  • čas přidán 30. 06. 2023
  • xQc reacts to funny memes from tiktok
    Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick!
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    #xqc #tiktok #memes
  • Hry

Komentáře • 194

  • @damnati0nFGC
    @damnati0nFGC Před rokem +970

    That last clip was a rollercoaster of emotions

  • @IveSeenSomeStuff
    @IveSeenSomeStuff Před rokem +146

    Atlease bro at the last clip knew what he wanted. Kinda caught me off guard tho 😂

  • @BoltBandicoot
    @BoltBandicoot Před rokem +32

    Last guy got outmatched lmao
    He was asking for it😂

  • @drewzeegrows
    @drewzeegrows Před rokem +54

    The first clip had me dying holy shit

  • @Judo1x
    @Judo1x Před rokem +13

    that last one was the funniest shit ive seen all week

  • @may-K-47
    @may-K-47 Před rokem +4

    that last clip was peculiar OMEGALUL

    • @1mantiss1
      @1mantiss1 Před rokem


    • @may-K-47
      @may-K-47 Před rokem

      @@pukeiphysically, too?

    • @may-K-47
      @may-K-47 Před rokem

      @@pukeiyou might wanna retract your previous statement then if hes just like you OMEGALUL

    • @reeington8340
      @reeington8340 Před rokem +1

      @@pukeihe really is just like you

  • @Jordan-yx2ek
    @Jordan-yx2ek Před rokem +4


  • @mathis1493
    @mathis1493 Před rokem +3

    finally some new clips instead of the same 20 tiktoks being used for 4 videos

  • @halo48189
    @halo48189 Před rokem +3

    10:22 I found a strung out Abe Lincoln.

  • @WajeEdits
    @WajeEdits Před rokem +2

    The submarine wreckage found was truly a funny tiktok

  • @heartpulse99
    @heartpulse99 Před rokem +5

    chat cringes at the first guy until X laugs at it, actual sheep

  • @Zondels
    @Zondels Před rokem +14

    I can feel the last clip coming inside of me

  • @MrHighground1
    @MrHighground1 Před rokem +103


    • @onnihalme2047
      @onnihalme2047 Před rokem +2

      yeah that one tiktok was hilarious right

    • @joni9807
      @joni9807 Před rokem


    • @NatoSkato
      @NatoSkato Před rokem

      @@joni9807 haahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahh

  • @Swampkiller1Tv
    @Swampkiller1Tv Před rokem +2

    When xqc says it’s like a rap video without the music tht shit hit me hard 😅

  • @sh1ftyy
    @sh1ftyy Před rokem +1


  • @michaejackson6204
    @michaejackson6204 Před rokem +3

    Chat really can’t handle someone doing a perfect impersonation

  • @smoko7113
    @smoko7113 Před rokem +4

    Thank you for filling up the lack of mr.cow today

  • @my_name_sj9689
    @my_name_sj9689 Před rokem +3

    These tiktoks are ACTUALLY FUNNY!!!

  • @rodricbr
    @rodricbr Před rokem +1

    the last clip got me traumatized

  • @DeKevers
    @DeKevers Před rokem +26

    1 week into backpacking, currently in Dortmund 🇩🇪. Thanks for uploads and making me feel at home

  • @XFredon31
    @XFredon31 Před rokem

    The last clip is wild ,like bruh💀

  • @freedykruzo00
    @freedykruzo00 Před rokem +1

    Dude the guy from the first clip is always funny to me

  • @gunkid6368
    @gunkid6368 Před rokem

    the guy at the end was just destiny when hes old

  • @pk_rockk2237
    @pk_rockk2237 Před rokem +100

    I really don't get why chat cringes when that dude was making a very accurate xqc impression

    • @Vinland19
      @Vinland19 Před rokem +17

      Because xqc cringes

    • @RadioCatSquid
      @RadioCatSquid Před rokem +2

      ​@@Vinland19you just watched a video of xqc...

    • @Vinland19
      @Vinland19 Před rokem

      @@RadioCatSquid usually he cringes but not in this video pepega

    • @TheSun5772K
      @TheSun5772K Před rokem +4

      It was good but it was cringe

    • @g76agi
      @g76agi Před rokem

      @@TheSun5772K ???

