Manosphere Misogyny Hurts Everyone

  • čas přidán 13. 09. 2024
  • Expect more bite-sized, minute-or-less thoughts. I'll start uploading proper shorts, too. I just really needed to answer this question and address this issue.
    I reside and work on Anishinaabe territory.
    *Please Donate (if you're able!)* :
    Patreon: / finnjaminfox
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Komentáře • 152

  • @soorian6493
    @soorian6493 Před rokem +92

    I think we as men need to realize a lot of damage has been done to this conversation before us and sometimes by us. We can't expect healthy, trusting, nuanced discussion from the get go. We need to demonstrate we're capable of discussing our experience for a reason other than minimizing theirs, and keep on demonstrating. It's not ideal, but it's what exists and I for one think it's workable.

    • @Heltipyre
      @Heltipyre Před rokem +2

      And I, for one shall not take guilt for something I have not done. We dont share a cardinal sin. Its not a sin we were born men.
      Ofcourse we can expect those types of discussions. Thats how arguements work. If you cant stay objective, youre commiting a fallacious arguement.
      I'm done walking on eggshells, because others cant stand the truth and cant stand a contraversial topic. And many others are done playing these PC games too.

    • @gwen9939
      @gwen9939 Před rokem

      @@Heltipyre And what exactly is "the truth"? In great detail, if you will. It must be objectively easily defined, explained, and outlined if it's to count as objective truth.
      And what guilt is it you think is being placed on you? Who is placing it and what are they claiming you are guilty of?
      If you are holding an objective, rational truth that will always win in a rational exchange, why are you simply alluding to it rather than merely presenting it?

    • @laurelgardner
      @laurelgardner Před rokem +9

      ​@@Heltipyre you're not being punished or taking blame for things you didn't do just because someone has their guard up, because you're not entitled to their trust and vulnerability.

    • @Heltipyre
      @Heltipyre Před rokem

      @@gwen9939 Guilty of being born a man. Guilty of being masculine. Guilty of not apoligizing for my very being.
      The truth is which reflects reality. But for this topic of redpill, it is women's behavior. We dare not speak of it, less we be judged as mysoginist. And truth is, women's behavior in dating, is very simple. They want the best possible mate they can find and keep. And the best possible mate has the highest status. It is, what we call hypergamy. It is a reality we man are slapped with and have to deal with it. We have to suck it up, and just be and do better, so we can attract women.
      There are many truths that the redpill speaks about. This is just one. I would rather not make this a shotgun arguement by start listing. I suggest it would be better if we chose just one topic and stay on it, if you want further discussion.

    • @Heltipyre
      @Heltipyre Před rokem

      @@laurelgardner Oh, i do not blame people for having their guard up. That is well justified by all times. I'm speaking about how people are demonizing men's preferences, interests and behavior.

  • @HazelwithaZ
    @HazelwithaZ Před rokem +91

    When a man is trustworthy, I'll listen. I want nothing more than open and respectful interactions with men.

    • @TreeHairedGingerAle
      @TreeHairedGingerAle Před rokem +10

      I have watched the awful relationships between men and women ever since I was very small, and I wanted nothing of what I saw.
      The majority of my attempts to say to men, "I want something better and healthier and more loving for us...will you try it with me?" have ended in complete failure: because these men's goals are completely different than mine.
      Our culture has become so toxic that many have been trained to conflate Power and Control over someone with actual human Love and Connection, and whenever they speak of romance and marriage, that is the smokescreen used. Yet, even this is twisted. Because these kind of men value social validation and regard from other men more than Love and Connection in the first place.
      The majority of men I've been with have outright dismissed my desires and honesty for something different, with stories they tell themselves:
      "Well, she's just lying and trying to impress me. Isn't that sweet?",
      "She doesn't ACTUALLY know what she wants. I'll show her.",
      "Oh, she'll give up on that, in time, as long as I lock her into the relationship.",
      "Women are lesser beings that god made to serve me. I'll just reprogram her once I have her."
      Men really think about women this way, and treat them that way, and then complain in commiseration with their fellow misogynists, "I guess marriage is just about misery", "Well, the honeymoon is clearly over.", "My wife is just so uninterested in sex with me, she just lays there."...they don't see that they poison these connections before the relationship can even begin, by thinking that women are not people, and by thinking that deception, coersion, and abuse are acceptable ways of interaction with someone who is supposed to be close and intimate with you. No self-respecting person would react to such mistreatment positively or politely.

