Jon Bernthal Gets Punished By Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

  • čas přidán 6. 10. 2021
  • Jon Bernthal is an actor you know from films like Fury and Ford v Ferrari, as well as megahit TV shows like The Punisher and The Walking Dead. You can catch him this fall in the much-buzzed-about King Richard on November 19th, as well as the Sopranos prequel The Many Saints of Newark, in theaters and streaming on HBO Max now. But how is he with spicy food? Find out as Bernthal takes on the wings of death and discusses close encounters with Brad Pitt, the best boxing movies of all time, and much more.
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  • @FirstWeFeast
    @FirstWeFeast  Před 2 lety +29421

    Like if you think Sean Evans must be protected at all costs. That first wing tried to do him dirty...

    • @vyshnav5416
      @vyshnav5416 Před 2 lety +2838

      Petition to have Keanu Reeves on the show

    • @vyshnav5416
      @vyshnav5416 Před 2 lety +673

      Get Tom Holland Tobey Maguire Andrew Garfield for No Way Home press tour

    • @joshhutson3776
      @joshhutson3776 Před 2 lety +973

      My first thought was the crew flipped the board on Sean

    • @shadowclonemaster
      @shadowclonemaster Před 2 lety +151

      Tom Hiddleston, Emma Stone & Brad Pitt plz

    • @seanm741
      @seanm741 Před 2 lety +150

      Please put chris rock or Eminem on your show

  • @TheAVM2011
    @TheAVM2011 Před 2 lety +21317

    Listening to the Punisher say: "holy moly guacamole" is the purest thing ever

  • @brittnytorres9061
    @brittnytorres9061 Před rokem +11084

    I met Jon Bernthal at Horrorhound in Ohio back in 2013 during full blown hype over The Walking Dead. My son was a few months old at the time, and when I walked up to get his autograph he immediately asked if he could hold the baby. He kept him for several minutes and allowed us to get extra autographed photos. He said my son made him miss his boys back home and thanked me for giving him some time to hold mine. It was a sweet moment. Nice guy.

    • @DaileyShorts
      @DaileyShorts Před rokem +416

      He truly does come across as a very thankful, very genuine in everything he does kinda cats. Kinda still fascinated by things, yet deep enough to think beyond the surface level type of fella

    • @thumbsupforgoodmusic
      @thumbsupforgoodmusic Před rokem +159

      this is so wholesome man

    • @maxm288
      @maxm288 Před rokem +12

      @@thumbsupforgoodmusic Онлайновые игры однозначно эксплуатируют только один инстикт - доминирования, ведь цель любого многопользовательского проекта это всегда соревнование с другими людьми, а что нужно делать для этого? Ну если мы говорим про ММО рпг, то обязательно гриндить(заниматься скучной, рутинной однотипной работой в игре) чтобы прокачать уровень больше, чем у других игроков дабы доминировать над ними, ну или как альтернатива - вкладывать реальные деньги, что как по мне вообще шиза и полнейший бред. Как нетрудно догадаться ММО рпг, такие как World of Warcraft или Lineage 2 и им подобные я считаю главным злом, ведь умеренность в них не возможна по определению и в каждом случае между человеком как правило стоит простой выбор - либо жить в основном в виртуальном мире в ущерб реальному, прокачивая виртуального персонажа, ведь если вы будете играть умеренно или заходить в игру, скажем, раз в неделю, раз в 2 недели всегда будет множество других игроков, которые будут заходить чаще вас, соответственно вас будут постоянно нагибать и никакого удовольствия от такой игры вы не получите.. либо второй вариант - просто бросить это навсегда.
      Второй вид многопользовательских игр - это разного рода сессионные многопользовательские стрелялки, гонки,коллекционные карточные игры и так далее. Опять-таки цель в них всё та же - победить как можно большее количество людей, но в отличие от тех же ММО рпг требуют от вас как правило не постоянного гринда, а поддержания уровня навыка, стрельбы и т.д. То есть если вы не зайдёте в игру даже несколько дней, я уже не говорю про месяцы ваш навык серьезно упадёт и опять-таки вас будут побеждать, что удовольствия мягко говоря приносить не будет, напротив - только злость и раздражение. Добавить сюда ещё тот факт, что каждая сыгранная партия в стрелялку на одной и той же карте каждый день как правило мало чем отличается от вчерашней и позавчерашней, в совокупности получаем сотни, а в случаях некоторых людей и тысячи часов потраченных в никуда, когда человек потом пытается вспомнить что-то особенное из этого потраченного времени а в голове всё сливается в одну кучу... по крайней мере так было у меня когда я пробовал играть в мультиплеерные шутеры в своё время. В общем та же наркомания, что и ММО рпг, только в профиль - ты всё время должен быть в теме.
      Так что как не трудно догадаться из вышесказанного для себя я определил, что для меня любая игра должна обладать главным свойством - она не должна подталкивать меня в неё играть, вызывать какое-то истерическое желание, зависимость и тем более заставлять тратить в неё дополнительные деньги после покупки. Это должен быть законченный продукт, который служит целью расслабления и короткой смены фокуса внимания, чтобы после отдыха с новыми силами взяться за осуществление своих планов. Такими играми могут быть настольный теннис, футбол, бильярд, да что угодно, не исключение также и одиночные видеоигры. Какой минус в этих играх можно найти? Ну самое очевидное как думают наверное многие - если не играть вообще , то это время можно с пользой потратить на саморазвитие - чтение научных книг, изучение языков, спорт и т.д. Но такими темпами можно довести себя до полной шизофрении - не смотреть развлекательное кино, не читать книги, если они не несут никакой пользы и развития, не слушать музыку, не наслаждаться искусством и картинами, не гулять просто так, не любоваться закатами и рассветами... А теперь, возвращаясь к моему первому посту здесь стоит задуматься - зачем и ради чего все эти жертвы? Ради банального доминирования, показать всем какой вы классный, эрудированный, умный а все вокруг болваны? Ну для кого-то может быть такая жизнь по душе, я же считаю такие жертвы неоправданными и глупыми - да, какое-то псевдоуважение в какой-то кучке людей вы приобретёте, но никого ещё искренне не любили за снобизм и высокомерие... а каждый человек это животное социальное и мы искренне хотим чтобы нас любили как можно больше людей, кто бы там что не говорил... а что касается гармоничного развития, то оно возможно и при периодическом отдыхе( главное чтобы отдых не занимал больше времени работа над чем-то), да что там - все мы отдыхаем, просто делаем это по-разному - невозможно постоянно ежеминутно развиваться - кукуха поедет.

