its so obvious you cannot unsee it even if you try.

    • @mahmoudsaleh8391
      @mahmoudsaleh8391 Před 5 lety

      Try harder

    • @fitafanatomy3359
      @fitafanatomy3359 Před 5 lety

      @@mahmoudsaleh8391 ok.... majority of the shia beliefs existed before islam.

    • @mahmoudsaleh8391
      @mahmoudsaleh8391 Před 5 lety

      @@fitafanatomy3359 Try Harder

    • @fitafanatomy3359
      @fitafanatomy3359 Před 5 lety

      @@mahmoudsaleh8391 the first shia was a Jew who clearly had an influence on believes; explicit bloodline lineage believes, 12 imams/12 tribes israel, taqiyya/talmudic believe. Shia was founded in an area which hated islam and the prophet. Anymore?

    • @mahmoudsaleh8391
      @mahmoudsaleh8391 Před 5 lety

      @@fitafanatomy3359 what if ur wrong? Try harder

  • @mullerkay4743
    @mullerkay4743 Před 5 lety +5

    Wahabi isnt even a sect

  • @donjuan7324
    @donjuan7324 Před 5 lety

    SALAAM BR , Finally Found your channel mashallah .
    Am sunni Muslim mashallah .
    Just as a thought try to make your channel like mufti menek . So we can learn .
    And LASTLY br these muslims at Sc have TURNED into jokers every time same stuff .
    And look at br taweed sending dic pics , to a sister he was a dawah guy which makes it more bad . PEACE. Ps ( Wen you get more FAMOUS please keep dic in pants ) @

    • @donjuan7324
      @donjuan7324 Před 5 lety

      @No Name Brother the news is everywhere , its on content over everything . Happened 2 months ago , senior br and sheikhs told him don't come to the park again @

  • @christopherpoulton8112

    Muslims have a three in one god allah shatan and muha.mad are one person for sure

  • @admiralesevic6305
    @admiralesevic6305 Před 5 lety +1

    is better work in company like horse 16 hours a day or debate shias ... wAllah hajji you’re are strong so so so much
    Allah give you health of Ummar ra... ;)
    clear prof you show them but still they don’t want belive ... Allah give you highest place in jenna ... Amin

  • @godisgreat2135
    @godisgreat2135 Před 5 lety +1

    What this shia believe is just pure Polytheism. No other word to explain it.

  • @smilesmile6309
    @smilesmile6309 Před 5 lety +3

    Abu karar gonna have his brain nerve pop out. This guy goes high in speech lol like common u can do that when u r clam lol it's like he wants every one to listen to him lol

  • @keilycavan5969
    @keilycavan5969 Před 5 lety

    well theres some thing new so SHIA is true muslim not sunny well well

  • @ashfaqali1980
    @ashfaqali1980 Před 5 lety +1

    Well done karaar may Allah protect u
    U r 1 and against several dogs
    Teach lesson to the whabi , debobandi

  • @muzammilqureshi2039
    @muzammilqureshi2039 Před 5 lety +2

    The "Jahil" Rafida talks about nonsense...

  • @mattsherv1986
    @mattsherv1986 Před 5 lety

    Shai is the only way! You guys are lost! You are acting like a Celebrity now Bro? looking like a gangster rapper lol