The Brexit Debate Explained in 2 Minutes

  • čas přidán 5. 06. 2024
  • April 14 -- Should we stay or should we go? That is what the Brits will have to decide this summer in a referendum that will determine if the United Kingdom remains part of the European Union or cuts economic ties. Bloomberg Quicktakes explains the reasons for, against and consequences of a 'Brexit.'

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  • @user-lq3td7yg5q
    @user-lq3td7yg5q Před 4 lety +49

    The comment section was more educational than the actual video

  • @JMitchellUK
    @JMitchellUK Před 8 lety +392

    32 seconds for REMAIN argument
    9 seconds for LEAVE argument
    Thanks for being completely unbiased!

    • @AtomAntTC
      @AtomAntTC Před 8 lety +1

      +JMitchellUK Do you think it may have something to do with Camerons deal with the EU to help protect some of the aspects of the London financial systems? hmmmmmm

    • @567891100
      @567891100 Před 8 lety +5

      +JMitchellUKlol, I spotted that as well. At the end i thought, mmm that seemed biased.

    • @Urko2005
      @Urko2005 Před 8 lety +2

      +JMitchellUK To stay is insanity, saying that there was enough mad voters to get the tories back in.

    • @JMitchellUK
      @JMitchellUK Před 8 lety +5

      Conservatives are not the problem. They were the best choice at the General Election and now are the lesser of all evils; they are at least not un-electable like Corbyn's Labour. Saying that, Cameron is a weak Prime Minister - he was not strong enough to renegotiate reasonable terms, and is not strong enough to stand up for our country and admit that leaving would be our best bet. Even with the hundreds of millions the E.U. are allegedly sending over to pro-remain organisations, David Cameron has resorted to claiming World War III would ensue post-Brexit. As Farage says, if he honestly believed this then he would not have risked Brexit in a national referendum. A cowardly traitor to Britain's history!

    • @videomania666
      @videomania666 Před 8 lety +1

      There's no such thing as a good tory. Fuckin' ell. Money, Money, Money - It's a rich tory's world

  • @ccsoldaccount
    @ccsoldaccount Před 5 lety +78

    Reason for leaving: I like my memes

  • @stephenhorton
    @stephenhorton Před 8 lety +33

    It is not just about immigration... For me none of this is about immigration - it's about getting out of a corrupt system and about getting back out sovereignty.

    • @robertbones326
      @robertbones326 Před 8 lety +1

      +Stephen Horton
      The system isn't corrupt, it just costs the UK a lot of money because of EU plans of protecting the environment, using clean energy, regulating businesses, etc. Nothing corrupt about it, not even UKIP believe that and they would be the first to point it out.

    • @stephenhorton
      @stephenhorton Před 8 lety +1

      Robert Bones They mention that MEPs (the only people in the system voted in by the public) don't have the right to propose changes to legislation, so once laws are passed there's not much the public can do to change the laws, even if they turn out to have a negative effect, which opens the system up to corruption.
      Even Juncker has admitted that the EU creates too much legislation where "member states [would be] better placed to take action", which is by no means the best solution and will benefit some members more than others (and if the person putting together the solution knowingly does that in their own favour then that is pretty much corruption).
      Regarding the EU making policy to try to protect the environment, use clean energy and regulate business -- how is giving a bigger quota to fish in British seas to non-British companies doing any of those? If they just limited British fishing then that would make sense - to reduce over-fishing; but giving more of the quote to non-British organisations actively harms the British fishing industry and betters a non-British one - I can't see how that decision was made without some degree of corruption.
      Finally, with Greece, to be given the last bailout Greece was forced to sell some of their previously publicly owned airports to private German companies, even though the airports were successful - benefiting Germany and a long-term loss for Greece - again, I can't see why this decision would ever be made if the EU was not corrupt - it has no purpose and benefits a member who is pretty well off already - maybe if it's be bought by Spain or Ireland to help them out it could be seen as okay, but it would be much better staying with Greece so they at least have one thing that's generating some cash to pay back their debts.

    • @kevp3212
      @kevp3212 Před 8 lety +1

      You really think thats what the E.U is all about? Environment!

    • @rp6523
      @rp6523 Před 3 měsíci

      After all these years, nobody can tell me the demands the EU will place on this country in the next 10, 20 or even 50 years. The EU has a proven history of morphing into whatever it wants regardless of what anybody else thinks and for that reason, we should be out.

  • @voiceofreason519
    @voiceofreason519 Před 8 lety +20

    Leaving the EU is the ONLY way for Britain to survive as a country.

    • @NowhereBeats
      @NowhereBeats Před 8 lety +2

      Britain isn't a country though.

    • @anurgaprasad123
      @anurgaprasad123 Před 8 lety +4

      exactly how?
      Britain is not Schengen country and has total control over its borders

    • @johnbaxable
      @johnbaxable Před 8 lety +1

      Yeah, that's why London has a muslim mayor. You control your borders....
      Brexit is actually the only way.

    • @davlor86
      @davlor86 Před 8 lety +4

      and the muslim mayor is british? so you want your own people out? sounds like Nazi Germany

    • @johnbaxable
      @johnbaxable Před 8 lety

      You're missing the point. Without the uncontrollable flow of immigrants, Sadiq Kahn would never be democratically voted for mayor in the first place!

  • @JoWhKeJo
    @JoWhKeJo Před 8 lety +40

    This is pretending to be neutral. For example stating the only reason for exit is immigration...
    The UK has no choice in the decisions the E.U makes despite being the second biggest contributor. The UK pays a massive membership fee. The UK can STILL trade with the EU after exit. The biggest increases in trade with the EU are from countries outside the EU like the US. Switzerland trades happily with the EU and they have one of the best economies in the world. The EU makes demands on the UK's infrastructure slowing it down e.g the crossrail. The EU insisted the tunnels be big enough for German trains costing Billions extra in costs. It took over a year of negotiating for the EU to allow the UK to continue with original plans. The EU wants to fine countries for not taking enough refugees. The EU wants to let Turkey, a country with a corrupt leader join the EU. The UK has no choice in this.
    The ideal outcome would be to stay in the EU but for the UK to have more power in it's own decisions and a say in EU decisions. Maybe this can happen as other european members are starting to push back against Brussels too. European leaders teamed up and said no to Brussels proposed tax and membership fee increase. It's a hard one.

    • @EyewitnessHistoryChannel
      @EyewitnessHistoryChannel Před 8 lety +1

      +JoWhKeJo Exactly this video has a blatant bias, and doesn't deliver in terms of the wider argument.

    • @videomania666
      @videomania666 Před 8 lety +1

      I don't care, we need to vote out. The superstate is coming, immigrants will be coming and taking what very little we have left. Homes, school places it will start diversity in the streets, Marshal law will be introduced, curfews, more freedoms taken away. And then total globalisation of europes laws without a damn thing parliament can say about it.

