Esther Perel on What the Other Woman Knows

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 735

  • @healthsecretsofthebible.7004
    @healthsecretsofthebible.7004 Před 4 měsíci +448

    My husband shut me down and denied me of any sex and no intimacy at all. I never went to another man. Im a widow now and im so happy to be free. I couldn't understand it at the time. He broke my heart year after year. Now, in retrospect, i see his behavior as cruel towards me, his wife who loved him unconditionally. 💔

    • @jynclr
      @jynclr Před 4 měsíci +52

      @@meeperbird parents don't automatically get unconditional love. they need to show that they deserve it.

    • @csmith9699
      @csmith9699 Před 4 měsíci +6

      Did you discuss with him? What if you had taken a lover? I suppose most of all...other than the lack of sex in the marriage was anything else good?

    • @Barbara-yv8rk
      @Barbara-yv8rk Před 4 měsíci +7

      Doesn’t sound like unconditionally if you were shut down

    • @csmith9699
      @csmith9699 Před 4 měsíci +19

      You wrote you are so happy to "be free" yet you loved him unconditionally? Loved unconditionally or felt obligated by duty?

    • @tfor2man
      @tfor2man Před 4 měsíci +11

      @@meeperbird It also applies to narcissistic and abusive women as well. I don't think it is only one particular gender.

  • @joanofarcxxi
    @joanofarcxxi Před 4 měsíci +320

    Sometimes, when women don't have sex with their husbands, it's not because they don't like sex. It's because they don't like sex with that man. A man should learn what his wife wants and desires, and then make an effort to keep it interesting for her. If she is mentally sane, she will reciprocate. Women are so unique, and they are physiologically and psychologically complex. Some men love bomb in the beginning, but once they got you, they only bread crumb you. They don't make an effort to cooperate, to help out, to listen. Foreplay starts in the morning and lasts all day. Foreplay is the way you treat your partner all day. It's the little things you do and don't do. Love requires action and responsibility. Love requires communication and compromise. It's totally ridiculous to expect that couples will have wild passionate sex for years and years without any effort. If you talk about it and are realistic, you will navigate the ups and downs of life and of sexual energy together. The grass is not greener elsewhere, it's greener where you water it. Oftentimes. people will go from marriage to marriage having all the same problems even though the partners are different.

    • @HoneyboyDes
      @HoneyboyDes Před 4 měsíci +18

      Spot on. Men learn your woman!!

    • @Anonytubous
      @Anonytubous Před 4 měsíci

      Or ask yourself, why a woman would feel passionate towards someone who doesn't care about her, what she thinks and feels, invalidates her, uses her free labor, can't share the load equally and then demands to have sex as a chore because you owe him. Would you feel passionate towards a person who thinks of you as a servant, like an object, who is self-centered and doesn't even consider intercourse as something to share and get close but merely a physiological need they need to use you for? It's disgusting. Before men start to learn their women maybe they should address their issues with emotional intelligence and mysoginy, and proactively fight against it in the society.
      Don't be surprised if you treat your spouse like someone who should take care of you but you don't take care of them, that you've become their teenage kid and you're an object of resentment. And don't be surprised she'll dump you when she finally realizes she's worth so much more. How can you expect intimacy if you don't know how to build it.
      The times when women believed this manipulation that marriage is good for them are over. It was never good, it was necessary. It was giving up the free labor and being materially dependent BECAUSE we weren't allowed to work and build our own safety. And you perfectly know why, because you don't have anything to offer us besides going to work. Today everybody must work so it's not really impressive. Step up and work on yourself. Being a regular douchebag would pass 80 years ago. Not today. Women are looking for PARTNERS. Add to our life or take care of yourself alone, we're done adding to yours without reciprocation. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, better start searching the statistics how much work on average it is for a woman to be in a relationship merely because of the fact she is with a man. And how much it costs her. DO BETTER or leave us alone.

    • @Byrdie777
      @Byrdie777 Před 4 měsíci +4

      Very true and well said.

    • @carultch
      @carultch Před 4 měsíci +7

      Maybe they never wanted it in the first place, but just use it as a sell job to lure men into marriage. Women use sex as a loss leader.

    • @Kv-pk2st
      @Kv-pk2st Před 4 měsíci +8

      ​@@HoneyboyDeslol and women need to learn from their man. Its a two way street.

  • @a_bamble8328
    @a_bamble8328 Před 3 měsíci +169

    I call bull crap! My husband cheated for over 20 years despite me being the one with the high sex drive. I strived for connection all the time, doted on him, showed for love and communicated effectively. In the end some people no matter how much you give will only take and seek the thrill of cheating itself. They’re too broken to seek help and would much rather be destructive then work on themselves or their marriage. Period.

    • @lililululalabooboo
      @lililululalabooboo Před 3 měsíci

      I agree. I was married single snd starving for connection. If I iniated I was rejected 100% of the time. He used sex to control my behavior because he knew I craved connection so much. He weaponized it for control and power. I realize now he was and is a covert narc.

    • @samco63
      @samco63 Před 3 měsíci +28

      Exactly. I don’t know. I think Esther’s advice only relates to maybe 10% of the population which is healthy but found themselves in this situation. She doesn’t account for the huge number of people in today’s society that are high on the narcissism scale … you can’t please them: they are an ever leaking bucket that needs attention from more and new people. Or, if they have sociopathic or psychopathic traits, they enjoy the thrill of getting away with it / being passive aggressive behind their partners back

    • @JacquiCryer
      @JacquiCryer Před 3 měsíci +4

      Excellent post and response. Fully agree

    • @bizygirl1
      @bizygirl1 Před 3 měsíci

      @@samco63 For them it isn’t about the sex. It’s about the attention and conquering. It’s about taking away from someone else and getting validation from another person because they are so empty inside and unable to give to themself much less to another. They are like a garbage disposal. It has nothing to do with their families, their mates or anyone else. It’s not about what they are lacking from anyone else. They are like sharks in a feedings frenzy always taking without regard for anyone else’s suffering. They have no conscience but they try to act like they do.

    • @deannkennedy1795
      @deannkennedy1795 Před 3 měsíci +3

      you got ripped off for sure

  • @marioct130
    @marioct130 Před 4 měsíci +403

    The 'wives' who don't want sex with their husbands are blamed for the husband straying. Why doesn't she want sex? What are the husbands not doing?

    • @melgm002
      @melgm002 Před 4 měsíci +14

      I can only imagine.

    • @ssiegreen5292
      @ssiegreen5292 Před 4 měsíci +23

      Great question!!!

    • @LSSYLondon
      @LSSYLondon Před 4 měsíci +9

      Hormones. Most women have them that go up or down. And the female body loses sexual desire at about a rate of 1% for every month they are in a monogamous relationship.

    • @ssiegreen5292
      @ssiegreen5292 Před 4 měsíci +47

      @@LSSYLondon So do men - as in loosing hormones with aging. But that's not a reason, it's a cop-out for being lazy or not cooperative.
      IMO It's the responsibility for each individual in a relationship/marriage as well as the couple together, to do whatever is required for optimum health, including maintaining appropriate hormone levels, providing pleasing + satisfying six to and for each other, communication, and whatever else it takes to keep their relationship active, etc etc.
      I'm 61 and my hormones are still alive and kicking - and that without female hormone replacement therapy. There are other things [alternative health solutions, homeopathy, etc] you can do as well that would work for most women just as well [I said most not all].

    • @aboutfacesusan
      @aboutfacesusan Před 4 měsíci +65

      My former husband was an alcoholic and porn addict, and couldn’t function as a husband and father. It became impossible to maintain any respect, intimacy or desire for him. Our marriage stopped being a partnership under those circumstances. I divorced him and raised a child alone from age 12. Of course, he cheated. He has never apologized to our son, or shown any remorse or regret, which is the ultimate cruelty to a child. I remained faithful, and now live a life of peace, free of someone else’s dysfunction. Infidelity is a complex subject with no easy answers.

  • @deniseprovost4319
    @deniseprovost4319 Před 4 měsíci +198

    People with avoidant attachment often cheat as a coping mechanism, is NEVER the fault of the spouse. They gaslight, lie, do what ever it takes to sooth themselves. May be good humans, but are also horrible spouses.

    • @ilsevanheerden4976
      @ilsevanheerden4976 Před 4 měsíci +1


    • @VoxUrania
      @VoxUrania Před 4 měsíci

      Yes, very true.

    • @munchey99508
      @munchey99508 Před 4 měsíci +24

      Personally , I disagree. I don’t think you’re a good human being when you’re lying and cheating on your spouse. You’re also are a horrible, crappy spouse.

    • @northofyou33
      @northofyou33 Před 4 měsíci +12

      @@munchey99508 Life is never black and white. Neither is love. Or marriage. Sex outside of marriage is not a crime. People who cheat and lie about outside attachments are functioning in a society that does not allow them to be honest without massive consequences. Loving more than one person is simply not a crime.

    • @amrazivalj1274
      @amrazivalj1274 Před 4 měsíci +4

      But lying should be....its the betrayal that's the most hurtful. ​@northofyou33

  • @DianeCarroll111
    @DianeCarroll111 Před 4 měsíci +110

    Oh the peace that comes from loving yourself. You still fear infidelity, but it’s not the end of the world.

