Coyote Connect ( was not prepared for this )

  • čas přidán 7. 12. 2013
  • Read the whole description before commenting please. I do not know what this coyote was trying to tell me, but my gut tells me, it was recognition, it was a hi, how ya been, missed you. lol I am sure others will disagree and that is okay too.
    I was not threatened by him, nor him threatened by me.
    I have lived near coyotes my whole life and have never see one do this. My dogs were in the house, short of my 3rd one who caught the coyote off guard when he was standing about 70 feet behind him watching him do what you see on camera, it was not until the end when u can hear my husband say" Sarge is right behind you" , that the Coyote stopped playing with me and noticed my dog that was crouched down in an attack position, after a few moments the coyote bolted up the hill and my dog did not give chase. I am not stupid and am well aware of the coyote tricks, I've seen them do it, this is not one of those moments, it was not after my dog, possible it is a learned response for food??? but I have never fed a wild animal and not too many houses around here. I guess you would of have to of been there to really appreciate the gravity of what was happening, even my husband, who has chased many a coyote off has never seen this behaviour before it is a treasured moment in my life.Simple as that, no need to over think it
    **** Update**** It is now July/2014 and I have seen brief glimpses of this coyote since this has happened,most times when I am out on the trail riding my horse without my dogs, he or she will give a brief appearance and then gone again.
    UPDATE # 2- It is now November 29th, almost a year since this happened, I have not seen the coyote in some time. I had hoped to film it more, but not meant to be, nor am I going to go out of my way to find it.

Komentáře • 199

  • @whalesong999
    @whalesong999 Před 7 lety +36

    That little twisting and cocking of his head says to me he was tickled to see you and as you say, connect. Makes sense compared to what I've seen from other similar events with dogs. Things do transpire between humans and animals that defy our limited understanding and we're left with some kind of 'educated guess' but we really don't know. Very sweet share and joyful in it's own way.

  • @blackdogdancer
    @blackdogdancer Před 9 lety +237

    I absolutely love coyotes. I think they are beautiful and so smart. I think it is great that you captured this. I do however,, believe it was an attempt at luring your dog away. Luring is a skill that coyotes excel at - beyond any other animal. It is why they are regarded as tricksters. I go to the back to ensure my dogs are ok - because we have coyotes here... and I want to live peacefully with them. But I also know my dogs are sweet and would fall for that trick.
    While someone on this page referred to them as "devious" ... they are not devious - they are wild animals that are trying to survive using the skills they were born with - and being highly adaptive, they have great skills. Even we sort of fall for their playfulness. Amazing... so glad you shared this.

    • @peteskar
      @peteskar Před 9 lety +66

      Without question the coyote in this video is attempting to lure your dog into playing or better yet chasing. There is a very good chance one or more coyotes were waiting nearby for the dog to run past them when they would all attack it. My friend lost a dog in this manner and I watched my dog chase a "playful" coyote up a little swale and past a bush where another coyote was waiting. The hidden coyote attacked the dog and as soon as my dog screamed the first coyote turned around to help. I was close enough that my dog escaped with a gaping cut on the inside of her thigh that took 7 staples to close. My dog was a 75 pound chocolate lab, used to being in the field. I later learned coyotes will attempt to hook one of their long, sharp canines in the belly of another canid or other prey capable of fighting back and eviscerate then and stand back and wait for them to die. Much safer that way for the coyote. The coyote missed ole Abby's paunch and caught her inner thigh. Coyotes are very adaptable and will utilize any food source available to them. I have pictures of coyote dung full of carrots and apple peels from neighboring fields and once found a leg band from someone's prize rooster in a pile. My son found his dog half eaten in a nearby barn. Another son's friends lost their dog while they were watching right in front of their house, attacked by 2 coyotes in broad daylight. I ran into a guy while fishing at a local lake who let his dog off his boat to pee and watched a coyote rush out and carry the dog away. He was sitting in his boat in tears. Plenty more stories to tell but coyotes are NOT dogs and their behavior should NOT be interpreted through one's understanding of dog behavior. Thanks for sharing the video.

