The Fruits Of Discord: Seven Years Of Sino-American Animosity

  • čas přidán 24. 04. 2024
  • Seven years ago, then President Trump launched a U.S. trade war on China that has continued to the present. While the Biden administration has proclaimed three high-minded goals for U.S. policy towards China-including investment at home, alignment with our allies, and responsible competition with the PRC- their agenda effectively deems China to be an adversary and conspicuously omits any reference to cooperation with it. What are the impacts? How has the Sino-American antagonism been changing China, Asia, The United States, and the world politico-economic order? It's time for a point-by-point assessment.

Komentáře • 213

  • @Time4Peace
    @Time4Peace Před 2 měsíci +14

    I have to listen to this talk twice for its wisdom to sink in. US and humanity could only benefit if only this American with encyclopedia knowledge could be listened to more by the ruling elites. I could only pray for humanity that his wisdom will catch on.

  • @nachmanshalom6975
    @nachmanshalom6975 Před 2 měsíci +18

    Every American should hear this talk by Ambassador Freeman. I hope he publishes this talk somewhere.

  • @rickygonzalez1545
    @rickygonzalez1545 Před měsícem +9

    why can't we have more gentleman like this for USA? Brilliant

  • @GOBEF3
    @GOBEF3 Před 2 měsíci +10

    On the subject matter Ambassador Freeman is the greatest mind alive today! It is both sad & alarming that our White House & Pentagon do not heed his warnings, nor apply his wisdom. Most tragic of all is the fact that only once we are down on our economic-knees, might we see the light :( ?!?!

  • @Po-village-chief
    @Po-village-chief Před 2 měsíci +20

    Fantastic presentation. Ambassador Freeman never disappoints. It says about a lot about his country today where people like him are now marginalized and rejected by the establishment and "mainstream" media.

  • @louisehoff9467
    @louisehoff9467 Před 2 měsíci +15

    Ambassador Freeman is so very knowledgeble about both Chinese and American markets and strategies. I was amazed at the list of things China produces while our congressmen/puppetmasters seem be banking on a disastrous military economy here at home.

  • @winkstorm
    @winkstorm Před 2 měsíci +55

    AMB Freeman is 100% spot on. It’s sad that we don’t have any level headed leaders in Washington DC anymore.

    • @patrickvanmeter2922
      @patrickvanmeter2922 Před 2 měsíci +7

      We have had some good people in the past, but they don't last long when they see what is happening. One look at the protests around the country on behalf of the Palestinians is a good indication of where we are. The leader of our country has been bought for most of his career by lobbies along with the majority of elected people in the House and the Senate. They don't represent the people that elected them any longer. I hope the situation is salvageable but there is nothing to be optimistic about, with the exception of the young. The young are the ones that still have a dream, but they will have to overcome the nightmare the old have embraced for many years. You can't become a millionaire on a salary of 174K-220K a year, but many of them do.

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci

      ​@@patrickvanmeter2922I am sorry Patrick but I implore you, go back and listen to this talk again. Criticizing the protesters of our morphing into the neo- german gen * side hounds is the exact opposite of what the lecture teaches. You, along with the rest of us, have bought into warped, unrealistic revisionist histories. Go back and look more closely. Ask critical questions and examine the evidence of world outcomes. Many of those outcomes are outlined in this very lecture. Then join into the very protests you've criticized with a contrite spirit so that we can right this mess.

    • @patrickvanmeter2922
      @patrickvanmeter2922 Před 2 měsíci

      @@totonow6955 I didn't criticize the protesters. I did just the opposite. I am 83 years old and was a protester and activist against the Viet Nam war. I am with the protesters, especially the young. I have followed Chomsky for decades and realize the only answer is to question authority. I am very sorry I didn't make this clear. I surely do hope we can right this mess. I will do my part.

    • @arlaban22
      @arlaban22 Před 2 měsíci

      These guys are smoking drugs, they are total fantasy bros.
      The robots are years away, if not decades a way, the problem is mechanical now, we are very close with the software but to be useful they have to be at least the equivalent of a human, and they are no where near there yet, just fan boy tec sexy demos but you can pay some 3rd world wage slave to do the job 1000% quicker and easier.

    • @tocreatee3585
      @tocreatee3585 Před 2 měsíci

      none in beijing

  • @bsure4
    @bsure4 Před 2 měsíci +9

    If only people like Chase Freeman were in charge or our future!! thanks for an excellent interview.

  • @audrajones
    @audrajones Před 2 měsíci +10

    Amb Freeman is one of my favorite people. I learn so much, and feel such gratitude, every time I listen to interviews with him. Thank you for this.

  • @all2031
    @all2031 Před 2 měsíci +11

    The first sensible, informative, rational, refreshing response to the Chinese advancements detected in the US public domain. Let's hope these precious words are the guidance of future policies.

  • @akhluwig
    @akhluwig Před 2 měsíci +6

    Greetings from Europe. This US gentleman, Mr. Freeman, is a very wise and knowledgeable man. He owns much respect.
    I hope he may advise the political elite in the USA before they damage the international order even more deeply than they currently do - which in return will eventually hit their own country, or shall I say their empire.

