Am I no longer Jewish because of THIS?

  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 193

  • @AzureSymbiote
    @AzureSymbiote Před měsícem +10

    I wish you well on your Christian journey. The man who brought me to Orthodox Christianity was also a Jewish convert.

  • @dodleymortune4312
    @dodleymortune4312 Před měsícem +6

    Losing your jewish identity because you believe in Jesus is the bigguest oxymoron one can say. Jesus is the Messiah for one, and second all the disciples that came with the message of the gospel, salvation through the cross, were jewish.
    You are just no longer a rabbinic jew or a secular jew. You are a Christian jew, a messianic jew, for Christ means messiah.

  • @BitterPillPapa
    @BitterPillPapa Před měsícem +7

    I’m a Jew as well. I completed my Judaism in the Catholic Church. You’re born Jewish? You are Jewish always. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. There are secular Jews, atheist Jews, and yes, Christian Jews. Christianity IS Jewish. End of story.

  • @fordshaw5833
    @fordshaw5833 Před měsícem +2

    Zoe, Saul of Tarsus, a member of the Pharisee class was first a Jew but also an Apostle to the Gentiles. But you know that. Pray and you will find you path to Christ filled with bright stories of Jewish heritage and Christian Saints. That sets the bar quite high, just sincerely do you best. God will be there for you.

  • @RobertH1971
    @RobertH1971 Před měsícem +4

    Please consider watching Rabbi Tovia Singer. His CZcams channel and two-volume book series address differences between Christianity and Judaism.

    • @metagalaxy-go-the-distance
      @metagalaxy-go-the-distance Před měsícem +2

      Do you think Tovia Singer gives proper narrative?

    • @anchoragealaska3104
      @anchoragealaska3104 Před měsícem +2

      With respect - Tovia has never made any relevant points - I subscribe to his channel and also Seeking to Serve which is along similar lines. Have you watched all the debunking responses to his videos ?? ...he has no answers

    • @liquidh5226
      @liquidh5226 Před měsícem

      Read Justin Martyr too if you are going to read that Rabbi.

    • @Forest_Brothers391
      @Forest_Brothers391 Před měsícem +1

      Tovia been debunked by Sam Shamoun decades ago, it kinda shows what kind of person you are if you like him...

    • @anchoragealaska3104
      @anchoragealaska3104 Před měsícem +2

      @@Forest_Brothers391 And also by Dr Michael Brown and also by the OneforIsrael rebuttals series.

  • @kristiinaparkkisenniemi8680
    @kristiinaparkkisenniemi8680 Před měsícem +1

    You are a beautiful Jewish who believes in Jeshua ❤❤❤❤ I am a Christian from Finland and I wear the star of David and a cross as well. Wonderful that Jesus found you ❤❤❤❤ praying for more people come to faith in Jeshua, Jesus ❤❤❤❤ Love and blessings to you all! Let us love Israel and Jewish people ❤❤❤

  • @JakMakes-z5o
    @JakMakes-z5o Před měsícem +1

    My fiancés parents are secular jews and she underwent something similar. Being christian was very taboo in her family and her parents had lots of resentment for christianity in general.

  • @Love-One-Another
    @Love-One-Another Před měsícem +7

    That makes you more Jewish. A Jew who understands who Moshiach/LORD is. What a blessing! What a double blessing!

  • @BarbaraA.MertzRN-CCRN
    @BarbaraA.MertzRN-CCRN Před měsícem +3

    I am a JEW, born and raised.
    I do NOT believe (for obvious reasons) that 'Hey-Zeus' fulfilled the necessary mandates to apply for the job.
    Those who "worship a man-god" cannot be considered a Jew. Now, don't get me wrong - I've read AND studied the NT, and I agree with SOME of the things "Zeus" says - but I WILL NEVER WORSHIP A MAN. PERIOD.
    So, I could NEVER be a 'Christian' - ether - EVER.
    I've attempted to thwart the anti-Semitism I receive from Christians (who tell me that my soul is going to burn in the ovens of hades), but to no avail primarily because most Christians have not read and studied either Torah or their NT.
    So, I am a Jew who believes that IF you believe in a man-god (and pray to him) - you cannot be a Jew. You CAN be a Christian - or a pagan. And that's okay with me - but please do NOT be anti-Semitic towards me, PLEASE. Stop telling me the ovens thing.