    • @Heltipyre
      @Heltipyre Před rokem +1

      How do you know when a Man is trustworthy?

    • @HazelwithaZ
      @HazelwithaZ Před rokem

      @@Heltipyre such a good question, wish I had a good answer. I think with anyone, it depends what the trust is for. Figuring out how to trust my neighbor, coworker, or lover is different, but it all starts with risk. Taking a chance and listening, I guess.

    • @HazelwithaZ
      @HazelwithaZ Před rokem +1

      @@TreeHairedGingerAle I'd be careful not to generalize to all men, but I certainly relate to the examples you listed. Tale as old as time, sadly. There's a reason why religions had to keep saying not to covet thy neighbor's wife... Objectification seems like a theme, fellas...

    • @Heltipyre
      @Heltipyre Před rokem +1

      @@HazelwithaZ if youre basing your interactions on trust, you must have a method to figure who to trust. If you dont have a method, youre prone to make mistakes and learn the wrong lesson.

  • @PrincessUbiquitous
    @PrincessUbiquitous Před rokem +82

    As a (trans) woman, I personally consider your videos to be deeply valuable and well-constructed encapsulations of vulnerability, perseverance, and ultimately of hope for a brighter tomorrow for all humanity. You provide a deeply affirming atmosphere for discussing what is often such incredibly harsh subject matter, which in and of itself is no small feat. You're doing utterly amazingly, and I honestly wish there were more creators who tackled their art with as much consideration and empathy as you demonstrate, although some others certainly are out there.
    Hope you're having a fantastic day, Mr. Fox! (BTW you look amazing, if that's not weird to say)

  • @richardpseudonymous9041
    @richardpseudonymous9041 Před rokem +32

    As a queer dude, I'm really thankful for the support and education you provide.

  • @Scoreos77
    @Scoreos77 Před rokem +44

    being a growing man is so fucking weird right now, almost all of my irl male friendships have dissolved cause of the rising misogyny and any attempt to reach to them gets blown off. I find myself more comfortable around women/LGBTQ people now since i don't think I fit very well into masculine roles especially as I grow older, but the worst part about it is that living in a mostly Latino and black neighborhood my community fucking attacks people like me if I even choose to speak out about my identity or sexuality. I hope this shit eventually blows over but I really hate how much progress this manosphere shit has undone especially in communities where this conservative uber macho mindset does the most harm

    • @soyborne.bornmadeandundone1342
      @soyborne.bornmadeandundone1342 Před rokem +16

      Shoot... most of my friends are women... I'm big into games and guitar. Two hobbies dominated by dikhead doods. Hard for me to make good friends with doods as I can't stand it when I find out that they are homophobic/racist/transphobic etc etc. Makes me want to ignore them for being so cruel and stupid.
      Women tend to not be as hateful and stupid over all. And I'm a dood saying this lol. I don't blame ya. Too many a hole men out there

    • @Lin_Eileen
      @Lin_Eileen Před rokem

      im a trans woman and all my guy friends i had growing up are pretty much no longer my friends they have kept falling into misogynistic online spaces and real life spaces too are full of it. it sucks cause i know deep down these are not very bad dudes they have so much trauma a lot of them have opened up about it to me and i was there to listen and comfort them I want them to be able to feel comfortable doing that with anybody that's what will make toxic masculinity and it's hold on men and boys fizzle out. i think the best way to describe to AFAB people who maybe don't get why it is men are so attached to these toxic ideas it really simply is just that we have been taught this is the way for so long just like girls are told growing up they have to look pretty and be subservient, men are told they have to not be weak & be leaders when honestly most men don't want to be. Who wants to be a leader lmao? sounds like the most stressful and life threatening job of all time i can only imagine doing it for it giving me huge amounts of power & wealth to combat the risk 🙄