    • @maxm288
      @maxm288 Před rokem +7

      Так что да, игры для меня один из вариантов досуга на равне с кино, книгами или музыкой, и как именно провести свободное время дома я выбираю исходя из настроения. Что касается людей, которые боятся игр как огня, то, думаю, это либо люди у которых была либо есть зависимость по отношению к ним, либо как в случае с моим отцом - люди просто боятся за свой социальный статус, ведь есть распространённый стереотип, что игры это для детей, "Что я буду как дебил малолетний с джойстиком сидеть уперевшись в экран", "Что мужики скажут если узнают?". При этом в нарды, бильярд или настольный теннис ему это играть почему-то не мешает.. и не удивительно, ведь в нашем социуме общепринято, что такие игры для взрослого - ок, терпимо, а значит допустимо. По той же причине он не смотрит и сознательно игнорирует разного рода фантастические фильмы - типа "Властелин колец", "Звёздные войны" и всё в этом роде, в общем - не связанное с нашей серой обыденностью, из которой как он считает можно извлекать пользу, смотря дебильные русские сериалы... вот такие вот противоречия и фруктовый кефир бывают в головах у людей.
      Это дело каждого, конечно, как ему тратить своё свободное время, однако я считаю, что лишая себя ряда элементов современного прогресса вы просто обкрадываете сами себя, загоняя в узкий и ограниченный круг, что на мой взгляд также зачастую влечёт за собой и скудность и ограниченность мысли. Так что решать - играть или нет дело каждого конкретного человека, мне если честно всё равно для себя я этот вопрос уже давно закрыл.

    • @dememeitized8048
      @dememeitized8048 Před rokem +17

      @@maxm288 Я не знаю, как пишется по-русски, но ты чертовски гений. Это определенно блестящий абзац и вдумчивая статья для чтения, но я думаю, что вы, возможно, разместили его не в той ветке комментариев для какой-то бедняги, на которую вы только что это бросили. Я действительно восхищаюсь тем, как вы излагаете свою точку зрения или аргумент, и я определенно согласен с тем, что вы сказали +A
      Yes I literally typed all tht to good translate

  • @MONO4608
    @MONO4608 Před rokem +6656

    The punisher doing his best Jon Bernthal impression

  • @richardjones1988
    @richardjones1988 Před rokem +4362

    In the beginning for a second I thought Sean accidentally ate the wrong wing and started at number 10.

  • @Knito854
    @Knito854 Před 2 lety +9500

    Every time Sean hears "that's a great question" he gets closer to becoming a demi-god

  • @cameronmurray6330
    @cameronmurray6330 Před 2 lety +15933

    it’s crazy how scary he acts and looks but in real life he’s the nicest guy ever

    • @Levi-028
      @Levi-028 Před 2 lety +68

      Yes very poggers ,I love dream smp

    • @dakota2386
      @dakota2386 Před 2 lety +251

      That’s how it usually is with evil actors

    • @BATCAKE
      @BATCAKE Před 2 lety +201

      @@Levi-028 ???

    • @S1D3W1ND3R015
      @S1D3W1ND3R015 Před 2 lety +283

      Usually the villains and a holes in movies are the nicest teddy bears in real life.

    • @sullivanpalmer1883
      @sullivanpalmer1883 Před 2 lety +12

      Greg Bryk. The guy who played Joseph Seed.

  • @skilxrd1203
    @skilxrd1203 Před rokem +2913

    First time seeing this guy out of character and seeing him all happy and radiant is pleasing because in most of his movies he plays a grumpy and violent character.

    • @JobvanderZwan
      @JobvanderZwan Před rokem +28

      Wait, is an actor just being themselves technically the most out of character or in-character they can be? Because I genuinely don't know and I think you can argue either way (out of character because they're not acting, most in-character they're themselves)

    • @mrenygma181
      @mrenygma181 Před rokem +4

      @@JobvanderZwan 🤯🤯🤯

    • @damian3072
      @damian3072 Před rokem +4

      @@JobvanderZwan i'd say out of character simply because we always see him in movies and series. And mostly he plays a "bad guy' so thats how we know him. Then if you watch inverviews or listen to his potcast you'll get a very different view of him. The real him and then he is a 'teddy bear'.

    • @adctd2gtr
      @adctd2gtr Před rokem

      I've skipped this episode until now because the feeling I carry about him has matched his characters. Then I just watched the Colin Farrell episode and seeing how that crushed the same feeling/opinion of who he might be, well, I'm happy I now know better about both of them. Bernthal seems pretty great.

    • @Pyxyty
      @Pyxyty Před rokem +2

      ​@@JobvanderZwan well i mean, the actual person isnt a character, it's just him being himself, i wouldnt say that's 'in-character' to be honest.

  • @hoofhearted4
    @hoofhearted4 Před rokem +1017

    Jon is probably one of the most underrated actors currently out there. Guy is an amazing actor in everything he does and his personal character is beyond good.

  • @zachbrantley3114
    @zachbrantley3114 Před 2 lety +6038

    So Jon Bernthal is the coolest and most humble person ever, and Sean got tripped on the first wing. Legendary episode.

  • @waywardmind
    @waywardmind Před 2 lety +8729

    Jon: "Am I allowed to curse?!"
    Sean: "Let it fly. Let it fly."
    Jon: "Holy guacamole!"
    Sean: ". . . That's going too far, Jon."

    • @Tarryk
      @Tarryk Před 2 lety +162

      LMAO no joke!! Jon was actually worried he was going to offend someone LOL

    • @Liam_Grey
      @Liam_Grey Před 2 lety +132

      @@Tarryk well not even a month ago he posted a picture with the punisher logo made into a police flag and ppl tried canceling him for being racist and offensive. Bc you know all cops are bad Apparently.

    • @robthomas7392
      @robthomas7392 Před 2 lety +42

      @@Tarryk clearly he's never seen the Gordon Ramsay episode.

    • @shoobydoo
      @shoobydoo Před 2 lety +122

      "Am I allowed to curse?"
      *said fuck multiple times throughout the interview already*

    • @rudywilliams6538
      @rudywilliams6538 Před 2 lety +107

      @@Liam_Grey I think it's more that police shouldn't idolize the punisher

  • @taylormarlenia93
    @taylormarlenia93 Před rokem +449

    The beginning had me dying laughing, Jon just starring at him while he’s choking and looking like he wanted to laugh but not really knowing what was happening! “take your time” 😂😂

    • @ashleybright3727
      @ashleybright3727 Před 9 měsíci +37

      Yes! He looked so confused like - Wait this isn't supposed to happen. 🤣

  • @greatsm2videl
    @greatsm2videl Před rokem +320

    I love how you can see how genuinely twinkly-eyed and excited Jon Bernthal was to be there on Hot Ones. He seems like such a genuine dude.

  • @peteestrada1371
    @peteestrada1371 Před 2 lety +4046

    It’s like Jon doesn’t realize how big of a celebrity he is. He’s just a guy whose job is acting.

  • @vasco1983
    @vasco1983 Před 2 lety +7920

    We really need Jon doing Punisher again. Him cast as the character was a luxury to us.

    • @BroccoliBeat
      @BroccoliBeat Před 2 lety +329

      Now that we have netflix characters finally joining the MCU, I really hope they bring him back. Bullseye as well.