    • @blackdogdancer
      @blackdogdancer Před 9 lety +20

      Pete Skarda You defined that very well. It's important for people to understand what a wild animal actually is. And how it differs from domesticated animals (I won't use the word tame... as that has a different meaning).
      Coyotes are extremely intelligent. And very good at adapting to the world we continue to change and shape. We could learn a lot from them.

    • @theeasternfront6436
      @theeasternfront6436 Před 9 lety +29

      Thank you two for having a reasonable discussion about coyote as opposed to simply being emotionally draw to the cute fuzzy creature. Coyotes in the wild should be left that way. Im a nature lover and and animal lover, but, Im also a coyote hunter because nothing good come from humans and coyotes lives becoming intertwined. This is really neat to observe but the fact of the matter is yes, a coyote will eat you dog, or you cat or chickens etc. Granted they are just trying to survive but that doesnt mean we throw caution to the wind.

    • @skjelver4
      @skjelver4 Před 9 lety +25

      susan-jillian smith Coyotes are NOT called "tricksters" because of their luring behavior. Native Americans gave coyotes the name "trickster" centuries ago, mostly for spiritual reasons. This was before whites came to america and started making up lies about everything.

  • @stephencarlsbad
    @stephencarlsbad Před 10 lety +562

    Coyotes do this to lure a dog away by pretending that they are playful. When the dog follows, several other coyotes lying in wait attack it. Coyotes also use a female coyote in heat to draw the dogs away then kill a lone dog as prey.

  • @Rufopitmix
    @Rufopitmix Před 9 lety +34

    The coyotes who exhibit this kind of play behavior are usually sub-adults, and they are not trying to lure your dog into an attack. What does happen is that the sub adult does want to play but then when he goes back towards his pack, friend in tow, the other adult members attack and kill him. A sub-adult played with our neighbors Golden Retriever with apparently no agenda. Another played with my large yearling horse.
    They ran circles around each other and the coyote frequently executed a play bow, inviting my horse to play. This went on for at least twenty minutes, only halting when I went out to take photographs. Shucks,

  • @1807Jackie
    @1807Jackie Před 10 lety +29

    His movements were so delicate! Just beautiful!

  • @ajsmitten2819
    @ajsmitten2819 Před 9 lety +15

    Omg he's cute. How goofy. Totally playful. What an experience.

  • @KrawczyKowski3
    @KrawczyKowski3 Před 10 lety +62

    I fed a lone coyote for 9years by my house. :) she would stay about 20 feet away from me when I went outside to bring the food and water. This is the first year that she hasn't been back. She would walk past my cats, and ducks to get the food. She was a gentile being, and I miss her.

    • @danielstreeter6738
      @danielstreeter6738 Před 10 lety +16

      Kind of you, but don't feed a coyote in the future unless you're willing to go whole hog and adopt it (with proper experience!). Very few coyotes are going to take being fed as well as the one you mentioned, as most will lose their fear of humanity and then will actually begin hassling people for food, to the point of injuring said people, will start preying on livestock, or will live near people full-time, thereby running a constant risk of being run over. All coyotes should either be free of human interaction or should have a trainer.

  • @hippiewithacowboyhat
    @hippiewithacowboyhat Před 7 lety +12

    Who cares about the motive. Natural beauty, plain and simple.

  • @chubbyninja842
    @chubbyninja842 Před 10 lety +196

    Coyotes are devious predators. They have been known to use friendly behavior to lure potential prey back to their pack where it gets eaten. They normally do this to dogs. I can't say for sure that's what he was doing in this video, but it's something to think about.

    • @Danymity1
      @Danymity1 Před 9 lety +29

      Zombie Tex is correct. The coyote or "canis latrans" although magnificent in every aspect, is rather intelligent. The coyote spotted your dog days ago...believe it or not, otherwise why was it there in the first place. They are tricksters and often the protagonist of many Native American folklore. The clown-like manner in which the coyote acted was a mere intimidation tactic, as in making itself appear larger than life to scare you away. Once you were out of the picture, well.....god bless lil fluffy!

    • @johndrakesloat5572
      @johndrakesloat5572 Před 9 lety +2

      kendra foerster Downright Wiley!

    • @markusstern8059
      @markusstern8059 Před 9 lety +6

      ***** As for you good sir, Canis Domesticalis, or the common dog, have been known to take in human babies because of their motherly instinct, which shows intelligence of another form, I believe since coyotes are of the same family, they are capable of the same thing, ignorant fool.