    • @agnescroteau8960
      @agnescroteau8960 Před 3 měsíci +1

      It’s the : I told you I would be vulnerable and needed a written contract and you gave me your word instead, which I trusted until you were seen defective, which I currently can’t take for reasons beyond your grasp (… etc etc etc )
      …and an end to my world vs an end of the world is not, the same thing, you should know the grammar still…. Just in case…
      -and only then: ayo, true, still alive, and I’m just way too sensitive, etc. Etc. Etc…….

    • @LoveFaithLive
      @LoveFaithLive Před 3 měsíci +2

      @@agnescroteau8960 It’s not the end of THE world is correct and so is “end of MY world”. @DianeCarroll111 hasn’t made a grammatical error in that regard IMO. If our own world came to an end because of rejection or death of a partner then who looks after the children?? And the dog??

  • @eileenwalsh6048
    @eileenwalsh6048 Před 4 měsíci +106

    So well said Ester 20:55
    You made a decision about our marriage without me

  • @KoreaMojo
    @KoreaMojo Před 4 měsíci +52

    The majority of these top comments are the most reassuring thing I have seen online in a decade.

  • @marymcclunglaw5342
    @marymcclunglaw5342 Před 3 měsíci +16

    Suit yourself, but lying is a choice you are making, the other person does not have a choice unless you tell them.

  • @anamilenahincapie2992
    @anamilenahincapie2992 Před 4 měsíci +59

    Most of the comments focused on “cheating” and “the other woman” “not right…”, TOTALLY missed the point: IF we can’t talk about intimacy or the lack of it with our partner, THAT is what can and mostly does lead to people going outside the marriage. Turning a blind eye to your partners’ desires and putting them down, refusing sex and being guarded with intimacy leads to a person not feeling wanted and eventually, attraction occurs and at times opportunities present themselves. In NO way am I condoning cheating, because I’m not, it’s a horrible, selfish thing… AND intimacy and the ability to have sexual freedom with our partners IS what leads to long lasting marriages! It helps break down the wall that gets built when intimacy and love are taken away! Obviously, my opinion 😊

    • @anzelaiv
      @anzelaiv Před 4 měsíci +7

      As the essay mentions, people are too afraid to learn the truth of what caused the breakdown in their relationship, because more often than not, both are at fault, and it starts long before cheating happens. The one who cheats is too afraid to learn why their partner lost the desire for them, and on the receiving end, It's easier to put all the blame for the broken marriage on the cheater and hide your own faults behind the cheater's actions. The act of cheating souldn't override everything else that happened in the relationship before someone stepped out.

    • @Barbara-yv8rk
      @Barbara-yv8rk Před 4 měsíci +2

      @@anzelaiv Very true. Sadly on these sites, it’s a blame game. The pain is so great that denial is easier.

    • @dawnsongz4u449
      @dawnsongz4u449 Před 4 měsíci +5

      The lack of intimacy is the symptom …
      It’s narcissism born out of insecurity or narcissism born out of entitlement.

    • @melkerner
      @melkerner Před 3 měsíci +5

      @@dawnsongz4u449 Withholding of intimacy and sex is selfish and abusive. Forcing celibacy and withholding connection, affection and sex is not an act of love. It's the ultimate act of infidelity holding another person hostage while demanding monogamy but forcing celibacy.

    • @dawnsongz4u449
      @dawnsongz4u449 Před 3 měsíci +7

      @@melkerner my ex was sleeping with me the whole time.. stop making excuses for bad behavior.
      He was the one withholding intimacy by chronically stepping out.
      Addiction is as addiction does..

  • @KayN806
    @KayN806 Před 4 měsíci +10

    I smiled when Esther said she always wanted to learn Arabic. My spirit knew right away. I want to learn Arabic too. It’s a rich language.

    • @monikagutkowska8178
      @monikagutkowska8178 Před 3 měsíci +2

      So did I....apparently it is the most poetic and romantic language... French is traditionally considered an apoetic language...yes I do speakFrench

    • @KayN806
      @KayN806 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@monikagutkowska8178 true it is poetic and deeply romantic.

  • @melaniesyx
    @melaniesyx Před 4 měsíci +103

    If someone tells me he'll love me for the rest of his life, I would say to him, but you simply can't know that for sure. Life-long commitment seems to me now such a bizarre idea that has gone unquestioned, unexamed for a long time. If we let go of that obsession of foreverness and instead work on the present moment, maybe a lot of relationships will turn out to be stronger and better.

    • @Germanaugustomorales
      @Germanaugustomorales Před 4 měsíci +2

      until death tear us apart... What????

    • @Holistretch
      @Holistretch Před 4 měsíci

      I whole heartedly agree!! I don’t even want to get married by the State anymore.

    • @samanthaelle88
      @samanthaelle88 Před 4 měsíci

      I think about this all the time! I think you're right on.

    • @jamarr81
      @jamarr81 Před 3 měsíci +1

      Just because something may not be accurate for you, or you do not understand it, does not mean it is not valid for others. It's annoying when people have such black-and-white opinions on everything. Perhaps not a majority, but many people only want/need a single partner for life, and their intimacy and sex life do not deteriorate over time.

    • @jamarr81
      @jamarr81 Před 2 měsíci +2

      Humans have been practicing serial monogamy for as long as they've existed. It is only an extreme minority that ever practiced polygamy. You are not significant enough to tell others how long they should or shouldn't commit to one person; everyone has different needs.
      That said, monogamy, polygamy, or anything else, lying and cheating arise from a lack of internal acceptance, values, and accountability. Even in swingers' circles, layers and cheaters are shamed out.
      In every context, lying and cheating is a character flaw. It needs to be shamed more, not less.

  • @sonneao
    @sonneao Před 2 měsíci +4

    What an amazing interview! I've gotten so many insights and new perspectives on this topic. Esther professionally might be a psychologist, but she also is an anthropologist, giving us insight on how our blind assumptions are culturally ingrained. Beautiful!

  • @janinemelanie8391
    @janinemelanie8391 Před 4 měsíci +64

    Not all people who cheat are narcissists however very many people who cheat are narcissists. Narcissists capitalise on their partners blaming themselves for almost every thing as they they take no accountability. Teachings about cheating that place a sense of blame back on the one being cheated on is dangerous when it comes to people who are with narcissists

    • @LSSYLondon
      @LSSYLondon Před 4 měsíci

      Over 90% of the world is not pathological yet that is about the same amount that cheat and that is about the same amount that would lie about cheating.

    • @RationalNon-conformist
      @RationalNon-conformist Před 4 měsíci +6

      I agree. Not all cheaters are narcissists, but many are. HG Tudor speaks about this.

    • @janinemelanie8391
      @janinemelanie8391 Před 4 měsíci +11

      @@RationalNon-conformist I think people have a choice and in my opinion it is never the fault of the person who was cheated on. The cheater still made a choice not to leave the relationship before doing that. I’ll have a look at who you mentioned there, thank you. Doctor Ramani has many fantastic videos on the subject too :)

    • @Ilyevey
      @Ilyevey Před 4 měsíci +2

      Can a loving mother who cheats on her husband be a narcissist?

    • @janinemelanie8391
      @janinemelanie8391 Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@Ilyevey hi I’m not really sure of what you’re suggesting with your question? I did state I don’t think all people who cheat are narcissists

  • @Thomas-qi9ix
    @Thomas-qi9ix Před 4 měsíci +39

    Wow, from the comments it seems like the audience is doing exactly what Esther said would happen. Tell me youre Americans without telling me. She nailed it about the dogmatic, pragmatic, views of culture that can affect how this conversation goes.

    • @anzelaiv
      @anzelaiv Před 4 měsíci +1

      Who's surprised?

    • @ingridblohm-hyde805
      @ingridblohm-hyde805 Před dnem

      Not “American” this is standard western culture. European women do not feel less hurt when their man cheats on them!!

  • @timothysturgess5985
    @timothysturgess5985 Před 4 měsíci +132

    anyone who thinks that cheating brings a couple closer is in denial, is lying to everyone around them including themselves, and has a serious issue accepting reality. the only thing that cheating bring a couple closer to is divorce. period. I swear the sh*t that people try to convince others of believing. so sad.

    • @LSSYLondon
      @LSSYLondon Před 4 měsíci +21

      Wrong. The vast majority of marriages that have cheating are ones where the couple stays together and becomes closer because the truth of a failing marriage is brought into the light and a new negotiation can happen. This is reality.

    • @raspberrykissable
      @raspberrykissable Před 4 měsíci +15

      @@LSSYLondonI understand the sentiment but as someone who has gone through it there is just no going back. I can build something new but it’s always lingering. It can bring about a closer bond but at what cost? If cheating is on the horizon just leave.

    • @MeandmySara
      @MeandmySara Před 4 měsíci +10

      Obviously you cheated @LSSYLondon

    • @timothysturgess5985
      @timothysturgess5985 Před 4 měsíci +2

      @@MeandmySara nope try again

    • @cosmickinks
      @cosmickinks Před 4 měsíci +7

      Personally I was married to a serial cheater and that never would have worked out lol, so I get you. But actually, over half of marriages survive infidelity and 70% of those say they came out stronger as a couple.

  • @SowingSeedsWithChristy
    @SowingSeedsWithChristy Před 3 měsíci +6

    So basically, communicate your needs sensitively with your spouse.
    Though i did that, not every partner is able to meet those needs, and in fact, became a totally different person which threw me into a huge quandary. Divorced 9 years later. Scarred me for life.

