The Matrix will mess with your mind! AMAZING! Movie Reaction - FIRST TIME WATCHING

  • čas přidán 13. 09. 2024
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Komentáře • 180

  • @kriscynical
    @kriscynical Před 3 lety +16

    Keanu Reeves gave away his entire salary from this movie to the special effects team, because he said the movie would have been NOTHING without them, and that he had enough money already to live for the next few centuries. I believe it worked out to about $1M per person, which is incredible. He did it for all three films.
    As if we needed _more_ evidence of how awesome Keanu is. lol

  • @Kim-hc5si
    @Kim-hc5si Před 3 lety +42

    ‘Guys, stop kissing - Morpheus is dead’. ☠️🤣

  • @jr49022
    @jr49022 Před 3 lety +25

    You have to realize -- none of this stop motion animation existed before this movie. It was TRULY ground breaking!
    Great reaction, thank you!

    • @ShadowyFox_86
      @ShadowyFox_86 Před 2 lety

      I remember the hype over "bullet time." I think the closest I've seen to this excitement was Into the Spiderverse

    • @metalgearsolidsnake6978
      @metalgearsolidsnake6978 Před rokem

      weird movie

  • @charlielynch3916
    @charlielynch3916 Před 3 lety +41

    Remember what the Oracle said, that he's waiting for something, a new life maybe.
    She was telling him that he won't be the One until he's died and reborn. And the prophecy that Trinity would fall in love with the One comes true at the same time, as she accepts her feelings for him so he is then seen as the One by Trinity.

    • @Jack_80
      @Jack_80 Před 3 lety

      first part makes sense, but the trinity part not so much. she was in love with him already, that's why she said "that can't be true" when he says he's not the one, she already knew he was.

    • @divacroft1034
      @divacroft1034 Před 3 lety +1

      Agnt Smith was the one all along...He was the only threat to machines the whole time