    • @Lin_Eileen
      @Lin_Eileen Před rokem +7

      @@soyborne.bornmadeandundone1342 I feel you big time like rn im just talking solely about seemingly well adjusted men vs. women. both men and women can be cruel, violent, do awful things etc. but im saying just in general of ppl you would actually want to hang out with ppl that you share interests with, trust, and feel like you are friends. in that regard i have always felt women be way kinder to me and i have to say i specifically mean women not girls. girls are honestly as awful as boys a lot of the time i was bullied more by boys in school but girls a lot too. boys were more violent in general usually girls would emotionally abuse ppl instead of physically but girls did violent too i saw a terrifying fight in hs between two girls when shite gets real dont ever underestimate anyone all i gotta say💀
      i think it's not like a gender or social thing it's just biology, children have to be selfish cause they are vulnerable and in a crazy world learning all these new things. If u have ever seen what humans are like for their first few years they tend to be totally insufferable selfish little dikheads and we care for them cause we love them 💕 we know we were all that baby screaming in the crib cause we just didn't know anything, couldn't barely do anything, couldn't even really think yet just vibin in the moment 😄

    • @doggytheanarchist7876
      @doggytheanarchist7876 Před rokem

      I hear you mate, it must be pretty tricky to find out how to be a (grown) man, in these times of rising fascism and sneaky misogynistic self help grifters everywhere.
      And I'm sorry to hear that your friends are not supportive.
      And also. White ppl are no better than any other races, actually they are worse with the fascism. So be careful, don't fall into the racist myths.
      If you want to connect with some good young ppl, maybe see what your area has going on with mutual-aid, climate defenders or other activism type things. That's usually good places to meet ppl who are at least thinking and trying to do better than the Tate and Peterson minions.

  • @kylekalmbach
    @kylekalmbach Před rokem +37

    I appreciate your content and how you frame it. Thank you for your labor!
    You've inspired me to reclaim my masculinity by defining it as me. Especially when I'm being goofy, or childish.
    I really wanna bless a car with my pin wheel while I skate

    • @FinntasticMrFox
      @FinntasticMrFox  Před rokem +14

      That is *exactly* what masculinity should be. And spread those blessings!

  • @LivingBreathingPoet
    @LivingBreathingPoet Před rokem +15

    Im so grateful for this space for men to talk to other men. It's helped me reclaim a part of myself and learn how to connect with other men in healthy ways through these parasocial examples of healthy M/M bonding and talks. I don't know a lot of men IRL that I feel as comfortable with because of misogyny. I can't do that macho posturing stuff for other men. And we really gotta have those talks between ourselves before we drag women in.

  • @Sethisalive
    @Sethisalive Před rokem +18

    Hey algorithm, do your thing!! 🎉

  • @moonlitdi
    @moonlitdi Před rokem +13

    Even as a nonbinary lesbian I find your videos really interesting even if they aren't directed towards me as an intended audience member!

  • @tallonhunter3663
    @tallonhunter3663 Před rokem +11


  • @fyzxnerd
    @fyzxnerd Před rokem +8

    Found your channel from FD Sig, thank you for putting to words many thoughts I've had on the manosphere.

  • @gwen9939
    @gwen9939 Před rokem +23

    So YT decided to recommend me a video in relation to this one about "Why men won't date "woke" women", and judging by the comments it's all a big "straight women y'all better watch out wanting equality or us men are not going to want you and we know you wouldn't want that!", pretending they're withholding some kind of reward that all women desperately crave as if they hold the power to do so. The underlying belief is of course that women should always change to fit the whims of men, never the other way around, and that there's an innate power dynamic between a man and a woman where a man is always on top. That women are naturally subservient and a driving force within us is to be what men wants us to be. And what's sad is how much engagement that video got compared to so much leftist content promoting equality.
    Oh, and of course a top comment is "it's not offensive to not want to date a "trans woman"(yes, in quotes), it just means you're not gay" because no discussion about how awful progressive women are is complete without a heavy dose of transphobia aimed at trans women.
    Sorry, needed to rant about that because now I'm sad and and wanted to leave an engagement comment. And also, it's sort of on the topic. Like, the tradcon wife manosphere fantasy is entirely reliant on the belief that real women as a group fit the idea of what all women should be that they carry around in their heads instead of being, y'know, people.

    • @gystes_
      @gystes_ Před rokem +7

      It's really sad that most of those people will never even give Mr. Fox's videos a chance. This context actually makes you feel better as a dude. However, it requires a level of vulnerability and self-inspection.
      For a lot of these guys, that's quite a painful process at first. Once you pass that point it's liberating, but the first step is always the hardest.