  • @philipwong895
    @philipwong895 Před 2 měsíci +58

    China is reacting to each U.S. action. It is considered impolite to not reciprocate.
    Following the September 11, 2001 attack, the U.S. shifted attention from China to the Middle East, easing China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December 2001. As China emerged as the "world's factory," producing inexpensive goods that lowered global inflation, central banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, maintained low interest rates, fostering excessive leveraging in the U.S. and Europe. This, coupled with risky financial practices and the housing market's collapse, led to the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. Despite feeling unsettled by China's economic growth, the United States actively pursued financial support from China, for China to continue purchasing U.S. Treasury bills.
    In 2011, Obama proposed the "Pivot to Asia" strategy, which shifted the focus of US foreign policy from the Middle East to Asia. This, along with the wargaming of a sea blockade of Chinese commercial ships on a global scale, the formation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which deliberately excluded China, the establishment of a 2500-strong US marine air-ground task force in Darwin, and an increase in the rotation of both US Air Force planes and US Navy vessels through Australian bases, alarmed the Chinese leadership.
    Unable to remain passive, hide their strength, and bide their time, Xi Jinping was selected as the leader of China in 2013 to make China more secure. These included the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Belt and Road initiative, and the building of artificial islands in the South China Sea. In 2015 the "Made in China 2025" initiative was announced. These policies directly responded to the perceived threat posed by the "Pivot to Asia" strategy. No country is excluded from joining the AIIB or the Belt and Road Initiative. Obama's intentions were clarified when he responded to Xi Jinping's proposal on September 25, 2015, to make the South China Sea (SCS) a non-militarized zone by initiating freedom of navigation operations in the SCS on October 27, 2015.
    Japan and the Philippines are cornerstones of the strategy to keep Asia poor and divided. This policy is articulated in the top-secret U.S. Foreign Policy written 76 years ago.
    February 24, 1948, Declassified U.S. Foreign Policy:
    Furthermore, we have about 50% of the world’s wealth but only 6.3% of its population. This disparity is particularly great as between ourselves and the peoples of Asia. In this situation, we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security. ... that Japan and the Philippines will be found to be the corner-stones of such a Pacific security system and that if we can contrive to retain effective control over these areas there can be no serious threat to our security from the East within our time.
    Taiwan was added to the Pacific security system after Chiang's army retreated to the island of Taiwan in 1949. South Korea was added after the Korean War in 1953. The attempt with Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia was abandoned in 1975. The 1989 attempt in China failed. The 2019-2020 attempt in Hong Kong also failed.
    The US makes the rules, and the US and their friends do not have to follow these rules. Since WWII, the United States has started 201 wars, overthrew 36 foreign leaders, killed or attempted to kill 50, dropped bombs in 30 countries, and interfered in 86 foreign elections. To make the world safe for democracy, the US has caused the deaths of tens of millions of people in its conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. The CIA was involved in covert operations that resulted in mass killings of communists in over 22 countries, 500,000 to 2,000,000 Indonesian civilians disappeared in 1965-1966.
    The 'Arsenal of Democracy' produces 40 percent of the world's weapons. It is a very profitable business model in which other countries buy these weapons to fight each other. The key is maximizing profits without shedding US blood by inducing conflicts between and within countries outside the USA. One client is eager to spend AUD 368 billion to buy a few high-quality used nuclear-powered submarines. This business model's critical components are NATO, QUAD, ANZUS, Five Eyes, AUKUS, and MCC (Mutual Cross-Service Agreement).
    These are not good outcomes for the majority of the US population: Economic inequality, inflation, stagnant real wages for the last fifty years, costly healthcare, an expensive education system, student loan debt totaling $1.7 trillion with an average balance of $38,000, poor public transportation systems, racial inequality, mass incarceration, the militarization of police, deteriorating infrastructure, housing affordability, homelessness, the opioid epidemic, and gun violence.
    Instead of prioritizing the welfare of their people, they meddle in other countries to spread their version of democracy. The question is whether the USA can continue to survive with its version of democracy, not whether it can have any leadership role in the global order.

    • @ellemababa4023
      @ellemababa4023 Před 2 měsíci +8

      You said a mouth Mr. Wong, spot on, much respect to China for managing to wiggle its way out from underneath the thumb of the US. Global hegemony.
      They made fantastic use of America's flaw in underestimating China's Great potential, and have effectively weaponized the arrogance of the collective west to their advantage. I for one am shocked to witness the shifting paradigms of todays world. I suspect the fallout from the western empire will be staggeringly awesome, if it should come to its forecasted conclusion.

    • @stuartwray6175
      @stuartwray6175 Před 2 měsíci

      'You said a mouth'?​ @@ellemababa4023

    • @stuartwray6175
      @stuartwray6175 Před 2 měsíci +8

      Interesting and informative comment.
      Just to add that, George W.Bush's administration, circa 2001, withdrew from the anti-ballistic missile treaty, pursued and funded missile defence shield systems, declared a headstrong determination to expand NATO eastwards, before launching the invasion of Iraq on bogus evidence. Perhaps induced by the NATO military intervention in the former Yugoslavia, a belligerent policy to maintain global hegemony, outlined in the Wolfowitz doctrine/Project for the New American Century, was put into practice. Ostensibly, it was just a matter of time before China figured in that equation.

    • @robertdlucas7418
      @robertdlucas7418 Před 2 měsíci +4

      The "New American Century" didn't last very long.

    • @user-vp1vl6yp9t
      @user-vp1vl6yp9t Před 2 měsíci +4

      Allow me to tell you a piece of truth about Taiwan: the US has been helping the Chinese communists. Because the US has a Canada, I hope you will be able to understand American actions and American history a tiny bit better. So, you owe me big time.
      Because the US has a Canada, please remember the British soldiers burnt the white house in 1814, which is about 40 years after the US independence.
      Almost exactly the same, the communist China has been in a situation similar to the US in its early years. Both countries have to face external and internal opposition, and both governments desperately need to consolidate their power internally.
      As a communist government, Chairman Mao's job was far more difficult than that of George Washington ever was. Of course, the US got the white house burnt by the British, and China had to fight the Korean and Vietnam wars.
      However, the easiest way to achieve internal peace is for the opposition to leave on their own. Thank the heavens that China has Taiwan, where the anti-communist force went. Similarly, the USA has Canada, where the British loyalists went. Just imagine, if the British loyalists had no Canada could go, or KMT had no Taiwan could go, both revolutionary wars would have to be longer and bloodier. Therefore, politically, the value of Taiwan to the Chinese communist revolution is exactly that of Canada to the American independence.
      Fortunately for the Chinese communists, the Americans don't understand their own history and have been working very hard and spending resources in Taiwan to help Chinese communists unify the Chinese hearts and minds internally and worldwide.