    • @markusstern8059
      @markusstern8059 Před 9 lety +4

      ***** Well I'm sorry, no one is perfect, thank you for correcting me though, but you could have done it nicely, forgive me for my human incompetence of messing up.

    • @skjelver4
      @skjelver4 Před 9 lety +11

      ZombieTex The "zombie" says: "coyotes are devious predators". Maybe the zombie is projecting his own devious, hate-filled nature onto a completely innocent animal. That's OK zombie; It happens all the time.

  • @littlebuddyd
    @littlebuddyd Před 10 lety +25

    It was a territorial gesture. Don't be one of those people that think wild animals are cute and try to make contact with it.

    • @danielstreeter6738
      @danielstreeter6738 Před 10 lety +5

      Agreed; even if it does have friendly attentions, reciprocating (especially by making it feel welcome or by feeding it) will teach it bad behaviors and almost invariably turns it into a threat.

    • @orogenicman
      @orogenicman Před 10 lety +7

      We have coyotes over at the observatory. I always keep the building closed when I am there because they've been known to come right up to it. Yes, they are wild animals. A pack of them killed a jogger in Ontario a few years ago, and another about a year ago somewhere else. Generally they are skittish and shun people, but, when they are hungry enough, even people can become food. Not to be messed with.

  • @nutrolady06
    @nutrolady06 Před 10 lety +759

    read about coyotes. They entice your dog to come and play, then they have your dog for dinner.

  • @SavahRellcast
    @SavahRellcast Před 9 lety +11

    Your choice of music, perfect, your understanding of his body language, perfect, the way you spoke to him, perfect. I look forward to seeing more. You obviously have gifts. Namaste.

  • @TheHE1RO
    @TheHE1RO Před 9 lety +29

    From what i know and have seen is that coyotes will lure other dogs such as pets like this. They will then gang up on the dog and attempt to kill it and/or eat it.

  • @mtmbproductions
    @mtmbproductions  Před 9 lety +255

    Some of these comments crack me up,I did not fall off the turnip truck, I'm blonde, but not that blonde,lol. This footage was filmed in Canada over a year ago. A Coyote expert has seen this video, her take was that it was jumping to see behind me for possible escape route. I didn't really buy that theory,as I've seen coyotes do that, this was not one of those moments, but then again I'm no expert, just a person who watches wild life and films them when I am given the opportunity. I've filmed this coyote hunting for mice, it doesn't seem to mind my presence if I am alone, but runs away if the dogs are with me. If coyotes are a pest around here we shoot at them to scare them off. We have never had to kill one ( thankfully ) but would if they didn't respect our property. I do not suppose my opinion matters here at all, people will take what they want from the video. No matter how you shake it, this video has people talking and any time people actually take the time to give their opinion,even when you are being bit mean towards me, its fine.

    • @allen423100
      @allen423100 Před 9 lety +38

      Very Logical way of looking at it, nothing wrong with Protecting your probity and pets. but shooting to Kill first sight when no Harm is being done well that is Just Ignorant, that's how People need to see it. because when ever I try to defend an Animal these ignorant dumb asses always resort to calling me a Lib and then it turns all Political and its not about that. Its about having respect for Nature Finding a balance.. and all they seem to want to do is take Take Take and Never Give back....

    • @allen423100
      @allen423100 Před 9 lety +2

      ex plicit wow what a dumb comment...

    • @markusstern8059
      @markusstern8059 Před 9 lety +5

      ex plicit Please sir, go take your annoying comments, and shove them up your ass, no one likes them, and your idiocy.

    • @markusstern8059
      @markusstern8059 Před 9 lety +7

      :o ermagerd, yer so sterpid, I merst sperk dis lernguege for yer ter understernd, shert ther ferk erp.

    • @Danymity1
      @Danymity1 Před 9 lety +15

      Every aspect of your comment may stand to reason except when you stated "respect our property." That assertion alone is subject to criticism considering these animals have been around for thousands of years and you've only a piece of paper denoting ownership of a particular piece of land. You should really think about what you are saying. I won't even get into the whole wild animal forced migration based on human expansion -because I think you get the picture now.

