Let Me Show You How To Do It.


Komentáře • 5K

  • @Froggyman145
    @Froggyman145 Před 10 dny +65586

    Wife: "Babe, where are you going?"
    Homeowner: "My time has come."

  • @mikep7324
    @mikep7324 Před 11 dny +58881

    Brovo by both. The driver may have learned by watching. The home owner was there to help.

    • @amjan
      @amjan Před 11 dny +136

      You dont learn this skill by watching from the outside. Would you learn to swim by watching?

    • @Rhysbailey52
      @Rhysbailey52 Před 11 dny +462

      Well yes you can, he already knows how to drive, he just has to observe how he maneuvered the vehicle ​@@amjan

    • @user-lv4ne7nq1h
      @user-lv4ne7nq1h Před 11 dny +75

      ​@amjan you can tell how the driver is steering just by watching from the outside from how much the wheels are turning

    • @matsjohansson3645
      @matsjohansson3645 Před 11 dny +12

      Did let a more experint driver take over at a windmill site to save time, i could do it but not fast enoght.

    • @krizpgaming837
      @krizpgaming837 Před 11 dny +24

      I think the homeowner searched where there was such a sign, built his house there, also the reversal platform and then hacked gps api server to direct some ammount of trucks down this very road.

  • @richardteale8203
    @richardteale8203 Před 3 dny +149

    As a trucker with years experience & gifted in backing skills, yes, they both did the right thing & well done Mr resident for saving his & other motorists frustration & infuriation!
    Edit; I must add that the worldwide shortage of experienced semi drivers is resulting in these under qualified truck drivers who should know good backing skills to get the job, but standards are being cut, as many can't back a tractor & trailer unit competently! The lost time & wear & tear on equipment is another loss!

    • @Donkeyearsa
      @Donkeyearsa Před 13 hodinami

      I don't know what company you work for but any company that I have ever worked for that driver would have been fired the moment his boss learned that he let someone else drive his truck.

    • @docsgearheadgaming2503
      @docsgearheadgaming2503 Před 7 hodinami

      15000 dollars to get a class one here in Canada. It’s no wonder there’s a shortage of drivers

    • @richardteale8203
      @richardteale8203 Před 7 minutami

      @@Donkeyearsa Correct! As a driver, I'd never allow another to drive my ride, as because of those rules my job would instantly be lost too! The only exception is this situation, where the employee was incompetent, it's all on video to show & the offer would have to be accompanied by presentation of their appropriate license & permission from the employee's employer!

  • @Domesticgoddess12
    @Domesticgoddess12 Před 4 dny +274

    The driver was most likely relieved that the homeowner was even there in the first place to help him!!!! There’s no telling HOW long the driver would have been shimmying up and down and back and forth again on the road!!!! THIS is how we need to start being to our fellow passerby’s! HELPFUL!

    • @norbertjaworowski6314
      @norbertjaworowski6314 Před 3 dny

      Zastanów się nad tym jeszcze raz. Skoro facet nie potrafi cofać ciężarówką to nawet nie powinien posiadać prawa jazdy...
      Co to za kierowca jeśli przy każdym cofaniu będzie potrzebował pomocy obcych ludzi? 😅

    • @tuxedomask7071
      @tuxedomask7071 Před 13 hodinami

      *passersby and no ' for s-plural

    • @AErKart
      @AErKart Před 11 hodinami

      ​@@norbertjaworowski6314Prawdopodobnie on nie miał prawa jazdy a ciężarówkę ukradł na parkingu, widząc że ktoś jej nie zamknął. Dopiero po drodze zastanawiając się do jakiej dziupli pojechać aby opróżnić ją z towaru.

    • @norbertjaworowski6314
      @norbertjaworowski6314 Před 10 hodinami

      @@AErKart to chyba najbardziej prawdopodobny scenariusz 😃

    • @AErKart
      @AErKart Před 10 hodinami

      @@norbertjaworowski6314 W Polsce mówi się że okazja czyni złodzieja. Ludziom wydaje się że duże filmowe pojazdy nie są kradzione. Jednak czasem zdarzają się wyjątki. Nie do pomyślenia jak np dziecko dla zabawy "ukradło" tramwaj z pętli, aby samo przejechać się kilka przystanków.
      Ostatnio w centrum Warszawy na chodniku między pasami ruchliwego ronda widziałem ciężarówkę konkretnie pełnowymiarową śmieciarkę z zapalonym silnikiem i zapewne nie zamkniętą kabiną w której nikogo nie było. Wokół śmieciarki żadnej osoby. Za to z 8 m dalej przy windzie jeden Afroamerykanin, odwrócony tyłem do samochodu odwróconego bokiem od strony pasażera. Tak że bez problemu ktoś mógłby podejść a z drugiej strony wsiąść to też miedziaki i odjechać.
      To dziwny obrazek okazało się inni pracownicy śmieciarki byli podziemnym centrum handlowym z którego odbierali śmieci, wysyłając na górę pojemnik windą do której już sam już się nie zmieścili. Na górze czekał tylko ten nieumiejący mówić po polsku. Dlatego zaskoczony gdy sie zapytałem - Czy w waszej firmie nigdy nikt nie ukradł z ulicy śmieciarki?
      Prawdopodobnie to była jakaś taka podobna sytuacja gdzie gość skorzystał z okazji widząc ciężarówka bez kierowcy z odpalonym silnikiem. Mnóstwo osób tak robi nie spodziewając się że ktoś wykorzysta to. Dlatego w Stanach przez telewizję są transmitowane pościgi skradzionych pojazdów między innymi zdarzają się też tiry. Policja gania się nadgodzina jest kimś kto jedzie ciężarówką albo samochodem terenowym mimo przestrzelonej opony, ucieka spalając gumy do zera. Właściwie to odpadają a potem idą iskry od felgi. Bardzo że błotnik się zapala i ostatecznie samochód. Jestem taki przestępca zatrzymuje się dopiero i ucieka pieszo.
      Czasem przypomina to polowanie na jakieś zwierzę, któremu się specjalnie folguje po to by móc za nim gonić dla zabawy.
      W mniejszych przypadków to kradzież czołgu z jednostki wojskowej którym ktoś uciekał po autostradzie, zawiesił się na betonowej przegrodzie między kierunkami.
      Myślę że gdyby producentom samochodów zależało na tym aby nie były one kradzione zamki i stacyjki na linie papilarne. Tymczasem zrobili radiowe kluczyki które łatwo oszukać przesyłając zdalnie sygnał i złodzieje kupują gotowe urządzenia do śledzenia najnowszych samochodów poprzez skopiowanie sygnału kluczyka z domu lub biura kierowcy. Także z punktu widzenia komputera samochodu był on otwarty i odpalony normalnym kluczykiem ( który ciągle leżał u kogoś na biurku lub w kieszeni domu wieje tylko wzmocnienie jego sygnał i przesłali do samochodu zaparkowanego np kilkadziesiąt metrów dalej).
      Dla Producentów samochodów prawdopodobnie liczy się ruch w interesie i dzięki temu że złodzieje kradną i rozbierają samochody na części (lub kradną i rozbijają) jest zapotrzebowanie na kupowanie nowych.