    • @The_General_Zubas
      @The_General_Zubas Před měsícem


    • @BarbaraA.MertzRN-CCRN
      @BarbaraA.MertzRN-CCRN Před měsícem

      @@The_General_Zubas No. Actually, it is "Yehoshua" because the original HEBREW name was originally 'Joshua' - NOT 'Jesus'.
      Of course, in the Germanic languages like Spanish pronounce it “Hey-ZOOSS” or 'Hey-Zeus" like the Roman god 'Zeus'.
      It wasn't until the Brits got involved in 1604 A.D., (ONLY 424 years ago - not that long ago really) and was commissioned by King James for an English interpretation, that his name was changed to 'Jesus'. However, his name is actually Yehoshua, which is Hebrew because he was of Hebrew ancestry in the Hebrew Holy Land and spoke Aramaic, which is a combination of Hebrew and Arab dialects.
      I hope this helps!!

    • @hail2daking00
      @hail2daking00 Před měsícem

      @@BarbaraA.MertzRN-CCRN a concept of a divine king messiah is actually derived from the tanakh , read micah chapter 5 verse 2 (a king from betlehem whos origin is from the days before the world was made ) ,
      and isaiah chapter 9 verse 5 (a son is born the work shall be placed on his shoulders and he will be named among other things mighty god ever lasting father minister of peace ) , the prophet Daniel tells us he will come before the destruction of the second temple(in his dream he saw a man coming on the clouds and the all mighty god giving him power and sovereignty over all ) so if you say messiah never came in any form arent you calling one of israels prophet a liar which we know isnt true because he was correct regarding the times jersualems wall would be rebuilt etc .

    • @BarbaraA.MertzRN-CCRN
      @BarbaraA.MertzRN-CCRN Před měsícem

      @@hail2daking00 Poor child. Let me assist you by giving you true historical context.
      Lots of people incorrectly believe that Micah 5:2 says the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem because this is what they are incorrectly taught - and it is somewhat easy to believe that chicken little was correct IF you do not have a degree in meteorology and astrophysics. But here, all you need is an attention to historical detail.
      But, in reality Micah 5 fails to mention a "Messiah" nor does it say that anyone will be born in Bethlehem - the CITY? So, what does the Original Hebrew text actually tell us?
      It says someone will be born "of the clan of Bethlehem Ephratah" meaning the family most closely associated with Bethlehem, but NOT that the person will actually be born in Bethlehem - the city. (Consider reviewing other Hebrew translations.) Therefore, it means someone will be born of David's clan, a descendant of King David. It also says this person will be a governor or ruler of Israel, not the ENTIRE world (so the post-biblical legendary Messiah concept is not here). It says in verse 6 he will defend the land against Assyrian attacks.
      So, what do we REALLY have here from an historical perspective? This is a poem aggrandizing Zorobabel much after the fact, pretending to have predicted his birth. Zorobabel, the son of the king Jehoiakim who was captured and taken to Babylon. Zorobabel was born in Babylon, as his name indicates (trans. Seed of Babel). So not born in Bethlehem the city, but being the son of the Judean king, he was of the royal David stock, thus born "of the clan of Bethlehem Ephratah."
      And Zorobabel was indeed governor of Israel when it was the province of Judea under the Babylonian empire. Additionally, Zorobabel defended the land against Assyrian attacks when he and Nehemiah and Ezra were trying to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. See the books of Nehemiah and Ezra.
      So, Christians, this is about Zorobabel, not the post-biblical Messiah myth.
      (Matriculation is ALWAYS a good idea - otherwise you just embarrass yourself!)

    • @PatriciaSavage-1930
      @PatriciaSavage-1930 Před měsícem +1

      @@hail2daking00 It is really very easy to get confused about scripture when you are raised in a non-observant household teaching inaccuracies all of your life. Instead of taking what they tell you for granted, you must instead do the proper historical research application to the Original Hebrew Scripture in order to determine its true meaning. Most Christians do not bother to do this and instead allow themselves to be spoon fed the wrong answers to questions.
      I encourage all Christians to study the Original Hebrew Scriptures - with a Jew.

  • @OrthodoxyAndEnvironment
    @OrthodoxyAndEnvironment Před měsícem +3

    Look into the Eastern Orthodox Church. It is the Christian faith most apparent in the Old Testament and New Testament.

  • @russelljones2305
    @russelljones2305 Před měsícem +3

    I am a Gentile and I wear the Messianic Seal, this a symbol that says that Christianity is a Jewish religion and that my messiah is Jewish and is returning to take up His throne of David. He will rule the nations. Daniel 7, Zacheriah 14, says it all.