  • @Coyotesinorangecounty
    @Coyotesinorangecounty Před 9 lety +144

    He was trying to lure your dog out to "play" and then he would have killed him. There may have been more of them further back that you could not see. There are many reports of this behaviour. Amazing video. Thanks for sharing.

  • @UberR3D
    @UberR3D Před 9 lety +66

    Coyotes are ambush type predators, animals in a strange way are pretty clever to humans.

  • @crispy6311
    @crispy6311 Před 9 lety +15

    He's actually displaying a sign of aggression. It may look like joyful prancing but that is a display of power, he's saying "bring it on, I'm a strong coyote." Though I have seen coyotes being raised as pets behaving just like a dog, I would not trust a wild coyote one bit. He will take a bite at some point.

  • @kaydencontracting
    @kaydencontracting Před 9 lety +12

    Great catch Monique. The looking for an escape route or over you for some reason I think is defiantly a stretch. The luring idea is a valid concept. But bizzare hey. Take care

  • @kellerr13
    @kellerr13 Před 9 lety +42

    This is how they act in the wild. They will often befriend another animal and when that animal walks off with the Coyote, the rest of his pack will ambush it.

  • @kathrynquinn8991
    @kathrynquinn8991 Před 10 lety +13

    Absolutely awesome!!!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!

  • @brigitgoddess
    @brigitgoddess Před 10 lety +9

    That is great. I have seen a coyote playing before (what a paper bag) but never saw one inviting me to play. I hope your guy stays safe--lots of folk out there shoot them on sight.

  • @russellmandeville7736
    @russellmandeville7736 Před 10 lety +28

    Awesome show , good picture & great story to tell !! Hugs !

  • @wingchuntaiji
    @wingchuntaiji Před 10 lety +6

    The coyote wanted a treat !

    • @danielstreeter6738
      @danielstreeter6738 Před 10 lety +5

      NONONONONO! Never, never feed coyotes, you are guaranteed to cause problems. If not for yourself, then for somebody else. By teaching them that humans=source of food that they are entitled to, you set them up to be problems that wind up needing to be exterminated.

  • @bklovins
    @bklovins Před 10 lety +5

    I absolutely believe that animal is familiar with you. You'd be amazed at how the animals are most likely even watching you from the edge of the woods. I have deer woodpeckers & fox squirrels that all watch me while I fill my feeders & baby talk my dogs. The deer stop to listen to me now. Great footage very cute!

  • @DaddyRC
    @DaddyRC Před 10 lety +15

    That was awesome. He or she acted like a pet dog wanting to play catch! Thanks for sharing.

  • @ralfus37
    @ralfus37 Před 9 lety +269

    Invited the dog to lunch. Your dog was to be the entre.

  • @lindsaynerad5450
    @lindsaynerad5450 Před 10 lety +22

    So beautiful, thanks for sharing!!

    • @danielstreeter6738
      @danielstreeter6738 Před 10 lety

      I was interesting, but somebody explain to me how it was "beautiful," because I am obviously missing that. The only things that struck me as beautiful were the snow and the carol in the background.

    • @danielstreeter6738
      @danielstreeter6738 Před 10 lety +1

      Ahem..."it" was interesting. I don't think I've ever been exactly interesting to anyone. Geez, what a bad typo.

  • @kellyleni1983
    @kellyleni1983 Před 10 lety +18


  • @climbsta
    @climbsta Před 9 lety +22

    Wow, incredible video thanks for sharing :)

  • @sumacdude
    @sumacdude Před 10 lety +15

    Some people would say it was trying to lead you into the woods for an ambush. But I wouldn't assume that. It isn't the first time it saw you, I'm sure. Probably likes you and the relationship you have with his cousin (pet dog).

    • @mattxr2i
      @mattxr2i Před 9 lety +11

      Most would say it was trying to lure HER DOG into the woods. They have been known to do that.

    • @sumacdude
      @sumacdude Před 9 lety +10

      Sure, but I have many coyote around my home, and we've had no problems for years. They are wild canines, but they are canines. And canines have deep emotions, so don't assume they are always up to lethal behavior. Their is much more to them than that.