    • @Chewy427
      @Chewy427 Před 8 lety +1

      It already is a superstate and I'm fine with that. We will never adopt the Euro, and I actually like EU laws like net neutrality and worker's rights. Our politicians are horrible, look at how bdsm porn was banned by atvod in 2014. Twenty fucking fourteen. What is this, 1950 where things they're not into get banned?

    • @Bacon4Rashers
      @Bacon4Rashers Před 8 lety

      "Only pussies run away when they face problems - better solve them."sorry thought you were talking about all the Eastern Europeans who have fled their nations and under cut the British working class.

    • @johnbaxable
      @johnbaxable Před 8 lety

      Brexit is not running from a problem. Staying is more like the choice of a pussy. It takes courage to raise your middle-finger to the EU dictatorship en choose your own way, deciding your own future!

  • @muffinman1
    @muffinman1 Před 8 lety +87


    • @destyrian
      @destyrian Před 8 lety +11

      Quite biased too, I think.

    • @aakashnair5170
      @aakashnair5170 Před 8 lety +2

      lol i put the exact comment on thunderfoot's video on the same topic

    • @katsavidiz
      @katsavidiz Před 8 lety +1

      Yes, subtle, but it's there.

    • @del_84
      @del_84 Před 8 lety +14

      2 minutes

    • @wiseintheory3340
      @wiseintheory3340 Před 8 lety

      Make sure to check my analysis, which is more in depth at wise in theory

  • @martinledermann1862
    @martinledermann1862 Před 8 lety +29

    Countries such as Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia or Albania aren't EU members, contrary to what your black map suggests in this video.

    • @topcat8804
      @topcat8804 Před 8 lety +10

      Whereas Finland, on the other hand, is.

    • @martinledermann1862
      @martinledermann1862 Před 8 lety +8

      Top Cat Indeed. And Ireland as well.

    • @PhantomVonTollbooth
      @PhantomVonTollbooth Před 8 lety +3

      Neither are Norway or Switzerland. That map must be about something else.

    • @martinledermann1862
      @martinledermann1862 Před 7 lety +1

      ***** I don't think so, Belarus is strongly within the Russian sphere of influence and Germany wouldn't risk a war with Russia to get such a shitty country as Belarus be part of the EU. As for your country, it shouldn't even exist in the first place, you are just Serbians, so you should be united with your kin in Serbia.

    • @martinledermann1862
      @martinledermann1862 Před 7 lety

      ***** UK is an entirely different case as the Scots and the Irish were subjugated by the stronger English and that's the only reason why they speak English now. There is no separate Montenegrin language or Montenegrin culture, so how can you call it a separate nation? Even Croats and Serbs are the same people but they were divided by religion. What differentiates Montenegrins from Serbs? I'm not trying to be rude towards your country, but you can't say that you aren't an artificial entity, just like Bosnia, Kosovo or Palestine.

  • @seekerout
    @seekerout Před 8 lety +196

    I don't think the exit concerns boil down solely to the issue of immigration. A huge factor is the question of sovereignty - freeing the country from the control of an ever-growing undemocratic bureaucracy.

    • @robknowledge6734
      @robknowledge6734 Před 8 lety +12

      +Sandy A Exactly what I was going to say. The EU inflicts laws upon us that we have absolutely no control over. The British people could want one thing, and the EU can force Britain in the exact opposite direction. It's about as far from democracy as you can get.

    • @NowhereBeats
      @NowhereBeats Před 8 lety

      Even though I think it is bad for the UK to leave, I think they should leave as it is good for the rest of the EU.
      The UK bring so much uncertainty and ruin the team ethic.
      However if the UK do leave I hope they can still have freedom of movement with other countries, such as USA, Australia, Canada and Hong Kong. I am probably the only person who wants to leave the EU who says the freedom of movement as the best thing about it.

    • @NowhereBeats
      @NowhereBeats Před 8 lety +3

      Rob Knowledge
      That can be pinned on the UK's really poor justice system rather than freedom of movement.
      Freedom of movement definitely benefits richer people and smarter countries.
      Take Hong Kong for example, all the world's best bankers, IT experts and English teachers go there and get paid far more than they would in the UK, I know from experience as I studied there myself. And many other British people work there getting paid far more than they ever thought they would. But many British people can't as it's so hard to get a visa there. It's pretty much for university graduates only.
      Singapore also attracts most of Indochina's best talents.
      South Africa and Kenya gets most of Africa's best talents.
      London gets most of the UK's best talents.
      Also weaker countries are damaged as all their work force leave and they find it difficult to attract workers from abroad. I really wanted to stay in Bolton or even Manchester, but there's no high level jobs there.
      Just look at how premier league clubs benefit from foreign players. While clubs in Africa and South America struggle to keep all their best players.
      The UK is lucky that it can attract foreign workers (mostly down to language rather than wages or quality of life), the governement just never considers emmigration as a way of helping it's citizens improving their career prospects.
      In the past the British government would even pay to send people to Australia, South Africa, Hong Kong and so on. They ought to bring that back.
      I would personally say freedom of movement should only apply to people with university degrees from world class universiites. But as most unemployed people in the UK (those that need to emmigrate the most) don't have any sort of qualifications, I think that it wouldn't benefit the UK.

    • @adolfhitler5621
      @adolfhitler5621 Před 8 lety +2

      This stupid video is bullshit.... Its BAD for economics to STAY IN!! Leaving does not mean worse trading, becasue the UK gets more from EU than it gives. Plus it opens the whole world in addition! It also means UK can freely regulate or not regulate its products and stuff. Voting to LEAVE is the ONLY OPTION to not be a slave!!

    • @QSing999
      @QSing999 Před 8 lety

      sovereignty is the issue - if the UK had more of it then immigration would not be an issue.

  • @AndyWhite007
    @AndyWhite007 Před 8 lety +38

    This video is portraying itself to be 'un biased' but actually misses many 'Leave' arguments (*below) and says 'Leave' is mainly about immigration.
    **reasons to LEAVE*
    1: bailouts are by definition a false economy and generally stop the poorer countries progressing and encourage corruption
    2: The ideal of a single state is fine - helping to compete on the world trade but we've got a communist Russia instead of Utopia
    3: EU law over-rules UK law so the UK has lost sovereignty
    4: Membership costs £350 million/annum. I believe it's a lot higher due to 'total cost of ownership' and lost opportunity
    5: You don't have to be a member of the EU to trade with it
    6 There are more risks staying in the EU (more bailouts, more immigration of UNSKILLED workers etc.)

    • @wallrider73
      @wallrider73 Před 8 lety +1

      You missed something critical, the bailouts are actually illegal under EU law! But if Brussels wants to do something they'll ride roughshod over that.

