Common Dance Terms and Basic Movements used in Folkdance | Sir Pixie

  • čas přidán 7. 01. 2022
  • #commondanceterms #folkdance

Komentáře • 211

  • @kirkbrijuega8148
    @kirkbrijuega8148 Před 2 lety +1

    Brijuega, Kirk Angelo A.
    12 - Timbreza
    - Understanding the dance terms first in folk dance played an important role in order to perform such. The dance terms are sort of the basics in order to mobilize a specific choreography, also it’ll be easier to perform because the mastery of the terms will provide a coordination to the body and movement of the dancers and their partners.

  • @chimichan6229
    @chimichan6229 Před 2 lety +1

    Aldrich B Elamparo
    Abm 12-Tan
    -Folk dances are important because they help keep our culture alive so It is important to learn the common terms in folk dance before creating or performing a certain folk dance because if we know the basic steps then we can easily dance, We can easily dance if we know the basic steps of any dance. If we goo from basic steps one day we became a good dancer and basic are always important as it is a start of the knowledge we can have. People have been doing folk dances for hundreds of years and there is value keeping that tradition alive and pass it on to the next generation.

  • @lhancecabasa-an9921
    @lhancecabasa-an9921 Před 2 lety +1

    Name:Cabasa-an Lhance R
    Section: HUMSS,12-WEBER
    For me knowing this kind of basic common dances is very helpful,because it is easy for you to catch up the main choreo of the folk dance.
    And on the instructions that the dancer dancing how to dance the folk danced properly, and also it can build your confidence and dancing skills.
    you have the control to follow certain dance steps in folk dance and perform these movements confidently and naturally.
    So basically start to love our local and our traditions for the betterment of our society because just by dancing we built our social skills and forget abt our problems by enjoying dancers and by dancing.

  • @horig2685
    @horig2685 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Guantero Hori e
    Section: abm 12-sy
    useful to know the names of some of these positions and what they are because if they are referenced, you'll be able to easily go into them or at least have an idea of how they are supposed to look.
    It allows the dancers to switch directions or propel into a leap
    Reserves for dances which are to a significant degree bound by tradition and originated in the times when the distinction existed between the dances of "common folk" and the dances of the modern ballroom dances originated from folk ones.

  • @aly_lay1016
    @aly_lay1016 Před 2 lety +1

    Rosalejos, Alyssa Y.
    AD12- Luna
    Having the knowledge of terms in folkdancing makes the dancer more familiar in the steps. Its easier for them to execute the dance because when they heard the right term, they can perform or remember it with or with eyes closed. And of course by learning the different terms, you can mix and match it that is suitable for your imagined dance piece. Most of the terms are Spanish in origin, its easier to remember because we had been colonized by them and we are familiar with it.

  • @Kheine.
    @Kheine. Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Abayon, Kheine Joedel
    Section: AD12- Felipe
    Knowing dance terms in folk dances can help you to have a better knowledge about dancing. You can have a wonderful performance about it and you can really inspire others too. You can pass your learnings about folk dance from genetation to generation. ❣️

  • @benchresurrecion8729
    @benchresurrecion8729 Před 2 lety +2

    Name: Resurrecion, Bench B.
    Section: ABM 12-TAN
    The video is packed with information regarding the different common dance terms in folkdance, which I am very grateful about because it led me to a conclusion that DANCING is a universal language. It can be a symbolism of hope, an expression of values, or a reflection of culture and history. It has the power to inspire and create an impact to people in every corner of the world. Since folkdance usually celebrates people's cultural roots and pride, we should keep in mind that the longest journeys start with a single step. Thus, this means that it is significant for us to learn the basics in order to create something that we would be proud of.
    As meaningful ideas and expressions are woven into these particular movements, the demonstration is also considered in order to create & execute a beautiful choreography and a performance that is rich in culture. The steps must be constant because each step in a folkdance reflect a particular cultural & historical heritage, its uniqueness, and its unwavering authenticity.
    In addition, learning these terms help expand our awareness and it enriches our span of knowledge of the movements, traditions, culture, and history. The culture is meant to be celebrated. It is something worth sharing to other people. And it is something that sparks inspiration to individuals. Hence, it is time to commence the biggest journey of our lives! :)

  • @christinejoydingle2944
    @christinejoydingle2944 Před 2 lety +1

    As my opinion while watching this common dance term and basics move . It is important to know what's the basics steps in every dance why because its helps us to learn easy the steps and for us to be ready in every form of dance . Its help us to develop also our talent.

  • @charleskhenaraya9240
    @charleskhenaraya9240 Před 2 lety +1

    Name:Araya Charles Khen R.
    Section: ABM 12 Tan
    I think it is so important to know the basic steps in folk dance because Many people enjoy learning basic steps in folk dance in order to participate in either a social or religious tradition, or sometimes just to get some exercise. Whatever your reason for learning, folk dancing is a fun form of movement that involves dancers from all ages and backgrounds. We can easily dance if we know the basic steps of any dance. If we go from basic steps one day we became a good dancer.

  • @maryaltheanave7385
    @maryaltheanave7385 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Mary Althea Nave
    Section: ABM 12-Tan
    Folk dance is a dance that is part of our tradition, and it has different dance term that we should know and learn for us to execute it very well. It's important to learn the common dance term in folk dance as it will serve as the foundation of the whole dance because it will make us show a great performance as we dance confidently because we are already familiar with the steps. As we already learned about the common dance term and steps it is easier for us to understand the entire dance and perform it unmistakably Infront of other people without getting nervous.

