Papers & Essays: Crash Course Study Skills #9

  • čas přidán 2. 10. 2017
  • Writing research papers is an essential skill in your career as a student, and this week we’re going to help you do that like a pro. From figuring out where to begin, to finding the best systems, to breaking out of “research recursion system” (maybe just figuring out what that means), we’ve got you covered.
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Komentáře • 382

  • @evanyi400
    @evanyi400 Před 6 lety +2349

    i rely on future me too much

  • @Person-cc7ff
    @Person-cc7ff Před 5 lety +900

    1) brain dump (get down all you ideas)
    2) the research process (Wikipedia, google scholar etc.)
    3) annotate the important parts of the material (two sources for each main point)
    4) first draft (don't be a perfectionist just finish the draft)
    5) Edit (make sure it communicates the message as effectively as possible, and edit by printing the paper)
    6) Get FEEDBACK (ask if statements make sense)

    • @mulalogadebe2138
      @mulalogadebe2138 Před 4 lety +10


    • @llnclr
      @llnclr Před 4 lety +16

      I wouldn’t recommend Wikipedia, but definitely google scholar is the go. and if you’re a university student, you should have access to plenty of sources from your online library 📚 and also to a lot of papers from google scholar that you don’t need to pay for to view 😀

  • @trentonm6688
    @trentonm6688 Před 6 lety +1784

    You didn't have to drag me in the first 10 seconds of the video 💀

    • @Fatima-hc9mr
      @Fatima-hc9mr Před 4 lety +15

      I have a 2,000 word essay due on Friday by midnight lmao 😅😫

    • @popeyes3879
      @popeyes3879 Před 4 lety +5

      That’s what I was thinking 😂

  • @DecayingReverie
    @DecayingReverie Před 6 lety +112

    Another thing that I would recommend: if one of your professors will look over your paper before you turn it in, DO IT. I have had many professors who will look at the paper and annotate it with things they thought needed improvement. I made all A's in college (with the exception of one class) and a big part of that was having professors looking at my work.

  • @-a13x-75
    @-a13x-75 Před 6 lety +607

    T minus 9 hours. Word count 65/1600. Wish me luck!

    • @azark.973
      @azark.973 Před 5 lety +11

      How did it turn out?

    • @febbone
      @febbone Před 5 lety +31

      T minus 40 hours. 0/2500 :(

    • @isaacmuchina3883
      @isaacmuchina3883 Před 5 lety +1


    • @pugzgrinny2417
      @pugzgrinny2417 Před 5 lety +2

      Well, how was it? Did you get a good grade?

    • @seth3182
      @seth3182 Před 4 lety +5

      1600 words isn't that much. Try majoring in political science

  • @XingAoShen
    @XingAoShen Před 6 lety +263

    wow... i actually use the brain dump method myself. i call them writing dumps and fill it with every point,idea or whatever i think of relating to my paper. and then later on i just build on them and paste it into the actual document organizing them together like a puzzle piece. i'd have a hard time starting my papers before i started doing that but now i don't really stress as much as i use to.

  • @TheRealE.B.
    @TheRealE.B. Před 6 lety +649

    Wow, I wish they spent more time teaching you how to actually *write* in middle school and high school English classes instead of settling for basic literacy and trivia about Shakespeare.

    • @katrinepetersen2566
      @katrinepetersen2566 Před 6 lety +2

      leadfoot9x hahahhahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahhahaahhahhahahahhahahhahhahahahahahaahaaaahhahahahaaahhahaahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahahaaaaahhahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahaaahhhahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahaahahhahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahaaahhahhahhahaahhhhaaaaahhahhahahahhahhhahahahhhahahaahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhaahhaaahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahaahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhhahahaaahhhahhahahhahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!

    • @katrinepetersen2566
      @katrinepetersen2566 Před 6 lety +3

      leadfoot9x You're funny...

    • @bulbadex101
      @bulbadex101 Před 6 lety +27

      I agree they didn't teach us at all how to write just what you needed to write about so

    • @jobussin
      @jobussin Před 4 lety +3

      Bruh I'm on middle school and our teacher expects us to know how to write a essay.

