John's Vision of the Woman and the BEAST | Revelation 17 | Lesson 37

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • Revelation 17, a Biblical explanation following the account of the Scriptures and the historicity of the events which took place. In this episode, Tom Bradford will be addressing the key concepts about John's vision of the wilderness, and how we should understand the nature of mystery Babylon.
    Join Torah Class in this episode on Revelation 17.

Komentáře • 39

  • @Eye2Sky4U
    @Eye2Sky4U Před měsícem +3

    I just read something about Revelation 17 and went and read it and I get on CZcams and the first video is the same. I think there just might be something I'm supposed to learn today about this chapter. Thanks ❤

    • @markhauserbible7168
      @markhauserbible7168 Před měsícem

      Keep in mind 98% of CZcams end times teachers are WRONG. Anyone that teaches a pre-trib rapture for example will never understand prophecy. The KEY to understand Revelation is to STUDY what Jesus taught FIRST. Every verse in Revelation MUST align with his teachings. Prov 9:8-9

    • @Islandgirl4444
      @Islandgirl4444 Před měsícem

      Jesus Himself speaks in Rev 1 & teaches us through the last 7 years in Revelation 2-3...He makes it easier to be taught by the Holy Spirit through HIs words at the beginning and end of Revelation but yes, it should all agree with His words. @@markhauserbible7168

  • @MistyMarie1970
    @MistyMarie1970 Před měsícem +2

    The ottoman empire is also the region of Magog according to Strongs, which would fit the gog of Magog war. Maybe Jesus words to pergumas as the seat of Satan is a pointer. Recently i watched dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum teaching of the Arab Nations and what amazed me is how we read these prophecies and don't connect the pieces. Oct 7th is a date that began a new chapter. God will filfill his promises and be Glorified.

  • @tendopinion4827
    @tendopinion4827 Před měsícem +2

    What if a nation or kingdom acquired and reassembled gates and artifacts of Babylon, including the genetics of Nimrod?

    • @Siriuan
      @Siriuan Před měsícem

      Yes there's such a nation. it's called United States America.... United in its rebellion and blasphemy

  • @ashleymckenzie6228
    @ashleymckenzie6228 Před měsícem

    100% AGREE! The wounded head wound was from the Ottoman Empire falling and I think the Muslims are and will revive it

  • @angelamcentee1277
    @angelamcentee1277 Před měsícem

    The great city sounds like Geneva, which also had/ has connections to Rome.

  • @krackerToo
    @krackerToo Před měsícem +3

    What city sits on 7 hills?
    The title City of Seven Hills usually refers to Rome, which was founded on seven hills. Shalom

    • @maneevent1508
      @maneevent1508 Před měsícem

      No. It's Mecca

    • @angelamcentee1277
      @angelamcentee1277 Před měsícem

      It's interesting that Geneva was very much involved with the Holy Roman Empire.

  • @jacquikirby7981
    @jacquikirby7981 Před měsícem +3

    Oh no! What has happened to Tom???

  • @ChiliMcFly1
    @ChiliMcFly1 Před měsícem

    The wicked tenets of the vineyard. The beast from the bottomless pit.

  • @sofianjmekeru8525
    @sofianjmekeru8525 Před měsícem

    The wife of Haman= Zereș! ( Esther5: vs14) ! God bless you! Shabbat Shalom!🙏🌹👑💥♥️

  • @msarver9771
    @msarver9771 Před měsícem +1

    You're missing the point, a conclave of catholic bishops and cardinals wears red and purple. Plenty of unclean liaisons with every corrupt political system in the world. Plenty of gold and precious stones there. Enough wealth to wipe out poverty in the world. Religions were often typified as women as well.

    • @shipsanckor
      @shipsanckor Před měsícem

      Enough wealth in America’s handouts to wipe poverty off the earth

    • @djparsons7363
      @djparsons7363 Před 16 dny

      You are way more correct than the phony preacher in this video.

  • @OceanView420
    @OceanView420 Před měsícem +1

    Wow, everyone thinks they know it all, but continue to watch Totah Class teachings. It appears to be for the purpose of constantly disagreeing with what he teaches. Pretty wierd.