  • @jeanannedupratt7075
    @jeanannedupratt7075 Před 4 měsíci +59

    😢Why is intimacy always described only as in sex ?
    The word also applies to self intimacy, intimacy in relationships, in friendships, in professional exchanges, between parents + children, between children among themselves...
    Heidi Priebe elucidates this topic conclusively.
    She gives meaning + wholesomeness to it, in this sense.
    Surely if intimacy were to be achieved in this way, there would be less pain, confusion + slack in how relationships evolve ?
    Everyone would be more grounded. And the moral side, along with shame, guilt + blame would not take the scene as much as they do.
    This being said, 👇
    Tone, timbre, authenticity which Ms. Perel refers to puts her in her line of genius - active listening to people's needs to express themselves. And in the sex meaning of this word, intimacy. Mustering up the strength to speak about sex with one's spouse is such a kind + compassionate way of addressing Love and it's complexity. I applaud Ms Perel constantly.

    • @carultch
      @carultch Před 4 měsíci +2

      Because sex is the primary thing men want from intimacy. Everything else is the price of admission.

    • @b.d.hooten1785
      @b.d.hooten1785 Před 4 měsíci +5

      Because every single type of "non physical" intimacy you described can be had by ANYONE in our lives. We are all human. We all crave physical touch. We all need physical touch.
      Intimacy requires walls/barriers/boundaries to be lowered - even fully eliminated for the most satisfying and fulfilling intimacy. It also requires the deepest level of mutual respect because one can crush the other with their words/actions to a depth that no one else in our lives can hurt us. This level of vulnerability is NEVER achieved from a friend/family/child. Sure - a friend/family/child can hurt us - but the betrayal of a spouse is the worst hurt. Hard stop.
      Its realizing theres two branches of intimacy: emotional and physical. And each branch has many levels/depths to it.
      Its not until you stand before your spouse and say the words " have and to hold...." are we making the promise to each other: yea, out of all the people in the world, only YOU will I fully lower my walls down, as you will also do to me, and we will freely give ourselves mind/body/soul to each other. That is a promise, an obligation, a duty, a sacrifice and an honor - all wrapped up in 5 little words.
      Sadly - 80% of men know this on Day 1 of their marriage; and only 20% of women.

    • @valdius85
      @valdius85 Před 3 měsíci +1

      it is because one can cannot talk about everything at the same time this video is about cheating and marriage.

  • @walkerbeef
    @walkerbeef Před 4 měsíci +11

    There are so many commonly held misconceptions here. There’s a reason you chose Karen Jones essay because it’s inflammatory! And false.
    Some of the false statements that seem to be accepted as facts are:
    1. Women in menopause have a sharp downturn in desire and men don’t experience anything similar. 😂 ED meds are not being marketed to women
    2. Men have affairs because they are not sexually active with their wives. The insinuation is that she had to step in to fulfill them because their wives (according to the cheating spouse) were sexually DUSABLED!
    3. That only men have affairs. That only women are cheated on. Because only women are willing to live in a man’s shadow-the couples therapist added this slap to all women!
    4. That the person being cheated on is the one falling short in fulfilling the other partners needs. That the cheated on spouse is sexually cold, or not putting in the effort or DISABLED. AND “unwilling to have the hard conversations”.
    5. These assumptions are interesting because in the essay both parties engaging in the affairs were claiming to want mechanical sex with no emotional ties But both are putting themselves in hero and victim role-Jones by saying she’s the sexual hero to these men and the victim of divorce and the men she sites saying they are heroic staying with the woman they married and “love” them but victimized sexually and emotionally by their spouse.
    6. That’s not what it in actuality was. In this case-at least as told in the essay by the author-It was an attempt by several parties to be adored with no risk or vulnerability! To pretend they are not who they actually are-to escape authenticity. To not feel the pain of-in Jones case divorce! So instead-she turned to being adored artificially in a sexually deviant lifestyle. Then passed judgment in wildly broad strokes on the version of the spouse she was presented with by the men who admitted to lying and deceiving people they “love”. 😂
    Jones and her partners chose to feel superior and wrote themselves into their own fantasy as the fulfilled and sexually adventurous ones. Ha ha.
    Drum roll for the “couples therapist” to enter the scene and 28:02 28:02 to charge you to tell you the things you can do to stop your spouse from cheating through erotic education. 🤑💰💵💲
    Pity the fools who fall for this!

  • @lorettanericcio-bohlman567
    @lorettanericcio-bohlman567 Před 4 měsíci +17

    I adore Esther for so many reasons. As a serial monogamist I’m grateful to know this about myself. 💜💕💜💕 this interviewer is brilliant as well.

  • @ladyandfriends
    @ladyandfriends Před 4 měsíci +67

    You could be doing everything right, and some men will still cheat on you. In fact the other woman is usually someone with low self esteem, which isn’t attractive to high quality guys. Yes they can seem outgoing or hyper sexual at first but that’s because they know they’re in competition, whereas the wives don’t. Cheating isn’t just about sex. It’s also about ego-stroking, dopamine and validation. Can we please stop blaming the victim (ie wife)? Cheaters and addicts have a common characteristic - lying. An honest partner could have every reason to cheat, but they won’t! They’d rather divorce or go to therapy than degrade themselves in that way.

    • @ebest1338
      @ebest1338 Před 4 měsíci +3


    • @creamycrimson
      @creamycrimson Před 4 měsíci

      I'm patient, understanding, love communication, I'm driven(I work and I'm getting my second degree), set clear boundaries, I also cook, clean, take care of myself, dress nicely, I keep my mind sharp, f*ck his brains out at least twice per week and I'mopen to experimentnew stuff. He still cheated. With a girl we met through his friends. This girl came in my house and ate at my table. She is depressed(her ex committed suicide 1y ago), imature, 27y old with no job and no prospect(the ex was paying for everything, also the ex before that), she didn't strike me as funny or interesting in any way, but she is taller and skinnier than me though. Men like easy. Easy doesn't call them out on their bullshit and easy is easily impressed so it strokes their ego. And easy saw the house, the car and everything we have built together and she thought she can have it. She can't, because she is not ME. The only thing she got was some d, and then he became quickly bored with her and ran to me to confess....

    • @phebbynamutowe4357
      @phebbynamutowe4357 Před 3 měsíci

      @@ebest1338 I did all i could and it wasn't enough. Men cheat regardless and blaming the wife for the cheating is unfair. A man cheats because he wants to and they made a choice. @ladyandfriends, u have a valid point too.

    • @samco63
      @samco63 Před 3 měsíci +5

      Exactly! The partner cheated on (usually the wife), has enough blame put on her by the husband. Probably isn’t listened to or validated, and is run ragged trying to look after the household. He then cheats and blames it on her. It’s crazy and so sad that society is blaming women like this. Seems we’re going backwards at a rapid pace?!

    • @mariaresendez5673
      @mariaresendez5673 Před 3 měsíci +1


  • @DaveE99
    @DaveE99 Před 5 měsíci +42

    Dead bedrooms once you learn about it is really a thing that screws with your head about relationships.

    • @markcavandish1295
      @markcavandish1295 Před 4 měsíci +1


    • @DaveE99
      @DaveE99 Před 4 měsíci +2

      @@markcavandish1295 though I’ve heard Adam lane smith talk about it from an attatchment perspective + in newly weds with significant drop in sex, often the culprit is low testosterone in the woman, it drives sex in both of us.

    • @markcavandish1295
      @markcavandish1295 Před 4 měsíci

      @@DaveE99I totally believe that.
      I’ve actually been trying to get my wife’s primary care physician to look into vaginal estrogen cream (HRT) as a possibility of helping with both her perimenopausal UTI’s and zero libido, but she refuses stating she isn’t menopausal yet.

  • @lindawolfe2885
    @lindawolfe2885 Před 4 měsíci +5

    Just from reading the title my response was: Other woman? Have a wonderful life. Peace out.

  • @albarochelle
    @albarochelle Před 4 měsíci +9

    Most relationship that lack sex are not otherwise fulfilling relationships 😒

  • @michaelenemalanowski422
    @michaelenemalanowski422 Před 3 měsíci +7

    Wonder if she learned how much cheaters lie. They'll say anything about their partners to get what they want. And I've heard men called home wreckers...

  • @Cass-gi4kk
    @Cass-gi4kk Před 4 měsíci +74

    This seems so weird. Why wouldn’t you just sleep with a younger men if you only want sex, not someone’s husband who’s going through midlife crisis..

    • @suem7500
      @suem7500 Před 4 měsíci +12

      He's pre-vetted

    • @Cass-gi4kk
      @Cass-gi4kk Před 4 měsíci +2

      @@archivist_of_dragonstone that’s true but this lady who wrote the article specifically was sleeping with married men knowingly.

    • @kenofken9458
      @kenofken9458 Před 4 měsíci +6

      Usually when people "don't know" they're dating someone married, its because they don't want to know.
      It's usually not very hard to figure out. The cheating partner can only ever meet for very limited windows of time, almost exclusively on week days right after work.

    • @melaniesyx
      @melaniesyx Před 4 měsíci +12

      She explained it. She doesn't want attachment. And married men are less likely to get attached.

    • @shanandananscoo
      @shanandananscoo Před 3 měsíci +2

      I think she answered that exact question in her essay. She wanted a man whose life was all committed and entangled with his own spouse, kids, etc. A man that she would have no chance of having to deal with relationship issues.

  • @user-ji3ot6js3r
    @user-ji3ot6js3r Před 2 měsíci +3

    A person either cheats for all different reasons. A person who is faithful , man or woman , do so out of respect for themselves, their beliefs, faith and their marriage vows.