  • @currawong2011
    @currawong2011 Před 2 měsíci +8

    Image politics and international relations run by the Freemans of this world rather than the myopic, ideologically constipated, beholden-to-business-above-all failures now in these positions. This man is always clear thinking and clear speaking.

  • @ginkotree7157
    @ginkotree7157 Před měsícem +2

    A masterpiece on the topic of US foreign policy toward China in the last decade! Thank you Dr. Ambassador Freeman!

  • @deanzaZZR
    @deanzaZZR Před 2 měsíci +9

    What a fount of wisdom and dry wit by the Ambassador.

  • @currawong2011
    @currawong2011 Před 2 měsíci +7

    I hope those running Australia (into the ground) are watching this.

  • @theinfralink6598
    @theinfralink6598 Před 2 měsíci +8

    I try not to miss any of AMB Chas Freemen’s video talks.

  • @walhdamaskus2408
    @walhdamaskus2408 Před 2 měsíci +6

    When Freeman said at Deng period people could walked in and said to party leaders what is wrong and nowadays people arent dare to do so. Nowadays in china most of the time it was and is the party leaders, especially pre. Xi who walks to the people asking them what and how can be doing better for them. Xi goes around the country inspecting people's life. Freeman arent anymore in china, so might not seen the chance of chinese leader's works today since Deng period. They dont sit inside offenly like the US's leaders.

  • @jenme4796
    @jenme4796 Před měsícem +3

    Chas is a genius, he can pick up a language easily. Magna Cum Laude, man with wisdom!!!

  • @Lost_Johnny
    @Lost_Johnny Před 2 měsíci +18

    20:55 I don't think China is more repressive but the US is - even protests against genocide are met with violence.

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci +4

      Evidence is hard to ignore isn't it?

    • @esphilee
      @esphilee Před měsícem +7

      Compared to HK protest, HK police showed much restrain and patience.

  • @peterchan8635
    @peterchan8635 Před měsícem

    You can't find another person in this world who sees the world so clearly and articulated it so well. Respectable!

  • @Franklin-pc3xd
    @Franklin-pc3xd Před 2 měsíci +3

    Everyone at USF should probably redirect 100% of their attention to cleaning up their own backyard.

  • @truthaboveall7988
    @truthaboveall7988 Před 2 měsíci +4

    Incredible conversation

  • @olliejohnson1733
    @olliejohnson1733 Před 2 měsíci +4

    I agree with most things Freeman said expect for the repressive comment. China is can't be where it is today being repressive.

  • @MoxiVejarant
    @MoxiVejarant Před 2 měsíci +3

    Ambassador Freeman, you read the world accurately and demonstrate wise insight. In particular, you appreciate how despised the USA is now for its hubris. So how come you can't effect positive change in anything?

  • @rossmullins8708
    @rossmullins8708 Před měsícem +1

    We need to hear much more of this type analysis of Americas positions toward China. We have so much to gain from cooperation with China. Our militaristic approach to China is leading America into causing inevitable😮😮 war with that country. Given sufficient time America is likely to be defeated due to China’s greater manufacture of the modern weapons of war that the country perceives as necessary for its self defense. Why does America feel it so necessary to defend its notion that it must always remain the number one exemplar os the correct way forward, in spite of observable decline of it’s own society. Things change, ❤and it time we embrace this fact and welcome the need for a more peaceful world. Climate change will ravage the planet unless we all work actively and cooperatively to address it.

  • @qake2021
    @qake2021 Před 2 měsíci +4

    👌👌👌 thank you amb freeman. 👍👍👍

  • @SouthsideMike-1226
    @SouthsideMike-1226 Před 2 měsíci +8

    Ambassador freeman is a treasure. I agree and appreciate with all the points he elucidated. America in obvious decline

  • @jojoeverycat7726
    @jojoeverycat7726 Před měsícem

    A first-class, very comprehensive conclusion ever made by us former diplomat!

  • @cam35mm
    @cam35mm Před 2 měsíci +7

    Did they compete fairly, maybe the question to ask is when did we ever competed fairly?

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci

      When did anyone? Perhaps competition is over rated and not a solid ground for human survival.

  • @unveiledeyes6558
    @unveiledeyes6558 Před 2 měsíci +17

    It's quite rich for host to ask whether China competed fairly. Did America compete fairly when it torpedoed Japan's economy when it was a challenge? Did America compete fairly when it likewise slaughtered French semi conductor competition. Is America n9w competing fairly when it engineered the arrest of Meng of Huawei, when it's officials roam the world propounded ludicrous China over capacity rhetoric. That question is so so hilarious

    • @alansavill5299
      @alansavill5299 Před 2 měsíci +7

      I give you ALSTROM and TOSHIBA

    • @gelinrefira
      @gelinrefira Před měsícem +5

      @@alansavill5299 And the UK space program, and Canada's Avro and more recently Bombardier.

    • @TF-xf6bv
      @TF-xf6bv Před měsícem

      US Industries such as those you mentioned are not subsidized like the ones in China. China subsidizes , kills the competition with lower prices, then takes over. It has been their MO for years

  • @michael511128
    @michael511128 Před 2 měsíci +3

    Highly recommend interested viewers watch Professor Michael Hudson, Economic War on China, 2 weeks ago, April 2024. Brian Berlectic also gives good talks on these subjects.

  • @rossmullins8708
    @rossmullins8708 Před 27 dny

    Out standing talk by a very wise man.

  • @4-SeasonNature
    @4-SeasonNature Před měsícem

    Very comprehensive and thought-provoking talk.

  • @carlduplessis31
    @carlduplessis31 Před 2 měsíci +4

    An excellent analyses based on reality .

  • @rossmullins8708
    @rossmullins8708 Před měsícem +1

    Sachs and Freeman for running the future US Ship-of-State. This would provide some hope for the future,imo.