    • @willsantos8012
      @willsantos8012 Před měsícem +1

      Baruch HaShem 🙌☦🕎

    • @patrickbarnes9874
      @patrickbarnes9874 Před měsícem

      The Bible says there is neither Jew nor Gentile in the eyes of God. Therefore, your symbol is just virtue signaling. No different than atheists waving a pride flag.

    • @Nazarene_Judaism
      @Nazarene_Judaism Před 14 dny

      Christianity is roman religion. THE WAY is the jewish religion.

  • @davidsicking7514
    @davidsicking7514 Před měsícem +1

    I am a heathen! My background is high and low German immigrated before NAZIs. Brought up Catholic. I find the decision of the Apostles at the Council of Jerusalem very accepting and welcome. And over many decades I've analyzed questions. But though taking a deep gulp they even accept LGBTQ+ which is the strong issue now. Eventually Israel will call for the return of the Word made Flesh with the broad Resurrection of the dead.

  • @cherilynhamilton746
    @cherilynhamilton746 Před měsícem +1

    A completed Jew! so precious! The "apple of His eye" A Messianic Jew! Beautiful, just like Jesus.

  • @lexipoopoo
    @lexipoopoo Před měsícem +2

    Very interestng Zoe. You know our feelings on organized religion. I suppose I'm what you would call a spiritual Jew. Papa & I are different religions and have never even thought of asking the each other to change religions. We've never ever had a problem with it and raised our kids to be what they wanted to be and what makes them happy. We celebrate both holidays....mainly Christmas/Hannukah, Passover/Easter. What we don't like is when someone tells us we're going to he** because we don't believe what they do. Jews don't believe in he** anyway. And besides, I love latkes, matzo balls, kugel, brisket, matzo & eggs & gefilte fish and yessss...bacon, waaaaay too much. Love you!!! 💝

  • @balladyna86
    @balladyna86 Před měsícem +1

    Please pray for my father. I pray everyday for him to convert but he is convinced that he will betray his mother if he does. It’s like he is trapped in a mental prison and refuses to even read anything from the Old Testament because it might sound too Christian 💔

    • @patrickbarnes9874
      @patrickbarnes9874 Před měsícem

      The Bible doesn't say to accept Christ as your savior as long as it wouldn't bother your mom. It's the same as people who say they don't believe in God because they're gay. God's existence doesn't depend on who you want to have sex with.
      Your father doesn't need to be convinced he wouldn't be betraying his mother. He needs to wake up to the logical truth that his mother's approval is not the determining factor in who Jesus Christ was, just like gay people need to drop the ego and realize the truth of the universe doesn't revolve around their sex lives.

  • @peterhenderson7704
    @peterhenderson7704 Před měsícem +2

    Heart is circumcised, DNA remains the same... Still a Jew, just a Jewish Christian, (not that I'm overly comfortable with that word after so much evil Anti Semitism in the Church since Augustine), I prefer Messianic...

    • @pero33403
      @pero33403 Před měsícem +1

      There is no longer Jew or Greek; there is no longer slave or free; there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28

    • @peterhenderson7704
      @peterhenderson7704 Před měsícem

      @@pero33403 Context context context.... With all due respect, look around. There are still Jews, there are still Greeks, in many Islamic nations and in China there are slaves. And there are most certainly males and females, well that's unless you believe in non binary of course. This verse when considered in line with the rest of the passage refers to how there's no difference in how one is saved, and that all are equal as to value "in" Christ. You better hope there are still Jews, because if there's not, then there's no one to cry Baruch haba b'shem Adonai, and there'll be no second coming... (Matt 23:39).

    • @pero33403
      @pero33403 Před měsícem

      @@peterhenderson7704 Yes, I agree with you...context..."in Christ Jesus"...except the last part. Many Jews are not in Christ Jesus, even to this day, let alone in his Church, the Orthodox Church.

    • @peterhenderson7704
      @peterhenderson7704 Před měsícem

      @@pero33403 You may disagree, but just remember, the words of Matt 23:39 are the Mashiach's, not mine... And yes, many are not, but on the other hand, many Jews are in the body Of Mashiach, the universal Church. And don't forget, the time is rapidly approaching where the era of the Gentiles will be fulfilled, and ALL Israel will be saved, and according to His covenant with them, He will take away their sins. Romans 11:25-27.
      No one denomination can lay claim to being the one true Church, that is NOT scriptural. All baptized into the body of Mashiach are part of His Church.