  • @lomotil3370
    @lomotil3370 Před 5 měsíci +33

    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
    00:20 *🔥 Esther Perel's work challenges assumptions about long-term love, exploring how passion evolves and infidelity impacts relationships.*
    01:43 *💔 People often struggle with maintaining happiness in long-term relationships, leading them to seek advice from experts like Esther Perel.*
    02:09 *🎭 The essay discussed in the interview, "What Sleeping with Married Men Taught Me About Infidelity," delves into complex themes around infidelity and its impact on individuals and relationships.*
    06:13 *🗣️ Esther Perel emphasizes the complexity of infidelity, beyond mere sexual betrayal, highlighting its effects on trust, lying, and deception.*
    07:14 *💑 Karen Jones' essay explores her experiences as the other woman, shedding light on the motivations behind infidelity and the complexities of desire and intimacy.*
    09:21 *🤔 Married men seeking affairs often desire any form of sex, not just more, while facing challenges within their marriages, such as lack of intimacy or their partners' loss of interest in sex.*
    10:37 *🌍 Cultural differences influence perceptions of truth and honesty in relationships, impacting how individuals navigate discussions about infidelity.*
    12:58 *🤐 The essay raises questions about the ethics of keeping secrets in relationships and whether silence can sometimes be kinder than confession.*
    16:43 *📝 Esther Perel suggests using letter-writing exercises to facilitate difficult conversations about intimacy and sexuality between partners.*
    19:10 *📝 Cultural perspectives influence attitudes towards infidelity, with differing views on honesty and confession in relationships.*
    21:28 *🗣️ Esther Perel advocates for open and honest conversations about sexuality and intimacy between partners to address underlying issues that may lead to infidelity.*
    23:00 *🚫 Societal taboos around discussing sexuality contribute to difficulties in addressing intimacy issues within relationships, potentially leading to infidelity.*
    26:51 *🎟️ Esther Perel is currently touring the US with her show "An Evening with Esther Perel," exploring the future of relationships, love, and desire through live experiences.*
    Made with HARPA AI

    • @nunya5270
      @nunya5270 Před 4 měsíci +3

      Thank you so much for this complete timestamped summative outline of this video!!! You've blessed me with the gift of time for now I feel like I've heard Esther Perel speak on much of all this before so I have no need to waste my time listening to it all the way through. Moreover, it's a quite lengthy video and it's past my bedtime, and if not for you, I'd be distracted from getting some valuable zzzs!!! I wish every CZcams video had an outline like this one made available to viewer audiences. God bless you 🙏❤

  • @vinista256
    @vinista256 Před 5 měsíci +17

    24:38 “They will consider the confession often as cruelty.” That makes me think of the scene in “Revolutionary Road” where Frank (Leo) confesses his affair to April (Kate).

    • @user-ji3ot6js3r
      @user-ji3ot6js3r Před 2 měsíci

      Well my two sons lived in Italy for two years . Then four Italian guys came and stayed with us for three months. We went over to see their families . It is so difficult to get a divorce in Italy. A lot now do not even marry because if they do , very very hard to divorce.

    • @user-ji3ot6js3r
      @user-ji3ot6js3r Před 2 měsíci

      It is absolutely nothing like America , who seem to have no problem with our divorce laws. Their families actually love to be together. I have been traveled with my family for years and the culture all around the world is so different. I loved Europe ,. The people are so loyal. Once they find a friend , they seem to cherish them.

  • @carrollhayes6759
    @carrollhayes6759 Před 4 měsíci +9

    The cheating spouse isnt honest about home life to get something extra on the side. Wants both.

  • @richellesteyn
    @richellesteyn Před 4 měsíci +8

    What a frustrating 28.01 minute "conversation". I wished the interviewer would just let Esther talk, without needing to comment at all the moments when Esther was really getting to the crux of what needed to be said.

  • @Chaxbs
    @Chaxbs Před měsícem +3

    Plot twist: Esther and her husband have not managed to reconnect sexually for a decade.
    Bottom line: Therapists are human beings, too.

  • @ladyoftheflowers44
    @ladyoftheflowers44 Před 2 měsíci +7

    lets think about the YEARs these poor women spent in dead end relationships with cheating husband ( who are now getting blamed for his actions). Years they spent raising this mans children, doing his laundry, cooking for him, cleaning up after him, remembering the birthday cards while he forgets your anniversary.
    And they get punished because they don't ALSO want to sleep with him while all this goes on.
    So many men cheat because they aren't pulling their weight in the relationship (leading to a lack of sex), but they refuse to give up their free cooking, cleaning, laundry and child rearing services, because they know if they got divorced they would have to pay spousal support..
    I don't not feel bad for these whiny man babies, I do with the article author gets syphils and dies

  • @seckhoffable
    @seckhoffable Před 3 měsíci +5

    What a wonderful broadcast. I think so many people are naive about love and sex. You learn the hard way, or you don't learn. Or maybe there is no need for harsh lessons in your life. Your imagination can torture you.

  • @caliac
    @caliac Před 4 měsíci +9

    I'm sorry but that description of her 'favourite married man' sounds quite idealized... I don't know how anyone can take love advice from that woman 😅

  • @rose4490
    @rose4490 Před 3 měsíci +4

    Once again the internet reminds me to be grateful for my single life! Cheaters don't deserve love, and once someone cheats that person is dead to me, and I will never love them again. To me there's nothing more lonesome than being with the wrong! person!

  • @amc3964
    @amc3964 Před 4 měsíci +45

    Liars and thieves.
    * If someone cheats on you ONCE - they have a 350 per cent chance of doing it again

    • @Holistretch
      @Holistretch Před 4 měsíci +6

      Such a random number…

    • @ericfinley8472
      @ericfinley8472 Před 3 měsíci +2

      ​@@Holistretchit's a number based on a statistically significant number of observations, so infact it's the opposite of random, it's a probability and certainly more reliable than a cheaters promises 😉 100% of that sample size gave an oath not to do it in the 1st place

    • @thecozyconstellation
      @thecozyconstellation Před 3 měsíci

      once a cheater, always a cheater. if they cheat with you, they will cheat on you.

  • @pegsutton8438
    @pegsutton8438 Před 4 měsíci +7

    She’s brilliant at her craft

  • @carmelle2665
    @carmelle2665 Před 4 měsíci +8

    I enjoyed this, but I guess I was expecting some sort of checklist of what they know.

  • @tedtalksrock
    @tedtalksrock Před 5 měsíci +13

    5:40 She becomes the “other woman” not to several men but to their partners.

  • @mariesolal
    @mariesolal Před 4 měsíci +46

    The idea that all cheaters have a "dead bedroom" and it's not BS cheaters say at this point is laughable

  • @EMbee7
    @EMbee7 Před 4 měsíci +65

    I know the other woman shouldn't be meddling in other people's marriages. Period.

    • @annamillan2903
      @annamillan2903 Před 4 měsíci +8

      Darling maybe a few do that but often things are more complicated than the other woman and I have been both and at the same time. My husband had been in an affair for Six years without my knowledge and I fell in love with another man who was in committed relationship. It was only then that my, now ex husband, confessed he had a mistress.

    • @EMbee7
      @EMbee7 Před 4 měsíci +8

      @@annamillan2903 I stand by what I said.

    • @valdius85
      @valdius85 Před 3 měsíci

      She was not, these men made a choice.

    • @thecozyconstellation
      @thecozyconstellation Před 3 měsíci

      @@annamillan2903 disgusting. no morals whatsoever.

    • @user-ex3mx7hk4l
      @user-ex3mx7hk4l Před 2 měsíci


  • @worldadventuretravel
    @worldadventuretravel Před 4 měsíci +8

    Instead of sleeping with other peoples' spouses, heal your attachment style and whatever other psychological damage makes you seek out unavailable people. Problem solved.

  • @no.6377
    @no.6377 Před 4 měsíci +18

    I've always felt like it's the person who takes the vows that bears the responsibility for adultery. For that reason, I very unironically refer to cheating men as homewreckers, too. Anyone stepping out of their marriage is a homewrecker to me.

    • @aawillma
      @aawillma Před 4 měsíci +3

      Exactly. People who knowingly sleep with partnered people in closed relationships are not winning any ethics award either but it is NOT their fault the relationship ends. They are not the homewrecker. It is solely the people who took the vows that are responsible for adhering to them.

    • @valdius85
      @valdius85 Před 3 měsíci

      Taking vows works both ways. Taking care of someone's needs should be put as first step.
      I do condem cheating as I think it is bad for the cheater, but the reason for cheating must be included in the same conversation.

    • @thecozyconstellation
      @thecozyconstellation Před 3 měsíci +1

      exactly. it's always the woman getting blamed. it's her fault the husband cheated. it's the other woman who destroyed a home. NO IT IS THE CHEATING MAN'S FAULT!!!

    • @brandywhine4856
      @brandywhine4856 Před 3 měsíci +3

      The affair partner assists in the cheater’s destruction of the marriage. Aiding and abetting in emotional murder of the faithful partner.
      Affair partner lacks empathy and cheating is an act against humanity. Period.