  • @td6460
    @td6460 Před 11 dny +38561

    Boss wouldn't care either way. They didn't care to give the driver proper maps.

    • @MSAutoSnap
      @MSAutoSnap  Před 11 dny +2270

      Good point

    • @ryerob4815
      @ryerob4815 Před 11 dny +644

      I've worked for two companies in the US and we aren't allowed to use maps they can't be updated in real time. We use trucking apps at one company that will never take u under a bridge your too tall for or a road you can't be on and at the other company they had dispatchers wrote down directions and they would update us if another driver hit traffic to reroute ECT.

    • @yerretson1504
      @yerretson1504 Před 11 dny +107

      Proper maps, or training by the looks of things.

    • @JustaMomnFamily
      @JustaMomnFamily Před 11 dny +10


    • @ilyassel
      @ilyassel Před 11 dny +82

      This guy is just using google maps. Nav systems used in the Nederlands are updated weekly. This shouldn't have happend if he used the official nav system.

  • @levirivard1922
    @levirivard1922 Před 6 dny +8243

    He's been helping drivers back out ever since he moved there.

  • @Zorro_Blood
    @Zorro_Blood Před 4 dny +11

    Respect to the young driver. Others would just drive through that no heavy vehicle zone but he did not gave up, no matter how maybe embarrassed he was.

  • @2watertight
    @2watertight Před 5 dny +60

    An operator willing to learn from others will always be the better operator.

  • @lifeofdan2807
    @lifeofdan2807 Před 9 dny +5071

    Bro has just seen a 1000 trucks get stuck outside his house, watched and learnt 🤣

    • @maiden5427
      @maiden5427 Před 7 dny +70

      😂😂😂 Underrated comment

    • @user-zj3ne5mq2k
      @user-zj3ne5mq2k Před 7 dny +14

      Learned. Since when did learnt become a word lmao

    • @HubbaDubba05
      @HubbaDubba05 Před 7 dny +47

      ​@@user-zj3ne5mq2kidk man but both learned and learnt are correct spelling

    • @dgh1033
      @dgh1033 Před 7 dny +40

      @@user-zj3ne5mq2kLearnt is also correct. Learnt is the common spelling in British English, and Learned is more common in American English

    • @KornPop96
      @KornPop96 Před 7 dny +13

      OMG dude, I live on a corner of a back road and a 2 lane highway, and about twice a month Dollar General trucks try to turn onto the back road to cut over to another highway. The turn looks fine but it's just barely too much for a semi to make without getting their right side tires stuck on the grass in the hay field. It happens so much everyone on our little corner jumps into action. I stop traffic going one way, the old lady across the street stops traffic on the other side, and the farmer who owns the field instructs the driver to back up and drive through the field and get back on the highway. They have to drive a specific path, but luckily for them it happens so much there is a visible path for semis to drive through the field trailer and all. It's the sole reason the farmer doesn't grow anything in that little 10 acre field lol.

  • @TheColt113
    @TheColt113 Před 12 dny +25777

    The real question is did the driver have a driving licence?

    • @My57193
      @My57193 Před 12 dny +2043

      Only to drive forward

    • @oapy.
      @oapy. Před 12 dny +171

      Don't translate...👐🏻 ฉันจะสมัครรับข้อมูลใครก็ตามที่สมัครรับข้อมูลฉันและชอบความคิดเห็นนี

    • @hahayes111
      @hahayes111 Před 11 dny +138

      He literally have 2 cars.

    • @teafool753
      @teafool753 Před 11 dny +437

      ​@@hahayes111 he's talking about the truck driver,not the dude who came out of the house

    • @Chloe_Evans2023
      @Chloe_Evans2023 Před 11 dny +8

      ​@@oapy. Nice

  • @ginakenyon5373
    @ginakenyon5373 Před 4 dny +2

    That is awesome. What a great guy. Driver did the right thing. Driver learned how to back up too. ❤

  • @tubblebub
    @tubblebub Před 4 dny +3

    Obviously the home owner is a good dude for helping the driver, but he's also great by first letting all of the backed up traffic go.

  • @Eligaminglee
    @Eligaminglee Před 8 dny +6004

    He might not have the experience but he was humble enough to let someone else drive the truck. he doesnt have a big ego. Probably a cool guy

    • @lukeysharp94
      @lukeysharp94 Před 7 dny +57

      I dunno, I'd be wary of anyone that just comes along and asks to give me your truck 😂

    • @ReynaLikk-yj4xw
      @ReynaLikk-yj4xw Před 7 dny +108

      ​@@lukeysharp94he walked out of his house

    • @lukeysharp94
      @lukeysharp94 Před 7 dny +6

      @@ReynaLikk-yj4xw he was manoeuvring and maybe didn't see that.

