GOBLINS! How to Use Them - Game Master Tips

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 287

  • @stefanb6539
    @stefanb6539 Před 6 lety +69

    One staple for a goblin lair is a big fat dumb troll in the gobbo's treasure room. The gobbos keep him happy and accept quite a lot of his abuse, because if anyone tries to rob the tribe, the troll will be convinced, that people are trying to steal from HIS personal treasure. If, on the other hand, the gobbos need something from their stash, they are manipulative and cunning enough, to convince the troll, that he ORDERED them to take it and use it on his behalf.
    Best ingredients to make it work: The goblins refer to the troll as their king, and made him as much royal regalia as they could come up with: a throne, a huge crown, a mantlet, a club-sized sceptre,... and off course a court jester.
    Optically the jester is the most wretched and sniveling of the goblins, the main focus of the king's abuse. Potentially the players may even pity him and come to the idea of offering him to rescue him.
    But in reality, the jester is off course the real operational brain of the tribe, who plays the troll like a fiddle. All the goblins hate him, but none dares to cross him. And half of the goblin's offspring are fathered by him.

  • @squirrellordsgaming2772
    @squirrellordsgaming2772 Před 3 lety +7

    I've read history books about the Viet-Kong's traps and tactics.
    That is the best source of inspiration on just how scary Goblins and Kolbolds can theoretically get.

  • @Finalwolfe
    @Finalwolfe Před 6 lety +25

    I like Goblins as a race in my home-brew worlds. I like to make them tinkerers, similar to gnomes, but with a more junkyard scrap feel to them.

  • @lostbutfreesoul
    @lostbutfreesoul Před 6 lety +40

    For Goblins:
    Take all the most mischievous evil you can find and give it the innocence of a child.

    • @byzantinex
      @byzantinex Před 3 lety +5

      So... Children... Without discipline from adults and structure... Lord of the Flies 😳

  • @Leivve
    @Leivve Před 6 lety +68

    "Goblins are like tax collectors. They want your gold, and have plenty of tricks to get it." - Farmer Frelj

  • @jakeholmes9296
    @jakeholmes9296 Před 6 lety +6

    When I started playing D&D again a couple years ago my mate ran us through the Lost Mines. We managed to convince the goblin Droop that his masters were evil and he should go and start a revolt, he went to tell this idea to the bugbears in the next room, DM rolled a natural 20 on his charisma check and Droop plus the three bugbears joined us to help kill the Black Spider then went off with the bugbears to start a goblin revolution.
    We finish Lost mines and I take over as DM for a home-brew world. Droop has spent the last couple of decades freeing goblins from their masters and has established a goblin safe haven on an island in the middle of a huge lake. They are now thanks to the party starting to integrate into the wider world a couple of towns have started to accept them. The party are currently on there way to reclaim the island which was taken over by The Myriad an organised crime gang who are expanding to the south and took over the island as a base of operations. The Goblins are currently living as refugees in the town of Lowhill.

    • @funnyblog100
      @funnyblog100 Před 3 lety +1

      That is amazing.

    • @jakeholmes9296
      @jakeholmes9296 Před 3 lety

      @@funnyblog100 oh thanks. Wow this is a 2 year old comment. Glad you liked that story.

  • @Kymlaar
    @Kymlaar Před 6 lety +1

    I'm rather in love with some of the ideas that you presented. I can already imagine something of a nightmare for a party, where they start off fighting small little clusters of goblins in some ruins, and everything seems like a cakewalk, before they finally make it into the warrens proper, and then suddenly things turn. They're not facing 2 or 3 or even 5 goblins. They're facing more than they can count, because they're appearing, slashing, stabbing, and throwing nets, and then vanishing back into a burrow.
    With 5e D&D goblins able to take a disengage action as a bonus action, it's even better. Attacks of opportunity won't be a possibility. So as a result, you can treat it, as you said, like a mass. The party can slash at them, cutting them down, but suffering death by a thousand cuts all the while. Each time the mass of goblins lose x hit points, they lose one of their attacks, until eventually the attacks... stop. The goblins aren't all dead, but there are too few of them for the ones who are left to feel confident. Perhaps they move back for another confrontation, or perhaps they simply hide, and the only way to TRULY rid the nearby city or town of the menace, is to burn them out, like moles.

  • @pmgmsd
    @pmgmsd Před 3 lety +2

    That hook/rope trick is an awesome idea and I'm totally stealing it!

  • @JazzJackrabbit
    @JazzJackrabbit Před 6 lety +81

    Sure, wolf-riding goblins don't make the best shock troops. They sound like excellent mounted archers though!

    • @mattbriddell9246
      @mattbriddell9246 Před 6 lety +5


    • @charlottewalnut3118
      @charlottewalnut3118 Před 5 lety +2

      H C burn the woods

    • @proudpapaprick
      @proudpapaprick Před 5 lety +4

      And if you follow them into their tunnels, well. Goblins astride giant centipedes in tight spaces, and astride giant wasps in larger caves that they keep as choke points. Places big enough for ten or twelve goblins to pour in at once and just rain arrows down.

    • @Meatball996
      @Meatball996 Před 4 lety +2

      At one point, i was playing a wizard and managed to kill every goblin easily, but it took like 5 rounds to kill the wolf

    • @almitrahopkins1873
      @almitrahopkins1873 Před 4 lety +1

      The wolf has a trip attack on a successful attack. A goblin on a wolf with a spear gets a huge bonus to hit because the PC is prone.

  • @dvklaveren
    @dvklaveren Před 6 lety +28

    Glad to see goblins here! I posted before about how I created a goblin-specific affliction called "Goblin-Laughter".
    The idea of this is that, goblins of any make or size can infect each other with laughter. If a hobgoblin laughs for too long consecutively, they mutate to either (log-)goblins or bugbears, depending on their age.
    For this reason, hobgoblins seek strict control over their society and have grandiose plans for securing the amount of laughter they allow in their society or even banishing hobgoblins altogether in order to have at least some hobgoblins left in case the hobgoblin village gets destroyed by a particularly funny joke.
    Hobgoblins adults are the most resistant to this affliction, but they can't stand up to it forever. Hobgoblin children on the other hand, are still vulnerable, so they are typically forbidden from laughing as they build up tolerance or they are sent away to live with worgs or with humans as slaves.
    Finally, goblin laughter is provoked by fire (and other things, but primarily fire). This means that fire is particularly dangerous for hobgoblins, because if they are caught inside of a burning building, they'll collapse with choking laughter, which can then infect their neighbors before the fire even gets there.
    Because of that, hobgoblins also strictly control the amount of fire that can be used in a region. A little is okay and better than seeing the entire forest be burned to dust, so they use fire-stick farming to burn the underbrush away. This gives hobgoblin forests a hellish appearance, with everything seeming burned for no reason, and mudslides become more frequent around them with no grass to keep the ground together. It's all worth it if it prevents the hobgoblin village from going berserk as cannibal bugbears roving the countryside.

    • @theunclethatdoesnttouchyou
      @theunclethatdoesnttouchyou Před 6 lety +1

      Alderick van Klaveren That is a really cool concept!

    • @stefanb6539
      @stefanb6539 Před 6 lety +3

      I like the laughter idea a lot, it has some really interesting potentials. Sounds goofy at first, but if developed enough, this could be a way to get to a really scary and sinister tone of alien madness. I am not entirely sure, how to develop it in a game setting, as it will be hard to show it in all its intriguing possibilities in a medium, that drives the narrative mainly through encounters. I would say, use this idea as a basis for a few short stories, to get the tone right.
      I am not sure, what to make of the fire part, though. That seems one twist of the mind too far for me to work, at the peril of dropping from alien to arbitrary. Remember the value of "Keep It Simple, Stupid!"

