August 1st Fast Forward

  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024
  • August Fast Forward
    Introduction - Hi, I am Bob Wisecarver, if we haven’t met yet. My grandmother was a prayer warrior, grandfather was an inner healer. We have spiritual roots from the Jesus Movement in southern CA and my mom is DiAnn Strozyk, whom some of you may know as the angel that she is. I have been a prodigal for just a few years and am now an agent of Kingdom transformation. This is one of many practical endeavors that will hopefully bring glory to God and bring people together in his name.
    My prophetic season - I have just entered a new prophetic season, and I am personally preparing for that. I am excited for this fast for several reasons but personally I will be part of Bethel’s School of the Prophets next week. I have taken the week off work to just seek the Lord and be in the company of the prophetic to drink deeply of new wine. Next month I am going to be part of Lana Vawser’s School of Divine Intel and Intercession which is a year long commitment. I am also working on a personal project that has to do with Virtual Reality where people can gather for intercession in real time as we learn about events happening around the world. I have a meeting with a developer next week about that.
    This idea of fasting and praying the first 3 days of each month came to me once and I have had the grace to fast every time I have done this. The first time was 2 years ago and that went for about a half of a year. You can look in the guides as to what each month had covered if you are interested. The simple overview is Day One we focus on our personal relationship with God, preparing our heart for the month. This is an act of sacrifice like a first fruit of our time as a kind of tithe to the Lord. It will be good to have a calendar and a journal for this purpose. Day Two is to focus on our spheres of influence, our city, communities, neighbors, coworkers, city council, region, state, etc. Pray over the schools, our churches, the lost, those in need, in jail, or dealing with abuse, etc. Pray as the Lord leads. Day Three we expand to pray over our nation, then enter global intercession. Knowing we are headed in this direction we should prepare ourselves on the first day.
    Day 1 - Objectives: Personal preparation, realignment with Christ, increase of faith, gain perspective through heaven’s eyes, and to have clean hands and pure heart to ascend the hill of the Lord.
    Start with communion - this is a time to reflect our own need for the Lord and recognize the priestly act of atonement that was done for us, thanking him for his blood. His body represents our death and burial with him and through the baptism of the Spirit we are raised from our old ways in him.
    Reflect and journal, review your historical spiritual life. Take inventory of the goodness of God in your life. Remember those things and the times that he intervened on your behalf. Also, recall the prophetic words spoken over you.
    Have a calendar ready to pray over, noting specific days, and covering appointments for the provision of grace and wisdom. Prophecy over your month.
    Prophetic Activation - receive a gift from God. The Father loves to give good gifts to his children. Put your hands out and receive. What is it, how will you steward it?
    Matthew 5:23-24 - put down your offering, forgive or make amends with your brother and come back.
    Matthew 6:19-21 (ESV) "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
    Prayer and fasting have eternal ramifications, most of what we do throughout the day matters little from heaven’s perspective. Let’s seek to become agents of change through our intercession for others.
    Revelation 3:18 (ESV) "I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see."
    In exchange for your heart, I will give you these things.
    The following links will help you with prophetic gift and intercession, Shawn Bolz has an online Spiritual Academy that you can enroll in monthly. The Voice of the Martyrs is a free publication about Christian persecution in the world today. These are good tools to help us grow in our gifts and have strategies in prayer.
    Voice of the Martyrs
    Shawn Bolz Ministries:

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