  • @j.p.j.p.6710
    @j.p.j.p.6710 Před 10 lety +6

    That was nice

  • @BloodstainedSinner
    @BloodstainedSinner Před 9 lety +15

    What I see here is a coyote who is curious. Maybe he was chasing something that ran onto your property, and was wary about chasing it's prey so close too a house.

  • @bkrb17
    @bkrb17 Před 10 lety +51

    its common knowledge, that coyotes lure prey by playing.. it ran off because he felt outnumbered when your dog showed up.

  • @Coyote.Spirit
    @Coyote.Spirit Před 9 lety +18

    Hello, Monique! Just wanted to say nice catch! Lovely video and thank you for sharing!

  • @vickit9190
    @vickit9190 Před 9 lety +4

    Dancing coyotes?

  • @lisakauser4333
    @lisakauser4333 Před 10 lety +226

    he was trying to bait you in the woods so his pack could eat you

  • @timestandingstill
    @timestandingstill Před 9 lety +8

    Thanks for sharing the video, Nice footage.

  • @xpdale5254
    @xpdale5254 Před 10 lety +10

    Great video

  • @nitehawk3268
    @nitehawk3268 Před 9 lety +27

    Its trying to lure her. It's a tactic coyotes use to lure young animals. It was hungry and probably hadn't found much food in the winter and was desperate, in my opinion.

  • @beautyaroundtheworld4658
    @beautyaroundtheworld4658 Před 9 lety +66

    He wants food.

  • @kamarbazarek8881
    @kamarbazarek8881 Před 7 lety +3

    Dear Monique - HOW SWEET!!! This cute vid!!!! "I'm with you.....Wanna play?" I watched it over and over again. GREAT JOB.....

  • @kaberle7
    @kaberle7 Před 10 lety +9

    She (yes it's a she) is so gorgeous. And probably young as well. What an amazing encounter. I do believe she was trying to get you to play with her! That was very playful behavior and oh so cute!! Thank you for sharing this with us. Quite the rare chance encounter. :-)

  • @TheJmacknight
    @TheJmacknight Před 10 lety +5

    I am looking forward to more. They are so beautiful and so intelligent.

  • @MrMattinks
    @MrMattinks Před 9 lety +11

    I believe the coyote was trying to make you to move so it could get a better fix on if you were a threat or not.

  • @20syncopate10
    @20syncopate10 Před 9 lety +8

    thank you for sharing this! They have been creeping into my area... or more likely we have been destroying there habitat so they are popping up more often.

    @TRUMPisOPPA Před 9 lety +37

    Beautiful! Maybe she's just giving a brief hello!

  • @Lesaloote
    @Lesaloote Před 9 lety +31

    Judging by the coyote's ears, that wasn't a friendly approach. A canine normally drops it's ears
    when approaching a friend, or when they don't mean any trouble. The coyote's
    ears were straight up, meaning he was being cautious about your movements. Also
    judging by the comments, it seems that this is a coyote's style of approaching the prey.

  • @aprilinamsterdam
    @aprilinamsterdam Před 10 lety +3

    That was so sweet! Maybe she thought she recognized you as someone who's been kind or playful with her before. I look forward to following her story.

  • @followthispaigetreadwell6840

    Wow....all words are beyond my ability to describe

  • @chadgdry3938
    @chadgdry3938 Před 9 lety +3


  • @RSmithReallyRobinLea
    @RSmithReallyRobinLea Před 10 lety +5


  • @michelem189
    @michelem189 Před 10 lety +18

    That coyote just might be your "familiar". I'm sure I'll catch h-e-double hockey sticks for even mentioning that the behavior may represent a wiccan legend. But a familiar is not necessarily wiccan. Many, including myself, believe that loved ones who've crossed over visit us via all types of animals and insects (e.g., ladybugs, butterflies, etc.)

  • @pdxflint
    @pdxflint Před 10 lety +5

    Just a beautiful encounter... makes me love these creatures even more.

  • @msk5412
    @msk5412 Před 10 lety +7

    just amazing

  • @celpabedn
    @celpabedn Před 9 lety +6

    Why people own small dogs on farms and secluded areas is beyond me, imagine going for a stroll and a pack of wolfs or coyotes are prowling near you, do you want couple of beagles or Dogos with you?