  • @danp2596
    @danp2596 Před rokem +10

    I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life, thanks editor great job

  • @Stretch2016
    @Stretch2016 Před rokem

    That last one HOLY

  • @tong8619
    @tong8619 Před rokem

    The fact that they both said WHAT at the same time lmao

  • @Barlez.
    @Barlez. Před rokem +1

    The last clip got me fucked up

  • @rainmanUE
    @rainmanUE Před rokem +1

    glad to see HUH back

  • @gcxs
    @gcxs Před rokem

    5:38 lazer sounds beneath my brain SCHIZO

  • @petersskov5929
    @petersskov5929 Před rokem

    THE ending is wild thoe

  • @awareparsely7182
    @awareparsely7182 Před rokem

    3:17 DAYUMMM i used to get that much mayo packets

  • @2tfl236
    @2tfl236 Před rokem

    First clip was so good😂

  • @ShylvaNeko
    @ShylvaNeko Před rokem +2

    The dud before the sip in the first clip is so funny to me. Dunno why the clip is cringe to some chatters tho, the impression is spot on

  • @CPays
    @CPays Před rokem

    12:46 1 guy in chat
    i am deceased 😭

  • @pogoyogo4332
    @pogoyogo4332 Před rokem +3

    NO WAY ANOTHER REACTION VIDEO?!!?!? Gee willikers this is amazing 😱‼️‼️‼️😱😱😱💀💀💀💀💯💯💯 you’re the best twitch streamer out there 💯💯💯💯😎😎😎😎

  • @SeaJackson
    @SeaJackson Před rokem

    “You let that sink in 😡”

  • @aarondrever1394
    @aarondrever1394 Před rokem

    5:14 Jimminy crickets

  • @tannedbatman5597
    @tannedbatman5597 Před rokem

    The oil drum “simulation” would have been something like 300 times that in reality

  • @minilabyrinth
    @minilabyrinth Před rokem +1

    Da superfuck was that ending...

  • @StupidAlex36
    @StupidAlex36 Před rokem +1

    the kick chat is so hard to read

  • @TR13400
    @TR13400 Před rokem

    3:49 is my favorite tiktok. Ever.

  • @h.n.r_funi3324
    @h.n.r_funi3324 Před rokem

    No quiz today towards the end thank the lord

  • @Vincisomething
    @Vincisomething Před rokem +1

    "I was under the impression everything would be disintegrated" The debris was from the Titanic, not the Titan... bro, conspiracy theories already, I'm almost not surprised.

  • @disappearer.
    @disappearer. Před rokem


  • @moanfulmilk3848
    @moanfulmilk3848 Před rokem +1

    will never understand people who spam pains during his xqc impression its literally him

  • @Jaytraxxas
    @Jaytraxxas Před rokem

    Bro really said where do you live for Rizz 💀💀💀😊

  • @definitelynotbrendon
    @definitelynotbrendon Před rokem

    6:35 THIS MF SPITTIN BRO 🔥🔥🔥

  • @permanent8387
    @permanent8387 Před rokem

    5:56 a finnish tiktok that isnt bad :O

  • @scair2588
    @scair2588 Před rokem

    5:39 wtf just entered my neck

  • @ogslowdragon
    @ogslowdragon Před rokem

    Cause they could have brought that wreckage up day 2 but hunter was pleaing down 3 felonies so everyone had to be told they still heard pings and they must be suffocating on the bottom of the ocean.

  • @gedhoughton9523
    @gedhoughton9523 Před rokem

    That monsters inc one……. 🐳

  • @mr.dontcare1284
    @mr.dontcare1284 Před rokem

    around 01:40 that clip, someone in chat said they can fix her, bro what

  • @CB-mr1ci
    @CB-mr1ci Před rokem +1

    « Early stream tomorrow » 💀

  • @okl0001
    @okl0001 Před rokem +6

    This guy sure knows how to-

  • @jacobfleming3926
    @jacobfleming3926 Před rokem

    What was that last clip?

