Is This Solo's BEST Warung? PAK MANTO Review 🇮🇩

  • čas přidán 25. 04. 2022
  • Today I think I found my warung in Indonesia, Pak Manto in Solo. At this warung, they are serving up grilled goat! And I tell you what, goat is pretty dang good! Actually, it was the first BBQ I've had that reminded me of Texas BBQ. The sweet sauce they used was delicious. The meat had a nice smokey flavor from the charcoal grill. And the portions were huge, I left there stuffed! Yeah, I think I found my new favorite food in Indonesia.
    After munching on the satay goat, I headed toward the Surakarta Palace. I almost ran out of time because it closes at 2:00 and it was already 1:30 by the time I arrived. It worked out great though. I had a nice conversation with a man at the entrance that explained a few things about the neighborhood and how the small community functions. I then wander inside and give you a glimpse of what the inside of the museum looks like.
    Find me on Instagram: Nick_K_Travel
    Information on the palace from the website:
    The Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace is an ancient palace, established since 1744 in the center of Solo City in the Sub-District of Pasar Kliwon, Surakarta City, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The location remains host to the current Sri Sunan (King) and his family.
    The palace was established by Sunan Paku Buwono II stretching from the north to south with a layout showing the cosmological concept in the form of a concentric circle. The principal palace (Kedhaton), which is the King’s home and the most privileged area, was placed exactly in the central part of the complex.
    Prince Mangkubumi was an architect of Surakarta Palace during his rule as His Majesty Hamengkubuwono I. The main building of the Palace is predominantly white and blue with a mixture of Javanese architectural style and European charm. The construction process was finished gradually while maintaining its earlier pattern policies, with the overall complex consisting of the principal palace along with numerous gates, squares, mosques, and markets.
    According to beliefs, the palace is guarded by four magical powers occupying all compass directions. The East side is guarded by Sunan Lawu tua, the Southern side by the Queen of South or famously called Nyai Roro Kidul. The Western side is guarded by Kangjeng Ratu Sekar Kedhaton from Mount Merapi, and the Northern side is guarded by Kangjeng Ratu Bathari Kalayuwati who lives in Krendhawahana forest.
    Hari ini saya rasa saya menemukan warung saya di Indonesia, Pak Manto di Solo. Di warung ini, mereka menyajikan kambing bakar! Dan saya beri tahu Anda, kambing itu sangat bagus! Sebenarnya, itu adalah BBQ pertama yang saya miliki yang mengingatkan saya pada Texas BBQ. Saus manis yang mereka gunakan sangat lezat. Dagingnya memiliki rasa smokey yang enak dari panggangan arang. Dan porsinya besar, saya tinggalkan di sana dengan penuh! Ya, sepertinya saya menemukan makanan favorit baru saya di Indonesia.
    Setelah mengunyah sate kambing, saya menuju Keraton Surakarta. Saya hampir kehabisan waktu karena tutup jam 2:00 dan sudah jam 1:30 saat saya tiba. Itu berhasil dengan baik. Saya memiliki percakapan yang menyenangkan dengan seorang pria di pintu masuk yang menjelaskan beberapa hal tentang lingkungan dan bagaimana fungsi komunitas kecil. Saya kemudian berjalan-jalan di dalam dan memberi Anda gambaran sekilas tentang seperti apa bagian dalam museum.
    Temukan saya di Instagram: Nick_K_Travel
    Informasi tentang istana dari situs web:
    Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat adalah sebuah keraton kuno yang berdiri sejak tahun 1744 di pusat Kota Solo di Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon, Kota Surakarta, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Lokasi tetap menjadi tuan rumah bagi Sri Sunan (Raja) saat ini dan keluarganya.
    Keraton ini didirikan oleh Sunan Paku Buwono II membujur dari utara ke selatan dengan tata ruang yang memperlihatkan konsep kosmologis berupa lingkaran konsentris. Istana utama (Kedhaton), yang merupakan tempat tinggal Raja dan daerah yang paling istimewa, ditempatkan persis di bagian tengah kompleks.
    Pangeran Mangkubumi adalah seorang arsitek Keraton Surakarta pada masa pemerintahannya sebagai Yang Mulia Hamengkubuwono I. Bangunan utama Keraton ini didominasi warna putih dan biru dengan perpaduan gaya arsitektur Jawa dan pesona Eropa. Proses pembangunan diselesaikan secara bertahap dengan tetap mempertahankan pola pola sebelumnya, dengan keseluruhan kompleks terdiri dari istana utama beserta banyak gerbang, alun-alun, masjid, dan pasar.
    Menurut kepercayaan, istana ini dijaga oleh empat kekuatan magis yang menempati semua penjuru mata angin. Sebelah Timur dijaga oleh Sunan Lawu Tua, sebelah Selatan oleh Ratu Kidul atau yang biasa disebut Nyai Roro Kidul. Sisi Barat dijaga oleh Kangjeng Ratu Sekar Kedhaton dari Gunung Merapi, dan sisi Utara dijaga oleh Kangjeng Ratu Bathari Kalayuwati yang tinggal di hutan Krendhawahana.

