That Nintendo Direct Was...Annoying.

  • čas přidán 3. 07. 2024
  • Back with another video where we talk about that (apparently) HUGE Nintendo Direct, but I've got some grievances about it that you might want to hear...
    Enjoy and lemme know what you think in the comments!
  • Hry

Komentáře • 22

  • @kirotarakai
    @kirotarakai Před 8 dny +7

    First off, from reading the article it looks like you didn’t even watch the Direct you? Did you? The announcements were certainly smaller, but you cannot deny that they were exciting. We entered into this Direct knowing the Switch 2 would not be shown off, with little to no expectations, and we got some enormous announcements.
    The first Mario & Luigi game in almost a decade? The first 2D Zelda game in almost a decade and the first one starting Zelda with unique mechanics that do not look at all easy to develop and implement? Metroid Prime 4 revealed seven years after its initial announcement and five years after its development? A collections with an unlocalized Ace Attorney game (that fan were indeed begging for)? A collection of some of the best and most rare fighting games? Four Sword actually easily available to play with four players?
    I’m sorry, but in no world is this a poor or lazy Direct. No offense, but this is the end of a generation. If you knew anything about product life cycles, you would expect smaller announcements, but we got was surprising for the end of a console. No offense, but to say the things that you are saying one must be out of touch with the circumstances, with much of the fan bases, and with how consoles lifespans actually work in the first place. Please think critically and carefully about the circumstances before complaining about things that shouldn’t even be happening at the end of a console’s life, especially a Nintendo console! At the end of previous generations, we were starved for games and would not see anything close to what we saw here. This is a lesson we all need to hear: please think before you speak.
    Also, if you’re complaining about Echoes of Wisdom looking lazy-which mechanically it is not-, why do you want. Twilight Princess and Wind Waker HD? That would be even more lazy! And don’t expect big things for Zelda when one just came out a year ago. Again, please think before you speak and actually try to understand what you’re even saying and talking about. You ramble on without knowing anything about what you’re talking about. Do your research and think please. And I’m sorry for being a bit too harsh; I just really care about people putting more thought into what they’re saying and putting out insights rather than instincts.

    • @ghostofgames11
      @ghostofgames11  Před 8 dny +1

      I give a lot of credit where it’s due in this video and don’t outright say it’s bad, I even start the video by saying it was a good Direct. I understand my thumbnail and title is a little abrasive but I was moreso just being a little tongue-in-cheek about it. The problem I had was a lot of people saying this was the BEST direct which is simply not the case. I even mentioned it’s good for where it’s at in its life cycle with bringing out new games like these. The issue I took is that Nintendo could be making bigger and better games but is stalling with “Indie-esque” games which aren’t bad, but aren’t pushing the envelope with the likes of other developers (Princess Peach Showtime being another example of a poor late stage game). Maybe it was a more emotional and impatient reaction, but I stand by what I said and it seems like a few others agree.
      And you don’t have to keep apologizing and saying “no offense” while you’re criticizing me, I’m open to criticism and I understand that this is what comes with the territory.
      And I watched the Direct multiple times including other CZcamsrs who were reacting to it, if this isn’t your kind of content then sorry man

    • @kirotarakai
      @kirotarakai Před 8 dny +1

      @@ghostofgames11 I appreciate the answer. I agree that you do give credit to the Direct where it is due; despite your thumbnail and title, you are not entirely negative in this video, and I value that. However, your characterization of these titles as “indie-esque” and Nintendo as “stalling” (as well as your view of the end of this console lifespan as a whole) are quite curious. They may not be as big as you expect, but why would you expect something big here at the end of a console lifespan? They certainly are not on the scale of indie games. To say that is to malign both the passion put into these games and the dedication of actual indie games.
      The point I’m trying to get across is that you can’t impatiently expect a company to pump out big title after big title when the next console is just around the corner. Nintendo knows this is; as a company, they make dumb decisions sometimes, but in terms of console lifespan they have been very strategic this generation. They aren’t stalling. They are phasing out the Switch with smaller projects that may not be enormous but still have enough effort and energy put into them to understand.
      I am a bit curious about whether you were there during the end of the past Nintendo generations, especially the GameCube, Wii, and Wii U because in those generations Nintendo’s output of games was even smaller than this! If you are complaining about the twilight years of the Switch, just imagine the twilight years of those consoles! We had even less to play. So, what I’m trying to say is you need to put these titles into the context of an end-of-life cycle year, and in that context these are games that are surprisingly important for the last year of a console.
      And I say no offense because I don’t want to come across as abrasive or rude. I’m not angry with you or at you, and I am not disregarding your opinions. I’m instead wanting you to honestly consider that logically and rhetorically many of your claims and opinions are not carefully considered enough, that perhaps these thoughts were reactionary rather than thoughtful, instinctual rather than insightful. To call these titles “indie-esque” and to say Nintendo is “stalling” is at its best a hasty judgment and at its worst gross ignorance. When talking about any Direct, you need to consider its context, and, when you consider this Directs context at the end of a console’s life, it becomes apparent that this is indeed one of the best Directs ever (though I wouldn't say the best). Think about the title I shared near the start of my first comment. These are not games we would have gotten in the last year of the Wii or Wii U! Once again, I want to constructively criticize your quick judgements while also admitting that you did indeed display consistent positivity. I appreciate and value your opinions even if I disagree with them on many fronts based on my knowledge and history observing the industry.