  • @markmoore3530
    @markmoore3530 Před měsícem +1

    Greetings, Revelation 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. The 7 mountains/hills is Rome. Prophesied by Daniel 3 times in chapters 2, 7, & 9, same prophecy, which is the fact that Rome would be the world power when the kingdom would be established, specifically Daniel 2:44,7:14,9:26. The woman riding the beast is the apostate Jewish priesthood that had turned the temple into an abomination, Isaiah 1:21, 1 Peter 5:13. Verse 10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. Rome had 10 Caesars: Julius, Augustus, Tiberias, Gaius, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and lastly Vespasian. Five fallen: Julius, Augustus, Tiberias, Gaius, Claudius, one is, Nero, other is not yet come, Galba. Galba (12/3/68 A.D. - 1/15/69) Otho (1/15/69 - 4/16/69) Vitellius (4/16/69 - 12/22/69) these men were all assassinated, Vespasian was the 10th and finished the siege of Jerusalem, as prophesied by the law & prophets. Verse 12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 10 generals and the territories they were to oversee in preparation for war with Rome:
    1. Joseph, the son of Gorion (Governor of Jerusalem)
    2. Ananus, the high priest (Governor of Jerusalem)
    3. Jesus, the son of Sapphias, one of the high priests (Idumaea)
    4. Eleazar, the son of Ananias, the high priest (Idumaea)
    5. Niger, the then governor of Idumea (Idumaea)
    6. Joseph, the son of Simon (Jericho)
    7. Manasseh (Perea)
    8. John, the Esscue (toparchy of Thamna; “Lydda was also added to his portion, and Joppa, and Emmaus”)
    9. John, the son of Matthias (toparchies of Gophnitica and Acrabattene)
    10. Josephus, the son of Matthias (both the Galilees; “Gamala also, which was the strongest city in those parts, was put under his command”) (10 horns copied from Adam Maarschalk web page)
    Christ said the temple would be destroyed in the lifetime of his audience. This ended the old covenant, Hebrews chapters 8 - 10 elaborate, as well as every New Testament author that told their immediate audiences that Jesus Christ was coming in their lifetime, he did. It is finished. this message is sent in love, your friend

    • @djparsons7363
      @djparsons7363 Před 16 dny

      Sorry, but you are completely wrong about all of it.

    • @markmoore3530
      @markmoore3530 Před 16 dny

      Greetings, this message is sent in love. Christ said he would return in the lifetime of the audience to whom he preached, establish the kingdom, and that all written prophecy would be fulfilled in their lifetime, his words, his testimony. He told the priesthood they would see his revelation. Matthew 16:28, Luke 21:22, Mark 14:62 In which one of these scriptures is Christ lying? this message is sent in love, your friend

    • @djparsons7363
      @djparsons7363 Před 16 dny

      @@markmoore3530 I remember reading your interpretation of the Scriptures before and you're still completely wrong. There are prophecies in Revelation that are still waiting to be fulfilled, so I have no idea how you think you know what you're talking about.

    • @markmoore3530
      @markmoore3530 Před 16 dny

      Greetings, this message is sent in love. Christ said: Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom. Christ said: For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. Christ said: And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. These are his words, not my words. This is his testimony, not my testimony. It is not me that you disagree with, it is him. this message is sent in love, your friend

    • @djparsons7363
      @djparsons7363 Před 16 dny

      @@markmoore3530 I don't disagree with anything Jesus said, I disagree with what you think it means, big difference.

