Did we even read the Bible??

  • čas přidán 31. 01. 2023
  • In Episode 30 of Car Chats, we share our reflections on the types of comments we receive from viewers who...disagree with us and our content. We discuss the underlying themes in these comments, and how they reveal that we still have lots of room to grow in listening well to one another.
    Transcript: docs.google.com/document/d/1j...

Komentáře • 22

  • @alexandermikuta6
    @alexandermikuta6 Před 9 měsíci

    Just came by accident to your channel after searching for Heavenly Burdens by Bridget Eileen Rivera. I love your content (also as a straight guy) and how happy you are when pressing the car horn in the beginning of your videos. I am absolutely sure god loves you whoever you love. ❤

  • @sharondavispayton73
    @sharondavispayton73 Před rokem +3

    Thank you again for your thoughtful video! Blessings to both of you as you continue to reflect the love of God.

  • @ja-ti2ub
    @ja-ti2ub Před rokem +2

    Oh, gosh. I did not realize you were posting content again. Most importantly, congratulations to both of you!!!
    Sorry to hear about all this drama. It never ceases to amaze me how so many churches and people seem to think God wants them to dig in and die on the LGBTQ hill.
    Don't listen to the haters. I think if we saw how small not accepting others has made their spiritual lives, we would feel far more compassion than anger.
    Glad to know you 2 (scratch that ... four now) are out making things better :)

  • @singnprazn
    @singnprazn Před rokem +1

    Y’all are just the cutest! Joey’s future MIL is a dear friend of mine and she told me to check out the Car Chats. Love the format & positive discussions! I see Jesus in you so let the beautiful lights that you are keep shining! Joey, enjoyed getting to know you over the holidays. Congrats to both of you on your engagements!

  • @emilycryder1096
    @emilycryder1096 Před měsícem

    Congrats on your engagements Joey and Dana! Keep doing what you're doing from an Ace Christian!
    "It says it explicitly in the Bible!"
    If Conservative Christians actually took the tine to read their own Bible in the correct historical context they'd know that. But of course they won't. Because research and thinking is too hard for them.
    When read in the proper historical context, the passage against homosexuality were referring to male rape, not loving consensual homosexual relationships or any other LGBT relationships as we know them today.
    Thousands of animals exhibit homosexual behavior for a reason like strengthening pair bonds. It's clear that God created homosexuality because He saw it as good and that the wide array of human sexuality(providing everyone is consensual or no one is being hurt as in my case as well sex isn't on my radar.) showcases God's glory.
    So glad you're posting again!

  • @derekwang7330
    @derekwang7330 Před 9 měsíci

    Hi Joey and Dana, been watching a couple of your videos recently. You two seem like really genuine and open, so I was wondering what you think of passages like Romans 1 where it seems that God is saying that homosexual relations are unnatural. Best, Derek

  • @rebeccag9855
    @rebeccag9855 Před rokem +3

    This video is so insightful, kind, and generous! Thank you for doing this :) And congrats on getting engaged, Dana!!!

  • @jdgetcbzhjsjeklas
    @jdgetcbzhjsjeklas Před rokem +1

    The Bible is primarily story, and story accepts different interpretations. That's how stories convey meaning in rich and varied ways. Arguing about interpretations is blood sport -- the victims have been women, Black people, people of color, indigenous people, and now Queer people (to name a few groups of people). Theologians must shoulder much of the blame for this state of affairs, but they slough it off like it doesn't matter. They could call out the dangers of their profession, but instead they use it to bolster their own little theological empires (built on sand). It's arrogance and ignorance at work. Shame on them, and shame on us for listening so hard to ideas that hurt people. Joey and Dana, thanks for your efforts on this channel, but I don't expect to see change in your community until the head count of the crc is around 50 people, and even then they will be fighting. There's a big beautiful world out there and I encourage people to liberate themselves from the madness. (All of this without chapter and verse.)

    • @Evgeniy9712
      @Evgeniy9712 Před rokem +1

      “Arguing over interpretation is blood sport. The Bible is a book of stories.”
      Somebody hasn’t given the Bible an honest reading. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be discounting it as merely a book of stories. Something tells me that we’d like it better that way, where it has no bearing on our morals, and no requirements, just be nice and “loving.” Interestingly enough, though, didn’t you just interpret the Bible to say that it’s wrong to interpret it in its literal sense (the way that its authors meant what was written)? Aren’t you arguing for an interpretation, albeit shallow, in saying that arguing over interpretation is “blood sport?” Are you saying that all interpretations should be welcome? If that’s the case, my interpretation is that God’s word does get to tell us how to live. After all, He made us. Simple as that, but it seems that my interpretation really isn’t welcome in the discussion. The truth is that the “affirming” side, as it is called, only wants to have a discussion IF we “affirm,” too. I have something to say, and it’s what Jesus Himself said to false religious leaders like those on the LGBTQ side: 6 And he said to them, "Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, "'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me;
      7 in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'
      8 You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men."
      9 And he said to them, "You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to establish your tradition! (Mark 7:6, ESV)
      God isn’t fooled. Repent, and believe the Gospel.