    • @dvklaveren
      @dvklaveren Před 6 lety

      Stefan B It's connected to the god that gave them the curse in my setting. Logi, trickster god of fire.
      The way that I use it is that players meet hobgoblins in towns and cities that are really merry as well as worgs with hobgoblin children clinging to their backs Mowgli style.
      On the other hand, they also come across loggoblins and bugbears that seem like pyromaniacs, constantly putting things on fire and in other ways performing massive atrocities to act out their maniacal highs.
      They'd meet a bugbear with a facesplitting, gnashing grin and six or so loggoblins wandering the roads. Implication being that a hobgoblin mother and her six children were forcefully transformed into grotesque monsters, perhaps because the mother couldn't bear to cut the vocal chords of her children to stop them from laughing and would rather mutate with them into pyromaniac insanity.
      The hobgoblins would be a dour, but noble race and give certain quests. Maybe the players even get to know a hobgoblin prince that was abandoned in the wilds so it wouldn't learn to laugh.
      My plan is that I eventually set up a situation where I can make the players take the fate of a "goblin king" seriously.

    • @dvklaveren
      @dvklaveren Před 6 lety

      Stefan B I also think the reason why I wanted fire to be involved was to clarify that the laughter is a very physical response. Like a reflex to a stimulus.
      If it was only ever going to be about hobgoblins laughing to particularly good jokes, I think it'd not be taken quite as seriously as the idea that goblin laughter is almost like a law of nature. Not just a convenient weakness.
      I could be wrong in that, but I felt like goblin laughter being somehow linked with fire and the theme of laughter and fire spreading seemed appealing to me!

    • @stefanb6539
      @stefanb6539 Před 6 lety +1

      Have you already started the campaign? Because from a classical lore perspective gnolls might make more sense than goblins... they are half hyenas after all, which would fit naturally to hysterical throws of laughter.

  • @tohellwithyourcrap8045
    @tohellwithyourcrap8045 Před 6 lety +7

    My favorite goblin is Styx from shards of darkness. I much prefer the intelligent, witty, cunning, mischievious depiction of goblins. Terry Pratchett did a good job as well with his goblins. I think they are a highly underrated race and honestly are one of my favorites.

    • @dubuyajay9964
      @dubuyajay9964 Před rokem

      I like both smart and dumb gobbos. Why not have both in your mob?

  • @mattbriddell9246
    @mattbriddell9246 Před 6 lety +41

    I like the concept of treating a group of goblins (or any eally small and weak enemies) as a "swarm creature", ala a rat swarm, to make up for the fact that individually they are virtually harmless to a group of adventurers.

    • @KorpahNl_Dutch_Gamer
      @KorpahNl_Dutch_Gamer Před 6 lety +2

      i am very fond of this idea as well, same for the example of goblins throwing each other using hooks on heavy armored players. on my "greenskin hating" dwarf this will be very funny (for me)

  • @wuzzy41123
    @wuzzy41123 Před 6 lety +2

    This is perfect timing! I have a session coming up this Monday where the party is going to go explore a cave that is "supposedly" occupied by goblins.

  • @salansar6661
    @salansar6661 Před 6 lety +2

    Goblins are one of my absolute favorite creature races. I also really enjoy running them as a character race. They make for an interesting, and comedic character for any party.

  • @xKingGeorgeTheThirdx
    @xKingGeorgeTheThirdx Před 6 lety +3

    Goblins could be incredible at trench warfare. If they're all armed with spears, they've got instant counters against cavalry or anyone trying to bum rush their ditch. Even better, their tiny tunnels can allow them to dig under a road unnoticed and set some powder kegs.

    • @dubuyajay9964
      @dubuyajay9964 Před rokem

      Anyone who played Old Hammer knows how dangerous gobbos can get.

  • @gambent6853
    @gambent6853 Před 6 lety +1

    Excellent addition. Goblins can be quite terrifying in large numbers, and they wouldn't fight fair. I like the idea of the small passages only they can traverse well. That will help me a ton in making life harder for my players. Thanks for the insights!

    • @dubuyajay9964
      @dubuyajay9964 Před rokem +1

      Yeah, I have to do "Tunnel Rat" duty despite being a cloth wearing mystic in Palladium Fantasy because I'm a tiny gnome that can fit in said tunnels. LOL.

  • @cameronwofford8709
    @cameronwofford8709 Před 6 lety +21

    I was in a campaign where goblins rode giants as siege towers then flooded into a walled city

  • @lawaern3474
    @lawaern3474 Před 3 lety +2

    11:50 alternatively, archer cavalry. Which were also a thing. Fits goblins quite well I think. As the heroes are engaging the main goblin group a couple of goblin riders run around firing arrows, maybe they have put some filth or vile mushroom paste on the tips that inflicts the poison condition. Perhaps they use these wolves to reposition to some high ground before releasing them to harrass the heroes.

  • @Malkuth-Gaming
    @Malkuth-Gaming Před 6 lety +41

    Ok.. So Goblins translates to " Nasty Troll" or just " troll" in swedish. Now imagine giving goblins the regeneration ability. Those 6 goblins your low level party finds in a cave or a hallway is suddenly a lot more nasty and tricky to take down :)

    • @dynamicworlds1
      @dynamicworlds1 Před 6 lety +11

      Something I want to do is take goblins with spiderclimb (ala The Lord of the Rings movies), infravision/dark vision, and decent stealth (optional but preferred: sneak attack).
      Then have the players fight them once outside the cave, where things are nice and easy, and once inside a realistic cave. A realistic cave would swing from really cramped crawl spaces (where they would have the advantage) to massive open areas your torches couldn't light all of and have all sorts of branching paths and nooks to hide in. It would also be at least as vertical as it is horizontal.
      Add some tricky tactics, and you've got a very dangerous encounter with largely standard goblins.
      Even if they grew to the point where they no longer feared goblins, the dangers of trying to fight in caves would likely remain because who knows how deadly a disadvantageous environment like that could make a monster that isn't basically canon fodder when met in normal circumstances.
      Suddenly, even shallow caves are to be feared.

    • @Malkuth-Gaming
      @Malkuth-Gaming Před 6 lety +1

      If im not entierly wrong. In the Mines of Moria. There are kobolds ;)

    • @im13sandman
      @im13sandman Před 6 lety +1

      Malkuth what?!?

    • @dynamicworlds1
      @dynamicworlds1 Před 6 lety +2

      Malkuth Tolkien never uses the term Kobold in the LotR

    • @2to5Raccoons
      @2to5Raccoons Před 6 lety +2

      Malkuth I'm pretty sure they're described as goblins in the books and they sure look like goblins in the movies

  • @kaitenjigoku
    @kaitenjigoku Před 6 lety +8

    If you haven’t yet you should read the light novel or the manga based on it “ Goblin Slayer “ it Portrays goblins in a much darker more threatening world view.

  • @kevingriffith6011
    @kevingriffith6011 Před 5 lety +1

    Another aspect to Goblins that you could play up is adding them to the attrition the party encounters on their adventure. They don't just attack the adventurers, they take whatever opportunities they can get to steal from them. If the party has a large wagon full of supplies and gear they have to leave outside the goblin warrens, the goblins could easily have stripped the wagon down to the frame and run off with the wheels if the party was gone for long enough, putting the party in a position where they might now be forced to push further into the warrens to get their stuff back.