  • @noneone3310
    @noneone3310 Před měsícem +5

    57:21 china does not self claim that its systems, ideology or values are "superior", nor does it try to impose its system to the others, unlike the US and the west. we just think our systems are the best suited for china. it's totally different mindset, or shall we say "values"?
    59:26 as chinese, i don't feel "suffocation of speech" here, and i don't think i feel the need to "walk in to xi jin ping and tell him that he is full of it", because i approve him and the policies, and the more i watch the the world affairs both domestically and international that are unfolding in front of our eyes, the more i agree, approve and highly appreciate these policies and his leadership since he took the job, just like the overwhelming majority of chinese people. so maybe it's because if china has a leader like biden, trump or so called "leaders" in EU instead of xi, then we will have reason to do these things, but no, we don't? thanks for caring for our "freedom" and "democracy", but no thanks, we enjoy our freedom and democracy, which are different than yours and work way better for us evidently. and by the way, before you trying to pass your judgment on to others, your should look at the mirror first, and be respectful and have manner when talking to other side, so both sides can conduct a civil conversation, but if you can't help it but to act rude and disrespectful, then the only respond you will get from me is "we are very busy, so pls mind your own business, and get lost".

  • @rickygonzalez1545
    @rickygonzalez1545 Před měsícem +2

    Great teacher

  • @Arcy0429
    @Arcy0429 Před měsícem +1

    The Chinese always listens to comments & criticisms, reflect and think of ways to improve. Unlike the West that never listen & always think they are “superior” & always “right”.

  • @chiakeesame972
    @chiakeesame972 Před měsícem +3

    Painful truths

  • @francoisguyot9770
    @francoisguyot9770 Před 2 měsíci +2


  • @fruitbat2714
    @fruitbat2714 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Tops! 🙏

  • @charlesyang4923
    @charlesyang4923 Před měsícem +2

    Every American knows it need a major change by wiping off the vested interest groups, specifically MICC, to revive its founding spirit of entrepreneurship & adventure and Christianity virtue of humbleness & inclusivity, except the American political system established in pre-industrialization age had locked down and excluded every possibility for change. An awakening of populace awareness for change must rise up from the bottom.

  • @Eudamonia-123
    @Eudamonia-123 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Came for Chas 😊, fantastic commentary as always.

  • @ericyeo805
    @ericyeo805 Před měsícem +2

    Good talk by the ambassador and very informative.
    I think it’s not quite accurate to say that the Belt and Road failed without attributing to unfriendly factors deliberately wanting to spoil it.
    They started off by defaults being constantly contained and destabilising by forces intentionally wanting to achieved.
    Hence, right from the get go, they faced strong headwinds and when they plodded passed, they faced more being manufactured along the way to deny them success.
    With such formidable resistance and still they can reached the present stage is considered quite remarkable.
    China spent so much just to trade while what the US has done was only to disrupt, to deny and to destroy.
    I think for the Chinese effort, it was worth it as it provide the eco system to trade. But, is the US spending for negativity against humanity really worth the American taxes money?

  • @dilippatel1590
    @dilippatel1590 Před měsícem

    In the last 30 years, China took its population out of poverty and penury to a majority middle-class society.
    All this because of their leaderships focus on moving its people, population to prosperity and secure living.
    This should be Prime Directive of any country's leadership if they want to take their nation to greater heights.

  • @chriswong9158
    @chriswong9158 Před měsícem

    Henry Kissinger Quote: “To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”

  • @EnriqueVivancoH
    @EnriqueVivancoH Před měsícem +1

    Amazing resume about the current status of the world

  • @esp4yu
    @esp4yu Před 2 měsíci +3

    America spends more money in War, than any Coubtries in the World, lacking in Domestic issues such as infrastructure, citizens improvements but rise in racial discrimination, division and homelessness. Wile other countries focus on development of economy, infrastructures and domestic growth such as Education, Employment...etc. it is these factors that Differentiate Unilaterism vs Multilaterism, Individualism vs Co-Existenlism

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci

      The expense on war is the throwing of excess surplus into the sea in order to hide it from its people so that we don't "catch on" to $ for nothing and chicks for free. - wise sayings from some guys that used to be around - not just Dire Straights btw.

  • @mistman5640
    @mistman5640 Před 2 měsíci +4

    Mr. Gibbs, your internet is spotty.

  • @michaelloong964
    @michaelloong964 Před měsícem +1

    The Sino US diplomatic problems arises solely from the US money politics period. In the US the quickest way of making money is to be a lawyer first and then a politician. When you become a member of the government administration , your chance of becoming a millionaire is assured. The money comes from different ways and one way is via the Military Industrial Complex that can sell a small bag of bushings to Pentagon for 60000 USD whereas you can buy them from China for 10USD. The MIC earns money by making weapons at exorbitant prices and the politicians help them sell the weapons by creating enemies around the world. And the enemies are Russia, China, Iran, ISIS in Middle East countries, Argentina and Cuba, North Korea. These are permanent enemies created by the US as the evil countries that the US considered to be the aggressor to world peace and a threat to US allies. Such US policy has been in place for decades and will never change. The US politicians cannot make money if the world is at peace. Many rich politicians stay in power for decades and there is no term limit for them. It is all about money politics. They serve themselves first and foremost.

  • @mehdi_so
    @mehdi_so Před 2 měsíci +2


  • @mmb811
    @mmb811 Před 2 měsíci +1

    59:09 Those issues you attest to Chine is in fact an EXACT DESCRIPTION of what has been happening in US for more than a decade now, and getting worse every day!

  • @walhdamaskus2408
    @walhdamaskus2408 Před 2 měsíci +2

    The best ending is " my experience on chinese communist party is that there are more communists in our Cambridge Massachusetts than there are all in china"

  • @rossmullins8708
    @rossmullins8708 Před měsícem

    Can America humble itself enough to contract with China to help us modernize our infrastructures. Needed but not very likely, imo.
    Cooperation not the current confrontation is something American must begin to embrace.