    • @gwen9939
      @gwen9939 Před rokem +1

      @@ebbenazor7857 I think that's a tad bit too much evolution psychology and using animals as a base template for human behavior, or rather, to excuse it. As far as we know, even flat-earthers and anti-vaxxers aren't any kind of genetic or neurological outlier, and are just people prone to the same biases as the rest of us, but ignorance, misinformation, and a fundamental need for society at large to validate our identities, makes them seek out information that confirms what they already feel should be true. They aren't exhibiting any traits that would be uncommon in your average Trump supporter, and for such a large group to share a yet unheard of learning disability seems quite spectacular. At one point we probably just throw our hands in the air and conclude that this is just how most humans are. Conservatism unfortunately easily lends itself to cruelty. It both wields it, and is in service to it, because conservatism cannot exist without threatening to carry out any repercussions for "unacceptable" behavior.
      The way any cult works is by preying on our natural social needs, and the reason cults know how to do this is because it's everywhere. It's in who we vote for, who we exclude, how we talk about things, how we talk about people, what we feel about things like morality, justice, progress, and so on. The people I'm talking about aren't outliers, and I specifically know this because I've met many of these people in my own life. Hell, one of the ones in my life was supposed to act as a caring parent for me growing up. In 1 sentence, it's a mindset centered around exclusion based on shame. In 1 word, conformity. Yes, shaming and excluding certain people from our in-group probably has pretty close ties to how early humans functioned, and as such has a large genetic component, but studies we've done around things like gender norms, tolerance, and willingness to change how we see the world around us, and how those things carry over between generations suggests that when a parent couple values conformity very highly(so more strict gender norms, less tolerance for different religions and worldviews, values adhering to normality very highly) the children are much more likely to follow suit.
      There's some neurological/genetic component to how we gather information, form beliefs as communities, and how we use weaponize that against other people, sure, but at that point we're essentially talking about the basis of all human societies, not on a level where another group is fundamentally any different from us.
      They are certainly "a type", and if you're interested in some ways that social sciences have tried to map this tendency out, I suggest Tom Nicholas' video called "How to spot a (potential) fascist". The title is a bit too unflattering, but it's meant to highlight that a desire to build walls(sometimes literally) around what is yours and vilify anyone outside of it at least partially shares that driving motivation with aspects of fascism. Keep in mind that these are social studies, and quite old ones at that, and as such aren't actually definitive conclusions. Treating them as such would in itself be a violation of scientific principles with how flawed social studies are on a fundamental level. What we're actually talking about is basically the driving force behind misogyny which in itself is closely linked to our contemporary understanding of cultural masculine identity, which is then linked to the belief that humans naturally belong in hierarchies. Taking that approach is much more productive for discussion.

    • @gwen9939
      @gwen9939 Před rokem +3

      @@gystes_ Anger is addictive, and what their anger is guarding is their own deep-felt sense of identity that resonates through their entire lives, their past actions, thoughts, and behaviors of both themselves and the people around them. They need the identity of "being a real man" to be validated by the world around them, and so the "reality" of the world must be one that matches their innermost feelings. It's the same drive that underlies the motivations of cis women enabling this behavior in men, because even if "being a real woman" within the patriarchy is a subservient role to men, it is an identity that is guaranteed, and the fear of losing that position is a far worse prospect, but where men are often guarding their walls with anger, women will put on a show of subservience to that male anger because they are not the ones being directly threatened, "their men" are.
      And these guys certainly don't seem happy. Being angry all the time is not a good time, but they've etched these grooves into their brains over and over again because anger is where sadness and grief fast tracks when you're not given the tools to handle them. It's better to feel empowered by anger than made powerless by grief. The grief comes from a loss of a sense of self by a society built on patriarchal value system that ultimately failed in giving them a fulfilling masculine gender identity the way it constantly promises because it's so deeply reliant on competition and competence, with personal value shallowly measured through material wealth, a fancy job title, and the dreading realization that you're cursed with anonymity. Oh wait, this is just Fight Club.