    • @mrkv4k
      @mrkv4k Před 8 lety +3

      1. Sure
      2. IF an idea of single entity having much better position on international market is "fine"', then we should reform the EU (something that many countries call for). I don't see how that argument works for leaving EU completely.
      3. Does it? In most cases I know of, those laws were pushed by the native politicians and then blamed on EU, when reality is completely different. Btw what is going to happen when you don't go according to EU plan? NOTHING - they can't force you to do something your politicians don't want to...
      4. What about the gained opportunity? All your companies that benefit hugely from restrictions on other countries that UK pushed trought (as one of the strongest members of EU). What about all the inteligence that can study in UK and then helps the economy...
      5. Yes, but nobody said that you can't. What you can't do is to negotiate as a big block with others, when you are not part of that block...
      6. You are going to have more immigration either way. What's more, the immigration from EU almost negative at this point. Even Polish people are going home, since they can get better jobs with higher wages in Poland than in UK... This whole thing with immigartion is asinine, it really is. EU doesn't cause your immigration problem and if anything, it could be part of solution (for whole europe)...

    • @dd4re323
      @dd4re323 Před 8 lety

      3) EU law doesn't over rule UK law. UK law makes up more than EU law does, do your facts.
      4) 350 million pounds is a smidge. Nothing, and what we get back is infrastructure, science and economy growth that wouldn't have happened with a Tory government.
      5) No, but the entire EU decides together if it wants to trade with you. If Germany wanted to trade with the UK, the EU would decide on it, would they let us have it easy? No.
      6) No, there are more risks leaving. Explain all the risks of staying.

    • @dd4re323
      @dd4re323 Před 8 lety

      ultru Only a smidge in our economy. £10 bn is 7% of how much the goverment put into the nhs each year. Not much at all, and we get billions back in science investments, infrastructure investments and ofcourse a single market.

    • @adamclark1972uk
      @adamclark1972uk Před 8 lety +1

      4. It's £350 million per *week*, not per annum.

  • @TheSuperPsychoKiller
    @TheSuperPsychoKiller Před 8 lety +20

    China isn't part of the EU and they are financially okay. The argument for staying in the EU for economic reasons is fucking ridiculous.

    • @lukemartin8975
      @lukemartin8975 Před 8 lety

      +The Super Psycho Killer The UK and China are incomparable because it is the second largest economy in the world both due to a bottom-up working system and solid working relationship with other countries that has allowed it to dominate many markets. If anything, a Brexit would be very similar to when Singapore got its independence, except that UK labour is much more expensive.
      Also, the economic reasons are mostly due to periods of uncertainty. Should the UK decide leave, European businesses in the UK will not know if they can still operate or which regulations they should operate under and vice versa and they won't know until negotiations with the EU are complete, which is expected to take at least 2 years under the Lisbon Treaty. If they don't know, then their activities are stalled and making them more likely to push for faster negotiations or simply leave, taking jobs with them. Under these conditions, how exactly will UK GDP not remain intact?
      We have trade relationships with other non-EU countries, but then again how will the UK's global reputation be affected? how will we be viewed on the world stage? how will a post-Brexit affect tariffs? how attractive will a post-brexit UK look to investors? honestly, it could either way and as these are factors that any economy is dependent on, then it is a huge gamble.

    • @TheSuperPsychoKiller
      @TheSuperPsychoKiller Před 8 lety

      Japan is okay

    • @lukemartin8975
      @lukemartin8975 Před 8 lety +2

      So is Singapore, Indonesia, Brazil, South Africa and many other countries as they were able to build and maintain effective working relationships with other countries. If any of them experienced a radical political movement that would definitely restructure their economy and relationship with existing trade partners for better or worse, then their situation would be very different.
      As I said before, our situation is different because you cannot know for certain what the UK's ability to build and maintain international working relationships will be like after a Brexit - this will depend on how we are viewed as economically viable trading partners - would we be too much of a risk for businesses and investors or will we be a shining opportunity? Will the US still want to trade with the UK at its current level or more, or do they think they can get a cheaper price on the standard of service/good from the EU, thereby shrinking our current trade relationship with them? Will Germany and France still continue to trade with us at the same level or more, or will they view us with contempt and decide to internalise? Who knows? that's the problem with radical movements, It could go either way. This is why it is a gamble!

    • @wjf0ne
      @wjf0ne Před 8 lety

      +Luke Martin How will Britain's global reputation be affected? Don't you mean how will the EU's global reputation be effected when one of the longest standing and much respected democracies in the world decide they have had enough with fascism? I think the world will enter a new age of enlightenment when we leave and decide to follow democracy instead of the post democratic fascism the EU offers ordinary people.

    • @forgottencompanion6512
      @forgottencompanion6512 Před 8 lety +1

      Yes but.. (theatrical sigh at having to speak to stupid people) .. China has never been part of the EU; Britain has already established a relationship with the EU that now powers almost half of its economy, and it WILL take decades of financial instability in order to return as it was. But what's the point? If you're not going to listen to facts, and focus instead of ridiculous patriotism and nationalism, then why would you listen to me?

  • @maurotommasodecandia
    @maurotommasodecandia Před 8 lety +10

    All Europeans countries should leave from EU.

  • @jonasfelix7700
    @jonasfelix7700 Před 8 lety +27

    The map should show switzerland in a different color, it's not EU.

    • @hugbugDS
      @hugbugDS Před 8 lety +2

      +Jonas Felix Finland is in the EU but not on the map

    • @hugbugDS
      @hugbugDS Před 8 lety +1

      so is Serbia, Albania Macedonia Montenegro and Bosnia, also Moldova doesn't exist
      Cyprus isn't on the map either

  • @iasnaia-poliana
    @iasnaia-poliana Před 8 lety +122

    I hope you Brits will succeed on leaving the UE... and will leave the door open on your way out!

    • @jaffster123
      @jaffster123 Před 8 lety +23

      +Lefonkismine If we leave, it will definitely be a domino effect afterwards...

    • @iasnaia-poliana
      @iasnaia-poliana Před 8 lety +9

      jaffster123 I hope so!

      @MICKEYISLOWD Před 8 lety +5

      That is the Dream along with Trump presidency and US/Russia relations improved.

    • @boobye6305
      @boobye6305 Před 8 lety +6

      We never left the door open, we kicked the fucking door of it hinges.

    • @michaelshapiro1543
      @michaelshapiro1543 Před 8 lety +1 its hinges.

  • @MarekzAnglii
    @MarekzAnglii Před 8 lety +67

    More like... "The Brexit *BIAS* Explained in 2 Minutes!"
    *Vote LEAVE*

  • @janicestonewall3181
    @janicestonewall3181 Před 8 lety +3

    Just asking why wasn't Finland on the map?

  • @Goldsilver
    @Goldsilver Před 8 lety +95

    Why spin this into purely an immigration issue - people this is about FREEDOM. Pure and simple.

    • @Danbach90
      @Danbach90 Před 8 lety +1

      hey Mike! I'm glad you're helping promote the #brexit on your channel. I'm also a freedom loving American that has used from time to time for investing.

    • @KillingTheMotivation
      @KillingTheMotivation Před 8 lety +17

      Freedom from what may I ask?
      And most leave voters do want us to leave so that we can control our borders and lower immigration.

    • @Danbach90
      @Danbach90 Před 8 lety +3

      +Anthony “Fradders” Fradley freedom from the unelected European council that passes laws that trump sovereign UK law and cannot be repealed through a democratic process.