  • @keithcassandraoctavo5898
    @keithcassandraoctavo5898 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Keith Cassandra Octavo
    Section: ABM 12-TAN
    There are common dance terms in folk dancing that we should be learning as it is important before creating a piece of folk dance. In order to properly create a piece, you should learn and understand the basics and terms as it takes part to create a graceful movements to show a great performance. If you know the basics and terms of dancing folk dance, it will be much more easier to learn more and advance steps, and to create a piece. By understanding the common terms, you will be able to execute well the folk dance as well as conveying the messages clearly that is behind the piece.

  • @trishafrani7235
    @trishafrani7235 Před 2 lety +1

    Name:Trisha Bantique
    Section: Humss 12- Comte
    Knowing the common dance terms in folk dance before creating or performing a certain folk dance is crucial.
    When you have idea when it comes to basic dance terms then you can create quality performance for you know the restrictions and rules of the dance.

  • @parrenoearlkurtr.3556
    @parrenoearlkurtr.3556 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Earl Niño Kurt R. Parreño
    Section: HUMSS 12- WEBER
    It’s important to learn the basic steps or moves of any dance style. Then you build from their on. You add your flair. But still keep the root of the dance. Also it's important to know the basic steps in folk dance because if we know the basic steps then we can easily dance . We can easily dance if we know the basic steps of any dance. If we go from basic steps one day we may became a good dancer.

  • @g_bencolado_faith5624
    @g_bencolado_faith5624 Před 2 lety +1

    Faith Bencolado
    HUMSS 12 - COMTE
    It is essential to become familiar with the normal dance terms in folkdance prior to performing it, so you can figure out how to perform it well. The folkdance addresses our way of life and customs, performing it with well and good can likewise carry certainty to move that might give an extraordinary effect on execution and watchers.

  • @johnnayve3861
    @johnnayve3861 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Nayve, John Carl
    Section: Humss12 - Timbreza
    I believe that knowing the basics or common dance in folk dance is importance because if we know the basic step we can dance it easily.

  • @leejayarmillo7919
    @leejayarmillo7919 Před 2 lety +1

    Name:Lee Jay Armillo
    ABM 12 TAN
    Knowing the basic terms of folkdance is important especially when you are performing it in many people.For you to become more confident and natural while doing each and every step.Also knowing the basics and doing the steps properly is like giving respect to our culture.

  • @saporo_can5951
    @saporo_can5951 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Rheiden Lee T. Moaña
    Section: HUMSS 12-WEBER
    The Folk dances are one’s culturally, ritual and traditional dances which is unique in its own way. Our ancestors made/did the dance which we see in our hometowns and call it Folk dance. You cannot change the process and the method of doing some steps, if anyone tries to change the dance will lose its unique and originality. So it is must that it stays the same and new generations learns it like the way it has. Thats why its important to know the basic steps and common dance terms in folk dance to not ruin the originality and uniqueness of it because folk dance embrace every traditions when it came from.

  • @oiikido
    @oiikido Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Jerick Miguel Nuguid
    Section: AD-12 FELIPE
    For me it is important to know the common dance terms in folkdance because. it is serve us as a guide on performing, and it keeps us to follow the basic instructions that the choreographer gives us. we know we cannot start on the top so we need to learn the basics before going on the professional level. all of us start in the beginner's stage. and it showcase how basic knowledge help you on the difficult times

  • @caballerocyrillec.6763
    @caballerocyrillec.6763 Před 2 lety +1

    name: Cyrille C. Caballero
    section: HUMSS 12 TIMBREZA
    it is important to learn the basic or common term before creating a folk a dance. uou or the dance will cannot create and perform a folkdance if you dont know the basics. it is also important to learn, because it can help the dancer to perform the folkdance in a right way. perfoming a certain folk dance is also a way to show what kind of dance your tradition have.

  • @jameseuseu1816
    @jameseuseu1816 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: James Ruzzel A. Nicol
    Section: HUMSS 12 - TIMBREZA
    Learning the basic folk dance steps can be compared to as learning arts as every aspect of things start with the fundamentals and basics. Add the fact that these basic steps can help enhance movements that are being used for future dance performances and contests.

  • @shannnikolaiurbina2927
    @shannnikolaiurbina2927 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Urbina,Shann Nikolai B.
    Section: AD12-Felipe
    It is Important to learn the common dance terms in forlkdance before creating or performing a certain folkdance. Why so when we are creating we know the basic so when we perform the original or dance itself can be called folkdance. When performing folkdance learning it first will help our moves smoother and will look like our second nature it will help to show how dedicated the dancer is and the importance of the history of that folkdance.

  • @gladysnadanga7700
    @gladysnadanga7700 Před 2 lety +1

    ABM 12-SY
    It is important to know the common steps in folk dance before performing a certain folk dance, because if we know the common steps, we can easily do the original steps in folk dance. Many people enjoy learning basic steps in folk dance in order to participate in either a social or religious tradition, or sometimes just to get some exercise. Whatever your reason for learning, folk dancing is a fun form of movement that involves dancers of all ages and backgrounds.

  • @p.n_diaries
    @p.n_diaries Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Poblete, Princess Nathalie A.
    Section: ABM 12 - SY
    ~ Folk dance is important because it preserves a people's culture through sharing and teaching the dances to new generations.
    Folk dances are one's cultural, ritual, and traditional dances, each of which is distinct in its manner. Our forefathers created/performed the folk dance that we see in our towns. We cannot change the procedure and method of doing some steps; anyone who tries to do so will lose the dance's distinctiveness and originality. That is why, before performing a folkloric dance, we must first learn the fundamental steps.