Komentáře • 436

  • @NickKTravel
    @NickKTravel  Před 2 lety +119

    Is PAK MANTO Solo's best Warung?
    Instagram: Nick_K_Travel

  • @AnseraOnline
    @AnseraOnline Před 2 lety +28

    akhirnya... yang di tunggu tunggu

  • @nomadenproject
    @nomadenproject Před 2 lety +9

    You know Nick, there's someone I really respect and admired for a long time.
    He is a foreign historian who spent much of his age (I believe probably more than 30 years) studying Indonesian history. Especially about Pangeran Diponegoro.
    His in-depth knowledge of the history of the Perang Jawa and its past culture is so fascinating, which makes him one of the main sources of reference when someone wants to talk about Pangeran Diponegoro.
    He is Peter Carey.
    A British historian who is fluent in smooth Javanese ("kromo inggil" accent).
    From what I've seen so far in your videos, your knowledge and curiosity about Indonesian history has brought you closer to becoming a person like Peter Carey.
    Hopefully one day you will become someone with the best knowledge of Indonesian history after him.

  • @rahmadanyakbar8895
    @rahmadanyakbar8895 Před 2 lety +48

    What you ate is called Sate Buntel which mean Wrapped Satay. They actually remove the skewer. It is minced goat meat wrapped in kind of a fat and then they grilled that thing, serve with sweet soy sauce and sprinkle of white pepper. The taste is smokey, sweet, fatty peppery and juicy. Hope you enjoyed this food man! Appreciated it! 👍

    • @NickKTravel
      @NickKTravel  Před 2 lety +9

      thanks, ill try that next time!

    • @danielguguk7683
      @danielguguk7683 Před 2 lety +11

      @@NickKTravel You already had that Nick, he's explaining the food you ate in the warung

    • @flyingcockroach7813
      @flyingcockroach7813 Před 2 lety

      its like kebab in turkey

    • @dimasdeeldendy
      @dimasdeeldendy Před 2 lety

      @@NickKTravel hai Nick, kalau kamu masih di solo, coba "Sate Kambing Mbok Galak".

    • @rahmadanyakbar8895
      @rahmadanyakbar8895 Před 2 lety

      @@flyingcockroach7813 Its similar, but kebab has more spice in there.

  • @capricorngurl
    @capricorngurl Před 2 lety +15

    23:46 The man said "Abdi Dalem Keraton". Abdi dalem (Hanacaraka: ) is a person who devotes himself to the palace and the king with all the existing rules. Abdi dalem comes from the word abdi which is the basic word of "to serve" and dalem or ndalem which can be interpreted as a pronoun for the mention of "susuhunan / sultan (king)".

  • @ara1654
    @ara1654 Před 2 lety +34

    love the vids man ^^ also i have a quick tip for you, if you want to ask for permission to do something or if you want to know if it's okay to do a certain action, it's better to say "boleh" instead of "bisa" because "bisa" leans more towards the possibility or ability to do something while "boleh" is used to ask permission to do stuff

    • @NickKTravel
      @NickKTravel  Před 2 lety +10

      ahhh ok thank you! i knew that but in the moment "bisa" always come out... need to say boleh more often

    • @natanaelsilitonga836
      @natanaelsilitonga836 Před 2 lety

      Yes, but the most important thing is to say "Permisi" in every condition.

    • @mencred4334
      @mencred4334 Před 2 lety

      In super short and non elaborated meaning, boleh is okay, bisa is can.