    • @Bi0Dr01d
      @Bi0Dr01d Před 2 lety +1

      @@divacroft1034 I understand why you would see it that way as Smith being the one, but he isn't. The film has a very specific message, and it relates to actual reality, which means how one would interpret who Smith is would have to relate to something in the reality we live in, and that means one shouldn't look at this film through the lens of a "Fan's eyes", one has to look at the message trying to be conveyed as it relates to the real world, because The One is supposed to represent that of the Light, salvation, and Truth; and Smith represents the direct opposite of that, darkness, death, and evil. Therefore, Smith cannot be the one. It *can't* be the case that he is the one, even if one uses theories from the film, because having a theory does not mean that this was the intention that the wachowski's had in creating the film, and so their intention of incorporating certain things in the film is what the true message would be about, not about random theories that we think of, even if they seem reasonable. It can be the case that he is the direct opposite or the direct opposition of The One. He is an Anti-One. You can see the oracle share this with Neo in the third film. This means looking at the film through the lens of a "Fan's eyes" (meaning through the lens of entertainment of the literal characters rather than what they represent) would actually distort the true message of the film. To use something analogous from the film in life, the blue pill represents how things merely appear, while the red pill doesn't look at how things appear, but with the actual truth is of something by having insight of a thing beyond how it merely looks. This is what biblical Faith is, the ability to see things as they truly are rather than how they appear. This means that a give an experience a person has has two interpretations, a blue pill interpretation, and a red pill interpretation the same thing, because reality is multi-layered and some things in reality can contradict other aspects of reality, and yet both of them can still be true. This is why this interpretation about Smith being the one might represent the blue pill. I'll try to explain something below.
      For example, in the bible, Moses sent spies to spy out the promised Land. When the spice returned, two men, Joshua and Caleb, gave good reports about the land, encouraging the people to take it. 10 other spies came back with an evil report, discouraging the camp of evil by communicating that they could not take the land, that they were few in number and those of land were mighty and number, that they were weaker, and those are the land were stronger, that's a man of the land were much bigger, and they were much smaller than them. Since the man of the promised land who the Israelites were driving out were mightier than they were, this is why 10 of the spies gave an evil report. This is a blue pill conclusion.
      However, those who gave the good report, the red pill conclusion understood something that those are the blue pill didn't. Those are the red pill, Joshua and caleb, did not look at how things merely appeared on the surface, but they remembered how God was with them, how God delivered them out of the hands of the egyptians, how God turned bitter water into sweet for them to drink, and gave them food in the wilderness by miracles of manna, how God was with him and pillars of fire and smoke, and how the loudness of God's voice spoke to them of his commandments to them in which they said to Moses, "speak with us and we will hear, but don't let God speak to us lest we die", because of the might of God's voice, or of God's descending on Mount Sinai. Because Caleb and Joshua were aware of this, it became a lens by which to observe the land, and that means the might and strength and numbers of those of the people of the land became irrelevant, even though it was true that they were mightier. Therefore, they knew they would take the land and came back with a good report.
      The interesting thing about the blue pill conclusion and the red pill conclusion is that BOTH of them used what was true to come to their conclusions, but the blue pill conclusion used truth based on how things appeared on the surface, while those are the red pill had insight to look at a situation for how it truly was rather than how it appeared.
      This means when an unbeliever is turned off of God because he sees suffering in the world, he is indeed looking at a truth that suffering exists, but is coming to a blue pill conclusion that God does not exist.
      The Matrix film is specifically telling the unbeliever *how to find God,* and it's saying that the unbeliever who is looking at how things appear is deceived, and it's also saying that demonic spirits are keeping him deceived, which are the agents that are keeping the unbeliever in a prison. When a person starts pursuing the truth, agents arise to stop them from receiving that Truth, and are trying to prevent them from finding God.
      This is why you see Trinity in the first scene talking to Cypher that he is taking over the shift to watch over Neo, because Trinity represents The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost, which means the scene represents God watching over and unbeliever who is searching for the truth, *Neo.* He represents an unbeliever, an atheist, or agnostic, or someone who doesn't believe in Jesus.
      That's what the name Thomas Anderson literally means. Thomas is in reference to doubting thomas, the disciple who would not believe that Jesus rose from the dead until he's physically saw him with his physical eyes and touched the piercings of the nails and the spear himself. Therefore, the name Thomas means "unbelief". The name Anderson means *"Son of Man",* which is a title specifically attributed to Jesus as the one who fulfilled The prophecy of the Messiah.
      Therefore, the name *Thomas Anderson* literally means "One who does not believe in Christ Jesus".
      This is why when watching the film, one must watch for the things that are not seen, and one must listen to the things that are not spoken, and that is when the true meaning of the film is revealed, because it is Supernatural, not of the flesh.
      The blue pill represents how things appear on the surface. The Red pill represents the supernatural, the actual truth, the things that are not seen. You can see this in the trailer for The Matrix 4 resurrections.
      Neo is being interviewed by a psychiatrist, and this is showing an irony, because it is a psychiatrist who supposedly has a better grasp on reality rather than this religious who seems crazy to the psychiatrist for making wild claims about reality that are outside of the scope of the psychiatrists beliefs, and while the psychiatrist is trying to "help" gain a better grasp on reality, it is actually the patient who seems crazy who is the one telling the truth, which is why the patient should be the one guiding the psychiatrist and not the other way around. That is why the trailer is showing in irony, challenging the unbeliever's view of the world, saying that the unbeliever who says "unless I can see it or experience it with my five senses, it doesn't exist" has a false perception of reality precisely because he looks at those physical things he sees. This is why you see the psychiatrist wearing blue glasses, because he's looking at reality through a blue lens.