    • @kairo2439
      @kairo2439 Před 4 lety +1

      I agree, especially for my school because we never really focus much on how to write a neat and thoughtful essay :/

  • @RGLove13
    @RGLove13 Před 6 lety +141

    don't worry, I'm not procrastinating an essay...I'm procrastinating a lab report, 2 math assignments, and a midterm :)
    (also, I too find it really useful to use different places to write different stages. If I start my brain dump in the same doc. that I intend to write my final draft I freak out and try to make it perfect first try)

  • @earl-grey-milk-tea
    @earl-grey-milk-tea Před 6 lety +104

    I find brain dumps a good way to kick start the process (and I try to do this asap after receiving the assignment) so that the task isn't so intimidating/off putting, then I'm less likely to procrastinate on it (lol). It seems to subconsciously reassure me that hey, you actually know a fair bit about this topic. Or hey, you at least know what you don't know about this topic.
    Some thoughts on alternative ways to brain dump:
    My brain dumps aren't that structured - most of my big writing tasks are in humanities subjects, so mindmaps work best for me since i can draw arrows all over the place and make the links I need.
    I'm also better at explaining and developing initial ideas when I'm talking to someone, so I turn on a voice recorder and literally talk (to myself or someone else). If you're talking to someone else, they can also challenge you or help you develop things if they're good at asking questions. This is great for stuff with more abstract ideas, or bigger projects.

    • @rosagapi
      @rosagapi Před 5 lety

      talking to myself?!?!?! great idea ever, I ain't considered it! thank you

  • @aneyz4092
    @aneyz4092 Před 6 lety +147

    This is just a suggestion, but I would love to see a video on Presentations. Stuff like, Professional slides, and speaking as well as maintaining posture and Clear speaking.

  • @Blackdrose
    @Blackdrose Před 5 lety +28

    It's 2019 and CC is still as helpful as ever!

  • @tessat338
    @tessat338 Před 6 lety +18

    I read that Bill Bryson book, "A Short History of Nearly Everything", while I was in the hospital in labor waiting to give birth to my son. I figured it was my last chance to read a grown-up book for the foreseeable future. It certainly helped pass the time.

  • @thomasking49
    @thomasking49 Před 6 lety +13


  • @jakeharding9165
    @jakeharding9165 Před 6 lety +1

    Gotta say thanks for posting this one. I've always struggled with writing papers. People have tried to tutor me how to since I was in junior high. I have never had the process laid out to me quite like this before. It seems so much simpler than what I have been taught over and over again. For the first time, I think I'm actually somewhat excited to write my next paper. Thanks for helping me start to get through my mental block.

  • @randomness2622
    @randomness2622 Před 6 lety +5

    Perfect timing, thank you guys! I would usually go through stacks of research papers and then think about their arguments and look for more and more research without writing a single word, and I can attest it is a bad strategy, so I follow your approach this semster for sure. thanx!

  • @lucas8089
    @lucas8089 Před 6 lety +22

    Ooh my goodness. This will help me so much. Thank you

  • @kathyh8047
    @kathyh8047 Před 6 lety

    I've always struggled with trying to do multiple things at once, and I still can't overlook my spelling mistakes even during writing, but I did get much better about the separation of these phases the longer I've worked in a job where my writing gets reviewed by other people and I get to review others' writing. Plus, I started using a plain text editor to write so I couldn't get distracted by formatting, and I absolutely love it.

  • @christopherrawnsley3585
    @christopherrawnsley3585 Před 4 lety +61

    Wow schools can’t even teach us how to write essays😂

  • @kkilinahe
    @kkilinahe Před 6 lety +278

    Bull sh*tting essays is a true art form. And I get plenty of practice.

    • @NerdBryant64
      @NerdBryant64 Před 5 lety +20

      people bull sh*ting essays is why we have fake news

    • @YaroDomo
      @YaroDomo Před 4 lety +7

      @@NerdBryant64 Preach.

  • @purokuha5364
    @purokuha5364 Před 6 lety +1

    I just wrote myself a simple step-by-step guide to writing essays, based on this video. It's going to help me a lot in the future! Thank you!

  • @andromedator13.72
    @andromedator13.72 Před 6 lety +53

    This is legitimately helpful! THANKS!❤

  • @abcdef-vs8bu
    @abcdef-vs8bu Před 5 lety

    This video began to give me the inspiration to start thinking about setting aside some time to consider thinking about how I'm going to decide to think about laying out the plan for the first draft of the paper I have to hand in tomorrow

  • @kiwi8133
    @kiwi8133 Před 6 lety

    This serious is truly a blessing, thanks for all your hard work!

  • @armorsmith43
    @armorsmith43 Před 6 lety +20

    Question about your prewriting section: how do you handle the situations where:
    1) you don't know what the goal of an assignment is and can't get clarity on it?
    2) you don't know how to do the analysis of the data you have access it? (For example, if you are given the assignment to predict the outcome of a war between two nations when given statistics on their military forces, info about the terrain, weapons, doctrine, etc...)