    • @zero59267
      @zero59267 Před 2 lety

      And "permisi" is excuse me

  • @optimusaurus
    @optimusaurus Před 2 lety +2

    I just watched your videos for around 25 in a row. Hats off for all you have made to educate and sharing. I'm more than happy to know you are from Texas. As a big fan of Dallas Mavericks, I appreciate you a lot!!

  • @gittatravel455
    @gittatravel455 Před 2 lety +2

    Nick Buddy.. wonder if you still in Solo city.. if you do please let us know.. we'll show you arround lots of places in Solo city.. let us know ok Buddy..

  • @thisgoodfromindonesia2888

    Good Job Nick 👍👍🇺🇸
    I'm From Riau Islands 🇮🇩

  • @indobawang4333
    @indobawang4333 Před 2 lety +1

    Cool video Nick, I'm a big fan of your channel. I wish you could get 1 million subscribers soon. I support you to traveling around Indonesia and telling history behind of it.

  • @abieaboodi1228
    @abieaboodi1228 Před 2 lety +8

    When you wrote "something something kraton", actually he said "abdi dalěm kěraton", which means "royal servant"... so he is a royal servant... you can recognize the royal servants by their samir (something like a tie they wear, with gold and red colours).

  • @hardisusilo1615
    @hardisusilo1615 Před 2 lety +3

    Harusnya jangan ditolak di kitchen bro , kan Nick ikut mempromosikan ke usa , bahwa sate berbekyu pak manto paling enak sedunia

  • @yanaarsyadi8965
    @yanaarsyadi8965 Před 2 lety

    Thank you for consistently churning out tasteful videos. Your channel stands out,in my opinion.

  • @Diniastuti
    @Diniastuti Před 2 lety +5

    Ciao .. Nick enjoy your meal … yummy .. missed my Indonesian food … all provinces different taste n Solo in Jogya … sweeter 😍👍🙋‍♀️🇮🇹

  • @endangstelmach7223
    @endangstelmach7223 Před 2 lety +1

    There are so many other best traditional food restaurants in Solo, good luck Nick

  • @riwayantieriwayantie5015

    Really amazing to see all your video seing you going around the places most by walk Nick!Hope Indonesia is one of your best country for your vlog/trip...thank you so much for visiting my country ❤

  • @hellonarita6967
    @hellonarita6967 Před 2 lety +2

    good job nick, stunning new knowledge of history with you

  • @dfruitziga2543
    @dfruitziga2543 Před 2 lety +14

    Nice to see you having a moment of silence once the food was scooped in, Nick. Lol. You looked like you saw Heaven for a sec. This makes me want to visit Solo again soon, and try their special dish that looks like Balinese Sate Lilit, just much bigger.
    So Solo and Jogja were one Kingdom in the past, the Kingdom's name was The Kingdom of Mataram. This kingdom was exist during the VOC occupation. Because of a dispute instigated by VOC, this Kingdom was split into the Kingdom of Surakarta and the Kingdom of Jogjakarta. In the later time, the Kingdom of Surakarta was divided again into the Kingdom of Surakarta Hadiningrat/ Pakubuwono and Kingdom Mangkunegaran, although Mangkunegaran is more like a regent instead of a king. On the other hand, the Kingdom of Jogjakarta was also divided into the Kingdom of Jogjakarta Hadiningrat/Hamengku Buwono and the Kingdom of Pakualaman, where the first king becomes the hereditary Governor of Jogjakarta and the latter one is the vice governor.
    The separation of the Kingdom of Mataram (which was headquartered in Jogja) happened because of the schemes of the VOC. Their main strategy was "devide et impera", which means "Split them apart, and conquer". They purposely started the fight among the royals in the Kingdom of Mataram, causing so much hate and disappointment, to the point that the royals would rather make a new Kingdom, albeit the smaller one. This trick made the resistance power against VOC got weakened and VOC was able to occupy the land for a longer period of time.
    About Dee's mom, so the policy of the Kingdom goes this way: A worker to the royal family, either soldier or servant, will be granted a house within the land of the Palace neighborhood as well as some royal titles that could be equivalent to something like count/countess, baron/baroness, marquis/marquise, etc in the European royal title system. This royal title could also be passed down to the next generation. If I am not mistaken, if you're a royal, the title can be passed down up to 7 generations after you, and your 8th generation will be a commoner unless he's granted another title.
    Do you plan to marry a Javanese royal, Nick? They will grant you a title, lol.
    Because of these grants, and other things that the royal family gives back to the society, people who work for the Palace will be very proud (and they should be) of their status and they will remain loyal until the very end.
    That guy in 23:50 thought you asked his name, and apparently his name is Maulana. When you asked was it keris, he told you that he's "Abdi Dalem Kraton." This means he is a palace worker. Lol. That's a legit lost-in-translation scene right there, but kudos to both of you still hanging around nicely.
    "Blue blood" or "darah biru" is an Indonesian idiom to refer to people who are born of a royal family. In the past, it made them profoundly distinguished, but today the status doesn't really matter anymore as they can mingle around with commoners casually, except during a special ceremony, I figure.
    The Kingdom within Indonesia is not just in Solo and Jogja. Some of the Kingdom that I know are the Kingdom of Cirebon in Cirebon City, West Java; the Kingdom of Bali, the Kingdom of Riau, etc. You may want to visit them next time.
    Jogjakarta was given special status by allowing the Sultan/the King of Jogja to be the governor of the province his entire life because during the independence war, the Kingdom of Jogja showed unwavering loyalty towards the republic. Upon the declaration of the Independence, The Sultan of Jogja at that time (Hamengkubuwono the IX, the father of the current one) immediately declared that Jogjakarta is a part of Indonesia. The Sultan also granted his whole wealth, as much as 6.5 million Gulden (Dutch currency at that time, which equals IDR 1,074 billion today or USD 74,596,281).
    His support didn't stop there. When the President and the Vice president were cornered by the Dutch, The Sultan sheltered the head of the state in Jogjakarta, and turned Jogja into the new capital of Indonesia, just to prove to the world that the Republic of Indonesia was not dead. Because of this big contribution, Jogjakarta was then granted the special region title, with the special rights following the title.

