How to paint a Sorylian Skyhammer class Cruiser from Firestorm Armada


Komentáře • 25

  • @clayisajedi444
    @clayisajedi444 Před 13 lety +1

    I saw this stuff a while ago, their whole line is so cool. Thanks for doing this video.

  • @Thumach
    @Thumach Před 12 lety

    The base is absolutely amazing. Nice tutorial at all

  • @Newjourney14
    @Newjourney14 Před 13 lety

    i gotta say im always jealous of how well you paint. Not just the neatness and awesome paint job, but the way you paint, quick and neat. Im not a bad painter...but it just seems it comes so much easier to you :)

  • @Catattafish
    @Catattafish Před 13 lety

    Very cool quick tutorial!

  • @Newjourney14
    @Newjourney14 Před 13 lety +1

    oh and i think you convinced me to get the sorylian fleet for my next fleet.

  • @UnityCZ
    @UnityCZ Před 13 lety +1

    @johnkerry7 Actually she's been painting minis since she was a kid. You will see for yourself when you paint for so many years;)

  • @aussiedownunder09
    @aussiedownunder09 Před 11 lety

    Great tutorial - I ordered a Sorylian starter fleet a few days ago, and your tutorial is very helpful. Thank you :-)

  • @millstan594
    @millstan594 Před 13 lety +1

    the magic channel :O

  • @frofroify
    @frofroify Před 13 lety

    I thought this video would be bad i am pleasantly surprised

  • @Jaiyeson
    @Jaiyeson Před 13 lety +1

    10 minutes seems pretty fast to paint the ships. Did you have fun painting the ships or do you wish they were a lil bit more complex?

  • @Newjourney14
    @Newjourney14 Před 13 lety

    @UnityCZ yeah, i mean im a neat painter, but i need to not get sooooo bored when i do it. I can only sit down for no more than 20 min painting before i get bored.... O.o

  • @Newjourney14
    @Newjourney14 Před 9 lety

    everytime i try and use silver spray primer it always ruins my brushes. any tips? it seems the primer is so 'sharp' and rough.

  • @rataca100
    @rataca100 Před 12 lety


  • @-Ambos-
    @-Ambos- Před 2 lety

    Hey would you say that if I want to paint several ships in different colors, as a wash color I can be just fine with black wash? It seems to work wenn with blue so it probably will work well with other colors I think.
    Also I would like to paint some in a bright grey. How would I get detail out of a bright grey? Here a black wash would probably make the bright color looking dirty or just darker. But I don´t have any experience so I would like to kow about your thoughts

  • @MikeTheGamer77
    @MikeTheGamer77 Před 12 lety

    the coat looks spotty to me. Might be the primer though. I use krylon and it works great. goes on smooth and dries fast.

  • @Flyguy375
    @Flyguy375 Před 13 lety +1

    What brass color do you use and would tin bitz work?

  • @PlusD6
    @PlusD6 Před 13 lety

    water down wash?

  • @crossfireme
    @crossfireme Před 13 lety

    Ich hab mit Resin noch nie gearbeitet.Musstest Du es in irgendeiner Weise anders vorbereiten?
    Hast Du eine Empfehlung,wo man so eine Starterbox herbekommt?Ich hab mir ein erstes Tutorial angeschaut und bin ziemlich begeistert.
    Schöne Grüsse aus dem frostigen Schleswig-Holstein

  • @PlusD6
    @PlusD6 Před 13 lety

    what blue from gw would be good?

  • @cybershark1991
    @cybershark1991 Před 12 lety

    Ein kleiner Tipp noch für die Bases. Da die bases in dem falle durchsichtig sind, solltet ihr mal versuchen die bases auf der unterseite zu bemalen. Zu beachten ist hier nur das alles rückwärts gemalt werden muss. Sprich, erst alle akzente, dann die dunkleren effekte etc. zum schluss dann noch ein paar sterne und dann schwarz über die ganze unterseite. möglichst in mehreren schichten als schutz. Auf dise Weise kann man wunderschöne Bases gestalten.

  • @gameaholic18
    @gameaholic18 Před 13 lety

    if an asteroid got that close to the hull of a sorylian cruiser they were lucky, there so slim that it could of just squashed the ship togeather lol.

  • @millstan594
    @millstan594 Před 13 lety +1

    @GirlPainting jesus,god,heaven,lord etc. like the vids btw

  • @millstan594
    @millstan594 Před 13 lety +1

    omfg that was like 10 minutes geezuss.That like 1/100 of the time to painta warhammer figure

  • @TheVirtuoso883
    @TheVirtuoso883 Před 13 lety +1

    @GirlPainting internet version of jesus

  • @Mandred85
    @Mandred85 Před 10 lety

    Klingt lustig, ist aber so? :D Schade dass kaum jemand Firestorm kennt oder gar spielt... -.-