    • @AndreLuiz-gk1mf
      @AndreLuiz-gk1mf Před 7 dny +2

      Humildade é bom mas ser profissional melhor é obrigatório.

    • @ReynaLikk-yj4xw
      @ReynaLikk-yj4xw Před 7 dny +9

      @@lukeysharp94 what's your point? he probably did see it which is why he let him drive the truck

  • @2psnopod
    @2psnopod Před 9 dny +3152

    Props to the original driver for admitting he needed help honestly thays the hard part for some people we all have those days

    • @DurangoBango
      @DurangoBango Před 8 dny +46

      Definitely. He poured out whatever was in his glass so somebody else could fill it up. Humility. In this day and age people feel like it is the end of the world or God's greatest sin to be at fault for something or simply not knowing how to do something. Everyone acts in a manner in which they portrayed that they came out of the womb knowing everything about everything😂😂😂😂

    • @JoinkerRL
      @JoinkerRL Před 8 dny +13

      you don't learn by being arrogant, not taught enough nowadays, if you have the ability to be shown and learn even when frustrated you'll do just fine in life

    • @beatnik6806
      @beatnik6806 Před 8 dny +6

      He should have stayed inside and learned a thing or two for him. But I bet he learned something anyways just watching. 👍

    • @beatnik6806
      @beatnik6806 Před 8 dny +1

      From him*

    • @somethingsomething404
      @somethingsomething404 Před 8 dny +4

      It’s rarely “let me help you” it’s more likely
      “Nancy, we don’t have all day; People have places to be, get the hell out of that cab and let me show you how it’s done”

  • @kenrienks3991
    @kenrienks3991 Před 5 dny +3

    RESPECT!!! Definitely the right thing…..thankfully another driver was there to help him!

  • @leaveamsgaftertabeep
    @leaveamsgaftertabeep Před 4 dny +1

    He accepted the liability of anything going wrong in getting help. Men know when offered help and you need it. Accept it with gratitude. Be humbled when shown something new.

  • @denzeleiseb6364
    @denzeleiseb6364 Před 5 dny +3409

    Kudos to the truck driver for accepting help and trusting a stranger with his truck.

    • @lammatt
      @lammatt Před 3 dny +71

      He should have sat in the passenger seat and learn

    • @loadapish
      @loadapish Před 3 dny +4

      A guy stopped his land rover and towed me in a truck😂

    • @gillesguillaumin6603
      @gillesguillaumin6603 Před 3 dny +3

      He is young, he will learn. You cannot have a brain and a hood. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @Liriq
      @Liriq Před 3 dny +8

      ya, I'm here outside, waiting for the dude and my truck to come back. He drove off and said he needed the big empty lot up ahead. It's been 5 hours. I hope he's ok.

    • @Pro720HyperMaster720
      @Pro720HyperMaster720 Před 2 dny +3

      I mean is not like the stranger could simply run away, he knows where he lives

  • @PeterStickcross
    @PeterStickcross Před 6 dny +1517

    Boss: *sees video*
    Also Boss: "You're hired"

  • @hereLiesThisTroper
    @hereLiesThisTroper Před 13 hodinami

    People like that homeowner truly exist. I've been in a similar situation where I got a blown tire, and bystanders came to me to offer help. Bless them both.

  • @DavePryor302
    @DavePryor302 Před 4 dny +2

    Imagine the owner just takes off with the truck 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @SpaceMonkeyBoi
    @SpaceMonkeyBoi Před 7 dny +1680

    "Hey, need me to help you get out?"
    "Sure. Thanks!"
    **gets in the truck and drives away**

    • @sovietunion9131
      @sovietunion9131 Před 6 dny +17


    • @IronWarrior95
      @IronWarrior95 Před 6 dny +67

      Bu he knows where he lives.. he can just take over his house and say "it's mine now" 😂

    • @burrytellam
      @burrytellam Před 6 dny +4

      But It was a dead end.

    • @The-Harpy-Slayers
      @The-Harpy-Slayers Před 5 dny +7

      😂 lol nah they have trackers on the trailers he wouldn't get that far

    • @randolfo1265
      @randolfo1265 Před 5 dny

      I was going to write this plot twist, thanks for saving me the trouble.

  • @j_lemy
    @j_lemy Před 7 dny +2516

    Guy has probably helped more than just one driver turn back.

  • @Allrounder14509
    @Allrounder14509 Před 4 dny +1

    "When he was needed most, he returned."

  • @brandonrasmussen6692
    @brandonrasmussen6692 Před 3 dny

    Letting someone that is confident enough to genuinely offer help is valid , those trucks are much trickyer than people think

  • @eye_exam3688
    @eye_exam3688 Před 6 dny +1558

    A hero teaching a young apprentice to become one... This clip shows how awesome people can be to help those in need.

  • @harrydemontechristo8425
    @harrydemontechristo8425 Před 8 dny +2311

    The guy who helped totally did the right thing - if you can, you should 💯

    • @pod9538
      @pod9538 Před 7 dny +1

      They work for the same company.

    • @GhostWriter_Music
      @GhostWriter_Music Před 7 dny +4

      Just don’t tell the boss.

    • @starlink2970
      @starlink2970 Před 7 dny


    • @SuperAd1980
      @SuperAd1980 Před 7 dny +2

      The young guy broke the law.
      1- allowing someone with no insurance to drive the truck.
      2- not removing his tachograph card.
      He could have got points and a large fine, could easily have been fired and possibly even end up in prison.

    • @anotherstarynks
      @anotherstarynks Před 7 dny +1

      "If you can, you should" man I'm going to carry this message for my whole life, thank you

  • @MrNeversweat
    @MrNeversweat Před 3 dny

    Kudos to that helper, we all need people like him

  • @jayv2841
    @jayv2841 Před 5 dny +1385

    My dad drove semis for over 35 years (then he retired) but he always saw younger generations struggling. He kindly lended his experience and aid with a kind heart. Never asked them or wanted from them anything except for them to watch and learn. To this day even though he is pushing 70 he’s still the person I trust driving.