  • @Inuna_0677
    @Inuna_0677 Před 2 lety +1

    Thanks for exploring Indonesia Nick.I’m originally from Indonesia( Javanese) and live in Magnolia, Texas. I’m watching ur videos because I really missed Indonesian food ( street food especially)... Have fun...

  • @julietamalo6881
    @julietamalo6881 Před 2 lety

    What an interesting tour. Thank you, Nick. Blessings to you 🙏🎉

  • @theshugoki
    @theshugoki Před 2 lety

    Very sincere smile. You can't hide your joy this time, Nick!

  • @renizahrah5203
    @renizahrah5203 Před 2 lety

    Always enjoy your vid. Thanks for sharing as i've never been inside of Surakarta Palace. Good job sir.

  • @aaadin7257
    @aaadin7257 Před 2 lety +19

    Just perfect timing post, break is just about in a minute 😋😋😋
    Sate kambing is one hell indonesian pride among rendang,nasi goreng and bakso
    and this is a history channel 👍👍👍

    • @NickKTravel
      @NickKTravel  Před 2 lety +3

      Hope you enjoy!

    • @aaadin7257
      @aaadin7257 Před 2 lety +2

      @@NickKTravel we do enjoy your journey,thank you for your visit

  • @iamsity746
    @iamsity746 Před 2 lety

    I live nearby. But never gone inside this palace and now I can finally see it in Nick's video. Thank u xx

  • @sabiqnajiburrohman7866
    @sabiqnajiburrohman7866 Před 2 lety +1

    Nick, when an Indonesian ask you about where you live or stay, its just a kind of small talk.. its very common amongst local.. so don't worry.

  • @sudirmanjendral1421
    @sudirmanjendral1421 Před 2 lety +1

    Itulah Indonesia...makanan akan terasa lebih nikmat dengan banyaknya rempah yg dicampur...suksek dan sehat selalu kang Nick

  • @SuryaSurya-re3vn
    @SuryaSurya-re3vn Před 2 lety

    Nick, you are very cool Dude! Love your videos so far! Keep up the good work!