    • @user-ex3mx7hk4l
      @user-ex3mx7hk4l Před 2 měsíci

      @@thecozyconstellation 💕 I hear you but it is not ONLY the cheating man’s fault.
      1. BOTH Spouses are accountable for
      the state of the marriage before the
      2. BOTH cheaters are responsible for
      their OWN behavior in an affair.
      The Cheater and the Adulterous Partner are 1/2 the equation of this ridiculous mess they created.
      The A.P.s favorite pastime is trying to figure out ways that she’s NOT accountable.
      My question is, on what planet are you not responsible for your OWN behavior?
      To all of the Betrayed Wives who blame themselves:
      You can NEVER be responsible for someone else’s sin.
      God’s got your back.
      Stay connected to Him and ALL will be well.
      You are never alone and He sees

  • @suzannelee854
    @suzannelee854 Před 4 měsíci +5

    Another reason why people don't talk about sex is bcuz there is a lack of commitment in the relationship. Without that, women especially, are reluctant to have sex or to even talk about it.

  • @ladyoftheflowers44
    @ladyoftheflowers44 Před 2 měsíci +4

    Lets not forget about how women are more likely to receive a life threatening STI from a man, and as soon as you "let" your partner sleep with other women, there's no guarantee that woman won't try and secure this man into a committed relationship with her. I don't know many or any women who long term would be happy sleeping with a man who is married to someone else, our biology compels us to hold onto a male partner as it can be dangerous for us to get pregnant and not have this support.
    S* intimacy is more high stakes and more dangerous for women.
    I'm so tired of the internalized misogyny and lack of understanding of women's needs, that the older generation has.
    You can't save yourself by aligning with the patriarchy, it will never work.

    • @Gotoworkkk
      @Gotoworkkk Před měsícem

      Back to the husband, wanting to sleep with other women. They’re are condoms, which would protect from STDs’. Problem solved.

  • @gabbypage6929
    @gabbypage6929 Před 5 měsíci +193

    No excuses for cheating. Zero. If the wives doesn’t want intimacy then thats grounds for divorce. Don’t stay its no longer a marriage.

    • @christinaewert5120
      @christinaewert5120 Před 4 měsíci +32

      I guess this is what Esther meant with: this topic is highly dogmatic ;)

    • @louisaweiler5340
      @louisaweiler5340 Před 4 měsíci +6

      If the relationship is working well, the "wives" will not deviate .. 😊

    • @stephaniemartinez9784
      @stephaniemartinez9784 Před 4 měsíci +4

      How about the husband????? It happens

    • @susanwhite7474
      @susanwhite7474 Před 4 měsíci +26

      @@louisaweiler5340Cheaters, cheat. No one has to cheat. The decent thing is to end the relationship or be truthful with the other person about wanting to "open" the relationship

    • @LSSYLondon
      @LSSYLondon Před 4 měsíci +12

      @@susanwhite7474 A lot of men don't want to leave a relationship just because their wives wanted something sexually. Same thing for a lot of women. Marriage isn't one way.

  • @acceptingWhatIS
    @acceptingWhatIS Před 3 měsíci +13

    Being raged at will put a woman off sex. So the rager justifies cheating.

    • @rose4490
      @rose4490 Před 3 měsíci +2

      I had the distinct misfortune of discovering that I was with a narcissistic abuser, and he certainly was a full of rage, but he was also a really charming person. Unfortunately I did not recognize the red flags. One especially interesting red flag was that he confided in me that all his exes had cheated on him, it's a shame that I didn't recognize that particular red flag for what it was. Thankfully I was only with my most recent ex-boyfriend for about a year and a half, but in that time I came to understand why his exes may have cheated on him, but I never cheated. I don't want to stoop to the level of the people I usually despise, just because the guy who came off as prince charming turned out to be a monster.
      I've been single, and made zero attempts at dating or even making friends since I left my psycho ex-boyfriend in 2017. I guess it might be kinda sad to some people, but I just don't feel like I can trust anyone anymore. Now I have to take care of my elderly father who was widowed in 2022 so I want to be responsible; I have no time, or patience for bullshit.

  • @FreeSpirit47
    @FreeSpirit47 Před 4 měsíci +6

    Love it, the way people marvel at European polyglots. In many countries, it's a common necessity in many countries to be fluent in 2 -8 languages. I was born in the USA. in a small town in the USA. Native level in 5 languages, fluently read a 6th.

    • @destinychild4659
      @destinychild4659 Před 4 měsíci

      I wouldn't say in 8 languages, but maybe few.

    • @FreeSpirit47
      @FreeSpirit47 Před 4 měsíci

      @@destinychild4659 My comment did say 2 - 8 languages.

    • @Yourmuthasaidso
      @Yourmuthasaidso Před měsícem

      if that's true, you're an exception

  • @victoriagadd6831
    @victoriagadd6831 Před měsícem +1

    Wow - so enlightening. And interesting - human nature. I’m purely an observer having been alone now over 20 blissful years but still find it fascinating. We’ll never know. Mankind will analyse love, sex, relationships forever. Trouble is we are all different and have different needs and we often love/are in love with other people whose needs and desires differ greatly from ours. I hear it all the time from my friends - male and female. There is peace and calm in aloneness and celibacy. I have/have had male companions - only companions. I would never entertain friends with benefits (hate that expression) have had though I have loved men I’ve not had a relationship with per se but intimacy and I love them to this day and am still in contact. So, every human being is different though we all have similar basic needs - love, affection and companshio, food, drink and sleep!

  • @mahoganyhippie27
    @mahoganyhippie27 Před 4 měsíci +47

    It's funny how people always assigns blame to the person who was cheated on when it actually always comes down to the person who cheated. A person makes a choice to cheat. We all have our own agency to control our choices. Cowards cheat. You're also a coward if you don't tell your partner why you don't want intimacy with them. If you don't tell your partner about your concerns in your relationship, you are a coward. If you tell that person and you can't fix the issues, move on. I know some factors play a major role in why people stay but we all are the architects of our own problems. We choose to live in uncertainty. We choose to live in deception. You can become a prisoner of your own insecurity. That doesn't mean someone else has to pay the price for it. Let them go if it will never go anywhere.

    • @amc3964
      @amc3964 Před 4 měsíci +5

      Perel seems to blame the betrayed. Not a fan for this reason.

    • @csmith9699
      @csmith9699 Před 4 měsíci

      ​@@amc3964Perel says many types of betrayal...actually

    • @anonanon7553
      @anonanon7553 Před 4 měsíci +2

      I agree. It's very simple. If you can't communicate with your partner that's on you.

    • @csmith9699
      @csmith9699 Před 4 měsíci +3

      @anonanon7553 How is it on you if you communicate well, are willing to and partner is not...only deflects and denies, gets defensive unreasonably and there is no resolution because they will not discuss? I suppose then it is on you if you can and do communicate with your partner and they refuse communication with you about the difficult stuff (or anything uncomfortable to them). It's really not that simple and can be very frustrating...unless you mean...well if my partner refuses to communicate on important issues then it's simple, I will just leave. Sure, that might be clear black/white thinking but lives can be messy often because of external circumstances that we (nor our partner created). Can actually be complex and there are various ways relationship can be managed.
      How is a partner's unwillingness to communicate with you on any given issue (and you are willing and able to communicate with them) is their refusal to communicate/discuss, etc..."on you?"

    • @ebest1338
      @ebest1338 Před 4 měsíci +1

      ​@@csmith9699 great point

  • @Karina_Engr
    @Karina_Engr Před měsícem +1

    I love this woman. ❤ thank you Dr. ❤

  • @hope4463
    @hope4463 Před 3 měsíci +5

    This is just help for men. They are likely abusive. Men lie to any woman they are having an affair with. It's one thing to live with someone and another to meet them casually. You will never know the man you are having an affair with.

  • @Nonameforyoudangit
    @Nonameforyoudangit Před 3 měsíci +1

    I know that what I'm about to comment is shallow considering what an intellectual Dr Perel is.... but I'd love to know her self-care / workout routine. She ages so gracefully - looks great and appears to be energetic.

  • @anthill1510
    @anthill1510 Před 4 měsíci +38

    I really don`t understand how the wives who don`t want or can have sex any more don`t have a talk with their husbands about the situation and what they are ok with him doing to get that outside of marriage. Same if the husband doesn`t want sex any more and the wife is facing that problem.
    I am a woman and if I would become disabled in a way where I can`t have sex any more I would talk to my husband about how he wants to deal with that and what I am ok with. I mean these are adult people, they must be aware that their partners still want to have sex and cannot live in a situation where they don`t get that for years and decades. This sounds like they don`t have real partnerships, but just this institution of marriage.

    • @anzelaiv
      @anzelaiv Před 4 měsíci +5

      As she mentions, people don't know how to talk about such things. But some refuse to talk about it because they can't accept the idea of their spouse stepping out for any reason. You are right, it's not always a partnership, many marry to get, but not to give.

    • @ChiCityLady
      @ChiCityLady Před 4 měsíci +4

      I think they know the husband might seek outside sex but they don't want to know about it.

    • @katrinaemily6601
      @katrinaemily6601 Před 4 měsíci +1

      They ignore it.

    • @melstarr1864
      @melstarr1864 Před 3 měsíci +2

      I believe that a lot of men believe sex is supposed to be about mystery, exploration and fantasy. Talking frankly about it ruins the illusion.

    • @anthill1510
      @anthill1510 Před 3 měsíci +3

      @@melstarr1864 A man who thinks talking about sex ruins something is not an adult, for sure a bad lover and a dangerous person. If you don`t want to talk about sex sooner or later it ends in assault because you have to talk about boundaries to know where they are.
      That`s just the safety side, but you also have to talk to find out what your partner likes. Men who don`t like talking about sex with their partner don`t "want to keep the mystery", they are afraid their ego could get hurt when their partner tells them they want them to do something different, it`s because of fear of inadequacy.