    • @pero33403
      @pero33403 Před měsícem

      @@peterhenderson7704 I do disagree with you, but respectfully. If you are thinking about the country of Israel, that is not the Biblical Israel. The true Israel is the Orthodox Catholic Church aka Orthodox Church. That is the true body of Christ. There is no other church as there can only exist ONE, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, just like stated in the Nicene Creed. Not two, not three, not 55. Others are outside of it, Jews, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, atheists etc. We still love all these people and want them to be saved, and God could save them, but this is the reality.

  • @richardborys644
    @richardborys644 Před měsícem

    I am a 70 year old regular Jew. You are young, vibrant, intelligent, and secure in yourself. I would suggest you savor your youth which you won't be able to retrieve. If you want to pick up this "dilemma" then wait until your thirties. I made a mistake in my 20s by, in effect, tormenting myself with the disputes that I infer you are dealing with. Now, I get something from counter-missionary Tovia Singer as well as anti counter-missionaries such as @BiblicalApologetics . Again, enjoy your youth.

  • @mirelac8507
    @mirelac8507 Před měsícem +1

    You are Not a Christian! You are a MESSIANIC JEWESS! Nothing wrong with that! In fact, it’s AMAZING!!!!❤

  • @gotogd1233
    @gotogd1233 Před měsícem +1

    So happy for you! No, not surprised in the least. Every early Christian was a jew. Including IESU CHRISTE. And yea, it is amazing how prophecy becomes ALIVE when you understand OT -its prophecy, the Salvation of Christ as expressed in the HOLY GOSPELS, and the perception of it all while living in these modern times.
    Moreover, one thing that has been lost in time, most specifically for the first couple hundred years of Christianity, Christian jews were meeting up and going to the synagogues/temples as their means of what we call 'Church'. That is until they were heavily persecuted - mostly martyred.
    I always get so excited when a jew realizes he is a True Jew by acknowledging Christianity as the true form of Judaic priesthood by the Order of Melchezedek and not by rabbinical judaism...
    6 And coming home, call together his friends and neighbours, saying to them: Rejoice with me, because I have found my sheep that was lost?
    7 I say to you, that even so there shall be joy in heaven upon one sinner that doth penance, more than upon ninety-nine just who need not penance.
    8 Or what woman having ten groats; if she lose one groat, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently until she find it?
    9 And when she hath found it, call together her friends and neighbours, saying: Rejoice with me, because I have found the groat which I had lost.
    10 So I say to you, there shall be joy before the angels of God upon one sinner doing penance.

  • @kahlilbt
    @kahlilbt Před měsícem +2

    I grew up a Jewish Christian. Now I'm a Jewish atheist! Your culture is your culture, no matter your religion. I'm ethnically Sephardi but I'm also Black and an atheist. We're still connected.

    • @Imperium1948-k7e
      @Imperium1948-k7e Před měsícem

      Bro always remains a jew

    • @CECS1
      @CECS1 Před měsícem

      A Jewish Christian isnt something that exist. If you understand Torah as it is written you'd know Jesus wasn't Messiah

    • @wildbill6536
      @wildbill6536 Před měsícem

      While that may be partially true. The believers and unbelievers will be separated by God as the wheat is from the chaff. This will be forever.

    • @kahlilbt
      @kahlilbt Před měsícem

      @@wildbill6536 Bill, no one asked you smh go play

    • @wildbill6536
      @wildbill6536 Před měsícem

      @@kahlilbt This is a comment section. I don't need you to ask. Isn't free speech lovely?

  • @wilcandou
    @wilcandou Před měsícem +2

    As a Jew you have become more complete and better established in God for you have been AGAIN grafted back in... Please read: Romans Ch 11: 11-36. Shalom ❤

  • @ndr226
    @ndr226 Před měsícem +1

    Let's not forget Jesus and the apostles were Jews. This well spoken lady is no traitor for paying attention to the teachings of fellow Jews.

    • @The_General_Zubas
      @The_General_Zubas Před měsícem

      Exactly, Jesus was here to save them from the Curse of the mosaic laws, which became arbitrary.

  • @ileanamuntean7338
    @ileanamuntean7338 Před měsícem +2

    There are a lot of Jews who bacame Buddhists, nobody seems to object to that.

    • @redneckcoder
      @redneckcoder Před měsícem

      There is just a little bit of repressed guilt around the Christ though.