    • @CidTheNadie
      @CidTheNadie Před 2 lety +152

      We got Charlie/daredevil and kingpin back! Let’s hope that we get the punisher back too

    • @stuartroweofficial
      @stuartroweofficial Před 2 lety +18

      it's going to happen

    • @carlstites9222
      @carlstites9222 Před 2 lety +29

      I would love to see him as the punisher in the next spiderman trilogy coming

    • @JakeGittes84
      @JakeGittes84 Před 2 lety +53

      @@BroccoliBeat As much as I want to see more of Jon as The Punisher, I can't see him in the MCU. Punisher is not a character suited for children's movies.

  • @Lutzifalilia
    @Lutzifalilia Před rokem +212

    Bro he came in swinging. Not even a minute in and I am smiling. This guy is vibes.

    • @liamfrr
      @liamfrr Před rokem +10

      i know right haha seems like a good bloke

  • @official_knack
    @official_knack Před rokem +231

    what a class act, this man is a national treasure and someone who represents positive masculinity

    • @WickedIndigo
      @WickedIndigo Před 2 měsíci +6

      A representative of true masculinity in an age of Andrew Tate’s and Sneakos. Bernthal’s the man.

  • @heypeter4052
    @heypeter4052 Před 2 lety +2202

    The fact we just heard the Punisher say "Holy moly guacamole dude" is priceless lmaoo

    • @edensoto5602
      @edensoto5602 Před 2 lety +60

      And “bonkers”

    • @redfive02
      @redfive02 Před 2 lety +86

      punisher: *kills a criminal gang*
      "Holy moly guacamole dude, that's alotta drugs you got there"

    • @ricardozapata9142
      @ricardozapata9142 Před 2 lety +26

      Also: “Oh lordy”

    • @ryanzarks9411
      @ryanzarks9411 Před 2 lety +1

      Is that joe swanson ?

    • @heypeter4052
      @heypeter4052 Před 2 lety +4

      @@ryanzarks9411 it’s joe octavious

  • @Big_Keith_Kahuna
    @Big_Keith_Kahuna Před 2 lety +4847

    this man doesnt get enough credit. that monologue on being a man was next level.

  • @nickcurry8339
    @nickcurry8339 Před rokem +215

    Jon Bernthal is the type of dude you would go to feeling down in life and he would have like the perfect advice to change it all around. A genuine and good soul.

  • @stephenfricke9298
    @stephenfricke9298 Před rokem +673

    His is the first and only podcasts i am going to listen to. Guy is real and genuine. I didn't think anyone would be as good as Thomas in the original Predator

    • @batmanwins5701
      @batmanwins5701 Před rokem +1

      The original punisher in film was dolph lundgren. It’s such a terrible movie but worth watching if you enjoy watching how badly a punisher movie can be.

    • @Glenhh
      @Glenhh Před rokem +6

      He was on Joe Rogan and the episode was really interesting.
      Absolute legend and real person.

  • @miserycord0666
    @miserycord0666 Před 2 lety +7693

    Sean Evans randomly choking in the first five minutes already makes this the best episode

  • @scoobasteve912
    @scoobasteve912 Před 2 lety +2440

    Still haven't gotten over The Punisher being cancelled.

    • @godofrockking
      @godofrockking Před 2 lety +61

      Me too :( maybe they’ll renew it in the future one can only hope

    • @Praedythh
      @Praedythh Před 2 lety +136

      I trust marvel that they will bring him back in
      a bigger way

    • @fcsjohnnynips
      @fcsjohnnynips Před 2 lety +106

      @Ace King43 There's rumors of a return on Hulu, which is owned by Disney. They want to do the darker stuff on that platform.

    • @intricateinc8566
      @intricateinc8566 Před 2 lety +47


    • @ahmetbal5973
      @ahmetbal5973 Před 2 lety +44

      Same, The Punisher and Daredevil are such awesome Shows. Shame they won't bring out more episodes.

  • @Hurricane64321
    @Hurricane64321 Před měsícem +5

    He almost looks like he's about to tell you sumthin while rubbing his head

  • @etf1280
    @etf1280 Před 8 měsíci +64

    Hes's such a nice guy...he deserves some more roles in big time movies and shows❤

  • @mosiah9205
    @mosiah9205 Před 2 lety +9951

    This guy seems so freaking down to earth. His roles tend to be very “tough guy” and he plays them so WELL! I was legitimately caught off guard by how genuine this guy seems.

    • @garrettd1494
      @garrettd1494 Před 2 lety +157

      I’d seen him at comic con a few years ago and he’s so nice to people. 10/10 good dude

    • @Zathren
      @Zathren Před 2 lety +168

      It's almost like he's a professionally trained actor who pretends for a living.

    • @IProtein09
      @IProtein09 Před 2 lety +21

      Same .. it’s the same with vin diesel too.. very tough guy roles but is the total opposite of his characters

    • @Rick6.6LLY
      @Rick6.6LLY Před 2 lety +8

      Catch his interviews on the church of what’s happening now super down to earth dude

    • @assordante2205
      @assordante2205 Před 2 lety +16

      Oh wow, the classic "actors are people just like you and me."

  • @thisaccountnameiscompletel8949

    This is one of the most stern faced and typically “badass” actors and he’s the biggest softie on earth and I live for it.

    • @ThePartisan13
      @ThePartisan13 Před 2 lety +65

      He kinda remind me of Jason Mamoa

    • @underdogoverland
      @underdogoverland Před rokem +124

      A comedy with Him, John Cena, and Jason Momoa being complete dorks would be awesome.

    • @VashXTrigun
      @VashXTrigun Před rokem +30

      @@underdogoverland I would definitely watch that

    • @Derek_Keenan
      @Derek_Keenan Před rokem +25

      i dont know if i'd say he's a softy haha but he does seem like an extremely great dude as well as very humble and down to earth

    • @daniellekapovic6985
      @daniellekapovic6985 Před rokem +10

      I had no idea! He’s like a teddy bear in human form.

  • @tylercataldo5048
    @tylercataldo5048 Před 8 měsíci +6

    he said he’s grateful so many times 🥺

  • @dejahdanger
    @dejahdanger Před 5 měsíci +23

    It’s fun seeing him like this. So often he plays these stoic, tortured characters, and he is so believable in those roles. Then he’s just smiling and laughing and saying adorable things like “holy moly guacamole” and what a treat.

  • @davidice1
    @davidice1 Před 2 lety +1781

    He's made out of muscles and has a voice like gravel yet his idea of masculinity is one of tolerance, discussion and empathy. What a good egg.

    • @FitnessGuru91
      @FitnessGuru91 Před 2 lety +70

      That is what masculinity should and always has been. The media made it toxic.

    • @tombreault1096
      @tombreault1096 Před 2 lety +3

      No other better egg for sure - over-easy yum yum in my tum tum

    • @SterloFoSho
      @SterloFoSho Před 2 lety +1

      Good dude haha

    • @Alexiss1993
      @Alexiss1993 Před 2 lety +4

      What a good egg 🤣🤣 I'm going to start using that to describe people I like. Thank you

    • @mono9043
      @mono9043 Před 2 lety


  • @Evan-ql6co
    @Evan-ql6co Před 2 lety +8738

    Man I wish we got more seasons of The Punisher. That show was excellent, and Jon was excellent on it.