  • @andbag9909
    @andbag9909 Před 2 lety

    Finnaly , you follow my suggestion Nick , awsome : Sate Kambiiiing 😁👍👍

  • @to2ksur
    @to2ksur Před 2 lety +1

    Hi Nick, i'm from Central Java, my house near from Solo, but unfortunately i haven't enter the Surakarta Palace yet. But today thanks God i saw the inside of this palace from your video 😁

  • @viiholic
    @viiholic Před 2 lety +2

    *Indonesian people meet foreigners*
    1. Hello, how are you?
    2. Where are you from?
    End. 😃

  • @radinhs_belajarmenanam09

    Mantaaapp satenya...Terima kasih Nick telah mengexplore kuliner Indonesia dan keramahan warga Indonesia pada umumnya. Lanjutkan berkeliling Indonesia dan tetap sehat dan hati-hati.

  • @nainabatth3057
    @nainabatth3057 Před 2 lety

    Very nice video Nick....I liked and i very proud to be Indonesia people. I'm from Magelang Central java..and my city very famous with "Borobudur Temple

  • @anggamaulana5322
    @anggamaulana5322 Před 2 lety +1

    You should have more days to explore solo. There still many interesting place to be visited💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

  • @nanangsrihardono2999
    @nanangsrihardono2999 Před 2 lety

    Sehat selalu Nick, terima kasih sudah mengenalkan sosial budaya Indonesia ke dunia

  • @azharsarita7834
    @azharsarita7834 Před 2 lety +3

    Thank you for your coming in Solo , have a nice day

  • @paidjoclassicshop7239
    @paidjoclassicshop7239 Před 2 lety

    Good video Mas Nick 👍👍👍👍 big Thumb 👍👍👍

  • @fadzyunos3512
    @fadzyunos3512 Před 2 lety

    i laughed hard when you jokingly said congkak is to make takoyaki ! HAHA you funny man sometimes keep it up good content ! been marathon watching your videos past few days !

  • @tjahjl1
    @tjahjl1 Před 2 lety

    Again...bro Nick, thanks for the Video. Next time I am in Solo, I have to visit Sate Pak Mantom!

  • @tinukagustin6663
    @tinukagustin6663 Před 2 lety +1

    This video makes me miss solo a lot, thx nick your video verry nice

  • @Bonifatio
    @Bonifatio Před 2 lety +3

    22:35 I don't think he captures your question, he said Maulana, which probably his name, as he thought you were asking his name. 23:45 He said "Abdi Dalem Keraton"; which means an internal staff of Keraton

  • @7vlusic
    @7vlusic Před 2 lety +2

    That's my city, thanks for coming there, i love your vlog 👍
    14:49 yes maybe u can use it to cook takoyaki 😂

  • @bizkitbucky7894
    @bizkitbucky7894 Před 2 lety

    im addicted to your channel, your vids become my companion during breakfast, lunch, or even when i ironing clothes 😆👍

  • @adaotie
    @adaotie Před 2 lety

    Well apparently you’re going to master bahasa. Awesome!!! The way you said Es Teh Manis is so Perfect, it’s less bule, I like it very much ✨

  • @imansubekti8482
    @imansubekti8482 Před 2 lety +1

    Mantabb Mr.Nick
    Can't wait to came over

  • @saputroadit
    @saputroadit Před 2 lety

    Appreciate your hardwork to upload every single day..
    Be easy on yourself, keep healthy..😁

  • @andrisuherlina6776
    @andrisuherlina6776 Před 2 lety

    I am Indonesian and more than 10 years I am living in Hong Kong , really I am enjoy your videos on CZcams so much, and thank you so much for showing to the world culture of Indonesia, respect and love 🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰

  • @ariccole295
    @ariccole295 Před 2 lety

    thanks bro ...U hv explored cities in Indonesia and especially the island of Java, U will learn a lot about Indonesian nature and culture here

  • @badbon9748
    @badbon9748 Před 2 lety +1

    Bandung is wonderfull ❤️

  • @yordanisadellawijaya8434
    @yordanisadellawijaya8434 Před 2 lety +2

    Nick, while you in Solo please drop by to Yogyakarta. It's about 2 hours from Solo to Yogyakarta. I wanna see your video in Yogyakarta.
    Thanks for your video. 😎

  • @jonathantalun2092
    @jonathantalun2092 Před 2 lety +2

    50k subsss let's goooo

  • @rahmatkurniawan7231
    @rahmatkurniawan7231 Před 2 lety

    have a nice day nick, a very delicious meal .. keep working nick, while still in Indonesia. greetings from west java

  • @itsmebill8809
    @itsmebill8809 Před 2 lety +2

    For ur info, in Indonesia we're not used it for making takoyaki, but it is an Indonesian's traditional game called "congklak" 😃