    • @climbsta
      @climbsta Před 9 lety +5

      I don't even get the point of most small dogs, I've never seen them as good companions at all. That's just my opinion though, the two best breeds for me are huskies or shepards

    • @74drat
      @74drat Před 9 lety +1

      DeepSea climber or a wolf husky mix. Best dog I've ever owned, funny and intelligent.

    • @climbsta
      @climbsta Před 9 lety +3

      74drat Hell yea man. Wolf ancestry is what I think catches my attention. Just waiting for a time in my life I have time to care for an animal like that

  • @briantotse3
    @briantotse3 Před 9 lety +14

    My best guess is that it was probably trying to prey on you.
    Coyotes are known to lure animals out of safety and into a position where they're at a disadvantage. Luring a dog out of someone's yard and around a shrub, where other Coyotes are waiting, for example.

    • @briantotse3
      @briantotse3 Před 9 lety +5

      I'm not against Coyotes, they're a part of the ecosystem and I happen to find them cute. Fact is though that they're predators. They hunt things. Sometimes they attack pets and people. One of the ways they hunt is by confusing their prey, acting strange, playful, even friendly to get it's guard down.
      I'm not making this up, a quick google search will turn up information on how they hunt, and plenty of cases where pet dogs have been lured away from or out of sight of their owners and then attacked by other coyotes. It's a known thing, not "anti-coyote lies", lol.

  • @nexussixcull7792
    @nexussixcull7792 Před 9 lety +3


  • @stacey41971
    @stacey41971 Před 9 lety +40

    That's one desperate coyote stay away from it

  • @fuzzypaws17
    @fuzzypaws17 Před 9 lety +17

    They exhibit that exact behavior when they are looking for prey! Be careful that cute little animal can kill u very easily!

  • @wendilynemrys1644
    @wendilynemrys1644 Před 10 lety +6

    That was SOOO fabulous, are you sure it is a male?

    • @mtmbproductions
      @mtmbproductions  Před 10 lety +4

      No I am not sure if it is a male or a female. Have to look at video more closely I

  • @tylerbrown8486
    @tylerbrown8486 Před 10 lety +1


  • @btmatto
    @btmatto Před 9 lety +2

    This is just a theory, but maybe he was wanting you to chase him. I know wolves will send a single wolf to try and get prey to follow, then the wolf would lead the prey into an ambush, where the pack is. Obviously this is a coyote, but maybe coyotes use this tactic as well? I always thought that because they weren't as intelligent as wolves, they never did this. Also, I know wolves and coyotes do mate, maybe this is a partial wolf coyote hybrid and it is his wolf coming out?

    • @74drat
      @74drat Před 9 lety +2

      That's spot on they do it here in Kentucky to try and lure other animals such as peoples pets to their dinner table.

    • @berlinmayers6091
      @berlinmayers6091 Před 9 lety +1

      Well, both are canines so both are going to share some traits regardless of hybridization or not. About's about the same, except coyotes are a lot more adaptable when it comes to living near humans making them arguably slightly more intelligent than wolves.

  • @rebeccafarvour3927
    @rebeccafarvour3927 Před 10 lety +5

    Amazing! He was clearly communicating with you, would love to see 'the Rest of the Story!

  • @kosmals
    @kosmals Před 9 lety

    What is the song that is plays on here

  • @ricardopulido3231
    @ricardopulido3231 Před 9 lety +7

    nice i like you video, but im not a expert and what i know about coyotes is, that is the way to atract his victims ,looks like he wann to play but when is close enough they attack,kill,and eat so you better watch out your pets or you'r childs,

  • @iowa61
    @iowa61 Před 9 lety +9

    A young one. A yearling. He did want to play.

  • @philliplabounty5192
    @philliplabounty5192 Před 10 lety +5

    Actually I've seen where they will grab young buffalo and deer and other small young animals that play it is a clever way to get you or a youngling away from the herd to eat you.

  • @nzsaltflatsracer8054
    @nzsaltflatsracer8054 Před 7 lety +3

    I agree with your friend theory, it knows you, recognizes you're not a threat & was happy to see you. I live in the Idaho Rockies & have many wild friends that trust me from Bob the wild Bobcat that will smooch against me, Nun the skunk who comes into the workshop that I can pet like a cat & a bunch of different birds I can hand feed. Animals know, people don't have a frigging clue!