  • @cemmydem1234
    @cemmydem1234 Před rokem +2

    Wow nice video

  • @jcwong4995
    @jcwong4995 Před rokem

    Theres no sky factory 4 episode 6 today Aware

  • @joeyacosta.128
    @joeyacosta.128 Před rokem

    Streams have changed Aware

  • @zerotwothighs4130
    @zerotwothighs4130 Před rokem +2

    Bro forced me to watch that ending. I'm 9 xqc :(

  • @ShiroOrochi
    @ShiroOrochi Před rokem

    What a way to end the video, and the pride month

  • @honni-jk2585
    @honni-jk2585 Před rokem

    14:43 wtf was that sound

  • @newmrj3547
    @newmrj3547 Před rokem

    That uh … that last one was, wholesome? Uh w rizz?

  • @Wall_therpist9
    @Wall_therpist9 Před rokem +2


  • @kizfy4373
    @kizfy4373 Před rokem

    13:19 ayo they made XXXTentacion a cat?!?!?!?

  • @Lee-One
    @Lee-One Před rokem +1

    6:15 i dont get it

  • @ModusGetachew
    @ModusGetachew Před rokem

    Editor!!! why the last one????

  • @LegashDFlash
    @LegashDFlash Před rokem +1

    Where is skyfactory ep6

  • @Tdogredman
    @Tdogredman Před rokem

    xqc chat when a guy does an extremely accurate impersonation of xqc
    xqc chat when random bullshit 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🤩🤩🤩🤩😍😍😂😂😂😂😂

  • @doublemosasaur5091
    @doublemosasaur5091 Před rokem

    Wtf was that ending

  • @santosh7728
    @santosh7728 Před rokem

    Drop the sky factory video already

  • @Swampkiller1Tv
    @Swampkiller1Tv Před rokem

    The ketchup guys secret is everytime he eats he puts it in his pocket and tht means he has never changed for 10 years and been saving them and tht is his ultimate game plan to save the most ketchups before he dies I should know I am tht guy 😂

  • @jaylowlp6181
    @jaylowlp6181 Před rokem

    looks pretty intact

  • @CloudxOut
    @CloudxOut Před rokem +1

    xQc is online

  • @NicolasSilvaVasault
    @NicolasSilvaVasault Před rokem

    what dee fuck was the last clip bro

  • @Kevinlre
    @Kevinlre Před rokem

    how tf people even cringe at the first clip

  • @teelo523
    @teelo523 Před rokem

    4:38 was so fucked up. why was she just laughing and watching? and a tiger in the cage? wtf are they doing there

  • @seiji_senpai
    @seiji_senpai Před rokem +1

    Take notes guys, u just need to buy an lgbtq ice cream

  • @lxcas5401
    @lxcas5401 Před rokem

    that last tiktok was fuckin weird

  • @frxnkk2kutthroat
    @frxnkk2kutthroat Před rokem

    the last guy is def gonna be on a catch a predator episode

  • @SICRoosterKido
    @SICRoosterKido Před rokem

    ACTUALLY FUNNY!!! (almost -__-)

  • @CatGuy969
    @CatGuy969 Před rokem

    The ending is pure evil bruv

  • @frederikvater
    @frederikvater Před rokem

    what. the fuck. was that last video?

  • @user-tq9ed9xz1x
    @user-tq9ed9xz1x Před rokem


  • @allisonjolicoeur4875
    @allisonjolicoeur4875 Před rokem

    Anyone knows that boi ?

  • @oldsport1148
    @oldsport1148 Před rokem

    True, am i right guys?...guys?

  • @fancen
    @fancen Před rokem


  • @jendallcarino3971
    @jendallcarino3971 Před rokem +1


  • @PalpatinesPlumber
    @PalpatinesPlumber Před rokem +1

    These were so funny I forgot to laugh

  • @Nikocado.Avocado
    @Nikocado.Avocado Před rokem


  • @joeyy1111
    @joeyy1111 Před rokem

    these chatters just cringe at anything bro 😭

  • @defskill9484
    @defskill9484 Před rokem +1

    the last one was pretty disturbing 😫😖

  • @arthurmedeiros6398
    @arthurmedeiros6398 Před rokem


  • @BillyJacki
    @BillyJacki Před rokem +1


  • @jgarretterm
    @jgarretterm Před rokem


  • @MoonIsOdd
    @MoonIsOdd Před rokem


  • @Eorlun
    @Eorlun Před rokem


  • @Fhyxa
    @Fhyxa Před rokem


  • @vampii888
    @vampii888 Před rokem

    misleading title. ya done buddy.

  • @hitachiuchihamagicwand2776