  • @hermanehrentraut4956
    @hermanehrentraut4956 Před měsícem

    Shabbat Shalom, Part 1 of 2
    the woman riding the beast who has a cup is a clear reference to the goddess Circe, the reason she is mentioned is because she is seen by the Latins as being not just a goddess but also their mother. The Latins believed they came from a union of Odysseus and Circe who had children one was called Latinus who founded the Latin kingdom, which the early Romans were a part of. She was first referenced in Rev 6 how people would be killed by beasts, a clear reference to the circus games where both Israelites and NT saints were killed.
    None of the heads of the beast are the antichrist because the beast is the same one from Rev 13 that comes out of the sea. End time teachers foolishly teach that they can apply the antichrist liberally through Revelation except neither did Yahshua or the apostles warn of a physical antichrist.
    In 380 AD with the edict of Thessalonika was an important step for Nicene Christianity and since then Nicene Christians calling themselves Christians have spread Nicene Christianity globally. Not just that they have through forced conversions made every type of person adhere to the doctrines and traditions even to this day (doctrines not of Abba are not doctrines but traditions) The cornerstone of Nicene Christianity is the Christ they preach was not the one the apostles preached but was the one they warned would come to Ephesus and Thessalonika.
    There lies the real problem most end time teachers are Nicene Christians and they follow the Christ of Nicene Christianity and this teacher Tom is no different, they can get away with this because most people do not identify as being a Nicene Christian most people do not even know what that means. I mean if you ask a Nicene Christian if the NT is warning that Nicene Christians are the bad guy, no Nicene Christian is going to admit that, in fact they will defend that Nicene Christians are the good guys, and any mention of Christians who are bad guys is not talking about them.
    The battle of Armageddon already took place over 100 years ago in WW1 when the kings of the land did assemble to fight each other and as a result gentiles lost control of the promised land. This is confirmed by the Greek texts used for English translations as well as the astronomical data that was provided not just for this event but can be found all through Revelation to provide believers with a time table for revealing the nakedness/sins of the church as well a judgments by Abba.
    Common misconceptions earth is not planet but means land, world is not planet but means region and in John's day meant Roman empire, all does not mean every one but means every kind of, rising and falling are the ascension and descension of astronomical bodies in relation to the horizon, in the right hand or in the forehead should be upon the right hand or upon the forehead, count the number of the beast should not be calculate the number of the beast but should be enumerate the number of the beast, time in Revelation is not one day = one day but one day = one year, that there should be time no longer should be that there should be Chronos no longer, angels are messengers and their depiction of having wings is really that of Greek Nikes which are demons.
    This means John saw non-global events and wrote about them, he also saw events that would impact all manner of people not every person, but when these events as this channel does are taught will only happen when they are global this means people miss the actual events they have been told to watch for. The sad truth is I have not been given some special insight I just used the same tools these teachers use, which means they know the truth and are intentionally not teaching it.
    Blaspheme means not to give glory to the right individual who in this context would be Abba, because instead Nicene Christians give glory to their version of Christ who is one part of a divine trinity God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit despite nowhere in the Bible is Christ ever called God he is only called the son of God this is by Abba, apostles, demons, Satan, and a gentile. Even this channel's creator which rejects some aspects of Nicene Christianity such as replacement theology still blasphemes Abba by perpetuating other aspects of Nicene Christianity. You cannot follow Christ if you are keeping the traditions of false apostles, and these traditions go back almost 2,000 years.
    Tom continues to show his intentional deceit "when a person takes on the mark of the beast, 666" this is a false teaching that takes two truths found in the Bible and combines them to make a lie.
    Rev 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
    Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
    Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
    The mark of the beast is truth, the number of the beast is true, the mark of the beast being the number of the beast is false. This becomes even more apparent by the command to enumerate the beasts name which if it is 666 means his name is 6 but he will have to amend his name because two other people will have also had the name 6. The first one is 6 I, the second is 6 II, and the third is 6 III. John was told of a man named 6 who would be the third in a line of 6's and in history only one person has had the named Six and become III that is Sixtus III, who birth name was Sixtus and when he became Pope did not change his name but had to be known as Sixtus III because 2 Popes had also had the name Sixtus. While we are at it the mark of the beast shows allegiance to their version of Christ and this mark is received by Christians at least once a year on what is called Ash Wednesday. The reason Sixtus III is mentioned by name is because his involvement in Nicene Christianity, he was a bishop at the council of Ephesus where they confirmed a version of Christ that rejects the passover, shortly after he became Pope and he presided over the first Christ Mass which today is called Christmas and celebrates the birth of the Roman sun god Apollo who false apostles combined Apollo with Christ in what is called syncretism and this other version of Christ is known in English as Jesus and has almost 2 Billion followers.
    The woman is the church that began in Rome with the council of Nicea, and even after the fall of first the western half of the Roman empire, the church did not end in part because before that the emperor of Roman empire Constantine had given some of his authority to the church this is described in Revelation 13 the dragon gave power to the beast. In the OT Pharoah and Nebuchadnezzar are called dragons, so the idea a dragon only means Satan is deceitful.
    The absolute intoleration by Nicene Christians can be seen on full display in not just the Edict of Thessalonika but the canons of the 7 eccumenical councils.
    It is our desire that all the various nations which are subject to our Clemency and Moderation, should continue to profess that religion which was delivered to the Romans by the divine Apostle Peter, as it has been preserved by faithful tradition, and which is now professed by the Pontiff Damasus and by Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, a man of apostolic holiness. According to the apostolic teaching and the doctrine of the Gospel, let us believe in the one deity of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in equal majesty and in a holy Trinity. We order the followers of this law to embrace the name of Catholic Christians; but as for the others, since, in our judgment they are foolish madmen, we decree that they shall be branded with the ignominious name of heretics, and shall not presume to give to their conventicles the name of churches. They will suffer in the first place the chastisement of the divine condemnation and in the second the punishment of our authority which in accordance with the will of Heaven we shall decide to inflict.
    In case you missed it Theodosius is talking about Nicene Christianity and their version of Christ becoming the defacto version of Christ for the Roman empire, and any followers of any other version of Christ which included the Christ preached by the apostles would be not just called but treated as they are insane any any action taken by the Church or the State would be justified. This led within a short time the only Christ being preached was the Nicene Christianity version of Christ, and this would go unchallenged for over 1,000 years, but even after being challenged resulted in reforming behavior of the church not its traditions.

