Raid on Rise: Narrative Creation on Rise of The Tomb Raider

  • čas přidán 17. 06. 2018
  • In this 2016 GDC talk, writers & narrative designers from the Rise of the Tomb Raider team, including Rhianna Pratchett, John Stafford, Cameron Suey, Tore Blystad, Jeff Adams & Noah Hughes share how they worked together to build the next successful stage of Lara Croft's adventures, and demonstrate how a strong story and characterization are fundamental for AAA success.
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Komentáře • 16

  • @SirLaguna
    @SirLaguna Před 6 lety +2

    I absolutely loved this game, so much I did several playthroughs. Is lovely to hear how a story I like so much got made.
    Geat job Crystal Dynamics! keep up the great work!

  • @rikamayhem
    @rikamayhem Před 6 lety +18

    Narrative Creation of the games that turned an archeologist into a mass murderer. I'm sorry, but these games have the exact same problem the Uncharted series has. They present you a psychopath that brutally kills hundreds of people in each game but then the cutscenes show her affected and emotional about the situation, trying to convey some philosophical meaning. Sure.

    • @suplextrain
      @suplextrain Před 6 lety +6

      Drake is by far more believable in a number of ways. Partially because he had a rough childhood and eventually got taken in by Sully and partially because of how the games play out. People like to overplay this "Drake is a mass murderer" bit and try and pretend that Drake is some kind of monster.
      The problem with Lara however is that in the reboot it was a picture perfect example of ludonarrative dissonance since how Lara acted in cutscenes was not at all reflected in gameplay. In Rise her character just became a mess and she more actively sought to kill Trinity while not even having a clear goal. In Shadow she is (so far) more portrayed as a downright psycho.
      Also, games like Uncharted would not work with only like a total of 10-20 enemies and let's not kid ourselves when it comes to characters like Indiana Jones. Indy killed tons of people.

    • @rikamayhem
      @rikamayhem Před 6 lety +1

      I admit ludonarrative dissonance is my pet peeve. If the game tells a story, then the gameplay is part of the storytelling. Gameplay isn't just filler to unlock cinematic scenes. It contributes to the characters' portrayal.
      You see, I don't care about a character killing so many people. It's a work of fiction, there's nothing wrong with it. I just want the writers to portray them correctly. If Lara is traumatized about having killed someone for the first time, she shouldn't be landing headshots on dozens of people five minutes later and then behave normally. Then Drake is not "a monster", but he kills almost 1000 people per game on average, and that's not an exaggeration. At the very least, make him acknowledge it in some way.

    • @suplextrain
      @suplextrain Před 6 lety

      Not sure what you want in regards to Drake? Should he every few hours just randomly mention "Oh god, I've killed so many people... that are trying to kill me and my friends!" or should he just consistently joke about how many people he has killed? I really don't see how that would be relevant or make the games better. If anything it would just make the games less enjoyable, wierd and awkward.
      Also, he has lived his life amongst rouges, guns and people trying to kill him. If anything he would've become desensitized to it all by this point. I mean it's not like he's actively seeking out innocent people to kill either. He's attacked by pirates, psychopaths, mercs, etc. while trying to do his thing.
      In all honesty, in regards to Drake I think it's a pretty thoughtless complaint people have. Kind of like making a kneejerk reaction.

    • @rikamayhem
      @rikamayhem Před 6 lety

      Spiderman - The Emissary From Hell Not kneejerk, what the hell? My main complaint was about the new Lara really, Drake was just a lesser example of the same issue; I'm not much into that series.
      But about Drake, I obviously don't want him to go "Oh, dude, I killed so much people today but it's ok because it was in self defense." (even if it often isn't in self defense, but I don't particularly care about that). But there's surely a middle ground between that and all characters being completely oblivious to the ethics of their actions even when they decide to start a new adventure. Even a character like The Punisher hesitates to kill or worries about his acts sometimes. Killing is what he does, so coming to terms with it is part of his character.
      So I don't want Drake or Lara to say anything, I just want them to show they've thought about it at least once in their lives. You just can't have a story about someone who has to kill so much people and not consider killing part of his inner struggles and his character development.

    • @suplextrain
      @suplextrain Před 6 lety

      @rika mayhem
      Been a while since I read the Punisher, but to my understanding he frankly enjoys killing people, yet he turns this towards criminals and what-have-you. So it's kind of a strange character to bring up.
      Either way, I don't see how or why you should have Drake randomly at points somehow briefly mention that he kills a bunch of people and why that would somehow make the games better? I really don't get it. You can't even really start the adventure with Drake saying somthing like "I really don't want to kill tons of people" as if he KNOWS he will kill tons of people when going on a treasure hunt or something.
      Like you say you want something but you don't even know how you want it? Very strange.
      Also just giving a brief mention, off-hand comment or something would just be awkward as hell.
      Again, take Indiana Jones. He kills A LOT of people (even more if you count during the war) yet he never does the thing you want Drake to do. So you're fine with Indiana Jones but not Drake?
      This is why it comes off as kneejerk reaction or as something you've allowed yourself to be influenced by others. Not a lot of thought has actually gone into the complaint, only that you perceive it as a "problem" for some reason that needs to be addressed.

  • @ZoidbergForPresident
    @ZoidbergForPresident Před 6 lety

    I found TR 2013's story and characters to be abysmally bad.... anyone else?

    • @RJMc819
      @RJMc819 Před 6 lety +3

      I thought Rise had much better story and character, put it that way.

    • @InnerSunshine
      @InnerSunshine Před 3 lety

      Nope, a gameplay and game narrative masterpiece as this GDC talk suggests. For me comparing TR 2013 with TR Underworld, the just prior game is going backwards from a Rolls Royce to a 1985 Datsun. Lara had declined to a 2D James Bond cliche. TR 2013 brought her to life. Not perfectly as she still alternates between soft and lovable and in the next scene stone cold killer. The talk also models and demos what an "agile" tech team is and does.

  • @jimbo5276
    @jimbo5276 Před 6 lety +3

    while I enjoyed both of the first games, I have to say, the animations and physics for things like jumping and climbing are SOOO bad it makes me want to stop playing every time. honestly lara can jump straight up and do like a 720 in the air with no weight or anything behind it. I hope they try to fix this for the next one, maybe play the uncharted games and you'll see just how bad the animation is in comparison

  • @KiKeoLiVa
    @KiKeoLiVa Před 5 lety +1

    Oof, this game and its script... The first game didn't had that obvious propaganda and was really enjoyable. I hated Lara in this game. Every time that opens her mouth says something stupid, like the script is really made to deeply hate Lara.