What is the Antichrist?

  • čas přidán 10. 07. 2024
  • What is the antichrist? Is the antichrist the same thing as the beast in Revelation? What will be the role of the antichrist in the end times?
    Source Article: www.gotquestions.org/what-is-...

Komentáře • 41

  • @samanthatorres3480
    @samanthatorres3480 Před rokem +2

    Thank you! I understand I love jesus and jesus loves all of us stay strong m brothers and sisters in faith god bless amen

  • @JoseSanchez0795
    @JoseSanchez0795 Před rokem +3

    God is faithful!!!❤❤❤

  • @hrvat1561
    @hrvat1561 Před rokem

    The soundtrack from that video?

  • @neilnolte2587
    @neilnolte2587 Před 2 lety +1

    Revelation 13 describes the beast to be like a leopard, a bear and a lion. These are the four beasts from Daniel 7 in reverse order. We know those beasts to be the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman empires. The beast in Revelation 13 is Rome. Revelation 17:9 says the seven heads are seven mountains. Rome was and is known as the city of seven hills.

    • @Orange6921
      @Orange6921 Před rokem

      This is why the majority of eschatology views see him as coming out of the Roman Catholic Church, such as a pope.

    • @neilnolte2587
      @neilnolte2587 Před rokem

      @@Orange6921 That's a good thought, however, John told his readers they could calculate the number of his name. If the antichrist hadn't been born yet then that was a lie.

    • @Orange6921
      @Orange6921 Před rokem

      @@neilnolte2587 That literally makes zero sense, the antichrist and tribulation has not even begun yet it is clearly for the generation that sees the antichrist come to power.

    • @neilnolte2587
      @neilnolte2587 Před rokem

      @@Orange6921 I understand it makes no sense through the lens you're reading Scripture through. I was there. That's why a wrote a book. Hopefully it will be published mid 2023. Stay in the word my friend. Read the prophets.

    • @Orange6921
      @Orange6921 Před rokem

      @@neilnolte2587 I understand, you have some strange way of reinterpreting the prophets that make very little sense and goes against 2000 years of understanding, including the church fathers of the !st and 2nd century. Probably preterism or some other new doctrine not found in scripture.
      See I have not only read all the prophets many times over, I've also read the writings of the earliest church fathers of the !st and 2nd centuriy who were taught by the Apostle John. And they UNIVERSALLY taught that the antichrist was a FUTURE world leader who would come on the scene at the end, not someone from the past or from Johns time because that is what the Apostles John taught himself.
      They also taught (just as Paul and Peter) that many false doctrine would arise in the final days and lead many astray.

  • @myoneblackfriend3151
    @myoneblackfriend3151 Před rokem

    Though many stories in the Bible are BS, I thank you for not inspiring socially irresponsible behavior.

  • @siasp9753
    @siasp9753 Před rokem

    Christ means savoir so He is anti savoir not anti Jesus 🤦

  • @usuariousuario-jf4hf
    @usuariousuario-jf4hf Před rokem +2

    I believe he is a young man now. Probably black and gay

    • @lesliecrawford1336
      @lesliecrawford1336 Před rokem

      Scripture tells us it’s Satan himself. People don’t read🤦🏼‍♀️ Michael will cast him out of heaven to this earth. Revelation 12:7-9

    • @rogerjohnson833
      @rogerjohnson833 Před měsícem

      Yes he's gay and black, he's Barack Obama.
      That's why Obama endorsed same sex marriage.
      God revealed that Obama is the Islamic antichrist beast.
      Google, Obama bathhouses.
      It was a well known secret among Obama's inner circle, that Obama used to frequent gay bathhouses and gay bars when he was a senator in Illinois.
      However he stopped when he ran for president.
      Though being a secret Muslim, Obama regularly frequented Rev.Wright's church in Chicago, so that he would appeal to the Christian community.
      He allegedly had intimate sexual relationships with it's openly gay choir director, Donald Young, and another openly gay man in that ministry, Larry Bland. However when Obama ran for president, both men were mysteriously murdered within 6 weeks of each other. Google it.
      Donald Young's mother said, that she believes that Obama was somehow involved in their murders.
      Openly gay, Florida mayoral candidate, Larry Sinclair said that he had 2 one night stands with Obama.
      He was then killed by a hit and run driver who was never caught.
      He was obviously murdered.
      Again, THE DEAD DON'T TALK !
      Moreover, when comedian Joan Rivers blurted out on national TV, that Obama is gay, and Michelle is a transgender, she was subsequently given an unauthorized fatal injection 2 months later.
      Again, THE DEAD DON'T TALK !