    • @KillingTheMotivation
      @KillingTheMotivation Před 8 lety +4

      Danlovesmakinvids If that was most people's main issue then we'd be having a huge Republican movement and a push to end of the house of lords. Neither of these allow us to control our borders, hence why they are not as important to change for most people.

    • @MESSI-fx1ob
      @MESSI-fx1ob Před 6 lety +7

      GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney) that’s like saying the south fought the north for freedom not slavery u white people just hate everyone

  • @maverick2377
    @maverick2377 Před 8 lety +10

    BREXIT! Leave the EU!

  • @Big-Papa-Smurf
    @Big-Papa-Smurf Před 7 lety

    Well done, well edited video.

  • @fooman65
    @fooman65 Před 8 lety +24

    It's a no brainier, let's go. Where did the word Great come from in Great Britain? Not from being in the EU that's for sure...

    • @jasonparker333
      @jasonparker333 Před 8 lety +7

      +fooman65 I agree, but I bet you £10 that this will be somehow rigged so that we stay in, I am sick of our government sending millions per day to Brussels and then Brussels telling us what we can and cannot do.

    • @fooman65
      @fooman65 Před 8 lety

      Jason Parker It will be rigged, if Obama has stuck his snout in then for sure it'll be rigged, it'll be close for sure but our opinions will be then known. I work with some Slovakian guys and they're telling me that their country/government wants out too but not in a position to vote for it yet. Too many different cultures to lump us all together.

  • @Ronnie1001
    @Ronnie1001 Před 8 lety +7

    A VERY serious issue (little debated) is the imminent abolition of the UK Common Law system (also used in many Commonwealth countries) unless the UK LEAVES the European Union.
    The UK Common Law system has been fought for over centuries - Bill of Rights 1688, Magna Carta 1215 - giving Trial by Jury, Habeas Corpus [no detention without immediate trial], basic theme of "Anything is legal except where the State prohibits for the protection of others".
    If the UK becomes an offshore province of the European Union, its legal system will be replaced with the Roman/Napoleonic "Corpus Juris" system which does not have trial by Jury, has negligible protection against detention without immediate trial and whose basic theme is that "Nothing is legal unless the State permits with a Regulation".

    • @tomasrocha6139
      @tomasrocha6139 Před rokem

      Actually Habeas Corpus and Trial by Jury exist in the vast majority of Roman law jurisictions contrary to your Anglo prejudice.

    • @Ronnie1001
      @Ronnie1001 Před rokem

      @@tomasrocha6139 Wrong.
      1. Article 26.1 of Corpus Juris (as proposed when I wrote the post back in the 2010's) provides that cases shall be heard by professional judges, excluding "simple jurors and lay magistrates". Where there are juries, they retire to the jury room with a professional judge - so there would be an end to Trial by Independent Jury.
      2. Article 20.3(g) grants powers to the European Public Prosecutor to order incarceration of a suspect for up to 6 months renewable for 3 months at a time. There is no obligation to examine any evidence that there is a prima facie case to answer. Therefore there would have been an end to Habeas Corpus.
      3. Article 27.2 provides that the Prosecutor may appeal against acquittal. Therefore there would have been an end to protection against Double Jeopardy.
      So, not Anglo prejudice, just Anglo superiority over countries that have (almost) all been (or under) military dictatorships (and legalities) within living memory and don't know any better, and were trying to drag us down to their authoritarian level.

    • @tomasrocha6139
      @tomasrocha6139 Před rokem

      ​@@Ronnie1001 You claimed that Roman law does not allow for Habeas Corpus or Trial by Jury which is just factually wrong, if you meant something else you ought to have written more carefully. By the way the King slaughtered the authors of the Magna Carta, which was hardly unique, for instance see the Golden Bull in Hungary.

  • @Miloshmkd
    @Miloshmkd Před 8 lety +4

    So if UK leave every state in the EU will suddenly stop trading with them huh? That is not a convincing argument at all, that simply won't happen.

    • @AtomAntTC
      @AtomAntTC Před 8 lety

      +Miloshmkd This is true. It simply won't happen . The UK are the EU's largest importer of German BMW's . Do you think they will want to stop that?? I don't think so ..

    • @flitsertheo
      @flitsertheo Před rokem

      @@AtomAntTC 2022 actually it is happening. Tons of extra red tape, Customs duties & checks causing delays and endless queues. As a result trade between the UK and EU has dropped considerably.

  • @ooyama8136
    @ooyama8136 Před 8 lety

    Dropping by purely to say that this animation is tops. Whoever did it is great!

  • @davidsmart8594
    @davidsmart8594 Před 8 lety +7

    ...and completely ignores the issue of democracy (or the lack of it) when a country's citizens cannot remove or replace those in Brussels who 'propose' the 'directives' which become 'acts of parliament' and then 'law'.
    (edit) ...Oh, and did I mention the lack of democracy...where 5% of the EU population (Eire) are made to vote (twice) on the latest 'Treaty' that is yet another step forward in 'ever-closer political union'?
    Shame on you, Bloomberg.
    Who paid you to do this?

  • @lukemartin8975
    @lukemartin8975 Před 8 lety +22

    Some good reasons for leaving the EU:
    1) More control over immigration: How dare those EU migrants come over willy-nilly and take our jobs and how dare they claim our benefits! And how dare the EU force us to accept this lying down! (sarcasm aside, this is actually a big problem for the economy especially given the migrant crisis where we are simply running out of resources and space to facilitate relocation on such a scale)
    2) No EU Legislation or being "forced" to accept EU laws that we mostly don't agree with anyway (unless we agree to remain part of the EEA or maintain a trade agreement, where a lot of legislation is a must). This means businesses have a better chance of growth as no legislation removes many barriers.
    3) No more money being paid into a European parliament that isn't even understandable by most (more money for investing and paying off the deficit and not going into an opaque government structure that likes to spend lots of taxpayers money on ???).
    4) Chance of a better trade relationships with other non-EU countries.
    5) There is also a chance to reinvigorate the economy, meaning that British companies are more productive, profitable and competitive, increasing the countries revenue.
    Some good reasons for remaining in the EU:
    1) Avoid a period of economic uncertainty which is almost certainly going to occur after a leave vote. How long? at least 2 years under the Lisbon Treaty, but it could be longer. This period makes the UK seem like a gamble (high-risk, high/low gain venture) to investors and companies, where they are unlikely to be attracted.
    2) Do you honestly think Brussels will give the UK a good trade deal post-Brexit? We'd be very lucky if we got anything at all. Of course Germany and France would want to insist on a reasonable one for their benefit, but how much of a "good" trade deal is uncertain. Also, Germany and France are the UK's largest trade partners after the USA, why risk jeopardizing this in a movement that is likely to stir political resentment?
    3) Forced to accept EU laws? The UK are non-signatories of many EU schemes and legal frameworks like the Euro and Schengen area. As for the European Convention of Human Rights, this has been abused of late due to political correctness but it was a British construct and does provide several important protections.
    4) Sure there's other non-EU countries to trade with (after all the USA is the UK's largest trade partner), but how they will perceive the UK after a Brexit in terms of reputation and renewed position in the world stage will remain to be seen.
    5) Free movement has shown to be very good for both businesses and academia. It introduces diversity in approaches and ways of thinking, encouraging innovation and creativity, as well as business growth. An internationally acclaimed economy, needs international input if it is remain at the forefront of the world stage.
    6) We are literally gambling with the UK's economy! It could go either way (very good or very bad) and we won't know until its too late. OK the EU economy isn't exactly in great shape, but this is exactly why it needs to reform.
    So there you have it, its literally a case of
    stricter immigration + chance for greatness + where's my sovereignty? Vs current status quo + economic uncertainty means massive risks + change from within is better than walking out

    • @wjf0ne
      @wjf0ne Před 8 lety +1

      +Luke Martin There is no such thing as the status quo, so stop the deception. Every vote in the pretend parliament alters the status quo in the favour of fascism.