  • @christiankelvinbatoy8872
    @christiankelvinbatoy8872 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Batoy, Christian Kelvin, M.
    Section: AD 12-Felipe
    When learning or beginning on something new, it is essential to never skip a step, and this is true for folk dance as well. You may go from being a total novice to a master of a skill if you start from the foundations, which will aid for you to become knowledgeable about it. This is a necessary decision and action to commit in order to make the process of performing folk dances considerably more efficient and full wtih confidence. Not just for you, but also for the people around you. Furthermore, understanding common folk dance terminologies and movements is a method of honoring and respecting our forefathers who developed the bodily movements that they employed in their cultures, rituals, and customs. It still matters up to this date because this is how we, the new generation, can contribute to further promote the notion of folk dancing, how it helped to make life more meaningful for our ancestors and encourage the people to take some time to appreciate it so that it wouldn't be forgotten like it was just a temporary heritage and may it be passed on continually without altering its originality.

  • @kimcarla5702
    @kimcarla5702 Před 2 lety +1

    Kim Carla Sarmiento
    Humss 12-Comte
    "Performing a folkdance cannot be done without its dance terms. Dance terms in folkdance play an important part in any folkdance performances. Because of that it can simply identify that the performance is a folkdance.
    Knowing different terms in folkdance will be helpful to you on what type of fookdance will you create or perform. Being knowledgeable in any terms will help you to create your own piece of folkdance performance.
    So its easy for a person who knows various dance term to create performances,not just simple but a good quality one. So its really important to know dance terms in folkdance also it can give you a guide."

  • @noelmondonedo5845
    @noelmondonedo5845 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Noel Christopher D. Mondoñedo
    Section: Humss 12-Weber
    - Folk dances are dances our ancestors created long ago. Folk dance is an activity where you can bond with others through the beautiful form of dance. Learning folk dance would not only mean that you learn a new dance from, but they can also benefit you as well.

  • @brylnigel3427
    @brylnigel3427 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Ulang, Bryl Nigel A.
    Section: AD 12 - Luna
    For me, one of the most important things to do before performing or taking steps in a folk dance is to thoroughly research it because it is a part of our history. As a result, it is only natural that the decisions we make here be orderly and correct. So one of the most important things is to learn the fundamentals so that it is simple to understand.

  • @renatonilooban412
    @renatonilooban412 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Nilooban Renato
    Section: HUMSS 12 TIMBREZA
    Because folks dance is an element of our culture, it's vital to find out common dance terms
    in folk dance before making or performing arts a particular folk dance.
    Learning and Understanding Common folks Dance Terms
    can assist you learn and perform the fundamentals and steps correctly. It' a part of our culture, therefore have it off right and avoid mistakes

  • @markcedricsalting3593
    @markcedricsalting3593 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Mark Cedric T. Salting
    Grade and Section: HUMSS 12-Timbreza
    Everything we perform and doing is required to learn the common and the basic like these folk dance.In order to perform a certain dance properly,this is literally the first step before we perform any kind of folk dance we will perform,practice is the key and we are become proficient.It is important to embrace and inform about the common folk dance,whenever we encountered a conducting folk dance.We are aware and knowledgable to perform this dance,by these we are showing values and love to our folk dance.

  • @senpaiorquillos5441
    @senpaiorquillos5441 Před 2 lety +1

    Orquillos, Ernest
    HUMSS 12-Comte
    The importance of knowing the basic elements or dancesteps of folkdancing is to know how to execute this steps properly. Also when u need to perform a folkdance and you have knowledge about common dance terms and steps you can improvised this steps and make a beautiful sequence using this.

  • @kylebaybay8614
    @kylebaybay8614 Před 2 lety +1

    Primarily, it keeps a culture of people alive, by sharing and teaching younger generations the dances. Dance keeps the history of people alive as well. Dances are ways a community celebrates a special event or important date in time.

  • @uchihaintro6128
    @uchihaintro6128 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Michael Frederick L. Huidem
    section:AD-12 FELIPE
    Folkdance is one of the primary ways that culture and traditions are represented. The importance of learning the fundamental steps or common dance terms is to be able to recognize and perform them correctly. We must also understand why we must learn such traditions with respect.

  • @sunnei_o
    @sunnei_o Před 2 lety +1

    Name:Ormega,Neisha Ina
    Grade and section:ABM 12-Tan
    For me it is important to learn the basic steps in folk dance before performing one because it will be the basis of the dancers to perform the folk dance properly.Knowing and learning the basic steps will lead every dancers of folkdance to have a synchronized and great performance

  • @jenmanipol4105
    @jenmanipol4105 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Jennie Huit Manipol
    Section: AD12-Felipe
    Learning Folk dance would not only mean that you learn a new dance from,but they can also benefit you.The step learn could pop up in other forms of modernized dance and folk dance is an activity where you can bond with others through the beautiful form of dance.

  • @mariarizanicodemus4350
    @mariarizanicodemus4350 Před 2 lety +1

    Astig! fave q to peej na dance eh lagi aq nasali nung HS aq haha..reminiscing some steps

    • @sirpixie5985
      @sirpixie5985  Před 2 lety

      Agree. Challenging pero enjoy kapag natuto ka na.🧡🙆‍♂️

  • @lewoaloirra6832
    @lewoaloirra6832 Před 2 lety +1

    Name:John Carl Arriola
    Section :H12-TIMBREZA
    true reflection of daily life in past centuries while enchanting modern audiences at the same time. ... The dances were performed during festivals and remembrances of past military victories, and still are performed at celebrations of births and weddings in modern times.