    • @gwen9939
      @gwen9939 Před rokem +3

      @@ebbenazor7857 I don't really see peer-reviewed science as an authority on matters that should be resolved culturally, nor do I see science as the final objective measurement on any question, and frankly neither does science itself. At that point we're merely treating Science as God and the Bible was once treated: and infallible authority. The language of science has a poor track record of being used to stand as an authority figure over marginalized groups like queer people to justify gross mistreatment, and before it phrenology to justify racism and colonialism. Some people, the manosphere included, still believe that scientifically there's enough evidence to suggest that women should be stuck in specific roles around caregiving and childrearing, simply because "it's in our nature". Science isn't infallible, nor is it even a valid authority in and of itself. Saying peer-reviewed studies should be the final arbiter of any social issue is simply the same technocratic structure as waiting for the priests the deliver the World of God because they're the only ones who can read.
      Scientific findings and advances are important, but it's incredibly rare that find definite cut-and-dry conclusions, and basically impossible to draw definite conclusions around human behavior that is separate from the influences of culture. It simply cannot be done, and our diagnosis-pilled mental health system that is obsessed with coming up with new names for every new thing because people need to be grouped famously mistreats patients because there's a focus on cookie cutter diagnoses rather than patient history and personal relationships to the patient.
      And it's possible to condemn behavior without ascribing it to some genetic defect and still have compassion for the reasons that behavior exists. I understand why some of these guys are angry, I know to some extent what it is they're feeling, but it does not mean that their actions are justified or needs to be explained as being ultimately out of their control. It's a line of thinking that lies at the root of ideologies like eugenics, so yes, I will say considering yourself genetically superior as evidenced by your own judgment of your own morals is worse than other "lesser-evil" solutions. Because we don't need a "lesser evil" because evil doesn't exist. Good and evil are fairy tale abstractions of a moral philosophy that places ourselves in the center, but they're ultimately fiction. Ignorance, stupidity, fear, hatred, those things are real, and in complex ways they shape how people form communities, societies, abstract ideas and constructs around those things, and how that leads to some people deciding that hurting another group is what needs to happen.
      You're suggesting a "perfect world" hypothesis where everything is quantifiable but it's just not possible. There aren't atomic elements of human behavior that can be traced down to the genetic level, and even if there was, our body and brain chemistry changes as a result of stress, care, sense of community, fear of exile, which then influences our emotions which causes us to influence our surroundings which in turns influences us back.
      I feel like you're getting it all twisted.

    • @gwen9939
      @gwen9939 Před rokem

      @@ebbenazor7857 I mean yeah if that what did it for you giving up on interactions sounds like the right call. These are absolutely cultural issues as evidenced by cultures throughout history not having them and us being able to trace our current ones through our own recent history. If Science Almighty did discover that every disagreeable person is in fact born with a predetermined genetic trait that literally destined them to a life of stubborn intolerance, what do we do then? Lock them up? Put them on an island? Give them a pill to "fix" them? Any of these solutions are still societal and are reflections of the culture they originate in. And in terms of being stubborn, disagreeable, sticking to your guns, not seeing any perspective outside your own, how flexible and open-minded would you say you yourself have been here? You bring a Mad Hatter theory to the table and as soon as scrutiny is aimed at Science not being an all-powerful authority you simply fold.
      It would probably serve you well to learn how to read actual scientific studies instead of relying on pop science media outlets to simply spoonfeed you the conclusions.

  • @sundaykessig-kinkaid7313
    @sundaykessig-kinkaid7313 Před rokem +10

    Thank you! This is brilliant- I'm so tired of hearing people neglecting men as a denomination worthy of analysis, and care. Your focus not only on men, but for men, is something I think the world is sorely lacking.
    (And as an enby who's horribly confused about this gender business, someone thoughtfully explaining masculinity has been enlightening in a way I'd stopped thinking was possible.)
    Keep doin' what you do! I'm looking forward to learning more.

  • @tamatebako_yt
    @tamatebako_yt Před rokem +8

    Hey, I think your channel is growing (finally!). Well done!

  • @Sunrisetellin
    @Sunrisetellin Před rokem +5

    I like the shorts! I want more!

  • @empatheticrambo4890
    @empatheticrambo4890 Před rokem +5

    Love both the important message and the night wing shirt

  • @omikrondraconis5708
    @omikrondraconis5708 Před rokem +2

    Completely off topic, but I love your voice! I stumbled over your channel just yesterday and listening to you lightens my dysphoria. You could read from the phone book and I would enjoy listening to you!

  • @TJPenitencia
    @TJPenitencia Před rokem +4

    Yes, yes, and yes. And thanks again for the content.