    • @nielsoltoho3086
      @nielsoltoho3086 Před 2 lety +208

      I loved him as Frank Castle !!!!

    • @chrishouterman4772
      @chrishouterman4772 Před 2 lety +46


    • @SeanCarterCFH
      @SeanCarterCFH Před 2 lety +241

      Born to play Frank Castle

    • @vipset87
      @vipset87 Před 2 lety +229

      yeah idk why it was cancelled so soon. it was a good show, the consumers loved it. it had more buzz than the other marvel netflix shows and imo better

    • @nullakjg767
      @nullakjg767 Před 2 lety +2

      Nah that show was ass. He was by far the worst punisher out of all of them. The punisher is supposed to be a brutal swat captain gone mad, this guy was just a stupid vet with ptsd. It didnt give the character depth, it made him look pathetic and lame.

  • @Cocodrillo18
    @Cocodrillo18 Před rokem +381

    him and tom hardy would be very cool in a movie

  • @Napoleon.Blown.Aparte
    @Napoleon.Blown.Aparte Před 3 měsíci +11

    It's still funny:
    I actually know Jon mainly from Fury, The Punisher and The Walking Dead, where he plays 'gruff' serious roles.
    And then you see him outside of acting, just as he is, and he is a very cheerful, positive guy with a smile on his face.
    Jon is boss!

  • @johnmiller1117
    @johnmiller1117 Před 2 lety +2579

    Jon’s answer about masculinity just made me respect the crap out of him

    • @andromedaspark2241
      @andromedaspark2241 Před 2 lety +177

      He's a strong man, and doesn't have to be oppresively macho and bombastic to do it. Impressive guy.

    • @juliegear6934
      @juliegear6934 Před 2 lety +82

      Seriously, what a great answer.

    • @worpd_gamer270
      @worpd_gamer270 Před 2 lety +36

      What a cool dude. I love this guy!

    • @goodtimesgivecancer1
      @goodtimesgivecancer1 Před 2 lety +68

      Thats what happens when youre not insecure about your masculinity

    • @trueirishdude
      @trueirishdude Před 2 lety +30

      Starts at 14:00

  • @proletariatbourgeoisie9929
    @proletariatbourgeoisie9929 Před 2 lety +3968

    Jon Bernthal is SUPER underrated in the movie industry. Guy's fucking awesome. I've always thought he would be a great Wolverine.

    • @Cazammaf
      @Cazammaf Před 2 lety +139

      Oh my god you’re a genius. Yes! I thought nobody could surpass Hugh, but Jon is a really good alternative! Maybe for the new upcoming Wolverine game he can voice it. Or if there is another film, he can star.

    • @panpiper
      @panpiper Před 2 lety +32

      You're right, he would be a GREAT Wolverine!

    • @steggyweggy
      @steggyweggy Před 2 lety +49

      It’s hard not to see him as the Punisher but he has great physicality for a wolverine role as well

    • @istvanfodor9749
      @istvanfodor9749 Před 2 lety +9

      I have two words. Fuck. Yeah.
      Nailed it right on the head definitely needs to become a reality

    • @shivampatel3003
      @shivampatel3003 Před 2 lety +9

      I think daredevil and punisher exist in mcu so he cannot play wolverine as he already plays punisher

  • @gmxgaming2024
    @gmxgaming2024 Před rokem +133

    It's honestly amazing how someone so kind and caring like Jon Bernthal can play someone so dark and ruthless like The Punisher. That's top tier acting in my opinion

  • @lenathornell09
    @lenathornell09 Před 2 měsíci +6

    I know him personally and he's the sweetest person EVER. He's so funny and deserves everything he's gotten, he actually spoke at my uncle's wedding!!

  • @Kidcrowley
    @Kidcrowley Před 2 lety +6867

    Underrated guy, caught myself smilling a lot, such a likable personality and great actor as well.

    • @organicleaf
      @organicleaf Před 2 lety +84

      probably the best actor i ever saw playing as a cold/bad but with a good side character, he just fucking nails this type (punisher and in walking dead)

    • @milesdust3465
      @milesdust3465 Před 2 lety +3

      Regarding the Hollywood-movies he has played in, he is not underrated.

    • @whatevermanpss
      @whatevermanpss Před 2 lety +15

      @@milesdust3465 Same here. First time i saw him being underrated, i was like what the f how can he be underrated?? Yall didnt see Fury??

    • @scaf5363
      @scaf5363 Před 2 lety +35

      @@whatevermanpss I think when people are saying "underrated" I think they're basically saying why don't people ever talk about him more often and talk about his personality.

    • @Auguur
      @Auguur Před 2 lety +6

      @@organicleaf Shane was so easy to despise, Jon is an impressive actor for sure.

  • @the19Zabaniyah
    @the19Zabaniyah Před 2 lety +2031

    Never thought I'd hear The Punisher say: "Holy moly guacamole"

    • @DeagleD0g
      @DeagleD0g Před 2 lety +36

      That’s dad vernacular

    • @czrthegreat
      @czrthegreat Před 2 lety +7

      I think he said it once in season 1

    • @JigInsane
      @JigInsane Před 2 lety +5

      You know, when you hear it, but think of it as the punisher persona saying it, it's kinda terrifying, like, you know he's about to get serious. Lol

    • @camc9225
      @camc9225 Před 2 lety +2

      So you haven't watched the Punisher then?

    • @prometheusreign5424
      @prometheusreign5424 Před 2 lety +4

      I hope deadpool says that in the next movie

  • @LeannaBanana
    @LeannaBanana Před 9 měsíci +45

    He’s just great. I had no idea how great he was. That’s my favorite thing about this program. Actors I haven’t paid much attention to but have seen in films over the years, you just fall in love with them after watching them here! There isn’t a single other talk show host that pulls this out of these humans and presents it this way. Huge props to Sean and team. Jon Bernthal, you are an awesome guy!

  • @jenslyhne6921
    @jenslyhne6921 Před rokem +81

    Sean Evans is so freaking cool. Just watch a few episodes and see how much research and information he has ready for these interviews. It always makes the actors and celebs so happy. I love it

  • @ThePackQueen
    @ThePackQueen Před 2 lety +2053

    Sean getting choked up the first wing scared Jon and us all. Jon is such a class act.

    • @semajjphilly88
      @semajjphilly88 Před 2 lety +53

      Caught me so off guard especially on the first wing. But I chalked as it went down wrong.

    • @foxcole2006
      @foxcole2006 Před 2 lety +36

      Jon was about to go full Shane and do whatever to save him from choking on that wing lol

    • @toady3794
      @toady3794 Před 2 lety +8

      Wings and laughing don't always mix. Glad he was alright.

    • @toady3794
      @toady3794 Před 2 lety +6

      @@foxcole2006 I think Shane was more concerned about saving himself.

    • @themadclown4077
      @themadclown4077 Před 2 lety +4

      @@semajjphilly88 I mean he did say it went down the wing pipe.