  • @annemarielsayoto9594
    @annemarielsayoto9594 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Anne Mariel Sayoto
    Section: ABM 12-TAN
    -think it is so important to know the basic steps in folk dance because if we know the basic steps then we can easily dance . We can easily dance if we know the basic steps of any dance. If we go from basic steps one day we became a good dancer. By learning the basic steps your performance skills you expose yourself to, learn to go with and even use to your advantage the differing feelings and sensations of performing Fold dance. That's why we believe efficient and deliberate learning methods not only help you learn faster but also help keep you motivated. The more efficient you are with your learning time, the more focused your sessions, the more quickly you'll learn and the faster you'll excel.

  • @kristhelcaberto6524
    @kristhelcaberto6524 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Caberto, Kristhel Joize
    Section: AD12- LUNA
    In my own insights, the importance of learning the common dance terms in folkdance before creating or performing a certain folkdance is that, it gives and helps your knowledge on that particular folkdance to do and excel more as it guides our performance by knowing and learning those common dance terms.Also, learning these common dance steps makes us a good performer that preserves the culture of folkdance.

  • @rachelrien8031
    @rachelrien8031 Před 2 lety +1

    Section: HUMSS 12 - WEBER
    - In everything that we do, it always start with learning the simple and basics before doing a whole routine. This is the first reason why it is important to learn the common dance terms in folkdance before performing a certain one, because without the knowledge of it then one can't be able to make one. Other than this, one will also be able to form a deeper connection, be able to understand folkdance more and where it is coming from because every move surely has a meaning. By then-once they make and perform a certain folkdance-they'll not only be able to dance it well, but can also deliver a heartful performance with a message and the beauty of folkdance.

  • @altheadenisserodriguez6731
    @altheadenisserodriguez6731 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Abrasete - 0:44
    Arms in Lateral position - 1:01
    Arms in reverse T - 1:28
    Bilao - 4:53
    Brush - 5:02
    Cabeceras - 5:40
    Clockwise - 5:52
    Counterclockwise - 5:21
    Costados - 1:47
    Crossed Arms - 2:00
    Cross over -
    Cut - 2:18
    Do SI do - 2:35
    Drawn -
    Free foot - 3:01
    Free hand - 3:13
    Hands on waist - 3:20
    Hapay - 3:26
    Hayon hayon - 3:40
    Hop - 3:58
    Inside foot - 4:12
    Inside hand - 4:22
    Jaleo - 6:08
    Jump - 6:30
    Kumintang - 6:46
    Leap - 6:55
    Masiwak - 7:05
    Outside foot - 7:18
    Inside foot - 7:28
    Panadyak -
    Place -
    Pivot -
    Patay - 7:35
    Point - 8:01
    Salok - 8:10
    Saludo - 8:30
    Sarok - 8:48
    Set - 9:08
    Slide - 9:18
    Stamp - 9:27
    Star with R hand - 9:39
    Star with L hand - 9:52
    Step -
    Supporting foot - 10:04
    Tap - 10:11
    whirl - 10:25

  • @martillanochristians.5455

    NAME: Martillano, Christian S.
    Leaning Common dance term in folk dance is important because it not only gives you knowledge but it is also a guide for you to have an idea of ​​the movements and steps to be done here. Folk dance is a traditional dance performed by our ancestors and folk dance also gives meaning to our uniqueness in the country, it also gives us confidence and strength to be proud of it so Learning common dance term in folk dance is important to us because it gives us guidance to know it and do it properly

  • @zashaalmazan9385
    @zashaalmazan9385 Před 2 lety +1

    Zasha Almazan | AD12-Felipe
    Dance terms are important mainly because it helps students such as myself familiarize and understand dance in general. Knowing the terms makes following the choreography easier because we get to remember them better. We get to acquaint movement with words and that aids in performance, especially to newbies such as myself.

  • @ruedasdonabelarienne2807
    @ruedasdonabelarienne2807 Před 2 lety +1

    Name:Donabel Arienne Ruedas
    Section: HUMSS 12-timbreza
    Learning the common dance terms in folk dance help us to know on how to dance folk dance properly. It also help us to execute every move without hesitation when we perform it on stage. Knowing the basic step make it easier for us to learn some other movement that folk dance has.

  • @raymondchristianhalasan8488

    Name: Raymond Christian Halasan
    Section: ABM12-TAN
    It is important to learn common dance term of folk dance so that it won't be hard for you to create certain folk dance. It will be easy to make a certain one if you know common dance already. That makes it easer for you.Folk dances are culturally, ritually, and traditionally performed dances that are each distinctive in their manner. After learning the basic steps in folk dance, we can easily dance to develop a new folk dance.

  • @nikolesabay6301
    @nikolesabay6301 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Sabay, Nikole Lian T.
    Section: Ad 12- Luna
    It is important to learn the common dance terms in folkdance before creating or permforming a certain folkdance.It is for the dancers to execute the precise steps and avoid mistakes that can be desrespectful for one's culture. Performing a folkdance is not just about dancing just to have fun it's about giving respects and celebrating our cultures. It is also the way of preserving our culture and a way of passing the tradition from one generation to another. So it's very important for the performers to properly execute every dance steps in folkdance.

  • @jonhrovicross7720
    @jonhrovicross7720 Před 2 lety +1

    John Rovic Ross
    I think it is so important to know the basic steps in folk dance because if we know the basic steps then we can easily dance . We can easily dance if we know the basic steps of any dance. If we go from basic steps one day we became a good dancer.