    • @bhonest-gb5zg
      @bhonest-gb5zg Před 4 dny +19

      I bet at some point someone else helped him

    • @TomasNovotny-ep5br
      @TomasNovotny-ep5br Před 3 dny +1

      ​​​@@bhonest-gb5zg and he even may doest know it, karma men

      @KTPDAILY Před 2 dny +3

      I'm happy you love your dad. I lost mine.

    • @justinalgarin2828
      @justinalgarin2828 Před 2 dny

      My dad was OTR and used to help guys in this same way at truck stops before he passed. Overnight parking can be merciless. He'd give anyone in his way 5 tries, and then park it for them while they watched and learned

    • @Felix-fy7ki
      @Felix-fy7ki Před 2 dny

      Best wishes to your dad! 👍

  • @pauliewalnuts240
    @pauliewalnuts240 Před 11 dny +3490

    Doing the right thing, Doing the smart thing, and making your boss happy are very much different.

    • @barneyboyle6933
      @barneyboyle6933 Před 10 dny +4

      Stop blaming bosses for the entitled expectations of consumers

    • @---Nexus---
      @---Nexus--- Před 10 dny +12

      Excuse me are you saying that a dude is entitled because he was given an incorrect map and had a struggle? He literally didn’t do anything how was he being entitled? Some people, jesus

    • @lengboss1
      @lengboss1 Před 9 dny

      It's against the policy what would happen if the man could drive.so the boss would be mad but also grateful that the truck is intact.

    • @flex209
      @flex209 Před 9 dny

      Pretty sure that the owner of the company was happy about the truck being in one piece.

    • @LsIQIs2K
      @LsIQIs2K Před 9 dny

      Bro thinks he's standing up for justice by making bosses look like final boss villains. Like shut your goofy ass up if ur gonna make up some childish comment

  • @dianet2702
    @dianet2702 Před 3 dny

    Yes .He knew the guy was living there .
    It was not just a random passer by who could have put him in trouble.
    And first of all : you know he is a DECENT , SERIOUS HUMAN just by looking at him.
    That's a real man . A real man for his family and the society , a man to rely on. God bless him in every way.

  • @TheDramacist
    @TheDramacist Před 3 dny +1

    Plot twist: homeowner put up that HGV no entry sign

  • @joshuabuchanan3731
    @joshuabuchanan3731 Před 9 dny +789

    Yes, he did the right thing. I'm in the U.S. I've maneuvered/ parked at least 8 trucks for other drivers in the last 2 years. Fatigue after a 10 to 14 hour shift can be hard on the mind then to have to park in a tight space between 2 trucks. We should always look out for and help one another.

    • @abynevermore5542
      @abynevermore5542 Před 8 dny +9

      you are a kind hearted man not just for your help but also for mentioning the fatigue and not making it something negative against them❤🙏🏻

    • @broschetta4417
      @broschetta4417 Před 8 dny +1

      I don’t think that was the right thing to do. So many things could go wrong and it seems better for the actual driver/employee to be behind the wheel if something took place. I bet if the company owner saw him allowing a stranger to drive, he would be fired

    • @DidObamaCare
      @DidObamaCare Před 8 dny +2

      I’ll take things that don’t happen for 1 million Alex

    • @Apollo-Computers
      @Apollo-Computers Před 8 dny +2

      Fatigue of the mind is real.

    • @sricharansurapaneni3592
      @sricharansurapaneni3592 Před 8 dny +2

      @@broschetta4417the only way the company owner would see either scenarios is if the house owner shared the footage. So in this particular case if something went wrong with the house owner we’ll make sure the footage is in a time capsule

  • @bradonhoover3002
    @bradonhoover3002 Před 7 dny +640

    "Hey man, I can back that rig out for you"
    "Oh cool, thanks"
    *Drives off with it*

  • @darnellnicholas849
    @darnellnicholas849 Před dnem

    Wow, beautiful backing, awesome guy that did this for him

  • @cskuk
    @cskuk Před 3 dny

    This is a beautiful case of one Human being helping another human being!

  • @LJ-km1qo
    @LJ-km1qo Před 6 dny +642

    That's so awesome! Well done!
    I literally had to ask an older man at a mall to please help me back up my dads truck. The car behind me left no room to back out. I couldn't move forward much as there was a car parked in front of me.. This man was actually carrying a cup of water back to his vehicle as it was overheating. He told me to just give him 1 minute and he would help me. He nailed it, backing out and forward many times, inch by inch. I never could have done it without hitting the cars on either side of me. This awesome man told me his day was much better, having gotten to help someone 😊 He had something to give after all 😊 ❤😊

  • @davidk7859
    @davidk7859 Před 6 dny +676

    Driver did good. Rules are great and all, but then there's LIFE.
    Life trumps rules every time, guaranteed 😊

    • @skyriminspace
      @skyriminspace Před 6 dny +8


    • @bharat-dz9wi
      @bharat-dz9wi Před 6 dny +7

      Ah yes the saying. One who breaks the rules are scum. But the one who abandons a friend is worse than scum.

    • @SDU2023
      @SDU2023 Před 6 dny

      And that is literally true today. Friggin' criminal.

    • @jokerpilled2535
      @jokerpilled2535 Před 5 dny +2

      @@bharat-dz9wi 🥷

    • @warmenuute
      @warmenuute Před 5 dny

      Sehe ich anders
      Er hätte den Laster absichern können indem er sich auf den Beifahrersitz gesetzt hätte

  • @raymondwall8187
    @raymondwall8187 Před 5 dny +2

    Never EVER drive another man's truck. If he can't operate it, why would you think he can inspect and maintain it?