  • @TheRealDerohneNick
    @TheRealDerohneNick Před 6 lety +5

    I love the Nilbog that was added in VGM, I really wanna try out a goblin party attacking the players.

    • @dubuyajay9964
      @dubuyajay9964 Před rokem

      They aren't going to poison them with party favors instead? LOL. 🤣😂🥳🎉🎊🎂🍰

  • @HLR4th
    @HLR4th Před 6 lety +17

    Goblin contractors: we swarm your job, but will disappear down our holes for two weeks at a time.

  • @Troommate
    @Troommate Před 6 lety +46

    A large group of goblins is a scary thing if you have no AOE damage.

    • @nes819
      @nes819 Před 6 lety +3

      Troommate Jea! Firebal them in this six by six fot halwhay wich changes direktion every 15 or so fot. Thats how i design al goblinlairs btw.

    • @woodsman105
      @woodsman105 Před 6 lety +3

      I prefer Sleep for goblin control. You can, generally, center it right on that tank being swarmed by goblins with fewer consequences.

    • @proudpapaprick
      @proudpapaprick Před 5 lety +3

      A fun thing to do if the goblins are part of a larger group is to bump their hit dice by one or two levels in rogue, and put them at distance, with some cover. Even basic goblins with range, cover, and numbers can mess up higher level players, at least in 5e.

    • @almitrahopkins1873
      @almitrahopkins1873 Před 4 lety +1

      Goblins won't bunch up in open spaces. They have spellcasters too, remember?

  • @JamesAnderson-dp1dt
    @JamesAnderson-dp1dt Před 3 lety +3

    I like to think of goblins as a sort of “break-out” species, something like locusts. Mostly they exist in little batches here and there, and their inclination to cause trouble isn’t too harmful. But when a clutch of goblins lights on the right circumstances and the right resources, their numbers explode. They spill out everywhere causing mayhem, until the population crashes again because they’re just not good at making large sustainable societies.
    My personal version of Kobolds would utterly *despise* goblins.
    This would also help square the idea of goblins being alternately timid and vicious. Timid and retiring when there are few in a clutch, vicious and aggressive when they are in their break-out phase.

    •  Před 3 lety +1

      best idea in the comment section

  • @Zakiel97
    @Zakiel97 Před 6 lety +1

    the smallness of goblins is great for building their hide-outs, but I gotta say having played through such a goblin dungeon with a group that had only one halfling as a small character (well, and a dwarf - but a pretty tall one), it can quickly become tedious to crouch for two sessions through an entire twisted, thorny cave - which made it feel pretty good to finally break through that place and reach a point you can finally stand up again.
    What I'm trying to say is, balance that sort of stuff, have occasional rooms for breathing, maybe natural formations that allow for a little bit of movement every now and then.

  • @dieallgemeinheit2247
    @dieallgemeinheit2247 Před 6 lety

    One of my regular p&p crowd loves playing Goblins so much, that he once showed up with a whole set of replacement goblins in case his first one died. It didn't - it continued to sell clothing, real estate and the parties services to everyone who was willing to listen. When reaching lvl 13 he was the leader of the players trade house (which he initially created). Needless to say we had much laughter with this character - especially as he managed to sell goblin guards to a dragon in exchange for a quest item from the dragons hoard.
    On topic: Goblins in numbers, sneakily making the most out of their individual weakness is always a nice trope. And even lvl 10 parties were wiped by a bunch of goblins rolling stones into a chasm ^^

  • @clavicusvonhammar7479
    @clavicusvonhammar7479 Před 5 lety +1

    I would employ two types of goblin cavalry, boars and wolves. Boars would be for charging the enemy lines, as boars are already quite good at that. Wolves are quite different and i would use them for hunting/slaving parties, mostly carrying javelins, nets, ropes, and archers. You could have boar riders charge the tankier PCs while the wolf riders circle around and net the ranged PCs. Keep goblins clever. They also work with all kinds of poisonous mushrooms, so homebrew some spore-grenades and different poisons or something. A mid level PC group could easily find themselves separated, surrounded, poisoned, and incapacitated by nets if they aren't careful.

  • @mordiveer5957
    @mordiveer5957 Před 6 lety

    Big fan of goblins, they can be more than cannon fodder if you take the time to think about it. They also have the added benefit of being hilarious and ridiculous! Great video!

  • @SquirrelGamez
    @SquirrelGamez Před 4 lety +2

    There are more types of cavalry than just heavily armored knights on heavy barded warhorses.
    Goblins on wolves are skrimishes, raiders, hit-and-run specialists, mobility and savagery are the focus.

  • @antonymash9586
    @antonymash9586 Před 6 lety +12

    I think that the best way for goblins to become a threat to a comunity is to make them eat all the crops. A village with no food is no village at all. And you can't gaurd all the feilds all the time.

    • @dubuyajay9964
      @dubuyajay9964 Před rokem

      Get giant cats to chase the gobbo "mice?". LOL. XD

  • @SilverFoxKnows1
    @SilverFoxKnows1 Před 4 lety

    I love Goblins. I was DMing a game centered around monstrous humanoids and the PCs came to a big trade hub. One of the encampments outside of the city was all Goblins, hundreds of them, who had learned warfare at the feet of the Hobs. They were feared in the region. Orderly like the Hobs, they were capable of military warfare. They weren't simply a mob. They were organized by company, platoon, and squad. With planning and discipline their numbers became terrifying.

  • @williamoswald6623
    @williamoswald6623 Před 6 lety +1

    I once ran a campaign where I interpreted Goblins as elemental tribes, similar to the tribes in last Airbender. Added a fun change.

  • @CampCounselerSteve
    @CampCounselerSteve Před 6 lety +11

    In my setting, the goblins have their own kingdom, and live alongside humans as roughly equal, at least within the borders of the Goblin Freestate.
    I find it quite interesting how the humans have adapted to Goblin culture and vice versa to create this weird pseudo socialist society under the Goblin king. On the combat side of things, the Freestate goblins are very different from the other tribes in that while they haven’t yet figured out how to fight in formation, they do take advantage of certain human armaments and tactics. Most notably using the crossbow in a unique sort of guerrilla warfare, alongside the human citizenry of the kingdom.

  • @linus4d1
    @linus4d1 Před 6 lety +10

    Pathfinder beastiary 6 talks about this specifically with the Troop template.

  • @DannyLovesWalrus
    @DannyLovesWalrus Před 6 lety +1

    Just thinking about an off-comment mentioned about 5 minutes in. I think it'd make a lot of sense for Dwarves to build large rooms and corridors other than for ostentation, specifically so that smoke from fires and forges has more room to rise. Makes sense having high ceilings when living in a large subterranean dwelling where blacksmiths are prevalent, so that the smoke can cling at a more comfortable distance from your head while it escapes to the surface. I can also imagine that living underground with a large amount of people would be extremely claustrophobic and stuffy, I think the tall ceilings would be a good call considering that as-well.
    Not an expert, but I'm interested to hear what anyone else would think.