  • @frankgradus9474
    @frankgradus9474 Před měsícem +1

    A man by the name of Jesus rang this morning.

  • @miyojewoltsnasonth2159
    @miyojewoltsnasonth2159 Před měsícem

    first time on the channel, via a right-hand youtbe suggestion.
    reading the video description, "Shalom! This is Zoe, ThatJewGirlLew here," what's the connection between "Zoe" and Lew"?
    Why not "ThatJewGirlZoe"?

  • @patrickbarnes9874
    @patrickbarnes9874 Před měsícem +1

    2:20 If you have a Jewish mother then by Conservative and Orthodox cultural norms, they consider you Jewish. But to a Reformed Jew, you will be considered Jewish if your father OR your mother was Jewish. And it's not about DNA. Neither method has anything to do with DNA, just accepted social practices.
    Your remark about going back to the Israelites is also not necessarily true. The Torah's genealogies show tracing through the father, not the mother. Tracing ancestry through the mother was a change done by rabbinical Judaism in response to Jews starting to marry non-Jews in large numbers after the mass emigration following the Roman destruction of the second temple. Your mother being Jewish only matters for tracing back to the middle ages Jews, not to ancient Israelites. The Israelites you reference would consider the modern Jewish ways of tracing ancestry to be illegitimate.
    For another thing, your mother (or grandmother or father if it's Reformed etc) may have been a convert to Judaism, such that your birth ties only go back to that person and stop there.

  • @user-Jenn82
    @user-Jenn82 Před 26 dny

    God Bless you! You are a Jew who believes in the Jewish Messiah Yeshua!
    Much love to you from a Christian who loves the Jewish people 🙏❤️

  • @cherilynhamilton746
    @cherilynhamilton746 Před měsícem

    One needs to be tenacious to protect the Holy Scriptures. One needs to be tenacious to be a prophet of God! One needs to be tenacious to endure the enemy!

  • @Steele44320
    @Steele44320 Před měsícem +1

    Shalam Aleichem Zoe 🙏. I think one cannot separate The Old and New Testament to truly understand The Books. How can one read Dan 9 and say Yahshuah was not The Messiah or John 14:15 and say we do not have to follow His Law's. Man does like his labels Jew vs Christian and the various subgroups of each SMH.

    • @MarriedMindless
      @MarriedMindless Před měsícem

      I suggest learning Hebrew and studying Tenach from the first verse of B'raishis until the end of Tenach and get back to me in 20 years.

  • @christopherfranklin3050
    @christopherfranklin3050 Před měsícem +3

    Baruch Ha Shem on your imunah (faith) in Yeshua. You are now a complete Jew! There is a difference between a Torah observant jew and a Talmudic One. Clearly one is looking to the Creator and His Word while the other rests in tradition of the Rabbinic commentaries some of which are distasteful and heretical. The Scriptures say that if we have the Son, we have the Father but if we outright reject the Son we are eternally lost I John 2:23 I stand with the 15 thousand Orthodox non Zionist Rabbis who oppose Israel for Genocide. They, Muslim, Christians and jews lived in harmony before the invasion of secular, agnostic, atheist Bolshevik so called Jews who say they are but are not. Romans chapter 2 and 3 Paul or better known as Rabbi Saul only perecuted Jews who followed Yeshua. He never dealt with the non Jew for their true faith. Than you for your testimony

  • @chrisl3330
    @chrisl3330 Před měsícem

    Zoe, It's my theory that Israel is actually the continent of Africa. The exodus of the Israelites was one and the same as the exodus of humanity out of Africa. The story of Adam and Eve describes the evolution of language. It is language that allows us to discern right and wrong, good and evil. Her curse for evolving language as you know was/is painful childbirth. Painful childbirth among other things is the result of the larger skulls required to house the larger brains needed for language. Adam's nakedness represents the loss of our animal fur. The lost tribes of Israel (Africa) were groups like the Neanderthals that went extinct. Anyone who is a humanoid with the genetic capability of language is Jewish. Jewish just means human with language. The storytellers who kept the stories became the religion of Judaism. The religion of humanity.
    Next theory, There was a dude named Peter who went to visit a dude named Jesus who was staying in a cave with some other dudes and a woke lady. And Jesus knew Peter, and Peter knew Jesus, which is to say they took turns knowing each other. Peter's real name was actually Simon but Jesus called him Peter which back then was like calling someone Father. Peter and Jesus walked on water together, became fishers of men, and Peter denied "knowing" Jesus three times before the cock crowed. Jesus was a gay guy who tried to create a loophole for gay people within the tradition of Judaism (humanity) called forgiveness.