    • @mikemurphy5898
      @mikemurphy5898 Před 4 dny +1

      I wouldn't but I'd trust that it would take me 30 ft, and if it broke down, I could probably call my wife to help me cross the street safely....like fr, what on earth are you talking about? You're worried about it breaking down while backing? OK, then what?

    • @raymondwall8187
      @raymondwall8187 Před 4 dny

      ​@@mikemurphy5898 ... and when the brakes or power steering fails or one of the cars does something stupid and there is damage and the new driver is looking for someone to blame, who will it be?
      Never EVER drive another man's truck. And don't ridicule just because you don't understand what you're talking about.

    • @raymondwall8187
      @raymondwall8187 Před 4 dny

      ​ @mikemurphy5898
      Offer instruction and be his spotter, but never drive his truck. He is operating under someone else's authority, so you will be unauthorized and uninsured

    • @dronkozkov5804
      @dronkozkov5804 Před dnem

      Проверяет и обслуживает грузовик сам водитель? Хе, я думал такое возможно только в мире дикого капитализма. 😅

    • @AlyssaAlyrics
      @AlyssaAlyrics Před 4 hodinami

      legally, you’re right. if i were a trucker and let someone else drive my truck, even for 3 seconds, i’d be held professionally liable for anything wrong that could happen and vice versa if i was the savior and the brakes exploded the 3 seconds i was in the car. but the trucker looks like a defeated, humbled, and desperate kid and the savior looks like a dad that told him to trust him with full conviction.
      you’re very right about spotting him first though, he’d learn from it too.

  • @monsapnupuas
    @monsapnupuas Před 4 dny

    So fkn nice. THIS is how we should be and think kind, positive and helpful.

  • @Neogentronyx
    @Neogentronyx Před 11 dny +513

    The right house to get stuck in front of that day

    • @jcruise876
      @jcruise876 Před 8 dny +18

      Something tells me that's not the first truck driver the guy helped 😅. That paved area he backed upbon may have been paved for this very reason.

    • @DurangoBango
      @DurangoBango Před 8 dny

      Definitely ​@@jcruise876

    • @gopnikolai7483
      @gopnikolai7483 Před 8 dny

      Especially considering he can't drive for shit

    • @sweetsunnyvibes
      @sweetsunnyvibes Před 8 dny

      * wrong, the reason people don't like asking for help is because the help can't wait to show people you asked then

    • @gopnikolai7483
      @gopnikolai7483 Před 8 dny +1

      @@sweetsunnyvibes well the truck driver should absolutely be shamed lmao
      For a start, he didn't plan his route properly, and on top of that, he doesn't even have the skill to make up for his planning incompetence.
      You can be incompetent in EITHER planning, or driving, but you can't be both, if the homeowner wasn't there, he would've been fucked, guy needs to practice some more in his spare time.
      Some blame also goes on his higher ups for not training him better or fucking up his route, and some goes on the poor training standards.

  • @elsparko2883
    @elsparko2883 Před 8 dny +765

    Fair play to the guy for helping . The world needs more people like him , most people would just take their phone out and record laughing their heads off

    • @-_-._.-.
      @-_-._.-. Před 7 dny +11

      Not “most people” can or know how to backing or even drive a truck 🤦

    • @LewisDew-qt1hk
      @LewisDew-qt1hk Před 7 dny +2

      He had that part covered on the camera were watching the guy did good 😂

    • @KhreamedKhorne
      @KhreamedKhorne Před 7 dny +5

      I mean, most people can't drive a rig, so yeah.

    • @tronmcrae
      @tronmcrae Před 7 dny +1

      He didn't want his to get hit.

    • @AnEntityBrowsingYT
      @AnEntityBrowsingYT Před 7 dny +2

      The world has many people like him, we don't see it because THE PEOPLE AREN'T TAKING THEIR PHONES OUT TO RECORD IT
      This regurgitated comment is overused and complete nonsense.

  • @petertaylor2148
    @petertaylor2148 Před 19 hodinami

    The young driver is a legend for allowing help to come..

  • @MaybeKoolaid
    @MaybeKoolaid Před 4 dny

    Fuck me that back up gave me goosebumps, absolute professional at work, love to see it.

  • @lonewolfark2270
    @lonewolfark2270 Před 10 dny +551

    Dude was quick to let him drive probably showed him his CDL or steam game history 💀

    • @TopiasSalakka
      @TopiasSalakka Před 8 dny +6

      This is in Europe, we don't use a CDL.

    • @misdelivereddishwasher1011
      @misdelivereddishwasher1011 Před 8 dny +6

      maybe you should lol ​@@TopiasSalakka

    • @TopiasSalakka
      @TopiasSalakka Před 8 dny +7

      @@misdelivereddishwasher1011 Why, when we have our own system that's better than the american one?

    • @misdelivereddishwasher1011
      @misdelivereddishwasher1011 Před 8 dny +16

      @@TopiasSalakka ah yes, as this video so clearly demonstrates

    • @misdelivereddishwasher1011
      @misdelivereddishwasher1011 Před 8 dny

      @@TopiasSalakka actually I lied about being interested in talking to you, I don't talk to British people in July. Eat my shorts

  • @nekikins4936
    @nekikins4936 Před 7 dny +494

    Guy came into one of our sites with a super b and got stuck in a tight lane once. Friend of mine and I were talking and drinking coffee and we noticed him struggling to get out, as his trailers were all over the place.
    Greg and I watched for a minute and realized he was In over his head, so him and I went over to see him and Greg jumped up on the steps and told him, "I want you to listen to exactly what I tell you. We are going to be here a while, but I will get you out." He never took over for the guy, he guided him and taught him a valuable lesson and some great skills on how to get out of a jam.
    I'm not saying what he did in the video was wrong, but it's usually better to teach a man to fish.

    • @lindabennett6104
      @lindabennett6104 Před 7 dny +11

      Help him by guiding him, teach a man to fish is better. Your not always going to be there. ❤

    • @thisemptychannel9684
      @thisemptychannel9684 Před 7 dny +22

      The issue here would be if the guy didn't listen well at first they are effecting more people. If they were in a lot and the guy was trying to back in or something teach them then. On the road time is money for a lot more people than the driver.