  • @dwrayswez
    @dwrayswez Před 7 dny

    It was the best swan song direct ever ...there.

  • @TonyDaExpert
    @TonyDaExpert Před 7 dny

    Direct could of been worse, all the big games are being developed for switch 2 so I did not expect to get Mk9 or Smash bros or anything like that, every major game they would of announced here would delay that series into being made for next gen nintendo. I would not expect anything big until Nintendo Reveals switch 2.

  • @jamesweaver2164
    @jamesweaver2164 Před 7 dny

    Windwaker and Twilight Princess the only two games I want to play on the Nintendo Switch other than Metroid Prime

  • @T2and3
    @T2and3 Před 7 dny

    1.) I don't think you realize how big it is for MvC to be back after having been delisted for like a decade. There hasn't been a way for people to buy and play th8ns game at all for so long.
    2.) This is a Capcom thing, not a really a nintendo one, but MvC collection wouldn't interfere with showing WW or TP HD on switch. I'm pretty sure nintendo just hates money on that front.

    • @ghostofgames11
      @ghostofgames11  Před 6 dny

      True, honestly the only Capcom game I really would love to be ported is Viewtiful Joe, would work perfectly on the switch too

  • @Illeea
    @Illeea Před 8 dny

    Alot of things i want to say:
    The zelda themed switch lite is based on the ongoing trend nintendo has had since the gba of releasing gold coloured handhelds with triforce insignia. Its a cool novelty but not worth it if you already have a switch.
    The legend of zelda has 3 developers working on the main series. Nintendo epd 3 who makes the big console zeldas. They made botw, totk, wwhd and albw. They also oversee the development of the other 2 game studios.Theyve probably just started development on the next big zelda game that wont be out for a couple years.
    Grezzo have been making smaller, simpler zeldas like tri force heroes, links awakening remake and oot/mm 3d. They also develop other games. They have been developing echoes of wisdom for the last couple years.
    Tantalus have ported twilight princess to wii u and skyward sword to switch. They are far more busy than the others as they port games for loads of different publishers. They probably could be porting wwhd or tphd but we dont know.
    I will say that i do want a return to the old zelda formula. Botw and totk are cool and echoes of wisdom looks neat but i want a more traditional brand new zelda game again. 2d or 3d i dont care.
    Dragon quest 3 remake had been annouced years ago. This is the first time weve seen gameplay and got a release date. Although 1+2 remakes were not annouced before. I was excited to finally see this get a release date.
    The hd-2d artstyle is developed by square enix. Unless some miracle occurs, this artstyle will not be incorporated into pokemon. Pokemon are very self centered with what they do, rarely interacting with any other game companies. New pokemon snap is an exception however.
    Ace attorney investigations collection has been asked for for years. Investigations 2 never released outside japan despite all the begging fans in the west did back in the day.
    Capcom have been doing alot of porting of their older games recently. Loads of megaman, loads of ace attorney, all being brought to modern platforms. I wish theyd make new entries in these franchises but i am experiencing them all for the first time on switch. I dont know much about capcoms development studios but their main ones seem to just be working on monster hunter or one of the 3 resident evil projects going on atm. None of that is capable of running on switch though.
    Mario party on switch is developed by ndcube. They work on it basically exclusively and they dont take alot of time to make. Its easy money and people always have a good time with it.
    The nso stuff isnt really worth talking about. All that happens when something is annouced for nso is that nintendo adds the rom for the game to the service. Theyre old games. I do love older games. Graphics dont really bother me as long as the game is good which underneath the age, these games are good. They wouldnt of been worth advertising otherwise.
    Mario and luigi games are beloved. Theyre just fun, less aggressive takes on the rpg formular. So when alphadream went bust we thought it was dead. This release isnt just bringing out a game, its basically the revival of a franchise.
    Dkcr is just a simple port. Bit boring. There was a port of it to 3ds which cut the framerate and graphics but added a few more levels and options. This is all included in this version.
    This direct did have big games, its just not the ones you were hoping for. Metroid prime 4 is a game people have been waiting for for basically 17 years. It was teased 7 years ago and people have been clamouring for it ever since. That is the big game of this direct. Mario and luigi brothership is another massive game as its the return of the mario and luigi series. For me, this direct was amazing. It had loads of games that appealed to me. Not every direct will have these.
    Nintendo directs are just really fancy advertisements. Thats what they are. They lure you in with the promise of big games and sprinkle in smaller games that most people wouldnt usually pay attention to from other publishers.
    Nintendo did say a while ago they wont be talking about the nintendo switches successor until next so going into this direct or any other direct that may occur later this year with the expection of switch 2 news is delusional.
    I remember i would always get really excited for nintendo directs and be disappointed after them. Never ever expect the best from a direct. You can only hope that games your interested in will be annouced. They will be eventually.
    For the video, i found it annoying how you kept bringing up how wwhd/tphd wasnt annouced. Id love to see them on switch and suspect that tantalus is porting one of them as well. I want to see them as well.
    And finally, do play metroid prime remastered. Its great. I reccomend turning on the hint system in the game as at certain points the game requires you backtrack and find an item somewhere completely different to your current location. Always explore and scan everything. Thats where the 17:10 minimal amount of story is.

