

Komentáře • 13

  • @agnessmith780
    @agnessmith780 Před rokem +8

    What a great personality Steve has. Preaching God’s truth firmly and boldly, and having a playful personality on the side.

  • @paulvanrooyen7099
    @paulvanrooyen7099 Před rokem +2

    Hallo from South Africa

  • @dorotheafabrizius1896
    @dorotheafabrizius1896 Před rokem +1

    Yes!! Awesome message!! I pray many hearts are changed!!❤️

  • @tiborfarkas1011
    @tiborfarkas1011 Před rokem

    Thank you

  • @ronward6063
    @ronward6063 Před rokem

    That was a great message - thank you for your Godly wisdom

  • @chalesgolding5314
    @chalesgolding5314 Před rokem

    He’s not even using a Bible , there’s only 1 Bible and that’s the 1611 A.V. KJV …
    Think I’m wrong ? Read what The Bible says and compare it to whatever it is that he was reading from and tell me I’m wrong…

    • @janwc1
      @janwc1 Před rokem +1

      Encourage you to look into the King James only series or debates from Dr. James White to learn the challenges to that stance. Thanks.

    • @chalesgolding5314
      @chalesgolding5314 Před rokem

      Typical statement , and I suspect you’ve been deceived into thinking that the KJV is some sort of false Bible ; that will never work with me as I am the last person in the world you want to get into a debate with on this matter , why ? Because I HAVE exhaustively “looked into” The KJV ! You are deceived by this preacher and his false gospel “ Calvinism” which is supported by every other book that calls itself The Bible !
      I’m sorry you’re deceived but I am sick to death of you Bible KJV denying Calvinist’s that have sent multiple millions to Hell defending the false gospel and doctrines of that murderer John Calvin ! You say that’s unloving of me …that’s not very Christian of me …well that’s just too bad , you and you’re kind that deny The Bible are to be Marked and avoided.
      Don’t bother replying as I have no interest in anything you say….

    • @john318john
      @john318john Před rokem

      ​@@janwc1I agree with you. He needs to read the historical context on how the King James bible was created. He needs to watch the debate with James White like you said.

    • @john318john
      @john318john Před rokem +1

      @charlesgoldings5314. Please give us a quick summary of how we got our KJV bible? Thanks

    • @chalesgolding5314
      @chalesgolding5314 Před rokem

      Here you go John are you ready….God ! How bout that ! Why not just believe that because otherwise you have nothing.
      You see a Supernatural God that can make animals talk and part seas and make food fall from the sky is absolutely capable of preserving his written word , and use men to preserve it in the “ end times “ language of ENGLISH.
      You already know all the details of how that happened but you been decieved by people like Lawson and his cadre of Catholics ..err..I mean Calvinists , well same thing ; so that they can put you back into the bondage of the doctrine of The Nicolaitans ( which thing Jesus hates) and make you believe that you need their Bible Scholarship to understand The Bible …makes for a good living , I mean who wouldn’t want to travel the world on you’re dime and not have to get a real job !
      “ Come out of Her my people” …..

  • @leondedelmare1107
    @leondedelmare1107 Před rokem

    "As is fitting to the Lord." Sad, that in the zeal to put down the secular and worldly feminist movement, God is removed from His sovereign throne over all of His creation in which we are all subject in total dependence and obedience. God's Will that a woman be subject to her husband can only work in sinful humans that are genuine followers of Jesus Christ. The husband must be a genuine follower of Jesus Christ and subject to God. I will go further to say that the husband must be one of the elect. God sees into every heart. He knows the depravity and sinfulness of humanity. Many abusive and controlling husbands and fathers, covert tares sitting in church, looking respectable for a day have not risen to God's call and will and do not live God's Word. Appearances are easy to pull off for a couple hours. There are also a lot of marriages outside of the physical churches that are abusive and controlling. The whole family suffers, and both wife and children suffer mental and physical abuse. We should be very careful about blaming specific worldly ideologies like feminism for what men do to their wives and children using God's name for their selfish vain and gain. These abusive men leave death and destruction in their wake. They are heads of households to heads of state. If a person wants people to be subject and obedient and submissive to him or her, that person has to be totally subject, obedient, and submissive to God and God's Word. Anything else is a lie and against God. God is omniscient and knows how easily willfully sinful humans can pervert God's Word for their own selfish aims. Anyone subject to and dependent on another human knows how easily being the subject can become an abusive dynamic. The only families that can live the Christ centered family dynamic laid out in God's Word is to have a Christ centered leader as the head of the household. Don't blame feminists if the family is falling apart. Look to who the head of the household is. Taking the lead and subjecting people means taking responsibility, not lordship. There is only one sovereign Lord, and that is Jesus Christ. God has taught me to trust only and be totally dependent on the triune God. Godly humans that put their whole heart and trust in God and follow Christ closely are very few and far between in this depraved and corrupt world.

    • @truthsings7
      @truthsings7 Před rokem

      we feel as few, but often our own pain and past distracts us from what God is rly doing throughout the planet and in places far, even yet unseen to us.. and even if we _weren't_ so distracted, we could never see all He is Perfectly, Amazingly, Omnipotently doing! All praise be to God, the Worthy Lord whom sees the hurt, the need, the cause, and is the only One who can truly Heal, Satisfy, and miraculously Sanctify our Souls in the Lord Jesus Christ!
      Right, feminism has a role (particularly the later waves, more so, as some may argue, though all have had their price and 'place' even..), and, also in disobedience to the Lord, so does ungodly lordship or some "lording it over" those who are supposed to be in their care and protection, as to the degree Justly and carefully appointed by the Lord. 🙇🏻‍♀️
      Dear family member in Christ, may we pray the the Lord help us to keep our Gaze on Him, even amidst the 'muck and mire,' for He has been Faithful, always Righteously keeping His Promises(!), unfailing, contrary to how we may often be, yet He still so Gracious to us, in His Great Love.. (😭🙏)
      Wishing for you the very Best in the Lord, Who is Good, He Who Cares for your soul🙇🏻‍♀️🙏
      P.S. i know i lack both words & wisdom, but truly wish you Goodness, Peace, Mercy, and secure Rest, in the Lord 🙏