  • @b_borral_vince_milan1678
    @b_borral_vince_milan1678 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Vince Milan Borral
    Section: HUMSS,12-COMTE
    For me knowing this kind of basic common dance terms is very helpful,because it is easy for you and for your group mates to catch up the main choreo of the folk dance that you going to perform.through this knowledge we will be able to create different kinds of concepts that can still show the originality of the dance itself. It is important to do properly to avoid mistakes and waste of time especially if there is only allotted time for it.folkdance is our tradition and culture which is a privilege for us to dance it and be proud of it

  • @chriscastrovlogs1052
    @chriscastrovlogs1052 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Jayson Diaz
    Section : ABM 12-TAN
    When tribal societies in Europe gave way to more structured societies, the old dance forms gradually developed into what are now called folk or peasant dances. For a long time these retained much of their original significance. The Maypole dance, still sometimes performed in England, is a descendant of older tree-worshipping dances, the ribbons that the dancers hold as they dance around the pole symbolizing the tree’s branches.

  • @janej.9323
    @janej.9323 Před 2 lety +1

    Name:Jabagat Desiree Jane M.
    Section :HUMSS 12-WEBER
    I think it is so important to know the basic steps in folk dance because if we know the basic steps then we can easily dance . We can easily dance if we know the basic steps of any dance. If we go from basic steps one day we became a good dancer.

  • @francine1034
    @francine1034 Před 2 lety +1

    Keith francine Mangulabnan
    ABM 12-Sy
    It is important to know the common steps in folk dance before actually performing it, so you were able to perform in a proper way and at the same time knowing more the step could also help you to understand and appreciate the history and beauty behind every step of our tradition dance.
    Nowadays most of the people are attracted to western, hip-hop and etc. We must not forget our culture, we should keep folk dance alive because it is an important piece of our history and is very cultural and religious.

  • @liamtamayo1549
    @liamtamayo1549 Před 2 lety +1

    Tamayo, Liam Stradd C.
    Humss 12 - Weber
    Learning the common dance terms is important because it is crucial that an individual or a group knows this, without it, a performance may not be as good as it can be.

  • @cinezaabella0425
    @cinezaabella0425 Před 2 lety +1

    Knowing the basic terms in contemporary dance will lead the dancers to perform the right way,this will help to prevent fails during performance.Contemporary Dance is a soft dance.It doesn't need extra movement,unlike the moves that use in hiphop and cheerdance.Contemporary Dance is a soft dance with a different kind of energy without extra movements.That's why it's important to learn first the basic terms because a little failure can see because of its soft movement.

  • @raizajoyalemania7090
    @raizajoyalemania7090 Před 2 lety +1

    Name:Raiza Joy Alemania
    Grade and section:ABM 12-SY
    Learning about the proper folk dance terminology is essential, but one of the most important is the simple fact that terminology is empowering. By learning the common dance terms in folkdance will help dancers to be more confident in their movement, class participation, and in their role as a students if they understand the proper folk dance terminology. If you learn the proper dance terms in folkdance, it gives you an understanding of the rhythm and beats. Thus, helping you on choreography plus you are learning something.

  • @omyth5163
    @omyth5163 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Ocampo, Bryan Timothy B.
    Section: AD 12 LUNA
    It is important to know the common dance terms used in folk dance and how to do it properly. If you know the general terms of folk dance, you can dance confidently and well.

  • @abegailmedina863
    @abegailmedina863 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Abegail Medina
    Section : ABM 12 - TAN
    for me, folk dance is something that can give fun to the people who watch it and folk dances reflect the life of the people like example of being colorful , vibrant and beautiful because it reflects whole they are.

  • @melfrancine8132
    @melfrancine8132 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Mel Francine R. Legaspi
    Section: ABM 12-Tan
    Learning common dance terms in folkdance before creating or performing a certain folkdance is important because it will serve as the guide of the dancers for them to easily execute the dance steps. Also, if the dancers know the common dance terms in folkdance, its like they have the advantage since they can use it whenever they are going to perform a folk dance and it will also help them to develop new dance pattern.

  • @ojough9393
    @ojough9393 Před 2 lety +1

    Name : Princess Mendoza Dequina
    Section : HUMSS 12-WEBER
    Folkdance is an example of culture in action. We must study and learn folkdance since it is a means of maintaining our culture and passing down traditions from generation to generation. Learning how to dance a folk dance the way it should be is a clear sign that a culture is still alive and well.
    It's critical to understand the fundamental steps or motions of any dancing style.

  • @bp1dbacuin711
    @bp1dbacuin711 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Isaac Acuin
    Section: ABM 12-TAN
    - I think it is very important to know the basics of folk dance because we can't dance it if we don't know the basics yet and we need to apply it on our folk dance because we can easily memorize the dance if we know the true basics of folk dance. Knowing the the basics and terms of folk dance will help to understand the true meaning of the dance.

  • @skybluestar121
    @skybluestar121 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Peralta, Sofia Mae D.
    Section: ABM 12- TAN
    Learning/ knowing the common dance terms in folk dance is truly important because it can help the individual with fostering their skills, to create different pieces of dance and broaden their knowledge about the folk dance using the common dance terms of folk dance. In addition, by knowing the common dance of the folk dance it can boost their self confidence to express their feelings and perform it properly by using the common dance in every they're performing, that surely result an extraordinary and flawless performance.

  • @hanahflores6268
    @hanahflores6268 Před 2 lety +1

    Flores, Hanah Abegail B.
    Knowing the common dance terms in folk dance is to be clear. The dancers will be more confident, comfortable with initiating movement, and making decisions. It is a connection that you will create a beautiful steps without copying others movement. If we know the basic dance even in other genre we will start in easier steps then we became a good dancer one day.

  • @cedrickmendoza5883
    @cedrickmendoza5883 Před 2 lety +1

    Cedrick James, mendoza
    Abm 12-Tan
    Knowing the common dance terms in folk dance is necessary before doing this because it will serve as a guide in dancing folk dance. Because it is not easy to do folk dance Especially if you do not know the terms and it will be an advantage to you in dancing folk dance.