    • @Bi0Dr01d
      @Bi0Dr01d Před 2 lety

      @@divacroft1034 What the trailer is trying to show is that reality is multi-layered, with that of the physical, and that of the supernatural. The message is, that the things which are not seen are the things that are real, and the things that are seen are the things that are not real. Those things in our subconscious that we perceive, which are dormant, perceive the actual truth, and that which is in the surface of our minds are the things that are not real. This is what the Bible is describing when it says that people "suppress the truth", and this is also how people can deny that they suppress the truth, because when they access what they know and experience, their accessing that of the surface of their conscious mind rather than the subconscious which does perceive the truth, and so even though a person truly believes they are not depressing the truth, it is still the case that they are. This is why Morpheus says "you are here because you're aware of something. What you are aware of, you can't explain, but you feel it. You felt that your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has led you to me".
      This is why they use the name "Morpheus" for his character, because Morpheus is a deity from Greek mythology known as "the god of dreams", suggesting that those are the subconscious and that what seems like a dream of those who live in the world is actually the true world, while that which one is awake to in the natural world is actually the lie.
      The dream is the thing that is real, and what is real is the dream.
      For example, God can truly speak to people in dreams, and people can receive information from the supernatural through dreams, and the dreams may not be literally happening, but sometimes they are, and they do relay messages at times from those of the spiritual realm, though some dreams can in fact be peach of dreams and I'm not saying that every dream is supernatural. This means a person can be closer to the truth while he's asleep, because his conscious mind is not in the way of receiving messages from God. The conscious state needs to function in the physical world, and so it is always active when a person is awake. Therefore, it cannot receive the things of God, which means the natural mind is in opposition toward God *by nature.*
      And since it is in opposition toward God, this means a person is unable to receive The Truth in his current state, which is why it requires *Faith* and a *free will decision* to break free from the limitations one places on his mind *in order to pursue God.* This is the red pill, and the red pill does not look at how things appear on the surface, it looks at how things truly are beyond how they merely appear.
      This is why Smith says "looks can be deceiving", "appearances can be deceiving", Because the actual truth is the supernatural, the things are not seen, and the lie are the things that are seen.
      Most people pursue the lie, living to pursue their ambitions and goals, the careers and finances, and even things as noble as having a family, because although these things are good, *it does not set God at the forefront,* and living for all these things places God in the back, casting the ultimate truth behind ones back to pursue perishing things that are only temporary and trading eternal life for fading things that vanish away in time, and therefore people pursue the lie to their own destruction, *and this is the message of the film.* Even some Christian pastors might teach blue pill doctrines to the congregation, which is why Morpheus says "the Matrix is all around us, it's with you when you go to work, *when you go to church,* when you pay your taxes", because there are some preachers that preach prosperity Gospels or "living your best life now" *by focusing on this life and the things of the flesh instead of eternal life, distorting one's perspective and leading him to the lie, the blue pill, because that is of the flesh, and the truth is of the spirit.
      This means the definition of "the Matrix" is much greater than people think it is. People are right to say that the Matrix is "control", but it doesn't seem to be accurate in how they apply what that means, because there's a blue pill interpretation of this and also a red pill interpretation.
      The fact is, all of these sayings and appearances in the film and messages have dual meanings. They have more than one meaning. They have a blue pill interpretation, and a red pill interpretation.
      Both interpretations can be correct, but the blue pill interpretation will look at how things merely appear, while the red pill interpretation will give the actual truth, even though both pills are using things that are actually true to come to their opposing conclusions.
      This is why there's a difference between "that which is true", and *The Truth.* There's a difference between... What is true... And *The Truth.*
      This is why when an unbeliever looks at suffering in the world, he is looking at something that is true, but then comes to a false conclusion that God doesn't exist as a result of that suffering when there is an actual red pill answer to the issue, but because one looks at how something appears, a person can be easily deceived, *and this is the message of the film.*
      There is a lot of information loaded all throughout this film, and it's jam-packed with very significant, and extremely important information.
      If a person looks at this through The eyes of a fan, he will do himself a great disservice, because it's trying to tell you a secret about Christianity that not even many Christians know that whoever made this film somehow knows, and if a person were to listen closely of the truth of what's being told in these films, it would be revolutionary and change the world.

    • @jaredbond7908
      @jaredbond7908 Před 2 lety

      Also, her prophesy that one of them would die came true.

  • @SteinMeister72
    @SteinMeister72 Před 3 lety +25

    Every time you called Cipher a “tossah”, I laughed.

  • @adroit1967
    @adroit1967 Před 3 lety +48

    "I haven't been this confused since the first time I got my wee-wee touched" LOL DEAD

    • @ReelOzAussieDillon
      @ReelOzAussieDillon  Před 3 lety +9


    • @Saboteur709
      @Saboteur709 Před 3 lety +3

      That was the exact moment I subbed.

    • @Juan_Dystopian
      @Juan_Dystopian Před 2 lety

      @@ReelOzAussieDillon You could make a video about the first time you got your wee-wee touched 19:29 . You'd get a lot of subscribers. People want to know about real experiences about other people and compare them with theirs 🙂

  • @MarkArandjus
    @MarkArandjus Před 3 lety +5

    Finally a reaction that captures the feeling we had in the early 2000's watching this, being utterly confused at first, then amazed.

  • @zoolanderaz37
    @zoolanderaz37 Před 3 lety +15

    Neo is a program. The Oracle tells him “take a cookie”. Clever.

  • @sylviagreybe672
    @sylviagreybe672 Před 3 lety +17

    The Matrix is EPIC!!! I loved this when it came out!! My mind was so blown I had to go back and watch it again the next day.

  • @criss6945
    @criss6945 Před 2 lety +6

    "This seems to be a good movie..."
    😂 This is actually a classic, one of the most successful blockbuster ever. Super masterpiece.

  • @psychoent
    @psychoent Před 3 lety +13

    " I don't understand this!" this will be your moto for this trilogy

  • @FrancisXLord
    @FrancisXLord Před 3 lety +11

    'I know it's just CGI but...' Actually I have always believed that explosion shot was a practical shot like in Backdraft, where the set was built upside down and then set on fire. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone.

    • @benkelly2024
      @benkelly2024 Před 3 lety +1

      Was going to say the same thing.

    • @zombiemom7378
      @zombiemom7378 Před 3 lety +5

      You are correct. The elevator door flying through the lobby was cgi, but the flames were practical.

  • @okgoodness1709
    @okgoodness1709 Před 3 lety +2

    From the Matrix Explained channel, it was discussed how the cookie that the Oracle gave to Neo, which he ate, had re-programmed him to become The One.