  • @LuzJulianna
    @LuzJulianna Před 10 lety +2

    Yes I have to agree that she might be asking for help, but I am not sure. Maybe she only wanted to play.

    • @jaelynsharpe
      @jaelynsharpe Před 10 lety

      It doesn't matter, people can call it whatever they want. Boy, girl, it, whatever.

  • @GamerPup20
    @GamerPup20 Před 10 lety +2

    He wanted to plAy and get lovings from how he was acting and very happy to see you

  • @allen423100
    @allen423100 Před 9 lety +20

    Beautiful Footage, thanks for shearing Defiantly Keep a Close eye On your Pets, Coyote's do Kill. but never resort to shooting them they are Only trying to survive, Just as we are..

    • @icedBanditgaming
      @icedBanditgaming Před 9 lety +9

      shoot em anyway

    • @allen423100
      @allen423100 Před 9 lety +3

      jake johnson your nothing but an Ignorant baby......

    • @icedBanditgaming
      @icedBanditgaming Před 9 lety +9

      no im not haha Just shoot a damn coyote, its okay

    • @allen423100
      @allen423100 Před 9 lety +3

      I see them as just trying to survive and I respect that as well as I do all of Nature and yes more unfortunately that includes humans as well. I would never, shoot such a Beautiful, Creation for not a resin but to Falsely feel Powerful as you seem to do so thus, through my eyes your no man your Pathetic Blind and quite Ignorant there for not yet evolved into what you might call a respectful Adult thus your a dumb baby that I Honestly hope Learns for the better. when it all comes down to it I have my views and you have yours I'm not going to argue with you any further than this my Talking with you is Done..........

    • @icedBanditgaming
      @icedBanditgaming Před 9 lety +2

      Ok, bud

  • @345kobi
    @345kobi Před 9 lety +8

    The issue with making him comfortable with you is that will expose him to ones who will take the opportunity to kill him. Some like to kill animals for the thrill of it.

  • @boonehouston
    @boonehouston Před 9 lety +17

    Coyotes are very smart hunters. They lure you to the pack. One will come in and look playful and happy. That's the trick. I bet if you went walking after it right when you got over that hill the pack would have eaten you. People are naive. Watch more coyote videos. They have tried that shit on my dog many times.

  • @5winder
    @5winder Před 7 lety +5

    He was telling you God loves you very much.

  • @michaelschwab6834
    @michaelschwab6834 Před 9 lety +25

    Coyote was trying to lure you away. Had one do this exact thing exactly the same way. I followed it about a quarter mile. Had a pack waiting. I already knew that. What they didn't know was I had my 38. Got three of five. There's no reason to like these animals,way to clever for my taste

  • @mromeyn
    @mromeyn Před 9 lety +15

    I believe this coyote was being playful and has had positive human female contact before and responded to your voice.
    I am happy that all is well and so far ends well. Very nice video.

    • @Osckarre
      @Osckarre Před 9 lety +22

      Ya, you keep thinkin' that... lol

  • @jasminepalmsprings
    @jasminepalmsprings Před 9 lety +7

    possible it is your spirit guide.

  • @hamlettelmah441
    @hamlettelmah441 Před 9 lety +3

    he/she probably knows ur scent

  • @a51carr
    @a51carr Před 10 lety +2

    Have you heard of other unusual friendships between animals of different species or even of the same species, where at first sight the two creatures are drawn to each other? Almost like the two were best friends in a previous life. I think there was something about you that the coyote was reacting to during your encounter.

  • @Mopardude
    @Mopardude Před 9 lety +8

    umm thats not playing he wanted to fight your dog.

  • @TRogMoney
    @TRogMoney Před 9 lety

    That's a big ass damn coyote.

  • @K.becker1
    @K.becker1 Před 10 lety +6

    You may want to contact your animal control to see if there is an injured coyote somewhere- that is what dogs do when they want you to follow them because they need help.

    • @wolflady358
      @wolflady358 Před 10 lety +6

      I agree with part of what you say - another might be hurt but the last person I would call is animal control - probably shoot both saying they have rabies. Call wildlife rescue - they are for the animals welfare . Not animal control!!!