  • @teeryan19
    @teeryan19 Před 2 měsíci +3

    Affairs are not about sex people don’t stop having sex because they don’t like it. Roomates phase need for outside validation narcissism childhood trauma fear of intimacy avoidance the list goes on. Fix your marriage or get out. The pain a third person causes reverberates through children family and friends betrayal changes everything. There’s no justification. You can’t have an intimate relationship with your spouse when you are having intimacy outside your marriage.

  • @carinawulff1673
    @carinawulff1673 Před 4 měsíci +38

    I generally love Esther and her work. However, the basis for this podcast, this article by Karin Jones, is entirely untethered and ungrounded in anything that I respect. This woman knowingly helped men cheat on their spouses. This is not someone we should be looking to for "insights" or advice. Her morally corrupt perspective is of no interest to me, sorry. I also think there is a lot more to the story than the wives "just stopped having sex with their husbands". Why did they stop, why did they lose interest in sex with them? That is the greater question to be explored here.

    • @jarkachalmovianska7812
      @jarkachalmovianska7812 Před 4 měsíci +3

      Lack of communication, lack of closeness, realization that they are very different people with very different habits and preferences... people change.

    • @anonanon7553
      @anonanon7553 Před 4 měsíci

      @@jarkachalmovianska7812 Then be open and honest. No reason to cheat.

    • @ebest1338
      @ebest1338 Před 4 měsíci +4

      @carinawulff1673. Good points made. This lady cheated with other men after she was divorced. Did she say why she divorced? Did she rejoice at being divorced? Did she experience pain etc.? Did she stop to think of what those wives would have gone through once they found out....they always find out even if it's some time after? Sounds like behind it all she was trying to justify or validate her reasons for being with married men. Why not choose single men? You asked some good questions at the end. I'd add that many times the husband does not communicate well if at all with his wife about his true feelings and he doesn't truly understand or see his wife in the same light...maybe for ego or selfish reasons. What does one say about those husbands who choose to cheat on the wife with a newborn? There are many faithful, committed, unsuspecting wives out there who try hard but get cheated on repeatedly...what does one say to them? The trauma they experience? The bottom line is cheating in all forms is very destructive. Scripturally speaking infidelity is not the way to go.

    • @anonanon7553
      @anonanon7553 Před 4 měsíci +3

      @@ebest1338 I totally agree with you. If there are problems in the relationship, cheating is never the answer. Leave. Ask for a divorce. Ask for an open relationship. Obviously, these are hard things to deal with, but anything is better than manipulation, deception, and dishonesty.

    • @ebest1338
      @ebest1338 Před 4 měsíci +2

      @anonanon7553 Yes, that's right. Manipulation, deception, and dishonesty are killers. Finding out that this is what your husband was feeding you along with defensiveness and gaslighting, knowing full well he was repeatedly cheating is not easy on the unsuspecting wife. It is not. What does one say to that? And top it off, it's not like he stopped having sex with the wife. Is the wife still to blame? Again, I reiterate...infidelity is not the way to go. It's damaging. It's never forgotten no matter how much work one puts in to recover. We only manage to go on by learning how to cope with the aftermath. Only God can help us move forward.

  • @deannajoy6456
    @deannajoy6456 Před 4 měsíci +15

    I appreciate knowing what as a wife I did not opened up to . I think the author had opened up to something that is important and uncomfortable. I think this frankness is important.

  • @N2MyGroove
    @N2MyGroove Před 4 měsíci +9

    I absolutely love her. So many meaningful dimensions & depths within her teachings. It seems to unearth & re-frame the essence of love & intimacy, sans the societal dogma, with reason and compassion ❤

  • @Private.eye.007
    @Private.eye.007 Před 4 měsíci +17

    How did I know going into this that the author was going to engage married men, act like she’s not participating in facilitating cheating, and then sit in judgement of the men she takes into her bed. Standard _no accountability._

  • @angelicamaster7764
    @angelicamaster7764 Před 3 měsíci +9

    Cheating husband's do you REALLY think your spouse doesn't know you're having an affair just because you didn't tell???? She notices every change in your behavior before you do!!! Now she becomes insecure and resentful because she knows you don't have her best interest in mind. Every lie you tess is poison to her. She can't trust you. This is why betrayal causes a more traumatic ending to your marriage.

    • @IAmTheEggMan111
      @IAmTheEggMan111 Před 21 dnem

      Have sex with him and it massively less likely that he will cheat

  • @nancychace8619
    @nancychace8619 Před 4 měsíci +8

    Interesting. A couple of important things I'm not hearing, though. What's going on for/with the "other woman" emotionally or otherwise, what she misses out on in terms of stability, committment and depth of emotional experience, particularly if she must live in the shadows, where is THAT at? Also the little problem of disease associated with sexual promiscuity -
    STDs are no joke.
    Agree, deception and lying are ultimately corrosive, at least in most circumstances.
    Appreciate the discussion. Thank you for sharing.

  • @chilloften
    @chilloften Před 5 měsíci +26

    Interesting. It turns me on to know my partner has been loyal. And I ask that.

  • @worldview730
    @worldview730 Před 4 měsíci +4

    Sex as a weapon can be dangerous

  • @marcellaegnatia7940
    @marcellaegnatia7940 Před 2 měsíci +2

    couples therapy is stupid...many women are needy and men pick up on this...also people change over time and want different things

  • @shans1986
    @shans1986 Před 4 měsíci +21

    No one can be truly free in a relationship.

    • @KoreaMojo
      @KoreaMojo Před 4 měsíci +3

      If fear is what is associated with a relationship it is true.

    • @amc3964
      @amc3964 Před 4 měsíci +4

      Free for what??

    • @Catoo.
      @Catoo. Před 4 měsíci +6

      In that case, no one can be truly free in general, not only in marriage. As we are constricted by laws, rules, regulations, as well as we are influenced by many things that we do and don’t have awareness!

    • @csmith9699
      @csmith9699 Před 4 měsíci +3

      Sure you can be free in a relationship as long as you and your partner are flexible and creative

    • @evadebruijn
      @evadebruijn Před 4 měsíci +2

      Freedom always ends where another persons freedom begins.
      It is a negotiation.
      An agreement of two people.
      What works for them.
      But turning away toward a third party instead of toward partner is usually not the most constructive thing to do.
      See the Gottmanns and the bids for connection predictive theory for relationships to thrive & last.

  • @kurtfreundlich-mayne5363
    @kurtfreundlich-mayne5363 Před měsícem +1

    The point that Ester made that there is no such thing as The Other Man. 19:10 I can understand from her perspective that there is no such thing due to the research she has done. However, we do exist. I was one, I was the other man to a woman who only wanted me to for full her sexual needs that she was not getting out of her long term relationship with her still current partner. I was the other man for as long as I could stand until it completely destroyed me. I still think about this woman every single day since we parted. I will live with that pain. We are here also @estherperel. We want love just as much as women want. We have just been through hell and back to get it.

  • @user-nj2ko1rq2d
    @user-nj2ko1rq2d Před 4 měsíci +14

    I was in sexless marriage for 40 years due to marrying asexual man by family match making . 20 years of that was separated but legally married.
    During separation, I had an affair with a married friend. It was not intentional. It was very painful experience.

    • @user-ex3mx7hk4l
      @user-ex3mx7hk4l Před 4 měsíci +6

      It was no accident.
      Yes, it was intentional.
      You need to own your sh*t.

    • @HoneyboyDes
      @HoneyboyDes Před 4 měsíci +3

      Why was it painful? Didn't you get joy out of it?

    • @mindtag14
      @mindtag14 Před 4 měsíci +9

      I appreciate your honesty and I'm sorry other people feel the need to judge you so harshly. I think your circumstance was very unfair and must have been extremely difficult for so long. It's completely understandable that you found yourself connecting intimately with someone. It's a perfectly natural need for a human and I truly hope you are not burdened with any guilt society's ideals may try to force on you.

    • @user-nj2ko1rq2d
      @user-nj2ko1rq2d Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@HoneyboyDes His wife was my friend.

    • @SharonAvery-yj5pg
      @SharonAvery-yj5pg Před 4 měsíci +3

      Choosing to live in a bad marriage doesn’t give you a pass to be the third wheel in another person’s marriage. Make no mistake about it. The affair was intentional because you made the decision to accept this married man’s advances. Own it.

  • @carrielegg5480
    @carrielegg5480 Před měsícem +1

    I am curious of the reason or reasons of why do women think it is okay to flirt with men who are taken...especially right in front of the other woman?

    • @Gotoworkkk
      @Gotoworkkk Před měsícem

      Because all men will look at her and feel excited !

  • @TrueWalker88
    @TrueWalker88 Před 3 měsíci +4

    Suggesting that truth is subjective based on culture is absurd, and a very harmful thing to pose. There is no such thing as personal truth, my truth versus your truth. Truth is absolute. Gravity doesn't apply to you only if you think it does, it is a universal law that applies to everyone, and the same goes for love. Either something is loving and life-giving, or it's not. Thinking that deception is protecting someone is pandering and it's not speaking to the higher potential in each of us. Everyone must be given the chance to do what they will with the information they are given, but everyone deserves the wholehearted, complete truth. Because it has an effect on them whether or not they know it.