  • @KingHoborg
    @KingHoborg Před 3 lety +13

    The Agents were the first movie villains I really felt dread watching. Of course I was like 9-10 years old, but knowing that even if they died they could just take over someone else and keep going is terrifying.

  • @jean-baptistepicard1358
    @jean-baptistepicard1358 Před 3 lety +14

    "I havn't been this confused since the first time I got my wee-wee touched" - Auzzie Dillon 2021

  • @davidsanderson8677
    @davidsanderson8677 Před 3 lety +27

    Great reaction, I love this trilogy, Some people are going to say don’t watch the sequels. Most reactors don’t. Please could you react to them and make up your own mind about them, as it finishes the story and they are still enjoyable movies , regardless if you think it’s not better than the original. There were also some groundbreaking visual effects, which a lot of people seem to under appreciate, especially in the last movie.

    • @AdiTwriteon
      @AdiTwriteon Před 3 lety +1

      I love all three. And I’m sure I’ll love the 4th

    • @Jack_80
      @Jack_80 Před 3 lety

      @@AdiTwriteon idk, i feel like a part 4 could potentially ruin it. many sequels made after a long period of time like this aren't very good.

  • @Billis75
    @Billis75 Před 3 lety +17

    "It's Elrond!" Wait until he discovers he's also Mitzi from The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert.

  • @zombiemom7378
    @zombiemom7378 Před 3 lety +7

    The fire blasting through the lobby was a totally practical effect, but the elevator door flying through the air was cgi. I encourage you to check out more behind-the-scenes stuff about how this movie was made because some special effect techniques and technologies were created specifically to achieve what you see in The Matrix. Most notably, the Bullet Time Effect was created for this movie and is now something used throughout the industry. This movie was groundbreaking.

  • @HBKCommish
    @HBKCommish Před 3 lety +12

    I know it's a small detail. But why do so many people think that when Cypher coughs behind the wall, he did it on purpose? I'm not trying to defend that scumbag in any way, but in THAT particular moment, I don't think think he coughed on purpose. He had dirt and dust legitimately fall on his face. And his cough led to that swat member firing blindly into the wall. If Cypher did it on purpose he put himself in just as much danger as everyone else.

    • @mowgli8480
      @mowgli8480 Před 3 lety +3

      But he doesn't need to cough inside the matrix.
      Of course it was on purpose. There's no way that the one guy who betrayed them, is the one to accidentally cough.
      Especially since he did it twice.
      He promised the agents Morpheus, and this was how they got him (after he left the phone ringing to let the agents know where they were).
      Not intentional? Mate, come on.

    • @Tribul936
      @Tribul936 Před 3 lety +3

      "Do you think that's air you're breathing?" ...Dust?

  • @sndlugo672
    @sndlugo672 Před 2 lety +1

    Hahaha.. I remember the first time I saw the Matrix and when Triniti ran to pick up the call as the phone boot was getting crushed I thought to my self "That was one important phone call." and didn't know what to make of it.

  • @Codametal
    @Codametal Před 3 lety +2

    We are not in the Matrix. The amount of computing power to simulate an entire and what each person can can see and touch would require all of the energy and computing power in the universe. Somebody actually did the calculations. That's nuts.

  • @BraanFlakes08
    @BraanFlakes08 Před 3 lety +2

    Damn I just now realized I didn’t have notifications on! I’m so stoked to watch your reaction to this

  • @080gina080
    @080gina080 Před 3 lety +2

    Matrix was made in Australia 😀 Another must see that also was made in Australia is the 1998 "Dark City" which is awesome too.

  • @Enriqueta_Fuentes
    @Enriqueta_Fuentes Před 3 lety +8

    last time I was this early, I was still stuck in the matrix

  • @Bi0Dr01d
    @Bi0Dr01d Před 2 lety +2

    Something like this *is* happening in the real world. This movie is a metaphor for an actual truth, and it has nothing to do with robots or technology.

  • @davidr1050
    @davidr1050 Před 3 lety +1

    Cypher is played by Joseph Pantoliano who was also one of the Fratelli's in The Goonies .. ;)

  • @joshm.1483
    @joshm.1483 Před rokem

    The actor who plays Cypher, Joe Pantoliano, plays a character named Ralph Cifaretto in The Sopranos. There’s a scene in The Sopranos where AJ Soprano gives his mom Carmela The Matrix on DVD. So I like to think there was a moment the audience didn’t see where Carmela watched the Matrix DVD and at some point exclaimed , “…Wait a second, is that Ralphie???”