    • @rogerjohnson833
      @rogerjohnson833 Před měsícem

      God revealed, that Obama is the Islamic antichrist beast.

    • @rogerjohnson833
      @rogerjohnson833 Před měsícem

      God said, that Obama is the Islamic antichrist beast, and he will become Satan incarnate.

    • @batteleyyachtlife9957
      @batteleyyachtlife9957 Před 25 dny

      Racist will say he is black!
      The is not 1 antichrist, there are many.
      The Antichrist must deny '...Jesus came in the flesh from the father...'

  • @rogelioancheta2430
    @rogelioancheta2430 Před rokem

    The antichrist is the opposite of Christ. If Christ is a friend of sinners , his opposite , the antichrist , is the enemy of sinners. The Christ who first came into the world is a friend of sinners , but the antichrist who is coming is the enemy of sinners , and he shall destroy the wickedness of sinners for he is an "anti" to sinners and their evil works...

    • @lesliecrawford1336
      @lesliecrawford1336 Před rokem

      🤦🏼‍♀️ the Antichrist is coming to deceive whole world!! Satan himself claiming he is God (2 Thessalonians 2) Even good Christians are going to think he’s the true Messiah when indeed he is not. People better be mentally and physically prepared for what is coming.

    • @rogerjohnson833
      @rogerjohnson833 Před měsícem

      Christ is a friend of the Righteous.
      Satan is a friend of the sinners.

  • @theoneandonlypinkypinky8245

    He seeks to destroy believers of Jesus? He comes after the rapture of the church!

    • @neilnolte2587
      @neilnolte2587 Před 2 lety

      Exactly. That's one reason I don't believe in a pre-trib rapture.

    • @Orange6921
      @Orange6921 Před rokem

      So there are no people who come to Christ post rapture? NONSENSE. Revelation 7 tells us many will come to Christ in the tribulation. Scripture points to both raptured Saints AND Tribulation Saints.

    • @lesliecrawford1336
      @lesliecrawford1336 Před rokem

      No he does not!! Rapture is one of Satan lies that he has put in the churches. There’s no scripture to support a rapture before the tribulation. And God is against the rapture lie (Ezekiel 13).
      Anti means instead of. It is Satan himself coming as Christ. Christ warned us all not to be deceived and that Satan comes first before He returns at the second advent. Those who are still here and have not died before the tribulation are going to be tested. It’s Gods plan and there’s a reason for it. If you don’t know what happened in the first earth age, you can’t possibly understand the end.

    • @Orange6921
      @Orange6921 Před rokem

      @@lesliecrawford1336 Lesile, if anything is a lie of Satan its telling people that that can;t be saved unless they meet the antichrist and have to go through a special testing in the tribulation. CHrisitns for 2000 years have been saved by faith, they have never had to wait to be saved by works or a special testing period. We are saved and SEALED with the Holy Spirit the moment we believe in our hearts. (Eph 1:13). We don;t have to wait for some later testing to be saved in the chruch age.
      That is your biggest problem, not rightly dividing between the church age and the tribultion, which is AFTER the church age. You think it would give a clue when we see the church mentioned 19 times in Revelation 1-3, and then its never mentioned again after the tribulation begins in Revelation 4. From then on the church is only shown in heaven.
      You say there is no pre trib rapture but its written right there in your Bible in plain English, you either don't read it or simply reject what it says in plain English
      Rev 3:10 - Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
      Luke 21:36 - Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
      The rapture is the resurrection of the saints, and there is no resurrection in ANY of the 2nd coming passages. Its not in Matt 24, its not in Mark 13, its not in Luke 21, its not in Zechariah 14 and its not in Revelation 19.
      EVERY TIME the saints are shown already with Christ in haven BEFORE the 2nd coming begins.
      We even see the 24 Elders in Revelation 4 and 5 are already redeemed and resurrected, already wearing their robes, crowns and sitting on thrones BEFORE the first seal of the tribulation is ever broken.

    • @rogerjohnson833
      @rogerjohnson833 Před měsícem

      God has given me 2 visions of the pretrib rapture.
      Study to show yourself approved.