  • @maromania7
    @maromania7 Před 6 lety +1

    YES! Goblins are my favorite monsters. My characters always fear then just because they know I've probably got something planned. I run them like evil children, a bit more stupid on average but breeding so quick it practically makes up the difference. They swarm and leap in waves, babbling and chanting. With always enough holes to make sure they partially escape. And in an army, they will come up with the craziest machinery that is either just as destructive in its failure or whose low success rate is countered with sheer number. From riding boars to just launching themselves at your with a spike helmet, goblins are a threat. And with a army, you can have them launch from catapults with sometimes-functioning wingsuits or leaping out of trees and such in droves.
    Also, i don't feel like the life cycle gets played up enough. In most systems they live like 15 years. That means they must have an insane birth rate for a humanoid . I always play up their main threat as 'leave a few for a winter, there's a tribe by summer. Leave a tribe alone and there's a warband in a year. And then they start getting brave.'

  • @BomberSteve
    @BomberSteve Před 4 lety +1

    i remember a GM of mine using jinxins in AD+D a number of years ago, and he used them just like that. they had little tunnels and fired darts and tripped us, and pricked us and dropped hot sand on us and generally MADE US INFURIATED AND UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING BACK. It was genius

  • @alexandercross9081
    @alexandercross9081 Před 5 lety +1

    In a setting I'm working on, the goblins do wolf riding by way of introducing a big number of goblins to an unpaired dire wolf, who will eat a number of them, and then which ever goblin made the best show of it, gets to ride the now satisfied wolf, and if they live through whatever they are doing, they pair up, and the wolf keeps the goblin around

  • @captainthorrek262
    @captainthorrek262 Před 5 lety +1

    I like to think of the goblin wolf riders as their answer to heavy horsemen. The goblin leader blows a horn as the two sides are about to crash into one another. This gets the wolves howling, and causes the horses to rear in panic. This leaves the horses open to throwing axes and the like. The horses fall over and those in front are crushed by their friends falling over them.

  • @Alderoine
    @Alderoine Před 6 lety +1

    Prepared but not tested: I replaced the shortbow they have in the Monster Manual with a throw ability:
    Throw 1d2 (basically a coin).
    On a 1, the goblin throws its own shit. if it hits, -1 charisma on the target until they wash, and blinds them if it's a crit. Stackable.
    On a 2, it's a rock (1d4 damage on hit).

  • @kiyannareynard1850
    @kiyannareynard1850 Před 6 lety +1

    In my games I like to play Goblins as Anamistic tribes. With Sharman and a focus on connecting with nature. Their identity is tribal focused rather than the 'cult of individuality' as seen in Western culture. There is often themes of racism, where the humans consider themselves superior due to their technology, agriculture and civic structure. The Goblins have pacts with nature spirits and they live in balance with nature. The Goblins also have a lot of Wilson of the natural world. From awareness of the weather to skills in medicine and poisons due to a strong connection with the plants and fungi.

  • @Elderos5
    @Elderos5 Před 6 lety

    I love horde tactics. Goblins are frightening in large groups, especially if you give them a small advantage of flaming oils grenades. They become truly dangerous, even to higher level PCs, when a group of 6 goblins, or more, hurl bottles of flaming oil at the center of the group. They could potentially hit the whole group of players and weaken the PC's up quite a bit before they closes in on the goblins. You throw in a few goblin archers and you will see your PC's dance for sure.
    I once ran a ship encounter where a hill giant pirate was hurling goblins at the PC's ship. The goblins where climbing in the sails and running around the PC's ship causing trouble. It was a fun encounter.

  • @jonathanpeck5743
    @jonathanpeck5743 Před 6 lety

    I always thought of/played goblins as vicious gnome types. Tinkering away on Rube Goldberg-esk traps, and squealing in glee as they are sprung on friend and foe alike. Life is cheap that far down the food chain.

  • @lordsomethingorother290
    @lordsomethingorother290 Před 6 lety +2

    Personally, I think Pathfinder has the best version of Goblins, these little murder children that never had anyone teach them right from wrong. I tend to play with that a good bit, having them argue over stupid problems (do we call it mist or fog?) and being taken advantage of by those smarter than them (I have a campaign where a particularly nasty pyrokinetic gobo got his powers and a zombie bear from my big bad, leading him on a campaign to tear down society), but I do have a character that essentially adopted one of them and now he's basically just the wide-eyed child of the group that learns from his "dad". It's all quite fun.

  • @catfishcave379
    @catfishcave379 Před 5 lety

    I have a new respect for Goblins. On to Kobolds, the first monster I ever killed... way back in the 70s!

  • @geckoram6286
    @geckoram6286 Před rokem

    I play goblins as the goblins from Jocat. they are called Boblins and they are, yes, a comedic relief, but also very fun to play as, specially if you give them big weapons that they just can't even get off the ground.

  • @MakenaMilani
    @MakenaMilani Před 6 lety +1

    Basic anti goblin tactics if your GM tries to pull such stuff.
    1. Poison cloud and wind spells.
    2. smoke them out by lighting fires at the entrances and kill them so with suffixation
    3. close all entrances with large rocks, earth magic or seals and let them die without oxygen again
    4. heavy full body armor, fire cloak, small cross bow, daggers.
    Basically you have to prepare for pest extermination, not fighting monsters.

  • @stephenwood6663
    @stephenwood6663 Před 3 lety

    I'm reminded of an old adventure module called Blood in Darkness, which featured an old dwarf shrine which had been taken over by a garrison of goblinoids and their ogre mercenaries. By the time the players arrive, the shrine is in the hands of the ogres, who ate the rest of the garrison when supplies and orders from high command stopped arriving. But goblins survive in the hard-to-reach tunnels of the shrine, ultra-paranoid fanatics who are more than happy to use the narrow confines of their hideout for maximum advantage: they should give the players a nasty surprise if they try to root them out!

  • @oldmanfunky4909
    @oldmanfunky4909 Před 6 lety

    This was pretty great advice. Will make those player's give respect to those little critters.

  • @kehrbaer90
    @kehrbaer90 Před 6 lety +41

    I'm surprised, you didn't mention GOBLIN SLAYER.
    This has nightmare inducing vicious goblins en masse.
    Here in Germany (at least in the most played pen&paper) goblins ride on boars, not wolfs.
    Maybe that'd be a better cavalry?

    • @Seth9809
      @Seth9809 Před 6 lety


    • @Austinuztantine
      @Austinuztantine Před 6 lety +1

      You don't want to know.

    • @AloneD.Walker
      @AloneD.Walker Před 6 lety +4

      Yes goblin slayer is rather hardcore (love it). And I will use them like that in my next campaign. BTW anime coming out this autumn :)

    • @thequalitycomedian7842
      @thequalitycomedian7842 Před 5 lety

      Well that’s interesting, never really heard about people riding boats before, fair enough.