  • @iannawhincya.pineda3797
    @iannawhincya.pineda3797 Před 2 lety +1

    Ianna Whincy A. Pineda
    ABM 12- TAN
    Before dancing a folkdance we must first ensure that we already have knowledge on the basics . Learning and practicing the common or basic dance terms in folkdance is important because it does not only helps us in coming up with a great choreography and mesmerizing performance thus it also enhances our confidence while on stage. It will also help us to properly and easily create a piece and it would be much easier for us to learn new more steps, be familiarized with the routine and come up with a best performance.

  • @ashlieghjenkins4291
    @ashlieghjenkins4291 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Ashliegh Louies M.Jenkins
    Grade/Section: HUMSS 12-Timbreza
    The importance of learning the common dance terms of a folk dance before performing or creating a folk dance is for you to execute the dance neatly or enterpret the right formation of ta folk dance. Also it can help us to perform a better choreography, teach other people a folk dance easier and perform better movements. Learning the common dance terms can help us to get a better movement to the basic steps and excell at dancing. It will also help to perform a good dance as a group or as a couple. Knowing these folk dance terms we'll also able to understand one of our traditions in our culture. We can also spread our knowledge about it to other generation.

  • @sophiaangeline7002
    @sophiaangeline7002 Před 2 lety +1

    Sophia Angeline F. Fulla
    It is important to learn the folk dance before performing it because you are not just dancing but conveying the culture that its in the folk dance. It also make you understand the elements of the folk dance why its should perfom that way. It also avoid mistake and disrespecting the culture of the people who invented it.

  • @anmoldas5097
    @anmoldas5097 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Anmol David S. Das
    Section: ABM 12 - TAN
    It is important to learn basic steps before performing folk dances. To master it, all we have to do is practice. Practice makes perfect and everyone knows that. Folk dancers' priority is to master the basic steps before performing, even though they are pro/good at dancing. And that is why it is important to know the basic steps because it will be easier for us to perform perfectly.

  • @sofiaaceron3790
    @sofiaaceron3790 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Aceron, Sofia
    Section: HUMSS 12- Weber
    In my own perception, knowing the basics or common dance steps in folk dance is important because if we know the basic steps, we can simply dance, and add our own flare, but still keeping the root of the dance. Nevertheless, not only our dancing skills are improving but also creating a better retention.

  • @airadelrosario8086
    @airadelrosario8086 Před 2 lety +1

    Del Rosario, Aira U.
    ABM 12-SY
    Folkdance is important because they help keep a culture alive. In recent years, it has been important to keep the traditional alive, any step in folkdance has participated in social and traditional gathering.
    Every folkdance is important because it preserved the culture of the Philippines and it will be pass in the next generation.

  • @michaeladvincula6411
    @michaeladvincula6411 Před 2 lety +1

    Name:Michael Advincula
    Section:ABM 12 Sy
    I think it is so important to know the basic steps in folk dance because if we know the basic steps then we can easily dance . We can easily dance if we know the basic steps of any dance. If we go from basic steps one day we became a good dancer.

  • @shiirokitsune5243
    @shiirokitsune5243 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Cuaderno, Kian Francis B.
    Grade&Section: ABM12-SY
    It's important to learn about the basics or common dance terms in folkdance before performing it because if you have learn about the common dance term properly you can perform it without any problem and you will be able to follow the flow of folkdance with your team. Most folkdance is being performed with partners or a group thats why it is important for every members to follow the flow with each other to make it more attractive to the eyes of the audience.

  • @roduhhh7357
    @roduhhh7357 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Rodalyn Verzosa
    Section: AD 12-Felipe (ODL)
    Before creating or performing a particular folkdance, it is important to learn the common dance terms in folkdance because it helps you create a better connection between steps while performing the folkdance. Learning common dance terms will also help you understand the meaning of the dance, as we all know, folkdance is an expression of a past culture.

  • @aaronboneza2357
    @aaronboneza2357 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Boneza, Marius Aaron M.
    Section: ABM 12-Sy
    This video is very informative, it teaches the common dance terms in folkdance. It is important to know this terminologies so that if someone teaches, the students can execute it easily and quickly. No more detailed teaching that can consume time. If you know the basic you can now combine it and perform folkdance very well.
    Learning folkdance terms/steps can maintain traditions and encouraging a community engagement.

  • @cedriclacoste7195
    @cedriclacoste7195 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Gapit, Almira Jhoy L.
    Section: Abm 12-sy
    I think it is so important to know the basic steps in folk dance because if we know the basic steps then we can easily dance . We can easily dance if we know the basic steps of any dance. And important to do is to learn a common folk dance before to perform it helps a person to understand the steps, and mastering the steps in folk dance that we performed. And it also help to avoid mistakes during the performance. choreography will be facilitated if all the dancers know or are familiar with the basic folk dance to be performed

  • @robbiejohnmeneses8351
    @robbiejohnmeneses8351 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Meneses, Robbie John S.
    Section: ABM 12-TAN
    Important to know the basic steps in folk dance because if we know the basic steps then we can easily dance. We can easily dance if we know the basic dance of any dance. If we go from basic step one day we became a good dancer. Dance keeps the history of people alive as well.

  • @valcliffordcaingcoy6266
    @valcliffordcaingcoy6266 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Val Clifford G. Caingcoy
    Section: Arts and Design 12-Felipe
    It is really important to know the common dance terms and basic movements before creating a certain folk dance because in dancing a folk dance there is a specific and proper way on how you will execute a dance steps in every kind of folk dance. If you don't know the proper execution of a specific folk dance step or folk dance it will result to disrespecting their dance culture. So we need to research before we dance a folk dance to avoid misunderstanding and to perform a folk dance properly with respect.