  • @Jrod110
    @Jrod110 Před 2 lety +5263

    By far one of the most slept on actors. Humble af too. I’ve been a major fan ever since The Walking Dead & dudes acting skills never miss

    • @zachsgameplays927
      @zachsgameplays927 Před 2 lety +10

      Same brother

    • @bryceharney5960
      @bryceharney5960 Před 2 lety +77

      His job playing Frank Castle was the best live adaptation I have seen of the character. He is the closest anyone has gotten to the Punisher MAX Punisher (best Punisher series).

    • @curlyfrysoncbmeth3949
      @curlyfrysoncbmeth3949 Před 2 lety +13

      He isn’t slept on 🙄😂

    • @asias8474
      @asias8474 Před 2 lety +1

      Th e best cast punisher

    • @prometheuscastles
      @prometheuscastles Před 2 lety +1

      Slept on???

  • @tnextdoor1406
    @tnextdoor1406 Před rokem +32

    I havn't seen Jon Bernthal in any interviews before. He seems like a really good real dude. One of the best episodes of hot ones.

  • @zobrombie3023
    @zobrombie3023 Před rokem +10

    Man I love that question about his toughguy characters. "To have an open heart towards everyone." That is the true form of manliness. @13:15

  • @WaterYaDune
    @WaterYaDune Před 2 lety +2235

    Fun Fact: Jon Bernthal never publicly said any of the things brought up here in any interview, Sean is just an omnipotent being far beyond our comprehension

    • @therookieva
      @therookieva Před 2 lety +168

      The fact that he can continuously surprise everyone with his questions to me is just perfect.

    • @electthelambda
      @electthelambda Před 2 lety +127

      He's getting up there with Nardwaur on surprising guests with background knowledge and questions

    • @Godsecution
      @Godsecution Před 2 lety +9

      @@electthelambda nardwuar is weird asf

    • @jackiejuarez7595
      @jackiejuarez7595 Před 2 lety +17

      I love it ! Questions get so repetitive and they do interview after interview but every time i see hot ones we get to see a more personal unfiltered side to them. S/O to Sean for the great questions

    • @sandrastefani1668
      @sandrastefani1668 Před 2 lety +2

      I agree. There has been a few actors surprised by what he knows about them. I love their reactions.

  • @Wintertidal
    @Wintertidal Před 2 lety +1952

    He cleaned the wings, he's classically trained, he played in the european baseball league, his empathy, views on what being a man is, he rescues pitbulls and shuts down dog rings, articulate and humorous and down to earth, very in the moment but clearly a man who also takes the time to think about the world and his place in it... I've always liked him as an actor, but goddamn. I respect this man.
    Be good to each other.

    • @Mossbergg
      @Mossbergg Před 2 lety +50

      Not to mention his god damn beautiful looks, this man got it all

    • @Edwin-zo6vp
      @Edwin-zo6vp Před 2 lety +21

      the man is truly a gift from god.

    • @bigshmoke9653
      @bigshmoke9653 Před 2 lety +1

      Michael vick

    • @marlonmcgilljr6329
      @marlonmcgilljr6329 Před 2 lety +2

      Couldn't have said it better 👏 🙌 👌 💯 😌 ❤

    • @enigmaedits1559
      @enigmaedits1559 Před 2 lety +2

      Hmmm pretty good..... too good 😑😑👀😂

  • @sircdrom
    @sircdrom Před rokem +133

    The best interview format on the planet! Love to see Jon Bernthal on here. He has such a nice energy to him. Equal amounts of humility, character and drive. He seems so genuine. Love that!

  • @MrSpeedyAce
    @MrSpeedyAce Před rokem +28

    This was one of the most wholesome interviews I have ever watched.

  • @valiantham6072
    @valiantham6072 Před 2 lety +1784

    His normal voice is crazy to hear. It’s insane how much someone can change their voice on screen. I genuinely was shocked when I saw he didn’t have his Punisher voice IRL.

    • @ComedyBros5
      @ComedyBros5 Před 2 lety +57

      Right? That's what I was most shocked by! I didn't know he changed the tone of his voice for his roles.

    • @dethklokicksbutt
      @dethklokicksbutt Před 2 lety +50

      The Punisher seasons 1 and 2 were some of the first things that I had ever seen Bernthal act in. After that I have actually laughed out loud at his other voices (King Richard, Ford VS Ferrari) not in a bad way just in a shocked way. He does such a phenomenal job with everything he does.

    • @ace3154
      @ace3154 Před 2 lety +9

      I have an uncle who looks like a mix between this jon and the drill instructor shark from SpongeBob. He sounds pretty similar to Jon but has the background of one of his characters (ex military served in the marines army and eventually desk job for air force before he retired) and he would 100 percent agree on the macho patriot with a punisher skull on his jeep gladiator guy representing none of the aspects they believe they do. He taught me how to respect myself and others.

    • @SerenityChaos1975
      @SerenityChaos1975 Před 2 lety +2

      Really? I have only seen him in Walking Dead and other movies...not Punisher. He uses his regular voice.

    • @nadiavetz9255
      @nadiavetz9255 Před 2 lety +24

      @@SerenityChaos1975 on punisher he literally sounds like he’s been chain smoking for 20 years, it’s like super deep and raspy voice

  • @Istebrak
    @Istebrak Před 2 lety +19485

    I caught myself smiling and nodding as if I was on a date with him.

    • @mikehollywood8445
      @mikehollywood8445 Před 2 lety +7

      🔥 🔥

    • @karsonallred5009
      @karsonallred5009 Před 2 lety +523

      I know! Dudes such a solid charming guy!

    • @HaveL0veWillTravel
      @HaveL0veWillTravel Před 2 lety +306

      I could die a happy woman after a date with him!!!

    • @orangewarm1
      @orangewarm1 Před 2 lety +70

      The date from Sicario

    • @scooterboi1703
      @scooterboi1703 Před 2 lety +283

      He's so pretty he transcends sexuality you're just lying to yourself if you don't love him

  • @adctd2gtr
    @adctd2gtr Před rokem +13

    A lot of the guests assume it's this strategic thing to use the extreme hot sauces to lower people's defenses and get them opening up, but I contend that it's the superb thoughtful questions and caring empathy from Sean and crew that really draw out their excitement to share about the things they love most. This is my favorite element of this show and I absolutely love it.

    • @shalmamova
      @shalmamova Před 10 měsíci +1

      I think this is true. Sometimes it seems like the guests are really happy to be treated like people and asked respectful questions. I’ve gotten that vibe especially from the more seasoned artists that come onto the show.

  • @nlg999
    @nlg999 Před 9 měsíci +4

    bro was definitely tryna tell us sum throughout this video

  • @brandonlane6294
    @brandonlane6294 Před 2 lety +473

    Hearing the punisher say “holy moly guacamole” is priceless.