    • @perliva
      @perliva Před 8 lety +1

      Those who govern at the EU level have not been elected, can not be thrown out but make all the rules. Trade your sovereignty for a few coins?
      To me it’s a no brainer: leave.

    • @KillingTheMotivation
      @KillingTheMotivation Před 8 lety

      There clearly is such a thing as the status quo. Some people will vote to remain because they like things how they are and fear leaving could risk that. That is the status quo. What a stupid statement.

    • @danyl123
      @danyl123 Před 8 lety +1

      reasons to leave are stronger, your reasons to stay almost look like reasons to leave as well.

    • @KillingTheMotivation
      @KillingTheMotivation Před 8 lety

      Ltown Dan "Your reasons to stay almost look like reasons to leave as well" How so? I like our trade with the EU, I like the freedom of movement, I like all the work protections it gives me, I like health coverage across an entire continent. How are those looking like reasons to leave? xD

  • @tu69auka
    @tu69auka Před 8 lety +58

    Please Britain leave! Freedom is more important! The economy will only go up! Hope you leave and hope more leave after you! From Lithuania

  • @icanplaythepiano3939
    @icanplaythepiano3939 Před 5 lety

    Amazingly well made. Thanks for sharing 🤗🤗☺️

  • @graemegardner8962
    @graemegardner8962 Před 8 lety +26

    This video does not tell the full story. Immigration is a secondary factor to leave the EU. The primary one is making sure Britain remains a fee and independent country and does not become a province of a United Sates of Europe. This is the main reason we will be going and not return.

    • @DavidvsthePhilistine
      @DavidvsthePhilistine Před 5 lety +2

      Interesting point! Thanks.

    • @juliesajkar9911
      @juliesajkar9911 Před 4 lety +1

      Thank you.

    • @chrislandin5886
      @chrislandin5886 Před 4 lety

      I don't understand. Isn't "united" better

    • @graemegardner8962
      @graemegardner8962 Před 4 lety

      @@chrislandin5886 The EU is not democratic enough. The Commission is unelected and the parliament can not make or repeal laws. Britain is in NATO and the Council of Europe. We do not delegate part of our legislative and executive powers to NATO or CoE

  • @rva
    @rva Před 4 lety +6

    So the saga continues..

  • @EtherasFox
    @EtherasFox Před 8 lety +6

    Pretty disingenuous over-simplified depiction of the situation. Why are they not talking about the weakness of the Euro? The possibility of more bailouts at the Euro's expense? The fact that nobody really knows if Brexit would actually hurt the English economy. (After all - the Germans have already said they'd negotiate a trade deal in the event of Brexit). What about all of the industries that have been destroyed by EU policy, such as common fisheries, petroleum prospecting, and the fact that EU citizens have strict rules if they try to use British financial services (something that is kind-of important for London).
    The EU has been bad for Britain. And a vote either-way is likely to be permanent in the short to medium term.
    These are all important things (and there are many more) that this video never touches-on.

    • @KGS922
      @KGS922 Před 8 lety

      because it's 90secs so restricted to 'economic uncertainty' and 'migrant flows', the end.

    • @arxenfex3825
      @arxenfex3825 Před 8 lety

      I just came here to learn what all the brits in a youtubers comment section was talking about and I got a pretty good idea of it. This video is meant to show the people who just want to know what it is not yell and everything.

  • @274727
    @274727 Před 10 měsíci +2

    0:40 Map is wrong! It shows Norway as EU member and EU member Finland as non member.🧐

    @GLICKTON Před 8 lety +11

    ì believe the majority wants out and I think we are being played to think it's going to be close either side when in reality there is only a small few who want to stay in, either because they are stupid or because they benefit personally in some way.

    • @robertbones326
      @robertbones326 Před 8 lety

      No you're just reading what people say on the internet. I live in Bournemouth and there's quite a bit of support to stay in the EU. I received a flyer on it yesterday.

    • @topcat8804
      @topcat8804 Před 8 lety +1

      Of course the people who want to remain in the EU expect to benefit personally in some way. They'd be crazy if they didn't. I travel a lot so I benefit personally from having the same rights and health entitlements as the people in the countries where I generally visit and freedom of movement.

  • @aguynamedmike1998
    @aguynamedmike1998 Před 8 lety +38

    Why all this dislikes?
    I just disliked cuz my teacher is using it in his lessons

    • @AndyWhite007
      @AndyWhite007 Před 8 lety +5

      I'm not sure why people 'dislike' it as there are no reasons given. However - this video is portraying itself to be 'un biased' but actually misses many 'Leave' arguments (*below) and says 'Leave' is just about immigration. It also only has about 14 seconds for 'leave' arguements with the rest being 'remain' - so it's quite biased.
      **reasons to LEAVE*
      1: bailouts are by definition a false economy and generally stop the poorer countries progressing and encourage corruption
      2: The ideal of a single state is fine - helping to compete on the world trade but we've got a communist Russia instead of Utopia
      3: EU law over-rules UK law so the UK has lost sovereignty
      4: Membership costs £350 million/annum. I believe it's a lot higher due to 'total cost of ownership' and lost opportunity
      5: You don't have to be a member of the EU to trade with it
      6 There are more risks staying in the EU (more bailouts, more immigration of UNSKILLED workers etc.)

    • @RootyReddy
      @RootyReddy Před 8 lety +6

      people are disliking it because of the very thing you just pointed out and the lack of accuracy

    • @wiseintheory3340
      @wiseintheory3340 Před 8 lety

      If you want a bit more indepth analysis for your class on the subject, make sure to check "wise in theory"

    • @cripppton
      @cripppton Před 8 lety +5

      Cause bloomberg spreads propaganda

    • @hindugoat2302
      @hindugoat2302 Před 8 lety

      so was this pro brexit or anti brexit propaganda ?
      seems kinda balanced

  • @fiercephoenix4389
    @fiercephoenix4389 Před 8 lety +5

    I really like how videos such as this paint leaving the EU as an economic risk. Staying is actually also a huge economic and cultural risk. The EU looks too bureaucratic to solve big problems, and when it tries it seems to prolong them for quite awhile. To say nothing of the fact that it is government on top of government. The people seem pretty far removed from the decision-making.