  • @Jennifer-cl1cl
    @Jennifer-cl1cl Před 20 dny

    Believing that Jesus is the messiah does, in fact, make you not Jewish. It doesn't make you a traitor, or an evil person, or anything at all bad in any way at all - it just makes you not Jewish.
    Lots and lots of people aren't Jewish, and most of them are perfectly lovely human beings - most humans of any religion or no religion are wonderful people.
    Individual Jewish people may have hurt feelings regarding your conversion out of Judaism. But unless they are your close friends and family, it isn't really their business, so I hope that nobody is being mean to you!
    People make it much more complicated than it needs to be: If you think Jesus is a messiah, then you are not a Jew. Kind of like how if you do NOT think that Jesus is the messiah, then you aren't a Christian.

  • @cherilynhamilton746
    @cherilynhamilton746 Před měsícem

    Isaiah 48 KJV talks about how obstinate, stubborn the Jewish people are! That is why God chose them! If He can love the most stubborn people on earth then He can love the rest of us! Tenacious!

  • @davechristensen8299
    @davechristensen8299 Před měsícem

    Chosen People Ministries believes that God is a TRINITY. Therefore it is in violation of Judaism, and in violation of Jesus himself. The TRINITY is a Roman Catholic doctrine based on Plato. Jesus said the Shema is the MOST IMPORTANT COMMAND. Mark 12:28 "God is One" singular.

  • @Nazarene_Judaism
    @Nazarene_Judaism Před 14 dny

    Well I consider myself a Nazarene jew rather than a christian. Acts24:5. and Yes I am your Jewish brother in Jehoshua the messiah. Shalom.

  • @RachelDerGolem
    @RachelDerGolem Před měsícem

    Greetings from Israel. If you are born to a Jewish mother, you are Jewish forever. If you join another religion, you are still Jewish but considered someone who has lost their way. You can come back anytime, by simply stopping to believe in another religion.

    • @Nazarene_Judaism
      @Nazarene_Judaism Před 14 dny

      That's what the talmud says. The Hebrew bible the word of Hashem says one is a jew/israelite via FATHER or mother.

  • @isacnoel4326
    @isacnoel4326 Před měsícem

    In reality they the apostles nor Yeshua were Christians. They were followers of the Way. They followed Torah. They just did not force the traditions of Judaism. Yeshua was a rabbi and Messiah.

  • @rubberspoon
    @rubberspoon Před měsícem +2

    That is not the star of david. It never was. It is the star of remphan.

  • @arturogutierrezjr4191
    @arturogutierrezjr4191 Před 28 dny

    Almighty god spirit gave his name to moses in exodus 3:14 I am that I am or יהוה‎ = yod, he, Vav ,he but in sound hebrew tetragrammaton there is no Vav is Waw therefore it is YHWH= יהוה‎ . Satan muted the pronunciation name of god with the help of pharasee and Safuced thousand thousand year up to mow and why Jewis believed to moses did not know how to pronunciation the name יהוה‎ gave to moses. Paul also muted the name of mighty gog and muted na name of messiah to name Jesus christ because Paul is also a Pharasee. The name gave is brought to the East what mentioned in Isaiah 24:15 mathew 21:43, mathew 15 :24, rev 16:19, deutormy 7:6 and found the name in hebrew the nam יהוה‎ mighty god and messiah in hebew related to Judah in hebrew is Yahawadah.

  • @user-xi3wo6dz6m
    @user-xi3wo6dz6m Před měsícem

    I know a lot of Jews and none of them think "if it was only the Jews God cared about" that you seem to argue against. That is a very misleading statement.

  • @wildbill6536
    @wildbill6536 Před měsícem

    I'm curious as to why your heart is broken that Jews reject Christians. They rejected Jesus and all according to the plan of God to bring in the Gentiles. The bible also tells us this is to make them (the Jews) jealous. Since you are a believer, you recognize that a partial hardening has happened to the Jews until the fullness of the Gentiles is complete. So, God wrapped all (Jew and Gentile) up in disobedience so he could show mercy to all (both Jew and Gentile).

  • @kenclark453
    @kenclark453 Před měsícem

    I am your brother from a different Jewish mother.