  • @DanteTheHellsinger
    @DanteTheHellsinger Před 6 lety

    I use a similar process for my goblins as this. My personal favorite use is to have them armed with a plethora of thrown weapons, such as daggers Darts and javelins. The wolf has two pouches of darts and a quiver with 1d8 remaining javelins; assuming they are ever acquired. So the wolves charge in, with a trio of goblins on their back. Only for two to leap off and move to flank with the wolf's target. Meanwhile, a single goblin with mounted combat training. Sits "safely" behind the wolf's teeth and hurls darts at the same target or at any apparent spellcasters. It has proven rather effective at shocking a party into reconsidering the threat potential of a small band of goblins when left to their own devices. Just one of many ways I've used goblins over the years

  • @valasafantastic1055
    @valasafantastic1055 Před 5 lety +1

    I also make types of goblins.
    Example: Feral goblins: large furry manes of hair on their heads and backs with huge furry topped pointed ears. Long prehensile tails and grasping toes on their feet. Arboreal with a climb speed of 30 feet. Highly dexterous they ambush and shoot arrows from trees and build traps. They tend to use poison and are quite stealthy and swarm. They also often den below ground in warrens during the day and attack at night. Or build light proof tree houses. They can also move on the ground and will swam and ambush at campsites. They dislike fire and tend to begin attacks by putting out fires if possible. They also get mounts based on the tribe/woods they are in often using giant spiders, boars, wolves, lions and more. I make them about double the power and difficulty of a regular goblin.
    Akki/mountain goblin: Stone like hard skin and shelled backs camouflaging well amid stone living below int he warrens among mountainous and rocky regions they have a boosted AC. As feral I make them twice the regular goblin difficulty. A bit slower and less dex bonus they are stronger and more CON. Immune to poison damage and condition, superior darkvison/daylight sensitivity, use traps, also can eat gemstones. A few are born "giant" and are Medium size and are even more powerful. They also have longer lifespans but are often killed as deadly menaces.
    I also have had Giant goblins (large size), lava goblins (very dangerous but slow and die easily in cold/water), and swamp goblins (swim speed/waterbreathing), etc.
    Create your own subspecies for your own worlds it's fun!

  • @taemanai5887
    @taemanai5887 Před 6 lety

    I like the idea of goblins surfing on wolves but if you check a nature documentary that's not how wolves hunt. They tend to keep their distance and wear down their prey, taking bites at vulnerable points. It's very goblin-like and mounted archer goblins would make great use of the wolves' natural hunting style. Great vid, it's got me rethinking how I use goblins.

  • @peebothulhu8768
    @peebothulhu8768 Před rokem

    Most fun I ever had started with my first lvl players fendioff an almost tidal wave of goblins
    .played as if they were piranhas on legs. Victory was theirs, loot and levels to be had. As they levelled up the monsters changed.Orcs, Hobgoblins etc butalways were some feral little goblins being seen to be watching, listening... learning. Eventually a large caravan, bigger, more well guarded and equipped failed to make it between cities. The ambush site was devastation. Eventually tracks led back to a 'Small' cave/tunnel entrance. Then the enemy started shooting out at the players. The goblins had discovered alchemy and 'BANG' tubes. What followed had tenth lvl characters crawling through cramped tunnels fighting off hit and run goblins. Recreating the feeling of Vietnam 'Tunnel rats' lent a new air of fear and respect towards what had been 'Just' tiny monsters with teeth.

  • @SamuraiSyn319
    @SamuraiSyn319 Před 3 lety

    In Starfinder, I have utilized Goblins quite effectively as a sleeper army of scavengers on a world that is a desert military junkyard more or less, the Goblins used to be an occasional problem throughout the settlements but my adventurers had to deal with the first cobbled together Scrap Tanks rolling up to the walls of these cities. I've also made Goblin Heavy Weapons teams where 4 or 5 Gobbos are carrying and using a weapon that would be too big for one to use on their own and have them make gun emplacements or take cover behind low walls or rubble and plonk at the party with varying accuracy , they were a threat at any stage of the campaign cause every once in a awhile a 20 appeared...TL:DR Mad Max Space Military Goblins are fun

  • @minnion2871
    @minnion2871 Před 3 lety +1

    Maybe look at the Ewoks from Return of the Jedi for ideas for goblin traps?
    Also thought it would be neat to have a varient ambush where the dead horses they've blocked the road with have been gutted, with blood trails leading off into the bushes on either side of the ambush..... (Two of the Goblins hiding inside the dead horses waiting for the signal to start the ambush)

  • @trioofone8911
    @trioofone8911 Před 3 lety

    Excellent video. Maybe one of your best that I have watched so far.

  • @lnecbaal
    @lnecbaal Před 6 lety

    i've been playing a few one shots as goblins recently; Wobbly Greenbits the beastmaster ranger with an ape reskinned as a type of small troll/ogre thing that he can bearly control and likes to throw little Wobbles at things and enemies, and Crispy Greenbits, pyromaniac goblin alchemist with no regard for his own or anyone else's safety as long as explosions are involved

  • @djgamer5546
    @djgamer5546 Před 6 lety +1

    The goblins in my campaign setting mostly worship the twin mad gods Mani (chaotic good) and Dementus (chaotic evil), while others worship their father Shinoth (who is technically no longer an active god, but represents a balance of madness). Their language is actually a mockery of Common with elements of what could be described as rhyming slang. The words they use can vary from tribe to tribe, goblin to goblin or even sentence to sentence. The only thing that is fairly consistent are their pronouns, which are: meez, weez, sheez, heez, yeez, zeyz, etc. "Knowing" Goblin is largely a matter of understanding the way they think, and as such most who understand the language are themselves mad god worshipers.
    The language tends to make fun of the idiosyncrasies of English/common, substituting words that sound similar or the opposites of words that sound similar. For example, one thing they like to do is instead of saying "to" or "too" they say instead random single-digit numbers. They love to substitute obscenities or things that just sound generally gross.
    I have tended to write out Goblin dialogue in advance , I've yet to run into a situation where I've had to improvise anything too involved. I'm not sure I'd be confident enough to straight up improvise it, though I think it's sort of a matter of preference since I like to have the opportunity to think it out and make it that much more strange and humorous.
    The nature of their language also allows for varying levels of proper Common when they are trying speak to non-Goblins. They can restrain themselves a little when they wish to be understood.

    • @KnjazNazrath
      @KnjazNazrath Před 6 lety

      Cockney gobbos make a lot of sense when you think about tinkers in a slang setting as well, makes for quite an interesting angle.

  • @Galgamos
    @Galgamos Před 6 lety +1

    The one time I have seen goblins being done in a somewhat unique way, they were a crossover between a real danger and comic relief. They were these rat-sized creatures that infested a harbor village. Killing them was really easy. They were fast, but they also had very low attack values and low accuracy, so that they wouldn't be able to fight effectively, even in numbers. They moved around like little skittish creatures . As long as you left them alone, they'd do droll things like swing around on a nearby chandelier (the bar had one fashioned from an old steering wheel) or get drunk on beer. They were a menace because they tore through the town's supplies at an alarming rate, but the way in which they did it was rather comical.
    So why were they so dangerous? Because they were able to use the surroundings to fight. There were hundreds of these creatures, hiding nearly everywhere. They would use their own magic to reduce their opponents' saving throws to almost nothing and then some of them would topple a nearby stack of crates or gnaw through a rope that held up cargo. Once the opposition was down, stuck, injured or otherwise incapacitated, they'd throw themselves into the fray. This was how they killed.
    The adventure ended when they lured my group into the cargo hold of a ship and then sank the whole thing. I can be evil sometimes... They did ignore the warnings signs though! Like, legit warning signs that stood around. Locals even told them not to go on ships cuz they were death traps while goblins were around.

  • @pprandomnpz
    @pprandomnpz Před 6 lety +3

    Hey i have a question/video suggestion, something i would be interested.
    How do you deal with natural hazzards in d&d; more specifically hunger, thirst, etc.
    Every edition has a lot of detailed rules about those subjects, but then throws everything out introducing low level spells that basically solves them all (Create food and water, and the like). And it's rare ti not have a character capable of doing such things.
    I always though the dangers of travelling should be some of the most interesting portions of an adventure, otherwise fighitng monsters in an old lost temple in the middle of the desert would be the same as fighting them in your back yard!