  • @pretribtruth
    @pretribtruth Před měsícem

    In the interpretation that Daniel was given we see the first 3 kingdoms clearly defined as Babylon, Media-Persia, and Greece.
    Dan 2:36 This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king.
    Dan 2:37 Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory.
    Dan 2:38 And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold.
    Dan 2:39 And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.
    Dan 2:40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.
    Dan 2:41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.
    Dan 2:42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.
    Dan 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
    Dan 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.
    Most people presume the 4th kingdom to have been Rome. But if we read what is written about the 4th kingdom carefully, it becomes apparent that Rome was not the 4th kingdom.
    In the days of these kings (10), God will set up a kingdom that will stand forever. A straight forward reading indicates that the 10 kings that make up the 4th kingdom are in power near the time God sets up the kingdom on earth. The 10 toes are future and are an essential part of the 4th kingdom which would indicate that we have not seen the 4th kingdom yet.
    Dan 7:23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
    Dan 7:24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
    Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
    Dan 7:26 But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.
    Dan 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.
    Daniel 7 also talks about 4 kingdoms that will exist upon the earth. Again the 4th beast is shown to exist during the last 3 1/2 years making war with the saints and prevailing over them. If the 10 kings that make up the 4th kingdom don't exist until the final 3 1/2 years then neither does the 4th kingdom.
    Dan 7:9 I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.
    Dan 7:10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.
    So looking at the vision itself it is also clear when the timing is. Judgment is set and the books were opened after the 4th kingdom is thrown down. The books are opened after the end of the last 7 years again verifying the timing. There is another way to absolutely prove that Rome was not the beast kingdom.
    Rev 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
    Rev 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
    Rev 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
    Seven kings, 5 are fallen (before Rome), and one is (during Rome), the other has not yet come. The beast that was (before Rome), and is not (during Rome), he is the 8th and one of the 7. So the beast was not when Rome was, eliminating Rome as a contender.
    The Ottoman empire #7 defeated Rome #6 and is one of the 7. Constantinople was built on 7 hills and nicknamed New Rome at its founding.
    Dan 8:20 The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia.
    Dan 8:21 And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king.
    Dan 8:22 Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power.
    Dan 8:23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
    This is the second kingdom of Dan 2 which was defeated by Alexander who's kingdom was divided 4 ways with the northern division taking over the kingdom. That would be Asia Minor which Turkey is left of it today.
    Rev 2:12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;
    Rev 2:13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
    And my favorite Pergamos is located in modern Turkey. Ezekiel 38 points to Meshech and Tubal which were in ancient Turkey as well. Gog can be easily tied to the AC with this odd verse.
    Eze 38:17 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them?
    That places Gog in the day of the Lord battles described when Israel returns to the Lord forever after. All roads lead to Turkey in this case. I have a theory that Satan has a sort of base camp much like God chose Jerusalem geographically. Turkey has basically been in the core area of most of the empires who have attacked Israel in the past. The ancient Babylonian secret teachings originated in that area in the days of Babylon and have infected every civilization and been passed down through time, culminating as Rev 17-18 Babylon.