    • @Lily.valkyrie
      @Lily.valkyrie Před 6 lety

      Andrew Farrell check out his youtube channel; he covers both of those things in old videos @Thomas Frank / collegeInfoGeek

  • @lorrainechase7346
    @lorrainechase7346 Před 4 lety +1

    Absolutely love these advices - I use them each time I write the papers by myself. When I don't, I totally rely on the academic writers with experience. I prefer small companies as big and popular websites are too pricey for me. I recently used @t, and I am totally satisfied. They treated me really well and the paper was great.

  • @pammcmillin2641
    @pammcmillin2641 Před 6 lety

    I returned to college for the first time since 2013 this January. I did about two pages of freewriting before I took a real attempt at my first written assignment. Now I have the term Brain Dump, and that's awesome.

  • @emmacullendebeer5792
    @emmacullendebeer5792 Před 5 lety +2

    Thank you so much for this video. It's freaking awesome, and I relate way too much with the idea that everything has to be perfect on the first try. It was really encouraging to hear that you struggled with the same thing, as well as how you worked to overcome it :) Thank you.

  • @ryleaholbert3768
    @ryleaholbert3768 Před rokem +2

    This is really helpful for writing my first final paper in class, thank you!

  • @sweatyballsleon5769
    @sweatyballsleon5769 Před 4 lety

    Really glad there are video like this! In my major I haven't had to write a paper in over two years with works cited pages.

  • @mommaceleste
    @mommaceleste Před 4 lety


  • @unnamed1004
    @unnamed1004 Před 4 lety +3

    5:20 I'm doing school work right now and a part of it is watching this video and I just wanted to say you're doing an amazing job because a lot of videos that they make me watch are boring and they're trying way too hard to be cool like bring up video games and stuff and it just makes it cringy but you're doing it right keep up the good work dude 💪

  • @controversialcoffe5709

    these series are really great thanks a lot for all these good videos. i just love crash course

  • @alliallbee4897
    @alliallbee4897 Před 4 lety

    I really like Crash Course and this is the first time I've seen you on here, you did a good job!

  • @0k3lly
    @0k3lly Před 5 lety +1

    i wish i saw this video sooner. i always do the research then rough draft. hopefully with these techniques i can turn my B paper into an A paper.thanks thomas!

  • @fiarunfair
    @fiarunfair Před 6 lety

    Great! I can use this advices for my future thesis writing. Thanks for the vid :)

  • @NoorAldayeh
    @NoorAldayeh Před 6 lety +2

    ok but honestly, thank you for this, it's so helpful & informative I love it

  • @adriennedutton10
    @adriennedutton10 Před 2 lety

    Yes! I've been spending so much time on research!

  • @kaylacumming1609
    @kaylacumming1609 Před 5 lety

    I really loved this video it helped me plan for my research paper!!!! Thank you Crash Course!!!!

  • @postponereality5432
    @postponereality5432 Před 6 lety +2

    I wish I had these tipps before my bachelor thesis >.< but I'm so thankful for this video!

  • @perfectcyan1153
    @perfectcyan1153 Před 4 lety +1

    I’m having trouble with brainstorming, but I guess I’ll get it eventually.
    This video is really helpful!

  • @DuluthTW
    @DuluthTW Před 6 lety +3

    This reminds me of The Martian written by Andy Weir. He published the story on his blog and was given editorial advice by his readers until he "finished" the book. Because of its popularity, excellent story due to obvious meticulous research, the "book" was bought by a publisher. They helped him clean up a few issues with the rough spots and edited the story further to create a book that even Andy recommended to people who had already read the story online. BTW, Andy's next book, Artemis, comes out on Nov. 17.

  • @thesexydevil780
    @thesexydevil780 Před 6 lety +21

    I paused the video on "you are watching a youtube video, look at you life look at your choice." I just had an intense conversation with my dad. We were taking about my grade, the stress he and my mother give me, and how they are bad parents. How they can't hold a grudge expect me to be there for them when im to busy and dont respect them. I'm currently doing weeks of homework for a advance class i dont need to take in the span of a few days. I'm taking classes i that are way advance and i dont have a leghole in because of how i was raised. That's my life. That's my choices. I did my worst and i did my best. I'm currently doing homework, and i'm watching this video.

    • @TreespeakerOfTheLand
      @TreespeakerOfTheLand Před 6 lety +1

      TheSexyDevil It sounds like you are pretty intelligent. Keep it up and you might just go far ^^

    • @thesexydevil780
      @thesexydevil780 Před 6 lety +4

      Solace I hope i do. life is pretty depressing right now.