  • @larissabrglum3856
    @larissabrglum3856 Před rokem +5

    You're what the world needs right now

  • @madsstokes
    @madsstokes Před rokem +5

    So well-said. ♡

  • @timberwolf0122
    @timberwolf0122 Před rokem +4

    Language plays a key roll in this as does understanding that many of us guys lack the emotional and language skills many women ans alleys take for granted. why is this important? communication, or rather voiding miscommunication.
    Example: We must dismantle privilage. To someone already familiar with the concept this means to make sure we all get a fair crack as life, helping to lift up people who have been historically downtrodden. To somone not familiar with the language its a threat. They are living well, to dismantle privilage means to drag them down, to tak what they have anTid to give it to others, they are left in the gutter to be passed over by someone just because they are female or a different skin color. This is a misscommunication and it puts up walls and worse makes active enemies of men who are unaware.
    I have been on the wrng side of this, its easy to be there and there are many on the far right all too eager to reenforce that, plus with some social justice minded people side comming out with "its not my job to educate you" doesnt help, it is your job to educate otherwise you are fighting against your self due to misscommunication. (sorry for spelling, this is my old laptop and the keyboard is dying)

  • @vordreller6428
    @vordreller6428 Před rokem +2

    I'm currently reading "Pedagogy of the oppressed" by Paulo Freire and the first chapter is entirely about this general dynamic.

  • @jamiemckenney5578
    @jamiemckenney5578 Před rokem +2

    Concise. No notes.

  • @jasonjacoby
    @jasonjacoby Před rokem +3

    True nobility is not in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is undermining the manosphere.

  • @megabix004
    @megabix004 Před rokem +1

    I'm somewhere in the NB-woman spectrum (still figuring things out) and I've been learning about feminism for many years, and for the longest time I used to be repulsed by the mere idea of listening to men's perspective on gender issues because their "opinions" were always misogynistic attacks and never an actual critique of the patriarchy. One day, a cis man in my life replied with "I see your point, wanna hear my perspective to build a more nuanced picture of the issue for both of us?" instead of the usual defensive vitriol. That's when I started looking for men and masc's point of view, when I started to empathize with them on how patriarchy affects them and stopped dismissing their experiences because "we have it worse".
    This experience has made me realize that, while us femmes usually complain about patriarchal men being unable to empathize with us on a personal level as we're expected to do so with them all the time (emotional labor and all that), we usually empathize with *a man* in our lives but not with *men* as a class. That's a huge oversight on our part, and as feminists who want to dismantle the patriarchy, we need to address it. We can't expect to get what we don't give. It sucks that after everything femmes have had to endure we still have to make an effort to reach out to mascs to "convince" them, and I don't think we should all be expected to want to make the effort, it's completely understandable that some femmes just aren't in that place, but the sole realization already helped me have more empathy for men in comparison to my past attitude. Now I'm interested in speaking to mascs and men and reaching out to them to offer them a sort of solace in feminism, instead of being dismissive and forbidding them from our spaces.
    I hope that with the help of men like yourself to raise awareness within masculine spaces and the efforts of femmes like me to extend a hand, we can somehow meet in the middle and go beyond the patriarchy from there. Perpetually shifting the blame doesn't help anyone, it only grows resentment and that's gas to the patriarchy machine. Dismantling the patriarchy begins with the radical act of rejecting the idea that femininity and masculinity are antagonistic.

    • @FinntasticMrFox
      @FinntasticMrFox  Před rokem +1

      Thank you so much for this. Do I have your permission to share it?

    • @megabix004
      @megabix004 Před rokem +1

      @@FinntasticMrFox Yes of course! :)

  • @ArcticsVenom
    @ArcticsVenom Před rokem

    Banger vid bro

  • @Cyberphunkisms
    @Cyberphunkisms Před rokem

    Intersectionality killed socialism

  • @nyla5065
    @nyla5065 Před rokem

    This is your channel. You pick what topics you will and will not discuss. If anyone has a problem, well they can go back the way they came. If your message is about boosting and supporting men, you do not need to acknowledge women at all. Men do not need female "allies".

    • @chey7691
      @chey7691 Před rokem +1

      If we want to be understood and get rid of the cause of what these issues are, we need different perspectives and different skill sets. We don't get to be picky for pedantic reasons, and women and other less acknowledged genders have more experience understanding the problem.
      The two biggest things that make a man great is both the abilities of being able to put aside personal issues like pride for the sake of progress, and the ability to lift people up despite the odds and lead them to something better. Humans were meant to be equal, just different to each other and the mindsets of old that were based of lies and fear clearly aren't doing anyone good except a numbered few in control of whole populations.