    • @IIAndersII
      @IIAndersII Před 9 měsíci

      Your comment really hasn't aged well.

  • @jjose7410
    @jjose7410 Před 8 lety

    What software are they using for making this video, anyone

  • @AndyWhite007
    @AndyWhite007 Před 8 lety +3

    Well - the EU has achieved one thing: *The worlds biggest quango*

  • @davidwinters8325
    @davidwinters8325 Před 8 lety +21

    We pay the 55 million pound a day to be part of the EU superstate. The EU makes most of our laws and the EU Army is around the corner.

  • @fintimwhimbim
    @fintimwhimbim Před 8 lety +5

    This is totally biased, it's not just down to immigrant numbers, what about corporate manipulation, TTIP,
    preservation of culture etc.

    • @Urko2005
      @Urko2005 Před 8 lety

      +stuart graham What you say is enough reasons to leave for me.

  • @OsKuukkeli
    @OsKuukkeli Před 8 lety +2

    This lost all credibility in my eyes when your map at 0:41 has Norway and Switzerland as member countries, but not Finland. :D

  • @vainohilden3668
    @vainohilden3668 Před 8 lety

    quick question, why was Finland not in the EU map at 0:42 ? but Norway was in and its not part of the union

  • @EightThreeEight
    @EightThreeEight Před 8 lety +19

    I care more about getting my democracy back. I'm voting to leave.

  • @plumlogan
    @plumlogan Před 8 lety +11

    Brits, please vote to leave - the States don't need our greatest ally subsumed by an undemocratic, bureaucratic Leviathan - run like the wind

  • @johnminshull2702
    @johnminshull2702 Před 8 lety

    Nice video david.

  • @banjopink4409
    @banjopink4409 Před 8 lety +1

    The main reason to vote to leave - and you must do so in your droves - is to discover that, even in the wake of an overwhelming pro-Brexit result, we are still not allowed to leave.
    Only then will the true nature of the European project be revealed.

  • @asevado
    @asevado Před 8 lety +14

    The main reason to leave is to avoid the EURSS.
    Europe is not a country (at least after 400AD when it was called Roman Empire), and will never be, unless will be cancelled all different cultures, languages, laws, traditions, foods, and so on.
    Nazis tried to do it and they failed. Communists tried to do it and they failed.
    Americans tried to do it with natives, and they succeded, through a genocide of locals and importation of slaves and low paid migrants.

    • @Samantha_C1
      @Samantha_C1 Před 8 lety

      +Maximilian Schmitt Absolutely fail over egotism & greed. MP's are so corrupt it would be like a massive ongoing war against politicians & the working man's people's. I believe for this reason among others we're better of as UK. Vote Leave. I just watched Nigel Farages live speech on fb, he's making a bloody brilliant stand. (Also I want to add I wasn't a UKIP voter, but credit where its due he at least has passion for our country, unlike sellout Cameron. All Farage's points are valid. Cameron won't even debate one on one with Farage, bc he knows he'll be made a real prize prick of!

    • @Squee7e
      @Squee7e Před 8 lety

      "All Farange's points are valid." - isn't that a good example for the definition of egotism, Samantha Chandler​?
      I'm pretty sure it is.
      The UK just has a right wing problem and it seems like that the right wing ppl will win the debate.
      Leaving the EU is not like being able to join back later on but leaving that union forever.
      Nobody can see what happens in the next 20 years but I say that the British people will regret their decision of leaving because they will have no voice over here anymore and are not part of important changes.
      And they will loose all the benefits of open borders. At least I hope the EU will be strict in such cases and quits all treaties so the British people can FEEL that the EU didn't only wanted money of them and gave them a lot of economic advantages they will miss.

    • @Samantha_C1
      @Samantha_C1 Před 8 lety

      +Maximilian Schmitt Trade within EU will not stop. We just won't be bound by Brussels.
      We want our own laws.
      The rest of EU have gone to pieces also.
      We're bailing Greece out for the third time soon. Spain doesn't look good, nor does France.
      EU passports, EU birth certificate, EU rules. No thank you. I'm British.

  • @soapftw96
    @soapftw96 Před 8 lety +4

    Leave the EU you guys don't worry about exporting your products to the rest of Europe. There is other markets to export to. You should export your products to the U.S. and Canada because we would actually appreciate your exports.

    • @petermitchell6348
      @petermitchell6348 Před 8 lety

      It is also fair to point out that there are many countries that trade with the EU that are NOT members. And they do NOT have to pay around £350m a week to do so. Nor do they have laws forced onto them as a result.

    • @soapftw96
      @soapftw96 Před 8 lety

      Peter Mitchell Ya, England is getting a crap deal for sure. Are you British friend?

    • @petermitchell6348
      @petermitchell6348 Před 8 lety

      Indeed I am Soap :)

    • @soapftw96
      @soapftw96 Před 8 lety +1

      Cool, good look with the vote man.

    • @dinkostoyanov786
      @dinkostoyanov786 Před 8 lety

      really? have you ever decided to look at all the lorries on the uk highway and where they are from.. all from the eu, And also you really think america would rather trade with the uk than the eu? because to be honest i doubt they would want to do it because they are 'friends'

  • @123sanoon
    @123sanoon Před 5 lety

    Nice and short explanation.

  • @Meowblivion
    @Meowblivion Před 7 lety

    who went here because other videos were 10 minutes long???

  • @awinguk4779
    @awinguk4779 Před 8 lety +6

    OUT, say no more.

  • @hosozoku
    @hosozoku Před 8 lety +3

    Where is Finland?? lol

  • @onestarworld7271
    @onestarworld7271 Před 8 lety

    This is a great high level summary of Brexit debate for outsiders (like us living in North America). The referendum debate is much more complex.

  • @ImJust1Joe
    @ImJust1Joe Před 8 lety +1

    Thanks for this. I'm not from the UK so I was kind of lost

  • @Min-xm8tp
    @Min-xm8tp Před 8 lety +5

    Fucking simple.......Leave, Leave, Leave!!

  • @rockerdilerockerdile8772
    @rockerdilerockerdile8772 Před 5 lety +3

    I must be dumb....too slow to understand....but it's only May I'll get it!

  • @warsofstars
    @warsofstars Před 7 lety

    am i the only one who just thought that the animation for the whole explanation of brexit was just cute and done really well? nope? k.

  • @MeColinYouWho
    @MeColinYouWho Před 8 lety +1

    Some people want to stay in the EU, but what is is the EU? Well I think it's Germany who are financially collapsing, France in a economic emergency, Spain, a financial basket case, Portugal a financial basket case. Italy, a financial basket case. I could go on but people need to stop thinking the EU is a financial power house because it's just one big basket case. Sad, but true.