    • @valasafantastic1055
      @valasafantastic1055 Před 5 lety

      Create an anti magic area to traverse to reach the other side where magic works again so that such spells (or any spells) don't work for a few days. As part of a blasted landscape from an ancient war. Or have the area reduce spell slots for a similar effect. Party composition matters Having no Cleric / Druid or access to create food/water creates tension for survival. If you want such struggles and your players do too make a party without access to those survival spells (or more limited access) Divine soul sorcerer (who has cure wounds but not create food/water), a bard with cure wounds, a Paladin etc. So the party has magic healing but not most of the key "survival" spells. Also limit or eliminate their access to magic items that help with this kind of survival. Then allow them to get these spells/magic items Later ONLY when everyone has had their fun having difficulty surviving without them. They will appreciate them so much more after doing without! This also makes a ranger actually useful in a more mundane wilderness survival sense! This will make the players be careful and clever with use of mundane gear and logical tactics about travel and survival. Now it needs to be repeated the players must WANT this if they don't don't force them maybe they don't want the difficulties and just want to get to the 'real' adventure and skip the harsh realistic survival trek. Remember to ask them what they want and give options! Otherwise they may leave the campaign altogether out of frustration, if it's to torturous for them....

  • @SirAndischa
    @SirAndischa Před 6 lety

    On the wolf cavalry: it could be light cavalry, archer cavalry or anti-goblin heavy cavalry.
    So scouting and small skirmish fast units; perfect ranged hit&run parts of an army; a wolf can work very well as a warhorse against small targets like goblins, maybe the goblins might actually try out making heavy cavalry "knights" armor-clad with wooden plate.

    @IAMDARKWOMAN Před 5 lety

    I would love a look at alternate goblin cultures some day!

  • @robertmartinu8803
    @robertmartinu8803 Před 6 lety

    Goblin lair: asks for a cloudkill, preferable after a amicable chat with the DM regarding total gas volume and flow inside narrow vessels. You still have the tricks and traps of the now uninhabitated lair though, but its an improvement.

  • @dirus3142
    @dirus3142 Před 6 lety

    THe Order of the Stick web comic has a nice portrayal of goblins. As the comic goes on you learn about goblin society through the back story of one of the main villains Red Cloak. Order of the Stick likes to play with expectations of fantasy, D&D, and players. Often putting those tropes on their head, or running them to a narrative conclusion.

  • @RockstarRacc00n
    @RockstarRacc00n Před 5 lety

    I make my Goblins not evil, but misunderstood, which can really screw with experienced players, and also make these really memorable moments where you get to see things from a Goblin perspective, often entering those tunnels and hovels and utilizing their hyperactive nature to your advantage.

  • @the6ofdiamonds
    @the6ofdiamonds Před 6 lety

    With the "high agility" staple of the goblin, porting them to the D6 system I use (WEG D6), They became vicious little buggers. They had high Melee Combat (read "Attack") and high Dodge (read "AC"). So they could actually stand and fight, because even pretty strong PCs just couldn't hit them, but the Goblins could win via attrition if they onl attacked once per round and dodged the rest. At least, until someone hits them, then the pretty much turn to paste.

  • @ExKiwi-yw8er
    @ExKiwi-yw8er Před 6 lety

    My party recently encountered a goblin encampment, but I structured the encounter to be more diplomatic. The leader had disappeared and various factions were competing to prove themselves the strongest, with each faction representing a stereotype (murder clowns, comic relief, organized strength in numbers or sly clever gobs). Figure whatever they choose will impact goblins they encounter in the future.

  • @infoweeb4634
    @infoweeb4634 Před 6 lety

    You could also then, working off of the goblin catapult, have the goblins steal supplies or weapons off of their victim. Have small goblin encounters where they just steal things from the party, only attacking as a diversion so the thieves can move in. Wear the party down over time so that when they do finally attack the party is famished and weak while the goblins have been feasting on their rations

  • @LukeCartner
    @LukeCartner Před 6 lety

    Goblins are great, and building a boss/witch doctor/specialist goblin to join with them that does status effects makes them really shine. This is why nilbogs rock

  • @mythosaurA98
    @mythosaurA98 Před 5 lety

    I’ve used goblins as low level comedic relief, BUT. I ran a goblin barbarian character as a deliberate tongue in cheek character.
    And his whole quest was to become immortal, to give him the time he needed to rule over all goblinoid races.
    He’s now a 20th lvl NPC in my campaign. Ruling over all goblinoid/orchish lower-races. Goblins under his command are deadly. Because (inspired by MTG) I’ll give them rudimentary explosives.
    Tight lair, Ambush tactics, and explosives. My players always laugh, and usually half the party falls unconscious fighting a goblin party.

  • @drakeford4860
    @drakeford4860 Před 6 lety

    I quite like the take on Goblins in _Dragon's Dogma._ They're still twitchy little morons, but they've got some interesting lore behind them.
    Namely, they're plants. Sort of. Essentially. When a Goblin grows exceptionally old, it finds a quiet, safe place and becomes a tree. From the roots of these trees, other goblins are born en mass to continue the cycle. Obviously, very few goblins live to become such a tree, but when one does come into being they defend it tooth and nail.

  • @aidandegg4176
    @aidandegg4176 Před 6 lety

    Excellent vid as always - love some of the ideas expressed here.
    My own thoughts on Goblins are (unless going for low level trash for the party to beat up on at low level, in which case just throw them in as you suggested) that you can get a lot out of them if you play to their strengths (much of what you suggested was right on the nail). I am also a believer in show not tell when it comes to monsters.
    My own campaign has recently seen a party of new characters trekking through swamp and marshlands in my homebrew setting (using pathfinder rules). I made what are, in effect, "swamp goblins" by taking Goblins, removing all armour, adding a boost to swim and stealth and DEX, and giving them simple clubs and daggers made of bone or petrified wood. A few changes to physiognomy to give them lidless, fishlike black eyes, webbed digits and dorsal fins and almost needle like teeth to create the impression of them being these hideous semi-aquatic horrors living a troglodyitic existence in the marshes made them suitably different. I then had a group of about 7 of them stalk the party for several days. They knew they were being followed, but no one dared stray off the path due to the terrain and the dangers. Night times were especially interesting as the players were genuinely worried about what was out there. They would catch an occasional glimpse of something, movement out the corner of an eye, that kind of thing. When the little beasts finally attacked, the tension was increased by only describing them precisely in terms of what the character could see. (you should never just say "you are attacked by goblins" anyway, but being very descriptive allows you to accentuate what you want the players to focus on and hide what you don't).
    I could also see them working very well in the sort of tunnel system described in the video. Imagine a tribe of them infesting old dwarven ruins. Almost impossible to root them out. on the other hand they cannot be ignored - any kingdom nearby would have to devote precious resources, just to watch out for the inevitable Goblin attack every few years once their numbers reached critical mass! Possibly a job for a group of Halfling/Gnomish tunnel specialist?
    In a lot of ways I think Goblins are one of those creatures it is best to treat almost like H.R. Giger's Xenomorph from the Alien franchise - terrifying, yes, but worth keeping "off screen" until the big reveal to get so much more out of them when they do finally pounce. I any event, work with what your creatures have and make them stand out, I say. You can give players a memorable and exciting confrontation with basically any creature if you use them in ways that take advantage of what they have to offer.
    I liked the idea about a fresher perspective on Goblin wolf riders - I can see them making quite excellent "horse" archers or skirmishers, riding into range, firing an arrow or chucking a javelin, before riding off, relying on speed and a low profile to evade any retaliation.