  • @pickle87100
    @pickle87100 Před rokem +1

    Look up projection in the dictionary

  • @VastChoirs
    @VastChoirs Před rokem +1

    Women register for selective service, no more automatic custody and generally fairer divorce laws, and no more female only government entitlements. That's what we desperately need but neither side is advocating for it...

    • @tamatebako_yt
      @tamatebako_yt Před rokem +1

      If you ever truly listened to feminists you would know that's exactly what they're advocating for. True equality. But as things stand, equality hasn't been reached. Professions that are predominantly filled by women are paid and valued less for example. Women are also more likely to be subject to intimate partner violence and overwhelmingly more likely to die at the hands of an intimate partner. That's where these protective governmental measures come from.

    • @VastChoirs
      @VastChoirs Před rokem

      @@tamatebako_yt Men die at work far more than women die of intimate partner violence. Children die at the hands of their mothers ten times more than their fathers. I have yet to hear a woman or feminist decrying the infanticide gap. Women under age 35 who are childless have higher average incomes than childless men, and that's when people are pairing up for obvious which is a problem because women generally refuse to pair with males who have lower incomes. 60% of bachelor's degrees are earned by women. So you're exactly right, equality hasn't been reached yet and the government should step in to advocate for and finance male only programs.

    • @tamatebako_yt
      @tamatebako_yt Před rokem +10

      @@VastChoirs My point being that these programs exist for a reason. Where I live male support programs and services exist as well, btw.

    • @Heltipyre
      @Heltipyre Před rokem

      Men are advocating for them. But they are being shunned, called mysoginist, overtalked and censored by feminists. And frankly, noone in position of power really cares about the avarage men. Especially, since they make a cut from our demise. They make the cut from the childsupport, from the alimony, from divorce procedures. Every time the Man suffers, they make a cut. Ofcourse they wont advocate for men's rights and fairer treatment. They are profiting off of your suffering.

    • @laurelgardner
      @laurelgardner Před rokem

      Fuck that, abolish capitalism and the nation state.

  • @iRRichiee
    @iRRichiee Před rokem +1

    Shes not gonna sleep with you for creating this video bro.

    • @FinntasticMrFox
      @FinntasticMrFox  Před rokem +13

      I'm a happily partnered man, so I should hope not! Do you think it's a fair view of men to assume everything a guy does is about getting laid? Seems a little like misandry, ngl.

    • @soyborne.bornmadeandundone1342
      @soyborne.bornmadeandundone1342 Před rokem +1

      @@FinntasticMrFox Lol funny story. Once Jenny Nicolson did a video on the movie joker. She liked it a lil bit but seemed to mostly dislike it. Chuds found out about her take. They did a dozen hour live stream talking crap about her. Actually I think it might have been 16 hours. It was long is all I know. It was pretty creepy lol. Instead of just saying how you disagree real quick, they went into full blown chudcel rage mode. Saying lots of sexist and stupid crap. You know, the usual from reactionary trash who pose online as a cartoon fox or a bunny or something. One of them is this creep named rags. Gamer gate grifter type. The worst kind of person you could ever run into. He's also obsessed with crapping on Jim Sterling.
      I showed up pushing back against their nonsense. One of their simps, similar to this richiee kid. Said to me that Jenny isn't going to sleep with me for defending her. So I told him that those fursona grifter incel boys that he listens to are not going to sleep with you either lol. I could tell that pissed him off.
      Oh and Joker is just discount taxi driver honestly. Other than the anti capitalist messaging it's a pretty boring film. Lotta slowmo dancing. Not enough actual movie. Which is weird why the chuds would defend the movie. It's clearly anti capitalist. Don't they love being boot lickers who love to get wallet raped? You losers are right wing after all so what gives??? Morons lol.
      What's hilarious is that rags hasn't grown his channel at all ever since. Meanwhile Jim and Jenny are basically at a million now. Guess being a creep instead of someone interesting isn't paying off for the guy lol.

    • @iRRichiee
      @iRRichiee Před rokem

      @@FinntasticMrFox I think when you strip life down to the very basics then it comes into play a lot yes. As far back as you can document men in power had tons of wives in plenty of socities and culutres..... i dont think it was coincidence...

