The Story of the Human Body - AMNH SciCafe

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 16

  • @cactuscoolr
    @cactuscoolr Před 4 lety +10

    "how many of you are really worried about dying from the plague?"
    Me in 2020: *raises hand*

  • @isotheos1176
    @isotheos1176 Před 10 lety +10

    tip for ur next lectures: dont use the bush family to make examples of evolution

  • @queuesnake704
    @queuesnake704 Před 10 lety +1

    Stone Age Bodies in a Space Age world. How do we craft a better future?

  • @vmcla
    @vmcla Před rokem +1

    Yes, he really did say, PhDs “wasting their careers” in medical science. He really said it… tho it was tough to hear as the microphone situation was suboptimal resulting in a track that needed boosting before posting.

  • @cydram9923
    @cydram9923 Před 5 lety +1


  • @Anthony_in_Bloomington_Indiana

    "You've got to wonder about a family where the smart brother is called Jeb."
    -- Robin Williams

  • @danordonez844
    @danordonez844 Před 2 lety +1

    watching this in 2021 and that plague comment didn't age well lol

  • @koughnut0520
    @koughnut0520 Před 3 měsíci

    Lieberman creeps me out so much lol

  • @JanaShearer
    @JanaShearer Před 10 lety

    who made the dark matter who made the light matter , the sun the moon in perfect harmony....

  • @Anthony_in_Bloomington_Indiana

    Oh, cool! A talk with Daniel Lieberman! I've always enjoyed seeing him in documentaries about evolution. He is very knowledgeable and such a likeable guy. I'll watch this one tomorrow, as the hour grows late.
    And I want to make this comment at least one paragraph long, just for the sake of pushing all the religious blah blah
    from Jana Shearer down the screen. In case you don't know, Jana and everyone else, the creation story in Genesis
    is a copy of an older Babylonian creation story called The Enuma Elish, 6 tablets of story, 1 tablet of summary.
    And The Enuma Elish is a more detailed story than the 1 in Genesis.
    I'm not a Christian, I have not read the Bible. I did see a documentary about real scientists looking for the place
    that the Bible called The Garden of Eden. Based on the descriptions of 4 rivers in Genesis, they found it! The
    former Garden of Eden is now under the northern part of The Gulf of Persia! They used satellite photographs to
    find ancient riverbeds that matched the descriptions in Genesis, and they did this using science, intelligence
    and good, old fashioned drive, not faith.
    Having faith does not improve the quality of life for anyone. Having faith does not solve problems. Look at Jana's
    comments. Do you think she can tell you how to cure multiple sclerosis (It's caused by demethylation of the
    nervous system.) or fibromyalgia (I found an article that lists 10 causes of fibryomyalgia by Doctor Amy Green)
    or depression (Usually caused by heavy metal poisoning, especially mercury AND a high carb, low fat diet).
    Faith is how simple minded people say - I'm too damn lazy to think for myself. Or, the idea of having to make
    decisions for myself is scary, so I will put it in God's hands, then I don't have to make my own decisions.
    God is my co-pilot. I even saw a bumper sticker that read - God is my pilot. I'm just the co-pilot. - If that is
    the case, you're airplane is certain to crash, or never get off the ground.
    Which only proves what I have long believed. Christianity is a religion for people who are easily fooled and
    easily led. Their mascots are a herd of sheep! How much proof do you need?
    Feel free to add your own comments about:
    1 - Your cute pet cat.
    2 - The drawing your little girl drew on the sidewalk.
    3 - The color of your socks. Do they match today?
    4 - How cool is Daniel Lieberman!?
    5 - Anything else that does not involve replying to Jana Shearer!
    The best way to deal with religious or vegan trolls is to not reply to them. Just write a new comment and push
    their stuff farther (not further, farther refers to actual distance) down the screen.
    This has been another public service announcement brought to you by Captain Obvious!

    • @ChaunceS
      @ChaunceS Před 9 lety +5

      Faith and Reason go hand in hand. This has always been taught.
      The thing that is irritating beyond conceivable intellectual reasoning, are those like yourself that deny Faith and treat it as an opposing force to Science. It is equally irritating when someone of Faith does the same. This is absolutely not the case. The Bible is not a book of Science. It tells the story how why were are here. (The idea that certain themes are found in other ancient societies are of no consiquence.) Science tells the story of how. I am a student of Anthropology and a man of Science, but I am also a man of great Faith.
      Most likely the Christians you have encountered are the fundamentalists (most likely where Jana Shearer comes from). They make Christianity out to be a silly supersitious belief system in total doubt of the world around them.
      It is insulting to have someone whom hasn't read the Bible nor most likely and consiquently any book on Theology to come in and start making statements like Faith is for "simple minded and lazy people." Some of the world's greatest thinkers in science, philosophy, math, physcology, etc have come from a religious background.
      The great amount of thought behind Christian beliefs is something that you most likely have never delved into - physically and metaphysically.
      Surprisingly things like the understanding of Genetics were brought about by the a Catholic Monk - Gregor Mendel, the Big Bang theory coming from a Catholic Priest - George Lematire.
      This a very broad statement - "having faith does not improve the quality of life for anyone." You can't make this judgement or this statement. Many people have and do experience a better quality of life through Faith, their testimonies contradict what you say. Things such as depression and anxiety have been shown to diminish through spiritual and prayerful practices. Diseases have gone into remission with no scientific explanation through blessings and prayer. Miracles have occured and taken place.
      Removing oneself as the center of importance and focusing on living a moral life through Christ in charity and thanksgiving and recognizing the miracle that is life, has never made someone's life less meaningful.
      But nonetheless, outside of miracles which will undeniably be rejected no matter how miraculous, reason alone can come to the conclusion that there is a God - but only through Faith can you truly know God.
      You do yourself no service and you treat others as less than yourself when you speak the way you do - Christian or not - common descency dictates that you should not be judgmental of others whom you have no idea how/why/what they think and it is arrogant and ignorant to call things "simple-minded"
      You yourself come across simple minded when you make the untrue assertions based on your lack of understanding and knowledge of what Christianity holds to be true.

  • @JanaShearer
    @JanaShearer Před 10 lety

    WE were divinely made by our creators notice i said creatorS

    • @NDRonin1401
      @NDRonin1401 Před 10 lety +5

      you mean your mom and dad, right?

    • @GruntProof
      @GruntProof Před 10 lety +5

      Do you also still believe in the easter bunny, tooth fairly, goblins, and ghosts?

    • @JanaShearer
      @JanaShearer Před 10 lety +1

      Randall Gillespie yes i do ive seen them many times