  • @2moonsMaster
    @2moonsMaster Před 8 lety +5

    Beware russian trolls will be all over the internet pretending to be brittish and find rubbish arguments to "Leave"

    • @Mythodiir
      @Mythodiir Před 8 lety +4

      +2moonsMaster It's like the anti-semites who say the ADL is behind everything that disagrees with their worldview. If Russia is running a social-media propaganda campaign, that would be very silly because opinion is already very divided on this. If you see someone advocating leave, 98% likely they aren't a Russian disinformation agent. Same is true of remain and pro-EU propaganda.

    • @2moonsMaster
      @2moonsMaster Před 8 lety

      +Myth Odiir Watch the comments in the comment section of every major news corporation all pro putin and pro dividing europe,the diferences between us Pro EU people is that we dont get paid and we dont praise any leadeer and we are aware there is corruption even in E.U,unlike the russian bots who kisses putin ass everyday.Russian disinformation strategy is simple,divide and conquer.

    • @Mythodiir
      @Mythodiir Před 8 lety

      2moonsMaster I see a lot of genuine people on both sides. Russia is a pariah state, I wouldn't put it below them, but their ability to subvert other nations ends outside of the ex-Soviet Union (where they're a tremendous threat).
      The truth about the Brexit is it wouldn't strengthen or weaken Russia. Unless the UK leaves NATO, the UK will still makes up one of the countries that keeps Russia in its box of isolationism and protectionism.
      I think the argument could be made that Britain remaining in the EU would actually weaken the EU and the NATO alliance. Sometimes people work together better as friendly neighbours rather than bickering bedfellows.

    • @jasondenton5432
      @jasondenton5432 Před 8 lety

      You wouldn't put it below them? You act as if the UK itself doesn't get in lnvolved it such activities, the US as well. But oh well, I guess it makes you feel better about yourselves

  • @enricosantana9062
    @enricosantana9062 Před 8 lety +9

    Vote OUT of the EU.

  • @volaan1842
    @volaan1842 Před 8 lety +1

    the uk has been imprisoned by the eu for so long its become institutionalized , being set free is a frightening prospect.

  • @curryandapint4380
    @curryandapint4380 Před 8 lety +1

    One very good point that's never brought up is why the EU is actually *BAD* for trade and actually makes overseas poverty worse. much of Northern and Sub-saharan Africa’s poverty is driven by the fact that they cannot export their agricultural produce, because their prices are uncompetitive compared to their adjacent market in Europe.
    The trouble is, the European farmers are subsidised by the European Commissions Common Agricultural Policy to the tune of 56 Billion Euros per annum…..
    So not only are we pumping more money into rich European farmers than we collectively give to Africa, we are doing so at the direct expense of the Africans (who the EC doesn’t care about because they’re not member states).

  • @frankg.39
    @frankg.39 Před 8 lety +39

    Vote Leave

  • @shannananan2625
    @shannananan2625 Před 8 lety +12

    We should leave, No one knows exactly what will happen, its the future and yes we may struggle for a couple of years but we have gone through so much shit in and out of the EU such as wars and people struggling to pay for food and rent. we will struggle but like always we come out stronger . This is a country thats been to war with 171 of the world's 196 countries and look at us we still fighting on where a country that wont back down . Make the right decision

    • @tmp1111
      @tmp1111 Před 4 lety

      OCTOPUSSY ! Well said says this American

    • @islamerica3032
      @islamerica3032 Před 4 lety

      ...."This is a country that's been to war with 171 of the world's 196 countries"....
      It seems your people are reaping what they have sowed.

  • @andycap1188
    @andycap1188 Před 8 lety +1

    Yet again no mention of the democratic deficit. The real issue is whether we remain an independent nation or part of a USE. i.e. reducing a vote from 1 in 50 million to 1 in 500 million and growing. We do not need to surrender our democracy in order to cooperate with other nations on those matters of mutual interest . Millions have fought for their country's independence, why on earth would we give our away?

  • @rfb1497
    @rfb1497 Před 5 lety

    thanks for this vid

  • @skelly7230
    @skelly7230 Před 8 lety +3

    Stay in the EU, so you can compete with 30 people from 30 different nationalities to be a burger fryer at McDonalds. Yay EU.

  • @hollyintervener510
    @hollyintervener510 Před 8 lety +5

    This video is lying.
    Cameron didn't negotiate a single benefit for the UK that it doesn't already have, or that makes any change at all to the UK's place in the EU.

  • @BritishCitizenshipTest

    The results of the Brexit referendum were a surprise to many.

  • @anguselliott8941
    @anguselliott8941 Před 8 lety +2

    From Australia I find it staggering the for Brexit crowd isn't 99%. Only winners from staying are career politicians who are unemployable in the real world. get out while you can!!!

    • @AndyWhite007
      @AndyWhite007 Před 8 lety +1

      "career politicians who are unemployable in the real world." and unemployable "we don't speak a word of English and would rather live of benefits" too

  • @susomedin5770
    @susomedin5770 Před 8 lety +4

    Bye bye britain...
    good luck

  • @stompingpartridge258
    @stompingpartridge258 Před 8 lety +4

    2 minutes of pure bullshine. I'm voting leave for economic reasons, industry specifics. Couldn't give a hoot about EU immigration.

  • @chengmoua
    @chengmoua Před 4 lety

    I'm just here because Sidemen always be talking about brexit and I'm confused

  • @tobyknowles4052
    @tobyknowles4052 Před 8 lety +2

    I'm undecided, but to band the entire "Leave" camp as primarily worried about immigration is just not true. The democratic arguments the eurosceptics use are at least pretty convincing

    • @AtomAntTC
      @AtomAntTC Před 8 lety

      +Toby Knowles absolutely - I am a businessman and if I want to do business with you , then it's likely we could come to an agreement. But if I were asked to do business with you and 27 others who all had their own agenda, then there is no chance and that is the EU in a nutshell and why it struggles to pull trade deals together.
      The world we live in now is so fast and we need to be able to move fast to compete and we can't in the EU. Having the flexibility to be able to shape the decision making process and laws in a timely fashion gives us an advantage on the world stage. It is this we need going forward and if you need a reason to vote for Brexit, then this one reason is enough IMHO.

  • @Moribus_Artibus
    @Moribus_Artibus Před 8 lety +3

    Why are you worried about the referendum?
    There's nothing to worry about, we will vote leave and we will say goodbye to the EU!

    • @jimbojimbo7103
      @jimbojimbo7103 Před 8 lety +1

      I've never considered myself European, i'm Scottish/British.

    • @Moribus_Artibus
      @Moribus_Artibus Před 8 lety

      Dodgy Dave fears that if we leave the EU
      The Scots would try to leave the UK and then join the EU

    • @jimbojimbo7103
      @jimbojimbo7103 Před 8 lety

      dominoes37 I don't think that wil happen, Scotland had a chance and said no.

  • @noelio67
    @noelio67 Před 8 lety +3

    Hopefully the UK leaves......and as our biggest & closest trading partner, west of Ireland here, then we follow

  • @pytko3
    @pytko3 Před 7 lety

    This was a fair and un-biased look at the issue. Thank you.