    • @laurelgardner
      @laurelgardner Před rokem +9

      ​​​@@iRRichiee it's not but nor is it a sign of healthy love or women's free choice when powerful old men control lots of young, vulnerable women. I can't imagine anything less similar to happily partnered men caring about women and being good at taking their perspectives.
      It definitely doesn't make you any less disingenuous or shitty for pushing the idea that the only reason a man can care about women's issues is to get laid. This gets said to partnered men by bitter men so much and it's just fucking sad.
      Women like being respected, because they are human. Men who respect women get partners. Men who don't respect women need leverage and cruelty to hold them, it doesn't work very well, and it's miserable for everybody. Men who insist on getting dating advice from the latter group instead of the former are just digging their own graves and then blaming everyone else when they fall in.

    • @gwen9939
      @gwen9939 Před rokem +9

      @@iRRichiee Usually the imagined status of having multiple partners is what drives men to pursue it, not the sexual act itself. Hence why they feel the need to share it with everyone. But women aren't impressed by guys who've slept with a lot of women, that is strictly for the benefit of the boys, and why there's this obsession with "being an alpha". So yes, powerful men had tons of wives because it symbolized their status. They also had a lots and lots of material wealth but I don't think shiny metals and gems or having endless portraits of your own likeness are part of "life at its very basic", I believe it's something we as humans decided meant higher status and power. Also y'know, greeks and romans among many others didn't exactly exclusively sleep with women either.
      Inversely, I know a lot of guys who're in happy marriages or relationships not at all tempted to compromise that in any way because they aren't missing anything from their life that isn't covered by their relationship with their partner, and I known these people since they started dating and until now where they're married and most of them were never concerned with how other men perceived them unless they were regularly "getting some". So according to them, "life at its very basic" does not mean multiple wives and constant sexual gratification from them.
      Meanwhile the guys I knew who would make sure to hook up with a new girl every weekend was not gaining tons of respect, though it was obvious to everyone that they believed they deserved it. They would hit on everyone and their sisters and girl friends, only to sleep with them and ditch them immediately, and because our friend group was mixed gender they were just incredibly disruptive and came off as pathologically needy for social validation. Because, well, that's what it was. It wasn't about the girl or the sex itself, it was about sharing it with everyone on monday.

  • @Heltipyre
    @Heltipyre Před rokem +2

    Maybe stop calling men's uplifting As mysoginy.
    Or better yet, stop calling it mysoginist when the truth comes out.

    • @FinntasticMrFox
      @FinntasticMrFox  Před rokem +8

      What are you feeling right now, my guy? And why did a one minute video answering a question make you feel that way?

    • @Heltipyre
      @Heltipyre Před rokem

      @@FinntasticMrFox it has nothing to do my feelings. You didn't hurt my feelings, if thats what you meant.
      But now I gotta question, why are you shaming me for a presumed feeling?
      I thought men are supposed to show feelings and vulnerability, no? But now you're triyng to invalidate my presumed feeling.

    • @FinntasticMrFox
      @FinntasticMrFox  Před rokem +8

      @@Heltipyre Why do you think I'm trying to shame you? I'm sincerely asking as I'd like to know where this response is coming from; I answered a question other people were asking, and you put a *lot* of spin on it. I'd like to understand, and I think a good way to do that is to know the angle you're approaching from.

    • @Heltipyre
      @Heltipyre Před rokem

      @@FinntasticMrFox because youre asking about my feelings and try to guilt me for having those feelings by asking why im feeling that Way.
      Maybe if you'd like to hear my input, dont ask about my feelings, and ask about my opinion, arguement or just ask to elaborate.
      Feelings have no place in objetive discussions.

    • @FinntasticMrFox
      @FinntasticMrFox  Před rokem +8

      @@Heltipyre I think that's completely untrue. When we're talking about human experiences and interactions, there is very little objectivity. I said "misogyny" and you said "truth" without even asking what I was describing or talking about. Where did that come from if not feelings?
      I act on my feelings a lot. Feelings are an integral part of human interaction, doesn't it seem a little silly to erase a massive part of who we are and how we relate to each other?
      Feelings are not inherently irrational; trying to pretend they don't exist and influence us is when they take control and lead to irrationality.

  • @ValerietheLovelyDeadlyItalian

    Holy goddamn youre making videos too fast and being too based STOP ITT 💜🏳️‍⚧️💜🏳️‍⚧️

  • @kaykay1570
    @kaykay1570 Před rokem +3
