Virtue or Vice - Kevin Brechbill

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024
  • Kevin delivers a compelling discourse on the significance of virtue within the Christian faith, drawing inspiration from the emphasis placed on virtue by early Christians. He begins by acknowledging the complexity of defining and understanding virtue, likening it to the challenge of palming a basketball with small hands. Despite this, Kevin aims to inspire a deeper appreciation and pursuit of virtue in his audience.
    Central to Kevin's message are two concepts: "unlocking the keys of the kingdom of heaven" and "knowing the mysteries of the kingdom of God." He explores these ideas through biblical references, particularly Matthew 16:18 and Luke 8:10, to elucidate the relationship between virtue and these spiritual realms. Kevin posits that virtue acts as keys to the kingdom, unlocking various aspects of divine wisdom and spiritual growth.
    Kevin expands on the nature of virtue, portraying it as an expansive array of qualities such as faith, love, hope, wisdom, and compassion. He emphasizes that these virtues are not just moral obligations but gateways to deeper spiritual understanding and connection with the divine. Virtue is presented as a stable and enduring trait that fortifies individuals against vice and temptation.
    Illustrating the impact of virtue, Kevin reflects on instances from the Gospels where Jesus's virtue is evident, particularly in the miraculous healings he performed. These anecdotes serve to demonstrate the tangible effects of virtue and its integral role in the life and teachings of Jesus.
    Kevin challenges the audience to view the pursuit of virtue not as a burdensome task but as a lifelong journey of growth and fulfillment. He emphasizes that cultivating virtue is essential for approaching God and living a life that reflects Christian values. To facilitate this journey, Kevin proposes a practical method of focusing on one virtue each month as a means of gradual, intentional character-building.
    In concluding his message, Kevin encourages everyone to become lovers of virtue, embracing it as essential to understanding and embodying the kingdom of heaven. He leaves his audience with a vision of virtue not as a lofty, unattainable standard but as an accessible and rewarding path to spiritual depth and integrity.
    Welcome to the Sound Faith channel, where we delve deep into Kingdom Christianity and explore The Historic Faith that has shaped centuries of believers. We uphold Sound Faith principles, drawing inspiration from Scroll Publishing's rich resources. Rooted in Anabaptist traditions, we aim to share teachings and insights that reflect our core beliefs.
    If you have any questions please Call Daniel Willis at 717-387-1643
    Chambersburg Christian Fellowship (CCF) is a vibrant congregation based in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, dedicated to embodying the teachings of the New Testament and drawing inspiration from the early church's Historic Faith. As passionate Kingdom Christians, we believe in fostering a deep, loving relationship with Jesus Christ, where His teachings guide our daily lives. We share our teachings online through Sound Faith Ministries and The Historic Faith, reaching seekers from all corners of the world. Join us in our mission, online or in person every Sunday at 10:00 AM, as we journey together in faith and commitment to Christ's Kingdom.

Komentáře • 4

  • @GaryDisciple
    @GaryDisciple Před 8 měsíci +1

    I really like that the early Christians discussed virtue so much!
    We should certainly grow in virtue. I like 2 Peter 1:3-5 too!
    "His divine power has given us everything we need for life & godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these (God's glory & goodness) he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness (virtue) . . ."
    How do you connect the keys given to Peter with virtue.

  • @myriamg5341
    @myriamg5341 Před 8 měsíci


  • @kjkernSerendipity
    @kjkernSerendipity Před 8 měsíci

    Excellent food for thought. Thank you.

  • @jg4x
    @jg4x Před 8 měsíci

    Can anyone recommend a good church in the Austin area? I’m looking for one that does not ignore the proper role of obedience in the life of the believer.