  • @MeGawOOt99
    @MeGawOOt99 Před 8 lety

    Not a bad summary of the Brexit. There was no hint of bias for leave or remain. Good Job.

  • @nigebertington661
    @nigebertington661 Před 8 lety +3

    vote democracy, vote to leave!

  • @TheGodfather441
    @TheGodfather441 Před 8 lety

    the thing i've never understood about the EU is why are they allowed to control immigration policy?
    what works in one place doesn't necessarily work in another place

  • @YoungBlaze
    @YoungBlaze Před 8 lety +2

    you guys can come live with me... i have tea

  • @nowheretosit
    @nowheretosit Před 8 lety +1

    Government makes everyone poorer, this is a universal fact. The fewer layers of government you can be associated with, the more economic prosperity and personal freedom you will have.
    Don't buy the government rhetoric, unless you believe governments never lie.

  • @kristianberget6511
    @kristianberget6511 Před 8 lety +1

    Great video I have to say. The main reason I came for was to found out what "brexit" stands for. Now I feel like a idiot XD

  • @trevorruth3318
    @trevorruth3318 Před 5 lety

    Bruh 2 years later I still don’t understand wtf brexit is

  • @wiseintheory3340
    @wiseintheory3340 Před 8 lety +5

    If you'd like to learn more, make sure to check my new updates about the aftermath, look up "Wise In Theory"

  • @Robbinsffxi
    @Robbinsffxi Před 8 lety +1

    When leaving, the economic issues can be solved with individual trade deals.

  • @tjovadevalivat
    @tjovadevalivat Před 8 lety +1

    They forgot Finland from the map

  • @Clandsom
    @Clandsom Před 8 lety +2

    They spent 2 seconds on the leave argument...

    • @westbrit4714
      @westbrit4714 Před 8 lety

      +MN purp More then it deserves to be honest , but the BNP style comments underneath redress the balance

    • @Clandsom
      @Clandsom Před 8 lety

      +West Brit why? leave will help Britain, have you fallen victim to the establishments fear mongering?

    • @westbrit4714
      @westbrit4714 Před 8 lety

      MN purp The fear mongering seems to come from the other side , in fact If I heard one thing that would be better if the UK left it would be refreshing .
      But I just hear nonsense about terrorists, and immigrant's - these are not really concerns and would not be better if the UK left anyway

    • @bingola45
      @bingola45 Před 8 lety +1

      +West Brit Does democratic government fit the bill? I know it isn't perfect, but it's better than having our lives run by professional busybodies.

    • @westbrit4714
      @westbrit4714 Před 8 lety

      bingola45 That is what you have at the moment sadly, leaving the EU would not alter it much ,however the busybodies would not be accountable to set of rules .
      Look at the people who want out - George Galloway, Nick Griffin , do these people want a weaker State ? No mate they may want to do Completely different mad things, but they agree they don't like rules that stop them using the power of the State to force you to complie the EU does not employ a single uniformed goon who can force you to do anything - The state employ thousands of them

  • @adamst.martin1932
    @adamst.martin1932 Před 4 lety +1

    December 21, 2019-
    Question here: When Britain exit the European Union... Does European Union loses Allies and British Military in Europe (Not the United States) Is Europe will lose money too?? Will Russia invade Europe without Great Britain?? What was the real reason why Great Britain left the Union??
    Yes... I saw the video...But I am still confused... Please help me out.

  • @crystallygacha3939
    @crystallygacha3939 Před 5 lety +2

    June 23rd?!
    Thats my sisters birthday ;-;

  • @geo-george1375
    @geo-george1375 Před 8 lety +1

    Go for it, people! (Freedom is a beautiful thing.)

  • @cookieelitegaming8657
    @cookieelitegaming8657 Před 6 lety

    Anyone remember when Britain was a power house in history class? What happened?

  • @jorma1974
    @jorma1974 Před 8 lety

    WTF? Norway isnt in EU, Finland is.. Bloomberg sounds reputable, I´ll try make a mental note.

  • @16Allisone
    @16Allisone Před 8 lety +1

    EU is not in any single countries best interest. Countries that are part of EU would all be better off if they managed themselves independently.

  • @mb-sb5ever
    @mb-sb5ever Před 5 lety

    I'm still confused does this mean we leave our homes if so not a chance

  • @Lukeeiiee
    @Lukeeiiee Před 8 lety +3

    First of all, the video is totally biased, and secondly, what kind of a map is in the thumbnail? Ukraine, Belarus and Norway are included in the eu, but not Finland or Iceland? I can see that ideology is more important than education when working for Bloomberg.
    I hope Britain leaves and I wish them they do better without it. Maybe more people in the eu will then understand that they don't need the bureaucratic moloch

    • @PeterBorenius
      @PeterBorenius Před 8 lety

      FACT 1: The EU has been a shrinking market for 10yrs, hence they want more countries.
      FACT 2: The UK is the 2nd largest Economy in the EU.
      FACT 3: The UK is the 5th largest Economy in the World.
      FACT 4: The EU is an INTERNAL MARKET only.
      FACT 5: The EU only accounts for 40% of UK Trade and is shrinking.
      FACT 6: The ROW accounts for 60% of UK trade and is growing.
      FACT 7: GDP (Per Person) '55-'75 grew 164%,
      FACT 8: GDP (Per Person) from '75-'95 only grew 155% (11% lower after joining EEC)FACT 8: GDP (Per Person) '95-13 grew 133.5% (another 20yr drop of nearly 20%).
      FACT 10: The figures DON'T LIE - they show membership of the EU is holding us back.
      FACT 11: The worlds best economies are NOT in the EU.FACT 12: The worlds largest economies trade is up to 70-80% with ROW, not EU.

  • @Chakra_king
    @Chakra_king Před 6 lety

    Funny how you go into much more detail into the remain argument but boil the leave argument down to immigration making the leave campaign seem more ethical. Totally unbiased right here.

  • @Qquake21
    @Qquake21 Před 2 lety +1

    well look where we are now...

  • @Kraquerman
    @Kraquerman Před 8 lety

    Based on the mayoral election of London, I find it highly unlikely that Brexit will occur.

    • @johnknow4097
      @johnknow4097 Před 8 lety +1

      +Kraquerman Unfortunately London is now almost virtually populated by immigrants so not a good guide to how the rest of the UK will vote. I hope and pray the British people will vote to leave, restore our democracy in full and take back control of the sovereign which has been taken without our agreement.

  • @rshwmarkwalder1731
    @rshwmarkwalder1731 Před 8 lety

    I wasn't aware that Norway was in the EU and Finland wasn't... Might wanna check that map...

  • @zeronova1484
    @zeronova1484 Před 8 lety

    Both sides seem to have valid enough reasons for where they stand. Wonder how this'll all turn out.....

  • @AD-nq5lf
    @AD-nq5lf Před 5 lety

    A difficult dilemma and extremely divisive.