    • @ghostofgames11
      @ghostofgames11  Před 7 dny

      I like this comment a lot, definitely gave me some insight into some stuff I might’ve missed about the announcements, appreciate the feedback.
      There’s deff some stuff I’m excited about and I’ll wind up still playing a lot of these games, I just hope Nintendo can come back to pushing the envelope a bit more…idk, maybe I’m turning into more of a Sony fanboy, but Nintendo doesn’t excite me like it used to. Not sure if it’s the dying energy of the Switch or if it’s the fact that they are just too behind the curve at this point when it comes to graphics and development
      Maybe I’ve just become jaded haha, appreciate it you got a heart

  • @polokidreemzplayz5963

    I actually liked it, but people were saying it’s the best which ISN’T true, Xbox won this year. I wish we got a new donkey Kong game.

  • @NeonVR0708
    @NeonVR0708 Před 7 dny

    Dude you good at these videos I just subbed. Keep it up

  • @pontusoskarsson7322
    @pontusoskarsson7322 Před 7 dny +3

    This video is obviously a bit of a rage bait, and you're definitely entitled to your opinion ( I for one agree with your take on Tears of the Kingdom), but it feels to me like you're not really interested in Nintendo as a developer?
    It seems like most of your complaints are about games not being technically impressive on a 7 year old hardware with an nvidia chip from 2015. You're saying things "I don't know who could play these old ass games like Perfect Dark" and that Echoes of Wisdom is "easy to make" and "not a lot of power is being put into it", and that we need a "realistic Zelda game again" (we've never had one, btw. Twilight Princess is extremely cartoonish in it's art style). Also, while I understand the urge to replay WW and TP on the Switch, it's insane to me how you can be a fan of Zelda and rather have ports of old games that have already been re-released once, than a brand new game with new mechanics and new story. Especially when you 5 minutes earlier said that the NSO releases where "pure nostalgia grabs". TP and WWHD wouldn't be?
    Again, I think this plays into the fact that you like technically impressive games. It sounds like you don't enjoy smaller games with simple graphics. So, to reiterate, are you really interested in Nintendo as a developer? Nintendo's MO since the original Gameboy has really been to make the most out of cheap hardware. The N64 and Gamecube were really exceptions to this rule, but at least since the Wii they have been focusing all their effort on game design and ideas, rather than technically impressive, hyper modern graphics.
    And to be clear; there's nothing wrong with liking huge games with realistic graphics. It's just that Nintendo doesn't do that, and never has. That's not their style of game. Their games are simple but smart with great artstyle and fun characters. I don't really understand what you were expecting this direct to be? We knew it wasn't a "Swith 2" reveal, so what did you want them to showcase?

  • @redmoisturecup4089
    @redmoisturecup4089 Před 8 dny

    I do agree the entire direct was plain boring except for like the metroid, zelda and a few exceptios

    • @eebrohim7001
      @eebrohim7001 Před 8 dny

      so the direct was a W because thats literally the entire point, to show off the big titles

    • @ghostofgames11
      @ghostofgames11  Před 8 dny

      Yeah it was more exciting than the Partner Showcase for sure, I just miss big announcements and am a little tired of how underpowered the Switch is haha

  • @BleakVision
    @BleakVision Před 7 dny +4

    Graphics consoles are failing.Switch is the only games console.

    • @ghostofgames11
      @ghostofgames11  Před 6 dny


    • @Adamtendo_player_1
      @Adamtendo_player_1 Před 13 hodinami

      @@ghostofgames11 absolute fax say goodbye to your AAA because it’s a failing business model which is unsustainable Nintendo switch has proven that graphics aren’t everything and gameplay is king whether you wanna believe it or not.

  • @anthonyd4309
    @anthonyd4309 Před 7 dny +1

    Bad day, huh? Nintendo will announce the Switch 2, but that doesn't mean that this Direct lacked for existing Switch owners. It had substantial updates and mainline new game entries announcements for an 8 year old console, which is undeniably impressive commitment to their existing customers. You complain about all the ports, but then lament the lack of Wind Waker and Skyward Sword ports. The new entries were not satisfactory because you want a Switch 2. Seems nothing really would make you happy short of getting the new console in your hands. This video is a nah from me, dawg.