David Kucler, Rezultati testiranja / Testing Results

  • čas přidán 17. 05. 2023
  • Razstava Rezultati testiranja predstavlja umetnikovo najnovejšo serijo grafik ter slik v kombinaciji s sitotiskom, pri čemer David Kucler (1994) - nemalokrat humorno - razpira teme doma, spomina, družine in domačnosti. Naslov razstave izhaja iz nekdanje rubrike revije Naš dom, ki je v sedemdesetih letih poročala o (preizkusih) kakovosti bele tehnike in kuhinjskih pripomočkov, Kucler pa rezultate testiranja v svojih delih razširja tudi na preizkušanje potencialov in zmožnosti samega slikarskega medija ter preizpraševanje meje med reprezentacijo in abstrakcijo.
    The exhibition Testing Results presents the artist's latest series of prints and paintings in combination with silkscreens, in which David Kucler (1994) deals - often in a humorous way - with themes such as home, memory, family and domesticity. The title of the exhibition derives from a former column in Naš dom [Our Home] magazine, which reported on the quality of household appliances and kitchen utensils in the 1970s, and Kucler extends the testing results in his works to examine the potentials and possibilities of the medium of painting and to question the boundary between representation and abstraction.

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