    • @rose4490
      @rose4490 Před 3 měsíci +1

      Yeah, I don't get why so many people like this chick. 😕

    • @TrueWalker88
      @TrueWalker88 Před 3 měsíci

      @@rose4490 Probably because they are filled with shame instead of humility. Hearing truth triggers that shame, and instead of being humble to the grief beneath it, which is how they would heal, they seek to eradicate the shame feeling, which she does by validating them.

  • @chirokathleen
    @chirokathleen Před 4 měsíci +22

    Esther is not the ultimate guide for all of us. She’s that “ultra cool” person that I will never achieve being and I’m fine with that. I’m over it.

    • @excellentcomment
      @excellentcomment Před 4 měsíci +4

      Life is happier when you're authentic. I wonder how many people make themselves miserable trying to be cool. It is probably jejeune.

    • @leonore3349
      @leonore3349 Před 3 měsíci +2

      What do you mean by "ultra cool"?

    • @user-ex3mx7hk4l
      @user-ex3mx7hk4l Před 2 měsíci

      I hear you - but I disagree Esther is ‘ultra cool.’
      She is good at promotion & marketing her stuff so she can make money.
      One thing I know for sure:
      Esther Perel admitted cheating on her Husband.
      That, for me, is POLAR OPPOSITE of ‘cool!
      Our goal should target being the best version of OURSELVES possible.
      There will never BE another YOU.
      If there are qualities we admire in others we can also incorporate them.
      For example I heard a woman say she always likes to have a challenge in life.
      I admire that & thought it’s a good perspective so I will be doing more challenging things.
      There is a difference between adopting some part of another that is good for us v.s. just feeling bad because they have something we want.
      The problem with wanting to be deemed ‘cool’ is it is predicated upon other people’s opinions.
      I’m defining myself by my own personal opinion and realize there are 3 groups of people:
      1. Those who mock / laugh at me.
      2. The confused / perplexed.
      3. Those who GET me.
      THOSE are my people.
      I can’t figure out the rest.
      I have to LET IT GO.
      This world would be a very boring place if we were all the same!
      You do YOU.
      The world craves AUTHENTIC people now more than ever!
      Not ‘perfect’ or ‘cool.’
      I, for one, am kind of REPELLED by Perel -
      not everyone thinks she is ‘cool.’ .

  • @user-vr6ry6ot4k
    @user-vr6ry6ot4k Před 17 dny +2

    Cheaters should be forced to get a tattoo on their foreheads so that they can be identified and avoided

  • @Laura-ux8vt
    @Laura-ux8vt Před 3 měsíci +12

    Married men don’t care about anyone but themselves IMHO

    • @rose4490
      @rose4490 Před 3 měsíci +3

      They're very entitled.

    • @Specoups
      @Specoups Před 2 měsíci

      Please all of you continue to show yourselves in the comments so men can avoid you.

  • @onewaytoplay
    @onewaytoplay Před 4 měsíci +16

    I think people are afraid that they are going to lose their relationship with the one they love if they talk about the lack of sex in their relationship.

    • @jnmanousos
      @jnmanousos Před 4 měsíci +4

      I agree that there is fear but give it a try and just say I expected more sex in our relationship and I don’t want to live the rest of my life not enjoying sex and intimacy. We have a great relationship otherwise but do you think it’s best we visit a sex therapist

    • @user-ex3mx7hk4l
      @user-ex3mx7hk4l Před 2 měsíci

      If I were you I would tell my Partner what you just said.
      But I would preface it with:
      ‘I love you very much, Honey.’
      And I wouldn’t say:
      ‘I EXPECTED more sex.’
      as if she is your employee who is underperforming.
      I would say:
      ‘I love being with you and I was
      for more sex.’
      This will make her more receptive to what you have to say.
      Telling her this on the drive home after a nice dinner out is a good idea since people are usually more relaxed after eating with the Dopamine surge.
      Also, the conversation is easier in the car (when you’re in person but not staring face to face since that’s awkward.) 😂
      Try to express how much sex means to you in order to feel closer to her emotionally.
      Women need to understand how men are wired.
      Women need to feel close BEFORE having sex.
      Men don’t - they could have a fight one minute and be ‘going at it’ the next.
      But this is your way to BOND with her like NONONE ELSE.
      You can also tell her you want to make sex better for her.
      You must be willing to ASK her for what HER preferences are.
      And actually DO THEM.
      APOLOGIZE if she told you before and you didn’t care enough to consistently do it for her.
      The better sex is with you, the more she will want to have sex with you!
      There are videos on YT that teach men how to get their Partner to the finish line.
      This is how you become her Hero, you two become closer & she will WANT more sex (barring some medical issue.)
      P.S. Studies show women’s #1 reason they don’t want sex is their mans HYGIENE.
      I don’t know what you guys are THINKING.
      Using SOAP in the DAILY shower will help YOU get what you want -
      JUST rinsing off or even a dip in the chlorinated pool will NOT do it!!!
      Women have a great sense of smell & we think that not showering with SOAP is disgusting.
      Is that what you did when you were DATING?
      On the other hand, you don’t want to smell like someone living in an AXE chemical cloud, either.
      But SMELLING bad is a major turnoff for women.
      And the truth is, you could be so used to it that you have gone ‘Nose Blind.’
      I personally know a woman who will NOT sleep with her man any more because he WON’T shower with soap unless he’s going to work.
      What is this, the Middle East???
      Do yourself a favor and don’t be THAT guy!
      Family Systems Theory shows that when YOU change - SHE changes.
      It sounds like magic but it REALLY works!

  • @gabrielakarl3859
    @gabrielakarl3859 Před 4 měsíci +10

    My husband has ED. Nothing seems to work (not even Viagra). I. Just turned 47 and I love him but can't see myself without d for the rest of my life and it would be ridiculous for me to leave my decent marriage over it. I am becoming increasingly resentful because I don't want to use sex toys. What am I to do?

    • @HoneyboyDes
      @HoneyboyDes Před 4 měsíci +5

      Have an affair. You have every right to. He would have to understand, if he found out, and you have every right to defend yourself. Put the ball in his court. He can leave if he want's to, or stay if he wishes.

    • @buddyneher9359
      @buddyneher9359 Před 4 měsíci

      Does he have a porn and masturbation addiction? That'll cause ED which viagra can't necessarily fix.

    • @theresagreene7234
      @theresagreene7234 Před 4 měsíci +4

      There are other ways of having see if you and your husband really care for each other
      Try using hands and fingers instead of penis
      It can be great if you find the right spots !

    • @anonanon7553
      @anonanon7553 Před 4 měsíci +4

      Ask for an open relationship. If he says no, do it anyway. It's not cheating. If there's honesty, then it doesn't count as cheating. It's called an ultimatum.

    • @t.l1357
      @t.l1357 Před 4 měsíci +2

      Try an anti-inflammatory diet and pelvic floor rehab for him. Make sure u address your resentment. I can't imagine how emasculated he must feel. Be compassionate and get intimacy back which goes beyond sex.

  • @manfredschmalbach9023
    @manfredschmalbach9023 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Him insisting in consummation of his marriage is called "domestic violence" and prosecuted harshly recently.
    Her closing shop and still insisting in his monogamy she just turned into a nogamy on the other hand, despite being the female version of domestic violence, is normalized, not discussed and prosecuted accordingly.

  • @lorirock2630
    @lorirock2630 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Infidelity is the ultimate betrayal. Out you go and don't come back. Abuse to children is the only thing worse!. People need to break down things to a clinical level and stop comparing your situation to society and what you see on social media. Get your heart out of the equation. Your life is being wasted trying to make things work with a cheater and the cheater moves on and you are left to pick up the pieces. Don't waste your life!

  • @samco63
    @samco63 Před 3 měsíci +4

    Hm this doesn’t take into account narcissism, and the rise in these traits. I know one man who seemed like a doting partner, who started cheating when his wife was battling breast cancer with chemo - of course she will be less interested in sex. She’s fighting a serious illness! When found out, he turned it all back on her and blamed her…
    Another man in my family, started to get the hots for our family friends 18 year old daughter … he would train her in the gym and then come back all Randy wanting to sleep with his wife (while fantasying about the girl) … is it any wonder why the wife stopped having sex with him? What wife wants to hear that her husband is using her body as a masterbatory tool. Gross .

    • @joyholtzhausen8976
      @joyholtzhausen8976 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @samco63 exactly the reason I stopped having sex with my husband I could see and feel he was just using me while mentally engaged with someone else. Not to mention the disregard and disdain he started treating me with them becoming belligerent when I addressed it

  • @marymcclunglaw5342
    @marymcclunglaw5342 Před 4 měsíci +6

    What would the wife do if he treated her like he does the mistress?
    Generally cheating is a cop out, rationalizing away ones actions, both people that know about the marriage are responsible. Maybe in other cultures it is understood there will be infidelity on part of the man, but woman may even suffer death if she cheats.

    • @melkerner
      @melkerner Před 3 měsíci

      Try being married with someone who has withheld sex for years or even decades for no GD good reason other than her own selfish reasons - then preach about it. there are a LOT of reasons some men cheat. some men will cheat regardless of the situation - but MOST men don't, unless their Wife decides to remove sex form the relationship (which is on the rise and becoming more and more popular among women).

    • @marymcclunglaw5342
      @marymcclunglaw5342 Před 3 měsíci

      @@melkerner hahaha cant you tell the person you want to step out so you can offer to get a divorce? You're just pulling a power play.