  • @ShazzadHasan-v2r
    @ShazzadHasan-v2r Před měsícem

    just one more step ❤

  • @user-hn1el1ck7c
    @user-hn1el1ck7c Před měsícem

    Jesus Christ King of the Jutes🇬🇧

  • @dorianwilhelmgarcia1176

    Zoe unfortunately you lost your Jewish identity but you still have your Israelite one your still a member by default but your no longer practicing the faith of Abraham Jacob Rachel and Isaac

  • @liquidh5226
    @liquidh5226 Před měsícem

    Nah. Don't worry. The so-called J today are not the same as those in times of Moses, David, Josiah, Hezekiah. Why? Those of antiquity had the temple, which was the centre of worship. How can it be the same when you don't have levitical priests? It's a joke.
    Actually, Peter, Paul and the Apostles were mostly Js. They still are. But they clearly don't subscribe to the post Temple strange beliefs 😂

  • @CECS1
    @CECS1 Před měsícem

    Jesus wasnt messiah. Never was.

  • @James-re6co
    @James-re6co Před měsícem

    Could it be that the god that chose the Israelites was not the god that Jesus prayed to?

    • @AzureSymbiote
      @AzureSymbiote Před měsícem +3


    • @James-re6co
      @James-re6co Před měsícem +1

      @@AzureSymbiote Why not? If I remember correctly, the Bible doesn't use the word "Yahweh" for Israelite's god until they had been released from Egypt and were wandering in the desert. Yahweh was a Canaanite storm god according to many, a war god according to some, and The God of War according to others. Couldn't Yahweh and God Almighty be two different entities? One is the God of Gods, other other a lesser god? And that after Mt Sinai it was slaughter after slaughter on their way to the Promised Land... aided by their WarLord Yahweh...?

    • @dodleymortune4312
      @dodleymortune4312 Před měsícem +2

      Jesus confirmed the Old testament and the prophets of the Old Testament Tanakh.

    • @dodleymortune4312
      @dodleymortune4312 Před měsícem +1

      Jesus confirmed the Torah and the Old Testament prophets Tanakh.

    • @AzureSymbiote
      @AzureSymbiote Před měsícem +3

      @@James-re6co Christ is God in flesh. He explained how he spoke to Moses via the burning bush.

  • @stephencampbell2018
    @stephencampbell2018 Před měsícem

    Honey...listen closely to me. Jesus is not our messiah. I can give you a number of reasons as to why he isn't, and I will give you a simple one that will be easy to understand. When Rome created Christianity, they created a messiah that was g+d...or the son of g+d. The Jewish messiah is not g+d or the son of g+d...our messiah is a regular shmuck like you...or me. Just a regular person that brings peace unto the world. Get it? Shalom my sister.

    • @jacknastyface5623
      @jacknastyface5623 Před měsícem

      You're not even trying are you? You're just being lazy and patronising.

  • @davechristensen8299
    @davechristensen8299 Před měsícem

    Jews can believe in Jesus, as he defines himself, as "The Son of God and the Messiah". But, you cannot be Jewish and believe in the Doctrine of the TRINITY that Jesus is God, and God is Three Persons. That is being a traitor to Jesus himself, as well as to Abraham, Moses and King David.

      @KMANelPADRINO Před měsícem

      Christianity is historically an older form of the Jewish faith than any modern facet of Judaism today, especially Talmudic Judaism, which was created after the Second Temple was destroyed.
      Historians in the Jewish religion have openly acknowledged for decades (Daniel Boyarin, Seth Cohen, Paula Fredriksen, Alan Segal, etc.) that there was already widespread belief among Ancient Jews before the renovations of the Mishnaic and Talmudic rabbis that God was complex in His unity.
      You should read Targum Neofiti sometime, especially for Genesis 1-2, since Targum Neofiti is older than the Talmud and reflects the older strains of Ancient Judaism, but there are also clear texts even within the Torah that point to this, such as Abraham talking to Yahweh on earth in Genesis 18-19, and that same Yahweh on earth raining down fire on Sodom and Gomorrah from Yahweh in the heavens. Keep in mind that this is written by the same hand of Moses who wrote the Torah, especially the Shema. Moses had no problem writing that God manifests in multiple personas.
      Psalm 45 calls the Messiah God, and says that God Himself calls the Messiah God and gives Him the scepter over all nations.
      Daniel 7 has the Son of Man being worshipped along with the Ancient of Days.
      It seems that you just don’t read the Tanakh clearly enough.