  • @wiliamgerald7844
    @wiliamgerald7844 Před 2 lety +2

    That takoyaki Jokes is killing me 😆🤣, btw nice Vids nick

  • @saptosetyo8543
    @saptosetyo8543 Před 2 lety

    Make more video Nick....I like you video talking about Indonesia .. 👍👍

  • @denika3302
    @denika3302 Před 2 lety +1

    Tengkleng and sate kambing my favorite food too, I think you go to the right place. Stay humble Nick 😁👍


    that looks delicious 🤤🧆

  • @ayusudiro4080
    @ayusudiro4080 Před 2 lety

    What a nostalgic video.. i went to the palace a few times with my parents when i was a little kid... I hated being inside the museum, tho... When there're no people, it's dark and eerie... 👻

  • @TechCompare_1023
    @TechCompare_1023 Před 2 lety +1

    _2:53_ *I dunno why, but everytime you taste something really delish, feels like I can taste it too! Weird huh? But in a good way hahaha!* 😜👍
    Keep up the good vlogs ,Texan Cowboy! Yee Haw! 🤠🤜

  • @farahdila1487
    @farahdila1487 Před 2 lety

    Tontonan tiap hari selama bulan puasa ditonton sambil buka puasa 👍🤗

  • @dzulfikriahdian1646
    @dzulfikriahdian1646 Před 2 lety

    Hi Nick..always fun to follow your journey....funny when you said utensil to make takoyaki..actually it was a part of traditional toy called Congklak. And when you said VOC is the first international brand before Nike and Adidas..hahaha..very interesting, right...

  • @triratnawati6490
    @triratnawati6490 Před 2 lety

    I am watching your video and imagining I am inside the palace.... Because I have never been to that place. Sorry, guys ! ....And I prefer eating chicken soup than satay kambing..But I am happy that Nick says that the satay kambing is pretty good... Thank you very much for sharing your interesting video from Solo, Nick! Terima kasih ya...enjoy your journeys...take care ..

  • @rantingrizal8259
    @rantingrizal8259 Před 2 lety +10

    Jika kamu ke Indonesia biasakan menggunakan tangan kanan jika menyerahkan sesuatu ke orang lain, atau kamu bisa dianggap tidak sopan tapi kalo kamu Bule mungkin mereka akan memakluminya 😁, tapi jika kamu menetap di Indonesia sebisa mungkin gunakanlah tangan kanan, itu berasal dari budaya Islam tetapi itu sudah diadopsi sebagai budaya sopan santun di seluruh Indonesia sejak lama terlepas dari ajaran Muslim 🙏

  • @MasDik27
    @MasDik27 Před 2 lety

    Keep it up nick. What a good day by day. 🔥🔥🔥

  • @menurutmugimana59
    @menurutmugimana59 Před 2 lety +1

    I recommend you try ayam goreng mbah karto tembel. favorite fried chicken Pak Jokowi

  • @hellocheater727
    @hellocheater727 Před 2 lety

    hidangan kambing adalah salah satu favorite orang indonesia dan saya sangat menyukai nya...selamat menikmati salah satu surga kuliner di solo,nick 😊...dan jangan lupa selalu ucapkan MATUR SUWUN aka THANKS YOU
    abdi dalem keraton...pekerja di dalam lingkungan keraton,CMIIW 😊

  • @ukmkotabandung3609
    @ukmkotabandung3609 Před 2 lety +1

    Sangat baik jika di bantu guide ....

  • @bangnapi2786
    @bangnapi2786 Před 2 lety

    Yo Nick, you makes my mouth watering🤤

  • @jessejones3078
    @jessejones3078 Před 2 lety +1

    Nick, try to go to Cirebon, one of the royal history in West Java

  • @stories_line5014
    @stories_line5014 Před rokem +1

    legendary goat satay restaurant in solo.
    Just last night Pak Manto's restaurant caught fire.
    the cause is unknown.
    Luckily there were no casualties when the fire broke out.

  • @dits3448
    @dits3448 Před 2 lety

    I like your video coz You learn about history of us

  • @m.a.k84
    @m.a.k84 Před 2 lety

    Anda harus memesan Tengkleng, itu menu favorit mereka!
    Thx for the video 👍🙏

  • @mnkgst2177
    @mnkgst2177 Před 2 lety

    Keep it up Nick!! 😍 -mg

  • @esmh
    @esmh Před 2 lety

    my favourite Indonesian bald and bankrupt! quality video as always Nick, enjoy Solo!