  • @barryshaw5660
    @barryshaw5660 Před 2 měsíci

    It’ll take three generations to make the reforms AMB Freeman’s suggesting and the world isn’t going to stop progressing while we make the adjustments necessary, starting with our education system.

  • @carolberry2239
    @carolberry2239 Před 2 měsíci

    Thank you Chas Freeman. USA is isolating itsself. With a BRICS currency, what will happen?

  • @user-gj6gm8cv1z
    @user-gj6gm8cv1z Před 2 měsíci

    Всем добра счастья здоровья огромного

  • @yenshui
    @yenshui Před 2 měsíci

    異途同歸. A good grasp of Mandarin.

  • @DocDanTheGuitarMan
    @DocDanTheGuitarMan Před 2 měsíci

    That’s a cop out. Watching your infrastructure succumb to entropy was a choice this country made.

  • @yenshui
    @yenshui Před 2 měsíci

    The host is speaking over the guest.

  • @panglayman5576
    @panglayman5576 Před 2 měsíci

    This video should have a million views! It just seems like a mismatch between expectations and realities. When they began winding down Western heavy industries and STEM education they should have begun winding down the Western global political and military footprint concurrently. It is odd that the folks at the World Economic Forum didn't realize this, but they too seem to have been blindsided with all of the talk of a global Great Reset, etc. Historically, the path forward has always been determined by nations with the largest productive economies and thanks to Dr, Chase Freeman's talk it seems obvious that this will occur again, with China (and Russia) leading the way.

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci

      What do you think the World Economic Forum is?

    • @panglayman5576
      @panglayman5576 Před 2 měsíci

      @@totonow6955 Sorry I was not clear. My point was that if they had grasped the nexus of the economic power shift from West to East they would have begun holding their annual WEF meetings in Beijing or St. Petersburg not Davos, Switzerland ... a location becoming rapidly anachronistic.

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci

      @@panglayman5576 Maybe it should be that way but pretty sure it is not that way.

  • @bindiberry6280
    @bindiberry6280 Před měsícem

    Be aware, after mixing up CCP as China in our academic field and financial investment industry, we also have a lot of "low grade red, high grade black" which in Chinese : 低級紅,高級黒 resembling a childish game for trying to cover up laziness in trainings. We all know about Nixon and Kissinger though.

  • @philostreet781
    @philostreet781 Před měsícem

    Truth bomb just dropped by Mr. Chase Freeman: “We learn from our failures, never from our suspenses.” Short history of the US offers no rich national experience to reflect upon. 1:26:07

  • @philostreet781
    @philostreet781 Před měsícem

    US had a different position on intellectual property right (i.e., everything is the common property of mankind 1:03:51 ) before 1898 in which US had become a net exporter. 1:03:31
    Example 1: Alexander Hamilton ordered two guys to simple copy the textile technology back to the US :: this was how the first textile factory was established 1:04:03

  • @larsh2923
    @larsh2923 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Very enlightened lecture by Amb Freeman, thank you. Bad audio from USF, by some better equipment at Ali Baba 😅

  • @michael511128
    @michael511128 Před 2 měsíci

    I think your laptop is overheating. You can use a fan underneath.