  • @chriss2031
    @chriss2031 Před 6 lety +1

    If Dwarf Fortress is any indication then Goblins usually ditch it out with numbers, while using slaves of other races as frontline cannonfodder if given chance, to raid a Fort while Kobolds try to sneak in individually completely off the radar in order to snag the riches.

  • @lordkitchener967
    @lordkitchener967 Před 5 lety +2

    1:38 is my character’s reasoning for enslaving a tribe of goblins. (They also think he’s a god)

    • @lordkitchener967
      @lordkitchener967 Před 5 lety

      Perhaps making a slave army to fight in rank and file wasn’t the best idea, there were many casualties for our goblins.

  • @lightblckknight
    @lightblckknight Před 6 lety +1

    I've had goblins infect and change npcs into goblins, with a bit of hive mind to make the character join them. The npc keep their levels. A goblin with three levels of paladin is a solo for a party of five. 3:)
    This is true of all Monster races in my world.

  • @aarondavey8700
    @aarondavey8700 Před 6 lety

    I feel you dude. My neighbors are goblins too.

  • @mi2ka3el
    @mi2ka3el Před 6 lety

    some goblins in my campaign are using submarines (they were used as slaves by a par of gnome tinkerer weapon merchants that my players defeateded) have become pirats and merchants poping up in there subs all over the place. :)

  • @rashkavar
    @rashkavar Před 6 lety +1

    I have an idea for goblins, and some other similarly destruction-oriented humanoids for the setting I'm working on, pulling on some very old roots. In Tolkien's writings, the orcs (or goblins, as he used the terms interchangeably) were originally elves, taken and corrupted by Morgoth.
    In this setting, 6 of the 7 progenitor races have corrupted forms that are similarly corrupted, but each have elements of their own inherent nature. (Dragons are the 7th progenitor race, and they've got enough power in their own right to tell the dark god to eff off.) In combination, they'll be called Orcs, rather than having orcs be a thing on their own (Tolkien basically had people using Orc as a generalized epithet for any of the half dozen or so breeds he had running around, and I kinda like that idea more than the literally pig-headed man origin of DnD Orcs).
    Each corrupted race takes the thing that makes their parent race unique, and twists it toward destruction. Gnomes are all about tinkering, these days, so the goblins will be the ones blowing stuff up on purpose. Goblin troops will be wielding things like primitive flamethrowers (that do high damage, only last for a couple of shots, and kill the goblin instantly if you blow up the fuel tank he's wearing...kinda like real flamethrower troopers), some might have primitive grenades, that sort of thing. They'll also be the minds behind any big siege engines that come onto the field once the orcs start uniting and my big bad hobgoblin warlock starts Genghis Khan-ing the relatively safe parts of the world.
    It'll definitely be a bit before I feel comfortable running this campaign - I'm new enough that I've still only been on the player side of things, so I'll probably run a handful of canned adventures first, such that I feel a little more comfortable with my ability to evaluate how effective an ability should be, my overall knowledge of how the game system functions (so I can be comfortable about focusing on the important things rather than getting bogged down in mechanics).

    • @Oldkingcole1125
      @Oldkingcole1125 Před 6 lety +1

      rashkavar I love your post. In my campaign setting all the humanoid races (human elves orca etc) are really just human variants. It is like how orcs are corrupted elves in Lord of the Rings but writ large. I hadn’t decided what goblins were yet. Goblins are now corrupted Gnomes.

    • @rashkavar
      @rashkavar Před 6 lety


  • @Wolfsspinne
    @Wolfsspinne Před 6 lety +1

    When I think of Goblins I think of Warhammr Fantasy Night Goblin Fanatics:
    Out of a pack of ordinary squishy Goblins jumps one of these nasty creatures... strengthened by some mysterious mushroom they wield an iron ball as big as themselve attached to a 10 foot chain... spinning like crazy they'd have an attack on everything in range, friend and foe alike... on hit they do huge amounts of damage and also penetrate armor... upon death they'd have a final attack, letting go of their weapon which then smashes into the next adventurer.

  • @vekeuimonen11
    @vekeuimonen11 Před 6 lety

    I have used goblins with a homebrew "template" that gives them ice powers. Their attacks deal some constitution damage and instantly the party is very much afraid of the few small ice blue goblins.

  • @PyromaniacDelta
    @PyromaniacDelta Před 6 lety

    I like combining the old, dumb little murder creature archetype and the newer cunning trickster model. They're still dense, unless they are performing rudimentary fighter or rogue skills. If they're defending their cave, they'll form a phalanx and set some crude tripwires, showing intelligence, but infighting keeps them from growing into a real threat beyond the first few levels.

  • @robvaughn7714
    @robvaughn7714 Před 6 lety +1

    I tend to play Goblins as low wisdom, high intelligence characters in addition to being high Dex low strengeth.
    Play most as wizards, alchemists, rogues and artificers. They also explode on death for their current total hit points.
    This can make goblin encounters extremely dangerous and unpredictable. Especially the ones who are extremely low wisdom because they are usually willing to gamble their lives on creating the most dangerous bombs, spells and weapons.

    • @edlaprade
      @edlaprade Před 5 lety

      If they explode for their CURRENT total HP when they DIE, that's zero.

    • @valasafantastic1055
      @valasafantastic1055 Před 5 lety

      Izzet guild goblins from Ravnica?

  • @gnarthdarkanen7464
    @gnarthdarkanen7464 Před 6 lety

    Great video Guy!
    AND you hit it straight-on with one word... "Tactics".
    A lot of the time, the game is dubiously dysfunctional with a lack of truly "low level" enemies... SO it's perfectly understandable to toss an occasional group of three or four goblins here and there, with just enough cleverness to be amusing and just enough dangerous for the PC's to go after them... earn some XP and move on... OF course, for similar purposes, Kobolds work as a suitable stand-in just to keep things "interesting" so the Players aren't bemoaning the whole, "empty XP process"...
    Then there are other ways to add significantly to XP (at least early on) with various bonuses, Role Playing incentives, and so on... The point originally being that this low level adventuring is just a step above "murder hobo-ing" for the laughable sake of allowing the Players time and space to explore their own and each other's character builds just a bit... get a theme started, and find some personal direction. Sure, the Half-orc mercenary character may well be entirely inspired by Deadpool, but convincing the Player to take a slight dip leftward of the origin, is to encourage development in more than the simplest "XP growth" methods mechanically canonized into D&D...
    THEN we can "get serious" about the enemies, monsters, and imposing threats of some of these things. That's where a goblin warren, village, or subterranean networking system might come into serious play. Of course, it was available in the Campaign and World"the whole time"... I'd be a complete ass to have obfuscated it just for PC's of Level 3 or above!
    Diminutive creatures (like Goblins and goblinoids) probably understand their individual limits quite well. They simply wouldn't be functionally survivable (even in a fantasy setting) otherwise... SO I often employ them with group-tactics very much of the "style" that I would happily applaud out of my Players... Letting the larger bands of goblins work together to create weird and amusing statistical models of success and failure still imposes a terrifying threat to a small marauding band of murder-hobos... especially the overtly edgy kind who can't possibly get along let alone work together well... AND suddenly there comes a "moment of truth" for the Party, where the individuals make that crucial choice "Teamwork, or TPK"...
    AND for the record, there's nothing wrong with Light Cavalry... as the case with Wolf-riding Goblinoids. Wolves, unlike horses, are also quite nimble and tireless in their natural surroundings... running down individuals just as enthusiastically as the goblins would wish to, themselves. They also produce explosive power and speed when necessary, so they offer a much more cunning and unpredictable dispensary of tactics than "conventional heavy horse"...
    Pair the goblin riders and their mounts together... now give them a piece of rope, and you have a traveling, high-speed trip-wire... Especially effective in woods, where light is often at a premium anyway, and there's plenty of otherwise useless under-brush and cover. When the wolves aren't rushing in low at full-tilt, they can be bounding over bushes and fallen logs, launching high enough into the air that the rope can catch a hapless PC about the chest or even the throat... Good luck!
    Worse yet, it's not necessarily the one or two goblin-riders ahead of you that you should be so concerned with. Being tactical, goblins with wolf-borne cavalry units, also study their mounts... They know that the odd couple ahead on a path are there to catch attention... Similarly, the two or three that impose their presence behind the party are only there to pressure the group forward... or even give them cause to separate... It's the ten or twelve more goblins on wolf-back in the bushes to either side... the ones you DO NOT SEE that are you're actual problem, whether or not they're toting repeatable, short-stock crossbows, composites, or just flails and scourges...
    Traps... Well, as with any trappers, goblins probably understand the three main types of traps.
    1. Offensive... designed to injure or kill and impede with great damage.
    2. Defensive... designed to impede, whether or not injury is sustained...
    3. Nuisance... designed to distract, redirect, frighten, amaze, or even amuse and annoy... whether anything is inflicted or not...
    I often employ the hearty over-use of nuisance trapping with Goblins, myself. Preferring to redirect the party rather than outright engage in a race of damage... It's fun, for one thing, more fun than just blithely killing PC's... or NPC's for the matter. AND it's sensible in the logic that redirecting and annoying PC's is probably more survivable than killing one or two in a party of four or six... Goblins are definitely not the kind to be missed by NASA, say... BUT that's not to go so far as to pointedly make them "completely stupid" either. ;o)