    • @user-qd4mb5wi5m
      @user-qd4mb5wi5m Před 6 lety +1

      Well as I say (and most likely has already been made a quote) the bigger the goal, the bigger the sacrifice :3 I just procrastinate so ur way better off than me

    • @KnuckleHeadMusicUK
      @KnuckleHeadMusicUK Před 5 lety

      Buy a gift to show you appreciate them and start looking into student accommodation?

  • @bonson9156
    @bonson9156 Před 6 lety +145

    ''Sorry Professor, my friend Mario was impaled by floor spikes while trying to save a kidnapped woman. I have to visit him at the hospital''.

  • @gustova4280
    @gustova4280 Před 6 lety

    You're really helping a lot of us. Thanks!!

  • @s.a.mckernan3684
    @s.a.mckernan3684 Před 5 lety

    WOW the citation section of wiki. Genius. As a writer I related 100% to the sculpting metaphor. It's true for all art.

  • @arespiart
    @arespiart Před 6 lety

    This came out exactly at the time i need these advice Thanks!

  • @sivawright
    @sivawright Před 6 lety +2

    Nice to see you on Crash Course Frank!

  • @natewill1587
    @natewill1587 Před 4 lety

    thanks so much. as a uni student trying to grasp the jump from hs papers, this was extremely helpful. hoping i get an A!

  • @katelynlamprey7222
    @katelynlamprey7222 Před 6 lety

    Okay but this actually helped me so much. Thank you.

  • @jmsl910
    @jmsl910 Před rokem

    i love this series

  • @liekelouter
    @liekelouter Před 4 lety

    And yet Crash course saves us again

  • @mommaceleste
    @mommaceleste Před 4 lety

    I KNEW YOU WERE ON CRASH COURSE! I love your personal channel too!! GRIND ON MAN!!!

  • @andreiamuhitu159
    @andreiamuhitu159 Před 4 lety

    Thank you crash course for saving my first job lol. Love this channel!

  • @reddeskpress5083
    @reddeskpress5083 Před 4 lety

    Great overview of what goes in a paper. I wonder if there’s any way to use a graphic organizer to help with adding structure when pre-writing.

  • @pastelcataclysm
    @pastelcataclysm Před 6 lety +44

    I have an essay due tomorrow (the day after this video was posted) papa bless

  • @suzannehall4927
    @suzannehall4927 Před 6 lety

    This was really helpful and your good-looking face kept me interested. Thanks!

  • @JJWong22
    @JJWong22 Před 4 lety +1

    This is awesome. Thanks!

  • @daniellaoseni3404
    @daniellaoseni3404 Před 10 měsíci +1

    i never new how useful this could be😱

  • @1600Awesome
    @1600Awesome Před 6 lety

    I love this study series.. You guys could'nt have posted this at a better time.

  • @khanhtranbao4082
    @khanhtranbao4082 Před 4 lety

    Great content! Thank you so much!

  • @mamabear_melanie
    @mamabear_melanie Před 4 lety

    This helps so much! I wish I had found this video earlier!

  • @charlie.5840
    @charlie.5840 Před 6 lety +1

    Was really hoping a video like this was going to come out sooner. I just handed in an essay I am really not proud of bc I did horrible planning.

  • @nerdknowledge2056
    @nerdknowledge2056 Před 6 lety

    Thank you crash course, and Thomas Frank!

  • @yashirisantiago88
    @yashirisantiago88 Před 6 lety

    I actually have a long essay due tomorrow for APUSH THANK YOU!!!

  • @love_tammy
    @love_tammy Před 6 lety

    you certainly succeeded btw, i do find this series perfect

  • @somethingelse9228
    @somethingelse9228 Před 5 lety

    Thanks for telling me about ebsco. I didn't knew about it. When I looked it up I thought that I literally struck a gold mine!

  • @NicolleMosquera
    @NicolleMosquera Před 6 lety

    Loved the way You tell how much you wanted to be here on Chrash Course
    Felling like a proud momma ♥

  • @Pancake833
    @Pancake833 Před 6 lety +7

    oh god that giancoli physics textbook is giving me a reminder to do my ap physics homework ;_;

  • @danielwhitelaw1156
    @danielwhitelaw1156 Před 4 lety

    This video will help me out

  • @deasiatennon8095
    @deasiatennon8095 Před 4 lety

    Thank you so much

  • @alicethompson7209
    @alicethompson7209 Před 4 lety

    this saved my english essay, thank you!!!!