  • @ralphbernhard1757
    @ralphbernhard1757 Před měsícem

    *His "service to king and country" around the year 1900 came with a price tag: The end of his beloved Empire a generation after he died.*
    Long before WW2, an elitist club of insider London lords he served, had set off to set Europe up for failure. And they repeated it TWICE. London was always going to oppose the strongest continental country/power/alliance, as a default setting, and as a matter of policy. No feelings or opinions were involved in this decision by a few London lords. Ever since the establishment of her Empire, London aimed to expand and protect it by (as a matter policy), making the strongest continental power/alliance the rival in peace/enemy in war.
    By own admission: "The equilibrium established by such a grouping of forces is technically known as the balance of power, and it has become almost an historical truism to identify England’s secular policy with the maintenance of this balance by throwing her weight now in this scale and now in that, but ever on the side, opposed to the political dictatorship of the strongest single, State or group at any time." [From Primary source material: Memorandum on the Present State of British Relations with France and Germany]
    *In a nutshell, oppose every major diplomatic advance made by the strongest continental power in times of peace, and ally against it in times of war. An own policy standpoint (Splendid isolation) meant that London shied away from making binding commitments with continental powers. London made temporary best friends to temporarily use and abuse, not lasting alliances.*
    The own historical policy standpoint resulted in the eternal motivation to set continental powers up against each other, in a bid to sit on the fence and eat popcorn when the shtf...
    In case of differences? Pick the side *against* the strongest power.
    In case of war? Oppose the power (alliance) most likely to win.
    That is how the lords "played". Under a thin veneer of civility and diplomacy and protected by the English Channel (geography) an army of apologists (weak minds) right through to today, and this system persists to today: only the players and dividers sit elsewhere.
    After WW1 (Versailles, St. Germaine, etc.) the lords set off on the same path: divide and rule. Set up Hungarians against Czechs, set up Austrians against Czechs, set up the Poles against the Russians and Germans (see Limitrophe States). Create just enough peace for a short-term advantage. *Just enough dissatisfaction to cause eternal strife...divide and rule. Bring in a few others to gather around the round table (Paris), so you can pass the buck around if things go predictably wrong. When things go wrong: blame everybody else...*
    Drawing lines on the map, not only in Europe but all around the world, divide and rule.
    Imposing on many millions, and give power to a few betas. Divide and rule...
    Separating entire families. Divide and rule.
    Separating companies from their markets. Divide and rule...
    Taking from some without asking. Giving to others, without consent.
    These are the tools of divide and rule.
    *Never a price tag for own actions and inaction...*
    *The price tag is you, the reader of this essay.*
    How do I, the originator of this essay, know this? Because if you are reading this, you do not belong to the "benefactor class" which profits from every divide and rule setup ever created.
    *To avoid the dreary hassle of working to achieve a long-term stable Europe, the lords set of to look for "best fwiends" elsewhere...*
    "By 1901, many influential Britons advocated for a closer relationship between the two countries. W. T. Stead even proposed that year in The Americanization of the World *for both to merge to unify the English-speaking world, as doing so would help Britain "continue for all time to be an integral part of the greatest of all World-Powers, supreme on sea* and unassailable on land, permanently delivered from all fear of hostile attack, and capable of wielding irresistible influence in all parts of this planet."
    [Google: The_Great_Rapprochement]
    Sooooo gweat.
    Everybody "speaking English" and being "best fwiends" and ruling the world together as equals....
    After 1895, London snuggled up to the rising power USA, thinking such action would bring further easy victories, an expansion of own sphere of influence, while protecting their Empire: Meanwhile, dividing their neighbors on the continent as a policy standpoint.
    *What could possibly go wrong?*
    "At the end of the war [WW2], Britain, physically devastated and financially bankrupt, lacked factories to produce goods for rebuilding, the materials to rebuild the factories or purchase the machines to fill them, or with the money to pay for any of it. Britain’s situation was so dire, the government sent the economist John Maynard Keynes with a delegation to the US to beg for financial assistance, claiming that Britain was facing a *"financial Dunkirk”.* The Americans were willing to do so, on one condition: They would supply Britain with the financing, goods and materials to rebuild itself, but dictated that Britain must first eliminate those Sterling Balances by repudiating all its debts to its colonies. The alternative was to receive neither assistance nor credit from the US. *Britain, impoverished and in debt, with no natural resources and no credit or ability to pay, had little choice but to capitulate.* And of course with all receivables cancelled and since the US could produce today, those colonial nations had no further reason for refusing manufactured goods from the US. The strategy was successful. *By the time Britain rebuilt itself, the US had more or less captured all of Britain’s former colonial markets, and for some time after the war’s end the US was manufacturing more than 50% of everything produced in the world. And that was the end of the British Empire, and the beginning of the last stage of America’s rise."*
    *A "ring which ruled them all". Geography and power: The American Century. So they woke up one morning, only to discover that their "best fwiends forever" had stolen all their most profitable markets. No markets = no trade = no money = no power = no "Empire".*
    US President Adams said there are two ways to enslave a people: one is with invasion, the other way through debt. And endebt others, and enslave their thoughts, is what these overlords did best.
    They thought their American Century "best fwiends" would help out for free...TWICE.
    A minor detail the oh so honest lords forgot about, finally had an effect: *"Empires" don't have "friends".*
    Brits being squeezed like a lemon by US banks, having their Pound crushed by the US dominated IMF, being refused the mutually developed nukes to act as a deterrent against the SU's expansion, munching on war rations till way into the 1950s, losing the Suez Canal in a final attempt at "acting tough" and imposing hegemony over a vital sphere of interest...and going, "third fiddle" in the "Concerto de Cold War" in which Brits were then set up as tools to fight the new enemy...
    *Good ol' USA didn't have to invade GB in order to succeed London as the ruler of the world, and new premier divider, and then set up millions of Brits as buck catchers...*
    Washington DC needed a junior associate, not an equal partner. So Brits lost their Empire fighting their previous temporawy best friends the commies, now the new enemy as declared by Washington DC (Truman Doctrine). That's what happens if one has leaders that make the strongest continental power the enemy as a default setting. Hop over here for a "temporary best fwiend" this year, then hop over there for a "temporary best fwiend" the next.
    Hop, hop, hop...into extinction.

  • @ralphbernhard1757
    @ralphbernhard1757 Před měsícem

    The USA and divide Europe and rule the world..
    From wiki, and regarding the theory:
    *"Divide and rule policy (Latin: divide et impera), or divide and conquer, in politics and sociology is gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy."*
    Elements of this technique involve:
    - creating or encouraging divisions ...
    - to prevent alliances that could challenge ...
    - distributing forces that they overpower the other
    - aiding and promoting those who are willing to cooperate
    - fostering distrust and enmity
    *Historically, this strategy was used in many different ways by empires seeking to expand their territories."*
    [edited for clarity re. the states/empires level of things]
    Regarding in practice:
    After her defeat in 1871, and being isolated by all of her neighbors, France started gravitating towards Washington DC (as exemplified by the Statue of Liberty "gift to the American people"). Since the Franco-Prussian War had already removed the biggest obstacle to a French/US rapprochement, which was *Napoleon "meddle in Mexico" the III,* this war thereby inadvertently opened the door to better relations between Washington and Paris. Of course, the divider must be receptive to such advances. What was in it for Washington DC? Simple: After almost a century of British and French attempts of playing divide and rule/conquer in North America, trying to avoid a single hegemony here (Washington DC) to advance own interests at the expense of North American unity, it was now Washington DC's turn to start playing some division back at Europe...
    First tool to come swimming across the Atlantic, straight into the wide open loving tender arms of the eagerly awaiting American Internationalism? (soon to become the all-powerful American Century) Answer: Isolated France/Paris, in conflict or dissed by her neighbors. Who would have ever thought that dissing a neighbor could ever have consequences, of creating THE FAVORITE for a faraway empire, searching for tools and staging areas. Regarding this policy, it needs a keen sense of observation by a nation's leaders, so as not to inadvertently become a part of it.
    *"Defeat Them in Detail: The Divide and Conquer Strategy. Look at the parts and determine how to control the individual parts, create dissension and leverage it." - Robert Greene*
    And observe the details and leverage European dissent is what the American Internationalism fans did.
    *Where did these Internationalists suddenly appear from, at the same time the M-A-I-N reasons for WW1 crystalized on the other side of the pond?*

  • @walhdamaskus2408
    @walhdamaskus2408 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Since when american competes and trades fairly?