  • @dhanayatidhana8716
    @dhanayatidhana8716 Před 2 lety

    Wow!! Look so delicious 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻more handsome wearing Batik too👍🏻👍🏻😁😁

  • @blekdesign
    @blekdesign Před 2 lety

    Mantap! You should try "Tengkleng" that is sooo delicious!!

  • @prihatiningsihtetelepta7472

    Wooow mantap 👍👍😄

  • @indraomega2749
    @indraomega2749 Před 2 lety

    My beloved City 😍 Solo The Spirit Of Java

  • @taybaemerald9884
    @taybaemerald9884 Před 2 lety

    Wow, you bring us to see inside the palace (outer of the palace I think).
    The hall is very long and lot of artifact but it's kinda dark in the room

  • @djatmicosidick8003
    @djatmicosidick8003 Před 2 lety +1

    Hello Nick, don't forget to visit the most beautiful underwater park Bunaken Sulawesi Utara,see you again

  • @s_bjanto7572
    @s_bjanto7572 Před 2 lety

    Nick, a lot of famous and delicious warung in Solo, with various food. Just more explore the autentic food in Solo. like Gudeg as traditional food in Solo and Jogjakarta.

  • @kelvinanggorofebriansyah5654

    nonton nick sambil buka puasa

  • @yurimathias7299
    @yurimathias7299 Před 2 lety

    My mouth instantly watering when u took your first bite satay

  • @anggietiar579
    @anggietiar579 Před 2 lety +1

    You should visit Jogjakarta's palace too Nick.

  • @ivapermatasari5383
    @ivapermatasari5383 Před 2 lety

    You look so happy eating those goat satay.. 😄👍

  • @Bang_Jenggot14
    @Bang_Jenggot14 Před 2 lety

    Siap selalu menunggu 😂👍🏻👍🏻

  • @oslochannel1704
    @oslochannel1704 Před 2 lety

    finally you stay in Solo...
    welcome to my city...

  • @masugengsunaryo4681
    @masugengsunaryo4681 Před 2 lety

    Waaah cakep Nick pakai batik

  • @kucingoyen3015
    @kucingoyen3015 Před 2 lety +1

    Actually, Indonesia has 2 special regions, they're Yogyakarta and Aceh.

  • @linuxarp5990
    @linuxarp5990 Před rokem

    welcome to solo the spirit of java :D we love u

  • @ilhamubaidillah2987
    @ilhamubaidillah2987 Před 2 lety

    well enjoy Nick, it's close to my place 👍

  • @UbayWALKING
    @UbayWALKING Před 2 lety +2

    Pelanggan bertambah terus👍 saya berlanggan dari 45,3. Saya suka video kamu👍

  • @subhanmuhammad4147
    @subhanmuhammad4147 Před 2 lety

    Bule ini dari Texas yang punya budaya suka makan manis, pasti cocok makanan Solo yang serba manis.

  • @rosesdangela3211
    @rosesdangela3211 Před 2 lety

    Hi nick I'm coming for watching Ur new vlog

  • @maldinidayas1204
    @maldinidayas1204 Před 2 lety +1

    Well done nick

  • @afdholfirmansyah4329
    @afdholfirmansyah4329 Před 2 lety +1

    😊 Have nice Day end triap 👍👍

  • @irsyaahmad5651
    @irsyaahmad5651 Před 2 lety +2

    Happy iftar to all muslim Indonesian people 🎉🎉🎉

  • @esdoger8958
    @esdoger8958 Před 2 lety

    Amazing nick

  • @r.aloisiusagungwardhana2416

    20:26.. There are 4.. Not 2..
    Hamengkubuwono and Pakualaman in Jogja..
    Pakubuwono and Mangkunegaran in Surakarta / Solo..
    They are called as The Catur Sagotro..

  • @farkhannnn
    @farkhannnn Před 2 lety

    respect for u mr. nick

  • @ibnumustain2692
    @ibnumustain2692 Před 2 lety

    Baru kali ini lihat pak Nick makan sampai bilang wow men, enak banget ya kyknya hhe