    • @melkerner
      @melkerner Před 3 měsíci

      @@marymcclunglaw5342 Still have kids in the home - I don't relish bankruptcy over the inevitable child support payments. All are adopted - so post partum is not the issue. Not a thing to laugh about - that tells me everything I need to know about where you are coming from.

    • @marymcclunglaw5342
      @marymcclunglaw5342 Před 3 měsíci

      @@melkerner ok sorry, its complicated im sure. I apologize and wish you financial freedom so you can make the choices you really desire

  • @wckd4u
    @wckd4u Před měsícem +1

    Have to disagree about there not being another man. My mom had an affair with a former boyfriend who also went back and forth between my momand his wife. He is the other man and i absolutely define him as a homewrecker. Its been 20 years and I dont acknowledge him. And he doesnt try with me either. So yes, he is aware of the damage he caused in my life and accepting of “living in the shadows”.

  • @sacredbudha
    @sacredbudha Před 4 měsíci +12

    Marriage is a legal institution which is actually doubting trust in between two human beings. It is for me amazing to see how people still overlook this basic fact. However some people still manage to love each other in spite of marriage. Well done!
    The day marriage disappear most of the therapists and lawyers will loose their job.
    Until then have fun!

    • @janezamudio4940
      @janezamudio4940 Před 4 měsíci

      Don't bet on it!

    • @katrinaemily6601
      @katrinaemily6601 Před 4 měsíci +2

      The history of marriage says it all. It is out dated. People need to catch up. You won’t have divorcee written on your coffin ⚰️ 😂
      If you love someone why chain them to you? You don’t need to. Let them be free. And if they want to go, let them go, greatest act of love ever ❤

    • @anzelaiv
      @anzelaiv Před 4 měsíci +1

      Good point. There's nothing romantic or loving about a marriage, it's a contract that ensures a form of stability for the children. It's nothing more than a promise of cooperation between adults. Anything beyond that is a romantic fantasy that prevents people from accepting reality.

    • @elysemcclure148
      @elysemcclure148 Před 2 měsíci

      Interesting perspective. I think it takes more trust to willingly bind yourself to another. Sure, it makes it more difficult for your partner to leave, which could speak to your own insecurity, but it also makes it more difficult for you to leave, yourself. Why do that, if not for trust? Just sign a prenup. There’s plenty of couples who aren’t married that want to leave each other, but they continue to live together because they never decided how they would split the house.

    • @marcellaegnatia7940
      @marcellaegnatia7940 Před 2 měsíci

      totally agree

  • @ioana.p
    @ioana.p Před 4 měsíci

    I feel the same when I listen to her podcast! :)

  • @williamjohn7909
    @williamjohn7909 Před 7 dny +1

    This is such a Western female conversation. Nothing is said about women having affairs. Even the essay is written from a female perspective. It almost sounds like she's doing charity work in it. I am a 63 year-old man who in his youth had frequent affairs with married women. All were initiated by the women. Why did they want the affairs? That's easy because I made them feel alive. We talked, we laughed and we had fun. They all also wanted more than that, they wanted emotional attachment. I stopped having affairs because I knew it was always going to be hard for women just to have fun. A man can have a laugh, have sex and move on. A woman wants to share their inner feelings, bond with you and you to be there for them. They will also always choose the latter if they have to choose. In Western society there has been so much nonsense talked about men and women being equal that it is forgotten we aren't. Thousands of years of evolution and biology means we are different on so many levels. Incidentally I stopped dating Western women as well. They are too confused about what it means to be an actual woman and accept that women are great. Western women are now too interested in trying to copy men.

  • @pamelavesey6381
    @pamelavesey6381 Před 4 měsíci +6

    The divorce rate alone, without the added percentages of infidelity that doesnt lead to an actual divorce, prove that monogamy is NOT statistically viable for most ppl. Few ppl would invest alot of money into an expensive car that failed 93% of the time, as that would be ridiculous. Affairs should be normal and acceptable part of life. Younger generations no longer accept that an institution that fails 93% of the time is a desireable model. And they are practicing polygamy openly, along with Prenuptial agreements so that in case of divorce, the financial arrangements and child custody issues are already worked out. Which causes far less pain to all ppl and their families than some ugly expensive divorce that is nothing but a mud-slinging public festival of blame throwing.

  • @suzannewilliams759
    @suzannewilliams759 Před 4 měsíci +3

    I LOVE Esther Perel. 👍💔

  • @marieomfarrell8410
    @marieomfarrell8410 Před 4 měsíci +1

    You pronounced her name wrong every single time.

  • @user-vi3re9wr3o
    @user-vi3re9wr3o Před 3 měsíci +4

    My husband is only kind in the bedroom. Out of it he Is a covert narcissist. It is a true mind fu&k. Stopped loving him years ago.

  • @user-vr6ry6ot4k
    @user-vr6ry6ot4k Před 20 dny +2

    If you don't want to be monogamous then don't. But don't lie to someone and cheat. If you can't fix your relationship then end it. Don't be a coward and cheat. Cheating is evil. Only losers cheat.

  • @blueskyalldayeveryday
    @blueskyalldayeveryday Před 3 měsíci +2

    This is very immature. Also a deceiving title.

  • @bmac6645
    @bmac6645 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Jeez, so much concern over what the other person should do regarding communicating with his wife about these flings as she calls them. What about the other woman and the man getting tested for STI's before taking the plunge? Not a word was said about that.

  • @benscott6826
    @benscott6826 Před 8 dny

    How do wives deny a need of the one they proclaim to love the most?
    Simple they don’t love them the most.

  • @b.m.t.h.3961
    @b.m.t.h.3961 Před měsícem +2

    Infidelity NEVER makes a marriage better. Yes, the marriage carries on, but the disloyalty, the cruelty, the lack of trust is always in the background. It's rather like a broken vase, yes you can glue it together, you can make a fantastic job so the cracks hardly show, but close up show they will! The vase will never be the same, never be as strong. Infidelity is a disaster for its victims in nearly all cases ( there are execptions to the rule of course ie someone living with a person who now withholds sex because of x,y,z etc.) However, on the whole, often the adulterer is still having sex with their partner. They simply want strange and fresh!
    In all honesty it's best to leave and be free.The reconciliation fraternity and counsellors encourage staying together because they make cash from it all!

  • @user-ix3ip6qm4c
    @user-ix3ip6qm4c Před 4 měsíci +4

    I found that when men cheat they seem to find someone that is lesser of a person than the wife.
    Someone they weren’t even on guard with or thinking they would want. Or they should stay away from or that it’s too dangerous/ too tempting.
    Until suddenly it was. Usually by way of an unexpected “innocent “ kiss

    • @valdius85
      @valdius85 Před 3 měsíci

      I've heard something completely different.
      Most people cheat with people in their social circles, with people they know well for multiple years.
      But none of them write books about it.

    • @brandywhine4856
      @brandywhine4856 Před 3 měsíci

      The affair partner is morally reprehensible and that’s what the cheater believes about themselves as well. They are on equal footing. Both selfish, immature and desperate. Sounds like a great way to start a relationship no?

  • @katerinalongoria9750
    @katerinalongoria9750 Před 4 měsíci +1

    A question for the men: If your marriages was not lacking sex would you still find it possible to fall in love with another worman? Or is lack of sex the only reason men cheat?

    • @marcellaegnatia7940
      @marcellaegnatia7940 Před 2 měsíci +1

      no sex is nto the only reason men cheat...they don't like the wife anymore

  • @DarniseMartin
    @DarniseMartin Před 4 měsíci +2

    If it was a fling, I wouldn't want to know. Let him live with it forever.

  • @angelapaul4967
    @angelapaul4967 Před 3 měsíci +2

    I challenge that there isn't the concept of the male home wrecker (or even the other man) In Brazil there is the word 'stragalar' (home wrecker) which can be applied to a man

    • @thecozyconstellation
      @thecozyconstellation Před 3 měsíci

      that word does not exist in the portuguese language or in brazil. i think you got your facts mixed up.

  • @NadinePanici-zh4tp
    @NadinePanici-zh4tp Před 14 dny

    I am 71. I am financially trapped in a marriage of 38 years. The first affair I found out about was 11 years into our marriage. I didn't know if it was his first. I did diiscover strip club passes in his golf bag and cocaine paraphernalia also. We went to counseling on my request. He went begrudgingly to 2 sessions the dropped out. I however continued. The next affair I discovered was 24 years married with his ex wife. I stopped having sex with him because he wasn't using protection. Got tested and he had given me herpes. I was faithful so I knew it was him. Why did I stay?At the time because I loved him. Now unfortunately it is strictly because of health insurance. Stay debilated me and my health. We are friends and roommates but no longer lovers. I know people say it is never too late but it is for me. We never had children (by choice) and all my family has passed. I live a life of "quiet desperation" and he lives a life of golf. He is 66.😢

  • @gr33n4pple
    @gr33n4pple Před 4 měsíci +5

    Love Esther….she is such a treasure! Thank you 🙏♥️♥️

  • @Fatimina8
    @Fatimina8 Před 2 měsíci +3

    A man is naturally polygamous, even if only in thought. Even the good ones, despite having the best wife who fulfills every need, may still be curious or act on it.

  • @user-mn8rg6he4y
    @user-mn8rg6he4y Před 4 měsíci +2

    This podcast topic is very narrow in scope. My ex husband and I had a great sex life. But he still felt he had a right to have sex with every woman who flirted with him. So he did, even before our first anniversary.