  • @Marinanor
    @Marinanor Před rokem +1

    Though I disagree with homosexuality as a viable life style even with celibacy, I understand that it's a complicated issue and homosexuals and lgbt people are deserving of our respect.

    • @frankdeboer1347
      @frankdeboer1347 Před rokem +2

      You disagree with homosexuality as a lifestyle? Don't you get that homosexuality is not a lifestyle but some people are homosexuals. I did not choose to be or even want to be gay, but I am. My only choice was whether or not I should be celibate. I chose celibacy which is near impossible and I would not recommend it to anyone else.

    • @Marinanor
      @Marinanor Před rokem

      @@frankdeboer1347 You could be right, I just mean that even if, hypothetically, this was always a sin, homosexuals who are vulnerable to that sin still deserve respect. Even if there is a "gay life style".

    • @HuorielFinlome
      @HuorielFinlome Před rokem

      @@Marinanor I wonder if you believe there is a "straight" lifestyle? Do all heterosexual people make the same sexual choices? Or are they very different people who happen to share one sexual orientation? Just curious.

    • @Marinanor
      @Marinanor Před rokem

      @@HuorielFinlome Eh, I don't think all homosexual people make the same choices,.

    • @HuorielFinlome
      @HuorielFinlome Před rokem

      @@Marinanor Perhaps that just wasn't clear to me in your comment, then. Most often the phrase "the gay lifestyle" is used by people who do believe all people who are gay act the same and are very promiscuous. Perhaps you meant something else?

  • @noexitnoproblem6037
    @noexitnoproblem6037 Před rokem

    The Bible says what the Bible says, here is 1st Corinthians 6:9 - 6:11.Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind (HOMOSEXUALS)
    10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
    11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

    • @gregmckone
      @gregmckone Před rokem

      So maybe a better question would be. "Can you help me understand what you understand about 1Cor6:9-11" This would allow Joey and Dana to share what they know and we might all learn something.
      To simply throw a chapter and verse at people is as insensitive as me challenging you with Matt 7:1-2 (if you've now looked this up, does this create a place for both of us to dialogue? or does it sound like I'm condemning you?) exactly. It becomes an exercise in throwing judgements.
      If we look at your verse it mentions idolaters. Having or worshipping false or inaccurate versions of God seems to disqualify people from participating in the kingdom of God.
      Are you 100% certain your image of God is 100% correct?... because if we're talking about "who is in" and "who is out" then unless you are totally correct, you are out.
      Clearly this is quite the gamble. Maybe we make money an idol and we spend more on ourselves than we give away? hmmm.
      Beware of people walking around with conviction and certainty and swinging judgement. That is not the abundant life that God desires.
      God calls us to faith, not certainty.

    • @jdgetcbzhjsjeklas
      @jdgetcbzhjsjeklas Před rokem

      This is unworthy of a response.

    • @Evgeniy9712
      @Evgeniy9712 Před rokem

      I have a question for you Greg, and maybe Joey and Dana if you want to chime in. I understand that the main voices on both sides of this debate are professing Christians and profess to believe in God. What I would ask you is this: because this conversation is taking place in the context of Christianity, would you be satisfied with a clear reference to the teachings of Jesus, or a vague one? What I hope that you’ve noticed is that there is a stark contrast between the clarity of the biblically reformed side of the debate and the ambiguity of the side that, on one and professes to love Jesus, and on the other affirms LGBTQ. Jesus Himself said these words in the great High Priestly Prayer of John 17 “Sanctify them in the truth;” what does He say is the truth after that? On numerous occasions with the Pharisees and Sadducee’s Jesus, instead of saying “the Scriptures say this, but I say this” (once He refuted their oral traditions which were outside of Scripture) He said “Have you not read…?”
      So Greg, I encourage you, please be consistent if you’re claiming to be a Christian. Let’s have this conversation the way that Jesus said it should be had. Let’s reason from the Scriptures. Let’s reject vague references about love, truth, and Christ-likeness if we’re not going to define them the way that Jesus does. What does Paul say? “Take every thought captive to obey Christ.”

    • @Evgeniy9712
      @Evgeniy9712 Před rokem

      @@gregmckone Didn’t you just make a certain claim about God, though?

  • @sammorris9609
    @sammorris9609 Před rokem +1

    thumbs down