  • @joshuastavos4376
    @joshuastavos4376 Před měsícem +1

    Please read the writings of Alberto Rivera. Islam is the Vatican.

    • @charynfrances294
      @charynfrances294 Před měsícem

      That cannot be. The Vatican is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic church. Islam is a totally different religion. It does not even acknowledge that God has a son, but the Catholic church acknowledges God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    • @angelamcentee1277
      @angelamcentee1277 Před měsícem +1

      There certainly is a connection between the two.

    • @djparsons7363
      @djparsons7363 Před 16 dny

      No, that's not correct.

  • @hermanehrentraut4956
    @hermanehrentraut4956 Před měsícem

    Shabbat Shalom, Part 2 of 2
    Tom reveals something false but intersting he is planting the seed that the Bible is speaking of Islam. It is false because the apostles and Christ said this world system that would target not Christians but those who keep the commandments of God aka the Torah and have the testimony of Christ, but even more this system would come from among believers not outside them. Since that rules out Islam why is Islam even mentioned because of two major writings.
    The first in the 4th Century AD when Jerome translated the NT to Latin, well when he read Rev 9:11 he noticed that it identified the Christ the world was following, it also revealed its connection to not just Rome but the church which had just recently become the official religion of the world (Roman empire)
    Rev 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
    Apollyon is actually the name for the god Apollo who was a Roman state god, who had all the attributes used to describe Satan by the apostles. So Jerome ignored the warning to not edit the Book and added a phrase that at first glance seems harmless but when one examines it Jerome invented his own doctrine.
    "et latine habet nomen Exterminans" in Latin is Exterminans. First off in case you are wondering this is not the Latin name for Apollyon no that would be Apollo, so who is Exterminans it is a reference to the god Jupiter. Ex means outside, termin is the name of the boundary or border god who in this case was Jupiter, but what Jerome did when he edit Revelation as he did it now says the false system would come from outside the border of the Roman empire which had just turn Catholic which also meant it would come from outside the church.
    This idea of external threats contributed and justified persecution of non-Christians for over a millenia. However in the 16th Century to counter the truth of what reformers were saying about the catholic church a Jesuit named Ribera wrote his understanding of Revelation
    In his 500-page commentary on the Book of Revelation, titled In Sacrum Beati Ioannis Apostoli, & Evangelistiae Apocalypsin Commentarii, proposing that the first chapters of the Apocalypse applied to ancient pagan Rome, and the rest referred to a yet future period of 3½ literal years, immediately prior to the second coming. During that time, the Roman Catholic Church would have fallen away from the pope into apostasy. Then, he proposed, the Antichrist, a single individual, would:
    Persecute and blaspheme the saints of God
    Rebuild the temple in Jerusalem
    Abolish the Christian religion
    Deny Jesus Christ
    Destroy Rome
    Be received by the Jews
    Pretend to be God
    Kill the two witnesses of God
    Conquer the world.
    To accomplish this, Ribera understood the 1260 days and 42 months and 3½ times of prophecy literally, rejecting an interpretation as 1260 years.
    Protestants despite their rejection of the Catholic church would not only adopt Ribera's view but build on it by including what is today called the rapture of the church. However some Nicene Christians have amended Jerome's view to account for the creation of the state of Israel, so now they direct the end times world system at other groups one of them being Islam.
    More Christians have killed more Christians then all the other religions combined including Islam, More Christians have killed more Jews then all the other religions combine including Islam. More Christians have killed more gentiles then all the other religions combine including Islam. End time teachers love to shine the mirror on other religions to make them seem more wicked than Christianity and they only do it using the present lens of how the world is today not how it has been for centuries, which when talking about the judgment of Rev 17 is not a modern judgment but is a cumulative judgment.
    Another sad truth is since all the astronomical data about the seal, trumpet, and first 4 saucer/bowl judgments has been correct it is reasonable that the dates of the last 3 bowl judgments would also be correct. Now this is where Abba really shines he does not give dates for the last three, but he does give a date when it is finished and that date is not a few years away, or even within our lifetime but will not be until 2492, but if end time teachers started teaching the end times is centuries from now people would likely not follow or listen to them anymore.
    End time teachers ignore the grammatical context of the Bible example Tom teaches that once a person receives the mark of the beast it is all over for them, they cannot repent, but the verb tense is present which means a continual action. If a person receives the mark of the beast and never repents and continues to receive it then they are damned, but if a person repents and stops receiving the mark of the beast they can be saved. When we read verbs like was and is, is to come this is is not from our modern lens but John's in the late first century AD so if something "was" it meant existed before 95/96 AD, if something "is" it means it was in existence in 95/96 AD, if something is yet to come it means it will come into existence after 95/96 AD.
    Abyss is a reference to the sun god Apollo who ascended out of the abyss and carried the sun across the sky in his chariot drawn by 4 horses, only to descend back to the abyss until the next day. Abyss reference to deep waters.
    The Pope already holds this position not just is he head of the catholic church but he is king of the nation Vatican City as of 1929 with the Lateran treaty, he is loved and adored by non-Catholics, world leaders both secular and non-secular perform an act Revelation 13 calls worshiping- kiss the hand like a dog licking his master's hand. There is a doctrine in the Catholic church that says the Pope is infallible in matters of church and God and 1 billion Christians are Catholics which means they believe their Pope in infallible.
    The 7 heads are Rome because in John's day Rome was the city on 7 hills, and it still known as this today. They even had a festival of the 7 hills called Septimontium. Again John is making a connection to the role Rome will play in Christianity in his future. We have the mother goddess Circe, we have the city of 7 hills Rome what is fantastic is this information in John's time would have been seen by non-believers as fantasy something that was never going to happen but yet 2 centuries later in 312 AD this actually happened.
    The 7th kingdom is the Holy Roman empire which came out of the Roman empire. A Roman emperor was not just head of state but also of state religions and as such had the title Pontifex Maximus and name d that would be adopted by the pope and used even today. But as I said despite how much power the Pope as head of the church he had he never became head of State until the Lateran treaty when he became a king making him an absolute monarch. The 8th kingdom is the revived Holy Roman empire except unlike the first Holy Roman empire the Pope is both head of Church and State.
    Revelation 16 identifies the trinity doctrine of Nicene Christianity as three unclean spirits like frogs which is a reference to Egyptian ogdoads.