    • @Rayray-wh1zh
      @Rayray-wh1zh Před 6 dny


    • @davidk7859
      @davidk7859 Před 6 dny +1

      Maybe this truck driver already knows how to fish 🤷🏻‍♂️
      I think it's his driving skills he needs to work on 🙄

    • @omnacky
      @omnacky Před 6 dny +7

      ​@davidk7859 Aka his fishing skills

  • @lhkraut
    @lhkraut Před 3 dny

    I think his boss would want to send this guy an application! I worked in air cargo for almost 25 years, and I very much appreciate the hard work truck drivers do. I have seen some drivers who are so good at backing into places, some might think they have special powers! To watch a driver back in a trailer where they can't pull up very far and must turn from 90° angle, and park between 2 trucks is amazing. Mind you, when I worked in air cargo, there were no cameras, only mirrors!

  • @Ambarrabma
    @Ambarrabma Před dnem +1

    As someone who plays euro truck simulator, the first guy is 100% me lmao

  • @dorissimin7624
    @dorissimin7624 Před 11 dny +456

    I agree to let someone help him.This is way better than cause an accident!Any help is GOOD!

    • @Crimson.S.57
      @Crimson.S.57 Před 9 dny +6

      Not everyone who says they’re going to help does, sometimes they make the situation worse.

    • @rabinraj15
      @rabinraj15 Před 8 dny

      Never try, never know 😉

    • @ashmot3756
      @ashmot3756 Před 7 dny

      Unless you cant drive a truck and crash it 😂 but yeah if you can help you should !

    • @braddragon1812
      @braddragon1812 Před 6 dny

      If i crash my truck insurance covers it. If you crash my truck i need a new job.

  • @Mattlawton-ft6ew
    @Mattlawton-ft6ew Před 12 dny +980

    He should have sat in with him but great job any way

    • @Max-ry4gl
      @Max-ry4gl Před 11 dny +18

      Actually thats not recommended. You will fail your CDL if you dont tell your instructor to get out of the truck and give you signals for backing up. It is compulsory by law in most countries that someone is standing and watching out for the truck driver when backing up (if there is a second driver)

    • @kissalude9032
      @kissalude9032 Před 10 dny

      GPS also means getting people stuck.
      Have to look ahead and definitely have trucker apps.
      Nowadays with Google maps, street view can sometimes help

    • @kugelblitz1557
      @kugelblitz1557 Před 10 dny +80

      ​@@Max-ry4gl letting some random guy in your truck is risking him to steal it. Sitting in with him reduces that possibility.

    • @c9obra
      @c9obra Před 10 dny +27

      @@kugelblitz1557ok ya maybe but he was literally across the street from the dudes house lol

    • @Mattlawton-ft6ew
      @Mattlawton-ft6ew Před 10 dny +5

      @@Max-ry4gl yes but he's not is he its a random guy hes let drive so I'd be sitting in with him.

  • @souljuh4539
    @souljuh4539 Před 2 hodinami

    That homeowner is a beast behind that wheel. Perfection!!!

  • @2dogsmowing
    @2dogsmowing Před 2 dny

    Kudos to both of these guys.
    The driver for excepting the help. And the homeowner for extending his help.
    It's how it should be anywhere with anytime.
    We are all on this great rock called earth and it's what we are here for. To help each other in times of struggle.
    It doesn't cost anything but could be priceless to the one that receives the helping hand.
    Bring humble enough to except that help is the key to it all.
    Because you'll be humble enough to give a helping hand when you see the need to be filled.
    In the words of the great Jacky Moon " everybody, love everybody".
    (Yes, it's from that. 😅)

  • @shammileuski4139
    @shammileuski4139 Před 7 dny +35

    Guy simply helped another guy. Awesome 👍🏻

  • @somefrog6089
    @somefrog6089 Před 5 dny +76

    Everyone has moments like this in life.
    Nobody knows everything. Nobody's perfect.

    • @WayOfHaQodesh
      @WayOfHaQodesh Před 3 dny

      We must all be perfect. Our Messiah Yahushua himself taught in the Bible, in the gospel of Matthew one of our Father's commands, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)
      You can be perfect, sin free and whole.

    • @dingbop963
      @dingbop963 Před 3 dny

      Speak for yourself

  • @myturkishlife1777
    @myturkishlife1777 Před 4 hodinami

    Resident "here we go again" 😁
    "I'm getting good at this" 😁

  • @DaruWarchief
    @DaruWarchief Před 4 dny

    Had the same with my car in a very small parking space in a big garange and someone parked very close to me when I had my licence for just two weeks. A nice man helped me out and his wife comforting me that this could happen to anyone, will never forget these nice people :)

  • @Mr.profi.master
    @Mr.profi.master Před 17 hodinami

    He was probably helping drivers for the past 20 years daily

  • @noloot4you
    @noloot4you Před 10 dny +245

    Perfect from both sides! If the driver was a rookie, that is nothing to blame him. Everybody needs to learn and earn experience. The home owner is just a boss for helping the driver with this situation! Fantastic!

    • @jackcollis7258
      @jackcollis7258 Před 9 dny +9

      Perfect? Mate i think the bare minimum for being able to drive a truck is being able to reverse properly, he shouldnt be on the road ffs, back to the test center

    • @ioanmuresan8254
      @ioanmuresan8254 Před 9 dny +4

      If there weren't car drivers that do something like this, I would say you're wrong, but seriously, some have it and some don't, one can't do much about that, apart from not driving at all

    • @Ar-utisticMonkey
      @Ar-utisticMonkey Před 9 dny +4

      @@jackcollis7258 he could reverse as the video showed, but he made the turn too wide as he did not spin early enough and was nervous from the tight road he was going in; no blame on him as he made the right decision

    • @animegodz6981
      @animegodz6981 Před 9 dny

      @@jackcollis7258Error. Experience is a thing my friend.