  • @BraanFlakes08
    @BraanFlakes08 Před 3 lety +4

    I think you did a damn good analysis of the story, and yes neo is ‘the one’ to save humanity. But anyone who wakes up and realizes what the matrix truly is, is able to manipulate it to a certain extent. Neo just has the purest form of an ‘open mind’ which makes him more powerful. That’s just my take on it though. Super happy you reacted to this. Shout out to you mother for watching it back in the day as well 😂

    • @flibber123
      @flibber123 Před 3 lety

      My take is that it's not about having an open mind. They are all hackers, at least the ones who go in the Matrix are hackers. The Matrix is a computer program. So they are in effect hacking the system when they are in the Matrix. Morpheus says free your mind as a way of telling Neo to stop thinking he's in a real world with standard rules of physics and other limitations. When they are in the sparring program Morpheus reminds him that they are not breathing air, that physical strength has nothing to do with the fighting. Being in the Matrix is a visual representation of hacking. Neo is the one because out of all of them he's the ultimate hacker, he just didn't realize it until the end. Morpheus tells him he won't have to dodge bullets, he means once Neo has unlocked his full hacking abilities he will control things including any 'bullets' because after all bullets are just computer simulated bullets and Neo will have hacker the computer. You don't have to dodge bullets you control.

  • @flawed1
    @flawed1 Před rokem

    “ Guys stop kissing. Morpheus is dead.”
    You’re definitely one of my new favorite reactors. Well done.

  • @Daniel-jl6fb
    @Daniel-jl6fb Před 3 lety

    "Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily merrily... life is but a dream"

  • @jneumy566
    @jneumy566 Před 2 lety

    I find it really cool how Neo matched a computer program in a quick draw

  • @Lia-uf1ir
    @Lia-uf1ir Před 2 lety +1

    32:00 That as actually the original form of glasses because frames weren't invented until the 19th century and glasses themselves were invented in the 12th century although until industrialization, they were an item of luxury.
    So in a way, Morpheus is really retro ;)

  • @4703857
    @4703857 Před 3 lety +2

    This movie blew my mind when it came out! I loved the whole series, and can't wait to see your reactions to the rest!

  • @lordmortarius538
    @lordmortarius538 Před 3 lety +2

    That's the thing about this film, it really sparked the conversation and speculation on whether our reality is real, or are we just living in a simulation? Are we simulated ourselves? Is ANYTHING real? Scientists are still working on that one to this day, and it still remains a possibility.
    The thing about Neo not dying at the end... remember the kid at the Oracle's? "There is no spoon". He's right. If you accept that it IS a spoon, you're accepting the rules in the system governing that spoon, and you'll never be able to bend it. Once you understand, truly understand that it ISN'T a spoon, it's just code, then you can do whatever you want with it. This is why Neo comes back to life. He can hear Trinity from outside the Matrix, and he realizes that even though he was shot... HE wasn't shot. Just his digital representation was. He's not dead because those aren't bullets, and he's not flesh and blood. That's why he can stop the bullets at the end. He sees the code and can manipulate it directly, a TRUE hacker in a worldly sense. The others like Morpheus understand this to a degree, but they haven't fully committed to the idea, so they can make gravity-defying leaps and such, but they can't do the things Neo can do.
    It was a real mindfuck back when it first came out, especially with the bullet time effects and such, which had never been done before, they had to build whole huge rigs for those shots.
    I HIGHLY recommend you check out the sequels, don't listen to people who say they're bad. While they're not quite at the same level of epicness as the first one, they're still very good and provide more insight and backstory involved with the Matrix, it's just some people aren't able to understand that level of nuance :P

  • @jneumy566
    @jneumy566 Před 2 lety +1

    I like how, technically, all your original guesses about Trinity are correct. In a way, the Matrix and the real world are like parallel universes. To Neo, it's the 90's, but she's from the real world which is actually in the 2190's.

    • @ivanticinovic1893
      @ivanticinovic1893 Před 2 lety +1

      Real world is actually closer to 2500 - 2600. Morpheus is just not aware of that. Rememver the second part the architect tells Neo he is the sixth itteration of the one? Plus paradise and hell matrixes first 2 times. That menas neo is in 7th version. It would take about a 100 years to repopulate zion from 2 dozen of initial population each time. And they would only know about the last Neo and think he was the first one and the new one is a prophecy of his return. Morpheus didn't know there were already 5 before Neo, not only 1.

  • @Novaximus
    @Novaximus Před 3 lety +1

    Thank you as always for another video reaction! I really enjoy watching them.