  • @jnel2879
    @jnel2879 Před měsícem

    1. Egypt (corresponds with 8th) 2. Assyria (corresponds with Islam the 7th) 3. Babylon (corresponds with Rome the 6th) 4 Media Persia (Cyrus = type of Christ) 5. Greece (Antiochus "Epimanus" = type for A/C) . The Beast from the Bottomless pit (BBP) = A/C and is from the 7th. Pharaoh (that dragon) is a type of the BBP.

  • @theomnisthour6400
    @theomnisthour6400 Před měsícem

    What if it was God who was expelled from heaven and the adversary who wrote the cultural marxist lies about it? Think about it. The children of God would be resentful that God got to drive creation for so long, and would have had an incredible desire, fed by the adversary, to overthrow God and take over to do creation according to their ideas of "perfection". Day 7 of creation has been a demonstration that the children need God more than God needs them, and the real Josephan Messiah will be the incarnation of God, and his son the best version of Lucifer, the Archangel Michael, being born again as God's redeemed son, the gating event for the redemption of all the rebel souls who avoided the mark of the beast.
    A clear reading of the Torah has to start from understanding that the Salem of the Melchizedek priest-kings serving El Elyon and the current pantheon of loyal demigods was the earlier Kingdom of God and his people - who were not human, but an earlier humanoid species that had become the favored soul vehicle of God and the other senior creators. The Torah is in no way shape or form a monotheist story. It is a story that tells of many partially awakened Christs and christs. The Gemini pattern is a remembrance of God and Lucifer taking turns training a better version of the Holy Spirit - Karma, and the feminine in the story are the poles of feminine character between Karma and the adversary, Lilith. The painting of Satan as a male Devil is one of the most successful psyop of the adversary, as Lilith is a shapeshifting hermaphrodite - the queen of a hive mind species that was the first chosen species that moved the war in heaven into the physical plane. Lilith's high level minions hate all sexual species, the more so because sex was invented by the adversary as a spiritual WMD, but ended up serving the divine plan, as all the "me too" inventions of the sinful end up doing.