  • @patricevillamor2960
    @patricevillamor2960 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Patrice Villamor
    Section: HUMSS 12-WEBER _ The first step in understanding and appreciating something is by learning the initial knowledge called the basics. Folk dances exist within the culture of people. Some view folk dance only with their naked eye- however, it is more than what people can perceive. Every form, term, and step of dance signifies something relating to the customs of certain people. Having an awareness of the common dance terms used in folk dance is significant in creating a choreograph much easier and performing it aptly. It allows the performer to complement the respective essence of dance with their emotions and grace. Furthermore, these dance terminologies will aid them to established a folk dance efficiently and delivering it precisely.

  • @arjaysonpondare3644
    @arjaysonpondare3644 Před 2 lety +1

    Pondare,Arjayson G.
    important to know the basic steps in folk dance because if we know the basic steps then we can easily dance . We can easily dance if we know the basic steps of any dance. If we go from basic steps one day we became a good dancer.

  • @que0829
    @que0829 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Monique C. Orog
    Section: ABM 12-TAN
    The important of learning the common dance terms in folkdance before creating or performing a certain folkdance is to avoid mistake. It can make our life easier if we know the dance terms in folkdance. Dancers will be more confident in tgeir movement if they understand the proper dancing of folkdance. People have been doing folk dances for hundreds of years and there is value keeping that tradition alive. That's why it's important to know the common dance terms for sign of respect.

  • @sinichiarcos2723
    @sinichiarcos2723 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Arcos, Sinichi Rajko B.
    Section: Humss 12 Weber
    It is important for us to learn the common dance term first of course for us to know how to do it right, and for us to execute the common steps correctly, before performing a certain folkdance, it is a must to learn the common dance terms in folk dance because we can't just dance without knowledge.

  • @justinclorina1832
    @justinclorina1832 Před 2 lety +1

    It is important to learn the common dance terms in folk dance because it helps to keep the Philippine culture alive. It is important because it can also help us to understand the steps so that it is easy for us when we are creating a folk dance.

  • @jeanoubac2501
    @jeanoubac2501 Před 2 lety +1

    Ubac jeano C
    Humss 12 weber
    I think it is so important to know the basic steps in folk dance because if we know the basic steps then we can easily dance . We can easily dance if we know the basic steps of any dance. If we go from basic steps one day we became a good dancer.

  • @cornelchenies.2601
    @cornelchenies.2601 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Chenie Cornel
    Section: ABM Tan 12
    Indeed among the most important success formulae in life is going back to basics. That's why I conclude that Knowing the common dance terms before creating a piece of folk dance is significant as refreshing the basic knowledge in solving a financial problem in accounting. Basic Accounting terms and common dance terms in folk dance are both basic yet they are important to master because they will serve as the foundation and a guide for you to accomplish your aim. Athletes also get out of a funk by going back to basics. See Basic is vital. That's why if you learn first the Common dance terms and basic movements in folk dance for sure it's a piece of cake for you now to create and execute a folk dance because you already have the foundation and the idea and also it on way to preserve our culture from the modern movements nowadays. Those traditional movements are what make our culture more precious.

  • @aljeanpinote7310
    @aljeanpinote7310 Před 2 lety +1

    Aljean Pinote
    Section: ABM 12-SY
    It's important to know the common basic folk dance steps.Folk dance is one of our culture and tradition.Knowing the folk dance steps you can dance easier and you have a knowledge of folk dance steps.Then folk dance is to preserve our culture to our generation.

  • @Piarollins
    @Piarollins Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Pia Rollin S. Mascardo
    Section: HUMSS 12- TIMBREZA
    Many of the movements learned and performed by dancers have a long history. By learning the dance terms of each dance movement, they will be easier to execute and it will be easier for the choreographer to direct an individual dancer or a group. While, the basic step is the dance move that defines the character of a particular dance. And It sets the rhythm of the dance.

  • @joshxwjev3344
    @joshxwjev3344 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Ampeloquio, Joshua Jonathan M.
    Section: ABM 12-SY
    -- It is very important to learn about the common dance terms in folk dance before creating and performing one because having an idea about the common dance terms will make choreographing easier as well as teaching and learning the dance. Students and dancers who wants to learn certain folk dances that already knows dance terms makes learning the choreography easier because they have an idea on how to do it and they aren’t scared to do a move when said because having an idea about the dance terms gives them the confidence. Choreographers knowing the basic dance terms is needed because dances are made from the basic terms of dances acting like the foundation, then combining them with other steps and adding transitions and other stuff to make a good performance and also it is easier to teach a move if it has a certain term.

  • @jerichomantillas1498
    @jerichomantillas1498 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Jericho Mantillas
    section: humss 12 TIMBREZA
    Learning the common dance terms in folkdance before creating or performing a certain folkdance is very important, in order for us to easily learn and create a folkdance and also to perform it properly.

  • @rizzamaedelarea2627
    @rizzamaedelarea2627 Před 2 lety +1

    ABM 12-TAN
    It is important to know the basic fundemantal terminologies of dance terms before applying it in performance for you to be aware if you are applying and demonstrating the proper way and to prevent for deviating the standards of Dancing Folk dance.Following the right and correct way is also form of showing respects to the history and culture.