    • @Michelle-rj4pj
      @Michelle-rj4pj Před měsícem

      One God 3 different manifestations . Kind of like adoni and El which is what Kabala alludes to as well

    • @davechristensen8299
      @davechristensen8299 Před měsícem

      @@Michelle-rj4pj I see that we disagree completely on who God is. That is OK. I'm sure you have a beautiful heart. Blessings on you.

  • @Robbie..Ha-Navi
    @Robbie..Ha-Navi Před měsícem

    Yahshua was a jew. its called Messianic Judaism . you are making it all about you. Ahav and Shalom Princess

  • @prentrupathome5319
    @prentrupathome5319 Před měsícem +2

    I don't understand that. Why not practise Judaism too? Presumably Jesus did.

    • @janbrittenson210
      @janbrittenson210 Před měsícem +4

      Christ brought a new covenant, replacing the Mosaic one (though inheriting some bits of it). If you believe in Christ, then it makes no sense to live by Mosaic law.

    • @lotusisme21
      @lotusisme21 Před měsícem

      ​@@janbrittenson210That's what paul says while Jesus says He wants to fullfill the law not to abolish it plus the new covenant the law will be written in our heart

    • @tombuddy100
      @tombuddy100 Před měsícem +1

      @@lotusisme21 Jesus also said this:
      John 8:32
      And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
      Matthew 11:28-30
      28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

    • @lotusisme21
      @lotusisme21 Před měsícem

      @@tombuddy100 So?!He is simply saying follow me and believe in me and obey my words!did He not say why do you call me Lord Lord but don't obey my words?!which is to do the will of His Father?

    • @lotusisme21
      @lotusisme21 Před měsícem

      @@tombuddy100 So?!He is simply saying follow me and believe in me and obey my words!did He not say why do you call me Lord Lord but don't obey my words?!which is to do the will of His Father?

  • @Shane_The_Confessor
    @Shane_The_Confessor Před měsícem

    Christianity is just the continuation of Judaism, at least as it's practiced in the New Testament. The catholic and E Orthodox traditions went off the rails, in my opinion.

    • @Nazarene_Judaism
      @Nazarene_Judaism Před 14 dny

      so did the protestants. All man made denominations.

    • @Shane_The_Confessor
      @Shane_The_Confessor Před 14 dny

      @@Nazarene_Judaism That's quite the claim considering a majority of the world worships the God of Israel and the Jewish messiah exactly as foretold in the Tanakh.

    • @Nazarene_Judaism
      @Nazarene_Judaism Před 14 dny

      @@Shane_The_Confessor And narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it. So much for the "majority of the world".

    • @Shane_The_Confessor
      @Shane_The_Confessor Před 14 dny

      @@Nazarene_Judaism That's really your rebuttal? This is your opening statement which refutes Christianity? Come on, man, i'd like to take you seriously. I've seen Muhammedans make more skillful arguments defending the child touching of their prophet.

    • @Shane_The_Confessor
      @Shane_The_Confessor Před 14 dny

      @@Nazarene_Judaism My reply isnt posting so you'll have to check your notifications.

  • @a.m204
    @a.m204 Před měsícem


  • @levi7187
    @levi7187 Před 21 dnem


  • @sapientum8
    @sapientum8 Před měsícem

    Yes you are a traitor to the devil. You betrayed him.

  • @MichaelPesta
    @MichaelPesta Před měsícem

    If you embrace Christianity properly you are renouncing Judaism. Although you may be ethnically Jewish and have such heritage you are emancipating yourself from that lineage. Such is the action of assuming Christ as your salvation. You cannot be both

    • @peterhenderson7704
      @peterhenderson7704 Před měsícem +2

      Your statement here is very convoluted. Cant be both what? You speak of Judaism, ethnicity, heritage, and lineage. Which is it? Renouncing Judaism, which Judaism? That of the Pharisees? What about the Judaism of the Essenes? Would one need to renounce that? They believed in one Mashiach, two comings, an age of grace, the Mashiach being cut off in AD 32 for the remission of sins, and that the Mashiach is God in the flesh. Renounce that sect of Judaism? The sect that walked into Acts 2 Pentecost and walked out among the 3000? A Jew does not "convert" like the change of Atheist to Christian, a Jew need only embrace Yeshua their Mashiach. And in doing so there is no magical rearranging of their DNA. A Jew does not convert, they just become complete in Mashiach...

  • @groman2k
    @groman2k Před měsícem