  • @shkmastermind3
    @shkmastermind3 Před 6 lety

    I have in our game as a DM a Gobolt which is the best of both Kobolts and Goblins. they are a minion style creature that serve in our game a dragonborn warlord. They tend to work in packs of 4 or 6 to team attack from multiple sides and use scimitars or spears.

  • @Bloodymuffin1100
    @Bloodymuffin1100 Před 6 lety

    It would be helpful if you did a video on creating/running occult adventures, for campaigns and one-shot adventures.

  • @aidanbrandt6409
    @aidanbrandt6409 Před 6 lety +1

    I try to, if I have a considerable sum of goblins at my disposal in combat, give all the goblins the same Initiative, so you have a wave of goblins attack one after another.

  • @ashes2steel
    @ashes2steel Před 5 lety

    I actually have Goblins as a playable race in my Homebrew. Their culture is akin to indeginous nations that have low technology in comparison to other races or nations, but have high magical aptitude. They also have a polytheistic religious belief where each god controls some aspect of nature, and subraces are just different tribes that pray to a different main deity and have a unique Channel Divinity ability depending on the God. So far my players have enjoyed playing them.

  • @JordanVickers21
    @JordanVickers21 Před 6 lety

    I recommend Wicked Fantasy. It's an alternate pathfinder book that puts a twist on some of the classic races and world. What they did with gobolins was rather cool. They basically act like nomads and are literally extremly unlucky...to other players.

  • @WhistlePigZILLA
    @WhistlePigZILLA Před 6 lety

    My GM tends to use goblins in groups of mixed units, goblins, hobgoblin leaders and various specialized bugbears. It's usually a challenging encounter. Last fight, only the rogue made it out of the fight with any hit points.

  • @windwakin
    @windwakin Před 6 lety

    It's finally here! I've been waiting for this episode with exitement!

  • @tariqt.2252
    @tariqt.2252 Před 5 lety +1

    Very nice video and view on goblins you have earned a sub

  • @lynnskelton7971
    @lynnskelton7971 Před 6 lety

    The goblins in my world are generally not comical goblins.
    However, I did provide a little bit of humor by having a more than average muscular goblin, wearing a bandana, and sleeveless leathers, rise up out of a cave pool in slow-mo' bow in hand ready to fire. He ended up getting Eldritch blasted before his second shot. But the players loved it. I also threw a werewolf goblin (without the damage immunities) at them which was a goblin chieftain that was given this ability by Malar, the Beast Lord, whom this particular tribe of goblins (Black Wolf Riders) worshipped.
    But, in general, my goblins are mean ugly creatures, cruel, tough, cunning, hunt/fight in groups, tend to fight to the death as long as they have 3 or 4 allies fighting with them or if cornered, and are somewhat intelligent and strategic in their fighting.
    The Black Wolf Riders were forest goblins. I will be creating other groups of goblins for various areas of Enderon (my homebrew world) that will be more specific for the areas in which they live...a nomadic goblins for the desert and plains areas, mountain goblins for those in the mountains and so forth, giving each their own ability, spells, and so-forth that coincide with the areas they live in and tend to worship evil gods that fit the regions they are in. Those deities will bless the chieftain and or shaman with a specific limited use power like Malar did with the Black Wolf Riders Chieftain.
    I even give the goblins their own magic items that help them fight against other humanoids and creatures. For example, the Black Wolf Rider Chieftain had a few arrows that were +1 against humans. I figured that if elves, dwarves, humans, and so forth can have magic items designed for them for general and specific purposes, then goblins, orcs, bugbears, and so forth should be able to do the same. Never know when an Orc will have a sword +1 against a particular race.
    Heck, I was just thinking, instead of the adventurers just coming across a hunting or scouting party or an ambush even, what if the players' adventurers came across a group of goblin adventurers at the same level as they were and consisting of a fighter, barbarian, warlock, cleric, rogue, and druid or some other combination? Maybe they are both exploring an old ruin or temple that they entered from different entry points and hunting for the same artifact that would equally serve them both but in different ways. Hmmm.

  • @ddrew1973
    @ddrew1973 Před 5 lety

    Lmao...I thought the banging was my kid. I yelled her to stop with the thumping...lol

  • @Frosty-kz4om
    @Frosty-kz4om Před 5 lety

    I want to experient with actually making Goblins, not just scary, but genuinely terrifying. Think the Skaven rat men from Warhammer Fantasy. I believe Goblins could easy be made to appear as apocalyptically threatening as them. I imagine them being viewed more as a plague than a mere menace.

  • @cert2b
    @cert2b Před 6 lety

    One thing to also remember, at least in term of D&D, is that goblins in pathfinder and 5e can be playable characters.
    One if the best encounters that I had with my group was they, as level 10 characters, run into a single goblin. They thought it was going to be a easy fight with one quick kill. But this goblin was a rolled up level 15 goblin fighter.
    Yes, it goes against the grain of your traditional goblin. But that's what I love to do.

  • @Sir_Tentacle
    @Sir_Tentacle Před 6 lety +3

    I use goblins in three types.
    First forest goblins protect their area with all might (archers, poisoners and some tamers and some druids).
    Hill goblins whose are cruel and battle-lovers, armor and spike, blade and blood ( mainly goblins in armors with many types of weapons and some explosive vial throwers)
    And lastly, cave goblins whose are fungus in reality with a dangerous disease that can affect with their own area, blood and some of their attacks

  • @ryanbeverley1546
    @ryanbeverley1546 Před 6 lety +1

    I love the idea of a Goblin circus...

  • @HalpoCoren
    @HalpoCoren Před 5 lety

    I like the goblin slayer take on goblins