    • @K.becker1
      @K.becker1 Před 10 lety +4

      Very good point. Where I live, in Belmont, MA, our animal control officer is amazing and we have no wildlife rescue! But great point.

  • @joeykush2345
    @joeykush2345 Před 10 lety +6

    A bunch of tree huggers

  • @timestandingstill
    @timestandingstill Před 9 lety +1

    I read on the net that they do that in order to lure you into the pack, They have been known to do dogs this way and then gang up on the dog and kill it. Just something to think about. I'm like you my first impression is he is looking to be a friend. But if you think about the wolf in sheep's clothing would be very similar. I watched on the news where a coyote killed a woman. Be careful for wolf's in sheep clothing.

  • @swill1020
    @swill1020 Před 9 lety +4

    My guess trying to get a better view of you

  • @Ryan-eq1dp
    @Ryan-eq1dp Před 9 lety +16

    it was looking for your dog and trying to lure it towards it. Then it would keep going farther into the bush when its mate would help attack your dog and kill it.
    Wild coyotes are very cunning and don't take kindly to other canines in their territory. I have seen coyotes lure dogs out only to be surrounded by a pack and badly injured, I would of shot that coyote the second he didn't run away from me.

  • @aaronc3456
    @aaronc3456 Před 10 lety +52

    I had a coyote just kill my cat. I'm planning a hunting trip to shoot coyotes because of if. Damn things

    • @mtmbproductions
      @mtmbproductions  Před 10 lety +10

      Awe, I'm so sorry. I have lost many cats to coyotes and would be lying if my first reaction to this coyote was to scare him aways from the property. Once I knew my animals were not in harm way, I filmed this. I am glad I did, as I have never seen a coyote do this before, it showed a different side to them. As mad and as upset as I was ,at the time I lost my cats, I never blamed the coyote, it is only doing what it does. I do understand how you feel, take care...again, so sorry.

    • @lindsaynerad5450
      @lindsaynerad5450 Před 10 lety +17

      I work for an animal organization, and that is one of the reasons we advocate for people to keep their cats indoors or build cat inclosures. Coyotes need to eat too. They don't understand that the cat belongs to a person and that person will miss the cat. An eye for an eye makes the world go blind my friend.

    • @aaronc3456
      @aaronc3456 Před 10 lety +1

      Lindsay Nerad Yea i realize that but i live in a crowded city. There are small canyons. Instead of the city dealing with the issue and relocating them. They let them roam the streets at night. Also it was actually my neighbors cat. The owner of the cat next door died of a heart attack. The cat was super miserable cause the people that lived there only fed it. I breathed life back into that cat and taught it to be friendly again to people. It would come over to see me all the time. So i called it my cat. I didnt have control of it being out doors. The druggies next door certainly didnt care about it. Anyways yes coyotes have to eat but have no place in the big city. Its BS. If you saw my backyard you would see what i mean.

    • @lindsaynerad5450
      @lindsaynerad5450 Před 10 lety

      Aaron C
      Yeah, sounds like the cat was lucky to have you. Not sure, I agree with you about the coyote, but glad the cat found you to care for it.

    • @mtmbproductions
      @mtmbproductions  Před 10 lety +6

      Aaron C you are a good person Aaron to take care of that cat, We need more of you in this world, :-) I hope you can forgive the coyote.

  • @mkeuphoria
    @mkeuphoria Před 9 lety +5

    I'd like to connect that coyote to some hot lead.

  • @dominik1023
    @dominik1023 Před 10 lety +1

    "as though" not "as tho"

    • @mtmbproductions
      @mtmbproductions  Před 10 lety +1

      ha, yes I know, text too much I guess,, lol. ty for noticing

    • @dominik1023
      @dominik1023 Před 10 lety

      TheDallasLegend Nerds are usually correct, you probably work for one.

    • @Danymity1
      @Danymity1 Před 9 lety

      TheDallasLegend It's "an" alpha male! Watch the grammar!

    • @nitehawk3268
      @nitehawk3268 Před 9 lety

      DullardGuy ends with a vowel. not so sharp a !? lol

    • @Danymity1
      @Danymity1 Před 9 lety

      nite hawk Learn capitalization. It's rather easy!

  • @jacobwarder6135
    @jacobwarder6135 Před 9 lety +5

    And then he got shot by a .223...