    • @tiddybopper
      @tiddybopper Před 8 dny +1

      Had this happen when we were waiting for a truck. Driver couldn't make it in so one of our dock guys backed it in for him

  • @tschoen2006
    @tschoen2006 Před 7 dny +48

    I love when people help other people. Its beautiful

  • @user-uz5hl5ox6f
    @user-uz5hl5ox6f Před dnem

    People helping people is a beautiful thing. ❤❤❤

  • @SaltStorm007
    @SaltStorm007 Před 21 hodinou +1

    He whipped the @#$& out of that truck😂

  • @jameswelsh2621
    @jameswelsh2621 Před 5 dny +27

    For 8 seconds that poor bastard thought his lorry had just been nicked 😂😂

  • @selenerucobo2251
    @selenerucobo2251 Před 6 dny +56

    That homeowner dude is awesome. Thanks dude for being a great man.

  • @user-xp7yy3py5o
    @user-xp7yy3py5o Před 4 dny

    That’s how you learn a new skill mentor to apprentice. Excellent post.

  • @user-rz5jk8xk5g
    @user-rz5jk8xk5g Před dnem

    That's how the world turns being nice GOD BLESS 🙏🙏❣️❣️

  • @TheTezz100
    @TheTezz100 Před 11 dny +224

    Yeah, maybe have an updated HGV sat nav with him would help.
    But actually nice to see a fellow driver helping another out! 😊👍

  • @spyroXcynder1000
    @spyroXcynder1000 Před 7 dny +23

    Fair play by both. It's good on the driver to accept the help when it was offered, and good on the guy who helped

  • @nadasalem1538
    @nadasalem1538 Před dnem

    ❤❤❤thanks for the man who helped.

  • @Sabz-ng4wh
    @Sabz-ng4wh Před 3 dny

    Big ups to the Driver showing the young driver how its done❤
    Lesson learned ✔️👍

  • @n1.official263
    @n1.official263 Před 7 dny +19

    Imagine the homeowner now gets hired to work 😂😂

  • @DALDO135
    @DALDO135 Před 5 dny +12

    Perfect All the way around... Great team work...WE ALL NEED HELP FROM TIME TO TIME...👍🇺🇸👍🇺🇸👍🇺🇸

  • @regibici6499
    @regibici6499 Před dnem

    That's what my dad used to do to me called me and late me parked on the difficult one just to make sure I was learning. He passed away 2 years ago I miss him every day specially when I see stuff like this
    Love your video

  • @paarker
    @paarker Před 4 dny

    We all have to learn and sometimes it’s on the job.
    They say the teacher will appear when you are ready. Well done for accepting the help.

  • @crystalsumner6057
    @crystalsumner6057 Před 5 dny +27

    That was very sweet of him ❤
    Every one of us needs a lil help every now & then!

  • @farazadris9712
    @farazadris9712 Před 8 dny +38

    What a legend guy he probably made that turn loads of times bro was like hold my beer i got this 😂

  • @Robbo511
    @Robbo511 Před 4 dny

    As a truck driver here, the home owner is a legend. But also advice to anyone learning to do this kind of reverse, get the right setup, and it will make life so much easier. Notice how the home owner took the truck over to the opposite side of the road and way furtuer forward it makes all the difference.

  • @cherleysledesma2587
    @cherleysledesma2587 Před 4 dny

    Ok it amases me how humans can be human little bit of the time but when they do , its just beautifull

  • @BigbossEssential
    @BigbossEssential Před 7 dny +6

    I’m a yard jockey, and this man maneuver is an expert skill and difficult to explain to newbies, just getting enough tilt to let the trailer do its thing while you keep your tractor facing steadily is key.

    • @braddragon1812
      @braddragon1812 Před 6 dny

      Fuck’s yeah it is. he aced it on the first go. No idea where the wheels were on the slide or the kingpin. Amazing

    • @mikemurphy5898
      @mikemurphy5898 Před 4 dny

      No idea what you just said but sure, it sounds right to me! 😂

  • @John-vw7wf
    @John-vw7wf Před 11 dny +62

    Yeah, he did. That guy is a legend for helping. It's actually pretty easy and quick to learn how to do it, but it's fairly difficult the first few times you pull a trailer. When I was still learning, I ran into a similar situation, trying to back a wide trailer into an entrance with only 10 inches of clearance on both sides and in a tiny parking lot. Cars all around that I couldnt afford to hit and property I didn't want to mess up. An older guy noticed I was struggling and, in the most polite way possible, offered to help me out. He got it within seconds and got to watch him do it from a distance to see how he was doing it. It's really just a small thing, but anyone that does it has been there, so it's really nice to see people help.

  • @LUCKI_111
    @LUCKI_111 Před 3 dny

    man has been waiting his whole life for this

  • @jadekirsten9205
    @jadekirsten9205 Před 8 dny +6

    "If I drive off with the truck, you can take my house and my wife" 😉

    • @mikemurphy5898
      @mikemurphy5898 Před 4 dny

      I'd have to check out the wife first. It could be a set up

  • @karussoul
    @karussoul Před 8 dny +37

    I had several hours on ETS2, and in 2022 I worked at a truck manufacturing plant. One day, we needed to move several imperfect units to be repaired, and most of the guys moving the trucks were seniors.
    That was my first month working there, so I got into the truck, after like 5 years not driving a manual and never having driven a truck before. Stalled the truck at first, but I perfectly navigated through a relatively small gate thanks to my ETS2 experience.
    In 2019, my family traveled to the USA, and it is usually my mom sitting in front during car rides, while my dad drives. I asked my mom to sit at the second row and allow me to be the navigator.. because I learned so much about road signs in ETS2, and I was way better than my mom with navigation. I also had to constantly remind my dad to drive on the right side of the road (my country drive on the left side).