    • @bedsale9313
      @bedsale9313 Před 2 lety


  • @emberann4
    @emberann4 Před 2 lety +4321

    Poor Sean’s life flashed before his eyes on that first wing 😂

    • @rarad.3793
      @rarad.3793 Před 2 lety +132

      A rare moment! Lol

    • @slotheronie3192
      @slotheronie3192 Před 2 lety +63

      Foreal lol normally dude goes all wings with no reaction hahahahah

    • @slotheronie3192
      @slotheronie3192 Před 2 lety +32

      Maybe he normally has fake hot sauces and real ones for the person and maybe he a fucked up this once hahhahaha jk I’m saying bullshit but funny to think

    • @kellergilbert
      @kellergilbert Před 2 lety +113

      I thought he ate from the wrong side of the plate lmao. Imagine the last dab when you’re expecting the classic

    • @BearYogie
      @BearYogie Před 2 lety +18

      He almost aspirated i think

  • @xxshotxx1
    @xxshotxx1 Před rokem +8

    I feel like I don’t even need to say it, because all the comments reflect it, but Jon you’re an amazing dude. Humble and insightful.

  • @thephantomsplit
    @thephantomsplit Před rokem +8

    Okay, who's here after it was announced that he's back as The Punisher for "Daredevil: Born Again"?

    • @Gab19
      @Gab19 Před 2 měsíci

      I’m here after Conan :(

  • @mitchdavis9398
    @mitchdavis9398 Před 2 lety +1105

    This guy could legitimately not be more likable. Was a fan before, definitely a fan now

    • @Kleetus_Van_Damm
      @Kleetus_Van_Damm Před 2 lety +12

      Dude always plays such a hardass and he’s literally the opposite of that in real life, he’s so normal and human

    • @MrOwl7000
      @MrOwl7000 Před 2 lety +3

      I always loved him since the walking dead even if that happened it’s a hard world and mental health isn’t a joke. It’s well scripted and he pictured the characters he plays on point BRING BACK THE PUNISHER!!!

    • @mariorossi9300
      @mariorossi9300 Před 2 lety +4

      Too bad he's a hypocrite, as soon as he got his conceal carry license he started going publicly on record against "regular" citizens excercising their 2nd Amendment rights.

    • @sov361
      @sov361 Před 2 lety +1

      This comment is like wat?

    • @Lenny.262
      @Lenny.262 Před 2 lety +3

      @@sov361 I think they call it being "sus" and I agree, it's totally gee-aye-why.

  • @jm2307
    @jm2307 Před 2 lety +799

    Loved finding out that he’s nothing like the characters he plays. What a thoughtful, empathetic and passionate person

    • @alexfrank6534
      @alexfrank6534 Před 2 lety +11

      Was kinda hoping Frank Castle would show up…lol

    • @michaelweston2285
      @michaelweston2285 Před 2 lety +10

      as Jon Lovitz would say, "ACTIIIIIIIING!!!!"

    • @melissamack333
      @melissamack333 Před 2 lety +2

      I was just about to comment this! He seems so humble, polite & honest. Clearly a talented guy with a lot of passion & knowledge for his craft!

    • @RA-xz9sy
      @RA-xz9sy Před 2 lety +1

      @@alexfrank6534 just a bunch of grunts and yells 😂

    • @HazyChestNutz
      @HazyChestNutz Před 2 lety +6

      believe it or not, it's called acting

  • @scottyd0530
    @scottyd0530 Před rokem +9

    I love Jon Bernthal, man. Everything I've seen him in, he just turns to gold. The Walking Dead, Baby Driver, Fury, The Punisher, the man has no limits. He seems like such a kind, humble man with a heart of gold. Class act.

  • @clinto2501
    @clinto2501 Před 7 měsíci +2

    I've met and worked for him as his stand-in on a project. He was very kind, shook hands with everyone, and learned their names.

  • @AndyGait
    @AndyGait Před 2 lety +1520

    I love that Hot Ones brings everyone down to a level. Even Jon, who looks like he could chew glass for fun, is like "why would you do that?".

    • @samahanri5137
      @samahanri5137 Před 2 lety +1

    • @stickymeat88
      @stickymeat88 Před 2 lety +19

      seriously, hes really humble.
      high calibre man, right there.

    • @BratzFanz123
      @BratzFanz123 Před 2 lety +10

      Not chew glass for fun- 💀🤚🏾

    • @simtbotw
      @simtbotw Před 2 lety +3

      There's that and the reactions when Sean brings out something really obscure from the guest's first gigs

    • @MrZomBie775
      @MrZomBie775 Před 2 lety +3

      Unless you're Lorde. Then your just chilling having lunch.

  • @rayray117
    @rayray117 Před 2 lety +450

    Sean Evens choking threw me off as I thought he was immortal.

  • @zacharyfriel3970
    @zacharyfriel3970 Před rokem +5

    The fact that his performances are so powerful but he still stutters in a interview makes me like him as an actor even more

  • @user-dd1oe3qo1t
    @user-dd1oe3qo1t Před 27 dny +2

    -Shane Walsh

  • @rocketi05
    @rocketi05 Před 2 lety +1011

    The best people that you have on the show do similar things:
    - They clean the wing
    - They acknowledge good questions
    - They commend the research into the questions
    - They acknowledge (by name) others that they have worked with and show respect for
    - They are generally humble, repeatedly thankful and not entitled
    - They praise the wings
    Jon did all of that and was an amazing guest, really dig his humility and general graciousness. One of the best guests.

  • @ahmadshams2981
    @ahmadshams2981 Před 2 lety +813

    Never thought I'd see the punisher say "holy moly guacamole" lol

    • @alexbucsp
      @alexbucsp Před 2 lety +22

      That's peak Dad Energy

    • @nullakjg767
      @nullakjg767 Před 2 lety

      Hes always been lame af, thats why hes a bad punisher.

    • @italianwaffle5592
      @italianwaffle5592 Před 2 lety +33

      ^^^ Ignore the troll ^^^

    • @TheB0sss
      @TheB0sss Před 2 lety +7

      @@nullakjg767 a character has nothing to do with his actual personality, you just don't like both it seems.

    • @Nightwing_.
      @Nightwing_. Před 2 lety +6

      @@nullakjg767 that's the worst shit I've read in a long time.

  • @user-zd2kj4xn7t
    @user-zd2kj4xn7t Před měsícem +1

    I love how he grabs his head in the first scene just like in the walking dead... Shows it wasn't a character trait but a real thing he does

  • @RIPMalice
    @RIPMalice Před 8 měsíci +6

    Jon Bernthal seems like he was a lot of fun to talk to I can really tell how much you both enjoyed conversing with each other throughout the interview, Jon is such a down to Earth guy can't say how blessed we are to have him as an actor and performer. 👍

  • @LswKid
    @LswKid Před 2 lety +617

    Sean is such a professional he silently chokes to death with a smile trying to not interrupt the interview.