    • @Novaximus
      @Novaximus Před 3 lety

      Regarding your last thoughts... We always think of AI taking over us but think about it. We are willingly letting it happen. Every time we us technology to make our lives easier we are willingly giving up our own power and giving it to a machine which we rely on. Today right now most people spend their time sitting at home glued to their devices. They have everything delivered to them. We take vaccines because our bodies can't handle real world virus's naturally. How long until we "choose" to live in some sort of water filled capsule hooked up to something like the Matrix. The Capsule keeps us nice and cozy and protected and fed and prolongs our life. We don't have to use our muscles. We're litterally living in a world of bliss and have our minds hooked up to stay socially connected to world server of sorts (the matrix) were you can litterally think of anything you'd like and you can have it.
      This shit is happening right now. And it's not because we lost some sort of fight against machines. It's a lifestyle we're choosing to have. Maybe we're in it and some leaders felt that we'd be horrified to find out how we're actually living in "the real world" and somehow made us forget about it. So we're all living this lie.
      this movie made me despise cell phones. I seldom use one. I refuse to text. If someone wants to talk to me they must call me. I'm not spending my day checking it every two minutes or feeling like I need it next to me when I leave the house. If people don't like it...tough for them. Exclude me if you'd like but I refuse to be tied to a cell phone. I'll check it like maybe twice a day. Once when I come home from work and then like an hour before I go to bed. (unless if I hear it actually ring from a call) Any other beep or noise it makes I won't bother. I don't care.

  • @michaelbastraw1493
    @michaelbastraw1493 Před 3 lety +4

    "Follow the WHITE rabbit." It does make a difference. If the Sheila is Australian, she comes by it honestly as this was filmed in Australia. I assume they had to hire a certain number of natives. Best. Leo.

    • @StCerberusEngel
      @StCerberusEngel Před 3 lety

      I just realized, if you follow the white rabbit, you're going to be late.

  • @curtisbrack3398
    @curtisbrack3398 Před 3 lety +2

    Elrond is . . . Agent Smith. Hmmm . . . which is the real matrix? That is the question, my silly little hobbit!

  • @TheGr8Ruz
    @TheGr8Ruz Před 3 lety +2

    Theres a few animated or cgi movies called The Animatrix, think like 7 of them and the whole subculture had such an influence there were several suicides of ppl convinced by the concept of living in simulated reality

  • @ultimategamer2669
    @ultimategamer2669 Před 2 lety

    5:08 Smith: Karera Wa Mou Shindeiru.
    Cops: NANI?!

  • @Fnelrbnef
    @Fnelrbnef Před 3 lety +2

    I think I may have manifested this video!:D Just thought "Did this guy watch The Matrix yet?"

  • @TheBossLegacy
    @TheBossLegacy Před 3 lety +3

    Matrix revalations is the shit

  • @jacoolckers6465
    @jacoolckers6465 Před 3 lety +2

    The Matrix films were all filmed in Australia.

  • @The_Bermuda_Nonagon
    @The_Bermuda_Nonagon Před 3 lety +1

    Application Error
    THEONE has caused a General Protection Fault in
    module KRNL386.EXE at 0002:2403.

  • @FumetsuHyu
    @FumetsuHyu Před 3 lety

    Dillon: Is she from a parallel universe?
    - Sort of, yea.
    Dillon: Is she from the future?
    - Sort of, yea.
    Dillon: Is the Matrix inside the computer?
    - Sort of, yea.
    Every guess was at least 50% right :P

  • @skydiver2980
    @skydiver2980 Před rokem

    I can build houses on any terrain, any time of the year, even with a swimming pool in a back yard

  • @PatrickFoxGaming
    @PatrickFoxGaming Před 3 lety +1

    Neo is an anagram for One. So... Neo is the one.

  • @porflepopnecker4376
    @porflepopnecker4376 Před 3 lety +2

    "Whoa--I know how to play checkers."

  • @GavinHitchens
    @GavinHitchens Před rokem

    Thats weirdly true, neo is the hacker who learns the code of the matrix

  • @saintmatthias8187
    @saintmatthias8187 Před 3 lety

    Speed, Keanu Reeves. The blue pill is what keeps you in the matrix, the red pill is what gets you out of the matrix.

  • @robertbretschneider765
    @robertbretschneider765 Před 3 lety +1

    "Its Elrond!" Nice Moment!

  • @Llanchlo
    @Llanchlo Před 3 lety +1

    Keanu Reeves as a coach = Hardball

  • @Bill_pierre
    @Bill_pierre Před 3 lety +3

    Gonna comment first on the video lighting and stuff - as a photographer I definitely appreciate the new style you're going for; the bright background of old is distracting from the subject matter (you). Be careful not to go too over the top with the rgb in the background. I could make some lighting suggestions if you're interested

  • @garyglaser4998
    @garyglaser4998 Před 3 lety

    Everybody drink every time he says, "Ohhhhhh my goooooosh!" 😂

  • @michaelbastraw1493
    @michaelbastraw1493 Před 3 lety +3

    Glasses without bows are pince-nez, nose pincers. Best. Leo.