  • @michikomanalang6733
    @michikomanalang6733 Před 6 lety +48

    Watching this... *after* emailing an article lol

    • @user-hb4mk9xk5e
      @user-hb4mk9xk5e Před 6 lety +1

      Michiko Yeung this but than with my essay😂 my grade is a 4.5 out of 10. Never had a grade this bad before oops

  • @wogwog7212
    @wogwog7212 Před 4 lety

    So helpful

  • @ElderandOakFarm
    @ElderandOakFarm Před 5 lety

    I need more videos to start out with that!

  • @tariqrafiq2917
    @tariqrafiq2917 Před 5 lety

    Nice tips. Some times I need good grads. That time I go for essay writing service.

  • @kershengovender7264
    @kershengovender7264 Před 6 lety

    I loved the intro!!!!!

  • @agnesoffei-quartey8493

    wow thanks for the advice

  • @kevjumbaz
    @kevjumbaz Před 6 lety

    my favourite part of this was the part where it was pointed out that the first draft does not have to be perfect. made so many new documents (very unorganized) due to the fact that my research went out of direction a couple of times..

  • @Lurker1222
    @Lurker1222 Před rokem +1

    Your Breath of the Wild reference hit me in the feels... It's so true.. :(

  • @bernicestockstill9891
    @bernicestockstill9891 Před 6 lety

    very cool advices to write best writing paper

  • @stefanieallen4645
    @stefanieallen4645 Před 4 lety

    Yaaassss! Thank you! My goodness, I always ALWAYS would start out writing without doing research. My current instructor got mad that I had already started writing before doing research for my current paper, but ahaaaa
    This is awesome advice thank you!

  • @fangirlfortheages5940
    @fangirlfortheages5940 Před 6 lety

    This is perfectly timed I have an ap euro essay today

  • @Drumhero36
    @Drumhero36 Před 6 lety

    This video depicted me and now crash course became life! I wish the mythology onw was around when I took the class but oh well good things take time.

  • @erinclark900
    @erinclark900 Před 5 lety +5


  • @kevinking5783
    @kevinking5783 Před 6 lety

    nice methods they are amazing

  • @piratesofthedeepweb9873
    @piratesofthedeepweb9873 Před 6 lety +1

    Great advice, I agree 100%. Although I prefer writing stoned and editing sober. Although I find the best method is writing stoned and hiring an editor lol.

  • @hiyab8291
    @hiyab8291 Před 4 lety

    thank you this was super helpfull

  • @kisakisakura6663
    @kisakisakura6663 Před 6 lety

    Watching this roughly two months before my essays and papers are due.

  • @pritikaguha3173
    @pritikaguha3173 Před 6 lety


  • @wingeddemigodrunner301
    @wingeddemigodrunner301 Před 6 lety +2

    Woah, when did they put this up?

  • @duijo_7066
    @duijo_7066 Před 5 lety +18

    *Hamilton Wrote the Other 51!!*

  • @supreethc1878
    @supreethc1878 Před 6 lety

    helps a lot

  • @wia61899
    @wia61899 Před 6 lety +1

    Some English profs refer to "content/technical" edits and "global/local" same concept

  • @bernadineguimary1062
    @bernadineguimary1062 Před 4 lety

    i just watched this video at 1.5x speed, sat down, made a hot mess of a brain dump, and now i almost have a complete outline of my 8-10 page mid term paper in my head thats due in 4 days. thank u so much

  • @PhilipLeFou
    @PhilipLeFou Před 6 lety

    First time watcher . Will you or do you employee more soft sciences to the understanding of the writing process and studying?

  • @MrCanadianAviator
    @MrCanadianAviator Před 6 lety +1

    This would of actually been kinda helpful if I saw it when it was released. But I was busy working on a 1500 word essay that was due on Thursday, that funnily enough i didn't start until it was due in 24 hours.

  • @houseofrec8209
    @houseofrec8209 Před 6 lety

    Thank you for sharing your story about wanting to become a Crash Course instructor! One day if there is a Crash Course Cannabis...I would love to teach the general public about this prevalent topic from a scientific and public health focused approach.

    • @armorsmith43
      @armorsmith43 Před 6 lety +1

      Gatsby's REC Center all the newer crash course teachers had their own CZcams channels before being recruited by crash course. So look up how to make educational youtube videos and start your own channel.

  • @furkell
    @furkell Před 6 lety

    Most accurate intro ever

  • @alisterday7910
    @alisterday7910 Před 5 lety

    I always feel bad when the intro happens because I just like watching the videos 😂😂

  • @JLenny
    @JLenny Před 5 lety

    I want to work for Crash Course one day too!