    • @dalekcat
      @dalekcat Před 7 dny +2

      If that's a true story then I'm off to play some truck sims, I think I have both American and Euro. One of those ehhh maybe it's fun buys

    • @LethalLuggage
      @LethalLuggage Před 7 dny +4

      ​@@dalekcatI 100% learned to drive via Euro Truck Sim. Never took a driving lesson and far better at following distance and watching the road than most other drivers I know

    • @gen157
      @gen157 Před 7 dny +2

      I'll add, across the two games, 2000 hours with a wheel and full manual. Learned to drive in video games years before I had a license. My first time in a manual transmission car, took but 5 minutes to learn to drive it.
      Right now I do road service and maintenance on semi trucks. Sometimes drivers drop their trucks off and *someone* has to move them. Sometimes a road service is at a truck terminal with keys left in the vehicles. *Sometimes* that someone is me. First time driving an OTR truck, it was manual. Pulled it in with no problem. The hardest part was adjusting from a car clutch to a truck clutch. Drastically different feel.

    • @GewelReal
      @GewelReal Před 7 dny +3

      Having thousands of hours in truck sims (since Hard Truck: 18 Wheels of Steel) it made getting actual driving license so easy. My teacher even asked me if I genuinely never driven before. Had to work out the manual gearbox a bit but it was smooth sailing

    • @davidk7859
      @davidk7859 Před 6 dny +1

      I had many hours on GTA4 and still couldn't do it 😮

  • @faraht1250
    @faraht1250 Před 4 dny

    That was awesome. Made me laughed out loud in the end.

  • @donice88
    @donice88 Před 4 dny

    One of the GREATEST videos I've ever seen!!!...😮😅😂😊😂😅😮

  • @JonFromWA
    @JonFromWA Před 5 dny +7

    Boss: You're Fired! You however, you're hired! 😂

    • @DCG909
      @DCG909 Před 3 dny

      If that is indeed The Netherlands as I suspect by the yellow licence plates, scenery and road layout.
      I don't think you can afford a house like that on a trucker salary.

  • @The_Tall_Coach
    @The_Tall_Coach Před 6 dny +3

    Helping someone with kindness and support is always worth celebrating. If I were that driver, working for my company, I would have definitely been fired.

  • @ebblis07
    @ebblis07 Před 21 hodinou

    That guy had been expecting for that moment his whole life.

  • @Tales-From-The-Gold-Coast

    Home owner is an angel in time of need.

  • @georgebadea4138
    @georgebadea4138 Před 11 dny +7

    Being stupid is not a shame, staying stupid is a shame and stupidity. Respect to the truck driver.👍

  • @herobrinenana7777
    @herobrinenana7777 Před 11 dny +29

    A reminder that euro truck simulator is on sale now so you can practice in case you see this situation or something

    • @seheyt
      @seheyt Před 8 dny

      way to turn this into an ad

  • @davemoskot7772
    @davemoskot7772 Před 3 dny +1

    His boss would say, I think we found the new driver…

  • @rebrandftw
    @rebrandftw Před 4 dny +1

    This man doesn't have a HGV license! 😂😂

  • @neilcastro836
    @neilcastro836 Před 5 dny +41

    Dude that was heroic. I as an American truck driver I have helped a French Canadian lady who was having difficulty docking into a door. She was so happy and grateful after i easily backed her truck clean into the door with no difficulty. I couldn't find the same thing that driver did when helping that inexperienced truck driver

    • @mikemurphy5898
      @mikemurphy5898 Před 4 dny +5

      When I was in high school, I worked for an assembly automation distributor and they had a box truck, not the 18 wheeler but the shorter kind that's all attached.Anyway, they always thought it was hilarious to ask me to back the truck to the dock and watch me bounce it off the building 30-50x. I never did get it down either. I can parallel park like some kind of stunt driver, but the box truck, I could never get both straight and lined up to the doorway simultaneously

    • @Kveldred
      @Kveldred Před 4 dny +3

      ​@@mikemurphy5898 I'm about ready to shoot myself trying to effing back up tandems. I understand the principle, but the mfer jackknifes in a second and it is making me _so upset fujkugdsxbkkohfsss-_

  • @far77fae
    @far77fae Před 11 dny +10

    exact thing happened to me. I clearly demonstrated to myself i didn't know how to get out that situation and was grateful for the help.

    • @smartwhip.
      @smartwhip. Před 7 dny +1

      Some stranger reversed it for you? Or someone you knew?

  • @salfarkhan8231
    @salfarkhan8231 Před 4 dny +1

    Whats insane is that he did it on the 1st Try!!!! 😮

  • @wiccanloverkris
    @wiccanloverkris Před 2 dny

    My dad would be able to help like this. He was a lorry driver for over 10 years and then was a mechanic for 35.
    He's gotten a lot of vehicles out of very right spots.
    I've trusted someone to help get me out of an awful spot before. Sometimes you just gotta take that leap.

  • @syedfaheemhassan9967
    @syedfaheemhassan9967 Před 11 dny +47

    Resident was a nice man to help

  • @fifah4930
    @fifah4930 Před 8 dny +4

    They are dutch, we are for each others, i bet the cars who were waiting are not even bothered also 🔥❤️

    • @lpi3
      @lpi3 Před 8 dny +1

      Just imaging.
      - you late for your work.
      - you wouldn't believe it. That guy just...
      - hm, okay

    • @fifah4930
      @fifah4930 Před 7 dny +1

      @@lpi3 exactly what has probably already happened 😂, it was the morning joke with the boss. But believe me they will understand like nothing happened, you will not get in any trouble..

  • @MikeySkywalker
    @MikeySkywalker Před 4 dny

    Boss didn’t even move his cars so he could use his driveway. He just straight up owned it.

  • @garryc1110
    @garryc1110 Před 7 hodinami

    Respect to both
    The young driver will be able to do it himself with practice
    I've helped others as I was once helped when I first started

  • @waka-trans9526
    @waka-trans9526 Před 11 dny +6

    He was secretly making overtime 😂