  • @A07Nick
    @A07Nick Před 3 lety

    Mars? We haven't even build an indoor city on Mars yet, like they did in the DOOM games lol.

  • @RayRayMaster87
    @RayRayMaster87 Před 3 lety

    The movie u were talking about where Keanu is a coach is called "Hardball"...

  • @veot.2869
    @veot.2869 Před 3 lety +1

    *Dillion, you're in the matrix now.* 📍

  • @tree6787
    @tree6787 Před 2 lety

    I really love that there still pay phones in this movie! 😁

  • @unidentifiedguy8253
    @unidentifiedguy8253 Před rokem

    I love how his mind goes to "Simulation Theory" at the end, which may have been inspired by The Matrix, or The Matrix was inspired by "Simulation Theory". This was 1999, long before AI was the norm, VR headsets are a normal thing, and the super AI robot, Mark Zuckerberg, is building the "Metaverse" and trying to drink a glass of water in a court room in the weirdest human-simulation kind of way, but he is getting closer to seeming human is the point.

  • @curtisbrack3398
    @curtisbrack3398 Před 3 lety +1

    "I don't understand why all these places are dirty." Sorry, the matrix can't afford a full cleaning crew. They spend too much money paying the agents.

  • @neo_101
    @neo_101 Před rokem

    The best part comes after the movie. Over time you end up understanding that everything is like that, it's real. Oh, and yes you can learn everything about anything at once, inserted into your mind instantly. Good luck, and welcome to the real world 🙂

  • @diavanille6179
    @diavanille6179 Před 3 lety

    this movie was shot in Australia using set from the movie dark city..

  • @ricomakeda
    @ricomakeda Před 3 lety +2

    The baseball movie your thinking of is HARDBALL

    • @ReelOzAussieDillon
      @ReelOzAussieDillon  Před 3 lety +1


    • @GatBlackistan
      @GatBlackistan Před 3 lety

      Hardball, the movie you referred to in the opening, is hilarious! If you don't remember it you should react to it. It's definitely no kids movie. 😂

  • @jimballard1186
    @jimballard1186 Před 3 lety

    Trinity didn't give Neo any powers. The movie is a metaphor for being trans (more specifically, being trans twenty years ago), with the agents being metaphors of bigots. Trinity's role at the end is a metaphor than loving a trans person saves their life; so loving Neo brings him back from the dead and lets him accept who he really is.

  • @saifkhan_95
    @saifkhan_95 Před 3 lety +1

    Morpheus: The Greek God of sleep and dreams. Think about that for a bit. This movie, all three of them has many Greek elements to it. Perhaps the 4th movie may also continue with that trend, we'll just have to wait and see.

  • @3DJapan
    @3DJapan Před 3 lety

    I got a Blue Snowball mic for my videos. Only $30 on ebay. Mom selling it said she bought it for her kid, he used it once, then never touched it. Haha

  • @orlandostock7440
    @orlandostock7440 Před 3 lety

    Matrix won 4 academy awards

  • @markacuna2828
    @markacuna2828 Před 2 lety

    FYI he's working on the new matrix movie now in London

  • @JonathanPerez-qg3lz
    @JonathanPerez-qg3lz Před 3 lety +1

    Yes please do matrix reloaded

  • @juanme555
    @juanme555 Před 3 lety

    Read Carlyle , Machiavelli and then watch Eyes Wide Shut (1999) .
    Then rewatch Matrix 1.
    Go all the way.

  • @meeeeeeeeeeee2614
    @meeeeeeeeeeee2614 Před 2 lety

    Who is this Shelia .. will have been lost on most of the viewing public ... i spat out my coffee
    Loved you spent the majority of the movie with your jaw dropped ... you just experience one of the greatest movies ever made ...
    By the laws of probability we do indeed live in a simulated alien reality ...

  • @tfpp1
    @tfpp1 Před 3 lety

    48:04 - I don't know why, but I found your "insert close-up chots" to be very amusing. LOL Keep it up, mate!

  • @JULIASMITH-eg9kp
    @JULIASMITH-eg9kp Před rokem

    One of my favorite movies

  • @speedymaster5758
    @speedymaster5758 Před 3 lety

    Subscribing mainly due to you being a fellow aussie mate 😆

  • @xcellent-records
    @xcellent-records Před 3 lety

    Keanu Reeves as a baseball coach is movie "Hardball"

  • @cyberneticbutterfly8506

    Some have philosophized that if humanity ever colonized the galaxy or if the future of earth's civilization is long it'd be unavoidable that computing power continues to increase and become more subtle.
    Brain-machine interface tech included.
    In that case people will sooner or later make a Matrix-like simulation.
    On top of this due to continuing growth in either size or sophistication of computing power over time it wouldn't take many 1000 years until we had millions of simulations.
    *So is then the odds of being in reality 1 in millions?*

  • @TheBossLegacy
    @TheBossLegacy Před 3 lety +1


  • @kevinstanton5998
    @kevinstanton5998 Před 3 lety

    Are ads controlled by the poster? Or is that not something you can change? Bc 21 ads is too many :(

  • @isaiahpavia-cruz678
    @isaiahpavia-cruz678 Před 3 lety +2

    I can’t believe you’ve never seen The Matrix!