  • @Jeff-sm8of
    @Jeff-sm8of Před 2 měsíci

    The eagle in its death throes. Yankee animosity towards the nighty dragon is to be expected. Yanks will have to work for their own keep like the rest of the world. Prepare for revolt. No more non stop printing.

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci

      "Jeff" Who do you think Yanks are? Who do you think the US administration is? Do you think that Yank has anything to do with vast swaths of US population? Why do you think the US has so many prisons? Why do you think Yank is allowed to kill the US population with poverty draft, oxy and Monsanto chemicals in corn chips?

  • @DocDanTheGuitarMan
    @DocDanTheGuitarMan Před 2 měsíci

    It will take not only a war but US losing this war for the system to change. Are only hope should be that everyone doesn’t die. Or maybe India picks up the pieces?

  • @macrosense
    @macrosense Před 2 měsíci

    Politically, a candidate or party in America can build up support for themselves or their party by scapegoating China. While this may not reflect their actual intentions, it helps them get elected in America. China’s trade and economic interdependence with U.S. Allies, the rest of the world, and the U.S. itself make any pretense of engaging in a Cold War with China absurd.

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci

      Gen o "side" in Gaza is absurd. Did you ever think you'd be the German? ( unless of course you are🤣)

    • @macrosense
      @macrosense Před 2 měsíci

      I had heard John Mearsheimer describe Gaza as a “Massacre” and distinctly explain this is short of an actual genocide. I always vote Republican or democrat. The U.S. always gives Israel a blank check and a free pass. At least, for the last thirty-odd years. There is no way to stop it.

  • @teatree6228
    @teatree6228 Před 2 měsíci

    But do not think about creating friction between china and russia

  • @moviemakerjo6756
    @moviemakerjo6756 Před měsícem

    42:47, correction its not China attacked ng the us if the us attaks it! - but is in fact that, if the us attaks China then it will respond.

  • @Jeff-sm8of
    @Jeff-sm8of Před 2 měsíci

    Why are they staying? A severe case of jasmine fever.

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci

      Is this a pseudo clever " why don't you just leave?" No one is getting off this planet. No one lives somewhere else. Nuclear weapons are real so...

  • @teatree6228
    @teatree6228 Před 2 měsíci

    The poison came from ONE DIRECTION

  • @cathybrelsford4365
    @cathybrelsford4365 Před 2 měsíci

    The host seems like he was sitting in a nice office, maybe in the university . Why was his WiFi so bad?😮

  • @outofoblivionproductions4015

    America bad, China good. UUUmmmm do I get a free t-shirt now or something?

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci

      No that is given out when you realize one planet, no good guys no bad guys just all of us stuck here... No one is getting out so let's stfu and make the best of it.

  • @anghockseng5686
    @anghockseng5686 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Australia should not
    Interfere into taiwam
    And china

  • @Arcy0429
    @Arcy0429 Před měsícem

    Using the term “I think” degrades your credibility, Amb. Freeman. What you think & what is really happening are 2 different things.

  • @joanofarc6402
    @joanofarc6402 Před 2 měsíci


  • @chriswong9158
    @chriswong9158 Před měsícem

    China's non-interference directive of others....

  • @christybutler5187
    @christybutler5187 Před 2 měsíci +6

    Ĺet Chas Freeman speak without you interrupting him...

  • @qake2021
    @qake2021 Před 2 měsíci


  • @Jeff-sm8of
    @Jeff-sm8of Před 2 měsíci

    Tsmc in arizona is a laughing stock.

  • @totonow6955
    @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci

    I am thankful for being able to listen to this great presentation. Did I miss mention of climate destruction and the economic outcome and impact on US and China "interests"? We don't have twenty years to get out of this mess.
    Do I have this right? Is the falling out of China and the Soviet Union China messaging to the Soviet Union that their path ( because of an early form of sanctions) was not going to work out economically. Then the Soviet Union did not listen. By the 90s, and believing in the US, they went with the US only to be utterly betrayed by the US ( because the MIC needs an enemy). So now as feelings have subsided??? And reality sets in, The Russians are able to accept what China told them back then and to join in. Have I got this right? Don't we live on a planet where all people need to work for a living and we just can't afford to try to stop others from doing exactly what they have to do?- work for a living? Do we not live in a world of absolute abundance that is woefully and illogically distributed in completely dirt dumb ways?
    - sincere comment from a deplorable😢

  • @absolootely2571
    @absolootely2571 Před 2 měsíci +5

    1/2 a billion peeps live elbow to elbow around the SCS. When the storm clouds appear the only direction to flee is south, island hopping to Darwin. Millions will come.
    Just 2% fleeing the warzone will be 10 million pouring into Australia.

    • @daniellee8720
      @daniellee8720 Před 2 měsíci +9

      Lol u must be on the wrong kinda mushrooms.

    • @macrosense
      @macrosense Před 2 měsíci

      Refugee boats are easier to sink than war ships. However, europe has great experience in dealing with refugees from U.S. initiatives in Syria, Libya, and Iraq.

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci

      ​@daniellee8720 lol?

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci

      ​@@macrosense"dealing" that sounds like something economic??? Confessing?

  • @GlobalDrifter1000
    @GlobalDrifter1000 Před 15 dny

    It looks like he’s wearing lipstick.

  • @bvkronenberg6786
    @bvkronenberg6786 Před měsícem

    Some old white dude mumbling about whatever.

