Napravila sam‼️ Aleksandrine kiflice 💯❤️

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024
  • Recept 📝
    Aleksandrine brioche kifle:
    600 g glatkog brašna
    4 žl šećera
    100 g maslaca omekšalog (sobne temperature)
    2 žl grčkog jogurta
    2 žumanjka
    2 vanilin šećera
    Prstohvat soli
    Korica limuna
    Čep ruma
    Za kvas:
    320 ml mlakog mlijeka
    20 g svježeg kvasca
    3 žl šećera
    - u zdjelu staviti brašno, napraviti udubljenje u sredini pa staviti mlijeko, kvasac i šećer da se kvasac aktivira, pokriti dok se ne zapjeni. Zatim dodati ostale sastojke i povezati tijesto. Ostaviti da odmara 20 min. Nakon toga mijesiti tijesto koje je baš ljepljivo… ali bi nakon 3-4 minute mijesenja moralo oblikovati finu kuglu - ja sam si pomogla sa malo ulja. Staviti u zdjelu, pokriti, i ostaviti 40 min da naraste. Istresti na blago pobrašnjenu površinu, podijeliti na 6 jednakih loptica. Svaku razvaljati u krug pa premazati sa 100 g omekšalog maslaca koji smo podijelili na 5 jednakih kockica. Premazati razvučeno tijesto, preklopiti ga drugim - cijeli postupak je u videu… gornji sloj ne premazujemo. Pokriti krpom i ostaviti u frižider 20 min da se maslac stegne. Valjati tijesto, rezati na 16 trokutića i motati kao kroasane. Složiti na pleh u koji ste stavili pek papir, pokriti i ostaviti da nadolaze još 45 min. Za to vrijeme napraviti kremu.
    500 ml mlijeka
    100 g šećera
    5 žumanjaka
    50 g gustina
    2 vanilin šećera
    Limunova korica
    30 g maslaca
    2 žl nutelle
    Zakuhati mlijeko sa limunovom koricom da se aromatizira, izvaditi koricu i uliti smjesu od dijela mlijeka, žumanjaka, gustina i šećera. Skuhati. U kuhano dodati maslac. Ohladiti. Ohladjeno dobro izmiksati. Podijeliti na 2 dijela. U jedan dodati 2 žl nutele.
    - Kifle nakon fermentacije premazati nježno otopljenim maslacem. Peći u prethodno zagrijanoj pećnici na 180* 20 min. Nakon što se prohlade posuti šećerom u prahu i filati kremom. Meni je najljepše kada se kombiniraju i vanilija i nutella varijanta…
    Sve drugo znate - rekla sam u videu - maslacaste, prefine, lisnato/hrskavo/mekane… 🫠
    Hvala svima za divne komentare - preplavite nas ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏼
    #justkatebake #recept #brioches
    Recipe 📝
    Alexandra's brioche buns:
    600 g of plain flour
    4 tbsp of sugar
    100 g softened butter (room temperature)
    2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt
    2 egg yolks
    2 vanilla sugar
    A pinch of salt
    Lemon peel
    A cork of rum
    + For yeast:
    320 ml of lukewarm milk
    20 g of fresh yeast
    3 tbsp of sugar
    - put flour in a bowl, make a well in the middle and add milk, yeast and sugar to activate the yeast, cover until foamy.
    Then add the other ingredients and combine the dough.
    Let it rest for 20 min.
    After that, knead the dough, which is really sticky... but after 3-4 minutes of kneading, it should form a fine ball -
    I helped myself with a little oil.
    Place in a bowl, cover, and leave to rise for 40 minutes.
    Roll out on a lightly floured surface, divide into 6 equal balls.
    Roll each into a circle and spread with 100 g of softened butter, which we divided into 5 equal cubes.
    Coat the stretched dough, cover it with another - the whole process is in the video... we don't coat the top layer.
    Cover with a cloth and leave in the fridge for 20 minutes to set the butter.
    Roll out the dough, cut into 16 triangles and roll like croissants.
    Place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, cover and leave to rise for another 45 minutes. During this time, make the cream.
    500 ml of milk
    100 g of sugar
    5 egg yolks
    50 g starch
    2 vanilla sugar
    Lemon peel
    30 g of butter
    + 2 tbsp Nutella
    Boil milk with lemon zest to flavor it, remove the zest and pour in a mixture of part of the milk, egg yolks, thickeners and sugar.
    Cook. Add butter to the cooked mixture. Cool down. Mix well when cooled. Divide into 2 parts. Add 2 tablespoons of Nutella to one.
    - Coat the muffins with gently melted butter after fermentation.
    Bake in a preheated oven at 180* for 20 min.
    After they have cooled, sprinkle with powdered sugar and fill with cream.
    To me, it's the most beautiful when both the vanilla and nutella variants are combined... You know everything else - I said in the video - buttery, delicate, leafy/crispy/soft...
    Thank you all for the wonderful comments - you are overwhelming us ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏼 .
    . #justkatebake #recipe #brioches

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