    • @ReelOzAussieDillon
      @ReelOzAussieDillon  Před 3 lety +2

      Everton baby!!!!!!

    • @isaiahpavia-cruz678
      @isaiahpavia-cruz678 Před 3 lety +1

      @@ReelOzAussieDillon UTFT definitely mate I’ve been following you since you’ve been reacting to WWE matches before the Jericho vs Omega time and you had that beautiful yellow Everton top on 👍🤙

  • @YourLocalOverlord
    @YourLocalOverlord Před 3 lety

    You are gonna love these mate

  • @jared2947
    @jared2947 Před 3 lety +1

    Watch the whole trilogy, it's so worth it.

  • @emblazen6442
    @emblazen6442 Před 3 lety

    I think you would enjoy The Illusionist.

  • @scarletibis3158
    @scarletibis3158 Před 3 lety

    Look up "The Singularity"

  • @Cameron5043
    @Cameron5043 Před 3 lety +1

    Can't wait for you to see the 2 Sequels. You're going to get people saying that they love them, and people that hate them.
    (I personally love them!)
    But you need to see them and make your own decision and analysis!

  • @thomasanderson1989
    @thomasanderson1989 Před 3 lety

    The matrix was shot in Australia

  • @sheldonlamey7010
    @sheldonlamey7010 Před rokem

    If Teslas can drive us then imagine a robot's aim, like they can fire guns more accurate than humans and probably can scan through walls. Also internet tech has soften everyones skepticism on Tech and AI since We're so dependent on it and it interwoven into society. Thats why we should monitor tech inovation and try to enjoy some analog tech maybe get kids involved with old tech like LPs CDs old radios, old cars old cameras etc... I see niche groups growing in the LP record hobby and old cameras. Im not against new tech though we just need to make sure its not harming us.

  • @3DJapan
    @3DJapan Před 3 lety

    If you want more Keanu Reeves watch Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

  • @elevown
    @elevown Před 3 lety

    I super dont get how anyone is confused in the matrix. Its all super straight forward basic concepts.

  • @DANNYtheBOY11
    @DANNYtheBOY11 Před 3 lety

    52:09 "If this happens we're all screw"....dude, what if it's already happened and you're talking to us in this video being in the matrix...this is the brilliant part and the whole point of the movie, it could be already going on and you can't tell it's not, simple as that.

  • @thomasanderson1989
    @thomasanderson1989 Před 3 lety

    You should also check out the Bill and Ted's

  • @nrgmanifest
    @nrgmanifest Před 3 lety

    Are you saying..."This is more than a movie?" lol

  • @Lia-uf1ir
    @Lia-uf1ir Před 2 lety

    40:56 I'd wanna learn some languages I always wanted to speak or improve those I already speak or understand but don't speak. I could be fluent in French, Spanish, Italian, Croatian, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Korean and Japanese in like 2 minutes!

  • @martind.5257
    @martind.5257 Před 3 lety +1

    Damn u must have read my mind, because I was hoping u were gonna watch this one next 😳👍

  • @dragonpnut76
    @dragonpnut76 Před 3 lety

    After the matrix, you will have to watch John Wick!!!

  • @saifkhan_95
    @saifkhan_95 Před 3 lety

    Also: NEO=ONE. Something else to think about. 😁

  • @miskbalder
    @miskbalder Před 2 lety

    1 year late, but what the heck 🤣
    the oracle vase thing is way crazier than u think when u start thinking bout it, would he have broken it if she hadn't said anything, but the question is, if not, why did she say it? Just to get him to believe she is the oracle? I think it would be way too simple of a trick to get his attention, a trick that any human could do, so I think it was more about getting him to question how the matrix works and that the result of code can always be predicted if u understand it
    Also, what if we are already in the matrix? 🙂

  • @qwerty-so6ml
    @qwerty-so6ml Před 2 lety

    And you think this is a movie.
    Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb (H7358) I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
    Strong's H7358 rechem = womb, matrix

  • @Sophie2570
    @Sophie2570 Před 3 lety +1

    Love your reactions 💖 can you react to the movie Déjà Vu?

  • @bmatt2626
    @bmatt2626 Před 3 lety

    AI controls your recommendations, the news and information you consume, and the same for your friends. If it was subtly manipulating everyone toward its own, long-term ends, how would anyone ever know?