    • @williamcooper448
      @williamcooper448 Před 2 lety +1

      Bruh lolol

    • @AxxLAfriku
      @AxxLAfriku Před 2 lety

      I have a big... BIG... BIIIIGGGGG... muscles!!! HAHAHA!!! What did you think I was going for? That's so D1RTY of you! GAGAGAGA!!! I am the funniest CZcamsr ever! Maybe that's the reason why I have TWO (!!!) HANDSOME (!) GIRLFRIENDS. Thanks for being alive, dear ti

    • @slappeslang890
      @slappeslang890 Před 2 lety

      My man

    • @mallman4129
      @mallman4129 Před 2 lety +4

      At first I thought the rest of the group was playing a prank on him and put the last dab wing first. Maybe something to think about for a future episode. 🤣

    • @hawnick7234
      @hawnick7234 Před 2 lety +1

      This legit upset me. I have a fear of choking, or someone around me choking. Talking and eating is dangerous ya'll!

  • @RudeBoySka216
    @RudeBoySka216 Před 2 lety +913

    Jon is so nice, when Sean was basically choking on the chicken he wasn’t trying to clown on him at all, you could tell he was genuinely concerned.

    • @alibhaispeaks
      @alibhaispeaks Před 2 lety

      Message For Biden ---->

    • @urosmarjanovic663
      @urosmarjanovic663 Před 2 lety +55

      Yeah, I bet he was more like - if host of this show is struggling with first wing, what the fuck did I get myself into. :D:D:D
      But he is genuinely nice guy.

    • @burnerx1896
      @burnerx1896 Před 2 lety +4

      Yea seriously, who woulda thought how extremely genuinely nice of a person could kill the punisher role so well!

    • @BrandonWestfall
      @BrandonWestfall Před 2 lety +8

      It’s pretty clear they cut a few minutes out there as well.
      We’ve all had shit get caught in our throat/wind pipe etc. It takes a quick minute to recover.

    • @deathproofpony
      @deathproofpony Před 2 lety +3

      @CrazyNights14 Cool story, bro.

  • @gzeus_by_yesus
    @gzeus_by_yesus Před rokem +15

    I love how Sean clearly did his homework with Jon, the same with all the other people who came to this show!

  • @Tuna-sub
    @Tuna-sub Před 3 měsíci +3

    “Lemme tell you something” 😂😂

  • @ScenicFights
    @ScenicFights Před 2 lety +4091

    Jon Bernthal is so down to earth, and yet, I'd still be intimidated af if I saw him in person.

    • @cooldudep
      @cooldudep Před 2 lety +28

      Punisher fights breakdown incoming my dudes? :D

    • @fffnaw
      @fffnaw Před 2 lety +63

      I’ve met him before and the way he is in this video, that’s exactly how he is with everyone

    • @UndeadItachi2
      @UndeadItachi2 Před 2 lety +55

      @@fffnaw Yeah I met him too. He ran over my dog and got out and was so humble about what happened. Great guy

    • @asilva5021
      @asilva5021 Před 2 lety +5

      Kinda like the man that plays Gus Fring in Breaking Bad

    • @yarramasterwannaberappernu9617
      @yarramasterwannaberappernu9617 Před 2 lety +4

      You will get punished if you saw him

  • @Brickhouse917
    @Brickhouse917 Před 2 lety +579

    Jon after 20 minutes of cursing: "Yo, am I allowed to curse?"

    • @hmaz7637
      @hmaz7637 Před 2 lety +9

      After starting the show with “Holy moly guacamole!” 🤣 The sauce got him, but he did great.

    • @Obie.
      @Obie. Před 2 lety

      I don't remember him cursing at all

    • @thefilmschlock
      @thefilmschlock Před 2 lety

      @@msimpson607 it is tho

  • @boristichy243
    @boristichy243 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Its insane to watch this after watching the punisher. You really appreciate how good of an actor this guy is, that one of the most humble, nice and down to earth guys does it.

  • @stevenbecker6141
    @stevenbecker6141 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Met this dude at rose city comicon years ago. He's a genuinely nice human. Nothing but love for John.

  • @Leonardo10054
    @Leonardo10054 Před 2 lety +787

    You realize he's a great actor when you hate him in the Walking Dead, but he's actually such a really nice and humbled guy in real life.

    • @tomato1087
      @tomato1087 Před 2 lety +4

      Yeah sometimes actors who plays bad guys is a really nice guys in real life like Thomas Felton(Malfoy)

    • @MR.ICE.
      @MR.ICE. Před 2 lety +25

      My first time watching the show I hated him, but seeing where the characters ended up, I realised Shane was just ahead of the curve. He (in my opinion) is the most pivotal character in the show.

    • @Justin-mz4qr
      @Justin-mz4qr Před 2 lety +7

      He’s still one of my favorite characters on TWD.

    • @kombokhan
      @kombokhan Před 2 lety +5

      He was my favorite character in TWD

    • @bastardjustice
      @bastardjustice Před 2 lety +7

      @@MR.ICE. he is who rick becomes in the future so he is ahead of the curve.

  • @doorlord1521
    @doorlord1521 Před 6 měsíci +5

    Every time I see these interviews I love seeing the celebrities blown away by how much these people do their homework and ask really specific questions. I imagine when you're doing dozens of interviews, a lot of the questions are the same. It must be nice to be asked something so niche and unique about your career.

  • @yourelixir9656
    @yourelixir9656 Před 8 měsíci +6

    Met him a few of times in Chicago at Wizard World Comic Convention 😍 Super down to earth guy. Always welcoming and has this charm about him without even trying. Genuine. Nice. Beautiful. Great episode 😀 Sean does the best interviews.

  • @skycloud5695
    @skycloud5695 Před 2 lety +265

    When Sean paused on the first wing, the whole world stopped spinning for a second there

    • @alysagarcia1921
      @alysagarcia1921 Před 2 lety +8

      Seriously! 😂 I was away from my phone and I was, like, what's going on?!

    • @converge5374
      @converge5374 Před 2 lety +1

      Did he eat it too fast ?? What happened there ?

    • @ika1ka1227
      @ika1ka1227 Před 2 lety +2

      @@converge5374 it happens to me sometimes I have a pretty good spice tolerance but I eat it too fast sometimes and that happens

    • @ehzmia
      @ehzmia Před 2 lety +9

      I thought they must have mixed up the order of the wings on his board. That he went straight into the Apollo or something.

    • @sw96
      @sw96 Před 2 lety +1

      @@converge5374 Sounded like he said a little of the wing went into his windpipe.

  • @GapingApe
    @GapingApe Před 2 lety +1434

    Jon Bernthal showed the characteristics of a true man. Not spice tolerance, but the strength and resolve to tackle the next obstacle even though he knew it was going to be hell. Much respect to Jon!