  • @pwcrabb5766
    @pwcrabb5766 Před měsícem


  • @jackorange1882
    @jackorange1882 Před 2 měsíci +1

    the truth hurts

    • @user-vp1vl6yp9t
      @user-vp1vl6yp9t Před 2 měsíci

      Allow me to tell you a piece of truth about Taiwan: the US has been helping the Chinese communists. Because the US has a Canada, I hope you will be able to understand American actions and American history a tiny bit better. So, you owe me big time.
      Because the US has a Canada, please remember the British soldiers burnt the white house in 1814, which is about 40 years after the US independence.
      Almost exactly the same, the communist China has been in a situation similar to the US in its early years. Both countries have to face external and internal opposition, and both governments desperately need to consolidate their power internally.
      As a communist government, Chairman Mao's job was far more difficult than that of George Washington ever was. Of course, the US got the white house burnt by the British, and China had to fight the Korean and Vietnam wars.
      However, the easiest way to achieve internal peace is for the opposition to leave on their own. Thank the heavens that China has Taiwan, where the anti-communist force went. Similarly, the USA has Canada, where the British loyalists went. Just imagine, if the British loyalists had no Canada could go, or KMT had no Taiwan could go, both revolutionary wars would have to be longer and bloodier. Therefore, politically, the value of Taiwan to the Chinese communist revolution is exactly that of Canada to the American independence.
      Fortunately for the Chinese communists, the Americans don't understand their own history and have been working very hard and spending resources in Taiwan to help Chinese communists unify the Chinese hearts and minds internally and worldwide.

  • @Blueblackberry-ex2xc
    @Blueblackberry-ex2xc Před 2 měsíci

    Amb. Freeman has a very good heart and smart American. But unfortunately most American politician have no brain at all, including the presidents of America. Love America.

  • @anthonye4183
    @anthonye4183 Před 2 měsíci

    I think US has to clean up its own backyard first before talking about cooperation. I guess US is experiencing Retribution.

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci

      There are no separate back yards. It is just time to solve problems rather than killing in the name of....

  • @keithfellers8953
    @keithfellers8953 Před 2 měsíci

    Diplomacy won’t happen with the Biden regime specifically Blinkin!

  • @user-vp1vl6yp9t
    @user-vp1vl6yp9t Před 2 měsíci +1

    Allow me to tell you a piece of truth about Taiwan: the US has been helping the Chinese communists. Because the US has a Canada, I hope you will be able to understand American actions and American history a tiny bit better. So, you owe me big time.
    Because the US has a Canada, please remember the British soldiers burnt the white house in 1814, which is about 40 years after the US independence.
    Almost exactly the same, the communist China has been in a situation similar to the US in its early years. Both countries have to face external and internal opposition, and both governments desperately need to consolidate their power internally.
    As a communist government, Chairman Mao's job was far more difficult than that of George Washington ever was. Of course, the US got the white house burnt by the British, and China had to fight the Korean and Vietnam wars.
    However, the easiest way to achieve internal peace is for the opposition to leave on their own. Thank the heavens that China has Taiwan, where the anti-communist force went. Similarly, the USA has Canada, where the British loyalists went. Just imagine, if the British loyalists had no Canada could go, or KMT had no Taiwan could go, both revolutionary wars would have to be longer and bloodier. Therefore, politically, the value of Taiwan to the Chinese communist revolution is exactly that of Canada to the American independence.
    Fortunately for the Chinese communists, the Americans don't understand their own history and have been working very hard and spending resources in Taiwan to help Chinese communists unify the Chinese hearts and minds internally and worldwide.

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před 2 měsíci

      What do you think communist means? You can " thank" me later after you go figure that one out. And I do mean really learn about the fact that Karl Marx was a cheerleader for capitalism along with Adam Smith and David Ricardo. When one is trying to create something, like a capitalistic structure for example, the creator has to consider BOTH pros and cons to come out with a strong workable product.
      P.s. And thank me later for this one too: When Adam Smith spoke of free markets he meant ( and said) free FROM the rentier class not free of all regulation so that the rentier could run wild in a drunken orgy. Which one do you think we got? And yes, I take your Canada point. The British had Ireland ( from which my ancestors came ).

    • @user-vp1vl6yp9t
      @user-vp1vl6yp9t Před 2 měsíci

      ​@@totonow6955 What do you think Christian means? You can " thank" me later after you go figure that one out. And I do mean really learn about the fact that Jesus was an Asian along with his daddy own the land on earth. So, the private ownership of land is anti-Christ and evil. When one is trying to create something, like a Christianity structure for example, the creator has to consider BOTH pros and cons to come out with a strong workable product of abortion and homosexual.
      P.s. And thank me later for this one too: When Adam Smith spoke of free markets he meant ( and said) free FROM the minimum salary not free of all military so that the rentier could run wild in a drunken orgy and giving birth to baby rentiers.
      One definition of Christianity ss a conspiracy theory that Judaism God conspired to have an affair with His daughter Mary, who was his son Joseph's wife, to have a son, Jesus, crucify Jesus and save you.
      Another definition of Christianity is an accusation against the Jew's God of an unspeakable thing, having an affair with another man's wife, who is His virgin daughter Mary, and fathering a bastard. Not to mention, the other man is His son Joseph, the carpenter.
      Now, you know the reason that Judaism God punished the snake, because, it turned the Garden of Eden into a rated G Disney land from child porn rated XXXXXXXXXXXX
      Which one do you think Brits and Americans got? And yes, I take your and your ancestors worship an Asian bastard.

    • @user-vp1vl6yp9t
      @user-vp1vl6yp9t Před 2 měsíci

      @@totonow6955 What do you think Christian means? You can " thank" me later after you go figure that one out. And I do mean really learn about the fact that Jesus was an Asian, along with his daddy, owned the land on earth. So, the private ownership of land is anti-Christ and evil. When one is trying to create something, like a Christian structure, for example, the creator has to consider BOTH pros and cons to come out with a strong, workable product of abortion and homosexuality.

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 Před měsícem

      @@user-vp1vl6yp9t Christian? Did you mention Christian before? I can't find that in your comment. Do you want to talk about Christians?

    • @user-vp1vl6yp9t
      @user-vp1vl6yp9t Před měsícem

      @@totonow6955 no, i didn't mention Christian before.
      i did mention communism to show the power of oppositions both internal and external the communist China had to face and fight.
      i don't care what communism is or isn't just as you don't give a damn to jesus.