  • @jasminloyola2422
    @jasminloyola2422 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Jasmin Loyola
    Section: ABM 12-TAN
    Answer:I think it is so important to know the basic steps in folk dance because if we know the basic steps then we can easily dance . We can easily dance if we know the basic steps of any dance. If we go from basic steps one day we became a good dancer.Many people enjoy learning basic steps in folk dance in order to participate in either a social or religious tradition, or sometimes just to get some exercise. Whatever your reason for learning, folk dancing is a fun form of movement that involves dancers from all ages and backgrounds

  • @miracleadventure143
    @miracleadventure143 Před 2 lety +1

    Katrina Miracle T. Sico
    The importance of learning common dance terms in folk dance before creating or performing a certain folk dances is that we could enhance, generate or develop our unique way of dancing. It helps us perform more easily and confidently while giving the viewers ideas.

  • @gerbyronvelasco3313
    @gerbyronvelasco3313 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Gerby ron velasco
    Section: AD 12- Felipe
    Cultural dances represent the culture of every region in our country. They convey the images, beliefs through the steps and costumes that they want to express. Dancer partners should learned the right moves because every moves has a meaning that our ancestors would like to pass on to every generations. Through their steps and dances we learned if who are we before.

  • @ajeneria5575
    @ajeneria5575 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Anntoni josh eneria
    Section: HUMSS 12-TIMBREZA
    Folk dances are dances that are culturally, ritualistically, and customarily performed and are distinct in their own right. The folk dance that we see in our towns was created/performed by our forefathers. If someone tries to change the technique and method of doing certain moves, the dance loses its originality and individuality. As a result, it is critical that it be preserved and that future generations learn it in the same way as prior generations did. Knowing the basic steps in folk dance is crucial, in my opinion, because we can easily dance if we know the basic moves. If we understand the fundamental steps of any dance, we can easily dance. If we start with the basics and work our way up, we can become good dancers.

  • @carlolaudato7491
    @carlolaudato7491 Před 2 lety +1

    Name : Carl Laudato P.
    Section : HUMSS 12 TIMBREZA
    Learning, creativity and intelligence don’t just come from the brain alone, but from the entire body specially in dancing. We should know the importance of common dance in term of creating a piece of folk dance because it can really helps us in creating a good choreography and perform well, it will be easy for us to perform with full of confidence because creating dances also increase self-esteem which is very important to learn. Whatever your reason of learning,folk dancing is fun form of movement and it involves dancers from all ages and background

  • @johnlawrencedayday1077
    @johnlawrencedayday1077 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: John Lawrence P. Dayday
    Section: AD12-Felipe
    Knowing the proper dance terms of a type of dance is very important especially if the dance that you're going to perform is a folk dance. Having knowledge about the common dance terms prior to the performance or your practice can not only make you aware of the terms but also, you are appreciating the dances that our ancestors have in their time. Therefore you're going to have a more accurate and respectful performance because of the awareness that comes from studying things rather than just winging them.

  • @karenjaneindoy7232
    @karenjaneindoy7232 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Indoy , Karen Jane
    Section: HUMSS 12-Timbreza
    It is important to know the basic steps of folk dance to have a great performance. It is also the way to preserving our culture and a way of passing the tradition from one generation to another.

  • @leighmariano3084
    @leighmariano3084 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Ryein Leigh F. Mariano
    Grade and Section: HUMSS 12- WEBER
    - Folkdance is an art that is used by our ancestors to show off their emotions, bond, and communication. It is not just a type of dance as it tells and unveil a story of their traditional life. This is why it is very important to learn the common dance terms in folkdance. Our ancestors helps us to keep our culture alive by teaching and passing it to the next generations. If we learn the basic dance steps, we will be capable of executing it smoothly thus being familiar with the steps make us more comfortable in enjoying the folkdance.

  • @luluheartsu9307
    @luluheartsu9307 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Calupad, Johana Marie H.
    Section: ABM 12 - SY
    I agree that it is very important to know basic dance terms in folk dance. By learning the common dance terms in folk dance, we can have wider variety of styles and techniques of differrent dance styles for other types of folk dances. It also enhances our knowledge to have creativity in organizing and making your own dance styles fit for the folk dance you wish to perform.

  • @ally-lk8nh
    @ally-lk8nh Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Lentejas, Allysa May C.
    Grade and Section: HUMSS 12- TIMBREZA
    It is important to learn to common dance terms of a folkdance so that you'll be able to execute the dance properly and with authenticity. This will also prevent having injuries and improve the dancers strength and flexibility, and refine movement quality. These aspects will guarantee a good performance.

  • @ajjrdlz
    @ajjrdlz Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Anthony R. Jardeleza Jr.
    Section: AD12-FELIPE
    It’s important to learn the common dance term in folk dance before creating or performing a certain folk dance because it will serve as a guide in order to create or perform the dance easily and to express our culture effectively.

  • @brailymendoza3011
    @brailymendoza3011 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Braily Mendoza
    Section: HUMSS 12 WEBER
    It is important to learn the common dance terms in folk dance because many people enjoy learning basic steps in folk dance in order to participate in either a social or religious tradition or sometimes just to get some exercise. Whatever your reason for learning folk dancing is a fun form of movement that involves dancers from all ages and backgrounds.

  • @abigaillopez2311
    @abigaillopez2311 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Lopez, Abigail C.
    Section: HUMSS 12 - COMTE
    To be able to execute the performance properly, it's important to understand and master the common dance terms and basic movements of folkdance. Knowing the basic dance terms will make it easier to follow and comprehend the steps. It may also be the highlight of our performance, allowing us to impress the audience and judges if we're competing in a dance competition.

  • @sabiorhamonas.8379
    @sabiorhamonas.8379 Před 2 lety +1

    Name: Sabio, Rhamona S.
    Grade and Section: HUMSS 12-TIMBREZA
    It is the default motion to which a dancer returns when executing no other steps. For some dances, knowing the basic step performed in various handholds and dance positions is sufficient to enjoy it socially.