    • @Th3Mavr1ck
      @Th3Mavr1ck Před 2 lety +14

      Why just man and not woman too??
      brb getting my popcorn for the comments

    • @justanothergrunt9053
      @justanothergrunt9053 Před 2 lety +1

      @@Th3Mavr1ck comment 1

    • @kichi4682
      @kichi4682 Před 2 lety

      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💜 HOT.SNAPGIRLS.TODAY/QUENZHA 💜 #PRIVATE_S*X
      #ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!1#万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!#今後は気を付けないとね5). .
      !💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾

    • @kichi4682
      @kichi4682 Před 2 lety

      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💜 HOT.SNAPGIRLS.TODAY/QUENZHA 💜 #PRIVATE_S•X
      #ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!1#万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!#今後は気を付けないとね5). .
      !💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾

    • @goodnightmunchie
      @goodnightmunchie Před 2 lety +1

      @@Th3Mavr1ck it's rumored that he is a foreskin walker 😳🚬

  • @joshualeavitt9660
    @joshualeavitt9660 Před rokem +47

    This guys seems like a really cool guy

  • @productionsavard
    @productionsavard Před 2 měsíci +2

    Again, i think it's your best interview of all time, this is not just about hot sauce and chicken wings, but it's about confidences and honest point of view from our idol. This is pure GOLD.

  • @douwedeboer5819
    @douwedeboer5819 Před 2 lety +694

    Sean being caught by spice is like learning that your parents are just humans.

    • @persaunna
      @persaunna Před 2 lety


    • @1quality140
      @1quality140 Před 2 lety +6

      By the first wing aswell😭

    • @Stephanchick
      @Stephanchick Před 2 lety +29

      I don't think the spice got him I think a piece of chicken went down the wrong pipe

    • @ParkerMagee
      @ParkerMagee Před 2 lety +4

      like learning the teacher doesn't live at school

    • @deibtryin
      @deibtryin Před 2 lety

      This is great lmao

  • @bran7088
    @bran7088 Před 2 lety +157

    never though I'd hear the Punisher say "holy moly guacamole, dude." lmfao

    • @matthewtate1759
      @matthewtate1759 Před 2 lety +5

      drake the typa guy to say holy moly guacamole dude

  • @paulmcpheeters
    @paulmcpheeters Před rokem +11

    Jon is the BEST HYPEMAN EVER! He always shows humility to his interviewer, as if to say “you’re the guy that interviewed Elon Musk/Gordon Ramsey, I’m so honored you chose to interview me!”

  • @Lcat84ify
    @Lcat84ify Před rokem +19

    By far probably the best episode with such a respectable actor. My opinion on his character were already high, after watching this made my respect for him rise that much more.

  • @uhhlyse
    @uhhlyse Před 2 lety +1688

    i find the fact that he asked if he could curse after he’d been swearing the whole time very entertaining

  • @Slaphappy1975
    @Slaphappy1975 Před 2 lety +1268

    Hot Ones is a show that reveals a person's true character. My respect for Jon went up a notch.

    • @dougdittmer
      @dougdittmer Před 2 lety +3

      I wanted to like your comment, but it's at 420 likes now so I can't be that guy. Nice words though.

    • @alrod1789
      @alrod1789 Před 2 lety

      sean needa an f5 for doing that table distgance shit...seriously... but john def is my new fav...

    • @jonathank2512
      @jonathank2512 Před 2 lety

      He is a great guy plays the best asshole but it's a very great guy

  • @thebasementgoblin
    @thebasementgoblin Před rokem +17

    It's impressive to his skills as an actor that he works through that nervous stutter he seems to struggle with.

  • @84jdgregory
    @84jdgregory Před 8 měsíci +1

    Jon in Fury is the pinnacle of acting. Actually, everybody in that tank.
    Best job I've had.

  • @HighBeaner
    @HighBeaner Před 2 lety +836

    This dude is amazing, seems like he’d literally be one of the best people to be around, what an underrated goat

    • @georgia5942
      @georgia5942 Před 2 lety /

    • @eagle5818
      @eagle5818 Před 2 lety +4

      Yeah he's got such a good vibe. Also he's full to the brim with masculinity, one thing that just attracts people automatically as nature.

    • @D.marie5587
      @D.marie5587 Před 2 lety

      Truer words man. He did a podcast I can’t remember which one but he mentioned always giving himself a margin of error in time and it just stuck. Amazing guy I’ll always watch his stuff.

    • @doppler4190
      @doppler4190 Před 2 lety

      I agree, GOAT!

    • @MacerieNere
      @MacerieNere Před 2 lety

  • @monstertwitch8678
    @monstertwitch8678 Před 2 lety +574

    Still hoping he plays the Punisher again someday,he killed that role.

    • @tommygun4788
      @tommygun4788 Před 2 lety +26

      I believe, cant 100% confirm after some quick google searching, a 3rd season is set to be produced with him reprising the Frank Castle role. Late 2022 I read.

    • @tallasianchick
      @tallasianchick Před 2 lety +1

      quite literally.

    • @adamellis6785
      @adamellis6785 Před 2 lety +22

      He will. It's not a continuation of the Netflix version, but he is confirmed to reprise the role of Frank Castle in a new show.

    • @sparky2481
      @sparky2481 Před 2 lety

      Hell yeah...🥳

    • @KadirMB
      @KadirMB Před 2 lety +1

      @@adamellis6785 is this officially information ?

  • @cindyspowart555
    @cindyspowart555 Před 9 měsíci +5

    What an absolutely fabulous guest he was! I don't know what I was expecting from Jon Bernthal as I've never seen him interviewed. Down-to-earth, gracious, humble, funny and simply an all 'round fab guest! Thank-you, Sean. Thank-you, Jon. ☺

  • @iankroll9365
    @iankroll9365 Před rokem +1

    This is two folk that live to exist at best; truly it means a lot to watch it.

  • @OnClicked
    @OnClicked Před 2 lety +528

    Jon is so vocal, eloquent, passionate, and grounded. He's a fine actor and an even finer person

    • @austinwiley413
      @austinwiley413 Před 2 lety

      @@kichi4682 ll

    • @Goblin3365
      @Goblin3365 Před 2 lety

      Word brother!

    • @davidhampton3333
      @davidhampton3333 Před 2 lety +1

      Very enthusiastic in his answers and explanations! This man has become one of more favorite actors!

    • @mp8359
      @mp8359 Před 2 lety

      Brian Laundrie look alike 🤢

    • @samahanri5137
      @samahanri5137 Před 2 lety

  • @mongoosemcmongoose2786
    @mongoosemcmongoose2786 Před 2 lety +1240

    Seeing him like this makes his “punisher” and “Shane” roles even more amazing and incredible

    • @Jiggy609
      @Jiggy609 Před 2 lety +2


    • @nw_blessed1404
      @nw_blessed1404 Před 2 lety +7

      Dude his life makes those rolls more intense. I thought the dude was good at acting hard but he is a straight savage in real life. Lived a hard hard life.

    • @screaminasmith3261
      @screaminasmith3261 Před 2 lety +1

      Manny Rodriguez in The Pacific was his best role

    • @glenzig07
      @glenzig07 Před 2 lety +1

      what? why?

    • @ChefBoiiiiii
      @ChefBoiiiiii Před 2 lety +1


  • @nightyeyes3771
    @nightyeyes3771 Před rokem +1

    The most thought out questions of ANY host out there. Great job!

  • @julieamabeli4923
    @julieamabeli4923 Před rokem +7

    I really appreciate the Small Engine Repair love in this interview!